University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers 1 Course Number & Title: SW 441 – Data Analysis for Social Workers Instructor: Contact Information: Office Hours: Day & Time: Credits: 3 credits Pre-Requisites SW 440 – Introduction to Social Work Research Course Description: Concepts, principles, and procedures used in performing analyses of data collected in social work research, including an orientation to computer assisted data analyses. This course introduces students to the concepts, principles, and procedures social work researchers and practitioners use to analyze, interpret, and present data. Emphasis is placed on developing the knowledge, values, and skills needed to analyze and interpret one’s own research data and to critically evaluate the research findings of others. Instruction in computer-assisted quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative (Microsoft Word) data analyses and presentation (PowerPoint) approaches is provided. Also included are data analysis concepts, practices, and principles as they apply to grant writing and program evaluation used in many social service agencies. Course Linkages:

Course Number & Title: SW 441 – Data Analysis for Social ... · SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers 1 ... included are data analysis concepts, ... Single Subject Design

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University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Course Number & Title: SW 441 – Data Analysis for Social Workers

Instructor: Contact Information: Office Hours: Day & Time: Credits: 3 credits Pre-Requisites SW 440 – Introduction to Social Work Research Course Description: Concepts, principles, and procedures used in performing analyses of data collected in social work

research, including an orientation to computer assisted data analyses.

This course introduces students to the concepts, principles, and procedures social work researchers and practitioners use to analyze, interpret, and present data. Emphasis is placed on developing the knowledge, values, and skills needed to analyze and interpret one’s own research data and to critically evaluate the research findings of others. Instruction in computer-assisted quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative (Microsoft Word) data analyses and presentation (PowerPoint) approaches is provided. Also included are data analysis concepts, practices, and principles as they apply to grant writing and program evaluation used in many social service agencies.

Course Linkages:

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


This is the second in a two course research sequence incorporated within the BSW curriculum. Building on the perspectives, concepts and skills presented in SW 440, SW 441 instructs students in both quantitative and qualitative data analyses and presentation strategies.

Relevant BSW Program Objectives: • Apply critical thinking within the context of professional social work practice. • Understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards and principles and practice accordingly. • Interact with clients and colleagues without discrimination and with respect, knowledge and skills related to age, class, color,

culture, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. • Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination as well as strategies of advocacy and social change that

advance social and economic justice. • Apply the knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice with systems of all sizes. • Demonstrate a beginning knowledge of research as a social work practice tool. Key BSW (Foundation) Program Competencies 2.1.1 Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly 2.1.2 Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice 2.1.3 Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgment 2.1.4 Engage diversity and difference in practice 2.1.5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice 2.1.6 Engage in research informed practice & practice informed research Course Objectives/

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Educational Outcomes: In successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

441.1 Articulate how data are used to inform social work practice, program, and policy decisions as evidenced by weekly

assignments. 441.2 Articulate and address the ethical concerns confronted when conducting data analyses as evidenced by weekly

assignments throughout the course. 441.3 Articulate how social structural, political, and cultural factors influence the collection, analysis, presentation, and

interpretation of data, as evidenced by assignments #8 & 9, where data is presented, analyzed and interpreted. 441.4 Select appropriate data analysis strategies as measured by the quality of the mid-term and final exam question. 441.5 Analyze the role of data in eradicating, maintaining, and/or establishing structural oppression and inequality, as evidenced

by weekly assignments. 441.6 Identify issues of power impacting the funding conceptualization and use of data. 441.7 Evaluate the effectiveness of practice interventions 441.8 Prepare data for analysis. 441.9 Use computer programs to assist in conducting basic data analyses. 441.10 Read, prepare, and interpret tables and graphs. 441.11 Interpret basic statistical tests of association & difference. 441.12 Apply thematic & content analyses approaches to analyze and interpret qualitative data. 441.13 Use empirically valid data (including practice experiences) to identify research questions relevant to practice. 441.14 Evaluate yours and others’ interventions.

Course Objectives

441.1 Assess & evaluate effectiveness of interventions in practice. 441.2 Articulate & address the ethical concerns confronted when conducting statistical analyses. 441.3 Select & conduct appropriate data analyses strategies. 441.4 Articulate how social, political, & cultural factors influence the collection, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of data. 441.5 Analyze the role of research in eradicating, maintaining, and/or establishing structural oppression & inequality. 441.6 Identify issues of power impacting the funding, conceptualization, & use of research. 441.7 Articulate how data can be used to inform social work practice, program, and policy decisions. 441.8 Prepare data for analysis and perform basic statistical tests. 441.9 Read, prepare, & interpret tables and graphs. 441.10 Interpret basic statistical tests of association & difference.

