Tutorials\ HTML & CSS \Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Creating a CMS Website with SiteGrinder and Pagelime Adam Dexter on May 3rd 2010 with 52 comments Tutorial Details Programs: Photoshop, Site Grinder 3, Difficulty: Intermediate Download Source Files In this tutorial, you will learn how to take a Photoshop file, and convert it to a valid, jQuery enabled, Pagelime CMS integrated website, ready to hand off to your clients with no coding, using Photoshop, SiteGrinder 3 and Pagelime. Prefer a Video Tutorial? Before We Get Started SiteGrinder 3 is a fantastic, feature packed piece of software, by the guys over at Media Lab, which allows you to take a website mocked up in Adobe Photoshop, and export it into a fully

Creating a Cms Site With Pagelime Site Grinder and Photoshop

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Creating a CMS Website with SiteGrinder

and Pagelime

Adam Dexter on May 3rd 2010 with 52 comments

Tutorial Details

Programs: Photoshop, Site Grinder 3,

Difficulty: Intermediate

Download Source Files

In this tutorial, you will learn how to take a Photoshop file, and convert it to a valid, jQuery

enabled, Pagelime CMS integrated website, ready to hand off to your clients with no coding,

using Photoshop, SiteGrinder 3 and Pagelime.

Prefer a Video Tutorial?

Before We Get Started

SiteGrinder 3 is a fantastic, feature packed piece of software, by the guys over at Media Lab,

which allows you to take a website mocked up in Adobe Photoshop, and export it into a fully

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valid, chopped and functioning website in minutes with no coding knowledge necessary.

Pagelime is a simple CMS, designed with your clients in mind, that allows immediate

integration into a website without any coding skill required. Pagelime allows your client to

simply and easily make edits to content, change images, add and delete pages and basically

manage their own website in a way they can understand, all within a clean, brand-able, web

based application.

A Quick Note

The tutorial is approximately 10-15 minutes long, and assumes a general working knowledge

of SiteGrinder 3. If you’re not quite up to snuff on your SiteGrinder skills, visit Media Lab’s

SiteGrinder 3 TV site for a great set of video tutorials that will more than get you up to speed

on how to implement your site. Overall, the system is really cool and has a TON of features.

We highly recommend starting with the Essentials 1 – Workflow, I personally enjoyed the

Buttons and Animation which details how to painlessly add jQuery effects and really nice

drop-down menus, and Essentials 2 – Content. If you only have time for one, just watch

Essentials 1 – Workflow to get up to speed.

I’ll be walking you through in general step by step instructions with more in-depth

information within each step.

Step 1 Open your PSD Site Design in Photoshop

Today we will be using a “Compani” template that the SiteGrinder crew has generously lent

us, however, almost any website mocked up in Photoshop can become “SiteGrinder ready,”

through the process of adding SiteGrinder hints and formatting your layers appropriately.

Again, this tutorial assumes you have knowledge of the SiteGrider markup and using hints. If

you don’t, we recommend that you visit SiteGrinder 3 TV and catch up with the first two

parts of the SiteGrinder essentials. To download this template or a slew of any other

templates, you can visit their wiki page with the template downloads.

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Step 2 Make sure any images you want to edit through

Pagelime have the “-content” hint attached to them.

Because SiteGrinder does not make image CSS classes accessible to the user by default,

through adding the “-content” hint, we can force SiteGrinder to render the image (IMG) tag

within a DIV. This DIV will then be available later in the SiteGrinder 3 Design Manager to

have a CSS class added to it. This is important because for Pagelime to work correctly, all

editable regions, or, “things you want the client to be able to change,” must be tagged with the

same special CSS class, we’ll get to this in more detail in step 4.

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Step 3 Save the PSD file and then navigate to File >>>

Automate >>> SiteGrinder 3

If the SiteGrinder 3 Engine is not already open, this will launch the SiteGrinder 3 engine.

After the Engine launches, SiteGrinder will generate a report on any errors or warnings it may

find in the template. Review the errors and fix any serious errors that apply* (you can also

choose to ignore them, the site should still build). After you have resolved the errors, continue

to the Build and Deploy page. Here, you should check off the pages you want to have built by

SiteGrinder. In this tutorial, we will only be building out the home page. After the desired

pages are selected, click “Build”.

*Note: If you are using the SiteGrinder 3 test template with a demo or basic version of

SiteGrinder 3, it’s possible that you might encounter a report with 2 “serious” errors. Look

through the errors carefully. It’s most likely that the errors are being thrown because you are

referencing tags such as -$ or -blog within the template that require additional plugins. The

Commerce Add On for -$ and The Control Add On for -blog. If that is the case, you can

continue anyway. In this tutorial, we are not building out the “store” or “blog” page, so these

errors are irrelevant.

