y 4. Cc:ni, July 4. : '.' - r r:-- i Vi.-.c:-.- er: i,: - j.:y 12. '.V Per Vi.-.tcw- er: ; llilura, July 2L Evening Bulletin. Eat ttiNo. C517: 14TAGES-H0N0LIJ- LU, TERBITOBY; OF HATTAII, MONDAtf, JULY 3, 1916. 14 PAGES X t4 . i. i v. Hawaiian Etir, VoL XXIT, Na T3 m mmm EB28S?U2 j cud' 'hj r - t- - .;f :::aFii' HC?; It V;;:;C2 Accepted, Says :cf r Jurist Calls . :.t V.,.;i2 llcjco in i.'crmng attac;;g said to hit AT.r: '.!:::.:, GaEconY, la:.z a::d few others Tit!:: Critl:;:m ,cf : ICcbinct ft. .!.J ,l rwii-SipCww- d. to , . i ii . j .v-- - . (r-- - ;j z'.nz Jie:n ca.ui , ' . WASi 1 1 XGTON, D. C-Jul- y 3. Circv.it Jucl.e Thomas B. Stuart cf Uc:;g!::!-- i cil'ed at the executive t fccs cf t!;e White House to see ;!;? fro: ::t tl-i- s morning or to l;r. c a :.. -- c fcr him. ' He left r; 1 ::.r f r Mr. Wil-e- n marked "; : : '." It is aLl tins letter 'c :;f ': ; ' S:-.:art'- s fe5.:nation. If . 1 2 t : .s 21,'. ) ( r ion . will be ! v i.cn it reaches " . ( f : ticc. ; .'it, criticize bit; , i Greppry I, :ior Lane, '..: "i. Chief Justice . cf the territo-- 1 :::ii, and Circuit ; of the Oahu C. S. ALDEilT. ' rt, vi a leave of ah-- l.ll , p. D. C, . .: '2 nv..:tar; C r'- -i ! Ti'. t) July 3. Liih alTairs : t :ay e; -- rcvcJ cr-.i.r.- rcport-;- . As it is to I: re-i- il carries total of an increase of Li'l as it passed ly :rkt Wirclau) ::, D. c jJuly 8. i- -l Uo'.aican rev- -' . I. ' r., ".r Eantiaso, zzl cae Ui S. marine tv.o wounded ty the r . t: 1 1 V ; i j I 3 ; cl3, cccordiag- - to :e state and navy v s w wi I :i a frc-s- ty F4enl TireleM) .c:,T. D. C July 3. The .: rr.ada public an esti-t:.- :t the United States : cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be- - to.thlak that hia birthday la coJco. This year he brc"ke a rib, year L3 trche a leg," and the r L.:;re that be had -- a crushed i Cqlebi SUGAR E?3IJ IOI 10 F.LL FAR D ELOV 1 9 1 5 Revised Estimate -- of Big Island Plantations Lowers Figures ; : on Expected Product t OLAA PLANTATforJ HAS ' NEW ESTIMATE PREPARED Other Companies r.!ake Revis -- ions and Givo i::v; Figures; Text Year's CrcptogrBig - neduction in thflK es-iat- ed 1J16 crops of plantatlocs c tb Dig la- - land premise to beprs tne ruie. i-- aie Saturday afternoc i Uie directors of niaa Rnar Com: Issued a state ment of rednctic a in estimates and this is only one ct several.; Brewer & Company as agents for sereral plan tations bad also made revisions.: . It has become evident to plantation ccmcanles on : the island of Hawaii taat tne 1816 crop will be materially Kmaller than the 1915. The reason fastened for this is that crop con ditions in 181i and through the harv vesting of the 1915 crop were of the best while the contrary was the case for the 1918 crop. Rains and Hoods in 1914 materially damaged that crop at the outset," 1 Erewer L Company - estimate . that the 1916 crop at Ptpcckeo is ro per ccst less thaarthat Qt 1315, HaKaiau 14 per cent, JIIIo 18 per cent; Onomea ?s.nd Ilcncma 27 ter cent . inis does not mean that they nave reauc eJ the 1S18 estimate ty such' per cents .re, but that this year's crop, per ecre U that much smaller.- : ; - - r q j i:;l.art has--inrorme- a the erectors cf Ol-- a Cu.:ar Company that it is necessary td re-u- ce the esti- - iyp TirEt official' aaaounceaent from Dcrlta ccr.ctratas the" naval battle the i:;.'.t;c, vcrac'.y reported last week frem Ixr.icr:, came cahlesrara ye.'terday- n.crair.g. The cablegram Tlia. day.-' July During the nir.ht Jar. a 1 1' ." r - p in i A T C - " 1. cf German tor rcJD tcati tctv.een Ilaferlnge. ana Lnndsort attacked with torpedoes Itus-Et- m r.aval feree?, com rosed cf one Er-c- reJI cruder, c a frctected cruiser cr.I five dCitrcycrs,-wh- were ap--1 rc"tly cat cat to disturb German lu: .hr.r.t vessels. After a short en rrsenicat the . forces with- drew. Ia ptta"cf violent shelliEg by tha Russians, cn the German side there were neither losses nor dam ygh:; stock- - - r.AHKET FcIlovAlna are the clcslna prices cf ".:cV c the Ntw York msntet to cay, tent ty the Aissctated Pfts over the Federal Wirelets: . Today Alaska Gold ..... ...... : 13 American Smelter 84) American Cu-- ar Rfg....iC3 American Ttl. & Tel.... 123 J i Ansccnda Ccpper .... 2?4 Atchison ........ 1C5H Cildwin Uco. ....... .V 71!4 r:t!ncre & Oht 3?4 : ;th!:hem Cteel c :!:f. Petrcleum ; Canadian Pacific ....i ISOVi: St P. (St Paul) 3',4 1 Ccio. Fuel & Iron......' 42 CrtcIe Steel 72VV Cre Common . r. . .;.." ZVz j Ceneral Electric 1 64 ; ...... Great Northern Pfd... 1202y 120H Inter. HarvM J...'....112Hi Kennecott Copper t&Yz- - tehi;h ........... New York Central. ,1C5'4 Pennsylvania Ray Corisot southern- - TODAY Pacific ;22i ;aker ....... 133?, Tennessee Copper. ZVfo Union Pacific 133 Steel E8'4 Steel Pfd......... 1174 Utah ...i..,..... TTVt .Western Union, -- Westinjhouse ......... 57?4 day. .ni 81H 1C5 72! 440 15'4 180 41a 884 167 Ce r. e ral f.t o to rs . . t ..... t .. .'. N. . R. R. 79 . 68 83 . i ..... . U. S. U. S. : . 93 ' S3 53 73 1132 47ft 78'2 104 68 22 -- vS74 133 S5t 137H 85H 117 7714 83H DJd. fEx-dlvidtn- d. tUnquoted. It is Impossible to see more than about 3000 stars at one time with the naked eye. 7 : . , . . :. : - ; raw, TODEOH OrJ OAIIU AT IZEi OCE Orders Received -- Yesterday for 9th Heavy Field Artillery : and 2nd Infantry .? COLOrJELS f.t'f.lAHOri APJD- - ATKirJSOM TO COMMAND ' ' ' ' , : - Officers of :VBoth Regiments Practically 11 Now on . :: Island -- 'v:'';: ' Cable orders announcing the per sonnel of the two! new -- regular army regiments to be organized on ' Oahu, the 9th Heavy Field Artillery and .the Thirty-secon- d Infantry, were Teceived Sunday from the War Department In Washington and made public : today by the Hawaiian Department Commanding officers of . both new. resiments'ara army men well known on Oahn. Cob John E. McMahon for- merly of the 1st Field Artillery, will command the 9th, i while! the 32d will be handled by Col, Benjamin ; w:: At kinson. formerly of the r 2d InfantiT. .: An Associated Press despatch today told of the. nominations-c- both these officers for fun colonelciea. - - 1 v Second in command of the 9th Is Lieut-co- L William S. Gulgnard. for. merly of the 1st Field Artillery, while the 32d s lieutenant colonel Is Michael J. Lenihan. now chief of staff at Ha waiian Department headquarters .here.- - According to department headquar ters ; today the officers 6f both regt- - nents are practically an : now- - resid ing on. Oaia. Th troops for. both regiments, will be ; taken from army organizations already nere. ... :1 The order announcing, the : regi ment s personnel. reada ;a follows; . r ...... . .J-: - a. I , : M . - v- J LwiLJ.ikeiLUJ) Thrcs Departments Being Cre mated; Gen. Vccd May E2 " Flaccd' irv SuprernsVComr .rnandv 'v'r t- -r : WASHINGTON, D. CJuly 3. Sec retary or War Baker today took in-pcrta- nt steps Jtc' decentralize the' ifli-re- ct' administration-o- f . the 1 Mexican boundary mattersvlwder the war de- partments ; ; , ; .." Three departments are to be creat ed. Gen. Funston.ls to command the Southern Department, Gen. Pershing to command the vDepartment: of New Mexico, tad 'Gen.. Franklin Bell-- to command - Arizona and; th West The plan fa eald to be the "sugges- tion cf Gen.r Funston,ln the Interest of efficiency,' and probably pavs the way .for the appointment of a supreme. commander. ; The Indications are that Gen. .Wood ia being considered for this-position?- .It ia probable, that Per- shing, now ' a brigadier-generar- , -- will be promoted. ; It Is announced that the . Pershing assignment i'does. not mean that the U. S. punitive expedi- tion Is about tobe withdrawn fivo Cn!;:! OifiGcrs . . . r v' - ohdI t ' ( Aiociatd TrtM Jy Fdcnl WirilMs) ' V-- f f . ; "'"" : ' v, WASHINGTON. D. C. July of the Hawaiian- - De- - f 'partment Oahn, receive promo- - tions under the new! srrry rtor- - t-V ganlzation bill as it is recelvt-- t f-- f by' the senate; . . v. ' .i ' . . At the head of the list of pro-- f f motions is the name of Brig.-ge- n. f Albert L. Mills, now hief of the dlylsioh of r militia affairs. f He f 4- - Is to be a brigadier-general- .; . 4-- ' V;; The following colonels are rf ' nominated , to be brlgadler-gener- - f als: -- Charles G. Morton, Gran- - f ger Adams, George A. Dodd, Ed- - -- f f ward Plummer, Clarence Towns- - ley.-;- ; : ' ir: ' .;; v-- :;.'' :: ',''-i- r The following lieutenant-colo- - t-4- nels are- - nominated to be colo- - 4 eels: John E. McMahon, Jsines f M. Arrasmlth, William H. John- - 'aton, ' Benjamin W. Atkinson. f : CoL .McMahcm la - with the 1st Field Artillery, Schofleld. 4 and CoLVAkinson f with the 2d f f Infantry.' Fort Shatter. . - . -- 4- t f 4 .f f t 4- - f t r - - - . . i - German official' cable despatches of July 1 do not admit any serious ad- vance by. either?BrltJsh "or French on the west line,- - tboogh the London off- icial claims of. Uxe same date declared that In some places progress as much as five miles had been made.4 The Ger- man despatch or Jdy l; which arrived yesterday toornh ?; saidi -- t vV t "GERMAN HKASWCAlWiUJS.r July 1. today Hrted f advances re- -' peatedly in numerous places, and also during the night; but weret everywhere repulsed AIuriaoners and mate- rial remained in-- hands at seyeral potata."3-'',.S'W".:f- p-'Z'?te- kl "V.-v- The advancJ-ere- : begun by a strong artillery JS riband by gas attacks or blastings. - Thia morning, he activ- ity on both 8ide" if the fiver: Somme considerably' lnrea$ed.'. North of Rheims and nortbf .Lemesnll smaller Infantry detachrjiVftts were repulsed. ""West jof the; Meuse Uhere were I local .infantry;-ir- nibats East of the Meuse the- - ene uy tried. t6: reconquer our positions cn thei Froide Terre and on' and near Thiaumont;A$ in the attacks on Jetty-- ' 22 and' '23 against DouaunionU strong masses ;Oftinfan-tr- y were engaged in' tha stprmtog;4 t "The- - enemy is : again on ground" where there vr:fer - pnimpbrtant c local successes which"- at: the Jbegi,nning- - of action were rather tool hastily official; ly reported. This .announced recpn- - quest cf the fortressTwhile. really en attack, everywhere failed under heavy losses i for c the : eneioy Ja sa :al places the energy's soldiers reached our lines but were taken prisoners, and it is to be noted that the French entered their fcrmer fortress only as ; Successful rCvrfAtt?PAtrblt;"fe'0'ag& wents took place iiiorth c,f the ; f orett of Paroy and west; of. Senones. , ' . The German enperor fcas bestow ed - the order Tdut Le Merite upon Lieut' Wintglnsr, and yesterday; this lieutenant stot down a French, biplane southwest, of Chateau Salines: : Near Bras an enemy aeroplane wai disabled by artillery fire and another, put .out of action near Thlaumont by maenme- - gun fire. The air attacks Against Lille caused: no military, damage, but there were numerous victims f among . the civilians, esp eclally ln the Chnrch of Saint Iubene. More than 50 dead and wounded were left iere, also in Souai, Bapaume, Peronne and Neile numer ous Frenca - jnnaDitants ' were , aouea and wpundedby the French and Eng lish fire and air bombs. ; rs .W-'' On the east front. Gen. von Lin- - singen'a army west of V Kolkl-- ' nd southwest of Koul and near. conquered Russiair,,vr asltlonsj ; while. i , a . DEAD; WMk wpr-r- p "ill ... "Jl 1 n Vorld's f.!cst Famous Mistress : of Finance Has : Beert; Helpless fcr Weeks; (Aj8eiftt44 Tt bjL FderaT Wlrelea)' . NEW YORK, N. Y- - July X Mrsi Hetty Green, richest wornan jn Amerfp ca'and the most famous feminine capi- talist in the world, -- died here today. She has 'been helpless for weeks, a paralytic She was nearly 82 years of 3e.; . ' ': -; ;;;" ' " V; V - i - - .r ' " V' - ' . . ".'v. .,: - .. : ;,' v.-- Hetty Green waathe world's most remarkable mistress of finance. The fortune she has left 3s close to $100,-000,00- 0. The richest woman In "Ameri- ca, she lived almost as frugally as a shop girt r Her home was' wherever she chose, for aTtime to hang her little black cape and bonnet often m the hall bedroom' of some cheap boarding house or in some remote, and modest flat around New York.'.r A r ' Her. eccentric extremes of economy led to a popular misconception of her as a "self-mad- e woman. As a mat ter of fact she was born rich. In 1865 she inherited some-110,000,0- which accumulated upon Itself until in SO years it had multiplied nearly 10 times. She also Inherited family-tradition- s' which had been a: pride for three centuries, and which ; she was anxious to perpetuate in be children. ' She was born at New r, Bedford, Mass In November, 1834,: about the 20th, according to her '.testimony at one time- - in. Court She ywas a des- cendant on her mothers side of Hen- ry HowlanV, brother of Pilgrim John Howland of the Mayflower. ' A wage. Increase of 10 per cent has been' granted the 25,000 employes of the American Woolen Co. -.- ! ' i . t. - . t west and southwest " of Luck . there were combats successful for us. Here the Russians. ; yesterday lost IS off- icers and 1365 soldiers. - Since June 16 26 officers and 3.165 men have been taken by our armies. Genv Botbmer's army Inflicted some heavy losses on the Russians southwest of Thumaci, the attacks being useless. .v- -' ' FrWsy'a Report. :' v. ', " Considerable activity Is shown by the official despatch.- - concerning . Fri- day; June 30: :r'-;-- - HEADQUARTERS, June 30. Yesterday and also in the night the Germans repulsed .English, and French- - advances In , several places and near RIchebough. by ; Immediate counter attacks. Hostile gas attacks continued,:- - without success. Strong artillery activity continued ,wlth. Inter- ruptions. ;fv' ,V;-;i;-.- "V'lliH? u "Southeast ;,of . Tahure and near Farm,' Maison: and ; De champagne ad- vancing French; detachments were re- pulsed with, bloody losses.; ".West of the Meuse the Germans made prog- ress on Height 504; '. On the iEaat Mver no-- infantry activity ; is staking placeJ ' iv::rv .;; r, :TThe total t number-'- ; of. prisoners brought. In during the' Germans suc- cesses of June 23 and during the de- fense against the, great French coun- ter attacks amount, to T(Tbfffcers and S20O men. . " .' :,--;-- . V "Capt Boelcke; piivthe evening of June 27, near Farm Thlaumont, shot down his nineteenth aeroplaeLleut. Parschau, north of . Verontd onvJnne 29,.shot down his fifth. German anti- aircraft gun fire in the' district of BourreUles brought down, a; French biplane., , ." - . i .w- - in.., JtT - L able o" u north of Uitafcle, thert are noimportant events, "I Ori the northern front; Llnsingen's army:- - Southeast of Linievka, counter attacks of Russians, who were .driven again from their positions, ; failed. More man iou prisoners were cap tured and seven- - machine guns. "German naval aeroplanes on Jane 26,' on the west of Riga Gulf In a. fight against five Russian'. aero- planes, forced one of them' to ilamf. In another air fight between five Ger-mz- a and five aeroplanes in the same district two hostile aerc planes had to . land, heavily damaged, j : "On German machine was hit In the propeller .and , went .down in the water, and -- was sunk. The Inmatet were taken on ' board other German aeroplanes and brought back home. Although. the aeroplanes were heavily shelled by destroyers, all flyers and observers returned unharmed." ; iia..uJ LJULaUdluJ, rp "' r 'w" ft 1 11L..1J iJU luLUJUJ Kuhio' Cabfss Good News Con ; ' cerning Appropriations for ; Maui and Oahu 'V: .c. Vt: ": f f jf -- v- -- r- f Delegate Kuhio cabled to " the Chamber of ' ; Commerce this f morning some splendid news for f the territory." Here.ls the cable--- f f gram: ' . '' ' . " ' "Quarter millibh for Kahului, f, amendment "adopted, by confer- -' 4-- f ees.f - i ; . . '" , ; J-- f f "Senate military committee f f; Inserted army, bill ,110,000 for f survey of ahu military roads. . f - The quarter-millio- n for Kahu- - f lul is to work on the big breakwater in the harbor . and f with the conference report In fa-'- v fr vor of it will doubtless be adopt- - V ed by Congress. The other item f takes care of the survey of the f. proposed millidnl3ilar military f V road around Oahu. which Is mak- - V Ing good ( progress . before ; the f congressmen. - Since the survey f 4- - Item '. Is favored,, it looks more f than probable that " the , whole f' road item will pass. V " 4 ' :;,..-v-"'.- ' - 4 4- - f -- f -- f 4 COURT HOLDS WORDS ARE SUFFICIENTLY DEFINITE y In the case of Ludwig Wemzheimer vs. David K. Kahanlelio and others the supreme court today held that the words . twenty ' days after typewrit- ing and filing transcript of evidence by the official court stenographer with the clerk of the "court" do not make an order void because of uncer- tainty - :;; :.:;- :;::: - AV'V.'--- ;. - 7.0 -- 'j7.r: x - i Ur.3 C.i Er.i"3 Er.-.- i Ffcr.l r.-.- mi Tc j l. A W BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE (via Lcron). Jul 3.-r- hc "great Combined assault of the British and French on the vc : em battle front continues without diminution of fury today.', r - he British with alternate artillery fire and infantry-charge- advanced further, east of Ancre, 2nd have rained an elevation r.c. . of Aricourt for which they have been fighting, The buttlirg ccr.tir. iittensely along virtually-th- e entire British front. " s i;; The British have bombarded the stronghold of Thiepy"! heavily t day. .The Germans cojtinue, to shell MonUuban?;wli!;h u ta!.cn ' the British, ''but thejkitter, are 'well established in the town. Sov.tli tllis point mofeCthan 4000 prisorters have, been taken, by' the Britiilj. 4:;' PARIS, France,' July fighting took rlice today c.i fection of the Franco-Germa- n line east of the'MetowV ; Her? t'.:j C mans.captured Damloup but the French, by a series, of j!. rt, c' charges cleared away the defenders and regained c;. ; W VThe Frencli are pounding heavily the German scccn .1 Y.:z c the Somme mver. - The , French troops have succeeded i.i c two lines' of trenches for a distance of 'three miles and have cc; Harbecourt.: ; ' " ";r; ;'::- -' - '. ":f" " , '.. In the' north the British are pressing the" Germans lurd fur ; sion of Bapaume. . ixriiic: L: n:::o; : BERLIN," Germany; July 3. The' German war c " an announcement saying that there is a contir. .:atiu of -- r-f BTh. . ,r-- . ..:.rc; :!' .. .: entrance Russian, y continue nter.the fight;;:,;', is wiuiout a.Iva.,tr.;? i .r t... At.South- of the Somme the German i lave troops to .a' second ti position.' . .,'.;.;. " ;. , D!ac!i 7c: 1; ; PETROGRAD, Russia,' July 3. Russian t r; : ' j ! 'w : in the Bjack Sea have sunk .54 sailing vessels L.lo;.gir.g tj tions. . . " .'. , .. , 'v -;;- -:,. r- -.-.. ; ; LONDON, Eng., July 3. The British steamer Mc:ri.? I -- iunk in the war zone but no details have been given cut as to i'. .. of the crew. ' ,. . ' '. , Allies 'TahiDrr Sfc-3i:- c I- - . .. LONDON, England. July 3. Four towns of strategic Importance have been : captured by . the British and French lahe great offensive move- ment now under ;way, and tha attack continues with unabated fury. ; ' . ' . The BriMsh forces have captured the village, ot, Fricourt after desper- ate fighting, and have made further progress easterly of that point At La Boisclle the enemy is resisting des- perately. The French have captured the villages of Friseand Mereaucourt, taking more than 60CO unwounded German prisoners. ; These fot'r' vuges are within sv-e- n miles'.of the main railway lines which ontrof. wthq ,German .commimi-cation- s to Cologne.' V.- - , - , Furicbs counter-attack- s were madi yesterdajr upen both the Eritishand French new ; positions. The British headquaiters repcrts that a night at- tack? wfjs repulsed with very heavy loea to the enemy., - The Bntish are FIIDELEGAliI IS LEAVh.'fi ill " LIIIUE 'DOL'liS' .At 5 o'clock this afternoon Govern or . Pihkham ' and , representative of fl- eers of the National Guard of Hawaii will leave for Lihue, Kauai.- - to attend the big Fourth of July celebration to be held there Tuesday., 1 " ; The National uuard delegation ' in- cludes the following:- - Brig.-ge- n. Sam- uel L Johnson, colhmanding officer; CoL C: S. Lincoln, inspector-instructo- r; Capt R. L. Nogglv commandinf the Signal Corps, and Lieut L. M Judd. aide-de-cam- p to Gen. Johnson Governor Pinkham's ' aide, ; MaJ. J D. Dougherty, will accompany the tei . ritorys chief executive. " . While en Kauai the. National Cuard officials .will Inspect the six new com- panies which were formed there ia the ast few mouths to make a ccm plete, regiment .' ' ; .Capt G. T. Gre'j, 4th Infantry, . strengthen!? tl tions nnd tackx '. pre;ar!: Teutonic Ccu - r- - Tarb report part of the Ger lost by thera i y: j - - n t r. me.; All ilia Jittrc' ; 11 : ure. ' : , In Volhyn!a heavy n:v.t:-.- T ! on; the Geruma, trejrJ.'.-- T '.v grad, ,'fjfjng e-- r:' in cour.ter-attick- 3 cn t'. a Cz:? No report from eit:. :.- - T;t-Berli- n i3 made cf tia r: fighting. It 13 stl'.l !a pr: Russians desperately r:.;:: ; of the Teutons to C. ' '" Mors Austrian pc : :' -- 3 Cukcwina, city cf 11:'.: . taken by tie Kus::;-- j Ly ., r ther developing the'.r strat" ' ; of the approaches to tie Car; Two thousand ' Au3tr!aa ; : were taken by the RisLani yc in these attacks. . G. - Hv cf Kauai, " in Honolulu said Lihue has made tig pi: the, celebration.- - He 13 en r the coast on leave cf absence. JAPANESE MASSAGE : vill , -- . ABIDE BY.iiEW HULI Japanese massage prac'Jticr. ::j -- abide by the; attorn ey-- ; a sral'a ' against the "needle trcat.at." cording to statemcata z.z:zzz r.: bers "cf the local eclcny. ; Though this' treatment , has practised for many years, tha J. ese say they will gh a It up, uai:r ruling that ro one Ith:at a tz license can to pract;? r.Tofiorj should :::: -,;;- -T0 RECPi JUr" . In the case cf Kctar Taj: Tsune Horita tha f:.. c day ruled 'that wLere a t. , ment has been ent:rc 1 cn C. motion to-- reopen th ? dcfalt . also ask that tY, ' -- :?zi he Two person 3 tvro Lcn? colli I; Krar'i ' at -

Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

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Page 1: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

y 4.

