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AMORC Ads 1943-1945

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Ue£ecAet <xj M E N T A L C R E A T I N GT F you just like to dream, read no further. There

comes a time when your fancies must be broughtinto light— and stand the test of every-day, hardrealities. A rc you one of the thousands—perhapsmillions—whose thoughts never get beyond thestage of  wistful wishing? Do you often come tofrom a daydream with the sigh, “I f only I could bring it about— make it real?"

All things begin with thought—it is what follows that may take your life out of the class of those who hope and dream. T hought energy, likeanything else, can be dissipated—or it can be madeto produce actual effects. If you know how to place ■your thoughts you can stimulate the creative processes within your mind—through them you canassemble things and conditions of your world intoa happy life of accomplishment. Mental creating docs not depend upon a magical process. It consists of knowing how to marshal your thoughts intoa power that draws, compels and organizes yourexperiences into a worth-while design of living.


Let the Rosicrucians tell you how you may accomplish these things. The Rosicrucians (not areligious organization), a world-wide philosophicalfraternity, have preserved for centuries the ancients’ masterful knowledge of the functioning of the inner mind of man. They have taught menand women how to use this knowledge to recreate their lives. They offer you a free copy of the fascinating book, "The Mastery of L ife." It tellshow you may receive this information for studyand use. Use coupon opposite.

*7!u R osicrucians(AMORC)


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BICYCL ES, parts, tires. Also scooter tires.all sizes. Send dime for list. Cycle Trans-

port Co., 1241 So. Michigan Ave.. Chicago.1 1 1 . ___________________ _______________________________________ 


MU SIC composed to words~Rhymlng pam-phlet on request. Phonograph recording 

of completed song. Send poem Keenan s Studios, D ept. PS, Box 2140. Bridgeport,Conn._______________________ ________________

LEARN precision piano tuning easily at home by our new  Temperameter teach

ing device. Free booklet. Bryant School, 9B, Augusta. Michigan.LE ARN Swing piano! Postal brings free 

folder. Christensen, 465 Kimball H ail,Chicago.  ___ ——WANTED— Piano accordions—any condi-

tion Send description. Immediate cash.Chaton. 600 Blue Island. Chicago. .WAN TE D! Lyrics, melodies for songs. We 

arrange, publish, sell. Superior SongStudios. Passaic. N. J .____________


SON G Poems Wanted: Write for free In-structive booklet. United Music Gorpoia

tlon. Dept. J 1. Salem, Indiana. ___ _

EVE RYTH IN G for violin making. Fraser, 2025 Starko St.. Saginaw. Mich.

OLD GOLD, WAT CHE S, PRECIO USSTONES _______ ________ _ 

GOLD $35.00 Ounce—Mall old gold teeth, diamonds, Jewelry, watches receive cash 

by return mall. Satisfaction guarani Free Information. Dr. Weisbergs Gold Re-fining Co.. 1500B Hennepin, M inneapolis, Minn


I WILL pay $100.00 each for 1924 ic green Franklin stamps, rotary (te-

en (up to $1,000.00 each unused) Send 6c today for large Illustrated foldei show-

ing amazing prices paid. Vernon Baker,33P.S.. Elyria. O h i o . _______


IN VENT ORS: Take first step toward pro-tecting your invention— without obliga-

tion Write for free " Record ol Invention form for establishing date of Invention and Free " Patent Guido for the Inventortelling about confidential search servicc. how to sell and market inventions. details of convenient payment plan Send today for free "Patent Guide'' and ' R d of  Invention" form. Clarence A. OB tlon jJeH arvey Jacobson, Registered Patent At-torneys, 32BC Adams Building. Washlngton, D. C . ____________ _______________

PATENTS Secured. Two valuable booklets" Patent Protection" and "When and 

How to Sell an Invention" , together with valuable "Evidence of Invention form sent free. Write Immediately to experienced 

patent counselors, Victor J. E vans & Co., 741C M erlin Bldg.. Washington. D. C.

RO SICR UCIAN secret teachings are offered to those who seek to use them solely for 

the perfection of their i nne r faculties, and in the mastering of the dally obstacles of  life: the International Organization of Rosicrucians will be happy l0. I ,requests of those who believe that worthi-ness and sincerity determine the right for one to have such wisdom; to them, a copy of "The Mastery of L ife, a fascinating book, will be given without prlce. et this book guide you to the conservative plan wherebv you may widen your scope of Pei  sonal Power. Simply address yourletterto  Scribe W.P.K., Amorc Temple. RoslcrucianPark, San Jose, California . _______ ______

MANY people think Ontology is "The Pearl of Great Price" described by Jesus: the 

pure, original teaching which enab ed the Disciples to heal the sick a,1.1d raise tiho dead T he power to perfoim Miracles is still available to a n y o n e who understands the M etaphysical precepts outlined l j i t he Scriptures. Ontology opens the Bible, solves troublesome problems, helps you * results when you pray. Ontology can help you nnd true companionship. ^^ P o w er  real self, acquire Conscious Mind gain health, happiness, confidence, lty. Send lor free 24page bookiettoday. MiuhL chanKe your entire lire pattern. Alexander Keene, D3, Sedalla, Missouri. TE LE PATH Y and the hidden power of  

your mind. Make your own demonstra-tion by getting what you want.the TIc c pathlc way. Booklet tree oi better still .send il .00 now for first, r>M entalM agic lessons with strictly personal liist.ru<atoti AUun tean Telepathic Guild. Box 582B, H arris-burg. P a . ____________

PSOR IASIS Sufferers: P ixacol. used only as directed, has brought relief when 

everything else failed. Applied externally, dries quickly, convenient. T ry regular | l bottle without Investing a cent! Write. Pixacol L ab.. Box 1298. Cleveland._Ohlo. 

