There is a Starbucks in Myungdong, South Korea that is five stories tall. There has been no mail FREE TAKE ONE Issue 111, September 21, 2011 A Weekly Supplement of The Journal This collection of facts and trivia was gathered from various websites. It is provided as entertainment. Did You Know?... Tips Games Recipe Trivia Ads Fun Dark Chocolate Crumb Bars "These fudgy bars are rich with NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Dark Chocolate Morsels." Prep Time: 20 Minutes Cook Time: 35 Minutes Ready In: 1 Hour 10 Minutes Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS: 3/4 cup butter, softened 1 3/ 4 cups all-purpose flour 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 2/3 cups NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Dark Chocolate Morsels, divided 1 (14 ounce) can NESTLE® CARNATION® Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Beat butter in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat in flour, sugar and salt until crumbly. With floured fingers, press 2 cups crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared baking pan; reserve remaining mixture. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Combine 1 cup morsels and sweetened condensed milk in small, heavy-duty saucepan. Warm over low heat, stirring until smooth. Stir in vanilla extract. Spread over hot crust. Stir nuts and remaining 2/3 cup morsels into reserved crumb mix- ture; sprinkle over chocolate filling. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until center is set. Cool in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

Chatter September 21, 2011

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Page 1: Chatter September 21, 2011

There is a Starbucks inMyungdong, SouthKorea that is five stories


There has been no mail


Issue 111, September 21, 2011 A Weekly Supplement of The Journal

This collection of facts and trivia was gathered from various

websites. It is provided as entertainment.

Did You Know?... Tips




Dark Chocolate CrumbBars"These fudgy bars are rich with NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® DarkChocolate Morsels."

Prep Time: 20 MinutesCook Time: 35 MinutesReady In: 1 Hour 10 MinutesServings: 1

INGREDIENTS:3/4 cup butter, softened1 3/ 4 cups all-purpose flour1/3 cup granulated sugar1/4 teaspoon salt1 2/3 cups NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Dark Chocolate Morsels,

divided1 (14 ounce) can NESTLE® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

DIRECTIONS:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13 x 9-inch baking pan.

Beat butter in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat in flour, sugar andsalt until crumbly. With floured fingers, press 2 cups crumb mixtureonto bottom of prepared baking pan; reserve remaining mixture.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Combine 1 cup morsels and sweetened condensed milk in small,heavy-duty saucepan. Warm over low heat, stirring until smooth.Stir in vanilla extract. Spread over hot crust.

Stir nuts and remaining 2/3 cup morsels into reserved crumb mix-ture; sprinkle over chocolate filling. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes oruntil center is set. Cool in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

Page 2: Chatter September 21, 2011

delivery in Canada onSaturday for the lastthirty five years.

The weight of air in amilk glass is about thesame as the weight ofan aspirin tablet.

The world's smallestwinged insect is the

Tanzanian parasiticwasp. It's smaller thanthe eye of a housefly.

As of January 1, 2004,the population of theUnited States increasesby one person every 12seconds. There is abirth every eight sec-onds, an immigrant is

Page 2 - IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011

Did You Know?The United States Department of Transportation definesthree main types of distracted driving: Visual, manualand cognitive. Texting is considered one of the moredangerous forms of distracted driving because itinvolves all three main types. To text, drivers must taketheir eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel andtheir mind off of driving. The National Highway TrafficSafety Administration notes that distracted driving is asignificant concern, as 20 percent of injury crashes in2009 involved reports of distracted driving. Eighteenpercent of fatalities in distraction-related crashesinvolved reports of a cell phone as the distraction.

Page 3: Chatter September 21, 2011

added every 25 sec-onds, but a death every13 seconds.

Two-thirds of theworld's eggplant isgrown in New Jersey.

The winter of 1932 wasso cold that NiagaraFalls froze completelysolid.

