CROMAAT - IAPSOP · cromaat a monthly monograph for the members of a. m. o. r. c. im f '‘y privately published and circulated by the amorc college library new york city

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A. M. O. R. C.

I M F' ‘ Y






N U M B E R O F T H IS C O P Y , E

Sin grap ffira l S k r lrh ra

Numbrr ttbrrr


Bo?n n ear A sh le y , D e law are C o un ty , O h io , Ju n e 30, 1877

E ducated a t O h io N orthern U n ivc rr ity an d a t O herlin C om m ercia l C o lleg e . M em b er o f A sh le y L o d ge . No. 407, F . & A . M .,

an d T am p a Cl/msistory. A A . S . R-

W as Initiated into our O rder on O ctober 26. 1916. A lw ay s unselfishly working for the benefit of h it fellow m en. he has enshrined

him self in the loving hearts of a ll Rosaecrucians.


O n ly M em b ers in good stan d in g in the A* M . O. R . C. are eligible to M em bership in the A M O R C C ollege L ib ra ry* B efore a L ib ra ry M em bership C a rd can be issued, the applican t m ust sh ow the L o d g e Lib rarian his regular M em bership card, w ith dues paid w ithin the time lim its of the Lodge*

E a c h L o d g e w ill be served b y a L o d g e Lib rarian , appointed fo r the purpose o f su p p lyin g the A M O R C M O N O G R A P H S to L ib ra r y M e m ­bers each m onth, M em b ers of L o d g e s cannot secure these M o n o ­graphs in an y other way*

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T h e A M O R C M o n o grap h s, of w h ich this is a copy, are loaned, not sold, to L ib ra ry M em bers, for an indefinite term , as stated on the back of th e M em b ersh ip C a rd s. E a c h M em b er is bound to return, upon dem and from the C h ief Lib rarian , e very c o p y o f these M o n o ­graphs, w hen his or her interest or association w ith the O rd er is terminated* T h e se conditions o f M em bership are agreed to b y the acceptance o f the M em bership C ard and the g iv in g o f coupons (receip ts) m onthly.

E v e r y c o p y o f the A M O R C M O N O G R A P H S is the p ro p erty of the A M O R C C ollege L ib r a r y o f the A , M . O . R , C,

M E M B E R S M U S T N O T L O A N T H I S M O N O G R A P H T O A N Y O N E , N O R C A N I T B E S O L D O R O T H E R W I S E D I S i> O S E D O P E X C E P T A S S T A T E D A B O V E .




The history of geomancy is interesting to the student of ancient sys- terns of making predictions and lifting the veil which hides the future from the present; hut I do not believe that such abstract history is of sufficient interest to our members to warrant space in this book.

Sufficient will be a few words regarding the system of geomancy which formed the basis for the modernized system I present here as a practical working method for answering questions.

Before outlining the laws of the system, then, [ will state why we, as practical, scientific-thinking men and women should give credence to any such method of discerning the veiled events of the future. In writ­ing what I say here, I have in mind the analytical, fact-and-iaw Brother or Sister o f our Order who is willing to concede that geomancy, like astrology, may have had its place in the beliefs and practices of the past, but has no place in the present scheme of things when superstition is sup­planted by fact, and fancies have succumbed to the victorious logic of laws.

The point to be kept in mind is that geomancy is not so much a sys­tem (as an entity) as it is a medium for the results to he obtained.

The system offered here is based upon a system or practise long used by tlie "V eiled Prophets" o f (our ancient Order. These were men and women who had attained unuuial degrees of understanding and develop­ment in our Order. They were not mystical, superstitious, credulous persons whose only claim to distinguished consideration was their strange dress, strange living and accurate predictions.

T he "V eiled Prophets" ware those whose education in the arts and sciences developed their understanding to where they could discern the laws underlying all coincidences (which we call accidents and Upon which superstitious beliefs are based), and could use the laws o f the sub­jective mind and its Cosmic attunement for the practical solution of men­tal and Cosmic problems.

The point is right here: A re our acts the result of antecedant causes, orP are our acts o f direct Cosmic influences,— mental impulses or tenden­cies in and around us, and affecting our environments to the extent of creating opportunities and co-incident effects?

T o argue that man is a "free agent" and is not governed by external influences, is to beg either one o f the foregoing points. Man is a "free agent" in the very sense that the most enthusiastic o f the exponents of that doctrine would have us believe; but that means that man is ever


free to choose, to select, elect and determine what he nufls to do in all and every circumstance* It implies that man is never forced, against hh m il to do anything— or think anything. O f course the real intent of that doctrine is to decry the subjection of man to the dictates o f God, the autocracy of the stars' decrees, and the inevitable workings of hered­ity. But* these things do not exist in the sense they are taught by the non-undersanding religions, astrologers or biographical fanatics, God does dictate through inspiration, the stars do decree through tendencies and blood does influence through f/npuise,— but man was given a brain, a mind and a will, to freely choose between one impulse, tendency or in­spiration and another. And— most merciful and un dogma tic was God when H e gave to man a means of choosing, of exercising choice* whcti man might have been created without such privilege*

I f we argue that man has* truly, the privilege of choice in his acts, we still have the impulse to do* the fenJeflcJj* and the opporlumfp, to consider,

A N E X A M P L E ,

Take for instance just such a problem as might be solved by this system of geomancy, A man Has two business opportunities before him and he stops to consider which he shall accept. T o make clear what my preceding remarks mean, and to show my more or less skeptical Brothers and Sisters what a “ Veiled Prophet” of our Order would have in mind while using geomancy to offer his solution, I will go into the minute detail of this hypothetical problem*

The two opportunities which confront Mr, Smith are: ( 1) a trip to Europe as the (new) representative of an industrial plant, offering a good salary, good commission, a chance to meet many big men in that line o f manufacturing, a furtbeT chance to visit many places o f interest and broaden his education, and a still further chance of returning in a year to his wife and home with a record which would give still greater opportunities in similar lines. ( 2) A n appointment as superintendent in the plant where he is now employed and where he has been for twenty- eight years. This position meant a larger salary or income than oppor­tunity number one would or could give him, and it meant being at home with his wife and children every evening, adding more comforts to the home, giving his Family greater pleasures, etc. But, it did not offer the opportunities or chances for the future as would number one.

Opportunity number one came to him (as M r. Smith would state it) through the owners of a rival plant learning that he had been selected to be the superintendent of his growing plant* Opportunity number two came to Mr* Smith (as he understood it) because he had been proficient m his work of late years, because he had been with the plant 28 years, teaming the work from the “ bottom, up*”

I f one would ask Mr* Smith whether either one of these opportuni­ties came to him by chance or Cosmic (atv., he would have laughed and have said: "T here was nothing but iusiness back of the making of each offer. M y employers are anxious to make me superintendent because I am the oldest employee they have* tried and tested, ind £noitt the fcorih


The +other fellows' want me for two reasons: first they Icnow what I know and as they are rapidly growing, they want the benefit o f my knowledge and our firm’s methods; secondly, they know they will de­prive my firm of a practical expert by taking me away and sending me to Europe. It’s pure business,■— that’ s all; not chance, but crafty bus­iness methods in each case !"

Now let us look at it as the "Veiled Prophets" and even you and I should look at it from a Rosae crucian point of view. Take M r. Smith's own version of the facts and discerning therein the laivs operating* Op­portunity number two came to him because he had been proficient, had been tried and tested during 28 years and bad reached the top of the ladder he had started to climb. His position as superintendent would, then, be the logical result— the final effect— of antecedant causes. Each of his acts in the past 28 years not only predicted but caused this final effe(J, It would have been easy for a modem, so-called eftfcfencp ex- peri to have reviewed M r. Smith’ s acts and proficiency o f the past 28 years and to have predicted with assurance: "M r. Smith will become superintendent!" Such a prediction by an expert familiar with the laws of “ man’s consistent subjection to his own principles and logical prede­terminations/’ would have been accepted by any business firm or indi­vidual as logical, reasonable and unquestionable. In fact firms and in­dividuals engage such efficiency experts and "human analysjsts" to study men and their methods and make such valuable predictions.

Y et— if an astrologer, knowing the laws of “ man’ s consistent sub­jection to bis own inclination and Cosmic predeterminations" or a

Veiled Prophet” knowing the laws of "m an’s consistent subjection to bis own tendencies or divine inspirations," were to make such a predic­tion regarding Mr. Smith, it would be considered as questionable, with­out sound scientific basis, and fanciful, etc., etc.

Why?The Rosaecrucian knows that our acts of the present and future

have their causation or impulse not'only in the things o f the past, hut in Cosmic impulse and inspiration, whether from the influences o f Divine Mind, Planets or mental ultanemenf with the logical reasoning o f the universal mind of man.