HE ALTH Seekers! You must learn Nature’s way. to get well and keep well. $7.00 buys Dr. Chlrlla s 600 page book. Nature s Advanced Physician H ealth Guide De-tails mailed Free. Dr. Chlrila s Sanitarium  Clinic, 706 E. Jacksoii Blvd.. E lkhart. I nd. 

 YOU R subconscious mind can and will give you whal. you desire, when you know 

how to Direct It. Write for our tree treatise "Creative Power Is available to you " Creative Thought, Studio. P.O . Box 1 Greendale Station. Worcester. Mass.

IN VENTORS: Before disclosing your in-vention to anyone send for Form E vi-

dence of Conception": "Schedule o' Gov-ernment and Attorney s Iees and instruc-tions. Sent free. L ancaster. Allwlne &  Rommel, 413 Bowen Building. Washlngton. D. C. _____________________

IN VENTORS: Send for free copy my 72 page book on patents. Reasonable terms. 

Prompt action. Confidential, personal serv-ice. L. I". Randolph. Dept. 340A. Washlngton. D. C. __

" IN VENTO RS Guide" free, containing 100 mechanical movements, information 

about patenting, selling inventions. F rank  B. L edermann. 154 Nassau St.. New York. 

“PATEN TParticulars" and Blanks, free.airmailed. Sterling Buck. PH otel Plaza. 

Washington. D. C.PATENTS __________.

DOO BLE SIZE 4x6 prints. Q uality work, Guaranteed. Everlasting. H lgloss finish. 

Overnight service. Your roll developed—8

4x6 prints from 116 or 120, 30c. All other sizes in proportion. 12 exposure roll, 40c; 16 or 18 exposure roll, 55c; 36 exposure roll, $1.10 Reprints. 4x6. 3>,2C each. No order less than 25c. Get our low prices on en-largements dbl. weight velvet finish and copies made from new and old prints. Sena for mail bags. Pacific Photo Service. Box666, San Francisco, Calif. ________ _

'EXCLUSIVE Iii !rodnri nr\ o ll ei 14 beautl.ful enlargements for JOc. Send any J 

negatives of the same size (up to 2 2 »4 1 '.,") and wo will return to you immediate, ly 4 valuable enlargements deckled anddated on Velox. Negatives returned with order Send negatives, this ad and 10c cointoday. This ad must accompany order, MailN Save, Box 3 1 0 6 . Quincy, Mass. RE ADYT OF RAM E 6x4 Enlargements, 5o( 

Hand colored 20c from your negative. II reprints your negative, 25o. Kodak roll developed with 16 guaranteed decklededgt Velox prints 25c! 36 exposure 35mm. roll developed, vaporated, enlarged to 3x4, $100. 3x4 reprints. 3c each. Immedial!Service! Free mailers! American Studioi,Dept. 61J, LaCrosse. WIs. „

FINER Finishing Specials 25c. E ight expo sure roils developed, with two prints of 

each or one enlarged print of each nega-tive. Genuine nationally known Moon ton* Enamel Finish. Superior quality since 1891, Moen Photo Service. 200 Moen Bldg.. IA Crosse. Wisconsin._______________ ■

OIL coloring photographs a fasnnatlnj hobby or profitable business. Learn itl 

home. Easy simplified method. PreviotM experience unnecessary. Send for free In-formation and requirements. National Arl school. 1315 Michigan, Dept. 1722. CbicatM 

25c SPECI AL offer brown color toiler. ToiiM 200 snapshots. No darkroom needed Scnl 

prepaid. F.dwal Laboratories. 738 ledertUl

Chica g o . ________ ____________________ _

b e au t i f u l enlargement from each pffl ture on roll. 25c. Cut Rate Photos, Depli

A6. Janesville, Wisconsin. ____ ...8 EXPO SURE rolls. Giant size, 25c; 16 «»•

posure rolls, 50c. M ayfair Photos, Bot2(>I A. Toledo. Ohio ,EN LARGEMEN TS, two 5 x 7 from new.

tlves. 25c (coin). Garrett' s, Pittsburgh, Kansas.

BUY wholesale; sell razor blades; tooth paste; shaving cream; personal needs; 

etc Free catalog. Keystone. 72 Fifth Ave-nue, New York. New York.FREE: Catalog of specially selected, inter-

esting mid useful lowpriced Items. Send for your copy today! E. Mlnnick Co., T im-ber villje _Va. __________________ _ __________

SONGWRI TE RS, write for free booklet, 

Profit Sharing Plan. Allied Music. Dept. 68. 204*East Fourth. Cincinnati. Ohio. LE ARN Ventriloquism. 3c stamp brings 

particulars. Smith. Dept. 206, 801 Blgelow, Peorin. Illinois._________________________

SAVE your blades! Miracle hone gives 100 shaves to razor blade. Orensteln, 6221  

23 Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y  JE SUS Christ prophesies end of present 

war. Particulars Free. Box 363P, Farm-land, Indiana.WOULD you like your eyesight improved  

and discard glasses? Send 25c for full in -structions. L. F. Neer. Lake Worth. F la. SOCIAL magazine, photos, addresses, 25c;

year. $1.00. Western Agency, 815Sg Hill, Los Angeles.

