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SECTION A – INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1

1.1 INTRODUCTION TO NELSON MANDELA BAY ......................................................1

1.1.1 The Regional Context ........................................................................... 3

1.1.2 Strategic Development Review (SDR) .................................................. 5

1.1.3 Situational Analysis of the NMBM Built Environment, 2018 ................... 5


THE MUNICIPAL PLANNING SYSTEM.....................................................................6

1.2.1 Purpose of the BEPP ............................................................................ 6

1.2.2 Adoption of the BEPP by Council .......................................................... 7

1.2.3 Planning Alignment External and Internal: SDG’S, IUDF, BEPP, IDP,

SDF and Budget ................................................................................... 7

1.2.4 Alignment of BEPP, IDP and MSDF .................................................... 10

1.2.5 Fostering alignment and transversal Arrangements for BEPP

preparation and maintenance ............................................................. 11


INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ...................................................................... 18

SECTION B – SPATIAL PLANNING AND TARGETING ........ ................................ 20


TARGETING AREAS ................................................................................................. 20

2.1 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY......................................................... 20


TARGETING ............................................................................................................... 96


PREPARATION ....................................... ............................................................... 99

3. CATALYTIC URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ....................................... 99

3.1 PROGRAMME PREPARATION ............................................................................. 114

3.2 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROJECT PIPELINE ................................................. 115

3.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS .................................................................... 121

3.3.1 Leadership And Good Governance ......................................................121

3.3.2 Inter-sectoral Municipal Provincial, SOE, National Consultation ...........125

3.3.3 Risk Mitigation ......................................................................................133




ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................... 134

4.1 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY ............................134


4.3 INVESTMENT STRATEGY ...........................................................................148

4.3.1 Application of Grant Allocations ............................................................148

4.3.2 Proposed Urban Settlements Development Plan .................................150

4.4 VALUE OF PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS BY SECTOR ........................150

4.5 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................151


RESOURCING/IMPLEMENTATION ......................... .............................................154


5.1 LAND ASSEMBLY AND RELEASE STRATEGY ...........................................154


PROGRAMMES ............................................................................................156

5.3 REGULATORY REFORM PROGRAMME .....................................................156

5.4 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS .................................................................... 158

5.4.1 Capital Programme ..............................................................................158

5.4.2 Capacity Support Implementation Plan (CSIP) .......................................... 159

SECTION F – URBAN MANAGEMENT ...................... ...........................................163


6.1 URBAN MANAGEMENT INTERVENTIONS .................................................163


6.3 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING BUDGET ........................................................... 183

SECTION G – REPORTING AND EVALUATION .............. ....................................184


THEORY OF CHANGE ............................................................................................ 184


7.2 THEORY OF CHANGE .................................................................................184

8. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................... ......................................................186



ANNEXURE “A” Guidance Note : Framework for the formulation of Built

Environment Plans (BEPP) and Supplementary Guidance

Note for the Built Environment Performance Plans (BEPP)

2018/19-2020/21 (National Treasury, Cities Support


ANNEXURE “B” Strategic Development Review, 2014

ANNEXURE “C” BEPP Situational Analysis of Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018

ANNEXURE “D” 2018 /19 Strategic Planning Time Schedule

ANNEXURE “E” Development Areas Map

ANNEXURE “F” Informal Settlement Upgrading Project Matrix

ANNEXURE “G” Informal Settlement Upgrading and Relocation Projects


ANNEXURE “H” Typical example of a template for one of the Catalytic


ANNEXURE “I” Catalytic Programmes Matrix

ANNEXURE “J” Inter-governmental Project Pipeline Matrix

ANNEXURE “K” Spatial Budget Mix Template

ANNEXURE “L” Built Environment Outcome Indicators and Targets

ANNEXURE “M” 2018/19 Urban Settlements Development Grant Plan

ANNEXURE “N” Sub National Doing Business Reform Action plan

ANNEXURE “O” BEPP Evaluation Framework - Self Assessment



AEL Air Emissions Licence

APDP Automotive Production and Development Programme

ATTP Assistance to the Poor

BEP Bucket Eradication Programme



Built Environment Performance Plan

BEPP Multi Sectoral Task Team

BPAMS Building Plan Application Management System

BRT Bus Rapid Transport

CBD Central Business District

CDC Coega Development Corporation

CETT Corporate Environmental Task Team



City Growth and Development Strategy

Coega Special Economic Zone

CITP Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan

CoGTA Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional


COO Chief Operating Officer

CORPGIS Corporate Geographic Information Systems



Coega Special Economic Zone

Capacity Support Implementation Plan

CSP City Support Programme

CWWTW Coega Waste Water Treatment Works

DAFF Department of Fisheries and Forestry

DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa

DEDEAT Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs

and Tourism

DME Department of Minerals and Energy



Division of Revenue Act

Department of Public Works

DTI Department of Trade and Industry

DWA Department of Water Affairs

DWS Department of Water and Sanitation

EC Eastern Cape

ECSECC Eastern Cape Socio-economic Consultative Council

EDRS Economic Development & Recreational Services


EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMF Environmental Management Framework

ETC Eastern Cape Training Centre

EPRU Eastern Province Rugby Union

FWFWWTW Fish Water Flats Waste Water Treatment Works

GGP Gross Geographic Product

GIS Geographic Information Systems

GRAP 17 Generally Recognised Accounting Practices (Property, Plant

and Equipment)

GVA Gross Value Added

HAD Housing Development Agency

HDMS Housing Delivery Management System

HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus causing the Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome

HSDG Human Settlements Development Grant

HURP Helenvale Urban Renewal Programme

ICC International Convention Centre

ICDG Integrated City Development Grant

ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

IDP Integrated Development Plan

SEZ Special Economic Zone

IHHSG Integrated Housing and Human Settlements Grant

ILIS Integrated Land Information System

INEP Integrated National Electrification Programme

IPTS Integrated Public Transport System

IT Information Technology

ITP Integrated Transport Plan

LAMS Land Asset Management System

LED Local Economic Development

LPMAS Land Planning Application Management System

LSDF Local Spatial Development Framework



Long Term Growth and Development Plan

Long Term Financial Strategy

LUMS Land Use Management System

MBDA Mandela Bay Development Agency

MDTTT Multi-Disciplinary Technical Task Team

MIDP Motor Industry Development Programme

Multi OEM Multi Original Equipment Manufacturers Complex


MOSS Metropolitan Open Space System

MPT Municipal Planning Tribunal

MRF Materials Recovery Facility

MSDF Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework

MSW Municipal Solid Waste

MURP Motherwell Urban Renewal Programme

NDP National Development Plan

NDP Neighbourhood Development Partnership

NDPG Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant

NEMA National Environmental Management Act

NFSD National Framework for Sustainable Development

NLLS Nooitgedacht Low Level Scheme

NMBBC Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber

NMBM Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

NMBM IDP Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s Integrated Development


NMBMM Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality

NMMOSS Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Open Space System



Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (pre 2017)

Nelson Mandela University

NSSD National Strategy for Sustainable Development

PE Port Elizabeth

NT National Treasury

PDoHS Provincial Department of Human Settlements

PICC Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission

PPC Pretoria Portland Cement Company

PPF Project Preparation Facility

PRASA Public Rail Authority of South Africa

PTIG Public Transport Infrastructure Grant

PTIS Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems

PTISG Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems Grant

PTNO Public Transport Network Operator

PTOG Public Transport Operating Grant

PTP Public Transport Plan

RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme

RE Scheme Return Effluent Scheme

ROD Record of Decision

SALGA South African Local Government Association


SANRAL South African National Roads Agency Limited

SAPS South African Police Services

SCU Sustainable Community Unit

SCUs Sustainable Community Units

SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan

SDC Service Delivery Cluster

SDR Strategic Development Review

SEZ Special Economic Zone

SIPs Strategic Infrastructure Projects

SMP Sanitation Master Plan

SOE State Owned Enterprise

SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act

SPUU Safety and Peace through Urban Upgrading Programme

SRA Special Rating Area

StatsSA Statistics South Africa

TNPA Transnet National Ports Authority

UNS Urban Network Strategy

USDG Urban Settlements Development Grant

W&S Water and Sanitation

WMP Water Master Plan

WtE Waste-to-Energy

WUL Water Use Licence

WWTW Waste Water Treatment Works

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21





Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) is the largest of two Category A

Metropolitan Municipalities located on the Southern coast of the Eastern Cape


With a population of 1 271 776, the NMBM has approximately 17% of the

population of the Eastern Cape Province and is a major economic role player

in the Province with two ports – the Port of Port Elizabeth and the Port of

Ngqura located in the Coega Special Economic Zone (CSEZ).

Nelson Mandela Bay

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The city has a growth rate of 1.36%, (lower than that of other metropolitan

areas, such as Ekurhuleni (2.47%) and Tshwane (3.1%)), and is characterised

by a young population, with the age group of 5 to 14 years dominating.

Nelson Mandela Bay has the lowest proportion of informal households among

South African Metropolitan Municipalities, having significantly reduced the

numbers since 2001 (SACN, 2016). In addition, the average number of

people per household declined from 4, 25 in 1996 to 3, 55 in 2011.

Between 2001 and 2011, the total number of people living below the poverty

line decreased from 46% to 29% (SACN, 2016). Altogether 30% of formal

households in Nelson Mandela Bay are dependent on the municipal indigent


Nelson Mandela Bay is the driver of the Eastern Cape economy, contributing

41,81% of the provincial Gross Geographic Product (GGP) (Global Insight,

2013). The unemployment rate dropped from 46,4% in 2001 to 36,6% in

2011. The Eastern Cape Province’s average unemployment rate was 37.4%

in 2011 (SACN, 2016).

The largest economic sectors in Nelson Mandela Bay Metro are

manufacturing, finance, community services and transport. Community

services, trade and manufacturing sectors are the sectors that create the most

employment in the Metro. The city offers a wealth of tourism and recreation

opportunity due to its biodiversity, beaches and open spaces.

In a spatial sense the city is relatively low density with an average density of

20 residential units per hectare of developed land. The spatial pattern of the

city is one of segregation with lower incomes and higher densities

characterising the northern parts of the city and higher incomes and lower

densities to the south and west.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


1.1.1 The Regional Context

The regional context and the linkages between Nelson Mandela Bay and the

hinterland are important. NMBM is the largest city in the Eastern Cape

Province and thus plays a large role in the economy of the Eastern Cape.

Similarly, the surrounding towns play a role in the growth and development of

the city. Taking cognisance of the locational context of the city is important in

considering growth and development aspects.

NMBM is at the eastern end of the well-known Garden Route with Storms

River, Natures Valley, George, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and the Tsitsikamma

Forest conservation areas to the West;

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Jeffreys Bay, Oyster Bay, St Francis Bay and Cape St Francis to the

immediate West are part of the Kouga Municipality. Kouga is the energy hub

of the region with more than 280 wind turbines on several wind farms in the

area. These destinations are also popular destinations for local and

international tourists. Jeffreys Bay is internationally renowned for its surfing

opportunities and regular international surfing events are hosted at its world

famous beaches.

Willowmore, Steytlerville and the Baviaanskloof to the North West are popular

local and international eco-tourism destinations. Patensie, the Gamtoos River

valley and Hankey form part of the important agricultural hinterland. Kirkwood

and the Sundays River valley to the north are important dairy, citrus and

vegetable agriculture areas.

Game parks in the vicinity of Grahamstown as well as towns such as Graaff

Reinett, Nieu Bethesda, Cradock and the Mountain Zebra National Park to the

North - together with the Addo Elephant Park- attract many tourists.

Alexandra, Kenton-on-Sea and Port Alfred are along the route connecting

Nelson Mandela Bay with East London to the East and form part of the

popular Sunshine Coast route attractions.

Grahamstown to the North East with its Rhodes University is an academic

centre of the region and focal point for tourism in the region.

The City has an airport, with international status within five minutes of the City

centre. It is well serviced by rail linkages to Gauteng and is connected by

good quality roads to the rest of the country.

The location of NMBM in its regional context presents many advantages and

possibilities for NMBM to capitalise on the tourism trade. The city and its two

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


ports further enhance its attraction for trade and industry. Agricultural produce

from the hinterland is distributed from the city.

1.1.2 Strategic Development Review (SDR)

During 2014 it was acknowledged that a number of indicators show that the

NMBM had entered a low growth trap which weakens long term prospects for

economic growth, poverty reduction, and fiscal sustainability of the

municipality. The major indicators have not changed positively from 2014 to


Economic performance of the metro is weak with low investor confidence,

joblessness and widespread economic exclusion. Although the metro has

made impressive strides in expanding access to housing and basic services,

this success itself threatens the fiscal viability of the metro over the long term

as low payment levels and rising operating costs erode its capacity to fund the

significant investments required in infrastructure extension, maintenance and


The City Support Programme enabled a Strategic Development Review

(SDR) through engagement with the political and administrative leadership.

This review assessed the development challenges and opportunities facing

the city and initiated a strategic planning process which involved the

development of a number of possible scenarios linked to important

development choices to be made.

A copy of the approved Strategic Development Review is attached as

Annexure “B”.

1.1.3 Situational Analysis of the NMBM Built Enviro nment, 2018

A Situational analysis of the NMBM Built Environment is attached as

Annexure “C” and gives a comprehensive overview of the built environment

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


circumstances of Nelson Mandela Bay according to information available in

2018. The Situational Analysis contains important contextual information for

this BEPP.

Within this context the BEPP is developed as a planning tool to align,

consolidate and focus the existing strategic planning instruments into a

spatially targeted investment and implementation plan. This is intended to

assist the city to achieve more equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth in a

spatially transformed city that overcomes imbalances of the past and

accommodates growth and redevelopment within a more sustainable and

equitable city context.



This Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) is prepared to conform to

the BEPP content and format provided by National Treasury in the Guidance

Note: Framework for the formulation of Built Environment Plans (BEPP) and

Supplementary Guidance Note for the Built Environment Performance Plans

(BEPP) 2018/19-2020/21. It should be read in conjunction with the prior

annual BEPP submissions for additional background information.

A copy of the Guidance Notes is attached as Annexure “A” for reference


1.2.1 Purpose of the BEPP

The BEPP is an outcomes led plan aiming to achieve a more productive,

sustainable, inclusive and well governed City with a complementary urban

form to reduce poverty, inequality and enhance more inclusive urban growth.

The ultimate impact of the BEPP initiatives and processes should be inclusive,

sustainable economic growth.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The BEPP is a requirement of the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) in respect

of the various infrastructure grants related to the built environment of

metropolitan municipalities and permits access to the following conditional


• Integrated City Development Grant (ICDG)

• Urban Settlements Development Grant (USDG)

• Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG)

• Public Transport Infrastructure Grant (PTIG)

• Neighbourhood Partnership Development Grant (NDPG)

• Integrated National Electrification Grant (INEP)

The BEPP aims to demonstrate the use of these grants for the purpose of

spatial transformation through targeting capital expenditure in areas that will

maximise the positive impact on citizens, leverage private sector investment,

and support growth and development towards a transformed spatial form and

a more compact city.

This Built Environment Performance Plan builds on the foundation for

refinement and consolidation of the prior BEPP’s particularly the 2015/16


1.2.2 Adoption of the BEPP by Council

A draft 2018/19 BEPP was submitted to National Treasury by 31 March 2018,

this final BEPP is submitted to National Treasury in compliance with DoRA, by

31 May 2018.

1.2.3 Planning Alignment External and Internal: SDG ’S, IUDF, BEPP,

IDP, SDF and Budget

The BEPP is to be read together with, and is complementary to, the

Municipality’s key strategic documents, including the Long Term City Growth

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


and Development Plan, the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), the Budget,

the Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and the Comprehensive

Integrated Transport Plan (CITP).

The BEPP can be seen to represent the investment strategy of the

Municipality in fulfilling its objectives of equitable city development,

transformed spatial form and more compact city development.

The following diagram can be seen to reflect the interrelationship between the

BEPP, Spatial Development Framework and key strategic programmes/plans

of the City:

FIGURE 1: Strategic Plan Relationship to the BEPP

Source: NMBM, 2018

Apart from internal strategic alignment it is important to also consider external

strategic alignment of plans.


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The following diagram further indicates the relationship between the strategic

plans and draft Capital Budget for the NMBM.

FIGURE 2: Diagram Reflecting Alignment between Exte rnal and Internal

Strategic Plans, BEPP and Budget

Source: NMBM 2018







Integrated Urban

Planning &


Integrated Transport

& Mobility


Sustainable Human


Integrated Urban


Efficient Urban


Efficient Land

Governance &


Inclusive Economic


Empowered Active


Sustainable Finance





Inclusive City









Well Run City



Safe City

Inclusive City

Caring City


Thinking City
















Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


1.2.4 Alignment of BEPP, IDP and MSDF

The spatial strategy for transformation and integration of the City is contained

in the BEPP and its Urban Network Strategy, the Spatial Development

Framework and the Sustainable Community Planning Methodology. The

spatial strategy is expanded upon in section 2.1.1 of this report.

An alignment process between the BEPP and a revised SDF is underway to

ensure consistency in terminology and detail. This process will be completed

in the 2018/19 financial year.

The IDP contains a section that deals with the spatial strategy of the NMBM.

Integral to this section is the BEPP method and results.

The following table shows the key areas of alignment between the BEPP,

SDF and IDP.

TABLE 1: Key area of alignment between BEPP, SDF an d IDP Area of Alignment BEPP SDF IDP BUDGET BEPP method Explained Identified Covered in

Spatial Strategy N/A

UNS element: Catalytic Programmes

Identified Alignment in process

Identified Budgeted partially

UNS Element Informal Settlements upgrading

Identified Identified Identified Budgeted

UNS elements: Integration zones, Economic Nodes, Marginalised Residential Areas and informal Settlements

Identified Identified Identified Budgeted

BEPP indicators Identified and populated

Relevant cadastral identification completed and aligned.

Performance Management system recognises responsibility for relevant BEPP indicators

Capital Budget areas identified and populated

Source: NMBM 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


1.2.5 Fostering alignment and transversal arrangeme nts for BEPP

preparation and maintenance

A number of institutional arrangements have been put in place by the City to

increase alignment and transversal arrangements for the preparation of the

BEPP and BEPP processes. These include the following:

Vision/Mission/Brand Promise and the development of a Long-Term

Growth and Development Plan

An exercise, assisted by the City Support Programme, was undertaken in

2017 to formulate a Long Term City Growth and Development Plan (LTGDP).

This process involved the development of a Vision, Mission and Brand

Promise for the City.

A key feature of the alignment of processes has been the intensive

consultation process undertaken for the preparation of the City Growth and

Development Plan and IDP which impacts upon all strategic planning

including the BEPP.

Focus and strategic sessions with economic actors took place after a series of

questionnaires were circulated.

The consultation process ran parallel to the IDP Ward Committee meetings

that are held and included questionnaires and focus group workshops.

The Strategic Planning Processes aim to deliver on the Long Term Growth

and Development Plan (LTGDP) and the IDP which is extrapolated from the

LTGDP. The Plan was completed in early 2018.

The LTGDP is built around, and drives, the core ideology which was jointly

crafted by the Mayoral Committee in December 2016 as follows.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Mission (purpose)

“To create Freedom, Fairness and Opportunity for all in NMBM; Stop

Corruption; Create jobs and Improve Service Delivery”


“An iconic, friendly, ocean city driven by innovation, service excellence and

economic development - a destination of choice”

Brand Promise

“One City One Future”

Core Values

• Good Governance

• Integrity

• Proactive

• Caring

• Growth Oriented

• Diversity

The six pillars

The coalition partners have agreed that the desired future of the City rests on

Six Pillars namely;

• a Well-Run City;

• an Opportunity City;

• a Safe City;

• a Caring City;

• an Inclusive City; and

• a Forward-Thinking City.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The longer-term strategies to realise the Vision emanate from these pillars.

These six pillars are foundational to both the Long-Term Growth and

Development Plan and the Integrated Development Plan for 2017-2021 and

the subsequent IDPs. The six pillars determine what the City does today,

tomorrow and into the future.

The Metro’s political and administrative leadership, communities and

economic sector groups consulted throughout the development of the Long

Term Growth and Development Plan have ambitions for a bright future for

Nelson Mandela Bay. It is well-established that progress cannot proceed

across all fronts simultaneously and at equal pace – the essence of strategy is

the optimal prioritisation and making of choices regarding which elements of

an envisioned future are most practically pursued in each phase of its

realisation. In this way, each set of milestones can be achieved through

advance from the solid foundation of delivery preceding it.

The plan sets out broad phasing for the implementation of strategy and adopts

a fifteen-year perspective. It therefore covers the period of three Integrated

Development Plans:

• IDP 1, passed in June 2017, covering the 2017/18 to 2021/22

financial years;

• IDP 2, to be passed in June 2022, covering the 2022/23 to 2026/27

financial years; and

• IDP 3, to be passed in June 2027, covering the 2027/28 to 2031/32

financial years.

Each new IDP builds systematically on the achievements of its predecessors,

through essential progress in each of the following development focus areas:

• Governance and organization-led development

• Infrastructure-led development

• Opportunity-led development

• Development for Resilience

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Development through lifestyle offering

• Development through conservation of our natural, built and cultural


• Safety-enabled development

• People-oriented development

• Technology-led development

Establishment of a Strategic Planning Steering Comm ittee

The Municipality previously had an IDP and Budget Steering Committee to

manage the annual processes related to IDP and Budget preparation and

adoption. In recognition of the need for greater strategic alignment and the

role of the BEPP a Strategic Planning Steering Committee was established in

October 2016 to replace the former IDP and Budget Steering Committee. This

Committee is politically led by the political portfolio head of Economic

Development, Tourism and Agriculture and includes the Mayor’s Office, City

Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer as well as portfolio

Councillors and Executive Directors and relevant officials responsible for

Budget and Treasury, Economic Development, Human Settlements,

Infrastructure and Engineering, Electricity and Energy, the City Manager’s

Office and Strategic Planning.

The Terms of Reference of this Committee include oversight over:

• Development and promotion of the Municipality’s mission and vision.

• Development and promotion of a Long-term Growth and Development


• Development and review of a five-year IDP.

• Development of a medium-term budget which supports the Built

Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) and IDP, is demonstrably

funded, and demonstrably sustainable, as shown by the long term

financial model. Furthermore, its capital projects should be supported

by thorough business cases and feasibility studies.

• Ensuring alignment of the Long-term Growth and Development Plan,

Long-term Financial Plan, BEPP, IDP and Budget.

• Ensuring stakeholder support for strategic planning processes.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The Committee meets monthly and meetings are preceded by a technical

team meeting where aspects relevant to the preparation, and specifically, the

alignment of the strategic plans and the budget are discussed.

Strategic Planning Time Schedule and Alignment Work shops

With the replacement of the IDP and Budget Steering Committee by the

Strategic Planning Steering Committee the former IDP and Budget time

schedule of activities was replaced by a Strategic Planning Time Schedule.

