Chapter 10...”America Claims an Empire” IDENTIFICATIONS

Chapter 10...”America Claims an Empire” IDENTIFICATIONS

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Chapter 10...”America Claims an Empire”


Page 2: Chapter 10...”America Claims an Empire” IDENTIFICATIONS

• 110. imperialism-policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations.

• 111. Alfred T. Mahan-US Navy officer, urged US government to build up American naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations.

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• 112. Queen Liliuokalani-1893, realized her reign in Hawaii had ended with US-marine led revolt...Hawaii-US territory (1898).

• 113. William H. Seward-Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson...supporter of American expansion...1867-purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2M...silly?... “Seward’s Folly”

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• 114. Pearl Harbor-refueling station for American naval ships...US Naval Base.

• 115. Valeriano Weyler-Spanish military governor of Cuba...tried to crush revolt by herding rural population of central & western Cuba into barbed wire “reconcentration camps”-fueled war which led to...

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• 116. “yellow journalism”-exaggerated, sensationalized headlines/stories in US newspapers to attract readers...Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer.

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• 117. de Lome Letter-Feb.1898, New York Journal published private letter of Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister to US...Cuban rebel had stolen letter which criticized President McKinley as being “weak” and “a bidder for the admiration of the crowd”...Spanish government apologized and de Lome resigned his office...Americans angry at Spanish.

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• 118. U.S.S. Maine-American battleship that mysteriously exploded in harbor of Havana, Cuba (15.Feb.1898)..”Remember the Maine, To Hell with Spain”.

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• 119. Commodore George Dewey-received Assistant Secretary of Navy TR’s orders to sail to Manila Bay in the Philippines... blockaded the harbor, when Spanish fleet tried to escape, Dewey opened fire...within hours Spanish fleet was destroyed.

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• 120. TR and the “Rough Riders”-landed in Cuba in Jun 1898 (without their horses) and moved on Santiago...attacked Kettle and San Juan Hills with 9th and 10th Calvary regiments...TR took the glory and became famous!!

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• 121. Kettle and San Juan Hills-hills surrounding Santiago, Cuba...cleared by dismounted cavalry charge...US victory.

• 122. Treaty of Paris (1898)-ended Spanish-American War...Spain freed Cuba and turned over Puerto Rico and Guam to the US and sold the Philippines to the US for $20 million.

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• 123. Platt Amendment-series of provisions that in 1901 the US insisted that Cuba add to its constitution...Cuba must stay out of debt, could not make treaties limiting its independence and allow US to buy/lease land on island for naval bases and US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba.

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• 124. protectorate-country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger country (Cuba became protectorate of US).

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• 125. Emilio Aguinaldo-Filipino rebel leader...after Spanish-American War ended, lead Filipinos against US in fight for independence...20,000 Filipinos and 4,000 Americans killed...cost $400 million or 20 times the purchase price.

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• 126. John Hay-US Secretary of State...called Spanish-American War-”A Splendid Little War”...in 1899, issued policy statements on developing European “spheres of influence” in China.

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• 127. “Open Door Policy”-the notes (statements) were addressed to leaders of imperialistic European nations...they should share their trade rights with the US-thus creating an “Open Door”...no single nation would have a monopoly on trade with any part of China...accepted reluctantly by other nations.

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• 128. Boxer Rebellion-resentment of secret Chinese societies vs. “foreign devils”...Boxers got name from practicing martial arts...killed 100’s of missionaries and converts to Christianity...August 1900, US and European troops started to fight the rebellion...2 months later, fighting over...1000’s of Chinese killed in fighting.

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• 129. Panama Canal-artificial waterway cut through Isthmus of Panama to provide shortcut between Atlantic & Pacific Oceans...opened in 1914...cost $380M...43,000 workers employed...disease, swamps, brush=5600 workers died.

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• 130. Roosevelt Corollary (to Monroe Doctrine)-December 1904, TR warned that disorder in Latin America might “force the US...to the exercise of international police power”—use force to protect its economic interests in L.A...TR based policy on West African proverb---”Speak softly and carry a Big Stick”

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• 131. “missionary” (moral) diplomacy-W.W. believed that US had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any L.A. government that it viewed as oppressive, undemocratic or hostile to US interests...pressured L.A. countries to establish democratic governments...Mexican Revolution (1911) put it to a test.

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• 132. “dollar diplomacy”- President Taft followed policy of using US government to guarantee loans made to foreign governments by American businessmen...often used to justify keeping European countries out of Latin America.

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• 133. Mexico and “watchful waiting”-WW’s plan for waiting for an opportunity to act against Huerta’s “government of butchers”...Tampico Incident (1914) and occupation of Vera Cruz (18 Americans + 200 Mexicans died)...1915-Carranza became president of Mexico and his government was recognized by the U.S.

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• 134. Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata-rebels who lead opposition of Carranza...favored policy of land reform for peasants...Jan 1916, Villa’s men shot American engineers on a train in northern Mexico and raided/burned Columbus, New Mexico.

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• 135. John J. Pershing-President WW ordered General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing and 15,000 troops on “punitive expedition” to capture/kill Villa...for a year couldn’t catch Villa...clashed with Carranza’s troops...finally withdrew in Feb 1917.

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• 1. expanded access to foreign markets-to ensure continued growth of domestic economy.

• 2. build modern navy to protect interests abroad, and

• 3. exercised international police power to ensure dominance in Latin America.