Carefree Country Club 12311 185th Ave SE Big Lake, MN 55309 Office: 763-263-6050 Fax: 763-263-3226 Website: www.carefreecc.com email address: [email protected] mass e-mailing address: [email protected] Managers Telephone Fax Mark & Debbie Reiter 763-263-8902 763-263-3226 Board Members Officer Lot Home Number Cell Number E-Mail Address Liaison of: Nate Rathjen President 720 763-559- 7571 612-810- 8279 natejan@comcast. net Personnel Dennis Kunkel Vice President 308 320-761- 6277 320-252- 0392 dsckunkel@charter .net Golf Kathy Pomerleau Secretary 224 612-817- 5867 krpomerleau@gma il.com Lee Pierson Treasurer 455 952-500- 1255 [email protected] m Budget/ Finance Judy Cunningham Director 181 763-263- 1801 612-598- 6599 [email protected] om Recreation John Barnes Director 170 763-424- 2275 612-720- 2028 jg170barnes@com cast.net Communi- cations Don Davis Director 145 763-263- 7499 763-807- 7754 Building & Grounds CCC Website Administrator John Barnes 170 763-424-2275 612-720-2028 [email protected] On Cloud Nine Editor Kathy Pomerleau 224 612-817-5867 [email protected] On Cloud Nine Ads Donna Folkens 751 612-819-2793 [email protected] Pro Shop Shelly Hall 727 651-238-9083 [email protected]

Cloud Nine - Carefree Country Club - August 2012

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Carefree Country Club Cloud Nine Newsletter - August 2012

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Carefree Country Club 12311 185th Ave SE Big Lake, MN 55309

Office: 763-263-6050 Fax: 763-263-3226

Website: www.carefreecc.com

email address: [email protected] mass e-mailing address: [email protected]

Managers Telephone Fax

Mark & Debbie Reiter 763-263-8902 763-263-3226

Board Members

Officer Lot Home Number

Cell Number

E-Mail Address Liaison of:

Nate Rathjen President 720 763-559-7571


[email protected]


Dennis Kunkel

Vice President

308 320-761-6277


[email protected]


Kathy Pomerleau

Secretary 224 612-817-5867

[email protected]

Lee Pierson Treasurer 455 952-500-1255

[email protected]

Budget/ Finance

Judy Cunningham

Director 181 763-263-1801


[email protected]


John Barnes Director 170 763-424-2275


[email protected]


Don Davis Director 145 763-263-7499


Building & Grounds

CCC Website Administrator John Barnes 170 763-424-2275 612-720-2028 [email protected] On Cloud Nine Editor Kathy Pomerleau 224 612-817-5867 [email protected] On Cloud Nine Ads Donna Folkens 751 612-819-2793 [email protected] Pro Shop Shelly Hall 727 651-238-9083 [email protected]

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August already?? Seems like this summer is moving faster than previous years. Maybe it is an age thing. How is your summer going? Have you had all the company here that you wanted to invite to CCC? Have you got all your projects done so you can enjoy the rest of the season? Have you been able to check off another item on your “bucket list”? Carefree has been a busy place once again. The “Fourth Celebration” was an overwhelming success. My thanks to all the volunteers that helped make that day so great. Especially, we all want to thank Laural Kenney and Teresa Winslow for the tremendous effort they put into this celebration. The Board of Directors has had a busy time too. We have had so many issues to deal with. My thanks to the board members for their hard work and lively debate on these items! It is that debate that always gives us the best solution or recommendation. Sometimes you may not agree with the decisions we make, but you can be assured that we explore all the facts before we make those decisions. So much of what we do is based on liability and insurance factors. For instance, you will note that some changes are taking place with the chairs at the clubhouse. These chairs appear to be the cause of several accidents. They tip easily. We are very concerned about this and the board is taking the necessary steps to remedy this problem. As of this writing, we have not finalized the solution, maybe by the time you read this we will have done so. WE DO NOT WANT ANY ONE ELSE TO GET HURT BECAUSE ONE OF THESE CHAIRS FAILED TO STAY UPRIGHT! I am happy to report that 5 members have decided to be candidates for the Board of Directors. Watch for the “Meet the Candidates “event. As of this writing the date has not been set. Then attend and get to know them better. We will be voting for 3 in the September election. The high heat and the lack of rain caused a major fish kill in Fawn Lake. Dale Johnson told me one morning that he had removed 25 dead northern pike from the south end of the lake. One of them was about 7-8 lbs. Later that day I found two more dead northern pike. I didn’t even know there were northern in the lake. I took a picture of the one I pulled out if anyone is interested. The rest of the season will give us opportunity to be involved with the park activities as well as personal and family events. Be involved in any way you can. Also, when you have family or guests here, make sure they understand the rules concerning golf and golf carts. No one under 15 can drive a cart, no little ones “driving” on the driver’s lap, only three to a cart unless it is a 2 seater, and all on the seat(s), no one standing in the bag well. We need to do whatever we can to avoid accidents and injuries. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Happy August! Have Fun! Be Safe! Keep Alert! Help your neighbor! Nate Rathjen – President

