Memorandum 002 Characterizing DM Events in the Interstellar Medium Vivek Gupta Jacob E. Turner T. Joseph W. Lazio Daniel R. Stinebring 2016 December 31 http://nanograv.org/

Characterizing DM Events in the Interstellar Mediumnanograv.org/assets/files/memos/NANOGrav-Memo-002.pdf · free electrons and ions present in the ISM cause a frequency dependent

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Memorandum 002

Characterizing DM Events in the Interstellar Medium

Vivek GuptaJacob E. TurnerT. Joseph W. LazioDaniel R. Stinebring

2016 December 31


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1 Introduction 1

2 Models & Methods 22.1 Simple Bayesian Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2 Gaussian Process Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 Results 43.1 Simple Baysian Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2 Gaussian Process Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4 The DM Event in PSR J1713+0747 10

5 Future Work 13

6 Summary & Conclusions 14


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The NANOGrav 9 year data release contains unusual deviations in dispersion measure vari-ations caused by abrupt changes in the electron density of the interstellar medium along theline of sight. We employ a couple of techniques in Bayesian analysis and Markov Chain MonteCarlo sampling to develop statistical models for dispersion measure in current NANOGravobservations, as well as predict future trends. These models are designed to be integratedinto a “Quick Look” program, the output of which can then be used to identify DM “events”in recently collected data. We also analyze the negative DM event which occurred along theline of sight to PSR J1713+0747, which we have determined to be the result of an electron-devoid region in the ISM approximately 1.64 AU in width transverse to the LOS and 104

AU along the LOS. We then propose a few simple geometrical structures which could ap-proximate the shape of the electron-deficient region in the ISM. Finally, we discuss a fewpotential physical sources which might explain the existence of such a region.

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1 Introduction

NANOGrav is a North American-basedcollaboration which carries out radio fre-quency pulsar timing observations with thehope of detecting low frequency gravita-tional waves from a set of millisecond pul-sars [4]. These observations are carried outusing the William E. Gordon Radio Telescopein Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and the RobertC. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in GreenBank West Virginia. Pulse arrival timesare calculated up to nanosecond precisionand searched for correlated variations origi-nating from gravitational waves passing be-tween Earth and the pulsars. Other varia-tions in the arrival times of pulses can be ob-served due to a large number of factors in-cluding the relative motion of a pulsar withrespect to Earth, frequency dependent delaysdue to inhomogeneous interplanetary and in-terstellar ionized medium along the line ofsight, and intrinsic pulsar spin evolution.We hope to understand and correct for allnon-gravitational wave sources that manifestthemselves as variations in the TOAs. A cru-cial component of the success of pulsar timingarrays relies on the understanding of how theinterstellar medium affects timing accuracy.

Radio beams have to travel long distancesthrough the interstellar medium (henceforthreferred to as the ISM) before they are de-tected by our radio telescopes. The ISMcauses variations in the pulsar TOAs throughmany of mechanisms, with one of the mostprominent being free electron dispersion. Thefree electrons and ions present in the ISMcause a frequency dependent increase in thetravel time of the pulses, with lower fre-quencies experiencing larger time delays thanhigher frequencies. We quantify this disper-sive delay through a quantity known as dis-

persion measure, which is defined as

DM =

∫ d


nedl. (1)

Dispersion measure represents the integratedcolumn density of free electrons present alongthe line of sight to the pulsar, and has beenfound to vary systematically for most of thepulsars observed by NANOGrav. Addition-ally, we occasionally see abrupt changes inthe DM, known as DM events, for which weare currently lacking physical explanations.

Although NANOGrav observes at rela-tively frequent intervals of 1 week–3 weeks,the collaboration chooses to publish a fewyears worth of data at once, thus delayingthe availability of processed data. However,we would require an almost real-time alertsystem for potential DM events in order toschedule observations that would yield usefulinformation. Such a system would require ac-curate measurements and models of DM andconsistent updating with new measurements.

