Amorc Folder 2

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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    A M O R C F O L D E R 2


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    P o lic e S e e k T h ie f V ho R i s k e d A n c ie n t C ur s e in T a k in g S toneSAX JOSE. Marrh 3.Police to

    day sought a thief who r isked nn nncie nt Egyptian curse probably som e time Saturday by stealing from the Rosecrucian order s museum here an irreplacabla rnliea piece of the stone which Dr. Spen- cer Lewis, caretaker of the Rcse- ciucia n temple here : says Moses is reputed to have stood upon as he asked protection for the tribes of Israel.

    Two Persian hand-embroidored

    ca m el s hair table throws, worth ubout $100 each, aso were taken.Dr. Lewis said the Egyptians had

    placed a curse upon wh om soev er shou ld buy or steal their r elics, but

    explained the curse bad not been operat ive against himself and the Rosecrucians because they took the relics for exhibition and educa- tionnl purposes.

    The San Bernardino County Sun San Bernardino, California Tuesday, March 4, 1930 Page 17

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The BeeDanville, Virginia Wednesday, March 5,1930 Page 10

    Stone On WhichMoses Stood IsReported Stolen

    ------- o -------SAN JOSE . Calif.. M ar ch 4 MP)

    A piece of s to ne on w hich Moses isr e p u t e d t o h a v e s to o d a s h e a s k e d

    p ro te c t io n fo r th e tr ib es o f I rsa e lh a s b e e n s t o le n f r o m t h e R o s e c r u -

    c l a n O r d e r ' s m u s e u m h e r e .Dr. Spencer Lewis, c arc tak cr oft h e R o s e c r u c ia n t e m p le , w h o r e

    p o r te d lo ss of th e re lic to th e police ,sa id the th i e f r i sked - an an c ic n tEg yp t ian curse, ..

    H e s a i d t h e E g y p t i a n s h a d p l a c e da c u r s c u p o n a n y o n e w h o s h o u l d b u y o r s tea l th e i r a n c ic n t relics b u texp lained fh a t t he cu r se ha d no t b e en o p e ra t iv e a g a in s t h im se l f a n doth er Roscc rue Ians because the ytook the s tone fo r exh ib i t ion a nd

    educa t iona l pu rposes .Th e missing s tone , be l ieved tohave been t aken l a s t Sa tu rday. I s o fa d rab g ray co lo r abou t the s i ze o fa d i n n e r p l a te a n d m a r k e d w i t h r e d {hieroglyphics .

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Reading Eagle Reading, Pennsylvania Wednesday, March 26,1930 Page 2

    SACRED STONE STOLENSomebody has stolen the sacred stone

    on which Moses is said to have stood while he prayed for the Israelites. The stone was in the temple of a religious order known as the Rosicrucians at San Jose, CaL, who had brought it to this country from Egypt. Dr. Spencer Lewis, caretaker of the temple, says the Egyptians had laid a curse on anyone who should buy or steal this ancient relic and the thief, whoever he is, is now subject to this curse. The curse evidently was not functioning while the stone was in the hands of the Kosicru- cians.Cappers Weekly.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Thr II lena Daily IndependentHelena, MontanaSunday, June I, 1930Page 2

    Rare Rosicrucian (AMORC)Books:

    "The Mystical Life of Jesus"and "Self Mastery and Fate

    With the Cycles of Life, at

    H ie M o n ta n a B o ok & Stat ionery Co.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Winnipeg TribuneWinnipeg. Manitoba, CanadaSaturday. June 28, 1930Page 6

    ROSICRUCIANMYSTERIESAll s inccrr . scckora for the greatI ruth ntl pow er k no w n to theAnHrnrs. write for th** free book. 1/Ir M o f Egypt ; " n ta l !p1 wi thou t ob l iga t ion to occu l t s tuden ts .

    Li br ar ian 111

    AMOKC TEMPLESan Jose , Ca l i fo rn ia

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Kansas City StarKansas City, MissouriSaturday, July 13,1929Page 7

    M A S T E R Y O U R

    It Can Be Done the Rosicrucian Way

    N e w F R E E B ook Tr!!s H o w You M j v D o I t

    T n e Tv - ; : \ \ ;:n*nv !F o r th\v h a v e d e m o n -M r n te u * -rr* .1 **. k n i? d c -' a n d a n i p * p o v. e r o v e r a i lOn - ' - 5 ill ilJfC

    L ? *!.* :n h i; y< j

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, July 23,193 0 Page 2

    R o s i c r u c i a n C o n v e n t i o n

    O n T o n i g h tThe national convention of the

    Rosicruclans being held at AmorcTemple on Nftglee Avenue, opens withthe first sewlon Uili evening nnd willcontinue throughout the week nnd thegrea ter p ar t of next week. Delegatestvnd visiting members from everylarge city nnd section of the UnitedStates, CanAda and Mexico will of-flclnlly participate in the conclave.Legates representing the order Inninny foreign lands will be present to

    net Its nh advisory committee to assist In the formation of new planswhereby the North American jurisdiction of the Rosicrucian fraternitywill co-operate with foreign jurisdiction*. . . . ,

    Statistics just rovealed by the foreign delegates show that fit the recentconvention held tn Europe, the recordsIndicated that the organization In

    North America represents th e la rges t jurisdiction In the world, al though thefoundation here was laid Inwhereas in other countries the orderhas existed for a thousand years ormore.

    GERMAN AIDOne of the Important matters to

    be discussed a t this convention is waysand means of assisting the Austrianand German Jurisdictions to re-hnblliate the organization after thegreat loss of membership through theWorld War. The North Americanmembers have been assisting Pranceand England in the enlargement ofihelr memberships and now the appeal

    hns come from Germany and othercountries. Twenty-six foreign countries will be represented throughlegates from the international Rosicrucian council and the last sessionsof the present convention will be Inthe form of an International conclave,the first to be held in America since3801,

    This evening's session will be opened by Supreme Secretary Ralph M.Lewis, who will introduce the Imper-*tor for North America, Dr. H.Spencer Lewis. He in tu rn will callupon the various delegates and foreignlegntes to present their greetings,while Dr. Arthur Bell of San Jose,representing the national welfare bu reau of th e Rosicruc ian fratern ity,will read the hundreds of telegrams

    that have been received from all partsof America and from many foreigncities.

    The sessions will continue each afternoon and ovening until the mlddloof next week. On Sa turday evening,the convention will meet In the Cham

    ber of Commerce Hall to see th e moving pictures of the recent Rosicrucian

    pilgr image to Egypt and th e HolyLand. Next Tuesday nig ht there will

    be the official banquet.

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    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Friday, July 25, 1930 Page 3

    Amorc D e l e g a t e s Hold Forum TodayA forum session for questions and

    answers on social settlement work occupied the attention of delegates to the Amorc convention here this afternoon. Social service bureaus are maintained In a number of cities by the order. Several scien tific lectures are scheduled for tonight.

    Dr. Arthur Bell of this city, welfare department director for the organization, lectured on "Prevention of Disease '1 last night. Delegates gave a vote favoring the anti-tuberculosis


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    Rosicrucians! Pl an to Erect$100,000 Bldg.

    Plans for the construction of a newunit to tho Amorc College on NngleeAvenue at a cost approximating$100,000, with work to start shortlyafter January 1, 1931, were announcedtoday by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, lm-

    pera to r or th e orde r. T he fi rs t un itwill contain a lecture hall or auditorium, flvo small classrooms, a com

    ple te la bo ra to ry fo r el cc tr lcal . ch em ical, physical nnd other research, anddormitories. The building will houseabout one hundred resident students.

    According to Dr. Lewis, It Is plannedto add more classrooms later. Th enew structure will bo next to the pre se nt temple. T he or der owns th re eacres on Nagleo Avenue and hasoptions on other property. The AmorcCollege now has between 300 and 400students, 150 of which have come fromothe r cities. I t Is expected th at thecollege will have about one thousandstudents when Jjew structures areerected,

    The 1030 annual Rosicrucian convention was to end today with theconcluding address presented by Dr.Lewis, North American Imperator ofthe order. The convention lasted aweek, held mainly at the Amoro College on Nagleo Avenue.

    1031 CONCLAVE HEREThe sessions of this afternoon and

    this evening are being devoted to discussions of business principles of theorder and rules and regulations.Flans are being laid lor the extensionsof work and field representatives are

    be ing ap po in ted.

    - ---------------------------------*

    J ROSICRUCIANS J(Continued Prom Page 1)

    At the banqnet In the Hotel SalnleClai re las t n ight some three hundredAmeHean and foreign delegates unanimously voted to hold the 1131 convention In (his city.

    Local orgi nlzatlons w ere represented&y Fred Oilman of the Chamber otCommerce, Virgil Rankin of the SanJoso Advertising Club and BetterBusiness Bureau and Fred Ochler ofthe American Trust Company, Theyexpressed the warm feeling of the citytoward th Rosicrucian. order in briefaddresses.

    Bongs by Mihe. Beatrice Bcaumnn,former MKropolimn Opera singer, andMiss Emily Hardy, coloratura soprano,and violin solos by Miss Orace Slmes

    pr ov id ed m us ic al en te r ta in m en t. Miss

    Beatrice Olirford of Ban Francisco accompanied on the piano.Henry Shell. Denvor delegate, gave

    an address of appreciation, and William W agner, P enn sylv ania dr legato,replied to tho welcoming address byDr. Lewis. Th e history of the org anization In San Joso was reviewed byDr. Lewis In tho concludlnr address.

    Plans to send lecturers throughouttho country, the crcctlon of a residentcollege on Nagleo Avcnuo and amendments to tho constitution were discussed at the business meeting yesterday af ternoon.

    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, July 30, 1930 Page 1 and 4

    (Continued on Page 4.)

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Winnipeg TribuneWinnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSaturday, August 9, 1930Page !5

    A . M . O . R . C" R o n u u t u n M . r

    W H Y A R E O UR L IV E S U N E Q U A L 7Wr i t fo r F r ee Book l e t .

    LIGHT 01 EGYPT"t o L i b e r i a n S u p r e m e Te m p l e .