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


441.11 Use computer programs to conduct statistical procedures. 441.13 Interpret & evaluate analysis methods used in published empirical reports. Required Textbooks : Weinbach, R. & Grinnell, R. (2010). Statistics for Social Workers ( 7th or 8th ed), Allyn & Bacon: Boston, MA

(ISBN-13: 978-0-205-73987-5) *Listed on the Weekly Schedule for assigned readings as “W&G”

In addition, selected journal articles will be used throughout the semester. These materials are available on the WebCampus site for this course, under E-reserves tab.

Instruction Model Lecture / discussions, and classroom activities will be used to clarify and augment the ideas introduced

through the assigned readings. Students will be working with large and small data sets to learn the basics of data analysis from a hands-on perspective.

School of Social Work Attendance Policy: Students are responsible for assisting in the creation of a learning environment that promotes

professional socialization. To do so, students should assume responsibility for their own learning by being prepared for and participating in class-related activities, and by consulting with the instructor outside of class, as appropriate. Opportunities for make-up assignments will be determined at the discretion of the course instructor.

Additional Support: The School of Social Work supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. If you have a

disability and will be requiring accommodations, please contact me or UNR’s Disability Resource Center as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations. The Disability Resource Center is located in the Thomson Building, Suite 101 or can be reached by phone at 775.784-6000.

Homework Policies: Timely submission of homework is particularly important given the cumulative nature of the subject

matter. Please note that late assignments will be accepted only at the discretion of the instructor,

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


and if accepted, will be penalized by half a grade per day, unless the instructor approves alternative arrangements in advance.

Assignments & Points:

Lab assignments ( 10) (5 pts each) . . . . . . 50 pts Mid-Course Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 pts Final Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 25 pts

TOTAL = 100 pts Ten Assignments, worth 5 pts each. Please put them together into a portfolio and turn in weekly, as well as the full assortment of assignments at the end of the semester with corrections: Assignment #1: Analyze a Journal Article; Build on Lit Review from SW 440 Assignment #2: Create data set & Analyze the classroom data Assignment #3: Single Subject Design Assignment #4: Analyze an Agency data set Assignment #5: Analyze an National data set Assignment #6: Use of the Logic Model in Evaluating Programs Assignment #7: Use of Qualitative Data in Evaluating Programs Assignment #8: Using data to support a grant proposal Assignment #9: Presentation of Data – Creating graphs & charts Assignment #10: Analyze a Journal Article Grading Rubrics for Assignments:

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Students will be provided with grading rubrics for each of the four course assignments when the assignments are given out. Mid-Course Exam: This exam is worth a total of 25 points, and the format will be as follows:

Part 1: 5 questions – Overview of Statistics & Mis-use of Data (1 pt each = 5 pts) Part 2: 1 essay question – Improving Client Outcomes:SSD (5 pts) Part 3: 1 essay question – Working with Agency Data (5 pts) Part 4: 1 essay questions – Working with National Data (5 pts) Part 5: Evaluate a journal article using course concepts (5 pts)

Final Exam: This exam is worth a total of 25 points, and the format will be as follows:

Part 1: 5 questions – Use of statistical tests for different purposes (1 pt each = 5 pts) Part 2: 1 essay question – Program Evaluation data (5 pts) Part 3: 1 short essay question – Using data for grants (5 pts) Part 4: 5 questions – Displaying data (1pt each = 5 pts) Part 5: Evaluate a journal article using course concepts (5 pts)

Grading Scale (total possible course points = 100): A = 95 -100 pts c- = 70 – 72 pts A- = 90 - 94 pts D+ = 67 - 69 pts B+ = 87 - 89 pts D = 63 – 66 pts B = 83 - 86 pts D- = 60 – 62 pts B- = 80 - 82 pts F = Below 60 pts C+ = 77- 79 pts

C = 73 -76 pts

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers





WK 1: Feb 1 No LAB

* Course Introduction: Using Data to Be Informed *What’s the Question? (Overview of statistics; Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis)

* W&G – Chapter 1: Uses of Statistics ** *W&G – Chapter 5: Hypothesis Testing **

*Take 3 scales

WK 2: Feb 8

How to Read Journal Articles From Start to Finish

Journal Articles Assign #1: Analyze a Journal Article; Build on Lit Review from SW 440

LAB Obtain instruction in Lab about Data sets, Excel, SPSS

WK 3: Feb 15

Bad Data: Misuse, Misrepresentation, and Misunderstanding

Journal Articles

LAB Analyze the classroom data Assign #2: Create data set & Analyze the classroom data

WK 4: Feb 22

Using Data to Improve Client Outcomes: Single System Designs

*W&G – Chapter 12, p 259-265 **W&G – Chapter 11 p. 265 - 273 Journal Article: SSD

LAB Create data set using SSD data *Assign #3: Single Subject Design

WK 5: Mar 1

Understanding Clients Served: Working with Agency Data

*W&G – Chapter 10 **W&G – Chapter 8: The Chi-Square Test

LAB Analyze an agency data set *Assign #4: Analyze an

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers




WK 6: Mar 8 Understanding Clients Served: Using

National Data & Evidence-Based Practices *Extra Credit: Culture Conference Feb 25 & 26

*W&G – Chapter 8 *W&G – Chapter 11 **W&G – Chapter 9: Correlation **W&G – Chapter 7: t-Test & ANOVA

LAB Analyze a national data set *Assign #5: Analyze a National data set

Wk 7: Mar 15 Mid-Course Exam (on-line) – no physical class

No LAB Spring Break March: 18 – 24

WK 8: Mar 29 Using Data to Evaluate Programs: The Logic Model (Part 1)

*W&G – Chapter 9 **W&G – Chapter 10 Regression Analyses Journal Article: EBP

Assign #6: Use of the Logic Model in Evaluating Programs

No LAB WK 9: April 5 Using Data to Evaluate Programs (Part 2)

*W&G – Chapter 12: p. 253-258 **W&G – Chapter 11: p. 258 - 264 Report: Circles Initiative

Assign #7: Use of Qualitative Data in Evaluating Programs


University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


All Schools Day: April 12 (9:00 – 3:30) – no class, but must attend the event



WK 10: Apr 19 Working with Data to Support a Grant Proposal

Journal Article / Grant Example

Assign #8: Using data to support a grant proposal

LAB Working with data to support a grant proposal

WK 11: Apr 26 How to Get Your Message Across *W&G – Chapter 2: Frequency Distributions & Graphs**

Assign #9: Presentation of Data – Creating graphs & charts

LAB Presenting Data to Inform WK 12: May 3 How to Read Journal Articles From Start

to Finish Journal Articles Assign #10: Analyze a

Journal Article No LAB Review for the Final Exam

Final Exam: May 6 – 12 * W&G = Weinbach & Grinnell text (7th ed) ** W&G = Weinbach & Grinnell text (8th ed) Assignments (10) (5 pts each) = 50 Mid-term = 25 Final Exam = 25

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Selected Bibliography Data Analysis Abu-Bader, S. H. (2006). Using statistical methods in social work practice: A complete SPSS

guide. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc. Andrews, F., Klem, L., Davidson, T., O'Malley, P., & Rodgers, W. (1981). A guide for selecting

statistical techniques for analyzing social science data (2nd ed.). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan.

Babbie, E., & Halley, F. (1995). Adventures in social research: Data analysis using SPSS for

Windows. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. Burton, M.L. (1997). Constructing a scale of female contributions to agriculture: methods for

imputing missing data. Cross Cultural Research, 30, 1, 3-23. Bashaw, W.I. (1969). Mathematics for Statistics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Barber, J. B., & Blanksby, P.E. (2006). SPSS for Social Workers an Introductory Workbook.

Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Berry, W. (1993). Understanding regression assumptions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Brock, T., & Harknett, K. (1998). A comparison of two welfare-to-work case management models.

Social Service Review, 72 (4), 495-520. Cronk, B. C. (2004). How to use SPSS (3rd ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd ed.). Thousand

Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Dietz, T.J., & Westerfelt, A. (2001). Planning & Conducting Agency – Based Research. Needham

Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Gonick, L., & Smith, W. (1993). The cartoon guide to statistics. New York, NY: HarperPerennial. Grace-Martin, K., & Sweet, S.A. (2003). Data Analysis with SPSS. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Holcomb, Z. (2004). Interpreting basic statistics: A guide and workbook based on excerpts from journal articles (4th ed). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. Holcomb, Z. (1997). Real data: A statistics workbook based on empirical data. Los Angeles, CA:

Pyrczak Publishing. Holcomb, Z. (1998). Fundamentals of descriptive statistics. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. Huff, D. (1954). How to lie with statistics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Jackson (1999). The effects of nonresident father involvement on single black mothers and their

young children. Social Work, 44(2), 156-166 Ortega, D.M., & Richey, C.A. (1998). Methodological issues in social work research with depressed women of color. Journal of Social Service Research, 23, 3/4, 47-70.

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Poulson, R. L., Eppler, M. A., Satterwhite, T. N., Wuensch, K. L., & Bass, L. A. (1998). Alcohol consumption, strength of religious beliefs,and risky sexual behaviors in college students. Journal of American College Health, 46, pp. 227-233. Pyrczak, F. (1989). Statistics with a sense of humor: A humorous workbook and guide to study

skills. Los Angeles, CA: Fred Pyrczak, Publisher. Pyrczak, F. (1995). Making sense of statistics: A conceptual overview. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak

Publishing. Pyrczak, F. (1996). Success at statistics: A worktext with humor. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak

Publishing. Reese, D. J., Ahern, R. E., Nair, S., O’Faire, J.D., & Warren, C. (1999). Hospice access and use

by African Americans: Addressing cultural and institutional barriers through participatory research. Social Work, 44, 549-559.

Reinardy, J., & Kane, R. A. (1999), Choosing an adult foster care home or a nursing home:

Residents perceptions about decision making and control, Social Work, 44, 571-585. Salkind, N.J. (2000). Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage Publications, Inc.

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #1: Analyze a Journal Article; Build on Lit Review from SW 440

For this assignment, students need to refer back to their Literature Review project from SW 440 (last semester). Students will use the work they did last semester to fully understand how journal articles can better inform their literature reviews, when they understand the data analysis as well. Steps: 1) Re-read your Literature Review assignment from SW 440 2) Select a new journal article (from a peer-reviewed journal) – not used in your

previous literature review. 3) Use the classroom material to analyze the new journal article, including the

statistical analysis. 4) In a 1-2 page writing, write about how the results of this new article inform your

prior work on your literature review: a. Identify the statistics being used b. Identify the results indicated by these statistics

c. Identify how these statistics support or detract support from your Literature Review findings

5) Include your Portfolio for Assignment #1: a. Your Literature Review from SW 440 b. Your new journal article c. Your 1-2 page write-up as stated in (4) above

6) You will get feedback, and this feedback should be used to correct any discrepancies for your final submission of your portfolio at the end of the course.

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #2: Create data set & Analyze the classroom data For this assignment, students will take the three Death and Dying Scales, along with the demographic data information sheet. (This will be done in the first class session). The scales are:

1) Demographic data 2) Death Anxiety Questionnaire (Conte, Weiner, & Plutchik, 1982) 3) The Collett-Lester Fear of Death (Collett & Lester, 1990) 4) Lemming Fear of Death Scale (Lemming)

Students will take the data and do the following: 1) Create a code book for the questionnaires and demographic data 2) Create a data base in SPSS or Excel, to include all the data, coded for analysis 2) Determine a research question of interest based on the data collected 3) Determine a data analytic strategy to answer the question 4) Perform descriptive statistics 5) Perform the appropriate statistical test to answer the research question established. Students should turn in the following to their portfolio: 1) the code book 2) the coded data set (in Excel or SPSS) 3) the research question 4) an outline of the data analytic strategy 5) the descriptive statistics 6) the results of the chosen statistical test 7) a written analysis of what the results indicate Students will get feedback and can correct their work if needed for the final submission of their portfolio at the end of the course.

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #3: Single Subject Design

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #4: Analyze an Agency data set

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #5: Analyze an National data set

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #6: Use of the Logic Model in Evaluating Programs

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #7: Use of Qualitative Data in Evaluating Programs

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #8: Using data to support a grant proposal

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #9: Presentation of Data – Creating graphs & charts

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers


Assignment #10: Analyze a Journal Article

University of Nevada, Reno - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SW 441 - Data Analysis for Social Workers