1 1 ADP Digital Solutions Social Marketing & Reputation Management Social Marketing & Reputation Management Introducing a Managed Solution from ADP’s Digital Solutions team that provides dealers with the services and technology needed to reduce Total Dealer Spend by tapping into the power of Social Media, User Generated Content Networks and Online Reputation Management...

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Introducing a Managed Solution from ADP’s Digital Solutions team that provides dealers with the services and technology needed to reduce Total Dealer Spend by tapping into the power of Social Media, User Generated Content Networks and Online Reputation Management...

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Social Marketing & Reputation Management

1. Value Proposition: What is it and why Dealers will want it “handled” by ADP…

2. Solution Strategy: ADP’s Strategy turns perceived chaos into marketing synergy

3. Solution Manifest and Scope of Work: Web Site, Subscriptions and Syndication wrapped in Managed Services

4. ADP Cost of Goods Sold: (Supplier Costs)+(Internal Components)+(Resource Hours)=ADP Solution Cost

5. Market Demand Forecast: Current and future dealer/OEM demand examples/projections

6. Sales Revenue Guidance: Prototype price points to date, OEM demand example and dealer perceived value estimates based on DIY costs…

This document will define and outline the following:

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

THE PROBLEM: Dealers currently see the Social Media and Online Ratings and Reviews Landscape as a bewildering array of brands and sites!

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

1. Increased traffic to the dealer’s primary eCommerce websites

2. Increased “Top Of Mind” Brand Awareness of the dealership in their local area with automotive customers who are in market

3. Improved Search Engine Rankings for the dealer’s primary eCommerce site for relevant search terms

4. An effective and proactive Reputation Management strategy that alerts dealers to what is being published and guides satisfied customers towards posting positive reviews about dealership

5. Increased sales of Vehicles, Service and Parts

6. Dealer establishes a Thought Leadership position in their local community with a customer segment that is difficult to reach

7. Employee engagement with Social Media that is guided, advantageous to the dealership, controlled and monitored

Value Proposition to Dealers:

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

It’s as Easy as ADP to leverage the overwhelming growth in consumer use of Social Networks and User Generated Content (Web 2.0) to develop your Social Marketing and Reputation Management Strategy that utilizes “Positive Word of Mouth” amplified with the power of the Internet to enhance your good reputation, create top of mind awareness and elevate your dealership’s brand in a more cost effective manner than either CRM or advertising alone.

It’s Easy as ADP to tap into consumer adoption of Social Networking and User Content Creation by creating your own online community of customers, employees and suppliers filled with high quality content such as Videos, Photos, the latest reviews and road tests, interviews and articles supplied by car companies, enthusiast publications and consumers.

Examples - Marketing Communication to Dealers:

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP will build your dealership sponsored online community using the most powerful social networking platform technology available to make it easy and fun for your customers to participate… Using a combination of OEM and enthusiast publication content , we incorporate highly desirable content which is automatically updated daily to create an engaging and rich experience for people in your local market area. ADP Social Marketers will publish blogs, forum discussions, photos and videos that will stimulate your community members to respond and create their own content, triggering others to join in!

ADP will build and deploy a comprehensive syndication strategy that uses Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and embedded HTML code (Widgets) built into your dealership sponsored community to push content and member activities out to the most popular sites on the web.

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

Examples - Marketing Communication to Dealers:

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

Examples - Marketing Communication to Dealers:

Your dealership will achieve a highly positive presence within today’s most popular social networks where customers spend hours of their daily online time. Your ADP built social network’s inbound content feeds and potent SEO power will grab people’s attention and pull them into your online community... ADP will use your online community’s powerful outbound syndication technology to connect your social network to customers by setting up your accounts, managing profiles and leveraging partnerships and technologies such as:

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Why should dealers use ADP?

ADP has built a staff of Social Marketing Analysts who stay on top of which Social networks and Web 2.0 sites are the most effective. We know where to get and how to use the best auto-updated content that keeps your online community and content syndication fresh and relevant to your customers. ADP will use DMS, Lead Management Tool and CRM application exports to create invitations for your customers to join the community, which is an important part of creating high quality sales opportunities at a nominal cost. ADP will use our access to new OEM tools and independent sources to leverage information feeds, image galleries, and video content updated daily to enrich your online community. ADP knows how to take advantage of powerful social network web site platforms as an online magnet to pull in and engage enthusiasts in your area, along with previous sales and service customers. With your involvement and participation, ADP is the only dealership supplier that know how to guide your community towards reaching critical mass needed to achieve the Web 2.0 alchemy that drives dealership opportunities to do business.