The glue on Israelipostage stamps is certi-

IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011 - Page 3

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20There's no easing the tensionbetween two people in thehouse, Aries. The constantbickering is leaving youweary, but the best you cando is vacate the premises.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21Taurus, just when youthought you had everythingworked out, someonethrows a monkey wrench inall of your plans. You will justhave to quickly adjust.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21Gemini, it's hard to fightthrough all the clutter andexcess in your life, but now isthe time to weed throughwhat you have and start thin-ning out the unnecessarystuff.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22Cancer, discretion is advisedwhen you are presented witha situation that is outside ofyour usual circle. Tread light-ly on tricky ground for thetime being.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23Leo, you might find yourselfin a pickle this week unlessyou act quickly and authori-tatively. Swift action makesit possible to contain thepotential damage.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22Virgo, you can only coastalong for so long. Sooner orlater you will have to putsome real effort into yourfuture plans. Start thinkingabout it.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you can't help but feellike you're on cloud nine thisweek. It's full of love andromance, and it's somethingyou have been craving for along time.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22Sometimes your patience istested, Scorpio. But othersdon't realize your need tohave some alone time, so letthem know in a calm andrespectful way.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21Others don't understandyour motives, Sagittarius,and you kind of like the airof mystery you impart. Justdon't gloat too much aboutyour interesting persona.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20Carpicorn, all of the strug-gles you've endured in thelast few months will pay offwith some just rewards soonenough. Hold on a littlelonger.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18Aquarius, sometimes youpick the most inopportunemoment to get started on aproject. It's foolhardy toexpect others to share in yourenthusiasm at these times.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20Pisces, spend your time wise-ly because soon you won'thave a minute to spare onanything. You will be all-consumed with work.

SPAGHETTI DINNER BENEFITfor our friend and neighbor

BILL JOHNSTuesday, September 27 • 5 - 8 p.m.Alano Club - 410 5th St., Int’l Falls

Bill has been in the ICU/Duluth Hospital since August 17th with heart complications.

Please join us for a spaghetti dinner, salad, french bread, dessert, drawings and prizes.

For questions or donations, contact Renee or Bill at 218-377-4517.

Page 4: Chatter September 21, 2011

fied kosher.

If you have three quar-ters, four dimes andfour cents, you have$1.19. But you cannotmake exact change fora dollar.

There are more plasticflamingoes in theUnited States than realones.

The chance that youwill die on the way tobuy your lottery ticketis greater than thechance of you winningthe big prize in most


Winston Churchill wasborn in a ladies' roomduring a dance.

Dolly Parton once losta Dolly Parton Look-

Page 4 - IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011

How to Maintain YourWhirlpool TubWhen remodeling bath-rooms, some homeownersprefer to add special featuresthat give the room a spa-likefeel. A whirlpool tub is onesuch feature that can helptransform an ordinary bath-room into a relaxing oasis.

Whirlpool tubs have manybenefits, which have helped the industry become a billion-dollar busi-ness. Massage and water therapy can be instrumental in reducing stressand easing tired muscles. Some people depend on a soaking bath withrejuvenating water jet propulsion as part of a sports rehab regiment orto alleviate pain associated with arthritis.

Whirlpool baths come in different dimensions and shapes to fit justabout every bathroom. The common shapes include corner size,recessed, platform, or freestanding. Whirlpools can also be sized to fittwo people or just one person. Many people prefer a corner style or aplatform bath because they are easier to fit than most.

Although the installation of an all-in-one whirlpool tub may be similarto a standard bathtub, with the addition of electrical hookup, the main-tenance of the tub is somewhat different. There are certain productsthat should be avoided when cleaning or using the whirlpool bath toprolong its life.

* One of the plagues of any appliance that houses water is hard water.This can form scaling that may damage the internal components ofthe motor and water jets. Testing to see the hardness level of watermay be a wise decision. This way a water softening system can beadded to the home, which will also benefit when doing laundry orrunning the dishwasher.

* Many whirlpool tubs list items that should not be used in the waterwhile bathing. These may include sudsing bubble bath powders orscented oil additions, each of which may form a film inside of thesystem, causing it to malfunction. Be sure to read the users' manualprior to first use or before introducing anything foreign to the tub.

* Tubs will require routine cleaning as well. Use a dampened sponge torub off any grime and other deposits that can form an unsightly ringaround the tub. Some whirlpool manufacturers will list recommend-ed products for cleaning. In general, a mild, low-suds formula or adiluted bleach-and-water solution will be effective for routine clean-ing.

* For tough grime, fill the tub just above the jets with water. Placeabout a capful of bleach into the water. Let the tub run for at least fiveminutes to agitate the solution. Let the water drain and then rinse outthe whirlpool bath afterward. Bleach can also kill bacteria andpathogens that may have been left behind in jet plumbing that didnot completely drain out.

Whirlpool baths can be a prized addition to a bathroom and add resalevalue to the home. However, a whirlpool can quickly become ineffectiveif not properly maintained and used.

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Page 5: Chatter September 21, 2011

IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011 - Page 5

Solutions & SubstitutionsBy: Reena Nerbas

I’m baack…Did you know? The average North Americanspends more than 30 percent of their monthly budget onfood, according to the Economic Research Service, a divisionof the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Tallied up, that's anational grocery bill of more than $2 trillion annually.

· When possible consider heading to the grocery store, with-out the kids. Solo grocery store trips reduce impulse pur-chases.