IN VENTORS: Foresighted manufacturers already planning postwar sale of new 

nonmilitary products. I f you have a useful invention, patented or unpatcnted. write Chartered Institute of American Inventors, Dept 3B. Washington. D. C. _

PERSONAL ______________ 

DI SCOVE R how I rid myself of hemor-rhoids (piles) without medication or sur-

gery, after 20 years of suffering and dis-comfort. Send $1.00 for details to M Myers, p O Box 526. s\ nta Monica, Cali fornia.

SULPH UR Baths At H omei H ealthful, re-freshing. Liquid concentrate now makes 

this possible. Send $1.00 for pint bottle, good for 16 soothing baths. Gottlieb, i9 E lmhurst, D etroit. Michigan.

LO WEST prices blades, rubber sundries, personal needs. Free details. Star Prod-

ucts. Buffalo. N. Y. _

BUY Vitamins direct. Save. Postcard— Matoska Products. White Bear. Minn. _



PHOT OSTATS of marriage licenses, blrlfc certificates, checks, and all valuable dofr 

uments. Safeguard this I nexpensive wtf, Originals and photostats returned postpali, Send 50c for each copy wanted. Flexostrt 110 West 40th. New York.

TIE and wrap rolls securely. Do not mail in ordinary envelopes. Address plainly

BI GGEST $1.00 value in 35MM finishing today. 36 exposure fine grain 3','4X4',2 en 

largements; deckled, embossed margin ana date. E ighteen exposures 75c: sixteen ex-posure splits 55c. Free mailers. 8 exposure rolls in beautiful, deckled contact finish with embossed wide margin. 25c. Mailbag Film Service. Box 54^0A. Chicago._________ |

RE PRI NTS 2'ic each, 100—$2.00. 6 or 8exposure rolls developed 2 prints each 

exposure, 25c. 36 exposure 35mm rolls fine igrain enlarged prints. $1.00. Mailing en |velopes Free. Mercury, B109 North Dear ,born, Chicago.

p o u l t r y & s ur rJ U E s  ___ 

CH ICKS and Poults champion mated, ft)

varieties, 7 Hybrids, licensed Inspect**, bloodtested. Rush postal, large colowl book, low prices. Berry's Farm, Route II.Clarlnda. Iowa. ___________  jGET daily Income from chickens and egg 

Leading poultry magazine tells nor Small investment. Steady pay SubsorB now One year, 25c; five years, $1. PouMlj Tribune._De_pt. 23,_Mo11nJ._Morris,_1 11,. 

LOO K! Baby Chicks and Mature Breed*# In 67 breeds. Catalog free. Nabob PoullM

Co.. Box S. Gamb'er, Ohio.__________ _


75 8'/2 x 11 HAMMERMIL L letterheads »W75 Wliltewove envelopes, *1.00 postp»li 

Benneville, 907 West Roosevelt, FhlMQUphia. _______________________________

SEND for free catalog and samples of lui, cost, quality printed items for per*** 

and business needs. L lanerch Print BH** 5382 Wales A'cnue. Llanerch, Pa. J  

HAMME KMILL Letterheads, envelop billheads, statements. Samples free. DM  

Press, Box 423T , Greensboro. N. C. i

CL ASSY printing economically prodmjj Quick deliveries. Samples. Sicocan, Il f  

Windham, St. Louis.

125 8’ix ll LETT ERH EADS and 125 fj velopes neatly printed. $125. John rtt  

reira. 220 Almy St.. New Bedfod. Muiil.


PRINT your own cards, stationery, oil* lars. advertising. Save money, aim

rules furnished. P rint for others, s profit. Junior outfit $8.25; Senior otllj $17.38. Details free. Kelsey. Inc., TMeriden, Conn.

PRINT IN G Presses, Type, Supplies. L ists 3c. Turnbangh Service. Loysvllle, Pa. 

IN EXPENSIVE 6x9 Printing Press. Details Free. N ovelty Shop. Downsvllle. L a. 

PRE SSES. Type. Supplies, Specimens, 3c.La Garza, 159 H arvard. Cambridge. Mass. 

ETCHING press. Duplicator, press, cheap. Avond, 747 Sixth Ave., New York.


$5000 FROM H alf Acre! Growing Ginseng.Seed, contract supplied. Particulars 10c. 

Associated Growers. Dept. 12, St. Norbert,Manitoba. _  ______   __

$40.00 WEEKL Y, Made growing mush-rooms, Fresh, Dried. Dominion Patent 

331583. lreo spawn. N orth American, 169Y  Yonge. Toronto. Canada.__________________

HOME appliance repairing— America’s war mado Industry. See display ad page 230 

Christy Supply Co.


RADIO Scrvice men and experimenters send for our giant radio catalogue. Save 

dollars. United Radio Co., (1000V), New-ark. N. J _________________________

REVISED plans 18 Crystal Sets (SW rec-ord 5301) miles), with “R adlobullder”—  

year, 25c. Laboratories. 1406T 77th Avehue. Oakland. CallL _______________________

 Y a LK  over power lines and light beam.Blueprint, 25c. Center Radio. I ll Center, 

Clifton, N J.