    A . M . O . R . CS a r t J o t e . C a l i f o r n i a

    l/ocal Phone K20

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Modesto News - HeraldModesto, CaliforniaThursday, September 18, 1930Page 16


    t o ::? Ed itor Th- N>wvHr-\!d : >?r; MiV f upon t h e .voS'jkib!** v^ace of y c -r !*u*r co5-

    I r>* ] p M l sar :r. ?- r.'.zr.-| ' . r c r r >.Jo!?5 occasionally in your T-awr by pm ir .f -t n;

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Modesto News - HeraldModesto, CaliforniaThursday, Septem ber 18,1930Page 16

    A tbvruuidi stud? of myiUcism fay an y suiCgnt, whether of the BMfcnJcian school or not, penults him to blend the prUtitiH eituzieiila of religion lslth the virtues of academic ttcltiice. When thfs is these Lwo gr^nt fiptds of man's endeavor can work hand in liand, \n -

    o f oppcsinff cacti other to the detriment gf both fiJid to thn rcm- fualoa of the insss.

    I want to thank you Ichidly for the spnxie that you have permitted mr. to use. nnd hope (hot Other raadai# *ill let u.i have thrfr view- volnlti on this popular subject.

    J. F. I> AX MnflrHo. Cal.

    ------------- 4

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    I FORUM \>---------------------------------------------------------- ,>

    Editor of tho Evening Courier.Dear Sir:

    May I trespass upon the valuablo space of your lottor column to express my belief in a manner of reconciliation between science and religion? I read articles occasionally in your paper by eminent men in both thcso fields and they Bcem so far apart in viewpoint as to leave the reader and layman suspended in doubt and hesitancy.

    Religion and Science Much of tho discord we find in

    society today, resulting in sects and factions, is due to the evident conflict between religion and, science. There has always been, two theaters for mans mental ac-} tivity, At times these various ac - 1tivities have been so far apart as to bo in absolute conflictlon with each other. At other times, they havo been so closely associated aq to overlap And bo in harmony with each other.

    No matter how far we delve into tho history of mankind, wo find these two theaters, religion and science. True, ancient science cannot be placed into the same classification as tho learned and highly developed schools of scicnco we know today, but there were men in the early civilization who were not so particularly interested in why tcertain ntaural phenomena existed.* That is, they were not interested in why it rained and why it snowed, but what were the antecedent causes of these conditions, what certain conditions resulted in rain and in snow and they desired to chart, map out the cycles of these causes, so as to bo ablo to determine just when this

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    phenomena would take place.At the same time, there were

    other thinkers

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    Rosicrucian mysticism of Aroorc r e c o g n i z e s no beginning and no end to creation. It does not ac* cept a God that would create all that is and then stop creating. It rather* admits of a creation that perpetuates itself through continuously creating. Mysticism expounds God not apart from mon, but resident within man. A thorough study of mysticism by any student, whether of tho Rosicrucian school or not, permits him to blend the pristine elements of religion with the virtues of academic science. When this is done, these two great fields of mans endeavor can work hand in hand, instead of opposing each other to the detriment of both and to the confusion of the mass.

    I want to thank you kindly for the space you have permitted mo to use, and hope that other read* crs will let us have their viewpoints and reactions on this popular subject.

    j MORITZ W. KOCH,* ,A Rosicrucian (Amorc).

    Prescott Evening Courier Prescott, Arizona Thursday. September 18, 1930 Page 8

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    THE PEOPLES SAFETY VALVEI he Independent RecordHelena. MontanaTuesday , September 23. 1930Page 4


    May I trespass upon the valuable space of your letter colum:to express my belief in a tnanne of reconciliation between sclenc and religion. I read articles occa slonally in jour paper by eminen men In both of these fields an they seem so far apart in viewpoin as to leave the reader and layma suspended In doubt and hesltancj

    Much of the discord we find i: society today, resulting In sects an factio ns, is due to the evident con fllct between religion and sclencc There has always been two thea ters for man's mental activity. .Atimes these various activities hav been so far apart as to be in abac lute confliction with each other. A other times, they have been s closely associated as to overlap an_

    be in harmony with each other.No matter how far we delve into the history of mankind, we find these two theaters, religion and science. True, ancient science cannot be placed In the same classification as the learned and highly developed schools of' science we know today, but **are were men in the early civilisations who were not so particularly Interested In WHY certain natural phenomena

    existed. That is, they were not interested in WHY it rained and WHY it snowed, but what were the antecedent causes of these con-, ditions, what certain conditions resulted in rain and in enow, and they desired to chart, map out the cyeles of these causes, so as to be able to determine Just when this phenomena would take place. Atj

    the same time, there were other thinkers who looked upon this phenomena as the result of an intelligence, a diety, a power greater than themselves which had, sometime or other, proclaimed that this phenomena should exist for man's exclusive benefit. They saw in it the direction of a personalized God, and at that point we arrive at the confliction between science and religion.

    Science, however, represented by the outstanding scientific figures of today, does not deny the existence*of a. God, but merely expounds a different concepeion of God. Science recognizes an intelligence not apart from nature nor separate from nature, but existent in nature. To science, God did not, sometime in the far past, create the world and everything that la in It and then cease, but He created then and Is still creating all that is and all that shall be. To science there is an intelligence everpresent underlying everything.

    There Is only one thing that can ;harmonize these two Bchools, religion and science, and that is mys-

    j tlcism. Mysticism blonds the two, the esoteric and exoteric, and as the Rosicrucian Brotherhood specific* ally states, s b an example of rays* tlcism, it is wrong for man to at* tempt to personalize his God. God Is an Intelligence that permeates matter as well aB man. In this sense It gives man a higher consciousness. which may be in the form we know of as Soul, but in nature, God is evident in the uniform regularity in which nature manifests, according to certain definite established laws.

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    R o s i c r u c i a n mysticism of AMORC recognizes no beginning and no end to creation. It does not accept a God that would create all that is, and then stop creating. It rather admits of a creation that perpetuates itself through continu

    ously creating. Mysticism expounds God not apart from man, but res* Went within man. A thorough study of mysticism by any student, whether of the Rosicrucian school or not, permits him to blend the pristine elements of religion with the virtues of academic science. Wben this is done, these two great fields of man's endeavor can work hand in hand, instead of opposing

    each other to the detriment of both and to the confusion of the mass.I want to thank you kindly for

    the space that you have permitted me to use. and hope that other readers will let us have their view, points and reactions on this popular subject.

    ETHEL I. DALLAS,611 Madison Avenue,

    A Rosicrucian (AMORC)

    Helena, Sept. 22 , 1930.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Religion and Science Reconcilable

    MAY I express myself in a manner of reconciliation between science and religion. I occasionally read articles in your paper by eminent men In both of

    these fields and they seem to differ so much in viewpoint as to lrav< the rpader and laymen suspended in doubt and hesitancy.

    Much of the discord wc And In society today,' resulting In sects and factions, is due to the evident conflict between religion and science. There has alwavs been two theaters for mans mental activity. At times these various activities have been so far apart as to be In absolute conflict with each other. At other tunes they have been so closely associated as to overlap and be In harmony with each other. No matter how far we delve Into the history of mankind we find these two theaters, religion and science.

    Science represented by the outstanding scientific figures of today does not deny the existence of a God, but merely expounds a different conception of God. Science recognizes an intelligence not apart from nature nor separate from nature, but existent m nature. To science, God did not sometime In the past, create the world and everything that is in it and then cease, but He created then and is still creating, all that is and all tha t shall be. To science there is an intelligence ever present underlying everything.

    There is only one thing that can harmonize these two schools, religion and science, and that is mysticism. Mysticism blends the two, the esoteric and exoteric, and as the Rosicrucian Brotherhood | specifically stales, as an example of mysticism. It Is wrong for man to attempt to personalize his God. God is Intelligence that permeates matter as well as man. In this sense it gives man a higher consciousness which may be In what we know as soul, but In nature God is evident in the uniform regularity in which nature manifests,

    matter as well as man. In this sense it gives man a higher consciousness which may be in what we know as soul, but In nature God is evident In the uniform regularity In which nature manifests, according to certain definite established laws.

    Rosicrucian mysticism recognizes no beginning and no end to creation. It does not accept a God that would create all that Is. and then stop creating. It rather admits of a creation that perpetuates itself through continuously creating. Mysticism expounds God not apart from man, but resident within man. Although study of mysticism by any student whether of the Rosicrucian school or not, permits him to blend the pristine element of religion with the virtues of academic science. When this Is done, these two great fields of man s endeavor can work hand in hand, Instead of opposing each other to the detiriment of both and to the confusion of the mass.


    The P i t tsburgh PressPi t tsburgh, PennsylvaniaOctober 18, 1930Page 4

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Fitchburg SentinelFitchburg, MassachusettsThursday, October JO, 1930Page 2

    Rosicrucian TeachingsG in Key To SecretsRo*e-Croix Mylicl*rrt In' Modern From

    New Book Loaned To Sincere eekersThe Rorlmirlnna were the Muter Mystic* In all ife* and tody ther are In k x l g r t , g r o u p * nnd c o l l e g e * In all parts of the world In their Teachings they ftc re tly preaerve the ancient wudom that made the Pyramid In Egypt tha marvel erf today With the higher occult lava and aacrt ta of mystical power you H n change the court# of your Ufa and attract aucreea, health happlne**, and development of mental forealght that will astound you and surprise your friends The R^ w n ia i ren am ing the Lrua fcrviwUrifls o i tfc*mystics are never aohl In books But, you may borrow a book called THE LIGHT OF EGYPT' In which Hit ttiange story of the Rorierudana la told and an explanation of how you may have the private teechlnp of the RoaAcrucian Ft* term ty in America

    Addreai: Secretary nr. AMORC LIBRARYRoalcrucian Park. San J a m California

    f i c rnasmunl ration with local Kcretary, addre*i Mr John O . HaJbedal, QS Main Street ntchburg. Mast(The ROSICRUCIAN ORDER has no connection with orgn

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Santa Ana RegisterSanta Ana, CaliforniaSaturday Evening, November 22, 1930Page 5

    R O S I C R U C I A NM Y S T E R I E S

    All Minccra k er s for th gr eat tr u th Ainl i>o wtr known to th e A nc ien t s , * rk t s f* thof r e ijonk. ' L i e h t ui ICKVpf." / n a i l e d w i t h o u t o l / u i fJ o n t o o -c u l t u t m i e m * .