A nd— here is the occultist's additional point which must be learned from experience and understanding of other occult laws— the acts, re­sults and conditions in the future of each man and woman are predeter­mined by the laws o f the untV erso? /u in i— that mind which U ever con­scious of every act, thought and intent in the past of each human, and fully appreciative of the conditions of the present; using this knowledge as a premise, it reasons with perfect logic, justifying all acts, and having foF its guide the laws of compensation (or karma).

I f this universal mind is known, and its processes of reasoning un­derstood in conjunction with the perfect law of absolute compensation, it would be easy to predict what each act of today would cause in the future, and what each thought of the past would inspire tomorrow or ten years from now. Furthermore, one would be able to tell by knowing the

S t * * *

cause of the inspiration what its outcome would be, since one would be a logical result of the other*— logical from the viewpoint o f the universal mind and the law of compensation*

Now, then, granting, if you wilt, that every inspiration, impulse or tendency, like opportunities, come from a mind or farce external to the objective mind or brain, the occultist looks to the subjective mind o f man for the realization of every impulse, tendency or inspiration, and says that they come to this subjective m'nd not by chance, not by circum­stance or coincidence, but by law, direcihj from the universal mind.

In other words, when the universal mind decides that one of us should do this or that thing or things in order to compensate for some other thing or things* act or acts, or in order to produce Hs logical final effect of a preceding premise (thing or act)* it, the universal mind* inspires us, tempts us with an impulse, or surrounds us with opportunities which create tendencies*

Then, lo! we have a problem on our hands to solve* W e have an opportunity to exercise the divine privilege of free choke.

Finally, can anyone say that when the universal mind for one reason or another purposely and logically causes us to experience an impulse, sense an inspiration or confront an opportunity, fl does not ^notv what will result if we yield to either one?

R E A D I N G T H E U N I V E R S A L M IN D *

It was not my intention to write at such length on the subject o f im­pulse, inspiration and tendency* or the working of the universal mind* Truly, the subject in conjunction with the study of the law of compen­sation, is worthy of a complete book which I may prepare if I find a de­mand for it The keen occult mind will find in what I ha\Te written* however, and between the lines* the fundamental laws o f a wonderful subject never before properly expounded except in our Order.

The "V eiled Prophets” would have answered M r. Smith's ques­tions by solving his problem and telling him which one of the two oppor­tunities to accept. They might have done this by using Astrology* but more reasonably would they have answered the questions— and thou­sands o f others— by reading the Universal Mind, through the system— the method or medium— of geomancy. That is what geomancy means, and that is what I offer my Brothers and Sisters, by divine privilege, as a means o f reading the universal mind, the Cosmic mind of all that is,

H O W T O U S E T H IS S Y S T E M .

In order to have one’ s mind read the Universal Mind* it is neces­sary to attune the subjective mind to the influx o f the Cosmic, The very first step in that direction is to concentrate the objective faculties until that side of the scale— to use the terms of the 2nd Degree Lectures — tips downward in power, and the subjective division of the mind becomes predominant in alertness and attunement*

In other words, by concentrating upon some simple thing and grad­ually losing objective appreciation or consciousness o f one's material self

e i g h t

and material environment, the subjective mind ts placed in close a tene­ment with the cosmic mind— or the universal mind. A t such lime many tendencies, impulses and impressions— like inspirations—come to the sub­jective mind, and our only problem is to carry these impressions or in­spirations over into the objective mind, so that when our period of con­centration is over, we can remember or have some recollection or record of what was passing through,'into or past the subjective mind.

The system of Geomancy outlined here is for this very purpose of affording a method or medium of recording what the subjective mind is inspired cr impressed to do, and having that record left for objective con­sideration later on.

Before giving the few brief rules for using the system, let me state that I have not attempted to alter the principles of laws of the ancient Geomancy of the “ Veiled Prophets" in modernizing the system. I have, however, modernized the form or nature o f the questions which may he asked, so that they cover or meet our more modern requirements and desires; and I have so changed the wording of the answers given that they may be readily understood,— freed from the verbiage of the an­cient philosophers.

B y having one’s mind concentrated upon a serious question while one attunes one’s mind with the Cosmic, causes the question to be pro­jected into the Cosmic and at once certain impulses are felt within the soul or mind, and these come from the Cosmic in its process o f impress­ing an answer upon the subjective mind. This is the method in brief— so brief that perhaps only a few will understand unLil the system pre­sented here is S E R I O U S L Y T R I E D , free from skepticism. In no other way will the truth be found or the lesson learned.

THE RULES FOR USING THE SYSTEM1st. Have your question very clear in your mind and be serious in

your desire to have it answered. Questions which Y O U know are of little importance and merely used for test purposes give no satsfactory results at alb You cannot fool your own mind— especially the subjec­tive mind— and it always knows whether the question you wish an­swered is a serious question or a frivilous one. The best time to use this system is when some important problem confronts you, and when you would be willing to go a great distance, at great cost to get an answer Consider that you are about to ask G O D the question and look upon the system as a method of reaching the Divine Mind and then ask yourself this question first: “ Would I want to go to God in rever­ence and seriousness with the question I am about to a sk ?" Approach­ing the system in this way will assure results.

2nd. Seek in the pages of questions, the right classification and form of your question. Y o u will note that there are 1 2 classifications of questions, each classification headed by an Astrological Sign, such as A R I E S , T A U R U S , G E M IN I , etc. The questions under each Sign are o f distinctly different natures. For instance, you will find those under the sign of T A U R U S pertain to financial matters, while those

H i m

under V IR G O pertain to health, etc. Therefore you M U S T locate the proper Sign under 'which your question comes. You cannot proceed until you do that

3rd, The wording of your question N E E D N O T he identical with the wording of the questions contained in the list of questions under any Sign. The questions given there arc examples of wording only* hut they are laws as far as the nature of the questions are concerned.

Example: Under the Sign of Leo the 2nd question is:"Is there joy in what I propose to do?1* That question might be changed to: " Is there joy in what has been proposed to me?” or, " Is joy to come to me through what my employer has proposed?”

4th, Having once determined the correct wording of the question, and having discovered under what S IG N the question is listed or be­longs according to its nature,— then write the name of the Sign on a piece of paper and under it the question,

5 th, Have a piece of blue paper, round in shape, about 3 inches in diameter. A shy blue £olor is best— very dark blue being o f little use. Place this disc o f blue paper on the table in front of you for the purpose of concentrating the eyes on it. Then have a lighted candle burning in the centre of the table, and all other lights out, (Night time is the best time for using the system, and the first two to five minutes after midnight is the best time of all.) Also have on the table, near your right hand, several blank sheets of white, pure, clean paper, and a sharp lead pencil.

6th. Sit at the table and have at your right hand the paper with the question (and Sign) on it. Directly in front of you in the centre of the table have the candle burning. A t your right hand have the pure, clean white sheets of note paper and the lead pencil Then sit close to the table and take hold of the lead pencil with the right hand and hold the point o f the pencil on the paper, while your eyes gaze at the blue disc, which should be mid-way between you and the candle.

7ih, , While gazing at the blue disc, keep repeating the question over and over, never gazing at your right hand and never conscious of the precise work your right hand is doing.

6th. Then after a few seconds, when your right hand senses an impulse to write, begin to make a row of little marks. When your hand feels it has made enough little marks on one row, your hand will have the impulse to start a new row. And* you will find that your hand will have four such impulses and in the end you will have four rows of short pencil marks like those shown in Illustration No. One. A ll the time that your hand is marking the short strokes on the paper you must keep your eyes on the blue disc. Y o u must not try to C O U N T how many marks you have made on each row, nor must you try to be conscious of what the hand is doing. Each row of marks should be from one to three inches long— just as the hand is impelled to make it

9th. A s soon as the fourth row of marks is ended and the hand


r»o longer wishes to write, then you are ready to find the Cosmic answer to your question. Y ou do this by counting the number of marks on each row. I f there is an even number of marks on the row* then you make Inm dots, side by side, at the end of the line. I f there is an uneven num­ber o f marks in the row, then you put one dot at the end of the line. This is done for the four rows of marks. The dots at the ends o f the four lines, gives you a mystical symbol. ^There are 16 different symbols which can be formed in this manner by the dots at the end of the four lines.

1 Oth. Having formed the mystical symbol, you have what the an­cients called the “ Cosmic G lyp h /1 This is the “ key” to the answer of your question. B y noting what Sign your question was under, and turning to the list of answers under that same Sign, you look for the duplicate of your or Cosmic Glyph. There you will find your an­swer,-— the answer which die universal mind impressed upon your subjec­tive mind as being logical and consistent with the law.

