Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig Gaelic toddler newsletter An t-Alltan Beag 2015 Fay NicDhiarmaid, Oifigear Leasachaidh Thràth- Bhliadhnaichean aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig, a' fosgladh co- labhairt An t-Alltan Beag 2015. Fay McDiarmid, Early Years Development Officer at Bòrd na Gàidhlig, opens An t-Alltan Beag conference 2015. San iris seo: Inside this issue: An t-Alltan Beag conference 2015 1 Exploring the underworld with John Phillips 1 Ordinary or wonderful with Angus 2 Come and Play, Gaelic communi- ties with Iain 2 Book review from Lisa MacDonald 3 Mary Margaret and Maree’s update 3 Community conections with Carol– Anne 4 Bùth-obrach Àrainneachd Bheag le John Phillips a tha na Phrìomh Mhaor- dùthcha anns an Eile- an Sgitheanach is Loch Aillse. Dh' ionnsaich John a’ Ghàidhlig gus eòlas a bharrachd a chur air an àrainneachd mu thimcheall air. John Phillips is the Senior Countryside Ranger in Skye and Lochalsh and he learnt Gaelic to assist him in understanding the environment around him. Exploring the underworld Care and Learning Alliance 2015 Foghar / Autumn Art MacCarmaig a' toirt seachad prìomh òraid aig An t-Alltan Beag 2015 madainn an-diugh. B’ e amas na co-labhairt cothroman matha a thoirt seachad gus lìonraidhean a thogail agus beachdan is beachd-smuaintean a cho- roinn. Bha cothrom ann a dhol gu 4 bùithtean-obrach gus eòlas fhaighinn air grunn bheachd- smuaintean a’ buntainn ri cloinn. The aim of the conference was to be able to give good networking opportunities and exchanges opinions and ide- as. There was the opportunity to attend 4 workshops to gain knowledge on a range of ideas to do with children. Arthur Cormack giving the keynote speech of An t-Alltan Beag 2015 conference earlier this morning.

Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

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Page 1: Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

Gaelic toddler newsletter

An t-Alltan Beag 2015

Fay NicDhiarmaid, Oifigear

Leasachaidh Thràth-

Bhliadhnaichean aig Bòrd na

Gàidhlig, a' fosgladh co-

labhairt An t-Alltan Beag


Fay McDiarmid, Early Years Development Officer at Bòrd na Gàidhlig, opens An t-Alltan Beag conference 2015.

San iris seo:

Inside this issue:

An t-Alltan Beag

conference 2015


Exploring the

underworld with

John Phillips


Ordinary or

wonderful with



Come and Play,

Gaelic communi-

ties with Iain


Book review

from Lisa



Mary Margaret

and Maree’s




conections with

Carol– Anne



Àrainneachd Bheag le

John Phillips a tha na

Phrìomh Mhaor-

dùthcha anns an Eile-

an Sgitheanach

is Loch Aillse. Dh'

ionnsaich John a’

Ghàidhlig gus eòlas a

bharrachd a chur air

an àrainneachd mu

thimcheall air.

John Phillips is the Senior Countryside Ranger in Skye and Lochalsh and he learnt Gaelic to assist him in understanding the environment around him.

Exploring the


Care and Learning Alliance


Foghar / Autumn

Art MacCarmaig a' toirt

seachad prìomh òraid aig An

t-Alltan Beag 2015 madainn


B’ e amas na co-labhairt

cothroman matha a thoirt

seachad gus lìonraidhean a

thogail agus beachdan is

beachd-smuaintean a cho-


Bha cothrom ann a dhol gu 4

bùithtean-obrach gus eòlas

fhaighinn air grunn bheachd-

smuaintean a’ buntainn ri


The aim of the conference was to be able to give good networking opportunities and exchanges opinions and ide-as.

There was the opportunity to attend 4 workshops to gain knowledge on a range of ideas to do with children.

Arthur Cormack giving the keynote speech of An t-Alltan Beag 2015 conference earlier this morning.

Page 2: Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

A’ coimhead air stuth

àbhaisteach tro shùilean

chloinne. Stuth a bhiodh agad aig

an taigh. Ciamar a tha thu a’

glacadh aire is a’ brosnachadh

mac-meanmna an fheadhainn

bheaga? Tha Aonghas ag obair

mar Oifigear Dràma aig Fèisean

nan Gàidheal is bha gu leòr

gàireachdainn aig a’ bhùth-obrach


Bùth-obrach / Workshop

Iain MacIlle Chiar

Mamaidh!! Dadaidh!! / Mummy!! Daddy!!

