COVER STORY Dr. Neil Canter / Contributing Editor Key trends in bearing lubrication Armed with new materials, manufacturers are developing energy-efficient bearings for specific applications. BEARINGS ARE VERY USEFUL IN FACILITATING the efficient operation of machinery (see Figure 1). They can range in size from a large diameter wind turbine blade- pitch bearing to a series of thin bearings (see Figures 2 and 3). Bearings fulfill a number of important functions, starting with their ability to reduce friction. Other primary functions include supporting a load, promot- ing the efficient transmission of power and ensuring alignment is maintained. These characteristics enable machinery to run for a longer operating pe- riod at a more efficient rate. The net result is that bearings enable machin- ery to consume less energy. Two of the main types are journal bearings and rolling element bearings. Lubrication is an important factor in ensuring that bearings operate in an effective manner. Besides reducing friction, the lubricant is need- ed to provide elastohydrodynamic lubrication for all true rolling con- tacts and to lubricate sliding contacts (such as cages, flanges, etc.) within a bearing. 34 Recruit an STLE member—2nd Annual Member-Get-A-Member Campaign kicks

coveR stoRy Key trends in bearing lubrication - STLE Trends...Key trends in bearing lubrication Armed with new materials, manufacturers ... their catalogue life based on ANSI/ ABMA

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coveR stoRyDr. Neil Canter / Contributing Editor

Key trends in bearing lubricationArmed with new materials, manufacturers are developing energy-effi cient bearings for specifi c applications.


• Advancements in materials have extended the operating • Advancements in materials have extended the operating • Advancements in materials have extended the operating • Advancements in materials have extended the operating • Advancements in materials have extended the operating • Advancements in materials have extended the operating life of bearings, even under severe operating conditions.life of bearings, even under severe operating conditions.life of bearings, even under severe operating conditions.

• New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed • New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed • New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed • New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed • New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed • New additives enable bearing lubricants to be designed and developed for specifi c applications.and developed for specifi c applications.and developed for specifi c applications.

• Future bearing materials will need to boost performance • Future bearing materials will need to boost performance • Future bearing materials will need to boost performance • Future bearing materials will need to boost performance • Future bearing materials will need to boost performance • Future bearing materials will need to boost performance and improve effi ciency. and improve effi ciency. and improve effi ciency.

beaRIngs aRe veRy useful In facIlItatIng the effi cient operation of machinery (see Figure 1). They can range in size from a large diameter wind turbine blade-pitch bearing to a series of thin bearings (see Figures 2 and 3).

Bearings fulfi ll a number of important functions, starting with their ability to reduce friction. Other primary functions include supporting a load, promot-ing the effi cient transmission of power and ensuring alignment is maintained.

These characteristics enable machinery to run for a longer operating pe-riod at a more effi cient rate. The net result is that bearings enable machin-ery to consume less energy. Two of the main types are journal bearings and rolling element bearings.

Lubrication is an important factor in ensuring that bearings operate in an effective manner. Besides reducing friction, the lubricant is need-ed to provide elastohydrodynamic lubrication for all true rolling con-tacts and to lubricate sliding contacts (such as cages, fl anges, etc.) within a bearing.

34 RecruitanSTLEmember—2ndAnnualMember-Get-A-MemberCampaignkicks

Other lubricant functions are of a sec-ondary fashion but also are important. These include corrosion protection, act-ing as a seal (in the case of grease) against contaminants and providing a heat trans-fer medium.

To get a better understanding of cur-rent and future trends in bearing lubrica-tion, TLT interviewed the following six industry experts:

• Dan Snyder, principal, Bearingsand Lubes Consulting LLC

• Les Miller, vice president of engi-neering, The Kaydon Bearings Di-vision

• Dr. Erwin V. Zaretsky P.E., engi-neering consultant, adjunct profes-sor of engineering at Case Western Reserve University and Distin-guished Research Associate, NASA Glenn Research Center

• Dr.VasiliosBakolas,manager,bear-ing basics, Schaeffl er Technologies GmbH

• Dr. Ryan Evans, manager, bearingfundamentals and tribology & Da-vid Pierman, tribological specialist-lubrication, The Timken Co.

