Creational Love CORE teachings of Virsel Book 2 © Virsel Publications Writings of Orman Transcriptions written by Max Edited by Marie December, 2014

CORE teachings of Virsel Book 2

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Creational Love

CORE teachings of Virsel

Book 2

© Virsel Publications

Writings of Orman

Transcriptions written by Max

Edited by Marie

December, 2014

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This book is a combination of publications and impressions from meetings based on notes and video transcriptions. It is an evolving journey and as the teachings continue, some content may be out of date. The content of this book should be read as philosophical and should not be taken as a final truth.

Copyright ©2014 Virsel All Rights Reserved

First publication, December 2014

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Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Love and Fear .............................................................................................................................. 6

2. Understanding the truth of the situation ...................................................................................... 9

3. To live a contradictory life ........................................................................................................ 12

4. The Little Man approach ........................................................................................................... 16

5. The Restoring of the Mind ........................................................................................................ 20

6. The Ways of the Work .............................................................................................................. 26

7. Differences between the Astral and the Ether ........................................................................... 32

8. The Seven Transient Conditions of Rebirth .............................................................................. 38

9. Living with the event of yourself .............................................................................................. 44

10. Marching up the Solar Event ................................................................................................. 55

11. The Conplex of the Solar Life ............................................................................................... 60

12. Solar Discoveries ................................................................................................................... 65

13. The Jewelled Way ................................................................................................................. 68

Appendix 1: The Divinatory Arts ...................................................................................................... 77

Appendix 2: Hegel: Love and self-awareness ................................................................................... 78

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This book contains the written records of meetings with Orman in 2014 as the work on the

Creational Way continues, as well as some other publications that support the development of

the cosmic function of the human.

From our current perspective there are unresolved mysteries about human life, like the

questions about the meaning of life, the mind and mental faculty. The book ‘The Creational

Way’ offers some of the fundamentals to break through the cultural conditioning of the

human intellect. This book is a further preparation to step into the future of yourselves.

When things are right they move on and require change in word and deed. Therefore, the

ability to demonstrate is a natural requirement of the evolving human being. It takes time to

grow even on an evolutionary pathway, especially when your formative years are well in the


We live in a time with great scientific and technological advancements and are more global

oriented than ever. Improvements are no guarantee for the next steps on the evolutionary path,

for on our way to civilisation we lost some of the natural connections and as a consequence

we tend to rely on technology instead of biology. Computers are no substitute for the mind.

The impact of technology on the development of human faculties and the higher senses is a

rather complex area of study, for how can you live without machines. Realise how difficult it

is to do some mental arithmetic when you are used to doing calculations with a machine.

Take some time for yourself and ask the important questions of life. For sure you will fail to

touch the truth if you don’t step beyond the human event ruled by selfies, commercials and

economics. Love is not the same as sex or emotion. Light carries more intelligence than we

are made to believe. Life is purposeful beyond the boundaries of this planet or solar system.

The five-fold creational human life, as it can be explained in esoteric terms by the addition of

an elemental life and a solar life, is the way ahead for the real evolution. Human life is about

the mental life and the mind of you. This is not new, for history is marked by human abilities

beyond the ordinary standards of development and education. These so called esoteric

highpoint are known by their ripples as they were transformed into religions and ancient


On a world wide scale we face a rapid decline of traditions and the sense of community that

gave the individual some foothold and values to attune to. We live in a fictitious world in

which the role model is rich and famous, whilst millions of refugees and even more

‘economical’ migrants are risking their lives for a better future, desperate for the basic needs

like health-care, safety and education.

Whilst the humanitarian and environmental disasters cry for world government and severe

measures, the individual human steps on this planet without a proper manual or guidance for

self-help and personal development. In the first years we are utterly dependent on a few tutors

(parents and teachers) who themselves are confused as their upbringing was not that different.

Human life faces a challenge to discover the real meaning and purpose, of which the direction

is in the answers to questions like: what is the cosmic condition, what is love, what is


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The teachings of Orman are first and foremost a recovery and a restoration of the higher

human faculties and secondly the manifestation of a conscious condition of life. This book is

dedicated to creational love as it is the catalytic condition of human progression to its next

evolutionary stage.

The content is meant as study material for the participants of the Virsel dynamic and is a

support to the actual life experience. As it is a living teaching, these contents are in progress.

The aim of the work is to become a living example of what is written, as the ultimate

contribution to creation is the fulfilment of the promise of life and the realisation of the mind

of you.

With love and respect to Creation,


December 2014

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1. Love and Fear

The governing principles

The intrinsic motivation behind every action determines its desired outcome. However, as we

all have experienced during life, a bad outcome today can turn out to be a good fortune

tomorrow. Actions based on fear will attract more fear, eventually leading to the self-fulfilling

prophesy that life is against us and, in general, depressive and disastrous.

The reversion of this complex cycle of downward pointing emotions is a challenge and needs

the ingredient of trust, which was lacking in the first place. To have faith whilst being

confronted with the daily cruelties of terror and violation is not enhancing the image of human

dignity either. Pain and suffering is our daily news, pollution our daily breath and the battle

against poverty and starvation is our everyday struggle.

According to modern standards of living there are no acute reasons for having fear. Social

security, rules and regulations, education, plenty of food in the supermarket, and a prison for

those who obstruct, are a guarantee for the continuation of our civilised world. Joy, peace,

love, creativity, inspiration and happiness are the promised luxuries. Maybe a bit dusty, but

these qualities have an abundant availability.

The conscious act of love stands against the automatic response of fear; the latter closes off

and falls back on old patterns of prejudice and conviction. The opening of self towards an

unknown future of self-actualisation requires a secure and stable social situation. These

normal conditions greatly enhance the development of an individual, although this is no

guarantee for success either.

Grief, anger, envy, fear and love are the five natural emotions. The feeling of sadness when

losing a relative, saying no to injustice, the ambition to learn, the avoidance of pain, all

generate energy in the human system and need expression on whatever appropriate level

(physical, emotional or mental). Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out,

gives, reveals, shares and heals. Love and fear determine the direction of development of

every human being.

We have a soul and that is (in every religious, occult or even life value) what it is supposed to

be about. The soul and its eventual evolved or evolving life; and if not, then best sell it and

have a great life.

In the midst of the currents of emotion it is often hard to observe the process involved, but

with a conscious attitude the outcome is always more fear or more love. These are the

absolutes in the cycles of emotion, in which pain determines the direction; more pain, more

fear. Pain is the agent of change and instinctively avoided. The process of change is often

hard and long lasting. It is a tendency to prefer long term suffering against short term pain,

unless the price and risks involved are too high for further postponement. This principle can

be applied on most personal situations, as for every crisis on a world-wide scale as can be

witnessed in almost every area.

It is not the intention to dismiss the urgency of the worldwide disasters, but the ultimate

solution lies in the upgrade of the human model, which requires individual change and

development. We face the proposition of a cosmic brain and a world-centric attitude, in which

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pain is no longer a personal affair, but becomes a creational continuum, taking into account

the wellbeing of the planet as a whole. In other words, the level and impact on our

housekeeping book increases dramatically.

The awakening mind is the way and the promise of the human, and the work in most esoteric

schools has in some way or other the projection of the master to transfer his or her way or

enlightenment to the disciples. Nowadays there is not much esoteric left, and unfortunately, in

return, the human race is left in confusion without much direction and is heading towards an

apocalypse. This lack of direction also guarantees the best opportunity for change, but

unfortunately, according to the stage of development of the human race, this is a blurred

proposition left in the hands of courageous individuals feeling the responsibility of being

human. The way out is an inward development and surrender to the natural order of creation.

This is the core message of the creational way and expressed as the three entities: Love, Light

and Life and the re-establishment of the cosmic condition. The adjacent nature of man and

woman are part of this cosmic condition, but the human eventually has to escape the planetary

conditioning of gender duality to become a cosmic trinity in which the main drives are:

Agape representing the divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and

thoughtful love; more natural to the woman (divine femininity);

Eros often used to address the affection of a sexual, masculine nature, but is also the

force that drives the ascension;

Pain of non-fulfilment.

The promise of life and evolution is in the ascendance of the human to a cosmic, rather than a

planetary condition. The brain is the seat of this cosmic condition and the mental body is the

animation not yet descended. That the mental body hangs above the brain can also be viewed

as a malfunction, as the intellect and the ego claimed this space and are enslaving this cosmic

instrument for planetary purposes. If this isn’t going to change, the human event will be

confronted with a stop situation, as the intellect is much too slow to cope with the speeding up

that has been going on for a few decades and will continue for a while. The answer of the

human event is in the advancement of the technology and the dependence of the human on

technology. This is the real horror that the evolution is facing, whilst the cosmic equipment is

waiting in idleness.

The best way to continue is the natural way for the mental body and this can only be based on

core creational influences or entities, such as Life, Love and Light. The mental body itself is

genderless, it has no feeling and until the mind awakens in the brain it also has no being.

What is the being of the brain and what can best be done as a preparation to make it feel home

again in its natural environment?

The process of the awakened brain is connection which it makes with its higher senses. These

senses are beyond the physical world and as yet unacceptable for the culture, but throughout

history were the main force of advancement and progression. These extraordinary faculties,

like the psychic, the mediumistic, the sensitive, the clairvoyant and others, are often banned in

normal life and are the main reason why the mental body isn’t active in the human, except by

the extravagant genius that managed to live in both worlds and found ways to express the gifts

and talents, like Mozart, Tesla, and many other great names. These are connected gifts, not at

all the learned gifts, for there are no patterns and school books to achieve this.

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The lower planetary life can never become the higher cosmic life except by what can win

through the struggles to ascend from such a cavern of existence into or towards the light from

something higher. It is light that carries the first promise of life towards any form of life.

Planetary life is locked within the boundaries of its environment and possibilities. The

movement from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly is fixed and happens because of the

changes (however subtle) in the quality and promise of the light upon it. The higher life has a

medium quality of event about it called ‘the greater self’.

The greater self is the difference between the lower and the higher; it is the medium through

which all ascendant life works. The greater self is a mixture that continuously revolves around

itself drawing into itself the new, marrying it with the already present and grinding down the

unnecessary into new form to add to itself another upgrade of life and ascension. In daily life

people rarely deal with the real person because it is removed from them by virtue of its

position in the reformation of itself or even the discovery of itself. The greater self can speak

to the person, adding a higher voice of things in the form of a knowing or even an educated

silence; this behaviour can be seen whilst others wait for the ‘slow’ to learn the same lesson

without interference, this being the beginnings of the lonely journey to self-awareness.

Apart from light, love and life, being and feeling have great acquaintance with all of this; e.g.

‘Being’- being is about the enclosed life within the organic event and its continuous arising

and gathering of the consciousness of everything. It (the consciousness) has different stages of

growth; the first is as it exists but un-belonging (the unconscious), then the semi-conscious

(the conscious of everything around it and that it is part of it all) and finally the fully

conscious (the awakened state of higher life within the lower).

Natural ability sometimes steps aside of the rules of the conscious life for evolution’s sake

where the great eating (the process of a new or very young planetary life) can happen for its

(life’s) own sake. Life is bound to the rules, higher and lower and much more as its own mind

would develop; it is in the end a free choice of that life itself. Life is a vision in the mind’s eye

of itself, and Creation would (as life’s master) have the final rule as to its ways and works of

‘Life or existence’; a recycled bin is always the pointer to a higher view.

Nemesis was just a phase of reckoning as was history to a higher culture. There are in life

itself all three values of the higher life –e.g. light, love and the higher life itself, but being in

this is also the adventure of personality (having been forwarded to the future for modelling).

‘Life itself has no choice in what it is to become other than what the life within itself can

possibly be’.

Time now existed and much had happened in the ways of life and from the darkness came a

battled soldier of evolution and fortune, called Personality. Life itself is handcuffed by

Creation to stay within the rules of existence and now also consciousness (a new

manufacture) which henceforth must bear the responsibility of itself in the form of a


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2. Understanding the truth of the situation

It makes sense to understand something about yourself in the way it really works; just

something small each time. Some learnings you can’t get in one go. Sometimes take little

steps at a time and big leaps another time.

We are taught to think in certain ways. Self-help is better than relying on somebody else, but

do you know what the price for that is? At an early age we made such commitments in a life

way, that we really don’t understand what is involved in this. We get stuck in that locked-in

syndrome with some things we have to live with for the rest of our lives, whether you like it

or not. You can’t turn around and say, well anybody can change this. You are skilful enough

to lie in becoming, but are you skilful to deal with the past?

You are custodian of the life you have got; you don’t really own your life, because everything

else owns your life. You spend most of your life doing things that are not for you and not

about you. At the moment of birth you are in the most puristic form. You are your true self

without that much condition. The further you go out from you yourself, the more you have to

condition and control what you are. How many people do you contain in yourself? By the

time you are grown up, you have to fight rigidly with many more terms and conditions to

keep yourself in there.

It is harder to contain something the further away from its source. An explosion weakens the

more it extends away from the point of the explosion. In the force worlds it strengthens; the

further it goes the stronger it gets. The weakest point is at the point of transmission, when it is

transmitted in pure form. For your life this purity at the point of transmission is the moment of

birth. It is like new ideas and sincerity. Sincerity is always the strongest at the beginning of

something. Everybody is genuine when they get a new idea. Then when you try to do

something with the idea, it diminishes, it becomes something else. In time it is pulled in by

200 people and by that time it is no longer a good idea. It gets powerful, it expands and

requires more conditions to contain it.

It is natural that the more you go along the physical end of the creational bar, the more

conditions are required to contain it. Creation loses itself if it doesn’t contain itself. By the

mere fact that creation does contain itself, it therefore creates shape and form, not only for

itself, but for everything else as well. It dissipates into this huge something everywhere.

For a development journey health and safety regulations are one of the biggest enemies. How

much health and safety do you practise on yourself in the work, to keep you away from

dealing with the truth of you? The way you are is in what you mix yourself with. Where do

we go on that counts?

Part of the human system is occult, we deal in the unseen. The big problem is that the world

knows about the unseen and the unseen is only allowable providing it is regulated. When

dealing in the unseen, don’t expect things to be normal. You are going to see things that you

have never seen before. Which means you need a certain amount of required learning to cope

with what it is you see and then a certain amount of learning to cope with the learning that

comes along with it. In some instances you need learning to learn the learning that comes

along with these things. It requires a certain amount of already developed development. How

can we ascend or evolve on our own rules, terms and conditions, when the terms and

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conditions that you would make yourself don’t work on higher levels? On every level there is

a natural set of terms and conditions for what you do.

If something works, it is right. We are so fixed in our own delivery of life, in our education of

life, in our scientific value of life, but this doesn’t mean to say that all else is a load of rubbish

until measured or proven. Things that work go on working, whether it fits science or not.

Human beings are creating elemental form in their own shape. Elemental worlds own

elemental presence. You don’t own elemental presence, so behave like a custodian rather than

an owner. All elemental life can aspire to a higher form. Some shapes and forms can’t get off

the planet, but others do.

Part of the work we do is to try to win something of our lives back. If you are housing an

elemental form it will be in an area where there is a great deal of lymphatic behaviour, like the

solar plexus or the Scarpa’s triangle.

The elemental life lives in the lymphatic system and strengthens the antibody system. They

manufacture the antibody system for the entire human race. What you contain conditions your

blood. The blood has a natural elemental nature in a real minimal see-through version of

yourself. Disease is a sign of moving away from the elemental nature of you. Inspired people

are in their element, there is a flow of energy, a natural ability and a creative spirit around


Nothing in the spiritual signal is automatic, it is totally self-controlled. In some instances you

need to keep remembering to breathe. If you travel in the occult too far too quick you end up

with strokes, because the signal is too fine for the brain; it needs a certain amount of

cushioning before you learn such things safely. Within a spiritual situation you need the

containment for it, the cushioning that comes with it. That cushioning may be the way you

behave or the state of your development, or it may be in the uncomfortability of yourself

when you realise you haven’t done it the right way. In the end the actual core of it is, whether

you got it or not.

A temple life is an awakened state of being, it is a condition, it is the enclosure of yourself

where the actual living life of your being belongs. A temple is a containment. When that

begins to happen initially, you think it is because you are standing still. You are moving,

growing, changing, evolving and then suddenly time slows down for it, because it reached its

saturation point and it then encloses itself.

The world describes this temple behaviour or condition as a place of worship, a temple as a

place of holy belonging. When someone ‘templeizes’, it automatically takes on that nature,

because you couldn’t resist it. The world got as far as temples and they are conditioned, they

culturised that temple to fit with the condition or belief. It then became physical outwardly

and all around the world there appeared temples, like in Buddhism or Christianity. This is a

stop situation, an obedience. You are obedient to the temple conditioning. The temples of this

world will resist change, because it is their job to bring you into obedience with it, for it is

greater than you.

In the meantime the world moved on. The world has moved on, not only in the temple

condition, but in the intellectual world, in the solar worlds, in the spiritual worlds. It is upon

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those who can and will to move it all on. In the sixties they tried to break the mould and

recently it was the Occupy movement that stood against the establishment.

When trying to change you are pushing against a huge resistance, because things have been so

settled for so long. Still one person can change the world; there will be a first person that

breaks the bond before time runs out, for as time goes on the mould begins to set and arrest

human progression.

Until someone comes along and picks the signal up, marches it further and evolves this

temple condition it will stay like this. If you don’t know this fact you may think you contain a

sanctuary, you contain a temple and your inner life is the sanctum of your soul, but this is not

the right answer. It is what you come to know because of what is written about it from

previous temple behaviour.

We are an evolving, developing life with all sorts of mysteries coming and going all over the

place. It moves out of this temple form and turns into a whole new self that is capable of a

spiritual life. We have an unspoiled place to go and the elemental conditions are there to help

you along. We are making the way ahead. From that point on, we are opening the doorways

not only for the inner lives, but for the mental lives, the elemental lives; we are forging an

awful lot of what is going to happen on this planet the next few hundreds of years.

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3. To live a contradictory life

What is the use of a camel that can’t find the oasis, because it can’t smell the water.

Human civilisation is our biggest problem. We live with a certain amount of standards and

civility at least in public, so we can go outside our cave and aren’t clubbed on the head by the

local tribesman. We have to admit that we have lost some of the natural ways in ourselves

within this civilized and sophisticated world. Life is a series of schoolings, in which your

learnings can help or harm you.

Our body is an amazing machine when someone is driving it. Our feelings, our being, our

mental life, our brain are the living entities rather than just mechanical parts. Our body is a

mechanical part but it needs a living entity to direct it. That living entity is also physical, but

if it doesn’t work according to the natural laws, according to how it was designed in the first

place, then how can it do what it should do. You don’t buy a car and use it as a flower pot.

You call yourself human, but you only are at most half human. You lost most of the natural

processes and higher senses, like clairvoyance, the empathic and the psychic abilities. Half of

the world is depressed, because they can’t release the energy that comes from themselves and

then it turns against them into lethargy. How many people end up with melancholy, taking

pills to supress themselves?

You have a positive, a neutral and a negative condition. Whilst you are in a neutral state it is

good that you are awake within it. You don’t fall asleep driving your car at a hundred miles an

hour, but when your inner life drives at a hundred miles an hour you tend to fall asleep. If

there was an insurance for your inner life then the company would be bankrupt within a week;

crashes all over the place.

If people are asked about the reason why they exist and attempt to give an answer, it is at

most an emotional fantasy mixed up with scientific facts or religious faiths. Most people are

preoccupied with achieving some cultural results, or bring their reason down to paying the

rent. In the end people actually spend very little time on developing for the right reason.

If the nature of relearning and development isn’t based on the natural condition especially of

yourself, then nothing will work as it should. We need something that isn’t disturbed by

anything, a place where we can do what is natural or what naturally exists as a first instance.

What is the natural condition of the mind? How do you restore the abilities in yourself and

make connection to the evolution of your life and existence. The human race doesn’t decide

about the evolution of the human race. It argues about it, but it can’t change it, if it is not

based on nature itself. Try to stop breathing. You can’t change the great church; you can

prevent it, destroy it, but it will recover when you are gone. Human life is temporary

compared to nature itself.

What is your life worth, what are you here for, why do you exist, what is your motivational

power? What is your motivation for wanting to live, for that is where the light of the spirit of

your existence actually sits. The best trinity to believe in or to follow has three principles

which are those of love, light and life. You can only see yourself in the light in what you can

actually do in life, for it is what you do that counts in your living e.g. when you walked the

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sacred mile to view a shape or flower which in turn allowed you to make your practices and

dedications the symbol of your will.

What at the end of the day, when you close your eyes and take stock of the day, was

important? What is the highlight of the day that could become a permanent feature of your

existence and added to oneself as a content, as the making of a connection, for living the true

life. We are forced into a lifestyle that we may not even like. At least we can determine to

give ourselves the purpose or work of life to find and make our way to come to realize what it

is, wake up to what it means or what we can do with our life, or become conscious of the

mental existence of it.

The many lives in us have to slowly, over a long period of time, be welded together into one

single entity of self, that may have thousands of facets and hundreds of abilities of which

some may supersede the octave of human life, with elemental attendance with what you do or

with what you are.

Live, grow or die. From a conscious perspective you live and grow without self-control, for

how can you make decisions when you don’t know yourself. Grow by your own design, take

the chance to take the decisions about yourself. Self-manufactured, self-created people are

very rare. To design yourself and stick to it, to turn yourself to a life’s work is a great event,

even for a human being. Part of the awakening of the being is stepping aside of the collective

and developing the being, the inner temple or sanctuary, of self within you.

