Conducting Mrktng Research

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  • 8/3/2019 Conducting Mrktng Research


    The Marketing Research Process

    Chapter 29Conducting Market ResearchChapter 29Conducting Market Research

    Section 29.1 The Marketing Research Process

    Section 29.2 The Marketing Survey

    Section 29.1 The Marketing Research Process

    Section 29.2 The Marketing Survey

  • 8/3/2019 Conducting Mrktng Research


    The Marketing Research Process


    y Explain the steps in designing and conducting

    marketing research

    y Compare primary and secondary data

    y Collect and interpret marketing information

    y Identify the elements in a marketing researchreport

    Key Terms


    primary data


    datasurvey method





    data analysis

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    The Marketing Research Process

    Study Organizer

    Construct a flow chart like this one to record thesteps in conducting marketing research.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    The Marketing Research Process

    The five steps that a business follows whenconducting marketing research are:

    Defining the problem

    Obtaining data

    Analyzing the data

    Recommending solutions

    Applying the results

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 1: Defining the Problem

    Problem definition ; occurs when a business clearly

    identifies a problem and what is needed to solve it.

    Because money and time are limited, businessesmust identify which problems and issues are themost important to address at a given time.


    The process bywhich a businessclearly identifies

    a problem andwhat is neededto solve it.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 2: Obtaining Data

    The word data means facts. There are two types ofdata used in marketing research:

    Primary data ; are facts obtained for the firsttime and used specifically for the particularproblem or issue under study.

    Secondary data ; have already been collected forsome purpose other than the current study. They

    are less expensive to collect than primary data.

    There are many ways secondary data can beobtained from both internal sources (within thecompany) and external sources.

    primary data

    Data obtained forthe first time andused specificallyfor the particular

    problem or issueunder study.


    Data that hasalready been

    collected forsome purposeother than thecurrent study.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Secondary Data Are Obtained

    Secondary data are most often collected in thefollowing ways:

    The Internet

    U.S. and state government sources

    Specialized research companies

    Business publications and trade organizations

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Secondary Data Are Obtained

    The Internet provides company Web sites that shareproduct descriptions, services offered, locations,

    revenue information, and company specifications.

    Digital dossiers provide company profiles on publiccorporations, income statements, and balance sheets.These are also online.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Secondary Data Are Obtained

    Data collected by U.S. government agencies can alsobe accessed for free or for a minimal cost on the

    Internet. These data deal with:

    Population demographics

    Specific markets


    Products Economic news

    Export information

    Legislative trends

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Secondary Data Are Obtained

    Specialized companies will sell:

    Demographic data Five-year forecasts

    Consumer purchase information

    Business data

    Census information

    Consumer classification reports

    Syndicated services make this information availablein print and electronic formats.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Secondary Data Are Obtained

    National and statewide trade associations oftenpublish secondary data in articles, reports, and books.

    The greatest advantage of secondary data is thatthey can be obtained easily because of how widelydistributed they are.

    There are two major disadvantages to secondarydata:

    The existing data may not be suitable for theproblem under study.

    The data may sometimes be outdated and/orinaccurate.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    Primary research data can be collected using threemethods:

    The survey method

    The observation method

    The experimental method

    The survey method ; is a research technique in

    which information is gathered from people throughthe use of surveys or questionnaires. It is the mostfrequently used method of collecting primary data.

    A sample ; is a part of the target population that

    represents it accurately.


    A researchtechnique inwhich

    information isgathered frompeople throughthe use ofsurveys orquestionnaires.

    sampleA part of thetarget populationthat is assumedto represent theentirepopulation.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    Survey research can be conducted in person, byphone, by mail, or by using the Internet. When the

    marketer has decided how to conduct the survey, heor she then writes the questions according to thespecific needs of that survey type.

    Personal interviews can be done in focus groups,door-to-door, or randomly in central locations.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    A focus group interview involves eight to twelvepeople who are brought together to evaluate

    advertising, a product, design, or marketing strategyunder a skilled moderator.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    A major advantage of personal interviews is that theyget a much better and easier response than mail,

    phone, or Internet surveys.

    Telephone interviews are quick, efficient, andrelatively inexpensive.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    While mailed surveys have low response rates asuccessful survey may get a ten percent response

    offering some type of incentive to complete them canhelp to convince more people to respond.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    Internet-based surveys are quick and eliminate theneed for data entry. A drawback is that Internet

    surveys are limited to individuals who have access tothe Web. Also, many people dislike receivinguninvited e-mail surveys.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    The observation method ; is a research technique

    in which the actions of people are watched and

    recorded either by cameras or by observers.

    A mystery shopper is a researcher who poses as acustomer. The mystery shopper observes theinteractions between customers and salespeople toevaluate the effectiveness of sales staff.


    A researchtechnique inwhich the actions

    of people arewatched andrecorded eitherby cameras or byobservers.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    One disadvantage of the observation method is thatit cannot measure attitudes or motivation. Two

    advantages of the observation method are that it isfaster than personal interviews, and people areunaware that they are being observed, so they act asthey normally would.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    Point-of-sale research ; involves observing

    shoppers to decide which ones to choose as research

    subjects. After observation, researchers approach theselected shoppers and ask them questions.

