VOLUME TWENTY-SIX, NUMBER EIGHT NOVEMBER 2020 C H I M E S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH even God’s people confuse God with Caesar and live into a zero-sum game where winner takes all making the stakes so high that no one can see the way beyond winning and taking the whole pot. Nonsense! Pure political Caesar nonsense! I presided over a celebration of life this past week for a very loving man whose family looked similar [I believe] to the Kingdom of heaven. They were a family brought together from different countries, different races; there were people gathered ranging from very young to “silver sneaker” time that were celebrating God’s love that had been exhibited daily in this man’s daily life. The theme for the celebration was, “Love never dies.” The funeral began with “Foreigner” [remember them, all you 70’s rockers!] playing instead of MUZAK and ended with TAPS and Amazing Grace at Ft. Sam Houston. I was reminded again of the sacred preciousness of life and how good our God is to bring us all together in love. Paul said it this way: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never dies.” I Corinthians 13. 4-8 Remember, we don’t just go to church—we are the church. Chapel Hill, our God is faithful! Thanks be to God! Pastor Becky Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22. 21 In November, Chapel Hill will celebrate All Saints Day, Veterans Day, Christ the King Sunday, and Thanksgiving as One Church family dedicated to loving God, our families, our Church family, and our neighbors. Even though our church will spend celebration, devotional and worship time together, I am certain that looming large in the collective mind of our church family is the outcome of the presidential election November 3. Some of you may have noticed that I do not respond to political conversations, emails and social media, nor have I offered public support for any candidate or spoken publicly with church members about my political views. Very early in my pastorate I made the decision to render unto Caesar those things that belong to Caesar and to give God everything I could give that belongs to Him. Being the Church of Jesus Christ and sharing a peaceful loving life among our members as Christian brothers and sisters depends on our willingness-choice to do that. The Church is called to render to God those things that are God’s. Among those renderings are our hearts and minds, our hope for a better world and future, our trust in God’s provision, and our gifts of service, our witness, tithes or offerings, and our love for our neighbors that is demonstrated in acts of kindness and generosity despite their political choices, age, race, religious beliefs, our ethnic background. Too many times,

Chimes - Chapel Hill United Methodist Church · 2020-02-28 · Rummage Sale WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9:45am Cokesbury UMC Video Message 5:15pm Nursery (0-5 yr.) 5:30—8pm Fellowship Meal

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Page 1: Chimes - Chapel Hill United Methodist Church · 2020-02-28 · Rummage Sale WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9:45am Cokesbury UMC Video Message 5:15pm Nursery (0-5 yr.) 5:30—8pm Fellowship Meal



even God’s people confuse God with Caesar and live into a zero-sum game where winner takes all making the stakes so high that no one can see the way beyond winning and taking the whole pot. Nonsense! Pure political Caesar nonsense!

I presided over a celebration of life this past week for a very loving man whose family looked similar [I believe] to the Kingdom of heaven. They were a family brought together from different countries, different races; there were people gathered ranging from very young to “silver sneaker” time that were celebrating God’s love that had been exhibited daily in this man’s daily life. The theme for the celebration was, “Love never dies.” The funeral began with “Foreigner” [remember them, all you 70’s rockers!] playing instead of MUZAK and ended with TAPS and Amazing Grace at Ft. Sam Houston. I was reminded again of the sacred preciousness of life and how good our God is to bring us all together in love. Paul said it this way:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never dies.” I Corinthians 13. 4-8

Remember, we don’t just go to church—we are the church.

Chapel Hill, our God is faithful! Thanks be to God!

Pastor Becky

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.”

Matthew 22. 21

In November, Chapel Hill will celebrate All Saints Day, Veterans Day, Christ the King Sunday, and Thanksgiving as One Church family dedicated to loving God, our families, our Church family, and our neighbors. Even though our church will spend celebration, devotional and worship time together, I am certain that looming large in the collective mind of our church family is the outcome of the presidential election November 3.