In §2, we describe the models used andmethods employed to obtain best fitting mod-els for the present data. Section 3 in-cludes the results and a discussion thereof.In §4, we look at the physical character-istics of a previously observed DM eventin PSR J1713+0747, as well as define con-straints on the dimensions and shape of a holein the ISM which would be required to ex-plain the drop in the observed DM. In §5, wediscuss the future implications of our work.Finally, in §6 we provide a summary of ourwork.

Throughout, in order to characterize theDM variations, we adopt the standardNANOGrav technique of using DMX, whichis a piecewise linear fit of the variations in DMthat results from fitting within the TEMPO andTEMPO2 software packages. Additional infor-mation on DMX, its definition, and analy-sis is contained within the NANOGrav Nine-Year Data Release [4] and Lam et al. [9].


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2 Models & Methods

Proper modeling of DM variations must ac-count for minute changes in the ISM along theLOS, which, on large scales, is thought to ex-hibit Kolmogorov turbulence [12]. Our mod-els were trained on the NANOGrav 9 yeardata set and tested for effectiveness via trendprediction of the NANOGrav 11 year dataset. We based our models on the idea thatchanges in the DM will be dominated by thechanges in the ISM between Earth and thepulsar. In particular, we consider the effectsof the solar wind and a few correlated changesin the ISM across the LOS [9]. To ensure theconsistency of our models during the intro-duction of future data, we obtained our modelparameters through a Bayesian approach tomodel fitting. In short, this method of infer-ence relies on new data to update prior knowl-edge for a given phenomena in order to moreaccurately predict the outcome of future oc-curences.

From a mathematical standpoint, let usconsider a set of model parameters θ that arecollectively represented by a prior distribu-tion Pr(θ). When new data D is introduced,we can update our current model by multi-plying it by a likelihood distribution Pr(D|θ).By applying the product rule, we get

Pr(D|θ)Pr(θ) = Pr(θ|D)Pr(D), (2)

where Pr(θ|D) is the resulting posterior dis-tribution and Pr(D) is the evidence for themodel. Dividing by the evidence, we get

Pr(θ|D) =Pr(D|θ)Pr(θ)

Pr(D), (3)

more commonly known as Bayes’ Theorem [7,Chapter 1.3].

In our approach to modeling DM vari-ations, we used two methods based onBayesian inference.

2.1 Simple Bayesian Analysis

The DMX variations follow visible trendswhich can be easily modeled using a lin-ear term and a sinusoidal term having pe-riod close to one year. The linear term ac-counts for the motion of the pulsar towardsor away from earth, while the sinusoidal termis present because of the changing effects ofthe solar wind as the earth revolves aroundthe sun. Some pulsars require an additionalsine term with a period much longer than oneyear in order to model larger scale variations.As a result, our models are based upon simpleequations having one linear term and one ortwo sine terms with different periods. Theyare described by

DMX(t) = b+mt+ A1 sin



+ φ1

)+ A2 sin



+ φ2


(4)Fitting our models using Bayesian analysis

involved defining prior, likelihood and poste-rior probablity functions, as well as setting upa sampler to call these functions recursively.We chose flat uniform priors, defining a cer-tain tentative range for each parameter andusing 1 as our prior probability if a parameterwas within the given range, and 0, otherwise.In order to maximize the likelihood estimatefor our data, we chose our likelihood func-tion to be a Gaussian based on residuals Rbetween the current model and the data:

ln(Likelihood) = −ΣR2

2σ2, (5)

where σ is the uncertainty on each data point.The posterior probability is then defined as

the product of the prior and the likelihood:

ln(Prob) = ln(Prior) + ln(Likelihood). (6)

We then sampled from a n-dimensional pa-rameter space by implementing the Metropo-lis Hastings algorithm, which iteratively gen-erated a sequence of random samples from the


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prior such that the distribution of the nextsample was dependent only on the currentvalue (thus turning the sequence of samplesinto a Markov chain) [10] [6]. If the prior dis-tribution was well sampled, the posterior rep-resented a distribution of the best fit modelsbased on our likelihood function.

The mean of the resulting distribution wastaken as the maximum likelihood estimate,i.e. the best fit model for our data, whilethe standard deviation of the distribution wasconsidered to be the error in estimating thebest fit model.