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP is the leader in developing digital marketing managed solutions, strategy, training, tools and processes for car dealers. We have embraced the emergence of social media and user (consumer) generated content (UGC) as a powerful source of connectivity with people, including dealers and their employees, suppliers, OEM associates and automotive consumers. We have guided more dealers, and provided more online resources where today’s customers spend their time, than any other dealer solutions supplier. We know that now, more than ever before, it is critical that dealers are provided with access to solutions that create an effective position for their dealerships within social media and online consumer rating sites… Then, we show dealers how to use the right strategies, tactics, tools and processes to establish trust based relationships with their customers. ADP has the know-how and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) resources to deliver a steady stream of engaging content and provide consumer desired information on behalf of the dealers we serve. We engage today’s social network members with content and capabilities that create “Pull” rather than only having “Push” tactics to communicate the latest deals, rebates or incentives.

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

Why should dealers use ADP?

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Solution Strategy (part 1):1. Managed Service that includes creating,

maintaining and supporting a full featured Social Network site that serves as the dealer’s “Automotive Community” and social media hub

2. Sold and Serviced as an ADP/BZ Digital Marketing System component that compliments existing dealer eCommerce website and lead management components, subject to similar terms and conditions

3. Includes multiple 3rd party applications and integration/syndication points with popular social media sites in a variety of categories

4. Utilizes OEM and Independent publisher supplied content integration systems

5. Incorporates Reputation Management systems and processes that require dealership participation and DMS, CRM and Lead Management integration

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Solution Strategy (part 2):1. Solution is not recommended for dealers without an

ADP or BZ Results Digital Marketing System, although can be sold to such dealers if supported by an adequate Digital Advertising budget with ADP

2. Solution effectiveness requires online advertising support using Social Media placed advertising

3. Value received by dealer includes positioning as an Employee Benefit, Supplier Enhancement and as a service to Dealership Sales and Service Customers

4. Requires Dealer employee participation and in-dealership management processes to generate ROI

5. The nature of any Social Media Marketing solution includes the exposure of the dealership management team to uncensored comments and feedback from dealership customers, so requires an effective concern resolution process at dealership

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing / Reputation Management

Solution Strategy:1. Establishing a system for sorting and categorizing all

social media sites and applications into generally recognized segments based on features/functions

2. Determining which of these categories are useful to incorporate within the ADP supplied list of managed services and what levels of integration or syndication will benefit dealers

3. Streamline processes and achieve efficiencies for the ADP managed solution to ensure greater cost effectiveness than if the dealer were to manage internally using dealership employees/resources

4. Establish measurement points and reporting systems that indicate value received by dealer

5. Use solution as an enhancement to dealer’s overall digital marketing system and effective ROI

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Social Marketing and Reputation Management StrategyADP Organizes Social Media into Functional Categories (w/examples)

1. Social & Professional Networksa) Facebookb) MySpacec) LinkedIn

2. Publishing Sites (Blogs)a) Blogger.comb) WordPressc) TypePad

3. Photo Hosting Sitesa) Flickrb) Photobucketc) Picassa

4. Audioa) iTunesb) Podcast.net c) Podbean

5. Video Hosting Sitesa) YouTubeb) Viddlerc) Gawkk

Categories included in

ADP SM/RM Solution Phase 1 in Red Font

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

6. Microblogginga) Twitterb) Plurkc) Twitxr

7. Livecastinga) BlogTalkRadiob) Justin.TVc) Live 365

8. Virtual Worldsa) SecondLifeb) ActiveWorldsc) ViOS

9. Gaminga) Halo3b) World of Warcraftc) Everquest

Social Marketing and Reputation Management StrategyADP Organizes Social Media into Functional Categories (w/examples)