FREE1 Foreign coin, banknote and large 50page Illustrated coin catalogue to ap-

proval service applicants. Send 3c postage, tip to $20 cash paid for I ndian head cents. All dates wanted. Buying list 10c. Tatham,Oolnco.. SpringllcldD50. Mass.___________

COIN Collectors—Read "T he Numisma-tist”. Published monthly. News, I llustrat-

ed feature articles on coins and medals, (temple copy 25c, American N umismatic As-sociation. 99 Livingston St.. Brooklyn, N .Y. 

\VE buy Indian C ents, Lincoln Cents. Old Raro Coins wanted. Highest prices paid

fur all U. S. Coins. Send 10c for New 1943 'rice Catalog. American Raro Coin Co.,

Inpt. I. T ransportation Bldg., Chicago.__

WILL pay to $350.00 for certain dimes.Nickels $500.00. Cents $800.00. Over 1000 

quotations. Catalogue 10c. A llan Appell,H«lalia6A. Missou ri . ___________

JODIFFERENT I ndian Head Cents, $1.10. Includes buying, selling lists. Large cat

Slogue. 8c. Bp bee Coin Company, 1180 Easlltd. Chicago.______________________________

Co m m e mo r a t i v e $iis. Columbian, Lin-coln. StonoM ountain, Long Island 

(iltiveland, $1.00 each. I llustrated cata liiltiie_!0c. Norm Shultz. Salt Lake. Utah It) INDIAN Head cents, different dates ■ also pricelists. 35c. Schultz, 1053 4 RichWoi>d. Cinclnna11. Ohio.__________________

lilt* YEAR old cent, 25c; 10 different In dlans, 25c; largo illustrated buying bool 

ftOe. Coins. Box 11. Alameda, Calif.

WK purchase all Indianhead pennies. Coir l>letecatalogue 10c. Waltman. 398 Broac

Wny. New York.___________________________

liilillO COINS, medals, papermoney. Lis free. Nagy, 8K South 18tli, Philadelphi

f » _____________________ fill CON FEDE RATE Notes, quarter eac 

1,1st Free. Beffei, Box 37, Ottawa. 111. kl.KVF.N different selected coins, 2! 

nildehon. Box 44. Overland. Mo.

RUBBER STAMPS1I.INE, 40c. 2 lines, 65c. 3 lines. 85c. Eamlilitional line. 20c. Blythe Rubl

Btiimp Co.. I ndianapolis. I nd.__________

i I.INES 30c; Cushioned, indexed, 3fllKiiatures, $1.50. Printri te, Wattwato

Win  ___________________ 

HiMliiONE D. 3 lines, 35c; signatui II t>0. Federich Mfg., East Pittsburgh,

I I.INE 15c; additional line 10c. Natic Mnliber Stamp. 56 West 45th. New Y(

flii i1; line 15c; two lines, 25c; three lii Ifie, Excello, Box 500, Shreveport. La

SONGWRITERSNTED. Poems, to be set to music, f  

Milt for consideration. Transcription »n!« made. Rhyming Pamphlet Free. I

rftti1* Studio. PS, Box 2140, Bridget... I|

Wini iWRI TE RS—Special Free deal.illomi- J ackson. 9441A Pleasant  j  

Hit- ago.

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D O Y O U T H I N K IN C I R C L E S ?

Do you ask yourself, “How shall I begin;

what shall I do next?” H ave you a con

fusion of ideas? Mastery in life, success

in any enterprise, comes from the subtle

ability to marshal your thoughts, to call to

the fore, when an emergency arises, the

proper mental powers. Mentally, you are

an aggregate of forces. Why dissipate thembecause of lack of knowledge of how to

properly use them? Learn to unite them,

and you will have at your command, a

tremendous power for accomplishment.

S E N D F O R F R EE B O O K  

 The Rosicrucians have preserved for

centuries knowledge of the secret method

for the development of mind power and

the direction of mail’s unused inner facul

ties. T his wisdom, not strange or mysterious, has changed the course of life for many

men and women throughout the world.

Write for the free, sealed book which ex

plains how you may obtain this helpful

information. Address: Scribe X .J . W.

O h R O S I C R U C I A N S[ A M O K C ]

San Jose California


Scribe X .J. W. The RosicruciansSan Jose, California

1 am sincerely interested in an intelligentmethod for attaining a mastership of life.Send me without obligation, your FREEBook which explains how 1 may receive anduse your age-old method.

N ame.........................................................................................



When Singing Telegraph Wires Are Off Key 

I n   your A pril Issue there appears an ik quir y from C. C., of L uthercauses telephone and teleg


HOW DO YOU COUNTv i b r a t i o n s ^

e a n

, O kla., as to wh»4raph wires to


 J . H umphrey*, " TU. S. WeathM

Bureau, explainn I!'*phenomenon in 1*1*_ „book, “W ays of !!■► ^

y A W eather,” in wlilfh

 j A fcs* he tells just hoe d d i e s o f wi nla around a stretch*,

wire set up theing note. In fact, If C. C. would also 1IM#to know just w|| j

note the wires are singing, the followingfo rmula may beof assistance to hlfli.N =3.25V/ D . H ere N is the number of vlhf#tions per second (which determines the pitch)

is the velocity of the wind in mile* |io(i n* n n r l H i a I t l ia n u W o r n f t h p w i i n III

fcw II. Knowledge. This Course


“ J l“ ' ”"'k 

legraph wires to nIM this "V.7r,,lir,to’nw«rUmi- <!<■<>off musical soundd M ftVny M.luU. r iKi i rc i l rs* <>t‘ var io us times. !>♦

V ;

h u n d r e d s 0

—Written i language b tors, 

profuse v

V is the velocity of the wind in miles )itf hour, and D is the diameter of the who Ininches.—F . D., H ancock, N. Y.

