CISV NORTH EAST Summer 2017 Letter from the Chair. Dear families, children and CISV supporters, As your newly appointed North-East chair I hope to do a great job for the local branch. A little bit about me: My first CISV Experience was as an 11-year old child, I remember my excitement at being chosen to represent GB as part of a delegation going to Helsinki in Finland. It was such an unforgettable summer, and I am glad to say that CISV continues to be a big part of our family life. Hopefully it will continue to be part of yours. As we say, “Bon voyage” to this year’s delegations and 16+participants I’m sure you will agree that we are having a fantastic year with over 40 of our JB members travelling with CISV in 2018. Our aim for 2017/18 was to increase participation and widen our reach. It makes me extremely proud of our branch to know that we are achieving our goals. It has been wonderful to see so many new families and kids at Junior Branch, and so many people talking part in local, national and international events. It is fantastic to see our North East "CISVER’s" grab every opportunity with both hands and embrace the CISV experience. We can't wait to hear their wonderful stories of camp at our annual Report Back evening in October. 2017 is CISV North East’s 60 th Birthday. We are hosting a Chinese banquet to celebrate this occasion, and we would love you to join us. Please see details in the “Dates for your diary” section of the newsletter. In the Autumn, we will start planning for our North East 2018 Village, which is to be held in the heart of Wensleydale. This will be a great chance for families to get involved with CISV. Hosting some of our international visitors, as well as being great fun, is a fabulous chance for many kids and adults to relive the “Village” experience and give a little back to CISV. We will be holding our Open Day (formerly “Selection Day”) in November this year where we have an open door to anyone interested in sending a child to a CISV Village. Remember it’s never too late to get involved in CISV - many of our 12+ participants never went to Village! We wish everyone a fantastic summer, and don’t forget to share your CISV experiences with other families, and with your schools. We will advertise our 2018 programmes later in the year, so if you or anyone new to CISV is interested in taking part in any way in 2018, please get in touch. Best wishes Angela. [email protected] AGM The CISV NE AGM took place on Thursday 27 th April 2017. Angela Brown was appointed as Chairperson, Karen Meeson as Vice- Chair, Jane Greenshields was reappointed as Secretary and Richard Salter as Treasurer. The committee would like to thank James Forrester Gray who stepped down as Chair, and Andy Bell who resigned from the committee this year, for all their hard work. Emma Kouhi was welcomed onto the committee Many congratulations to Finlay Ward who was voted in as our new NE LJR at the July JB, and a big thank you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years.

CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

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Page 1: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just


Letter from the Chair. Dear families, children and CISV supporters, As your newly appointed North-East chair I hope to do a great job for the local branch. A little bit about me: My first CISV Experience was as an 11-year old child, I remember my excitement at being chosen to represent GB as part of a delegation going to Helsinki in Finland. It was such an unforgettable summer, and I am glad to say that CISV continues to be a big part of our family life. Hopefully it will continue to be part of yours. As we say, “Bon voyage” to this year’s delegations and 16+participants I’m sure you will agree that we are having a fantastic year with over 40 of our JB members travelling with CISV in 2018. Our aim for 2017/18 was to increase participation and widen our reach. It makes me extremely proud of our branch to know that we are achieving our goals. It has been wonderful to see so many new families and kids at Junior Branch, and so many people talking part in local, national and international events. It is fantastic to see our North East "CISVER’s" grab every opportunity with both hands and embrace the CISV experience. We can't wait to hear their wonderful stories of camp at our annual Report Back evening in October. 2017 is CISV North East’s 60th Birthday. We are hosting a Chinese banquet to celebrate this occasion, and we would love you to join us. Please see details in the “Dates for your diary” section of the newsletter. In the Autumn, we will start planning for our North East 2018 Village, which is to be held in the heart of Wensleydale. This will be a great chance for families to get involved with CISV. Hosting some of our international visitors, as well as being great fun, is a fabulous chance for many kids and adults to relive the “Village” experience and give a little back to CISV. We will be holding our Open Day (formerly “Selection Day”) in November this year where we have an open door to anyone interested in sending a child to a CISV Village. Remember it’s never too late to get involved in CISV - many of our 12+ participants never went to Village! We wish everyone a fantastic summer, and don’t forget to share your CISV experiences with other families, and with your schools. We will advertise our 2018 programmes later in the year, so if you or anyone new to CISV is interested in taking part in any way in 2018, please get in touch.