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Carefree Country Club Board Meeting Minutes – July 14, 2012

Directors Present: Nate Rathjen, John Barnes, Lee Pierson, Kathy Pomerleau, Judy Cunningham, and Don Davis The pledge of Allegiance was recited Comments from the Floor: Walt Shadick demonstrated the new wireless sound system. This will be available for groups to use. It will be stored in the Office and will need to be checked out. It was noted that the legs are getting loose on the tables in the activity building. They are looking for volunteers to go through and check to make sure the screws are in tight. It was suggested that they could use some round tables in the club house. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:17 Agenda Approval: Motion to approve…M/S/P Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve M/S/P Treasurer’s Report: Lee Pierson reported all expenditures in excess of $500 for June. The expenditures were approved. M/S/P Committee Reports: Park Manager: We are using a lot of water now for irrigation. Garbage area has been looking pretty good this month. We are encouraging everyone to recycle. The aluminum cans go to the Ladies Golf, which goes back to the park. Greens are all updated. Mark thanked Laurel and Teresa for their outstanding work they did on the 4th. No one should be on the golf course after dark. Everyone should police their kids or grandkids not to drive on the course at night. He thanked Kathy Pomerleau for her work on the post office. The light inside is a motion light. Please leave the light on. Activities: Mary Ann Hagan reported that Chris Porter is designing a new addition to our website. This year instead of Golf for the Cure, they are having a giving weekend. There will be envelopes provided for everyone to use. The money will be given to the four community food banks in this area. Checks should be made out to one of the banks or to cash. She reported the proceeds for all the activities that went on in June. The total was $5046.59. They did not have the figures yet for the 4th of July. All activities are going out in e-mails. If you do not get one, the e-mails are available in the office. The next meeting will be Aug 6th in the clubhouse. Park Sales: John Barnes reported that they have sold 1 unit this month and 6 last month. There has been an increase in people looking. Buildings and Grounds: Shari Bearl reported that there are still 30 units out of compliance. There is 2 working on getting their units in compliance, so we are still working on this. Golf: Phil Hanson reported they have a committee put together now. They had a meeting and discussed that it is ok to do a 90% on hole #9, but please do it above the hill. They are working on a plan for people that need handicap stickers. They have been able to purchase used sand & seed bottles. They are proposing that the men’s league will install them for everyone and the cost proposed at $5.00. The steps should be installed this week

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for the women’s tee on hold #8. Thanks to the people that helped take the fence down on the women’s tee on hole #18. By-Laws: No report. Communications: Marie McAninch reported that e-mails are going out weekly on events going on. If you do not get one, they are posted in the post office and office. The new addition to the website should be done by this fall. Insurance: Nate, Lee and Mark will be getting together with insurance people sometime in August. Personnel: They are looking for a chairperson for a Rules and Regs committee. This would entail going through and possible revising some. The nominating committee has informed they have at least 3 and possibly 4 candidates running for the board. Pool: People love the awning. Park Patrol: On hold. New Business: Motion to ratify the purchase of new washing machines and dryers for the laundry room, not to exceed $5,800. M/S/P Motion to approve the purchase of projector, screens, and blackout shades for the Activity and Welcome Center at a cost not to exceed $3,200. M/S/P Old Business: Transfers: There were 7 transfers. Lot 202- Mark Cummings & Sandra Vee to Troy & Pamela Cox Lot 131- Thomas Butler to Neil & Cynthia Ahrens Lot 316- Harold & Rita Goodrich to Cory & Cary Schaller Lot 608- Robert T & Pam Rowland to Bonnie Lindgren Lot 140- Milo Hofius & Rebecca Marx to Sheri Abarr & Jeff Gergen Lot 223- Mike & Judy Cunningham to Bradley & Kimberly Schmierer Lot 650- Jim & Mark Hawley to Gary & Rosemary Hirman Adjournment: M/S/P Next meeting: August 11th, 2012 at 9 a.m. at the Activity building. Respectfully submitted, Jan Nack, Recording Secretary Kathy Pomerleau, Executive Secretary