This Cook Has Got Himself  into a Stew 

I have  just fi .iished reading the artltln“Y our Cup of Coffee,” that appears in iHlA pri l issue, and in which is given melhuft*for stretching coffee rations with substituteL et me say that there would be no coffftf shortage if people would only throw nw«»such freak coffee-makers as percolnlnt*dripolators, and all the other nonsenslenlators. T hese con traptions were invented t>Honly one purpose—to increase consumjtlli*!,L et me tell you that it is not necessary l»*use a tablespoonful of coffee for each m()Coffee that strong could float a battlenliljl,and would be fit to drink only by a peiumwith a hangover from a three-day spree NM;one has ever improved on the common |u«4method of making coffee, and no one ■will . U sing a “drip" grin d, three rouiiiMtablespoonfuls will m ake seven cups. In»iput the coff ee in cold w ater, and then tui n nlthe heat as soon as the water boils. An4there you have it. Coffee— not roofing lm

C. J ., E lgin, 111.



CS?W ” «»W ;




KNOVX. f x pl c t s  of   yo u .h o wTt o   l av   o ut   h o l e s roil d r il l -

s ho p ’pROJ*c t s- l a yo u t   f a b r i c a- 

t atpI°„n  t a b l e s «. non INC TAPER 

l aVSL^ut t i nc . t o o l s  an d   g r i n d -



STANDARD AND OPE ol CTH CAGE S.am T r Tc a S s T S n d a r d MACHINE

 TA PE RS. | nf tl. INC . KNU RLI NG .


i r u 'r p 'l M N ? i "e T T EHI NG : TH REA D

L A T H L HC U 1N G | P E t °H\ Co m M E N D A- CHINDINC


SS'TALi .T0RN°s0,,F0t R M a c h i n e   o p e r a -  TI ON S.

grams, chi—Easy-to-fo

garulesa o—All phases 

work, reqiPRACTICAL TB

For 38 y<‘a'trained tnot whom now 

all types <methods or practical, tproved hy I tional Si'ho training in;complete Course in bi

in  mired* ol Other Subject!.

oMiaio uawHrti* I

n a t i o n a l   s c h o o l s ,io *  A n g e k t , C a li fo r n ia 1

A„ Inrpntlvand th«pwp niter vala»lCoupon Inut'**''1lutcly V rt-c. wson*, a cidry «>f tcmw.

In y*

 J U N E , W h * Plcasr   mrntion To

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A S E C R ^ m  FOR THE M A  OF L 1F E H

 YV7HENCE came the knowledge thatbuilt the Pyramids? Where did

the first builders in the N ile V alley acquiretheir astounding wisdom that started manon his upward climb? Did their knowledgecome from a race now submerged beneaththe sea? From what concealed source camethe wisdom that produced such charactersas Amenhotcp IV , L eonardo da V inci, I saacNewton, and a host of others?

Today it is known that they discoveredand used certain Secret Methods for thedevelopment of their inner power of mind.

 T hey truly learned to master life. Thissecret art of living has been preserved andhanded down throughout the ages and today is extended to those who dare use itsprofound principles to meet and solve theproblems of life in these complex times.

This Sealed Book - FREE

H as life brought you that personal satisfaction, the sense of achievement andhappiness that you desire? I f not, it isyour duty to yourself to learn about thisrational method of applying natural laws

for the mastery of life. To the thoughtfulperson it is obvious that everyone cannotbe entrusted with an intimate knowledgeof the mysteries of life, for everyone is notcapable of properly using it. But if youare one of those possessed of a true desireto forge ahead and wish to make use of the subtle influences of life, the Rosicru-cians (not a religious organization) willsend you A Sealed Book of explanationwithout obligation. This Sealed Book tellshow you, in the privacy of your own home,without interference with your personal

affairs or manner of living, mayreceive these secret teachings. Notweird or strange practices, but arational application of the basic

laws of life. Obtain your com-plimentary copy by addressingyour inquiry to Scribe J .D .P.


San Jose, California


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 You want to give your best service for Vic-tory. Train now in spare time. Ix>w cost, condensed, practical. Ask for FREE 48page booklet on your field—Bookkeeping, Ac-counting, Business Law, Traffic Manage-ment, Foremanship, Industrial Manage-ment, Business Management, Stenotypy. Write today.L A S A L L E E X T E N S IO N U N IV E R S IT Y  

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*7<4e &>ecAet of 

M E N T A L C R E A T I N G J F you just like to dream, read no further. T here

comes a time when your fancies must be brought

into l ight— and stand the test of every-day, hardrealities. A re you one of the thousands— perhapsmillions—whose thoughts never get beyond thestage of  wistful wishing? Do you often come tofrom a daydream with the sigh, “I f only I couldbring it about— make it real?”

A ll things begin with thought— it is what follows that may take your life out of the class of those who hope and dream. Thought energy, likeanything else, can be dissipated—or it can be madeto produce actual effects. I f you know how to place your thoughts you can stimulate the creative processes within your mind—through them you can

assemble things and conditions of your world intoa happy life of accomplishment. Mental creating does not depend upon a magical process. It consists of knowing how to marshal your thoughts intoa power that draws, compels and organizes yourexperiences into a worth-while design of living.