This Time Schedule includes key dates in the programming and alignment of

the Long Term Growth and Development Plan, BEPP, IDP and Budget and is

submitted to Council structures for approval (in accordance with the legislation

applicable to the IDP and Budget processes). This Time Schedule includes

the dates of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee meetings and makes

further provision for three Strategic Planning Workshops at critical times in the

annual planning and budgeting cycle where major strategic decisions are


In preparation for the 2018/19 MTREF the second and third strategic planning

workshops were facilitated by the National treasury CSP Economic


From 1 July 2018, in preparation for the 2019/20 MTREF, the Time Schedule

will be expanded upon to include a schedule of activities in relation to the

strategic planning for the entire MTREF period and not just one year.

Furthermore, the Time Schedule will be submitted to Council for approval prior

to July in preparation for the start of the financial year.

A copy of the 2018/19 Strategic Planning Time Schedule is attached as

Annexure “D”.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


BEPP Multi-Sectoral Task Team (BMSTT) – Transversal Arrangements

The BEPP is prepared in the office of the Chief Operating Officer by the

Integrated City Development Office – Strategic Planning and Coordination.

A BEPP Multi-Sectoral Task Team is chaired by the Senior Director: Strategic

Planning and Coordination in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer. This

Task Team has been formally established for 3 years and is comprised of

senior members from all Directorates in the Municipality, who are designated

by their Executive Directors to form part of the Team and to facilitate BEPP

work and the preparation of the documents.

The team meets monthly and more regularly should it be required. The team

is comprised of representatives with the following responsibilities:

• Strategic Planning

• Performance Management

• Monitoring and Evaluation

• International and Intergovernmental Relations

• Public Health including Parks, Waste Management and the


• Sports Recreation Arts and Culture

• Safety and Security including Disaster Management

• Economic Development

• Budget and Treasury

• Economic Development

• Town Planning

• Transportation

• Development Support

• Housing Delivery

• Informal Settlements

• Electricity and Energy

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Infrastructure and Engineering – Roads and Storm water, Water and


• The Mandela Bay Development Agency

The BMSTT meetings focus, inter alia, on driving suite of the suite of catalytic

programmes, Integration Zone development, major municipal projects and all

BEPP related matters. In particular, the transversal responsibility for the

programmes and development is emphasised and meetings are deliberately

constructed to foster this culture of transversal responsibility.

Some of the Task Team meetings are devoted to specific focus areas and in

the 2017/18 Financial year sessions have been dedicated to IPTS, PRASA,

Public Works and the Housing Policy change.

Performance Management with a BEPP focus

The catalytic programme suite and the implementation of spatial targeting

through the Urban Network Strategy are included in the performance

management of the city at various levels – either the IDP or the SDBIP.

All of the city transformation outcome indicators are included in the

performance management system of the municipality.

Capital Prioritisation Model

The City, for the first time, developed a draft Capital Prioritisation Model. The

model is deliberately simple and was tested in the budgeting process for the

2018/19 Financial year to a limited extent. Criteria, in relation to the model,

relate directly to the BEPP, Urban Network Strategy and the responsibility for

catalytic programmes and are included in the model. These

projects/programmes will have a higher priority rating for funding. This model

will be refined, developed and used more fully in the 2019/20 Budget

preparation process.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


More focussed Engagement with Government Department s and SOC’s

regarding the Urban Network Strategy and Catalytic Programmes

Engagement with some areas of government has become more focussed

around the municipalities Urban Network Strategy and Catalytic Programme.

The specific areas of focus are detailed elsewhere in this report but include

Public Works Department, Human Settlements Department, PRASA, ACSA,

SANRAL, National Department of Transport, Provincial and National




The NMBM has made great strides in setting up deliberate institutional

arrangements for managing transversal management priorities. Strategic

Planning coordination functions are currently performed through the Strategic

Planning Steering Committee – at a political level, and by the Office of the

Chief Operating Officer (Strategic Planning and Coordination) at an

administrative level.

A challenge has been the absence of a formal organisational structure to

support the work of the coordinating unit which although established is not yet

formalised. This is however being addressed through the imminent adoption

of a new macro structure for the City which recognises and prioritises the

functions and upon adoption will allow staff to be appropriately deployed.

In preparing the 2018/19 BEPP, Executive Directors have been made to sign

off on the inputs made by their BEPP Multi Sectoral Task Team

representatives, this has enhanced institutionalisation and accountability.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


A major positive difference has been made in the 2018/19 planning year by

the better integration of performance management, and capital budget

prioritisation aspects in the strategic planning cycle. By incorporating aspects

into performance management the administration will have to take their

responsibilities in this regard more seriously.

Changing the institutional thinking around transversal responsibility for

development programmes is a process which is ongoing, however the

processes and content of key meetings such as the City Budget Fora, Mid-

Year Reviews and Budget and Benchmarking sessions are useful to reinforce

the message.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21






The NMBM Spatial Development Strategy is articulated in a number of

documents. These are identified and elaborated upon below.

2.1.1 Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (M SDF)

To ensure sustainable growth and development in Nelson Mandela Bay, it is

vital that all strategic planning processes are aligned and fully integrated, so

that development does not take place in an ad hoc or fragmented manner.

Key to this, is the Long Term Growth and Development Plan, mission and

vision discussed above.

The Long Term Growth and Development Plan informs future integrated

development planning, which in turn informs the Spatial Development

Framework of the Municipality. The Metropolitan Spatial Development

Framework (MSDF), contains a number of key sector plans that are

necessary for development.

The Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework in turn informs the Local

Spatial Development Frameworks (LSDFs), which are more specific and

location bound. Within the Local Spatial Development Plans are more

detailed plans for specific precincts.

These frameworks are supported by an Integrated Land Use Management

System (LUMS). The diagram below reflects these linkages:

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 3: Relationship between Strategic Documents of the NMBM

Source: NMBM, 2018

The Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework outlines the desired spatial

form of the metropolitan area. Statutorily, it is a decision making tool, however

it also highlights priority investment and development areas. The MSDF is an

integral component of the IDP and is a spatial representation of the IDP.


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 4: Horizontal Alignment of Spatial Planning

Source: NMBM, 2015

The current MSDF is presently under review for the 2018 - 2021 period. It is to

be aligned with the Long Term Growth and Development Plan and BEPP

(including the Urban Network Strategy) and does not conflict with other

development strategies, locally, nationally, provincially and regionally.

Three focal points in the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework are

regarded as key in achieving restructuring, integration and sustainability.

These are:

• The Sustainable Community Planning Methodology

• Corridors and access

• Economic Development and growth

The MSDF is continually being refined through on-going information gathering

and studies, policy formulation and plan adjustments from time to time as well

as the preparation of new and reviewed Local Spatial Development Plans.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Drawing from the MSDF, the BEPP identifies the urban Network Strategy as

the primary spatial targeting instrument to prioritise investment (and thereby

development), in a coherent and systematic manner, incorporating all role

players in areas where economic development is most needed and where

inclusive growth and development can result.

MSDF sector plans

The Metropolitan Municipalities are legally required to prepare a number of

sector plans. These, and others not statutorily required, in turn are

incorporated into the MSDF and have major spatial implications for the MSDF.

These are as follows:

(a) Coastal Management Plan

(b) Coastal Development Line (Hazard Line) Study

(c) Disaster Management Plan

(d) Environmental Management Framework

(e) Infrastructure Development Plan

(f) Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan

(g) Integrated Waste Management Plan

(h) Local Economic Development Strategy

(i) Metropolitan Open Space System

(j) Integrated Public Transport Plan

(k) Tourism Master Plan

(l) Integrated HIV and AIDS Plan

(m) Water Master Plan

(n) Sewerage Master Plan

(o) Human Settlements Plan

It is the intention of the BEPP and BEPP processes to ensure increasingly

greater alignment between the sector plans and the spatially targeted areas in

the Urban Network Strategy in order to achieve the same development

outcomes as will be measured by the indicators discussed later in this report.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


These development outcomes relate to increasingly inclusive urban growth

that systematically reduces inequality and poverty.

Specifically, the Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP), Integrated

Public Transport Plan (IPTP) and Human Settlements Plans require strategic


The NMBM is presently in the midst of preparing a revised CITP, IPTP and

Human Settlements Plan specifically to further the alignment. These are

discussed later in this report. The Spatial Development Framework of the Municipality is reflected in the

plan below. The plan specifically shows the following aspects, which are dealt

with in more detail in the Spatial Development Framework Report:

• Urban growth areas, phased over time

• Urban edge, beyond which development is limited

• Major development nodes

• Major transport routes, including corridors for investment and


• Environmentally protected areas

• The low-income housing programme

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 5: Metropolitan Spatial Development Framewor k, 2009

Source: NMBM, 2009

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


2.1.2 Urban Network Strategy and Prioritisation of Integration Zones Identification of Urban Network Elements

The Urban Network Strategy (UNS) framework was approved by the Council

as part of the 2017/18 BEPP submission. This framework was developed over

time in conjunction with the NDP-Unit at National Treasury and in accordance

with the prescribed methodology.

There has been a minor change with the extension of Integration zone 1 from

Njoli to Motherwell.

The key elements of the Urban Network Strategy are illustrated and explained

in more detail below.

FIGURE 6: Urban Network Strategy Framework

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21

27 Township Clusters

For the purposes of analysis, the townships of Nelson Mandela Bay have

been clustered into six township clusters. These are as follows:

Uitenhage, Despatch, KwaNobuhle and Bloemendal Clus ter:

This Cluster is comprised of wards 41; 42; 43; 44; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; 51 and

52; as well as the two peri-urban wards, i.e.: 45 and 53. The key

demographic features of the cluster are as follows:

• Total population of 305 458 persons (StatsSA, 2011) representing

84 995 households;

• Average population density: 34,7 persons and or 8.9 households per


• 83,2% of households are living in formal dwellings; 10.4% (± 8839

households) in informal dwellings; and 6.4% (±5440 households) in

backyard accommodation (formal and informal);

• The employment rate estimated to be 31% and approximately 66% of

the population earn less than R3183 per month;

Motherwell-Wells Estate Cluster:

This cluster is comprised of wards 54: 55: 57; 59; 59; 60 and ward 56 which is

a peri-urban ward. It includes Motherwell, Swartkops, Amsterdamhoek and

Bluewater Bay and has the following key demographic features:

• Total population of 165 457 representing 46522 households (StatsSA,


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Average population density: 52.89 persons and or 14.57 households

per hectare;

• Approximately 93,9% of households are living in formal dwellings; 2.9%

±1349 hh) in informal dwellings; and 3.2% (±1489 hh) in backyard

accommodation (formal and informal);

• The employment rate is 30% and approximately 71% of the population

earn less than R3183 per month.

Ibhayi-Bethelsdorp Cluster:

The cluster is comprised of the areas of Ibhayi, KwaDwesi, KwaMagxaki, Joe

Slovo, Govan Mbeki, New Brighton, Soweto-on-Sea, Veeplaas, Zwide,

Helenvale and Algoa Park represented by wards: 10; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18;

19; 20; 21; 22; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37 and 38;

and with the following key demographic features:

• Total population: 425 847 representing 107 177 households (StatsSA,


• Average population density: 78.70 persons and 20.16 households per


• 81.9% of households are living in formal dwellings; 12.8% (±13719 hh)

in informal dwellings; and 5.3% (±5680 hh) in backyard accommodation

(formal and informal);

• The employment rate is 30% and approximately 68% of the population

earn less than R3183 per month;

CBD Cluster:

This cluster is comprised of the inner-city areas of Central, North End,

Korsten, Newton Park and Mill Park represented by wards 5; 7 and 11. The

key demographic features of this cluster area, are as follows:

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Total population: 52 538 representing 16 251 households (StatsSA,


• Average population density: 18.78 persons and 5.71 households per


• 94.7% of households are living in formal dwellings; 0.7% (±114 hh) in

informal dwellings; and 4.6% (±747 hh) in backyard accommodation

(formal and informal);

• The employment rate is 50% and approximately 38% of the population

earn less than R3183 per month.

Southern Areas Cluster:

This cluster is comprised of Summerstrand, South End, Humerail, Walmer,

Fairview, Theescombe and Schoenmakerskop, including wards 1: 2; 3; 4; and

6. The key demographic features of this cluster are as follows:

• Total population: 95 172 representing 33 438 households (StatsSA,


• Average population density: 10.93 persons and 3.91 households per


• 86.2% of households live in formal dwellings; 7.9% (±2642 hh) in

informal dwellings; and 5.9% (±1973 hh) in backyard accommodation

(formal and informal);

• The employment rate is 54% and approximately 37% of the population

earn less than R3183 per month.

N2 – Western Areas Cluster:

This cluster is comprised of the areas of Fernglen, Sunridge, Westering,

Malabar, Parsonsvlei, Kabega, Framesby and Kuyga. It includes wards 8; 9;

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


12; 39 and the peri-urban ward 40. The key demographic features of this

cluster are as follows:

• Total population: 107 582 representing 32 185 households (StatsSA,


• Average population density: 11.15 persons and 2.99 households per


• 9.16% of households live in formal dwellings; 4.9% (±1577 hh) in

informal dwellings; and 3.5% (±1126 hh) in backyard accommodation

(formal and informal);

• The employment rate is 61% and approximately 28% of the population

earn less than R3183 per month.

The identification of the clusters assisted the analysis necessary for the

development of the Urban Network Strategy. These are shown below.

FIGURE 7: Urban Network Strategy - Township Cluster s

Source: NMBM 2015 (based on StatsSA, 2011)

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The density and income characteristics of these clusters are further illustrated

in the figures below, which highlight the higher densities and lower income

levels of the Northern Townships (clusters) with Ibhayi having the highest

density per hectare. Motherwell has the highest percentage of the population

earning less than R3 183 per month. The population numbers and densities

in the Southern Clusters are noticeably smaller and lower than those of the

Northern Clusters.

FIGURE 8: Urban Network Strategy - Cluster Densitie s (Persons/Ha)

Source: NMBM, 2015 (Based on StatsSA, 2011)

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 9: Urban Network Strategy - Income Levels pe r Cluster

Source: NMBM, 2015 (Based on StatsSA, 2011) Central Business Districts (CBD’s)

The Urban Network Framework identifies the CBD’s of Port Elizabeth,

Uitenhage and Despatch as important nodes. The Port Elizabeth CBD is

identified as the primary CBD for Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Area.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 10: Functional Area with existing Municipal Nodes (CBD's)

Source: NMBM, 2015 Primary Network/Transport Links


The primary transport network includes three of the five major transport

arteries, being:

Harrower/Stanford Road

This road runs in a north-westerly direction, linking the PE CBD with

Gelvandale, Helenvale, Bethelsdorp and Bloemendal (Chatty). The long-term

integrated road network planning provides for the extension of Standford

Road from its current point of termination in the Chatty/ Zanemvula

development area, to the Uitenhage CBD area. This extension is reflected in

the current planning of the Jachtvlakte / Kwanobuhle Estate residential


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Provincial Route R75

The R75 runs in a north-westerly direction and links Port Elizabeth, Despatch

and Uitenhage, as well as the townships of Ibhayi, Algoa Park, Missionvale,

Govan Mbeki, KwaDwesi and KwaMagxaki.

Khulani Corridor

The Khulani Corridor refers to the north-south linkage between PE CBD,

Ibhayi, Njoli and Motherwell along SheyaKulati, Daku and Dibanisa Roads.

Other primary arteries are:

Old Cape Road (R101)

Provincial Route R101, Old Cape road is a westerly linkage between the PE

CBD and the Western Townships of Westering, Kabega, Rowallan Park and


Heugh/Buffelsfontein Road

This southern route links the PE CBD to the Western Coastal area of


William Moffet Expressway

This road is a north-south linkage between Heugh Road / Buffelsfontein Road

and Old Cape Road.

The N2

The N2 runs from West to North through the urban area, serving as a further

primary linkage between the urban areas of Nelson Mandela Bay.

These arteries/transport links form the structure of the Integrated Public

Transport System in Nelson Mandela Bay which is comprised of road and rail

network links.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Public transport serves the metropolitan area along the following existing and

planned routes:

• North-South linkage between the PE CBD and Motherwell via Ibhayi

along the Khulani Corridor (SheyaKhulati, Njoli, Daku and Dibanisa


• North-West linkage between the PE CBD and Bloemendal/Bethelsdorp

along Stanford Road, currently terminating near the Cleary Park

Shopping Centre, but with planned future extension to Uitenhage via

the Chatty, Jachtvlakte and KwaNobuhle Estate areas.

• South-West linkage between the PE CBD and the Western Suburbs via

Old Cape Road, currently terminating in the vicinity of Rowallan Park,

but with a planned future extension towards the Redhouse Chelsea

intersection, with a possible linkage to the Bay West Mall development.


There is an existing passenger rail link between the PE CBD and Uitenhage

via New Brighton, Sydenham, Swartkops, Redhouse and Despatch. This is

part of the Port Elizabeth – Graaff-Reinet Line.

There is an existing passenger rail link between PE CBD and

Motherwell/Markman. This is part of the Port Elizabeth – Johannesburg Line.

The planning of a future passenger rail link between Port Elizabeth CBD and

Motherwell via a proposed new Motherwell Rail Corridor parallel to Tyinira

Street (Motherwell) is well under way. There is a long-term possible linkage

between Coega and Uitenhage. This is a high-priority project driven by

PRASA and detailed route alignments and station designs are being finalised.

Environmental Impact Assessment in terms of the National Environmental

Management Act, 107 of 1998 and its regulations has also commenced.

PRASA envisages to commence with implementation during the first quarter

of 2018.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


PRASA has confirmed their long-term interest in a passenger rail link between

Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage via Bethelsdorp, Chatty, Jachtvlakte and

KwaNobuhle along a route alignment which has been in existence for a long

time. The route is however partially compromised by existing developments

which require attention at the appropriate time. A narrow-gauge rail line (Apple Express) exists between Humerail (Port Elizabeth) and Loerie, which is located west of Nelson Mandela Bay. This line originally served as a goods line between Port Elizabeth and Loerie, but fell into disuse. In December 2017, through private sector volunteerism and public sector involvement a small portion of the Apple Express line became temporarily operational for tourist purposes. There are investigations underway to operationalise the rail line between Humerail and N2/Baywest Precinct for passenger rail purposes or alternatively tourism trips. Urban Hubs The Urban Network Approach (NDPG, 2013) makes provision for the identification of “urban hubs” that will serve as “town centres” for under serviced township clusters. It furthermore allows for a hierarchy of urban hubs, i.e. primary and secondary hubs.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


PRIMARY URBAN HUBS The Primary Hubs are identified as follows: FIGURE 11: Primary Urban Hubs

Source: NMBM 2015

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Port Elizabeth CBD

The Port Elizabeth CBD is the administrative centre of the City and is

recognised in the Urban Network Strategy as a Primary Hub.

Njoli/ Ibhayi Hub

Spatial targeting and the elimination of spatial inequalities, as envisaged in the

National Development Plan, is an underlying principle of the Urban Network

approach, hence the focus on catalytic development of urban hubs in under-

serviced township clusters. The Njoli Hub is identified as the Primary Hub.

This hub is identified as the Primary Hub for urban/catalytic intervention with

the objective of linking and integrating the previously segregated townships of

Ibhayi and Bethelsdorp. Its identification was informed inter alia, by:

• its importance as an historical public space for meeting and informal


• the convergence of major routes in Ibhayi;

• the development of the Njoli transportation modal interchange and hub

along the Khulani Corridor; and

• the underlying potential to creatively plan and implement public

facilities and amenities that will act as catalysts for wider and more

intensified developments that will enhance the scale of economies for

the installation of public infrastructure in these areas.

The key elements in this hub include:

• Njoli Square, a multi-million rand redevelopment initiative around the

historic Njoli Square;

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Khulani Corridor, a major transport link and development corridor,

designed to link the Port Elizabeth CBD with the townships of Ibhayi

and Motherwell;

• Kenako Shopping Centre, which was recently completed;

• The Vista Campus of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University


• The Eastern Cape Training Centre (ETC) opposite the Kenako Centre;

• The Dora Nginza hospital which is envisaged as a future academic

hospital for the NMMU Medical School Facility; and

• The Vistarus informal settlement next to the Vista Campus, which is to

be redeveloped as part of the Zanemvula Project;

• The Red Location Cultural Precinct which includes the Red Location

Museum of Apartheid, an art gallery, an electronic library; a

backpackers’ lodge as well as the regeneration of Singhapi Street can

be considered as a Secondary Hub to the Ibhayi/ Bethelsdorp Hub.

Zanemvula (Chatty Jachtvlakte) Hub

The Zanemvula (Chatty Jachtvlakte) Hub is identified as the second Primary

Hub. It is in great need of catalytic intervention to unlock the development

potential of this newly developed area. It is situated to the West of Njoli

around the intersection of the Bloemendal Arterial and Stanford Road.

This Hub is at the core of the green field component of the aforementioned

Zanemvula Mega Project, developed as an initiative of the National

Department of Human Settlements; Provincial Department of Human

Settlements and the Municipality. The Housing Development Agency (HDA)

is the implementing agent.

Abutting the Zanemvula (Chatty Jachtvlakte) Hub in the North is the Nelson

Mandela Bay Logistics Park. Phase 1 of the Park is fully developed and

operational and the development of Phase 2 is now identified as a catalytic

project and will provide job opportunities.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Key elements in this hub include:

• The convergence of Standford Road, Bloemendal Arterials and the

MR448 (Old Uitenhage Road). Standford Road is one of the primary

links between the Port Elizabeth CBD and Uitenhage. The Bloemendal

Arterial on the other hand is not yet fully developed, but serves as an

important North/South linkage between the R75 and Standford Road.

MR 368 still serves as an important secondary link between Port

Elizabeth and Uitenhage and has the potential to link the Njoli and

Chatty Jachtvlakte Hubs.

• The new greenfield residential developments of Joe Slovo West;

Bethelsdorp North; Khayamnandi; the Chatty developments and the

Jachtvlakte/Kwanobuhle extensions currently in the planning stage, will

yield in the order of 54000 residential opportunities, once fully

developed. Approximately 14000 units have already been completed

and are in need of social facilities and amenities.

• There are large tracts of vacant and serviced land in the greenfield

development areas that are intended to be used for high density infill

and mixed used development including employment opportunities.


The Uitenhage and Despatch CBD’s are identified as secondary hubs as a

result of their role and function as sub-regional metropolitan (sub-

metropolitan) nodes.