Some of you may have noticed that I do not respond to political conversations, emails and social media, nor have I offered public support for any candidate or spoken publicly with church members about my political views. Very early in my pastorate I made the decision to render unto Caesar those things that belong to Caesar and to give God everything I could give that belongs to Him. Being the Church of Jesus Christ and sharing a peaceful loving life among our members as Christian brothers and sisters depends on our willingness-choice to do that.

The Church is called to render to God those things that are God’s. Among those renderings are our hearts and minds, our hope for a better world and future, our trust in God’s provision, and our gifts of service, our witness, tithes or offerings, and our love for our neighbors that is demonstrated in acts of kindness and generosity despite their political choices, age, race, religious beliefs, our ethnic background. Too many times,

Page 2: Chimes - Chapel Hill United Methodist Church · 2020-02-28 · Rummage Sale WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9:45am Cokesbury UMC Video Message 5:15pm Nursery (0-5 yr.) 5:30—8pm Fellowship Meal


Barbara Arceneaux, UMW President

Leadership Team Meeting

Tuesday, November 3 @10:30a

United Methodist Men Armando Almanza , President

Saturday, November 21, 2020 @ 8a

Priscilla Circle by Doris Lowe

To all Priscilla Circle members and anyone interested in becoming one, I hope all is well with you and you are staying safe.

We will have a virtual meeting on Zoom at our regular third Tuesday at 10am. We will get the link to you before that time. If you have an I Phone, I Pad, tablet, or computer, download the free Zoom app and be ready on November 17, 2020.

This is Thank Bank month. If you need me to come by and pick up your thank bank offering, let me know or leave it with Pat in the office for Amy.

Hope to see you on Zoom on the 17th.

Lydia Circle by Barbara Arceneaux Lydia Circle will not meet this month. Please read “The

Serenity Prayer.” Think about the power of prayer and the times that you have prayed this prayer.

Dorcas Circle by Susan Disler Dorcas Circle will not meet in November. Happy

Thanksgiving and stay safe. God Bless!

UMM met on Saturday, October 24th with seven present. We opened with a prayer, silent pause for Stewart, and a devotion. Frank cooked our usual delicious breakfast that was enjoyed by all. Tim gave the treasurer report: with donations being made to Society of St Andrew for $300 and to Michele’s party for $100. Roger gave a report about the Food Pantry. We voted to give the Food Pantry $500. UMM will sell food at the rummage sale on November 7th.

Next meeting will be on November 21 at 8 am in the fellowship hall.

Harvest Offering by Sandy Nemeth

The congregation of Chapel Hill’s support is needed more this year than ever. The Rummage sale, where a majority of the money comes from to support the holiday food boxes, (made for our church members that need a little assistance) did not do as well this year.

We are asking for monetary donations instead of food for harvest Sunday, your cash donations can be used to purchase food from the food bank, at a much lower cost than purchasing from the store yourself.

Donations can be included with your Sunday offering. Please write in the memo section Holiday Food Box. Your support is abundantly appreciated.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

On Sunday October 11, special recognition pins for exemplary community service were awarded during worship service: Ellen Brooker received a special recognition pin from our Unit. Ellen is secretary of Chapel Hill UMW and a retired schoolteacher. She was instrumental in setting up Zoom Meetings for our leadership team. Cara Coffey received a special recognition pin from Lynn English and Sybil Kane. Cara is Chapel Hill’s Contemporary Music Director. She provided a preview of Sunday’s worship music on Facebook for 25 weeks. Armando Almanza received a special recognition pin from Doris Lowe and Barbara Arceneaux. Armando is president of Chapel Hill United Methodist Men. He helps with the yard work around the church by trimming trees regularly. Their tireless service to the Lord is exemplary. Thanks to all the ladies who provided dishes for the potluck after the worship service.

