Customer - Confirmations

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  • 7/27/2019 Customer - Confirmations


    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations




    The Job Title [[email protected]!"ub#et$%&'((((() is responsible *or ensurin+ that this

    ,oument is neessary an, that it re*lets atual pratie.

    Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resere!.

    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations 2"#0"$%7&.!oc'ffectie 07($0(07 Page & of 20 )e &

  • 7/27/2019 Customer - Confirmations


    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations


    The purpose o* this e(erise is to ,emonstrate ho- to -or -ith ustomer on*irmations.

    You ,e*ine the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement onstraint *or a tas usin+ the Dispath

    Center. The ustomer on*irmation re/uirement an also be establishe, -hile reatin+ orup,atin+ a tas in the "erie e/uest -in,o-.

    The &utonomous "he,uler onurrent pro+ram -ill she,ule tass re/uirin+ ustomeron*irmation.

    The &uto Commit onurrent pro+ram -ill sip these tass. This -ill enable ,ispathers to

    on*irm the tehniian2s isit -ith the ustomer be*ore releasin+ the tas to the tehniian.

    Dispathers an interatiely reor, the on*irmation reeipt at the time o* she,ulin+ the tas toa spei*i tehniian usin+ the "he,ule Tass -in,o-.

    Dispathers an anel an, reon*irm the tehniians isits. The Customer Con*irmation-in,o- in the Dispath Center eeps tra o* repeate, reshe,ules an, reon*irmations that

    -ere initiate, by the serie or+ani5ation an, not the ustomer7.


    8rale :'usiness "uite 1;.

    esponsibility< Customer "upport =ision 8perations an, >iel, "erie ?ana+er

    =ision 8perations

    %o+in< serie-elome

    You must hae aess to an 8rale &ppliation =ision ,atabase or omparable trainin+

    or test instane at your site on -hih to omplete this pratie.


    Create Two Service Requests and Tasks - Customer Support

    &tin+ as a ustomer support a+ent you -ill reate t-o ,i**erent brea*i( serie re/uests an,

    tass. &ll o* the serie re/uests are *or "erial number >"3001 an, the ontat name is &n,re'eaulie. The problem summary is &,,in+ Aar,-are -ith a note ,esription o* issue -ith a,,in+

    D=D -riter. ah serie re/uest -ill hae one tas to a,, har,-are -ith a tas type o*


    Bhen reatin+ one o* the serie re/uests an, tas you -ill establish ustomer on*irmation *orthe tas usin+ the "erie e/uest -in,o-.

    Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resere!.

    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations 2"#0"$%7&.!oc'ffectie 07($0(07 Page 2 of 20 )e &

  • 7/27/2019 Customer - Confirmations


    Add the Customer Confirmation Requirement for a Task

    &tin+ as the ,ispather you -ill a,, the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement to one o* the tass

    you reate, aboe usin+ the Customer Con*irmation -in,o- that you aess *rom the >iel,

    "erie Dispath Center.

    You -ill ie- the ,i**erent statuses an, button titles that han+e ,urin+ this proess. lus you-ill to++le the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement *rom re/uire, to not re/uire,.

    Schedule the Task

    You -ill then she,ule the tas that has the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement usin+ the"he,ule Tas -in,o- aesse, *rom the >iel, "erie Dispath Center. You -ill she,ule the

    tas to the lo-est ost option. &*ter you she,ule the tas you -ill ie- the tas in the Gantt

    hart to ie- the ion that appears to in,iate that a ustomer on*irmation is re/uire, *or thistas.

    Record the Receipt of the Customer Confirmation

    e(t you -ill reor, the reeipt o* the ustomer on*irmation usin+ the Customer Con*irmation-in,o- one a+ain. You -ill then aess the Gantt hart *or that tas an, ie- the ion that

    appears to in,iate the ustomer on*irmation has been reeie,.

    Set the Customer Confirmation Requirement Again

    "ome thin+ has ourre, in your enironment -here you nee, to +et another ustomer

    on*irmation. En this step you -ill set the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement one a+ain *or the

    tas you hae been -orin+ -ith. Fsin+ the Customer Con*irmation -in,o- you -ill set there/uirement an, ie- the ounter that is inremente, by the system to eep tra o* this sort o*


    Review the Customer Confirmation Requirement for the Second Task

    "till atin+ as the ,ispather you -ill reie- the ustomer on*irmation re/uirement *or the

    seon, tas that you reate, aboe -hen ,e*inin+ the serie re/uest. You -ill use the Customer

    Con*irmation -in,o- aesse, *rom the >iel, "erie Dispath Center to reie- there/uirement.

    Receive Customer Confirmation and Schedule the Task at the Same Time

    >inally you -ill reeie the ustomer on*irmation an, she,ule this seon, tas all at the same

    time usin+ the "he,ule Tas -in,o- aesse, *rom the >iel, "erie Dispath Center. Thisproess illustrates a ,i**erent approah to reeiin+ the ustomer on*irmation.

    Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resere!.

    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations 2"#0"$%7&.!oc'ffectie 07($0(07 Page $ of 20 )e &

  • 7/27/2019 Customer - Confirmations


    *olution + Working With Customer Confirmations

    Create Two Service Requests and Tasks - Customer Support

    Responsibilit ! Customer Support" #ision Operations

    1. ai+ate to the "erie e/uest -in,o-.

    7 "erie e/uests Create "erie e/uests

    ;. nter the *ollo-in+ in*ormationiel, "erie Dispath Center.

    7>iel, "erie Dispather Dispath Center

    10. "elet the tas you #ust reate, that ,oes not hae the ustomer on*irmation in the Tass listsetion an, ri+ht li.

    11. "elet Customer Con*irmation *rom the aailable options.

    The Customer Con*irmation -in,o- appears.

    1;. '7 "et to e/uire,

    Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resere!.

    Practice - Working With Customer Confirmations 2"#0"$%7&.!oc'ffectie 07($0(07 Page of 20 )e &

  • 7/27/2019 Customer - Confirmations


    Customer Con*irmation *iel, han+es *rom ot e/uire, to e/uire,

    13. Close the Customer Con*irmation -in,o-.

    14. eie- the urrent status o* the on*irmation re/uirement