· If you do want to involve children in grocery shopping, putthem in charge of clipping coupons and then give them apercentage of the savings as their allowance.

· Keep a running list of needed grocery items on the front ofyour refrigerator. Even kids can help with this. They usedthe last of the pancake syrup. Have them write it on the list,this accomplishes two things. First, your grocery list isalready made up (except for adding the sale items from fly-ers), and second, you won't be making a second trip to thestore later to pick up forgotten items.

· Consider buying frozen seafood such as tilapia, flounder,salmon and shrimp. The price is typically 20% to 30% lessthan the fish in the counter that may have come to the gro-cery on ice or been previously frozen anyway. Tip: Look tothe top and bottoms of grocery store shelves, the mostexpensive items are positioned at eye level.

· Cooking with certain ingredients can raise the cost of arecipe. If you know how to substitute expensive ingredi-ents for less-expensive ones, you'll be better able to adaptyour recipes to fit your budget.

· Buy bulk when it makes sense. Foods like oats, rice, drypasta, legumes, and dried fruits can be kept for a long timeand are often cheaper when they are sold in bulk. But notall bulk or large-size foods offer huge savings. For example,if extra-large cans of vegetables or fish typically containmore than your family can eat, you may end up wastingunused portions.

· Cut down on meat purchases. Does spaghetti really have tohave all those meatballs? Does your pizza really have tohave all of that meat on it? Many cultures use meat spar-ingly in their dishes. Check out Asian and Indian recipes inparticular. Try to think of meat as an accent to the dinnerrather than the main course. Or try cutting portion sizes ofmeats and adding more side dishes to compensate.

· When scanning store sale circulars and manufacturer'scoupons, most consumers glance at the pictures ratherthan read the words. What's binding is the wording andmore often than not, it says 'good’ on any. So while you

might not be a fan of say, Fruit Loops, read the fine printand you'll find that this coupon is good for any otherKellogg brand as well.

· Precut and premixed produce can cost more than doublethe usual price, so you’ll save a bundle by peeling, cutting,and mixing at home. And peruse the produce on clearance,for example, those slightly soft tomatoes might be perfectfor the pasta sauce you’d planned to make later in theweek. Tip: Pre-grated cheese can cost up to 70% more thana block of cheese.

· Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Eat a meal or snackbefore you go or you will end up buying more than youhad planned. You can even keep snacks such as trail mix orcrackers in your car so you can eat a snack on the run.

· Don't waste your money on juice boxes for kids. Invest afew dollars in refillable plastic juice bottles with built-instraws and fill them with juice yourself. Tip: Buying juice inconcentrate form and mixing with water in a pitcher isalways more economical than buying pre-mixed refrigerat-ed juice.

· Watch out for signs labeled, “SPECIAL” this word does notnecessarily mean that the food is on sale.

· Cut down on disposable purchases. Use dish clothes andcloth napkins rather than paper towels. Are paper platesreally necessary for your BBQ? Why not use your regulardishes? When cleaning your floor, how about using a dampmop rather than a commercial mop that requires a refill-able solution?

· Say so long to plastic bags. Canadians use approximately10 billion plastic bags each year. Reducing that numbermeans bringing reusable grocery bags or previously usedplastic bags with you to the store. Another alternative is touse cardboard boxes or do what I do and bring a laundrybasket to carry your groceries in. Tip: Purchasing food injars rather than squeeze bottles will save money.

· Buy local. When food doesn't have to travel far, it requiresless packaging materials, fewer preservatives and oftencosts less.

Reena Nerbas is a highly popular professional speaker and theauthor of three national best sellers, “Household Solutions 1 withSubstitutions”, “Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets” and“Household Solutions 3 with Green Alternatives”. To request ReenaNerbas as an entertaining and informative speaker for your nextevent contact her on-line or call: 204-320-2757.

I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming!Check out my web site! www.householdsolutions.org

Page 6: Chatter September 21, 2011

Alike contest.

An average of 100 peo-ple choke to death onball point pens eachyear.

The National Anthem

of Greece has 158 vers-es.

Barbie's full name isBarbara MillicentRoberts.

The highest point in

Pennsylvania is lowerthan the lowest pointin Colorado.

The Bible has beentranslated into Klingon.

Toto was paid $125 perweek while filming the"Wizard of Oz".

All polar bears are lefthanded.