The Urban Network Framework includes the following Secondary Hubs:

Secondary Hub 1 (Kenako/Vista):

This hub is situated in the Ibhayi / Bethelsdorp area around the Kenako

Centre; East Cape Training Centre (ETC); Dora Nginza Provincial Hospital;

and the Vista Campus of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


(NMMU). It forms a logical link and extension to the Njoli Hub and holds

significant potential for development interventions that will link two previously

spatially (and socially) separated communities. The precinct planning for this

hub will be undertaken as part of the precinct planning which runs

concurrently with the preparation of the Ibhayi and Bethelsdorp LSDF’s.

A draft precinct plan for the Ibhayi Precinct Area has been prepared in

conjunction with the NDPG-unit of National Treasury and their consultants.

The Bethelsdorp Precinct Planning is intended to be completed before

September 2017.

Secondary Hub 2 (Red Location):

This hub is located around the Red Location Cultural Precinct which includes

the Red Location Museum of Apartheid, art gallery, electronic library; a

backpackers’ lodge as well as the regeneration of Singhapi Street. The node

will play a significant role as a cultural/ tourism node and can be directly linked

with the Port Elizabeth CBD by means of the New Brighton Railway Station

which is within walking distance. It will furthermore complement and

strengthen not only the Njoli Hub, but also the Khulani Corridor. Preliminary

precinct design concepts are included in the Draft Ibhayi Precinct Plan.

Secondary Hub 3 (Jachtvlakte/ Kwanobuhle):

Kwanobuhle Estate is a privately owned proposed development which is

about to be developed and will link the Chatty/ Jachtvlakte development with

Kwanobuhle. A significant mixed-use/ retail node is planned along Standford

Road extension in the longer term. Provision is also made for a railway

station at this juncture as part of the planned PRASA commuter rail

connection between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage via Kwanobuhle. It could

alternatively serve as a passenger station for the alternative light rail system

planned along Standford Road. This nodal locality is therefore included as a

future and long term Secondary Hub (S3).

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Secondary Hub 4 (Motherwell North):

The layout for the Motherwell North extensions currently under development,

made provision for a retail node which could be developed as a secondary

township hub. A possible future secondary railway station in this vicinity will

contribute to the significance of this node as a future hub.

Secondary Hub 5 (Wells Estate):

The long-term road network plans make provision for a road linkage between

Weinronk Way in Blue Water Bay and Tyinira Street in Motherwell via the

Wells Estate Extension 3 development. Provision has been made for a retail

node at the convergence of the Phases 5 and 6 of Wells Estate Extension 3

and Blue Water Bay. This node could be developed as an effective

secondary township hub for integrated mixed use development.

FIGURE 12: Urban Network Strategy with Secondary Hu bs

Source: NMBM 2015

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21

43 Integration Zones

The following figure illustrates the location of the two prioritised integration

zones and growth areas in the city.

FIGURE 13: Urban Network Framework with Urban Hubs and

Integration Zones

Source: NMBM, 2018

Two Integration Zones are identified linking the CBD and Primary Hubs. The

Integration Zones traverse the poorest parts of the city where catalytic

development is targeted.

The Integration Zones are described below.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Prioritisation of Integration Zones

The Integration Zone 1 was revised from the 2017/18 BEPP to extend it to

Motherwell Secondary Hub. This was a logical extension based upon activities

taking place in the Motherwell area. Consideration has been given to the

prioritisation of the Integration Zones with the following result:

TABLE 2: Integration Zone Prioritisation

Integration Zone Priority Khulani / Njoli / Motherwell IZ1 Standford Road IZ2

It should be noted that notwithstanding this prioritisation, development in both

Integration Zones will take place simultaneously.

The Khulani/ Njoli / Motherwell Integration Zone has been prioritised above

Standford Road due to the advanced development of the two catalytic projects

of Njoli Square and the Red Location Precinct and Motherwell Passenger Rail

Corridor in that zone.

The Port Elizabeth CBD is the anchor for both Integration Zone 1 and

Integration Zone 2 and holds significant potential for inner city revitalisation

with initiatives as included in the Port Baakens Catalytic Programme.

The key strategy for the CBD is focused on transformation of the inner city to

become an inner city aligned to the New Urban Agenda and a Post- Apartheid

City. A full list of projects that will develop these objectives is incorporated in

the Inter-governmental Project Pipeline Matrix (Annexure “J”).

The projects include:

• Govan Mbeki Precinct

• Old Library

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Baakens Valley Programme and Port Baakens Precinct Development

PE Station Upgrade

• Vuyisile Mini Node

• Fleming Street and North Union Street Upgrade

The Mandela Bay Development Agency, a wholly owned entity of the

Municipality has the CBD and Port/ Baakens Valley Precincts as its primary


The Integration Zones are described below:

Integration Zone 1 (IZ1) (CBD/Khulani/ Njoli):

This Integration Zone links the Inner City area through the Njoli Hub to

Motherwell and incorporates a the Khulani Corridor between Standford Road,

and Njoli Square and Motherwell. It includes Secondary Hubs Kenako/ Vista

and Red Location and holds potential for urban regeneration and intensified

mixed use development along the Khulani corridor and around the Njoli Hub.

A stronger link between Njoli Square and Kenako Mall must be established in

order to create an economic node. This node must be extended to link and

integrate the previously segregated townships of Ibhayi and Bethelsdorp.

Mixed-use and higher density development is encouraged along routes that

link Njoli Square, Kenako Mall, Eastern Cape Training Centre (ETC),

Straundale Industrial Area, Vista Campus, Dora Nginza hospital, and

developments at the corner of Spondo and Njoli Road in order to integrate

and strengthen the linkage between these areas.

The key strategy for this Integration Zone is focused on Accessibility and

precinct development, in-situ informal settlement upgrading and cultural /

tourism development. A full list of projects that will fit these objectives is

incorporated in the Inter-Governmental Project Pipeline matrix attached as

Annexure “J “.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 14: Draft Conceptual Njoli Precinct Plan

Source: NMBM/ National Treasury, 2016

The plan above shows more detailed work that has been done in the Njoli and

Red Location Catalytic Project Areas. It identifies a number Intermediate and

Emerging Nodes for future public transport stops and mixed use activity. It

also identifies broad areas for residential and economic infill development

which will be interrogated for implementation as a next step.

Integration Zone 2 (IZ2) (Standford Road):

This Integration Zone along Standford Road serves as a spatial link between

Integration Zone 1 and the Chatty Jachtvlakte Hub. Environmental and spatial

constraints make it a very narrow corridor with limited scope for catalytic

development intervention. This would be limited to modal interchanges along

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Standford Road such as the Cleary Park Modal interchange. The extent of

the Integration Zone around the Zanemvula Chatty Hub has been amended to

incorporate the Chatty/Jachtvlakte, Zanemvula and Kwanobuhle Estate

Housing Projects.

The Chatty Jachtvlakte economic node within this integration zone is in great

need of catalytic interventions to unlock the development potential of this

newly developed area. It is situated to the West of Njoli around the

intersection of the Bloemendal Arterial and Stanford Road. This Node is at the

core of the greenfields component of the Zanemvula Mega Project, developed

as an initiative of the National Department of Human Settlements; Provincial

Department of Human Settlements and the Municipality.

Key elements in this node include:

• The convergence of Standford Road, Bloemendal Arterials and the

MR448 (Old Uitenhage Road). Standford Road is one of the primary

links between the Port Elizabeth CBD and Uitenhage. The

Bloemendal Arterial on the other hand is not yet fully developed, but

serves as an important North/South linkage between the R75 and

Standford Road. MR 368 still serves as an important secondary link

between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage and has the potential to link

the Njoli and Chatty Jachtvlakte nodes.

• An estimated 54 000 residential development opportunities in Joe

Slovo West; Bethelsdorp North; Khayamnandi; the Chatty

developments and the Jachtvlakte/Kwanobuhle is being developed

and it will provide densities adequate enough to sustain socio-

economic activities in the area.

The key strategy for this Integration Zone is focused on spatial transformation

and integrated residential development. A full list of projects that will develop

these objectives is incorporated in the Inter-governmental Project Pipeline

(Annexure “J”).

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 15: Zanemvula Precinct Plan Concept

Source: NMBM, 2017

The plan above shows more detailed work that has been done in the

Zanemvula (Chatty) Catalytic Project Area. It identifies nodes for future public

transport stops and mixed use activity. It also identifies broad areas for

residential and economic infill development which will be interrogated for

implementation as a next step.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 16: Draft Cleary Park Precinct Plan

Source: NMBM, IPTS 2017

The plan above shows detailed precinct planning for the Cleary Park Modal

Interchange Catalytic Project Area. The plan is undergoing technical

verification where-after it will be submitted to Council for approval prior to


The following plan shows the prioritised Integration zones (1 and 2) including

the prioritised spatial elements and precincts within those zones as follows:


• Uitenhage CBD.

• Njoli Precinct

• Motherwell Precinct

• Zanemvula Precinct

• Red Location precinct

• Cleary Park Precinct

• Uitenhage Logistics Park Precinct

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 17: Integration Zones and Prioritised Spatia l Elements and Precincts

Source: NMBM, IPTS 2017 Marginalised Residential Areas / Informal Settlements

The Municipality has a dedicated programme for the elimination of informal

settlements, as contained in the Informal Settlements Upgrading Plan (NMBM:

Human Settlement Directorate, 2008). The Plan was developed in 2008 and

included 107 informal settlements. This plan formed the basis of the Human

Settlements Plan as well as the Human Settlements Sector Plan that was

approved in December 2012. The informal settlements are contained in a

matrix of in- situ upgrading/destination areas, programmed over time,

prioritised and implemented according to priority the availability of funding.

The map and matrix attached as Annexures “F” and “G” show municipal

proposals for low income housing development.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


In terms of municipal policy, the relocation of informal settlements happens as

a last resort. Where an informal settlement can be formalised in situ, this is

done. In some instances, due to density, not everyone in an informal

settlement can be accommodated in situ. In these cases, the remaining

residents are relocated to locations situated as close-by as possible. Informal

settlements in stressed areas, such as under power lines, on tip sites, in

floodplains or other such areas, are relocated to new areas. To date 52

informal settlements have been in-situ upgraded and 16 green field sites have

been developed for relocation on an incremental basis with full water and

sanitation and basic roads. This includes more than 29 600 sites.

As part of the ongoing development of this plan the NMBM has engaged with

the National Department of Human Settlements in terms of the National

Upgrading Support Programme (NUSP) in order to assist the processes and

strategies linked to the social and technical development of informal

settlements throughout the Metro. It is planned to ensure best practice and

alignment with other Metro’s throughout the country.

The NMBM’s focus is on creating a pipeline of projects focusing on the

implementation of the national housing programmes across the City. This will

assist in making sure that we create housing opportunities that can

accommodate as many households as possible. This is also an

acknowledgement that not all residents of the City are in need of a state

subsidised low cost house (RDP house). Through the appropriate measures,

we are embarking on a programme to popularise all the national housing

programmes that are available in the market. Some of these can enhance

good working relations with the private developers and banks i.e. FLISP and

Social Housing. This will ensure that we sustain an accelerated housing

delivery programme in the City with guaranteed quality and sustainability of

housing products provided for all the residents of the City.

A programme is underway to integrate a comprehensive City wide “National

Housing Needs Register” for housing opportunities. This will help the city and

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


its private players to plan and budget for housing opportunities well informed

about the demand for housing in the metro (creation of a planning and budget

tool for housing development).

The following map shows existing informal settlement areas in Nelson

Mandela Bay which form part of the upgrading programme.

FIGURE 18: Existing informal settlement areas in Ne lson Mandela Bay

Source: NMBM, 2018

Status of Housing Developments

The map attached as Annexure “E” shows private sector, municipal and public

private partnership proposals for the development of different types of housing

in Nelson Mandela Bay. This includes the affordable housing sector.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Management and upgrading of Informal Settlements

The Informal Settlements Upgrading Plan was prepared in 2008 and makes

provision for the following:

• Elimination of the housing delivery backlog of 72 411 units (49 000

backyard shacks and 23 411 informal settlements) through the

provision of quality housing and the structured upgrading of informal


• Upgrading of informal settlements and backyard dwellings, preferably

in-situ, and well located Greenfield developments. To date 52 in situ

informal settlements have been upgraded, and 16 Greenfield

development have been prepared for relocations.

• Providing housing opportunities for an estimated 35 000 beneficiaries

that are not being catered for in the current housing projects that are

focused on beneficiaries earning R3 500 and below per month.

• Relocation of 3 000 communities living in stressed areas (such as

flood-plain areas, tip-sites and power line areas) in terms of the

Relocation Plan, which is an integral part of the Informal Settlements

Upgrading Plan. The identification of well-located land in priority areas

and integration zones will be key.

The Informal Settlements Upgrading Plan is part of the NMBM Human

Settlements Plan. The main focus of the Plan is the full technical and social

investigation of all the informal settlements within the Metro, as well as the

categorisation of each settlement in term of needs and vulnerability.

The prioritisation of projects is based on technical readiness, including town

planning layout approvals, general plan layout approvals, environmental

approvals, completed geotechnical investigations, and the availability of bulk

infrastructure. Greenfield projects are also prioritised as destination projects

for relocation purposes.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


As part of the on-going development of this plan the NMBM has recently

engaged with the National Department of Human Settlements in terms of the

National Upgrading Support Programme (NUSP) in order to assess the

processes and strategies linked to the social and technical development of

informal settlements throughout the Metro. It is planned to ensure best

practice and alignment with other Metro’s throughout the country.

Emergency housing for households living in life-thr eatening conditions

Currently the NMBM plays a facilitation role in the establishment of

emergency shelters for communities. The NMBM identifies families in need

and submits a formal request to the Provincial Department of Human

Settlements for the approval and supply of emergency shelters in

predetermined areas.

It must be noted that the emergency relocations to serviced sites take place

with rudimentary services only. This means that the relocated families receive

bucket sanitation and water from a communal collection point at a 200 m

radius and basic gravel roads until the required top structures are completed.

Strategy for better located housing development, sp ecifically the poor.

Well located, pro-poor urban development strategies are well entrenched in

the Sustainable Community Planning Methodology of the NMBM. The

methodology focuses on actions and approaches to achieve higher levels of

functional, social and economic integration, simultaneously promoting and

improving social, economic and environmental sustainability.

The density of existing areas should be increased through infill development

on vacant land not required for other purposes. Corridor development along

public transport and other major transport routes will also increase densities in

existing areas.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


To effectively increase density and thereby reduce urban sprawl, future

densities should average at least 30 to 40 units per hectare (gross) in new

areas. Current densities average 20 units per hectare.

It is predicted that more than 80% of the future residential demand in the

Metro will be for low-income housing that is currently subsidised. In view of

the need for densification, it is this sector that will, of necessity, be most

affected. The Situational Analysis attached as Annexure “C” gives a more

detailed breakdown of the demand for housing.

The current practice of creating erven of 200 to 300m² for low-income housing

is unsustainable from an economic and land utilisation point of view.

Increased densities can decrease land and servicing infrastructure costs and

also enhance the viability of public transport systems and more importantly

access to employment, services and amenities for households.

The proposal in the context of the Nelson Mandela Bay area is as follows:

• To strengthen existing major bus routes and commuter routes by the

addition of high-density development along the routes especially in the

identified Integration Zones.

• To intensify development around existing public open spaces, where

appropriate. Intensification refers to the subdivision of the existing

appropriately located and designed brownfield erven.

Planning for Informal Settlements

The programme for informal settlements and marginalised areas is discussed

above. Local area planning takes place at the point of design of the new

township. Layouts for these developments are prepared in advance and in

accordance with the Local Spatial Development Frameworks and the

Sustainable Community Planning Methodology which are part of the Spatial

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Development Strategy of the City. Community participation in the

development of the layouts is important.

In terms of the Capacity Support Implementation Plan, a land and housing

market trend analysis has been done with a view to develop proposals to

revise the NMBM Housing Policy in a manner that is more sustainable and

meets spatial restructuring objectives. This work will verify and supplement

the work described above. A proposal has been completed and will be

introduced to the administrative and political leadership in 2018/19 financial

year with a view towards implementation of a demonstration project. The

project is more fully described elsewhere in this report in the section that deals

with the alignment of housing with the Integration Zones.

Land Identification and Release for Informal Settle ment Upgrading

The Human Settlements Plan (NMBM Human Settlement Directorate, 2012)

provides for residential development on land that is owned by the Municipality

and the development of this land is done in accordance with the Development

Readiness Matrix, which is a project management tool for the Housing


The NMBM is in the fortunate situation of owning large areas of land. Land is

released for the Housing Programme sequentially in terms of the MSDF to

minimise expenditure on bulk infrastructure and according to statutory

approvals required for township development.

The entire Housing Programme is included in the municipal Human

Settlements Plan and the Human Settlements Plan forms part of the Human

Settlements Sector Plan of the Municipality.

The development process is shown in the figure below.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 19: Development Process

Attached as Annexures “F” and “G” is a map and matrix that reflects all of the

current informal settlements upgrading and relocation projects within the

Municipality. These projects take place on municipally owned land and in

some instances land is acquired for special circumstances.

Various on-going efforts are made to densify the city using existing zoned land

owned by government that is designated for uses such as schools and open

spaces. Uses can change over time and social housing and other forms of

residential use can be accommodated on underutilised sites.

The Municipality has always prepared a number of sites in advance of the

allocation of HSDG funds for development. In 2013/2014 financial year, 4012

sites were serviced, 2014/2015 financial year 4035 sites were serviced, in the

2015/2016 financial year 3003 sites were serviced, in the 2016/2017 financial

year 4004 sites were serviced and during the current financial year up to 2nd

quarter, 1043 sites have been serviced. More than 15 000 serviced sites have

been made available.

These sites will be developed using HSDG for a full top structure.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


TABLE 3: Serviced Sites available for development - May 2018

Item Project Name No. of Sites

Type of Development

Project Status

Expected Date of Readiness

1 Motherwell NU 12 350 Greenfields Serviced Ready

2 Motherwell NU 30 1405 Greenfields Serviced Ready

3 Khayamnandi Ext. Phase 1A&B 471 Greenfields Serviced Ready

4 Khayamnandi Ext. Phase 2 1013 Greenfields Serviced Ready

5 Khayamnandi Ext. Phase 3 208 Greenfields Serviced Ready

6 Khayamnandi Ext. Phase 4A 358 Greenfields Serviced Ready

7 Khayamnandi Ext. Phase 4B 372 Greenfields Serviced Ready

8 KwaNobuhle Area 11 1414 Greenfields Serviced Ready

9 Joe Slovo Uitenhage 300 In-situ Serviced Ready

10 Kwanobuhle Area 7 Ph 4 244 In-situ Serviced Ready

11 Kwanobuhle Area 8 Ph 4 266 In-situ Serviced Ready

12 Doorenhoek 40 In-situ Serviced Ready

13 Red Location 172 In-situ Serviced Ready

14 Motherwell High Density 109 In-situ Serviced Ready

15 Kwanobuhle erf 8228 111 In-situ Serviced Ready

16 Pola Park 117 In-situ Serviced Ready

17 Rosedale 249 In-situ Serviced Ready

18 Masekhane Village 125 In-situ Serviced Ready

19 Kabah Phase 6 54 In-situ Serviced Ready

20 Kwanobuhle Erf 3179 42 In-situ Serviced Ready

21 Kwanobuhle Erf 12931 & 12872 65 In-situ Serviced Ready

22 Joe Modise 15 In-situ Serviced Ready

23 Mandelaville Uitenhage 121 In-situ

Service;2d Ready

24 Kwanobuhle Erf 10015 12 In-situ Serviced Ready

25 Mk Silvertown 270 In-situ Serviced Ready

26 Mk Qaqawuli 491 In-situ Serviced Ready

Total 8519

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21

59 Other Marginalised Residential Areas

In addition to informal settlements there are other residential areas that are in

decline. These areas are generally characterised by deteriorating civic (where

it exists) and private infrastructure, increasing informality (backyard shacks,

informal businesses), invaded open spaces, and high levels of crime and

economic and social dysfunctionality. These areas generally have little

investment and there is a lack of private sector interest.

Measures need to be taken in these areas to revitalise them and address the

neglect. In this regard government has to act as a catalyst for private sector


Many parts of the city can be seen to be in decline. However, the following

areas have been initially identified.

• Portions of the former Port Elizabeth CBD

• Portions of the Uitenhage CBD

• North End

• Helenvale

• Korsten / Schauderville

• Govan Mbeki

• Kleinskool/Kliprand

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 20: Other Marginalised Residential Areas in relations to

Integration Zones

Source: NMBM, 2018

It is understood that the socio economic issues need to be addressed as well

as the built environment and safety /cleansing aspects.

More detail on interventions in some of these areas is included in the Urban

Management section of this report.

PE and Uitenhage CBD’s

The NMBM has in recent years focussed on improving cleansing and safety

aspects as well as development interventions in the CBD’s of Port Elizabeth

and Uitenhage. This has largely been carried out by the MBDA

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Korsten Schauderville

The MBDA, in line with its mandate of upgrading areas that have seen some

form of environmental decay, and through assistance with funding from the

IDC, formulated and approved a master plan for Korsten / Schauderville in

September 2015. The plan identifies key interventions necessary for the

revitalisation of the area.


An intervention titled “Safety and Peace through Urban Upgrading (SPUU)” is

underway in Helenvale

Helenvale, with an estimated population of 21,236 has intertwined problems of

crime and socio-economic deprivation. The main manifestations of violence

are violent gangs often involved in drug trafficking, domestic violence,

violence in schools and violence among young people.

Many factors contribute to the high levels of violence and crime in Helenvale,

including overcrowding and poor housing conditions, unemployment and low

income, inadequate urban services, widespread alcohol and substance

abuse, division of community structures, increased individualisation and the

disintegration of families.

Taking into consideration the contextual realities of Helenvale, the SPUU

programme is designed to combine a number of approaches:

The overall goal of the SPUU programme is "to improve the quality of life of

the residents of Helenvale, especially through the reduction of crime and


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The programme objective is "to increase the safety of the residents with

special regard to the main component areas, namely the public space and

physical infrastructure, safer schools, youth employment, domestic violence

prevention and a pilot housing scheme”.