Cc:ni, July 4. : '.'-

r r:-- i Vi.-.c:-.- er:

i,: - j.:y 12. '.VPer Vi.-.tcw-er: ;

llilura, July 2L

Evening Bulletin. Eat ttiNo. C517: 14TAGES-H0N0LIJ- LU, TERBITOBY; OF HATTAII, MONDAtf, JULY 3, 1916. 14 PAGES X t4 . i. i v.Hawaiian Etir, VoL XXIT, Na

T3m mmm EB28S?U2j cud' 'hj


- t- -.;f :::aFii'

HC?; It V;;:;C2 Accepted, Says

:cf r Jurist Calls.:.t V.,.;i2 llcjco in i.'crmng

attac;;g said to hitAT.r: '.!:::.:, GaEconY,

la:.z a::d few othersTit!:: Critl:;:m ,cf : ICcbinct

ft. .!.J ,l rwii-SipCww-d. to

, . i ii . j.v--

- .(r-- - ;j z'.nz Jie:n ca.ui ,

'.WASi 1 1 XGTON, D. C-Jul- y 3.Circv.it Jucl.e Thomas B. Stuart

cf Uc:;g!::!-- i cil'ed at the executivet fccs cf t!;e White House to see;!;? fro: ::t tl-i-

s morning or tol;r. c a :.. -- c fcr him. ' He leftr; 1 ::.r f r Mr. Wil-e- n marked"; : : '." It is aLl tins letter'c :;f ': ; ' S:-.:art'- s fe5.:nation.If

. 1 2 t :

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will be! v i.cn it reaches


. ( f : ticc. ;.'it, criticize bit;

,i Greppry

I, :ior Lane,'..: "i. Chief Justice

. cf the territo--1

:::ii, and Circuit; of the Oahu

C. S. ALDEilT. '

rt, vi a leave of ah--

l.ll, p.

D. C,

. .: '2 nv..:tar;

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Ti'. t)July 3.


: t :ay e; -- rcvcJcr-.i.r.- rcport-;- .

As it is to I: re-i- il

carries total ofan increase of

Li'l as it passed

ly :rkt Wirclau)::, D. c jJuly 8.

i- -l Uo'.aican rev- -'

. I.' r., ".r Eantiaso,

zzl cae Ui S. marinetv.o wounded ty ther .


1 1 V

; i

j I



cl3, cccordiag- - to:e state and navy

v s w





frc-s- ty F4enl TireleM)

.c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.- :t

the United States: cf military. age.

chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be- -

to.thlak that hia birthday lacoJco. This year he brc"ke a rib,

year L3 trche a leg," and ther L.:;re that be had -- a crushed



FAR D ELOV 1 9 1 5

Revised Estimate --of Big IslandPlantations Lowers Figures

;: on Expected Product t



Other Companies r.!ake Revis-- ions and Givo i::v; Figures;Text Year's CrcptogrBig

- neduction in thflK es-iat- ed 1J16crops of plantatlocs c tb Dig la--

land premise to beprs tne ruie. i-- aie

Saturday afternoc i Uie directors ofniaa Rnar Com: Issued a statement of rednctic a in estimates andthis is only one ct several.; Brewer &

Company as agents for sereral plantations bad also made revisions.: .

It has become evident to plantationccmcanles on : the island of Hawaiitaat tne 1816 crop will be materiallyKmaller than the 1915. The reasonfastened for this is that crop conditions in 181i and through the harvvesting of the 1915 crop were of thebest while the contrary was the casefor the 1918 crop. Rains and Hoodsin 1914 materially damaged that cropat the outset," 1

Erewer L Company - estimate . thatthe 1916 crop at Ptpcckeo is ro perccst less thaarthat Qt 1315, HaKaiau14 per cent, JIIIo 18 per cent; Onomea?s.nd Ilcncma 27 ter cent . inisdoes not mean that they nave reauceJ the 1S18 estimate ty such' percents .re, but that this year's crop, perecre U that much smaller.- :

; - - r q j i:;l.art has--inrorme- a

the erectors cf Ol-- a Cu.:ar Companythat it is necessary td re-u- ce the esti- -


TirEt official' aaaounceaent fromDcrlta ccr.ctratas the" naval battlethe i:;.'.t;c, vcrac'.y reported last weekfrem Ixr.icr:, came cahlesraraye.'terday- n.crair.g. The cablegram

Tlia. day.-' July Duringthe nir.ht Jar. a




r - p


i A

T C - " 1.cf German tor

rcJD tcati tctv.een Ilaferlnge. anaLnndsort attacked with torpedoes Itus-Et-m

r.aval feree?, com rosed cf oneEr-c- reJI cruder, c a frctected cruisercr.I five dCitrcycrs,-wh- were ap--1

rc"tly cat cat to disturb Germanlu: .hr.r.t vessels. After a short enrrsenicat the . forces with-drew. Ia ptta"cf violent shelliEg bytha Russians, cn the German sidethere were neither losses nor dam

ygh:; stock- - -r.AHKET

FcIlovAlna are the clcslna prices cf".:cV c the Ntw York msntet to

cay, tent ty the Aissctated Pfts overthe Federal Wirelets:

. TodayAlaska Gold ..... ...... : 13American Smelter 84)American Cu-- ar Rfg....iC3American Ttl. & Tel.... 123 J i

Ansccnda Ccpper .... 2?4Atchison ........ 1C5HCildwin Uco. ....... .V 71!4r:t!ncre & Oht 3?4: ;th!:hem Cteelc :!:f. Petrcleum ;

Canadian Pacific ....i ISOVi:St P. (St Paul) 3',4


Ccio. Fuel & Iron......' 42CrtcIe Steel 72VVCre Common . r. . .;.." ZVz j

Ceneral Electric 1 64 ;......Great Northern Pfd... 1202y 120HInter. HarvM J...'....112HiKennecott Copper t&Yz- -

tehi;h ...........New York Central. ,1C5'4PennsylvaniaRay Corisotsouthern- -



;aker ....... 133?,Tennessee Copper. ZVfoUnion Pacific 133

Steel E8'4Steel Pfd......... 1174

Utah ...i..,..... TTVt.Western Union,-- Westinjhouse ......... 57?4







C e r. e ral f.t o to rs . .t ..... t . ..'.


R. R. 79 .


83 .

i ......

U. S.U. S.

: .93






1046822 --




DJd. fEx-dlvidtn- d. tUnquoted.

It is Impossible to see more thanabout 3000 stars at one time with thenaked eye.









- ;




Orders Received --Yesterday for9th Heavy Field Artillery

: and 2nd Infantry .?

COLOrJELS f.t'f.lAHOri APJD- -

ATKirJSOM TO COMMAND' ' ' ' , : -

Officers of :VBoth RegimentsPractically 11 Now on . ::

Island --'v:'';:' Cable orders announcing the per

sonnel of the two! new -- regular armyregiments to be organized on ' Oahu,the 9th Heavy Field Artillery and .theThirty-secon- d Infantry, were TeceivedSunday from the War Department InWashington and made public : todayby the Hawaiian Department

Commanding officers of . both new.resiments'ara army men well knownon Oahn. Cob John E. McMahon for-merly of the 1st Field Artillery, willcommand the 9th, i while! the 32d willbe handled by Col, Benjamin ; w:: Atkinson. formerly of the r 2d InfantiT..: An Associated Press despatch today

told of the. nominations-c- both theseofficers for fun colonelciea. - - 1


Second in command of the 9th IsLieut-co- L William S. Gulgnard. for.merly of the 1st Field Artillery, whilethe 32d s lieutenant colonel Is MichaelJ. Lenihan. now chief of staff at Hawaiian Department headquarters .here.- -

According to department headquarters ; today the officers 6f both regt- -

nents are practically an : now- - residing on. Oaia. Th troops for. bothregiments, will be ; taken from armyorganizations already nere. ... :1

The order announcing, the : regiment s personnel. reada ;a follows; .




- a. I ,

: M .


J LwiLJ.ikeiLUJ)

Thrcs Departments Being Cre

mated; Gen. Vccd May E2" Flaccd' irv SuprernsVComr

.rnandv 'v'r t- -r

: WASHINGTON, D. CJuly 3. Secretary orWar Baker today took in-pcrta- nt

steps Jtc' decentralize the' ifli-re- ct'

administration-o- f . the 1 Mexicanboundary mattersvlwder the war de-partments ;

; , ; .."

Three departments are to be created. Gen. Funston.ls to command theSouthern Department, Gen. Pershingto command the vDepartment: of NewMexico, tad 'Gen.. Franklin Bell-- tocommand - Arizona and; th West

The plan fa eald to be the "sugges-tion cf Gen.r Funston,ln the Interestof efficiency,' and probably pavs theway .for the appointment of a supreme.commander. ; The Indications are thatGen. .Wood ia being considered forthis-position?- .It ia probable, that Per-shing, now ' a brigadier-generar- , --willbe promoted. ; It Is announced thatthe . Pershing assignment i'does. notmean that the U. S. punitive expedi-tion Is about tobe withdrawn

fivo Cn!;:! OifiGcrs. . . r v' -


t' ( Aiociatd TrtM Jy Fdcnl WirilMs) '

V-- f

f . ; "'"" :' v,

WASHINGTON. D.C. Julyof the Hawaiian- - De--

f 'partment Oahn, receive promo- -

tions under the new! srrry rtor-- t-V

ganlzation bill as it is recelvt-- t f-- f

by' the senate; . . v. '


. . At the head of the list of pro-- ff motions is the name of Brig.-ge- n. f

Albert L. Mills, now hief of thedlylsioh of r militia affairs. f He f

4- - Is to be a brigadier-general- .; . 4-- 'V;; The following colonels are rf' nominated , to be brlgadler-gener--

f als: -- Charles G. Morton, Gran- -

f ger Adams, George A. Dodd, Ed-- --ff ward Plummer, Clarence Towns- -ley.-;- ; : ' ir: ' .;;

v-- :;.'' :: ',''-i- r

The following lieutenant-colo-- t-4-

nels are- - nominated to be colo- -

4 eels: John E. McMahon, Jsines fM. Arrasmlth, William H. John- -

'aton, ' Benjamin W. Atkinson.f : CoL .McMahcm la - with the

1st Field Artillery, Schofleld.4 and CoLVAkinson f with the 2d ff Infantry.' Fort Shatter. .


-- 4-

t f 4 .f f t 4-- f t

r - -- . . i -

German official' cable despatches ofJuly 1 do not admit any serious ad-vance by. either?BrltJsh "or French onthe west line,-- tboogh the London off-icial claims of. Uxe same date declaredthat In some places progress as muchas five miles had been made.4 The Ger-man despatch or Jdy l; which arrivedyesterday toornh ?; saidi -- t vV t


today Hrted f advances re- -'

peatedly in numerous places, and alsoduring the night; but weret everywhererepulsed AIuriaoners and mate-rial remained in-- hands at seyeralpotata."3-'',.S'W".:f- p-'Z'?te- kl "V.-v-

The advancJ-ere-: begun by astrong artillery JS riband by gas attacksor blastings. - Thia morning, he activ-ity on both 8ide" if the fiver: Sommeconsiderably' lnrea$ed.'. North ofRheims and nortbf .Lemesnll smallerInfantry detachrjiVftts were repulsed.""West jof the; Meuse Uhere were

I local .infantry;-ir- nibats East of theMeuse the- - ene uy tried. t6: reconquerour positions cn thei Froide Terre andon' and near Thiaumont;A$ in theattacks on Jetty--' 22 and' '23 againstDouaunionU strong masses ;Oftinfan-tr- y

were engaged in' tha stprmtog;4t "The- - enemy is : again on ground"

where there vr:fer - pnimpbrtant c localsuccesses which"- at: the Jbegi,nning- - ofaction were rather tool hastily official;ly reported. This .announced recpn- -

quest cf the fortressTwhile. really enattack, everywhere failed under heavylosses i for c the : eneioy Ja sa :alplaces the energy's soldiers reachedour lines but were taken prisoners,and it is to be noted that the Frenchentered their fcrmer fortress only as

; Successful rCvrfAtt?PAtrblt;"fe'0'ag&wents took place iiiorth c,f the ; forettof Paroy and west; of. Senones. , ' .

The German enperor fcas bestowed - the order Tdut Le Merite uponLieut' Wintglnsr, and yesterday; thislieutenant stot down a French, biplanesouthwest, of Chateau Salines: : NearBras an enemy aeroplane wai disabledby artillery fire and another, put .outof action near Thlaumont by maenme- -

gun fire. The air attacks Against Lillecaused: no military, damage, but therewere numerous victims f among

. thecivilians, esp eclally ln the Chnrch ofSaint Iubene. More than 50 dead andwounded were left iere, also in Souai,Bapaume, Peronne and Neile numerous Frenca - jnnaDitants ' were , aoueaand wpundedby the French and English fire and air bombs. ; rs .W-''

On the east front. Gen. von Lin- -singen'a army west of V Kolkl-- ' ndsouthwest of Koul and near.conquered Russiair,,vr asltlonsj ; while.

i , a .

DEAD;WMkwpr-r- p "ill... "Jl 1 n

Vorld's f.!cst Famous Mistress: of Finance Has : Beert;

Helpless fcr Weeks;

(Aj8eiftt44 Tt bjL FderaT Wlrelea)' .

NEW YORK, N. Y- - July X MrsiHetty Green, richest wornan jn Amerfpca'and the most famous feminine capi-

talist in the world, -- died here today.She has 'been helpless for weeks, aparalytic She was nearly 82 years of

3e.; .

'': -; ;;;" ' "

V; V- i - - .r ' " V' -' . . ".'v. .,: - .. : ;,' v.--

Hetty Green waathe world's mostremarkable mistress of finance. Thefortune she has left 3s close to $100,-000,00- 0.

The richest woman In "Ameri-ca, she lived almost as frugally as ashop girt r Her home was' wherevershe chose, for aTtime to hang her littleblack cape and bonnet often m thehall bedroom' of some cheap boardinghouse or in some remote, and modestflat around New York.'.r A r '

Her. eccentric extremes of economyled to a popular misconception of heras a "self-mad- e woman. As a matter of fact she was born rich. In 1865she inherited some-110,000,0- whichaccumulated upon Itself until in SOyears it had multiplied nearly 10times. She also Inherited family-tradition- s'

which had been a: pride forthree centuries, and which ; she wasanxious to perpetuate in be children.' She was born at New r, Bedford,Mass In November, 1834,: about the20th, according to her '.testimony atone time- - in. Court She ywas a des-cendant on her mothers side of Hen-ry HowlanV, brother of Pilgrim JohnHowland of the Mayflower. '

A wage. Increase of 10 per cent hasbeen' granted the 25,000 employes ofthe American Woolen Co. -.-! ' i

. t. - .t

west and southwest " of Luck . therewere combats successful for us. Herethe Russians. ; yesterday lost IS off-icers and 1365 soldiers. - Since June 1626 officers and 3.165 men have beentaken by our armies. Genv Botbmer'sarmy Inflicted some heavy losses onthe Russians southwest of Thumaci,the attacks being useless. .v-

-' 'FrWsy'a Report. :' v. ', "

Considerable activity Is shown bythe official despatch.-- concerning . Fri-day; June 30: :r'-;-- -

HEADQUARTERS, June30. Yesterday and also in the nightthe Germans repulsed .English, andFrench- - advances In , several placesand near RIchebough. by ; Immediatecounter attacks. Hostile gas attackscontinued,:- - without success. Strongartillery activity continued ,wlth. Inter-ruptions. ;fv' ,V;-;i;-.- "V'lliH?u "Southeast ;,of . Tahure and nearFarm,' Maison: and ; De champagne ad-vancing French; detachments were re-pulsed with, bloody losses.; ".West ofthe Meuse the Germans made prog-ress on Height 504; '. On the iEaatMver no-- infantry activity ; is stakingplaceJ ' iv::rv .;; r,

:TThe total t number-'- ; of. prisonersbrought. In during the' Germans suc-cesses of June 23 and during the de-

fense against the,great French coun-ter attacks amount, to T(Tbfffcers andS20O men. .

" .' :,--;-- . V"Capt Boelcke; piivthe evening of

June 27, near Farm Thlaumont, shotdown his nineteenth aeroplaeLleut.Parschau, north of . Verontd onvJnne29,.shot down his fifth. German anti-aircraft gun fire in the' district ofBourreUles brought down, a; Frenchbiplane., , ." - .

i .w- - in.., JtT - Lable o" u north of Uitafcle, thertare noimportant events,"I Ori the northern front; Llnsingen'sarmy:- - Southeast of Linievka, counterattacks of Russians, who were .drivenagain from their positions, ; failed.More man iou prisoners were captured and seven- - machine guns.

"German naval aeroplanes on Jane26,' on the west of Riga GulfIn a. fight against five Russian'. aero-planes, forced one of them' to ilamf.In another air fight between five Ger-mz- a

and five aeroplanes inthe same district two hostile aercplanes had to . land, heavily damaged,j : "On German machine was hit Inthe propeller .and , went .down in thewater, and -- was sunk. The Inmatetwere taken on ' board other Germanaeroplanes and brought back home.Although. the aeroplanes were heavilyshelled by destroyers, all flyers andobservers returned unharmed." ;

iia..uJ LJULaUdluJ,

rp "' r'w" ft 1

11L..1J iJU luLUJUJ

Kuhio' Cabfss Good News Con

; ' cerning Appropriations for; Maui and Oahu'V:


Vt: ":f f jf --v- --r-

f Delegate Kuhio cabled to" theChamber of ' ; Commerce this

f morning some splendid news forf the territory." Here.ls the cable---ff gram: ' . '' '

." '

"Quarter millibh for Kahului,f, amendment "adopted,by confer--' 4--f

ees.f - i ;. .

'" , ; J-- f

f "Senate military committee ff; Inserted army, bill ,110,000 forf survey of ahu military roads. .

f - The quarter-millio- n for Kahu- -f lul is to work on the big

breakwater in the harbor . andf with the conference report In fa-'- v

fr vor of it will doubtless be adopt- -V ed by Congress. The other itemf takes care of the survey of thef. proposed millidnl3ilar military fV road around Oahu. which Is mak--V Ing good ( progress . before ; thef congressmen. - Since the survey f4-- Item '. Is favored,, it looks moref than probable that " the , wholef' road item will pass. V " 4

' :;,..-v-"'.- ' - 44-- f --f --f 4



y In the case of Ludwig Wemzheimervs. David K. Kahanlelio and othersthe supreme court today held that thewords . twenty ' days after typewrit-ing and filing transcript of evidenceby the official court stenographerwith the clerk of the "court" do notmake an order void because of uncer-tainty - :;; :.:;- :;::: - AV'V.'--- ;. -

7.0-- 'j7.r:




Ur.3 C.i Er.i"3 Er.-.- i Ffcr.l r.-.-

miTc j l.A

W BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE (via Lcron). Jul3.-r- hc "great Combined assault of the British and French on the vc :

em battle front continues without diminution of fury today.',r

- he British with alternate artillery fire and infantry-charge-

advanced further, east of Ancre, 2nd have rained an elevation r.c. .

of Aricourt for which they have been fighting, The buttlirg ccr.tir.iittensely along virtually-th- e entire British front. "

s i;; The British have bombarded the stronghold of Thiepy"! heavily t

day. .The Germans cojtinue, to shell MonUuban?;wli!;h u ta!.cn '

the British, ''but thejkitter, are 'well established in the town. Sov.tlitllis point mofeCthan 4000 prisorters have, been taken, by' the Britiilj.

4:;' PARIS, France,' July fighting took rlice today c.ifection of the Franco-Germa- n line east of the'MetowV ; Her? t'.:j Cmans.captured Damloup but the French, by a series, of j!. rt, c'

charges cleared away the defenders and regained c;. ;

W VThe Frencli are pounding heavily the German scccn .1 Y.:z c

the Somme mver. - The , French troops have succeeded i.i c

two lines' of trenches for a distance of 'three miles and have cc;Harbecourt.: ; ' " ";r; ;'::-

-'- '. ":f" "

, '.. In the' north the British are pressing the" Germans lurd fur ;

sion of Bapaume. .

ixriiic: L: n:::o; :

BERLIN," Germany; July 3. The' German war c"

an announcement saying that there is a contir. .:atiu of--

r-f BTh. . ,r--. ..:.rc; :!' .. .:





nter.the fight;;:,;', is wiuiout a.Iva.,tr.;? i .r t...At.South- of the Somme the German i lavetroops to .a' second ti position.' . .,'.;.;. " ;. ,

D!ac!i 7c: 1;

; PETROGRAD, Russia,' July 3. Russian t r; :' j ! 'w :

in the Bjack Sea have sunk .54 sailing vessels L.lo;.gir.g tjtions. . .

" .'. ,

.. , 'v -;;- -:,. r- -.-.. ; ;

LONDON, Eng., July 3. The British steamer Mc:ri.? I --

iunk in the war zone but no details have been given cut as to i'. ..of the crew. ' ,. .

' '. ,

Allies 'TahiDrr Sfc-3i:- c I--

. .. LONDON, England. July 3. Fourtowns of strategic Importance havebeen : captured by . the British andFrench lahe great offensive move-

ment now under ;way, and tha attackcontinues with unabated fury. ; ' . '. The BriMsh forces have capturedthe village, ot, Fricourt after desper-ate fighting, and have made furtherprogress easterly of that point AtLa Boisclle the enemy is resisting des-perately. The French have capturedthe villages of Friseand Mereaucourt,taking more than 60CO unwoundedGerman prisoners.; These fot'r' vuges are within sv-e- n

miles'.of the main railway lineswhich ontrof. wthq ,German .commimi-cation- s

to Cologne.' V.- -, - ,

Furicbs counter-attack- s were madiyesterdajr upen both the EritishandFrench new ; positions. The Britishheadquaiters repcrts that a night at-tack? wfjs repulsed with very heavyloea to the enemy., - The Bntish are


IS LEAVh.'fi ill"


.At 5 o'clock this afternoon Governor . Pihkham ' and , representative offl-

eers of the National Guard of Hawaiiwill leave for Lihue, Kauai.- - to attendthe big Fourth of July celebration tobe held there Tuesday., 1 "

; The National uuard delegation ' in-

cludes the following:- - Brig.-ge- n. Sam-uel L Johnson, colhmanding officer;CoL C: S. Lincoln, inspector-instructo- r;

Capt R. L. Nogglv commandinfthe Signal Corps, and Lieut L. MJudd. aide-de-cam- p to Gen. Johnson

Governor Pinkham's ' aide, ; MaJ. JD. Dougherty, will accompany the tei .

ritorys chief executive. ". While en Kauai the. National Cuard

officials .will Inspect the six new com-panies which were formed there iathe ast few mouths to make a ccmplete, regiment .'


