Yes % No % Does not say % 66 44% 63 42% 21 14% “Student’s are doing their task of cleaning everyday” In the question, “Do you think cleaners of the day always do their obligation?” The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4 th year students of BNIINHS for the school year 2014-2015 are doing their part as a cleaner of the day. The above result is supported by Rynn Yusuf, a Blog spot user, (http://rynnyusuf.blogspot.com/2013/03/article-how-to-beautify-our- school.html - Sunday, March 3, 2013) who said that it is very important for a school to be clean and beautiful. That student need to be sure that their room is clean for them to be relaxed, to feel comfortable and to enjoy the activities carried out in school. Everyone must participate in maintaining a clean classroom. By providing some duty roster can make you sure that everyone will participate and the job will be divided equally. Based on the answer of the students, cleaners always do their job, maybe because they are following the task that is given to them on a given day. They are being responsible enough as a cleaner in maintaining their classroom clean without even told by their teacher. And we can see some classroom in BNIINHS that is really clean and beautiful. It is because of the decorations that was made by the students who has the initiative as one of the cleaner in decorating and maintaining a clean classroom.

Chapter 3

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Page 1: Chapter 3

Yes % No % Does not say %

66 44% 63 42% 21 14%

“Student’s are doing their task of cleaning everyday”

In the question, “Do you think cleaners of the day always do their obligation?” The table

reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for the school year 2014-2015 are doing

their part as a cleaner of the day.

The above result is supported by Rynn Yusuf, a Blog spot user,

(http://rynnyusuf.blogspot.com/2013/03/article-how-to-beautify-our-school.html - Sunday, March 3,

2013) who said that it is very important for a school to be clean and beautiful. That student need to be

sure that their room is clean for them to be relaxed, to feel comfortable and to enjoy the activities

carried out in school. Everyone must participate in maintaining a clean classroom. By providing some

duty roster can make you sure that everyone will participate and the job will be divided equally. Based

on the answer of the students, cleaners always do their job, maybe because they are following the

task that is given to them on a given day. They are being responsible enough as a cleaner in

maintaining their classroom clean without even told by their teacher. And we can see some

classroom in BNIINHS that is really clean and beautiful. It is because of the decorations that was

made by the students who has the initiative as one of the cleaner in decorating and maintaining a

clean classroom.

Other 63 students disagree that the cleaner of the day do their task. It is supported by the

essay “The Environment And How We Can Improve It”

(http://www.essayforum.com/writing-3/environment-improve-3688.html - November 26, 2008) where

we, students or cleaners, are the people living here on earth and our school is our environment. And

those pieces of paper that is seen inside the classroom are the garbage that is just thrown anywhere.

We, as the people here on earth, are not doing our responsibility on protecting our environment to the

pollution that might occur. On the other hand, the assigned cleaners are not doingtheir tasks to

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maintain and to have a beautiful classroom. Instead, they are making a way for the school to be dirty

and uncomfortable place to study.

The rest 21 students answered “Does not say”. Redhead08, a yahoo user

(http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?gid=1006051418744) supported this idea who said that

the studentsare not responsible for the cleanliness of another building or the classroom. It is not

seems right for him or her that the students are being forced to clean their classroom and maybe this

is the reason why students do not care about the cleanliness of the room. They think that it is not their

responsibility in cleaning a classroom because Redhead08 said that it is like a child labor or

something that the students shouldn’t be obliged or forced to work as a cleaner but rather be

responsible enough for their own trashes. For them, clean or dirty classroom is just fine and not a big

deal. That is the reason why BNIINHS students don’t care about it and maybe, those students who

answered “Does not say” shares the same perspective like Redhead08.

“Students’ point of view regarding one’s initiative of cleaning their room”

Yes % No % Does not say %

101 67% 26 17% 23 16%

In the question “Do you have the initiative to clean your room?” The result reveals that the

Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for the school year 2014-2015 have the initiative cleaning

their respective rooms.

It is supported by the source (http://preschoolprofessional.blogspot.com/2009/06/ clean-and-

organized-classroom.html) as it stated that there are some important reasons for keeping the

classroom clean and these are health, care mood and impression. A clean classroom helps the

students to stay healthy and to fight against the spread of germs. It also tells the students to care

about their classrooms and it can affect to the moods of the student, if their classroom is unclean,

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they feel frustration and sadness but classrooms can make everyone feel better if it is presentable

and organized. Also, it makes a good impression about you as a professional. As a connection to the

result of the poll, 101 students who answered “Yes” have their initiative to clean their classroom

because of the reason stated in the source. The students are benefited and inspired because of their

classrooms. They feel comfortable in studying.