Categories included in

ADP SM/RM Solution Phase 1 in Red Font

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

10. Productivity Applicationsa) Google Docsb) Yahoo!c) VOX

11. Aggregatorsa) Diggb) FriendFeedc) Reddit

12. RSS Feedsa) FeedBurnerb) Atomc) RSS 2.0

13. Searcha) Google Searchb) Technoratic) Yahoo! Search

Social Marketing and Reputation Management StrategyADP Organizes Social Media into Functional Categories (w/examples)

Categories included in

ADP SM/RM Solution Phase 1 in Red Font

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

14. Mobilea) Gumiyob) AOL Mobilec) SMS.ac

15. Interpersonala) AOL Instant Messengerb) iChatc) Meebo

16. Consumer Reviews & Ratingsa) Edmundsb) DealerRaterc) CarDealerCheck

17. Social Network Platform Tools a) Joomlab) Ning c) BuddyPress

Social Marketing and Reputation Management StrategyADP Organizes Social Media into Functional Categories (w/examples)

Categories included in

ADP SM/RM Solution Phase 1 in Red Font

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

SM/RM Solution Components by Category

Social & Professional


Article & Content Publishing Blogs


UGC Video & Photo Servers

(Video-Photo SEO)

Consumer Reviews & Dealer Rating Services

Aggregators& Microbloggers

“Build a network of UGC sites connected to your online community as a social marketing strategy”

www.SandersonCommunity.comDealer Sponsored Online Community

“Social Media Hub”

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

“Use a network of connected sites for push-pull syndication of OEM supplied and User Generated Content and Assets. Leverage car company daily updates and engage customers for content creation that provides most of the work needed to keep your social network and community site timely and relevant!”

ADP connects and manages components to deliver a turn-key Social Marketing and Reputation Management Solution…

Web 2.0 Component Integration = Dealer Value

ADP’s Social Marketing & Reputation Management Solution

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Dealership Community.com
















Managed Solution Component Deployment Example

www.ToyotaCommunity.com• Dealers; Local Toyota Owner Groups• Toyota Model Profiles• Consumer Generated Content syndicated

across multiple social media sites

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Social Marketing – Reputation Management ADP Solution Component Cost Projections

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management


1. Ning Premium services bundle - $85 a month (includes site support)2. DealerRater - $85 a month ($1,000 annual) less with reseller agreement 3. Network Solutions Domains (6) - $24 a month ($288 annual)4. Facebook - $10 a month for professional account5. Flickr - $9 a month ($99 annual)6. Video Syndication Service - $10 a month7. BMI commercial music fair use licensing - $25 a month (community music player)8. Rebate and Incentives iFrame web service - $55 a month9. Member Rewards Program plug in app - $25 a month10.Knowem Social Media Registration Services - $70 x 1, $20/monthly

The External Supplier List above results in a $70 one time fee and $348 monthly “Cost Of Goods Sold”, plus additional internal resource costs of providing :

• 32 Hours Initial Setup Labor (4 days of full time resource)• 4 to 8 hours monthly maintenance (ADP analyst grade resource)• 12 – 36 Month Contract Terms, (No 30 Day OUT)

Revenue Projection:Solution is marketable at price points between $2,995 (3 year), $3,495 (2 year) and

$3,995 (1 year) a month on a 1, 2 or 3 year commitment term...

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.SandersonCommunity.com Dealer Sponsored Online Community

Created and Managed by ADP & Dealer

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.SandersonCommunity.com Dealer Sponsored Online Community

Created and Managed by ADP & Dealer

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.MyJeepCommunity.com Dealer Sponsored Online Community

Created and Managed by ADP & Dealer

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense to be replaced by ADP Ad Network Space

www.MyJeepCommunity.com Dealer Sponsored Online Community

Created and Managed by ADP & Dealer

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.MyJeepCommunity.com Dealer Sponsored Online Community

Created and Managed by ADP & Dealer

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.Boston-Honda.com Prototype Online Honda Community

Created and Managed by ADP

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Boston-Honda.com Prototype Online Honda Community

Created and Managed by ADP

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.San-Tan-Ford.com Online Dealer Community

Created and Managed by ADP

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense to be replaced by ADP Ad Network Space

www.San-Tan-Ford.com Online Dealer Community

Created and Managed by ADP

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.FordCommunity.com Online Dealer Community

Created by ADP to close DA Contract

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense to be replaced by ADP Ad Network Space

www.FordCommunity.com/profiles/members/ Online Dealer Community Created by ADP to close DA Contract

First new members are the ADP team working with the dealership!