What kind of price are you prepared to pay to restore yourself back in that natural condition?

Opening up the mind and these processes to touch what was, when you were born in the

essence of you. When you are born you are in harmony with yourself, but as you go through

your life, it changes all those balances and you start to pay the price for it e.g. restoring

yourself is like a healing, putting yourself together in harmony. Whether it works or not

depends on how you practise such arts. Everyone needs some maintenance on self.

The whole point of an esoteric journey, or how we would introduce that journey in the sixties,

was from the standpoint of the recovery and restoration of a third brain and the journey that it

made. We live a contradictory life because a part is missing in the function of the brain. Our

life is based in yes and no, we lost the third option as a balance point. Nothing in life can exist

unless there are three conditions of life acting on the same environment at the same time. The

arguments in life are always between the head and the heart, but we lost the third vector.

During the evolution of the human organic life form, the living entity or the soul of the brain

has risen and nowadays it hangs around the throat in a stop situation. It couldn’t pass the

throat because of a blockage. During the last thirty years slowly but surely children are born

with what became called the ascendant spirit of life. These children have got three brained

parts with three brained souls and that makes it possible for the brain to work in a natural way

as we see the evidence of. The esoteric journey was to actually gain that ascension.

The main stream of the culture has been held back from what they will accept as a new truth

of life, for they can’t relate it with their own state or condition. Imagine a mobile phone whilst

you were living in the sixties. Children are being born with a brain in a higher cosmic

condition of life; they are born with a fully functional brain.

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From the standpoint of human evolution those three brained people are in the lead, their self-

determination will eventually stand up against the cultural way of life, for they instinctively

know the right way to be, they have knowledge we don’t have. The three brained children are

a new race that is not as dependent on technology which we are made to buy.

Light, life and love are universal; everything that exists has to form itself around the

framework of the natural laws. The natural laws are the criteria or the framework on which

everything that exists shapes themselves, the criteria itself does nothing. The study of these

laws crystallizes in you and can live on at the end of your physical life. You have to work

hard to keep yourself awake, you have to relearn the natural conditions of life.

From the neutral condition of life you have the choice between the positive and negative. The

body is the neutral vector, everything else swings from an electrical or magnetic point of

view, or on the next level from an elemental or solar point of view. If you can sniff out these

simple laws, these inspirations and learnings, then you have a chance to restore yourself in a

recharged form, you charge the spine, you awaken the being.

There must be a mediator or layer of insulation between two charges. The biggest insulator on

the planet is air. Water in its purest form is not conductive. An electrical signal gets

discharged by the minerals in the water, like a sound deadens in the air. Earth, water and air

exist here as a natural condition. Fire actually isn’t an element, it has to be manufactured. Fire

is the only element that can purify and can stay pure itself. These elements can easily be

found in a relationship of three to one and one to three in many organic processes. The

opposite of the neutral condition is inertia; this is a position without choice and perspective.

The third condition is a very important part of life, which we actually never become. We are

always preoccupied with what is next. We are closest to it when we are asleep and don’t do

anything. Be here now, whenever you are, wherever you are, however you are. The eye of the

storm is the neutralising vector. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, what

you see has an equal and opposite reaction of what you don’t see.

You relax when breathing out and during relaxation you draw in the energy for the next

breath. You make tomorrow’s energy today. The energy of the next signal for the heartbeat

comes from the blood. The blood conditions the heart rather than (as was thought) the heart

that conditions the blood. These natural conditions can’t be changed, it counts for everything

that exists, it can’t be challenged; it is the same truth for everything that lives. Everything has

to work within the framework of a creational condition. We live a planetary life; we don’t

breath fire in a planetary condition. Humans can supersede the planetary condition with

embodiments and conditions higher than planetary level, but whilst you physically exist, you

have to obey the planetary conditions, biology before ideology so to say.

It is card two of the tarot that represents the third way, for it is in the silent condition that the

true progression is made. The discretion of the Priestess is described by the four indispensable

conditions “to know, to dare, to will, to keep silence”. The direction of a true evolution is not

in more luxury, wealth or theoretical knowledge, but has the features of an inner knowing that

leads the way to refinement. The right way around the triangle is therefore 1-3-2.

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There are three levels of answers to the reason for living: one you have, one you struggle for

and one you never have, until you yourself are a mystic; you have to be it, before you learn it.


Juggler Empress

From the Frown Strong Tarot: Journey II

The Priestess stands between the two pillars of the temple – white on her positive side

and black on her negative side - indicating her mastery of the Law of Two in that she

can cure or inflict, dispense or withhold. Her position between the two pillars and

above them, places her at the apex of a triangle wherein she herself represents the third

pillar or third vector, thus constituting the Law of Three which is cosmic. The

presence of the third pillar which she represents is implied by the black pillar behind

her, black here signifying the unseen. She is without personal bias, and is capable

always of seeing both ends of the scale.

She stands directly above a white circle with red arrows pointing to the left and right,

and this shows that she has great threshold in the stretch of duality whilst never being

unseated or depleted. The white circle says that her principles are so bound in her that

she can move in either direction self-contained. The other symbol above which she

stands is the symbol of eternity, and this represents here the eternal repetition of the

planet’s function which can be either a springboard or a quagmire for all.

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4. The Little Man approach

(Taken from notes of work during 1989)

Regardless of what, where and when, all life is limited by the un/semi-awakened being or

un/semi-conscious mental condition (this also includes the skills, processes or abilities that are

or form part of that life, e.g. the psychic or clairvoyant abilities). Mostly in general or for the

sake of life this is not an issue as life in general doesn’t require us to step outside of our

capabilities to survive. We are born with everything we need to live, except what we wear and

what we eat. The advancement of civilisation and the conditions required to live in it has

meant that alteration and isolation of some processes has occurred, which in turn demanded

the aid of a technology foreign to the natural condition within us.

The human event over time has changed, from a total involvement of life within the planetary

ways and environment to a self-made culture of life, with a decreasing involvement of the

planetary conditioning that was required originally. The beginning of the human event had an

evolutionary track that followed the natural course of planetary evolution, serving the

planetary purpose as it did so, meaning that as the planet evolved so did the human race with

it. The whole of life would have been in harmony with those changes and the divinity that was

a promise of life at that time would have been settled on all organic life here.

History is tricky and convoluted with mistakes both natural and human made, each having an

effect on life form at that time (leading to the extinction of life form and the emergence of

newer species, more in line with the actual condition and journey of evolution at that time e.g.

the dinosaurs became extinct because of a natural accident, making way for other life form to

begin its own evolutionary journey). This was the case with the emergence of the human from

its lizard like ancestry, from lizard to human, from walking on 4 legs to walking on two, from

cold blood to warm, from living with a tail to living without and much more.

By observation it isn’t hard to gather some idea of how long and fraught with difficulty that

journey had to endure, requiring change in the different conditions of life at every step, each

time the developing and learning abilities taking leaps forward and the brain increasing in size

as all of this occurred. Time is also a factor in this history as in the re-manufacture of process

e.g. from cold blooded to warm blooded, the physical life changed from birth out of an egg to

birth out of the mother herself. This would constitute one of the major events of life change

on this planet. In today’s world, science can do this in a test tube or laboratory.

We are now so structured that it would be very difficult to live without the involvement of

science and technology as our aspirations of life are ever and increasingly fixed on a complete

separation from the planetary condition e.g. making life for itself on another planet or man-

made station in space. When mostly all connection with the original planetary evolutionary

process would be severed or lost. The real loss of this (even though the human form can live

on without those connections) would be firstly with the processes that served a planetary

purpose or were connected to the planetary condition of life e.g. the clairvoyant process and

the astral content and so on.

In a higher issue of life, we are making the re-attachment of the elemental condition (removed

from human requirement in culture earlier in history), and now the development of a solar

involvement of life issue. This is of course only an issue within the core and maybe (if lucky

but don’t hold your breath) some others somewhere as the up-to-date condition of the human

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event only requires the formation of a triple criteria of life, ignoring the rest as un-required.

The journey stops there at the 3 layered life (the physical, magnetic and electrical) for the

majority of the human species, mastering the world with an incomplete life form itself, a

strange state of affairs as in the true justice of planetary evolution and life, the mastership

would normally belong to the life form with the greatest species (not cultural) connection and


The difference between a 3 formed life and a 5 formed life is the necessity to add a higher

awakened state of being and a more developed and powerful conscious state of mental life.

For the planetary life a 3 criteria is basically all that is needed, as there is no further evolution

except along a planetary pathway. The 5 criteria reaches beyond the planetary (but also

incorporating the 3 criteria as a part of itself) into the sun and solar environments, meaning

that for the planetary life there is a stop condition employed by the culture upon them. This

condition is also partly responsible for the growing inactivity of the planetary processes such

a natural empathy and sensitivity as we have lost some of our natural divinatory ways because

of our living style of life.

The stop condition is where the normal level of awakening and alongside that the

consciousness hold themselves in check, mostly disengaging from any furtherance in an

evolutionary or higher way. The processes cease to function much at all after that because of

which, the higher life becomes obsolete in place of a higher cultural life. Animation and

illumination of a natural kind diminish and then eventually the higher connection or

embodiment is lost, in short the lights go out in the higher condition.

Life at cultural level is a severe master, it rules without compassion, controls with fear,

punishing laws or dictatorship, except for those that serve its purpose for existence. Anything

beyond that is either a matter for the elite or illuminati (as they call themselves) or science to

decide first upon its value or necessity in the cultural life, e.g. denying the existence of alien

life because the teachings of religion say they do not exist (or could not) whilst in secret they

have dealings with aliens. These kinds of subject matters tend to become ridiculed or

sidetracked as conspiracy theories and so on adding to the misconception and wrong

manufacture of learning and obedience to the cultural life.

After all of this is a condition of unavailability of higher or ‘the more developed or complete

self’ as an enforced ignorance and dis-belief in such things abide and where mostly cultural

religion fits the bill perfectly. Attempting to step through this condition brings with many

forms of difficulties and failures, from disenchantment to lost expectations and promise and

so on and overtime even the memory of it becomes blurred or dimmed with the inability to

aspire to something higher than one´s own view of it all. The condition can be described as a

drawing ….

The lower condition is designed to stop at the veil

shown as the line above the head, beyond that is

nothing for the cultural you. The condition of life

above the veil is unseen and mostly unknown, out

of reach and hidden away from cultural eyes or


← The stop line or veil

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With the work and correct development it can be breached and remade with the addition of

another two life conditions (the elemental and solar). This will require change and a certain

amount of re-learning (the correction of misunderstanding and the undoing of wrong

development) such as the ways of doing and process and then the adding back or remaking of

lost process and abilities. Eventually this leads to the overall condition of higher connections

such as the elemental and solar worlds.

Change is required, and with enlightenment and

development it is possible to undo the stop

condition and the drawing on the right shows the

wheel of change, it is always moving and its home

is creation. The veil sits between what is now a

higher possibility (the higher or bigger man) and

the lower or little man.

← The wheel of

change above the stop


It would be useful here to point out about the usefulness of symbology in the understanding of

work on the connections of the elemental and solar worlds. The point of symbology is that it

is a mechanism that relates to many processes in the human machine and event, and in the

right conditions can be used to reform or /and rebalance such process as centres and much

more. In higher works the symbology forms the criteria of developed or refined energy and

power, used in the restoration of higher process, non-existent below the stop line.

The next drawing describes the attachment of

another veil, a higher content or embodiment that is

not yet attached to the developing condition. It

means that another form of agency (embodiment) is

required for it to happen and is offset until the

conditions are correct or the connection is made

e.g. change takes on the nature of what it is that the

person is connecting to.

← Higher embodiment

(elemental) not attached

The wheel of change gives way to the embodiments

or connections (elemental in this case). The stop

line moves on over and above the connections into

sun embodiment.

← In this drawing it is

the elemental


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The sun level embodiment

The brain has its own evolutionary process; it serves the human event at this time, but belongs

to the cosmic condition of life. The body itself is keeping the brain alive until it reaches its

own condition in which it can evolve along a creational path. To do this it requires the

manufacture of elemental form (plasma in nature); a work originating any of the required

influences or powers/energies. Eventually the nature of the higher life will animate and

influence the whole of life condition in the person. In the stop condition, life walks beneath

instead of alongside them. The difference between this is the ability of the perception and then

intuition to develop and deepen.

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5. The Restoring of the Mind

Question: The being has the currency of feeling and knowing. What is the currency of


The refining influence and force is restoring the natural processes so you get the system back

into order, like the clairvoyant nature and the psychic abilities.

Our language is a degenerative form of a natural language, no matter how eloquently you

speak. If you talk a higher language it doesn’t automatically mean that it is comprehensible in

an ordinary way. If I say: “I go swimming on Thursday”, you all understand the words and the

meaning. When I say: “I swim in the ether”, then what is it that you comprehend about the

form or mode moving around in the ether? A higher language spoken would itself also have

an exactness about it. It wouldn’t be a language without any content or being in it.

We recognise logic in a conscious way, because it has an exactness about it. Our language is a

lower form of something higher. Sometimes we use a word in a very different way from how

normally what we say the word says. If you say something in an ordinary format, for some

reason, in the higher, they don’t mean what is said and a whole series of pictures, senses,

visions starts in my head about a very unrelated subject to those words, but in a very strange

way those words actually relate to it.

I saw a man walking today and saw a whole picture and meaning of the nature of moving

itself. What those words did to me had nothing to do with what was said, so it could get very


If you get someone with a small amount of dynamism, like when you go to a lecture on

positive thinking or positive behaviour, and in walks Mister Positivity himself, ready to

deliver the lecture. Then he says something about the nature of being positive and from that

moment on you can’t hear a word of what he said, because your head is flying of in all sorts

of directions in which you never had thought or felt about the nature of the positive entity


This conscious nature has a great deal to do with leading the human race. The conscious

nature belongs to the mental faculties and process. It is manufactured by grading down

something and what comes out of it, like an aroma of life and processes, is naturally inclined

to process at a mental level. Our mental faculty requires that conscious nature to function. It is

an aromatic, very volatile kind of fuel. It is something that relates more to the solar lives and

the electrical lives of the human itself. It isn’t really something that belongs on a planetary

level. The real form of organic life here used to be and still is, except for a few species like

human and dolphins, in the state of being awake. The being was the planetary life. Over the

eons the brain developed beyond the planetary life and it has driven the human race along into

a higher position. The mental equipment supersedes the planetary condition and the conscious

life is born out of the mental condition of life.

For the human it is very easy to become self-identifying. This is where I believe the great

infection of humanity began and its name is ego. The worst possibility of an egotistical person

is them personifying themselves. Personification is the ultimate goal of an ego – they love to

play god. You can build religions around an ego, but it is a foreigner, it shouldn’t exist. It is a

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malady of human existence; it is manufactured by a cross-infection of different parts of the

human machinery. There is nothing egotistical in the higher lives. You can’t turn around there

and flatter a being of light. The mental life has a greater degree of service than the life of the


Things on a planetary level have to go out and fight for themselves and for their lives. Even in

a natural condition you have to fight to eat and to live, you have to hunt. You are forced into a

planetary rhythm of learning that belongs to the being. Everything is born with a great deal of

struggle, not only to get born, but also to continue living.

Above planetary level there is no fighting to learn, but unfortunately you got left with a

mental life that is screwed up far worse than the body and the being. The work we are doing is

healing the mental life with a reasonability of mentality. The mental life itself lives in a higher

octave than the planetary life that we normally live. It is the being that concerns itself with the

body and the blood. It is the elemental life that concerns itself with the magnetic nature of life

to which it responds. It is the mental life that concerns itself mostly with the electrical nature

and the spiritual life.

For the tribal people the dances around the fire were designed for a planetary event. The

dance routines of Michael Jackson screwed this up; he made the brain dancing.

Everybody is manufacturing pinkies. You are walking around with these pink elementals

between your legs, hanging around your genitals. This is the sign of the mental life slowly

becoming alive and illuminated. Until now you have adopted illuminations and higher

learnings. Illumination comes along with an experience, but often with a part of you that you

haven’t yet taken possession of and that is the higher part of your own existence. We are

looking for that aroma of illumination that we call the conscious life.

The finesse of the electrical life is what senses the conscious value. There are different

qualities of light and each one has a different value. Your degree of consciousness determines

with which value of light you are dealing, for the conscious life works by absorption. By

analogy if you put some dye into the water, in time it takes it all over. One thing is

outstandingly obvious and that is that the dye, no matter how weak, occupies the whole water,

the dye balances itself out in the shape of the water.

In that same kind of way you are using your mind. Let the mind of you cope with that

imagery. The process is beginning to happen correctly, because you have the imagination

serving its true master or mistress – the mind of you. The imagination is part of the mind, but

it has been disconnected. The two have acted independently for quite some time, maybe the

last 50,000 years looking through the akashic and solar records. We are bringing it back

together. Imagination manufactures pictures of the mind and those pictures are in the mind.

Something is growing and restoring, putting itself back together as it really was.

If you are a car mechanic and you love cars, one of the greatest joys of your life will be

finding a relic of your favourite car, buying it for thirty pence, taking it home to your garage

and spending the next four or five years at your greatest pleasure, turning it into a perfect

work of art, restoring it in its original condition. This is what we are doing with our mind. As

we do so it wants to learn, it wants to know, but not knowing like the being, it has this desire

to become the dye in everything. Unlike the being, which you are mostly used to, the

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conscious life really can pass through a brick wall, like your astral form. It is after its natural

learning, it is after its natural illumination. It will drive you.

Understanding is no good; the conscious life doesn’t deal with understanding. In the

conscious life it is as it truly is. There is one truth about logic and that is that it works, that is

why it is logic. The trouble with logic is that it is fixed, you can’t change it. This work is

looking for an evolution in that conscious nature, because it is gathered from what can’t be

changed. It will lead you to a situation where your head is, for definite, in opposition to the

content in your being, to the what of you. Because the conscious mental life isn’t human, your

head isn’t human.

Your cultural life has taken possession of the brain and the brain function has to sift the

culture out. Your ways are beginning to change. You are not being led to build a successful

business, you are led by a desire to grow in a different direction. Over the years the different

desires of what you would term a spiritual signal, become not a calling, but a kind of

yearning, a yearning to learn. When you experience this yearning to relearn, you know you

are into something, it is waking up.

In time your mental life is pouring down, it is melting away, you are actually eating yourself,

into your skin, into your nerves; you digest it, you process it, putting it back where it belongs.

You establish and take possession of your personal, valuable piece of equipment, the brain.

You are going home a bit at a time. Slowly your ethric turns into a corona, your head starts to

illuminate, your brain glows. You can see the beginning of a circle of radiation over your

head with all kinds of designs on it. These are celestial hats, which are a sign of a spiritual

signal processing through you, like you see in pictures of saints and angels. It stays in your

head, you can’t have spiritually based in arms, kneecaps and toenails.

The higher emotion is the spiritual signal of the culture. Its natural tendency is to ascend. It

lifts itself out of the planet, where the planetary functions and programming are removed, and

then it pours back into the planet carrying a solar nature with it; that is called religion or

spirituality by the culture, because it is new to them. The church takes custodianship of this

signal; a signal that has a celestial nature.

The very first area that needs correction is this great, huge celestial wheel, that we are part of,

known as the galaxy of Ors. This galaxy is very high in a galactic way; you are born on a high

planet, on a high galaxy, you are the highest life form and are high in the way. Because it is

abundant this planet needs that truth, so you are working on behalf of other things here. When

the mental life gets back to being itself, that signal is the aroma of this galaxy. You can smell

space, it has an aroma. For us in this condition that has to be a real spiritual signal, because it

carries the whole celestial event of our own galaxy.

This galaxy is a creational individual, like you are a planetary individual. This galaxy carries

100 billion stars and a trillion planets or moons all emanating, all radiating the spice of life.

This is the juiciest food and basic best fuel to the electrical life and mental apparatus we have.

There is something special with this galaxy. Not all galaxies have the same value of light.

This is a self-illuminated galaxy, it is a light in the heavens, it has permission to be seen.

There is a lot of dark matter that doesn’t have that permission.

This galaxy is self-illuminating like your brain. In time you might not need to use a torch,

because of the light that is coming out of your eyeballs. Our five centres are four in truth and

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they are exhaust systems for the brain. Your eyes balance out the light, your nose the sense of

smell of the aromas, your temples fire H-36 higher emotional energy when you are

overloaded, these are working like portals of energy coming in and going out. This is all part

of the mechanics that aren’t actually human. To have exhaust systems makes sense if you are

working with such dynamisms and power, because you will get overloaded. That is why I

have always said: “don’t go too high, too quick, too fast,” because you end up dying, you get

a stroke or cut off the signal of the heart. We do this work with a certain amount of simple

reasonability. There is simple behaviour to back up the truth behind this that you are mostly

not aware of. An example of this is when you see something horrific and are calling out “Oh

my god”, covering your temples with the hands at the same time.