World Thank Offering is held in October and November. If you haven’t already sent your offering to Amy Yates, there is still time to do so.

Installation of Officers for 2020-2021 will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 10:30 am in Classroom 9. Pastor Becky will perform the service.

Food Pantry

We are excited to announce that the Chapel Hill Food Pantry is once again open and ready to serve our communities needs. The pantry is open every Tuesday 9:30am 12pm noon. No appointment is necessary. If you need assistance or know someone who does, please stop by on Tuesday or give them this information so they can get help.

Holiday schedule, the pantry will be closed—November 18-30 and December 16, 2020—January 4, 2021.

If you feel the need to serve, call the office for details or come on by on Tuesday’s. We are never too young or too old to serve others!

Happy Holidays and God Bless.

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The holidays are busy and so are our youth here at a Chapel Hill. Lots going on this month:

November 21 we’re meeting at the Traders Village corn maze at 1 pm (mask required). All are welcome, this includes parents.

November 23 is service day by helping out Sandy and staff with holiday boxes at the church fellowship hall from 8-930am (mask required).

After much planning we can officially say we’re in Phase 2 of renovations to our youth room. Praise God.

The youth at Chapel Hill meet every Sunday from 9:45-10:45 am via Zoom. If you have any questions or need any information please don’t hesitate to call Gary @254-718-8437 or Sandy Nemeth @ 210-422-5694 for more details.

Yours in Christ, Gary & Sandy Shalom

From the Children and

Children’s Council: We are excited to announce that we are

getting very close to resuming Children’s Time. Friday evenings at 7:00pm Amy

La’Page and the children will meet via Zoom. The recorded Zoom meeting will

then be edited for viewing during worship at Children’s Time. Amy has been working hard to get the details worked out – thank

you Amy!!! If you would like to help, please

email the Church office

([email protected]) or Amy ([email protected]).

We are continuing to work on renovations and upgrades to our children’s

room. Look for pictures to come starting next month.

While we are still unsure when we will be

back in person, we have identified several safety measures that we will have in place

when we do. Prior to returning, all parents and caregivers will receive communication

about this critical information.

Ms. RuthAnn and Ms. Kim continue to

hold Children’s Sunday School via Zoom on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30pm.

If you have not received an invite, please be

sure to email the Church office ([email protected]) or Ms. Kim

([email protected]) so you can be sent the invitation link.

We are also seeking another Sunday School teacher, so if God is nudging you – or

pushing you to help our kids learn more about His love, please let me know. I can be reached at [email protected]

CROP WALK 2020 Crop Walk 2020 walk will be a "virtual" walk this year on

November 1st. Chapel Hill walkers include Barbara Arce-neaux, Doris Lowe, Roger Bogue, Annie Peterson, and Paul Collins. If you would like to support us and make a donation, we suggest you send a check to the church and mark it for the Crop Walk.

In the past 37 years, we have raised over $ 1 million with almost $ 300 thousand staying here in San Antonio. Recipients are the SA Food Bank, A R Nelson Food Pantry, Daily Bread, and Kids Creations.

Its not too late to donate to the Chapel Hill Walkers!

Visit CropHungerWalk.org through this link to donate ——->

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Hello to my Chapel Hill Family! During this season of Thankfulness (and let's face it-

-it's a season to last the whole year through!), I'd like to express my gratitude for all of you and your prayers! As many of you know my father tested positive for COVID-19 this past month. By the grace of God, he has been spared all but the most minor of symptoms. I ask for continued prayers for his health. My mother, who was not tested but was assumed to have it due to proximity, has just started having a few symptoms, which may be more allergies. Again, I thank you for your prayerful hearts and will impose on your time to ask for even more prayers.

This year has been a tough one. We have lost many loved ones, who we get to celebrate on All Saints' Day. We feel the void that has been left even though we know that we are not alone, and the Great Comforter is with us. We have also lost time to be in the company with many whom we love, and we grieve that loss as well. We have been faced with unanticipated challenges and hardships.