A distinct strategy for the development and further prioritisation of these areas

is yet to be developed largely because of the constrained finances of the

municipality. Economic Nodes (Commercial and Industrial ) Identification

and Prioritisation

Economic Nodes analysis

The following maps highlight the major development areas and urban growth

directions. They show areas of new development, largely residential and

mixed-use development, the major industrial development areas, as well as

areas in which urban renewal and infill development (regeneration

development) is taking place. Growth directions are mainly west, north-west

and north.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 21: Major Development Areas

Source: NMBM, 2018

Figure 22: Characteristics of Economic Nodes and gr owth Direction

Source: NMBM 2018

CJV – Chatty Jachtvlakte MW – Motherwell CDC – Coega SEZ N2- N2 nodal development IB Ibhayi

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 23: Major Movement Directions in relation to existing and new

employment nodes

Source NMBM, 2018

TABLE 4: Growth Area/ Economic Node Categorisation

Node Description Node Category

GA 1 Baywest / N2 Nodal Development Area


GA 2 Fairview Emerging

GA 3 Walmer/ Summerstrand Established with new growth

GA 4 Motherwell/ Wells Estate Declining with new growth potential

EN 1 Greenacres Established – No intervention

EN 2 Walmer Commercial Established – No intervention

EN 3 Great Westway Framesby Established – No intervention

Coega SEZ

Established major employment centre

Government Driven

Source, NMBM 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Economic Node Prioritisation and features

The Central Business Districts of Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth are obvious

key economic nodes and are not further discussed in this analysis. The key

features of the other major Economic Nodes are identified below:

Four Growth Areas / Economic Nodes (GA 1 to GA 4) have been identified as

shown and discussed below:

Annexure “J”, Inter-governmental Project Pipeline Matrix, contains a detailed

list and description of all the public and private projects that exist or are

anticipated for these growth areas/ economic nodes.

Growth Area 1: Baywest / N2 Nodal Development Area

The potential of the Baywest/ N2 Node as a catalyst for intensified integrated

and mixed use development has contributed to the inclusion of the larger

development area of this node as a Growth Area. This Growth Area holds the

potential to attract private sector investment in the development of the node

which should be harnessed because of its potential to be a significant

generator of rates income.

The Baywest / N2 growth area is anchored by the regional Baywest Mall

which opened in May 2015. This growth area will expand to include further

intensified mixed use and residential development, which if developed at full

capacity, will deliver approximately 10 000 permanent job opportunities and

approximately 8 200 residential opportunities aimed at the low, middle and

high income markets. Housing typologies will range from higher density rental

and ownership apartments to low density single residential units for varied

socio-economic sectors.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


This growth area has also been identified as one of the National Department

of Human Settlements Catalytic projects referred to as the N2 Nodal

Development Catalytic Project.

Other developments such as the Kuyga extension, Westbrook and

Parsonsvlei form part of the larger N2 nodal development area and contribute

to additional mixed use and residential development with a potential to yield

an estimated 6 500 residential opportunities.

A direct road linkage between the Baywest/N2 Node and Chatty/Zanemvula

has been identified as a high priority in order to enhance the accessibility of

this node to the northern townships of the Metro. This is important from an

access, convenience and job opportunity perspective.

The key strategy for this Growth Area is the development of a growth node

comprising of integrated residential and economic development. Projects

include inter alia:

• Walker Drive to N2

• Western Arterial - N2 Cape Road Link

• Western Arterial - Standford Road Link

• N2 North

• Utopia Development

• Erf 432 Development

• Kuyga Extension

The high level intervention strategy of the municipality has been to enter into

service level agreements that have facilitated the development of bulk

infrastructure to allow the private sector development of the area. In addition,

the Municipality is pursuing the development of the Western Arterial as a

catalytic linkage project to link this area to the Chatty / Jachtvlakte /

Zanemvula area. All major private sector development applications in this

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


node have been approved. The Municipality will be the developer of the N2

North area and a public private partnership is being investigated.

FIGURE 24: N2 Baywest Growth Area

Source: NMBM, Western Areas LSDF, 2013

Growth Area / Economic Node 2 (GA2): Fairview West

Fairview West area is located within an 8 km radius of the CBD and is

adjacent to the William Moffet Expressway and Circular Drive activity

corridors. It forms part of a land restitution area from which large numbers of

people were relocated. A number of housing projects, comprised of mixed

residential typologies aimed at the lower income groups, contribute to the area

being identified as an area of substantial development potential to enhance

spatial transformation.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The key strategy for this Growth Area is focussed on densification and spatial

transformation of this node as a high density integrated and mixed housing

area. A list of projects that will develop these objectives is incorporated in the

Inter-governmental Project Pipeline Matrix (Annexure “J”). These projects


• William Moffet Expressway

• Circular Drive

• Willow Road Upgrade

• Fairview Links

• Willowdene

• Fairview West

The key developments in this area are the social rental and finance linked

subsidised (FLISP) housing developments developed in 2015 and 2016.

These developments have brought higher density populations into this

emerging area. In addition, new commercial developments are taking place

along William Moffet Expressway and along Circular Drive that form the

boundaries of this node.

The intervention strategy for this growth area has been to support and

facilitate the social housing developments. The commercial developments

have been facilitated by the recently approved Local Spatial Development


Certain bulk infrastructure is needed for the further development of this area

and is quantified in Annexure “J” which contains the detailed project list. It is

the intention of the Municipality to fund this bulk infrastructure in the medium


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Growth Area / Economic Node 3 (GA3): Walmer

This Growth Area is a combination of existing well established residential and

economic development as well new integrated residential development.

The key strategy for this Growth Area is spatial transformation and integrated

residential development for lower income communities. A list of projects that

will develop these objectives is incorporated in the Inter-governmental Project

Pipeline Matrix (Annexure “J”) and includes:

• Erf 1948 Walmer Phase 1

• Erf 1948 Walmer Phase 2 PE Airport expansion

• Erf 11305 Walmer

• Walmer Development - Human Settlement (Services)

• Reinforcement of Electricity Network - Walmer Lorraine

• Industrial Site (Airport Valley) - Bulk Sewer

• Upgrading of Fountain Road - Walmer Township

• H103: Heugh Road (MR427) Widening (3rd Avenue to

• Wentworth)

• Theescombe / Gqebera Bulk Stormwater

• Stormwater retention

• Walmer Cosmo

• Driftsands Collector Sewer

• Driftsands WWWT Augmentation

• Walmer Gqebera - Urban Rejuvenation

• Possible Railway Station - Apple Express

• Allister Miller Drive

• Precinct Plan/ Walmer Gqebera

The intervention strategy of the Municipality for this area has been to

collaborate with the Provincial Department of Human Settlement to fast track

the formalisation of the informal settlements in the area. In addition, major

funding was provided for the much needed bulk infrastructure such the

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Driftsands collector sewer and stormwater management. The development

and upgrade of Fountain Road commercial facilities form part of the

interventions of this economic node. In addition, sport fields and other

amenities have been prioritised and developed. Detailed layout planning and

environmental authorisation for the major developments have been prioritised.

The development of the Walmer Links social rental and finance linked (FLISP)

housing has been made possible through the provision of municipal land.

Growth Area/ Economic Node 4 (GA4): Motherwell

Motherwell is prioritised for transformation by the Municipality, primarily

because of its history as a dormitory town. It is under serviced in terms of

economic and social facilities and amenities. Even where those facilities and

amenities exist, the quality is sub-standard. Major extensions to the township

area (Motherwell Extensions 12, 29, 30 and 31) are currently under

construction as part of the municipal human settlement programme. This

development, which is rolled out as an integrated residential development, will

yield almost 12 500 residential opportunities for approximately 50 000 people.

Significant developments in this area are the Motherwell Shopping Centre and

Clinic. Other existing facilities such as a Thusong Centre (to be redeveloped

as a Traffic Centre), the Motherwell Community Centre and the higher density

Sakhasonke Housing Project are located in this area. The node will also

serve as the terminal point for the Khulani Corridor, as well as a future modal


This node has the potential to develop substantially particularly when the

planned Motherwell Rail Corridor is implemented. The future Motherwell rail

station will be in close proximity and forms a strong focal point in this node. It

is therefore important that this node be targeted for catalytic intervention in the

near future.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Although planning for the area is mostly complete, detailed precinct planning

is needed around the future Motherwell Rail Corridor stations and public

transport nodes. This is currently being undertaken.

Projects include:

• Motherwell Traffic and Licensing Centre (Conversion of un-utilised and

vacant Thusong Centre)

• Motherwell Rail Corridor Phase 1 (Planning and implementation of

commuter rail link with stations between Swartkops rail line and

Motherwell NU29)

• Motherwell High Density Housing Project

• Infill Residential Development (Low Income Residential Development)

• Motherwell Modal Interchange (Planning of Modal Interchange as part

of Precinct Development and complementary to Motherwell Rail


• Motherwell NU31 IRDP (Greenfield Residential Development)

• Tyinira Endlovini

• Ramaphosa West

• Cultural Centre Motherwell

• Motherwell NU 29 & 30 : Roads and Stormwater Bulk Infrastructure

• Motherwell North Bulk Sewerage

• Fire Station Motherwell - Refurbishment

• Motherwell Arterial Development

• Motherwell NU 30 - Human Settlement (Services)

• Motherwell NU 31 - Human Settlement (Services)

The intervention strategy of the municipality for this area is implemented

through the Motherwell Urban Renewal Programme (MURP) which has a

dedicated office within the Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture

Directorate that deals only with Motherwell projects and programmes, ranging

from spatial to cultural and economic interventions.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Other Existing Economic Nodes

Other nodal areas which are recognised as part of the Urban Network

Framework include:

Greenacres/ Newton Park Node:

This is an existing retail and mixed use node at the convergence of Cape

Road and Langenhoven Drive/ Kempston Road transport and activity

corridors. An “informal modal interchange” is located in the parking areas of

the Greenacres Retail Park and could potentially be formalised. An LSDF for

this area was approved by Council in 2014. The potential for high density infill

residential development in this node should be considered and promoted.

FIGURE 25: Greenacres/ Newton Park Node

Source: NMBM Cape Road (Mill Park to Westering) LSDF, April 2014

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Walmer Commercial Node (S7):

The Walmer Node is located at the convergence of Main Road, Walmer and

William Moffet Expressway and is comprised of major retail centres. It is

included in the Greater Walmer LSDF, approved by Council in 2013. The

figure below, extracted from the LSDF, shows the importance of this node in

its spatial context and targets it for development.

FIGURE 26: Walmer Node

Source: Greater Walmer LSDF, October 2013

An “informal modal interchange” is developing at taxi drop-off and pick-up

points and should be formalised as part of nodal development interventions.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Great Westway (Makro/Framesby/Westering) Node

This node is located at the intersection of Samantha Way/Bramlin and Cape

Road. It is largely a retail node around the Makro, Metlife Plaza and Linton

Grange shopping centres. A medical centre is also located in this node.

FIGURE 27: Great Westway Node

Source: NMBM Cape Road (Mill Park to Westering) LSDF, April 2014

Coega SEZ Growth Node

The Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a government initiated catalyst

for socio economic development. The Coega SEZ has the mission of

providing a competitive investment location for supporting the establishment

of value-added business services that enable socio-economic development in

the NMBM, Eastern Cape and South Africa. The growth node is based on a

cluster model, which strategically positions related and synergistic industries

and their supply chains in close proximity to one another with a view to

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


developing agglomerative economies. The Coega SEZ has 14 zones, with a

focus on (but not limited to) the following sectors:

• Metallurgical

• Business Process Outsourcing

• Automotive

• Chemicals and Petro-Chemicals

• Agro Processing and Aquaculture

• Logistics

• Energy and Green Economy

• Maritime

The Coega SEZ is developed in terms of a Development Framework Plan

which is approved by the NMBM. There are strong synergies between the

Motherwell Growth Node and the Coega SEZ Growth Node with

interdependencies in the provision of transportation, water and wastewater


The following map shows the Economic Nodes identified above in relation to

the Urban Network Strategy.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 28: Other Existing Economic Nodes in relatio n to Integration


Source: NMBM, 2018

Other Activity Corridors

The Urban Network further identifies other existing mixed use activity corridors

that are important. These are:

1. Walmer: This corridor begins at Marine Drive as Walmer Boulevard,

increases in activity at 1st Avenue intersection, from where the road

becomes Heugh Road, and continues to the intersection of Buffelsfontein

Road and 17th Avenue.

2. Walmer Main Road: This corridor commences in Heugh Road, it runs to

Walmer Main Road, to the intersection with the William Moffet


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


3. William Moffet Expressway: This corridor starts from the intersection of

Buffelsfontein and 17th Avenue and runs along William Moffet Expressway

to Cape Road.

4. Cape Road: This corridor starts at the intersection of William Moffet Drive

and Cape Road, and runs to Greenacres, terminating in the CBD.

Planning for Economic Nodes

Planning for the growth nodes is guided by the Local Spatial Development

Frameworks of those areas. Within those areas precinct planning and more

detailed planning takes place within the LSDF context.

Specific precinct planning is currently being undertaken for the Bethelsdorp,

Ibhayi and Motherwell precincts.

The Ibhayi Precinct plan includes significant historic nodes such as Njoli

Square, Embizweni Square, Mendi Arts Centre and Red Location. These

nodes are aligned with public transportation and pedestrian routes. These

nodes collectively provide structure and the opportunity for focal points for the

delivery of community facilities, commercial activities.

Njoli Square is a Modal Transport interchange that will be complemented with

commercial development, medical suites, a future library and civic building,

and stalls for informal traders.

Embizweni Square is a business and entertainment hub that offers an array of

businesses that play a role in the growth of the local economy. Embizweni

Square has the potential to unlock economic opportunities and it could

become branded as a tourist hub for both local and international visitors.

Already new and trendy businesses are mushrooming in the area which is a

sign of investor confidence in the township economy.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Mendi Arts Centre was a 'blacks-only' Beer Hall during the Apartheid era. In

the early 2000s it was ear-marked for redevelopment as a community

building. Following an extensive community involvement process a project

brief was finalised in January 2011 along with comprehensive Business Plan

for the development of a Multi-Cultural Centre. The Centre is focused primarily

on the Performance Arts in the local community, providing a platform for

artists to further their development. The following components were identified

to form part of the new Centre: performance hall, visual arts studio, entrance

foyer, restaurant, office and administration component, ablution facilities and

general storage areas. The building has undergone a R25m revamp and is

close to being operationalised.

Red Location is known as the cultural node in this precinct. It includes the

Red Location Museum of Apartheid, an art gallery, an electronic library; a

backpackers’ lodge as well as the regenerated of Singhapi Street.

The development of this precinct has the potential to unblock economic

opportunities. It is not often that a precinct offers such diversity of activities. It

combines transport, commercial, arts, culture and entrainment. The precinct is

well connected to the rest of the city. It is located near work opportunities in

Struandale and Deal Party. It offers an opportunity for “work, live and play”. Initiatives for the development of Other Marginalised

Residential Areas and Growth Areas / Economic Nodes

In this regard the following are some of the initiatives that are Implemented in

various areas in the NMBM which assist with the development of the

economic nodes, development areas and other marginalised residential


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



No formal public-private partnerships in terms of legislation are in place. It is

the intention of the Municipality to explore these options, specifically for the

development of the N2 North Node.

Currently, partnerships exist in respect of the Bay West and Utopia

Developments which form part of the N2 Node Catalytic Programme. This is in

the form of municipal services agreements. The agreements commit the

developers and the Municipality to counter-funding for the provision of bulk

services to the area.

The Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA) is a municipal entity and

implementing partner of the Municipality. The MBDA has done extensive

work in the marginalised residential areas of Helenvale, Motherwell,

Schauderville, Korsten and portions of Ibhayi.

Seamless co-operation between the MBDA and NMBM is vital to the

successful implementation of these projects.

MBDA as well as other area based management initiatives are discussed

under the Urban Management section of this report.

Development Clusters

The Municipality through its Economic Development Tourism and Agriculture

Directorate is working with different industrial and economic clusters in order

to drive manufacturing that will ultimately create decent jobs. There are three

Industrial Clusters that the city is collaborating with in the region:

• Automotive Cluster

• Composite Cluster

• Maritime Cluster

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Automotive Cluster:

The Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC) provides support to the

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers through their

programmes in order to enhance global competitiveness. Their programmes


• Skills development and training

• Supplier and enterprise development

• Incubation programmes

• Energy management

Composite Cluster:

The cluster coordinates Research and Design (R&D), skills development and

industrialisation efforts to activate value chains that make use of non-corrosive

and lightweight composite technology, but covering all non-metallic polymeric

technologies including composites, plastics, elastomers and specialty


The cluster aims to establish a dedicated non-metallic hand skill training

capability, a collaborative R&D capability in which scientists and engineers

(academia and industry) can work together on developing non-metallic

solutions that can enhance the competitiveness of existing value chains and

unlock new ones.

The aim is to cross-pollinate technology and skills between boat building,

renewable energy, automotive and aerospace using shared infrastructure.

Maritime Cluster:

The Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster was only founded in 2012 and is

still in the process of developing. Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster’s

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


objective is to enhance networking opportunities between local maritime

business, government and institutions of higher learning.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster strives to increase competitiveness

within the ocean economy and work towards creating opportunities for

investment and job creation.

Investment Incentives Policy

Incentives are one of the many policy tools used by governments to

encourage investments in a particular area or sector. There are various

investment incentives and other financial and non-financial support for

investment offered by government. NMBM has an approved Investment

Incentives Policy which is aligned to these national incentives and support


The NMBM Incentive Policy provides the necessary guiding principles, details

on incentives offered by NMBM, application processes, relevant requirements

and approval procedures, and defines roles and responsibilities to enable a

professional, consistent and transparent incentive management dispensation.

The Incentive Policy is specifically focused to attract additional investments

from new and existing investors to Nelson Mandela Bay in the following key

sectors as identified in the NMBM Economic Growth and Development


Manufacturing sub-sectors: fuel, petroleum, rubber products, wood and

related products:

• Automotive manufacturing sub-sector

• Tourism and hospitality

• Agriculture

• Construction

• Logistics

• Other knowledge and information sectors (incl. BPO)

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The Incentive Policy is directed at new medium to large investments, as

defined by the National Small Business Amendment Act (2003), i.e. new

investments that will create 50 or more permanent jobs and have minimum

asset values of between R2 million and R5 million, depending on the sector

the business operates within.

The biggest challenge NMBM has with the policy is the insufficient budget

available to implement all the incentives.

The Coega SEZ Growth Node represents an opportunity for applying a rates

based incentive scheme. With land being under leasehold to industrial

tenants, and the CDC being the operator and landowner of the SEZ,

opportunities are available for introducing rating categories for Coega SEZ

properties given the services agreements between the CDC and the NMBM.

Rates based incentives schemes will be investigated.

Top 50 Programme

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality has identified the need to recognise local

companies for their contribution to economic development and growth of the

region. Despite the challenges, local cost of doing business and a globally

competitive market place the local companies continue to grow.

The NMB Top 50 Programme acknowledges these companies. The

Programme was established in 2015 and has two main objectives:

The first objective is that of recognition and retention of the top 50 NMB

companies for their contributions to the economic growth of the region across

five specific categories. Proposed categories which have been identifed

include but are not limited to: Top Exporters, Top Investors, Top New-Comers,

Long Standing Companies and Top Job Creators.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The second objective is to extend the service offering of the Export Help desk

through the stakeholder engagement exercise in order to develop lasting

relationships with the top 50 local companies.

NMBM recognises the impact created by these local companies in their

contribution to job creation and sustainability, economic growth, increase in

exports and investments and expansions.

Since March 2016, the NMBM hosts an annual award ceremony where the

Top Companies are awarded a certificate of recognition from the Municipality. Housing Project Areas and IPTS in relati on to Integration



The following map shows the location of the Integration Zones in relation to

the housing project areas. It should be noted that some housing project areas

are within Integration Zones. There are a number of housing project areas

which do not necessarily correlate well with the Urban Network Strategy

priority areas.

As has been mentioned elsewhere in this report, in order to deliver housing in

a more sustainable manner, the NMBM is undertaking, through the CSP, a

Housing Strategy Review. In particular, this will prioritise delivery of higher

density housing within UNS priority areas, i.e. Integration Zones and Growth


The Housing Strategy Review has begun with a high level strategic review

and formulation of recommendations for the housing component (of the

human settlement framework) in NMBM. This work was performed by

Shisaka. More detail of the findings of the review are contained in the

Situational Analysis of NMBM attached as Annexure “C”.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The completed report details a set of recommendations and outlines a

proposed strategic shift in dealing with housing. It has not yet been adopted

by Council and is in the process of being dealt with administratively and

politically in order to take the proposals further as a reviewed Housing

Strategy for Nelson Mandela Bay.

The preliminary strategic shifts revolve around the provision of subsidised

BNG housing; the provision of serviced sites not only for qualifying BNG

households, but also for households qualifying to access the FLISP (Finance

Linked Individual Subsidy Programmes) programmes and rental housing


The focus of the current initiative is to review the housing circumstance and

strategic options as reflected in the 2015 report by Shisaka titled “Sustainable

Provision of Housing in Nelson Mandela Bay”, updated in 2017 with a view to

prepare a Draft Housing Strategy for Nelson Mandela Bay for consideration

and adoption by Council.

It is further envisaged that a demonstration phase will involve the piloting of

new innovative and different methodologies for undertaking housing delivery.

Three areas of focus are currently recommended for consideration during the

demonstration phase:

• The Regularisation and Progressive Upgrading of Informal Settlements

• Increased supply of new housing opportunities in existing areas by

existing households (household densification)

• Building the housing delivery sector

Current work in the strategic review involves the verification of the status quo

housing circumstance analysis and the alignment thereof with the planning

time frames of other NMBM strategic documents as well as other relevant

policy documents. This will be followed by drafting of a final housing strategy

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


and the testing thereof with technical directorates prior to presentation to key

administrative and political structures in the NMBM.

A high level implementation plan, including provision for change management

and industry building is also incorporated in the scope of works.

It is envisaged that the aforementioned tasks will be completed during the

2018 Calendar Year.

FIGURE 29: Housing Programmes in relation to Integr ation Zones and Growth Areas

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


IPTS and Public Transport Management

According to the Technical Transport Planning Guidelines for CITPs prepared

by the Department of Transport, the alignment of an Integrated Public

Transport System (IPTS) should inform land development, thereby providing

proposed developments access to existing and operational public transport

facilities. Additionally, the CITP can indicate the necessary intensification

requirements of commercial, residential and activity land-uses that would

make an IPTS viable. Low density, dispersed developments beyond the reach

of public transport corridors have numerous negative impacts on the transport

system, including long trip-times to public transport nodes, poor non-

motorised transport (NMT) opportunities and the promotion of private vehicle

use. These developments should consequently not be prioritised for

development until they are linked to the public transport system or

employment opportunities are provided within or close to the development and

urban densities are increased to sustainable levels.

The MSDF, and the individual project proposals specified by the MSDF,

should be evaluated according to the transport implications of the project

alternatives. Selection of project alternatives should be made with reference to

the performance of the proposal and transport system in terms of the following


• Integration

• Safety

• Environmental Impact

• Economy

• Accessibility

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


It is recognised that poor integration of land-uses and inadequate accessibility

to work opportunities by public transport, negatively impacts the economy and

environment through long average travel times, high fuel usage and wasted

time. This thinking is paramount to the planning of the Integration Zones and

Priority precincts.

One of the focal points of the MSDF is to develop corridors along major

transport routes. These corridors are to be flanked by mixed-use development

and supported by improved public transport routes, such as the Khulani

Corridor (Integration Zone 1) that extends from the CBD to NMBM 2010

Stadium to Njoli Square and Motherwell. These corridors thereby promote

accessibility to a number of amenities, facilities and jobs, as well as improve

mobility within the City.