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Step 4 After the buildout is complete, click on the page file

name to enter the Design Manager.

The Design Manager is where you can make additional edits and style declarations to the

design and CSS class implementation. Most of your text and border effects should be done

here and not in the PSD. Additionally, you will be able to customize your animation/jQuery

functions from this screen as well. Again, for more details on, check out Site Grinder TV.

For this tutorial, we will not be creating any real CSS styles with attributes. Instead, we are

simply adding a class name to a few tags on the site for Pagelime to use. In the Design

Manager, navigate to the “border and background styles” dropdown menu. Using the

dropdowns next to the elements, add a new style called “editable” with no additional

attributes. Click Apply. After applying the style once, it will be accessible in all the other

drop-down menus. Select each other region you would like to be editable by Pagelime and

then apply to those elements.

When the site gets implemented into Pagelime in step 13, we’ll define this css class “editable”

as the signal class for Pagelime to make regions user editable. Essentially this tag can be

called anything you want it to be, as long as it’s unique, however, we suggest you make it

something understandable for easy reference.

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Step 5 Once you’ve set all the classes, click back to

Photoshop to see the main SiteGrinder 3 engine module.

In the deploy area, select the newly built pages. Once you’ve checked the pages to deploy,

select the site you want to deploy out to in the lower drop-down called “Deploy To.” You

may have to create a new site if you do not have any previous sites. Just give it a name, select

local only and click OK.

This “site” simply refers to how the directory on your local computer will be referenced.

Don’t worry too much about what it’s called; you just need to be able to identify it later. The

name also cannot have any spaces or special characters.

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Step 6 Select “Deploy Design” to save the markup to a

local folder on your computer.

At this point, the site HTML and markup is already compete, this was accomplished in the

“Build” stage, Sitegrinder is now just recompiling and saving those .html and related files to

your compute in the directory you selected.

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Step 7 Once you’ve set all the classes, click back to

Photoshop to see the main SiteGrinder 3 engine module.

It looks similar to the Design Manager and will have a local address. You need to define

which page will be the default loading page on your site, or the “Index”. Check the “index”

box next to the desired page, this will cause SiteGrinder to rename that file to “index.html”

upon FTP upload to your server.

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Step 8 Under the “Upload” tab, choose “Connection

Settings,” and input your ftp/server credentials

Once this is all inputted, click OK.

The server address will most likely start with ftp. When setting the Remote Path, it is highly

recommended you use the “Browse” feature for the most accurate directory. The “HTTP

Address” will be where SiteGrinder will direct you after upload, so it’s probably best to

choose the domain or sub directory where you are uploading.

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Step 9 To push the site to the server, go back to the Upload

Menu and choose Upload Everything

On the first upload, either upload option will do the exact same thing, since there are

essentially no files on your server. However, just to be safe, when uploading a new deploy for

the first time, I always choose Upload Everything to make sure I’ll get a fresh clean copy on

my server.

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Step 10 After the upload is complete, click “open site”.

This will display your page (or whatever you entered as your HTTP Address). You can see

that your page is now live. That’s about it for the SiteGrinder portion, next we’ll move on to

implementing the site into Pagelime for easy editing.

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Step 11 Login to Pagelime.

If you are new to Pagelime, you can visit the Sign Up Page, to get a free account to use with

SiteGrinder. Pagelime is a great simple CMS that will cut implementation time dramatically

and give your client something they can understand.

Pro Tip:

When you sign-up for a PRO or Business Account, in addition to all the standard Pagelime

features and plugins, you’ll have the ability to completely customize and brand the backend.

Pagelime gives you the ability to entirely white-label the CMS from URL to logo and color

scheme. This will allow you to offer your client a consistent and branded experience while

working with you and on their site. It will also allow you to markup the service and add cash-

flow to your revenue stream. You can setup clients on automatic recurring billing cycles for

using your CMS aka Pagelime right from within the Pagelime Account/Billing Manager.

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Step 12 Click, “Add New Site”, enter the full directory

address, including the the index.html, setup the FTP

settings, and choose a site title.