.Capt G. T. Gre'j, 4th Infantry,


strengthen!? tltions nndtackx '.


Teutonic Ccu - r- -

Tarb reportpart of the Gerlost by thera i y:


- -



r.me.; All ilia Jittrc' ; 11 :

ure. ' : ,In Volhyn!a heavy n:v.t:-.- T !

on; the Geruma, trejrJ.'.--T '.vgrad, ,'fjfjng e-- r:' incour.ter-attick- 3 cn t'. a Cz:?No report from eit:. :.-- T;t-Berli- n

i3 made cf tia r:fighting. It 13 stl'.l !a pr:Russians desperately r:.;:: ;

of the Teutons to C. ''" Mors Austrian pc : :' --


Cukcwina, city cf 11:'.: .

taken by tie Kus::;-- j Ly ., r

ther developing the'.r strat" ' ;

of the approaches to tie Car;Two thousand ' Au3tr!aa ; :were taken by the RisLani ycin these attacks. .

G. - Hv cf Kauai, "

in Honolulusaid Lihue has made tig pi:the, celebration.- - He 13 en rthe coast on leave cf absence.




Japanese massage prac'Jticr. ::j --

abide by the; attorn ey-- ; a sral'a 'against the "needle trcat.at."cording to statemcata z.z:zzz r.:

bers "cf the local eclcny. ;

Though this' treatment , haspractised for many years, tha J.ese say they will gh a It up, uai:rruling that ro one Ith:at a tzlicense can to pract;?

r.Tofiorj should ::::-,;;-

-T0 RECPi JUr" .

In the case cf Kctar Taj:Tsune Horita tha f:.. c

day ruled 'that wLere a t. ,

ment has been ent:rc 1 cn C.motion to-- reopen th ? dcfalt .

also ask that tY, ' -- :?zi heTwo person 3

tvroLcn?colli I;

Krar'i' at -

Page 2: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

rks, Excrci:c3 "cr.i Receptions Mrrk Obccrvance;

' " - '; , ' i'.

Or. 9 forty years ago toy th American people were await; news from Philadelphia newst when It diet come eet tbe whole

:!sa afire Tvilh, Jta laming declara-- iof freedom,. , . ?

One nundrcJ and; forty, yfars agqsday . the nation celebrated with'si t cr.J rlrsteg of I '.M the birth.e America nation. ,yk-- ,


t tLe. anr.lvcr.ry of thei of tMs lusty l..i that grew In? more than 100 year out pastTarrdlae of the Pacific and even

j L'UrrlDCS .' mill be celebratedIt.a boiijlrei aBd rinsing of bellsIlbi f roechc-- and music and fire

' "?-!- et zt Capitol Ground.- - "

llcnolula . the raornlug ceremo--iwill be - htld , at the capitol

;nds. From 8 until 10 o'clock' aurt will be rendered by the Ha-ban- d

and promptly at JO the-- cnles rropcr will be opened

. lie invocation cf a divine bleps--.

Jsii--e S. B. Dole , will deliverintroductory remarks," C. C. Bit- -

v ill rf . the, Declaration of Inde-- ,

JwJce Horace ' V.i will driver the patriotic ad-:.''tl- .e

day. .D-jrin- g the., cere-- -

v rl t" ft i r.vsribers

. .... ; c:.i'cLoril rcJitiensclrs ty a large chorus of

;i frcrn te .p::Li;c echoed -- Trill: ''-.i;- r r,c:''."t,f"r''r" vA

-- V 'c : the ' :i;cr.iL Cu; rJ , ill

a i Jjte cf 4. to tbe ccun- -

fl.tl. cf: rr n from 4 to 6 Cm.

;:i .. ' ! c re.certl-- n at bisr c'.I c:.l a cf til posts on

1 '1 r. ;! cf.'::crs. ";

r tr.i ( .:::'.: :n:r,ent willj cl--

y's j.rc:ra3 fr Echofield.t r. :r.lcr t.'III take place on

"! " at 2 o'clock.. f 'Ttlry fnl the Eanta

v, . : rcct Lt Atbktic parkfct 3:Ca o'clock. '

:..'-.c'::- I'cw'r., A?soc!atictr

:. 1 c:vi:.3 r

t c



1 rrratta at Pearl

;a men par- -

-- ra Hours.Trear

:rU:lo ceremoniesC, .r.i I :use in theo .; Ices of the

committee cf- 1 Artl.ur L. De'n,Cc'.Lvo cf Hawaii,

::al f reader;' MereV.: :L 3 1 ve been ter.t

( f-- s




o c.

i I- -

.rrary cr

the lc:

! z





i t1

:c:iopr . o1 1 1

rt -

w LjL 1.. J U lil.. 'Nil): ''i ,



f Uh a grand display of silver Magne- -

aluu star.". Muillpl 'or rcptattaslcmL6hells: , and three-brea-k

bombshells, burst in quick successionend releaxine Emallcr ahella which al--taXreali, dislajlns til the colors otthe rainbow - Af rvU vjadder rocketdisplay;. three four-poun- d rockets, re-

leasing, double chains : of coloredlisat3, fcrming long, swinging Udders.Maranaoth battery display;;. composedcf Cianjmo.thi.frlectric ireworlf hatury, made specially by the Kewtoa'sCalifornia . Company andCir'ng an effect , ot a, giant electricfcatain.; . Rayonet ?todrbllllons;mammoth; &lz( JovifbUMons, forminggreat umbrellas of fire as they- - asrend a revolving motion. Cometbombshell; a' huge 13-Inc- bomb-f.hel- l,

rekas'r.g brilliant ooraets fall-ing blazing towards, the earth.'Seaxph.UgLt. rocket dispwy;; six , mammothrt ckets . Fith,. dazzling, searchlfeht 4effeefs flashing across the sky. Goldenpoppy battery; ;,a' Tnammoth- - battery,giving ; a . jdistflay effect of beautifulgoidea, poppies. v

Tbe-jjalmett- o- tree:mammoth palmetto tree with brilliant.foge. 12". feet in height Floral;omhsfcfciivi an :irtra, large floralbombshell, throwing forth a displayof colored meteors,, and finally pro-jecting to a great height a bombshelldisplaying, .florals effectsSpider bombshell ; display;,, two nam-rr.ct- h

"boiahshclla,. bursting into hugeChinese sp'deracreeping across, theuy.' Fiery dragca bombshell; ' al?r-- a. fiery dragon,. bcmtbell

-- which belch", forthi cf .Lri!l!-'n- t ire. and streams?rf hisskg-eerpenu.-;- 'ultipie 'cr re--l

siting bombkeIl-'"- .La n-bc- h

bcuxbshell bursting three "fmts nQuick fcuccession' into gorgeous bov- -

Qr.ets : cl frowers. Screamer rocketaMay;; turee two-poun- d - screamerr6ckcts. emitting a screaming noise,terminating- their flight with a displayof rrisuatie stars. Willow-tre- e rock-et dl?j?lay; thrpe two-poun- d willowtree rockets, displaying a grand burstcf' hanging golden spurs, representingtbe graceful branches of the 'willowtree. --Mammoth geyger Cist lay Xhreercammcth geysers, revolving: rapidlyas they ascend . and . bursting Into

' V in the mcrn-- ipreat torreiits c? brilliant liquid Ore.


'""-'f- r

cemmemcr- -






emerald bomb, i two - emerald bombshells, great ' displays :of molten sil-ver with sea-gree- n emerald tints. J3jueand fold bombshell display; n largetrmbshell.' bursting high in' the airInto beautiful blue and gold effectsHanging chain bombshell; ..an Im-mense, 12H-lnc- h bombshelbrreleaslngbnrglng chains ' of twinkling : lights,which, drift awajr la.the breeae i.H ,Cchofleld Barracks Plans. ,

Tbo?f who are tov,take part ' In .theprprau. on JulyMth ?at Schofleld Barr3 C;v. ' rcks include Harry Lcdato, Joe Shan,

I rt': be celelrat-- 1 Dewey Roberta, Joey Lebhanc. WHllani' t rt lh3 Port EhnJtcr Fitzgerald, Fred --.Little, Earl Jtohert- -



Frmj Lany Lane Fred Eckstein.r'JoeTlate John Hazard. Tcn?irt ?ott?i

The rilV'lIie Tborr.?cn. Fred Freeman 'Tar

in r'-2T-lr

' Jcvn?cnJ Geo, V,b'.te, Hicbardthe audience jtcr,. Gecrre' Parrr-- , .Ralph Demott,

i Griifn, Jc-- odslmick and Cor-...-e

Ccl, C.r.ivl crl Cuinn. All "arrangements ;for


r.try, com- - the t'.noker are new compete and the- .ctt, c;.'. first r.umh?r will be anncunced promt.: : to 2Vvnt 2 o'c'- .- cri the pert be.eball

. jf-:- .' 'J Lieu: er.ar.t Sears, - Chaplain: r.try Pand jPcalr and Lieutenants Cullu.ml and' t i:i::rau constfsuts. tteJcommltttet Inentry Band charge, - . ..



1 r








, uoc::,aunny itselfMclliill quarry may be operated by.

the city during the coming six' months.The r:-;- cf rock Is said to be slatedfer a r:?? and cf

c't?m;t:n? to figure ' out1 '.:t the pric cf rocli in a city-operat- -t

1 I?. ;v

rvl-- - - I n, who?? rrltatlon;i ' le t cf the ouarryt-


war- -

cr.:r..' n it c: t c;:





n I- -

the md de--'.'-- i c v. rock

; It row and Isbe

i " of the"'I : th 9 ':n jubilee: the a-- B at

f the crew of ther ,:r, - - byt:r;edo, -- arrived

n th: Cr:t treat" pri":ipl3 cf siyzztzzz'

" ' " r, it nij tin . ith vicr. it tiu!it:3

cf any szcc::;Lurpi:: icjiJ:



. :rry



to 1mm(Continued from page one)

-- Wasalngtcn. a.CJ Julx 21916,"Evans, Honolulu: . . , '

newi.reginjent ia your department"Sth.FJel ArtiVtry; ii a: i itUi i t

; 'oLJonu- - E. fJcMahon1st-- FieUj ArtiHery . 7 - ;

Lleut-co- L William S.; Gnlgnard(formerly IstvFleld Artillery). '

r..-"1- .,1lrrvKV ntlt1ir' t farm or) vlsjt Fie.14 Artillery h ,Vjrv :

"Opts. John ,V Kilbreth, WilliamS. Pratt. Sam

uel Frankenberger; YHetory Sr Klhbcurne. Jr George vlt Paine, HarryPflel.rv Herman, Erlenkotte (all formerly 1st Field Artillery): 0 ' A :

Ueuts; Qyde ; A. Selleck.Robert C Fi Goetz (alcLc. to Gen EdwardsJ, Joseph .'Andrews. Harold C,Vandcrveer.JohB N. Hauser. Josepha Daly, - 1.

32cT Infantry: .s. :''l.l ,K? "CoL "BenJ. W. Atklnaon . (formerly

2d Infantry) ;'''':.''-''.::'- '"Lleutol. Michael J. Lenlhan (fo

merly 2d .Infantry).. . v.. v v ' ;

MLleut-coI-; Francis E. ;.Lacey, Mr.Ifoxmerly 1st Inf.); attached. V

"Majors Samuel P; Lyon (formerly25th Inf.), Henry. EC Eames (formerly25th lnf.) Rnfu1j ,2501 Jnf ); 'I- - ; 4, , k ry , v

;"Capts. Fred 'W Pitts (fonnerly 4stInf.), John D. Burnett, James A. Ulio,Thomas H. fowe, Walter EL Pridgen,Charl,e4.C. Bankhead,. a?atd ?5njee4

au lormeny m-inj.-jon- n.ttCRardon, paul R., jUanchetterv Clydel R.Aurahim,..tau iormeriy:H. . Jredendll (formerIy.-.2- a Jfcf.XChArle ..AMNeals, Robert P,.)larbold,

.i irsi ieuiswccB K. liaxter. unaiB. .Keert, Jameav. peal, Otis KiSadUer. WiUIam A IcCulloch, RfuS; Bratton (all formerly 1st, Inf.), CarU. Cpb-e-

n. RobeVt C Caldeh DouclasaT. Greene- - Charles K , Lyman, "Wood- -

fin C 7q no.' ( au . formerlv. 2d In Li.Bernard P. ;Lamb; AlTred. E., Swkins,uari spatz. Howari. .Mmigan: ;(alllormeriy ?5th Jnf). V.'..;;

?'.' ; .j ' " .,rwcVJM.


Clara VKCSLek'crawVt'LtlPauoa road, makal side ot Puna lane.Resluence, Hong Pal, builder and

R.r IL WU8onr:; owner,, Location.Vvaiklki-Ew- a side of Beach Walk: tot- -

ner.;of Kalakaua avenue. Garagev K,Kekprnotcv tiuilderf Estimated cost

! I. P. Freitas, owner.. Kapahulu, ma.Rai ' side ; of Hobroa street. 600 feetWaikikl : from Kapahulu; irpaij? VTwodweuins-- , J. .F. vFreitas builder anda rchltec. Estimated. t cqst,r, 20 00,'-- ?v

Hew Kwak Chong, owner, location,Ewa side of, Caatdn.Xape.-10- O feetmauka from King , ttreeWVl'weUingjLin ' Chun g, C architect.';, tTong - Ch 13s;builder . Estimated., cost;i;!jli40.Af ,i.f

.ijfoara Qrpsustriar choola own-ers. Lcratron, Waikikt side of Nuu-an- u

7. street, . HPftV.tfeet A makai, fromSchool .'street - .Deten.tioaihpme. ' J,.Holmberg. architect. . '.J.? HA.PIcano;puuaer; "mated cost .11 02?. -

.Tyn s- - ' . . . .. j-,'..'--i!

- rj IL. E walker owner. .Location.Mahoa valley east fide of Vancou- -verr hlghway.lOO. feet, raauka .fromKaalu-- v Garage and dwellingY, T. Char architect. Wong Wong,boUder. Estimated, cost ?2145, sx..HARVARD f.!EfJ HEAR J "

1 ,c n i r: s b fj tc n ev i vd ;j; vi:-I- N ,BIG YALE RACE

Harvard won the )n'rslt? boat faceiBgitmsw inie Dy iwo jengias,-- . accora-In- g

to news received by Harvard men'here la a roundabout way. '..Word ofthe .result ot this big dual rejw-'con- -

test did. not come in the regular newsdespatches but, Prof..:' William. LyonPhelps .of Yalec .who left. for the main-land Jast week, heard :tbtLtr Harvardhad .won-.,.-.- . u y. 'if.SUPPER AND MOViriG '

i) i PICTURES AT Yi M. C. A,

A .get-togethe- p upper to commemorate the Fourth of uly will be heldat theY.M.f Ck'A tthis evenins foe

In Cooke '.ball, Ttencents will be charged for the supperaad It is; expectc J a large;-cobbe- r otboys 3 and men w ill . atterj?. Followlng.the supper three long moving picture, reels: will bcahown; .

i4'-.- r j; r j ,:Jt a - McSWAKSONi "former editor

', 1 of the, Hawaii Heraldj. is now acting1 assistant clerk in the .fourth,. . . a . tt!iM- - r- -. & a. 1 - . .cyme. n.uw.-cvuuj-

- reyonrvia 3,119Ruth.Quinni --fomex tenpgrapher lorAttorney: C, F. Pearson :o! rthis-clt- y;

a --A -.T- -:mf itrs'j;BR.(-- W. L. SCHWALLIE. superin-

tendent of the territorial insane asy-lum, is leaving on .the Oceanic linerSonoma tomorrow afternoon iwith MrsSchwaliie . forjSan ;Francisco He willbeoft the mainland tWQ months, i . ,

C v 'j . :. , ' ; - v-- ;

rThe known coalKareas of the UnitedStates cover . about . 210)00 squarejuiles, and there are - about 1601000square miles'" more I that" are .believedto ; be ,uncTertaln i,- - with 1 tnajketabieCOal '.'ir tf "

. 4 i t.-!.''- "' r.

4 V ' ' "' 'I ..FLV. THE FLAG ON THE 4TH"

' i r , . i, . ir Z!ye Grmnclated Fyelias,

Infiained ty cxvosore to Cun, lAiV n4 ialquickly mere4 by Murla )lr -- No

.u. ::o:;day, july ;ioig. ,

i g 1 5

(Continued from page one)

mate oC this ear'a. crop from'iC'OOtons to not over 22.000 tens. .' This laa reduction of about 10,000 tons fromthe bumpr crop of last year., Uponthe fetsrol of Manager Eckart from aaix - weeks' 1 visit t to the ; mainland hewas asked by the agents of the plan-tatio- a

to make aa estimate of thecrop ot Ola for, this year-- 3iuch ofthetr r, cane .t .comes ; from individualplanters, Intact there are more thana hundred such, and this necessarilymeant that time ,was required to re-vise the estimate, accurately.' Manag-er Eckart came brer from ; Hawaiiwith tl3 report and. a meeting of thedirectors was Immediately called, Lat-er, a statement was prepared and issued. . '..X. "7--

The report shows that the planta-tion' fields of the company will yieldabout 23 perv cent less Jthan In 181and the outslde- - pbuiters fields wiltdecrease about 22. per cent from thecrop of two years ago,--...'- . '..

la explanation of the delay la ar-

riving at the new estimate, the agentsof the eompany'give the reason, thatManager' Eckart was absent - and thenumber of- - outside planter wnosecrops must be investigated, took.considerable time,The announcementwas made by the directors aa soonas they- - were themsejve ,advised.i Hieherprtces-roelte- d and now;of--

fered tor sugar tend to make up, torthe smaller output, A. Tv. T. Bottom-le- y

stated, --ana at cent sugar; the.com Dan y ; should have aibalanoe:I)e- -

peraber 31 of fSOO.OCKKafter-payin- g allnecessary expenses amaeaaa, aione

: " ' ' Iexcepted. -- v'O 'vr U Is noticed in regard to uiaa tnat

the outside planters are the ones whorsuffered Mostly In-- reduced t productand -"-tbe-; "plantatkJtf" itselt: v suf-fered mUch Jess. Tlresame- - ia notedby all the othe.plaatatlona on Ha-wal- K

' 'V' V;v-- t I :V;A.

i While this year's crop will be taatetlally less than last, years lor outerDlantationa- - than, oiaa concuucuis aur:in? t915 and" an to the--? present timethis year have1 been and are such, thatjit is expeciea mat iuB4Ji,vfWK'bent record inaker in the" sugar Indus- -

try of- - the laaadat f J..f yt : ' .. . j . M m '. 1. ... .


like th man whofaceft fwhat-h- e

' ' must ':'!',ii:vWlthrStep triumphant and a . heart of

'Mrb lights the . daily-rbatt- le without

. fear, r -' "u-' s"A

iwyetla h i

- and. lust--

I atear

li "shed when fortune, Which the worldholds dear,' : A

Falls: ironi this grasp; better? withi . love.' -

.. .:


Than living In dishonorj enrlea not"'Nor; los.es faith inmani buj does hisiAbtti U JiJi .Kir v. v ?

at his humbler lot ":But-wit- a smile and words of hope; V: gives. zest' ;: ;-- ;

To every: tQiler;:.he alcme treat, AA5Vbq by. a We Jberoic conquers fate.:j" V h y : -- A 'i y-fga-

rah, Bolton: ;



i .AustriaA , Betnl-offlci- al

war newspaper will shortly be startedin Cettinje for the; purpose oMofornv

the Montenegrins of 'he happen-ings.f- .

In various ? - battlefieldsAmong". x)ther things, the paper .iSvCx-pecie- d

to educate the people in the.use.of. a new lphahetl-- which. Latincharacters 0 are.-- i used; instead . ot the

character of the Jkmtenegrtnhlphabet ' All the new will be printedin; parallel , columns',- - one .in; tatln he

other In Iyrillic. . ;,Aftersixmentis the paper .will appear latype;.only.' b j---- u rirAAtiM

i.-- - ;,V J ; .. . .';


- f ft?'---.v 1 4. V flCHICAGO, Ul.- - One of thevboldest

hold-up- s effected In in yearsoccurred recently when a youngman about :'18 years old 1 boarded ' astreet ear as the southwest aide of thecity and Intimidated, the car crew andpassengers with a pistol.! The robberforced the motorman to drive the carat; full speed more than almlle. until he

to ciark corper, and then or-

dered: the :Conductor""to get oft. withhim,;. He took $10 from, the conductor- -

and escaped.

By a vote ot 69 to 57 the New Yorkassembly - killed Assemblyman Whitman's local option hilL

- fc. - .r'

t C "X ' V ':'A':' '




X-.- ', . r V! f ,:. till,


or uuU-60- e rot Ilottie. For Book tkeX--

-- t I:- V

;v-- v.. .'lv.Ai-i'v.- lii1-'..;!-,1-'

N. -

TJocfManager brAsscciatGl Chari:

ties Tells of Results uatain-e- d

in Striking Example :

E. E Brooks, manager of the Associated Charities, delighfa in tellingof Incidents that illustrate-ho- w wellthe different social agencies' in thecity work together. 4 Yesterday hehad a" new 'sjory. jr--:1 -- Portuguese plantation r-- handcame here from Kauai with a sickwife and - four small children lastweek,? he-- said. "The. vatcommitted to the insane asylum andhe was stranded hefer with the chil-dren. Those people heed their emo-tions first you know. . His wife wassick and he was told she. must. go toHcaoiuttLi He' had. steady work, buthe had oo thought other1 than to comehere with his wife. It was unfortun-ate, but here .he was and someonehad to take care o? him. I a fr i

"He-- ; went first to the PortugueseconsuL ' From there he was referredto the immigration' station and thenCo us. Tew hours-afte- r we heard ofthe case we had. guaranteed the roomrent of the family, and looked aftertheir food, tupply. ; If we had waited 4a few hours they would have been onth e Btreet. -- r . j"

; : - :A .fvThea the. worker to whom" the case

had been assigned went to the Sal-tation Army! home and arranged withthe superintendent for the care of theyoungest three children. Next she se-

cured the aid of the inspector of, Im-

migration, who promised to-- keepthefather and ld son until workcould be secured for . thei. . Fie Istrying to place them on an Oahu plan-tation nqw,-8- 0' they : cam be near, thewlfer aod mother, of the family. cj Uha ) can't iindv.work here for them heWill, try; and-secur- e; thB father'? Jobla -- Kauai fgr. bim again. ;

Jln ; theiV.meantime the SalvationArmy is ktepins.. three;,.children, butas soon as ia,.possible the youngestSmoatha old, will have to be placedelsewhere; as the home has notnodatlqas for: babies. . The ; rather'says he will . pay for the keep of allof them so soon aa he gets work.. ; Weare paying the nome for. the children'skeep. npwv" ,.t 5v ... . . .... , .