1 1 th. When once an answer is found the same question should not be re-tried, nor should the same problem be tested with another ques­tion if the answer received does not please, (unless the answer directs you to ask another question.) This would give unsatisfactory resuits because your mind would be charged with anxiety and disappointment.

EXAMPLESW e will apply the foregoing rules in the following example. W e

will assume that we wish to know whether the person asking the question shoud buy a home which is being offered at a reasonable price. Since matters o f "home, residence or lands, etc./’ come under the Sign of Cancer (See foregoing rule No. 2) we will look under that classification and find that the second question under Cancer fits the query. There­fore we proceed as explained in foregoing rule No. 4, as follows:


Placing this paper at your side and with the candle and blue disc in front of you, you concentrate on the question and permit your right hand to make little marks in four rows on the pure white paper. A fter a time you find that your hand no longer writes and that your rows of marks are completed. Y o u examine the paper and find that your four rows of marks when counted give you the results as shown here:

E t r v r *

( / M ( I / / / / w £ 6 ” « t

M / f < ** t t t t t f t f / f f f f t / f r t t i / f =x 2 $ =* •

r / / / 1 1 f t t f t / / t f f t t i t f t t t t t = * 2 6 m •


W e see that the first row had 28 marks, an E V E N number, so we place two dots at the end of the line. The second row had 25 marks, an U N E V E N number, so we place one dot at the end of the row- The third line gives us one dot and the fourth line two dots again. Looking at our dots at the ends of the four lines we find our Cosmic Glyph con­sists of two dots, one dot, one dot and two dots, above each other.

Now we turn to the answers for the Sign of Cancer (as explained in foregoing rule No. 10) and look under that Sign on the two pages for a duplicate o f our Cosmic Glyph. W e find it at last as the f 1 th Glyph —on the second page of Cancer answers. W e read the answer to the question, “ Shall I buy a home?” and we find this: "N o . Y ou will learn *why* in a very short time, but there is nothing for you to do but wait. H ave no fear whatever," This seems to be a very definite an­swer and is reassuring if any grave concern regarding the matter was felt

Let us try another example: Let us assume that an offer comes to you whereby with a small amount o f capital invested an excellent income might be assured. And, let us assume that to make the investment you will have to borrow the money. The question in your mind is,— shall you borrow the money and will it be safe to do so. Since all financial matters come Under the Sign of Taurus, you scan the list o f questions under that Sign until you find one which comes nearest to the question or problem you have in mind.

You find the ninth question under Taurus to be appropriate and you write on the paper:


" S H A L L I B O R R O W T H E N E C E S S A R Y M O N E Y F O R T H E V E N T U R E t H A V E IN M IN D ? ”

Y ou proceed to concentrate on the question and to make the four rows of marks, as explained heretofore. Y ou find the result to be as follows i

H t f t t t t t t i t i t t f t * t t / i «»**■ “ • •t f t f f n t t i i t i f t t t i t n t t i * ^ u s ' s s #M f 1 1 f i t t t t t r t t i f / t t f = * J * / -s* •

t t r t f * r t * t f f f f f t t t t * * * ? * * * * * f * •IL L U S T R A T IO N No, 2

Here you find that the first row has an even number of marks and the next three rows have an uneven number. Therefore, your Glyph consists o f two dots on the first row and a single dot on the next three rows.

Now you turn to the list of answers under the Sign of Taurus and you look for a duplicate o f your Glyph. Y ou find it is number eight, on die bottom of the first page of Cancer answers. So to the question asked, we have this answer: "Y e s . But be sure that your negotiations connected therewith are well signed and sealed in black and white, for litigation may follow your success.”

This answer we find to be definite and clear and valuable in as much as it not only answers the question, but sounds a reasonable note of warning,— advice which would undoubtedly prove of considerable help if acted upon.

This system contains 120 questions and 192 answers— sixteen an­swers for every question, giving 23,040 combinations o f answers and questions to over 500 problems of vital importance.

With the foregoing instructions and examples, I place the system in the hands of my Brothers and Sisters, warning them once again, to use the system or method in all sincerity only when the mind is sorely puz­zled with a question or problem worthy of the working of these strange laws. M ay my efforts to translate and modernize this ancient system be o f unusual help in the hour o f greatest need; this is all I can pray for as a reward for the arduous work connected therewith and the time and patience unselfishly devoted to your interests.

T H E A U T H O R .


( A lw ays o f a nature pertaining to se lf, the ego, the soul and theinner or outer personality).

1. W ill I m ake the proper im pression (a t some crucial tim e)?2. W ill I be successful (in some personal m atter) ?3. W ill T be happy ( in w a rd ly )?4. W ill m y heart's am bitions be realized?5. Shall I seek inner light ?6. Is my soul attuning properly?7. Can I im prove my personality?ft. Is there a weakness in my character to be im m ediately over­

come ?9. Do I im press people unfavorab ly at tim es?

to. Am T developing as God intended?

Q U E S T IO N S O F T A U R U S .

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to finances).1. W ill I m ake the venture profitable?2. Will I earn (o r obtain) the money I am striving fo r?3, W ill I receive an increase o f incom e?4, W ill I raise the amount needed?5. Shall I invest m y money at a ll?6, A re industrial investm ents good fo r me ?

■7. A re m ining investments good fo r m e? ft. Is a partnership good fo r m e?9. Shall I borrow the necessary money fo r the venture I have

in mind ?to. Shall I loan the m oney as asked o f m e?


(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to short journeys, w ritings andbrethren,)

r. Sh all I take the short jo u rn ey?2. Shall I m ake the change?3. Shall I travel ( in connection with any m atter under con­

sideration) ?4+ W ill the jou rn ey be successfu l?5. W ill the signing o f the papers (letters, documents, etc.) be

satisfactory to m e?6. W ill the papers (letter, document, telegram , m essage o f

any kind, deed, w ill, etc.) be obtained by m e?7. Sh all I take up the educational m atter I have in m ind?8. A re m y neighbors (not frien d s o r Acquaintances) to be

trusted?9. W ill I hear from m y brother (o r sister, fath er o r m other?)

10 . A re m y kindred (im m ediate relatives o r parents) sa fe , well,happy, etc. ?

P & u rtttn

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertain ing to the hom e o r residence, lands, fath er o f the inquirer and the culm ination o f an y a ffa ir .)

1 . Sh ah I sell m y home (land, estate, p ro p e rty )?2. S h a ll I buy a hom e (lan d , fa rm , estate, e tc .)?3. W ill I obtain the desired home, land, estate, farm , residence,

etc.?4. Is m y fath er to be helped (o r benefitted) ?

A rc m y fa th er 's in terests to be su ccessfu l?6. Is m y fath er in the proper business, p lace, or environm ent?7. W ill my plans term inate with a su ccessfu l issu e?8. W ill m y undertaking ( o f w h atever n atu re) end as I d esire?9. W ill the law su it end as I d esire?

10. W ill the result o f the (operation , treatm ent, schem e, ordeal,etc.,) end as I (o r w e) d esire?

Q U E S T I O N S O F L E O .

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertain ing to p leasure, gen eral happinessand ones ch ildren .)

[, W ill the act 1 contem plate b rin g m e happiness?2. Is there jo y in w h at I propose to d o?3. W ill the result o f m y plans bring the happiness to all as

desired?4. H as life m ore jo y fo r m e?5. W ill sorro w come ag a in ?6. W ill the place (o r th in g) p ro ve a jo y to those concerned?7. A re m y children loyal to m e?8. W ill m y children be fortunate in l i fe ?9. W ill the children reco ver their health?

ro* W ill I hear fro m m y child (o r ch ildren ) ?

Q U E S T I O N S O F V IR G O .

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertain ing to health, sickness, food, servantsand agen ts.)

1 . W ilt the present attack ( o f ill-health o r d isease) end soon? z. W ill the illness (o r d isease) end fa v o ra b ly ?3. W ill m y health be g o o d ?4. W ill their (o r h is o r h er) health be good ?5. Is the illness seriou s?6. H as he (o r she) an y hidden o r secret d isease?7. W ill the crops o r su pp ly o f foods be good ?8. A re the servants to be trusted?9. Are the servants or agents (lawyers, representatives, etc.)

re liab le?10 . Shall I engage a la w yer o r agen t?

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to L o ve , M arriage, things dr persons stolen or tost, and Partn ersh ips.)

1. M ay I expect m y love returned?2. Sh all I m arry?3. W ill the proposed m arriage prove happy?4. Is it advisable fo r me to m arry (n o w ?)5. Sh all I have a business partner?6> Is a business partnership advisable n o w ?7, W ill I recover the (th ing) lost?8, W ill the lost person be found?9, W ill I hear from the person missing?

jo . W ill I hear o f the (thing) missing?