Figure 1. Bearings are used to reduce friction, support a load, promote the efficient transmission of power and ensure alignment in machinery is maintained. (Courtesy of Bearings and Lubes Consulting, LLC)

Figure 2. This large diameter bearing can be used in a wind turbine blade-pitch application. (Courtesy of The Kaydon Bearings Division)

Figure 1 | bearings are used to reduce friction, support a load, promote the effi cient transmission of power and ensure alignment in machinery is maintained. (Courtesy of Bearings and Lubes Consult-ing, LLC)

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OIL OR GREASE?STLE-member Dr. Ryan Evans, man-ager, bearing fundamentals and tribol-ogy for The Timken Co. in Canton, Ohio, says, “The first step is to deter-mine whether the bearing application requires oil or grease lubrication. For oil lubrication, the oil type and viscos-ity are selected to achieve the desired contact surface separation, taking into account application requirements such as bearing load, speed and tem-perature. Hydrodynamic surface sepa-ration depends, in part, on oil viscosi-ty, which can vary as a function of temperature and pressure.

“Oils containing only rust and oxi-dation inhibitor additives may be se-lected for bearings operating in mod-erate conditions,” Evans adds, “while antiwear and extreme pressure addi-tives can be used in mechanical sys-tems that experience high sliding, low film thickness or other severe condi-tions. Synthetic oils may be preferred over mineral oils when operating across a wide temperature range or ex-ceptional oxidation life is required.”

David Pierman, tribological spe-cialist-lubrication for The Timken Co., continues, “The grease-selection methodology is somewhat difficult to generalize, but traditionally the analy-sis includes specifying the base oil

properties first, followed by the thick-ener. Grease formulations also might be specified based on system-level characteristics such as water resis-tance, bearing speed, oxidative life, corrosion protection or wear preven-tion. Grease performance is also sensi-tive to bearing type and sealing sys-tem.”

STLE-member Dan Snyder, princi-pal of Bearings and Lubes Consulting LLC in Eloy, Ariz., agrees that the first decision is to determine whether oil or

grease should be selected. “This is not an easy question to an-

swer,” Snyder says. “A lot of consider-ations are necessary: The lubricant se-lected needs to (1.) protect the bearing surfaces from corrosion, (2.) provide minimal hydrodynamic friction and (3.) provide sufficient lubricant film in the contact regions to minimize wear and friction. And, of course, we want this to happen over an extended peri-od of time so that oil changes or regreasing intervals are reasonable.”

Snyder continues, “Perhaps the place to start is with the expected range of operating temperature. This determines if grease lubrication is pos-sible or if an oil is needed. Maybe even a synthetic or special blend may be re-quired. The expected life of the oil or grease and the operating speeds should then be looked at hand-in-hand. Speed will determine the lubricant film build-ups possible with a lubricant and the operating friction or heat gen-erated at the operating temperature.”

Snyder then indicates that the external operating environments and mounting specifics need to be exam-ined. Questions to be answered include:

1. Are water or chemicals present?2. If it is a vertical mounting, can

the application be accessed eas-

Figure 2. This large diameter bearing can be used in a wind turbine blade-pitch application. (Courtesy of The Kaydon Bearings Division)

Figure 3. The thin bearings shown can be used in a number of industrial applications. (Courtesy of The Kaydon Bearings Division)

Figure 4. Surface finishes and wear-resistant coatings can be applied to various bearing components. (Courtesy of The Timken Co.)