- .'

I vpropksv points to this case' to. Illus-trate the- - many --agencies that - areWorking- - together in i this Instancethe. immigration station, the Portuguese ' eonsuj. (the case has been referred to him fo advice several times).the insane- - asylum, . the Salvation,Army and the. Associated Charities. :

"Th.e" supreme .court aof the-minimu- m .wage 13w

iwhlch has been, pending In the courtfor several days. : , -

Seehis-nope- e Kep,uBiaiier-j,r-r m fl IfnOT f"r"TThatiGod Godjithat'JBotnehow, true i 1 hJ V .J "

:U 'i H of men .and women who really aevertts plan work" cult .forOTWrtalsp'aiot j know-TviJ- at it ii tbenjoysoaryibraX--









LatinC. s.i

.! iv:



Came, a.









accom- -


suddenly gain that exhilarating vitalityrobust health-brings.-- - '

bT oX




; - uterany mousanas witnout any par-

ticular ' sfckness ilive; in "general de-.Ibnit-

' asltfi'e doctors' callJteadachSs, are tired and ihdifTereritITo all such people we say with' unmis-takab- le

earnestness u Take ! Scott'sEmulsion after'mealsforcmemb"allow its rare oU-fo- od to enrich and en-

liven your blood, quicken your circulartiorfj'stimulate nutrition, and aid nature"to develop that real jed-blood- ed life thatjneans activity,1 enjoyment; success.; j Scott's Emulsion is not a drug, but'pleasant food-ton- ic free from lcphoLOne bottle may help you. r:Aj i r 6coU & Bowse, eioom&eld. N. . I 12-- 31


: Gerrnan-America- n

r I T . v;-- c; i"- - -'

: Meetings! In K., of P, Hall on ;,i

Saturdays at 7:30 p.' m.' ' '

. '- " '.r-- v. - t w- r ijuly 29, August-- 26, Septembe.'.

23, ; October 21 Noyember isj; December 1C ". 'i A r f''.

,PAUL- - ISENBERG, Pres...

. C. BOLTE, 6eey. ' i w '

1 1




m a



CITY .TflA CCh.'AYfhc:;- - i::t





Phwing to the extensive: Itefatiorisoweihgm ad e in otir est a bliqh- -nient, wefintemporarily to close ourstore on Saturda y eve- -m

s h o u rs Cy ou vd 1 1 receivethesamecou


McINEIUUY;,.;; : The House 61 Courtesy";

Corxer Fori' aid "Hsrchit Ctrc :b



A'smootlf, wjiite,' soothing application' having in its(Composition the active oxygen peroxides carefully com-

bined with base perfect consistency non-irritatin- g

$rid thprouglriy ietm'1: ;'.- -

This vrcndcrful skis, tcnic u ctiniubtir endharmless and prevents cr removes all iricrfotioris as well a3frcc!:Ic3, piml:! and

r--N t

-- ---' ?

- r



dodgo::, taa::aTHE BEXALL CT0P.E

" ' ,

i.a Fcrt fird Hotel Et3.o .r;;-".- r ; o?h:r. uhtil" ii:i5 p. :.l


lf:cp; ta'toaouiuio is cU 'and prc-- i;: tl;

,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,Vf,t, lit IIMI f(..,, ii..iilail;.iill!ll.iiiilii.i...


t 4






-- AAA' Stock your hen-yar- d with dual-purpo- se hens so that you , will j have,great production firsthand then have ehickeir fricass. , '

To get jhe most, eggs, and then to ! get .the best meat, inust haveproper feed, i - , m'A. Iaa:1 "iaa "'".. ' .y '?A';i


"Consult ns tell us. about your particular problem and let us advise


Cor. Queen' and Alakea Streets.













Page 3: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

; ! I . - Mi :

IKCZPCNDKCS. DAY, . July 4. 1916


DINNER totlcaaisaes . , . , Co! ami, Italian

'-.- Csip -- '..;? "

Green Turf 5, Special- - '

Consumrr.e'en'Iaase. . FUh I

Boiled Fresh Salmon, Oyster Sauce- 'Entree I

Ycusg Island Turkey, independenceTlmbals of Spaghetti - ;

, - .' ROAST r ' 7 A-

' Prime Hlbs of Beef, a fa AmericanBaked, York Ham and Cbrn au Creme

, w a V

Corn cn Cob ; Snow Potatoes'j-

: - CafaJ r : ' :

- V , : Westmoreland ; ' '

Plum ..Puddlr New York StyleWise Jejly Strawberry Ice Cream

'' 'J Deuert

Nuts and Tlalslr.s , Assorted CakesI Island "Fruit .

j Cafe Noir ;.

'.' 1 - ; 'Adv. '

f!:e laet survey there were. 417occ. - caLIeg In the world, representleg :S,42 rallrs. ,


f . f.




thief r.:A:cEsinr.:sELF-- atho:.:ei;j vildbvs ;

; ? mourjtakj residence.The robbery of Jases Austin Wa-

der's mountain home oa Tantalus hasbeen reported to Capt. 'Arthur McDuf-fi-e

by Rudolph Duncan, Jr, a. BoyScoutwho found the place ransackedSunday. The thief Is said td taretaken; a revolver,", some ValuableiJewelry nd 'an anemometer andhelped fhlmself generally for, sereraldays to choice foods and Vines. ;

Wilder Is not in Honolulu now, butCapt. McDuffle said he doubted IIthere waa. any valuable. Jewelry leftunprotected in the mountain home.An arrest may be made tomorrow.

.... .."''',sfc jffc i



. When Mariano Bartallano, a Fili-pino, came here from Hllo Intendingto "bilk" Capt Arthur McDuffle of theHonolulu detectiTe department he didnot realize what a hard proposition hetad, but on his way back to --the BisIsland, where he is being sent todar,he will have a chance to think overhis mistakes and errors, : ;

Bartallano 'came here for the 'pro-fessed purpose of arresting three Fili-pinos -- who robbed the Claa, Hawaii,postofflce last "May of ?1000. VWitllthe assistance 'of Cnriaues Tobanlqand "the backing 61 the police Bartallano went to Aiea 'to arrest the Filipinos. Nothing was heard from thopair until McDuffle "smelled. ratfand started a little iAvestljition him?8elf.4 It developed that Bartallano andTobanlo la 'reality we're planning a lit-tle trip to Alaska ahd hoped in somewar to "work" the police for passage.

'X i-v

VThcn ycu went to 2lL ;

V. ycu v:zzi to lay. --

w hen .ycu rrcnt to rcnt :'' vj w a v. j v w.-- . v.

, a. . H vJl 1 3 V:'C -

-- n v"1 1 " r fi V'TTT --





y n, 7r y-

. V t V

S c:'c:t ::::day, that sr:!syour !

' ,




feci r'C3 pure foundation man'scfl;a tc-Iect- E"lclcicy, Ule'chsrtty, besiis

mc:?;c PLAccs Fen czr.s 'i";cre-rlcc- e pcrcelila lirir Gl-cl- er crder lens.

rlU't'Ja cz!y perfectly smooth,' Elaisy rjriice, even,Ycu tCw'.la't scratch pcrctliln Vli kiL'd :t;cause

.::cd ilctl teat decrees.' That's why tfoTLIoaalways sweet fresh, musty 'odors, --damp, greasy

a a a



in r




' ...


i .

I -

- ' ; f -

L a1 1 ia Aa

T -- J

Mt i.

3 rnd a to tec rit is the of azy. jet it 13

' -- ..o i'v- -

-- -Ira tts cf ths a: a la the

rc. ttl3 nacn at a cf 400 tL'a

lcr i3 and no no5,

- a W a ta. w-- Inr t aT"" f I t - ra-a- J

Dw ;u;;3 STutET.KOrXLULU

no:;oLTJLir z::.z

The Y. W. . C. JL, lunch rooia willbe closed. Tuesday, July 4.

Hawaiian Lodge Nov 21 , meets at7:20 tonight for regular, business.

TIarmdrfy iLodge, I. O.'O. taa 'reg-ular meeting af7:20 tonight for Ini-tiation of candidates. ,

A. ;S- - Humphries and --Harry Irwinhave formally announced a

for the practise of law here un-

der the name of Humphries & Irwin.The tatter was --fCrmerry to Hllo. ; ::

. The report of all of theUnited , States circuit : court . fromMarch 15 'toJuly 1 of .'thisiyear wassubmitted this morning by George R.Clark, clerk of th.e court, and approv-ed by Judges Clenjoift.- - . .

Milton J. Malatesta and ThomasConnolly gave a farewell party at theEngleslde on Vineyard street "Saturday nightto ibotit Z5 young people.The hosts are returning to San Fran-cisco Tuesday in ,'the Sonoma, after,six months spent In '.Hawaii, on. con-tract as sculptors with Catton, Neillic Co. Ltd. George. Henry, managerof Engleslde, served refreshments forthe guests and Hawaiian music fur-nished dancing' strains from 3 o'clockuntil midnight y , "


- --Eip."manicnTist Union 'Barber--Shop.-

Adv.-..'- ! . . ,

R6uHd tie'.'toaalx 13 iuto, ?ICD,Lewis Etsabks. Phone 2141. Adv.

Exclusive 'corset shop? The Good-iri- n

rms. 21-2- 2, Tan theon tildg.Adv: 'HaVe you tried llagic Soap? Ismade in. --Honolulu and sold at yourgrocer's. ' ';;:-v.- ' - , '.. ;

Quick relief frprfe heat a sodaat Quality ,Inn, with Tlawley's pure,delicious 'Ice cream. :

Tor clothes that have till ftie 'stylearid fit of , "tailor-mad- e ?ge't CollesianClothes, at the Clarion. - .. '

Begin tb "Bave now, while ybu can.You will never regret ft. Start ahaccount'today "With Bishop "& Co.: The latest styles In men's clotheshiid furnishings are to be 'found atthe Ideal on Hotel street, just Ewa ofFort.1 ":';:r.

- - . :'

"Eliminate) "suspicion ; find "out!pbwers' Merchant Patrdl, phone 2515,does legitimate, confidential detectlvBwork.-- :v .' ' ' ': ;

"Fbr Dlstniea; Water, hire's 'RootBeer and all other Popular Drinkstry 'the Con. Soda Water "Works Co.,

Adv. '- : . : .

You savettrouble, money " and .dib-co'm'fo- rt

wheix .'you Vear HoleproofHose. : Get them. at tla Hub, Hotelstreet,' Ewa Fort' . ;


, .. :'Eooks are'lai man's best friends'

arid you will find all 'the late fictionat moderate prices If you call 'at Ar-leteh- 's

on Hotel street, . .

'Quality ;and. cleanliness" thesaShould be ;the.ihotOi'o every" imeai

T.. sure, 'of these CJirj3trade at "Metropolitan , Meit Market,phone :

. .,' '

" ' 'o' ii

I :; " POLICE T.'OTES ! . I

Alf Leong got one month" for beafing his wife. -- : :

. Iuwata was fined $25 In police courtyesterday "for-gamhlia- ' v

:. Ah' Pink paid this morning for

assault on another Chlhese. ; X

A. .Heleua was sentfehced to onemonth yesterday for assault .


, The case, of J. Tlhsay, charged withvagrancy, : was stricken today.

.Sam Ku paid ZZ and costs In po-lice court this morning .'for be'aiiag' asmall boy. -

: '.y .- .' '. ;

The liquor'-case-s 'of Niauhoe, J. Io-ke-

and Sato-Itik- l were called, inJudge Monsarrat's court this morningand set for Jury

V .HaViug a mail ; amount df opiumin their possession last night cost 'AhFook and Ah, Sam $10 each in policecourt this morning.

; Jane Barton "of 'wile! "was given . asuspended 'sentence in . police courtyesterday for selling liquor without alicense. She pleaded guilty. ;

V The. cases of Sakutaro.Tsuda andwife ."and Tatsu Sakutarp,' all accusedof selling liquor without a license,have been postponed to Jily 7. V

'''Chang" Moo, accused "of embezzling' j

over t 600 at Waialua. was 'to be heardin, "police court,.this morning but, histrial Jwas postponed to July T. .....

i, ' :' -j. .

; Because his wife'didnl want him togo tb jail, William: Nelson, hecused cfbeatlngher., was gIVen a suspendedsentence yesterday by yudge Mon-sarrat- .-

. .

r The tieariag bf John August charg-ed, with a statutory bfTehse 'against asmall 'girl yesterday set for July 5 'inpolice . court . It Tias "been postponedthree times. :. ' '

for stealing, ti bar of soap --fromthe Poo Chong store on ndrth Kfcgstreet. Thursday night, Rafael Hasen,a Filipino, i;was i sentenced th- JudgeMpnsarrat's court to 10 days W jait-- :Afi J Keef an s; eld '(Chinese bum, Waacaught taking two. ' small : pieces - oflumber-wort- 20 centssfrom the CityMill Company yards iast'.'nlglit Tandgot; a month for- - it: In 'police court:today. f .. ;.



li). G.- - boelvers and A.f R. T.' Jackson, ' both booked on - the police : blot-- lter for violations of traffic ordinances,were in . court this morning and theircases postponed to July 7 and 8, respectively. - S'- - .

, S. - W. Robley, extension . worker ofthe Y.t M. C. ; was In ' court this

G0EDJO JAlll FCX15 ; ;

i DAYS rC2 WirECZATl; !

amU Cay le i;;SAf;E

John'Comex wis sent to Jail Satur-- ;day by Judge lonsirrat for 15 dayson a charge of beating his wife. I. Con-victing testimony came 'chiefly --fromthe wife. .. ' This mornicg the: latterwas brought . to the police-stati- on

epon statements of neighbors thatshe r 'r

Policeman Henry Daniels reportshe found 'the woman In front of herhome at Panoa ; and ; Lozo 'streetsabout 6 o'clock this morning, strug-gling with neighbors. .The Tatter de-clare Mrs.- - Gomes had ; kept 'themawake 'an night --with her wild criesand crazy antic. . 7 1 : :


Nine men and women are today thebeneficiaries of the iieW : King'sDaughters' Home, wfhlch "was formalryopened on Watalae ; road 'Satbrday,ahd there Is room 'for many more.'Music for the occasion was furnishedby the Hawaiian band and refresh-ments Vere 'served. ' Itfrsv W.rL. Hop-per, leader '6f the Klngs Daughters,says "the Indebtedness Of the Home Is$4000, "considerably less "than 'expect-ed when the project was 'started.

morning charged with, .He'edless driv-ing in connection with rtnning over a.Chinese boy In King street Saturdayafternoon. He will be heard 'Jnly 6. ?:

, As the results community row,trial Aot .which has' "been pehdirig inpolice court for'"febme 'time, ' Mrs,Chock Sun aa2fed:$ia4hls mbrn-ln- g

and Mrs. 'Chiig 'Lun and - YockYee were discharged 'on argea 'bfassault ". 'T-- ' 1 "'- ;

ifXljraham .Helena, a Hawaiian . whowas convicted In ,'pdllce, 'court yester-day 'morning of "assaulting' Portugu-ese "at Holy 'Ghost feast in Kalihirecently, arid who was "sentenced toone labnth ,in prison, ipbtalried a heWtrial' today by representing that he"had discovered the real culprit andhad four "witnesses. to substantiate hisclalnY.'!!IeUl'l)e..iLesjd.?Veesdis7,'July 'S.'v .y 'C'

' . . ... , -

"it 'has Veen 'estimated that the senseOf 'smell in a "human being 'tan detectthe, th X?art "jof 1a

grain of .musk. r ; ; , ' .':: C0.C, fJ. G.Hv.0RDERS

il. Vilimembe'rs of Compahjr "c, ,1stInfantry, N.G. Hh are hereby orderedto report "for ' duty at the ArmoryWednesday evening,; July 5, at 7:30O'clock. .

i.-- ,'. ?' :,"--'' V J y ;. :

2. ; In order 'to' be entitled to payfor 'tite first .

six-mon- th period It isnecessary 'that "a "member of the Na-

tional Guard 'shall be present for drillat least 24 times. This will allow, ofonly two absent, periods . Be. presentnext Wednesday 'evening n's

:of 'payment,yilt be fully ex:plained, j . ; V.'.',' . - r'- -.

, (Sgd.)ML P. MORGAN, :

, 1st Lieut, 1st . Infantry,.. . i i X - Commanding. Ca C.,." - :

6317-3- t'

-- :. '


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alu:.;;:i ::eet Fonk;;;:ual nEu;;io;i

- Three hundred former pupils f StLouis ICMIcSb "attended the eleventhannual reunion at the institution Sat-urday nfstit "and after dinner for fourhours listened to "music and speeches.

Harry 'Murray acted as'toastnuster.A chorus of brothers, and two or threemembers of the, visiting Santa Clarabaseball team furnished the - music.The Santa Clara' boys were guests ofthe college during the evening., Among the 'speakers were BrotherHenry. Bishop Libert,' Governor Pink-ha- m.

Mayor Lane, Wallace RT Farrington,-Danie- l Logan. Brother Lewis,William Coelho. Joseph Aurrococheaand J. J. Kelly. v'-.;'- : , '






''Forty-thre- e . cases. Including six

deaths and 37 injuries, are O comebefoe the - Maui industrial accidentboard as a result bf the 'railway acci-dent on that island recently. ThisIs the largest number "ever broughtbefore a board since the workmen'scompensation law was passed. ThereWere only two men in the train thatfell from the .liana. gulch trestle whowere uninjured. , , ,


t:. Seymour G. Best 1 ' metal jpolishinahufacturer of Long' Island ' City,committed.' suicide at --his home atBayside, TL ' " , y' !



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Drink itwjieny




- 1 ': w U W 4 W Urn d ' w

7hsn Yon Grbwidutwhat is not being done,

I.: Ask Ycursslf . what

You are doing; whathelp you are giving! ,

1 Z Xhx:ArQ Yonrquali-- i';'. cations as." one of the

1 ;citizens with a right to

7hat Are Your QualLScatiori3 as a .candidate incase wish to hold. office and right the wrongs.

tfr.v: v??Wr reTCnts waste and; just fits: your.

IIow do about



o ,

banishes ! handy" oval

U Uif UUVA Ulrk VUi KM V

J. ; .." I... V


'.v.". t

J r ,

ou are thirsty

.1 '- --

is inade with distilled water, purestpossioie

Bottled under-th- e personal supervision :of Ilr Eycroft- ':v: :" 7--f:k --;LIr.ithead ;. ; ;'' v'



i;r-'Eicluve- f


you feel


dirt The


" -. w d w-- .

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. ? " - - ' '

publicity ?


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Page 4: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

MBmmmMmmmmm:RILEY Hv ALLEN - - - - - - - V- -

MONDAY.. .;v.:....-.:.,JUL- Y 3, 1916;

- - : BRITAIN'S DRIVE. ' :" :; V

' '' '"."- - .; ':"' - 'V '!. .;.

Great Britain's mighty stroke at:, the German posi-

tions launched Saturday at daybreak, comes alonga 20-mil- e, front ending,' on the south, at the junctionof the Anglo-Frenc- h front From 'this junction overa front extending a few miles south the French havealso started a 'furious'' attack the combined objectbeing obviously to cut through the German lines andforce the-Tcuton- s into a gmcral withdrawal of, theiradvanced positions along a large part of the westernfront. - " :

." .':'.vv";

The spot chosen by; the-Britis- h and "French com-

manders for their terrific thrust is not the most ad-

vanced poi tion of the German lines in Prance. Thatis '40 or 50 miles to" the. south, a salient circling fromTracy le Mont through Autrechc, ground, the west-c- m

edge of the-fore-st of Aigle and thence through

C.s Soissons district- .- At this- point the 'Germans arecr.ly 60 miles from Paris, but )t must be rernemberedt!:at tliey have been "only 60 miles from Paris' sincet!::y'tCfc're forcctf Into'the-Aisne'entfenchment- s aftert!.e struggle of - the Marne which - saved the Frenchcapital: V." ; .. ': "r- It js probably that the, attack, waVlaunched at the

. mmc point for two rcawn.s-prs- tj ;a&indicated interday's despatches because ; the Germans were

: . t expecting the thrust here and once past the trench-c- s,

the attackers had alow, rolling country Ovef Whichi' ?y should be able to make fast time; second, be-- c

. use the thrust north of the, Soissons-An- e sectionVA. if it cut through the German lines, force the

rmens' at4 this' advanced Soissons salient -- to falffi:!:, even though their own splendidly-organize- d

-- ;hcs were untaken. '. ; ;. ':. 'r '.:; " "

A noteworthy feature of this tremendous offensivethe suddenness with which news of it7 has come: cf t!:c smoky vvestern arena. Evidently ?a very

'. I ir'tary censorship has been at work; The Ger--:ccr; itches for the past few ,days-hav- spoken

:r:-?e- d' British activity, but neither the announce-i.- :

lrli nor"those n iiaVe told howiruincn: i:as Deen increasing .in : lniensny

f :r "days preceding the infantryattack: it-lia- d

: J a million shells a -- day The man who lias

r.:n a modem artillery engagement, can. haveli e fcir.test idca of the inferno bn the western

r ;r.:ny weeks pait. ' The Germlris. showed the! --?w to demolish trenches by a living fodd 5f

::ivcsand now that expenecce, which cost!i so dearly" in the lives of gallant soldiers,tu::.:J ta d:

themselves..Uly iaccount against 4l ; --.Ge.r-

:cc before the British delivered a mighty. thrustv, e.c!rrn line and . through ' ineflcie'nt leader-i- :i

h'0li command "a.nd .inadequate -- prepiration,! r.ct hc!J the advantage Ihey gained. This' : r.s e!:r.ost as great as that of the Darda--

. It rc;:.ai;:s to be seen "whether the BritishLe r.' 'e to.folloAvthe ad-anta- their unpre-- :

1 expenditure of explosives and .fearless in- -

charrres hive won for them.'

; J-- -;.

' 'j:,;,:.




Democratic orators areBusiness is Republican arid

xt: But recent talk by Judgehead of the so-ca.ll- ed Steel Trust,Judje Gary, whose address at the

1 CI j here last year is still rememberedthe fev; worth-whil- e talks made by much-f.tor- s,

faii'to the convention of the IronI:-- .

