181 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Alnuaimi, dkk. 2013. Design Results of RC Members Subjected to Bending, Shear, and Torsion Using ACI 318:08 and BS 8110:97 Building Codes. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2013, 18(4): 213-224. ASCE. Arya, Chanakya. 2009. Design of Structural Elements 3rd edition (concrete, steelwork, masonry and timber designs to British Standards and Eurocodes). London : Spon Press. Badan Standar Nasional Indonesia. 2015. SNI 1729:2015 Spesifikasi untuk Bangunan Gedung Baja Struktural. Jakarta : BSN. Badan Standar Nasional Indonesia. 2013. SNI 2847:2013 Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung. Jakarta : BSN. BSI. 2000. British Standard 5950-1:2000 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for design Rolled and welded sections. BSI. 1997. Bristish Standard 8110-1:1997 Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction. Brown, dkk. 2007. Handbook of Structural Steelwork 4th edition. The British Constructional Steelwork Association. C.McCormac, Jack and Russel H Brown. 2013. Design of Reinforced Concrete 9th edition. New Jersey : Wiley. Dewobroto, Wiryanto. 2016. Struktur Baja edisi kedua. Tangerang : Penerbit Jurusan Teknik Sipil UPH. Edy, Sujatiyo. 2015. Perbandingan Perancangan Struktur Gedung Berdasarkan SNI 03-1726-2002 dan SNI 03-2847-2002 dengan SNI 03-1726-2012 dan SNI 03-2847-2013 (Studi Kasus Gedung 8 Lantai Royal Darmo Hotel

DAFTAR PUSTAKA - etd.repository.ugm.ac.idetd.repository.ugm.ac.id/downloadfile/107931/potongan/S1-2017... · Jurusan Teknik Sipil UPH. ... Tugas Akhir. Yogyakarta : Departemen Teknik

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Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2013, 18(4):

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