Figure 2 | This large diameter bearing can be used in a wind turbine blade-pitch application. (Courtesy of The Kaydon Bearings Division)

Figure 3 | The thin bearings shown can be used in a number of industrial applications. (Courtesy of The Kaydon Bearings Division)

36 “AutomotiveLubrication:Diesel201”—all-neweducationcourseMay9at2012

ily for relubrication?3. Are there frequent shutdowns

and start-ups?4. Is the application in a dirty en-

vironment?5. Is the application inside or out-


STLE-member Les Miller, vice president of engineering for The Kay-don Bearings Division in Muskegon, Mich., feels that selection of the prop-er lubricant is a matter of prioritizing the requirements of the application. He says, “In some cases, extreme envi-ronmental requirements weigh in as the primary consideration and in oth-ers the simplicity of the lubricant ap-plication. Whether the bearing appli-cation requires an elaborate lubrication system or a simple sealed-for-life bear-ing, there are many options available today.”

Miller indicates the selection pro-cess is difficult, even for the simplest case of a greased-for-life bearing used in an electric motor. He adds, “The motor might be intended for a house-hold application, which is typically one of the easier operating environ-ments. However, this application (such as a ventilation fan) may have particular requirements for quiet op-eration, so grease properly rated for noise will be selected. In another case, the motor may be required to operate in a vacuum (such as microchip man-ufacturing equipment) and the lubri-cant must perform without releasing volatiles to the atmosphere.”

STLE Fellow Erwin V. Zaretsky P.E., engineering consultant, adjunct professor of engineering at Case West-ern Reserve University and Distin-guished Research Associate at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, first determines the operating temperature and then the re-quired speed of the bearing. He asks, “Is the rolling element bearing tem-perature projected to be under or over 85 C? If the projected temperature is under 85 C, I would initially consider grease for the application rather than oil. If the temperature is in excess of

85 C, I would consider the operation, complexity, costs, required life and maintenance of the bearing system be-fore recommending grease or an oil. If the projected operating temperature is 140 C or higher, I would recommend that an oil system is used. However, for many applications, greases blended for high-temperature application have provided acceptable bearing life and system reliability.”

From a speed consideration, Za-retsky considers the value of 200,000 DN (DN is a speed parameter of the bearing bore in millimeters times the shaft speed in rpm) as the key break point. He says, “At temperatures un-der 85 C and speeds at or below 200,000 DN, I would definitely recom-mend grease lubrication. At speeds greater than 200,000 DN, there is a probability of grease depletion and, therefore, the need to regrease the bearing on a regular basis.”

STLE-member Dr. Vasilios Bakolas, manager, bearing basics for Schaeffler Technologies GmbH in Schweinfurt, Germany, believes that lubricant selec-tion is made based on the application. “The engineer has to take into consid-eration both the lifetime requirements and the friction losses that will result from his choice of lubricant. One tends to choose oils with higher viscosities in order to improve the lubricating conditions and, thus, extend the life-time. But at the same time, this could increase the friction losses, which, in

turn, could cause a temperature rise that will negatively affect the lubrica-tion.”

Bakolas adds, “Furthermore, one should always keep in mind the often-overlooked cooling function of the oil. The heat balance of the bearing posi-tion and the maximum allowable tem-perature determine in many cases the supply rate of oil in a gearbox.”

PREMATURE BEARInG fAILUREMiller summarizes the majority of bearing failures as covered by handling or mounting damage, improper/inade-quate lubrication, contamination and overloading. He says, “Too often users of rolling element bearings contribute to premature failures out of ignorance toward proper operating practices. Whether selecting the wrong lubricant or using improperly, the result is an operating lubrication regime, which is inadequate for the operating condi-tions.”

Zaretsky indicates that in his expe-rience no two bearings will fail at the same time when run under the same conditions. He says, “If properly in-stalled, maintained and lubricated, most bearings will equal or exceed their catalogue life based on ANSI/ABMA Standards.”

Most early failures are related to lu-brication, according to Zaretsky. “Lu-bricants do not last forever! They need to be replaced on a monitored basis for water and debris in the oil, additive depletion, oil oxidation and thermal breakdown,” Zaretsky says. “Good oil filtration needs to be in place, and the filter needs to be changed as appropri-ate to the application. The end-user needs to have a lubricant management program to monitor the oil, the lubri-cation system and perform necessary preventative steps to avoid bearing failure.”