'C i:


t.3 . a



;.:te in New York.' 1 :' ;

'". --

favor cf pescc fon our nation, not-a- t

we . .' !, if ncec-sary- , pay liberally:u!J fht any other ,narjon, but only

'y. The large majority "of t!i peo; 1? of theate s are determined we shall not become in--s

crious trouh' e with ar.; Eurcpcaii-- country.;do not lock with 'favor uponany suggestion

es it, except as a last resort. It seems per--,r

and certain that any 'candidate or office

.tair.s a contrary opinion is doomed to defeat,rur.try would, if possible exert anMnfluence

. .etic, and it may be practicable if we avoidry controversy, ;if wei 'rei reasonable ' andd constantly give evidence, of a Christianc i;;ay uc cunbiucraic anu conciuaiory wiin-"n- g

our honor or lowering our self-respe- ct

Lukificatioh to offer the olive branch even if

1 1 cnokilu may soon have a brief visit-- from onethe prominent figures in national politics Victor

I r lock of Kansas, chairman of the ProgressiveI I :ional Committee. Murdock was one of ? the" :

. reconcilables"; of the Chicago' convention. Aftert! 2 nomination of Hughes and. the "conditional re--:'

al" of Roosevelt to run against him; the fiery Kan--:

i u rged the creationj of a fourth party; to be Jed' V. J; Bryan and Henry Ford. Shortly afterward

.as said that Murdock had left Chicago and woulcl,ror a trip to China, passing through Honolulu.' It

: j robably not generally known 'here that Murdock: :ed this city in 1905. He was then, an obscure

:i Lut has since" won both-fam- e and reputation. ,

Ca ptain Boelcke the famous German aviator,, ist dead after all.' A few days ago reports had him

i:i air-confli- ct, but hst Friday the official Ger--ic!e?natches credited him with shootinrr dmrn his

" -' ": emplane: "4





Honolulu's Fourth of July program tomorrow lays

first emphasis ori patriotic exercises. There are two

good sporting attractions the Pearl Harbor rowing

races and the Athletic Park baseball, but quite prop

erly overshadowing' these are. the exercises in the

tapitoi grounus loinorrow, morning, uiosc. ai uicOpera House' in tne evening,' Gen.! Evans', receptwn;

and the programs at the various army posts. In fact,

throughout the island tlie nation birthday is to be

observed with unusual unanimity and patriotic: fer

VOr. . 'x'v-'-'f;;'''-;;

The spirit of patriotism has been deeply stirred by

the untoward events-i- n EurojK and Mexico. Men

are holding their allegiance to' the Stars atid Stripes

higher than at any time since the Civil War. ; Mill

tary conflicts are regrettable. f ; Even though waged

in a nghteous causetheywinnocents but there ; is no question that the fire of

battle burns away much of the dross which material

ism inevitably spreads over a nation sentiments m

times of .peace ,.r ;;;r;.r;KvHawaii in common with its sister commonwealths

of the United States will put into't

the Fourth of Jtilycommemorations' tomorrow a" far deeper and sincerermamJuestation of national spirit than , has been ,snownin some of. these , later years." li ; V ? !



: CONCRETE ROADS AVIN FAVOR.:,V :.-..-- r --;-

v - :.t?; : i1?

Advocates of concrete for road-maten- a! will, findtheir ideas strongly supported by .the "state highway departrcent of Pennsylvania. VVitlr 10,200 miles of roadsthroughout the state :to maintain, improve and sometimes to rebuild, the department is swinging stronglyto concrete whenever this material is feasible, r,

, Traffic conditions according to ,WilIiamD Uhler,chief engineer.' of the Statel Highway i Department,must- - to. large extent govern the type of tfye road, to'be built "I do not recommend concrete; forevery'location,; ne saia, ras my,. expenecce snows. inai everytype of modern pavement, has its own place. WayneCounty, Michigan has 160 miles of all-concr- ete roadswhich ! found in a recent inspection have proved satisfactory.-.Milwauke- e has 1UU miles ot concrete roaas,Ohio : and .Maryland each'.have: more than ;200 rniles;

of: su.ch roads which, are meeting- - fequirements.: 1 "In advertising j for bids for. .road constriictioii in?er t5:"Ivania?;theState Department provides in; itsspecificafibhs for ill kinds of modern, pavements andselects mose wnicn conoitions inaicate as most servicerable.. , In the building of 'concrete roads expansionmust be" provided" for, as with lother forms bf Toadconstruction. .;;. v '."v-v- ; v r

in me rcuuHuing ui inc cny s suouruan ruaus VU1C

Conhell of the Highway Bureau; is a firm., ueliever inmis iorm 01. concrete lounaauon. ' AS 10 tne "aspnaiiorlother "bituminous ' surface, ; Mr, Connell ! contendsthat its durability is all a matter of "upkeep.".. Andon. "upkeep" the city's highway; engineerVlays" greatstress.- - 'In the case of highways," he says.4the oldadage of 'a stitch in time saves nine' holds good. Withgood concrete foundation the upkeep of our bitumioussurfaced roads, when ; repairs' are made " just whenneeded, is extremely rncKlerate And the'.Philadelphiamethod of . 'painting bituminous roads i with ati asphaltor bituminous mixture, commended by engineers ofnearly every State,!is;a: further aid in preserving the'surfaces from being torn up by the wheef suction of;rapidly traveling automobiles 'and .-- heavy motor;


.tSre. s a S?0 4' mosh-tal- k being engagedin just now over Duke lhariamokif s accepting anoffer of $250 per week on a 3-ye- at yaudeyilIe;contract.and "thereby7 becoming a professional Swimmer. "Hewould, have been, a fool to. have thought of decliningsuch, an offer. Amateur athletics 'may be all right forrich men, but there isn't much in U

. for the man whoneeds the money that his' special kind pf ahility makesit possible...f or him to earn. ' A' great baseball playerisn't any less great when lie;beeomes a professional,nor is any other amlete less great; because a certainassociation t refuses' to recognize his existence. Awprll championship; title isn't especially satisfactoryto the holder if he knows some other .man. can beathim at his own gamelMaui News. : ,"

.' '.'';' '''v-

-- .....The stevedores on strike on the mainland ask SI an

hour for night work, which is refused, though other.

demand is. based on the European war, which is beingmade'responsible for" sofcmany6ther- - demarid;---Hil- o

Herald.,, -,--; , v ' i'V,

4 The spirit of Kitchener was-- with, the men of Britainwhen - they. sprang" from their trenches on, Saturdaymorning and went forward In singing battalions1against tli enemy, . ,:; :.;--:,- f

." vv- v t "J'h . v' i'";-'-' '"--

'''"r"" ; j

. ' Whoever ; first Jcometne Twofl mOTcahismVshould have had itxopyrighted, ior every campaignorator is stealing it now and using it as his own in-

tention;: '; :y-.- - v".:v-'- . ':

By the waj did anybody notice a "single termplank in this Democratic national platform of I9l6?

; Francis J. J Heney . has turned around , and joinedthe IXnnocraticiparty Still with the irrrt ofCol. Roosevelt, Hughes has a chance yet, ".' .'V"

J ( TW rf f r---rtt I

- ERIC KNUDSEN, school : commls-lione- r

from' Kauai, arrived to Honolu-lu Saturday on rsonal baalnesa. .

MRS. B. D. BOND, school commis-sioner from Hawaii, will arrive in Ho-nolulu Tuesday on her way. to themainland.- - fvV;:'"' y

. V. A. qARVALHO Is to Honolulufor several weeks. He is principalof the government school at Papalkou, near HIla: ".- - : Tr-- ". :lf:; r''' MANUEL OLMOS has returnedmuui ui tu nvuvu.. month, with the valnewas for foreman , the , Cthe erected atMaui News shop.

i WILLIAM :. McCLTJSKEY. who sup-ervises the government schools toMaul, Is visiting in Honolulu. Heone of the ; summer chool facultyhere. - .;':' '...

REV, FR. II. VALENTIN has re-turned from Hilo, wherel he conduct-e-d

the religious retrkat-Hhfa- . year ofthe. Catholic Sister In charge of St.Joseph's School lorGirls. . ( :f

" . V v " -

MRS. HOWARD. rASB .waa successfully operated upon : this morning atthe Beretania, Sanitarium for appendi-citis and is recovering nicely.- - Case iscourts' reporter for ;lhe

r WALLACE W. BLAISDELL, assist-ant chief of the Honolulu tire depart-ment, retujBdJSatureiynlg&t to hispost at'the Central fire station afters two weeks' vacation spent with hisfamily and his mother neaf Kahala.'

REV D.V.C. PETERS, president,and George ,W. Paty, secretary,the Anti-Saloo- n League, have gone toHllo to represent the league at tha an-nual meeting of the Hawaiian Evan-gelical Association which began lastThursday and which, i' will endon

uly 6. . .t

.: , . v ,v -...

X DONALD JB. BOWMAN, chief" sanf-tar-y.

inspector for Hawaii, will returnto . Honolulu . Tuesday';; irbm x Wash-ington,' D. C, where he attended, a con-

ference of. sanitary engineers aa rep-resentative of the ' local. BoardHealth.' He will be accompanied ; byJuHatt Yates, Hawaii supervisor ,,i '; -v- ..-,-".


it H. GOODING TlEVb: secretary ofthe Hawaii Tuna Club has contribut-ed an article to thd .MagazineOh ;game fishing in'HawaM. He haswritten a story of thejhistory of manyof the fish, in 'describes , the 'many;kinds of ' game Tlsh; to. these waters.In additlon rhe wrlterf "of the interesttaken' by; mainland fishermexu

t ,;' :

V W HHUTTON is' back his biddesk this in ;tne detective de-

partment' of 'the HCtTAlulu police r aspeeper ! of- - r5c4?fPd kft$ -- forOapt Arthur , McDuffie. .For severalWeeks. Hutted baaj becceesful asprobation 'officer - for the K Juvenilecourt.: ; He " resigned , onlr because hecould, not lire at the jprohation home. 4

"F. E. STEERE.; manager of the realestate department, erf the Henry .Wa-terloouse .Trust; Conlpaiiy,'l8. taking, awell-earne- d. vacation. A.few days be-fore 'he sailed lor fthe: mainland themiddle of last week he closed, one. ofthe largest real estate deala ever con-summated lr Honolulu, the sale of thebuslnea - district property of. theSprecels 6state&rr about ,4350,000.Steer vill spend about two.months toGlacier ' National i park returning toHonolulu during th first part of Sep-- ,

V -- &

' '- "'.' . ..


Editor Honolulu Star-Bullett-o:- V

Sir: With due .hesitation 1 rise toobject to the Advertiser amending theconstitution of the United States with-out letting us all know about it,v '; 1,

Last Saturday the morning paperprinted A long story of the sort known ;as political dope, to which, the allega-- ;

couraged bver.t5overnor Pinkham and.that Judge. Stuart has gettingsome, effective licks for the governor-ship. The reason was said to be,"principally through the failure of thechief executive to deliver the Hawaiidelegates at the SL Louis convention.'Mr. Lane had laid stresswith the governor the ' importance i


v.'--- '

DrGTIoL":!!:2nEstimated Cost of

lOuiiainns Started

g - -- '''.i :":.'- -

M . More than a million ; dollars'' is XJc the estimated cost of the build-- XX ings started to - Honolulu in the M

first six months of this year XK $l,l3l,l 42.60 to be exact Per-- XM mits for the period numbered xS 793. Fees paid for the permitsK jtmounted to. . 8

Report of the building inspect-- . HS or for June, shows that HI per-- XR mits were issued , during : the AM estimatedsome time of of X










. buildings setM ll9l.C70.50. w . -X &n.xBt . a w a i.


:;'' - ':' ;;' ;;": SORN. !' --y---: ;;

MONTANA To Mr, and Mrs. Eugene. Montana, 228 N. King; street," June

17, 1916, a daughter: . ' - J .:KUMALAA To Mr, and Mrs. Joseph"r Kumalaa, 406 Cummins street, June

1 z. 1916,' a daughter. k:r1rDIRAMPO-rT- o Mr. and Mrs. Eaninto

; Dirampo. ,. River. ' near Vineyardstreet June 26, 1916, a daughter.

CHAR In Honolulu, , June 30, ,1916,' to Mr. and Mrs. Sang Char of.Men

- donca tract, Liliha . street, a son.GlLLIS--I- n Honolulu? June XT, 1916..5 Mr. and .Mrs. John S.Glllis of' 706 Quarry street, a son. V v

AWANA In Walluku, Maui, June 28., ,1916, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Awana,

son.- - - "tr. z ',;-'- t -

i .."" ': MARRIED. . rsrBRALY-BENSO- N In Honolulu Julie... 27; 1918, Dr. .George A. "BraIey and. nazei L.' Benson, Rev. A; A. Eberr

sole officiating. . Central Unionchurch, Ellen Braly ., Furer andClifford Braly witoesses. : . -

PUERTES-ROS- A In .Honolulu, June'

30, 1916, In the office of the DistrictCatalino Puertea of Wa- -

hiawa. uahu, age 28, to Juanlto dela Rosa, also of Wahlawa. age 2L

, Ceremony performed .by J.'.M. Mon?sarrat Witnesses A. F.; Ocampo

I'ftnd DV K..: Kaeo.? r vx -- 1 vROWAT-KEMPSTE- R 'In Hllo, Ha- -

.wail, June 25r 1916,-- Allan R. L., Ro--',wat and Miss iflldred Kempster,

, Rev. J. , K. Bodel, pastor . of the; Eplscopsl church of the. Holy Apos-tles- ,

officiating. . - Witnesses, MissGrace Richard and George wiiifong.

?'r.,';coiED,i' ''St:

McCORRISTON In San Francisco,,Cal June I5,r 1916, Hugh P. M.cCor

f.;r!ston,ta native Hawaii, 33 yearsand four monCis old. , M

SP1NQLA4-I- n June,,' 29,T M9l6,MichaeCson .Mr; and. Mrs.i tJohn ' de F. Bplnola, . 6 3304 f teahlv'avenue Palolo, six months: old.SPINOLAA-l- n r Honolulu,' June ' 29,i 1916, Richard S. Spiaola, 5th ftv'enue

. anA Palnln ' ' ' ' :.. .

Lllr-In- ' Honolulu June 29, 1916 JuliaLIi infant daughter of'.' Mrs, t and' Mrs. William Ul. '..iLr, ii Honolulu; June 29, 1916, Lee

MCam Goo. - . . v,'. '' v-- 1 --LEONG Jn , Honolulu, June 24. 1916.Xeong : Charm ( 4 ;

i- v ""'.; .? :: v ,

SCHUTTE In Honolulu," June - 29.5 1916, at the Children's hospital, Es--i

,ther Schutte; " daughter of ; Mrl andIMrs Claude Schutte, age 13. years,. ; 9 months. . Body to be buried tomor-

row in the Kawalahao cemetery.J 4SO-7-- . Puunene. Maul, June 24.'. 1916, Maruyama -- Juso,. a native

--Japan; 31 years old. t

IUARRIAGEIICESES:fKwal Tat, Von, part-Cbineser..'- 22

Mary i. Ching, .. Chinese. "19

Albert Ontai,: part-Hawaiia- n. ..::.Eliza ' Duncan, ' part-Hawaiian- .'. & .23

- .: l't ': - 'ir-- t

... ... A'

M. Uda, Japanese .. ... .1 .V.ivC 26Yuki Idetn, Japanese: .rr:7;r: . . 22

josepn u HOORaia. Hawaiian.tion was set. forth that ;Secrf tary of

..MaTy Ann-Kaulua- au, Hawaiian. 24AV W A 1 " W ftl ft w W 1 Jl- -

been to'









The net investment of the UnitedSlates Reclamation Service at the be-

ginning of the present fiscal year wasapproximately ?100,00a000;i :

Advertiser amended ; theto order, to deliver a back-han- d wallopat the governor."1" '..- - :.


But perhaps Mr. Lane didn't knowof this, as Mr. Lane is ambiUousj after .vthat he was ineligible and went rightthe manner or Mr. Caesar,, and wanted 4

along wonting ror tne nominauon inthe nomination tot vice-presiden- t". '? blissful ' ignorance that i: he --had dia-,Th- e

Joke or this will be apparent cuaimed himseU. at the start ofafter a little consultation'of te con- - promising life. - This reminds, us ofstituUon ' of the United 'states arid . that aa k our friend Ruggles of- Red--Who'a who. :The first, seU .forth r Gap would say "rlppingz wheeze?that ho iieTson is eligible ta the vice-- , which Weber and Field used to getpresidency unless a citizen born to off with eclat: ; ' v .

the United '. SUtea ; the second sets i ;' ""They say" that the barking K dogforth that Frankllnfoilght Lane -- waa hever bltea! " ' '

born In Canada, h A naturalized citl--1f '"Yes, you know it and I know It, but

sen, he has iot been eligible for the ! does the dog know it?" ; ,yioe-presiden- cy- up : to the VUme ; the ; (Signed) ; ;: ' v : ARGUS. ,i

For Sale;






A A new ,three-bedroo- m hotise on ; a ; double improved -- lot

Fern housed chicken yarcj fruit trees, etc: -- . . ,'fc-.:-



Corner Mokauea: and Queen Sts. ; n C; Price $3)00.00. .? ; , v :,Vi;-7;:-'.- .. ' ;

Sww3 ".;Triizl Go;,Ltd.



rnrirrirf fJiHWIl-.w- q

t M. STAINBACK, attomey-gen-eral- :

Uhue people say their JulyFourth celebration tomorrow will bthe firsi real Independence Day stuntthey have ever held. . They told meover there that they expect a big daytomorrow, and hate oeen making elab-orate preparations. ; '

T iiHARLES It THCRSTON lteolulu Ore department chief: Duringthe 20 years 1 hare been to the firedepartment here I have had Just onevacation. Although 1 am entitled toIS days every year." I bavent takefany chiefly because there Is no otherplace Td rather go-- Eleven years agoj went to the ; mainland for threemonths, but it was more M a changetha holiday for I studied fire de-

partments until . 1 couldn't lock one' '

In the face. .;" ' .''" ;"

. . ... - .. ; - v .

X --WILUAM T. CARDEN. deputycity and county attorney:,; 1 had thepecuHar . experience, while acting attorney-genera- l last wef, of writin?myself an opinion on the mon andacupuncture treatments. As deputycitjr and county attorney I was due towrite an opinion on the matter forCity and Countr .Attorney Brown's of-flce- -:

4s the case was being handledby Mr. Stalnback's Y ofttc as ; well,so 1 killed two birds with one rock,and as acting attorney-genera- l, mailedft copy of the opinion to my office inthe city and county attorney's depart-ment .

"' ' : ,. .



Those who participated Jn We Puaaheni Pageant will have a luu at 6

o'clock Thursday talght n ;th ccl-lg- e

grounds.. Miss Mary P, Wi-i- a

of the Punahou Preparatory School lain Tcharge of "arrangements. .QueenUlluokalani ha been Invited aziv isexpected fwlth about 150-othe-rs. v"

.fi ltfiui niwn.lMlll wart nlil was re.cently. planted in Kansas. It growsmuch faster1 than modern corn. "andthe grains will be at a premium.

. V,.-.- 'i

.-- 1 ..

". i



v-- '

;S.. ' ' ;: .;

"V. .'

'- T

1 .. . --5

1675 ave.


Aire you

'" "" T i


mm dylahd;'

i ; -v -

.; - :.-

Work on Concrete Bases For:Battery on Ford Island is

. Progressing Piiccly

Concrete bises Tor batteries to --

protect Pearl Harbor from aa attackby .land forcei are, now being laid at,the north enl of rord .Island, by .workmen directed by the TVS, Engln- -eer., corps,, thrrrtifch the local engin-eer ofricer. "Mif R? R, Raymond. .


; It Is expected that within the nextfew months th, first ot the gun baseswill be completed. .The work will con- -,

tinue until tad entire number are, In- -,

Called, after which they will be ready ;

to have gun mounted ca them. . .; Rock and cement are being used,

and the entire work will require; ayear or more, The bases will be eare-full- y

protected by embankmenta siml--lar to general' design to. ftose; protect--

Jng the big coast defense rifles at FortDe Rusay.



Deputy AAttpraey-general- . II.-Hc- en

is expected to return Tuesdaymorning from Maul, where be hasbeen looking up a terrltcrlU land case,'nrolring summiry tpossr'sion pro-

ceedings brousSt by the ' territory"r.talnat a Portuguese --leasee of govern-u.c- nt

land on the island,- r'

' Gaston 'Dirboux. ti.a secretaryrf.n.e French: Institute ..of Sciencedraws 'tb-- stteotlon of doctors to thevalue, of paper ' undergarments as aprotection .agalr.st winter .weatbfr.

The government health serv!:s hasdiscoverer a new and cheap.diInfect-ac- t

It Is obtained frca i'.zs cil.

6inni3-!HIMu:- e?

7iV 15 yoiir game. v

' . ' ; - 'Attractive, new

;KS:l;.t;:t .""oto v Linblflio ; street,; near ""Wilder;: 'Y: Z:;.' Ave. llas r'l recent cc venicc?,

j." ' ;' -:

.' ' ?.v "sidewalks, etc' v'.;?- - -



. ..' , .... y


--yX :;j;Phcn3 3S77.

Flexible BRAC.I t;: r"Ni-t-iv'i;:iv:'Jt-v-- . 4.......v-- ,.


r. ;







t '. .

i ; ' . and Plain. ;;


r Fuiriiiished



V t

1 ....

COICD ft.-.-

; . 1550 Palola road 5th ave.) . . . ... .. . .2 Bedrooms , , ...J C .C

'"1-- ' ' Pahoa aveT (bet; Ql VmOTTify: "; ? ' ; -- v'k23.cr

Unfurnished1714 Anapuni st, partly; lurnisbed.. . I . t - ' 3.C3

i"?'r-';'Waia- lae joad V.......... .V-i-l- ''7 v. " 1C).C3

.(Bei7th and Sth'aves.);---:- :f

";V'-':- ": J ?


Kalakaua 2


.--,774 Kiuau St.; . . .'. .... . i ..li it i.;" r..: ?i.,m,iv.i ; 373

:Cor.-Alexand- & Dole sts.V....'.3 ; .;' '


'.:. 12th are., Kalmukli..... . .... 2 ;v-'- . - "'. 13.C3

- .1270 Matlock are. -- ..... ...,'...3 . ; ". i......:.33.C3

1151 11th ave. (corner) .;..'. 2 '' ; ; ' 23.C3'

v.'.-;;.- - : (Partly furnished.) .: ''s -- '. 5 --'A'v; ."'' r 7

Page 5: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak


'4' P1TEM0F EffiiJSEI


" ""t-

: : .... ,


, ' - . -.... ., ,..


Mr. L. W,' de Vis-Norl- on




3 Steam navigation Co



A- -

' - :.r:ii Ha,' I- -i -

Cclclrate, of course, but make it "safe and sane'?

y ordering your dinner meat of

-- rr 1 i.t I L vhdvr. s r on npnoirh 3115


! C;: - 71 z l:- -. r.rzzCzZ U. C. Gov- -

it to v. L - .1 - dlld tllTC2 cf t134-


i, fl'- - r 1 j';--- "'-- '' P - - TT- o-






41. Vu- -

, 1

. . . ...... . . ........ C1.25 up

.ll c? ncc:; a:.d cakd Fort ccnciztc .work.rir.zwcco and coau c , -

i. : urrri CTr.rcT . i. 0. cox tit

I w


j ;


v .



: : ....

Lots of about an acre each at head of KecaumbkrT

Street. Finest residence property in.Honolulu. Ma '

cadam street, water, sewer and gas laid to eacn lot '

Let us ta"ke you up and show you. Only five left -

Honolulu svac-bullexi:- ;, : :o:;iay, oLY o 1.


BytHTEIlRer. L: Li Loofbonrow of the Meth-

odist church ' lasbed the ' administra-tion jesterdajr In a jermon which hecalled "Citizens !a .Two Countries.The minister declared it was impos-sible fof one to bow to two countriesat the same time and rapped the Unit-ed States government in referring tothe case of Francois Le Blanc of NewOrleans; Le Blanc was born in Louis-iana and enjoyed all the rights of anAmerican' citizen, he said, althoughhis i parents were ''.natives of Franceand, accordng to the latter's daws, hewas also a French subject When heaskd to' be protected by the UntedStates government in' a business tripto his native land during war timehe . was told he must take, his ownchances... ..This, the minister said,was weakness on Uncle Sam's part



itllniOFJlEThere ,.were 12 fire alarms in the

Honolulu fire department last month,one of which was false and four of

which came on the same day,' June 6..Damage was slight In each instance.,In May- - there were 10 fires..; 4 Vl.r fThe fact that Josses by fires In. J4ine,were of Utile consequence mightlead some ' people to believe that theflre'.pbys had JUttle to do," said ChiefThurston today, ,"but the fact that ourmen .held the fires to small, blazes and

'ct?to IMin Jb.e.fpre. they ,grew speaks

for .their -- successful fire '..fighting.,Bvery. tfs. tire, starts from Ja very



J ' minister of aff Pik-- I -O to minister .pf.nayy.