The result also reveals that 26 respondents answered “No”do not have the initiative to clean

their classroom. The source (http://secondsofeternity.hubpages .com/hub/The-primary-causes-of-

procrastination-and-how-to-overcome-it) said that some people have their procrastination. It is often

overlooked as a psychological disorder and simplistically attributed to laziness. Procrastination is the

tendency to avoid or delay acting upon a task or activity under one’s immediate control. Those so

called procrastinators persistently postpone and avoid undertaking or compelling a task or making

decisions. They are not accepting or dealing with their obligations. The source also stated the

different factors caused by procrastination including excessive sleeping, watching television, playing

computer games, social activities and disruptions, noise distraction and having a cluttered and

disorganized living spaces. Those respondents who answered “No” maybe are the same behavior

with the procrastinators. They are not doing their tasks assigned to them and they can concentrate

well to their studies even their room is unclean.

23 students replied “Does not say”. According to Dr. Sheryl Reinisch, director of Early

Childhood Education Programs at Concordia University – Portland, studies indicate that high-quality

classroom environments help the children feel safe, secure, and valued. As a result, self-esteem

increases and studentsare motivated to engage in the learning process. Those who answered “Does

not say” maybe they do not have their full concern about how the cleanliness implemented in the


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“Maintaining sanitation and neatness is a basis of students, being responsible”

Yes % No % Does not say %

138 92% 0 0% 12 8%

In the question “Do you think that through maintaining sanitation and neatness determines how

responsible the students are?” The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS

for 2014-2015 agreed that how responsible they are can be determined through the means of

maintaining sanitation and neatness of their classroom.

The above result is supported by Temjentiba Pongener, working in All India Radio Kohima as

Announcer, who said that if everyone maintains cleanliness, in this attitude then the world will

become a better place to live in. this should be the fundamental responsibility of every civilized being.

Cleanliness is also the greatest virtue which should be followed by everyone as a great responsibility

to enhance the standard of life. In addition, Akshar Barad, a consulting Physician in X-6/101, Earth

Complex, Akshar Chowk, Old Padra Road, Akshar Chowk, Vadodara, Gujarat 390020, India, also

stated that in order for us to stay healthy we must keep it clean. We can spread awareness in the

society about the need of cleanliness. As individual, we can make the initiative to spread awareness.

We can also start it with the basic level; we must keep our house clean.

In the other hand, no one answered “No”. It is because based on Kathryn Rateliff Barr, a

Pastor family Counselor and taught birth, parenting, vaccinations and alternative medicine classes

since 1994, the classroom is the student work place for the entire school year and as being where

they spend their hour most of the day. Also, to maintain a safe and effective learning environment that

will enhance academic achievement and protect their overall health, because of that no one

answered “No” because it is really the responsibilities of the students to maintain neatness and

sanitation inside the classroom.

And the other 12 students choose to answer “Does not say”. It is because Vikas Mittal, the

J.HughLiedtke Professor of Marketing at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business said that when

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the people feel disgusted, they tend to remove themselves from a situation. The instinct is to protect

oneself. People become focused on self and they’re less likely think about other people and maybe

that’s the reason why some people didn’t know what to say in regards to cleanliness when they are


“Rates of Student’s concentration if the room is unclean and a bit messy”

Yes % No % Does not say %

24 16% 108 72% 18 12%

In the question “If the room is unclean and a bit messy, can you completely concentrate on

studying?” The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015

cannot completely concentrate on studying if their classroom is unclean and a bit messy.

The table shows that 24 respondents agreed they can completely concentrate on studying

even the room is unclean. Dr. Reinisch, a teacher did a study of 25 first-graders whose classroom

was revamped over a period of four months to include appealing elements such as comfortable

reading spaces, fish, plants, and displays of students’ artwork. The children’s reactions were recorded

through interviews, student journals and observations. The first-graders expressed ownership and

pride at their artwork being included in the classroom decor, and their journals, comments and

drawings expressed appreciation for the aesthetic addition to their environment. Students in the study

said that being comfortable helped them feel at home in their classroom for the reason that clean

room helps your brain to work more productive, which in turn helped them learn. Some of the

students stated that when they are feeling relaxed; they are more ready to learn.