Zaretsky summarizes the need for changing out a lubricant or regreasing by saying, “The comment that I have heard over the years is that this pro-cess is expensive and time-consuming. My reply is what is more expensive, changing oil and/or regrease or having

‘Whether the bearing application requires an elaborate lubrication system or a simple

sealed-for-life bearing, many options are

available.’ —Les Miller, The Kaydon Bearings Division

STLEAnnualMeeting&ExhibitioninSt.Louis.Detailsatwww.stle.org. 37

an unscheduled bearing failure and a production shutdown?”

A second reason for premature bearing failure is the bearing is under-sized for its particular application. Za-retsky says, “When the bearing is in-correctly sized for a given reliability and life, the resulting life will be less than that calculated.”

Bakolas focuses on use of the wrong lubricant additive package and filtra-tion as two of the main causes for pre-mature bearing failure. “Additives can play a significant role. The wrong ad-ditive package can lead to failures, such as micropitting, due to the chem-ical reaction of the additives with the surface,” Bakolas says. “Furthermore, the wrong choice of the filter will al-low hard particles to go through the contact and, thus, damage the surface of bearing raceways. This will, in turn, lead to a reduction of the lifetime, since these surface failures will in-crease the loading of the bearing con-tact.”

Evans has found that up to approx-imately 50% of the premature bearing damage in the field are lubrication-re-lated. He says, “Examples of improper lubrication practices include overfill-ing grease, underfilling grease, incor-rect lubrication selection, mixing in-compatible greases, incorrect relubrication interval, lack of lubrica-tion (starvation) and water or debris contamination.”

Pierman added guidance on deal-ing with potential lubrication prob-lems. “When adding additional grease to a system, one should always consult a grease compatibility chart to confirm that the new grease is compatible with the used,” Pierman says. “Relubrica-tion intervals should be followed using

a proper maintenance program and ex-perience as a guide. Water and debris contamination can be minimized by using shorter relubrication intervals. Less grease more often is better than more grease less often.”

Misalignment is another cause of premature bearing failure. Evans says, “Premature bearing damage in the field may be caused by excessive stress concentrations in the bearing due to misalignment. Avoid this by using proper mounting practices.”

Snyder is in agreement that im-proper installation can lead to prema-ture bearing failure. “The installation problems involve alignment, proper fitting of the bearing on the shaft and in the housing and having the proper mounted clearance in the bearing,” Snyder says. “Those associated failures can be minimized by using recom-mended practices of the bearing man-ufacturers for fitting and the proper tools for installation such as induction heaters and laser alignment equip-ment.”

Poor maintenance is also a major reason for premature bearing failure.

‘Lubricants do not last forever! They need to be replaced on a monitored basis for water and debris in the oil,

additive depletion, oil oxidation and thermal breakdown.’ —Dr. Erwin V. Zaretsky P.E., engineering consultant

‘Water and debris contamination can be

minimized by using shorter relubrication intervals.

Less grease more often is better than more grease

less often.’ —David Pierman, The Timken Co.


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Snyder advises, “A properly trained and skilled maintenance staff with the proper installation tools will go a long way toward keeping bearing failures at a minimum. Unfortunately, too many times, bearings are considered com-modity throw-away components, and the bearing’s influence on the total sys-tem maintenance costs and lost pro-duction costs are not evaluated.”

ADVAncES In BEARInG TEcHnOLOGYAll of our industry experts note that there have been major advancements in bearing technology during the past 10 years. Bakolas has seen a greater emphasis on energy efficiency and more extreme operating conditions. He says, “We have seen a shift toward more energy-efficient bearings with in-creased load-carrying capacity. The bearing manufacturers have reacted promptly to the new trends by offering new products. Bearings are now oper-ating in the more severe conditions of a water environment or in the com-plete absence of a lubricant.”

Bakolas predicts that sustainability and biodegradability will become top-ics of interest in the future.

