CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO

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  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO



    1. INTRODUCTION The College of Business Studies began in 1991 with a Diploma in Business

    Studies, trying to respond to the strong demand for these studies at theUniversity of Cordova. lmost 1! years later there is a need to "now howthe graduates have #oined the labor mar"et. lso they want to "now if they wor"ed before, during or after s$hool and on what a$tivities, so thatwe $an draw any $on$lusions that may $hara$teri%e them. &e may alsoget a more dire$t approa$h to the mar"et needs, the problemsen$ountered when loo"ing for employment, and the need for otheradditional training, so that they $an adapt their tea$hing best so$ial andbusiness demand.

    'n short, the overall ob#e$tive of the study is the "nowledge from various

    labor mar"et prospe$ts of our graduates.

    2. SAMPLING T YPESeparate groups ( graduates depending on the year of $ompletion of thera$e. Strati)ed *andom Sampling

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO




    Varia!" T#$": %&a'(i(a(i)"



    •  The greatest fre-uen$y of graduate student is between / and 0years old, whi$h is !2,/3

    •  4ust 1,03 of the graduates are less than 1/ years old

    •  The minimum age for the graduate was 12 years old and the ma5imumwas 60 years old

    •  The mean age of the graduates is 01,90 years old with a standarddeviation of !.1 years

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    • 78 the half of the graduates are less than 0 years old. 780 the 2!3of the graduates are less than 0! years old.


    Varia!" T#$": %&a!i(a(i)" - N+,i'a!

     DESCRIPTION:• :f the 0; graduates surveyed, !!3 of them were men, representing

    more than half of the respondents< 6!3 were women.

    VARIABLE: P1 T" #"ar " "'("r"/ (" Car""r0

    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" Or/i'a!


    DESCRIPTION:• =ost often graduates surveyed admitted to the S$hool of Business a

    1!.23 in 199!, a 10.13 in 1990.• ppro5imately !3 of respondents entered the period of 1991 and 199.


     The 0/./3 of the graduates were admitted between 1990 and 199!.

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    VARIABLE: P2 Y"ar (+ +,$!"(" (" ar""r0

    Varia!" T#$": %&a'(i(a(i)"


    DESCRIPTION:•  The greatest fre-uen$y of time to )nish $areer is between and 0 years,

    whi$h is 2/,13•  4ust ;,3 of the graduates )nished the $areer in 1 year

    •  The minimum time for )nish the $areer was 1 year and the ma5imum was2 years

    •  The mean time for )nish the $areer is ,// years with a standarddeviation of ;,/;9 years

    • 78 the half of the graduates too" 0 years to )nish the $areer. 780 the2!3 of the graduates too" less than 0 years to )nish the $areer.

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    VARIABLE: P3 Di/ #+& ++" &i'" a r( +i"50

    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!

    DESCRIPTION:• /13 of the graduates Business Career $hoose Business as )rst option,

    193 would prefer another Career.>or those who prefer another $areer, here are the answers

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    VARIABLE: P4 W# B&i'" Car""r50

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!

    DESCRIPTION:•  The !,/13 of the graduates students $hose Business Career due to

    vo$ation, the 1,!3 due to be$ause they have di?erent )elds, the16,93 be$ause it was in the same $ity and the 1;,963 be$ause of another options. Some of another options are@

    VARIABLE: P6 B"7+r" &i'" ar""r8 9+r 9i( a!ar#50

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!

    DESCRIPTION:•  The 0; of the surveyed !,/3 did not earned a salary before business

    $areer before business $areer representing more than half of therespondents< 62, 3 of the graduates wor" with salary before business$areer

    VARIABLE: P; D&ri'< &i'" ar""r8 9+r 9i( a!ar#50

    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!



    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    •  The 0; of the surveyed !/,63 wor"ed with salary during business $areerrepresenting more than half of the respondents in 61, 3 without salaryduring business $areer

    VARIABLE: P= Ti," (+ '/ r( >+0

    Varia!" (#$": %&a'(i(a(i)"




    T" + i "(9""' 286@,+'( a'/ =86@ ,+( 9i i 4@8;

     &( 38 +7 (&/"'( '/ a >+ "(9""' 2@ (+ 2286@ ,+(.

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


      T" ,i'i,&, (i," (+ '/ a >+ 9a @ ,+'( a'/ (",ai,&, 9a 2@8@@ ,+'(


    T" ,"a' (i," (+ '/ a >+ 9a =8; 9i( a (a'/ar/ /")ia(i+'+7 686;2;4

      %20 T" a!7 +7 (" (&/"'( (++ !" (a' ; ,+'( (+ '/ a >+. %30 T" =6 (++ !"(a' (9"!)" ,+'( (+ '/ a >+

    VARIABLE: P D+ #+& a)" a >+50

    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!




     The 0; of the surveyed 62,!3 graduates are wor"ing. /,63 "eep the )rst #ob. 6,13 of graduates are not wor"ing.

    VARIABLE: PF Wa( 9a #+&r r( >+ a7("r 'i (" ar""r50

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!


    DESCRIPTION:•  The 0; of the graduates, 6,13 of graduates their )rst #ob was relate

    with their $areer whi$h is more than the half. 01,9 of graduates )rst #obwas not related with their $areer. 6,13 did not wor"

    VARIABLE: P1@ Wa( i (" "(+r +7 a(i)i(# +7 (" "'("r$ri"9"r" #+& 9+r i'50

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!



    00,/3 of the graduates wor" in gri$ola se$tor< 12,3 of graduates wor" inservi$e $onsultan$y se$tor and 9,93 in se$tor and 2,!3 of graduates wor"in another options whi$h are@

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    VARIABLE: P11 Wa( (#$" +7 +'(ra( /+ #+& a)"0

    Varia!" (#$": %&a!i(a(i)" N+,i'a!


    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO



    6=86 +7

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO



    DESCRIPTION:•  The greatest fre-uen$y of salary is between /;; and 1;; dollars, whi$h

    is 00,3

    •  4ust ;,63 of the graduates earned their salary between 6;; and /;;dollars

    •  The minimum salary is less than 6;; dollars 7; dollars and the ma5imumsalary is 0!;; dollars

    •  The mean salary is /1,12 dollars with a standard deviation of 6;0dollars

    Billy ndrade +ar$a

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO


    • 78 the half of the graduates earned an salary of /;; dollars. 780 the2!3 of the graduatesA salary less than 1;;; dollars

    VARIABLE: P14 W+&!/ #+& !i" (+ +'(i'&" (&/#i'

  • 8/16/2019 CW1-1 Univariate Analysis HECHO