Once we obtained the models, our task ofcalculating the significance of variation of anew observation was relatively simple. Eachdata point was converted into a gaussian withmean equal to the data value and standarddeviation equal to the errorbar of that point.Thus a distribution of data points was con-verted to a collection of gaussians represent-ing the data. Subtracting the model distribu-tion from this collection of gaussians gave us adistribution of the residuals, where the meanwas the actual residual at that point, and thestandard deviation was the uncertainty or theerror in calculating that residual.

The significance of the deviation (σ−value)of a new observation from the general trendwas calculated as the ratio of the differencebetween residual of the new observation andthe overall mean of previous residuals, overthe standard deviation of the overall resid-uals. This is equivalent to determining thenumber of standard deviations away a newdata point is from the mean of previous resid-uals, and can be given by

σ−value =New Residual-Mean(previous residuals)

Std.Dev.(previous residuals).


2.2 Gaussian Process Regres-sion

In our second method, we modeled theDM variations with a linear and sine termto account for the pulsar’s position relativeto Earth and the solar wind, respectively.We also computed Bayes factors to determinewhether the data preferred the addition of aquadratic term to account for stochastic pro-cesses [3] [8]. Thus, when considering a linearmodel M1 and a quadratic model M2, the dis-persion measure taken at some day t can bedescribed by

DM(t) = nct2 +mt+ A sin


P+ φ

)+ b,

n =

1, if 2 ln(


)≥ 6

0, if 2 ln(




(8)In order to obtain the most accurate mod-

els of future variations, we then introduced aGaussian random variable for each point inour data. The covariance between any twopoints ti and tj could then be representedby a matrix Kij and equivalently describedby a function k(ti, tj) [14]. For our purposes,our covariance function was described by theMatern-3

2Kernel as provided by the Gaussian

process package George [1]

k(ti, tj) =(

1 +√

3(ti − tj)2)e−√

3(ti−tj)2 ,

(9)as it closely resembles the -8/3 spectral indextypically seen in DM variations.

The resulting log likelihood function is then

ln Pr(D−DM(t)|GP) =

− 1

2(D−DM(t))T (N +K)−1(D−DM(t))

− 1

2ln det(N +K)− n





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where N is the noise matrix of the data andn is the dimension of N . The likelihood wasgiven a uniform prior and the posterior wasthen obtained via MCMC sampling 1.

We allowed our Gaussian process to haveknowledge of the data up to an arbitrarypoint and then let it attempt to predict fu-ture trends. Assuming our model is sufficient,we can use this technique to identify outliersin new data that may be indicative of a DMevent.

During our runs, we allowed the Gaussianprocess to have access to data up to a speci-fied date and then allowed it to make predic-tions of trends in the remainder of our exist-ing data. We then sampled a fraction of theGaussian fits and calculated the significanceof each data point with the formula

σ =

∣∣∣∣∣ D− µGauss√σ2D + σ2


∣∣∣∣∣ , (11)

where µGauss is the mean of the sampledGaussian fits, D is the data, σD is the stan-dard deviation of the data, and σGauss is thestandard deviation of the Gaussian fits.

3 Results

3.1 Simple Baysian Analysis

For each pulsar modeled with this method,we present one figure containing three plots,with the first containing the model’s fit overthe DMX values, the second showing the

residuals from the model and regions of 1σand 2σ variation from the mean, and thethird displaying the calculated σ value foreach observation of the pulsar.

PSR J1741+1351 (Figure 1) showed aconsistent linear variation and generally re-mained well-behaved. Overall, we found thatour modelsmanage to provide accurate pre-dictions for all pulsars showing just a lineartrend.

PSR B1855+09 (Figure 2) followed a fairlylinear trend in the 9 year data set, but tookon new behavior in the 11 year data set. As aresult, our predictions diverged from the ob-served 11 year data. There were a few similarcases in which our models could detect signif-icant changes in the overall trends, and ourmodel predictions were rendered useless un-less they were either trained on more data orhad some knowledge of the deviating trend.