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense to be replaced by ADP Ad Network Space

www.FordCommunity.com/video Online Dealer Community Created by ADP to close DA Contract

Same Videos used in ADP DA Video Ads uploaded to Community

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced

by ADP Ad Network Space


Online Dealer Community Created by ADP to close DA Contract. Same Videos used in ADP DA Video Ads uploaded to Community

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Google Adsense

to be replaced by ADP

Ad Network Space

www.FordCommunity.com/photo Online Dealer Community Created by ADP to close DA Contract. Same Videos used in ADP DA Video Ads uploaded to Community

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP’s Social Marketing and Reputation Management Solutions focus on obtaining and serving up highly desirable relevant content.

1. Consumer members of Dealership Community• Customer Contests and Incentives (UCN example)• Advertise syndication brands to attract consumers

2. RSS Feeds from OEM’s and Enthusiast sites• ADP library of feeds catalogued by brand

3. Video & Photo Feeds from multiple sources• ADP library of Media feeds by brand

4. Widgets/Gadgets from multiple sources• DealerRater.com reseller agreement• Embed selected dealer website content (inventory, specials, etc.)• Over 100 Widget Apps available from platform provider

5. Dealership Employees• Fixed Operations• Civic Activities, Fund Raisers, Local Sponsorships,

6. Suppliers• Every supplier required to have a profile within community

7. OEM associates - Car Companies are HIGHLY supportive

Content Drives Traffic and Customer Engagement

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management


During ADP/Ford Dealer Community Pilots, we worked with muliple Consumer Rating UGC sites… DealerRater.com has provided the filtered feeds, Google Reviews rankings, and

supporting code needed to make the Dealership

Community concept practical.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

DigitalRalph says:

“ADP uses DealerRater Data integration embedded into dealer community to automatically pull in all positive reviews posted by consumers on DealerRater.com”

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Included within ADP’s SM/RM Solution Delivery is the posting of positive news stories, letters, accolades and awards that each dealer receives and supplies to their ADP DA Analyst…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Let’s walk through an example of using the predetermined number of HTML code blocks and Syndication feeds to confiure an element of a dealer’s ADP managed community…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Here, we are selecting a Ford OEM supplied graphic as the header image to display above the Ford OEM supplied content which is updated daily… Automatically, without effort.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

We will use the Community site platform tooks to configure the image HTML code to create a pop-up page when selected….

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Replace HREF

After the Community Site Platform generates the HTML code we will replace the string indicating the full size image with the URL of the Ford OEM asset we want to frame in….

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Copy Targeted Content URL

We copy the Ford OEM URL for the “Ford on TV and Film” Social Marketing Snippet….

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Paste Targeted Content URL

We then paste the URL in place of the full size image code from the platform image rendering app to generate a pop-up framed in version of the OEM asset….

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Dealer Community Site looking GREAT… Content Updated Daily!

During production, the various syndication codes can be standardized by OEM to streamline both Dealer Community launch and ongoing maintenance….

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

http://ford.digitalsnippets.comOEM Support by creating easily accessible syndication assets!

SMPR is Ford’s Acronym for “Social Media Press Release”

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Ford Pilots were based on ADP selected site platform that has application level integration with Flickr… Ford provides API access so that Consumers can access high resolution glamour photos from within Ford Lincoln Mercury dealer communities.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing Dealer Solutions will have a daily API updated supply of gorgeous high resolution, commercial quality (expensive) photography that consumers get access to via their membership in our Ford Lincoln Mercury dealer communities.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing Dealer Solutions will use API based embedded applications to provide member exclusive advance access to images of future models which have not yet been released to the public or press by Ford!