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MANAGER NEWS – AUGUST This is the weather that tries a golf course employee’s patience and sanity. No temps below average for almost a month and regular highs over 90. Then, for good measure, even several 100’s. Throw in no rain and it is a mix made in hell. Today it is 98 with winds over 20 mph. It’s like a convection oven outside. It quickly becomes obvious the deficiencies in the irrigation system, any bad irrigation heads, and those areas not getting enough time to irrigate. Watching the greens closely for any disease because of the hot, humid, dry weather, especially when it stays over 70 in the evenings. We have had brown patch but did an extra spraying that nipped it in the bud, but could very easily reappear. We will probably do an extra spraying over-and-above our normal scheduled. The weather has been pool weather however. The pools have had an abundance of participation. The heating bill for the pool is about 2/3 what it was last year – so that’s a good sign. We do go through more chemicals because of the heat and extra swimming bodies. I check the pool temps several times a day and there have been several times when it is reading 90. The high temps are very hard on the Fawn Lake fish. There have been several fish kills, and if you have seen any TV this is happening in Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes. Northerns cannot adapt to water temps that reach into the 80’s (according to the DNR of each state.) As I stated at the recent Board meeting, the garbage areas have improved. Still, if you look in the garbage bins, there is much thrown away that should be recycled. Look on the recycle bins and they state what can and should be recycled. I am debating about having another recycle bin for 2013. Carefree residents do a fantastic job of recycling, but it could be even better. Be sure to save those pop and beer cans for the Ladies’ Golf League. They take these in for cash that helps supplement their budget. Debbie and I will be out of the park August 12 through the 14. Contact the office with any questions during this period. They will take notes that I can review when I return. Stay cool and have a great August. Mark

Deadline for September On Cloud Nine is Sunday, August 12. If e-mailed, Thursday, August 16 ([email protected])

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Building and Grounds next meeting is August 4th 2012 at 8:00 am at the Club House. Questions give me a call at 763-263-1976, Shari or Butch at 478-7961 Thanks to everyone for all your help.


• To the speeders in the park. 10 mph is STATE law • To the person(s) that decided they “needed” two chairs from the maintenance building

and didn’t pay for them. • To all the persons that sit around and complain about things and do nothing to improve

or help. • To everyone that thinks the “rules” (more like “guidelines”) don’t apply to them.


• To the “rule followers” for helping things run smoothly. • To the Bowman’s at lot 432 for gifting the “new” mail gazebo to the park. • To all the volunteers for their hard work. • To the participants that appreciate the hard work done for events & thank the workers!

THANK YOU To all of the friends and concerned members of Carefree – a very big thank you for the visits and phone calls I received while I was spending my time in recovery at the hospitals and care center. You are all a very special group and deserve the best. After close to two months of hospital care, it is good to be back at Carefree! Still not 100% but hope to be there soon. Heartfelt thanks to all of you – Richard Quist

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CARES AND CONCERNS What a summer this has been. First it was rain, now the hot weather and a few mosquitoes for good measure. Are we ever satisfied? Can’t remember a summer that the corn was tasseling by July 4th instead of just being knee high. My apologies to the Peterson family for giving Harvey a new name. It isn’t now and never has been Hewey! Sorry. Gene Hahn (538) was back in the hospital right after he and Lorna were Grand Marshals in the 4th of July parade. He is in the care center with New River Hospital receiving therapy. When he can walk on his own he will be able to come back home. Our best wishes and prayers for a recovery that will last a long time. Gene & Lorna just had a 60th Wedding Anniversary party for family and friends. It was good to see them enjoying themselves after a rough summer. CONGRATULATIONS! Debbie and Mark Reiter, our hard working park managers, will be celebrating their wedding anniversary on August 12th. Can you believe, forty years?!! Best wishes for a special day with many more days and years to follow, all in good health. That does it for this month. If you (763-263-6718) or drop it off at lot 572. Marie Heiges A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he will feel worse when he feels better…..Anonymous CAREFREE’S ANNUAL SHOOT-OUT Saturday, August 18th 1 pm ----3:30pm