I 1 11 i 'A of

Sun yt of

Tuesday o: 'minister,the consisting 8 .and v

suns, will; be- - fired Tit noon; in. . m 1 1 '1 t lit .' I- - . . .V'o

Jeciatl(5?deaaen'cet,;'; Vl

Vthe.' administration, building.ca;the Capitol grounds,: a similarlute wiir be iy .the metabers ofthe. mach Mo-gu- n, company, 1st. Infan-try, National of 'Hawaii. ,

' ,,'. Hawaiian Department headquarters

will close all day and Brlg.-ge- n. H. K.Evans,, commanding: the department,Snd Mrs. Evans wlli entertain in .lieafternoon with a reception to al,amyand navy officers Oahu and theirwives. ;' :.: :.:r.- -

j National Guard, headquarters ' willbe closed tomorrow.The Capitol willalso close. ' .TheDepartment Quarter-raaster'- s

office will . remain open '. toarrange, tor. booking, passengers andfreight for Che U..S. army transportThomas, due. to arrive' from'and Nagaisakl noon tomorrow, andto sail some tune ; after-nocn'Tora- n

Francisco. ; " ,y

The Thcnias will from Hono-lulu ,70 first-clas- s passengers,.-2- 5 jBee-on- d

and 130,"troop, She vhas none.for this city, eicept a Philip-Fin- e

Scout lieutenant who is taking achance on , gettinr' transportation toban Francisco from here.. The Thomas will take out 320 tonsof from Honolulu.v . v,



Chinese newspaper men havinga little fight over the questionof republic monarchy The Wah

supported1 Yuan Shih-Ka- iduring the revolution Tn whilethe Sun Kwock was in favorof the. revolution.

When Yuan Shih-K- ai died theof the Sun Chock Kwock Bo said thatinasmuch as the monarchist leaderhad' passed out, of the. limelight.' the

Hlng so too:the ditorof the Wah Hlng Bothat' Dr.: F. Li, the of theopposing newspaper,; was Manchu-rian- .

and inasmuch favored theMancho dynasty, and - that was nomore, the newspaper give upthe ghost.-- r Dr.; L. was also criticizedfor alleged administering to awoman. The fight is going on landpromises become , :



Holiday "will be bbserved atthe postoffice Tuesday, July 4. Thestamp, post, registry and generai delivery windows will ' be openfrom" 8 a: m. to 12 m. One deliverywlil made by letter carriers afterdistribution of Wflhelmina maU.

be from streetboxes to connect despatch of malls

fcr the mainland by S. Sonomo andfor and Maul by steamers Kl-na- u

and MikahalaT; . ; : v

v '. . postmaster.;. . Japan's ; ' Jnaustrjr.' has suf-fered greatly because of the difficultyin;-- importing materials. Another: Im-portant problem in' the Island .empire- -

is tne snortage ox steeu vw - ::n

" v a

.i "V.

nrcrliiLLI I bi.lUiUifl


. .':.'-- ' - - -

4-- The Japanese Red Cross So--

det of v Japan: has granted aflag of the Red Cross ,to the Ewadepartment pf the Hawaii branch ffor its splendid, work.; The flag

granted to it through theJwas consulate in this city.500 vm embers of. the Ewa

Red Cross, members will: wel- -'

f come th flag tomorrow with alarge meeting1 at Ewa. J ConsulMoroi, .head of Hawaiian Japan- -

ese . Red Society, will de--liver, the, address by request of fthe Ewa members! ,



fJew CdnstituticnalLaw&io BeV Cabinet Has;t.u

v : Been hormea' " AABAta..aLM.'j . .

Uuina 13 10 nave new coasuutuun :laws, according to ia caoie receivedSunday by n, Chineseconsul here, from the legation . atWashington aid which originated' atthe Chinese foreign , The? cablstated that a presidential mandat ofJune 29 calls the national assembly to-

gether August V jr;.According-t- . The '..mandatek the

provisfonal conslttutlon- - of j. the .

year of the 1 republic.' wUL remain inuntil 'thener Jaws'l, are.

up . and ; ' treaties Vltjv May-.- Ii

will remain In' force5 NM;-;w?f:- : V :

r: Anothff mandate iihas.been ''; Issued,specially appolntlngjTuan ChC Jul tobe premier and, minister ofwar;(TongShao YlVtQ be. iiXafstre "f .foreignaffairs ;'.p8u Shih'Tin --tor be, ministerof home afairs; Cnea Kim Tao to be

f 1 1 li finance ajursli Chlng- -- 11inrn i Tn 'Fv Kvon be affairs ;

!i J 1 1 f J 1 11 f Chang Yao Tsengitoibe'.mlnisterUluUli lUlUJi-ii- U II law;. Hung. minister

Chang, Kwo misla to- - r? 11 ri anY tys a a

At all the; army tpdsts the Wong Ta Hsutl be ofSalute to Union, of post comatm!catIon.ir.k












vs.Hlng Bo

China,Chuck Bo


Wah Bo should do Thenstated

K. editora;

as he



to warmer.




made let-ter





Made; Hev



force drawnaU

tQ,beeducation; Kanrto be


; "Coming - ba:ck ti'aal expensive . thismorning for Kubdta. The . latter wasarrested yesteraayrror? gamniing annhad : beett releasedrron $25 3alLi Thismorning .he 'was! founds guiity;s andfined 0, Had he stayed away andforfeited the bail he ?would, have been12 ahead but betas' a gambler he tooka; chance.i Slxteed more-- ' gamblers,mostly. Japanese; fdariched the cityexchequer, by-ov- er 1 100 In : fines andforfeitures. t ' '"


. ...... J


7 ' '





2- -.






COllliT AT I1IL0

By compromise, seven nportanlHawaii sugar plantation tax, appealcases involving millions of dollars,have just been settled in the appealcourt ni HUo. The valuations accept-ed by compromise are $3,700,000 morethan the returns, but SW5O.0OO lessthan the figures at which Tax Asses-sor O, T. Shlpman valued the ."properties. .;';yv' ':, :.;'

r Deputy Attorney-gener- al W. H. Heenappeared for, the territory represent-ing the attorney-general'- s tOce at thefinal hearings onOhe cases. 'The re-

sults of the compromise .arenas, fol--'

SOWS: -Waiakea M1U Company; returns,

$800,-000;- ; assessed, v $150,000. com-promised. $1,000,000. v; ;i '

HUo Sugar Company; returns; 0;

assessed, $3,250,000; compro-mised. ' '$2,300,000." i -- ;:

V iOnomea Sugar Company; returns.

$1,600,000; assessed. $300,000; com-

promised, $2.750,ooo. v v; ; ;

Honomu Sugar Company; returns,$650,000; assessed. $1,200,000; com-promiae- d,

$1400,000. i i-- .? v;. --


Hakalau PianUUon . Company, re-

turns, $150,000; assessed, $3450,000;compromised. $2,150,000. "U ; : ;:: Laupahoehoe Sugar " Company; v re-

turns. $700.000 ; assessed. ; $1450,000 ;compromised. $900,000. . . .

: Kalwlki Sugar Company;' returns,$500,000; assessed, $750,000; compro-mised, $600,000. v v - J




, ; :


1101 1ayscall foriTelief. To get it, J


pure. delicious Ice C'eam.v

,.. Call 4 2 25 and have; ussend you some iri bulk orbricks

It c Also served' at J ;

. . ' ts mm mm mm

Urn 'Vim



1C3 nCO!.:3 ; . 3 CATH3 ,,


7 .. . . , ... .... r



of every ime tnis wen tnjormeu ru.


tyies,r - 'fm. mi




! Wl :f J : - t; ; V IL N J--


Zyi-V.---y-..- ':7-- - -- : :':-.:-:

v;'- r v.-:'-;-- ;-',- '. ;

A New. Collar


Surprisingly good value in Collar?, Collar and V

;v Cuff sets, Vestee etc., Uiat .were included in an i- express shipment from New York. ',iv ;

;4 Sher Voiles, Swiss:- "'Laces, etcJ, are the materials , that have becnl.;" employed iU all of the latest New York collar -

i;lsfads.:;f;f"r" " Prices all the wav,J n easy stagesj from 35c to


Hotel, ntar Fcrt'

X the laiid or t:is inDinGnT-cT-

N V; Spend your vacation ia this' vrcnJcrland cf i:3 Czll:.

Round trip frem Ssattl 3, including AU Exp :n Z i:andup. ;: ri: Sailings from SsattK July 2,14, 0, C3, Ar::t 1, V,

13, i9. vsell thrcnjKticIists end m!:o rdl

AGLHT3. pacific coact c:

- r



:,.. ..... r . - ; A i

: :,

?; ; " t


I. .,

II , ' mmm. I'm. mm a Oit i . J r J .



ni::3 very

; granting concessions devel- - cossicnarLi t f

recently discovered pott cr-suitl-cn l

'deposits 'Spain requesting 3 vcr..:r.: r

its Mclnemv cloth es. rl e stzicz jci . :meameanzaratng m

. .

- 1



1 s V r, ? 4"

iVt V IV(

.- r:

In for ri- - rvof Its cT

asa la. con- - tl.o





IO ! L m. m KJ

ev3i 1

m-- . WJ7 .

S mSJ m , . , mS

9ZMands is a complete embodiment of the 02zi ofAvenues both

v.i'.'oc-- i



m itt, "mode a;:c: wor.:- -

&,MBassuresyou absolute atsftncnvmessm yourxaress. arr.cri u::zz

'.B0'mikness suits for the man of affairsour -- specialty. Try us.r v. - . ' . '. , . rirJ" ' --

. vv'V- '.,.; ; ;.f ,..;.!'.:".,..,

-. .; ' tiwULX


' ;





! Fort and Merchant Streets



-' -

': f.


;1 f



Mi v '


;1 i,.








r 2

Page 6: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak


With six vessels due to arrive andtwo tfcpartlng Tuesday Juljr 4, will10 anything but a holiday for harborf.-c-nt cfflclals. .

Karl in the morning the Oceanicftramcr Sonoma . Crora Sydney andI'o Pago anfl. the "Matson steamerVilhelmlna from San Francisco willi":ck at Piers 10 and 15 respectivelyi J following - later in the' morningt .e TJ. E. army transport Thomas,f c:n Manila, is due Snd will dock atI icr 6. The T. K. K. 6teamer NipponHani from San Francisco is Expected11 arrive in the afternoon, or early int:.c evening. Two other vessels that.r. ay, be in tomorrow are the four--'r ' ted bark Falls cf Clyde, which is' rir ing a cargo of fuel oil from Sani ::cifo, and tfie Tnteo Oil Compa-- :

y's t!uuicr 'Santa ilarfa from SanI.- - v ' ; "

..T,c ; itlzs, C e r.fa'tson scarcer Iir-- :,a will leave Tier 19 at 12 noon ande Sonoma tt 5 o'clock In the pfter--



V r, Ec'.d pre- -

: vdy aricarance- r erow that tl;e

, .f , n i -

; tl.o ilawalLi UlacwS Isl'.-- l Cuvicc3 freni Saa

vj ::zt wl ca tl o VenturaJ. ; ID the v, ;; i.ave cn

re- - : cf tr.:rists ,rr.J" . ('.; y C.cculc stcr.v

: --) r-- ?!l the r:!d- -

t'.a v. ;;.t;r tcur-- ;

. , v . .. . r lare crowds

,' ! ; ---- r pr-- .t..... . , i. , cru-r- r cf tha

r I rri-:-- T the In- -


A ' 'i I TC. f iiti. 3 lit

rco i. ::.T. i ,

' r, ::r?.3 i, C rc .01

- I

! . . . i '. " ' v,: 1 T. l.vai,

II. '

. . .-

i . ijjt J,rs. 0:r.:..:.njf,vcr, Ih D:rhyt

::rs. m.Mirs J.

y. c:.:-5- .

v.. i:.? P. He-- '

. . e, R. N.

Ti- -1 1

Z Ch-)r- .- hlirsVA;3 J. Jea-r'r- ?.

Lis haw.

KI;.:.-r- a, AlUrt Holt,

t ' :,n stcar ; r ' .. . . :. :a,.

-- a cf mall, 1- -3 'paiscngcrst:-- .s cf frc';':t frcn;F3a

r r II: r.cU;! j. m ill airi : fmnrairs at C:C0 o'clock'

ft 7:1." r.t IMt 15. . ,

r r-w-r' !Tr

The Ms tson steamer Enterprise isreported to have left Ililo Sunday.

Wednesday the T. K. Ki steamerNippon Mara will take mail to Chinaand Japan.

The next mall from San Franciscowill arrite Tucs3ay tndrnlng . on theMatson e t earner Wllhelmina. be has848 nags. x . .. '-


rV rafRon k'f Mirier V fanna ' willleave San Francisco Wednesday. July :

5, for Honolulu arriving here Wednes--ftlay. July li - v"

With SC50 tons of coal 'fdr the Inter-Islan- d

. the, Japanese steamer AikokuMaru arrived Sunday from Muroran,CapL T. Yoahihara is master. V . ,

The schooner .llelrose left KahuluiSaturday kfter 'discharging-- ' lumber.She is from iPort Townsend and willprohably return for another load. '

r. With CO cabin and 18 steerage pas-renger- a.

and ,a full cargo of freight,the Matron steamer Lurline will 'sailTuesdayat noon from Pier 49. '

" The next mall for San'-- FranciscogoesTirsday'at 5 p. m; on the Qceanic tearr.er Sonoma. Mail shtfald bein the post office by 12 o'clock noon.'

: A contract for the erection of threestcol tcwers forUw aew radio statloa at f Cordova. Alaaka, af. 131,350,las' besh'-- ' awarded to ".Nicholas . &Fle!hes of Seattle. ;' ' "'

s ; ;

. 'Ft' V,'. Tiry trah?r6rt ;Thomasfroa Manila via Nagasaki wllllarritnehere Tuesday about noon with mail.Che will proceed ; tb , San FranciscoWednesday afternoon. -- T.'.z r

Te latson steamer Hilonian lefthere Sunday 'at 8 'p. m. for Port' Al-

len, Kahului and Ililo to finish; dis-charging the carpo she brought Sat-urday from Saa Francisco. . . , .

' ' '.

. ; r

The Pacific Hail Steamship -- Com-,

pany has annpunced that in their Pa-cart- a

pcrvlce vtesels will stop at Oristohal on tlie Atlratic side in. prefer-ence to Balboa cr. the Pacific Islde. :

The Inter-Islan- d steamer Kllaueahr.3 lCo passengers already "bookedfor the' passage to . Kahului at ' 10o'clock tT.!s evening and- - 50 more areticctcJ before the 6teamer leaves.


The 'ccbrr;andJr.g officer cf theV,"ire-Dr- ; - T.rty No.- 3, U. S. coastsurvey. re'crt3 if:: rg an linciiarted

a'o- - ix. ff-.- t at meanl.w tide, ' : ,(?, A! "ka.

.The Kir u '.reports the 'followingE"r:r V''.' r Eh.:. t on the islandcf L: tr-- s; Gay. &r i:.:wh:ian ' SurarC...iy,Kclca, 21.C

With 21 cabin and 17 deck passen-rsrs-th"

I:ter-llan- d stea-r.- cr Clau-- r

rrivt J .S'jadsy frcra Maul. She': :

. ..t 4" heed cf cattle, D7 bags .ofI.tatrcs, tars of cement .and 87racLcses .cf sundries. :'

II. A. Jackson, ceneral traffic man-ase- r

of the' Great ..Northern, Pacific:fteamship Company, ' has - anouriccd.the ari'tintment'.of John F Beta' tbthe --jsiiica 'of general 'agtat,'. freight'c"ef:rti.urit, wi'ih heaclfiuarters ht SanI'taaciaco. ' -

, - - - ".',.?After .a lec'thy period "c'i

cf the Wallace Ship Y. cfNc:lh Vtncor.ver, B. C, G. II. ;Iar

ill hncvn to. all marine stirvc; rs,l as severed his connection with t Uutlirm and 1 efore taking "active .servicer : --.fa wii enjoy a short vacation;

The steamship Seward, bujlt atIf 7. has teen sold to Proc-- t

r u. CamLIe. CEnufacturers of Crls-c- o

and Ivory sc:,:-- ) ?.e used ia. trans-porting cil an J others-ingredie-nts

from South America and for taking

th9 fiakhed products to the'southera.'

ccnticer.L :' :

- : ; .

.: -

The Pcrinsula-Shipbuilding- -. Com- -.

I any, has recent . beenT


head office at Portland, Ore. Thewill commerce tlift mnntv

J- -


j. Comparatively: financial statisticscompiled In Amsterdam, covering theyears 1913, 1914 and 1915-sho-w largeprofits made by IS Dutch steamshipcompanies, ;hJch. comprise most of

Employing round figures, the totalcapital stock of these companies in1915 was $33,000,000; ; and the bookvalue of their steamer Vu iJ34,00O,-O-

;,The capital increased, over 1913an 1914., iTbe book ralbe f steam-- r

ers in 1915 "was mbrethan in 1913 butless than In 1914.., The general re-serve fund war $6,500,000 la 1915,against 4,70,000 in 1914 and. $3,800,-00- 0

la :1913. Various .special reservefunds also increased, in. 191 5 over thetwo preceding-years- .. The 'fund, forconstruction of hewsteahiers was $2.-520,0- 00

ta 1915 and nothing in the.twoprecSding years. , Altogether, the spe-tia- l

reserve fuhds tpUled 14;500;o0Oin 1915, $5,200,000 In 1914, ana $i,"800,-00- 0

in 1913. ' - - ; .v

Dividends Paid. :--


Notwithstanding ; the i largie sumsput in the reserye fbndsj'mucih largerdivldehds wefe paid in 1915 than in1914 or-191- Ten per cerit "wai? a lowdividend in 1915, while 140 per centpaid by the Hillegersberg SteamshipCompany, was the highest, and all thecompanies, averaged ; oyer50 per cent;

factiire of . wbodeh Vith aux-- 'iliary oil engines for the purpose oftransporting. cargoestqf Oreon liim-ber- "

ia(the off shore trade".

Three Vessels are, due to arriveJune 8. They are the Russlah atearaer Baikal from the'cahal, the Japan-ese 6teamer Mandasan : l Maru --fromMurcran 'With.ooal tor the Inter-Islan- d

and the- - "British steanrjr. TuscanPrince ;from the 'canal.: . The Baikaland Tuscan Prince "will call here for,bunkers. '. -- V.l.; J - " " '


; ;The Mabna Tiea reports the- - following vsugar waiting shipment on - Ha-waii:- ; Olaa, 21,200. bags; Walaica,5000;- - Wainaku, ,25,00O; "Onomea, 10,-12- 3

Pcpeetecv ; 7656 ; llbhbmtt, '5500 ;Ilakalau, 28,813; Xaupahoehoe, 27,242;Kaiwiki,;5671 ulaiau, 10;458; llama-- ;kua, 22S2: Paahtihau, 13,755; llonokaa,33,000;' Honuapo, 9000. - ' ' . :

.With 52 cabin and1

S2 deck passen-gers the Inter-Islan- d 4teaner Kinauarrived . from.Kaual Saturday morning.She brought 325'lag3fof sugar, 151bags tao, 1C0 bags rice,' 60 bag3wo,l,50 bas .olaise'a 'bran, 30. t bagscoconuts, 28. crates pears, tour drumsriolasses,7 two ' automobiles and 16.1.

pac!:aes 'ci Sundries..'., t u ' '

Recent statistics show that a totalOf 63 large Vessels arie In course ofconstruction in . Pacific coast shipy-

ards.-: Of this number 24 kre steeland 39 Jarge wooden vessels, the lat-ter having auxiliary oil engines.: Ofthe total, 28 'are being constructed inyards "of the stateof Washington; 23la California plants, 10 In Oregon andtwo at Vancouver, U. C. . i

t 4; : lAtn excursion trip....",-- ,

, rer --U str. Kllauei tor T.IaUi,10o'clock tcrlzlitr.-.B-.i:.i::--:e- r. C. J. Falk Miss. Eva Alana,Ilrs.' Tora Hollinger, Miss-M-- . Lucas,T:!-- s .".L. Lor,' Miss "M.: Hind,', C F.Jcuason, E." P. Low, W.-- J. Lillis, Mrs.W. C. Moore, Mrs. A. L. Morris, MissTravers; V.-C- ; Moore, A.- - L.; Morris,Wm.1 Macfarlane, M. ' Markham,


F.Kruger, Geo. Soper, Joe Damot, M.Costa, Sheridan , Tyau, t Jel3dn Kan,U. y.'Gun, S. Deponte,; Mfi5antos,II; ; Kolowena, Chas, t. Kerr, r GeorgeKerr v George - Ing, v

-- Esa, - MJavidRichards,, Joseph, Davi3, 'A; L. Bush-nel- j,

A.? Johnson, J, Watermull; Ar-thur ;; Rice, v. Harold VK. - Castle Fi , W.Wlchman, Mrs. .C


F.. Crocker . Mrs.Kohl, Miss Zelld, : J. E. O. "Bannon C.;T. Crocker, W. F. Dillirigham, - $L . G.liindes Mrs.. Frank Woods, '., Princess.Kklanianaole; Miss Mary Xow,' IrwinSpalding, James Rs M. MeLpan. J. M.


hii ' "". .', ' - "

X movement lias !been "started bythe Seattle Chamber of Commerce tohave the did army trahsporta prooikand Meade, put back in service. '

In the army appropriation bill InCbngfesB 'there ia this provision: "

.--That authority is hereby granted

the aecretary of war to sell or otherwise dispose of, "in accordance withlaw - and regulations, tne unuea

rStates army ; transports "Meade 'ahdCrook.' . . ' .


f As the Crook was recently sold tothe Alaska "Railroad --Company to --carry supplies there she' is 'out of theQnesuon, dui tne iieaae, wnicn is iaiabp at Newport News,'tay be put backIrttn corvlra if f he hnnlA ' vho Are(..Hitfr.'tfis MnirfMnt rati famr it!through. ;

--. ' . . v

, "Leaving 'this vessel out "oif "commis-sion and not having freight apace onregular transports or the shlrimentot supplies to the Philippines from

rn.loA '.nann A &ast1& TUlf.Intelllgehcer.i "tKe- - war department ispaying extraordinary freight rites toforeign and other : Pacific camera.Rates to Manila have risen from $6 to$28 and $30. The idea of overhaulingthe Meade arid putting her on to carry-th- e surplus freight acroas the Pacific seems not to have occurred . toany one - It can,, be; demonstrated inihe quartermaster'a department that alarge aavihg to ;CJeJ governmen't 'canbe izi&i by 'bo. doing. V;.. . -- :

--? " 'Furtber, sa'd aq official of thatdepartment, -- 'it can be shown t thatanother saving csth 'belnade by havingthis .transport , sail,.for .ilantla, fromSeattle ratherithan from San Franciscol-.- , Much of the freight Alginates inthe East or Middle West. - By 'reasonof the iong land grant railroad haul toSeattle, as opposed to the ahorter landgrant railrbad 'haul, to 6an Francisco,It cc-- ts less to. ship. via. Seattle.'".,

Corrie Jno: Connlfey,VrLIeut Havercamp, Lieut: ISeard,, Mrs. M.'E. Lewisand Vaii3. KTr. ahd Mrs. 'L King A.At5b, "J, T., Jay, Jno. "KwaL ohn .Vier-r- a,

M.'.Bofges, Daniel Toki, J.VA. Mc-Gulr-e,

Thomas Smith, X Woolaway,Mr. and Mrs. Curraa, Miss Tjurran. . '

Per I.--I. str." Claudme - for " Maui,July- - 3.Mra. 'Clinton, DoraW. Dar-siels- .