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Consumer Members of Ford Lincoln Mercury Dealer Communities supplied by ADP will be able to “push” their Ford API based embedded slideshows and videos to their Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. member profiles and friend pages… Ford will use separate apps for what is exclusive and what can be shared outside the dealer’s community.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Supplied Dealer Communities can control whether members can distribute content or not, by widget settings and membership status…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

on SandersonCommunity.com

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

“In today’s social media dominated world, online consumer generated

content, such as reviews and ratings, is prevailing as a key

influence in shoppers’ decision to ultimately purchase a vehicle or

use service. This trend can be recognized by the increase in

popularity of Web sites built onbusiness models providing just

this type of information. A positive consequence of such review sites is that

dealers now work harder to avoid getting low scores and more effort is put into satisfying customers.“

Alin Sturek J. D. Power and Associates

Does it work… does this solution influence car buyers?

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

It’s fairly easy to see that in the Social Networking space, the three

dominant sites are a minimum Requirement for a dealer’s social marketing Strategy. ADP uses

dealership business profile pages and accounts on the 3 biggest as syndication points to drive traffic into dealership

communities and engagement to content applications.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Why Bother with a Dealer Community Based SM/RM Strategy?

Web 2.0 and UGC is fundamentally altering how customers interact with the Internet, and how businesses reach them.

• In 2007, Consumer Generated Content sites attracted 69 million users in the US.

• In 2008, Consumer Generated Content generated $1 billion in advertising revenue.

• By 2011, Consumer Generated Content sites are projected to attract 101 million users in the U.S. and earn $4.3 billion in advertising revenue.

Overcome the obstacles preventing dealers from utilizing this dynamic medium, and the revenue potential is great. However, we already know that dealers need a solution which is more effective than display advertising alone.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Edmunds.com - first Automotive Community & Review site

Edmunds follows a product review model for automobiles. Meanwhile, a separate link takes readers to its “community areas,” where users share their automotive ownership and purchasing experiences. Edmunds has maintained this online community since 1996, and it is moderated. All content posted to the site is reviewed by Edmunds’ staff within 24 hours, and offending material is immediately removed.

Is it time for dealers tocreate online communities for employees and customers?

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP could use Edmunds.com as an alternative to DealerRater for Reputation Management consumer content generation… If Edmunds will cooperate with filtered data feeds!

According to a recent CapGemini study, 29% of car buyers use consumer-to-consumer (C2C) sites such as blogs, Edmunds or Internet discussion groups when researching information during the vehicle shopping process, up from 21% in 2006.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

“They also benefit from their cost-effectiveness - the content is practically free.” Gibs continued, “Notably, the Associated Press also stands out, as a more traditional outlet innovating to keep pace with technology. The launch of its video offering earlier this year has driven significant growth as consumers seek streaming content to complement online and print news. “


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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Social Marketing/Reputation Management Pilots to date have used DealerRater.com as the Customer Review content supplier and partner

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

• Certification Seal - Official Certification Seal to display ALL your dealership websites • Seal is displayed on your DR review page • Certification Seals link to your review page • Monitor reviews via email alerts • 2 week reconciliation period to work with customers who have issues with dealership. • Lets potential buyers know you're serious about customer service • Blacklisted dealerships are not eligible

DealerRater.com Certification BenefitsBuild Your Online Reputation, Get Certified!


ADP Reputation Management:DealerRater.com Filtered Review Integration

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP Reputation Management Solution: DealerRater.com positive review generation

• Customer Rating Cards Rating cards to hand out to your raving fan customers • Easy way to increase your rating • Helpful reminder for your best customers to post a review• Good for both sales and service department consumer reviews

• Use the back side to promote sales & service specials• Works pre sale AND post sale • Direct community members to your good ratings • ADP assigns a URL: www.RateABCMotors.com • Dealer Community topic for Forums and Blogs

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

• Dealer Directory Certification Icon Certification icon displays next to listing • Lets buyers know immediately of your status • Attracts more clicks

• Free Vehicle Leads Receive and track vehicle leads • Optional - receive leads from distant buyers • Optional - receive leads for competing makes

• Free Classified Ads Unlimited Listings – New & Used Inventory • Up to 36 photos per car • Inventory data via DMS or 3rd party provider • Ad runs until car is sold

ADP Reputation Management Solution: Additional DealerRater.com features for dealers

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Current pricing levels will be maintained with DealerRater using ADP as a reseller with a negotiated margin… Cost will be included in the price charged to dealers with ADP in control of the accounts

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

SEO Strength of Platform: www.ADMPC.com

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Reply by Ted Frazier 5 hours ago Send Message

“Every now and then I google myself for fun to see what comes up. I did this just the other day I noticed my ADM profile page was #1, and I haven't even tried to SEO my profile. Now that I see I can get google's attention here I think I'll start using it to build content on other key words and point to my other sites.”