Betting will be in Welcome Center basement from 9:30am to 11:00pm. Winnings can be collected after the men’s awards ceremony for the next hour. Qualifying rounds will be held on Sunday, August 12th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. You must tee off no later than 12:30. Cost is $5.00 to enter. Questions? Contact Paula Wong, Vicki Olson or Barb Anderson

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HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT Winners in the July 7th tournament: 1st - Larry Dengerud & Bruce Kapitan 2nd - Corky Bottema & Bob Hughes 3rd – Mary Olsen & Lloyd Nord

NEXT TOURNAMENT: SATURDAY, AUGUST 11TH – 10AM Thank you for showing up!

CO-ED AEROBICS Well here we are more than half way thru our summer. Where does the time go. Speaking of time, come on down at 7:45 am for exercises on the mat then at 8:00 am we do aerobics to music. This takes place at the Activity Bldg every M-W-F. We are done at 8:45 so you have plenty of time for other things and you feel good too. Any questions give me (Shari) a call at 263-1976 or Irene at 263-2314 FAREWELL PARTY Please mark your September calendar for our annual Farewell to Summer Party. It'll be held on Saturday, September 15. More details and flyers will be out in September. Contacts are Mona Ruha at 612 810-0691 or Carol Dreon at 320 309-6116 PRACTICE CPR AT HOME!! A CPR learning kit with a DVD and inflatable Mini-Annie is available at the office to borrow. Just sign it out, take it home, watch DVD and practice on you own time. Please wipe inflation valve with provided wipes after deflating. Then return to office when finished. This product is approved by the American Heart Association. HOLE-IN-ONE Playing golf with my cousin Norb Weninger on Sunday afternoon I witnessed a hole in one on #18 by Jeff Weninger from lot 234. It was unusual as we couldn’t see because of the sun in our eyes. Jeff’s sons, Alex & Nicholas also witnessed this. We saw the ball go up and the last we saw was that it rolled across the green on the right side and didn’t know where it went until Alex and I (Jerry) putted into the hole and saw Jeff’s ball in the hole and he had still been looking for it on the right side. So it was a big surprise for all of us. (Jerry Feist)

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***************** WEEKEND OF GIVING *****************

In past years, Carefree Country Club has GENEROUSLY supported MN Golf for the Cure and breast cancer research through a golf tournament and dinner held in August. This year, the Recreation Committee is sponsoring a WEEKEND OF GIVING from Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 5. All members are encouraged to offer a similar level of support to benefit local food shelves. Please consider cash or check donations ($10 to $100+ or whatever amount fits your personal GIVING budget) in reaching out to:

Becker Food Shelf * Big Lake Food Shelf * Elk River Food Shelf * Monticello Food Shelf

For your convenience, a WEEKEND OF GIVING donation envelope is included in this issue of the Cloud Nine. WEEKEND OF GIVING envelopes are also available at the Welcome Center Office, the Clubhouse Foyer & Library, Laundry area, Activity Building as well as from Recreation Committee members: Paula Wong, Diane Kramer, Carol Heiser, Ella Sander, Mary Ann Hagen, Pat Mesker and Carol Lallak. Donations should be returned no later than 5pm Sunday August 5th to the special donation box in the Welcome Center office or to a Recreation Committee member. Your check is your receipt – made payable to one of the food shelves listed above. If you would like to donate to more than one food shelf, please write a separate check for each donation and include all checks in the same WEEKEND OF GIVING donation envelope. Cash donations are also accepted, but receipts are not available for cash.


Please defer donations of canned goods until the end of the season.

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP A reminder for ALL Carefree Golfers! Club Championship is Saturday & Sunday, August 25th & 26th.This annual event is open to EVERYONE who has golfing privileges at Carefree. Get out there and golf. Sign up at the Welcome Center (Only $5.00) before golfing 18 holes on Saturday the 25th. Turn your score card in at the Welcome Center before they close at 5:00. Tee times for Sunday will be posted near the mailboxes AFTER 8:30pm Saturday night.