PSR J1918-0642 hinted at variations withhigher order terms in addition to the annualvariations present in most of the pulsars. Wefound that our model was consistent in thetracking of this pulsars DMX variations andgave satisfactory predictions for the periodic-ity in the 11 year data.

Our final example, which we discussin greater detail in section 4, is PSRJ1713+0747, which experienced a DM eventduring the time of the 9 year dataset. Thehigh sigma value generated for this pulsarsDM event led us to believe that we can resolvesignificant variations in future DMX observa-tions.


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Figure 1: PSR J1741+1351 shows a linear trend in DMX variations. Our models fromthe 9 year dataset give accurate predictions for the 11 year period. The blue vertical lineindicates the end of 9 year dataset.

Figure 2: PSR B1855+09 shows a changing trend in its DMX variations. Our models detectthis change in the overall trend of the pulsar but gives inaccurate predictions consequently.The vertical blue line indicates the end of the 9 year dataset.


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Figure 3: PSR J1918-0642 requires two sine terms and a linear term to model its variations.The blue vertical line indicates the end of the 9 year dataset.

Figure 4: PSR J1713+0747 shows a DM event in the 9 year dataset. Our models can easilydetect such events with high σ values. The blue vertical line indicates the date up to whichdata has been used to generate models


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3.2 Gaussian Process Regres-sion

As demonstrated by the fits in Figures 5- 7, the Gaussian process method was ex-ceedingly effective at modeling “visible” data.The method was also quite accurate at pre-dicting trends up to a year in future for mostvariations, with results generally seeing a de-cline in accuracy after about 2 years for thestrongest fits. A higher cadence and longer

data sets would likely increase these timescales.

A significant result of this time windowof accuracy is that significant deviations inDM trends (Figure 8), as well as DM events(Figure 9), might be found even with ayearlong gap in the data, assuming a rela-tively well-behaved ISM. Incidentally, signif-icant changes in the ISM over many epochsmay play a significant role in long-term pre-dictability.

Figure 5: A Gaussian process on a pulsar with a strong linear DM trend. The vertical blueline indicates the point where the Gaussian process starts making predictions.


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Figure 6: A Gaussian process on a pulsar with a strong periodic DM trend. The verticalblue line indicates the point where the Gaussian process begins making predictions.


Figure 7: A Gaussian process on a pulsar with a strong quadratic DM trend. The verticalblue line indicates the point where the Gaussian process begins making predictions.


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Figure 8: A Gaussian process on a pulsar that demonstrates a significant variation in itsDM trend after 2014. The vertical blue line indicates the point where the Gaussian processbegins making predictions.

Figure 9: A Gaussian process recovering the DM event in PSR J1713+0747. The verticalblue line indicates the point where the Gaussian process beings making predictions.


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4 The DM Event in

PSR J1713+0747

We now turn to determining the physicalcharacteristics of a DM event as seen in PSRJ1713+0747.It is known that this particularpulsar is about 1.18 kpc away from Earth,moves with a proper motion of around 6.285mas/yr and has a total DM0 of approximately15.99 pc cm−3 along the LOS2 [11]. In Fig-

ure 10 we show a closeup of the sharp dropin the DMX variations observed around MJD54751. From this figure we can make the fol-lowing observations: 1.) The DM event isasymmetric with a sharp drop and gradualrecovery. 2.) The DM event is aperiodic/u-nique as we have only seen it once. 3.) Thesharpest decrease corresponds to a ∆DM ofabout −6×10−4pc cm−3. 4.) The DM recov-ery time is about 6 months.


~ 6





∆𝑡~ 6 months

Figure 10: Closeup of the DM event in PSR J1713+0747



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These observations lead us to conclude thatour LOS must have crossed a region devoid offree electrons (which for the remainder of thispaper will be referred to as a hole) in the ISM.For our analysis we made a couple of assump-tions about the ISM in order to determine theproperties of such a hole.