Let the Rosicrucians tell you how you may accomplish these things. I he Rosicrucians (not areligious organization), a world-wide philosophicalfraternity, have preserved for centuries the an

cients’ masterful knowledge of the functioning of the inner mind of man. They have taught menand women how to use this knowledge to recreate their lives. They offer you a free copy of the fascinating book, “T he Mastery of L ife.” It tellshow you may receive this information for studyand use. Use coupon opposite.

Ike R osicrucians(AMORC)


NOW Is the TimPATENT and SELNow, more than ever before, is the rig!lion. Why? Because manufacturers ein war production are looking aheadpatent rights now, so they will have newand sell for civilian consumption as socwhat happened during and after the lastfor you to do is to look ahead to the fition by applying for a patent now, so Jin on an outright sale, or on the royal1

P a t e n t G u i d e S h o w sOur "Patent Guido for the Inventor”Miicstions concerning Patents that inven'what facts, details, drawings, sketches,for a P atent; how to protect your inven*nessed disclosure; how to do this ATrights; how P atent Office Rccords caiwhether the invention is probably patenthe paid : discusses costs involved and apaid as the application progresses. I t tcured financial backing ; how many simlarge commercial successes: how Patealso can he profitably utilized and marfacts of interest.

W h y Y o u N e e d E x p The Patent L aws were enacted for yourlion for the features of your inventionthese features must be legally and conci:•claims.” This phase of the procedure if Office advises the I nventor to engage a •Attorney. We maintain a large staff—piitent attorneys—expert draftsmen-•rrve you. We have been serving invent

T a k e F i r s t S t e p tWHIi the Patent Guide you will receiveof Invention” form which will enal

ltdI Itl.lish the date of your invention,I 'lilent application. This step costs yolvII ul to your success. Remember—inI ION is IMPORTAN T. Delay can beliuli in an envelope, or paste it on a p

C LAR E NC E A . O ’ B R I E N & HAR!

" W o i  

(jet (J lil) K



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W HENCE came the knowledge that built the Pyramids and the mighty Temples of the Pharaohs? Civiliza' tion began in the Nile Valley centuries ago. Where 

did its first builders acquire their astounding wisdom that started man on his upward climb? Beginning with naught they overcame nature’s forces and gave the world its first sciences and arts. Did their knowledge come from a race now submerged beneath the sea, or were they touched with Infinite inspiration? From what concealed source came the wisdom that produced such characters as Amenhotep I V, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and a host of others?Today it is \ nown that they discovered and learned to inter' pret certain Secret Methods for the development of their inner power of mind. They learned to command the inner forces within their own 'beings, and to master life. This secret art of living has been preserved and handed down throughout the ages. Today it is extended to those who dare to use its profound principles to meet and solve the problems of life: 

in these complex times.

This Sealed Book— FREEHas life brought you that personal satisfaction, the sense of achieve'ment and happiness that you desire? I f not, it is your duty to your'self to learn about this rational method of applying natural laws forthe mastery of life. To the thoughtful person it is obvious that every'one cannot be entrusted with an intimate knowledge of the mysteriesof life, for everyone is not capable of properly using it. But if you are one of those possessed of a true desire to forge ahead and wish totmake use of the subtle influences of life, the Rosicrucians (not a re-ligious organization) will send you A Sealed Book of explanationwithout obligation. T his Sealed Book tells how you, in the privacy of your own home, without interference with your personal affairs ormanner of living, may receive these secret teachings. Not weird orstrange practices, but a rational application of the basic laws of life.Use the coupon, and obtain your complimentary copy.

The R O S I C R U C I A N S

 A M E N H O T E P IV 

Founder of Egypt 's

M ystery School*

Use this 

coupon for 

FREEcopy of boo\


S C R I B E C ; . Q . T . The Rosicrucians (AMORC)

San Jose, CaliforniaPlease send free copy of Sealed Bool,

which I shall read aa directed.


ADDRESS _____________________ ____  __ 

C I T Y  __________________________________________

If you are wise, you will look  

 You will not waiton chance. }

probable conditions in peace

where your likes and aptitudt 

ready. You will decide whether 

nities lie in production or offic 

determine whether you wish t 

rise or develop a business of  train now to be above the a\ 

therefore, surer to get the ( 

you want after the armistice.

Nor will you wait very lor 

knows when this war will end c

tliis problem will hit you in tin

W e Can Help You 1

If you have some question e

IHistwar opportunities or abou 

fitness for some particular on 

we can help you. In our 36 yea 

million adults have enrolled f  

iutf, we have built training coun


i 1 whitf  

put on wai 

ration. Mi 

collar and overall workers ha\  

Hosts of home women are ]


After the war, millions will b 

army, navy and air force to civi 

materials factories will be recc 

production; old peacetime fu 

will be springing up—where 


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The Mysterious Influence In The Air You Breathe!

lH E SOUL OF THE UNIVERSE is in the airyou

breathe. Deposited in your blood — with each 

inhalation you take—is the intelligence that directs the course of the planets through the misty reaches of space, and the strange phe-nomenon of life itself.

What is it that causes your heart to beat, your lungs to expand and contract? What mind directs the cellsof your being, each in their pur-pose—some to create bone, others tissue and hair? What consciousness pervades these vibra-toryglobules of lifeand gives them awareness of  their Cosmic function?