Q U E S T I O N S O F S C O R P IO .

( A lw ays o f a nature pertaining to transition, the m arriage part­n er's financial affa irs, the legacies and wills o f another, fear o f something, etc.)

N ote: The Cosmic w ill refu se to predict transition at any tim e, therefore such a question is eliminated from this system.

t . W ill my w ife receive a legacy ?2. W ill m y husband receive a legacy ?3. W ill I be benefitted by (som e) w ill?4. Does a w ill (legal docum ent) ex ist?5. W ill m y m arriage partner assist w ith money at some tim e?6. H as the (proposed) m arriage partner any income or finan­

cial standing?7. W ill m y business partner secure money ?8. A re m y fears w ell grounded?9. H ave I anything to fe a r regard ing (som e thing or person) ?

jo . W ill fear 011 the other person's part delay m atters?

Q U E S T IO N S O F S A G I T T A R I U S .

( A lw ays o f a nature pertaining strictly to long jou rneys or v o y ­ages, religion, philosophy, church, and publications, such as books, etc.)

t. W ill I take the long journey Ir-have in m ind?2. W ill it be sa fe to take the jou rn ey o r vo yage?3. W ill the long journey or voyage be successful ?4. W ill religion help me in my problem s?5. H ave I slighted m y relimon and thus become ua-attuned?6. Shall I study philosophy?7. W ill a philosophical attitude o r mind help m e?8. Shall I join a Church in all seriousness?9. W ill the Church succeed?

10, W ill m y hook or publication prove successfu l?S i x t t f n

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to one's employment, profitable vocation* profession, business success, fam e, etc.)

i. W ill I be successfu l in a business career?2> W ill I be successfu l in a p rofession ?3, W ill m y son (o r daughter) be successful in business?4, W ill he (o r she) do better in some profession ?5, Should one (som eone) study some art or science?6 r W i l l ! attain some fam e in m y (business or vocation ?)7, W ill he (o r she) attain fam e in this life ?8, W ill the present business im prove?9, W ill the present vocation or occupation be profitable?

k x Should a change be made in the vocation (o r business orprofession ?)

Q U E S T I O N S O F A Q U A R IU S .

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to friends* acquaintances, asso­ciates and their affect upon you r a ffa irs.)

1. W ill m y frien d s cause me any trouble?2. A re m y friends to be relied upon?3. W ill m y friends come to m y assistance ?4. Shall I consult o r confide in m y friends regarding {sorpe

m atter) ?5. Shall I establish a friendship (w ith some one or under some

condition) ?6. W ill the acquaintance made prove beneficial?7. W ill the new acquaintance prove a frien d?8. W ill the associates he w orthy o f m y friendship?9. M ay I trust the new acquaintance?

10. Shall T accept the o ffer o f the frien d ?

Q U E S T I O N S O F P I S C E S .

(A lw a y s o f a nature pertaining to secret or private m atters, ene­mies, treachery, im prisonment, persecutions, etc., or o f charity or sym pathy given and received.)

1. H ave I any enemies w orking in secret?2. W ill the enemies o f (the person o r thing) affect it?3. W ill there be treachery in the m atter?4. A re there any secret w orkers against the plan (or the thing

desired) ?5. A re there any private o r hidden elem ents to be contended

with in the m atter in mind or on hand?6. W ill persecution fo llow or result?7. W ill im prisonment result (fro m w hat is planned) ?8. W ill charity or sym pathy be shown ?9. Shall charity o r sym pathy be extended?

10. Is there a secret or undiscovered elem ent in the w ork whichw ill be found?

S t v e t i t c e n

Yes. W ith upright, pure thoughts in your mind the vibra­tions will be right and harmonious with nature1* vibrations.

Yes. H ave complete confidence and be determined. Throw off the doubt that creeps into your heart at times.

No. Not until your mind thinks differently will you find the results you hope for.

No. It is not the time in your process o f development for such manifestations to appear strongly,

No. But do not grieve or even think o f this now. You must find inner light and let it illumine your consciousness.

Yes. Go into the silence often and listen to the soft words from the still lips o f the unseen.

Yes. Attune yourself with the mighty forces at your disposal, and ask God's help, not as a test, but with confidence.

Yes. Since you have come to realize that this matter is worthy of your deeper thought, you have taken the first step to bring into your aura that which you teek

No. T h e time has not yet come for this. You must suffer awhile then condone fo r your past. The change will soon come.

No, Such conditions are fostered only by thinking always of them. A s you think, so will be your life. T ry a course of s o c ia l right thinking.

Yes, Soon will come a great illumination for you— even this very hour. Go into the silence and thy soul will unfold.

Yes. H ave confidence; trust in yourself at least, and cea?e doubting 1 Y o u close the door to many an opportunity by fearing and being skeptical

No, Clean your heart and mind o f selfish thoughts and dwell not so much in the personal realm. L ive an impersonal life.

No. W h y should you expect this at this time when your question plainly indicates your doubt in the matter? It will come only when you no longer doubt

Yes. Go on tby w ay in peace and rejoicing, for thy soul and mind have discovered the great weakness, and this will bring illumination and power*

Maybe, It wilt be better to ask another question relating to this matter, under another “ S ig n ,"

M w i m

No. Conserve every penny now in your possession and add to them by diligence and labor.

Yes. But not to the degree now considered. H a lf of the amount you anticipate w ill be the proper amount.

Yes. B y all means. But use discretion in your every move and be sure that there are no entanglements.

Yes. Fortunate indeed that you asked this question, fo r doubi would have delayed the matter and it would have caused un­necessary w orry.

N o. Lock safely aw ay all thoughts o f such action lest it in­fluence vour better thoughts and deeds.

Y es. But it will not be as expected, A more fortunate “ turn" will come to the affair,— so lose not any time.

N o. T h e present time is not propitious. W ait 60 or go days and then a w ay will show Itsd f.

Y es. But be sure that your negotiations connected therewith are well signed and sealed in black and white, fo r litigation may follow your success.

No. T h ere are those w ho seek to defraud you. B y dropping this matter fo r the present you will quickly discover the pitfall aw aiting you now.

M aybe. But w hy does this concern yo u ? AH w ill be well without and with your consent. I t is a trifling matter at most.

Probably. You can easily answ er this question either way, for it is not o f great moment to you. T h e tossing o f a coin will suffice to guide you.

Yes. But use judgm ent and care. A week's thought will re­move all doubt from your mind.

No. It is well that you leave such thoughts out of your mind and think of the good you might do with your present means.

Yes. B u t be slow in this. S ix ty days from now will be more fortunate indeed.

No. N o t until another moon shall you do this thing if you are determined o r feel obligated to have it accomplished. Look not fo r success at present

No. T h is is so clearly indicated fo r all times, that it applies to not only the present but the future. Change the plans in your mind, there is the fa u lt

No. You are strongly urged to use great discretion and not to even think any longer o f the plans you had in mind.

Yes. There is tio reason for you to feel any deep concern i« this regard.


• *

Yes, But let yourself be warned not to forget an obligation to one or more others.

• • • •

No. Before you permit this matter to come to any action on your part, wait at least six months longer.-^then consider it again and you will find more definite information.

* • • •f t #

No. Be patient in this regard. Y o u r mind is too full ofdoubt. Another month or so will bring a different v i e w point more pleasing to you.

Yes. And, do not forget to give some o f your joys of liv­ing to others. Cease doubting and send forth thoughts o f love

• •» • #

Perhaps. But, please do not be lo deeply concerned just now

• « M aybe. A sk another question under another “ S ig n " and yon will receive more definite information.

Yes. T h a t is, a lte r a time you wiU find it so, but not at present. Remain silent, do nothing and— wait*

Y es, Be sure, however, that your reason fo r asking this question is quite clear. I f it is not, it is better to ask another question under another "S ig n -"

Probably, H ave you ever thought that life and its riches or sorrows depend upon what we think and how we practically apply our thoughts. Is there not a thought in your mind which should be modified if you want the greatest happiness?

Yes, A n d you will find things just about as you now antici­pate*

No. T h is applies to the immediate present. A month from now a different answer might be given.

No. This is clearly indicated, and deep in your conscious­ness you have thought it so, though you m ay have hoped d if­ferently.

Y es. B y all means go further into this matter and do not stop at this poin t

U k d y . N ot you alone should inquire about this, and it would be wen to have someone else ask another question under an­other “ S ig n ."



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No. Som e delay on your part will be more advantageous to the Interests concerned and in the end you will find the affairs and conditions unfavorable.