Has the AutoDigitalMarketing.com Experiment in Social/Professional Networking been successful?

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

When it came time to select a platform for creating ADP dealership communities, the ADM experience…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

When it came time to select a platform for creating dealership communities, the ADM experience…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Finding and Harvesting Dealer Community Content Feeds

An experiment in testing the effectiveness of an online community in collecting information…

ADM asked the user community to find and submit syndicated OEM content feeds that could be used in buildintg dealership sponsored online automotive communities…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Example of an ADP Dealer Community

Social Marketing Content Syndication Push

An experiment in ease of use validation using the recent 6th Digital Dealer Conference in Las Vegas as the source of content…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Using the ADP community platform supplier, created Flash photo slide show taken at ADM Reception sponsored by ADP… selected “share” to push Flash object and content into Facebook…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Facebook application opens per Community platform trigger, automatically populates object tile and pulls over description, tags, title… I enter a comment and select “Post” to insert into my Facebook Profile Wall for 2,000 of my best Facebook friends to see and use.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Total time = 02:48 (not inlcuding photo

upload time)

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Back in Facebook, the Community platform hosted photo slide show

stands tall and proud within my Wall.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

American Honda was so intrigued by the Branded Community concept, they sponsored the creation of the Boston Honda Community located at http://HondaGallery.ning.com an ADP dealer, the VP of Marketing was more interested in finding a way to tap into Social Networks and Web 2.o than hearing about any other new ADP solutions…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP created Boston Honda Community at American Honda’s request to demonstrate the use of popular social network site capabilities to tie into a dealership community platform… Here you see the Facebook “Group” site titled “Boston Hnda Community”… Content from the ADP created Boston Honda Community platform outside of Facebook is fed into the Facebook Group, and linked back into the ADP built community. This content feed updates every 15 minutes with new activity within the community platform. 61 new members joined the Facebook Group extension of Boston Honda Community in the first week.

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Looks like I have a lot of relatives in the Boston area…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Web 2.0 Site Rankings

The next few slides show the relative ranking of the top 25 Web 2.0 category consumer and professional sites based on an index of several independant reporting services…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Top 25 Web 2.0/UGC Sites

Shown below are the 3 Most Popular User Generated Content (UGC) Websites ranked by a combination of Inbound Links, Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, and U.S. traffic data from Compete and Quantcast.

                   1 | myspace.com 92,285,806 - Inbound Links | 68,285,849 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 53,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 6 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites | 

                   2 | Wikipedia.org 75,539,411 - Inbound Links | 41,422,790 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 43,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 9 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites | 

                   3 | YouTube.com 52,375,050 - Inbound Links | 23,825,526 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 32,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 4 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites | 

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

4th to 7th Most Popular Web 2.0 Sites

4 | facebook.com 18,261,829 - Inbound Links | 22,541,770 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 25,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 12 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

5 | photobucket.com 144,789,477 - Inbound Links | 25,548,801 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 14,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 40 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

6 | craigslist.org 2,218,413 - Inbound Links | 23,982,542 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 15,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 46 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites

                  7 | flickr.com 51,779,871 - Inbound Links | 23,643,614 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 9,700,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 36 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites 

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

8th to 12th Most Popular Web 2.0 Sites

8 | IMDB.com 22,521,797 - Inbound Links | 17,703,766 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 11,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 32 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

9 | digg.com 118,353,522 - Inbound Links | 16,964,445 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 8,700,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 104 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

10 | WordPress.com 40,127,598 - Inbound Links | 6,373,166 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 16,040,392 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 79 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

11 | topix.com 12,338,857 - Inbound Links | 4,496,803 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | NA - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,583 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 6 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites | 

                 12 | Netscape.com 21,622,171 - Inbound Links | 4,855,232 -

Compete Monthly Visitors | 8,282,805 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 555 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 9 eBusiness News |

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

13th to 17th Most Popular Web 2.0 Sites | August 2008

13 | xanga.com 8,229,423 - Inbound Links | 3,494,603 - Compete Monthly

Visitors | 6,627,359 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 91 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 7 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