The conscious note is that you take possession of the illumination in something. That is where

it begins, as the system grows, this yearning begins. If you reduce this down for something in

the body or the being you say, I am pining for something. Pine cones and pine smells are

silver. You need to speak the same language with what it is you are dealing with. Spirituality

takes its place in the existence of the head, for this is how everything in the galaxy at sun or

star level communicates with each other. You have to aromatize your way to it, like


You will find yourself in conflict with yourself, for the head will contradict the body. This is

something you have to live through until it is established, for eventually there is a kind of

master servant relationship between the head and the rest of you. The head will naturally take

over control; it is the higher end of things.

This evaluation is what people sometimes in their near-death experiences come to understand.

You don’t leave yourself as one thing, but as different people, multileveled so to say. In the

ether you can meet your relatives, which can be the most incredible experience you can have

in your life, the love coming from them is just unexplainable, all as one. There is a timeless

dwelling in the ether, where everything is known, everything is right, and everything is alight

with life. Everything speaks, even the trees; communicating with a tree is like holding a

conversation with another person. There is a family frequency. Some members of your kind

you can’t see, for the light coming from them is too great for you, like another universe

spiralling in a cosmic ray of light. It is an incredible existence hard to conceive in an ordinary

human way. Occasionally some people radically change their lives by this experience; it

changes the whole value of their life.

In time you start looking at your life from a higher value and you see yourself as you really

and truly are, which in this moment in time you may not know. When you have this

increasing yearning to become something else, then that is the turning moment - that is when

you say the spirit enters.

There is no religion in a creational process, because the whole point of a creational process is

to serve a creator, if a creator truly does exist. Supposing that the creator was you, you were

part of it. If you make a journey to the core of yourself, you go to the core in the planetary,

but you go to the celestial in the higher. You become an individual in a creational way, like

the galaxy as an individual. By the time you are finished and you put yourself back together

again, what have you got? It is something like a creator. The higher you go, the more the

whole thing becomes a single entity and you are that entity, as is everyone else. In the sixties

the human race first opened this door to allow the human race to continue on. Before that this

work was always held in the greatest secret, hidden in the temples.

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There is one thing you can’t have in the spiritual way and that is belief. It doesn’t work. Belief

belongs to the planet, it belongs to the planetary life, it belongs to the life of the being. Belief

doesn’t come along with the conscious value of life. When someone speaks from the

illuminations in the head you listen to their wisdoms, it brings about a whole new value of

sight about the reality we live.

I used to walk through an avenue of trees in Victoria Park. One day I got a sense of being

watched by the trees, seeming to know what they were saying. A sympathy between me and

the trees, this sympathy was head based, for the best kind of sympathy is one that is given

with wisdom and illumination, for that is where the true humanity belongs; humanity in the

head, compassion in the heart. I got a sense of stepping aside in between the trees and so I did

and suddenly these bikers came along roaring between the trees, nearly knocking people over

and right over the spot I was walking on. The trees didn’t like it, it disturbed the balance. You

couldn’t walk on that pathway at anything more than the right speed of a comfortable walk,

which is about 2.5 miles an hour on regulation speed.

These experiences happen, but nobody listens, sense it or become part of it. This is an

example of life beginning to change. This is real. You have a common enemy in yourself,

your own common enemy called the green man or the sly man, the odour of yourself. What

you learn you have got to learn well and profoundly so it can’t be altered. You caught

yourself believing that everything you do is right, but it is not. Nobody is there to witness, so

you can get away with it. When you believe in something you must be it.


I am a believer in 'A Creator and Creation'.

I am a believer in the works of 'Light, Life and Love'.

I am a believer in the development of 'The Inner Life'.

I am a believer in the existence of 'Higher Forms of Life' both physical and unseen.

I am a believer in the 'Evolution and continuance of Life' even after Death.

I believe in it and I am it, I am those things, there is no belief in it. It is what I am. I have no

need for belief. Some things tend to think for us, act like a leaning post, and belief is one of

them. They act like a cushion, they act like a mother looking after us. It is something we tend

to nurture ourselves with, but unfortunately is doesn’t get the job done, because it is left to


It isn’t what I am in the lower, it is what I am in the higher. In the lower I believe, in the

higher I am it, in the higher it is just what you are. There is a vacancy, there is something

wrong and that is the being trying to talk to you.

One of the most elementary processes of the mental life or how the head works in its simplest


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the seeing – you see it by observation, you see it by watching it, you are involved in it;

the sensing – notice the pressure behind the eyes when you are sensing from the head;

the learning – the exchange of light between yourself and what you are sensing and


the becoming it – no belief, just be it;

the divination of it – the beginning of divination in a celestial way.

The elemental nature of you is a different person from you. It is a long time since a group of

people had an elemental life at all, except for a few individuals. The elemental life tends to

want to be evolutionary. One of the serving natures of the elemental life is to evolution itself.

It works by stirring. When something stands still it stagnates and is tending towards the

recycling yard and that is not the evolutionary way. Things that move tend to keep evolving.

What happens is, they occupy it and begin to stir it, stir the life, stir you. It wakes you up and

stirs everything around you, it wakes the whole human race up. It won’t let you fall asleep,

there is too much invested in you and eventually you stay awake yourself. Stirring to create

the right kind of change, otherwise you are heading to the recycling yard. That which stands

still needs to die.

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6. The Ways of the Work

What we may be asked is the meaning of the work, also how and where does it take place and

in what form does this occur? Being asked this can be daunting but simply explained (the

purpose for this paper or chart is to give back some answer to such questions).

Below are a few headings, features and natures of some of the different Ways, within the

whole of the Way itself upon the face of this world, followed by a small introduction to the

understanding of them.

The criteria of anything Creational requires firstly a 2 and 5 relationship between processes,

the first 2 always point at an up and down basis of activity, each one exchanging, processing

and refining the other. The remaining 5 are the standing covenants of manufacture and event

and a breeding ground of changing life, time and temperance.

The approach to the easy seven:

1. CREATIONAL WORK (The Initiated Way)

2. CHOSEN WORK (The Naturalised Way)


A. CONNECTION WORK (The Directional Way)

B. CONTAINMENT WORK (The Awakening Way)


D. CHARISMATIC WORK (The Anointed Way)

E. COLLECTIVE WORK (The Way of Synergy, Congregational)

The Creational Work is the higher way of things, especially when compared with the way of

human event. Everything in the normal life of human event is based at a planetary level whilst

the culture itself follows a planetary path and evolution. The Creational way is companioned

by The Chosen Works of life that deliver and add the incentive to evolve and grow in oneself

towards a more natural and restored completeness of oneself and abilities.

1. CREATIONAL WORK - (The Way Work and its Callings and Duties)

a. Assumed (Under the assumption that Creation itself is the greater evolution and reality)

b. Attuned (Participating within the affinity of all life to a Greater Creational Empathy)

c. Accepted (The resolution that the Greater Spirit Journey is Creationally Inspired)

d. Associated (Carrying the ways and signs of a developed work)

e. Acknowledged (Demonstrated to and witnessed by a learning or uninvolved audience)

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2. CHOSEN WORK - (The Way of Ability and Inclination)

a. Collected (Working through the keepings and mysteries of one’s own existence)

b. Collated (Arrangement of the orders of secrecy and enlightenment)

c. Contested (Establishment of one’s own kind and ways)

d. Contained (The reshaping of both the inner and outer life and its continuance)

e. Confirmed (The re-culture of the elemental and solar life)

Each one of the 5 is a master work of its own making and divined to serve a Creational event

at almost any level, therefore we may say that they are planetary and continue on and up into

the cosmic levels of life, light and love. We concern ourselves with our own interest and as

we grow so does that interest inquire of other levels of life, even unseen and divinatory to the

Creational path that sits before such inspiration. Below are some of the features of those 5



A. CONNECTION WORK - (The Way of Light, New Knowledge)

a. Attitudinal (A work of re-orientation towards a more positive approach to oneself and life)

b. Administered

(The works of an Akashic and cultural dispensary)

c. Attendances

(Re-installing the contents, meanings and learnings of a natural illuminati)

d. Accruement

(The commodity of presence and countenance)

e. Abstinence

(Taking onboard the disciplines and obediences of developing process)

Connection work is mainly about the joining and filling up of contents and presence,

atmosphere (which every form of life contains) and force/power/influence according to that

level. This work also includes the unseen and the unknown (as connections sometimes occur

because what connects is above or beyond what it connects to) e.g. the PenDragon connection

- they sponsor the Silver/Chalice way to new initiates.

The reason for connection is important to development and awakening and usually comes

down to a simple honesty or gesture within such change or promise (a simple and honest

groundwork on natural laws will do, even though this is enough to conjure the very mystical

tree to answer - why?).

Of all the higher criteria that abide in Creation towards organic or otherwise beings are the

universal gatherings of Light, Love and Life. They make 7 between them in multiples,

allowing those expressions to become what identifies the event, but remain elusive themselves

as this is their duty of existence.

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Connection work is often the most refined work, but always the most rewarding, as it requires

a permanence of connection to fulfil its way in those it has touched and remains. The

elemental world also requires connection but is dealt with later in this study of work.

- - - - -

B. CONTAINMENT WORK - (The Way of Feelings, the Inner Life)

a. Emulation

(Practising the awakened ways within oneself)

b. Embodiment (The recharging work upon centres and inner content)

c. Emancipation

(The arts and leanings of liberty and freedom of self)

d. Ecology

(The maintenance of change and evolution of being/feelings)

e. Ecclesia

(The preoccupations and incursions of naturalisation to the creational way)

Containment work is mostly all about the development and life of the enclosures of things,

such as the inner life of organic beings and the hidden structures of mystical and transient

worlds, the antiquities and solar records where e.g. temples and sanctuaries are the enclosures

designed to hold and contain what may be a whole culture of life in history and so on.

The ways of containment require an awakening to the features of life as a learning and

experience. The inner sanctuaries and being are slower than the rush and tumble of the outer

life that they rely upon for their experience and, as a consequence, a continuity of work is

what keeps the inner life alive with the way and work of it.

Elementals, like all hybrids, require a greenhouse to live in and the inner life is just such a

place, requiring such events as a special ecology and most of all, the rightful development that

allows the manifestation of elemental and higher forms to happen here at planetary level. The

birthplace of higher embodiments begins here in these conditions; the elemental way is just

the beginning of such events in the containments that are possible for the human as well as

other forms of life.

- - - - -

C. CONSTRUCTIVE WORK - (The Way of Life, Development/Restoring)

a. Inventive (The diminishment of cruel practices and slavery to the lower life)

b. Imitative (Bringing into play the five natural processes for higher work)

c. Intuitive (Redeveloping both the fast and slow processes of mind and body)

d. Initiative (Muttering the hue and cry of chase the demon, the habit or the fox)

e. Institutional (Manifests of creational moulding and shaping)

Constructive work is about the re-manufacture and re-development of you. When connection

has been a part of you for some time, then the re-making of self begins. A powerful work, that

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requires intelligence and some power of imagination, self-control and will of self. It is here

that the true works of any higher order begin in the destinic way of the fast life above the slow

(the mental life as over the life of the being).

All of the higher senses tuned into the recreation of development and as different from their

first calling, a personal development for sake of self. The calling of a chosen work remains

very strong in this as it is a helpless work from other sources other than the connections,

contents and developments one has at their disposal and is the first step in a self-manufactured

or self-helped way of change.

This is an ageing condition of life as many of the maladies of life are housed and left to rot

here, un-dealt with and in contention here - like a queue of suffering old self victims, chasing

an impossible dream of self that were discarded by you in the trek to the new self now. There

are greater views about this but somewhere along the road it is up to you to deal with your

suffering self and the things that hold you back from achieving what you set out to do and

paid a very high price for along the way.

We are all human yes, but not at the expense of any sort of life beyond the cultural level of

life, where pain and punishment are the order of the day and victims by the thousands a day

fall away into obscurity beaten and left to lick their own wounds by the masters of this

cultural life. This view is of course delivered with just a personal philosophy of my own; you

must formulate your own.

- - - - -

D. CHARISMATIC WORK - (The Way of Divination)

a. Planning

(The struggles with and between time and effort)

b. Proceeding

(The ways of desire and the passion of the higher life)

c. Producing

(The journey to extremes and back again to another extreme)

d. Practising

(The contest of giving and receiving)

e. Performing

(The dancing magician and his hat)

The Charismatic works are multiple in their functions and practice. At this time we are

making our way through them at meetings and internet evenings, Skype sessions and

whatever else happens. The way of the divinatory requires a kind of selflessness about the

occupation of living and more effort in the believing in the self-machine that it employs to


We touch so many moments in our own experiences of life that without a love of this work, so

much of them (those moments) would be lost within the dark returns we are caused to make

back to “life as lived” we have to make mostly on a daily basis. Knowing and containment of

feeling pictures and visions, moving and speaking senses and influences that lead us to the

strangest of places both inside and outside of us.

All of these processes are but a fraction of the way the higher life of creation works. We being

diminished by our place and level of birth, are left to find our own way (that we were not born

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with a set of instructions so as to know what to do), win or lose. Life they say is a circus and

that the doorway to that circus is in the reflection we have of ourselves to show others and life

‘the who of us we are’.

We are the ready candidates for such a circus, but with development and other inspirational

ways, we can hold together through such a vanity of life and develop the divinatory way in

the what of what we are, for there, there is no ego to bruise and no delirium to complicate

with the lies and deceit; we front run to everyone else about ourselves, sometimes without

even realising we are doing so.

- - - -

E. COLLECTIVE WORK - (The Way of a Synergy of work)

a. Exploration

(Seeking the Nobility of the surrender of achievement and produce)

b. Exhumation

(The stands and counterpoints of merit and exchange of old or buried ways)

c. Elation

(Surpassing the normality of common for the inhalations of simplicity)

d. Exaltation

(Unions of greater connections and involvement)

e. Exponential

(Distinctions of individuality within the collective of a Synergy or Community)

Collective work is mostly about the gathering of the sum total of our work and its expression

through an expanding machine. It means that ‘when we are’, we are an amalgamation of work

that belongs to a greater than self-event; the event of a community together, a collective and

even more so, a Synergy. On this matter there is much more to come at a later date.


There are other entities in all of this and they become more of a working part of the Creational

Way the more you and your life develop into the higher and more profound works of life. The

Way as a whole can be compared to a hurricane, in one big circular movement, powered by

thousands of smaller hurricanes within it, making the power and dynamisms that come along

with such events.

It is the same with the creational life for all things, large and small, each one being a whole to

themselves and yet still they are motivated or powered by the entire smaller vortexes within

them (we call these events of life and we live through them all of the time). The purpose of

any work of life is born from an idea good enough to last all that life, as well as the making of

such a work, each moment there can be another event to add to the greater whole of one’s

own life and purposes.

What we are and what we try to become are always the same at any starting point and

somewhere along that road a division between the differences occurs and one’s life begins to

alternate, like a dynamo between the two polarities that those differences occupy. This is

normal in any work, as a sorting and sifting begins within you and a decision has to be made

as to what the purpose or meaning of that life’s work will be.

It is easy to sit on the fence and leave the attack or defence of change in life on the side of

whatever happens, but that defence or attack is what characterises you and makes you

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different and sometimes, as an outstanding person, by what you now define yourself and your

works to be. Within the Way of things, none are higher or lower than the others as it is very

often the case that any importance is preceded by time and endurance of making, (the adding

to oneself and what you stand for or do) or it falls besides the way itself and is forgotten or

lost away.

We live by purpose; we live if we are lucky by our own choice and the freedom that choice

allows us, leaving us with the possibility of a promise of tomorrow. Life itself demands upon

us an obedience to do and conform, for the sake of all the others or the like, but somewhere in

all of this hurricane we can begin to take control of our lives, even if it is just in small

amounts, meaning that each and every time we step aside of those controls and begin a

journey in search of the greater life and those truths that reside there, we offer ourselves a

winning chance that wasn’t there before.

“For every thought or idea there is a step to take, for every step there is a greater journey

ahead, for every journey there is a promised land and that land is the opportunity that you can

give yourself at any time, whenever that is, wherever that is. It all comes down in the end to a

‘Resolve’ within yourself, about yourself, for your own betterment and advancement, to the

promise of a higher life within and around you.”

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7. Differences between the Astral and the Ether

The natural, organic condition of life

For astral travelling you need a magnetic and electrical embodiment. That embodiment occurs

as a consequence of a natural condition of life, beginning with the very first fact of your

existence and the response from there. The astral embodiment can be added to in a cultural

way, because the blood is really where the cultural life sits. Clairvoyance is a blood life

process. The blood life itself has a natural connection to blood-lines, family, friends, but also

to the planet itself. Translation of a clairvoyant signal relies on some kind of intellect, because

the body has to recognise the signal to turn it into a fear or feeling of alertness. There has to

be a natural intelligence that recognises an instinct of fear heightened by a sense of urgency in

the nature of the blood itself or the life of the culture in the blood itself.

This is a very simple process, difficult to explain but simple to see, for it happens naturally in

every single human being. Whether or not a situation occurs where the astral body can jump

out, be expedited out of the condition of the blood, stand aside as a separate entity to the

physical life in which it is housed, take on a determination or an identity of itself, depends on

how far that embodiment has been developed. But there are no real criteria you can base that

development upon to check if it is a natural development or a development that is squeezed,

compressed, zip-folded, forced in the blood life itself.

If the blood life has a natural connection it would very strongly be influenced by the

clairvoyant nature. In a normal progress of organic life that development would lead

eventually to a human being that is able to escape the planetary condition, without any help

from the culture whatsoever, because it was a natural development that took place in the

blood condition. If the natural condition was pink, the culture would flavour it red; the culture

in that instance would be a dye in the water.

The culture itself has a dynamism, because it found an entity wandering around in the garden

and that entity was the brain. The brain is a fantastic piece of equipment, but something

higher than the condition of the human happened to disassociate what was in the brain with

any kind of identity of self. The brain has no knowledge of itself. The difference between the

brain and the being is that the being suffers pain. The being identifies itself with a knowledge

and awareness of itself.

The process in the brain is conscious, in the being it is awareness. When you suddenly

become aware of a tooth-ache, it is already going on for some time. If that tooth was born in

the brain, the brain wouldn’t know it from the tooth-ache, it is unaware of it, because it

doesn’t have a system for pain. But the brain can be conscious that something is out of place

or not quite right. The nerve endings take the signal of the ethereal life as naturally as the red

blood corpuscles in your veins take the astral life.

Travelling in the astral light isn’t anything spiritual at all. When you travel in the astral light

you could simply call that a higher clairvoyant condition. Clairvoyance gave the culture

religion and that religion came from the planet through the astral life of the culture. That is

why the priest dresses as he does, that is why the ceremonial process is like it is, that is why

the pope is like he is, that is why all the rituals and conditions of life manifest the way they

do. The priest would say: “You call me ‘father’ even if you are 50 years older than me,

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because that is the presence in me, whether I have got it or not.” So there is a lot of maybe and

maybe not in the argument of whether it is real, but that is how it works. The astral life

created morality and conscience.

Stage 1: The natural, organic condition of life

Body (-) Being (N) Brain (+) Mentality Mind

Physical life


Moon level

Blood life

Astral body

Planetary level

Nerve life

Ethereal body

Sun level

Mental life

Solar body

Star level

Conscious life

Creational body

Galaxy (space)

You, cultural


Culture, tribe,

family, friends


Religion, belief Spirituality Conscious

Fight or flight






intellect, morality,


Dream or vision of


Life, knowledge Love, animation Light, illumination

Added to stage 1 are the positive, neutral and negative vectors of life, in which the positive

vector carries the transcendent nature (light, illumination), the negative vector is the actual

embodiment (life, knowledge) and the neutral is the process and life engagement (love,

animation). The neutral is what you actually are. Knowledge, animation and illumination are

the three qualities of light. Life, love and light are the creational elements that engage with the

living process of life according to its level of refinement.

The awakened being

A real practitioner of astral travelling would make an arrangement to return. What you leave

behind is given an obedience to follow. They go wherever they determined to go, travel there,

or just appear there. It depends how powerful or dynamic they are. Your ordinary name is for

the astral. If you pronounce your ordinary name while you were astral travelling you would

instantly return back.

The ether is the spiritual world of the being. The human race finds religion in the ether. All

the higher echelon, all of the higher contents and higher processes of religion, sit in the ether,

especially in its ritualized or triadic conditions (trilogies). Anything that has a true spiritual

nature from the planetary condition extending on into the higher octaves of creation itself, has

to be triadic in form, it has to be like father-son-holy ghost, Horus-Osiris-Isis. It is the actual

manifestation of that conscious condition that is growing in your head, the awakened states of

the being that are refining in the contents of your life and yourself, called spirituality, which

begins in the ether.

It is not surprising when you might find yourself waking up with all sorts of strange dreams in

your head. This is the ether embodiment of you. It is very much to do with the relationship of

a spiritual being or an awakened being and brain life and cosmic conscious condition of self.

You need those three otherwise you cannot travel the ether.

We are approaching a whole new world of perception. You are introduced to the idea of the

intuition being something other than what you thought it was. This is illustrated by the saying:

“When the imagination and intuition come together the two of them make the impossible

probable.” Making the impossible probable is your refining processes, as this refining is

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changing the nature of things inside yourself in what is awakened in the being of you. That

condition of being awake manifests itself as daylight blue in your aura; it is an awakened

condition of the being of a person and has an attending nature.

You will find yourself standing in daylight blue or a very bright sunlight colour. The ethereal

embodiment is gilt in white. That white is white gold and the yellow itself is actually

conscious content.

