we are #Young we are #Understanding we are #Professional 2015 Credentials

Credentials - YUP Creative Content Agency 2015

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we are #Young we are #Understanding we are #Professional

2015 Credentials

1. Our positioning

2. YUP’s Methodology

3. Our Capability

4. About the team

5. 2015 Investment

Table of Content

1. Our positioning

We’re PIONEERS in the mission of connecting people and brands

Our mission is to bring CONTENT as the top priority in people & brand engagement

To help brand ..not gain the brand image ..BUT gain the BRAND ENGAGEMENT with potential consumers

2. YUP’s Methodology




I’m YOUNG to live with the newest TECHNOLOGY & POP CULTURE with my CREATIVTY I UNDERSTAND what people need and their deep INSIGHT I’m PROFESSIONAL in how to use the TOOLS & PLATFORMS to target the right audience


Consumers Insight research

& analysis

Online tool & platforms


Technology driven and

update with new trends

People’s listening and joy

with the popular cullture

Creativity focus to create WOW


1. People’s Insight

Understand our TA by daily-life observation

Mini research & survey must be always included to have the right understanding

Utilize brand data and invest the research data from 3rd party for big battles

2. Pop Culture

We live with our TA’s life and ready to involve with their trend, their habit and their emotions From daily-life trend to culture trend such as art, fashion, music & entertainment..

3. Technology

We don’t position as technology production house We only pick the technologies which are

NEW & REAL In people’s life INTERACTION

4. Content Idea

Brand Driven

Interesting & Exciting

Be Unique in nation range


Our Expected Outcome

Content Strategy

Identify the content type from simple to rich content

Promote the branded content in a creative way

Produce the creative content which is unique for brand & campaign-based

Partner content with 3rd party to create brand endorsement

Pay for the content which is only gained from research party to build the trust for people

5. Media Understanding

1. Always update with the new media trends

2. Be an expert in how to utilize media channels

3. Media optimization to guarantee delivering the RIGHT CONTENT to the RIGHT PEOPLE in RIGHT PLACE


Media Strategy

Utilize the Paid – Owned – Earned media structure to 1/ Build-up the Owned Media platform to brand 2/ Utilize Paid Media with optimization expert for cost saving & content partner 3/ Create the value from Earned Media to brand

Consumers Insight research

& analysis

Online tool & platforms


Technology driven and

update with new trends

People’s listening and joy with the

popular cullture

Creativity focus to create WOW


We help brand to always-on keep the HEARTBEAT with consumers

Our expected outcome for BRAND

Instead of…

YUP’s Showcases



137% KPI reach


0% 0%


Positive Negative Neutral


The challenge came in late 2013 when Dielac wanted to promote for Dielac Mama Optimum product YUP’s role was to help approach moms across forums by a seeding strategy to build-up the conversation aiming to “Pregnancy stories”


• Women, 30 – 45 years old

• Characteristics: Well-educated and living in

the city

• Family/Children, health and beauty are

their 3 most interests.

To support for event launching new corn product : “Nelson” YUP’s task was to create a funny corn anime to approach families


“Short sharp pain” problem when eating something cold ? The USP of Sensodyne is to help people overcome that problem And YUP came to make a video clip on social to educate people how “Short sharp pain” damage s to you & your family’s teeth

Nokia 206

Nokia 206 Play creativity with the device We created a tons of creative visual to show how we could play creativity with Nokia 206 and get lots of online interaction across Facebook platform

Nokia 206 Stop motion clip story We approach consumers by telling a love story of Asha 206 to communicate that : Feature phone could do more than a “phone”

2013 – the challenge for a feature Asha 206 of Nokia among the Smartphone Era. How to convince people to make an attention to a feature phone ? Solution : Be creative with the devices based on their strength : affordable price with various choice of color

Our work

Oppo – Share Your Heatbeat

Communication Part We maximized the online communication via social & PR channels

2014 – Oppo sponsored a big concert for famous diva My Tam and our task is how to make the sponsorship more interactive between Oppo & consumers Solution : Along with our partner – B81, we created a concept called : Heartbeat with an interactive platform on mobile & PC to allow people to share the wishes to My Tam before the show

The online hub PC & Mobile optimization to give the convenience for people to interact Received more than 5,000 wishes within 1 week









0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Brand preference

Face care tips

Ask for advices for specific face problems

Asking for advices for specific face skin type

Online selling

Complaints about current using products

Face care process

65% 10% 8%




1% 1%




Hada Labo











8Pinkish white



Dim the bruise

Acnes clear




With ONLINE ENGAGEMENT is our outcome, the ROI is brand Share-of-Voice reflecting how our content ideas help building-up the brand image across communication platform

3. Our Capability


Consumers Insight research

& analysis

Online tool & platforms


Technology driven and

update with new trends

People’s listening and joy with the

popular cullture

Creativity focus to create WOW


Creative & Strategic Content

Content Production

Communication Execution

Pop Culture & Content


Creative & Strategic Content

We provide the service of how to create the strategy to communicate with consumers and the concept to create the touching & interactive content

Content Production

Along with production partners, we could create all kinds of contents from clip, visual, digital production or event/activation

Communication Execution

Social Media (Facebook,

Forum, Twitter…)

Digital Media (SEO, SEM..)

PR (Printed & Online)


We’re not limited in communication platform to transfer our content concept into life and approach the right target audience

Pop Culture & Content Engagement

Our uniqueness

The artist circle

Not only about the connection, we know how to make a good deal to co-content with Viet artists to create interesting content affecting to people with contemporary Pop-culture

The online stories

Our vision is to make online clip channels more dominant than TV with idea of film, clip series online

Music Storytelling

A mix between content & music, a product will be launched around next 3 years From online music video clips to offline performance, we lead the people soul by music content to tell brand stories

4. About the team

The team structure

Managing Director

Creative Lead

Execution Team

Client Service Team

Finance Controller

Managing Director

Toan Nguyen “Grow up in Saigon and experience in content & social marketing with various portfolio P&G, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Malloca, Oreo, Nokia, Starbucks and also the artist inside music community for 8 years I’m the one who create #Heartbreaker”

Creative Lead

Toan Le “5 years on ATL & BTL advertising as copywriter and now he’s leading creative team of YUP Portfolio : Coca-Cola, Google, Oppo”

Execution Lead

Huy Pham “From the middle of Vietnam to Saigon, Huy Pham has proven his key ablity in digital media industry with portfolio P&G , Nestle, Malloca, Oreo , Unilever.. In execution role He’s strong and always burn his heat to make the project go smoothly”

Client Service Team

Minh Ma “3 years in digital industry, mostly focus on social Young, dynamic & experience in social execution Portfolio : Sprite, Fanta, Samsung, Sapporo…”

Community Coordinator

Phuong Phi “5 years in social seeding experience with almost Moms & Kids brand in market Portfolio : Insulac, Love in Farm, Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, Friso, LG Cosmetics ….


It’s show time !