Best wishes Angela. [email protected]


The CISV NE AGM took place on Thursday 27th April 2017. Angela Brown was appointed as

Chairperson, Karen Meeson as Vice- Chair, Jane Greenshields was reappointed as

Secretary and Richard Salter as Treasurer. The committee would like to thank James

Forrester Gray who stepped down as Chair, and Andy Bell who resigned from the committee

this year, for all their hard work. Emma Kouhi was welcomed onto the committee

Many congratulations to Finlay Ward who was voted in as our new NE LJR at the July JB, and a big thank

you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years.

Page 2: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Meet the 2017 Participants!

The delegates going to International villages, and other programmes, from CISV NE this year are: -

Portugal Village 28/07/17 – 24/08/17 Germany Village 21/07/17 – 18/08/17

Leader- Kris Jefferson Leader -Charlotte Twelves

Poppy Lewis Anna Reed

Holly Steel Charlotte Morrow

Oliver Palacin Billy Banks

Oliver Dargavel Mathew Dobson

Egypt Village 13/07/17 – 09/08/17 China Village 19/07/17 – 15/08/17

Leader- Kieran Finney Leader- Ashleigh Nithsdale

Simone Syndercombe Maya Ruiz

Mishka Bari-Jones Liv Hamilton

Lewis Kewin Benjamin Allen

Angus Dean Carmine Lowey

London Village 28/07/17 – 24/08/17

Hema Rashid – with the Manchester delegation.

Project GB 5/08/17-12/08/17 Step Up in Sheffield 22/07/17 – 13/08/17

Leader: Connie Yates: Leader: Emma Kouhi

Ellis Brown, Jensen Brown, James Lewis, James Morton, Sam Edmondson, Katie Lewis, Jessica Ward

Max Lewis, Emily Bennett, Emily Browning.

Also: Joining Leeds delegation to project GB - Francesca Cooke and Josh Kholi.

Also: the following participants from our branch attended Easter programmes with other branches: -

Josh Kohli and Mabel Harrington to Brussels IYM with Leeds Branch 2nd -9th April, and Oliver Holmes to IYM

Norway with Hull branch 9th -16th April.

Our 16+ participants for 2017/18 are Finlay Ward and Louise Greenshields as Junior Counsellors to Villages in

Japan and Portugal, Rosi Fisher and Joe Cowell as Big Sibs for the Project GB in Ilkley, Alice Ritchie to a Seminar

in Dallas, Ellen Graves and Alfie Meeson to a Seminar in Victoria, Canada, Imogen Penn to a Seminar in Tel Aviv

and Caitlin Barber to an IYM in Galicia this Summer. Joe Cowell and Alex Ritchie will go to IYM’s in Austria and

USA this Christmas.

We wish all the children and young adults well for their various experiences and look forward to hearing from some

of them at the Report Back meeting at Cullercoats Methodist Church on Saturday 14th October 2017.

Page 3: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Paul Cleghorn in Japan - during one of his many times as a delegation leader.

My CISV experiences began back in 1980 when I was invited to help at an Open Day at

the CISV NE Branch’s village, by the Head Teacher of a school for which I did some work. After

helping to staff 2 mini weekends for the local Junior Branch I then took a delegation to Naantali in

Finland. I must say it was the hardest month of my life for a variety of reasons and I vowed never to do it

again!! I was however, thankfully, convinced that I should try it again by Tommy Watson, a long running

NE committee member (and mother of the current long running North East member and CISV GB

Secretary, Jennifer Watson). I have never looked back since!

