Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop

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  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    Creating a tech blog or site layout in Adobe


    This is what the result will look like:

    1 -Lets start by creating a new document. The size is 1280*1200 pixels. Fill the

    background with black (#000000).

    2 - Create a new layer named content. Pick up the Rectangular marquee tool and

    draw a 976px wide rectangle. Fill it with white (#FFFFFF).

    3 - Still on the content layer, use the rectangular marquee tool to draw the sidebar.

    The width is 331px and background color is #E9E9E9.

  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    At this point, your design should look like this:

    4 - Create a new layer set named header. Were now ready to create a nice header

    background. To do so, I have first downloadedthis picture
  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    and imported it into Photoshop. Once the picture is imported, select Filter, Blur,

    Mottion blur and apply the effect with the following parameters:

    5 - Once done, import the modified picture in the design. Crop it to 972*188px. Then,go to the Image menu and select Ajdjustments, Color balance. Add blue on

  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    highlight, shadows and midtones.

    The header should look like this:

    6 - Time to draw the navigation menu. Pick up the rectangular marquee tool and

    draw a 972*53 pixels rectangle in a new layer called navigation. Fill it with #080808.

    7 - On the Layers window, right click on the navigation layer and choose Blendingoptions. Once the Layer style window is open, add a Gradient overlay. Setting are

    65% opacity, #000000 on left and #3F3E3E on right.

    8 - Now, select the text tool and start adding navigation links on the nav bar. I chose

    Arial bold, 18pt. Color is white.

    9 - For the active/hover state of the navigation links, select the rounded rectangle

    tool and draw a shape around one of the links. The rounded rectangle radius is 10px

  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    and the background color is #6589A7.

    10 -Its time for us to add a logo to our blog design. I have chose the Futura bold font

    with 72pt font size and black color (#FFFFFF). Simply type the text you want, and

    duplicate the layer once youre done with typing.

    11 - On the layers window, make sure the first text layer (Not the copy) is selected,

    right click and select Blending options. Were going to add a nice, very technology-

    like gradient on the text. Select Gradient overlay and add the gradient. Left color is

  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    #EEEFF0 and right color is #4E4D4D.

    12 -Once youre done with the gradient, select the copy of the layer (which is plain

    white). Pick up the Move Tool and use the keyboard arrows to move the layer 1 pixel

    on the right and 1 pixel on the bottom.

  • 8/6/2019 Creating a Tech Blog or Site Layout in Adobe Photoshop


    After the 3 latest steps, your blog logo should looks like this:

    13 -Were done with the header, and its time to create our posts. The first thing to dois to create a new layer set named post. Then, get three or four 200*200px images to

    illustrate the posts. Such images can be found on my other blogsCats Who Codeand

    WpRecipes. Import one 200*200 pixels image into the design, and place it 18px from

    the edges of the white container.

    14 - The font used for the titles is #222222 Arial, bold, 36pt. Type the text you want

    for a post title, and select it using the Text Tool. On the Photoshop menu, go to

    Window and select Paragraph. Set the AV to -75, according to the screenshot below:

    15 - Pick up the text tool again and write the author name, the post category, the

    number of comments or anything else. Select white (#FFFFFF) 12pt Arial bold font.

    16 - Select the rectangular marquee tool and draw a rectangle around the text you

    just entered. Fill the rectangle with #6589A7. Make sure the text layer is above the


    17 - For the post excerpt, I have choosen Arial font, 12pt, Italic. Color is #555555.
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    18 - Select the Line Tool and draw a #CCCCCC line below the post. The post should

    looks like the following:

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    19 - Copy the post layer set as many times as necessary to fill up the content space:

    20 -Time to create a cool sidebar for our blog design. Lets start by creating a new

    layer set named sidebar. The first thing to add to the sidebar is some 125*125px ads.

    Download some from your favorites blog and import it into the design. In the psd, I

    have choosen to display 4 ads, but of course it is just an example.

    21 - In order to draw a sidebar widget title, create a new layer set named widget, pick

    up the rectangular marquee tool and draw a 342*40 pixels rectangle on the sidebar,

    starting from the left edge. Fill it with #6589A7.

    22 - Use the Zoom Tool to zoom on the right side of the newly created rectangle. Pick

    up the Polygonal Lasso Tool to draw a shape like the one in the screenshot below.

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    Fill the shape with #4F667A.

    23 - Add some text in the widget title. The font used in the example is 12pt Arial bold.

    Color is white (#FFFFFF).

    24 - Add some text below the title. Font used is #222222 12pt Arial bold. Once done,

    your sidebar widget should look like this:

    25 - Duplicate the widget layer set as many time as needed to fill up the sidebar space.

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    26 - Our design should now looks like the screenshot below:

    27 - Finally, the last step of this tutorial is to create a simple, but nice looking footer

    for our blog design. Start by creating a new layer set, named footer. Then, Create a

    new layer (Also named footer) and draw a 972*34 px rectangle using the

    Rectangular Marquee Tool. Fill it with #6589A7.

    28 - Add your copyright message (or whatever) to the footer. The font I used was

    Arial bold, 12pt. The color is white (#FFFFFF). Once done, align the text to the right

    part of the footer.

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    29 - Repeat steps 10,11 and 12 in order to have a smaller version of your logo in the

    footer. You should also dusplicate the logo layers and scale it, of course.

    30 -Youre done! Look at what you just created: