Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership 2013

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Corporate Membership 2013

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Corporate Membership

Page 2: Corporate Membership 2013

Corporate Membership at Sadler’s Wellshas been designed to offer a variety ofways to engage executives, staff andclients in the life of Sadler’s Wells throughthe 50 or more artistic productions wecreate and present every year. With such avariety of performances from across theglobe presented throughout each season,there will be something to appeal to allaudiences.

Through a combination of access topremium ticket allocations, opportunities tomeet world-renowned artists at ourPatrons’ Nights and a team dedicated toensuring you make the most from yourmembership, Sadler’s Wells is wellpositioned to provide solutions for all yourclient entertaining and corporate hospitalityneeds.

Our corporate membership programmehas been designed to make it easy forcompanies to tailor a relevant range ofbenefits to suit their organisation’s needs.Corporate membership packages can beenhanced with personalised backstagetours, workshops with our world-classAssociate Artists and ResidentCompanies, pre-show talks, family-friendlymatinee events and a range of invitations tospecial occasions with the Artistic Directorand Associate Artists throughout the year.

FFoorr ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt::

NNiicckk MMaarrssddeennMMaannaaggeerr,, CCoorrppoorraattee PPaarrttnneerrsshhiippss

002200 77886633 88113388nniicckk..mmaarrssddeenn@@ssaaddlleerrsswweellllss..ccoomm

Corporate Membershipat Sadler’s Wells

““SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss mmaayy wweellllbbee tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaannttddaannccee hhoouussee iinn tthheewwoorrlldd..””NNEEWW YYOORRKK TTIIMMEESS

Front cover: Slyvie Guillem in Eonnagata

Above; Sutra; A collaboration between Sadler’sWells Associate Artist Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Anthony Gormley performed by the Shaolin Templemonks.

Olivier Award-winning DESH featuring Sadler’sWells Associate Artist Akram Khan.

Page 3: Corporate Membership 2013

5500 ccoommpplliimmeennttaarryy pprreemmiiuumm ttiicckkeettss withprogramme vouchers to performances atSadler’s Wells and Peacock Theatre

1100 ccoommpplliimmeennttaarryy iinnvviittaattiioonnss to join theArtistic Director at exclusive Sadler’s WellsPatrons’ Nights including:

- Pre-show canape and drinks receptions- Premium ticket with souvenir eveningprogramme

- Post-show party with cast and creativeteam in attendance

- Drinks and hot bowl food served postshow

- Opportunity to purchase additional invitations at a preferential rate

DDeeddiiccaatteedd ppeerrssoonnaall bbooookkiinngg sseerrvviiccee forcomplimentary ticket allocation with accessto the best seats in the house

PPeerrssoonnaalliisseedd bbaacckkssttaaggee ttoouurrss upon request

YYeeaarr--rroouunndd ccoommpplliimmeennttaarryy evening accessto private entertaining rooms with 20%discount on daytime room hire (subject toavailability)

FFuullll eevveenntt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt and Sadler’s Wellshost for your events

CCoorrppoorraattee mmeemmbbeerrss enjoy the followingadditional benefits:

- Invitations to purchase tickets to special occasions and dinners with the ArtisticDirector and Associate Artists throughoutthe year

- Opportunity to invite artists and ourArtistic Director to your own privateevents at Sadler’s Wells

Ticketing and HospitalityBenefits

““SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss iiss mmoorreetthhaann aa bbuuiillddiinngg iitt iiss aanniinnssttiittuuttiioonn -- LLoonnddoonn’’ssuunnrriivvaalllleedd pprreesseenntteerr ooffddaannccee iinn aallmmoosstt aannyy ggeennrreeyyoouu ccaann tthhaannkk ooff..”” TTHHEE SSUUNNDDAAYY TTIIMMEESS

Page 4: Corporate Membership 2013

DDeessiiggnnaatteedd BBooxx OOffffiiccee hhoottlliinnee foremployees to secure 20% discount ontickets

Innvviittaattiioonn ttoo SSpprriinngg aanndd AAuuttuummnn SSeeaassoonnPPrreevviieewwss by the Artistic Director and guestAssociate Artist for employees

SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss ffoorrttnniigghhttllyy ee--bbuulllleettiinn,featuring offers and information onperformances

IInnvviittaattiioonn ttoo pprriivvaattee ddrreessss rreehheeaarrssaallssthroughout the year

RReeccooggnniittiioonn in Sadler’s Wells publicationsand at the Theatre to include:

- Company logo on supporters page in allSadler’s Wells and Peacock Theatreprogrammes

- Company logo on TV monitors andsupporters board in the foyer

- Company logo on Sadler’s Wellswebsite (12,000 visitors per day)

- Dance workshops / talks by Sadler’sWells Associate Artists

- Volunteering opportunities for corporatemember employees

CCoorrppoorraattee MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp ffrroomm££1100,,000000 ++ VVAATT ppeerr yyeeaarr

Employee Benefits andCompany Branding

Javier De Frutos and The Pet Shop Boys collaborate in The Most Incredible Thing

Sadler’s Wells Resident Company Zoonation withtheir Olivier Award-nominated production of SomeLike it Hip Hop

Page 5: Corporate Membership 2013

SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss aatt aa ggllaannccee::

-- AAnnnnuuaall gglloobbaall aauuddiieenncceess ooff mmoorree tthhaann 770000,,000000 wwiitthh oovveerr 2200%% ooff oouurr aauuddiieenncceesssseeeeiinngg aa SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss pprroodduuccttiioonnoouuttssiiddee tthhee UUKK

-- AAvveerraaggee aauuddiieennccee aatttteennddaannccee ooff 8866%%

-- OOvveerr 5500 pprroodduuccttiioonnss eeaacchh yyeeaarr

-- AAllmmoosstt 7700%% ooff aannnnuuaall iinnccoommee ggeenneerraatteeddtthhrroouugghh ttiicckkeett ssaalleess

-- WWoorrlldd--ccllaassss pprroodduuccttiioonnss aanndd ppeerrffoorrmmeerrssooff tthhee hhiigghheesstt ccaalliibbrree

-- EExxcceelllleenntt ccoorrppoorraattee hhoossppiittaalliittyy ffaacciilliittiieesswwiitthh aacccceessss ttoo wwoorrlldd--ccllaassss aarrttiissttss

Sadler’s Wells is one of the world’s leadingdance houses, uniquely dedicated tobringing the very best international andBritish dance to London audiences.

From contemporary dance to tango, hiphop to flamenco and tap to kathak, wepresent a year-round programme ofaward-winning dance appealing to a widerange of audiences.

Audiences at Sadler’s Wells are diverseand young compared with other Londonarts venues. Audiences vary by show, butthe average audience member is under 40,sophisticated, savvy and loyal to Sadler’sWells.

Sadler’s Wells’ expertise, experience andbrand strength uniquely positions us tocontinue to support and grow the art formand engage diverse audiences from acrossthe UK and internationally.

About Sadler’s Wells

““SSaaddlleerr’’ss WWeellllss iiss eeaassiillyyoonnee ooff LLoonnddoonn’’ss bbeesstttthheeaattrreess,, wwiitthh aannuunnrriivvaalllleedd wweeeekk--iinn,, wweeeekk--oouutt pprrooggrraammmmee ooffiinnnnoovvaattiivvee ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee..””EEVVEENNIINNGG SSTTAANNDDAARRDD

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