The strategic development projects included in the MSDF implement the core

development focus areas. A number of Prioritised Precincts in the Urban

Network Strategy programmes, such as Njoli Square, Motherwell and

Zanemvula to name a few, include strategies to promote mixed-use

development, increase urban density and develop infill housing on currently

vacant land, especially along transport corridors.

These approaches have numerous advantages in terms of the transport

system that cover all of the objectives for projects mentioned above.

Improved integration can be assured by promoting public transport

development, which is made viable by increasing housing densities as more

people can make use of fewer public transport stops. The safety of non-

motorised transport (NMT) users is enhanced by upgrading the road reserves

as well as through densification: by placing more residences and businesses

adjacent to the access routes, human presence on the street is increased

thereby enhancing pedestrian security.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Consideration of the potential for the Metropolitan Open Space System to

support Green Lanes for Non-Motorized Transportation (NMT) is important.

The basis for NMT is currently the NMBM CITP (2011/12), but, this plan

considers neither the concept of Green Lanes, nor the coastal bike path from

Cape Recife to Kings Beach and from Papenkuils River mouth (Smelly Creek)

to Coega.

Environmental impact is mitigated by reducing travel distances and time spent

travelling by promoting mixed-use developments and public transport. Dense,

mixed-use neighbourhoods allow economic opportunities and community

facilities to be located closer to a greater number of residents, thereby making

the provision of facilities more cost effective. Accessibility to public transport

and facilities is also improved by dense, mixed-use development strategies on

defined transport corridors.

The economic situation of the majority of residents in NMBM makes them

captive to public transport or NMT. Public transport itself encourages the use

of NMT for the initial trip phase, from home to a public transport stop, and the

final trip phase, from stop to destination. It is therefore vital for the

effectiveness of a public transport system, that NMT users can safely and

securely reach public transport. Community segregation is another issue that

should be actively dealt with by the MSDF, as segregation restricts access to

some parts of the community, reducing ability to reach public transport and

community facilities.

Trends and Demand for Transportation

Fundamental to the concept of the Integration Zones is the accessibility via

public transport. This is in accordance with the CITP objectives of:

• Integration

• Safety

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Environmental Impact

• Economy

• Accessibility

Poor integration due to historic spatial planning and land-uses perpetuates

inadequacy in accessibility to work opportunities and other amenities by public

transport which impacts negatively on the economy, environment and other

social factors through long average travel times and high fuel usage.

The MSDF aims to develop corridors along major transport routes. The

corridors in the proposed integration zones are to be flanked by mixed-use

development and will be supported by improved public transport routes that

were identified specifically to facilitate mobility and accessibility within the

Integration Zones. The starter service as it is currently being planned mainly

subscribes to the five objectives of the CITP that seek to foster integration and

provide a safe and secure service while increasing accessibility by either

contributing or facilitating socio and economic activities within the NMBM and


The implementation strategy for the IPTS as outlined in the Public Transport

Network Grant (PTNG) Budget Proposal for the MTEF 2018/19 to 2020/21

was mainly based on the existing public transport network of NMBM. In terms

of this strategy there is integration with human settlements at an MSDF level

and as part of the IPTS review, the NMBM intends to cascade the integration

in the implementation so that alignment with housing development plans is

achieved as per the requirements of BEPP.

It is important to note that the NMBM’s current transport planning is limited to

the MTEF period only, as apart from the data collected from the surveys

conducted in July 2016 on the Starter Service routes and the data that was

modelled from the 2004 surveys for the entire city, there is no current data

available on public transport operations.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Consequently, the NMBM intends to conduct comprehensive Household

Travel Surveys before the end of 2018 with the intention of updating the

Public Transport Plan towards the development of a 20 year Integrated Public

Transport Strategy.

The following map shows the current transport plan- which is under review- in

relation to the top priority target areas of the Urban Network Strategy. In

particular, it demonstrates that the IPTS system is located within and

prioritises the UNS.

FIGURE 30: IPTS Routes in relation to Integration Z ones

Source: NMBM, IPTS, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


National Department of Human Settlements Catalytic Projects and

Alignment with NMBM Catalytic Programme

The National Department of Human Settlements launched a programme in

2015 to identify what have been termed “Mega Catalytic Projects.” The

intention was to develop housing opportunities at scale in various locations

around South Africa through the selection and prioritisation of selected

projects nominated by Municipalities, Provinces and the private sector.

The intention was further to monitor progress at a national level and to ensure

progress with projects through a reporting system. The Housing Development

Agency was tasked with this responsibility.

Initially 5 projects were identified for NMBM these are shown on plan below.

FIGURE 31: Plan showing Initially proposed Human Se ttlements Mega

Catalytic Projects on NMBM Urban Network

Source: NMBM, 2017

• Zanemvula • KwaNobuhle • Jaghtvlakte • Algoa Park • N2 Node

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Attempts were made through the HDA to conclude Memoranda of Agreement

with the NMBM for the implementation of these projects, however, these were

not finally concluded and the National Department of Human Settlements is

reconsidering those projects that do not align with metro planning priorities

and further those that are of extended time frames. Projects to be finalised will

need to accord with the BEPP’s of municipalities.

The following projects show alignment with the NMBM’s Catalytic programme

and are identified below:

Kwanobuhle Estate

The proposed Kwanobuhle Estate development is a private sector catalytic

project and is situated near Kwanobuhle along the North Western

development spine and forms part of the Jachtvlakte Precinct Area.

It is envisaged that the development comprising of approximately 12800

residential opportunities will be developed in two stages. The first stage is

situated immediately adjacent to the Eastern part of Kwanobuhle and is

scheduled for development from 2019 to 2024, subject to all approvals being

in place prior to anticipated commencement of construction in January 2019.

Stage 2 is dependent on the installation of bulk water and sanitation, as well

as the augmentation of the Kelvin Jones Waste Water Treatment Works and

will only commence once significant progress with the development of Stage 1

has been made and when agreement has been reached between the

Municipality and the developer.

It is envisaged that a set of municipal service level agreements and

implementation protocols will be concluded between the developer, the

municipality, inter-governmental structures and possible private sector

structures in order to capture the respective roles and responsibilities as well

financial and other arrangements required for successful implementation.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The developer is currently awaiting the environmental and land use

authorisation prior to commencement.

Jachtvlakte Sustainable Human Settlement

The Jachtvlakte Sustainable Human Settlement refers to the two-staged

development of the large land parcel situated on the North-Western

development spine between the existing Chatty Extensions (Zanemvula),

Kwanobuhle and the Uitenhage Industrial areas. It is a public driven catalytic

programme of the NMBM and will yield approximately 12000 residential

opportunities of various typologies and is aimed at a broad socio-economic


Stage 1 is, similar to the Stage 1 development of the Kwanobuhle Estate

project, not dependent on bulk infrastructure, whilst Stage 2 is dependent on

the same bulk requirements as the Kwanobuhle Project. It will yield between

4500 and 5000 residential opportunities and is situated immediately adjacent

to the Zanemvula Chatty development. It actually contains the portions of the

aforementioned development that could not be developed due to bulk

infrastructure constraints.

Stage 2 will continue along the Standford Road extension and will comprise of

a further 7000 to 7500 residential opportunities, as well as other mixed use

developments. It also includes an extension of the Logistics Park, which

could be developed independently from the residential development and

which could serve as an employment node for these new developments.

The development of Stage 2 will be impacted by long term development

trajectories and development potential take up in the city.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


N2 Nodal Development

The N2 node is identified, as noted elsewhere, as an NMBM Catalytic

Programme. It is also identified as one of the Growth Areas (Growth Area 1)/

Economic Nodes in the metro.

The current development status in the various components is as follows:

• Western Arterial

The development of the Western Interchange and western Arterial Link

between the N2 and Cape Road is dependent upon an appeal outcome of a

negative environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental

Management Act. The importance of this link road was highlighted in the

appeal submission

• Baywest Precinct

The Baywest Precinct comprises of two phases, i.e. a first phase centred

around the already functional super regional mall; and a second phase around

residential and high tech light industrial (warehousing) development.

Additional office development around the mall has already commenced and

the first thereof accommodates the new regional offices of SANRAL. It is

reported that the construction of further office blocks and the life style centre,

will be commencing in the 2018/19 reporting period, subject to economic


A residential component in Phase 1 has now obtained the necessary

authorisations in terms of SPLUMA and is reported to be commencing in the

same period. This development will essentially be comprised of medium to

high density residential development targeted at the middle to higher income


The phase 2 development is subject to bulk water and sanitation requirements

and is not foreseen to commence within the next 5 years.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• N2 North

The proposed N2 North development is similarly dependent on the outcome of

the aforementioned appeal submitted at the end of January 2018.

• Utopia

Preparations are being made by the developers to commence with some of

the residential and retail components of the proposed mixed use and

integrated development. It is envisaged that portions thereof will be released

to private sector developers once the installation of the internal infrastructure

has been completed and the necessary completion certificates have been


Delays in take up and implementation are primarily due to the slow economy.

• Low Income Residential Development (Previously note d as Erf 432


Land assembly processes for the development of a low income residential

development to accommodate the informal settlement situated on Erf 432,

Hunters Retreat, as well as other surrounding informal settlements, will be

initiated during the forthcoming reporting period and will be subject to

availability of funding for land acquisition and the required authorisations in

terms of NEMA and SPLUMA legislation.

• Kuyga Extension

Land assembly processes for the extension of the existing Kuyga residential

area will similarly be attended to and will be subject to similar development


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21




Section A above deals comprehensively with the embedding of the BEPP and

UNS in the Metro institution.

In relation to the transversal arrangement for planning and implementation it is

worth reiterating the role of the BEPP Multi Sectoral task team.

The BEPP Multi Sectoral Task Team is comprised of senior members from all

Directorates in the Municipality who play a crucial role in the built


The Task Team meetings focus, inter alia, on driving the suite of catalytic

programmes, Integration Zone development, major municipal projects and all

BEPP related matters. In particular, the transversal responsibility for the

programmes and development is emphasised and meetings are deliberately

constructed to foster this culture of transversal responsibility.

Some of the Task Team meetings are devoted to specific focus areas and in

the 2017/18 Financial year sessions have been dedicated to IPTS, PRASA,

Public Works and the Housing Policy change.

In addition, the Task Team monitors grant expenditure – in particular the

Urban Settlements Development Grant and the Integrated City Development


The template below is an example of a typical BMSTT agenda showing the

reporting on catalytic projects, grants, Integration Zones and precinct


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 32: Typical example of a BMSTT Agenda

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


In addition to the above – the reporting on the Catalytic Programme has been

centred around the preparation of a series of templates responding to each


These templates highlight combined sectoral responsibilities for the

programme identified and are also introduced to ensure that all Directorates in

the NMBM are aware of the programmes and are able to identify their role in

the programme. This includes aspects such as Safety and Security which are

not necessarily hard infrastructure/capital investment issues.

Intergovernmental role players are additionally identified in the reporting

template. The templates are revised on a monthly basis. In some instances,

the information is well populated and in others there is still work in progress.

A typical example of a template for one of the programmes is attached as

Annexure “H”.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21





The Catalytic Programmes identified in this BEPP reflect interventions that

include developments that:

• Enable integration, that is mixed and intensified land uses where the

residential land use caters for people across various income bands and

at increased densities that support public transport viability within the

integration zones.

• Are game changers in nature and scope with significant impact on

spatial form and the economy.

• Involve major infrastructure development.

• Require a blend of finance where a mix of public funds can leverage

private sector investment as well as household investment.

• Have multiple stakeholders and require a range of skills across a

number of professions.

• inner city, mixed use, social, commercial and residential development


• informal settlements and marginalised area upgrading.

• linkage projects such as critical road infrastructure to ensure the proper

linkages of the Integration Zones to the rest of the city.

This accords with the BEPP Guidelines classification issued by National


The following map shows the location of the selected catalytic programmes in

relation to the Integration Zones and the Urban Network Strategy framework.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


FIGURE 33: NMBM Catalytic Programmes

Source: NMBM, 2018

These catalytic programmes will be vigorously pursued during the 2018/19

financial year and beyond. It is the intention to move the catalytic

programmes as quickly as possible from planning to the implementation

phase, in collaboration with all role players.

Annexure “I” is the Catalytic Programme Matrix and it maps the institutional

and funding requirements for implementation. It is in the later stages of

programme development that timing and budget aspects of each catalytic

project will become more refined. Annexure “I” will continue to be refined on

an on-going basis.

NMBM is characterised by slow economic growth. It can therefore be

concluded that positive change will be slow. In view of this, the City does not

have an opportunity for many economic and “game changing” programmes. It

is important therefore to focus efforts on a limited number of strategic

programmes that can have maximum impact. In addition, because of the

extreme poverty of the city, poor areas need to be targeted for investment and

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


development. The City is spatially divided due to the geography and historic

patterns of development. Linkage projects to increase access have therefore

also been specifically prioritised.

The 14 Catalytic Programmes prioritised can be broadly categorised into three


• Economic Game Changing Programmes

• Township Upgrading and Development Programmes

• Critical Linkages

These are as follows:

TABLE 5: Catalytic Programme Categorisation

Catalytic Category Project

Economic Game Changers 1. Port Baakens Development

2. Uitenhage Logistics Park

Township Upgrading and

Urban Development

3. Zanemvula Precinct Development

4. Motherwell Precinct Development

5. Red Location Precinct

6. Njoli Urban Hub Precinct

7. Cleary Park Modal Development

8. Fairview Precinct Development

9. Uitenhage Railway Shed Recreational


10. N2 Nodal Development

Critical Linkages 11. Bloemendal Arterial

12. Chatty Link Road

13. Western Arterial

14. Motherwell Rail Corridor

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The prioritised programmes and the rationale for the programmes is described



This programme is the most significant BEPP Catalytic Programme from an

economic development perspective. The Baakens River Precinct has been

conceptualised as an integral part of the Port Marina Precinct, which is

concurrently being planned by Transnet. It is envisaged that the 23 km of

Baakens River Valley, together with the sea water frontage and port area, will

contribute to an alternative economy for the City. A number of priority projects

within the programme have been identified, as part of the Baakens River

Precinct Plan, in order to maximise the success of the precinct. These include:

• Vuyisile Mini Square upgrade; The upgrade of the square and adjoining

precinct focusses on ensuring that the heart of the city is a safe,

accessible and inclusive public space. It is anticipated that investment

into the public space will galvanise investment from the private sector

into the adjoining heritage buildings, that maximises the potential of the

unique built environment of the square to be repurposed in a socially

inclusive way

• The Baakens Valley: The Valley offers significant potential for property

development through the rehabilitation of the river to provide a

recreational and tourism attraction to local and international tourists. A

pedestrian bridge will be built over the Baakens River to provide

pedestrian access between the heart of the city and the Baakens/Port

Marina precinct. Increased parking along Produce Street will enable the

newly developed Tramway Building to function effectively as a

destination for events for the city.

• St Peter’s land: The aim is to refurbish the ruins of the St Peter’s

church site, landscape the area and provide a multi-purpose events

space. The maintenance and cleaning of the cemetery and surrounding

area will include the Paupers Grave and the Black Steps. Pedestrian

connections will be provided and lighting to the whole area, improved.

The development of a tourism route celebrating the mixed heritage

cultural stories within the precinct and offering the opportunity for the

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


creative sector to access jobs in terms of public art, performance, film

making and participation in events, will form an integral part of the

programme. Land assembly and redevelopment: The majority of the

buildings in the precinct are underutilised or vacant, offering an

opportunity to regenerate the historic CBD.

• The Baakens River Park: The need for an attractive environment with

pedestrian/cycle paths that link into Settlers Park together with a safe

and secure park where people can walk and play will support and

enrich future adjacent uses.

• South End mixed use precinct comprises affordable, high density, low

rise housing together with micro enterprise/ incubator opportunities.

The Baakens Valley Precinct Plan identifies the possible development

of up to 1000 housing units.

• The upgrading and restoration of the Port Elizabeth Library which is a

historical monument is currently taking place.

• Govan Mbeki Avenue: The project aims to transform the main street of

the City into a new, precinct to live work and play, ensuring social

inclusion. The emphasis will be on the 40 000 students that currently

live in Central.

There are also a number of related linkage aspects associated with the

programme. These include the Apple Express and the beachfront and harbour

access. Integral to the longer term development of this area is the

development of alternative sites for the manganese ore dumps and oil tank

farm at Coega SEZ, where appropriate infrastructure and sites are being


The programme will contribute to addressing challenges of poverty,

unemployment and social inequality through the development of a diverse

economy based on tourism real estate. It responds directly to the key

performance area of Local Economic Development through the provision of

public sector investment into infrastructure to attract private sector investment.

The programme will increase the rates base of the city and is at the initial

phases of implementation. It will also assist with socio-economic integration

of the area.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Transnet has recently begun a process to develop non-port related activities

at the Port Elizabeth Port which forms an integral part of this project. The

NMBM is interacting with Transnet in order to ensure a common development

vision for the entire area and related projects. A constructive partnership

needs to be formed for the planning and implementation of the programmes

for this area for the benefit of the citizens of NMBM. Processes are under way

to ensure that this happens.


The purpose-built Nelson Mandela Bay Logistics Park (NMBLP) in Uitenhage

managed by the Coega Development Corporation (CDC) is geared to locating

more first and second tier suppliers in automotive manufacturing. The vision

of the NMBLP is to obtain economies of scale for the automotive

manufacturing industry through centralisation of different functions and

suppliers to reduce costs by shortening and improving the supply chain to the

automotive industry.

Precinct A of the Park is 57 hectares and features purpose-built infrastructure

and shared services including security, ICT and logistics to minimise costs for

new investors and existing tenants. More than 1000 people are employed

within Precinct A of the Park. Developments in Precinct A have reached a

stage where expansion will have to be undertaken into Precinct B.

Investments need to be made in economic enabling infrastructure for essential

services and utilities such as electricity, water, a fire-ring main for

emergencies and internal roads.

The automotive production sector remains a critical segment for the city

economy because of its cross-cutting linkages across several industries and

services as well as its documented contribution to various economic

development imperatives. Inputs into automotive production include textiles,

metals, electronics, plastics and chemicals, general engineering, and


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


There is a demand to implement Precinct B, to occupy an estimated area of

126 hectares. Due to the potential job creation and economic impact the

logistics precinct is now identified as a BEPP Catalytic Programme.

To complete the required infrastructure for Precinct A and to develop Precinct

B an estimated investment of R350m is required.

The programme will have considerable socio-economic benefits for the

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and the Eastern Cape Province as it will

contribute to sustaining jobs in the automotive sector, create export led growth

and a positive balance of payments. These interventions are in line with IPAP

and are expected to lead to substantially increased investment in the

automotive and metal sectors, leading to increased production, job creation

and diversification of the two closely linked sectors.

Precinct 2 is in its concept phase (pre-planning). During the planning phase

attention will be given to access linkages with abutting land uses as the

Logistics Park development forms part of the Jaghtvlakte development. The

next step in the project is to submit a report to NMBM Council to secure clarity

on who will be the developer, the managing agent, funding options and

applying to the dti SEZ Board that the NMBLP be designated as a Special

Economic Zone. The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) has leased and

operated Precinct 1 of the project since 2008 and the existing lease makes

provision for extending the development to include Precinct 2.

Upon Council resolution on Precinct 2, detailed cost estimates and a business

case can be submitted to potential funders in collaboration with the CDC, e.g.

ECDC, National Treasury, Critical Infrastructure Programme administered by

the Department of Trade and Industry (dti). Some of the challenges that this

project could face are the slow growth in the economy (which will result in

slow demand for the land) and securing funding to implement the project.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



The Zanemvula precinct development intends to ensure that socio-economic

facilities and amenities and alternative residential types are provided within

these RDP housing areas.

Amenities in this area will also serve the Bloemendal and KwaNobuhle areas.

Mixed use areas have been planned alongside the transport spine.- (Chatty

Link Road) which traverses this area in the heart of Zanemvula project

(45 000 residential opportunities). The newly constructed Chatty Link Road

presents the opportunity to stimulate the economy in this very poor residential

area. The Chatty Link Road is clearly a catalyst for economic development.

Opportunities do not exist for connectivity of this area to the rest of the city

and the role of this area as a transport hub needs to be recognised.

The hub will fulfil a larger role of city building in this area and bring much

needed economic and social activity to what is presently a sea of houses in

isolation of any other city fabric. The area is located in the integration zone

identified in the Urban Network Strategy.

The development in the Chatty Jachtvlakte Node involves mixed-use and

residential development by the private sector and the Municipality, with an

estimated yield of 32 000 new residential opportunities in the middle,

affordable (rental and ownership) and subsidised housing segments. To the

North of the Zanemvula /Chatty Jachtvlakte Node is the Nelson Mandela Bay

Logistics Park. Phase 1 is fully developed and there is a demand to develop

Phase 2 which is now identified as a catalytic programme and is described

above. This can provide much needed work opportunities for the residents of

the Zanemvula area.

The programme will enable the following:

• Access to economic opportunity - employment and entrepreneurship

opportunities from businesses that operate at public transport nodes –

bus stations, train terminals, and taxi ranks.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Social spaces - where people can connect, network, and share

knowledge. By creating a safe environment for people to interact, a

myriad of opportunities can emerge.

• Easier movement of labour - integrated and efficient transport routes

reduce wasted time (such as waiting time, and walking between a train

and a taxi station) – people can therefore be more productive.

There is synergy between this programme and the project which is the subject

of the South African Germany Peer to Peer Network which examines projects

in three South African Cities and three German Cities. This project is being led

by COGTA and the Zanemvula mixed use corridor is the NMBM project for the



Development in the Motherwell area comprises municipal and private sector

developments. Critical to the development of this area is the implementation

of a commuter rail link with four stations between the Swartkops line and

Motherwell NU29 as a first phase. This is discussed in more detail under the

catalytic programme of Motherwell Rail Corridor below.

The Motherwell Growth Area / Economic Node is discussed in more detail



Located in the historic Red Location area of Ibhayi, the precinct consists of the

Apartheid Museum, Art Gallery, Electronic Library and Back-packers Lodge.

The Apartheid Museum was completed in 2004. The Art Gallery and

Electronic Library buildings were completed in 2011. The performing arts

complex and school of music form the last two phases of the precinct. The

Business Plan for the performing arts complex is complete.

The access roads to the Red Location Precinct are in a state of disrepair.

Hence it was considered important to upgrade Singhapi Street as a major

tourism approach route to Red Location in order to maximise the tourism

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


opportunities for the residents of the area themselves and enable them to

develop a street similar to Vilakazi Street in Soweto, Johannesburg,

celebrating the art, culture and heritage of New Brighton. The Singhapi Street

project is further implemented to promote local economic development in the

so-called township areas aligned to the urban renewal initiatives within the

inner city.