I Kaaikairiu; 'Robert MoC6rris't6h, John Alana,- -' R; V H. VanSaht, - Robert F. S'aevfer, 'Irfs B. "Fernandez Miss N. Treltas. --Mrs. M. T.Morrill, John A ble F. Reise, 'C. A;Rice, H. K. "Decker, D. Gramberg, K.M. . Soong- - Mis's ' M. Sobng, 'MissSobng,- - Miss Uei Afana, Miss ElizaAku. Miss Tain vSic"g; Mrs. 'Wong, Mrs.K. C. 'Zarie; 3frk' and Mrs. J. Little,Mi3s Bertha NowelT,- - I.lUa- - Je'an 'Littie,' M. ' Tasaka - and '"Wife. Geo. "Kaha- -

loku, Miss Piimattna, "Mrs.-- piimauna,il aster. Tniauni,H AVini'-'Hee- i'andwife - - ' '

! ki"--' " '' ' ?:v ;

pr6hibiti'on causes SLUMP -t 1 : IN CRIMrNAL;COURT

SEATTLE, '. .Wash-Sinc-e' the new

prohibition" law 7went into effect, thebusiness of the Wet Side durt. withthe exceptioa '.of. . liqubr.caaes, liasfallen oft. 5Q per cc Jt according to astatement vtaada' in- - open, tfohrt. thiamorning by Chief. Deputy; District At-torney Foster Cliae ' - "r ri The 'Court Has "been 'Idle .'for the lasttwo days, and Judge Wright chidedCllne because there were .no casesready. Cllne then stated to the courtthat the reason ' was the prohibitionraw. v'V: Ac ; !vC-.;vf-4'tt:rCtr- !l

The "West Side 'court- - has beca busywith bootlGgging 'cases, b'Jt since partcf tiiSse. 'cases ttfe now;t ing tried-i- n

the county court, tt criminal diyisldnof the district' ccirt .as bcca'idli


for eale;A Siap Sorr.3 fd: . ..lure for sale ind' cctta;,z for rent contents

. of diamg room, slieboard, cellarette,electric fixture s, f .Turkish leathet

V rocker, chairs and , rugs .tor ; $50;..'other furniture accorduiglyi, Phone

:2648.- - ?6517 ttFOR- - RENT.'

. - - .THE GRANVILLE; -" "

S. King st. under new. 'lhkn--

: agenient), phone 2272; j;..;First-clas- s situational Good sea view.; Suites, isicgle rooms, cottages; "ex-

cellent table bbard. - - 6317-:-6- t


Dividend ..Warrant. No. N578jdat6d, Alay 31, 1916, drawfi by Ewa lanta-- '

tion Co. on the Bank of Hawaii,Limited, bayablef to the : order ofMrs. J. B. Evans, for $8. ' Payrhentof, said warrant has been stopped.:;,;;:65l7--U;'-a-.

'Certificate No.; 656, Harry J:. Ross;Postal Savings," Honolulu. Hawaii;lost Saturday alternoon. Return toMoney Otter Division,; Postofflce '


Ey'order of the Board pt Vli ectos,a special meeting of( ' V.'aiahol Water .Company, iliimitea,

la hcM at the office of the cofri-- ,K ' :.!. D j llding, Honolulu. T.

. : ; ;, J. ly 15th, 191S, at. JO. . f;r the, purpose cf ?a--;

V. 3 capital stock. of 'the coai-- ... . :

. tl 3 traActioa-ofsuc- h

c r ... ... x y .come befbre' ' " Z- . .. ; ; ',V

J. . C aIAGENS,;,v'ccretaryr

ilohday, July 5.

tincA'tTiLr- i-'AUxzzZzr Z CiUwIa, Lii . aC Erewerjii CO........SUGAREwa Plantation Co...'...Haiku Sugar Co.. . 260 .Hawaiian Agr, Co. , . . .'. .Hawaiian X fc S.'Co.,... 52 52 UHawaiian Sugar Co. ;


t - .Honokaa Sugar Co.. J....Hcnomu Sugar Co. . . . , 193':Hutchinson S. Plant Co.. .

Kahuku Plant. Co. ..... . 22iKekaha Sugar Co....... . . .Koloa Sugar Co. ........ .. . ...McBryde4 Sugar Cc, Ltd. 13Oahu Sugar Co 404 41 .Olaa. Sugar Co Ltd... . 19 19 hiOnomea. Sugar Co... .... . 59HPaauhau Sugar. Plant'Co. ....Pacific . Sugar Mill . . .... 25Pala Plantation Co......'Pepeekeo- - Sugar Co. . . ,

Pioneer Mill Co.. ...... 51 ! 51 4Sari Carlos Mill Co, Ltd. 15 134Waialua, Agricultural Co. S5 35HWailuku Sugar Co,.t... ;

MuvniMiflnwDi)yT 9

Haiku P. & P Co, Com,Hawaiian Electric Co..Hawaiian Pineapple Co. 43 44Hon. B. & M. Co., Ltd... . . . . . . .Hon Gas 1 Co. Ud. .... 125 ; - ...Hon. R. T. & 1. .'. .. vi57;? .Inter-lsbin- d S. . Nav. Co.". X . . . . 200-- ;

Mutual Telephoae : Co.'i.. V20Oahii R.v & Lv. Co.. . . .. , . . ; ... .Pahang Rubber Co . . . , . . , . . . . . ..Selma - Dindings Plants-'v'-- v


-' X

' tiod; "Ltd. (Fd.) .v. . . . . '- . . . . .

Selma .DinCiags Plants'-- J :-- "


tloa, Ltd. 42 Pd.)... ;...Tanjonk Olok 'Rubber. Co. 45 "

.'BONDS- -' - - .

Hamakua Ditch Co. (a,;, v.-.-; ..V.Hawaiian ' Irr, Co, 6s. . ? 80 tv 90Haw Ter. Rfg 1905.. f f,,.Haw Ter. 4 Pub. Inipa.iy.s,iHaw Ter. Pub. Imps. 4 ; '


(series 1912-191- 3) ..... . . . . -- ..Haw. .Ter, . . . y.' .HaW. .Ter. '4H". .. . . .Haw. .TeT. 3 .. . ..... . ....... ... .Honokaa Sugar Co. 6,', 4 v i" f .Hon. Gas JCo., Ltd 5s. . 104 - . . .

hHoa. . T. '& LXfc. 6.. 101Kkuari Ry. Co. 6s.v..V.i.V '...f5: . .:

tlcBryde Su-- ar Co. 6s. . . .i , s lOOiMutual Telephorie' 5s.... ...i 106 .

Oahu Ry & L. Co. 5.. 106.Oahu S. Co. 6 (re-- c sia . ;v ..

.: able at '103 at maturity) .10 V

Ola'a Sugar Co. 6 ...'.102Pacific Gua'ao & FerL Co. , .....; f.'.Pacific Sugar ilin'Ca 6a 100 - 4...San Carlos MilL 'Ca6 v',v;V

V Between Dcard: V Sales: 250,-4- 5,

55 .01aa, 23; 50.- - 25, 230,200, 240, 45,2Z; 425 McBryde, 13;

50 Waialua, ICO, 100, .2ft Pioneer,51; -- 75,. 50, SO. Oahu Sugar, Co, 40;50, 33 Hon.' B. & M Co... 20: 50Mutual Telephone Co.,' 20; $2000 O. R.& L.' Co. 5s, 106: $1000 O. JL & L.Co. 5s, 106 : $20Ct), Mutual . Telephbne

; Session Sales: "20 Vv"aialua, '334; 50Olaa, 20; 15; 25, 10, 10 IL C. &r a Co.,52; 50, 50, 50,150 McEry2e, 13H?S 30 II.CX& S. Co 62M0O,10O McBryde,13U;100 Olaa, 19; 511. C '& S. Co., 52;5, 15 lEWia, 33K.. ; '

' '

X --j - - n6tce. f : :- July 3,; 1916 No sessibh of the 'ek-chang- e

Tuesday, July 4, 1916. . :v

f.; Lateist- - sugar " i;Jotaton 23tst, B.Cc, "or ISLCD per ton. ; '. '

REMINDER - V- -''-..-;-

? r r--;

Metropolitan Meat 'Market 'will cfose10:30 'tOmcrrow.JleSillar'eellveries.


S . I - 6.02c;:Henry. Yatcrhoasa Trust Co.

tT'rr.bersCjchc!-l- u Cts'ck tr.i C;nd'Cxchar:. . : '.

" -- '

5--' Fcrt. and-- , f.ierchint. Ctrtst .'r.V Te'e;h-r.ri::3-


" SEATTLE, Wash. ifrs Linda Bur- -

Held Hazzafd, opuJarfyyknpwn as the; starvation pctor," wo was releasedfrom, the penitentiary last Christmasafter,' serving two years 'of 'in indeter-minate sentence for manslaughter, ishow eh'joying :a full pardon ;iand resto-ration of her riVil rights, granted ,byGoTvcrtior "Erh est Lister. Mrs. Hazzardwas "convicted of manslaughter forcausing , the death in ; 19;it-,o- f MissClaire Williamson,; a,weaitny Englishwomanr who 'was -- given 'the .fastingtreatment 'byMrs. Hazza'rd. J - ;


;'" 'FRANKFORT --GN- MAIN; "Germany. The German passenger Airship Company,; Ltd.; of this : placis, lbits .itanfial 'report;yih&tl isHue'd,' saysthat while Hhe war has ; put1 a ' stop "tothe company's regular business,' theworks have been fully .occupied on; warorders (manufacture of farts or ;2ep-pelins- ),

and that the gross earningsfor; the. year were $175,000. As thecompany was burdened with heavydeficit; 1915; earnings made it possibleto write 'off a BubstanttaFa'hiOu'nL- - Thecompany has 'also derived re'veriiryirui leaeing eueua xanouspoints,- - like Baden-Bade- n. Hamburg,Frankfort , Dres d ea tind Potsdam, - tothe .jnillta ry,"authorities V U'?:t;rj;UrHALSEY&;W:

New York, . San FranciacoT'r..;r.i;-i.-r- - CMeasoiii-'-;''-.-!.-,'- :

t VeOwtii Offer alid 'Recommend'

irivsTuzrir t'CuXsfAt 'Prices to 'Net 3JO to; X07

H. A. BRUCE- -4' 'r Cahk of HawallBIdj.

Telephone 1319, ; .

Honolulu nepresehtattytr


iCou ArePlan nin r cwhctlicr a brief vacation cr ca c-t:-

r.d:d tour, z 1 .

cenl3 a (lay will cnabla yoa to tr-- vj. with 'a c:- -

.? -- Let H3 explain to yoa ia full ihD cdvaatc:i cf cajAETNA Tourists' Baago policy nnd 13 c::t.

;It indcciaiflos you c-i- -st lc3 fr.:n rc, c'.?.,-i-

n-custody of Eailrocjl, Exprcd Ccnpauy, StcaiasLlj,VvHotcl or Clubhouse, aajwhero in thj ycrliv

" ' Gastle & Coolce, Ltd.- -- .

' - - - ' Central lnaurar.es A;::.U " : '


for using a letter ot credit when: you travch There are plenty i

'more, bbt. these two good rea-'son- s

should appeal to Voa.First, its conVenleace. Second,Its safety. You can get moneyWithout any trouble and a let-

ter of credit is susceptibleneither to forgery nor theft

; Investigate further before you

take that trip." t .

Dili cf IIr;7aii,Ill; CCor. Fort and Merchant

if1 1 - 17

j J w'.s. J . 4

...m J J

Sugnr Factcn" JviCommi::;cn J.!:rchants: and IncLTanca Ac-r4-


. J ftir :

tavillaa Ccicfclil & Euiix '' .'Company. " ". .' ,. :':..;

Haiku Sugar Ccspaay.'-- ; :;

raia Plant;:; , X ,Haul Agricultural Ccrzpaay.rHawaiian 'C-Jo- Ccmpaay. .

Ilahukn. Plantation Company.; HcBr7!:3 Zmzt Cczj. yCahalui Railrcai Cc-r- ay.

Hauai Railway Cozz; aay.Eauai Fruit & Land Co., Ltd. v

Ilonolua Ranch. ' " .' , '.

j.;f. r.'onGAri cd, ltd.' STOCK CHOKERS J

Information Furnished aai Leans. M.J,

Merchant CtrsetPhor.s 1572

Electricity, g23, screens la all tcussxNeat house; Hi . ' ;

tcucs; flna locit!-a- ; C:3.'.fine locatica; C3i-.- r

Larra 4-- 1 :Ir: "hou.j; '

J. I--!. ECHiIACIt



C. C. YL3 liC? C. CO.


Importers of best lumber a- -! tul'.:rnaterial3. Prlce3 low, ar i wa glirsyour order prompt attsatica Tvh-tL- r

larga or small. 7e have tur.t"t-a-dred- aof houses la this city with per-

fect satisfaction. If yoa want to tail Jconsult us. "'

f X- -' ' ,

0 ,S . 1. .


ThaSTAR-DULLET- I? is fuHyir.ilci.Icd ' in r lh3 thrcocIcrStdr.Bu:!:iin;BuiId:no,-at-12- j

r.:rchant ; Street, next to : th2Stanr;:rjva!J: PJions;49H fcr

?. x li - all ; deparlm cnls.;: . . . j .; .

4 wif r0 , I,-

--"v I !7

I , i

:;' ;.Issues K. M. & K. Utters cfCredit sai-Tra- vt iri' Ct.:.

AVaIlibU3thrc.ut'v: i ..II.

ft 4 WW a


""An FACTC.O '

cc;.::.;;. ":i ;C 1 1 4 A . .


List cf c:::-::- 3 tz DL-tctc-r::

-XT .


A. w . .........."i ' " -

, ,0. 11. nc.--- .. cr j. .; vice-rrc-::.-t"L- .i ?

XL rVE?.3.. .....C: 7X? A XL, 11 aTc .?

Ah a . . .

C. IL CCCIIi: r::::!:rJ. a CALT. .......... .Dl: rn. A. ccc::t. .... . . .r-- - -

A. C ... 1 .. -----

vs G. ::ay ji-- ..

r. . - LT.

Fir:, l:;.. Y


fey y- --- ::it..:;3

- TH YC.iCHA' ' A

CA't.C, L. . i 1 -

Capital r"riti....Capital paid up.......Cr.cservs fuai -

. C. AVCiU, Lcr l f- -


Czrri:i c i


- Jilt i ...


Thayer Fiar.D Co., t'i.:i;ii:a Hctj cl ;i ... ::

:''FOIl'D ALl- $160 Lota 50x100 lWa ave., Ta:;;:Jit) dawn, $3 per ca.-- . -

?.j00 Lots 75x200, 4th, ave.,: t:-ca- r.

J180O Lot fin Perry Tract, t:School, and. Emrai', si. feet.

: P E fT njTj A v w f

L)itVaafy CIdg 71 .

S'V,"8HZLL.- - FLAr.IiIn.'iyl. j Li

, ';-- . it'lCULZL-- ?


, . - Yourj Z.::i:'i; And. at All II"':l .V.

hc.,, i::unA?icz co.c- - r'..' ; - LTD.

ti kin a crn-L- T, cc. .: ...



Page 7: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

ToI : 'TtJ ' i vina of 4.

O '

- w 7:4.0. P. IPi

U JI i ' I I 1 1 I I H R I .vh-nDes-



CROP ESTIMATES 1mum are those printed'

on that finest cf photCTraphic

7 .paper fI

In the Greatest Triumph of "His Career


and the Cast' A PAR


nATIT.TC rt 2:15 o'ctock V '

TONHT t 7:0 o'clockWilliam rox

. .. .. . ..

,T:o Clcir.cd cud- - TascI-.- -i tct!r.j Actross in :


A terrific jly-c- f love adlAlso:, Tfce;

Third Charter .cr the Top-- !

r.ctch Serial, THE MASTERi'IIY,. and . -- a ; Universal"Weekly-- . (Current Eyents). v

-- i

Prices 10,- CO and SO Cents?




1 liC ILtU


Ste'dman Winifred Kingston supportingEXTRA FEATURE",


Eleventh Chapter

?;j;;yery Exciting:"

m V--i

. iNews Pictorial

I , Phone 5060 after 6:30 p." m; for reservations :

k,; . ; 'Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents.; ?ox Seats, 50fCents ;, , . .' " "-

, ,f i ' i ..' t V - V :'f .:' V


Mh:rW:Q ' : liehiity?:,? . THE WORLD'S GREATEST,




..... 4 ,.

A -- i HOI . STA.

i )4 T KtNC&9

V -




. thi: inxa ;qf comedians, in

"The: Tramp"ALSO': ; The L; S. E. ; (pisoyr)

,. .Essnay Present .' .,r

ofllieCityFeaturing iMARGUEHrrECLAT-- i

I" TQN, the Fascinating and Pop- -

ular Actress.Prices 10, 20 and. 30 Cents

For the cninn socjial fnnetion lei us4ugest to yoiff- - oino of our fancy 'ice' Vrya iris inr briekfQiTO--or'lc'"- tis

work out your suostiou. . , 1 . 'A v - '.- -'"

Call in person at our factory or ring 1542 brt4(57G.i--:- C

rionc! nhr Ddfmia's" Aggo ciation



wm' '

'.; .



1 1 1





D At--mJ






Honolulu merchants are flockingInto the"" office of the city treasurerfor license to do business In the pres- -'

ent" fiscal ;yMr. ' First; appHiatJoncame In Satunlayi and the'.4att oncwill not be "disposed of until the mid-dle of Ausust'-.-- v ; V. '"' About. 4800 Ilocnses. will be Issuedbefore then, according to an estimate'made this. morning by; p.the treasurer, nnd iUe.jcltyi.wiUiake'in between $105,000 and $110,000. Sat-unla- y

a half day, over. $7000 was rejlliil in fees. : ; :

' ;The list" of licenses Jo be Issued

starts- - at 'alsohol" and runs through."awa ."employment agency," V'lodg-!ug- t

nad tenement hotise,'"manurac-ture- -

of poi' and "plumber'Vto "trustcompany." There are 47 different bus-inesses listed.. .

' .' r " 'x ... r

IfMWIG; ? j( i --; 5 v ,

- Five young men aliased ta be a partof a malicious satig tiiat ; has beenmolesting and annoying ' young girls ;

at the Salration"Army Home in Ha-noi ralley were given a good "scare"today by v Deputy Sheriff Julias W.Asch and Prosecuting Attorney Chil-lingwort- h'

and discharged. Ther werearrested early ? Saturday morning byPoliceman Fl FerdinandU :i .?

The boyB were ' H. Keama, JoeCosta,-F- . And rade and Wil-


McCormack, and according tothe1 deputy, they admitted prowling

- around the premises of the home.' Many complaints hare come to the.police from the Salvation Army peo-ple, who say a gang of boys pierch un-

der the windows toeing ' and playmost of the night and then holler atthe girls and speak, to them when theyappear. .V tr. - ' :. v

"We have sent an officer to Invest!-- ,pate several times," said Asch, "but

' the gang if as wise and sat where theycould watch the road. ? When theyj;aw tha of fleer approaching they duck-ed, probably Inttrthe old Long homenexV dcor But this time ; Ferdinandset a trap and caught the bunch." .

. The deputy' said he 'thought' thegood results nf the sever lecture, thi3morning would be seen.

v - : p: . . ',':r-'':-



Program' Ceginning" at '1:3d vjk u'4"V : til 4fp.:m. -..V' r--

' :,..

Evening (Two Shows) 6:30 ancU 8:20SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR, TODAY



The' Inner Routed "ttwo-part- " drama). Essanay.;."',V?'-- v :'V-.:;vv- r ;,?.."On With the Danced (comedy), Vlta--

"Belle of BisTnegat' (drama), ; Lubin,"A Mountain Malady (comedy), Unl.

'"" versa!.''- - i". " -


V i

Other Securities Show Sympa-.- ithy andTendsncy.is for, x


ut n tower Prices- -

In the locar stock market the announcement of Olaa' Sugar Company'sdirectors, maue Saturday ' afternoonwhen the business olA the day hadended, was the nt rtteffor consideration. ' T n evise'I 'est i--

nate not only had an extremely de-pressing effect., on . Olaa shares to tless directly' upon the rest f the J.- .Before the sessionr; there :-- was!, a

critlcisin freely volcedr that anannouncement oC revision had 'notbeen sooner announced or that theestimate catae erop.had,-co- t lioensooner revised!. ..Olaa. sold hetweeabeards ; as .as ; $23?,rtd fromthat, ppln t . u was marked down . rtur-in- g

the' session $19.SD1U first saleat. the session being. $20, , Total salesfor, the day . we.re.293o pf listed, securities, fit which DIna cent v'buted over1250. Other stacks snaded ofrdorlnxthe day's .trading In fympathy. vith.

Brokers in some instances were in-clin-

to minimize the effect of Olaa'srevised rop estimntfv especially ijinceit Jsr expected that , 1317 will showrecord jnaking:cron, for-Oia- a an"a. oth-e- r

Hawaii plantatIonsV -- vll;i i v .There will be.no seJssionox.UffJM

change Tuesday- - i



I ' - . . - V l iv r. V. i,: Walter-DHlingha- iLnd the' mayorwill : beautify ' the city 'this summer."We wllL? have .a clty wonderfnlthat you li! fail to recpguitK It,waiting, (or yquu when jpn come-- backDiJIlngham prdmlseir tlie.amem,hers 'oftk et .' City Planning ..Commission . thismcrnini:. ,iMrsf J..LsXVwsett andMrs'.- - .J.' ' Intend .to" spendthe summer "on the s'mablanA andmade him .and thex mayor promise towork . faithfully ,Pt;. the I comnjisslon'staskrpf .creatlcSithiei "city heautlfuL".This was at a. meetips this. mornUig,

. Prince Kchi: and nArthur AYatltwo other .momber'tof. the. commis-sion are. already, oa the nratrrland andare 'not ' due" back nntiT-- f alt After ;

long discussion thjs. morning on rwkons matters that have occup!e3;th.attention of 'the commission . for thelat few" meet!ngsr Mrs. rLowrry tasked how the work oJT; the , body r couldbe tarried on with; most' of its xnembers absent, v Then came the - rxtfac- -

6?.RW ecngtota'ot)jflajitlnsine poio grounds erandstand In ccr--mine and yellow stripes"-Dillingha- m

continued, . -- Uii'teiM:-Viv"

, The discussion, ened In banter-a-it had begun. ..... ' K t" ;

(Summer ;Term)

v. lialianl Scndocf felnglng &

;--fort SLi near Hour St ?:


. 1 A

Supervisors Will Hold Llcetingot, importance tq Taxpayers

l --x 3 -- This: Evening rv t

Pnnnul and the budget-wil- l be themain topics of discussion at tonight'smeeting of the supervisor Supervisors' Arnold and Larsen and - CityEngineer Collins made - the trlr toPuunul district with a number of rep-resentatives of the Fnunul Improve-ment Cluh , yesterday morning ' andagain looked over the ground throughwhich the proposed road Is t wn. i

City officials say that after " longmonths of delay n choosing the outlet for the district it looks a.if therewill be some, action towards, opening itat i last. : Arnold who & chairman ofthe: read commits e has promised adefinite re? . t qdatton to ike boardtonghtf and declares that the city engineer will he Instructed to maka hlspreliminary report showing costs andassessments - at .the next.jneetlng; v

There will probably' be few changesIn. the budget In the opinion of mem-bers of the board. It has passed firstreadin'g and Is well on Its way to be-co-

iaw Supervisor Larsen saysthat he will - propose that the salaryof the plumbinr inspector, J F. Kier-naT- L

be raised from J165 to 185'jamonth, but this mny be managed, ifit passes, without a change In thebudset j :.-- r ' '


; A petition askln g that Smith streetbe opened between King ; and QueenStreets will be submitted to the board.