Are you one of the millions who have looked beyond yourself for some external Divine Power or agency? H ave you searched in vain for some outer sign or word of Divine assurance when in doubt or in need? Now learn of theunsus-pected bower that exists in every simple breath — and that becomes part of you. The ancient Egyptians believed that the essence of life was borne on the wings of the air. The Bible pro-

claims that with the first breath man becomes not just an animated being—buta."living soul. ” 

Try this experiment, and prove a Vital Life Force exists in the air. When you are in pain or de-spondent take a deep breath. Hold it as long as comfortable—then notice the momentary relief.

This Amazing Free Book Would you seriously like to know how to draw uponthis Intelligence of the Cosmic, with which the air ispermeated? You can use it to awaken the creativepowers of your mind, and for making life an experience of achievement. Use the coupon Below for a freecopy of the book, ’'The Mastery of Life.” I t tells how

in the privacy of your homeyou may learn to use thesesimple, useful, natural laws.

----------------U SE T H I S G I F T C O U P O N -----------------1Scribe E.M.L. The Rosicrucians (AM ORC)Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California

I am sincerely interested in learning how to use the 1mysterious inf luences of the universe in the betterment Iof my life. Please send me a free copy of the book, 1"T he Mastery of Life.”

NAME ____________________________________________— |

ADDRESS ________________________________________  !Rosicrucians areNOT a religious organization



 W ith ou t cos t or ob lig at io n, pl ea se !A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g a n d I

P l u m b i n g S c h o o ls □ T

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I JRefr i gerat ion □ Steam Fi t t ing D I

C h e m i s t r y S c h o o l s D *f I <Chemical Engine ering O ^I I< homist ry, Analyt i ca l I I t ’l imniatry. Industrial EI 1 i ’hemiat ry, Mfg . i ron & Steel □ AI I M as ti cs □ I

I 1Pu l p an d Pap e r M ak i n g Q T

C i v il E n g i n e e r i n g , A r c h i  t e c t u r a l a n d M i n i n g S c h o o l s D A

I I Archi tectura l Draft ing □ A

I I A r chi t ec t u re □ FI I I t ridge and Bui ld ing Foreman □ 1*I I Undue Engineer ing □ f  I I Bui ld ing Est imat ing □ I :N C iv i l En g i n ee r in g □ C oa l M i n i n g D l i  

 j I <'o nl ra ct in g an d Bu ild in g □ IVI I Ihu >»w h y Engineer ing □ N

| I L ui m Ih t Dealer □ IV

I I Mniuhiry En g i n ee r in g □ PI JMtruetiira! Dra fting □ R| jMlruetura l Engineer ing □ S’

 j J Pu rv ey in g an d M ap pi ng □ Si

Canadian residents send co  British residi  


 J A N V A RY , 19)5




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I f c u C a n   Inf 1uence Others 

With Your Thinking!rJ~'R Y IT SO M F T IME. Concentrate intently upon an-

other person seated in a roorn with you, without Iiis 

noticing it. Observe him gradually become restless and 

finally turn and look in your direction. Simple yet it is 

n positive demonstration tlnit thought generates a mental 

energy which can be projected from your mind to the 

consciousness of another. Do you realize how much of  

your success and happiness in life depend upon your 

influencing others? Is it not important to you to have 

others understand your point of view—to be receptive to 

your proposals?

Demonstrable Facts

I low many times have you wished there were some way 

you could impress another favorably'—get across to him 

or her your ideas? I hat thoughts can be transmitted, 

received, and understood by others is now scientifically 

demonstrable. The tales of miraculous accomplishments 

of mind by the ancients are now known to be fact not 

fable. The method whereby these things can be inten-

tionally, not accidentally, accomplished has been a secret 

long cherished by the Rosicrucians—one of the schools of  

ancient wisdom existing throughout the world. To thou-

sands everywhere, for centuries, the Rosicrucians have

Scribe A. R. L ., The Rosicrucians. AM ORC, 

Rosicrueian Park. San Jose. Caliiornia.

Kindly send me a free copy of the book. T he 

Mastery of I jfe." I am interested in learning how 

I may receive instructions about the full use of my 

natural powers.

Addr State...

privately taught this nearlylost art of the practical use of mind power.

This Free Book Points Out the Way

The Rosicrucians (not a religious organization) invite 

you to explore the powers of your mind. Their sensible, 

simple suggestions have caused in Iell igent men and women to soar to new heights of accomplishment. I'hey will show 

you how to use your natural forces and talents to do 

things you now think are beyond your ability. Use tha 

coupon holoii> and send for a copy of the fascinating sealed free book, “The Mastery of Life.” which explains 

how you may receive this unique wisdom and benefit by 

its application to your daily affairs.



I Can Make You A N

In Only 15 MinutIf vciu're the way 1 T S K I) to lie— if you 

mi skinn y and feel only half- alive— -if the iii-ijrr jobs pass you by— if you're in the 

•rvjre. hut are ho Inc "push ed around ir you're ashamed to strip for sports or a  aim and if you waul a U K M AX 'S hotly

then give me just 15 minutes a day!

I 'l l P U O V K   you ran have a huihl you'll l'ii m o n > o f ; ••Df/ nnmic ion" will •In it for you. too! T hat's how I changed  

own huihl into such perfert propoition*  Unit famous sculptors and artists have  |t;ild me to pose for them. M y hotly won in*' the title, "W or ld 's M ost Perfectly hnvidoped M an .” An d now 1 can jrlvc you ■•IM. beautiful, U SK FL ’Fj muscle vvher- 

He r Y OU w ant it !