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Sunday AUGUST 19th, 2012

8:00am to 10:30am

Adults: $7.00 or $8.00 at the door Child: $3.00 or $4.00 at the door (12 years & under)

LADIES GOLF LEAGUE So far July has been a hot and steamy month! Even at that we have had a number of “die hard” golfers! Also have had some new members and guests join us - welcome to all of you. We are looking forward to the Invitational at TCC1 on July 24th. The Joey O show on July 11th was enlightening and amazing! Besides hitting a golf ball from all sorts of positions (on top of a big ball, on a unicycle, etc.) and with many different clubs, he taught us that “what you think about you bring about - what you talk about you bring about.” Very entertaining fellow. Match Play sign-up sheets are out for all who would like to join in this event. Cost is $5.00. Thanks Judy Shackle for setting this up for us. Our meeting for the league is the first Tuesday of every month. We meet again on August 7th at 8am in the lower level of the Welcome Center.

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Our banquet for this year has been moved up to August 30th to hopefully accommodate those who like to head south or wherever soon after Labor Day. New members welcome at any time. You do not need a handicap to join, dues pro-rated or just come golf for $1.00 per time. Cheri Hallesy Ladies League President AUGUST AUGUST 2 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 7 Meeting 8am/Sign up by 9am/Golf at 9:15am 9 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 14 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 16 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 21 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 23 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 28 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am 30 Sign up by 9am – Golf at 9:15am

"CAREFREE IDOL" August 25th, 2012 - 7:00pm

Will you be the very first "CAREFREE IDOL"??

Don't be shy -- let your voice be heard!!

Entrants will be limited - register at lot 553 or 706 -- be prepared to choose your two songs.

Can't sing??

You are still necessary to this event since the audience will determine the winner!

Snacks will be provided - BYOB - tickets - $5.00 at the office starting August 4th - or $6.00 at

the door


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CANDIDATES FOR BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S 2012 ELECTION Meet the candidates will be held Saturday, September 8th immediately following the Board of Directors’ meeting.

John Barnes Lot #: 170 Please Tell Us About Your Family: My wife Gayle and I have been married 36 years. We have two adult children and four grandchildren. What interest or abilities do you have that will benefit carefree? I am responsible for the Carefree web site. Through the web site, we advertise the lots for sale which assists those homeowners desiring to sell their units. The site is also used to list upcoming events and pictures of previous activities. The “members only” section has a membership roster and pictorial directory as well as minutes of board meetings. Additionally, I have assisted with many tournaments, breakfasts, dinners and park fund raisers. Please state your employment background and/or community service. I have been involved in the Information Technology (IT) profession for over 44 years. As the owner of a software development company for the last 34 years, I have extensive experience in the management of both people and IT projects. I am also involved at my church having co-chaired the video rebroadcast ministry for 21 years and served as vice-president on the board of directors during our church’s relocation. I served as the president of my home owners association for 5 years. Both my business ownership and my board experiences have taught me how to resolve issues for the best short term and long term results. During my past 3 years on the Carefree board, I have been involved in the installation of the “Quickbooks” bookkeeping system to better account for Carefree’s assets. Also, a new swimming pool was built and WIFI was installed in the Club House. List any major concerns you have concerning carefree. I’ve been a carefree owner since 1985 and have seen many changes… some planned and some not planned. One of my goals as a CCC board member continues to be to improve our long range planning. If elected I will be willing to serve in the best interests of all Carefree members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Jeanne Beckenbach I am married to my wonderfully patient husband, John. I have one son Jason, daughter-in-law Amber, and a 19 mo. old granddaughter, Scarlett. They live in Chicago and I never go longer than 2 months without seeing them! Growing up second oldest of 13 children, I have a strong sense of family values and have learned throughout the years the importance of loving, forgiveness, loyalty, unity and sharing. My interests are traveling, gardening, golfing, clogging, keeping physically fit and spending time with famiy and friends. I lead the Hi Impact Water Aerobics, Firm & Tone exercise program and the new Zero to Low Impact exercise program here at Carefree. I worked very hard to achieve my position in the work force since I was drawn more toward the male oriented jobs. I spent 12 years at Fisher Nut Company as a foreman/mechanic, only the 3rd female to ever hold that position. I then spent almost 3 years at Novartis Nutrition working as a shift supervisor. I followed that by attending St. Paul Technical College completing the Low Pressure Boiler course which eventually led to getting my Chief’s license and becoming a building engineer for the St. Paul public school system, a position that only two females have ever held. I was in charge of my own school building until my retirement in2008 after 15 years with the district. I have very strong leadership and organizational skills and work well with people. I love living here at CCC. I feel so much pride in our park every single time I drive through the gates! I think Carefree is moving in the right direction. I would like to see many different kinds of activities scheduled so there will be something for everyone, including the weekenders, to do. I love working with people and I am willing to work hard to accomplish the goals and dreams that everyone has for our park. I am not afraid of hard work. I accomplish all tasks that I set out to do. I set my goals high and do everything possible to reach them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Len Hallesy Family: Married to Cheri Hallesy for 42 years, have three children, 2 boys @ 36, daughter @ 32 and three grand kids, 8, 4 and 3. We are on our 8th year at Carefree and plan for more years. Cheri is a retired nurse and I’m semi-retired, maintaining a foot in the steel fabrication business. Interests: I’m a golf lover, RV traveler and want to ensure CCC has regular improvements to the course and golf grounds. Employment: After my time in the Navy, went on to graduate from St. Cloud State with a degree in Industrial Arts (shop teacher.) After graduation, spent 12 years working for companies such as Caterpillar and Westinghouse. I’ve spent the last 27 years working as an independent sales rep selling for various companies. Concerns: Would like to see changes on how we handle trash, roads, trees and getting into compliance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bill Porter I am interested in serving on the Board of Directors for our Carefree Country Club. I am doing this because I have a background in Management at Metro Transit for 41 years and want to do my duty as a member in good standing of CCC. I am very interested in CCC continue on a path of improvement and financial stability for years to come. I have been in the park for 7 years now and understand how many things work at our park. However, there is a lot I do not understand but I am willing to talk to all of you to get your input. We need to continue to move the park forward in a thoughtful and professional manner. Please consider me when you vote for the board of directors.