Snyder emphasizes improvements in materials and the use of computer simulation software to better predict what bearing should be used in a spe-cific application. “There has been a tremendous advancement in bearing technology over the past 10 years. The bearing industry is now using high-hardness coatings, ceramics and new specialty steels with bearings. These materials were not available just a few years ago,” Snyder says. “Design engi-neers are now able to use recently de-veloped complete system simulation software tools to better match bearing designs with actual operating condi-tions. These same software tools are enhancing the ability to predict a bear-ing’s performance without undertak-ing expensive time-consuming labora-tory or field tests.”

Evans emphasized that advance-ments in bearing materials have led to improved wear-resistance. “During the

last decade, significant attention has been focused on improving the surface durability of rolling element bearings to reduce the propensity for wear in difficult environments such as thin-film lubrication or debris contamina-tion,” Evans says. “In particular, im-provements in surface texturing and the incorporation of wear-resistant coatings in rolling element bearings have accelerated significantly during the last 10 years.” Bearing components displaying surface finishes and wear-resistant coatings are shown in Figure 4.

Miller agrees that material advance-ments have greatly improved perfor-mance, particularly under severe oper-ating conditions. He says, “Diamond-like coatings and other sur-face treatments are increasingly uti-lized to extend bearing life in extreme applications. The various coatings ex-tend life by mitigating the deleterious effects of corrosion or metal-to-metal contact.”

Miller indicates that the use of spe-cialized bearing materials enables heavy equipment to continue to oper-ate under conditions where no lubri-cant is able to effectively operate. “Specialized bearing materials such as PyroWear® and specific heat treat-

ments are able to handle extremes in temperature and cope with conditions like particle contamination and ex-treme loads,” Miller says. “This en-ables bearings to operate under such conditions as the final drives of bull-dozers or heavy equipment where the loading is so great and the speeds so slow that virtually no lubricating fluid is able to separate the surfaces. This then becomes a matter of applying whatever treatment of base material or coating, which will extend the fatigue life of the bearing.”

Zaretsky maintains that bearing ad-vancements really have been ongoing over the past 50 years. The biggest ad-vances have occurred due to the ability of bearing manufacturers to utilize the technologies developed in the aero-space industry and military for indus-trial applications.

Zaretsky gives two examples of ad-vances in bearing technology: “Today, the computer and analysis codes used for bearing design and analysis can predict, with reasonable engineering certainty, bearing performance, life and reliability beyond that of a decade ago. As an example, the COBRA-AHS code by Poplawski and Associates can optimize roller profile design for a giv-

4 0 • A P R I L 2 0 1 2 T R I B O L O G Y & L U B R I C A T I O N T E C H N O L O G Y W W W . S T L E . O R G

components. (Courtesy of The Timken Co.)

Figure 4 | Surface finishes and wear-resistant coatings can be applied to various bearing components. (Courtesy of The Timken Co.)

en application, including the ability to predict roller-to-race stress concentra-tion effects.”

Zaretsky continues, “Another ex-ample is incorporating exiting tech-nology into a new product line for so-lutions to existing problems. An example is the Timken Flexpin Bear-ing Design used to minimize the effect of moment loads on contact stresses and, thus, on bearing life and reliabil-ity.”

BEARInG LUBRIcAnT cHAnGESPierman indicates that development of new bearing lubricants has been fo-cused on specific applications. He says, “Exotic low-vapor pressure oils and greases were developed for com-puter disc drive and aerospace applica-tions (fluorine-containing). Gear oils with tailored additive packages have emerged to address specific wear modes such as micropitting in wind turbine bearing applications.”

One additional element is that more attention is being paid to the in-teractions of lubricant additive pack-ages at the atomic level. Evans adds, “Research groups are recognizing that lubricant additive packages may inter-act differently on the atomic level with various types of common bearing ma-terials,1 and increasing attention is be-ing directed toward lubricant interac-tions with nonferrous surface materials such as carbon-based hard coatings and ceramics.