Other 108 don’t agree by answering “No”. It is because according to Erin Roland, Researchers

at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute published the result of a study they conducted in

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the January issue of “The Journal of Neuroscience” that relates directly to uncluttered and organized

living. From their report “Interactions of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in human visual

cortex”. Multiple stimuli present in the visual field at the same complete for neural representation by

mutually suppressing their evoked activity throughout visual cortex, providing a neural correlate for

the limited processing capacity of the visual system. Or, to paraphrase in non-neuroscience jargon:

when your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits

your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process

information as wall as you do in an uncluttered, organized and serene environment. The clutter

competes for your attention in the same way a toddler might stand next to you annoyingly repeating,

“candy, candy, candy, I want candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy…” Even though you

might be able to focus a little, you’re still aware that a screaming toddler is also vying for your

attention. The annoyance also wears down your mental resources and you are more likely to become

frustrated. The researchers used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) and other

physiological measurement tools to map the brain’s responses to organized and disorganized stimuli

and to monitor task performance. The conclusion were strong - if you want to focus to best of your

ability and process information as effectively as possible, you need to clear the clutter from your

home and work environment this research shows that you will be less irritable, more productive,

distracted less often, and able to process information better with an uncluttered and organized home

and office.

The rest 18 respondents can’t answer whether “Yes” or “No” it is because according to Robert

Sylwester, a Psychologist, emotions do more responsibilities in one’s learning. John Dewey, a

psychologist also began this century with an eloquent plea for the education of the whole child. If we

get around to that kind of education by the end of the century, emotion research may well provide the

catalyst we need. Our profession pays lip service to the whole student, but school activities tend to

focus on measurable rational qualities. We measure spelling accuracy, not emotional well-being. And

when the budget gets tight, we cut curricular areas like the arts, expressive subjects that are difficult

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to measure. We know emotion is important in education-it drives attention, which in turn drives

learning and memory. But because we don’t fully understand our emotional system, we don’t know

exactly how to regulate it in school, beyond defining too much or too little emotion as misbehavior.

We have rarely incorporated emotion comfortably into the curriculum and classroom. Further, our

profession hasn’t fully addressed the important relationship between a stimulating and emotionally

positive classroom experience and the overall health of both students and staffs. Following is a basic

introduction to the role our emotional system plays in learning, and the potential classroom

applications of this research.

“Cleanliness is what students are after in participating ‘Ganda ng Bahay Ko' program”

Prize % Recognition % Cleanliness % Health % Grades %

8 5%

28 19%

95 63%

8 5%

11 8%

In the poll stated “In participating GNBKP you are after the…” The table reveals that the

Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 are after with the cleanliness of their

classroom in participating the “Gander ng Bahay Ko program”.

The above table shows that 95 respondents are after with the cleanliness. A clean, well-

ordered school environment in many countries helped the students to develop good habits of

cleanliness. According to Darren, a janitor in an Australian High School, now we see filth in the

classroom as well, some students take the instruction “Pick it up” or “Clean it up” to mean that they

are being punished. The problem is that some teachers do use cleaning as a mean of punishment. It

is because cleanliness means different things to different people.

The other 28 students say that they are participating for them to recognize having the best of

the all the classroom. Based on a site from an organization in Australia, the students are encouraged

to be philanthropic within their classroom, school and family. The students recognize that their

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classroom is a community because the students are brought together for a common purpose. They

analyze how philanthropy and affect the common good of the community.

On the other hand, 11 respondents stated that they are waiting for additional grade by their

adviser. According to a newspaper issued on August 10 last year in US, the importance of cleanliness

must be spread not only in the classroom but also in our community. American teachers also reported

that cleaning their classroom has become their own responsibility and challenge. “It is well known that

regular hand washing is the first line of defense in preventing the transfer of germs that may cause

illness and therefore it is regularly practiced in schools.” Said Dr. Paul S. Horowitz M.D. the teachers

let the students to know the different aspects of cleanliness and apply it to themselves by the use of

different activities like reporting and presentation that correspond grades.

The other 8 students chose the consideration of their health in a well-organized classroom.

According to a site, (https://www.megcleanlinessblogspot.com) the purpose of cleanliness includes

health, beauty, avoidance of shame, and avoidance of spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself

and others. When the floor was with waste strewn all over, the students looks distressed about the

condition of their working environment. On the other hand, when you see a bright and clean

classroom with the children happy and content, wecan feel the difference within ourselves. Therefore

it proves that they are happier in a cleaner surroundings and it makes them healthier not only

physically but also mentally.

And the last 8 respondents answered that they are after the prize. According to the latest

circular on the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Website, the campaign called

“Expression Series” will be conducted from October 2 to 15 where students will get a reward ranging

from Rs 2,500 to Rs 25,000 on a daily basis and more rewards if they continue the campaign beyond

the last date given. It was only held in Middle East countries. Just like on other countries, students

should receive maybe just a simple reward for them to continue their responsibilities and for giving an

appreciation of giving the importance of cleanliness inside the classroom.