By rearranging equation 1, we found thata DM0 of 15.99 pc cm−3 corresponded to atotal of 1019 e− along the LOS. Assumingthat the ISM is homogenous, a drop of −6×10−4 pc implies that the hole must have beenat least∼ 10,000 AU in length along the LOS.Since we know that the hole moves across theline of sight in 6 months, if we assume thetransverse velocity of the ISM to be negligi-ble relative to transverse velocity of the Pul-sar, we deduce that the hole needed to havean angular diameter of 3.1 mas. Additionally,if we assume that the hole is approximatelyhalfway between Earth and the pulsar, thebreadth of the hole across the line of sight

should have been around 1.6 A.U.These dimensional limits gave us some idea

about the possible geometric structure of thehole. We considered many different shapesand settled on two basic toy models, in whichthe event could be described by either a cylin-der or a crescent (or a half-crescent). In thecylinder model, we required the structure tohave a negative density gradient along itslength and that it be tilted at a small an-gle from the LOS. We determined that thehole should have an extremely low densityof electrons along the initial LOS which in-creased gradually until it matched the den-sity of electrons in the surrounding ISM. Inthe crescent model, the density remained con-stant while the length of intercept made bythe LOS through the hole decreased gradu-ally with time due to the curved shape. Bothfull and half-crescents satisfy the shape re-quired for a gradually vanishing hole.


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******Pulsar motion

Line of sight

Hole with densityGradient

DMX observations

******Pulsar motion

Line of sight

Hole with uniformdensity

DMX observations

Figure 11: Model candidates for the DM event in PSR J1713+0747. (Left) Cylinder model.(Right) Cresent model.


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We also attempted to identify possiblephysical systems which could cause a decreasein the electron density of the ISM. Based onthe size and geometry of the structure, wepostulate that the most likely candidates in-clude interstellar filaments, magnetospheresof stars, and stellar wind shock waves. Eachof these mechanisms has the ability to cre-ate regions in the ISM which are devoid offree electrons, as well as fit the proposedshapes. Another possiblity is that some A.U.-scale“shield” or enveloping layer of HII or anon-ionizing material such as dust could haveprotected this region of the ISM from ion-ization. This particular explanation fits wellwith the model (Figure 11) and is furtherstrengthened by observations of dust and HIin regions near our LOS to the pulsar.

We can further narrow down our list by im-posing additional physical constraints on the

system, such as calculating a rough scale ofthe energy required to create the hole. How-ever, it is likely that evidence in the form ofA.U.-resolution images of the LOS to PSRJ1713+0747 will be required to confidentlyrule out or confirm any of these candidates.

Given the highly disproportionate ratio ofthe structure’s dimensions, it is also conceiv-able that, rather than observing the entirestructure, we are instead observing a tinysliver of a much larger architecture in theISM. Such a configuration would likely be onthe order tens of thousands of A.U. to a fewpc in length and around 0.1 pc in width [2].Indeed, in H-α, HI, and dust images near thepulsar, we observe structures of this magni-tude, making it a possibility that some fila-ment branching off from such a region couldhave crossed our LOS.

Figure 12: Observations at various frequencies in the direction of PSR J1713+0747. Imagesare 1 deg2 in area, with the x- and y axes labeled in pixels and the colorbars in arbitraryunits. White cross indicates the location of the pulsar in the image. (Left) Hα (from [5]);(Middle) Dust distribution, as inferred from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis Dust MapSurvey [13]; and (Right) H i, from the Effelsberg-Bonn Survey [15]

5 Future Work

A better understanding of DM events re-quires their real-time detection. As of this

writing, we are in the process of implement-ing a near real-time system to process TOAswith PSRCHIVE3 and analyze them for DM



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variations with TEMPO4 and TEMPO25. Indoing so, we will be able to catch significantvariations as soon as they appear in the data.

We can further narrow down our search forthe physical structures behind these events byimposing additional constraints on the sys-tem, such as calculating a rough scale of theenergy required to create the hole. How-ever, it is likely that evidence in the form ofA.U.-resolution images of the LOS to PSRJ1713+0747 will be required to confidentlyrule out or confirm any of these candidates.As such, it would prove useful to have accessto observatories that offer A.U.-level resolu-tion on an as-needed basis.