Please know that you are not alone. You are loved. You are a part of a family. We may not be blood relations, but we choose one another. Living in community (even if not in close proximity) improves our health--mind, body, and soul. Continue to reach out to one another. Laugh together. Mourn with your friends and loved ones. Share stories and remembrances. We may be living life differently right now, but we are still living.

As a quick reminder about masks:

1. Masks should be worn indoors whenever in the company of others. COVID-19 is airborne. It floats around a room. Your mask protects me; my mask protects you. Protect one another.

2. Social distance rules mean that 6 feet apart AND a mask should decrease the risk of COVID being spread. If a person is less than 6 feet from another, then MORE than a mask is needed to prevent spread (consider a face shield).

3. If you are indoors and more than 6 feet apart, a mask should still be worn. (see #1)

4. Being outside does NOT mean that COVID cannot be spread (just ask my dad). If outside, still wear masks if you are 8 feet apart; 10 feet apart; even 15 feet apart!

5. If you are outside and 20 feet apart, a mask is not needed.

You are all a blessing! And loved! Thank you for letting me serve you here at Chapel Hill!

Your WN,


Annual Stewardship Campaign By Randine

If you have been watching our service each week, not only are you craving tropical fruit, but you may be sensing a theme with the Man, Go and offering your Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. Each week we are sharing a card via email with the bulletin for folks to fill out with your commitment to your church. Please fill these out and drop them off or email them back to the church. These cards are being used to create our Man,Go Tree, that if you look closely in the video, you may see taking shape on the side of the church. If you are concerned about your sharing being made public we are placing the cards in such a way that your messages are not shared. Finally, the week of gifts includes the annual pledge card. Pledge cards are available in church and will come with a letter from the pastor. Please take this chance to fill out your annual pledge card as these cards are used to help with financial planning for the church on an annual basis.

Discipleship Team Happenings By Randine

Our team has had several shifts over the past several months. Our original mission of creating a comprehensive discipleship ministry that impacts every person who engages with the church and includes every aspect of the church, is still in place. Several of our team members have changed and we have focused our energy on three key areas in the time of Covid-19.

Our current team consists of Rev. Becky Baxter-Ballou, Lewis Barger, David Bennett, Randine Besosa, Krystal Cole, Kimberly Gallegos, Amy La’Page, Bobby Ogle, and Abel Vega. Our main areas are Stewardship, Children and Congregational Care as well as increasing our personal knowledge through bible study and daily sharing of prayers. In the upcoming months we will continue to grow these ministries, with an additional goal of growing our future facilitators for bible studies as a part of our study ministry.

We have 3 more meetings for 2020 where we will start to plan our focus for 2021. If you are interested in what our team is working on, please reach out to any team member listed above.

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Chapel Hill Saints All Saints Sunday Celebration November 1

Florice Mouton 10/22/1929—1/24/2020 Emiliano Reyes

3/20/1941—2/5/2020 Rose H. Johnson 10/23—4/3/2020

Rose Lee Collins 12/28/1926—7/3/2020

LoRee Griffin 10/28/1922—5/23/2020

Stewart Cloer 06/06/1962—10/1/2020

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Youth Zoom 9:45am Theophilus Zoom 9:45am

All Saints Sunday In Person Worship 11am

(Limited seating)

Facebook Live Online Worship 11am

Daylight Saving Ends Fall Back one Hour

Disciple II-Zoom—2:00pm


3 Food Pantry open 9:30a—12n

UMW Team Meeting In fellowship hall 10:30a Face mask & Social Distancing Disciple I-Zoom—5:30pm

4 Children’s Zoom 6:30pm

5 6

Children’s Church Zoom Meeting 7pm


Rummage Sale 8-1 Face Masks required

8 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Youth Zoom 9:45am Theophilus Zoom 9:45am

Honoring the Veterans In Person Worship 11am

(Limited seating)