(Light - h gilt). All human life carries a gilt with it, a cloud of silver lining around the life of

the being; gold, silver and platinum - all very much the natural, organic, humanitary condition

and movement of life. Everything has the promise to refine, but it didn’t have a promise to

escape. It is through the ethereal worlds that escape is possible. Not that you have too, for this

is a beautiful planet.

In the ether you are standing in your own light and that light is a language. It makes

communication possible, but how can you do that when it totally rules in silence, it is a silent

world. It is rather like something from inside to inside, speaking the language of light. By

analogy it is like you with a dynamic mind suddenly waking up one morning and some great

entity removed your mouth. You can’t say a word, however hard you tried. Imagine the

pressure. This pressure made your brain speak in the silent condition of yourself.

You can communicate with anything that is of your light or lesser in the quality of your light

of existence. You sense the presence of being around you, presence through the astral light

but countenance with the ethereal. Countenance is an ore of light, the aura is lesser than the

ore. If you meet something greater than yourself, you can only be there in ore of what they

actually are, you can only become a shadow in the presence of them, keeping the countenance

of what they are. A surprising feature is that there is very little elemental presence in the ether.

What is, is what you might call the matriarchs of elemental existence.

In the ether you actually don’t go anywhere, but you do go somewhere, so you are not there.

You go somewhere, but you actually don’t get out of yourself. This is the dualism, the

difference between the way of the being, which you can call the astral life, and the ethereal

life. The two happen at the same time in different places.

You are known in the creational way by your creational name. When that breakthrough is

made you start to call yourself another name, it is a name you already knew, it is a name you

are familiar with.

In the ethereal world you stay out by the pronunciation of yourself. You shape and form a

mist or a plasmic condition of life itself. It is on those three terms that you and the arena

between you takes place. It sessioned you out when it is finished. The example of that is the

Pantheon of gods. The Pantheon condition sits in the ether. The Greeks had a god for

everything. The greatest fear for the gods is that there was no pronunciation of them, for they

would diminish; they need followers, they need believers, otherwise they became nothing,

they disappeared. In the Greek culture this reinterpretation is in the form of legends, myths,

statues and temples.

In the astral there are two states. You are either there with a concentrate of awareness inside

yourself or your body has a greater awareness than you do and goes off sleep walking; it

depends where the emphasis is.

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In the ether you stand in and on being. You are not walking on anything but actual high being

itself. The being makes the shape and embodiment of everything. Your astral light is

connected to the ether. You ascend into the ether, you odorize yourself.

In the ether it is state of being there and being present in it, but also not being there. You have

something that is permeated and saturated with the ethereal life all the time. It is not

something you necessarily endeavour to or accidentally keep. Most of the time you can’t

perceive its passage through you. Content in the ether doesn’t travel through you, content not

in the meaning of concentrated being or high powered dynamic religious ascending gold.

Ethereal content requires a great deal of silence in yourself. You can hear it approaching too.

Then you deal with the Gods, gods for the ordinary, organic, natural life form.

Stage 2: The awakened being

Body Being (-) Brain (N) Mentality (+) Mind

Physical life


Moon level

Blood life

Astral body

Planetary level

Nerve life

Ethereal body

Sun level

Mental life

Solar body

Star level

Conscious life

Creational body

Galaxy (space)

Obedience Presence

Creational name


Divinatory arts

Transient tree





Quality life


Higher senses

Ethereal silence


Plasmic condition

Intuition and


Life, knowledge Love, animation Light, illumination

For the awakened being the living process of the brain is love in contrast with the ordinary life

condition where the brain processes light. An evolutionary analogy would be the difference in

function and process between cold blooded reptilians and the warm blooded mammalians.

The reptilians are dependent for their body temperature on the external warmth of the sun,

whilst the mammals have an internal heating system based on muscular movement and a more

or less conditioned environment.

In the ordinary life condition a brain process based in light can sometimes have the cold and

self-centred characteristics of statistical and analytical calculation of the intellect, whilst a

brain process based on love will be based on higher human qualities and values, like service,

care and compassion. The transformation from stage 1 to stage 2 is a personal evolution and


If the life form in you was natural, organic and real, then your astral life would be somewhere

up that tree or Jacob’s ladder, but normally it is blended with culture. Some of that culture is

generally an implant from the transient tree from which you stem; it generally doesn’t belong

to you. You planted their tree. That ethereal life has a charge over you, you have an obedience

to them for that, there is a payment to make.

There is an ownership in the ethereal life according to what you actually are. In the first third

of the ethereal way you are going to deal with the transient trees, you are going to deal with

the highest of the cultural and the astral, you are going to see the popes, the bishops, the kings

and queens, all of them that had the money to buy the ticket, all of them that have been given

the special privilege, all of them that genuinely climbed that ladder.

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In the ether is where the original tarot descends from. Herein is where the divinatory life takes

on a completely different meaning of things. Herein is where a lot of the esoteric worlds also

stop because it all carries within the culture to culture, level to level, dealings between them

all, exchange and confirmation, quality evaluation and swapping. All of it is owned by them

that are involved.

It is from that point onwards, if it is ascensional, that such things as bank accounts, all the

things that you have in the form of ownership, all the treasures you have, cease to exist. The

only currency that counts then is what there actually is towards the solar, towards the higher

divinatory conditions, towards the criteria, to where the beginning of the spiritual journey

takes place. There is no ownership of that; nobody owns that, you just happen to be a


The best way to explain it is the place where democracy and communism come together. This

is where you start to care about the identity of yourself and this identity is partly made of ego,

partly learning, partly self-belief. In fact there are so many parts that you call you. In the

refinement that takes place in you, you are actually manufacturing ether. It is in that condition

that permeation takes place. We then have the ability to transverse the transient worlds. It is a

brain permeation, a brain’s odour; something that you need to touch yourself.

You can hear about an oak tree, learn all about an oak tree, but it is never ever real unless you

put your hand on a branch of an oak tree and you actually feel it for real and know it is there.

This is correct, a real truth, a living truth, rather than just a learned truth. The last are only

temporary because they are not confirmed. For every single truth you can turn around and

confirm for absolute in your life. You have got dozens of truths still waiting.

There is an emphasis in the countenance to yourself. It is very difficult to find the words that

we use in ordinary, everyday life. It is like a shovel of earth type world to describe something

so fine that it floats through the earth without knowing it is there. Spirituality passes through


The ethereal world has to do with the brain. It has a weight, it is organic, but not biological

organic. There are different degrees of refinement of physical life. The ether sits on the face

of this planet, like water, like the air, like gasses. It is closer to hydrogen, because that is

where the initiation begins. Part of the distillation out of the blood into astral form is a

conditioning. In the same way that conditioning precipitates something very much more

refined and it is that which permeates the ether. So, we are not naturally ether organic form.

There is a presence of it in us, but we can live our entire life without it. The astral life was as

far as you were meant to go from a planetary perspective.

There is a lot of dark matter in this universe. To carry light you need to be ordained, you need

to be ordained to be seen and you need a foundation in the elementary worlds.

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Stage 3: The enlightened being

Body Being Brain (-) Mentality (N) Mind (+)

Physical life


Moon level

Blood life

Astral body

Planetary level

Nerve life

Ethereal body

Sun level

Mental life

Solar body

Star level

Conscious life

Creational body

Galaxy (space)

Ordained life Cosmic conscious

condition of self


Life, knowledge Love, animation Light, illumination

Refinement is a process of crystallisation (the jewels of life). As the value of a diamond

depends on its transparency and purity, so precious is the promise of life in its embodied stage

of enlightenment.

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8. The Seven Transient Conditions of Rebirth

Reincarnation and immortality

Reincarnation is probably the most mysterious subject that hangs around human life on earth.

There are numerous accounts of young children who can give information about their past life

and, in rare occasions, this is verified too, e.g. a two year old young boy making drawings of

airplanes with engines, who must have been a pilot earlier on; or a young girl passing a

cemetery where she claimed to be buried, but it turned out to be her sister who died at an early

age. Normally, however, your memory is erased and you start life with a blank sheet.

A living planet supports organic life. During the course of evolution the quality and

complexity of life on Earth has increased from mineral, algae, bacterial, flora, fauna and

finally human. This is an incredible accomplishment and wonder of evolution. Every

successive evolutionary stage integrates and exceeds its former, adding on and at the same

time being dependent on the previous layer. Complex ecosystems are the result, in which a

natural harmonious balance implies an arrested state of co-existence. Being human, our lungs

are complementary and opposite to trees, our intestines absorb the excretions of bacteria, and

so on.

For the human a typical planetary life hangs around, eating, drinking, cogitating, sleep,

emotion, sex and procreation. This is the maintenance cycle of the human system and animal

life. After the first 15 years a human life is more or less in its final form and follows

predictable, automatic patterns. A universal life is about the brain and the neo-cortex. This life

is about excellence, intelligence, self-reflection, thinking, inventing, creating and being

conscious. A typical career of a universal life begins with higher education at university or an

academy of music or art, it begins with an investment till there is a match between the leading

edge of science and art. Only the most brilliant break through this barrier and increase the

knowledge about the universe and ourselves.

It is a natural law that energy can’t be destroyed, it can only change form. So we have had

cars with horse power, steam engines, fuel engines, solar and electrical engines. All the

organic evolutionary inventions are stored in our genes and all the intellectual inventions are

stored in thought forms or memes. Being born in the twenty first century means automatically

that we gather the fruit of all that has happened before; this includes all the great

achievements in medicine and science and the unfortunate side-effects of pollution, wrong

manufacture and malfunction.

A certain amount of pain is a healthy sign for change or repair. Pain is a change agent as is

ambition, competition, resistance and inability. Life starts with a struggle for survival. Most of

this struggle is pre-programmed and guided by our instincts and mentors. For a universal life,

the principles are the same, for some kind of instinct or knowing seems to be pre-programmed

to make the important decisions that bring us closer to our destiny. Now we are entering an

unknown territory of mankind, for what is the animation that provides us with the right kind

of knowledge that will lead to illumination and immortality?

For some Eastern traditions reincarnation is a fact of life, whilst Islam and Christianity

promote the idea of paradise and heaven. If there is life after death, there must also be life

before birth. During pregnancy there are three moments that are important for the animating

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principle to get in. These moments are the conception, the quickening and the moment of birth

itself. During conception it is mostly the transient tree of the family that takes possession of

the new born. The quickening (the moment of the first heartbeat) is when a new individual

gets a chance and at the moment of birth it is either a still born or else a lost soul or a

universal spirit that takes its chance.

The animating principle is the fire element from an esoteric perspective. The elements Earth,

Water and Air are the equivalent of the body, the blood system and the nervous system. These

are the planetary elements, like carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. The fire element hydrogen

comes from the sun and stars. During the evolution all kinds of forms and structures have

been made to catch the light and radiation of the sun. It is not only the green or red of the

leaves, but also the many coloured flowers that are designed to absorb specific frequencies.

The atmosphere and the Van Allen belt protect us from the higher end of the spectrum of light

for these radiations can damage life on Earth. The seen spectrum and infrared light are for the

daylight, for chemical reactions and keep the thermal condition within certain degrees. When

light gets absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaves it is used in photosynthesis. This is the

most obvious example of energy changing form, catching hydrogen in carbon structures, like

sugar and wood. Light and its planetary equivalent fire are solar energy. The human radiates

light out of the eyes or absorbs reflected light by the retina to turn this into colour and visual

images in the brain.

Every human is born with an elemental presence and this is why visits to the newly-born child

are so popular. This presence is the unspoiled condition that we call heaven and it sits in every

human. Soon this clear heaven gets clouded by all kinds of conditionings, depressions and

ways and means to survive in the culture. This however didn’t explain where heaven comes


From a biological standpoint this heaven belongs to the planet. It is the life orchestrating

principle that on planetary level can be called the soul. The soul is animating the body and is

providing the mother and the child with instinctive knowledge to survive. The soul comes

from a planetary melting pot of souls and has its anchorage in the astral light. After the last

out breath, this melting pot is where the soul returns according to the principle that everything

returns to the source of its arising. This is the idea of reincarnation; the melting pot is the

recycling yard of the planet. The body gets recycled too as worm food or by whatever ritual is

practised after death.

From a human standpoint this heaven is the light that animates the brain. It is the mental space

that the planet and the mother have bargained for with the universe during pregnancy. You are

the space you occupy; this is you the individual with a promise for fulfilment. Now you have

the chance to outgrow the planetary gravity and become of interest for the universe. You

create your mental life during life; you actually create your own reality. This reality is heavily

influenced by your impressions, your dreams, your nightmares, the learning, the

circumstances and your intelligence. At the end of life it is the question at what degree your

creations are crystallised in order to survive the purifications that belong to the higher levels

of creation. These creations can be at moon, planet, sun or even star level. According to the

Ray of Creation each level has a different amount of laws to comply with. By analogy a solar

embodiment on ethereal level must be H24, that is 24 laws. The astral light and your astral

body are H36, whilst planetary life is based on H48.

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If you manage to build a solar body and become a member of the higher echelon you gain

immortality in comparison with an ordinary planetary life. This solar body is seen as a halo or

bishop’s hat in the aura and has the frequency of gold. So it is not the clothing that makes the

man, but it is the radiation and the presence that is the real measure.

On a universal scale the status of the planet depends on the level of the life forms it sustains.

A planet that is capable of housing conscious life is very high in the hierarchy of celestial

bodies. That this conscious life is still evolving makes it even more exciting for the entire

universe. As enlightenment is possible for a human life so, too, this is possible for the planet.

An enlightened planet is like a star radiating consciousness. By then the sphere of influence is

not restricted to this solar system, but reaches out through the whole galaxy and even further.

Evolution is a continuum and human life is playing an essential role in this drama.

Human life is capable of adding on more subtle levels to the planetary frequency and by this

process the planet itself as a whole changes octave to a higher level of conscious life. This

process is going on even whilst there are continuously wars going on all over the planet. For a

conscious life war and violence are hard to cope with, for life is precious as it is.

It is the conscious life that challenges the idea of immortality. The intuitive process of the

mind is so fast that is seems as if it was already there. This is the argument of the greater you

which is in heaven and the small that lives now and stares at you in the mirror. It is very

possible that you, as a human, are part of a continuum too and that the greater you is part of a

transient line that ranges from the astral to the ethereal worlds. The following writing gives an

idea how this continuum works.

The Seven Transient Conditions of Rebirth

This article is about the seven best options for the transient line in their roadway to become an

embedded family in the Ether. In the Ether you climb the golden stairway. By the process of

refinement the transient tree itself ascends. All transient lives are dragon based with the snake

of the culture in opposition.

Self-responsibility is the main feature of every life and runs through all the different lives;

responsibility of self is the criteria. All criteria have continuums through which they

perpetuate themselves. Everything has an instinct to survive. To take responsibility for

yourself is an act of self-determination; it is your decision.

You can’t change the conditions of it, for they are fixed. They can however alternate during

life and form a framework through which you can go in the transient life of things. This does

not necessarily apply to a radical or an individual. This is the transient way. Transient isn’t the

only form of regenerative life. There are other ways besides this; it is not only about human

life form either.

A. Transient life The transient life is about ancestry. The transient tree is about

reincarnation and being born again. In the transient line you are

being born for a family purpose, like a whole series of people

during the passage of time. You seek for an opportunity to

enhance the line. During your life you are responsible for

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yourself. You join your ancestors when you die, like the eternal

hunting grounds for the Red Indian.

What are the criteria upon which reincarnation is allowed? If you

have a criterion, something has to ordain and confirm these

criteria. Normally that is creation and nature itself. If there is

such a thing as reincarnation it must have a criterion that sits

there. This is also the origin that the traditional laws where based

upon. In England we had two kinds of Laws:

Government Law: criminal and estate matters;

Church law.

Based on these laws and the idea of reincarnation a landowner

writes out his will or testament to get back what he sets off in the

first place.

In a family tree there is a scale from the matriarch on the

ethereal levels downwards to all the levels of the astral light.

What is the point of a family tree? It is possible that you live

your life for a purpose. Every member of the group is revolving

through life to improve the condition of the family tree.

Whatever you have developed during life adds to the whole of

the tree. The life you are living is additional to the family tree,

e.g. you add a clairvoyant nature.

Each tree is an individual, each person in that tree is part of a

service, is part of a whole routine, like a beehive or an anthill. It

is only the higher echelon that keeps the conscious note of the

family. The transient tree is all to do with an awakened condition

but only at the top that you get the conscious state of it. This is

the level of the bishops, the kings and queens, the cardinals, the

nobility, etc.

In evolution perspective this planet wants to contain a population

that is capable of living on it as a star. As a human with a

glorious halo you illuminate the planet beyond planetary level.

When the planet becomes a star watch out for anything that is

lower than the ether, for them you can say goodbye, it is

doomsday; from then on the planet will not entertain anything

lesser than star level. It is doomsday for everything below a

certain standard; that is the day when hell ends.

That is the same for you as you die, for only those parts will

survive and continue on afterwards above the level that is

required for the standard physical body. Everything returns to

the source of its arising.

The transient lives are easy to see and easy to sense. There is an

exchange of learning that takes place if you have an awakened

being. What happens with anything that sits above the being of

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you when you die? In a normal person the conscious life plonks

itself in the middle of the being and then hopefully unfolds itself

during life.

In the astral light you can see the main feature of the life in the

form of colour. If you need a life of orange you look in the astral

light for orange and go in there into the life and see the record of

it. You can probably turn up at some point in that life as a

person; then you will know whether that life really does answer

to the criteria of what needs to be done.

The Greater Self When you die you walk into this big room and there are loads of

‘yous’ and those are all one of you, once. You are the smallest of

yourself. When you die, then this one life goes back to join the

big you, which is everything put together of you. Your greater

self is phenomenally intelligent and clever, you have amazing

things that you know and that you can do.

During life you can be living a life to accomplish one small

change and it could be the only life in a few hundreds of years

that can make that change. Sometimes there was great

competition for a life opportunity to get in. After the life you

lived, you go back, you recreated yourself, you remade yourself,

but it is a small part in a big person.

B. Regenerative life You have to replenish, now and again, to regenerate, otherwise

you run out of time and energy.

The kind of life you live determines what gets crystallised in you

during that life. A life of hardship and struggle will cause you, it

will weld the mould together, it will crystallize your content. By

this process you can come back and, if you do it right, you can

add a 10,000 years to yourself. Those quality lives can be seen

and again you have to fight to get in.

1. Short life Short lives are to charge up all the batteries. Nothing is

guaranteed in life however, but if time runs out and gets wasted,

you have to go down to save your life, which in planetary

language of your soul can be called a purpose of regeneration.

2. Ending life Suicidal life. Some lives don’t want to live; they commit hari-

kari or whatever method or ritual is used by the tribe. It is also

possible that you are rejected by the transient tree and have to

make an end to your life.

3. Event life Sometimes a person is born specifically for an event to happen

or a role to accomplish, e.g. Churchill, Jesus the Christ, Gandhi,


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An event pops and stirs the waters of life. This is where you can

go backwards and forwards in time. You have access to the past

through the Akashic records.

4. Core life The Core life is about the cultural, the occult, the religious, the

esoteric and the spiritual. This is the life that connects to the

Way. This is the life the transient fights for. This is the pivot

point, this is a pitching life. After this life you come back as you.

Pitchers live the same life again. You get another chance to

change yourself. The whole point of pitching is to bring yourself

to the fullest of fulfilment or promise life at the higher end of the

family tree.

When an awakening happens in life, you move out of the sway

and the yawing process and become a pitcher, a free radical. You

are becoming a person unto yourself. Till a certain point you can

fall out of the pitching behaviour and return to normal again.

Your friends and family will endeavour to get you back anyhow,

for the process of change makes people uncertain.

The Core life is the only life where you can step out of the

planetary cycle of events into a portal of the Creational Way.

5. Opposition life This is the life where you need a mentor, you need a god-

antagonist. These lives of opposition are meant to undo you and,

because of the nature of opposition, it starts to put you back

together again in correct form like the anti-thesis lives within the

thesis. The main feature is resistance. We lean upon that which

resists us. Every change requires a price.

In this life you take on the inner battle; you will be contested.

6. Dynasty Half of world history has been played out by different transient

families trying to scrabble for the best end. Driven by power

often in combination with religious preferences and tribal

traditions mass slaughtering have been executed.

There can be over 50,000 people in a dynasty.

7. Final life The last life, no more reincarnations. This is when in the family

tree you finally enter the ether. This is as far as you can go on a

planetary level. You live in Utopia, the first heaven. It is the

polishing process.

If you don’t complete in the final life, you lose.

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9. Living with the event of yourself

Less importance, more ability is the motto for the creational way, for what is the use of

learning if you don’t complement it with your life experience.

Some things are obvious, but because it is obvious it doesn’t mean to say that it has been

perceived. Whatever is in this world that hasn’t been evented through the intuition, is left for

the perception. That is all there is from the standpoint of being human. Intuition and

perception are the two processes through which the human works. They also work two ways –

inwards and outwards. You can transplant your intuitions and perceptions outside of yourself

into somebody else.

The unicorn is known as the horse of learning, wisdom and instruction. Intuition is

symbolised by the unicorn with its mental lance. The fixed condition of the mental lance

twists. When it touches what it should do, when it finds home, it glows, because the energy is

processed through that machine. The horn of the unicorn is always known as a beacon, it is

always a light. The symbology is the very essence of the mechanism of the mental life. The

horse is maybe asleep, but the process is alive. In a developed person the shaft of light

elevates into a ray of light coming from the forehead. This is the illumination.