The driving force for bearing lubri-cant changes has occurred with new lubricant additives and not basestocks, according to Zaretsky. “Lubrication chemistry in terms of basestock avail-ability has remained relatively un-changed from a user’s perspective. The

requirement for future aerospace ap-plication is for higher operating tem-peratures in an air environment. Those lubricant basestocks that exhibit oxi-dative and thermal stability above 235 C are poor lubricants when applied to rolling element bearings at these ele-vated temperatures.” Zaretsky says. “While current rolling element bear-ing steels such as AISI M-50 and M50Nil can provide long-life and reli-ability to temperatures as high as 370 C, we are limited by lubricant chemis-try to temperatures less than 260 C. However, advances have occurred in the field of additive chemistry with new extreme pressure and antiwear additives with ashless enablers. Also, there is a new class of additives that can improve fuel economy and main-tain durability.”

Snyder sees a growing use of syn-thetic lubricants in both oils and grease applications because of the need to provide longer lubricant life under higher operating temperatures. He adds, “Additives are being devel-oped to enhance the lubricant’s film-forming capabilities, which are ex-tremely useful under slow speed, high-load conditions and for use in more shear stable, long-life greases.”

In a consistent fashion with other lubricant application areas, Bakolas

sees movement toward lower-viscosity lubricants and to evaluating biode-gradable lubricants. He says, “We ob-serve a general move toward lubricants of lower viscosity which, with the help of an adequate additive package, can still provide for satisfactory lubricat-ing conditions. There is also much re-search now regarding biodegradable lubricants or lubricants which are not based on fossil fuels.”

SELf-LUBRIcATInG BEARInGSThe trend toward lubrication systems operating over longer time frames un-der more severe conditions has led to the development of self-lubricating bearings. Each of our industry experts was asked to define this bearing type and discuss their advantages and dis-advantages.

Snyder indicates that self-lubricat-ing bearings are prepared from some form of a solid lubricant (such as graphite) kept within the bearing or an oil-based polymer resin. “The graphite and the oil-based polymer resin are in-jected in the bearing to fill the internal voids between the raceways, rolling elements and cage, if there is one. Dur-ing rotation, the rolling elements con-tact and pick up the graphite or oil re-leased from the polymer resin, thus providing lubrication,” Snyder says. “Sometimes, the retainers or cages are made of graphite. The graphite pro-vides a low-friction, surface film pro-tecting the bearing raceways. In the case of the polymer resins (often called solid oils), the oil film generated is small or almost non-existent because the volume of the oil results in a starved condition at the contact inlets. This limits the speed capabilities.”

‘A properly trained and skilled maintenance staff with the proper installation tools goes a long way toward keeping

bearing failures at a minimum.’ —Dan Snyder, Bearings and Lubes Consulting LLC

‘We have seen a shift toward more energy-efficient bearings with increased load-carrying capacity. Bearing

manufacturers have reacted promptly to the new trends by offering new products.’ —Dr. Vasilios Bakolas, Schaeffler Technologies GmbH

Tribo-dictionary:Oiler—Adeviceforonce-throughlubrication,whichconsistofthreecommontypes:drop-feed,wick-feedandbottle-feed. 41

High temperature use, bear-ings exposed to frequent water washing and under vacuum con-ditions represent three uses for self-lubricating bearings. Snyder says, “Self-lubricating bearings are used in very high temperature, slow speed applications such as conveyor rolls in ovens. They can also be used in environments where washdowns are frequent such as the food industry. Graph-ite-based self-lubricating bearings find use in some vacuum applica-tions where lubricant out-gassing is an issue.”

Bakolas is in agreement that self-lubricating bearings use some type of solid lubricant and work well in maintenance-free applications where conventional lubricants are problematic. He says, “The surface of self-lubricating bearings has a tribo-layer whose goal is to provide some lubrication and to reduce the coeffi-cient of friction.”