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“Student’s Perception in a clean and well-decorated room”

Comfortable % Uncomfortable % Does not say %

116 77% 21 14% 13 9%

In the question “Inside a clean and well-decorated classroom, what do you feel?” The result

reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 are comfortable enough

inside a clean and well-decorated classroom.

The above result is supported by Malik Faisal Moonzajer, an Afghan writer who said that we

may not have a choice to be rich or uncomfortable, but whatever happens, we do always have the

choice to be so educated person. This can be interpreted that if someone is in a room filled with eye-

candy designs and a room that is well-cleaned, it can’t be helped but to feel at ease and comfortable.

It inspires people to study thoroughly and make things in a lively way. But still, whatever the

environment is, it is laid in the people to have their choice in becoming an educated person, it is up to

themselves what to do, if they will just slack off or get a book and read.

In the survey, some respondents say that inspite of being inside well-decorated room, they still

feel uncomfortable. In the quote said by Catherine Ryan Hyde that even though it was beautiful and

comfortable, and even though it is the world, it was also a little bit boring. No,lonely, that’s it. It was a

little bit lonely. People feel uncomfortable not because of the room itself, but because of the people

that surrounds them. There are people that feel lonely even though they are with lots of people

physically, but they still feel alone because they don’t have someone to lean on inside that room.

Being inside a beautiful and comfortable room doesn’t mean people will feel enthusiast and joyful. It

depends to the people that hang around them.

Confucius said that wherever you go, go with all your heart. We can say that the respondents

who answered “Does not say” are ok wherever they stay, they don’t have an opinion on their

surroundings, they’re just living their life, not giving a care in the room their stepping.

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“Class fund and contribution are where students get their finance for cleaning materials”

Class fund % Contribution %

75 50% 75 50%

In the question “For the decorating stuffs and cleaning materials, you get through…” The table

reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 get theirs by means of class

fund and contribution.

The above result is supported by Mrs. Rosemarie Encinas (Grade 9 teacher) who said that it is

not only the money they get from their class fund that they used because they also conducted

contribution, for the real purpose of the class fund is the students’ savings fund for their Christmas

party and if they spend it all just for “Ganda ng Bahay Ko program”, they will no longer have enough

fund to suffice the afore mentioned purpose of it. This statement dwells too Mrs. Aileen Palu-ay (4th

year teacher) based on the held interview. As well as what Ms. HoneyletTopasi (Grade 9 teacher)

responded that supports the other two teachers’ point of view in this. This can be interpreted that

students do the same just like what these teachers said.

On the other hand, same number and percent of the former answered that they get their fund

for decorating stuffs and cleaning materials through contribution. In connection to this is what Mrs.

Marsha Peculados, Mrs. Joan Balbin (Grade 9 teachers) and Ms. Fritzie Señido (4th year teacher)

stated. According to them, it will be hard for the students to contribute one buck at a time since most

of students are in marginalized sector where in it is the reason why they study in such public school

that’s why they include contribution but together and the other half of it from the class fund of theirs.

That same goes for the respondent that’s why they end up with this say.

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“Viewpoint of students with regards to the implementation of 'Ganda ng Bahay Ko' Program”

Yes % No % Does not say %

133 89% 11 7% 6 4%

In the question “Do you like how ‘Ganda ng Bahay Ko program’ is being implemented in our

school?” The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students like how the program is

implemented in BNIINHS.

133 answered “Yes”. In accordance in a 2008 national study titled “Cleanliness and learning in

higher education” A professor at Brigham young university found that classroom cleanliness affects a

student’s learning ability. Nearly 90 percent of the almost 1,500 students surveyed said the lack of of

cleanliness becomes a distraction when learning. Classroom conditions are not just a matter of

providing a good place to learn. Frequent cleaning helps eliminate some of the factors that contribute

to poor indoor air quality and the spread of communicable diseases. Clutter in the school and

classroom contributes to the accumulation of dirt and dust which can compromise air quality. It also

provides breeding grounds and hiding spots for insects and rodents.

Other 11 said “No” It can be related to the statement of Shobha Sharma, a business woman in

Chandni that the women voters in North and Central areas of Delhi are demanding a clean city. Even

though the region is in the heart of the national capital, heaps of garbage can be seen lying

everywhere and the condition is same in both commercial as well as residential areas. But nothing

happened. Cleanliness is their major issue here but nothing happened. There has been no difference

that can be concluded where it same goes to the implementation of GNBKP.