A’ bruidhinn air coimhearsnachdan

Gàidhlig is ciamar is urrainn dhuinn a

bhith a’ cuideachadh phàrantan.

Thog Iain fhèin a theaghlach a’

bruidhinn Gàidhlig - dè na rudan a

bha feumail dhàsan agus dè na rudan

a tha feumail san latha an-diugh. Bha

Iain na thidsear Gàidhlig ach a-nis

tha e na òraidiche air cùrsa GIFT aig

Oilthigh Srath Chluaidh.

Talking about Gaelic communities and how we can help parents.

Iain himself brought up his family to be Gaelic speakers – what things were useful to him and what things are helpful today. Iain used to be a Gaelic teacher but is now a lecturer with the GIFT course with Strath-clyde University.

Bha Marie is Sìne a’ sealltainn dhuinn

beagan de na bhios a’ dol aig na

seiseanan Thig a Chluich! Tha a h-uile

seisean diofraichte oir tha e an urra

ris a’ chloinn a bhios an làthair

(aoisean msaa), na dèideagan a tha

timcheall is fileantas na cloinne is

nam pàrantan. Tha Marie is Sìne ag

obair aig sgioba Thràth-

bhliadhnaichean aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig

agus bidh Marie a’ cumail sheiseanan

Thig a Chluich! air feadh nan Eilean


Bùth-obrach / Workshop Marie NicLeòid, Sìne NicIlleathain

Thig a Chluich! / Come and Play!

Bùth-obrach / Workshop

Aonghas MacLeòid

Àbhaisteach no Iongantach? / Ordinary or Wonderful?

Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig Page 2

Looking at ordinary items and ob-jects through the eyes of the chil-dren. Stuff you might have at home. How do you catch the atten-tion and feed the imagination of the wee ones? Angus is the Drama Officer at Fèisean nan Gàidheal and there was plenty of laughter at this workshop.

Marie and Sine showed a little of what goes on at Come and Play! sessions. No two sessions are the same at these drop-in events as it depends on the children who are there (their ages etc.), the toys at the venue and the fluency of the children and parents. Marie and Sine both work in the Early Years Team at Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Marie runs Thig a’ Chluich! sessions throughout the Western Isles.

Page 3: Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

Oidhche Mhath, Sam

Amy Hest,

illustrated by Anita Jeram

’S e fear de na rudan as fheàrr mun leabhar ghrinn seo gu bheil na dealbhannan ag innse sgeulachd cho

math ris na faclan. Tha na caractaran aig Anita Jeram air an dealbh le faireachdainn is tuigse air a’ ghaol

is a’ chofhurtachd a tha a dhìth gus clann a shocrachadh aig àm cadail, co-dhiù is e mathain, daoine no

eile a th’ annta. Tha e doirbh do Sam Beag cadal agus ged a tha Mamaidh Mathan air a’ phlaide bhlàth

dhearg aige a chur timcheall air is nead a dhèanamh dha chasan, bainne blàth a thoirt thuige is sgeulachd

a leughadh, tha aon rud a dhìth fhathast. Tha Sam a’ feitheamh gus an cuimhnich Mamaidh Mathan.

Oidhche mhath, Sam! Tha a’ Ghàidhlig san eadar-theangachadh soilleir is nàdarrach. Faodaidh pàrantan

na faclan is na h-abairtean a chleachdadh aig àm cadail. Tha an sgeul freagarrach do chloinn de gach

aois. Cluinnear an leabhar air a leughadh air làrach-lìn Gaelic4Parents fo tab 3-5.

One of the many virtues of this charming and heart-warming book is the fact that the pictures tell the

story as much as the words. Anita Jeram’s characters are drawn with affection, expression and a deep

understanding of the love and comfort required to settle children at bedtime, be they bears, humans or

otherwise. Little Sam has trouble sleeping and even though Mummy Bear has tucked him into his cosy,

red blanket, made a nest for his feet, brought warm milk and read a story, there is still one thing miss-

ing. Sam waits patiently until Mummy Bear remembers. Goodnight, Sam! The Gaelic vocabulary in this

translation consists of clear, natural everyday language. The words and phrases could be used by par-

ents to support their children’s language skills and could be built into the bedtime routine. This makes

the story suitable for children of any age as the pictures and repetition of key phrases become part of

the family story. This book is read aloud on the Gaelic4Parents website under the 3-5 tab.