Zaretsky points out that the bear-ings present in rocket-engine cryogen-ic turbopumps use the combination of a solid lubricant with the cryogenic fluid. “The bearing cage or separator is made of a polymer composite usually made from polytetrafluoroethylene and fiber glass with a small amount of molybdenum disulfide,” Zaretsky says. “The assumption is that the polytetra-fluoroethylene, together with the mo-lybdenum disulfide, will transfer from the cage to the rolling elements (balls or rollers), which will, in turn, transfer material to the inner and outer races. While the polytetrafluoroethylene supplies the lubricant film, the cryo-genic fluid acts as a coolant for the bearing.”

An additional cage material used in self-lubricating transfer films is car-bon-carbon composites. Zaretsky says, “These materials can be used at very high operating temperatures up to 1,650 C. In a similar fashion to polytet-rafluoroethylene, the carbon transfer films act as the lubricant. These cages can be used for bearings operating at very high temperatures where conven-

tional lubricants, such as grease and oil, will not function at relatively low speeds.”

Evans provides more detail on how the oil-based polymer resin provides lubrication. He says, “When a load is applied, the polymer resin releases oil as needed. Since the entire bearing cavity is filled, the bearing forms a closed system. These types of bearings are typically used in applications where sealing is difficult because of heavy contamination or the bearing is in an inaccessible place that makes re-lubrication challenging.” Tapered, spherical and cylindrical roller bearing designs can all be prepared with oil-based polymer resins, as shown in Fig-ure 5.

Pierman continues, “Another type of self-lubricating bearing can be as-sembled by attaching single-point lu-bricators or automated lubrication systems peripherally to the bearing or machine.”

ADVAnTAGES AnD DISADVAnTAGESZaretsky claims that self-lubricating bearings provide advantages, particu-larly in a vacuum environment. He says, “Self-lubricating polymer com-posites display low out-gassing, low contamination potential, relatively low coefficients of friction, light-weight, low cost and simplicity of de-sign.”

One of the biggest disadvan-tages of self-lubricating bearings is the limited loads they can handle. Zaretsky says, “Due to load limita-tions of the transfer film from the cage to the inner and outer races, the bearings can only be subjected to light-to-medium loads. Other disadvantages include high coeffi-cient of thermal expansion, higher wear rates than with liquid-lubri-cated bearings, limited dimen-sional stability due to thermal growth and poor thermal conduc-tivity.”

Evans indicates that the big-gest advantage for self-lubricating bearings is the need for much less

maintenance. He adds, “The main dis-advantage is that self-lubricating bear-ings have speed and temperature limi-tations that must be respected to avoid bearing damage.”

Automated lubricant dispensing systems also require less maintenance, but they need to be refilled with lubri-cant periodically, according to Pier-man.

Bakolas points out that the main advantage for self-lubricating bearings is the elimination of the lubricant sys-tem. He says, “This means that the overall complexity and cost of the whole system is reduced. In addition, the bearing maintenance intervals can also often be extended.”

But more care must be taken in the design and use of a self-lubricating bearing. Bakolas explains, “Such a bearing requires much larger design times and must be, in most cases, de-signed especially for a specific applica-tion. Factors such as the thickness of the solid lubricant layer and operating temperature of the bearing should be carefully evaluated using both simula-tion and test methods.”

Snyder states that there are advan-tages from using both the solid lubri-cant and oil-based polymer resin types. He says, “If graphite is used, it is inert chemically and can be used at ex-tremely high temperatures where oth-er lubricants will not survive. For oil-based polymer resins, they are good

Figure 5 | Solid lubricants used in self-lubricating bearings can be incorporated into tapered, spher-ical and cylindrical roller bearing designs. (Cour-tesy of The Timken Co.)

42 STLEWebinar:“HydraulicFluidPropertiesandHydraulicSystems–AVitalLink”

for low-speed applications where relu-brication or external water contamina-tion causing lubricant washout are present. Possible examples are over-head cranes, food conveyors and ski lifts.”