The Iconic Red Location Museum received approximately 150 000 visitors per

annum when it was open. The museum remains closed due to community

demands. Meetings between the community and political leadership (from

local, provincial and national level) have not managed to resolve the impasse.

The continued closure of Red Location Museum is hampering that the full

potential of the precinct is being maximized.

The precinct will play a significant role as a cultural/tourism node and can be

directly linked with the Port Elizabeth CBD by means of the New Brighton

Railway Station, which is within walking distance. It will furthermore

complement and strengthen not only the Njoli Hub, but also the Khulani



Njoli Square is in the heart of one of the oldest dormitory suburbs in Port

Elizabeth. The multi-million rand redevelopment initiative around the historic

Njoli Square will contribute to creating a dignified space within a previously

marginalised community. It is aimed specifically at economic upliftment.

The programme includes the following:

• Reconfiguration of the junction of Njoli and Daku Roads to

accommodate traffic flow through a compact four-legged intersection;

• Accommodation of development components on the four quadrants

surrounding the intersection, such as commercial development,

medical suites, space for a future library and civil building, and stalls for

informal traders and a Modal Transport interchange;

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Promoting pedestrian accommodation through safe and controlled

crossing points;

• Accommodating future IPTS stations on the approaches to the

intersection and

• Accommodating all minibus-taxi operations in one facility at or close to

the existing off-street facility.

A Precinct Plan for the Njoli Hub and surrounds (including major road

corridors leading to Njoli Square) is soon to be completed. The objective of

the precinct plan is to facilitate the creation of an urban development zone to

incentivize mixed use intensification and densification over time by the private


The NDPG section of National Treasury is awaiting a detailed breakdown of

the project elements with a layout plan from NMBM on the project before

NPDG funding is approved.

It is anticipated that the cost breakdown and plan will be submitted to the NDP

to secure funding of the project. Thereafter detailed designs will commence

followed by the procurement process for a contractor and the Request for

Proposals to attract private sector development.

The risks associated with this project include:

• Land invasion of the vacant land in and around Njoli.

• The time it is taking to resolve the appointment of the consultants.

• The community is losing interest in the project because it to taking so


• Inflation is making the project un-affordable.


A modal interchange has been planned at Cleary Park in close proximity to

the existing shopping centre. The intention is to develop:

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Catalytic activities around the modal interchange

• Opportunities for public transport activities and densification along

Cleary park route

The Cleary Park route is very constrained and needs planning intervention as

a section runs alongside the commuter railway.


This precinct is not only a catalytic programme but is also recognised as a

Growth Area/ Economic Node of the City. It is an Integrated Mixed Use and

Residential Development in the Fairview / Willowdene as discussed in detail in

the section covering Growth Areas and Economic Nodes above.


This programme involves the development of an integrated mixed use and

recreational precinct that links the Uitenhage Railway Shed development with

a planned open space and regional recreational facility. This programme is

important for the Uitenhage area as it will bring regional recreational

opportunities to the area and will support the Railway Shed and Science Park

Centre which have been developed by the Municipality.

The precinct consists of four sub-projects:

• Project 1: Unblocking of the development (Sale of land and Lease

Agreement) with the private sector. Legal intervention is taking place to

unlick the sale and lease processes which have not been concluded in

eight years.

• Project 2: The upgrade of Railway Sheds on the lease portion that forms

part of the Science Centre Precinct. The MBDA is in the process of

appointing a service provider to assist with the assessment of the buildings

as they are of historic value.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Project 3: Unblocking potential of the under-utilised sports facilities

(Central Sport fields and Swifts Sports Ground). A structural assessment

of the existing buildings must be done. A way forward must be determined

on how to deal with the illegal occupants in the buildings.

• Project 4: Development of a precinct plan incorporating all 3 projects

referred to above and identifying potential new projects.


The N2 Growth Area/ Economic Node is discussed in detail above. The

programme is reflected as both a BEPP Catalytic Programme and Economic

Node/Growth Area. This area is the fastest growing development area in the


The project area is anchored by the Baywest Shopping Mall of 90 000 m2

GLA. The greater area includes 450 000 m² of mixed retail and office space, a

hospital, hotel and ICC.

The area will contribute to socio-economic integration and will, once fully

developed, provide a range of housing opportunities. In order to further the

objectives of integration and access, this area will need to be physically linked

to the Zanemvula Chatty area via the Western Arterial.


The Bloemendal Arterial is a critical link that connects the Njoli and Chatty

Jachtvlakte Hubs. The construction of this critical linkage forms part of the

longer-term proposal of the Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan.

The road is 9 km in length and is comprised of two portions made up of 6.5

km and 2.5 km. Once constructed, it will strengthen access and integration by

spatially linking the two areas. By improving connectivity between areas,

economic activity will also increase.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


A spin off of the development of this road will be that as an essential transport

collector it could fast track development in the area. The impact will directly

assist the predominantly poor area.

The road will form a catalyst for commercial development, employment and

other social facilities which have presently been constrained due to no access.


The Chatty Link Road is a Catalytic Programme as it is critical for the further

development of the mixed use planned area which abuts it. This area will

allow development of much needed alternative higher density housing

opportunities, community and economic amenities as well as open spaces

and meeting places.

The road is a 1.98 km link road between Standford Road and Bloemendal

Arterial Routes and has recently been completed partially using ICDG funding.

Tree planting and the provision of park amenities are currently taking place.


The Western Arterial is a critical link road linking the N2 nodal area to the

Chatty Jachtvlakte area and greater Uitenhage. It is approximately 10 km in

length and preliminary designs are completed. Detailed designs have been

finalised for the interchange with the N2 as well as the link between the

interchange and Cape Road.

Route alignment between Cape Road and Standford Road is currently being

finalised through the EIA process.

This route will connect areas of poverty and unemployment to the growing N2

economic node. Presently people from Uitenhage and surrounds need to

travel into Korsten in order to get to the N2 node which offers many

employment opportunities.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The estimated cost for the interchange and Cape Road link is R400 million.

Submissions have been made to SANRAL for financial support to fund the

road. SANRAL has indicated positive intentions to partially support the

construction of the road. With construction of the road, access and integration

of the City will be substantially enhanced.


PRASA is due to invest R1,4 billion for the completion of the first phase of this

corridor which will ultimately run from PE CBD to Motherwell NU29 in its first

phase. It involves 7.8km of new railway and four new stations.

Detailed designs of the rail link and stations are complete and are undergoing

environmental authorisation.

FIGURE 34: Motherwell Rail Corridor route showing s tation location

Source: Aecom 2018

An MOU between NMBM and PRASA has been developed and will be

concluded shortly. The MOU makes provision for the institutional and

technical support to give effect to the development such as land exchanges,

infrastructure provision etc.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The route is hampered by the existence of some informal settlements in the

way of the route alignment. These challenges will have to be overcome in due


A future phase 2 is intended and will continue the loop through Coega SEZ

and Markman.

The rail is complementary to the IPTS route between Port Elizabeth CBD and


A final longer term phase is a link to Uitenhage station from Motherwell.


The BEPP Situational Analysis section on built environment trends

(Annexure “C”) show a sluggish economy with little private sector investment.

Within this context, the following can be seen to be impediments for the full

realisation of the NMBM catalytic programmes:

• Moving the projects from planning stage to implementation stage in terms

of critical processes.

• The time critical processes such as EIA's, Infrastructure assessments and

other expert reports take to complete before costing and viability can be


• The achievement of the total funding needed for holistic development

including civic amenities and facilities such as parks and recreational

areas, street lighting, tarred roads, schools and clinics.

• The timing of the provision of services and amenities to be provided by

other spheres of government to align with NMBM’s development


• The general funding for associated bulk infrastructure including public


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• The tendency for dependent communities to resist higher density

development in favour of RDP type housing on separate erven.

• The lack of interest shown by the private sector to invest in municipal

project areas.

• The difficulty to achieve socio-economic integration in such areas and

provision and take-up of a range of housing opportunities.

The Catalytic Programmes are being evaluated and assisted through the City

Support Programme using expert assistance offered in terms of the CSP



3.2.1 Critical Growth and Development Projects for all Sectors

The intergovernmental project pipeline is contained in Annexure “J” attached

hereto. This annexure contains not only the BEPP Catalytic Programmes but

also other growth and investment projects that the City needs to undertake.

The following projects have been preliminarily identified as critical for

sustained growth and development of the City. They require screening,

detailed evaluation and prioritisation. However, should they prove to be

unavoidable, major capital investment will be required.

TABLE 6: Potential Critical Investment Priorities i n the NMBM

No Description Cost


Budget Timeframes Project Status

1 Nooitgedaght

Phase 3

R350M DWS Dec-19 Construction stage

2 Borehole Water


R200M '18/19 – R12M;

19/20 - R23M;

20/21 - R25M

Dec-19 Production boreholes under

construction. Tender for treatment

facilities to be advertise during 1st

quarter of 2018/19.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


No Description Cost


Budget Timeframes Project Status

3 Western


R1,500M '18/19 – R4M;

19/20 – R4M;

20/21 – R4.5M

5 yrs. 60Ml/d:

Cost estimate excludes link pipe

& pump station network to

distribution network.

Subject to EIA processes

4 Sundays River R1,000M R100M pa 5 yrs. 55Ml/d:

Cost estimate includes link pipe &

pump station network to

distribution network.

Subject to EIA processes

5 Fishwater Flats R1,300M R100M pa 5-10 yrs. Phase 1: 95% complete

6 Coega Wastewater

Treatment Works

R1,500M '18/19 – R7M;

19/20 – R5M;

20/21 – R7M

5 yrs. Preliminary planning phase.

7 Coega Return


R600M '18/19 – R1M;

19/20 – R1M;

20/21 – R1M

3 yrs. Project ready for implementation

8 Non-Revenue


R1,400M R650M for

First 5 yrs.

10 yr. Plan Project Commenced.

R1010M required for

infrastructure upgrades.

These are cost estimates, 10

Year Plan being drafted.

Source: NMBM 2017

• The completion of the Nooitgedacht Low Level Scheme remains the most

significant project to ensure long-term water sustainability in the NMBM.

This project supports the provision of basic water and also water for

economic growth and development. Phase 2 was commissioned in July

2017. Phase 3 is being implemented by Amatola Water as the

Implementing Agent by DWS who is funding the phase by an amount of

about R400 million.

• Fishwater Flats Wastewater Treatment Works (FWFWWTW) upgrade has

commenced with the completion of the inlet works in June 2017. The

Wastewater Treatment Works is critical for further growth and

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


development in the Metro. The total funding needed is estimated at R1,3


• Economic infrastructure for developments such as the Coega Wastewater

Treatment Works and the Coega Return Effluent Scheme, is needed to

support the Coega SEZ. Further development of the SEZ will be

hampered without funding for these projects. An investment of

approximately R600 million is required to complete the Return Effluent


• Planning has commenced on a new wastewater treatment facility to

support the housing developments north of Motherwell and the Coega

SEZ. This plant is planned for an ultimate capacity of 120 Ml/d costing in

the region of R1,5 billion A start up capacity of approximately 20Ml/d will

be required.

As part of the Capacity Support Implementation Plan, funding strategies for

Fishwater Flats and the Coega Waste Water Treatment Works will be looked

at to optimise the project essentials, timing and funding.

Backlogs and funding requirements

Annexure “C” (BEPP Situational Analysis) attached indicates the detailed

infrastructure and maintenance requirements per sector for NMBM. Many of

these have an intergovernmental responsibility.

The table below reflects the estimated total infrastructure capital backlog for

NMBM. The figures are currently being reviewed for greater accuracy.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


TABLE 7: Total Infrastructure Capital Backlog


Infrastructure capital backlog R 10 541 000 000

Capital refurbishment and repairs and


R 11 697 000 000

Electricity network refurbishment and

infrastructure recapitalisation

R 1 324 000 000

Total R 23 562 000 000

The abovementioned amount of R23,562 billion does not include the provision of public

amenities such as schools, libraries and clinics, public transport provision and housing

for backyard dwellers. The Electricity and Energy Directorate has applied for and

received a grant from the French government to conduct a full audit, feasibility study and

development of a business case for the recapitalisation of the Electrical network in the

NMBM. The study commenced in March 2017 and was concluded in August 2017. A

business case was developed in November 2017 and will be implemented.

3.2.2 Coordination and alignment with SIPS

There are three Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC)

programmes that affect the NMBM. The PICC is made up of 18 programmes, generally

called SIP (Strategic Integrated Projects).

The following SIPs apply in NMBM:

• SIP 3: South Eastern Node and Corridor Development

Focused on the creation of infrastructure for economic purposes.

• SIP 7: Integrated Urban Space and Public Transport Programme

Focused on the creation of infrastructure for the development of urban spaces.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• SIP 18: Water and Sanitation

Focused on the creation of water and sanitation infrastructure, as much of the listed

projects are common in all the SIPs.

The PICC provides a coordinating function for all the projects identified at local level and

does not provide any finances for the implementation of the projects.

TABLE 8: Current SIP Projects in NMBM

Project Name and


Project status Project budget

Coega SEZ & Port of Ngqura:

Water & Sanitation Services

Construction of a water

treatment works, waste Water

treatment works, pump

stations, reservoirs and


1. Nooitgedacht: Phase 1:

100% complete. Phase 2 –

Operational. Phase 3 –

construction commenced and

scheduled for completion in

December 2019.

2. Wastewater Treatment

Works: Preliminary design and

EIA commenced.

3. Recycled effluent schemes

in preliminary design stage.

ROD received for RE scheme.

Reclaimed reservoir is being

constructed. Business plan

being prepared with the Coega

SEZ for funding.

Bulk Water:




water for

Industrial Use

Phase 3: DWS


Amatola Water as

the implementing

agent (±R400m )



Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project Name and


Project status Project budget

Integrated Human

Settlements& Bucket


Construction of bulk services,

reticulation services and top

structures to relocated

household from stressful

informal settlements and

meeting the national target for

the eradication of informal


Business Plan for funding

completed. NMBM Council

approved a short, medium and

long term approach to bucket


House building contractors are

constructing houses where

subsidies are available and

slabs & toilets (medium term

approach) on serviced sites

where no subsidies are

available yet.


Internal water

and sanitation


Bulk water and



Roads and








(Cost indicated as

at the time of


Waste Water Treatment &


Upgrading of all waste Water

treatment works to support the

eradication of buckets by

providing waterborne

sanitation. Improvement of

river water quality

1. Phase 1 of Fishwater Flats

WWTW complete, remaining

phases following based on

available budget.

2. Only limited budget is

available for the upgrade of all

the WWTWs.

3. ROD for Cape Recife

WWTW being queried by



Improving road access to

KwaZakhele Township

Upgrading of John Tallant

Road, construction of a link

road to KwaZakhele Township

and rehabilitation of

Grahamstown Road.

Project completed in

September 2014


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project Name and


Project status Project budget


Provision of efficient, safe,

affordable, sustainable and

accessible multi-modal public

transport system that supports

social and economic

development to ensure optimal

mobility and improved quality

of life for the residents and

users of the transport system

in the Metropolitan area

IPTS review currently under



The projects identified under the three applicable SIPs for the NMBM are all part of

current and future budget cycles. The available budget for the implementation of the

different phases is based on the priorities identified in the IDP, environmental concerns

and legislative requirements.



The following aspects highlight the attempts the NMBM has made to provide the correct

environment for enhanced implementation of the Catalytic Urban Development


CSIP Projects

The CSP Capacity Support Implementation Projects supports leadership and good


The Strategic Development Review as well as the CSIP and status of projects in detail is

dealt with elsewhere in this report.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The following specific leadership and good governance projects form part of the CSIP

and assist in providing the right environment for moving the programmes from planning

to implementation.

Organisational change management support

NMBM faced severe organisational challenges. These included instability, political/

administrative blurring, problems with legal compliance and an extremely poor labour

relations environment. The organisational structure also requires review to align the

institution with its strategic objectives. The support included a review of the

organisational structure; advice on the labour relations environment, and teambuilding

and coaching. This support has been finalised.

Long-term Strategic Planning Support

There is widespread distrust and there are constant challenges to city initiatives due to

inadequate and inappropriate consultation and citizen engagement. In addition, there are

constant protests challenging the institution. The IDP/budget participation processes

have been greatly enhanced since 2017/18 by developing processes through which

citizen trust can be enhanced and with proper participation, lead to a credible and well

understood IDP and budget process. This process is still under way and has led to the

development of the Long-term Growth and Development Plan.

In this regard the NMBM had no substantive development vision and strategy. A mission

and vision forming a core ideology for the City have now been developed and are

contained in the Long-term Growth and Development Plan and all other strategic plans.

Financial planning support

This support seeks to assist in the development of a Long Term Financial Sustainability

Strategy (LTFSS). This is discussed later in this report in more detail. A further aspect to

be addressed is an improvement of the IDP Budget processes and alignment. The

intention is to establish a credible budget planning process within the NMBM that

addresses the key issues proactively and timeously to support a smooth budget process.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Revenue strategy and management support

The current budget preparation processes indicate inappropriate tariff structures,

increasing gross debtors and inadequate revenue system functionality. The initiative

involves the review of current tariff structures, compare them to service delivery costs

and affordability of debtors; and suggest changes which could be more appropriate;

review revenue system functionality and performance and advise on possible

improvements; review and advise on suggested approaches to collecting the debtors


Competitive Cities Programme

A key Catalytic Programme is the Port/ Baakens Valley. Key to progress of this and other

projects however is: a) capacitation of the city departments tasked with leading the

implementation of the project; b) an action plan around engagements with key

stakeholders –Transnet, Portnet and other private sector stakeholders; and c) the start of

implementation of such engagements. The competitive cities partnering can assist with

this process for the main Port/ Baakens programme and others through its support for a

“partnering approach” and based on a partnering initiative with key stakeholders, and

action planned around specific issues.

Land Development Transaction Support for Nelson Man dela Bay (catalytic


A ULI panel visited the city and produced a report on steps to take to unlock the Baakens

Valley initiative. One of the key recommendations emerging from the panel review was

that the city "prioritise working with the private sector to create new development deals".

This project will provide technical support around structuring the financial deals, with an

additional project providing Partnership Support to complement this.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Catalytic Programme Technical Support

This project supports the NMBM on technical assistance for the catalytic programme.

Meetings have been held to determine what kind technical assistance could be offered to

NMBM on a selected catalytic programme. Three programmes have been discussed


• Logistics Park Phase 2 (managed by Coega Development Corporation)

• Port Baakens Development Programme-Baakens River Valley sub-programme

• N2 Nodal Development

The technical assistance is to assess the current status quo of the programmes and

determine what is required to move the programmes of the next level towards


Mainstreaming Climate Response into City Plans, Bud gets and Grant Conditions

This project is intended to: ensure investments in built environment infrastructure deliver

services within their planned lifespans with the required return on investment; enable

economic growth and service delivery in cities while reducing the consumption of non-

renewable resources; support the growth and expansion of new and existing sectors that

are responding to climate change; and create jobs in these sectors, and through other

adaptation and mitigation efforts. The programme in NMBM has just begun.

Strengthening city integrity, transparency and acco untability

This project is intended to provide the city with the opportunity to conduct self-

assessments of current integrity and accountability mechanisms; improve their

performance through access tools and good practice; support better governance through

smart city solutions; and address key areas of integrity and accountability and

vulnerability in the urban development lifecycle. The project is currently being

implemented and a report of initial findings has been presented to senior management.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Transversal Management Support

The project provides technical assistance to assist NMBM to improve transversal

management systems and practices, with the specific intent to help it to better design

and implement strategic projects for improved spatial targeting and integration.

Knowledge, training, recommendations, and technical assistance will be provided.

3.3.2 Inter-sectoral Municipal Provincial, SOC, Nat ional Consultation

The following initiatives support the NMBM service delivery programme. Continual efforts

are being made for Government Departments and SOC’s to align with the NMBM

development strategy and to ensure investments are optimised around this strategy.


The NMBM has held regular IGR forum meetings to which other spheres of government

sector departments are invited to deal with inter-sectoral issues.

The terms of reference for this forum have been re-evaluated in order to ensure that this

forum becomes more strategic in its work. The revised terms of reference are to be

approved by Council in the first quarter of 2018.


A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2014 between Transnet SOC Limited,

Transnet National Ports Authority, Coega Development Corporation, Nelson Mandela

Bay Metropolitan Municipality and the Mandela Bay Development Agency to establish

the Nelson Mandela Bay Strategic Interface Forum (NMBM SIF).

The purpose of the MOU is to promote and facilitate collaborative effort between the

parties through engagement on strategic issues of mutual significance. It furthermore

outlines the structures and sub-committees which inter alia included a sub-committee on

Spatial Planning and Development (SPD) issues and a Projects Committee.

This MOU was reviewed in September 2016 by a special sub-committee that

recommended, inter alia, the following amendments to the MOU:

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• The inclusion of PRASA; ACSA and NMMU as parties to the MOU.

• Alternating the responsibility of the Chair between the Port Manager and a City


• A plenary that involves all stakeholders at least twice a year.

The SIF meets every second month. It has challenges of commitment from all parties;

transparency and getting the same representative to the meetings for continuity, but

these are being addressed.

The SPD meets monthly and is well represented by technical officials from all SOC’s and

NMBM Directorates. The SPD has developed a dashboard of 48 projects which is a

combination of the key strategic projects that the different SOC’s are working on. The

dashboard is updated on a quarterly basis. Challenges on projects that cannot be

resolved at SPD level are elevated to the SIF to unblock.

Specific engagement with Government Departments and SOC’s

Since the last 2017/18 BEPP submission where interaction with other spheres of

government and SOC’s had proven difficult, specific attention has been paid to increase

the understanding of stakeholders regarding the NMBM planning and to align investment

within the strategic planning framework of the City.

To a large extent the National Treasury organisation of the attendance of these

stakeholders at the Mid Term reviews and Budget Benchmarking sessions has assisted

in initiating a more collaborative approach.

The following information in relation to some of the interactions is provided.

Engagements with Department of public Works (DPW)

A series of engagements has taken place with the National Department of Public Works.

An introduction to Public Works precinct planning was done to the BEPP Multi Sectoral

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Task Team with a simultaneous presentation by NMBM of the Urban Network Strategy

and Catalytic Programmes.

Since then work was done on aligning the asset registers of NMBM and Department of

Public Works and all assets have been verified and are located on the NMBM Corporate


DPW wish to agglomerate the provision of their facilities and rationalise their

investments. Key in this is the consideration of population densities, access and amenity.

DPW and NMBM have agreed that in rationalising DPW’s investments in the City priority

areas aligned to the UNS will be selected. Initially the PE CBD and the Uitenhage CBD

have been identified as priorities for investment and rationalised location of facilities

whilst priority precincts within the Integration Zones (such as Njoli and Zanemvula

precincts) have been identified and where there is an absence of facilities these areas

will be prioritised in the future.

