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Compound Sentences Presentation f

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Compound sentences

Compound SentencesCsar CristanchoVivian CaldernContent1. Definition [English & Spanish] 2. Patterns in English2.1. Coordinated Conjunctions2.1.1. Types of Coordinated Conjunctions2.1.2. Special Cases of Coordination2.2. Correlative Conjunctions2.3. Conjunctive Adverb3. Classification in Spanish3.1. Coordinate Sentences3.1.1. Types of Coordinate SentencesDEFINITION[English & Spanish]A sentence of two or more coordinate independent clauses[with complete sense], often joined by a conjunction or conjunctions.Our car isn't veryfastbut it'senduring.Nuestro coche no es muyrpidopero es resistente".Patterns[English]Coordinated conjunctions: A conjunctionis apart of speechthat connects two words,sentences,phrasesorclauses.

Coordinators, are conjunctions that join, orcoordinate, two or more items (such as words, main clauses, or sentences) of equal syntactic importance.They are used to join together two independent clauses.Making an A in Anatomy and Physiology has not helped Sima choose a career. She might decide to make her parents happy and go to medical school, or she might use her knowledge of the human body to become a sculptor.Aprobar anatoma y fisiologa no ha ayudado a Sima elegir una carrera. Podra decidir hacer felices a sus padres e ir a la escuela de medicina, o podra utilizar su conocimiento del cuerpo humano para convertirse en una escultora.5PUNCTUATION NOTE:

In English, it is necessary to place a comma before a conjunction when connecting two independent clauses. However, in short sentences, it is not necessary to use a comma.

Our car isn't veryfastbut it'senduring.

In both languages, we can join two independent clauses only by using a comma.

COMA EXPLICATIVA 6Types of coordinated conjunctions To express additions:Some conjunctions present non-contrasting items or ideas but merely add one statement to another. andTo express opposition or contrast:They express opposition, contrast or exception between two statements. but-yet-still

My best friend is called Jacques,andIlike him a lot.Mi mejor amigo se llama Jacques, (y) me cae muy bien.Yes, Jason did receive significant burns to his hand area,buthedid make a complete recovery and has returned to his fire fighting.S, Jason sufri importantes quemaduras en la zona desu mano,peroserecuper por completo y ha vuelto a su lucha contra los incendios.To express alternative item or idea:They show two options or alternatives sometimes indicating a choice between them. Or-nor To express inference: Some conjunctions express something inferred from another statement of fact. for-so You can format text, add bullets to make a list,or change the text size by using keyboard shortcuts.Puede dar formato al texto, agregar vietas para crear una listaocambiareltamao del texto mediante mtodos abreviados de teclado.The cleaned water is carried to the fields in existing drainage canals, so there is no need for new infrastructure.El agua limpiada se conduce a los campos en unos canales de drenaje, de manera que no hay necesidad de nueva infraestructura.Asyndeton (from the Greek: , "unconnected", sometimes called asyndetism). Coordination can also occur without presence of one or several coordinators.Asyndetic Coordinators SPECIAL CASES OF COORDINATION"I came, I saw, I conquered". Vine, vi, venc.

-Translated from the Latin saying 'Veni, Vidi, Vici, these are words by Julius Caesar describing one of his greatest victories.

'I have done. You have heard me. Yo lo he hecho. T me hasThe facts are before you. I ask for escuchado. Los hechos estnyour judgment.' delante de ti. Pido tu juicio.

-From Rhetoric, Book III, Chapter 19 by Aristotle

"An empty stream, a great silence, un riachuelo vaco, un gran an impenetrable forest. The air was thick, silencio, una selva impene-warm, heavy, sluggish." trable. El aire era sofocante, caliente, pesado, indolente.-From Joseph Conrad's, 'Heart of Darkness

Yuxtapuestos9Polysyndetic coordinationThe use of several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some might be omitted.I said, "Who killed him?" and he said, "I don't know who killed him but he's dead all right," and it was dark and there was water standing in the street and no lights and windows broke and boats all up in the town and trees blown down and everything all blown and I got a skiff and went out and found my boat where I had her inside Mango Key and she was all right only she was full of water. - From 'After The Storm' by Ernest Hemingway-

Dije, quin lo mat? y l dijo, yo no s quin lo mat pero el est muerto, bueno, y estaba oscuro y haba agua permanente en la calle y sin luz y las ventanas se rompieron y todos los botes arriba en el pueblo y los rboles derribados y todo derrumbado y tom un esquife y sal y encontr mi bote donde la tena dentro de la Llave Mango y ella estaba bien solo estaba llena de agua. Tomado de Despus de la tormenta por Ernest Hemingway-

Some pairs have a coordinating function:(they are not correlative conjunctions) Bowling isnt as fun as skeet shooting Los bolos no son tan divertidos como el tiro al plato.Id no sooner lie to you than strangle a puppy. Primero estrangulara a un cachorro antes que mentirte.Shed rather play the drums than sing.Ella prefiere tocar la bateria que/a cantar.Such was the nature of their relationship that they never would have made it even if theyd wanted to.Tal era la naturaleza de su relacin que nunca hubiera funcionado aunque lo hubieran querido.CREATE ORIGINAL EXAMPLES or omit it11Correlative Conjunctions They connect two equal grammatical items through twoitems that are placed in different parts of the sentence.-either...or-not only...but (also)-neither...nor-both...and-whether...or-just as...soThe client will be granted access iftheyeither passthe host restriction or enter a valid username and password.El cliente podr acceder si cumple la restriccin referente a la direccin o si introduce un nombre de usuario y contraseas vlidos.France made great useofbothordinary people (talking about lifestyle changes they have already made) and celebrity power (the campaign used a popular national song).Francia supo utilizar tanto el poder de la gente comn (hablando sobre cambios que han realizado en sus estilos de vida) como el poder de las celebridades (la campaa utilizaba una popular cancin nacional)Conjunctive adverb Conjunctive adverbs not only join clauses to connect ideas or provide transition of one idea to another but also affects the entire clause and its meaning.accordinglyadditionallyagainalmostanywayas a resultbesidescertainlycomparativelyconsequentlycontrarilyconverselyelsewhereequallyfinallyfurtherfurthermorehencehenceforthhoweverin additionin comparisonin contrastin factincidentallyindeedinsteadjust aslikewisemeanwhilemoreovernamelyneverthelessnextnonethelessnotablynowotherwiserathersimilarlystillsubsequentlythat isthenthereafterthereforethusundoubtedlyuniquelyExamples: PUNCTUATION NOTE:

When a conjunctive adverb works as a coordinating conjunction (joining two complete ideas) it is preceded by a semicolon.If you experience complications such as fever, faintness, or extreme abdominal pain;then,youshould get medical help immediately, because you could have a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.Si tu experimentas complicaciones como fiebre, tienes visiones borrosas o dolor abdominalextremo, entonces debes buscar ayuda mdica inmediatamente pues podras tener una ruptura ectpica del embarazo.It is about a physical process;in adittion,a chemical one in which the sacarose is reduced, becoming into fructosy and glucose, thanks to the invertasa enzyme, which contains the spit of bees.Setratadeun proceso fsico, adems de un proceso qumico en el que se reduce la sacarosa, transformndose en fructosa y glucosa, mediante la enzima invertasa que contiene la saliva de las abejas.When introducing, interrupting, or concluding asinglemain clause, the conjunctive adverb is usually placed between commas.To answer question 2 of the questionnaire, business secrets were studied broadly,however,Iwill furnish some concepts more about remedies.Al contestar la pregunta 2 del cuestionario, se estudio in-extenso los secretos empresariales,sin embargo, abonar algunos conceptos ms sobre los recursos.Classification [Spanish]Coordinate SentencesIn coordinate sentences if we separate the two clauses, they continue having sense. Tenemos que lograr una pintura al agua, y ya es hora de que se adopten reglas en ese sentido.We must move towards water-based paints, and it is time that rules were drafted to that effect.

Types of coordinate SentencesCoordinadas (coordinate)Distributiva (distributive)Explicativa (explanatory)Adversativa (adversative)Yuxtapuesta (asyndetic)Copulativa (copulative) Disyuntiva (disyuntive) 1. Copulativa (copulative)They are attached to each other by links that indicate addition or sum. Copulative links: y = e ni - que.Apoyamos la labor de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR)yrespetamos profundamente la dedicacin de sus trabajadores, muchos de los cuales han sacrificado.We support the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)anddeeply respect the dedication of its staff, many of whom have even sacrificed.We can find two main different cases in copulatives sentences First case When there are two affirmative sentences the conjunction y is used for joining:Two independent clauses:Santiago estudia y Alex trabaja.Santiago studies and Alex works .Marcos lava los platos y Ana plancha.Marcos washes the dishes and Ana irons.Two or more subjects referring to the same verb:Santiago, Ana y Sebastin caminan al colegio.Santiago, Ana and Sebastin walk to school.Carlos y Mateo juegan ftbol. Carlos and Mateo are playing football.

Two or more actions referring to the same subject:Ellos cantan y lloran.They sing and cry.Camila lee y escribe.Camila reads and writes.Second caseThe conjunction ni is used for joining two negative sentences: Two or more subjects referring to the same verb:Ni Nicols ni Andrs toman.Neither Nicols nor Andrs drink.Ni Andrea ni Laura ni Paula tienen novio.Neither Andrea neither Laura nor Paula have boyfriend.Two or more verbs referring to the same subject:Antonio ni estudia ni trabaja.Antonio neither studies nor work.Ellos ni lavan ni planchan la ropa.They neither wash nor iron the clothes.Disjunctive Sentences Two or more sentences that express different alternatives, by using or (o/u in Spanish).Lo tomas o lo dejas.Take it or leave it.You must call her or forget her.Debes llamarla u olvidarla.Alternative22Adversative Sentences One of the clauses totally or partially contradicts the other. The linking words are usually: Pero, sin embargo, no obstante, mas, sino (que), antes, excepto, aunque, etc.

El contador podr continuar recogiendo informacin de visitas desde su direccin IP pero tal informacin ya no ser nica.The webbeacon may,continuetocollect information of visits from your IP-address, but such information will no longer be unique.Distributive Sentences Describe two simultaneous actions that do not necessarily exclude each other. Uno-otro, este-aquel, cerca-lejos, aqu-all, que-que no, ya-ya, bien-bien, sea-sea, fuera-fuera

Unos trabajan durante la noche, otros duermen.Some work at night, others sleep.Explanatory Sentences They explain the meaning of the other. o sea, es decir, esto es , mejor dicho La primera pregunta responde a la clsica "prueba de la sala de estar",es decirmegustara ver a ese candidato en mi televisin en la sala durante los prximos cuatro u ocho aos?The first questionisthe classic"living room" test, that is: Would you like to see that candidate on the television set in your living room for the next four or eight years?Juxtaposed Sentences (Asyndetic) Sentences that are not interdependent, and are joined by a comma or a semicolon. Otros se congreganparacantar, bailar,celebrar en honor de la Patrona de Mxico.Others congregate tosing,dance, celebrate in honor of the Patroness of Mexico.Chaplin fue actor, escribi sus guiones, compuso msicaChaplin was an actor, wrote his scripts, composed music.Thanks