64 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Aaronson, J., Murphy-Cullen, C. L., Chop, W. M., & Frey, R. D. (2001). Electronic Medical Records: The Family Practice Recident Perspective. Medical Informatics, 128-132. Acheson, L., Wiesner, G., Zyzanski, S., Goodwin, M., & Stange, K. (2000). Family History Taking in Community Family Practice: Implications for Genetic Screening. Genetics in Medicine, 180-185. Achour, M., Betz, F., Dovgal, A., Lopes, N., Magnusson, H., Richter, G., (2015, January 8). PHP Manual. (P. Olson, Ed.) Retrieved February 8, 2015, from PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor: http://php.net Aggeligis, V., & Chatzoglu, P. (2012). Hospital information systems: Measuring end user computing satisfaction (EUCS). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45, 566-579. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan. (2015). Peraturan Badan penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Norma Penetapan Besaran Kapitasi dan Pembayaran Kapitasi Berbasis Pemenuhan Komitmen Pelayanan Pada Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama. Retrieved December 13, 2015, from BPJS Kesehatan: http://bpjs-kesehatan.go.id/bpjs/ Budde, R., Kautz, K., Kuhlenkamp, K., & Zullighoven, H. (2011). Prototyping - an Approach to Evolutionary Development. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Chassin, M., & Galvin, M. (1998). The Urgent Need to Improve health Care Quality. Journal of The American Medical Association, 280, 1000-1005. Coopee, T. (2000). The Internet Today. InfoWorld, 22(39), 52. DeLone, W., & McLean, E. (1992). Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable. Information Systems Research, 3, 60-95. Ferris, C., & Farrel, J. (2003). What are Web Services? Communications of the ACM, 46(6), 31. Gill, J. (2009). EMRs for Improving Quality of Care: Promise and Pitfall. Family Medicine, 41, 513-515.

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