Engagement with SANRAL

Engagements with SANRAL – the implementing arm of the Department of Transport

have taken place through a forum established for interaction with SOC’s and others,

including Transnet. The Strategic Interface Forum dealt with in more detail above.

SANRAL, through this forum indicated that from 2009 to 2019 a total investment in

NMBM is as follows:

2009- 2016 2017-2018 2018-2019

R1,34 Billion R1,8 Billion R300 million

Current and future projects include the following:

• Rehabilitation of the R75 Phase 1 between Port Eliz abeth and Despatch

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


This project commenced in May 2017 and will continue to May 2019.The total cost is

R360 million.

• N2 Interchange improvements

The project will start in May 2019 and endure for 18 months at a cost of R120 million.

• R335 upgrade between Motherwell and Addo

The project will commence in 2018 for 3 to 4 years at a cost of R580 million.

• Colchester Interchange Construction

This project started in October 207 and will continue for 18 months at a cost of R100


Engagements with ACSA

In April 2018 in relation to the IDP, ACSA committed to supporting the alignment of their

investments with NMBM planning. Their focus is not only on economic beneficiation but

also social beneficiation.

There has been a steady increase in passenger volumes to and from Port Elizabeth

Airport over time and volumes are currently at 1,641,393 passenger trips per annum. The

existing airport infrastructure can handle approximately 2 million passengers per annum

which means some investment in enhancing the airport capacity in the near future is


Enhancements currently include extensions to the terminal building, a new passenger

processing facility, an improved concourse and contact stands.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


It is envisaged that the planning phase which will be done in conjunction with the NMBM

will take place from 2019 – 20123 and construction is intended from 20124- 20126. Total

investment for the upgrade is estimated to be R1,2 billion.

Various aspects of the proposed upgrades are being worked on in collaboration with the

NMBM and these include land aspects regarding the extension to the runways, the new

fire and rescue facility and the collaboration regarding the area north of Allister Miller

Drive for airport, transport and other purposes that recognise the strategic importance of

the airport.

Engagements with Provincial Treasury

Extremely productive engagements have taken place with the Eastern Cape Provincial

Treasury in relation to the investment of government departments in NMBM and

planning. The Province is implementing the Infrastructure Demand Management System

(IDMS) which is providing good information in a holistic manner to support the system.

It has been agreed that a process be established for ongoing interaction between NMBM

and the Provincial Treasury with a view to NMBM being involved in project preparation in

order that the NMBM priorities can become the provincial investment priorities.

The following plans, produced by the Provincial Treasury, show the extent to which

matching provincial departments investments with the NMBM Urban Network Framework

has taken place.

This process will be refined on an ongoing basis.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Provincial Department Infrastructure Investment in NMBM

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Abbreviations used above are as follows:

• DSRAC- Department of Sport Recreation Arts and Culture

• DOH – Department of Health

• DSD – Department of Social Development

• DOHS- Department of Human Settlements

• DOE- Department of Education

• B5- Provincial Treasury Capital Project number

Engagement with PRASA Passenger Rail Network

In relation to the Catalytic Programme of Motherwell Rail Corridor, collaboration between

the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) and the Municipality has been

taking place formally since 2011/12 and has culminated in a Draft Memorandum of

Understanding between the parties in relation to the construction of the first phase of a

7,866 km rail service line in Motherwell as part of the Integrated Public Transport


The collaboration was structured around the establishment of a broader working group

and thematic work streams that held regular meetings to attend to the various elements

and components of the proposed R1,4bn project. These included:

• Land Use and Legal Work Stream – attending to legal (MOU) and land use related


• Environmental Work Stream – tending to environmental issues, including the

environmental impact assessment process.

The collaboration also included interaction at senior administrative and political level with

various submissions at Executive Mayoral Committee as well as Council.

It is envisaged that the construction which includes the construction of the 7,8667km rail

line and four stations will commence during 2019/2020, subject to environmental

authorisation and other approvals.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The impact of the proposed rail network on existing public and private property was

intensely investigated and captured in detail in the appendices to the Draft MOU which is

anticipated to be signed before the end of the 2017/18 financial year.

The Motherwell Precinct Plan will incorporate the station and ancillary functional design

elements along the rail corridor.

3.3.3 Risk Mitigation

Each Catalytic Programme is broadly monitored through the use of a reporting template

(example attached as Annexure “H”) and the programme managers are required to

identify possible risks and mitigations related to those risks in the programme

implementation. On a monthly basis the templates are discussed in the BEPP Multi

Sectoral Task Team meetings and transversal ways to take responsibility for risk

mitigation and other mechanisms to address the risks or elevate the risks are discussed.

Including the Catalytic Programmes in performance score cards of responsible managers

also enhances risk mitigation as the performance score cards are required to specifically

identify the risks and the category of risk identified. This is then monitored continually

throughout the financial year.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21






It is the role of the municipality to provide for growth and development into the future for

all present and future populations in a way that reduces poverty and inequality.

NMBM has been working with the National Treasury City Support Programme to

produces a Long Term Financial Planning Model as a decision making tool in order to

identify projects that satisfy city needs and ensure their financing over the longer term.

The model aims to:

• be a tool to evaluate the Metros borrowing and investment practices and capacity

• understand the financial implications of various projects and financing decisions

• identify and develop infrastructure projects that meet city needs taking into

account spatial demands and infrastructure cost and financing implications

• help to identify issues that need to be addressed when developing a credible long

term financing strategy

Through the development of the LTF Model and LTFSS the city will have more integrated

transversal planning processes across departments and will be able to make more

informed policy choices around the critical budgeting aspects such as rates and tariffs,

cash flow data (receivables and payments) and asset management (repairs and

maintenance and losses).

The ultimate aim is to have a sustainable and integrated infrastructure development

program including the catalytic development programme.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



The NMBM has been engaged in preparing a Long Term Financial Planning Model as a

precursor to the Long Term Financial Planning Strategy since 2016. Work is taking place

with the Municipalities Budget and Treasury Directorate in conjunction with INCA who

provide technical expertise.

Base data is being populated into the modelling framework. Initially it was intended to

use the 2015/16 financial statements to provide the base data however there were

numerous changes to the NMBM Chart of Accounts in order to align it with the new

mSCOA (Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts) requirements as prescribed by National


After consultation with INCA it was agreed that it would be preferable to use the audited

financial statements for 2016/17 to populate the model base data requirements. This

decision has obviously caused a delay in finalising the development of the model but it

will ultimately render more accurate projections going forward.

The current status is that Budget and Treasury Directorate in conjunction with INCA is in

the process of verifying and populating the data that is required to be encapsulated in the

model in order to ensure that the projections and forecasts, when using the model, will be

as accurate as possible.

A number of re-alignments to comply with mSCOA for both revenue and expenditure

categories need to be made.

Once completed, Budget and Treasury Directorate will be in a position to project the

impact of different variables, i.e. percentage changes to rates and tariffs as well as

changes in values, on revenue and expenditure streams and see the impact on the

bottom line (Surplus/Deficit), Cash Flows, etc. for a period of up to 20 years into the


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


It is intended to have the model data population fully completed prior to the end of the

2017/18 financial year.



The funding of the draft 2018/19 Capital Budget is indicated in the table below. The

NMBM will go to the market to acquire loan funding to complement the 2018/19 Capital

Budget. Council approval has been obtained in terms of the requirements. The loan

funding will specifically be utilised to fund revenue generating infrastructure. In this way

the municipality will be in a position to release some own revenue for the catalytic

programme and other critical projects.

The intended loan of R750 million will be taken up over a four-year period starting with

R148 289 700 in the 2018/19 financial year.

The following table indicates the extent of grant dependency of the NMBM.

TABLE 9: Capital Budget (2018/19) Source of Funds

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Total CRR - 901 89 492 500 93 169 553 67 050 000 Total Electricity CRR - 904 61 000 000 86 000 000 86 000 000 Total Levies Replacement Grant Funding - 959 349 304 348 379 889 896 390 249 887 Total Public Contributions Funding - 923 52 000 000 62 000 000 62 000 000 Urban Settlements Development Grant - 951 763 907 896 802 734 887 846 901 939 Total DME Grant Funding - 953 22 302 609 27 826 087 27 826 087 IPTS Grant - 918 180 621 122 169 569 904 178 340 452 Neighbourhood Development Grant - 919 - 17 391 304 4 347 826 Integrated City Development Grant - 916 10 743 478 16 050 435 16 096 522 External Finance Fund - 962 148 289 700 286 369 700 235 942 700 Total Capital Budget Funding 1 677 661 653 1 941 001 766 1 914 755 413

Amounts listed above are VAT exclusive

Source: NMBM Budget and Treasury 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21

137 Capital Budget Allocations to Integration Z ones/ Growth Areas

The development priorities are illustrated in the NMBM IDP and which is led from the

Long-term Growth and Development Plan. These are then further captured and given

expression by the distribution of funding priorities in terms of the 2018/2019 Capital


The following tables have been prepared, showing the Budget for projects in the

elements of the Urban Network Strategy priority areas and precincts.

TABLE 10: Urban Network Strategy Priorities in Nel son Mandela Bay (2018/19) budget

Description Draft Capital Budget 2018/19 %


MUNICIPAL MAJOR PROJECTS 170 050 000 10% Total Draft Capital Budget Allocation 616 501 743 37%


TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET 1 677 661 653 100% Source NMBM, 2018


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


TABLE 11: Integration Zone and Growth Area Budget A llocations


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20060113 Upgrade and Restoration of Main Library 4 988 765 11 000 000 13 500 000 13 500 000 7 000 000

TOTAL 4 988 765 11 000 000 13 500 000 13 500 000 7 000 000


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20120048 N2 North Development -- Services 4 460 123 500 000 500 000 - -

20170111 N2 North Development - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 500 000 150 000

20170112 N2 North Development - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 500 000 150 000

20170113 N2 North Development - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 500 000 200 000

TOTAL 4 460 123 2 000 000 1 000 000 - -


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20090039 Fairview Refurbishment 1 885 629 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000

19990144 Rehabilitation of William Moffett Expressway 500 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

TOTAL 1 885 629 500 000 1 500 000 6 500 000 7 000 000

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

19980285 Upgrade Existing Sports Facilities (Walmer) 4 164 866 7 077 220 8 500 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

20030471 Reinforcement of Electricity Network - Walmer Lorraine 4 828 600 9 650 000 6 000 000 3 000 000 4 500 000

20060240 Theescombe / Gqebera Bulk Stormwater 14 419 812 3 000 000 - - -

20120047 Walmer Development - Roadworks (Human Settlements) 24 329 874 11 935 790 10 850 000 15 233 683 17 500 000

20170108 Walmer Development - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 3 100 000 4 352 480 6 000 000

20170109 Walmer Development - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 7 750 000 10 881 202 12 500 000

20170110 Walmer Development - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 9 300 000 13 057 443 15 000 000

TOTAL 47 743 152 31 663 010 45 500 000 51 524 808 60 500 000


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20030379 Motherwell NU29 & 30 : Roads & S/W Bulk Infrastructure - 2 000 000 1 000 000 8 000 000 8 000 000

20060106 Motherwell North Bulk Sewerage 3 433 638 2 000 000 2 000 000 3 000 000 3 000 000

20100060 Fire Station Motherwell- Refurbishment 2 935 674 1 650 000 614 518 2 000 000 -

20090018 Motherwell Traffic and Licensing Centre 18 660 551 7 894 737 - - -

MBDA Motherwell Arterial Development - - 10 084 908 - -

TOTAL 25 029 863 13 544 737 13 699 426 13 000 000 11 000 000

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

New Motherwell NU 29 - Roadworks (Human Settlements) - 441 800 3 000 000 - -

20120055 Motherwell NU 30 - Human Settlement (Services) 33 962 604 17 168 000 8 800 000 - -

20170115 Motherwell NU 30 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 2 200 000

20120061 Motherwell NU 31 - Human Settlement (Services) 154 545 703 000 1 750 000 1 000 000 5 000 000

20170073 Motherwell NU 31 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 525 000 300 000 1 500 000

20170074 Motherwell NU 31 - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 525 000 300 000 1 500 000

20170076 Motherwell NU 31 - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 700 000 400 000 1 676 228

TOTAL 34 117 149 18 312 800 17 500 000 2 000 000 9 676 228


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

19930264 Informal Housing Electrification 32 169 177 35 715 789 22 302 609 27 826 087 27 826 087

19930283 Public Lighting 33 363 084 33 335 960 19 725 816 25 000 000 29 249 000

19980402 Reinforcement of Electricity Network - Malabar/ Helenvale 309 352 100 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

20110091 Khayamnandi Extension - Human Settlement (Services) 30 866 332 11 500 000 10 299 748 664 987 12 140 800

20170070 Khayamnandi Extension - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 250 000 3 089 924 199 496 3 642 239

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20170069 Khayamnandi Extension - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 250 000 3 089 924 199 496 3 642 239

20170072 Khayamnandi Extension - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 450 000 4 119 900 265 995 4 856 320

20120030 Kwanobuhle Area 11 - Human Settlement (Services) 18 008 208 17 376 316 17 000 000 16 500 000 1 250 000

20170079 Kwanobuhle Area 11 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 5 946 000 5 100 000 4 950 000 375 000

20170081 Kwanobuhle Area 11 - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 4 500 400 5 100 000 4 950 000 375 000

20170083 Kwanobuhle Area 11 - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 4 318 930 6 800 000 6 600 000 550 000

20120043 Seaview Housing Job - Human Settlement (Services) 497 229 50 000 250 000 7 875 000 12 500 000

20170097 Seaview Housing Job - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 50 000 75 000 2 250 000 3 750 000

20170099 Seaview Housing Job - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 75 000 5 625 000 3 750 000

20170101 Seaview Housing Job - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 100 000 6 750 000 5 000 000

20120059 Malabar Ext 6 Phase 2 - Human Settlement (Services) 2 420 766 8 050 000 10 000 000 350 000 -

20170067 Malabar Ext 6 Phase 2 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 2 000 000 3 000 000 105 000

20170068 Malabar Ext 6 Phase 2 - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 5 350 000 3 000 000 105 000

20170071 Malabar Ext 6 Phase 2 - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 6 900 000 4 000 000 210 000

20120062 Kuyga Phase 3 - Human Settlement (Services) 175 000 - - 250 000 5 000 000

20170073 Motherwell NU 31 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 525 000 300 000 1 500 000

20170074 Motherwell NU 31 - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 142 000 525 000 300 000 1 500 000

20170076 Motherwell NU 31 - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 483 000 700 000 400 000 1 676 228

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20130054 Bethelsdorp Ext 32, 34 & 36 - Human Settlement (Services) 127 695 150 000 375 000 16 000 000 5 000 000

20170090 Bethelsdorp Ext 32, 34 & 36 - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 70 000 112 500 5 000 000 1 500 000

20170092 Bethelsdorp Ext 32, 34 & 36 - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 100 000 112 500 5 000 000 1 500 000

20170094 Bethelsdorp Ext 32, 34 & 36 - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 150 000 150 000 9 000 000 2 000 000

20130057 Kleinskool Kliprand - Human Settlement (Services) 55 050 60 000 250 000 10 000 000 15 000 000

20170095 Kleinskool Kliprand - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 60 000 75 000 3 000 000 4 500 000

20170098 Kleinskool Kliprand - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 75 000 3 000 000 4 500 000

20170100 Kleinskool Kliprand - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 100 000 4 000 000 6 000 000

20080079 Wells Estate - Stormwater Improvements - - - 1 000 000 1 000 000

20050286 Tarring of Gravel Roads 71 196 821 97 000 000 93 532 964 105 000 000 110 000 000

20030167 Rockland PHB Housing Project: Wastewater Treatment Works 1 772 008 - 500 000 500 000 1 000 000

20030405 Witteklip Bulk Sewerage 212 986 100 000 500 000 1 000 000

20030407 Seaview Bulk Sewer - 500 000 500 000 1 000 000

20050247 Rudimentary Services: Sanitation - - 500 000 -

20050248 Bucket Eradication Programme 13 136 031 10 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000

20110066 Bulk Sewers Joe Slovo, Mandelaville, Allenridge West UIT 4 966 523 13 000 000 15 000 000 20 000 000

20110067 Industrial Site (Airport Valley) - Bulk Sewer - 500 000 500 000

20110068 KwaNobuhle Area 11 - Link Sewer 175 365 - - -

TOTAL 209 451 627 234 558 395 238 760 885 301 176 061 304 082 913

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20100104 Mendi Bottle Store Renovation 13 907 929 2 500 000 6 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000

13 907 929 2 500 000 6 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

19990168 Njoli Square Redevelopment 1 134 097 - - 17 391 304 4 347 826

1 134 097 - - 17 391 304 4 347 826


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20010118 Reinforcement of Electricity Network - Ibhayi - 200 000 1 700 000 1 600 000 1 600 000

20130040 Nkatha/Seyisi - Human Settlement (Services) - 150 000 250 000 2 660 000 250 000

20170084 Nkatha/Seyisi - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 50 000 75 000 760 000 75 000

20170086 Nkatha/Seyisi - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 75 000 1 900 000 75 000

20170088 Nkatha/Seyisi - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 50 000 100 000 2 280 000 100 000

- 500 000 2 200 000 9 200 000 2 100 000

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20060251 Access Road to Chatty Developments 11 410 526 - - -

20060103 Jagtvlakte Bulk Sewerage 250 000 500 000 1 000 000 3 000 000

20070144 Kwanobuhle WWTW : Upgrading 6 000 000 21 300 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

20080138 Kwanobuhle: Upgrading of sewer reticulation - 500 000 - 500 000

20110068 KwaNobuhle Area 11 - Link Sewer 500 000 - - -

20080048 Jagtvlakte: Bulk Water Supply Pipeline - 2 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

20080144 Kwanobuhle: Upgrading of water reticulation - - 500 000 500 000

20120085 Kwanobuhle Reservoir Link Watermain - - 500 000 500 000

- 18 160 526 24 300 000 4 000 000 6 500 000


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20120033 Jagvlagte (Chatty 11-14) - Human Settlement (Services) 50 000 000 18 958 506 17 500 000 25 000 000

20170091 Jagvlagte (Chatty 11-14) - Stormwater (Human Settlements) 7 200 000 5 687 552 5 250 000 7 500 000

20170093 Jagvlagte (Chatty 11-14) - Water Bulks (Human Settlements) 7 000 000 5 687 552 5 250 000 7 500 000

20170096 Jagvlagte (Chatty 11-14) - Sewer Bulks (Human Settlements) 8 000 000 7 583 402 7 000 000 10 000 000

72 200 000 37 917 012 35 000 000 50 000 000

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20140010 Construction of Bloemendal Arterial 500 000 2 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000

MBDA Baakens Pilot Housing 5 000 000 2 000 000

MBDA South End Mixed Use Precinct - New Property 3 000 000 5 000 000

MBDA Baakens River Pedestrian Bridge 9 200 000

MBDA Telkom Park Redevelopment 2 500 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

MBDA Bayworld Rehabilitation / Redevelopment 2 500 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

MBDA Korsten / Schauderville - Other 10 000 000

MBDA Singapi Road Upgrade Phase 3A 3 000 000

MBDA New Brighton Cultural Precinct Development 13 223 000

MBDA Uitenhage Rails Shed / SC Precinct Development 11 148 920 10 000 000

MBDA Green Solutions Capex Initiative 3 229 000

MBDA Helenvale SPUU FDFP Programme 11 225 500

- 500 000 44 574 420 43 229 000 45 223 000


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

19960525 Chatty Valley Collector Sewer Stage 1 (nodes 20 -24) 15 446 518 500 000 500 000 - -

20000037 Loerie Treatment Works: Rehabilitation 3 634 885 4 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 20 000 000

20010307 Upgrade of Groendal Water Treatment Works 1 343 500 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure


2017/18 Adjustments


Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20030030 Lorraine - Bulk Sewerage Augmentation - 150 000 500 000 - 20 000 000

20030034 Markman - Replace 600mm Sewer 417 783 1 000 000 30 000 000 3 000 000 1 000 000

20030295 Construction of Amanzi Reservoir and Pipeline 862 953 1 000 000 2 750 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

20030511 Seaview Bulk Water 1 219 054 600 000 7 000 000 9 000 000 7 000 000

20050064 Augment Collector Sewer for Walmer Heights and Mt Pleasant 1 794 846 3 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 500 000

20050097 Nooitgedagt / Coega Low Level Scheme 70 990 844 23 450 000 2 100 000 5 000 000 5 000 000

20050106 Seaview Pump Station: Upgrade 1 392 646 2 800 000 35 000 000 29 000 000 20 000 000

20050250 Driftsands WWTW Phase 3 extension 283 669 2 500 000 500 000 500 000 500 000

20060075 Cape Receife WWTW : Upgrade 2 982 650 1 200 000 2 000 000 25 000 000 25 000 000

20060080 Upgrading of Churchill Water Treatment Works 3 666 177 1 500 000 5 900 000 11 900 000 42 000 000

20060081 Coega Reclaimed Effluent Scheme - 500 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 500 000

20060107 Motherwell/Coega WWTW and Outfall Sewer 2 996 846 3 000 000 2 000 000 3 000 000 5 000 000

20060177 Driftsands Collector Sewer - Augmentation 9 490 658 19 000 000 500 000 500 000 1 100 000

20070143 Rehabilitation of Kwazakhele Collector Sewer 684 342 1 500 000 2 000 000 22 700 000 25 000 000

20070144 Kwanobuhle WWTW : Upgrading - 6 000 000 21 300 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

20070147 Kelvin Jones WWTW: Upgrade 46 473 205 2 100 000 5 000 000 60 000 000 45 000 000

20070156 Fishwater Flats WWTW Upgrade 72 942 162 21 050 000 27 500 000 74 500 000 81 800 000

20080048 Jagtvlakte: Bulk Water Supply Pipeline - - 2 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000

20080080 Cannonville/Colchester: Stormwater improvements 2 460 421 8 500 000 8 500 000 8 500 000 8 500 000

20080138 Kwanobuhle: Upgrading of sewer reticulation - - 500 000 - 500 000

20100034 Balmoral Reservoir and Bulk Pipeline - - - 1 000 000 1 000 000

20110054 Motherwell Main Sewer Upgrade - - 500 000 1 000 000 5 000 000

20110056 Swartkops Low Level Collector Sewer Upgrade 711 409 10 000 000 10 000 000 33 000 000 -

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project ID

Project Title

Actual Expenditure 2016/17

2017/18 Adjustments Budget

Draft Budget 2018/19

Draft Budget 2019/20

Draft Budget 2020/21

20120085 Kwanobuhle Reservoir Link Watermain - - - 500 000 500 000 New Waste Beneficiation and Diversion PPP PPP PPP PPP

New Landfill Gas Extraction and Beneficial Utilisation


239 794 568 114 350 000 170 050 000 299 100 000 323 900 000

Source: NMBM Budget & Treasury, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



4.3.1 Application of Grant Allocations

The application of grant resources is reflected below.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality fully complies with the grant conditions as

stipulated in the Division of Revenue Act. The NMBM is a largely grant dependent

municipality with little discretionary funding from its own sources for capital spending.