    Librarian 111

    A M O R C T E M P L ESan JwM, Ca l i fo rn ia

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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Santa C ruz NewsSanta C ruz. Cal iforniaFriday, February 20.1931Page 6

    ----------------- + ---------------- .

    RosicrucianLecture at 35 Walnut Ave., at Metaphysical Library tonight, 7:3 0. All m em bers of AMORC and those who are interested in the deeper things of life are invited Q uestions answ ered and literature giv en out. A. Lisher, AMORC representa tive. advt.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, March 5,1931 Page 2

    New $30,000 Rosicrucian Auditorium Here

    Above Is the 5WU10# auditorium wlifeh (lie HlenKlan Order will bvM ne*l to Us trrople on tttttee Avenueion. If permlinlon Is rr an trd by the p lanning coTnmKrf^n and the eUy council. Ttw? Ho*lcrticlans hope to h ate

    the building ready for Uietr third natfonat convention he re In Juljr,

    T o B e R e a d y F o r C o n c l a v e

    The Rosicrucian Order is todayawaiting favorable action of the city

    council and planning commission tolaunch construction on a $30,000 auditorium adjoining on the west their

    present tem ple on Naglee Avenue.Contract for tho work has been let toPaul Anderson.

    The $30,000 figure does not includedecoration of the building, accordingto Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, head of theorder. Artists from Los Angeles andSan Francisco aro being called In towork out the Egyptian decoration under the direction of Erwin W intrr-h ld f h f h

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    The Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, March 5,193 1 Page 2

    halder, famous as the creator of "TheEnd of the Trail."

    The exterior design of the auditorium will be a combination of ancierAEgyptian and Moorish architecture.

    TO SEAT 600It will be 55 by 130 feet, with a

    fixed sea ting capacity of about COO,with plenty of space left for addedscats. Besides the audtlorium, whichwill have a large stage, there will bereception, cloak, retiring and consult

    ing rooms. A pit for the orchestrawill be provided. At the front of the building will be an alcove for chimesand bells.

    "In order to enlarge tho groundsand leave park-llke space about the buildings, we have purchased an otherlot and are moving tho rcsidoncc fromit," Dr. Lewis said. "We have justcompleted the fifth addition to our

    buildings, an open-air Egyptian tem ple. a replica of a temple a t Luxor,which will be dedicated on March 22

    as a shrine to the man who foundedour organization In Egypt 33 centuriesago this month."

    The auditorium will be named after Francis Bacon, who, according toDr. Lewis, was an officer of the Roslc-ruclans. The order hopes to have Itready for tho third national convention here In July when 1000 delegatesfrom all parts of the world will be

    present. I t will also be used for free public lcctures and concerts whichare to be started next fall.

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    Manitoba Free PressWinnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSaturday, March 7,1931Page 32


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    The GazetteMontreal, CanadaThursday, March 19, 1931Page 11

    R O S IC R U C IA H S L F O R W O R L D L E A

    Delegation From Headquarters to Participate in Cere

    mony at Luxor, Egypt

    CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY _____ ______

    Local Chapter of Fratern ity Will Hold Special Convo

    cation Here Tomorrow Evening

    Tho Roslcruclan Brotherhood throughou t Am erica, lenown by tho symbolical namo of Amorc, will hold a sacred feast and solemn celo- bratlon on Sunday, March 22. mo* morlalizing tho 33rd century of tho establishment of tho monotholstlc religion throughout tho world.

    The Egyptian pharaoh known as Amenhotep tho Fourth, who lator

    changed Ills namo to Aklinaton, was dedicated by his parents In his youth to tho banishment of the pagan and heathen religions of Egypt, and in tho yoar 1369 B.C., ho was taken Into ono of tho mystery;

    I temp les and there solemnized as tho I

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    The GazetteMontreal, CanadaThursday, March 19,1931Page II

    future head of tho groat religious movement which, according to historians, brought Into tho world tho first groat ligh t of m ono tho lsm' or tho existenco of "tho solo over living God. Th is new concoption of Ood became tho standard adopted by tho Hebrews Just boforo their oxodus from Egypt and is the standard conception among all modern religions. Amenhotcp was the traditional founder of tho religious apd philosophical schools out of which tho Roslcru- clan Brotherhood evolved as a nonsectarian Bchool of mystical and religious philosophy. Today tho organization exists In overy civilized land.

    Tho 33yd century has been anticipated by tho RoBicruclans not only becauso of Its symb olical number, but bocauBO ancient traditions pro- phesJod the awakening of newer religious inter ests and tho birth of a great leader in tho yea r 1931, and tho spring equinox on or about March 21 has always been celebrated as tho anniversary of tho truo

    God and the anticipated time for tho revelations. The Roslcruclans do not anticipate a world leador or world Messiah within their own organization, but rather a world leador of great revelations, who will etartlo mankind with a now messago and a new liopo, freo from all sectarian alliances.

    PILGRIMAGE TO EGYPT.Anticipating this special annivers

    ary, soventy officers of the Rolslcru-

    clan organization left America In a specia l party starting* at the na tional headquarters of tho organization In San Joao, California, in 1929, and Journeyed to Egypt to participate In a sacred ceremony in Am enhotep's original temple at Luxor. In honor of tho occasion, tho national headquarters will dedicate on Sunday, March 22, a replica of Amenhotep's original! Egyptian tcmplo built on the grounds of tho national headquarters at San Jose, to bo a permanent shrine to tho memory of one who paved the way tor tho groat religious truths that havo been given to the world in the past 3300 years.

    Tho Chapter of tho Roslcruclan Fra ternity In this city will hold a sDeclal convocation for this celebration tomorrow evening. Tho local officers are: Master, A. E. Poad; secretary, Mrs. A. E. Poad, Apartment 4, 1431 Mackay street.

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    The Winnipeg Evening TribuneWinnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaFriday, March 20,1931Page 22

    Rosicrucian Brotherhood Will Hold Convocation

    M e m o r i a l i z i n g t h e 3 3 i d c e n t u r yof h( *a ,.ribll?hmaniah*c! fh t I -'*t h *n re -l.iriri ! fr o m E g y p t n .i s*- .* m n iz !the flr-* ^ r v i ce to th t aole everMvtn* G o r in I3i> F St J f i r m s

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Fitchburg SentinelFitchburg, MassachusettsMonday, March 23, 1931Page 2


    Here ObserveJohn Ootftlieb HiBadri, fttdibury

    Crovp of the Bockvudin lN M o o hip veil developed plan of conducting secret or pnvmtr schools for the superior education and preparation of men and women to become and be the light* of civilization, the palhflndera of new and untrammeled roadc to health and happiness.

    * We are gathered hero to renaw our leered oath and again to pledge per* vice to our community, to our country. and I d alJ mankind. Upon Us rests the responsibility of continuing the great wort flaHHf "trr TMT fm**

    loved foun der It is ou r aarred du tylo meet our obligations end carry outthe mission *ve have set out to ful/diu the sem e spirit of tolerance, firm -nesa and fearlessness which broughtimmortality lo those noble aouls whowere tried by their peers and made , tho supreme sacrifice, in order thatthe Gre at L ight be p reserv ed to us, 'ihe G reat Light wh ich we arc pl^d^ed |to sprea d abro ad to disperse the .stirtmi* darkness that surrounds the

    ) living de ed |t 'M&v il please Go d and the G reat

    M asters lo erant us ano ther ve ar ofItfc. and additional opnortvnities to

    ; work harm oniously with others who ike the Rosier tic taus, labor in the; mierest of humanly1 " A rcplica of Amrnholep*s original *Ev^tian temple was r rcer t lv bui i t ontle jr rc in d s of th e n a tio n a1 h e a d q u sr- jter* at San Jose. California, and wasdcdicared vesterduv as a

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    I'he Daily NorthwesternOshkosh, WisconsinFriday Evening, March 27.1931Page 6


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    The Daily NorthwesternOshkosh, WisconsinWednesday Evening, April 1,1931Page 6


    (To the Editor.)OshkoshThis is in response to

    the "Seeker lor Truth, writing in your column, expressing a wish to know something more about the

    !Rosicrucians and their p resent day Iactivities.

    I find, by making the proper con- jtact with the true Rosicrucian o r -1ganization, that the real history and !

    purposes arc entirely different from those commonly explained by persons who have never made the contact except through carelessly written references concerning this ancient organization.

    Much to my surprise and pleasure, I find that the Rosicrucians do not deal with any of the ancient or modern superstitions, such as fortune-telling crystal-gazing, and

    black magic. Nor are th e Rosicrucians a religious cult, or cult of any kind.

    The organization first cam e to America in 1694, and is the oldest humanitarian, educational movement in America, and in foreign lands it is the oldest form of advanced education known to civilization. Th e organization operates as a fraternal body, conducting a num

    ber of colleges, academies and schools in which various courses dealing with the sciences and fine arts are taught, without any fanaticism or sectarianism, politics or commercialism.

    Th e stran ge word AMORC re- j[erred to by your inquirer, is co m - j

    posed of merely the initia ls of the Ifull name of the organization, which is An cient M ystical Order Rosae C rue is.

    Rosicrucian Park. San Jose, Calif., is where the national headquarters of North America is located, and

    ! throughout this co nt ine nt there are hundreds of branches, and many hundreds of branches in foreign lands.

    Being an international body, the AMORC is therefore devoted to aiding m en and women to improvethemselves, and attain the highestdegree of success and happiness inthis earth ly life. Leader s in everyprofessional walk of life, regardlessof their business or religious associations, support the work.

    Many of the erroneous statementsmade about the Rosicrucians. that

    | appear in some books or new spapers, are either a blind to hide thereal organ ization, or refer to anumber of small American groups,

    | that are attem pting to initia te theRosicrucian organization, and havemisapplied the word Rosicrucian,"to cover their activities along linesof superstitions and fads and fancies in religious and spiritual matters.

    I hope that this information willbe helpful, and that those seekingmore information will write to theheadquarters for authentic statements. Yours very trulyMrs. Emma E. Perkins. 252 Forest avenue.

