Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics

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  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


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    Business Ethics andSocial Responsibility

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Business Ethics The standards of conduct and moral values governing actions anddecisions in the work environment.

    Social responsibility. Balance between whats right and whats profitable.

    Often no clear-cut choices.

    Often shaped by the organizations ethical climate.

    Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 law that added oversight for the nations major companies and aspecial oversight board to regulate public accounting firms that auditthe financial records of these corporations.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    High profile investigationsand arrests in headlines.

    Vast majority of businessesethical.

    New corporate officerscharged with deterringwrongdoing and ensuringethical standards.

    Johnson & Johnson Website
  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Individuals can make thedifference in ethical expectationsand behavior

    Putting own interest ahead of theorganization

    Lying to employee

    Misrepresenting hours

    Safety violations Internet Abuse

    Technology is expandingunethical behavior

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Situation in which a businessdecision may be influencedfor personal gain.

    Telling the truth andadhering to deeply feltethical principles in

    business decisions.

    Business people expectemployees to be loyaland truthful, but ethicalconflicts may arise.

    Employees disclosureof illegal, immoral, orunethical practices inthe organization.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Code of Conduct Formal statement that

    defines how theorganization expects

    and requiresemployees to resolve

    ethical questions.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Codes of conductcannot detail a solution

    for every ethicalsituation, so

    corporations provide

    training in ethicalreasoning.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Helping employeesrecognize and reason

    through ethicalproblems and turning

    them into ethicalactions.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Executives must

    demonstrate ethicalbehavior in theiractions.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Social Responsibility

    Managements consideration of pro f i t ,

    con su m er sa t i s fac t ion , and societalwell-being of equal value in evaluatingthe firms performance.

    Contributions to the overall economy,

    jo b o p p o rtu n it ies , and chari tablecon t r ibu t ions and serv ice .

    Organizations measure through socia laudi ts .

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Public Heal th Issues . What to do about inherently dangerousproducts such as alcohol, tobacco, vaccines, and steroids.

    Pro tec t ing the Envi ronm ent . Using resources efficiently,

    minimizing pollution. Recyc l ing . Reprocessing used materials for reuse.

    Developin g the Qual i ty of the Workforc e . Enhancing quality ofthe overall workforce through education and diversity initiatives.

    Corpo rate Phi lanth ropy. Cash contributions, donations ofequipment and products, and supporting the volunteer efforts ofcompany employees.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    The Righ t to Be Safe. Safe operation of products,avoiding product liability.

    The Righ t to Be In form ed . Avoiding false or misleadingadvertising and providing effective customer service.

    The Righ t to Choos e . Ability of consumers to choosethe products and services they want.

    The Righ t to Be Heard . Ability of consumers toexpress legitimate complaints to the appropriate parties.

  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Work place Safety. Monitored by Occupational Safety and Health Administration .

    Quality-of-Life Iss ues. Balancing work and family throughflexible work schedules, subsidized child care, and regulation

    such as the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Ensur ing Equa l Oppor tun i ty on the Job . Providing equal

    opportunities to all employees without discrimination; manyaspects regulated by law.

    Ag e Discr im inat ion . Age Discrimination in Employment Act of1968 protects workers age 40 or older.

    Sexual Harass m ent and Sexism . Avoiding unwelcome actionsof a sexual nature; equal pay for equal work without regard togender.
  • 8/13/2019 Ch02-Intro to Business Ethics


    Obligation to make profits for shareholders.

    Expectation of ethical and moral behavior.

    Investors protected by regulation by theSecurities and Exchange Commission and state regulations.