8/8/2019 cjh Fine Art Abstract Newsletter, Issue 15 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cjh-fine-art-abstract-newsletter-issue-15 1/3 Issue 15 October 10, 2010 Abstract Expressionism: Ernest Briggs (1923 - 1984) Briggs was an active participant in the latter half of the Abstract Expressionist movement's beginnings. Below are two pieces of his work. Briggs was born and raised in California. He studied with abstract painters Clyfford Still, Rothko, and Ad Reinhardt at the San Francisco Art Institute. He arrived in New York in 1953. He did large scale, heavily layered gestural abstractions. Using an unstoppable application of paint, he sought to capture the essence of human drama and emotion. Unfortunately for Briggs, he was overshadowed by the preeminent Abstract Expressionist painters of the time. He did have solo shows in 1954 and 1955 at the Stable Gallery in New York, and was included, in 1956, in the Museum of Modern Art's “Influential 12 Americans” exhibition. From 1961 until his death in 1984, he taught painting at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. Featured Artist: Marilena Chroni Marilena Chroni is a Greek mixed media artist who also does abstract work. She was born in Athens in 1974 and graduated from the department of Applied Arts at the Technical Professional High School of Sivitanideios with a specialty in stained glass and mosaic. She participated in acting, dancing and painting lessons. She has studied graphic design and worked on several editorials. In 2009 she decided to focus on painting and especially the mixed media technique, with a focus on  jewelry. Her inspiration comes from

cjh Fine Art Abstract Newsletter, Issue 15

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Issue 15October 10, 2010

Abstract Expressionism: ErnestBriggs (1923 - 1984)

Briggs was an active participant in the

latter half of the Abstract Expressionistmovement's beginnings. Below are

two pieces of his work.

Briggs was born and raised in

California. He studied with abstractpainters Clyfford Still, Rothko, and Ad

Reinhardt at the San Francisco ArtInstitute. He arrived in New York in

1953. He did large scale, heavilylayered gestural abstractions. Using

an unstoppable application of paint, hesought to capture the essence of 

human drama and emotion.

Unfortunately for Briggs, he was

overshadowed by the preeminent

Abstract Expressionist painters of thetime. He did have solo shows in 1954

and 1955 at the Stable Gallery in New

York, and was included, in 1956, in the

Museum of Modern Art's “Influential 12Americans” exhibition. From 1961

until his death in 1984, he taughtpainting at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

Featured Artist: Marilena Chroni

Marilena Chroni is a Greek mixed

media artist who also does abstractwork. She was born in Athens in 1974

and graduated from the department of Applied Arts at the Technical

Professional High School of Sivitanideios with a specialty in stained

glass and mosaic.

She participated in acting, dancing and

painting lessons. She has studiedgraphic design and worked on severaleditorials.

In 2009 she decided to focus on

painting and especially the mixedmedia technique, with a focus on

 jewelry. Her inspiration comes from

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what she sees and feels and she uses

different materials that inspire her. 

Click here to go to her blog. Click here to go to her YouTube video.

What I’ve Been Up to Lately

I've been doing small paintings for anupcoming Waccamaw Arts & Crafts

Guild juried show that I plan to applyfor.

Spring I and II, 12 x 12.

I am sure that my art will be much

different than the 90 + other artistswho are there, which could be a greatthing or a not so great thing. I just

want to be there, I am not focused on

selling. I will have some inexpensive 5x 7 “Flow Paintings” for sale. I am

hoping they will be a nice alternativeto post cards or greeting cards. I am

having a display built and have a newtent. So, things will look more

professional than they have in thepast. Wish me luck!

 “Flow Painting”, 5 x 7, acrylic on glass.

Poem of the Month

Watery Shadow

I'm doin' the ole'

Afternoon puff-puff/move the carroutine

My new thingTaking carcinogens in,

Expelling air,Chasing a new habit

And other ways to remove, reflectTell myself I'm

Different, specialEven though IDestruct at will

At fleeting thought

Reveling in my painAgony

My masterMy weary comfort

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A familiar faceA drone, cog in the wheel

Invades my space momentarily

I feel my every day annoyance at thehuman race escalate

Until the engine,Awakened from its slumber to move to

another dwelling,

Announces itself Squeaky wheels

Straining tiresUntil it's out of sight

My sense of entitlementWithout fences to trap it

My old therapistAdding that to her list of feelings

Prompted by exposure to meThoughts work their way,

Forward and backwardHit rewind

Fast forwardWherever the pain is

At least now ISometimes wish to stop it

I was there,A heap of flesh

No bones, leaving meThe day she walked out

A watery shadowConvulsing

and claiming it belonged to me,

Though I had separated it from myself The phone call

My wait, reprieve

Feel thisExpress that

Categorize and sympathize andanalyze

When all that truly matteredWas time and distance

But I know it lies in wait

to resurrect and terrifyOnce moreBasking in insanity's warm glow


Celeste J. Heery

[email protected]