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    FOR TRUTH SEEKERstic Order of theRosy Cross

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    The Bismarck TribuneBismarck. North DakotaFrida y, April 10,1931Page 6

    PEOPLES FORUMEditors N p *. 1The Tr ib un e welcomr le t t e r s on sub jec t s of I n t e r e s t .L e t t e r s d e a l i n g w i t h v o n t r o v e r n i a l r e l i g i o u s s u b j e c t s , w h i c h a t t a c k i n d iv id ua l s unfa i r ly, o r which offend B d t as te and fa i r p lay wi l l bere tu rned to t l i e wr i t e r s . Al l l e t t e r s MUST be s igned . I t you wish to usea p s e u d o n y m , s i g n t h e p s e u d o n y m f i r s t a n d y o u r o w n n a t n e b e n e a t h I t .Wo w i l l r e u p e c t s u c h r e q u e s t s . We r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o d e l e t e s u c h p a r t s

    o f l e t t e r s a s m a y b s n e c e s s a r y t o c o n f o r m t o t h i s p o l i c y.

    April 8 , 1931.Editor, Tribune:

    This is In response to the inquiry Snade by W. . Doty in your "People's Starum" of April 7th, expressing the Wish to know something more about th e R osicrucians and their present da y activities. I find, by making the proper contact with the true Rosicrucian organization that the real history and purposes are entirely different from those commonly explained by persons who have never made the contact except through carelessly written references concerning this an

    cie n t organization. Much to my surprise and pleasure, I find that the Rosicrucians'do not deal with any of the ancient or modern superstitions, such as fortune-telling, crystal-gaz- ta g and black-magic. Nor are the Rosicrucians a religious cult, or a cult of any kind.

    The organization first came to America in 1694 and is the oddest hu-. snanltarian, educational movement in America, and in foreign lands It Is the oldest form of advanced education know n to civilization. The organization operates as a fraternal body conducting a number of colleges, academies and Echools In which various courses dealing with the sciences and fine arts are taught without any fanaticism or sectarianism, politics, or commercialism. .Th e strange word, AMORC," referred to by your in

    quirer, is composed of merely the initials of the full name of the organiza

    tion, which is Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, is wherfe the national headquarters of North America is located and throughout this continent there are hundreds of branches and many hundreds of branches in foreign lands.

    Being an international body, the AMORC is. therefore, devoted to aiding men and women to improve themselves and attain the highest degree of success aifd happiness in this earthly life; leaders in every professional walk of life, regardless of their business or religious' associations, support th e work. Many of the erroneous statements made about the Rosicrucians that appear in some books or newspapers are either a blind to hide the real organization or refer to a number of small American groups that are attempting to imitate the Rosicrucian organization and have misapplied the word, Rosicrucian, to cover their

    activities along lines of superstitions and fads and fancies in religious and spiritual matters. ___

    I hope that this information will be helpful and that those seeking more information will write to the headquarters for authentic statements.

    Respectfully yours,PHIL W STARKLE,

    Bismarck, N. D.

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    The Bismarck TribuneBismarck, North D akotaFriday, April 10, 1931Page 6

    ANSWERS DOTY QUERYEditor, Tribune:

    In your People's Forum under date of April 7 I observe an Inquiry from one W. E. Doty, who appears to be a seeker after knowledge relative to the order of the order of Rosicrucians, of which I have some knowledge. If you will pernut me I will endeavor to give your reaaers, also Mr Doty, such information as I may have, through 1the People's Forum.

    The order of Rosicrucian dates back several centuries before the birth of Christ. Although it is not

    my purpose to set forth its teachings and purposes dealing with mankind at any great length, still I may be nble to set forth a short answer to this inquiry.

    The Rosicrucian Order has existed In all civilized lands for many centuries. is a ncn-sectarian fraternal 1body of men and women devoted to the investigation, study and practical application of natural and spiritual >laws. The purpose of the oigamza - Ition is to enable all to live m har- Ixnony with the creative, constructive, cosmic forces for the attainment of bealth, happiness and peace.

    This order is internationally known es AMORC and. in America and all i other lands, constitutes the only form Io f Rosicrucian activities united in (

    one body, having representation in the international Rosicrucian congresses. The AMORC does not seal its teachings but to those who are seekers after knowledge it gives them freely to all affiliated members, together with many other benefits.

    Inquirers seeking to know the history, purposes and practical benefit of Rosicrucian association are Invited to send for the free book. 'The Light of Egypt, which can be obtained

    from the American headquarters of the order at San Jose, Calif., addressing the inquiry to The Librarian. S. P C., AMORC Temple, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Calif.

    Dan K . Prentice, Wilton, N. D.

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    El Paso Herald - PostEl Paso, TexasFriday, Ap ril 10,1931Page 4

    Truth of Life iTHINKING OUT LOUD'Have just read M. Kooe csm*meats on E*. Paso* greeting to {herising sun-god Muhra in a paganof praise.'

    If one shocld become aware of thetruths about an atom, for instance,and then find those truths repliedn the universe as a whole, he wouldnot think that one truth was an imitation erf the others rathe? tv would jgrasp the knowledge that the atom *was a miniature universe with its i

    positive center and its negative parts idancing around itthat the who:**repeats itself in each separate pan

    I have Jurt read a wonderful book.When the Sun Moves Northward."

    It is a story of lif? overcoming theinertia of matter, and bursting Intomanifestation at the time of year wecall Easter. (The main property t Imatter is ln*rtithe opposite ofwhat life and evolution means*. T.v*whole of Christ s life is a drama ofhow this come* to be. But most im

    portant to us is that this drama enacted by the whole, and repeated inthe life of Oa- Eider Brother is the .story of what fe going on >within iirown selves ^riih a final hope ti atthe spirit can overcome the inertiaof self and see the who!*? in perspec-Uvethat there is bn one life andwe are more than brothers, All in* . portant regions have taught this ]whether pagan or cbitiiian. TheHindoos hav? a story to the effectthat the tu h swam everywhere m t- inr where the water was that we tme no water. The Christian says.In Him we live ami move and haveour betng Does ptaise to a higherSourer then look so foolish? Canthe hand be of service if it swears I

    the hand be of service if H no allegiance nor gives praise

    ; body it serves, and frocn whdraws its We*

    May I ask those who woulthe answer to what life may m

    ; write the Rosicruciasi Brothe j San Joee, Cattf.. for their liter

    Here you Rill find how sciencreligion may be friends, Athe names of eminent men wh

    been members or now arcPranda Bacon Elbert HubbarAlbert Kimtein.

    The Theosophists will find heed of this order one of thmasters tram wh^m Madamevasky obtained he? instructioknowJedfe. Prceni-!uaurv liaknowledgtd tts debt to the AWhite Brother hood by add" * to the A

    Wish Rite.AftlT POWK

    wosinrucian acgn

    S Accepted ScoMBS MARC-amitilia Tei

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Lincoln Evening Journal Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday, May 14,1931 Page 6

    From the "Daily Drift" Column by Dr. Ammi L. Bixby

    Every day we strive to know alittle moii' than the day previous,al te r taking account of wha t uslost by forgetting . Ye sterda y wereceived a letter from RoyleThurs ton u t Han Jose, at the headof the R osic rud an ' Order" of North America. He tel ls us tha tthe society Is an order and not acult; th a t it had its beginning mEgypt 1,350 years before theChrist ian era. that BenjaminFraakhn was at one t ime the headman of the order in America; thatTbomas .Jefferson and moat of thesigners of the Declaration of Independence were of the faith, andtha t the very name Philadelphia,i.~ a Ricrucian fabricat ion, th atit costa but S5 to become a mem-

    her. w ith dues $2 a month for theion Uniting benefits of m embership.And Mr Thurston closes his letter

    by thus hinting a t ee i ta in tnsidainformation, important if true. Hestays: W e note, th at in the pastyou have expressed yourself veryclearly by stat ing that you knewnothing of the hereafter, and thatyou did not believe an yon e else *knew Th at is a big question andis open for discussion. We hupe, jhowever th at those stateme nt* *

    that you have made of your own

    be liefs will not pre vent you frominvestigating the claims of others,as we know that those whr> begintoto inve stigate with the idea of

    pro vin g th a t the re is no he re afte rare always the ones who sooneror laterand more often, sooner prove to th em selv es th a t th eywere w rong And the re is no

    pi oof like provin g a th in g to your-se l f / '

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    I he Lincoln Evening Journali.incoln, NebraskaMonday, June 8,1931Page 8

    d a i l y d r i f t .

    From the AAHORC temple atSan Jose come* a tract which promises the ea rnest t ru th seekera key to the myutery of life thrua book that isn't sold but Is loanedto the sincere student of self evolution who can prove that he isafter wisdom and is going full tiltin that direction. The title of thetook is "The Light of Egypt. Itis the name that queers it withyour Uncle Leander^ Orientalmysticism gives us the Heebe-

    je eb es . If there is no mode rnmethod of elucidating the problems of our mundane existence, weshall muddle thru as ignorant asthe best of them.1 m rn r t im w *lt and ponder on the them*

    ! Of l ife , and w hat l l mean* to you andme .

    At longest i t la l ike a ummer dre am A jou rney ove r aa uncha r t ed t ea .

    And when you aacbor there I t not d ie*1 cerned

    A landing place aa far you ' re conccrned.

    - I f thoee lon s-d eid Egyp t ian* ever knewO f u y i t i i n c t h a t a u p e r s e d e a d e c a y ;

    I f they could catch an or ienta l v iewi Ot any th in* beyond th* no und o f cl ay.

    It aeema to me wh o tella *t At da tem , u } u n a y M y, p re t ty m M d i la t l at a.

    H a d I t h la i r u 1 E g y p ti an l i e ret. c au g h t.I ' d a t ru tg l e r r e i eaJe i t , qu i ck aa ae* t ;

    With me twould be no eaoter ie thoughtI 'c hawl i t out . you bet your l i f t oa OKI.

    And ai r rhe world , t i e Ulghhrowa and IBshlcka.

    I Wo u ld *ng t h e pr al ae a o f H A R A T U I ' I K

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    | Copy EgyptianT emple in U. S.Shrine Draws Visitors

    to Rosicrucian Parkin CaliforniaA temple without roof or walls Is

    attract ing thousands of visitors lo thoRosicrucian park In San Jose, Calif.