14 | TypePad.com 39,468,446 - Inbound Links | 6,431,095 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 4,400,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 190 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

15 | cafepress.com 39,894,526 - Inbound Links | 3,423,757 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 3,400,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 824 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

16 | feedburner.com 100,244,672 - Inbound Links | 5,478,321 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 592,976 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 323 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

                  17 | LiveJournal.com 33,451,748 - Inbound Links | 3,660,684 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 1,900,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 63 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News | Top 25 Web 2.0

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

18th to 22nd Most Popular Web 2.0 Sites | August 2008

18 | Technorati.com 75,264,240 - Inbound Links | 3,231,709 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 1,400,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 216 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News |

19 | linkedin.com 2,850,378 - Inbound Links | 2,390,529 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 151 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 7 eBusiness News |

20 | del.icio.us 171,905,738 - Inbound Links | 1,699,128 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 248 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 8 eBusiness News |

21 | dailymotion.com 3,376,702 - Inbound Links | 1,962,777 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 853,305 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 51 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 7 eBusiness News |

22 | friendster.com 3,275,127 - Inbound Links | 1,521,905 - Compete

Monthly Visitors | 808,926 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 19 - Alexa Ranking. | Page Rank: 7 eBusiness News |

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Ralph PagliaADP Digital Marketing Solutionswww.ADPdigitaladvertising.com [email protected]: 505-301-6369 www.DigitalRalph.com

RSS Feed Resources:


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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

ADP / BZ Results Digital Marketing Integrated with Social Marketing Case Study

eCommerce site:www.AutoAves.com

Social Marketing site:www.Automotive-Avenues.com

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www.AutoAves.comBZ Results eCommerce sitew/Social Media links in Menu

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community sitew/full Social Network features, syndication and integration…

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community site w/full Social Network features, syndication and integration

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community site w/full Social Network features, syndication and integration

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

www.Automotive-Avenues.comADP created Community site w/full Social Network features, syndication and integration

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

Dealer Community Music-for-Members Licensing through BMI

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ADP Digital Solutions – Social Marketing & Reputation Management

4. LICENSE FEES: A. In consideration of the license granted in this Agreement, you will calculate and pay License Fees to BMI using either of the following License Fee Calculations at your option: i. Gross Revenue Calculation: License Fee = Gross Revenue x 1.75%

ii. Music Revenue Calculation: License Fee = the greater of (a) Music Revenue x 2.5%; and (b) (Music Page Impressions / 1,000) x $0.12 B. License Fees are due when you file your Statement(s) of Account. 5. ANNUAL MINIMUM LICENSE FEE: A. An Annual Minimum License Fee is due upon signing the Agreement, and by January 30 (for customers filing annual Statements of Account) or April 30 (for customers filing quarterly Statements of Account) of each calendar year (or any part of a calendar year) of the Term thereafter. Annual Minimum License Fees paid for a calendar year of the Term are credited against any License Fees you may owe for that year. In the event that BMI does not receive the Annual Minimum License Fee by January 30 of any calendar year of the Agreement, BMI may, in addition to any other remedies it may have available to it, cancel this Agreement retroactive to the end of the last calendar year for which an Annual Minimum License Fee was received. 10 Music Square East, Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4399 BMI® and Broadcast Music, Inc®. are registered trademarks of Broadcast Music, Inc. - 3 - 10 Music Square East, Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4399 BMI ®

and Broadcast Music, Inc®. are registered trademarks of Broadcast Music, Inc. B. You may prorate the Annual Minimum License Fee due for the initial calendar year of the Agreement based on the number of months (or portion thereof) of the initial calendar year that will be covered under the Agreement (e.g., if the start date of your license is August 20, 2009, the Annual Minimum License Fee for 2009 would be $124.58 to cover the period from August through December 31st, 2009) C. The Annual Minimum License Fee for 2009 is $299.00. For each year of the Agreement after 2009, the Annual Minimum License Fee will be adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the United States Consumer Price Index (All Urban Consumers, All Items) between October of the preceding year and October of the next preceding year, rounded to the nearest dollar amount.

240,000 Annual Community Visits = $288

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