    This method provides fresh and accurate informationfrom the consumer because the purchase has justbeen made.


    A form ofresearch thatcombines natural

    observation withpersonalinterviews to getpeople to explainbuying behavior.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    How Primary Data Are Obtained

    The experimental method ; is a technique in which

    a researcher observes the results of changing one or

    more marketing variables while keeping othersconstant under controlled conditions. It is not usedfrequently because of the cost of setting up theresearch conditions and the inaccuracy of theresponses.


    A researchtechnique inwhich a

    researcherobserves theresults ofchanging one ormore marketingvariables whilekeeping certain

    other variablesconstant undercontrolledconditions.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 3: Analyzing the Data

    Data analysis ; is the process of compiling,

    analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and

    secondary data collection.

    Data mining is a computer process that usesstatistical methods to extract new information fromlarge amounts of data.

    data analysis

    The process ofcompiling,analyzing, andinterpreting the

    results ofprimary andsecondary datacollection.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 4: Recommending Solutions tothe Problem

    Solution recommendations must be clear and well-supported by the research data. A typical research

    report includes the following:

    Title page

    Acknowledgments of people who assisted

    Table of contents

    List of tables, figures, charts, and graphs

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 4: Recommending Solutions tothe Problem


    Review of the research information

    Procedures used



    Summary and conclusions Appendixes


    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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    Step 5: Applying the Results

    Managers use the research report to make decisionsabout marketing strategies to address the researched

    problem or issue.

    After the research is completed and changes aremade, a business should carefully monitor the resultsto know if the actions are successful.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.1

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  • 8/3/2019 Conducting Mrktng Research


    The Marketing Survey


    y Design a marketing research survey

    y Administer a marketing research survey

    Key Terms





    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

  • 8/3/2019 Conducting Mrktng Research


    The Marketing Survey

    Study Organizer

    Complete an outline of this section by listingheadlines, subheadings, and key concepts.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    A questionnaire has validity ; when the questions

    asked measure what was intended to be measured.

    Reliability ; exists when a research techniqueproduces nearly identical results in repeated trials.It requires that the questions ask for the sametype of information from all respondents.

    To be valid and reliable, a questionnaire must be






    When questionsasked on aquestionnairemeasure what

    was intended tobe asked.


    When a researchtechniqueproduces nearlyidentical resultsin repeated trials.

    Constructing the Questionnaire

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    Open-ended questions ; ask respondents to

    construct their own response to a question.

    Forced-choice questions ; ask respondents tochoose answers from possibilities on aquestionnaire.

    Yes/No questions should be used only when askingfor a response on one issue, for example, Was

    our facility well maintained? Having a questionthat asks about more than one issue decreasesvalidity and reliability.

    open-endedquestionsQuestions thatrequirerespondents to

    construct theirown answers.

    forced-choicequestionsQuestions thatask respondentsto choose

    answers frompossibilities givenon aquestionnaire.

    Writing Questions

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    Multiple-choice questions give the respondentseveral choices. When constructing these, it is

    important to make the options mutually exclusiveand comprehensive enough to include everypossible response.

    Offering the choice of other increases reliability.

    Writing Questions

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    Other forced-choice questions may askrespondents to rate a product or service based

    upon a scale.

    Level of agreement questions make statementsand ask respondents for their level of agreement.Commonly used options include strongly agree,agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

    Writing Questions

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    Each question should be clearly written and asbrief as possible.

    Use consistent ranking scales for all similarquestions.

    Avoid leading questions and introducing biases.

    Do not use questions that make yourrespondent guess.


    asic Guidelines for WritingQuestions

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    You should use dark ink on light paper and typethat is easy to read. The questionnaire should be

    short enough that the respondent does not growfrustrated or tired while answering.

    Be sure to put section headings or numbers on allindividual survey sections as well as numbers foreach question.


    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    Page numbers are essential tomake sure your respondent does

    not get lost within the survey.


    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    General demographic questions about gender, age,ethnicity, and education are typically grouped

    together at the end of the survey. That is becauserespondents are more likely to answer personalquestions after completing the other questions.


    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    A plan must be established for selectingparticipants in an unbiased way. Be sure to explain

    the surveys purpose either in person or on thequestionnaire.

    Many questionnaires offer incentives to encouragepeople to participate.

    Administering the Questionnaire

    Marketing Essentials Chapter 29, Section 29.2

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    Section 29.1

    y The five steps that a business follows whenconducting marketing research are defining theproblem, obtaining data, analyzing the data,recommending solutions, and applying the results.The steps are performed sequentially to arrive atsolutions to a problem or research an issue.


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    Section 29.2

    y Questionnaires should provide data that are validand reliable. Marketing surveys may include open-ended and forced-choice questions. Forced-choicequestions include yes/no, multiple-choice, ratingscale, and level of agreement questions.

    y To obtain unbiased data and increase response

    rates, market researchers must follow guidelineswhen constructing, formatting, and administeringsurveys.


  • 8/3/2019 Conducting Mrktng Research


    This chapter has helped prepare you to meet thefollowing DECA performance indicators:

    Identify information monitored for marketingdecision making

    Describe sources of secondary data

    Search the Internet for marketing information

    Monitor internal records for marketing information

    Collect marketing information from others (e.g.,customers, staff, vendors)

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