    The strangely constructed templeis an exact replica of the famoustemple of Karnak. built by the Egyptians In the year 1350 B. C.

    In every detail the original shrinehas been reconstructed: hieroglyphics and complex decoration representing weeks of tedious carving and

    pa in ting have made the temple oneof the most unusual buildings in theUnited Slates.

    The odd monument commemoratesthe memory of the founders of theRosicrucian brotherhood, one of theoldest organizations in the world.Over 3.000 yenrs ago. In a like temple,these sages gathered to share theirwisdom with those desiring counsel.

    It was at tho time of the erectionof the temple of Karnak. Egyptianhistorians contend, that AmonhotcpIV founded the famous fraternitywhlrh continues to disseminate Its

    knowledge to this day.The Rosicrucian brotherhood,known generally as AMORC. has recently completed the unique templeas a part of the building program onI heir grounds In California, the ir

    North American headquarters. AnEgyptian auditorium, dcdicatcd tothe memory of Sir Francis Dacon. atone time a Rosicrucian leader, also Isnearing completion in the Rosicrucian park.

    Mthvaukrc has several groups affiliated with the Rosicrucian fellowship.

    The Milwaukee Journal Milwaukee, Wisconsin Friday, July 3,1931 Page 4

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    Several hundred Rosicrucians gathered at North American head

    quarters at Amorc temple, in annual convention at San Jose, and enjoyed a motor trip through the Santa Cruz mountains to the beach here yesterday.

    The group visited points of interest on the coast, and returned by way of the Big Trees, where lun cheon was served. For many it was their first glimpse of the glaat redwood trees, and they de

    scribed the experience a thoroughly enjoyable one.Delegates returned to Ban Jose

    in time for the devotional services at Amorc temple in the evening. Convention sessions were resumed today, continuing throughouttomorrow and Wednesday. i

    i - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - I

    Santa Cruz Evening News Santa Cruz, California Monday, July 27,193 1 Page 2

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    The Fresno Bee Fresno, Ca lifornia Sunday, July 31,193 1 Page 10

    F r e s n a n s A i t e n d 1

    A n n u a l M e e t i n g j

    j O f R o s i e r u c i a n s"Dr. W. 3 . .Avery, "Mrs. Fannie

    Wuircn and Max DutoowyViy of

    Krcsno -were delegates to the 1 n- ternuUonal Roslnruclon convcnUon. held recently at Son Jose. t which Inearly COO persons, rcpre nliny:! six countries and three jnrlsdlc-i lions of the order Merc present.

    I Discussion o scientific nnd philosophical j InoV ploce nt (lie sessions. A che?t mndr of seventy* two kind? of wood tunm Ml parti' of the world, w.-u; propertied 1 o 1he order by Dr. II. Spenrcr Uwia , impci-Atnr. P. a rc mnnnsei Ipls. itaihfirrd b y the mem'bers, win bfr

    ,kcnt her e/ iThe fiouvention voted to hold!

    tie.xt years in relink at Snn .lo*c.| 1he national headquarVis of thrj Ko?imicinn Older. The uffio.\n 11

    sbuilding of the no?lerur.Inn.( which 1w a s d p ,Ura tr.iS n t t h e c o n c la v e . !*?of bvy.n nli nr* aTchitnrtni** pnd: honpr-s ?m orientat ml ftzypttani

    | museum *nd laboratory, *

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The News - HeraldFranklin, PennsylvaniaSatu rday , August 1 ,1931Page 4

    T HAVE !>een invited tn become ainetnhor of the Rosicrucian Broth

    erhood. known a< Tin* Ancient MysticO rd er ftosao f'rnei.- *' wit h offices atKosi crno inn Tmrk. S an .lost*, C:il, A

    p a ra g rap h in tin* M to r nn ___ _____________

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Santa C ruz NewsSanta C ruz, Cal iforniaMonday, August 17, 1931Page 6

    R E P R E S E N T S S A NTA C T O Z

    A T R O S IC R t C IA N M E E TAnna Llahcr represented Santa

    O u t at the Internationa] R o b I- crucian convention In San Joae attended by over 100 members and delegates from all paTtB of the world.

    Two new Rtructure* were dedicated at the RoHicrucian Park, national headquarters including a memorial auditorium to Sir Francis Bacon and the temple erected to colnmemorate the memory of Amanhotep the LV.

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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Santa C ruz Evening NewsSanta Cruz, CaliforniaSaturday, October 31, 1931Page 6

    PUBLIC ASSEMBLYWeekly Period for Self Unfoldment

    Every Sunday Night at 7:30General Public WelcomeFree of Creeds

    Starting Tomorrow NightT h e m o s t m o d e r n r e v e l a t i o n s o f L i f e 's M y s t e r ie s a n d C o s m i cL a w s , w i t h h e l p f u l s o l u t i o n s n n d p r a c t i c a l a i d s .111 n p i r 1n k O rg a n a n d O r c h e s t r a l S e l e c t i o n s . A n c i e n t O r i e n t a l

    I U t u al n n d I m p r e s s i v e f e r e m o n y i n A t t r a c t i v e s u r r o u n d i n g s .Tomorrow Night's Discourse:

    The Secret Key to Personal P rosperity

    I ty H . Sp en cer L ewis , F. R . ( \ , l *h . I>.A u t h o r, Wo r l d Tr a v e l e r , H r l l li n n t L e r t u r e i -

    D r. L e w i s w il l e x p l a i n h o w t o a t t r a c t t h e m a t e r i a l t h i n g s o fl i fe , a f t e r fi n d i n g th e K e y t o o u r n e ed s . S i m p l e a n d p r a c t i c a lr u l e s f o r re m o v i n g t h e d e p r e s s i o n f r o m o u r p e r s o n a l a f f a i r s .T h e R o s i c r u c ia n s h a v e s u c c e s s fu l l y u s ed t h i s s y s t e m f o r h u nd r e d s o f y e a r s .

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSA f t e r t h e d i s c o u r s e e ac h S u n d a y D r. L e w i s w i l l ai iH w e r q u e st io n s p e r t a i n in g l o p e r s o n a l o r n a t io n a l m a t t e r s . A fe w o f th e q u e s t i o n s f o r n e x t S u n d a y a r e :

    1. W h a t i s G a n d h i ' s s e c r e t 5. S h o u l d d i v o r c e b e m a d e p o w er? e a s i e r ?

    2 H ow can m e m a s te r o u r 6. W h a t h a p p e n ed t o t h ef a l e o r d e s t i n y ? Tr i b e s o f I s r a e l ?

    3. W h a t s t r a n g e p o w e r 7. D o e s m a n e v e r g o ( od o e s M u s s o l i n i u s e ? H e l l a n d w h y ?

    4. W h y d o t h e R o s i c r u - S. I h c r i m e I n c r e a s i n g b ec i a n s c r i t i c i s e s p i r i t u a l c a u s e o f e c o n o m i c c o ni s t i c seances? d i t i o n s ?

    Doors open at 7. Como early and on joy tho mufuc.

    NO COLLECTION ALL WELCOMEM a k e t h i s p l a ce y o u r S u n d a y N i g h t H o u r o f

    R e a l H e l p In I m p r o v i n g Yo u r H e a l t hP r o s p e r i t y an d H a p p i n es s

    ROSICRUCIAN AUDITORIUM Naglee Ave., Bet. Chapman and Park Aves.

    SAN JOSETake Ala meda Tro lley to NAGLEE AVE.

    Plenty of Auto Parking Hpnn>

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    The Winnipeg Evening TribuneWinnipeg. Manitoba. t anadaTuesday, November 3, 1931Iage 19

    Ro*icrucian Mysfcr r*A l l a i n v r * Nk*'i (n r tha r* l t ^u ih andi>owr known to ih t Anc Un ti . wri t* fortha book . "L t ih l o f Ec rp t . " n ll#dr*thmit oblig ation to vtudnt r f thh i g h e r t i * i o f n a t u r e, L i b r a r i a n 111 .Atnnro T tm pl* Ran J o b * , r a i l f o r n l a .

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Dr. Lewis Talks Before Ad Club

    On Rosierucians

    The story of the nnclent Roslcrusian order, founded during the reign of King Amcnhotep In 1350 B. C., will be told by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, supreme secretary of the order, in a talk before tho Advertising Club tonight At tho Hotel Saln lc Claire. Ho will tell of tho advertising methods now used by the Roslcruclans, Including newspapers, magazines, direct mall and other means.

    A University of Santa Clara quartet composed of AI Pucclneill, tenor; Hrnry Noonan, pianist: Eduardo Cora-

    mlno. banjoist. and Augustlno do In Guardla, banjoist, will provldo music, Tho chairman of tho evening will be Virgil L. Rankin of the RanHn Advertising Agency.

    San Jose Evening NewsSan Jose, CaliforniaMonday, November 16, 1931Prw 20

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    San Jose Evening NewsSan Jose, CaliforniaSaturday, November 21,1931Page 12


    RosicrucianPUBLIC ASSEM

    WEEKLY PERIOD for SELF UNFOLDMENTEvery Sunday Night at 7:30

    General Public WclcomeFree of Creeds The moet modem revelations of Life's Mysteries and Cosmic Laws,

    with helpful solutions and practical aids.Inspiring Organ and Orchestra selections. A ncient Orien tal Ritua l

    aa d Impressive Cerem ony In A (trac t Ire Surrou ndings.

    Tomorrow Nights Discourse:

    Development of Personal Magnetism

    B 7 H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C Ph. D.Aulhir, World Traveler. Brilliant iM lsre r

    Can you Impress others and make them agree with your point ofview? Can you approach anyone in business or social affa irs sad winyour way? It Is personal magnetism tha t counts as tha grestcst personal assst In becoming successful, hsppjr. an d prosperous In life. Dr.Lewis wiU tell you the secret of such personal mag netism. The world'sgreatest men and women have used 11 to bring them advantages Inlife.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:After the discourse each Sunday Dr. Lewis will answer questions

    pe rt ai ni ng u> pe rso na l or nai l an il matte rs. A few of the question* lornext Sunday ar t :1. Do you believe In capital

    pu ni sh m en t?Where did sin originate ifGod made all things good?Wh at h the best method ofcorrecting bsd habits inlittle children?Wliere was Jesus crucified?Ara all of the books of theBiblo Inspired and holy?