Lastly, six answered “Does not say” It is because based on Nicholas Sparks (The last song)

Emotions come and go and can’t be controlled so there’s no reason to worry about them that in the

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end, people should be judged by their action since in the end it was actions that defined everyone.

Wherein in this, students doesn’t care about their surroundings, they are being impulsive. Doing what

they want to do for what they like, for what they believe is true.

“The Effectiveness of ‘Ganda ng Bahay Ko' program’”

A % B % C %

79 53% 34 23% 36 24%

In the question, “GNBKP is effective because…” The table shows that the “Ganda ng Bahay

Ko program” Is effective for the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015.

79 respondents answered (A) “It encourage students and teachers to be aware of their room

sanitation.” That being said that the respondents are now aware that their area might not be clean.

More than half of students answered it which means that the respondents are encourage by the

program to clean. Cleaning their area makes them feel comfortable according to the essay that

Amanda Olivia blog. According to the essay, many schools in every country in the world struggle to

keep their area clean and comfortable. The most common reason for this incapability is the size of the

school and the number of the students. The respondents clean too because they do not feel

comfortable in their school that has many students.

According to Tian Jin (2010), he agrees that the students who keep their rooms clean and

organize may be more successful than those who do not. 34 students answered (B) “It keeps

everything around the school premises clean and organized.” Means that the respondents may also

believe what Tian Jin believes in too.

36 respondents answered (C) “Because health should be considered in this matter allowing

students to have a better performance in school.” According to the factsheet that Marielle Snel (an

author) She said that in schools’ hygiene education promotes practices that will help for the sanitation

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of facilities that will be the first step in learning physically that will allow the respondents to have a

better performance in school.

“Ineffectiveness of ‘Ganda ng Bahay Ko program’”

A % B % C %

43 29% 48 32% 59 39%

In the question “Ganda ng Bahay Ko program is not effective because…” the result reveals

that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 declared that there are still rooms

filled with trash and improper garbage disposal that’s why the program is not effective for them.

As a connection to the result, Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) in Accokeek, Maryland, United

States, trash free does not necessarily mean that no trash is produced. Being a “Trash Free” school

means you have sign the pledge and are actively working on reducing school wastes in a long-

lasting, sustainable manner. The “Trash Free School Project” works to educate and empower

students, faculty, and staffs to reduce their school’s waste footprint by providing education and

resources, including a comprehensive guidebook, to aid in rethinking, reducing, reusing and

recycling. As part of the project, students and staffs at K-12 schools will have the resources needed

to investigate an environmental issue while implementing a strong waste reduction and litter

prevention strategy. And also, according to Karra Pennino (2014) AFF Community outreach Liaison,

there has been a lot of talk recently about how to grab the attention of people in their teens and

twenties, also known as millennial. The trash team has been particularly interested in how to target

this young generation, influence them to generate less waste, and keep their communities litter free.

They were inspired to target this audience because of the result of the 2013 pilot evaluation of

Regional Litter Prevention Campaign. This Pilot showed a 45% reduction in the number of people

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littering after campaign material was posted nearby. While they were ecstatic about the results, they

wanted to do better. They wanted to know who was still littering after the litter campaign was posted

and how they could better target them. Wherein students of BNIINHS have to do it in avoidance of

improper garbage disposal and trash in their rooms.

The other 48 students answered (B) “It only proves that most of students don’t have initiative

cleaning their own room unless there will be a reward given.” Associated to the article of Brett and

Kate Mckay (2012), one of the benefits of giving your children money in exchange for doing chores is

that it teaches them the connection between work and money. They learn that if they want

somethingin life, they have to work for it. But there are some possible downsideof trying to entice

chore-completion with money, and they relate to the roots of human motivation. Psychologist

breakdown motivation into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinxic motivation comes from within –

you want to do something because you enjoy it, it interests you, or its in line with your values.

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside the person – either someone is making you do something or

you’re motivated by a reward. The problem with extrinsic motivation is that the satisfaction gained

from a task moves from a task itself to the reward. Thus, if the reward is taken away, the behavior

ceases studies have shown that once children are offered a reward for an activity, their interest in that

activity declines.

Lastly, 43 respondents answered (C) “Cleaning materials and decorations for classroom is too

expensive.” It is because according to Mandy Goodnight, a supplies and decorations for their

classrooms are usually out of their own pockets. There are paint, letters and borders for boards, wall

decorations, rewards for students’ achievements – just to name a few things teachers buy and for

which in most cases are not reimbursed.