Yes. Despite present outlook and present sacrifices, yon trill find that time will bring about the desired benefits.

Yes. But do not be hasty or expect the greatest good to come to you either quickly o r easily. Y o u can do much to bring about a realization o f your hopes, but patience, and time are required more than anything else.

Probably. There are other matters to be taken into considera­tion and you must ask another question (under some other Sig n ) if you wish more definite inform ation on this subject

No. In the first place neither the part inquired about or the environment are ready fo r the result which should come. It is best therefore to watch developments and at the first oppor­tune time do that which becomes most apparent or obvious. It will be within three months.

Yes. V e ry shortly, within a month, this will be made plait to you and the w ay made easier fo r excellent result.

No. N o t at present should anything be done in this direction. T h e time has not yet come.

No. Begin at once, however, to bring the matter into a new light so that the proper action will be started. Y o u will find your own judgment the safest guide when once you begin.

T w m t y - f t r i t r

Yes. Y ou are right in the thoughts and plans uppermost in your mind. D o not let any tin ng change your well-conceived course. B y doing as you have planned you will bring about ■'yes” for the answ er to this question.

Maybe. It is better to ask another question on this subject under another “ S ig n ” and be guided thereby,

No. You will learn “ w hy” in a very short time but there is nothing for you to do but wait. H ave no fear whatever.

Yes. And you will be very pleased with what you find in this regard in another six months.

Yes. But there is a warning here not to lei this answer sway you from the course you have taken or the plans now in action.

No. Remain as you are, but try to send forth good thoughts, which will do a great deal to relieve your anxiety and soon votir opportunity will come.

Yea. But ask another question under another "S ig n /1

Yes. A n d you will be very happy in the near future. A very fortunate period is in preparation for you. T r y to make others as happy as you will be.

TwNmty jh t

Y es. There is great happiness and jo y in the future as you hope. Begin now to cultivate the sending out o f happiness and more will be received.

N o . Little happiness and poor health is indicated, hut both of these are conditions o f mind— and you can influence both.

N o. Change your plans, change the environment, and in a few months better w ill be the jo y and health and the success that is waiting.

Perhaps. But this is not the most important consideration al tfcir hour. Ask another question under another " S i g n "

Yea. Fortunate indeed are the conditions to be. But see that others share it* too. Be not selfish ; fo r we must divide to lighten and strengthen our conditions and out o f the fire comes new life.

No. N ot at present will this condition come to you, but with patience and love in your heart all w ill be well.

M aybe. T oo much depends upon your actions the next few weeks A sk another question under another "S ig n ."

Yes. Be strong, fearless, brave and faithful to your God and your sacred obligations.

Yes. In due time this shall come about; great lessons should be learned In the meantime.

Yes. H ow closely it came to being otherwise, though! Y o u r actions o f the last few months have made a great difference W h at you now receive ii what you have earned.

No. You are to profit by what is coming, though you can­not see it that w ay. It means greater jo y in the future if you are wise.

Yes. W hat a wonderful opportunity it will be. Jo y s and sorrow s alike bring in their w ake great lessons and anxiety Is the fire which often brings transmutation.

N o. And it will be better so fo r many reasons which you do not understand now.

Y es. But be not affected too deeply thereby, for it will be a test o f your soul and character.

Yea. B y slightly changing your plans and course of think­ing and living you w ill m ake it i a

Y e s . It rs to be regretted that this matter did not concern you before to the extent it does now. M any things might have been easier thereby.


Y e i, Conditions clearly indicate that this is so. The outcome need not f iv e you undue cancel'll.

Yes. Be prepared fo r a change, however, in about forty ie sixty days. Y ou will find this change to be of grave concern.

• « t •

No. You will find the next half year o f some w orry in this regard though no serious termination is indicated.

• •

Yes. Y o u r anticipations are based upon reasonable thought, but all will not he as you expect. Perhaps it ie fortunate for you that this is so.

^ 4 No. You can do much to prevent this condition, however, by following the advise already given you.

• • • #

Perhaps, Your question docs not clearly express what is in your mind, therefore ask another question under this or an­other "S ig n ."

# • • •

No. Good advise from an expert is necessary to remedy i conditions existing. Can you not give this matter more wrioi thought and ur/urn than you have in the past?

• ♦Yea. H owever, do not depend too much on this condition i f

fecting your most important interests. It does not.

• • • •

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Yes. A great deal depends upon you. however, as to whether this will mean a great deal to you or n o t

No. T a k e steps at once to let those most interested know of this and thereby do your plain duty.

Yes- You are warned, however, not to use this information fo r any purpose other than protecting the interests o f thole most concerned.

Yes. T h e doubt in your mind w as caused by a condition which once existed, but can no longer concern you deeply.

M aybe, T oo much depends upon the actions o f those who have a considerable influence. A sk another question under an­other "S ig n ."

Y es, H ow ever, this Matter ia not aa important as you have believed it.

N o, But do your part to bring about the conditions you most desire.

N o. It is ever th u s: that which seems to be true becomes an obsession with mortals, and we suffer thereby.

T w e n t y - m i n t

• ft

T k i r t S

N o. i t is neither time nor proper fo r this just now, and it U better to w ait and a short time will bring w hat you expect.

No. Von have been a little too anxious over this matter to properly appreciate the difficulties which must he overcome

• f t ’ before your wishes may be realized.

• f tft ft joy.

Yes. And great happiness seems assured in every w ay. Share it freely with those who have less, and you will find still greater

No. It is indicated that you seek advice at once from someone who- can guide you in a search fo r a greater happiness than

ft ft could come from your present desire.

• ft• ft No. There is no true or dependable reason fo r your expect* ^ ^ lions in this regard.

ft ft Yes. And you may rejoice in this fact for your desires hav* projected or caused action which w ill bring the desire.

X i Yes. And you will hud that your doubt and anxiety has been unfounded. The greatest w orries are doubts and fears.

Yes. Unexpected events will bring surprising turns and you will find that your preconceived ideas were not wholly depend­able.

N o. Do not brood over this m atter, how ever, as there is much good indicated in connection w ith this failu re of you r dt* sire to m aterialize.

No. N o t fo r at least a year should you give this m atter any fu rth er consideration. A f t e r that time you r own judgm ent will

he a dependable guide.

M aybe. It w ilt be better to ask another question in this re­

g ard under some other "Sign***

Y es. V e ry pleasant will be the outcom e and you can fee) that your own efforts w ill be greatly responsible.

N o, Y o u have done those things o r taken those steps o f late w hich have interferred. C ast this fro m your mind and wait.

Y es. B u t not as soon as you have expected o r desired Much m ust be done, first. Tim e w ill be the g re a t helper

N o . W a it another 9 0 d ays and the probabilities are that you w ill then find your anxiety and problem easily solved.

Yea. But, have you ever given thought to the fact that even sincere desire does not a lw ays bring what w e wish. W e must d e s e r v e ; and som etim es w e receive great things before we de serve in order to teach us to show appreciation

Yes. A n d it w ill have a very great bearing upon your plans. You should take this into consideration at once and act accord­ingly.

No, F ea r in your heart o r a deep concern in this regard will not help you to overcom e the obstacles. B e brave and actf

No. This has so little to do with your plans and your prob­lems however, that you should give it little thought.

No. There is a time coming, however, when your desires in this regard w ill seem insignificant compared with the future re­alizations W ait six months.

Yes. M uch happiness w ill come to you through a realization o f you r desire; but do not be selfish, Remember that others, too. may seek your help.

Yes. An unusual event within the next three month a wifi prove to yon the soundness o f this answer.

Yes, It will be so because the foundation fo r this w as laid sometime ago by acts on your part. Y o u are partly conscious of this, -and correctly so.

No. W hat you must suffer through disappointments and w ail­ing will he equalized by another and unexpected joy.



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Yes. But not within the next fe w years. D o not be too an x­ious and refrain from mentioning this matter to those who would try to delay matters.

Yes. It is indeed fortunate that you have this opportunity to be advised that silence and patience .will help matters m ore than anything else.

No. And do not permit your expectations to be known to those w ho would m isunderstand your purposes and think ill of you.

Yes. It might have been "n o ” except fo r an act you perform ed only a short time a g o ; this m aterially changed the law in this case.

N o. It can never be. Y o u have no reason to expect i t Y o u r desire is not free from criticism .

No. It is sad, indeed, that the pure in heart cannot alw ays have in this life the things they desire, but the law says that we reap not what w e sow now, but w hat w t have sow n Fear, too, Is a harvest from seeds.

M aybe. It is better in this matter to try to solve the problem by approaching it with a different question under another "S ig n .”