    Doors open at 7. Come early and enjoy th e music.

    Xs the seed of life an element of the unknown Ood?

    Is there a universal morallaw?


    8 .7,

    WARNING!The auditorium is filled to capacity every Sund ay night. Thesea n the most talked about meetings held In San Jose. If you comelate you may have to stand. Bring a friend and come early.

    NO COLLECTIONALL WELCOMEMake Tills Place Your Sunday Night Hour of

    Real Hstp in Improving Tour Health,Prosperity and Hspplness.

    ROSICRUCIAN AUDITORIUM Nag lee Ave., Bet. Chapman and Parle Avei.

    Take Alameda Trolley to NAGLEE AVE. Plenty of Auto Parking Space

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    San Jose Evening NewsSan Jose, CaliforniaSatu rday, December 5, 1931Page 12

    P u b l i c A s s e m bWEEKLY PERIOD for SELF UNFOLDMENT

    Every Sunday Night at 7:30 General Public WelcomeF ree of Creeds

    The most modem revelat ions of Life 's Mysteries and Oosmlo Lainwith helpful solut ions nnd pract ical aidi .

    Jusplr lnc Organ and O rchestra Select ions. Anclcnt Oriental Ritualand Impressive Ceremony In Attract ive Surrounding*.

    Tomorrow Night*s Discourse:

    M o r e M ir a c le s o fBy I t . Spcncer U h I i , F. R. C.. Ph. D.

    Author, Wsrkl Traveler, Bri l l iant Lecturer.

    At tho request of hundreds who were present last Sunday, Dr.Lewis will add to his previous talk on Miracles of Mind and explainfurther astonishing rovelat tons and manifestat ions of the power ofmind In tho hu m an body to at feet our physical, m ental and socialconditions. Th is discourse will prove Intensely interesting and holpfulto all.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:After Uie discourse etch Sunday, Dr. Lcvii will n*w*r quwtlorw

    pc ri nm in ff lo pe rs on al or n a ti o na l m a i tc n . A few of th o qu es tion sXor next Sunday nro;t . t f p l r l u r i t v i u a r i h l p f *

    * d P ( r d f a r A a n J o * * , w h a w il l b i th w m i f i ?

    t . t V h m m u I h a M d r ( J f i m b u rM d n i t e r t h a A i u n i l i a ?

    X W h r d a r a n p r a M U t r * d l s * 1 f( r a n J a i n l r t r 7 f u r c n i n l t a U o n T

    i. n i t i t k a p b r a t t . MT h r w i l l b t

    dans an rar lh i t I t I t l>l i ra i tn .11 Im lr * cpimtlen oftba

    I , i r t u i I t I k a d i f f e r e n t * f c t w t nI k a i v p r r r m i r l i i i m in d an dt h a t n d n a l l l a c a p l r l l af G a d ?

    . V i l t ha ra a i c r n i a t l wa rd 11?1, ITknUin (ha "DU tk (

    i u u u r Doors open at 7. Come early nnd enjoy the music.

    WANNING!Tlic auditorium Is f i lled to capaci ty every Sunday night . Hiese

    are the most talked-nbout mceuncs held tn Ban Joe*. If youcome late you may have to s tand. Bring a fr iend and come early.

    NO COLLECTIONALL WELCOMEMake Til l s P lace Your Sunday N l |h t Hour o f

    Real Help In Improving Your Health,Prosperi ty and Happiness.

    ROSICRUCIAN AUDITORIUMNaglee Ave,, Bet, Chapman and Park Aves,

    Take Alameda Trolley (0 NAGLEE AYR, Plenty of Auto Parkin? Space

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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2



    Every Sunday Night at 7:30General Public WolcomcFree of Creeds

    The mast modern rcvelalloni of Life's Mysteries and Cosmic f.aswith helpful zioluiioni find practical nidi.

    Insp iring Organ and Orch estra SolccLions. Ancient Oriental H u^aland Imnrc&ilvc Ceremony In Attractive Surroundinas.

    Tomorrow Night's Discourse:

    H o w V i b r a t i o n s A f f e c t(With Special Demonstrations)By I f . Spencer Lewis , F. I t . C . , P l i , D .

    Author, World Traveler, nrlllla nt te c tu m

    Come and eo the dem onstratio n! of vibrations. Le am !rlive* Como and lee Iheie dem onstratio ns of na tur e'! mysterloui forcesworking through us and around us.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:After the discourse each Sunday Dr. Lewis will answer qi*'ina

    pe rtaini ng to personal or naUo na l m at te rs . A few of th e ques t. >ia lu rnext Sunday are:

    I . Ar t cur( c Hm I I t t i ha i a f a i r I s b , p b p II i T

    t , Mi l l m i t i n i kn* rluird onaa altar daalliT

    S. hb i l i al l h i h > i i f t n I*aurrccd In lll< vtall* honralanra uffr audbrllar amplraTCin vlita Juallr demand Ibtaim# frcrdam Ibal i L .k baaband* aiamaaf

    Doors open a t 7. Come early and enjoy the ntuoic.

    WA RNINGIThe auditorium Is filled to capacity every Sunday night. Tht> r me the most talked about meetings held In San Joe. If you >cInto you may have to stAnd. Bring a friend and come cm y

    NO COLLECT 10N^~A LL WELCOMEMake Tills Place Your Sunday Night Hour of

    Real Help In Improving Youi Health,Prusperlty and Happiness.

    ROSICRUCIAN AUDITORIUMNaglee Ave., Bet. Chapman and Park Aoes.

    Take Alameda Trolley to NAGLEE AVE,Plenty of Auto Parking Space

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Dr. Lewis To Discuss Power

    Of Mans MindAt the Rnslrmclan public assembly

    o n fragile Avenue tomorrow night. Dr. Spencer Lewis will talk on "Self-Healing . At the request of hundreds who have been attending the public meetings. he will explain the rational, simple and sane methods used and taught by the Roslcruclans for many centuries for preventing disease and correcting inharmonious or abnormal chronlo or temporary conditions in the human body.

    Dr. Lewis will contend that not only through the use of the mind and Its creative healing powers but through many other simple methods, the person who la 111 can easily bring about important changes In his physical condition and cure himself of most of the ailments that hold man In an Imperfect state.

    The usual half hour period of music will precede the discourse, and at the close o I the discourse there will be the usual answering of questions dealing with practical affairs of life.

    On Friday night, March 11, Dr. Lewis will give the third of the series of Friday evening illustrated travelogs. This coming Friday night the subject will be a travel through Jerusalem and Syria, illustrated by scenes and incidents depleting the strange people, strange occupations and holy shrines in these localities.

    The lecture will begin at 7:30 o'clock, but the doors arc open at 7. Children are not admitted unless accompanied by parents. There is no collcctlon or admission charge.

    San Jose Evening NewsSan .lose, CaliforniaSaturday, March 5, 1932Page 5

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    R O M n ti T iA N O R n r i tTomorrow nlcht Dr. Levis. the

    Imprratnr of the Rosicrucian Ordrrnnd author, world-traveler and brU-llnnt lecturer will take as the subjec tof his discourse, "Overcoming Obstacles" and wUI explain how theRoslrmclsn principles may be appliedIn one's every-day life to overcomethese obstacles surely and quickly.These lectures have been held forcapacity audiences every Sunday evening durin g the winter. Dr. Lewisannounces that they will be dlneon-Untied during the summer monthsand that the last lecture of this season will be Riven March 21. The public Is Invited to attend- The re Is nondmUslon charg e or collection. It Isnecessary, however, to be at the Rosl-crucia n Auditorium on Naglee 'Avenue. before 7:30 jw every seat In thelarge auditorium Is occupied by thattime. Afte r the discourse Dr. Lewiswill answer a number of questionsdealing with personal and practicalmatters ai well as those pertainingto r e l i g i o u s a nd p hi lo so ph ic almysteries.

    San Jose Evening News San Jose. California Saturday, March 12, 1932 Page 5

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    Dr. Lewis Will Speak On Vesuvius Tonight

    Tonight at the Roscraclan Temple on Nagl*e Avenue, Dr. H. Sprncer Lewis will give another of hi* beautifully Illustrated travelogs. Tills time lie will conduct his audience around Vesuvius and throueh the land of Pompeii. The magnificen t ruins Bnd beautiful shrines of this part of the world will make a fascinating and instructive lecture.

    It will commence at 7*30 p. m but the auditorium doors will be opened at 7 o'clock. Admission is free. Children are admitted only when accompanied by their parents.

    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Friday, March 18, 1932 Page 6

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    Rosicrucians, Exponents Of Ancient Cult, Observe New Years Here Sunday

    C. W. Rodgers One of Few in Region Following Path Bl&i-

    ed By An Old Philosophy

    I F o llo w in g a n in te lle c tu a l p a t h c u t; by the phi losopher of old thro ug h ai wilderness of superstit ion. ha if-| knowledge an d absolute ignoranceI C La rles W. R odgers. 233 Ease Mair*

    | street. is looking forward :o the%d1vent of a New Year tomorrow.! I n t h e c a le n d a re d e x is te nc e of t h e

    m ajor i ty o i A mer icans , tomorrowwill be the first day of Spring; butto Mr. Rodgers it will be New Year'sDay. The difference in ou t l rok isaccounted for by the fac t th a t Mr.Ro dgers is a Rosicrucian, an d aRosicrucian is par t icular ly cognizant ol the laws o! nature .

    M ention oi toe word Rosicrucianis introduct ion 10 a vast s tore o:tradition and fcis.orv that l inK. Mid-

    ( cUe town w iu i me l ana e s t c ame ;*i of the e a r th an d the ear l ies t days of

    civilizatio n. M r. Ro dgers is one ozthe lew members in th i s reg ion orthe order worldwide in scop?, ancient in or igin and phi iosopmcal inio u n da uo a and pu rpose .