DEiiciriD' - 4f"- ;

lio Sing Kit ' died this morning ofpulmonary disease of the lungs, justas he .was carried Into the emergencyhospital. Policeman H. Daniels foundKit lying at the corner of JIaunakeaand Panahi streets about-5:J- O a.' m.hleeding- - aX the mouth. "Police Syrgeon R. G Ayersaya the 'man s deathwas from natural causes: ' ; .'i ,

: -

Kit lived . on Beretania street hUtween Nuuanu. and Kukul streets aivdworked on the Inter-Islan- d 'steamerKinau. . According to his fiauhter.Yon TaU he was not ieellns well thiswnmlnr hut' inslnlr'l'.'fin'' !rnlndr- - trtwork. , v;-v- , 'A

SUFFERS IN46RED OOT."Sam Akana was hurt in Schumah's

parage yesterday 'afternoon' when anauto-said- , ta have heen ' driven - byJ. .D. Pringle, which was coming intothe place crushed, him against anothercar. . His left ankle was sprained andone leg and- - his " back, bruised; Hiswounds were dressed at the emergency hospItaL.




";..'., -...


.. ';- -


I Inii

' I


rThis paper is not only the test, it the

on the market fcr orwork. ;

-.- 'n-.'-Vv

All sizes and and donhle weit

tttt Tin w .tS p 'j;tt' i

Oldest m Fort llsar Ilctel;: Eastman Agency )

' ' Phone IS 13

:" vin the City- - 7) 'CJ . Estahlishsd 1870

tQ'eacH the samc result that perfect

: -


: Yoa' now have your choice cf Best in'its lastin? abunimce. t't; three wayt of' rn'kinj Colgate's f in its coofjiinj "juani.n4 bctt;

lasting Inxurioa. ialivcrr-o-nd of ia Us fxcrpiional frted:;n frt'n i,r Kavin3 i.i,co.Tjoft, v. BncornbuecJa'AaU. DonctH-irca- t

Softening, toothing,' - 'sanitary' yovr ' and'; handicap' ycur '

vrhichvcr v?y ypa it. . razcj fcy us' an rr" Uil. ?r;

:' v v--. .::y, ;' '.'-- .' .'."'' ; . ""'.'"."'



' Phcnel523'. . . tf ,,ITunanu;;i:arIIct:l

U Admiral Jellkoe of the-Britis-h navy New York Is both'tte lirst Je7,- -

was the champion gunner of the serv-fs- h and the largest Irish city la 11.3Ice when he was a midshipman. ' ...

oeautiiui isies or raraaitne



tnt :h.cheapest aniateni






r; 5 : ''Stop, Iakand Listen" production




-- .




' ' ' -"iv. ..:

I 5


Tr Tr


x r

J. i


Kose rionoluluLei







''Yxn 'o








'OO .--J


4. W'










; ; '. t ".


t-- e


r 3






Page 8: Cqlebi E?3IJ raw, j...frc-s-ty F4enl TireleM).c:,T. D. C July 3. The.: rr.ada public an esti-t:.-:t the United States: cf military. age. chn Lur.iltrg cf Worcester is be--to.thlak

.... X.

frV- Vfl '' : P r' 1 An r3JiliLG.;

- v Honolulu, Territory f Hawaii V :r A CONSTRUCTION U CO., LTD. K v

R0.Ii.SMRS C ) PHONE 4031 J. J. Belser, HazzztSTATEMENT OF CONDITION V Service Fint I

- ; 65 to 71 St.At Close of Business, June 20, 1918. v


Loans, 'Discounts ' and '-- Overdrafts . ....... .j . .25.59M30.4S

Bonds 1,725,810.15Bank Premise Honolulu 148,970.03Bank. Premises,' ' Lfbne -

Branch 11,225.00Customers'. Liabilities tin-- ' .v '

der Letters of Credit.. 218.U1.73Olber Assets ... . . . . , ;

' U.042.SCash nd r Due " from

Bank ItfiMUl'. '' ' f '" V' " ' V '

v A' MS61U4l;Territory of Hawaii, ) , -


Ctty and County of Honolulu.) ss. x

r a. t.ttwts; JR. leePreldent anddo solemlv swear that the above Is truebelief. . . -- '

Eismined aad found correct:Audit Company of Hawaii, Ltd. r ,

7 ha ill m. uttA, .4'.joim Manager.

C H. ATHERTON. R, -- A. COOKE,' P.Subscribed sxd4 sworn to before me(NoUrial Seal.) , : 5vc - :

. ,.

1 Notary Public,


Ur.:tci ta.tes. Dcnda.-.';.- ! '485,400.00tri Iavet-ae-:t- 3. 100428.06

C cr trs' Liatll'.ty undet --

Lett r a cf Crclit..j... .100,720.74l.zi, U. C. Treasurer 22.COO.00

C.i frcn- - Czr.ks....... C2M79.C3C ; In Vault. t., 51,703.11c.Lcr r.c purees W4.00


tirst iv , .1


Ij. t. Tc:l--f rrrt!ic'-t-: il. M. voa llclt.

T! '- - 11 the;: : : :c:i'3U.G. Conptrcller of,

I : "; ' !, r ! r l cd Corporation

. '7 i, 2. 5 - - -

k ,4

c- - IT:-- 2 'tnd2 ;

..T'...? 3.424.61. n r - "


" 3 . . 'Sl,4o.C3

V.3 4i4::9.42t:2.50

. 4 . v l . . . . v 4 .


Tl.li'.era ....... 6,470.72

, I221.C24.15

'X . ):' cf Honolulu )ES.

Trust ..Istatement

.e3 ewcrn oerore me: l.'.Czy cf Jutr, 1816. . :.?c :) i.cjAU uuuiissurv



llizd tl Bank.3 89.3S3.3lI :r.'j 2,600.00L : ; : z tzX Invest-- .

rts 12,500.003 Uortsage .

I 3 87,019.00Lcr.s, C:r::l t:l Tine.. -- 191,075.27Accruzts r.::clvitle ...... 14,615.89c:::?a tl Yt-- It Furniture ,

ir.l rixturri. ,000.00Accrued Interest Com- -

:'.:r.3 i(c.3,436.1lHe J r .:ts, Building -- - v

cr.i C.taCtter Thaa Those :


CpecirieJ Atcve-..- .. "7513

City and dusty of Honolulu. :

Terrltcry Hawaii, v

Cut scribed to before mei ..'- -; '

'e;i7 it.:' .

LIABILITIES.Capital, Paid Up . .' . . . . .'.'.? COOOOtOO

' TV AAA Art ISurplus ivv,vvv,vv I .

Undivided Profits ;....-.."- :. 92.975.S7Pension Fund . 44.7SL25

standing .......... . . 218.59L73Resenred for Interest. i;J, W00.00Dividends Uncalled 669.00

Manager, first dulyto tne pest anowieage ana i

,:.:-''- : -. , - .1

t tTirro t ; ; I

Vice-Preside-nt ana mnager.. ..... v ' v '


; : lnrf. : s . . -

W. MACPARIAS'E,' iMrectors.tnis 1st uy juiy,

; 1 i. . u. uakuuls. ; . i

judicial wrcmi, .


I . is tctive U. C.r Government DepctiUry,'end Is

! .










- 01i


Mill ilAVttn-- I


ET JJJNE 30, 19t6.v I

. TVT Wl J V IuiAiiiuii. p - s

Capital ,.v. I 600,000.00 1

Surnlus .and Undivided v 1

ProRU ' 295,840.43Circulation ................. i 430,097.50

'mmm an a J I

Letters of ........ iuu,u.tiTHvldeni" Warrsnta 3.129.00 1

DeposlU 2.020,8401Other Uabililles . .. ..... : 4,127.60

.Vice-President; Riiiolf Buchly,

the Currency.Accounts, : whether , or, small,

.: -- ., ---;:.-


Undivided Profits ........ 4i.4is.7u i

Trust and Areacy Balances " 62,788.24 1

TTr--'- .1 DIv'i?nia 1-' 5.685.0'J

Reserve Taxes....;.... .1.080.93 j

Othr Liabilities .......... M.l



. ;. - 1

. v , 'n - re ;,Jt -- .J

. . . . y r

CTATZr'INT OF JUNE 30,;i15. v


' ':nZRLAI?I, Tressurer cfthe Guardian Company,..... . .. . . . Jmat tae aoove is irua iq ue oesi os. i

"tr: to





C- -'i la

Otterr. ...

I." tyr.c-- 1 t:.






being sworn,my




Cash-- '.




4 '. T ittt rr nttiitTwor i tvt j-- . . .

--v '

.- i

; - I

--';Ui:;:" ' I

' I v nv I: :


"M i

--Ai:;. ' " " ?

Tim .3 Acviusi. I


: - I ;; : ,:'

; .v- -

-- .' i I7 r; - I

" V " 'y NX:. ;vv ':. -


j(Signed) 4 wiij bmnsuN.H

Treasurer. I

this, 1st day of July, 1316. ;l

tsigned) , AUTtiUK ut-K- u, ivt.. nv,t. mi injl.t.i Im.i

Territory of Hawalt y '.

- ..' V -'- r- .: ..

1. V'li. ri!irCON. Assistant Treasurer of Ihe "BISHOP TRUST, COM- -

rAICY, LIMITZD, co solemnly swear that the above statement is true to theLest cf izy tr.owiedS8 andbeUef. .. : : v : Xv v ? - :

and sworn









runm nnr n Aimm i - . rnirwinwn flifnuinns : . I It-.-N

muuiui iiiu i ilu s


Salaries Range From $200 Towuu Tear; rnvaies uei

$4.50 Per Month

Hawaii, are feeling: prosperous-Ooda- y

because they"axe now. on the govern--

menfs payroll under the militia paybill and will receive from 8200 to 8500

year,for tneir services.Saturday tne phi .went raio eneci.proTides that tne salary or captains- -- aV"f

tik.t i- - tfin vr an of see--

tlntnaBta 8200 annuallT- -staff officers with the exception of

IhV regimental adjutant and medicalioOcers commanarag sanitary, iroops.

who receive 500 B year, tne same asline omcersjwm receira year.

-- under tne terms 01 me dui aa en--

also now on me payrou 01 iue iiefirst class pnvata.wui receives a month, or 85 a year; pnvates

musicians, 83.75 a month, or 845a vr: first sereeants. 811.25 a monthor 8135 a year, corporals and axGcers, ss.zs a monuor xi a year.; payments are -- 10- M.maae semjannually, so that N. G. H. guardsmenwiU --receive their first pay early nextTannort th lawnrovldine" that nav--

M.MVmana will- ... K mtlarf mmfliatP.lV. .after

June SO and December 31.v, fn order to receive their pay nextJanuary." however.-- ach guardsmannujgtttend 24 drills before December31. Every drill. . must

-not be less than

an hour and a nau m lengm.. . i &

cfi;:5isslist mr'rir'nTn ; 11 1

ill L--)! II' 'HI 111 I

I 111All acDroDfiations for the army

have been extended by a joint resc--

lilticn of . Congress, according to acable received ; todays by LieutcoLJames . B," Houston, ' department quarteriiir.ter. froVTashington

This action has been taken, according to oficers of the Hawaiian aepaitrment.to relieve.the situation until tnearmy appropriation bill is passed. Theold .appropriations are continued, sothat the . amount needed for eacnmonth in the last fiscal, year will runalong until the new bill goes through

- r-- 1tv nnncoc; ? r : cAn f.l .

Headquarters Hawaiian. DepartnKflt,v Honolulu, June 0. 1915.

General Orders No 12.2d Lieut Charles B.' Lyman, 2d In

factry. Is announced as aide-de-cam- p

to the undersigned with statiod In thisrto trm ziofo hfiffinr

h, ,!- - . .H K EVANS.- -- Brlsradief Uenerai. u,-s- .f Army.

:Uv'-- ' July 1, ' 1916.Special Orders" .Novl- -. '"

i.'Ptirmnftnt to instructions rrom tneWar Department the following named

1 1 --Wilt fvir TlAeeaer&i pusouei m ue sifirst available transport to ban l ranCISCO, vau tor owposiuoa as uiui;ai'.- - ttti.ii.u a

n.iDir t. -- AnDienv. tmu cannon.For transfer to D: S ' nenltentiaryllrr. Cos . To"' disciplinary bai-racks, Aicatraz.- - uai.t--vv imam is. ma

E. Edmondson, Mlchabl'; - J. Euright,Ora Fisher, David rurkv John Geb.ickerr William A. Heald. Conn ell Hoi- -liKit tV.nV 17 Tlimtcln trof VlnvA' --T

. . ... ...U j ii vj n ninaiy James a. xjuiltvu, jcuiv.juMartin, George. E. Mason, vJlauasengUL: Karl H; Mathews. W"ford ItMathls, Alvah L. Matz, Dennis C-M(- Vj

Afee, Edwin McCartny, Edwara c.McNary. John Montgomery. Jack A.Moore. Thomas M. Nave. Will iarasasrasyenock,- - uiarence , v. tsmiia. us v.Sm.th, Amos Stone,. Les'ie E. Tbompsom ! fa "i'Orth A. . Wa jBori. i


v - i - July L 1916.r special orders, no. 107. ! - - y6. Under authority from the war

aeparunem auea , ucwuer ow. ijx-- .

the following named enlisted : mennow sick In the department hospitalthis city, will' proeeed on the firstavailable transport to San . raccisco.Cat, where upoa arrival . they vrill report to the commanding officer. Letterm an general hospital, tne Presidio.of San , Francisco, for further treat--

Imentt i vV.M': ? .v

pvu" 1st .Class Artnur anmuver.Quartermaster Corps, f- . Pvt. Edward P." Doyle, vTroop M, 4thiv.rj. . - ;

- rvx. uavia fvonn, oauerj a, , xji.Field Arilrir. v : .

: Pvt Evander. J., Ward; Company I,-lit Infantry.;; -- y,',.-; :

; Pvt George y. Company A,I j uf.. . -

I Pvt WUliamTodd, Company B. 2ndinfantry, ; v: - '

Kaymona k. uuce, company u;

r --, ' --st Jcilclal. Circuits s'-'- : '- - 1ier,vJohn:E. Barzee, Hiram Blue,

:y 1. 8. U.'t: r' -i - c''-'- Junes L.urke. Walter P. Covey.-

. - '''!'iV i- - ? v .. :. . gph -- Davis; Eugene A. Delancy, Ace










- :




t .








Hew Theater; Opens Vith'House warming Tonight;

Good Program ; r ;

FORT SH AFTER, July J, The FortShatter aerodome has .been closed.The Shatter place' has closed downfor a couple of nlghtr hv order thatthe finishing touches may be put onthe, splendid new hyUdlng which hasbeen in course of erection lately. ' AnIdea of the difference in size betweenthe .old and the new houses may begained from the fact that, the newplace has been built while shows havecontinued in the old aerodome practically built around and outside ofthe latter. Those whcThave been ableto look over the new, theater properlyare struck with the fine work done by

. . . .v i f txjieui. vvneeier ue xcsuieer-- i . via i

his men, and" ciylM who may visit j

the theater wia-tirobabl- y be surprisedthat so complete and fine a buildingshould. have Jteen constructed by sol-diers. The stage is large and strong.ly built with, good accommodations Inthe matter of dressing rooms. It Isalso fitted for 'practically 'any type of i

performance.' --; z Y ft- -. , -

' Certainly the post may be gratified

should Jiave taken, snow matters upas thoroughly a he has done. . In thebuilding of this fine new theater andin the mtterJoLtheremarkable pro-grams he . Is putting on through themonth he Is doing much lor the peopleof Fort Shafter and has apparencyfound Twhat to , do for the soldier.?

Tonight Is the housewarming in thenew house.: TheJ program t is givenin detail and perhaps the only regretexpressed concerning the evening isthat because everyT-se-at will be need- -

red ;for the soldiers- themselves It hasoeen iouno: necessary 10 announcethat civilians (expept such, as mayhold passes tor the occasion) cannotbe , admitted. ; , ; ) '. s

Program. . . ." -. .. -. ..?. ' ' ,tT ,'

. Concert by 2nd. Infantry Band.i ledfcy Chief.Musician "J.: Jacobson. . ' -

First reel ofhe Ragamuffin," fea-turing Blanche Sweet. .'. C- - . j -

Stoddard . and Armstrong,' , HospitalCrops, In !acomedivacrohatic act entitled

--Nip and Tuc'av: -- .v.,: v" Second reel of 'rhe' Ragamuffin." ,

Kaal Glee Clubya a collection, ofHawaiian sonsg and' popular pieces.. ; Third reel of TJie Ragamuffin.

Marshall of Company F, 2nd Infan-try, in an original contortionist act; Fourth reel of The Ragamuffin '

Intermission, five minutes, The 2ndInfantry orchestra.; will play duringthe intermission, ; , which Is . insertedhere so as to give hose ladles who donot desire to remaia for the. boxing anopportunity to leave the theater,., JBoxiirg. ':. v, '



. ). i ;

Chavez of Troop F, 4th Cavalry, vs.Extlne of the Machine , Gun Company,1st Infantry,'.four rounds, weight 124pounds. . .

', :;:, - ' ,

De Mott of TroopvE, 4th Cavalry, vaFitzgerald of Company F, 1st Infantry,four rounds, weight!? 0 pounds. .r .

Referee 1st Lieut H. C. K .Muhlenberg. 2nd , Jnfantry; . timekeeper,Com.-Sg- t' Lee Cohen, 2nd Infantry,v Finale, Second Infantry "orchestra. V



The NavaJ MJlltla of'HawaU at 7:30this evening will, hold its first gallerypractice with ; small arms at thearmory, preparatory to going put onthe range ' in Ac; U''-.'-.- r ' :A::

Tomorrow" the Organization has beenInvited by,the Tthird submarine dlvl-slvj-n

to participate In the field day atPearl Harbor. . Festivities will startat 9:45 a. m. In the race between thecrews of the Alert and the Navajo thetwo new boats of the militia will beused.- -. :

Pvt Roy V, Smoot Company H, 2ndInfantry; ,v ' a- - "

v ; ---

Pvt. Ernest E. Bruce, ; Company A,25th Infantry. . .' -

Pvt Earl Gilmer; Company F, 25thInfantry. ' - :;- 'V

;- .V-

Pvt Tell Breedlove," Company M,25th Infantry. k;-'- ';:;-- ';

ZTtZT.-?- "',- ; V; , July 1, 1916.Special Orders. "No. 106 .


7. A general court-marti- al Is ap-pointed to meet at Schofleld Barracks,H, Tv on Wednesday," July ,5, 1916,or as soon - thereafter as - practicable,for trial of such persons as may beproperly brought before, it : ,Detail for the Court--'Vx- S'l .':

Maj.- - Thomas ;F; Schley, 25th Infan-try. ' :':yv ;t. ..

- Capt La Vergne L. GreggV 25ta In-

fantry, Capt- - James Al- - Hlgglns, Infan-try; ' -- j --

'..-r-1st UeuU Eugene Robinson, 25th In-

fantry...; "


1st Lieut James E. Chaney, 25th In-fantry- I ,

. y; 2nd Lieut. Eley" P, Denson, 25th:.In-fa-n

try. - '

2nd Lieut Clarence U Tinker, 25th" ';- - 'Infantry..' -

2nd Lieut Richard .'T.' Taylor, 23thInfantry. --, ; v :. : r V -- 2nd Lieut' Ora '.M. Baldlnger, 25thInfantry. - '

:.. " :. ": ; .

1st Lieut G. Barrett Glover, Jr23th Inf;ntry, judge advocate. -

2nd Infantry. , i. - . J w J I' rvu J1 ranciszs: azaouzinsxi, won--i

jpanyvFV 2nd Infantry.,

:, ' 4:-- --'

A'.A- -

: A-- v .A


OQcers and men of the Naval Milltla of Hawaii have been invited byLieut F. J. Lowry, captain of the U.S. S. Alert, to attend a field day cele-bration tomorrow on Magazine island.Pearl Harbor ;. Thoso attending are expected towear their uniforms. They will be re-celv- ed

on" board the Alert A 'trainfor Pearl Harbor will leave at 9:15tomorrow morning and the programwill begin at 9:45 a. m.

Acting . Commander R E. Lambertof the Naval Militia-ha- s notified mam.bers of the invitation. '

. N,



Brig.-gen- . R. K. Evans and Mrs.Evans were dinjfer guests Saturdaynight of Maj. and Mrs. Edgar RussetFriday, night they were entertained byCot and Mrs. W. P." KendalL Sundayth! general and Mrs. Evans wewluncheon guests or Maj. E. S. Wrightand bid mother at Schofleld Barracks



irAr-v'- ; -

1212'Fcrt Street

i :.





distmguishthat weanstvies m

.. .A ." .A -

,'Pump asillustratedabove-$5.0- 0.


Fort Street

BishBD ;& ; Com(Established 1S3S)


Balance Sheet as--;; ;y h:,K ASSETS. :

Bonds, Stocks and In-- v

vestments .. 2415u?5123Loans, Y Discounts and ;

. Overdrafts ....... . ... 5,731,097.94Real Estate and Bank

Furniture 63,682.13Customers . Liability un--

der Letters of Credit:. 294,831.07Other Assets . . 118,16132Cash and - Due from.v Banks 2,301,117.94


J. Uat 30,

andDue to


Allen W. T, do solemnly swear that the" foregoingSheet true and correct of the affairs of the

House of & Company as at June 30, 1916, to the best of my s

and belief. . - '-

' '"::- - , : W. T. BOTTOMLEY, '.

Subscribed and sworn to before. -


for every $3.00 Purchaser1I


VAKVv. V--

' .' V'.

If He is Between 8 the



;vUonday,cdne3day and Friday 2



fcomnencesJulyo- -a Year Fcr!X

the feet ;

these new

A white niie cioin pumps V.

boots for summer occasions.

..v- - -- 1:. I r





June 1916. J;: j j


Surplus.... 3 l.C200.3t ,

Banks. . . ... . . 95,517.97Letters Credit.,.,. ... " 234.331.07.DeposlU i : i. . . 0,513.592.4:

t310,923A418t ;

Bottomley, Bal-

ance represents a statementBanking Bishopknqwledge "'







me this 30th day of June, 1916.

c. First Judicial Circuit T. H.


IText to 'Jeffs Farhicn Co.



Until 5


I : A


Pump shown above,$150. " A

r,: t- T '

White hile clothboot laced ;

$5.00. - r :V't - .'