Y es. Be o f good cheer, send fo rth kind thoughts o f apprecia­tion and think not selfishly o r unjustly, and you will add joy with all other blessings o f earthly life.

I S l r i y r ^ M

Yes. Happiness and success in this life depend upon the m at' ter. G ive it all your thought at once.

Yes You have had good reason to fee! concerned in this mat­ter and you must lose no time in making every effort.

No. Y o u r own mind is such that, under the present circum ­stances, do not think of i t Y o u r mind must evolve fo r awhile

No. N ot that you would Bud no small amount o f happiness or help should you so proceed, but because time will offer a greater opportunity for you.

No. Look hack four years and see the error u f that time W h y do you seek* now, to do that which cannot he done for sev- eral years, if it is to be o f any avail?

Yes. And, at once comes the information that it will result in the most trying conditions o f your life from which you will eventually emerge extrem ely satisfied.

Yes. Prepare at once, my friend, and guard well your inter­ests fo r you will be tempted as was the M aster on the M oun­tain.

No. Do not think of this matter fo r sometime and turn your thoughts to a graver matter that confronts you within a few hours.

Yes. W ith all sincerity give the matter your attention and you wil! find several opportunities to help others.

No. Not for sotne months can a different answer be given to you.

Yes. You will find, also, that m any strange though logical things will come closely upon this and prove especially interest­ing to you.

Y es. I f it were not so, you would find many others very greatly affected. There are some who are even more concerned than you.

Yes. It is well, indeed, that you have given this matter such serious thought; but do not let it end at asking the question and heing^encouraged. A c t I

No. It is better so, fo r the time being; lor time will show you that a greater day for this is to come,

Yes. Be prepared fo r sortie changes, however* in the ideas and plans* possibly, which you now have. Y o u have been laboring under a delusion fo r sometime in this regard

'Maybe. It will be better to ask another question of a similar nature under another "S ig n /*

Yes. T h e outlook is very encouraging, indeed; but serious work and a reasonable viewpoint is necessary.

Yes . But, be sure that y o u r first steps are taken with thought and a consideration o f time and expenses,

N o. i t would appear by e very indication that ait opportunity is atxjut to present itse lf which will ch an ge the plans you might make now.

Y es , G iv e all y o u r attention to this— the sam e attention as you ha ve g iven to other m atters— and it will be verv well repaid.

Yes . B u t m ake no move lo ch an ge y ou r present mode of l i v ­ing until you a re urged to do .so by changes which will come in the n ex t s ix ty days.

Yes . And w ith this will com e a fu l le r realization o f the more subtle influences ever at w o r k to ass is t you.

No. T h e time is not yet come. M u ch must he done before you will find things as you desire, Y o n can aid and assist by enlarg ing y ou r horizon and broadening y o u r ideas,

No, W ait fo r a further developm ent in another direction soon to he apparent to you. T h is will decide the matter.

Yes, M a k e sure that preparations are definite, care is used, and others are not forgotten. T h is is a warning.

Yes , T h e result will reflect with credit upon a few others, but this ad v ise is g i v e n ; heed not the c r y o f the fallen, fo r they d e­served not the palm.

N o. T h e desire would be lo b r ing about the condition too quickly, and th ere fo re the d i scour age metit. W hen it does come, eventually, it will come slowly, and m ore surely.

Y e s . But do not take the chances or risks you have in mind o r which others may have contemplated. He firm, upright an d— true to one's self.

Y e s . W ithin three years the result will be very clearly d e­f in ed ; and much can He done in the meantime to assist and help in the matter.

No, U is to be regretted that g re a te r encouragem ent cannot be given at this t im e; hut the past does not w arran t the result you have in mind.

Y e s . T h e r e is little more that can be said, except to advise that this in fo rm atio n should not he used to br ing a restless d is ­position into any mind.

Perhaps. It is difficult to say because we m ay not agree upon the e x a c t meaning o f y ou r question A s k another question under another "Sign.**

No. You need have no fear in this matter whatever. The at titiide of others wilt affect you little.

Yes. Fortunate, indeed, are indications ; and you will profit greatly thereby.

Yes* Be sure, however, that you offer as true a friendly love as you would expect in return.

No. You will reap just as you have planted in the heurts and minds o f others.

No. You can hardly expect differently unless you are forget­ful of the ties when you were tested and sent forth what yon will now receive in return.

No. Be guarded, careful and do not confide too greatly. You are apt to talk too much.

Yes, But only fo r a time and without any considerable portance. Be on your w ay and spread joy.

No. You can develop greater trust and confidence hy the thoughts you send forth.

I h i r t y ^ d h t

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Yes. M ake the very best o f every situation, being rare to be unselfish, and the rew ard wit! be exceeding great.

No. Do tint give this the deep concern you have in the past f e w hours . Y o u w ill find it o f little importance.

Yes. F ea r is the weapon o f the m asters o f black m agic. T h e * have poisoned your mind and you suffer from fear atid not from fact.

No. M ake you r plans accordingly with assurance and you f i l neutralize all other affects.

M aybe. T h e point w ill be made clearer if you ask anotherquestion under another "S ig n .*

N o. Y o u have been greatly m istaken in some w ay, and you will realize this before long. Be prepared and forew arned f

Yes. V e ry often first im pressions and a biased mind lead u* to ju d g e w ro n gly and this tendency w ill cause you trouble if you do not heed this w arning.

N o. It is unfortunate, but such is the c a s e ; it.m a y teem fo r ­tunate to you at times, but it w ill prove otherwise.

T M r t f

Yes. But all will be well very shortly so far as you are con­cerned. Others m ay not be so fortunate.

No. A sudden change in the course of events will bring about a wholesome condition.

No. It w ill be much as you have secretly expected. N ow that you know, act accordingly.

No. Plans in this direction will be frustrated and you will find it necessary to use discretion and care fo r a short time.

Yes. Therefore consult someone who can give you the advice you need and do not forget to look into your own conscience

Yes. W ithin three months this matter will have passed its critical time and you will have no further concern.

No. W hat appears to be in this regard is only the result of your keen analysis exaggerated.

Yes. G o over the entire subject again very carefully and re* view the first principles which came to you as an inspiration and you will make an important discovery.

Yes. The facts you seek will .be revealed accidentally vet7 shortly, if you concentrate upon it in the silence.

N o. Other forces su rro un d and protect and against these other influence or operation can succeed.

No. The temptation to be too liberal and too easily influenced wilt be hard to overcome* but heed this and be prepared.

Yes. An attempt will be made at least, and unless you are determined to w ilfully disobey your conscience, there will be no trouble.

Maybe. But it w ill be of little value. You will be responsible for the fin d outcome. Use good judgment.

Yes. U is the law that one must suffer at times to compen­sate for wrong done at some other time. Suffering balances the account and permits us to "clean the slate1' ; and surely you would not miss such an opportunity,

Maybe. It is difficult to answer your question, fo r it is not the proper one A sk another question under another “ Sign.*

No, H ave cheer and look upon the brighter side o f life You are giving yourself unnecessary worry-

W U T 1 9 R D B T R I K T

S U R V E Y O R ’S M A P O F P R O P E R T Y F O R N E W S U P R E M E G R A N D L O D G E T E M P L E


A t last we have secured our own permanent Suprem e Temple, This is so important to all our members throughout the North American Jurisdiction that it is im perative they should be thor­oughly conversant with all the details regarding this most im­portant National acquisition.

A ll our members know that since the establishment o f our noble O rder in this jurisdiction the rapid growth has made it necessary to move our headquarters several times, only to find a fter being settled a few months that the space was not sufficient to permit us efficiently to p erfo rm the work. T h erefore , a fter the most matured consideration, it w as decided to take steps which would insure a permanent home fo r the Suprem e G rand Lodge o f sufficient size to take care o f the increasing demands fo r the next ten years, nr more.

A fte r months o f searching, w e w ere unusually fortunate in locating a most desirable site in an especially attractive environ­ment and with a very appropriate structure. This property is in the heart o f the very old and exclusive C H E L S E A D I S T R I C T , one o f the form er landm arks o f the aristocracy o f Manhattan Island. A ll o f the Chelsea District is restricted property and the conveying deeds contain covenants which forbid the erection o f any business buildings or the operation o f any m anufactory or trade in the structures or edifices in the neighborhood. F o r many years that district w as the very center o f the social and ethical activities o f N ew Y o rk City. In that neighborhood and in fact almost ad join ing our property are m any fine residences o f the Colonial and French type. Ju s t three short squares fro m our site is old Chelsea Square, bounded by 19th and 20th Streets and 9th and 10th Avenues. In the center o f this beautiful park is the General Theological Sem inary, built by the Episcopal Church in 1822.