    Cla iming or ig in as a i ra tem i ty in ,Egypt in u ie re ign ot Ph arao h T n ut - mcse I I I , the Ros ic ruc ian O rc^r may } be traced th ro u g h th e ages m ore by

    New Year for Him


    Tomorrow wil l be bir thday ________________ _ _______ .......... ............ , . of the echoes oi i ts teaching ana the j Sp ring for most of us but for Mr. _ .. . *- - ' th e .quackery i t unwonteajy inspired than by reason o t its ow n repu ta tio n . T heRosicrucian OrO?r today, reputedlyfollowing the tenets in lorce since itsfounding in 150U B. C.. is fraternztvnon -sec ta rian , in te rna t iona l andadmit t ing both sexes on an equal i tyof membersh ip for the prcmonon of

    Ia more enl ightened l iving based onI know ledge of na tura l laws some-

    j t im es ignored by hu m an be ings. In| the m ediev al ages it w as the tool ofmo re m an one clever sefcemer wnose

    Rogers i t will mark adventRosicrucian year 3285. of

    w m

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    j I t s exis tence shrouded in m y s te r y , !! alth ou gh ap pa ren tly so t in deliber- j

    j a te sec re cy . d uring m a s t of its h is - ?| tory, know ledge of the Ro sicr uci an iO rae r was revived in m e Seven teen- jth Century by the wri tings of Jo - ;ha nn Valent in Andrea, a learned jcleric who told the stor y of C hn s- |t ian Rosenkreuz, a Fo urtee nth Cen- ;

    tury sch ola r who was sup pos ed to ;nave sp ent m uch t ime in the lands iof civuization's oriyrn. in pursuit oi Ithe vauntsd Wisdom of the i^ast-

    HavLng acquired i t , he returned to Europe to share nis knowledge with |those w ho care d to tune Iheir l ives ,to th a t hi gh level, accor ding to th e ;Andrea s t j ry. B u t the re s tu l ex is t suncer ta inty whether Brtober Rosen-Jireuz was a historical hgure or the 1invention o1 Andrea lor tne purpose !oi a mis und erstoo d s aiirizarion oi ithe philosopmcal lollies cl his age.The t e rm ros ic ru c ian i s va r iously ;

    rep orte d to have i ts ormin in his jname; in the cross decorated with a jsingle rose that is its public symbolan a in comb inat ion ot th e woras res ,me aning dew whicn medieval a l -cnenusLs considered the west pow-criu l solv ent of nold. and crux. J meaninu cross, whicn 10 th m was asymbol ol k iRht ra ther uian reng-ious revelation.

    A lte r Anemia public intere st . inRcsicru cianisin seemingly lagged !unt i l th e spur ious County Ca^n us- iiro seized upon us m ysticism and |the Em ht -en m Century pasc ion lo r ;

    pseudo-science to prey on com m on- jcrs an d roy alty aime with tne aid joi his lasc m atin g and equally in- :

    priniciplcd w ue. Lornz& teU cian a. Over m e leng th and b r. a d th oi ur - [ope an a in Asia a na .nuica meUag liostaos sold love nhi ltres , dis- i

    I pensed elixirs of your.h an d dea lt in i| ail Kinds 01 ma^ ie tncy inuuueu 11.| their actw ites establish me nt ol :

    w hat Cag liastro asserted was a new :system oi the Freemasonry in Eny-lan d b ut whic h the jvia^onic orde r japp ears to have repudiu t. d.

    With ihi? Egyptian inllucnce con- it inuing to dominate i t s i^oienc pn u - ic iples an d pract ices , the anr ien r iorder ha s accomm odated i tse lf to !tne dcmanas oi progress ing ages

    I throufih iLs comb inatio n oi prac ii-I caliiy w ith mystr icism .

    Tomorrow therelo re will see the 1 beginning of the ye ar 3285 cn the !

    Rosicrucian calendar.I T h o ad v en t ol the Rosicrucian II New Ye ar varies with eac h year, de- ji pending on the ex act t ime ihe sun j

    enters the zodiac sign of Aries.I n t he 1932 of the Julia n ca len dar j

    the sun wifi en tr r Aries at 2:44 p. m. jEastern S tan da rd Time. March :twentieth, and Mr. Rodgers. In common wi th Ros ic ruc ians th roughoutthe world, will celrbiate the birth cfa New Year with a .sj'nibohcal fea-strepresented by the use of corn, salrand grape juice , prayer and a br ief :r i tua l tha t inc ludes an a t t empt a t m e n t a l contact wi th Rosicrucians in ievery pa rt of America. j

    Middletown Times Herald Middletown, New York

    Saturday, March 19, 1932 Page 3

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    Fitchburg SentinelKitchburg. MassachusettsSaturday, March 19, 1932Page 2

    Officers of the Rosicrucian order) will be installed March 25 a t a ceremony m connection with its New Year's observance. H ie officers Hr'* Mastei, Walter A. Brook; Becrrta-}, Edw m l Ktnloch treasurer, EIim Syria The ancient idea ofij the New Year will be observed | when thf* sun enters the zodiacal *sign of Aries, March 20, at 2 44 p m !


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Success Talk To

    Lewis TomorroivMethods used by members o f t hoR o s i c r u c i a n O r d e r t h r o u g h o u t t l i o

    wor ld In b r ing ing succoss In to tho l rl ives wi l l bo the topic of tho addressto be dpl lvcrrd by Dr. H. BpenccrLewis a t t he Ros lc ruc lnn Aud i to r iumon Nagl Ave nue tom orro w nig ht.

    O n S u n d a y, M a r c h 3 7. th e l a s t oft h e p r e s e n t s e r i e s o f S u n d a y s e r v i c e sa n d d i sc o u r se s w i l l e n d w i th a s p ec i a l p r o g r a m o f E s s t e r m u s i c a n d a nnddroes on "The Rea l Chr i s t Ar i sen . "T he se rv i ces w i ll be d i scon t inued t em p o ra r il y d u r in g th o sp r in g a n d su mm e r m o n t h s . O n F r i d a y e v e n in g ,M arch 26, Dr. Lew is wi ll c lose hi*

    I l l u s t r a t ed l ec tu rc s . i t w i l l be opon tothe pub l i c f r ee o f chn rgo .

    Be Given Dr.

    San Jose Kvcning NewsSan Jose. C aliforniaSaturday, March 19, 1932Page 5

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    San Jose Evening NewsSan Jose, CaliforniaSaturday, March 19,1932Page 5

    -V/- W '

    rs,A A3Rosicrucian

    P u b l i cAssem blWEEKLY PERIOD for SELF UNFOLDMENT

    Sunday Night at 7:30 General Public WelcomeFree of Creeds


    Last public assembly, March 27 Tho most modern revelations of Life's Mysteries and Cosmic Lawi

    with helpful solutions and practical Aids.Inspiring Organ And Orchestra Selections. Ancicn t Oriental Ritual

    tnd Imprcsslvo Ceremony In Attraotlvo Surroundings.

    Tomorrow Night's Discourse:

    A T T R A C T I N G By II. flprnctr Lewis, F. II. C., Th. D.

    Author, World Traveler, Brilliant LecturerTh roiii h Uia use of torrni very tim iili rules you ta n n-ttrnot m i c c m m and

    pro& nrruy an d ke rp fn il ur e find de pres sion ou t of your Il fs . D r. L ew u willexplain theso timplo methods.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:After ll iff durouifce Or l*w is will answe r a number of questions p^rttl nln c

    u> perivcmal. practical mailer*, as well as thoie d e a l i n g with rcllflou* and phll( p h u 1 n>yk t/> nei r

    FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTUREOn Friday evening. March 3fi, Dr. T^wls will slvtr Uib laa t of lu* lectures.The Subject will bo A Tour Ttirousii the Principal Sttanso Places niidWondern of Europe. '1 beautifully illuitrnted. Leoture start* t 7 30. Door*open al 7 00 No ad mlM ion cha rs e i no oo llec tlon . T h is la an aa tonlshlaEly be aut iful le ctu re

    Doors Open at 7. Como Early and Enjoy tho Music. NO COLLECTION ALL WELCOME

    ROSICRUCIAN AUDITORIUM Naglee Ave., Bet. Chapman and Park Aves.

    Take Alameda Trolley to NAGLEE AVE.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    I he Sail I ake TribuneSalt Lake City, UtahSunday Morning, March 20, 1932Page A 11

    Ancient Order Arranges Feast

    Utah fol lowers of Ihe ancient Rosicrucian order, who wil l observe

    I the v ern al equin ox, anc iently cele b r a te d a t the beg inn ing o f th e new>jear, w ill com m em ora te the occasioniwlth symbolical least and ri tuaL Wll-1llam J. Parkinson, 23CB Third Eaststreet , has received ihe official proclamat ion of the day f rom the GrandLodge o f the Nor th Amer ican Ju r i s

    diction of t l ie ordur, AMORC, In SanJose, Cal if . In announcing the observance, Mr. Parkinson said:

    "The symbol ical feas t i s represented by the use of c o j t j , sal t , and grape

    j lice, th e fo rm of foods re p re s en ting the assimilation into the body ofthe necessary e lements for exis tence.A unique feature cf the r i tual Is the

    pe riod of m ed ita tio n follo wing theceremonial feas t , when Rosicruciansin every pa r t o f Nor th Amer ica wi l la t tempt a unif ied mental contact ."


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Lincoln Evening Journal Lincoln, Nebraska Friday, June 10,193 2 Page 6

    From the "Daily Drift" Column by Dr. Am mi L. Bixbi.