6 Summary & Conclu-


We have analyzed DM variations in thepulsars of the NANOGrav collaboration in anattempt to effectively predict future trends aswell as identify significant deviations causedby structures in the ISM. Simple Bayesianand Gaussian process regression methodswere used to generate models and predictthese variations and have been found to workeffectively up to two years into the future, inmost cases.

We also analyzed the DM event found in

the data of PSR J1713+0747 and concludedthat such an event must be caused by a re-gion in the ISM devoid of electrons that mea-sures approximately 1.64 au in width trans-verse to the LOS and 104 au along the LOS.Based on the characteristics of the deviation,we proposed a few toy models and consideredthe astrophysical mechanisms for their cre-ation. Finally, we discussed the ongoing im-plementation of a program to analyze TOAsand analyze DM variations in near real-time.We also concluded that access to telescopeswith au-scale resolution would be necessaryto further improve our understanding of DMevents.

We thank J. Ellis, S. Taylor, and M. Vallis-neri for their guidance on Bayesian analysis.We thank the team at the SFP and ISP Of-fices at Caltech for ensuring that our logisticswere taken care of. Finally, we thank our fi-nancial sponsors at SURF 2016, NSF, Ober-lin College, and IIT(BHU) Varanasi, for pro-viding us with the funnding to make our staysat Caltech possible. Part of this researchwas carried out at the Jet Propulsion Labo-ratory, California Institute of Technology, un-der a contract with the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration. The NANOGravproject receives support from NSF PhysicsFrontier Center award number 1430284.



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Appendix A

Simple Bayesian Analysis Code Summary

1. Read in file containing new data

2. Read in the previous data-set file

3. Read in guesses

4. Count the number of sine terms required by counting the number of guesses given

5. Try to optimize the guesses using scipy.optimize

6. Set-up the MCMC sampler

7. Define log prior function

8. Define log likelihood function

9. Define a function to generate models

10. Define log posterior function

11. Run a 100 step burn-in

12. Reset sampler

13. Run the sampler again for large number of steps, output saved in chains

14. Burn-in the first 25% of the resulting chains

15. Reshape the chains into flatchains

16. Generate models and predictions using flatchains

17. Calculate mean of models and predictions upto the new data point

18. Generate an array of gaussians (with mean = data value and std. dev. = errorbar)representing the array of data points

19. Calculate array of residual distributions by subtracting the distribution of models fromthe array of data gausssians.

20. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of each individual residual in the residualdistribution array.

21. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the whole residual array.

22. Similarly calculate residual distribution for the new data point by subtracting thepredicted distribution from a gaussian generated for the new data point.


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23. Calculate mean and standard deviation of residual distribution of the new data point.(This mean is taken as the residual value for the new data point and the standarddeviation as the error in calculating the residual)

24. Calculate σ − value for new data point as :

(Residual of new data point - Mean of residuals of previous dataset) - Error in calculating the residual of new data pointStandard deviation of residuals of previous dataset

25. Print results.

26. Compare the σ − value with a threshold, and rasie an alarm if found larger.

Gaussian Process Regression Code Summary

1. Read in the current data set file.

2. Read in file containing new data.

3. Construct a model with no quadratic term.

4. Add random Gaussian variables to the model.

5. Define the according log prior and log likelihood functions.

6. If the log Bayes factor is already known, ignore step 3 and run the PTMCMC samplerwith the proper model. Otherwise, run the PyMultinest sampler to obtain the logevidence.

7. If PyMultinest was used in the previous step, repeat all above steps for a model withthe quadratic term included. Otherwise, ignore this step.

8. If PyMultinest was used, compute the log Bayes factor from the log evidences of thetwo models to determine which model to use.

9. Draw 500 samples and use them to predict trends in the data after a certain epoch.

10. Compute the mean and standard deviation of those samples.

11. Plot the posterior distributions, as well as a triple plot of the data with the 500 modelsamples and mean, the residuals, and the corresponding significance values at eachpoint.


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