Chapter 09 Revised

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 09 Revised


    PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook

    The University of West Alabama

    Copyright 2006 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing.

    All rights reserved.

    Part 3 Developing the New

    Venture Business Plan

    The Location Plan

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    Copyright 2006 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved. 94

    Location Options for the Startup

    Exhibit 9.1

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    Copyright 2006 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved. 95Exhibit 9.2

    Five Key Factors in Determining

    a Good Business Location

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    Copyright 2006 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved. 911

    Equipping the Physical Facilities

    Manufacturing EquipmentGeneral purpose equipment

    Machines that serve manyfunctions in the production


    Special-purpose equipmentMachines designed to serve

    specialized functions inthe production process

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    Manufacturing Equipment



    Low labor cost

    High hourly output

    Limited resale value



    Low purchase cost

    Flexible production

    Good resale value

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    Locating the Startup in the

    Entrepreneurs Home

    Home-Based Business

    A business that maintains its primary facility in the

    residence of its owner

    Attraction of a Home-Base Business

    Low start-up and overhead costs

    Convenience for family and lifestyle

    TechnologyAdvances in office equipment allow

    home-based business to competewith commercial sites.

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    Home-Based Businesses

    ChallengesBusiness image of a home-based business

    Professional image is difficult to maintain in a homeenvironment.

    Family and business conflicts There is a need to observe regular business hours and

    establish spatial boundaries (specific work areas) to avoiddistractions.

    Legal considerations

    Local laws and zoning ordinances prohibit many types ofhome-based businesses.

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    Locating the Startup on the Internet

    E-CommerceThe paperless exchange of business information via

    the Internet


    A huge, loosely connected computer network thatlinks smaller networks all over the world

    World Wide Web (WWW)

    A system of Internet servers

    accessible with browsers,

    which navigate via hypertext links

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    Benefits of E-Commerce to Small Firms

    Provides the opportunity to compete with largerfirms in larger markets

    Helps with cash flow problems by compressing

    the sales cycle

    Builds better customer relationships through

    better service

    Electronic Customer Relationship Marketing (eCRM)

    An electronically based system that emphasizes customerrelationships

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    E-Commerce Business Models

    Exhibit 9.4