T h e site we have selected is a plot fifty feet wide facing on the north side o f Twenty-third Street with a depth o f one hundred and forty-tw o and a h a lf feet, together with an exit on Twenty- fourth Street by means o f a d rivew ay fifty-five feet long and eight feet wide. In other w ords the plot extends into and occu­pies a large part o f the adjoining property on T w enty-fourth Street and gives us the advantage o f the building site on that street. T h is also greatly enhances the value o f the plot*


Tw enty-third Street is one o f N ew Y o r k ’s principal cross­town tliorougli-fares. It is w ider than most streets and is one o f the main arteries o f transportation from the E ast to the W est side o f the Island* A t the W estern term inal, ju st a few squares beyond our site, are the several ferries and railroad offices o f the Pennsylvania, Baltim ore Si Ohio, Erie* Central R , R> o f N ew Je rse y and Lackaw anna Lines, as well as the piers o f the great trans-A tlantic Steam ship Com panies. T h ro u g h ■ Tw enty-third Street passes several trolley hues and at N inth A venue, near our site, is the Ninth Avenue E levated R ailroad station. On Eighth Avenue is a N orth and South trolley line connecting with all other lines and on Seventh A venue, just two short squares aw ay, is the Tw enty-third Street station o f the new Seventh A venue Su bw ay, connecting with all o ilier rapid transit subw ay lines.

T h u s, our new Tem ple w ill be easily reached from any part o f the G reater C ity or from any railroad entering N ew Y o rk from the E ast, W est, North or South, and we find it located am ong N ew Y o r k ’s well-known structures, which arc the F la t­iron Building, M asonic Tem ple, F ifth A ven ue Build ing, M etro- polilan L ife Insurance Building and m any others.

T he building on the site is a French V illa . T h is w as the fea­ture which attracted us so greatly to this particu lar place. W e cannot forget our love fo r Fran ce and the debt we ow e to her for the existence o f our O rder in Am erica. It seems especially ap­propriate that our Suprem e Tem ple should be located in a build­ing so pure in French architecture and so typically “ F ran ca isM in its environment.

T he photograph o f the building, shown on a follow ing page, reveals the very pleasing and artistic garden in front of the building and . the typically French high railing facin g the street. The building sets back fo rty -s ix feet from this railing* providing a drive w ay to the pretty porch and entrance.

T he building is o f red brick trimmed with greystone and white marble. It has three stories and high basement and there are seventeen large rooms and several sm aller room s above the ground level. W hen it was designed spacious halls and rooms w en; featured fo r within i(s w alls w as to reside the fam ous act­ress, L ilhan L an gtry , and during her occupancy were held many social a ffa irs attended by the ultra-fashionable o f A m erica and the nobility o f Europe.

On entering the building, we note a beautiful w ide hall run­ning through the center and the entire depth o f the building, on either side o f which, facing the front, are large rooms which will be occupied as the Im perator's and the Suprem e Grand Secre­tary ’s private offices respectively. In the rear o f the Im perator's office, there is a very attractive and com fortable L ib ra ry with a wide open fire-place, beamed ceiling* panelled w alls, specially made bookcases and parquet floor. H ere will be found coin

F&rty-fou r

fortablc chairs, large tables and an excellent collection o f occult, philosophical ami scientific books and manuscripts.

Tn the roar o f tbe Secretary 's Office w ill be located the print­ing and publishing department o f the O rder, and to the side o f this, ad join ing the Secretary 's office w ill be the Chem ical, P h ysi­cal and Biological Laboratories with glass roof and tiled walls and floor. A d jo in ing the printing rooms there w ill be an edi­torial and m ailing room.

In the large basement will be the store-room s, the photogra­phic dark-room , the mechanical w orkshop, the heating plant, etc.

A w ide-stairw ay leading from the main entrance hall takes one to the second floor w here w ill be located the Suprem e G rand Lodge Room , T his w ill extend E ast and W est across the entire front o f this floor. It w ill be necessary to rem ove several par­titions and to make m any im portant alterations in this part o f the building, so that w e m ay have a Lodge Room o f exceptional size and with m any special appointments and appropriately dec­orated in the style o f E gyptian Tem ples. A d jo in in g the Lodge Room, to the E ast, w ill be the M aster's R etiring Room and the H A R M O N IU M , a room designed for personal treatment work and equipped with the most modern electrical devices and other facilities utilized in our higher dem onstrations. T o the side o f the Lod ge Room , in the W est, w ill be the Cham ber and the Ante­ch am b er used during the Initiations. T hese are to be decorated in tbe style o f E gyptian G rottos with long, dark, grotto-like, Tem ple passagew ays connecting them, O n this floor w ill also he located the N ew Y o rk Grand Lodge Room , wherein w ill be held the sessions o f that Lodge, tbe N ational Lodge and other v isiting bodies.

On tbe T h ird floor are a number o f rooms which wilt be used for treatm ents, electrical experim ents, photographic w ork , study room s, guest room s fo r out-of-tow n visitors, and the living quart­ers o f tbe G uardian o f the Tem ple.

Certainly this new Tem ple g ives us a w onderfully complete edifice fo r perm anent possession, and, as the headquarters o f the entire O rder, it is the neucleus o f all the Lodges in this Ju r isd ic ­tion and, therefore, becomes o f vital im portance and interest to every B rother and Sister.

T h is property is valued by the C ity o f N ew Y o r k in its tax assessm ents at $66,000.00, T he sale price has been $75,000,00 for several years, but through the kindly endeavors o f our T em ­ple Committee, we have been able to secure the property for two- thirds the asking price, this constituting one o f the most fo rtu ­nate and favorab le real estate bargains to. be obtained in so e x ­clusive a section o f N ew Y o rk .

In order to pay fo r the necessary alterations and decorations and to raise the amount called fo r in the purchase contract, the Am erican Suprem e Council a fte r presenting their plans to various

F o rty -fa t

authorities have decided to adopt three different form s o f dona­tions and to m ake an appeal to our members throughout the jurisdiction by means o f this m onograph and through other per­sonal channels.

It must, o f course, be understood hy our m em bers that the O rder, since its inception, has at no time had any features or elements o f com m ercialism and this fact is proven by the nomi­nal initiation fee and dues maintained in all jurisdictions. H ow-, ever, it is a recognized fact that fo r the proper propagating o f our noble w ork there m ust be som e sort o f revenue to pay fo r the rent, literature, and the thousand and one expenses that are ucessary to perm it the O rd er to increase its field o f activities. T he very first necessity in our human sphere o f life is a home, and this is especially applicable to our Order* I f it is to meet the great demand that is being made upon it, there must be a neucleus from which w ill eminate vibrations that w ill bring joy and peace to those who are so helplessly floundering in the mire o f ignorance or darkness* T h erefo re , is it not fitting and, in fact, our bounden duty to hum anity that w e who have been fo r ­tunate enough to have been perm itted to C ross the Threshold, should take it upon ourselves to supply this first great necessity o f our noble O rd er?

It is a known fact that every mem ber feels he or she must perform some w orthy deed during this incarnation. B rothers and Sisters, here is your opportunity! Do not casually o r lightly pass o ver this su b ject Reflect and analyze the noble principle upon which our O rder w as founded— “ U n iversal Brotherhood/1 Es it an em pty phrase to you ? or are you w illing to strive to help make it what it m eans? I t is a subject which demands you r deep­est consideration now, w hile Inunanity is in the throes o f a world conflict, L e t 115 prepare fo r the great epoch which past M asters have prophesied would begin with the year 1920* A lread y ev i­dences point to the fu lfilling o f this great prom ise, and Rosaecru- cians throughout the w orld look to A m erica, as the m ariner looks to a Beacon L igh t. Hence, let us all stand united in this great cause and do that which our m aterial conditions permit*

T he building must be placed in a condition which w ill be suitable fo r our work and therefore considerable alterations will have to be m ade. F o r this purpose one form o f donation known as “ Alteration Donations” has been instituted and m em bers who wish to help in th is m anner should so m ark their donation blanks

Another form will he the “ Furn ish in g D onations.1' T h is large and spacious building must be decorated and such articles as draperies, furn iture, rugs, pictures, antiques and books will he gratefu lly appreciated.