Two disadvantages are speed limi-tations and concern about the poten-tial for longer term wear. Snyder says, “Self-lubricating bearings are limited in speed capabilities because of the surface interactions and lack of lubri-cation cooling. Longer term wear may be an issue because lubrication is not provided by an elastohydrodynamic lubricating film.”

fUTURE TYPES Of BEARInGSEach of our industry experts was asked about what new types of bearings will emerge over the next 10 years and what lubrication challenges they will present. Miller says, “I expect the im-mediate and midterm future will see a great deal more development of spe-cial materials and coatings. In particu-lar, I believe there will be even greater utilization of ceramic materials. As the cost factor improves due to greater general usage, more and more applica-tions become economically viable.”

Snyder anticipates that bearings development will become more appli-cation-specific. “The emphasis will be on lower friction bearings and, of course, lubricants that provide low friction in bearings while still giving the film thickness and life required for the application,” Snyder says. “Bear-ings will become matched to a specific application and the application’s an-ticipated environment. This means bearings will move from off-the-shelf items to being more application-spe-cific. I expect to see greater use of nan-otechnology to develop lubricant sur-face films for bearing use. Finally, I will not be surprised to see high-tem-

perature thermoplastics being used in bearings more frequently.”

Evans also predicts the greater use of new materials in bearings with an emphasis on not just boosting perfor-mance but also improving efficiency. “Rolling element bearing development trajectory continues to be toward in-creased energy efficiency, continued performance optimization and the in-corporation of modern materials,” Ev-ans says. “These goals may be met by optimizing the wear resistance of bear-ing surfaces, incorporating low-viscos-ity or minimum quantity lubrication systems, improving thermal manage-ment in bearing systems, increasing bearing power density and further op-timizing bearing designs. Hybrid ce-ramic-steel rolling element bearings have already emerged, but additional incorporation of nonferrous materials in bearings is expected in the future.”

Zaretsky believes that the use of new bearing materials could extend to removing all metal from the bearing. He says, “Depending on costs and reli-ability, there will be greater use of non-metallic, rolling element bearing com-ponents such as—or similar to—today’s hybrid bearings. However, the entire bearing may be made from nonmetal-lic materials. This will challenge the chemist to develop additive packages that will function in a similar manner to those used in today’s oils and greas-es that lubricate steel rolling element bearings.”

Bakolas feels that bearing develop-ment will progress to the point that sensors will be incorporated so that they can detect and adjust to changes in operating conditions. “We will see a shift towards ‘smart’ bearings, i.e., bearings that have temperature or force sensors integrated in them. The trend towards minimum lubrication also will continue, thus requiring more

intelligent lubrication systems. Hybrid bearings and the use of all sorts of sur-face coatings such as diamond-like carbon coatings will remain in focus. All this will require the need for new lubricants that conform to these new systems and provide for good lubrica-tion, even in minimum quantities,” Bakolas says. “Finally, the chemical in-teraction between the surface and the lubricant will become more important and, thus, influence the design of the new generation of lubricants.”

Development efforts are becoming more specialized with a growing em-phasis placed on tailoring the bearing for a specific application. With the use of new materials and even the move-ment toward the use of sensors, new lubricants and lubrication systems will need to be developed to ensure that the new types of bearings will operate at an optimum level.

Additional information on bearings can be found in The Tribology Data Handbook2.

‘The main disadvantage is that self-lubricating bearings have speed and temperature limitations that must be respected to avoid bearing damage.’

—Dr. Ryan Evans, The Timken Co.


1. Evans, R., Doll, G., Hager, C. and Howe, J. (2010), “Influence of Steel Type on the Propensity for Tribochemical Wear in Boundary Lubrication with a Wind Turbine Gear Oil,” Tribology Letters, 38 (1), pp. 25-32.

2. Jendzurski, T. and Moyer, C. (1997), “Rolling Bearings Per-formance and Design Data,” in Booser, E. editor, Tribology Data Handbook, pp. 645-668.

Neil Canter heads his own

consulting company, Chemical

Solutions, in Willow Grove, Pa.

You can reach him at

[email protected].

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