Càit a bheil? Càit a bheil? Where is? Where is? Maree Nicolson

B’ e seo a’ cheist a bh’ aig clann

Cheuman Beaga ann an Druim na Dro-

chaid nuair a chaidh iad a-mach a lorg

Dhìneasaran. Bha grian an fhoghair a’

deàrrsadh air na Dìneasaran is na

Nathraichean a bha am falach airson

geama ’Thalla a Shealg’. Bha fealla-dhà

gu leòr ann fhad ‘s a bha a’ chlann a’

coimhead airson nan Dìneasairean is

bha cothrom ann ath-aithris sìmplidh a

chleachdadh mar a tha cho cudromach

sna Tràth-bhliadhnaichean gus cànan a


Caption describing picture or


Lèirmheas Leabhair / Book Review

An Cearcall a’ soirbheachadh

Thug a’ chlann a-steach buntàta airson a

chur is dh'fhàs iad cho math is gun do

chuir sinn a-steach iad gu Fèill Àiteachais

Mhùideirt far an do choisinn iad a’ chiad


The children took in planting potatoes, we were so pleased with the results we de-cided to enter them in the local Moi-dart Produce show and to our great delight they won first prize!

Àth Tharracail — Naidheachdan Màiri-Maireid

Acharacle — Mary-Margaret Update

A’ cur lusan

Learning to



Foghar / Autumn Page 3

This was the key question that was asked when the children at Ceuman Beaga in Drumnadrochit went out to hunt for Dinosaurs. The autumn sun was shining on the Dinosaurs and Snakes strategically placed for a game of ‘Go hunt’. Whilst the chil-dren searched with shrieks of ex-citement and anticipation this was the perfect opportunity to use simple language repetition that is the key to Early Years Gaelic language acquisition …..

Page 4: Cuairt-litir phàistean Gàidhlig

Mar Neach-obrach Pàrant is Pàiste Gàidhlig, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e fìor chudromach conaltradh is obrachadh còmhla ri buidhnean eile san sgìre againn a bhios a’ toirt taic dhan chànan is dhan dualchas againn. A bharrachd air a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig aig a’ bhuidhinn phàis-tean, san sgoil-àraich agus sa bhun-sgoil, tha e cudromach gum bi fios aig clann ann am FMG gu bheilear a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig taobh a-muigh a’ chlas neo san t-seòmar-chluich.

Tha mi fortanach a bhith an lùib iomadh buidheann san sgìre againn, a’ gabhail a-steach da Fhèis ionadail agus am Mòd ionadail. Bidh mi a’ cuideachadh gus cèilidhean is tachartasan cultarail a chumail is a chur air adhart ann an tallaichean ionadail!

As Gaelic Parent Toddler Development Worker, I think it is really important to communicate and work together with other groups in our area that support and promote our language and heritage. As well as learning the language at the toddler group, nursery and primary school, it is very important that the chil-dren in Gaelic Medium Education are made aware that Gaelic is used out with the classroom or play room.

I am lucky to be involved in various groups in our area including the two local Feisean and the local Mod. I also help to host and promote Ceilidhs and cul-tural events in local halls!

Bha an deagh chuid chloinne bho na buidhnean againn aig

cèilidh ann an Talla Shrathaidh gus airgead a thogail. Bha

e sgoinneil clann de gach aois fhaicinn a’ gabhail pàirt san

dannsa, ag èisteachd gu dùrachdach ris an t-seinn is a’

gabhail tlachd às a’ cheòl. Tha e gan toirt an lùib a’ chul-

tair is a’ toirt deagh cothrom dhaibh a’ Ghàidhlig a

chluinntinn cuideachd.



Rionnagan Beaga

Inbhir Theòrsa


Bumps and Beyond



Back Page Story Headline

We had quite a few children from our groups at a fund-

raising ceilidh in Strathy Hall. It is great to see the chil-

dren of all ages taking part in the dancing, listening in-

tently to the singing and enjoying the music. It exposes

them to the culture and gives them appreciation of the

Gaelic language too.

