Changes in Europe.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Changes in Europe.docx


    Changes in Europe

    Trade Opens:

    Italian city states become the merchants of Europe (Venice)

    Hanseatic Leaguein North Sea and the Baltic controls almost all

    trade in the North (Flanders/Novgorod)

    Fairs and Holidays

    Become social/economic exchange zones for almost all of

    Europe merchants will base their entire year on attending given fairs

    As the economy becomes based on travel, princes and kings are

    less and less likely to risk wars. When wars happen, they tend to quick

    and stay away from major cities.


    As people buy and sell across borders and distances, banks and

    lenders become more common the Florinbecomes the most

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    exchangeable form of currency, and Florence becomes the banking

    capital of the Christian World.

    Florence becomes as wealthy as its Italian neighbors, without

    and strong merchant families theyre all bankers instead.


    They are limited by the Church in economic matters. As the

    freemen become a larger group in Europe, they donate more and more

    to the Church. So the Church listens to their needs. The Church,

    throughout history, has been competing with nobles for power, and sees

    the freemen as natural allies.

    Church has two important views on trade: Limited Usuryand

    Just Price.


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    Towns are all based on a Charter: is a legal document setting

    down rights and rules for the town. Usually was reached with the

    Nobles, Church, and Guilds working together.

    4 basic freedoms in most towns:

    Freedom of Travel and Occupation must stay intown a

    year and have a job to qualify. Must pay taxes and if you leave early, you

    can be charged for a years taxes and arrested and put into forced labor.

    No Farming Obligations every citizen had been required

    to work the nobles farm land. Charters removed this if you lived in town

    and paid taxes at least equally the price of a years farm work.

    Separate Town Court instead of the normal medieval

    sheriff, towns would have their own unique set of laws and magistrates

    to administer those laws

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    Commercial Rights you were allowed to buy and sell

    freely within the town city limits IF you owned property in town, or paid

    a fee, or came on a fair day.

    BUT the Lord still owned all property, and charged rent

    to everyone every year

    Education in Europe

    Universities= started as a training ground for lay scholars to assist

    the Church. They grow as Guilds use them to train scribes, historians,

    translators, etc. First University is in Paris. It had three orders to it.

    Bachelor (someone getting to know a subject), Master (someone who is

    devoted to a subject), Professor(one who can talk on all topics in a


    For those not in a university, studies were put into two groups:

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    Trivium:Grammar, rhetoric, and logic (hire a private tutor,

    often a monk, or a retired scholar).

    Quadrivium:math, astronomy, music (usually saved for the

    very wealthy, Guild members, or those being trained to work for the very


    Scholasticism: movement based on theology and philosophy. Using

    reason and scripture to better understand the world. Learn from the

    Bible, not just except the Bible. Make the Bible logical.

    Anselm:used logic to defend the faith (from England)

    Peter Abelard:used reason and research to tackle contradictions

    in the Word (French)

    Thomas Aquinas: the Prince of Theologians used Aristotle and

    Socrates systems to explain the Bible, felt that it worked well (and it did).

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    Roger Bacon: First science-fiction author he made up stories of

    boats that could move without sails or rowing and only 1 crewman was

    needed. Carts that needed no horse. Boxes with wings that could fly a

    man around. Was considered a loon by most of his peers. Pushed for

    science to not only explain life, but to solve problems and improve life


    For the first time, books (other than the Bible) are being

    published in the vernacular(common tongue). Epic poems (Beowulf,

    Song of Roland, El Cid) traveling minstrels/troubadours/bards

    Dante:Divine Comedy, a novel length poem that has him touring all

    of the afterlife, and explaining the fall of man.

    Chaucer:a series of connected stories (Canterbury Tales) that was

    both a critique of English life and meant as entertainment.

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    Changes in architecture (to Gothic)

    Hundred Years War

    From 1337 to 1453 near constant war in Northern France.

    Had been started over who controlled Aquitaine and Flanders. It

    went from limited conflicts to open war when the next in line for the

    throne of France was also the King of England.

    France relied up on crossbows and knights, while the English used

    mostly longbow archers and sergeants. French are thought to be

    superior in training, numbers, and sophistication The French corner the

    English King (Henry V) in a town (Agincourt) on October 25th

    1415 and

    have him outnumbered 2 to 1 with even a greater advantage in knights.

    Sure he will surrender, they make a half hearted attack and are


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    Joan of Arcfinally rallies the French after a long series of loses.

    Betrayed by her King, she is burned at the stake which inspires the

    French to push out the English for good.

    As English frustrated warriors come home, they start a civil war

    between the Houses of York and Lancaster (War of the Roses), which

    brings a new dynasty: the Tudors.

    In France we see an even more powerful French crown, able to do as

    they please, ignoring both the Church and the Nobles. So the King and

    freeman run France.

    Reconquista give us a unified Spain

    In Italy, Muslims are driven out and the Kingdom of Naplesis

    founded by Normans

    HRE:One family begins to take over the election, the Hapsburgs.

    They will rule Germany until WW1. They will make alliances with England

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    and other minor kingdoms through marriage. Their founder as a power is

    Emperor Maximilian I.

    Church in Trouble

    Boniface III, tries to take up control al la Innocent III, and it

    backfires. Tries to add a Church tax (forced tithe) in France. Philip the IV

    arrests top clergy, and then Boniface threatens excommunication.

    Phillip marches to the Popes house with an army and arrests him.

    Throws in jail, and lets him die there. He then sets up the next election,

    and the new Pope decides to keep his home and powerbase in Avignon,

    France. Called the Babylonian Captivity of the Catholic Church.

    For almost 40 years have two Popes, one in France, and one in

    Rome. This leads to years and years of corruption as bishops and Kings

    play both sides.

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    We end this time period with a very strong set of Kings (England,

    Spain, Italy, Germany, and France). Corruption the Church and a wealthy

    middle class that gains power every day.

    Monday we will discuss the War between England and France (100

    years war) and the war between the Church and France

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