Sometimes the learning that you take on isn’t in you. Anything in this mental life has to be

touched. The mental lance has to touch it; it can extend a hundred miles away from you in

pursuit of a truthful intuition. The intuition needs to stretch outside of the confines of normal

life, because there is an imprisonment in the normal life value of things. Your mental life

extends from the cosmic nature of things; that is part of its pedigree (as the bosses live on the

top of the building.) Intuition is borrowed from dreams, ideas and ideologies. You think that

you have an idea, but that isn’t true, you have access to it. You have to win possession of that


Realisation is part of the process of intuition. The being comprehends, the being doesn’t

realise without learning. The intuition has the learning to the perception, if it chooses to. But

to do that, it has to have transient knowledge, that which rises over the usefulness of it. The

being is interested in what is useful. Knowledge for the being is practical. Knowledge doesn’t

require being, but being does require knowledge. The being has to be aware of what it learns.

How much of learning is awareness and how much is consciousness?

Knowledge has different speeds; fast learning is intuitive and leads to initiative that awaits

realisation. When realisation fails, it falls into understanding. That is when the senses make

sense of it, otherwise it remains logic. Logic goes through the curve of comprehension

(a.e.i.o.u.) ending in the Sapphire of comprehension, the jewel of the awakened life or the

third eye.

Organic life was here before the human. The human intellect has hijacked some of the natural

processes for its own use. With realisation and comprehension, the quality of enlightenment

begins. Enlightenment is one of the initiatives of the ion of self and always seeks after it, like

the hungry dog. Animation, knowledge and illumination are creational qualities that fuel the

higher processes of the life and the ion of self. These fuels are spiritual or creational. The end

result, for example, in the process of comprehension is a moment where ‘Antiquity’, the

natural antiquity of the brain itself, overawes the comprehension, being at such close quarters

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to the actual creational structure. The three higher qualities, animation, knowledge and

illumination (the light bulbs of the brain itself), are conceived together with the ion of self as

the comprehension thickens through the process. This can be seen by ‘The Sapphire of

Comprehension’ which extends (for an instant) from the front of the forehead (sometimes

mistaken for the third eye) into the aura around the head, a place much marked by religions

around the world.

This is also a place where what is processing through can be seen in different Jewel-like

structures, e.g. Pearl, Ruby, Emerald, (again, depending what is processing through). The

curve, in rejection, has a phenomenon which occurs (but not always) known as ' The dews of

melancholy', a small bead of sweat appearing on the forehead somewhere and a cold and

clammy sense around the face and neck. Strange, as one wouldn’t think that organic process

would suffer from melancholy, but it does. To think on this, this process, being one of many,

deals in qualities of life that are only filtered through to the ordinary life in small doses and

turn up in life as mostly a behaviour where those influences and contents are worn down or

away. An example would be of a fish tank and one level existing upon the other, i.e. top

feeder, middle feeders and bottom feeders. Realisation and comprehension have an

illegitimate offspring, which was fostered by the emotional mother within the being of self

and stays at home most of the time; the human has named this ‘insight’.

This so far, is work that is mostly done by way of development or ‘re-correction’ of self, back

to basic process. At this point, the higher senses have a say in things or, even though all this

has happened, it still has a quality or two of higher potential missing. One such higher sense is

cognition. The trio of cognition is Precognition (the way of the psychic), Cognition (the way

of the medium), and Recognition (the way of the clairvoyant). Thus, in the curve of

comprehension, cognition has a sound similar to the five vowels, a.e.i.o.u. (the order

sometimes changes). When the sapphire is extended from the forehead, it makes a sound

which can be heard if you’re alive in a sensory way, i.e. psychic, and you hear someone say:

“That rings true.”

Intuition tends to supply realisation with what it can put into the form of logic. Logic

overrides understanding. Understanding is what the being does with what logic can’t explain,

reason or help. Logic is cold, it serves nothing but itself. Intuition and perception are

conditions - they are not the mechanism; these drive the car.

The being / the blood life The mental life

An idea coming at


Perception (slow)

Tends to grow on you

Intuition (fast)

90% picked up by intuition,

but few things happens to it

Intuition leads to initiative

Handed over to

the process of: Comprehension

An embracing process

Absorbs it, it becomes the same



The mental life surrounds it

with compatible ideas and


Adding to it as learning, but it

has to be total logical

Realisation is the herald of an


End up with: Understanding

The ability to do

You are it at the time and not

when you try to be.


Match it against something

Logic transcends over


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For the origin of consciousness in relation to being and awareness there are only two kinds of




A 5 and 2 on the two events of life:

1. Intuition Intuition is immediate, it is very fast.

Living with yourself The event.

2. Perception The being is slow, like riding a donkey.

A. Alternations Alternating currents to get something in its right place.

Intuition and perceptions work two ways – inwards and

outwards. You can transplant your intuitions and

perceptions outside of yourself into somebody else.

B. Illumination


Illumination, the illuminated way, the arc of learning.

Light carries three properties:




- animation

- knowledge

- illumination (look to the lime green

inside, the colour of antiquity)

C. Divinatory


Something higher that uses distraction to distract you

away from your normal life from a higher point of

view. Divinatory distraction gives you room to create.

D. Create the new self You begin with yourself as who you think you are.

Then you learn, practise and do things, you gather

content, connect to the Way, you start to emerge and

create a new life or future person.

On the journey from the normal life and the new self a

new neutral is created. Imagination is the neutrality

itself. When imagination and intuition get together,

they make the impossible probable.

Two lives in contradiction: the power of that which is

and the power of that which is yet to be. You own what

you do.

E. Acceptability How does the normal life accept the fact that it may not

be able to do what it thought it was promised, what it

thought could be won.

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The culture exists already and we did not create it. It is what it is. Today, the world is

becoming involved in the argument of who, what and when.

The physical, magnetic and electrical lives have their own creational path as well as all three

together (as a single unit). The development of the electrical e.g. into its own world of

evolution and connection, stands the better chance because it is not tied down by so many

natural conditions as the magnetic or physical.

The electrical life has a high degree of self-knowing, a conscious value and the very important

process of imagination. A historical alternative is Magi-in-ion, i.e. the three magi at

Christmas, gold frankincense and myrrh:

Gold - King or overlord of the way;

Myrrh - Ruby, entity and master of the occult worlds, (later surrendered to John the

Baptist who fought the battles before the rise of Christianity);

Frankincense - Diamond, Son of Creation, the High Priest, the Jewelled Way.

The physical life itself, human No 1, has no imagination whatsoever and never will have. It,

like every other species of life form here, is in a physical heaven. The physical entity has a

finer brother that is the magnetic life, human No 2, and is bound to the sun and planetary

octaves of Creation. It is the middle life of all three, the mediator between the two, and the

neutral life. The neutral life is what retains the spiritual content also called the anima or

animation, another of the esoteric functions of the magnetic life. Many processes stem from

the magnetic life such as clairvoyance and the medium arts. The electrical life, human No 3,

ascends to the highest levels and forms in creation and although electrical here, in refinement

and development, it becomes spiritual or creational.

Spiritual and Creational are different. The spiritual development is a higher culture (human

culture) at brain level but the Creational is refined through the process of Creation itself. So

the spiritual relies upon an evolutionary and higher cultural signal whilst the Creational

refines by connection and alteration. Were someone to separate the culture from the human,

although for a while it would be lost, it would in time find its way back to the Creational

pathway. So whilst the human race is looking for the signal from within the culture, its

learnings and evolution, then the Jewelled Way begins by taking the Creational path. The

higher or better is of course the Creational path. That was also the way it was thousands of

years ago and ever since, but overlaid by the culture made of man (nowadays as an equal

rights culture.)

The electrical life is what you call (in cultural terms) your destiny. Your aura is nothing more

than the most compressed, condensed part of you. You extend an awful long way outside of

yourself. Your space can extend 200 metres wide in which can be contents, presence,

atmospheres, connections; you are like a walking circus of events, you can have hundreds of

people living in your space. Remember contents exchange from higher to lower. It is like

friends coming along for dinner and you feel drained out afterwards, while they went away

happy, full of energy and excitement. You had better learn to turn lead into gold or you could

be reduced back to normal culture again into your aura. You have to live with the

consequences of an extended aura. Learn to process, learn to shorten the length of a headache.

The auric sheath is sensitive to you; it is the closest part to you in your aura. The auric sheath

is sensitive to your mental life, emotional life and physical life. It is the skin of your electrical

life; what happens in you, happens on the edge of your aura.

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You live in a world of distraction (computer, telephone), all measures of control. The culture

wins by distraction and attraction. They distract you from the natural selves and employ it

with what they want you to be occupied with, with what you have surrendered with it. How

much have you given up to live in a culture? What is the point of doing the work when you

are not living it? What is stopping you is indoctrination; you are a prisoner all the days of

your life.

We have organic life attached to us, like the planet. We do things for the planet that the planet

can’t do for itself. Connections and contents are working through us, we lend ourselves to it.

It does the work; it is noble enough to be able to play a part in it. The noble way is made with

a great deal of acquaintance, you become an event, you are an event. Connections and

contents surround you, they need you as a terminal point, an anchor for it; you are the rock on

which they hang.

You can have anything providing you don’t take anything for yourself. Give it away, but

don’t take anything for yourself. Then you can have as much as you can handle. Healing is

not us doing it! With the elemental worlds you lend yourself to it. You can have as much as

you want as long as you don’t take it for yourself; if you take one penny, it is all over. You are

allowed to copy or shape or mould yourself upon it. You have enough of a developing nature

of yourself, if you will allow it. It will restore you, you can’t do it. When the Deliah heals,

you lend it your arms to do it with. When you put out your hands to heal, it pours out of them

through your arms into what it is that needs the healing. It is a great event when it happens,

but don’t personify it. Too much importance and too little ability is not the right way to be.

You need something higher to step into the picture. A lot of your life is already using things

that don’t belong to you. Preoccupation doesn’t belong to you, but the higher allows you to

practise and to use it. You actually can’t do what you need next, as it isn’t in the head yet.

You need some learning to learn something. You can’t start at the last year of the university

programme and expect to pass a degree. You don’t have the knowledge to survive the fourth

year out of scratch.

What is it that the brain can do, that the body can’t? The being can only shape itself upon that

which already exists. To draw itself into a higher form of itself, it has to have shape and form

on which to do it. What is in the cosmic life that has the ability to create itself? You can’t

create yourself in the planetary prison; to escape, it only has to obey the universal rules.

In the seventies all the power of life was in the family event, in the blood culture, in the being.

In those days the esoteric development or engagement was in your cultural religion or belief.

Now there is less family in the events of life than there has ever been. Simply because it all

goes to the head, it is all about learning, it is in the brain. All the visions are materialising now

in the form of technology, university and the spirit of the mind rather than the spirit of the

family. As a result young people don’t want to marry, they are still at home. Something is

missing, there is no core.

The method of propulsion change depends on the direction you are going, forwards or

backwards. You seep into the future and you leak into the past. That is how imagination can

give shape and form to something of your ancestors in transient work. “My cup is full up and

runneth over.” When you leak, you animate your past. What seeps into your tomorrows is

what animated the steps you take. You are walking on the very being of yourself. That has to

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do with the nature of your ethereal journey when you are going to meet your ancestors, when

you are going to meet these incredible light people. We learn to know ourselves a little bit


What do you think you are going to become?

The moon reflects the truth of you;

Self-corrections begin at the moment it starts to go wrong;

Self-determination can be measured by its continuance;

Self-control is the art to keep yourself out of trouble;

Self-admiration is the mirror of self-deception;

Self-awareness is a recognition of what lives within.

The visionary worlds work by interrupted visionary process and in the end it is all that we

know of it in the form of revelation of what hasn’t happened yet. The promise of tomorrow is

the part that hasn’t arrived yet, the option that gives you the winning edge, the bit that can

create itself anew. It doesn’t exist at the moment, but it is already there, although invisible.

On the journey from the old to the new self, there are little moments of encouragement and

visibility. You always come back to the middle to restore the balance, the new neutral.

Preoccupation can only happen in the neutral. Imagination is the neutrality itself. How can it

change otherwise? It can be anything.

When the neutral becomes more visible the future person likes the dinner, but the past life is

complaining that the middle is picking her food. The neutral has one option at a time and a

crowd of people waiting.

The higher self has itself as a problem. The power of that which is and the power of that

which is yet to be are in contradiction. The creation of the new self becomes the greatest

divinatory distraction that sits before it. How does the past life accept the fact that it may not

be anything to do with what it thought it was promised, with what it thought it could do once

but can’t do anymore.

Acceptability is the most difficult thing there is for the normal life (like with illness or old-

age). You can learn to live with it, but you will constantly be confronted with things you used

to do but can’t anymore. The how to accept isn’t yours. The neutral condition doesn’t exist for

anybody else, except for those who are on a journey of development. In the normal life you

have got no choice, you write it off like destined, faith, hard luck, bad timing; the world will

give you thousand excuses and one of them will suit you. There is no choice, it is out of


In development it works the other way. You have to define yourself. You need new learning

for an awakened condition. Creating the new self has to come from higher source. The past

life couldn’t create the future life. The past life is the caterpillar; it hardened and took on itself

a new form; the future life, the chrysalis. The butterfly still needs to come. All three are the

same person.

When bad things happen, it is terrible at the moment, you have to accept the fatality, but after

some time it can become an enrichment. First you have to accept the fatality at the moment,

but after some time you realise the fact that there are new opportunities, which you didn’t

have before.

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When living with yourself for a purpose, anything that isn’t to do with that purpose is wasting

your time. For example to live a life of an artist, then art is the motivation of your day; you eat

it, sleep it, breathe it, live it, nothing else. That is the road to success. When you don’t have

choice, you very often win; a single minded focus that has a multiple nature about it.

Commitment, strength and belief in self are the real things that an artist has. Excitement

makes change possible.

What keeps you what you are?

At some point in the journey you have got to deal with yourself. All the great writings speak

about the final conflict within oneself; the battle against yourself, bearing the cross and the

suffering. One of the jobs of a teacher is to gently bring you into conflict with yourself. What

is it about? What is the price of it?

You recognize each other by similarities. You speak the same language, you know each other,

you have an association that carries with it the collective of all of you. That collective has a

certain amount of power. It is hard to stand against the power of your culture and the transient

repetitional life and become an individual full of promise and practice. In the end the final

change is in yourself. You are not going to give up, you will argue against something that is

on your side to keep yourself as you are, because the self as you are is happy, or satisfied, or

settled. We gather to have an effect called change in you, taking on the issue that you should

not be doing this work, and update something in yourself that you do now better than


Coming from the collective they will do the best thing, give you the helping hand of life, to

bring you back to where you were, which is called obedience. The collective has the

obedience over you, your companions, your friends, your country, the whole human race. If

you want to keep that bit of development or change you have to argue with them, because that

obedience would automatically issue out of you in a whole sense to that life of them to return

you back to what is normal, offering a therapy as a helping hand. Your greater master, your

greater self exists outside of that control, that ray of obedience from everybody else, that with

all due respect is your deadliest enemy.

In the end the whole point of life is to become master of yourself for you to be able to write

your own destiny, for you to take on or adopt the higher end of it all, the creational way, you

yourself. When you first found the Way you knew there was something wrong, there was

something missing in life, something you knew that wasn’t correct, something you knew that

wasn’t the truth, and all you had was a conspiracy. Conspiracy kicks out more searchers than

anything else in life. The ray of obedience comes out of the id of everyone, it carries a signal.

That one signal is a lance of obedience from them to you. If you change or disappear and if

they are sensitive enough, they may come to realise that there is an absence of something.

That beam of obedience keeps control over you, keeping family family, keeping friends

friends, keeping master and servants master and servants, trying to slowly take control over

yourself winning back your individuality and freedom to become equal human again.

There is a necessary amount of work to do. Win for yourself in a reasonable way more space

and time, clean up the garden. Whilst living, you leave a whole trace of debris behind, so get

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yourself back into perspective a bit. The formula of success is fairly simple. It begins with a

simple ideology, it works with a simple mechanism or behavioural routine and the results are


You are not one person, you are many people. Your body is just a framework through which

all these lives are working, the transient lives, the astral lives, the many people in you are all

fighting for possession or to take control over you, because whilst they are in control they

live. You are there all the time, you are the work horse, you are the agency, you just are a

terminal point through which it all happens, for you in the last place. So we did work to get

rid of all those lives and this is where the work on you starts.

You are three main people at once, so organize your life like this. You are Mr/Mrs Blue, Red

and White. Everything in life happens in one of the arenas of blue or red. The triangular heads

stand for the criteria of a natural structure.

Blue White Red

Regulated, harmonious balance

Quality life

Friends, loved ones

You, the balance point, the pivot,

the focal point

The place where you can change

The hot side, enemies

Spite, jealousy, hate, anger,

suffering, penance, pain, hurt,

depression, fear, doubt

All require warmth or heat

In life you are under control of Mr Red. Red is not necessarily bad, but red, green and black

lend themselves for other purposes than what they exist for.

Mr Black is the shadow you cast in front of you. Life in its nature is very occult. The

difference between the physical shadow that follows you and the shadow in the occult, is that

in the occult you cast the shadow in front of you, always, you cast the shadow before you go.

Mr Black for way people is the cultural life, it sits there before you, like a shadow waiting for

any opportunity to reclaim you. You are not allowed to escape; there is a ray of obedience set

upon you.

In the work of the way you have to undo Mr Black, putting everything into perspective from

the standpoint of your higher self instead of your lower.

The yellow and green are spinning around, like day and night, awake and asleep. Day and

night will have a pitch and yawing emphasis. Sometimes you are on form during the night and

sometimes you are on form during the day, higher and lower, positive and negative. This is

the battery, this is how the system works. Wherever it is spinning is its power source.

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Being awake within the life

Being is internal, it is your inner life, it is planetary. Planetary life is a recycle yard. You

cannot have a recycle yard, if you don’t have a process. The whole of life is about processes.

You process yourself in development. Trees reduce themselves out of air, we live by

combustion. Body language, being language, that is the way it works. Esoteric has to do with

the processes; occult has to do with the influence that pours through those processes. The

ascension of the result is the spiritual or religious engagement in life at planetary level.

The being serves. The being has five different lives, five stages of awakening:

The animal life;

The trading life (it learns to speak a language);

The ignorant life, the balance point;

Life of compassion;

The life of humility.

These are the five stages of an awakening. Awakening only ever occurs into a humility to

oneself or into a humility to something else.

You can’t be conscious unless you have been awoken in the being. Without awakening

consciousness is an imposter, it is an intellectualism. That intellectualism occurred because

knowledge can be an entity on itself, it can exist as knowledge. It is called conscious, but it is

actually a clever collection of bits of knowledge.

The aura is emitting light, it is positive light. Physical objects absorb the part of the spectrum

that you see, what you see is reflected light or negative light. Ingredients of light are

knowledge, animation and illumination. The feature of reflected light is unconscious, it

reflects, it has no choice and it never stops. The light goes on forever, it never stops moving.

The aura is not reflected light, it is light radiated by a person. It is not moving. The nature of

light speaks in the language of colour.

There is a science behind esoteric work. We need to prove it by being able to do it or have the

reason for its existence and then to find out why it is not happening.

The human is a processing machine and is subject to light all its life. As it processes through

the human you keep some of that light, like you do with food, and atomize or break it down

into knowledge. In the human you will find true natural knowledge that belongs to the

planetary device of the order of the Great Church. A human is animated by the light. There is

a fibre that bonds it all together and this is called conscious, because the light is fully

conscious. All the light is processed through the being first and gets refined by the being. The

being gets illuminated, but it can’t keep conscious, because that is too fine and too high. The

being doesn’t have the process to retain conscious light and that is the whole point of

developing. The light processes through the being and the animation awakens the being. This

awakening creates the perfumes of ascension that lift the conscious nature of it into the brain.

We came to the agreement that you can’t be conscious in a planetary life. The conscious light

coming from the cosmic level goes back to the cosmic level. The human can keep conscious

light when it has created a process by which means it can keep and maintain it in your blood

and become a custodian of it. It doesn’t belong to you; it belongs to your higher lives.

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The being can’t keep what manifests from an awakened condition of the being, such as the

development and processes it contains, and it has to rise to the next octave or order of life that

it is connected to, which of course is the head, and it stimulates and makes the head

conscious. So you have the being feeding the brain a source of food. The higher being

contains a rich ingredient that doesn’t belong to the being, but belongs to the brain itself. The

brain doesn’t deal in awakened conditions; it deals in conscious states. Conscious is the way

in which creation has itself.

The cultural consciousness is manufactured out of learning, education and the intellect of

yourself. Outside of the brain condition of life, the culture has your brain. How do you explain

with a planetary life something that in its actuality isn’t planetary? We have to speak another

language. You can’t say the conscious is awake, because the awake is to do with the being

and not with the conscious. Then the conscious what? All we have is the word conscious.

Conscious is a state of existence and not a condition of life like the being has. The being will

process itself into light, it will awaken. When you step aside of the ray of obedience, then

your focus is awake.