    ! who has been dead as long aa Pyt hagora s, but I have no patience with a man dead or living who, as a mystic, gives out a lot of wild conjectures, and stubbornly refuses to tell what hp knows,Pythagoras, as I have said before.In Epvpt filled chuck up with myatlc

    lore.He heard the prattle that the priests

    unloosed,And swallowed all the bunk that they

    produced.These mys terie s4 he dare not adve r

    tise;The few who claimed his confidence

    looked wise.And organized to k;e p within each

    vestThe secret wisdom that the cult pos

    sessed.The Rosicrucians think they have It

    caught.But may be stringing us, as like as

    not.I f esot?ric knowledge comes to me.I'll lay the cards right down where

    all can s*e.If truth appears to me. alive and real.I'll let the cockeyed world in on the


    I see. writes Fred B. Humphrey, "that you are intere sted in Pythagoras and his teachings. His 'hokum* started with the perfection and improvement of the physical body, and development of the soul. In his games he prohib

    ited wre stli ng not a bad idea and taught the reality of the sub jective, and unreal ity of the ob ject ive universe , because the inte rnal or thought-life is the cause of the external w'orld. What we think we become. There, my dear friend, was where Pythagoras slipped in his philosophy as he did in his notion that there is suchan arrest of development in the spirit world that the heckled and

    harrassed personality has to come back and suffer the tortures of repeated Incarnations in order to develop a soul that in the centuries unnumbered will become afit associate for other souls that have made the grade, and are parked on the fadeless mountains of perfection beyond the ken of mortal understanding. It isn't for mo to say a word against a man who has been dead as long as

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, June 20,19 32 Page 4

    L i b e l T r i a l I s C o n t i n u e d

    Asking additional time to obtainfurther evidence, George L. Smith,

    Bakersfield newspaperman, appeared be fore Just lco of th e Peace G ra ndlnH. Miller today and Ills trial on acriminal libel charge was continueduntil July 10 at 10 a. ni.

    Smith is charged by Dr. H. SpencerLewis, lmperator of the RosicrucianOrder, with international headquarters on Naglec.Avenue here, of havinglibeled Dr. Lewis and members of theorder. The complaint charges th a tSmith caused written documents to be circula ted, ca lling Dr. Lewis andtho Rosicrucian officials "liars andthieves,"

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    Middletown Times l leraldMiddletown. New YorkFriday, Ju ne 24, 1932Page 4

    Public ForumMIRRORS OF THE PASTE d i t o r , T h e T i m e s H e r a l d : May I t r e s

    pass on yo ur .space t o offer t h e followingas a t h o u g h t lor this l i nn* when p o l i t i c sand economics a r c the p r ime concern ofthousands of Americans.

    I t Is sa id the present mirrors (he past .E v e r y f u n d a m e n t a l o f h u m a n n a t u r e o rof .social or political life finds iis reflect ion in events of the past as chronicled

    by his tory. T oday our cit izens arc con-crrned more wllh resul t* ol governmen-tul decrce as i t alTects their l ives than in

    pa r t i c ipa t in g in e s ta b l i shm e n t of a p r o per g ove rnm e nt . If we t u r n ba ckw ard toUse second century of peace of thoRom an Emp ire dur in g the turn- of Ti tuswe li iul the people at that t ime moreconcerned with personal a l la i rs and localact ivi t ies a :ul leaving governm ental a l -fa u s to the em per or an d lii.s lew selectedoflicials. Even I hose ri ghts gra nt ed th e people th e y n eg lfc ted exercis ing. T hey p re fe r re d p e r fo rm a n c e of dut ies in t he i rl imi ted persona l sphere . Th is eve n tua lly ma de tho indi vid ua l r>i lit!I p i m p o r tance to the slate so Lit as his con t r ibutions lo .slate administration was concerned.

    We /incl this condition recurring today.It must be realized that the individual Isthe creator of the s ta te and the s ta te isfor and of him. and he must concernhimscJl with It or democracy Becomes asham . For the individual today r ight lyto serve his s ta te and create an ideal onehe mus t o f necess i ty unders ta nd h imsel f .

    In connec t ion wi th th i s thought a recent pamphlet publ ished by the Rosicrucian order, se ts for th in par t th i s in te rest ing sLq len ien t;

    1 T h e c h a ng e s n o w t a k i n g p la ce a re t h emost important In the his tory of the

    , world 's adv anc em ent . They arc themost im po rta nt boot use they now arethe most world-wide and involve more

    persons, m ore countr ies, and more op po r tun i t ies This is go ing to be thegolden daw n for mill ions of thi nki ngmen a nd women. It is going to be thegrea tes t oppor tun i ty tha l the wor ld hasever seen for t he a m h i f i o u s m a n a n dwoman in the middle class of l ife to riseto the highest posi t ions and to controlthei r own fat e an d t heir own destiny. Itis an individual opp ortu ni ty for al l. Theindividual must learn tochoowe carefully bu t to re m e m b e r t h a t the c hanges aretaking place rapidly They will not waitfor the one who hes itat es Every ho ur isof value to yon. and you can begin thisvery day to m ake your l ife what it should be.

    Ti ns is not a song of false optimism Itis an a t t e m pt to b r ing to rea l i za t ion tha tIht- Male is a structure built of units ofindividuals and can r ise no higher thanthe vision held by the ma ss of thes eunits. If I m ay offer the sug gestio n. Iwould suggest l hat those who are in teres ted a long these sub jec t s read the interes t ing booklet . The Wisdom of theSn*;e.s" which sets this subject out in avery f asc ina tin g way. Incid ental ly, itmay be secured freely f rom the abovement ioned Rosicrucian Organizat ion atSan Joso. California.

    Tn conclusion, i t must be rememberedha: a polit ical state is a conception of

    man and that i t s perfect ion depends onthe development of man.


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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    conception of man, and its perfection depends upon the development of man. ,

    Walter Kurtz,Altoona.

    (From Iage 4)

    witji it or democracy becomes a shanu For the individual today to rightly aerve his state and to creatc an ideal one, he must of necessity thoroughly understand himself.

    In connection with this thought a ieccnt pamphlet published by the Rosicrucian order. AMORC/' and distributed freely, entitled "1932 and You," sets forth in part this interesting statement:

    "The changes now taking place are the most important In the history of the world's advancement. They are the most important bccause they .are the most world-wide ana involve more persons, more countries, and more opportunities. This is going to be the golden dawn for millions of THINKING men and women.It is going to be the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen for the AMBITIOUS men and women in the middle class of life to rise to the highest positio ns and to control their own fate and their own destiny.It is an individual opportunity

    for ail. The individual must learn to choose carefully, but to remember that the changes are taking place rapidly. They will not wait for the one who heiitates. Every hour is of value to you and you can begin this very day to make your life wl iat it should be. This is not a song of false op

    timism. It is an a ttemp t to bring 1the realization that the state is a structure built of units of individuals and can rise no higher than the vision held by the mass of these units.

    In conclusion, It must be remembered that a political state is a

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    San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, July 20,193 2 Pages 1 and 2

    Rosicrucian Order Head Literary Thief Is De

    fense Argument

    Counter charges of plagiarism werehurled -In Justice Grandln H. Miller'scourt by attorneys for George L.Smith. Bakersfield printer, against Dr.H. Spenrer Lewis, when the printeropened his defense to the RosicrucianOrder head's libel charge today.

    By books and pamphlets, allegedlywritten by Dr. Lewis and members ofhis editorial board and published bythe Rosicrucian Order here. AttorneyEugene Grattan, defending Smith,sought to prove that his clientscharges of "literary thief" against Dr.Lewis are true.

    The charges are made In n letterallegedly written to Dr. Lewis by SmithInst March 25. copies of which weresaid to have been circulated by Smithover various parts of the country andabroad.

    LEWIS ON STANDThese charges were denied by Dr.

    Lewis, when the prosecution reopenedIts case as court convened this morning and called him to testify. The prosecution rested Immediately af terward.

    The first witness called by the defense was Dr. Lewis. Attorney Grattan's efforts, however, to use booksranging from economics to astrologyas a basis to prove his plagiarismcharges met defeat at the numerousobjections entered by Deputy DistrictAttomy Frank J. Watcrhouso andSpecial Prosecutor Alfred Aram.

    "Even though Dr. Lewis got Ideasfrom other books as a basis for hisown," Waterhouse objected time andtime again, "the evidence is not sufficient to prove literary theft and IsIrrelevcnt." The court sustained mostof the objections along this line.

    Smith's charge that lectures weretaken from the Book of Knowledgewere admitted by Dr. Lewis.

    In 1920 when he was In Egypt, he


    Resents Verbal Pummeling

    Dr. II. Spencer Lewis, Imp*rlor of(he Order of Ronlcruelana, Is accusing George L. Smith, Bakersfield

    p ri n te r, of cr im inal libe l In a n ae -tlon now occupying the attention ofa local court. Dr. Lewis is shownabove; S mith in the lower picture.Lotner Engraving Service photos.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 2


    I testified, a woman lie engaged to pre pa re a aer ies of ar tic le s on ch ild cu ltural subjects obtained material fromthe Boole or Knowledge" for five orsix of tho series.

    Dr. Lewis also declared that a poemallegedly published by him severalyears after it appeared In anotherautho r's work was originally trans latedfrom the walls of an old Egyptiantemple dating back thousa nd! of years.

    The Roslcruclan Order, he testified,was formed by him In this country In1800 with permission of the order InPrance. It Is Incorporated In California under tho name of tho AncientMystical order of Roslcruclans, Is aneducational and fraternal organization, and Is non-profit making.

    Only four witnoies were called bytho prosecution yesterday. Testimonywas that the letter, allegedly written

    by 8m lth , was ma iled to Dr . Lew ishere and to other members of thaRoslcruclan Order In Seattle, Iowa,Canada, England and alsewhere, and

    ICntlnarl *n Pi| Twi)

    | LEWIS LIBEL(C m i Im i I F ra n h i t O b i )

    Uutl It was composed for apparentlymalicious purposes.

    Tha witnesses wer# Ralph Lewis,aon of the lmpcrator and Brand secretary of the order; R. H. Knox, manager of the local Better Business Bureau; M n. Mary A, Burke, Beadlecosmetologist, and A. L. RenfO. KernCounty deputy aherlff. who arrestedBmlth at hu Bakersfield homs onLewis warrant and confiscated 40copies of the alleged libel letter and *mimeograph stencil

    Ralph Lewia testified that he hidreceived the letter written to hisfather. Mr. Knox declared he received a copy of tha letter from Cal-tary, Canada, and Mrs, Burke statedano also had received * copy fromSmith.

    Tha letter, read Into the court record by Assistant District AttorneyFrank J. Waterhouse, contains muoh

    m atter of sensational n ature allegedlyreflecting upon Lewis' personsl integrity and hla connection with the Roel-crucian Order, Excerpts from thl letter. headed "You Rotter. are aafollows:

    Lewis, you lie when you say that you are a doctor of philos