I subsequently joined the local committee and took over the running of the local Junior Branch. Since

1980 I have held the posts of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chair and Chair. I also held the post of Vice

Chair of the CISV GB National Association, as well as National Safeguarding Officer and National Risk

Manager and was involved in a small way in the creation of the International Safeguarding Policy. I was

involved in staffing the 1993 International Board Meeting held in Newcastle for CISV GB – a chance for

me to meet and chat with Doris Alan herself – a meeting I will always cherish.

Over the last 37years, with the support of other adults, I have been involved in many Easter Camps and

Christmas Camps, which we now know as International Youth Meetings, as well as innumerable mini-

camps for the NE Junior Branch. Over the years I have been Village staff member twice for the North

East, and Village camp director 5 times (3 times for North East and once each for Sheffield and Leeds). I

have also been a village leader 18 times. That makes 25 villages during my CISV time! I have

subsequently supported 2 of my 11-year-old delegates through the leadership process so they could take

their own delegations away when they became 21 years old.

Of course, over the years I have been involved there have been many changes to both CISV and to the

world. In the early days, I was in Villages where there were delegations from Yugoslavia and

Czechoslovakia. Both countries, of course, now have a very different makeup. The activities that took

place in a village in the early eighties were often different from those of today. Now we have a clear

planning focus linked to a four-yearly cycle of educational themes and a rigorous evaluation after most

activities from week 2 onwards. We’ve come a long way from just doing games for 4 weeks!

This year I have stepped down from all the committees on which I served to allow a new generation to

build on what we have achieved, and to take CISV North East England forward and I passed on my

national responsibilities too. I am happy to still keep in touch, and remain involved, with both our local

Branch, and with CISV GB however in my current role as Trustee for CISV North East.

Page 4: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Photo Gallery 2016/17 NJB Day

JB Minicamp.

Page 5: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Photo Gallery 2016/17 cont…

Beamish trip

Delegation Farewell party

Page 6: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Fundraising / Thankyous 2017



Just a reminder to keep sending us your used

stamps - British and overseas. Our fundraiser

is desperate for fresh supplies! The friend who

sorts and sells stamps gives us several hundred

pounds each year, but we do need to supply the

used stamps!!! Please bring them along and

put them in the tin at the door at Junior

Branch or send to Paul Cleghorn at 54a Ryal

Walk, Kenton Bar, Newcastle upon Tyne.

We have some stamp tins for loan if you think you could

ask a local business to collect for us.

Give as you Live! Please find below a link to raise a little money towards our

2018 CISV Village in Durham. Here’s how it works: thousands of well-known online stores (from Amazon and Argos to Expedia and Zavvi) have signed up to donate to

charity through Give as you Live. All you have to do is sign up (it takes seconds). Then, whenever you shop online,

some of the price of your purchase will go to your chosen cause. All without costing you a single penny extra. Easy.

Get started now -http://www.giveasyoulive.com/invite/R9Uvagw-

2BjX5KkufAZIGd9BDaqUa8Og-3D-3D Make sure you register to give to CISV northeast!

100 Club Winners – May

Peter Mackay - £150 + £10

Kate Simpson - £15 + £10

John Noddings - £15

Dr Colin Doig- £15

Pat Chappel - £10

Joan North - £10

Paul Cleghorn - £10

Mrs J Hunter - £10

Gillian Bardgett- £10

Jane Greenshields - £10

David Walker - £10

Dr Jennifer Watson - £10 + £10

Steve Moore - £10

Dr Caroline Austin - £10

Jackie Gray - £10 + £10

Dr Roger Watson- £10

Bhavesh Kotecha - £10

JA Foster - £10

Are you feeling lucky….!! Enter our monthly draw and YOU HAVE THE


time raise funds for CISV. Each subscription of £1 per

month (just £12 per year) entitles the subscriber to 12

chances in the prize draw with prizes up to £ 150


Contact Jane Greenshields for details.