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Dave Sundell Many of you know that I live with the love of my life, Pat Mesker, at Lot #311. We have 6 children and 8 grandkids between us and love having all of them come and enjoy CCC with us. I have been involved in many events in the 10 years we have been here. As a matter of fact, when we attended “new member orientation” it was mentioned that if you want to meet people, the best way was to get involved. There has been no turning back since then…Pancake breakfasts, Poker Run, Rib Fest, Mexican Night. I believe that being involved with whatever you can do, or have time to do, is what keeps the park fresh and moving forward. Involvement and communication by and with all members is important to the future of the park. I have a vision which is that I would like to attend a board meeting where all 400 lots are represented. I have been President and on the Board of Directors for our townhouse association for 6 years. I am not new to decision making and preparing of budgets. RECREATION COMMITTEE We want to thank Frank Reed for coordinating shuffleboard on Sundays, which has unfortunately been discontinued. We admire and appreciate people who share their passion for an activity. Frank did that and he has our gratitude. Our Weekend of Giving will begin Friday, August 3rd and end on Sunday the 5th. Details are in a separate Weekend of Giving article. This month we have golf competitions of the Shoot Out on the 12th (qualifying) with the finals on the 18th and the Club Championships are on the 25th and 26th. Everyone is invited to compete. On the18th after the shootout, you don’t have to worry about dinner because you can enjoy our annual Top the Tater event. And the next morning is the Egg Bake breakfast. In the evening of the 25th, we will host our first Carefree Idol competition. Be sure you are either a contestant or be in the audience for this fun-filled event. Also, the tickets for the Labor Day Tournament will go on sale Saturday, August 4th at 10am in the office. The tournament itself will be on Sept. 1 with the Belgian Waffle breakfast the next morning.

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Time & Talent Sheet has been updated and we encourage you to use this information when organizing an activity. It is there for your convenience. Just contact Carol Heiser. If you are interested in forming a new activity or event, please present your idea to any of the committee members and we will help you get started. Committee members (the list in the new directory is not entirely correct): MaryAnn Hagen, Carol Heiser, Diane Kramer, Carol Lallak, Pat Mesker, Ella Sander and Paula Wong

DIRECTORY CHANGES Lot 444 – Gene & Carol Lallak 12311 185th Ave SE #83 Big Lake MN 55309 Winter: 14771 Hole-in-One Circle #103 Fort Myers FL 33919 Telephone: 612-221-3347 Gene 651-249-1994 Carol E-mail: [email protected]