When the melt down of the mental life has happened, then the brain wants to go back to

where it belongs, it wants to go back to its own kind to where it has its connection. In the

astral and ether you are outside of some of the planetary rules and you don’t have to catch a

bus to go somewhere. You have a conscious state of existence, because it is to do with the

nature of existence of natural learning, because it binds the fabric of the animated life and

natural learning in the brain of you. The brain wants to search for the lime green of its home

antiquity first.

The nature of conscious is the matrix on which all things are recognisable. Picture, shape and

form would be the very first elemental nature of a conscious language. The Pentecost is based

on the story that the Holy Ghost descended on the apostles. The conscious state is all learned.

Conscious and light are tied together like twins.

Nothing escapes the solar system. Saturn is the gyroscope of the solar system. It balances out

the intensities of all the influences that pass through the solar system or get contained here. It

is the same for the human.

The brain can create. Love, light and life are the prism of the I. The animation, illumination

and the knowledge form the space where the glorious cosmic consciousness sits.

The circle is the symbol of the mind of you. The perfect trilogy, the brain, the being and the

conscious all in one bundle of light with a machine that can take you out of your ordinary life

and transplant you almost instantly into a creational situation. The proposition of this is an

ideology which you can end up believing in.

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Can you imagine the glorious ecstasy that is sitting in there? How could anything that has life

in an awakened condition and in a conscious state ignore this ecstasy; it has to be the overall

bonding purpose of it all.

For the man this manifests as love. For the man’s mechanism it is a terminal point, it

transmits, it gives. The feminine ray is what builds creation; the feminine ray of life is what

manufactures creational life. The one condition in the man is what the woman makes cosmic

life from. The woman has feeling as the language of the being. The higher form of that feeling

is when love is planted in that flower called feeling, then you have life, then the man has got

to go back to the woman to get himself back as a truly unbelievable cosmic condition; that is

the creational human.

When imagination and intuition get together, they make the impossible probable.

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10. Marching up the Solar Event

Human geography

The natural consequence when getting things right is to move on. The condition of learning

and involvement in solar work is not the same as the divinatory work. Rarely do people return

from the solar work, because it is far more attractive than anything else. The solar work needs

certain amounts of divinatory ability, but you don’t learn these in the solar work.

According to a normal state of affairs whatever happens in your

aura is a consequence of three things:

What comes from you

What comes from outside

What comes from the ground and the planet

During life you are conditioned at a very early age to behave according to the rules of the

society and some of your systems shut down deliberately as you are fashioned by the time and

space you live in. As a consequence you need a telephone and become pathetic rather than

telepathic or need to write letters because your communication skills don’t really exist

anymore. You lose connection with the ground and the planet, for your clairvoyant process

doesn’t work and you certainly don’t employ these natural processes at your work in the

office. As a consequence of the cultural requirements the natural processes in the human event

have been shut down and the higher lives are becoming obsolete.

All life forms need at least three centres to exist. These are the instinctive centre, the moving

centre and the sexual centre. The human additions to life are:

The mental centre

The centre of being, the centre of yourself.

If you ask yourself why you exist, you have to trace you back to the

natural processes. You reintroduce and restore into yourself natural

abilities like seeing auras and recover your clairvoyant nature. You

introduce yourself to different contents, influences, signals and

octaves, like the psychic, esoteric, occult, clairvoyant, spiritual or

religious. You take on some form of development.

The work is the recovery and the restoration of self, followed by a refinement, development

and evolution (the promise of a greater life) on itself. In general there are two ways how a

person can assemble himself or herself:

1. By scholarship and product knowledge;

2. By feeling, clairvoyance, dwelling, sensing.

You can see the work as a kind of awakening; an esoteric journey described from a different

kind of view. You become a way-farer of an esoteric journey. By these processes you charge

your blood life. The culture resides in the blood life, but so does your being and your astral

form and slowly your space enlarges. Some things embody themselves in you.

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You have a natural being of life symbolised by a physical cross and

in that being of life is a higher possibility symbolised by the solar


Because your have got an astral form in your being, this is processing

all kinds of influences, which are waking up all kinds of other things

too. Suddenly along with your magnetic life, which is part of the

blood life, your electrical life starts to contain all kinds of

embodiments and you start to learn, for that is the purpose of the

brain and nerve life of you. Your embodiments change because of

your inspirations and aspirations of life. Suddenly you create an

ethereal body which seeps through your aura and creates another aura

further out. You grow in space and size of influence.

You can expand your aura miles from where you are and can be woken up by a fox for that

was all there was to disturb the balance. It is all done by refinement. All the embodiments are

stages of a ladder (Jacob’s ladder) and have different senses and faculties:

Astral - Natural being, clairvoyant nature

- Blood life (repetition, magnetic, heavy, sticky)

- Emotions and religious feelings, morality and conscience

- Astral travelling (promoted by drugs, alcohol and bitter herbs)

Ethereal - The awakened being, the brain life and the conscious cosmic

condition of self are needed to travel the ether.

- The spiritual life (in the first instance influenced by your

transient tree and the higher echelon of human history). The

conscious life just exists. It is a small part of the spiritual life.

- Visions and thought forms, perceiving shapes, symbols and

structures, Visions are the dream you had or the way you


Elemental - Nature elements and life forms, e.g. black lynx, ibis, swan

(associated when Egypt was) (Question: When are you?)

- Occult life (force and content) and the divinatory arts

- Human elementals (emion, pinkies and exes)

Acquaint yourself, resonate with these new contents for you need to learn to perceive them.

This is the lesson of the pig farm. In this farm the pigs never went outside. When the shed

caught fire and they were led out, they got in a panic in the open air and returned back into the

fire. The same counts for the first Spanish ships discovering America. The ships couldn’t be

perceived/seen by the local people. Thus, for the perception of the solar life you require more

skills, especially divinatory skills.

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Elemental behaviour powers the ethereal life. The elemental life

is a remnant of where the human originally was elemental in its

nature. The elemental life can extend into other lives. In the

elemental life you are known by your shape and form. Every

kind of tree has its own shape of leaves. This shape resonates

with the tree. Elemental form will associate with the tree. In the

natural sense you have a shape and form (you have a reason for

it). Every person has a reason for something that is particular for

them. Beware however, in the elemental life there is no

personality or cultural role to play.

You need some preparations for the creation of a solar body. The 4-lives (physical, astral,

ethereal, elemental) are planetary based; organic life carries the number four. Five is not a

shape that belongs to the planetary existence. Everything that is natural and endemic to this

planet walks around on four legs, not two. Something has happened to a human being. The

human complex is a borrowed shape and form.

To live on this planet you have to obey the planetary rules. It is one of the few planets in this

galaxy that can support multi cellular life and because it is multi cellular you can change its

shape and its form even if it takes a lot of time. According to Darwin it is a process of

mimicry and adaptability. However, this is not the whole picture. Human life has the freedom

and liberty to grow and evolve against the control of the culture, but to grow beyond the

planetary confinements humans too have to obey the creational laws. This also refers to the

covenant between the planet, life and the human race.

Elementals can dip into the elemental treasure box. This planet has shape and form that

doesn’t belong, it has experience of other things. An analogy would be the millions of bugs

that live in your eyebrows. Some of them are serving your purpose and some of them don’t

belong to you. Everything on the planet has to manifest in some sort of physical form, even

your dreams, as well as the light coming in. If you receive starlight with your elemental and

ethereal lives it can shape itself on that signal.

On this planet some of the shapes and forms are cosmic. The

pentagram is a sun level sign, a sun level embodiment. The planet is

making star-level entities of it to make herself a star. A blazing

pentagram is a sun level embodiment that breathes fire


The electrical life of a human is an amazing entity. The radiation of

a developed woman is incredibly beautiful and it has to be

contained in the aura or it will seep out.

Nowadays, you find people wearing jewels in their hair and around the neck. The radiation

ends up physical. The solar event is the journey to restore yourself back to what you should

have been. The alternative is that the human event takes over your life.

There have been elemental forms that served cultures, like in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian

symbology is partly elementals taking form. At that time they addressed themselves to what

they saw by their own abilities. Everything they did was based on that natural ability. These

events happen through the solar, but the theatre of it is on the planet. Nowadays we need a

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science and technology to fly. Modern culture is more focussed on the scientific and

technological department, rather than the natural department. Technology advances on the

abilities that we have lost.

The Romans took the essence of Egypt and turned it into

Catholicism. The symbol of the petal bowl is the golden scarab, the

symbol of resurrection represented by the god Amon Ra.

We still say ‘amen’ at the end of every prayer.

Some of the symbols are living on, like the black lynx. This elemental acquaints with Way.

Other animals with elementals higher than planetary origin are the ibis, dolphins and


Each level of development has its own containment, each with its own learning curve, each

with its own natural state or condition of content or being, each with its own octave of life in

which to dwell, each with its own level of life.

On planetary level the occult nature of life is entirely to do with the elemental life. The

processes of life are esoteric and what pours through them is the occult nature of life, the

force or content. It takes an occult event to process through an esoteric condition.

Any kind of development is esoteric in its initiation, because you don’t know how you are

going to do it, you don’t know if you can achieve it and you certainly don’t know if it turns

out to be correct in you. As you develop the esoteric resolves, it is uncovered. Esoteric is the

hidden and secret part of you; anything you don’t know is secret to you.

All symbology must have a mechanical nature, otherwise it is no true symbol. In the

pentagram the upward triangle spins to the downward, or the downward is spinning to the


The pentagram with three triangles

flipping (look at the electrical cross):

The enneagram with the golden

triangle and the silver rock-a-bars:

The triangles in the symbols are moving backwards and forwards and whilst that is

happening, all the systems and processes in you that relate to these symbols will charge you


The book “The Doctrine of Transcendent Magic” by Eliphas Levi begins with a warning for

the candidates. Symbols and pictures unlock energy circuits in you. You can stop the working

of these symbols or pictures by breaking the sequence or putting on a neutralising sign, such

as a pentagram in the middle of a forehead. A small fragment from the introduction of the

book of Eliphas Levi:

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….. Faith is nothing else but reasonable confidence in this unity of reason and in this universality of the

word. To believe is to place confidence in that which we as yet do not know when reason assures us

beforehand of ultimately knowing or at least recognising it. Absurd are the so-called philosophers who

cry, "I will never believe in a thing which I do not know!" Shallow reasoners! If you knew, would you

need to believe?

But must I believe on chance, and apart from reason? Certainly not. Blind and haphazard belief is

superstition and folly. We may believe in causes which reason compels us to admit on the evidence of

effects known and appreciated by science. Science! Great word and great problem! What is science? ….

The solar embodiment is off planet. The solar embodiment cannot exist on planetary level.

The emion manifests as a natural process of living. Humans manufacture elementals and

under the right conditions these settle in the halo above the head manufactured by the spine.

In that condition you can hold on to it for a while and then suddenly it appears outside the

planet to build another octave of life for you. This is the solar embodiments that collects

energy and starlight; it is making you in its highest posssible form.

You make emions with the solar plexus, you manifest pinkies in the area around the genitals

and the Scarpa’s triangle and you merge exes around the throat depending on your mental

capability. The elemental life is part of the original life condition of the human, of this

pentagrammic life form.

The solar conplex is a construct created by the human self. Starlight carries spirituality within

it and this light is collected by the solar embodiment. The solar extracts what the planet can’t.

This is where the true journey of spirituality begins, not yet infected with humanity and other

planetary conditions. The way extends into the elemental life and ends there. The fifth level is

the universality. The universe is that which has not been manifested in a final form or shape

or purpose.

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11. The Conplex of the Solar Life

1. Chariot Master over the solar and the planetary life

Solar life The silence, the knowing and the space

2. Dancing man The perception of the inter-planetary influences of this

solar system

A. Freedom Escape the conditioning of the human event and

occupy your own space

B. Star Live a self-determined life in harmony with your

abilities and inclinations

C. Way The natural and evolving learning process

D. Square Invitation for the custodian of the solar records

E. Recovery After each event you do a recovery on yourself

How able are you to cope with the solar work, especially not knowing the kind of impact that

any kind of work above the level of human event has upon you? On planetary level you have

been nurtured, looked after, dressed, sent to school and retrieved from your astral excursions,

when you tried to slip away from this world to the level that the shock of involvement was

stretched enough not to have such a profound effect upon you as to interfere with your rhythm

of life.

In Europe we are brought up in a Christian world, where Christmas offers a temporary

distraction from the cultural role of life, that doesn’t go anywhere and doesn’t change the

truth of things, it is just a happy time and dinner, unaware of the Silver issue that is heralding

the new year. Mostly it is just another way of doing the same thing.

To escape the ordinary condition of life, you really have to put an awful lot of effort into it.

The solar embodiment doesn’t work in an armchair way, where you become a know-all able

to quote and regurgitate the work without real meaning and personal life experience. The

reality in real things is that it is living in you, a living part of you. It isn’t a living part that is

found in your role of life, it is a living part of your existence that you created yourself.

After a period of time you are beginning to notice that some things are different about

yourself, like things you can now do, which you couldn’t do before. These accomplishments,

like when you astral travelled for the first time by determination, wake you up in a very

excited state and that excitement is the right kind of drug to gather more experience. One

success leads to another, the inspiration of ‘wake up and live’, of being alive.

What have you learned? What kind of things have you developed over the last three years that

you couldn’t do before? How has this work evolved in you over the last years? The answers

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on these questions will be poor. If you had the words and vocabulary you would be able to say

it; until then you struggle to answer simple questions of a seven year old like: “What is

meaning?”, “What is being?”. We have to do more work on the developing of perception,

because it is still very one-dimensional.

Perception goes along with learning. The general division of perceptive things and learned

things is marked between the mental apparatus and the apparatus of the being. There is a

natural learning process that goes along with the being that is separated from the mental life.

Knowing this makes a complete mockery of the esoteric approach to the esoteric works of the

world, because you need something else to interpret them.

Only when you have learned about the wariness of the feelings it becomes acceptable and you

begin to trust this process. The same counts for the definition of astral projection. This

conundrum is the chicken and egg syndrome, that doesn’t satisfy someone who wants to have

a concrete answer without doing the work for him or herself. You need some re-education

about the contents poured into you and presences which are bigger than yourself. The

perceptive qualities of your learning will determine which way you see what is going on in

you. Without those learnings and perceiving qualities of states, conditions, force,

atmospheres, you will count short in the homage to yourself. As you also have an elemental

life building up, the learning ratio is going up and is going to demand more time and effort

from you in what you try to accomplish.

The problem is two-fold. There is a general conflict going on between you and your life,

because you are changing in the face of the culture and the face of life. In ordinary life people

are occupied by what preoccupies them, totally involved with the shopping, not particularly

knowing where they are going and unaware of what is going on in other people. It is normal

to have a sense of loneliness in this work; this is a lonely journey. It is no reality yet that you

go to the supermarket to watch everybody watching themselves and other people.

On the other hand you are entering the solar realm and then there are two options. With

knowledge you don’t come back for you have a permanent connection; this is a one-way

journey. In the innocence of approach into the solar worlds, you can go in and out, for it is as

it just is; it is just you, but there is no life of you, no presence of you, no charm of you, an

absence of charisma. In the solar worlds nothing of a planetary nature will work and so you

will come back into your old self. The learning curve of this is the wisdom of what smooths

you in. It is something one has to perceive yourself into and learn alongside it at the time of

your involvement with it.

All the 12-planets, including Nibiru, the comets, the sun, all are part of your solar

environment. The Emperor card symbolises sun embodiment. In that whole environment is

where your emion sits; it is your solar embodiment. That is the embodiment of you out there.

These are embodiments you have on grace and you have to work hard to keep and unravel

them. In Virsel we have the grace to unfold all of these embodiments here, during this life, to

take possession of what the promise of life actually is. You have the solar records open to


You have to do it yourself; you are a lonely wayfarer; to do an exalted dance one must be a

lonely and a stranger to all. The solar environment doesn’t have a planetary condition; it is a

crucible of all the planetary influences. Therefore be sensitive, learn the signs and the

astrology of the solar bodies. You go through each of the planetary events throughout the

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year, i.e. under the influence of Saturn you don’t feel anything about anybody. These states

can lead to a marriage or divorce without knowing or awareness of it. The solar life needs

room and space in you, which the cultural self and your self-view must surrender to and this is

where the arguments begins. So you need some ego busters.

Living on the planet with a solar embodiment is not related to cultural roles; it is in you or

before you, like a pre-birth condition. On the planet you are a construction that operates as a

slave/servant of the real person that you are. This is where the journey begins, this is the core

of the Little Man teaching, where you have to struggle and grow out of the little bit to become

the big bit, before the big bit becomes you. This is a recovery back to something of an original

condition, back to your true natural self. After each event you do a recovery on yourself, like

a shopkeeper putting the clothes back on the shelves according to a certain standard.

There are very subtle senses of self always and to feel these you need silence. The world

around you isn’t silent, but the air around is, as is the presence that is awing out of you. That

is the silence that sits in the solar worlds, that is the sense of the solar embodiment; it sits

there in the silence of you. What you then need is the perceptive knowing of yourself, for that

silence is a higher fuel for the being; this is the chi, your deepest silence.

In the movie ‘Rain Man’ Kim said “My Dad and I share the same shadow”. It is a statement

of the savant itself, for why should such a brilliant mind say so? Between you and your being

you both share the same light and you both share the same shadow. When you sense you are

closing in in the same standard condition of the solar event of life itself – the silence, the

knowing and the space; that silent knowing of self. These are the three conditions of the solar

embodiment. The silence around you is the impression or signal of the solar embodiment, the

solar issue in yourself. The more silent you can go, the closer to the centre of that silence you

go, the closer to that solar embodiment you are. The being will join you in that silence, but

this time it is a solar being that is manufactured by yourself.

That knowing carries with it all the divinatory charm of life itself. It is now hungry for space,

hungry for the perceptive awakening of itself and hungry for the conscious life that belongs to

it, for it is the learning that feeds the conscious event of it. This is your fifth life, defining the

ray of obedience for the solar realm, dancing to another tune of life. This is your recovery

point that can’t be seen.

The freedom is the condition of the silence; you are everywhere, but nowhere; you are and

you are not at the same time; you can be seen, but you can’t be seen.

The words “no room at the inn” means that one is lacking the space for something to happen

or one is walking past life.

This is the first introduction for the doorway. That silence has no memory, it is alchemical.

You have to manufacture yourself in the solar realm and bring it up to date to a more dynamic

condition. You need to move on. When the space wears out everything in it becomes seen and

visible and this is where the next stage of evolution begins. When the space runs out is when

you finally come back to being your true self. Evolve that which is in its true natural


The creational evolution that we speak of in the universal law `the silence – the knowing – the

evolution` doesn´t apply in the solar condition, because there is nothing for the evolutionary

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bar to work upon, until that solar condition is full. The solar condition can´t interfere with the

making of the planetary condition, for it has nothing to do with the planetary condition. This

is a creational, evolutionary process. The human condition is left to itself, but it has

evolutionary elemental form.

The Great Designer left the promise of life in what you don´t have, rather than what you do

have. When you want to have it you have to go and get it. When you’ve got it, you find it

doesn´t belong to you, but it is what you need for the next phase of existence. So we are

playing a creational game, until you have and complete the whole, then creation is ready for

the creational event. We go through a conplex of series, which sits outside the planetary

condition. Somewhere along the lines of these last two thousand years this way has been lost.

A conplex is a series of continuums, all linked together in one event. This is all to do with a

mix and marry of a solar culture at planetary level. There is nothing guaranteed. Part of this is

about being real, being the real thing; you have to live it and hide it at the same time. The

conflict will be about the reluctance in you to fulfil the continuance of such an event, but you

need to continue your ordinary life as it is; don´t disturb it, for you will get lost. This is where

you are trapped now. It is time for occupation in something greater than yourself. So your

new self is higher than your old self.

The elements CON are organic building blocks of creation (Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen),

activated by the Hydrogen, the fire element from the sun. The complex is the planetary body,

whilst the conplex is the solar life.

We create the arena, the theatre or circus for that which would attend the process. At the time

of the Silver Beacon and PenDragon we created circles, at the time of the Gold Rod we sat in

a horseshoe, for the horseshoe or magnetic bar is the sign of the Gold Rod. The solar deals in

squares, for this is how it is enclosed in you; it is cubed. When you are custodian of the solar

records you are invited to step at the square.

Everything in the cube is a four; everything in it is a condition of

the solar event. In the centre of the cube is a diamond. You can

see the cube from inside and from outside and the diamond in the

centre. The diamond is a condition of its existence and this is

where the Jewelled Way begins. The very first jewel of the

Jewelled Way is the diamond. The solar works carry the signature

of the diamond.

When you go on in the work you slowly begin to crystallize. Under certain kinds of

conditions or pressures you can weld different kinds of contents, states, advancements,

developments, rememberings in oneself in an indestructible form. In the process of

crystallisation the diamond is the hardest, diamonds are forever.

For that dream of life to happen it has to sit in the middle of the four elements. There are no

white elemental forms in a natural condition, white is manufactured. It is only the white

elemental condition that can step out of the planetary existence in the form of diamond.

White is the end of octave. The high priests and priestesses always dress in white because it is

a made condition. The white condition is the dream and promise of creational life, because

that is the form in which the solar worlds go on in creation.

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From the Essence Way Archive: ‘Discourses with Roger’

Sunday, 23 January 2000

In your world there are many confusions, man focus on the differences in man, you

cannot see the likeness. Man is more alike than unalike. These confusions will

continue and increase, until that level of Consciousness has been embodied.