[email protected]

Thankyou! Fundraising for our programmes, in these times of

austerity, is not easy. The CISV North East

committee would like to say an enormous thank

you to the following people, and organisations, for

their support of our branch: -

The RothleyTrust for their donation of £1,000

David Robinson who raised £900 for us in 2016

from donations of used stamps.

Jennifer Watson – who continues to run our 100

club for us. The Readman Fund at Tyne and Wear

Community Foundation for funding up to two

bursary places per annum for the next five years.

for North East delegates.

Page 7: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Dates for your diary 2017/2018

Open Day for 2018 Villages

For Year 6 children (or year 7 children who turn 12

between 1st June 2018 and 31st August 2018) who

are interested in attending or learning more about a

CISV Village in 2018.This will take place on Sunday

26th November 2017 from 1pm to 6pm. If your

child, or anyone you know, is interested please

contact Angela Brown at [email protected]

Further details will follow later this year.

National events 2017/18 National Junior Branch Forum (16+) – 8th –

10th September in Leeds. Sign up using the

following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2NA_LHGUvMqQHO


NJB Day (all ages)– 23rd Sept in Manchester.

We will be organising group transport!

JB Training (15+)– T.B.C.

Leadership Training (16+) 23rd – 25th March

2018 Nr Leeds.

Watch our JB Facebook page for more info or

email. [email protected] to register your


Junior Branch dates 2017/8

1st July -Farewell to the delegations and LJR


23rd September * NJB day at Manchester*

30th September

8th October – National Mosaic day TBC

14th October Report back at Cullercoats 7 - 9pm

10th-12th November – Minicamp in Durham

9th December – Christmas party

2018 dates: 13th January, 10th February,10th

March,7th April, 12th May, 9th June, 7th July

All Saturday 7-9pm

Don’t forget to put your £3 subs in the tin! For more

info, contact Louise Forrester Gray [email protected]


The report back evening to hear from the

delegates attending Villages, Project GB,

Seminar and Step up camps this year will take

place on Saturday 14th October 2017 between

7pm -9pm. Anyone needing a lift please speak to

or contact Louise Forrester on

[email protected] .

Autumn Mini Camp.

This year’s JB minicamp will take place in

Durham from 10th to 12th November 2017. Cost

£35 per person.

Please contact Louise Forrester on

[email protected] to reserve your place.

Page 8: CISV NORTH EAST · Dear families, children and CISV ... you to our outgoing LJR Alice Ritchie for all her hard work over the last two years. ... We’ve come a long way from just

Dates for your diary 2017/2018 continued…!

CISV North East 41st Village 2018 – Host families needed!

Host families will be needed from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th July and from Friday 8th to Sunday 10th

August 2018. Let’s show our visitors what a great place North East England is!! Please contact

Angela Brown at [email protected] if you can help out.

if you can help out.

Please send any news, photographs or contributions for the Newsletter to Jane Greenshields at: -

[email protected] or Southbank, Elm Bank Road, Wylam, Northumberland. NE41 8HT. Tel 01661 854701.

We are delighted to be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the CISV NE branch this

year! We would like to invite all our members, past and present, to celebrate with us at a Chinese

banquet evening at the Princess Garden in Ponteland on Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7pm.You can

help to make this evening memorable by coming along and joining us – and sharing your CISV memories.

We hope to get a good mix of attendees and will try to seat people with participants from similar

programme dates. Tickets cost £18 each, and are available from Eventbrite on a first come, first

served basis at the following link (copy and paste into your browser): -


Don’t miss out and order yours now!! If you have any old photos, or stories, you would like to share with us we would love to see and hear them. We are hoping

to display some on the evening itself. Please send to Jane Greenshields at [email protected].

CISV North East 41st Village 2018

Plans for our next North-East Village are coming together nicely. We look forward to

welcoming children from all over the world to our new venue in N. Yorks, between 28th

July and 24th August 2018. We are currently starting the hunt for Village staff and need

up to four 21+ and one 25 + applicant to make up the team. If you are interested, or would

like further information, send your name and contact details to Rich Charlton at

[email protected] and get the dates in your diary now!