Facebook Live Online Worship 11am

Disciple II-Zoom—2:00pm

9 10 Food Pantry open 9:30a—12n

Worship Team 4pm Disciple I-Zoom—5:30pm Chapel Hill Board Meeting In fellowship hall 7pm Face mask & Social Distancing

Conference Reports Due

11 Veterans Day Children’s Zoom 6:30pm

12 13


15 24th Sunday after Pentecost

Youth Zoom 9:45am Theophilus Zoom 9:45am

In Person Worship 11am (Limited seating)

Facebook Live Online Worship 11am

Disciple II-Zoom—2:00pm

16 17 Food Pantry open 9:30a—12n

Priscilla Circle Zoom Meeting 10a Disciple I-Zoom—5:30pm

18 Children’s Zoom 6:30pm

19 20 Children’s Church Zoom Meeting 7pm


United Methodist Men Zoom Meeting 10am Email church office for zoom invite

22 Christ the King

Youth Zoom 9:45am Theophilus Zoom 9:45am

In Person Worship 11am (Limited seating)

Facebook Live Online Worship 11am

Disciple II-Zoom—2:00pm

23 24 Food Pantry CLOSED

Disciple I-Zoom—5:30pm



27 28

29 1st Sunday of Advent

Youth Zoom 9:45am Theophilus Zoom 9:45am

In Person Worship 11am (Limited seating)

Facebook Live Online Worship 11am

Disciple II-Zoom—2:00pm

30 Sunday, November 29

is United Methodist

Student Day a Special Offering will

be taken up.

December 1 Food Pantry open 9:30a—12n

UMW Team Meeting In fellowship hall 10:30a Face mask & Social Distancing Disciple I-Zoom—5:30pm

December 2 Children’s Zoom 6:30pm

December3 December 4 Children’s Church Zoom Meeting 7pm

December 5

Rummage Sale 8-1 Face Masks required


Cokesbury UMC Video Message 5:15pm

Nursery (0-5 yr.) 5:30—8pm Fellowship Meal 5p Band Practice 6pm Youth Group 6pm

Zoom Meeting “Sunday” School (not always on a Sunday)

Children’s Class Wednesdays at 6:30pm

with Ms. RuthAnn & Ms. Kimberly

Youth 6th—12th grade Sundays at 9:45am with Gary and Sandy

Theophilus Sundays at 9:45am with Roger Bogue (adult)


11:00am—Worship In person worship

Facebook Live

@YouTube Chapel Hill 410 Methodist

Church San Antonio, TX

Chapel Hill UMC, 4114 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78227 (210) 673-0000 Pastor email—[email protected] Office email—[email protected]

Check in and us on Facebook Website—www.chapelhill410.com November 2020

Human Relations Day (Special Offering) UMCOR Sunday (Special Offering) Native American Ministry (Special Offering) Peace With Justice Sunday (Special Offering) World Communion Sunday (Special Offering) United Methodist Student Day (Special Offering)

Fellowship meal is the last Wednesday of each month. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Wesley H&W Auxiliary 10a Priscilla Circle 10a