If you need any further assistance on this page, Pagelime has some extremely helpful tool-tips

that show up on the right hand side when each field is selected. Use these as reference for

what to enter and how to format it. You can also test your connection at the bottom of the

page. It’s recommended that you use the “Browse” feature when selecting the file path as that

will ensure the most accuracy. Also, make sure to change your Advanced settings (next step)

before clicking “Save Site Settings”

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Step 13 Under the “Advanced” tab, make sure to change

the editable CSS class name to “editable”

This can be changed to whatever special class you named in the SiteGrinder Design Manager

in step 4.

This is how Pagelime will identify which regions should be editable. If this class name does

not match the class you added in step 4, or if the classes you added in step 4 are inconsistent

with this “Editable CSS Class Name” across your pages, you will not be able to edit those

regions within the Pagelime Site Editor. However, if you forgot to add the class to a region,

don’t freak out, and if you’re not afraid of a little HTML code, than you don’t even have to go

back to step 4. You don’t even have to use an external editor like Dreamweaver either.

Instead, when you’ve selected a page to edit in the Pagelime Site Editor, use the right drop-

down and select edit code. This will open up a rich, highlighted syntax view of your sites raw

code that will allow you to manually add CSS classes. For more details on this process, check

out a tutorial about it, called Manually adding CSS Classes through the Pagelime Site Editor

If the SiteGrinder 3 Engine is not already open, this will launch the SiteGrinder 3 engine.

After the Engine launches, SiteGrinder will generate a report on any errors or warnings it may

find in the template. Review the errors and fix any serious errors that apply* (you can also

choose to ignore them, the site should still build). After you have resolved the errors, continue

to the Build and Deploy page. Here, you should check off the pages you want to have built by

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SiteGrinder. In this tutorial, we will only be building out the home page. After the desired

pages are selected, click “Build”.

*Note: If you are using the SiteGrinder 3 test template with a demo or basic version of

SiteGrinder 3, it’s possible that you might encounter a report with 2 “serious” errors. Look

through the errors carefully. It’s most likely that the errors are being thrown because you are

referencing tags such as -$ or -blog within the template that require additional plugins. The

Commerce Add On for -$ and The Control Add On for -blog. If that is the case, you can

continue anyway. In this tutorial, we are not building out the “store” or “blog” page, so these

errors are irrelevant.

Step 14 Click Save Site Settings

Saving Site Settings will confirm and save the FTP and Pagelime settings you just entered.

This will also cause Pagelime to Reload. After it’s done, you can navigate back to the Site


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Step 15 If you are editing images, make sure to activate the

Image Gallery Plugin under Site Features on your site


This plugin will allow you to upload and manage images through Pagelime. It is required that

you have this plugin updated to manage ANY images on a Pagelime enabled site. If you want

to get fancy with your images, we also recommend turning on Image Optimization which will

allow you to control image quality and add photo effects from within Pagelime.

From the Site Features menu, you can also activate a number of additional features such as

Page Templates and Content History. Content History can be extremely helpful when making

continuous edits to a site as it will log all of your previous edits from a session and will allow

you to roll-back content if an error or incorrect change is made.

Step 16 You’re almost done! You are ready to rock and

roll with edits.

Just click on an image or text, either the main area or the little black edit bubble. This will

open up either a WYSIWYG editor (which also has an HTML view) or the ZoomCrop

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browser for images. From here, you simply edit the content, save, and then when your done

with all changes on a page, click the publish button on under “Page Actions.” This will push

all of your edits live to your public site.

To pass this off to your client, you would create a new user under your Account Manager and

give them permissions to the site. That user would then log in via either your custom URL or

cms.pagelime.com – it’s that simple. The actual editing is covered in the video below, or we

also have a shorter 5 minute video that gets straight to editing if you need a refresher.

Note, that when editing the images inside these DIVs, you need to hover over the center of the

image and look for the little image icon. Click this area to access the ZoomCrop browser.

Remember, the Image Gallery Plugin must be enabled. If you click the DIV tag, you activate

the image in a WYSIWYG editor which, although can work, is not what we want and will not

give us the best editing control for our images. This situation is created because SiteGrinder

created a DIV around the image. If you would like to fix this manually, you can edit the code

and remove the editable tag from the surrounding div and instead move the class to the IMG

tag, again, this can be done all within Pagelime easily, see our blog post/tutorial about it

called Manually adding CSS Classes through the Pagelime Site Editor

Step 17 Edit your content, Publish as normal and never

deal with minor Client Content edits ever again!

To publish, click the “Page Actions” drop-down and click publish, then, BAM!, you’re done!


Thanks for following along in this tutorial. If you have any questions, comments,

troubleshooting, wishes, hopes or dreams about Pagelime, you can visit the PageLime forums,

or thedocumentation wiki.