Realise Your True Being.

The self coupled with the mind-body, the personal nature of man, can look after

itself. It can function rightly, responding well and fully to whatever happens.

Go beyond the limitations of the mind-body, end the mental process as you know it,

when this ends the Mind-Conscious is born. In that Mind joy and sorrow no longer exist. It becomes a question of Love seeking expression. This is the transition from

the subjective mind to an objective mind. The frequency which you then emanate is

more akin to the Cosmic frequency.

When self-control becomes a second nature, Awareness shifts its focus to deeper

levels of existence, accordingly the Self is born, you have grown, You can become Reality. Be guided from within, surrender to your Self, and life becomes Life. Self-

realisation is the knowledge of one’s conditioning.

Thus begins a journey into the unknown. To achieve the transition from self to Self,

do not condemn that which you do not understand or disagree with, show compassion where compassion is needed. Let this be your task and your joy,

remember you are your own creation and creator.

Develop the Witness, for this is the reflection of reality in all its Purity.

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12. Solar Discoveries

This is a theory or creational myth about the nature of creation and existence. There has to be

a beginning. We exist in existence. The universe has space to rent and it only has got one

customer which is called creation. The space which it has got to rent is already there. So

creation wasn’t yet a customer, so everything is dark and still, nothing moves. Everything that

can exist is already existing in that condition and suddenly it starts to gather a presence

around it because of the size of it and it becomes self-aware. If something comes into self-

awareness it has to have a light. In that darkness is all the light that creation could ever make.

It is already made, but not yet released.

The long view of it is that somewhere in creation something in it becomes aware of itself and

a word was spoken and the first word that was ever spoken in the entire creation we live in

was: “awaken”; the first word of a creator, it is a creator’s proof. Suddenly the light switches

on and it became seen. There was nothing else to see it, so it lived on its own, it was the only

thing seen, it was the only thing it knew that existed. This is the only thing that could be the

living self in any life form. The awakening of creation, the conscious life of creation came

later in other uncoveries. That word ‘awaken’ pulled open a part of that darkness and

suddenly it released the light of itself.

The sun grows the light of itself and that sun became aware of itself. It knew it existed. That is

what has been going on ever since and so far maybe only 1 to 5% of the whole of creation has

been uncovered; the same counts for the mini creation of your Self. Once it has been

uncovered, the very first thing that has to happen is that it discovers itself. That is what the

awakened condition brings about. It can only be discovered once. From that moment on it is

giving itself away. It is enough for a life to exist in a knowing condition. If you stand with that

long view you find that it works. It explains the dark matter in the universe, it explains so

much of the enigma of everything that is not yet uncovered. The uncovering is a consequence

of the awakening.

You uncover yourself when you awaken. What else is in there can’t be discovered anymore.

The first percept of life is the knowing of your Self.

1. Creation/Existence

- space

We are at the creational perception.

Knowing of Self The first percept of life.

2. Discovery

- silence

You can’t discover the same thing twice. What you haven’t

discovered yet is in the darkness.

A. Found

- knowing

To melt down, to make a factory, to make the foundation,

to be the founder.

If it is found it made itself known to you. It is found by the

senses. The senses pick up the oddity in the majority – a

divinatory process. Once it is found it releases itself in

every record that it is written (the solar, ethereal, astral,

physical). As it is written so shall it be. In the living of it, it

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is happening.

B. Find as Seen

- evolution

The find belongs to the seen. The eyes find it, like the

discovery of an old avenue marked by planted trees in a

medieval forest. The same happened with the discovery of

the Mayan temples. Everything in this age wants to be

seen, it wants to be known, it wants to live now. This is the

time, this is the chosen culture.

C. Written

- manifestation

In the living of it, it is written in some of the records. The

writing of it is the vision of it. The written science, but

unless it is spoken, it can’t be part of this age.

D. Spoken

- making

The spoken language becomes a science of life for the

hierophant, the librarian for the solar conplex which carries

everything in it.

In the beginning was the word and the word is “awaken”.

E. Remembered

- restoration

Bringing it together. Adding it back on yourself.

Once the natural way is discovered, you can’t go back. Then the foundation begins and you

are now writing it. It is like a plot by necessity of life itself. You become an original part of

creation again, a diamond in the making. What is crystallized can’t be destroyed; diamonds

are forever.

At the beginning of the uncovery of creation there were 12 dimensions and in that first

moment only 11 dimensions manifested, the 11 jewels of creation. One of them didn’t make

the grade and that is the Pearl. In the next millionth of a second 8 of those dimensions

collapsed, because they couldn’t support themselves, leaving the 3 of the known world. From

that moment on creation is trying to recover itself, because it lost a jewel and is therefore

incomplete. So before Creation can do anything it has to restore itself and everything in

Creation that is woken up is aimed at the restoration of itself.

What is missing is the Pearl, for that is aware of itself. All organic life is part of that

maintenance team. You can create space by cleaning the attic and Orman’s job is to help you

from preventing yourself. The Way of Humility, the Noble Way is paying back for one’s

existence. Give first, before you take. Something which manifests in a higher sense of cultural

life is noble, because it is endearing and enduring and it has the temperance of life itself.

Discovery equals discovery by the uncovered and never by the covered. The hidden or unseen

already exists and remains outside of the act of life in a standby position for the event of being

discovered. The only knowledge in this condition is a statement which is the unoccupation of

the space within the universe itself. The act of finding something covered is the evolutionary

edge that spreads through creation, along with time and the great knowing, all three

themselves evolving as they spread across the universe.

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It has to be awake to discover. We are an issue of that conscious and awakened life, which

implies that we have a long way to go to get to creational level.

From the Essence Way Archive: ‘Discourses with Roger’

Monday, 5 March 2001

The Awakening of Man

The World around you is exactly what you have had in mind.

Your mind creates, this you call insight, but the greatest moments of insight is when

You are out of your mind. Insight does not come from mind. All things exist in the

moment of now, all answers, all experiences, all understanding. You cannot move to

a state of awareness by thinking aware, You must Be Aware. Awareness comes from a higher dimension. Shift your attention from thoughts and words to Silence, then

You shall hear. Do this for just one moment, and nothing in your physical world will

compare to the Bliss which you discover in your Self; The experience of Oneness.

Self-knowledge is a new dimension altogether, where there is nothing to give and nothing to take. Once you have found your Self, You can again move outward to

create a newer world, and then You choose to have the experience of Being the

Creator. For You are in the world but not of it. For this is applied Wisdom. You are

becoming a messenger of Truth.

Whatever You do for the sake of Truth will take You to truth. The shape matters not, only the true motive behind it, for Sincerity is all important.

Enter a wider Consciousness and share in it. Stay Silent and attentive.

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13. The Jewelled Way

In the work of ‘The Jewelled Way’, a part of what we are becomes the work and to do it is to

become it, as it requires a sincerity of approach and an openness of being or content. All of

this requires time, connection and protection, but (if possible) far away from where the human

event is, as the human event is ‘off track’ and with no real direction in ‘The Creational way of


The Jewelled Way is an agreement, a contract, between Creation, evolution and the human

race, which was kept in the Arc of the Covenant; they were the contracts of life written in the

akashic and solar records and what was released from all of them was the records themselves.

The Jewels are living entities. The Jewels themselves never become involved, but what does

are the cultures and works that have manifested and surrounded them throughout history.

When we say e.g. ‘That’s a Ruby thing’, what is meant is a cultured behaviour that surrounds

that jewel. The jewels are always a catalyst in any event as the culture happens in the presence

of it. The cultures that surround the jewels are that which contains the signal or presence of it

because of its stillness in the evolutionary system. This is a slow process which occurs by its

own default of ‘A Universal Movement’ (rather like a melon that stops rolling and gathers a

moss upon itself). The culture gathers around this moss, imitating what the jewel itself emits.

The cultured life then encloses it rather like a temporary soul and adds as it collects more of

the signal to itself.

The way of this is that the jewel (as an analogy) moves close to the planet. As it does, the

radiation/presence starts to have an effect on the life upon the planet. The life on the planet

starts to behave (be or have) with difference and the response/reaction is theirs and not a

determination of what moves close to the planet, so in a catalytic way, there is an occurrence.

In another way the closer to these jewels and their influence one moves, then, as seen in the

cultures that exist or have existed as a consequence of their presence, the more it can be seen

that the workings of life are a submission to that signal or the presence of the jewel


The higher life (if there is one) becomes (in higher form) another layer of life that surrounds

the culture. Something turns up, e.g. a gold or silver condition, and around that spot or place a

culture grows, acting and behaving alongside of it, like the Egyptians and gold. That culture is

a consequence of what is there and the culture adds its own expression upon it. It doesn’t

mean that the culture is gold but its behaviour carries the traces of gold. Likewise the pearl

cultures or even the ruby cultures are not the pearl or ruby themselves. So it is not so hard to

view history as a consequence of what it processed or, better still, possessed e.g. when ruby

emanates a signal of itself and life responds, life processes that signal and an expression with

feeling begins. An individual can store and contain that beginning and it can also be in a

higher order or form. This is then when love becomes the essence of what they are. Love can

be fully conscious and exist as an entity itself within the human form, mostly prized by the

female gender as a foundation of life, adding it to themselves as a culture of self.

So - The human being, by its singular, multiple and quasi containments, can process any of

the gold, silver and platinum fuels. From these fuels come the expressions of their source, e.g.

ruby, pearl and amethyst. We can attribute the behaviour to the jewel because each jewel has

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a different crystallization about itself. We process these fuels and filter or act upon them and

what they contain; finally life then behaves or feels accordingly. All of this expression is

‘culturised’ by the way of the human and is interpreted by behaviour and so on. It still

remains, however, that without these fuels the human life form would not be aware of such

things and behave according to its own instinct; in other words in much lower form than it is


What we process can sometimes become our own. We can (as a life form that can remember)

store love or compassion, we can store many things in influence, essence and content. We can

become almost the thing itself by the essence and works done with these contents. During this

event, a connection is or can be made or opens (when the quickening of that content occurs,

normally by the awakening or developing conscious life) to the very source itself as a

‘Continuum’. That is the reasoning for this work on the real jewels. It sits outside of the

human event and reaches deep into the star or psychic levels of creational life, with less

expression as it ascends, hence the feeling of coldness, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t there

because it is now on the inside rather than the outside, like the outside of the house does not

always reveal what is on the inside.

Next is the conscious life and what that means in all of this. All nature has awareness of itself

in the larger or smaller, self-aware (inside) or outside aware, dynamism or atrophy.

Approaching something more aware or conscious than you is always a negative for you but

not for it. For example angels are planetary and extend themselves from the hierarchy or

transient levels of life, meaning unless it is outside of the rules of descent (e.g. visitation, like

at Lourdes) then they are only seen by something equal to them.

Imagination can be influenced, especially into initiating one’s own sensory processes; the

easiest way of this is by pre-occupation. All human beings have a divinatory nature and the

divinatory nature is based in the sensory process and one is said to be divining for something

e.g. pre-occupation about something steers the sensory natures towards it. Try it, it very often

works well. Try becoming pre-occupied with say, seeing things and keep adding to this pre-

occupation with bits here and there. The senses pick up the signal and you find yourself

involved with it. It normally happens when you’re not expecting it (when you're out of you or

your way). The event happens and then it's over and then you try again. Eventually the senses

stay on it for longer periods and more starts adding to the whole thing.


The first step is a gathering of what there was from around the world i.e. a small beginning,

and then the exposure to the work, the redirection and drawing out, finding the first step of

those connections in the unknowing and uncertainty of things. The divinatory processes are

required for the journey throughout the organic and creational ways e.g. one begins to recover

them from where or what they are or have become; the clairvoyant as the first connection to

the organic life and the planet herself. It should be pointed out that the real clairvoyant

process is always present in pregnant women and very young children and on from there

encompassing all of the 5 natural arts that are possible with human life form.

The natural connection is a binary process that sits within triadic planetary criteria, meaning

that the mother, the infant and the planet are on the same wavelength. The binary, means both

ways round the criteria. In the natural order, the planet works through the mother and the

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mother to the infant, or from the infant to the planet to the mother. The planet itself has a

spiritual and essence life in which those criteria sit and clairvoyance is the first of the human

connections to that content of the planetary life.

Very often what the human views as its own essence, is what has poured from the planetary

condition into it, but being higher than human centres this as ‘being’ in the human. Your

‘being’ isn’t you, it is something higher, but you have it, you are it, it was given to you with

another name, your real name in Creation. This means a name (a given name) by which you

may be known outside of the family. It is like the American Indians, who had two names, one

for the tribe and one for the family. The family name was chosen, the tribal given. Each had a

sense of the person or their actions but always from a sense of belonging to either family or

the tribe.

The first stanza of beauty is connection to something higher than the self as described in the

drawing about the ‘fleur-de-lys’ of amethyst, holding within oneself a beauty of any kind and,

in that suspension, it joins the full meaning of its purpose, a planet's beauty; the way of the

first view is in what populates it, e.g. a dance before the planet and the sun, in life, the human

‘being the dance itself’. There is also another light that dances upon the grass, the flowers and

the greater meaning of life. We dance to what gives us our perceptions of things and life itself.

The amethyst is the first of the great foundations of organic life. Organic life is connected in a

whole way to the rhythm and count of planetary process, which in turn is connected further up

the line. It is regulated and repetitional. It grows layer by layer, year by year and like a flower,

opens, has its time and closes, repeating it again next time round. In the ascent of organic life

itself, the repetition ends and a time endures, where the flower remains open and never closes.

This is not something the human can make of itself, but can contain by connection and work.

For this to happen or occur there has to be a foundation upon which it sits, a mechanism that

regulates and exists in unchangeable form itself (rather like the engine of a car sits in the

chassis). This foundation is time (measured), evolution (itself) and natural law (creational).

They are catalytic in their existence and at planetary level occur in the basic four: mineral,

elemental, magnetic and electrical. The mineral form of this is quartz, of which amethyst has

an affinity and naturalization to the catalyst condition. The elemental form of this is the pearl

itself, always evolving and developing itself by repetition and occurrence but never complete;

the magnetic form of this is a gravity or lodestone. Lodestone is a gravity stone which

polarises and takes on a will of determination, surpassed by nothing except that which is

stronger than itself e.g. a north/south magnet. It will always point in those directions, even if

disturbed, and will right itself given time and freedom of space to do so.

Amethyst, Ruby and Pearl - the first trilogy of organic life - are the profound connections that

one makes (just a few in the history of the human being) when developing the jewelled work

within one’s work. It is a soul’s work (but not always at the soul’s level) and it should be

noted that the soul (planetary) is an organic envelope that has a journey through the human

event from the lowest to the highest. All three together - a light or beacon that pours into us

and lights the way for the beginnings of an awakened inner life, becoming the first content of

our inner selves, the mother of our emotions and the father of our higher emotions.

Amethyst, pearl and ruby form the compressed (occult) trilogy in any pentagram (the upward

triangle), then followed by the twins, the emeralds, the green for organic and the blue for

elemental. These form the bar of life which sits across the trilogy, so we have then a

pentagram form.

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The jewels are planetary criteria here. The pearl is always fixed but ruby and emerald

alternate from cardinal (when in power) to mutable (when culture itself or the individual

moves between culture and organic). Lately, ruby has been in the cardinal and its effect is an

awakening in the motions of the awakening life (inner life) and higher emotions of the

spiritual life - the awakenings and realizations about others and if noticed, the ability to focus

directly into another and see their inner life condition and much, much more.

Is it true.

Is it true that when love itself sighs and angels see

Then from the sky three tears will fall upon a broken heart

The first a Pearl with gentle care to heal and set love free

Tending to the layers of happiness, making good what fell apart

The next a Ruby with feeling, desire, to open doors of what could be

Telling stories of romance, a lover’s passion to make new start

The last an Emerald, life’s friend to help you stand, find strength in thee

Tenderly collecting together love’s felt meanings, memories of the heart

Then, when all their work is done as quick they came they then depart

Is it true when love itself sighs once more and angels see.

Being alive also means being awake and aware of things that happen to you when within any

of these conditions, especially of an elemental nature. Elementals do reduce themselves and

enter the human condition, especially in those that are able to contain them whilst, in other

cases, the elemental form will enter in an offset condition.

The elemental world has no morality (from a higher human standpoint), it just knows how to

behave, its steps of evolution based in the acquisition of feeling, which it can only get from

the physical life, like a human being. They acquaint with humans because they can’t process

the stuff themselves. So they do a deal, you give me and I will give you, type stuff. That’s

OK! As long as you know ‘What’ you are bargaining with, rather than what you’re learning or

your idea of self tells you. There are many forms and structures wandering the Astral Light,

The Ether and The Creational Light looking for arrangements.

A typical one, is the bull scarab that sits as a golden helmet upon you (shown in classical

ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs) drawing out your inner life being (usually called emotions) and

replacing it with a purer content or essence that the normal human can’t make. Every time you

have an e-motion (based in love), the love feeling suddenly stops and you can’t be bothered or

somehow see you’re not there or feel suddenly distant. These things can change a normal life

because the person is unaware of this.

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With its stunning purple colour, amethyst has been a gem favoured by royalty throughout the

ages. Its name comes from the Greek with the meaning of preventing drunkenness and, since

classical times, amethyst has been believed to moderate unruly behaviour and to encourage

clarity of mind and spirituality. Amethyst is coloured by iron; shades vary from pale lilac to

dark purple, but can turn brown, yellow or green if exposed to heat. It mostly forms in geodes,

in rock cavities left by volcanic ‘gas bubbles’.

Amethyst has a nature spirit connection and elemental form hangs around it. In the worlds of

natural process, amethyst triangulates and slows things down, hence the suspended state of

things within its range. Amethyst does not enclose anything except in natural shape.

If you were to put four amethysts, north, east, south and west on the four edges of your

garden, house, whatever, and one amethyst in the loft or at least above the highest room or on

the ceiling of the highest room, it will, if you have any content, connect them up automatically

(rather like a pyramid). It basically privatises your own patch of ground. Nothing much will

be able to concentrate itself there and you might even be woken up in the night with the

feeling that something or someone is outside and when you look, you might see a shadow or

figure, normally cloaked, outside the perimeter.

The reason for ‘the drawing out nature’ of amethyst is that, as it happens naturally around it, it

suspends what is not of natural process, which cannot work through it, but is susceptible to

self-determination, hence the drawing out of self. We use this as a base to begin and build

from there. Everything, even you, has a natural rhythm, a natural base, a natural self, which

we once used to call the essence of self. Before, it was always a work of self-development or

following the rules of the mentor or overseer and it still is, but there are better and much more

connected ways to do this work.

Amethyst is the slowest and heaviest of all the jewels. Everything with amethyst is always

slow - if it moves any faster, then it is something else. There is no other ‘next’, meaning that

amethyst is always the first and only step, as nothing else would really be enabled otherwise.

Other jewel work comes along as it comes and mostly occurs within the envelope of


Amethyst as a foundation is cold and makes no distinction between things. In cold

determination, when amethyst is active, one can separate in a suspended nature the high and

low or left and right conditions of oneself and see them as they really are within us. To

motivate any work needs a reasoning and undoing, for changing oneself can be difficult or

even disastrous. Hence the Amethyst condition as a first step.

Amethyst will always act or behave in one of three ways:

In suspension

In leverage

In determination

In suspension: You live on an island and the only way in is to land on the airstrip and what

lands there can only do so with the right approach. When landed, it has to slow down to come

to a stop and, as it does, it moves closer to the nature (amethyst) of the airstrip, where it falls

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in a suspension (almost like being frozen in time). In this suspension, the airport staff can take

a look around to see ‘what’ it is that has landed, never ‘who’ it is. If you are uncertain, in

doubt, unhappy with what is there, then it will remain in that suspended state until you are, or

it begins to dissipate away. How can you do this? Because the amethyst is already charged

with a creational criteria and it is measured against that or by your own criteria (standards,

values, containments). When something higher than you lands on the airstrip, it will carry

those higher criteria.

In leverage: You know that something is heralding its approach (normally in an atmospheric

way at first), so when in suspension (landed on the airstrip) you determine to see what it is,

give way in yourself and slowly it becomes apparent. In the absence of any activity one can

feel the amethyst nature around and within oneself. In this condition, one can view one's own

life and works. The effect of amethyst is that a separation begins and the two natures, high

and low, fixed or unfixed, are drawn (unconsciously) or levered (semi or conscious) out on

each side. In this condition, work about oneself can occur, especially with some forms of

astral travelling (for reason or purpose). On this (astral travelling) many temples in the east

work towards an amethyst state before they travel. The main feature is that in an amethyst

state, the body is held in force, in a state or condition during the event, so it can’t move away

(a well-known thing that the body may not be where you left it, before you went travelling).

When you astral travel, upon your return, you will find yourself suspended by your own

amethyst content. Leverage is about separating out what is suspended in your amethyst

content. It is you, the amethyst is you, it is your own content and it cannot harm or hurt you;

you cannot injure yourself. Leverage works by a determination or will of your own. Leverage

and determination often work together, as you have no doubt gathered by now.

In determination: Determination has to have a direction in which to work and in early work is

mostly backed up, powered by an inspiration or initiative of some kind. In later or more

developed work, it is more refined and focused in a singular way. Determination has a flaw,

which is the ability to do and upon this fact alone, needs to be made or constructed in the

knowing of what it is you do. A reasonable degree of self-awareness or basic groundwork will

do the job at first. It is easy to climb a mountain when you know how, but the wise man will

always require practice first - moving from small successes first and building upon them.