T he third form is the “ Tem ple Fund D onations/1 * A ccord­ing to the term s o f our Purchase Contract, we m ust ra ise the sum o f $50,000.00 by M ay rst, 19 19 and to meet this obligation

F o r t y - t i *

a systematic form o f donating must be adopted; therefore we suggest the daily thrift plan whereby each member will give a stated sum each day for the next 365 days. According to this if a member can g ive ten cents per day, fo r instance, a blank should be filled out for $36.50 and sent to the T reasurer o f the Fund and on the first o f each month thereafter a remittance o f $3-oo should be sent to the Fund. In this manner we will know just exactly what amount will be donated to the Fund at the be­ginning o f our campaign. The money thus received will be de­posited in the Pacific B an k of N ew Y o rk in a separate account known as the Suprem e Grand Lodge Tem ple Fund, with the Imperator and Suprem e Grand Secretary as Trustees. O f course less or more than ten cents per clay may be donated. Some small personal sacrifices will easily provide this small amount.

This is you r Suprem e Grand Lodge Temple, Brothers and Sisters. It is not a Tem ple to some ancient or modern idol; it is not a tomb or monument to some great k ing; nor is it a per­sonal memorial to some Officer or Lodge o f our Order. It is to be owned by the whole O rder in North Am erica and by its mem­bers collectively and individually. From a monetary point o f view, it is a remarkable investment. The property is increasing in value and because o f the restricted neighborhood the plot of ground will prove an excellent asset should we ever desire to sell the land and build a larger Tem ple elsewhere. B ut for many years to come the present building will suffice and every dollar put into the property will yield great returns to the O rder, not so much in dollars and cents fo r the immediate future, but in the increased membership, added prestige, greater service and more efficient help to every Lodge and every member.

Brothers and Sisters make this, you r Tem ple, a great testi­mony to service and unselfishness by first having it properly dec­orated and furnished and then by having it fu lly paid.

Address all donations to the “ T reasurer o f the Supreme Grand Lodge Tem ple Fun d .” No donations should be made anonymously, fo r we wish to have a perm anent record o f every dollar received. B ut, i f you desire, your fu ll name will be with* held in the published list o f donations, although there is no rea­son for any one to request this. The Fund has just started and every member 111 North Am erica should feel it a duty as well as a privilege to give to this Fund. T he list o f donations will be published in Cromaat each month.

T H E T E M P L E C O M M IT T E E .


(Received up to April 2nd, 19 18-)

Thor Kiimalehto, Supreme Grand Lod ge...................... $10.00L, E . J . Price, Supreme Grand Lod ge ......................... 5,00Gustav Tetzlaff, Supreme Grand L o d ge.................................. 2.00Otto Krahenmann, Delta Lodge No, 1 ..................................... 10.00J, R . C. Harman, National R. C. Lod ge.................................. 10.00M ay S. W illiams, Supreme Grand L o d ge .............................. 5.00[via D. Little, Supreme Grand L o d g e ...................................... 5.00Rosa M. R. Milcels, National R. C Lodge. , . : ............. 2.00Hugh B, Getzoff, Supreme Grand Lod ge.............................. 2.00Michael Halapy, National R . C. Lod ge.................................. 10,00William Corbett, National R . C. L o d ge ........................... 2.00Anna G. Sahy, National R. C. Lod ge....................................... 3.00R. T, Caldwell, National R> C. Lod ge.................................... i.ooJohn Jacobs, National R. C, Lodge.................................. in.00Carmela C. Ruvo, National R. C, Lod ge................................ 10.00Charles R, Jones, National R, C. Lod ge................................ 3.00John J . Rcnk, National R. C. Lod ge....................................... i.ooH. H. W ells, National R. C. L o d g e ......................................... 1.00M. V . Angel!, National R, C, Lod ge......................................... 5,00P. A . M cCarthy, National R , C. L o d ge.................................. 1.00W, J . Cooke, National R. C. Lod ge........................................... 5.00E. A, Rauer, National R, C. Lod ge........................................... .25C. H. Lindsted t, Supreme Grand L o d ge ................................ 6.00John F , M iller, National R . C. Lodge..................................... 3.00M ax Levcnthal, Supreme G rand ................................................ 10.00John R. Farr, National R. C. Lod ge......................................... 5.00Fred E , Bramhall, National R. C. Lod ge.............................. 5.00Roger W, Gilmore, Supreme Grand L o d ge........................... 2.00Carli Andersen, Supreme Grand L o d ge .......................... 5.00Walter TVI. Wallace,’ Supreme Grand L o d ge ......................... 2.00C. H. Lindstedt, Supreme Grand Lod ge................................ 5.00Louis F\ Endress, Supreme Grand Lodge ........................... 5.00Louis J . Gotto, National R . C. L o d g e .’, .................................. 2.00Theodore Krugman, National R. C Lod ge........................... 5.00R. Fernandez, National R . C. L o d ge ...................................... 5.00Charles R. Brown, National R. C. T^odge............................. 5.00Gustav Tetzlaff, Supreme Grand Lodge. ........... 5.00M ary E . Johnson, National R. C. Lodge. ......................... 5.00r a r t V ' f i g h f

T E M P L E F U N D D O N A T I O N S — Continued

J* E , Jacobs, N ational R t G L o d g e ........................................... 2*00John A* B alsley, N ational R . C L o d g e ...................................... 5*00Ralph G . Stocker, Suprem e G rand L o d g e ............................... 5*00Anna Stocker, Suprem e G rand L o d g e ...................................... 5.00J . R ussell Seay , N ational R, C. L o d g e ...................................... 2*00H. K , B eck , N ational R + G L o d g e ............................................. 5.00J . A , G . B row ne, N ational R* C L o d g e .................................... 5.00H arris A , H ughes, N ational R . C. L o d g e ............................... 1,00Vincent N apoli, N ational R . C. L o d g e .................................... 1*00Louis F . Endress, Suprem e Grand L o d g e ............................. 5.00Antonio Parent, N ational R. C. L o d g e .................................... 1*00M rs. A . J . Pine, National R , C. L o d g e ...................................... 5*00W . G* Bennett, N ational R . C. L o d g e ...................................... kooW alter ML W allace, Suprem e Grand L o d g e .......................... 5.00E, A . B au er, N ational R . C. L o d g e ............................................. *25S* J* Lom bard, N ational R, G L o d g e ......................................... 2.00Charles TI. H ubbard, N ational R . C. L o d g e .......................... 1,00Otto H eyden, N ational R , C L o d g e ........................................ 1*50M rs. O tto Heyrlcn, N ational R . C L o d g e ............................... 1*50M rs. L , L , Bow ers, N ational R , C L o d g e ............................... 3*00Ethel H age, N ational R . G L o d g e ............................................. 5.00H arriet M + Sm ith, N ational R* G I.x)dge......................... . . - .30


C lara M , H atch, Pennsylvania G rand L o d g e ........................ $50*00Fred Roeber, Suprem e G rand L o d g e ......................................... 47-61Beatrice W . Sanderson, Suprem e G rand L o d g e ................... ro ao oM innie M . EHwanger* Suprem e G rand L o d g e ...................... 30.00

F o r t y , u u t r

B y B E N E V O L E N T I A , IXV

OK, 1 h ave dream s. O ne oft-recurring dream Is beautiful and com forting and bletft.C om plete w ith splendid R ad ian ce and ReSt*

D ivin e C ontent and E cstacy S u p re m e : —W h en that G reat E ssen ce , A uthor o f a ll L ife ,

D iscloses to m y heart its w on drous L IG H T ,A s to a ch ild w ho w an d ers in the n ig h t ;

From burdens free, from earthly toil and strife,W ith P e a ce Profound, m y V is io n seem s to soar T o R ealm s, fam iliar to m y v ie w before.

T h is is m y D ream o f L IG H T *

Y e s , I have Dreams* 1 som etim es dream of L IF E ,In the full m eaning of that sp len d id word*Its subtle m usic, w hich few , indeed, h ave heard.

T h ou gh all m ay hear it, sounding through earth 's Strife* Its m ountain Heights b y M ystic breezes kissed,

L iftin g their lo ve ly p eak s ab o ve the dutft;Its treasures w hich no touch of time can mSt,

Its em erald seas, its d aw n s of am ethyst,Its certain P urp ose, its serene R ep o se , its U sefulness, that finds no hour for w oes.

T h is is m y D ream of LIFE*

Y e s, I h ave dreams* 1 ofttim es dream of L O V E ,— MoSt radiant and lustrous Eastern Star,A s chan geless, too, as that fixed L igh t afar,

W h ich glorifies vast realm s b elow , a b o v e :Creator o f all L ight and Life* M ore vast

T h an H um an brain could fathom , and m ore d eep T h an the unfathom ed seas, w h ere lost w o rld s sleep;

M ore tender, than Sp rin g 's Z e p h y r Breezes, cast.M ore fervent, than the fondest Soul could crave, M ore gentle, than the m oonlight on a grave*

T h is is m y Dream o f L O V E .

f i f h