" D Y N A M I C T E N S I O N * ' D o es I t!

In only lf i minutes a day. “Dynamic 7* union” ean bulge up your chest, broaden imir back, All out your arms and legs. He (urn you know it. this easy. N A TU R AL  

Hint hod will make you a New Ma n! In

fact, result 

1 R  

fool v VEL<(iod-p  every i n g o V I T A  Dunn.

 ThuuseveryWCll  A**£>yn.themsReadthey IIn m;about1actualfromChain)same

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W HENCE came the knowledge that built the Pyramids and the mighty Temples of the Pharaohs? Civiliza-tion began in the Nile Valley centuries ago. Where 

did its first builders acquire their astounding wisdom that 

started man on his upward climb? Beginning with naught they overcame natures forces and gave the world its first sciences and arts. Did their knowledge come from a race now submerged beneath the sea, or were they touched with Infinite inspiration? From what concealed source came the wisdom that produced such characters as Amenhotep IV, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and a host of others?Today it is \ nown that they discovered and learned to inter' pret certain Secret Methods for the development of their inner power of mind. They learned to command the inner forces within their own beings, and to master life. This secret 

art of living has been preserved and handed down throughout the ages. Today it is extended to those who dare to use its profound principles to meet and solve the problems of life in these complex times.

This Sealed Book— FREEHas life brought you that personal satisfaction, the sense of achieve'ment and happiness that you desire? If not, it is your duty to your'self to learn about this rational method of applying natural laws forthe mastery of life. To the thoughtful person it is obvious that everyone cannot be entrusted with an intimate knowledge of the mysteriesof life, for everyone is not capable of properly using it. But if youare one of those possessed of atrue desire to forge ahead and wish to

make use of the subtle influences of life, the Rosicrucians (not a religious organization) will send you A Sealed Book of explanationwithout obligation. Tin's Sealed Book tells how you, in the privacy of your own home, without interference with your personal affairs ormanner of living, may receive these secret teachings. Not weird orstrange practices, but a rational application of the basic laws of life.Use the coupon, and obtain your complimentary copy.


AMFNHOTEP IVFounder of Egypt’sMystery Schools

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SCRIBE C.M.K.The Rosicrucians (AM O RC )

San Jose, California

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* ]U e S e c r e t  

M E N T A L C R E A T I N G T F you just like to dream, read no further. There

comes a time when your fancies must be broughtinto light— and stand the test of every-day, hardrealities. A re you one of the thousands—perhapsmillions—whose thoughts never get beyond thestage of  wistful wishing? Do you often come tofrom a daydream with the sigh, “I f only I couldbring it about— make it real?"

A ll things begin with thought— it is what follows that may take your life out of the class of those who hope and dream. T hought energy, likeanything else, can be dissipated—or it can be madeto produce actual effects. If you know how to place your thoughts you can stimulate the creative processes within your mind—through them you canassemble things and conditions of your world intoa happy life of accomplishment. Mental creating does not depend upon a magical process. It consists of knowing how to marshal your thoughts intoa power that draws, compels and organizes yourexperiences into a worth-while design of living.


Let the Rosicrucians tell you how you may accomplish these things. The Rosicrucians (not areligious organization), a world-wide philosophicalfraternity, have preserved for centuries the ancients’ masterful knowledge of the functioning of the inner mind of man. They have taught menand women how to use this knowledge to recreate their lives. They offer you a free copy of the fascinating book, “T he Mastery of Life.” I t tellshow you may receive this information for studyand use. Use coupon opposite.

*tu R osicrucians(AMORC)


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^■ jou (3 d t t Influence Others 

With Your Thinking!rJ"*RY  IT SOM E IIME . Concentrate intently upon nn 

other person seated in <1 room witli you. without his 

noticing it. Observe him gradually become restless and 

finally turn and look in your direction. Simple—yet it is 

n positive demonstration that thought generates a mental 

energy which can be projected from your mind to the 

consciousness of another. Do you realize how much of  

your success and happiness in life depend upon your 

influencing others? Is it not important to you to have 

others understand your point of view—to be receptive to 

your proposals?

Demonstrable Facts

1low many limes have you wished there were some way 

you could impress another favorably'—gel across to him or her your ideas? That thoughts can be transmitted, 

received, and understood by others is now scientifically 

demonstrable. The lales of miraculous accomplishments 

of mind by the ancients are now known to be fact—not 

fable. The method whereby these things can be inten-

tionally, not accidentally, accomplished has been a secret 

long cherished by the Rosicrucians—one of the schools of  

ancient wisdom existing throughout the world. To thou-

sands everywhere, for centuries, the Rosicrucians have

privately taught this nearlylost art of the practical usn of mind power.

This Free Book Points Out the Way

T he Rosicrucians (not a religious organization) invito 

you to explore the powers of your mind. Their sensible, 

sim pie suggestions have caused intelligent men and women 

to soar to new heights of accomplishment. They will show 

you how to use your natural forces and talents to do 

things you now think are beyond your ability. Use tlw 

coupon below and send for a copy of the fascinating sealed free book, T he Mastery of Life, which explain* 

how you may receive this unique wisdom and benefit by its application to your daily alfairs.


Scribe O .M.T ., T he Rosicrucians. AM ORC. 

Rosicnician Park. San Jose. California.

Kindly send me a free copy of the book, The 

Mastery of Life. I am interested in learning how 1 may receive instructions about the full use of my 

natural powers.

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