Love and love in life are very much the ruby way and without this condition, a work of any

kind or nature is cold and empty of any emotion or feeling (something the being of oneself is

fuelled by). Emotions can also become spiritual in the higher sense and are not just belonging

to the human. Many species or life forms process emotions and, even in plant life (organic life

form attached to its food), emotion, feeling and sense exist, albeit in force or electrical form.

The way or ways of ruby are in the cultures of affinity or naturalisation, belonging and love -

a presence kept and used in life within us all. We feel it move within us, through us, we

express and make it known in our unity with things, a bonding, a glue. It is the first of the

jewels around which formed something of a self-realising, or semi-conscious culture, i.e.

involved in any desire or passion about itself or life; then came the event of extending

outwards from within oneself to another of kind or another greater than ourselves.

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The world of ruby culture is as a foreplay to one of the cores of life itself; an innocence of

endeavour in a new vision of life. The worlds of love and light together are best in the work as

the reason and fuel for higher works. Love is the ‘Ruby of light’.

One of the ruby acts in life is to cause the ovulation in women, as a consequence rather than a

work; hence an act of life itself. It is for it (ruby) a sponsored work by the female gender. No

ovulation, no children, even if it means you can enjoy yourself.

The Ruby Mystic’s rule

If you give me your hand, I will give you mine in exchange

If you lend me your heart, I will lend you mine for a time

If you step aside of your pain, I will show you the cause

If you offer a tenderness of truth, I will cast no shadows before you

If you will be you, then I will be me and open the doorway before you.

From the sayings - Speculations of a Truth or two.

The better condition is to keep the foundations of an esoteric (connection - psychic,

clairvoyant sensing), occult (natural content, being, force) and spiritual (conscious and higher

life containment), from within the creational bar. An example of this is the relationship

between the amethyst foundation and the first step from there, the ruby condition.

The ruby way isn’t based in power or influence and follows no commands from on high.

Criteria is the only rule and Criteria itself is fixed and unchangeable. Ruby has special

features: it is true to itself, always; it is a true life force; it is expansive and one of the original

forces that created the human form; it is much higher in origin than star level. The emotions

itself are a watered down process that belong to it and the human has grown upon such

contents since its first conception of thought and feeling. It has influenced the minds and

emotions of many religions and spiritual processes and much more than this. In short, a

creational follower’s possible best friend at the end of days.


Then we glanced at the fallen jewel, the pearl and the mentor of its making, the moon. The

pearl, made by the coral behaviour of evolution, unfinished in perfection except for the lustre

of creation itself that surrounds it. An incomplete presence and insight of the pearl, a target of

learning, an accompaniment of what, in the terms of beauty, we could only call the gathering

of life itself and a foundation of behaviour we could see in ourselves, the making of ourselves

anew or maybe renewed. Moving forward by adding layers to ourselves, a conscious

development and awakening of process and knowing, missing in our own existence.

The pearl, the youngest of the jewels, would never have the agency of human involvement, if

the human were never to exist in creation’s plan. A couple of stars in the night sky, that tell us

the way through the darkness of ourselves, shining a light upon our way and the step we need

to take in strength and knowing about what we do; a beginning of the making of ourselves.

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The pearl, incomplete and born into a darkness out of the promise of just a single seed (a grain

of sand) made and remade many times in the evolution of things (where time and growth

repeat themselves) and held captive in the sacred temple of the amethyst.

The Pearly Gates, or the equivalent in other religious processes, are where you go for your

judgement. The religious walk through the valley of the shadow of death and, at the Pearly

Gates, you are measured by the balance of creation. Not many go there, because it’s at those

times that you realise that getting to become holy or carrying content from the church, wasn’t

as easy to do as they would have you believe.

Blue and green emerald

The planet itself is the blue emerald and organic life is the green. We live on a jewel but only

recognisable by the development of the higher faculties such as the brain and even a spiritual

centre, and, as before, surrounding the jewel are always the cultures of life that echo its

fragrance of life and form. The divinatory worlds are out of the blue emerald in nature spirit

form, but not all of it deals with the human. The elemental worlds are the life forms of the

blue emerald. They sometimes cross over and lend themselves to purpose in the green

(sometimes nature itself, sometimes with plant life and sometimes with that which has to find

its food). Before they do this they often take on, as a balancing act, the shape of the


Spring began and the skeletons of winter took on another form; the structures and process of

things changed, nature woke up and so did the elemental and (in a seeing or knowing way)

unseen worlds gave back to spring the ability to conceive again. Another layer of life and

another event of life. The emeralds were upon us, first the green, unwrapping itself, appearing

(as it always does) at first in young attire, fresh faced with the passion to grow, to make itself

again as it always did before. The structures and process of organic life regenerated, some

altered, some just serviced, attended by the natural spirit of the elemental and unseen worlds,

maturing in cycles, pushing until the moon signals the arrival of the great blue emerald.

The emerald jewels are about the divinatory to begin with (one of those mysterious doorways)

but one cannot enter without support. There are three steps to the emerald worlds, the first is

divinatory and then one becomes so oneself (the second). The third is about something else

altogether different, the structure, shape and mechanics of life itself. These steps may seem

harsh at first but they rely on one’s ability to do rather than to know. So upon this it is obvious

that the divinatory worlds are in support of this and much more.


In healing one relies upon the effects of the stones and searches the signs and symptoms for a

clue of where the healing is at. With amethyst, it tranquilizes and if there is a blank look upon

the face and no response, the patient is either dead or it worked (they were tranquillised). Use

silver to revive them.

Healings have been going on in the natural sense alongside the work. When your aura passes

by or through another, you will exchange a signal. That signal is compact and it will take a

time to unravel it.

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Headache is the first sign of something out of place. The brain itself feels no pain but is aware

so it is called deferred pain. The brain will create a pain somewhere using the alternate natural

pathways of force or content.

Once the content is felt by you, then the next step is learning how to transmit it. It requires a

love and passion of determination to do so, a passionate belief in what you do. Passion

commands as against demands, an active involvement. A true healer is one that has a

passionate desire to do so. In a true healer's way, believe in what you do without a sense of

'personal accomplishment'. Lay out your hand, either one, within that passion and grant them

or wish them a well-being from yourself. Try it and wait. See, if they tell you anything.

If something is real, it turns up on you. People and content travel, especially at night and

sometimes they are unaware they do this. Stress and trauma can expedite someone from

themselves when they are least resistant. Your friend has troubles and when they approach

you they will become suspended in your atmosphere that surrounds you, like a veil.

Amethyst will lever out of what turns up, its other or hidden side. The other side is opposite

from the one you are fixed on. Serenity and intrusion can all go together in a single person.

The neutralizer was removed in the suspended state of the person and the amethyst condition

levered out the difference.

Amethyst - the maintainer, the table upon which life retains itself in true and unaltered form,

the platform upon which nature’s eye can retrieve itself when in doubt. The protector against

the void and unknown, the house of frozen time and movement, where all life stands still and

only the desire or determination to return back to itself in true form is given as a healing.

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Appendix 1: The Divinatory Arts


Tarot, I Ching, Runes, Fortune Telling

N Interpretation A casting act like Tarot

- Deciphery A throwing art like Runes

+ Reading A stirring act like tea leaves


Healing, callings, chant, astral/akashic worlds

N Practice A recovery art like healing

- Withdrawal A reforming art like callings

+ Separation by


A discovery art like akashic worlds


Cleaning, meditation, dance, ceremony

N Initiation A leaning art like the prism

- Expectation A preparing act like cleansing

+ Ritualisation A confining art like ceremony

Connection Clairvoyant, mediumistic, psychic

N Responsive A receiving art like clairvoyance

- Held in custody A perceiving art like mediumistic

+ Elemental A visionary art like psychic


5 higher natural senses, precognitive, déjà vu

N Invasive A seeping art like precognition

- Occupational A leaking art like déjà vu

+ Evolutionary A long-sighted art of senses


Influences, charms, spells, drugs, potions

N Causative A permeating art like influencing

- Matriarchal A kindling art of charms

+ Binding A whispered art like spells

The Running

Life Condition

Imagination, mentality, feelings (fine tuned insight or intellect)

N Mutability A reasoning art like mentality

- Cohabitation A criteria art like feeling

+ Manifestation A creating art like imagination

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Appendix 2: Hegel: Love and self-awareness

Source: Philosophy through the backdoor

By: W. Weischedel

Translated by: Scope

Hegel endeavours to understand what is happening in the core, in the reality that surrounds us,

and what the state is of the human who is thinking and acting inside this reality. This is the

task of all philosophy. The advice is to keep this in mind, if you want to understand Hegel. All

too often the achievement of Hegel is regarded as learning a lesson in dialectics: the

monotonous rhythm of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Hegel’s thinking should be viewed as

a real philosophical effort, which comes from tangible questions about existence, and which

eventually will lead to the last great metaphysical structure of western thought.

One of these tangible questions Hegel asked is associated with Kant. In his monumental

ethics, duty and inclination are diametrically opposed to each other, where man is torn into

two halves: ‘the actual self’, which is aware of the laws of morality, and the ‘Empirical I’,

with its reprehensible tendencies, Hegel would like to restore ‘the unity of the whole man’ in

full glory. He finds this unity in love, which can both be an expression of the moral nature of

man and an expression of his natural inclinations. The question of the nature of love therefore

is the starting point in Hegel's thought. In this area he does the first of his major discoveries,

which will be the basis to further his philosophy.

The matter of love is the first place where Hegel came across dialectics, and this opened up

his eyes to see it really everywhere. So dialectics is not rooted in abstract thinking, but in the

observation of a concrete phenomenon. Through this event Hegel comes to the conclusion

that the dialectic of origin is not a matter of philosophical findings, but an essential structural

fact of reality.

What kind of things exactly enter into love, as a dynamic relation between lovers? First of all

there has to be someone who loves, who proposes to be, who confirms his own existence. He

is the thesis, formally, in the whole love affair. But love should find the loved one, and should

identify with her, should lose himself in her, so alienation can occur regarding his own being.

Those that renounce themselves so thoroughly, and ignore the initial self-affirmation, allow

the affirmation of the other in its place. So, to the formal structure of love not only belongs to

the thesis, but also the denial of the antithesis. The phenomenon hasn’t been described

satisfactorily with this yet. Of crucial importance is that the person who loves, by losing

himself in the beloved, eventually will find himself again. During the moment of surrender to

his beloved, he will have a deeper awareness of himself. Because the ‘true essence of love is

to give up your own awareness, losing yourself in another self, and through this giving up and

losing yourself, you eventually will take true possession of yourself’. The negation of the

antithesis will in turn be denied. The alienation is lifted, creating a true synthesis between the

one who loves and the beloved.

The development of love shows the structure of a dialectic process, a living dynamic event.

‘The loved one is not placed in front of us, but will become one with us in being; we see

ourselves only in the other – while the other is still another – a miracle we can’t comprehend.’

Love, as an aspect of reality, shows us that inside reality dialectics exists, a struggle and

reconciliation of opposites.

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On closer examination of love, Hegel discovers the following thing: it is not a separate thing

of reality, but a universal ingredient of reality, a fundamental characteristic. The whole of life

reflects this love relationship and supports it. This means: whatever is reflected in love, is life

itself. Lovers themselves experience it that way: if they are overwhelmed by love, they feel

they are driven by a hidden force; in love 'life finds itself.’ Behind the seen event of love

Hegel’s 'infinite totality of life' emerged, as a principle from which all life springs.

This gives Hegel’s thought a deeper philosophical sense, he sees not only that which takes

place before his eyes, but he questions the basis of things seen, and concludes: that which in

love comes to the surface, the total life, is nothing else but the basis of reality; in everything

that is, flows the one and mighty life. This reality inside all realities is being indicated by

Hegel as the ‘absolute life’ or ‘the absolute’ in short. This fact that everything becomes a

manifestation of that absolute one, is the philosophical basic intention of Hegel. This gives

Hegel’s thinking a metaphysical dimension. The reality must now be viewed from actual fact,

the Absolute; through this philosophy turns into a ‘science of the Absolute’. This conclusion

is for Hegel very important in a time that is characterized by ‘a life that seems to be deserted

by the Absolute’ and by ‘the feeling of: God Himself is dead’. That’s why it’s very important

to restore the Absolute back into His rights.

The Absolute life has, like Hegel already had established, the same dialectical structure as His

typical expression of Love. This is also clearly experienced by those who love, and who

regard love as an expression of life that is present in them. One notices that one is imbued

with the same principle of life, meaning that there is originally only one life force. But at the

same time they experience their separate lives, and it makes them suffer. This unique life is

split into a multitude of living beings. It indicates the discord that has arisen within the

original unit, ‘the necessary dichotomy is a factor of life, which is built up from eternal

opposites.’ Yet for lovers it is clear there is an urge for union; in love ‘life finds itself, as a

couple and as a single’. So life itself, which pervades the whole of reality, is a dialectic event

on its own, an on-going story of separation and association, of self-alienation and

reconciliation. Within this inner rhythm He forms new shapes again and again, and reveals

His creative power of being.

The logical conclusion that Hegel drew from absolute life is nothing but Divinity: ‘Everything

is alive in Divinity, in God’. So Hegel’s thinking became a philosophical theology. The sole

purpose of philosophy revolves around ‘God and the description of God’. In the end it comes

down to ‘focusing philosophy on God’.

This Divinity, in which everything is alive and living, is not the personal sublime Creator as

Christianity sees Him, but ‘the God of the world’. Still Hegel did not quite reject the Christian

concept of God. He joined the traditional reflection of God as spirit. For Hegel, the human

spirit is the most important reflection of God in the world. If then the human spirit is the

highest form of the Divine manifestation, it is obvious to assume that God is a kind of spirit

Himself as well. ‘The Absolute is the Spirit; this is the highest definition of the Absolute.’

The basic thesis of Hegel’s philosophy is the idea of an Absolute Spirit: ‘God is the Absolute


If, however, God is Spirit, and the world a way for God to show Himself, it follows inevitably

that the world has a spiritual being as well. This is the huge consequence Hegel saw.

Everything we see: not only man and the creations of his mind, but also things, the mountains,

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animals and plants; the whole of nature is spiritual in its true ground. Due to our limited finite

senses we only experience the material cloak. Who would like to view the world correctly,

from a philosophical point of view, in its true form, should perceive it as a spirit that has

become visible, because ‘only the spiritual is real’.

The task that Hegel set himself was finding an answer to the question how God exactly

projects Himself in nature and as a human spirit, and why there is an inner necessity for God

to become the world. Hegel shows that the dialectic is also active in the highest echelon, at the

level of God. If God is nothing but the Absolute life, then His inner structure must be similar

to the structure of life. That is why the ‘basic concept of the absolute spirit is the return

through reconciliation out of His other to Himself. God is this: to distinguish Himself from

Himself, turning Himself into an object, and inside this distinction remaining the same, that is

being a spirit’. According to Hegel this inner dialectical event is the way God manifests

Himself as the world.

To clarify this, Hegel starts from the human spirit; as the highest expression of the Divine

Spirit, he can best be compared with Him. What is characteristic of the human spirit? Hegel

answers: ‘to make the human aware of himself’. The nature of the spirit is self-awareness. But

there are several varieties of self-awareness. There are several phases of self-awareness, there

is a growing developing awareness. A child has other knowledge of itself than a grown man.

Hegel would like to show the path of self-awareness is dialectical in nature, and there are thus

three phases, just like the phenomenon of love, where ‘the development of the spirit takes

place through resignation, splitting and returning at the same time.’

The first stage of self-awareness is the state in which the spirit still slumbers. The human isn’t

aware of himself yet. Look to the awareness of yourself as a young child. It is not more than a

vague awareness of the fact you are living. This simple awareness corresponds to the thesis of

the dialectical system. To become really aware, the human has to wake from the state of

dreams, and this takes place in two steps. His attention is drawn to himself, he begins to

discover himself. And now something remarkable happens, according to Hegel. The spirit

sees himself, but it seems he sees something else. He experiences the alienation of his own

image, and he wonders: ‘Am I this?’ In this self-observation the self-alienation takes place;

there is a separation taking place between the one that observes and the one that is being

observed. This self-alienation is the first step of the antithesis. Man hasn’t reached the state of

real, complete self-awareness. This only takes place when man who views himself discovers

that his image and his mirror image are one and the same. This is the moment in which he, as

Hegel says, surpasses the phase of self-alienation, and return to himself; he reconciles with

himself, which leads to synthesis. The results of these thoughts are that the human spirit is

self-awareness, and self-awareness is a process of becoming of dialectical nature.

What Hegel has determined for the human spirit, he tries to transfer to the Divine Spirit. This

too is self-consciousness in the making, and this too will be taking place in accordance with

dialectics. Hegel views Divinity as a being with an inner development directed towards full

consciousness. At this point Hegel’s idea of God differs fundamentally from the Christian

concept of God. Hegel assumes God has a history Himself, and He seeks fulfilment of His

whole being.

Subsequently he tries to show how this dialectical development functions. Because ‘the

Absolute Spirit is a being which doesn’t change, not in a million years, yet becomes someone

else, and recognizes it as Himself.’

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When He manages to escape, there is a first stage, where Divinity isn’t aware of yet, in which,

you could say, the Absolute Spirit slumbers. In his comprehensive system, Hegel tries to

explain, in a new kind of ‘logic’, that Divinity is locked into Himself; this logic contains ‘the

image of God…as He is in His eternal being before the creation of nature and a finite spirit’.

Divinity should not remain in a dream state, if He wishes to attain true self-awareness. The

next attempt consists of the description of the huge transition of God to the perfect state of

self-awareness. First of all, God has to move to the outside, looking for Himself. To do this,

He has to take a second step, a step of self-alienation through retirement. He sees Himself,

and divides Himself into Observer and Object of observation which for the time being is

another. The fantastic conclusion that Hegel attaches to this is that this split Divinity is

nothing but the world we see; God’s self-alienation is His becoming the world. But now

Hegel has to bring his task to a successful conclusion; that is he should interpret the total

reality from the perspective of the Absolute Spirit. To this end he should shift his thinking, he

should become the spirit of the world in person. Hegel wants to make clear the world is

indeed in a shape where God suffers self-alienation. This world appears both as nature as well

as human spirit. Both are representations of God. But in this philosophical image the human

spirit is regarded as that which observes, as an exploration of nature. Nature which is being

explored by the human spirit, as the object of this divine contemplation; She is ‘the Absolute

Spirit as His other Self.’.

So what we see as nature, as things, is in fact God, but God as He sees another. The natural

philosophy of Hegel is the doctrine of God in His self-alienation. And whenever the human

mind projects itself into nature, this means nothing else than that Divinity, present in the

human spirit, recognizes itself.

During this self-observation the return takes place, which is characteristic of the third stage of

self-awareness. Now God has to realize He is both observer and observed at the same time,

because this is the essential characteristic of the fulfilling self-awareness. This return of God

to Himself takes place in man; in him God is becoming aware of Himself completely, in him

the dialectical process of the Divine Awareness finalizes. How this takes place is described by

Hegel in his comprehensive ‘Philosophy of the Spirit’. The deepest meaning of that which

takes place at the level of the human spirit is knowledge of God: you can find her both in

individual endeavours as well as in history; she manifests in justice, in the state, in science

and the arts, in religion, and last but not least philosophy. Finally, when you come to a point

where you understand the whole of reality as a reflection of the divine spirit, then the divine

adventure of becoming the world living in duality has been completed, and the divine returned

into self.

Hegel had set himself an immense task, by wanting to see the whole of reality as a pure and

exclusive image of the absolute spirit. He paints the ‘tragedy…the playing with oneself in

absolute eternity, its eternal revelation in objectivity, surrender to suffering and death and

resurrection to glory out of its own ashes.’ Because, ‘not the life hiding from death and

protecting against destruction, but the life that endures and accepts is the life of the spirit. It

obtains truth only when it finds itself inside inner conflict.’

In the end Hegel’s monumental attempts failed, because some hard facts could not be

incorporated into this system. There do exist in the world perfect shapes, in which he

discovers their divine origin: the perfect organism, the ideal moral state, the true religion, the

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successful work of art, the great philosophy. But these are just oases in a huge desert, which

can hardly be regarded as Divine reflections. There is the chaotic world of human urges, there

are all those indifferent coincidences of history, that with the best will in the world can’t be

explained as steps on the path to self-awareness of the Divine Spirit. It’s obvious the world

isn’t a pure reflection of God. There is a rebellious element: forces of chaos against the divine

forces. If you really want to stick to this idea, as Hegel is trying again and again, that the

world should be understood from the viewpoint of Divinity, you will have to come to the

conclusion that God’s becoming the world takes place in conflict and destruction, in sparse

victories and countless defeats. Finding yourself succeeds only partially: the rest is ruin.

Although Hegel’s attempt failed in the end, the task he set himself remains the essential task

of all philosophy: finding a point from which the world can be explained in its entirety.

Hegel’s aim is an example for all philosophizing. Philosophers must simply unravel the divine

secret. And when their constant striving to penetrate this darkness finally fails, only one thing

remains: acceptance, which was regarded by Goethe as the highest point in human existence:

‘the silent worship of the unfathomable’.