BSA Troop 100 7p AA Meeting 7p

Dorcas Circle 1p

UMM 8a United Methodist Men

Crafting for a Cause 11a

@ Chapel Hill

Food For Thought 4:30p @ Chapel Hill

Weight Loss Group 4:30p Yoga 6:30p

Daisy Scouts 6:30p BSA Troop 100 7p

AA Meeting 7p

BSA Troop 100 7p AA Meeting 7p

Center Point Church 1:30-4p

Emmaus Gathering 6p APOTT 11:30a Fellowship & potluck lunch

Daisy Scouts 6:30p BSA Troop 100 7p

AA Meeting 7p

Daisy Scouts 6:30p BSA Troop 100 7p

Alcoholics Anonymous 7p

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November Birthdays

Bruce Ballou 1 Mykah Muller 1 Paul Taylor 1 Deborah Dowsland 3 Emily Cherry 4 Bryan Pegram 4 Branson Ogle 5 Delilah Tenerias 5 Cody Ogle 8 Jackson Rodriguez 8 Jo Anne Lewis 11 Jeffrey Christensen 12 Linda Daniel 14 Austin Posey 16 Marjorie Cummings 18 Tracy Knight 18 Vicki Lopez 23 Kylee Wood 24 Laura Gil 25 Cattleya Cantu 26 Angel Rendon 26 John Garcia 28 Ruth Gelsthorpe 28 Edward Martinez 29 Sybil Kane 30 Allyson McGrath 30 Nathaniel Rosas 30

Weekly Liturgy. Readings.

November 1 22th Sunday after Pentecost Joshua 3:7-17 Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 November 1 All Saints Sunday Revelation 7:9-17 Psalm 34:1-10, 22 (UMH 769) 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12

November 8 22th Sunday after Pentecost Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78:1-7 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13

November 15 24th Sunday after Pentecost Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 or Psalm 76 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30

November 22 Christ the King Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 (UMH 821) Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46

November 29 1st Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37

Honorariums and Memorials

In Honor of Betty and Susan Disler From Sharon Disler In Honor of Edith Kuzbik From Mystique Marshall In Memory of William Reed From Kathy Bogue In Memory of George Villegas From Kathy Bogue In Memory of Stewart Cloer From Kathy Bogue From Bonnie Eberhardt From Tim and Lynn English From Dave and Pam Larson From Mystique Marshall From Ruth Miller

November Anniversaries

William & Tracy Knight 2 James & Lynda Sandlin 11 Brett & June Hoff 13 Luis & Malarie Melchor 13 Edward & Irene Martinez 21 Bruce & Becky Ballou 22 David & Frances Bennett 26

For HONOR/MEMORIAL Reports - Contributors - Contributor details Choose month Tag all member status Untag all except Honor/Memorial

United Methodist Student Day

Sunday, November 29 Is one of six church wide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church, Unit-ed Methodist Student Day calls the church to support students as they prepare for life in uniting faith with knowledge. The spe-cial offering provides scholar-ships for qualified United Meth-odist applicants.

When you give generously on United Methodist Student Day, you support students as they prepare for life in uniting faith with knowledge.

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E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.chapelhill410.com

Church Board Meeting 2020 Schedule of

Meetings: Every month

Next Meeting is Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00p. (2nd Tuesday) Preparing for Church Conference. Please send any concerns/information that you would like for the Board to consider to [email protected] no later than the Wednesday before the meeting. Please wear your masks, we will social distance in the fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to attend. All church members have a voice.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation of the world.

Worship ONLINE with Chapel Hill Sundays @11am—Facebook Live

Additional ways to stay in touch:

Monday—George shares a morning

devotional on Chapel Hill Facebook page.

Tuesday—The stewardship team shares a

post on how we as a congregation can

participate in Prayers, Presence, Gifts,

Service, and Witness—Facebook

Wednesday—Children’s SS class 5:30p —


Weekly—Cara live streams her gift of music,

previewing the music for Sunday worship—


Sunday—Theophilus Class 9:45a—Zoom

Youth Group SS 9:45a—Zoom Sunday worship service available on YouTube

Sunday evening.

Contact the church office at 210-673-0000 or [email protected] for Zoom meeting access.

December Newsletter Articles must be submitted by Thursday, November 19.

Rummage Sales Rummage Sales are back. Our first sale is this Satur-day, November 7 from 8-1pm. We are asking all ven-dors and shoppers to wear their masks and practice social distancing. (The new normal). It only works if

we all do our part. The remaining dates for 2020:

November 7, 2020 December 5, 2020

Spaces are still $15. Sign up for the public is 12 days before the sale. Chapel Hill folks can sign up anytime after the previous months sale.