Page 6 - IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011

FAMOUS BIRTHDAYSSEPTEMBER 21 - Bill Murray, Actor (61)

SEPTEMBER 22 - Scott Baio, Actor (50)

SEPTEMBER 23 - Bruce Springsteen, Singer (62)

SEPTEMBER 24 - Nia Vardalos, Actress (49)

SEPTEMBER 25 - Will Smith, Actor (43)

SEPTEMBER 26 - Olivia Newton-John, Singer (63)

SEPTEMBER 27 - Gwyneth Paltrow, Actress (39)

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Page 7: Chatter September 21, 2011

IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011 - Page 7

To help reduce budgetdeficits, several stateshave begun reducingthe amount of foodserved to prisoninmates. In Texas, thenumber of daily calo-ries served to prisonerswas cut by 300, savingthe state $6,000,000

per year.

The only member ofthe band ZZ Top with-out a beard has the lastname Beard.

Pope John Paul II is theworld's Scrabble cham-pion in the over-70 cat-


Montpelier, Vermont isthe only state capitolwithout a McDonald's.

In 1993, the board ofgovernors at Carl

Karcher Enterprisesvoted (5 to 2) to fireCarl Karcher. CarlKarcher is the founderof Carls Jr. restaurants.

Did You Know?New car owners often place a premium on protectingtheir cars from thieves, but thieves tend to prefer oldervehicles. According to the National Insurance CrimeBureau, the most stolen car in 2010 was the 1994Honda Accord. And that top spot was not an aberra-tion. The 1995 Honda Civic was the second moststolen car in 2010, finishing one spot ahead of the1991 Toyota Camry. The NICB notes improved anti-theft technology as one of the main reasons for declin-ing theft rates, which dropped 7.2 percent between2009 and 2010. That improved technology is likely abig reason why thieves are targeting older vehiclesthat don't benefit from those improvements. One ofthe more influential technological advancementsthat's helped reduce auto theft is an electronic chip innewer cars. These chips prevent usable keys frombeing easily made at a hardware store, meaning a carthief won't be able to start the car even with a copiedkey.


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Page 8: Chatter September 21, 2011

Page 8 - IceBox Chatter, September 21, 2011

Water entering a home's basement isvery unpredictable. One minute thebasement could be dry and the nextthere could be a river running through it.For homeowners, ignoring a water prob-lem could prove costly and rob its resi-dents of an otherwise enjoyable place tospend their time.

For concerned homeowners, protectingthe basement from potential water dam-age is easier than you might think.Waterproofing a basement is a simplejob that beautifies a space while protect-ing it against future damage from water.First, know what properties to look for ina waterproofer. The property that is themost important to look for in a masonrywaterproofing paint is the ability to holdback hydrostatic pressure, which makesa waterproofer different than a watersealer and an ordinary house paint.Ordinary house paints merely adhere tothe wall surface while masonry water-proofers penetrate the pores of themasonry to become part of the wall.

Most waterproofing paints will gothrough pressure tests that will deter-mine the Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI)the coating will hold back. It is alsoimportant that the coating be tested towithstand wind-driven rain.

The makers of DRYLOK MasonryWaterproofer developed the specs forhydrostatic testing. They state the PSI

should be at a minimum of 4 psi, whichis a wall of water 9 feet high. Look forproducts that have been tested inde-pendently on standard grade buildingmaterials. Be leery of products that saythey will withstand above 15 psi (whichis a wall of water higher than 33 feet), asa standard grade building block couldnever withstand that much pressure. Infact, independent testing facilities willnot test products to over 15 psi.

Once you have selected your water-proofer, it is time for surface prepara-tion. Examine the surface for loose orbroken mortar or any holes or cracks inthe surface. The surface should be cleanand patched with a hydraulic cement,such as DRYLOK Fast Plug. Be sure thereare no signs of efflorescence, which arenatural salts leaching from the masonrysurface. These salts should be cleanedwith an etching solution or DRYLOKEtch, which is a safer alternative thanMuriatic Acid. After cleansing, rinse thesurface thoroughly.

A waterproofing paint is thicker thanhouse paint, so it will take longer toapply, but its application is just as sim-ple. Most waterproofing paints can beapplied with a stiff bristle brush or aroller. Simply work the product into thesurface of the masonry, filling the tex-ture with the coating. The thing toremember is that this coating needs toperform a task, so it is important to fol-

low the label instructions. The experts atUGL recommend applying the first coatwith a nylon or polyester bristle brushfor best results. The second coat can beapplied with a brush or masonry roller.Follow directions for application careful-ly. If the area covered is more than therecommendation on the label, you'respreading the paint too thin. Two coatsare usually sufficient to stop seepage.However, if seepage is still present afterseveral days, an additional coat may benecessary.

Whether your plans are for a basementpantry, woodshop, laundry room or evena living room or play room, you have tostart with a dry space and the best startis with a reliable, reputable waterproof-ing paint. Simple step by step instruc-tions on waterproofing your basementcan be found at www.ugl.com.

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