Chapter 8 Training & Development.ppt

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  • 7/26/2019 Chapter 8 Training & Development.ppt


    Socializing, Orientating, Training& Development

  • 7/26/2019 Chapter 8 Training & Development.ppt


    Socialization A process of adaptation to a new work role.

    Adjustments must be made wenever individualscange jobs

    Te most profound adjustment occurs wen an

    individual !rst enters an organization

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    " Socialization strongl# in$uencesemplo#ee performance and organizationalstabilit#" %rovides information on ow to do te job and

    ensuring organizational !t.

    " ew members su'er from anxiety, wicmotivates tem to learn te values and norms ofte organization.

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    (ndividuals arrivewit a set of values,attitudes ande)pectations wicte# ave developed

    from previouse)perience and teselection process.

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    (ndividuals discover

    ow well teire)pectations matc

    realities witin teorganization.

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    (ndividuals aveadapted to teorganization, feelaccepted and knowwat is e)pected of


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    An# relativel# permanent cange inbeavior tat occurs as a result ofe)perience.

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    *lassical *onditioning+

    A t#pe of conditioning in wic an

    individual responds to some stimulus tatwould not ordinaril# produce suc aresponse.

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    Operant *onditioning+

    A t#pe of conditioning in wic desired

    voluntar# beavior leads to a reward orprevents a punisment.

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    Social earning Teor#+

    %eople can learn troug observation and

    direct e)perience.

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    -nowledge refers to wat individuals orteams know or know ow to do someting

    T#pes of -nowledge+" )plicit -nowledge+ /ormalized, *odi!ed,*ommunicated

    " Tacit -nowledge+ %ersonal knowledge

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    Motor skills (nclude coordination of p#sical

    movements. 0)+ All operational jobs1

    Attitudes *ombination of beliefs and feeling tat pre2

    dispose a person to beave a certain wa#

    (mportant work2related attitudes include job

    satisfaction, commitment to teorganization, and job involvement.

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    " To increase productivit# & 3ualit#." To promote $e)ibilit# to new metods.

    " To reduce te number of accidents.

    " To reduce te labor turnover." To increase job satisfaction.

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    Training refers to a planned e'ort b# acompan# to facilitate emplo#ees learningof job related competencies. (t includesknowledge, skills, beavior etc.

    Development is an# learning activit#wic directed towards future needsrater tan present needs and wic ismore concerned wit career growt ratertan immediate performance.

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    Te objectiveobjective refers to to te purpose ande)pected outcome of training activities.

    A training objective has three component:

    4.A statement of wat te emplo#ee ise)pected to do 0performance or outcome1

    5.A statement of te 6ualit# or level ofperformance tat is acceptable 0standard1

    7.A statement of te conditions under wicte trainee is e)pected to perform te desiredoutcome 0conditions1

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    " On te 8ob training+

    9 *lass room training : 8ob ;otation

    9 lecture : (n

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    eed Assessmentnsuring mplo#ees ;eadiness for training*reating learning environment

    nsuring transfer of trainingDeveloping an valuation planSelecting training metod>onitoring and valuating te program

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    " Top >anagement+ /rames te trainingpolic#. Allocate budget.

    " ?; Department+ %lans, stablis &valuate.

    " Supervisors+ (mplement & Appl#Development procedure.

    " mplo#ees+ %rovide feedback, ;evisions

    & Suggestion.

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    Assumes beavior results from a person@sconscious goals and intentions.

    oals in$uence beavior b#+

    directing energ# and attention

    sustaining e'ort over time

    motivating te person to develop strategies forgoal attainment.

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    ?elp e)plain te value tat a person places oncertain outcomes

    Suggest tat to motivate learning+

    trainers sould identif# trainees@ needs, and communicate ow training program content

    relates to ful!lling tese needs

    (f te basic needs of trainees are not met, te#

    are unlikel# to be motivated to learn

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    (t is based on several assumptions+ Adults ave te need to know w# te# are

    learning someting

    Adults ave a need to be self2directed

    Adults bring more work2related e)periences intote learning situation

    Adults enter into a learning e)perience wit aproblem2centered approac to learning

    Adults are motivated to learn b# bot e)trinsic

    and intrinsic motivators