The municipality spends the grant in the following service delivery areas:

Formalising informal areas by providing:

• Potable running water to support housing delivery and upgrading of informal

human settlements.

• Water borne sewerage to support housing delivery and upgrading of informal

human settlements.

• Increase water treatment capacity to cater for the additional water demand for

both current and future housing delivery and upgrading of informal human


• Increase water network capacity to cater for the additional water demand for both

current and future housing delivery and upgrading of informal human settlements.

• Upgrading and expanding the waste water and wastewater treatment facilities to

handle the additional sewage that needs to be treated as informal settlements are

upgraded and developed.

• Upgrading the pipe network capacity to handle the additional sewerage and waste

water flow as a result of housing delivery and the upgrading of informal


• Bucket Eradication programme.

• Tarring of gravel roads and provision of stormwater networks as part of the

upgrading program of informal settlements.

• Upgrading and rehabilitation of existing stormwater network due to densification

and ageing of infrastructure.

• Provision of sidewalks when areas are upgraded and new areas developed to

ensure a safe environment for pedestrians.

• Provision of parks and recreational facilities

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The NMBM applies its grant funding (USDG) for the development of infrastructure that

supports the Housing Programme. This has resulted in the installation of water and

sewer pipelines that serve each of the identified human settlements for house

construction. In addition, the funds have also been used for the upgrade and

development of sewer pump stations and water and waste water treatment works.

With this as background, it has also formed the basis of the NMBM adopted approach to

bucket eradication through, inter alia, the establishment of integrated human settlements,

in terms of which communities are relocated from stressful situations to subsidised

houses (HSDG) with waterborne sanitation. The challenge is the misalignment of the

USDG and the HSDG in that the HSDG subsidies are not keeping pace with available

serviced sites. Approximately 8500 sites are ready for development should HSDG money

be received (Table 3). In addition, beneficiary management is a challenge. TABLE 12: Application of Grant Resources – 2018/19 Capital Budget

Urban Settlements Development Grant (USDG) 905,664,000

Tarring of Gravel Roads 83,614,365

Bulk Water and Sanitation Services


Internal Services for Housing Delivery


Public Lighting 10,558,146 Development of Public Open Spaces and Cemeteries


3% operational expenses 27,169,927 Public Transport Infrastructure Grant (PTIG) 205,90 8,079

Public Transport Road Infrastructure


Integrated National Electrification Grant (INEP) 0 Informal Housing Electrification 0 Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG) 0

Precinct Upgrading for Economic Development


Integrated City Development Grant (ICDG) 25,648,000

Spatial Planning & creating connectivity


Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


4.3.2 Proposed Urban Settlements Development Plan

In accordance with the requirements of the Division of Revenue Act and the National

Department of Human Settlements, the Urban Settlements Development Grant Plan for

2017/18 is attached as Annexure “M”.


The consolidated Operating Budget per Directorate is contained in Section 6.3 which

follows. The Capital Budget per Directorate is reflected below.

The following is the value of programmes by Sector:

TABLE 13: Capital Budget by Directorate

Org Code Directorate

Draft 2018/19 Capital Budget


Draft 2019/20 Capital Budget


Draft 2020/21 Capital Budget

Request 1198 Budget & Treasury 9 942 500 20 869 553 3 900 000 1656 Chief Operating Officer 10 743 478 16 050 435 16 096 522 1197 Corporate Services 29 150 000 17 085 000 24 085 000

1196 Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture 500 000 - -

1194 Sport and Recreation 35 500 000 35 500 000 28 000 000 1191 Human Settlements 203 266 508 203 474 783 228 007 826 1477 Electricity and Energy 254 457 255 340 434 787 290 007 787

384 Roads, Stormwater, Transportation & Fleet 478 854 086 518 721 208 519 448 278

1412 Water Services 265 100 000 331 500 000 343 500 000 1411 Sanitation Services 295 500 000 357 500 000 361 500 000 1193 Public Health 56 347 826 65 766 000 65 766 000 1195 Safety & Security 25 300 000 29 100 000 29 444 000

1474 Motherwell Urban Renewal Programme - - -

1694 NMBM Stadium 13 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 1 677 661 653 1 941 001 766 1 914 755 413

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



4.5.1 Leadership, Good Governance, Planning and Str ategy-led Budgeting

Relevant information in respect of the progress the NMBM has made with regard to

strategy led budgeting is contained in Section A of this report and is repeated hereunder.

Establishment of a Strategic Planning Steering Comm ittee

The Municipality previously had an IDP and Budget Steering Committee to manage the

annual processes related to IDP and Budget preparation and adoption. In recognition of

the need for greater strategic alignment and the role of the BEPP a Strategic Planning

Steering Committee was established in October 2016 to replace the former IDP and

Budget Steering Committee. This Committee is politically led by the political portfolio

head of Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture and includes the Mayor’s

Office, City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer as well as portfolio

Councillors and Executive Directors and relevant officials responsible for Budget and

Treasury, Economic Development, Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Engineering,

Electricity and Energy, the City Manager’s Office and Strategic Planning.

The Terms of Reference of this Committee include oversight over:

• Development and promotion of the Municipality’s mission and vision.

• Development and promotion of a Long-term Growth and Development Plan

• Development and review of a five-year IDP.

• Development of a medium-term budget which supports the Built Environment

Performance Plan (BEPP) and IDP, is demonstrably funded, and demonstrably

sustainable, as shown by the long term financial model. Furthermore, its

capital projects should be supported by thorough business cases and

feasibility studies.

• Ensuring alignment of the Long-term Growth and Development Plan, Long-

term Financial Plan, BEPP, IDP and Budget.

• Ensuring stakeholder support for strategic planning processes.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The Committee meets monthly and meetings are preceded by a technical team meeting

where aspects relevant to the preparation, and specifically, the alignment of the strategic

plans and the budget are discussed.

Strategic Planning Time Schedule and Alignment Work shops.

With the replacement of the IDP and Budget Steering Committee by the Strategic

Planning Steering Committee the former IDP and Budget time schedule of activities was

replaced by a Strategic Planning Time Schedule.

This time schedule includes key dates in the programming and alignment of the Long

Term Growth and Development Plan, BEPP, IDP and Budget and is submitted to Council

Structures for approval (in accordance with the legislation applicable to the IDP and

Budget processes). This time schedule includes the dates of the Strategic Planning

Steering Committee meetings and makes further provision for three Strategic Planning

Workshops at critical times in the annual planning and budgeting cycle where major

strategic decisions are taken

In preparation for the 2018/19 MTREF the workshops were facilitated by the National

treasury CSP Economic representative.

From 1 July 2018, in preparation for the 2019/20 MTREF, the Time Schedule will be

expanded upon to include a schedule of activities in relation to the strategic planning for

the entire MTREF period and not just one year. Furthermore, the Time Schedule will be

submitted to Council for approval prior to August 2018 for early preparation for the

financial year programme.

A copy of the 2017/18 Strategic Planning Time Schedule is attached as Annexure “D”.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Capital Prioritisation Model

The City, for the first time, has introduced a Capital Prioritisation Model. The model is

deliberately simple and attempts were made to pilot it in the budgeting process for the

2018/19 Financial year. Full implementation is expected in the 2019/20 budget

preparation. Criteria in relation to the model relate directly to the BEPP, Urban Network

Strategy and the responsibility for catalytic programmes are included in the model and

these projects/programmes will have a higher priority rating for funding.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21






A Draft Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal Land Strategy exists for the assembly and

release of land. It has been developed as an instrument to guide and direct the

processes and procedures required for the strategic and ad hoc (incidental) identification

of land for acquisition and release.

The Draft has yet to be approved by Council and is going through internal processes

however it is also intended that it be updated from time to time to accommodate

legislative and policy directives at National, Provincial and local level, and procedures

and implementation programmes formulated for the overall objective of creating a “One

City, One Future” for Nelson Mandela Bay.

Previously the assembly and release of municipal, State, and privately owned land was

dealt with on an ad hoc, uncoordinated and re-active manner without being guided by

coherent strategies in line with strategic planning principles. This has in the past resulted

in acquisition of undevelopable land parcels due to planning, environmental or

infrastructure challenges.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal Land Strategy for the assembly and release of land

is aimed at establishing a guide to identify Metro’s land requirements to meet its

development obligations and also the release of land to not only provide the needs of the

broader community, but to also act as catalyst for economic and socio-economic

development of the City. This includes land in the priority precincts and catalytic


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Land assembly covers:

• Methods of acquisition

• Identification of land

• Land assembly processes

• Strategic land identification

Land release involves the process of identifying land parcels for specific or targeted

release; as well as “on demand” (ad hoc / incidental) release and furthermore the

processes and procedures associate with the disposal thereof.

The following aspects of land release are covered:

• Land Identification

• Authorisation for land release

• Method of release

• Conditions of disposal

Strategic Land Release

This category refers to the release of strategically identified and targeted land parcels to

be released for economic and other socio-economic development imperatives such as

catalytic interventions to secure/ facilitate the development of socio-economic facilities

and amenities in various areas, in particular less privileged areas of the metro. This

would necessarily also include making land available to the private sector for key

strategic developments.

Land parcels identified for such purposes are, as in the case of land identified for

strategic land assembly, predetermined in terms of the Metropolitan Spatial Development

Framework (MSDF); a Local Spatial Development Framework (LSDF); a Precinct Plan

and the Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP).

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The release or disposal of land is governed by the Municipal Finance Management Act,

Act 56 of 2003 and the regulations thereto, as amended and furthermore as managed in

terms of the NMBM Policy and Procedures for the disposal of Immovable Assets,

approved by Council on 15 September 2016.



Supply Chain Management and Procurement Plan

The Municipality has a Supply Chain Management Policy and System in place. These

comply with legislation and govern all supply chain management processes, including

tender specifications, evaluation and adjudication.

The Municipality also has a Supply Chain and Contract Management Unit to assist

project managers and directorates in procurement processes.

Approximately 45% of any Capital Budget is contractually committed to projects as

procurement of multi-year projects starts in prior financial years. Due to the infrastructure

planning and condition assessment cycles, the procurement plans of some projects only

start the procurement processes late in the financial year.

The electronic SCM system has helped to ensure that all attendance registers, minutes

and items presented to all the Bid Committees are in place. This has significantly

reduced the risk of incomplete files, however, the submitted tenders have been isolated

as the main problem. For these reasons Budget and Treasury are considering removing

the function of filing and record keeping from the SCM unit.


Incentives are one of the many policy tools used by governments to encourage

investments in a particular area or sector. There are various investment incentives and

other financial and non-financial support for investment offered by government. NMBM

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


has an approved Investment Incentives Policy which is aligned to these national

incentives and support initiatives.

The NMBM Incentive Policy provides the necessary guiding principles, details on

incentives offered by NMBM, application processes, relevant requirements and approval

procedures, and defines roles and responsibilities to enable a professional, consistent

and transparent incentive management dispensation. The Incentive Policy is specifically

focused to attract additional investments from new and existing investors to Nelson

Mandela Bay in key sectors as identified in the NMBM Economic Growth and

Development Strategy.

The most significant reforms that are taking place are through the Sub National Doing

Business Reform Programme where reforms are being made in the following three

identified areas:

• Dealing with Construction Permits

• Getting Electricity

• Registering property

The 2018 reform Action Plan for the NMBM is attached as Annexure “N”.

Although these regulatory reforms are not site specific, in the context of the economy of

the NMBM and the slow growth scenario these reforms will assist growth and

development in all areas including the priority precincts.

Other aspects of relevance are included in the section on Urban management which

appears later in this report.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



5.4.1 Capital Programme

This BEPP results in a Capital Programme to meet infrastructure needs, as captured in

the IDP. The supporting sector plans identify the needs/gaps in infrastructure, which are

then scheduled for implementation in the three-year Capital Programme. Part of this

programme is to support private development and to increase the rates and revenue

base for the municipality in its efforts to become less grant funding dependant.

Planning for implementation includes the concept designs, water use license

applications, environmental assessments, final designs and construction, which are the

different phases that are planned for and that are critical for the successful spending of

the Capital Budget.

The Capital Budget Performance for the past few years was as follows:

Financial Year Original Budget % Adjustments Budget % 2015/16 98% 89% 2016/17 98% 89%

Structures have been set up for the monitoring of implementation and expenditure as


• Directorate

o Project management of individual projects.

o Reporting to the Portfolio Committees.

• Quarterly performance

o Report of performance on SDBIP.

o Grant budget performance.

o Budget implementation.

• Annual

o Reporting of Directorates’ annual performance.

o Annual SDBIP performance.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The above measures assist the successful implementation of the Budget Programmes

and the Annual Report. Although good budget expenditure has consistently been

achieved, concerns have been raised about the “hockey stick” expenditure curve versus

the traditional S-curve. The performance of the municipality is linked to the project cycle

and cash flows of more than 200 individual projects each year on the capital budget. The

Budget and Treasury Directorate has, however, strengthened controls by adding the

requirement of a detailed procurement plan for each project before it will be considered

for entering the Capital Budget. However, within the municipal implementation space,

various other factors impact seriously on the project cycle, such as:

• Ward priorities and ward-based budgets for housing development and tarring of

gravel roads.

• Community objections and protests delaying completion of projects.

• Small, medium and micro enterprise contractors: Demand for work and the

associated work stoppages.

5.4.2 Capacity Support Implementation Plan (CSIP)

During the course of preparation of this BEPP, the Capacity Support Implementation

Plan has been further implemented and added to. The CSIP identifies a number of

programmes of support for the NMBM through the City Support Programme of National

Treasury. As these programmes are further developed, they will influence the critical

sections of the BEPP relating to strategies and programmes, outcomes and outputs and

institutional and financial arrangements.

The following table identifies the Capacity Support Implementation Plan (CSIP) currently

being undertaken through the City Support Programme of National Treasury and the

status of those programmes.

Where relevant, the specific programmes are described in more detail elsewhere in this


Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Table 14: Capacity Support Implementation Plan 2018 /19

Project Purpose Activities Status

Strengthening City Integrity, transparency and accountability

• To enhance integrity and accountability within the municipality

• Analysis • Action plan developed • monitoring

• Phase 1 report on survey and interview results produced with action areas

Financial planning Infrastructure financing support

• Entrench use of a long-term financial model as basis for city financial strategy

• Assist to finance its infrastructure and catalytic projects

• Long-term financial model built and calibrated

• Assessed status and readiness of proposed capital projects to get financing

• Long-term financial model has yet to be used to develop a financial strategy

• Need to institute a proper project pipeline, where project choices are made and appropriate financing sought

• LTF Strategy to be developed

Revenue strategy & management support

• To assist NMBM to review its tax and tariff structure

• Scoping completed • Ongoing advice

Review of integrated public transport system

Technical expertise to facilitate reaching broad agreement on an appropriate approach to public transport

• Technical analysis and engagements to prove unviability of original plans

• Facilitation to assist in resetting relationship with industry

• Ongoing support

Human settlements support

To develop and support more appropriate approach to housing delivery in the city

• Draft of proposed appropriate approach developed for discussion

• Managing transition to appropriate approach

• Appropriate location of housing projects

• Ongoing

Finance solutions for resilient delivery of water and sanitation service delivery

Examine investment needs for critical service delivery

• Status quo reports • Application feasibility


• Ongoing

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Project Purpose Activities Status

Support for BEPP annual process

To support NMBM to continue to improve and refine its BEPP

• Repeated iterations to high quality BEPP

• Entrenching spatial planning and the BEPP among senior managers

• Outcome indicators

• Ongoing

Support for catalytic projects – Land development Transaction support

To support catalytic project preparation & implementation

• Repeated iterations to sound choice of catalytic projects

• To ensure that catalytic projects are given adequate attention, priority, capacity and budget

• Move catalytic programmes along the path to implementation

• Ongoing

Sub-national doing business

To improve city regulatory and administrative performance in respect of economic activities

• Process improvement action plans developed for Construction Permits & Getting Electricity and registering property

• Ongoing

City economic partnerships/ Competitive Cities

To establish partnering as a standard approach to city government economic development initiatives.

• determine opportunity or challenge around which partnership programme will take place

• Ongoing

Mainstreaming Climate Response into City Plans , Budgets and Grant Conditions

Ensure investments in infrastructure deliver return on investment as well as enable growth whilst reducing the consumption of non-renewables and ensuring appropriate climate responses

• Desk top evaluation • Evaluation of key

municipal processes • Reporting on changes

• Inception February 2018 – ongoing

Transversal Management support

Technical assistance for better transversal management for better design and implementation of programmes.

• Knowledge • Training • Technical assistance

• Not yet started

Source: NMBM, 2018

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The capacity support Implementation Plan is designed to match the needs of the

municipality. Regular engagement between the NMBM and the City Support Programme

at National Treasury has ensured that specific projects suitable to the needs and

circumstances of the city are performed in addition to those applicable to the all metros

through the CSP Programme.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21





This BEPP has identified the Integration Zones and Growth Areas and priority precincts

that have been completed with reference to National Treasury where the UNS is


Because the Municipality has not finalised all precinct planning in the Integration Zones,

some area specific urban management initiatives have not yet been identified. This

aspect will receive attention after the precinct planning is complete and once the

organisational structure is finalised. Precinct planning in selected Integration Zones is

expected to be completed in 2018.

The New Brighton and Kwazakhele LSDF (2014-2020) has been approved by NMBM

Council. This LSDF provides broad spatial planning proposals. In terms of this LSDF,

the Municipality is in the process of preparing a precinct plan that stretches from Njoli

Square, through Embizweni Square, Mendi Arts Centre to Red Location. The precinct

plan is in the phase of procuring a service provider. The tender was approved by the

Adjudication Committee during February 2018. The preparation process will take

approximately 6 months. The Consultants will be responsible for Community

Consultation and Stakeholder participation during the preparation of the plan. The final

Precinct Plan will include a precinct management plan and a list of projects with a cost

estimate for each project. This will be presented to National Treasury for discussion of

funding possibilities.

Precinct planning in selected other Integration Zones is expected to be completed in the

course of 2018.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Specific consideration will be given to non-infrastructure related interventions as the

Integration Zones are developed further.

It is recognised that successful urban areas are not only brought about by bricks and

mortar, but by management systems, such as Special Rating Areas (SRA’s) in CBD

areas. The first operating SRA exists in Richmond Hill (CBD area). Property owners pay

a levy through the municipal accounts and the amount is paid over to a specially created

company that looks after services. Other areas as candidates for SRA’s are being


The following table shows the priority precincts where interventions exist and those

where there is intended to be an intervention in the medium term. The specific nature of

the interventions is described below the table in detail.

TABLE 15: Priority Areas and Urban Management Inter ventions

Catalytic Programme/ Growth Area/ Economic Node

Area Intervention Comment

Port Elizabeth CBD SRA implemented and

other interventions through


Priority Area for

Interventions through the


Uitenhage CBD MBDA Interventions

Port/ Baakens MBDA Interventions

Zanemvula Precinct No intervention yet Precinct Planning to be


Red Location No intervention yet Precinct Planning to be


Njoli Precinct No intervention yet Precinct Planning to be


Cleary Park Nodal Precinct No Intervention yet Precinct planning to be


N2 Nodal Precinct No Intervention yet Precinct planning to be


Motherwell Precinct MURP Programme

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Catalytic Programme/ Growth Area/ Economic Node

Area Intervention Comment

Motherwell Rail Corridor Management of Station

Precinct important

Planning to be completed

and arrangements with



Other Marginalised Areas

Helenvale HURP

MBDA interventions

through SPUU

Priority area for socio

economic interventions

Korsten Schauderville MBDA interventions

Source: NMBM, 2018

The MBDA has been responsible for partial urban management initiatives in the areas

where it is mandated to work. These initiatives include:


The MBDA maintains its completed projects and assets in its mandate areas such as the

CBD, township areas including the prioritised other marginalised areas of Helenvale,

Korsten/Schauderville and designated tourism precincts. The MBDA has taken

ownership of the maintenance of assets, infrastructure and other operational initiatives,

including security, cleaning, regulation and management of informal trading and the

maintenance of its key projects.

This accepted approach to urban development, which puts the basics in place, ensures

that regenerated and revived destinations are protected against future urban decay. This

in turn helps to ensure that private and public sector investments are protected, that

investor confidence is maintained and that the quality of life and the environment around

venues and facilities are preserved and protected.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


In the 2016/17 financial year, the MBDA continued to implement programmes which


• security top-up services to those of the municipality in the Port Elizabeth CBD in

the form of a private security company;

• provision of cleansing top-up services to those of the municipality in the CBDs of

Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage;

• regulation and management of informal trading in the CBDs of Port Elizabeth and


• general maintenance of all MBDA completed projects both in Port Elizabeth and

Uitenhage CBDs, including plumbing, electricity, masonry, painting and steel work;

• helping communities within MBDA mandated areas, as well as outside, with the

establishment of Special Rating Areas (SRAs);

• introduction of a Mobile Parking Meter Plan encompassing 1329 metres in certain

areas of the Port Elizabeth CBD;

• provision of maintenance, upkeep and security in the Uitenhage Science &

Technology Centre and

• the operationalisation, upkeep, maintenance and security of the revamped

Campanile in the CBD of Port Elizabeth on behalf of the Metro for the financial

year 2017/18.


A major step was taken in creating a safer inner city through the launch of a multimillion-

rand anti-crime programme. Through the MBDA Security Programme, an additional

private sector security support layer was introduced to augment law enforcement

capacity in the CBD and to prevent and reduce crime.

This initiative, which complements work that is already being done by the South African

Police Service (SAPS), NMBM Safety and Security and the Metro Police has the

following overarching goals and is mandated to:

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• promote community involvement in response to safety and security matters;

• provide protection to the general public, businesses and properties;

• create a safer environment for the community, residents and business owners;

• monitor and to analyse crime tendencies;

• design and implement strategic measures to reduce crime in the CBD;

• protect tourist attractions in the identified precincts;

• promote safety initiatives in the identified precincts amongst the various


• monitor and identify illegal traders;

• fulfil tourism ambassadorial roles; and

• participate in blitz raids in conjunction with law enforcement authorities.

The programme introduced 63 trained and accredited security officers for random and

routine foot patrols as well as criminal apprehension and on-site detention (to facilitate

arrests through law-enforcement agents). Five vehicle units were introduced, including

two K9 reaction vehicles for random and routine patrols and rapid response. Eight

trained dogs for criminal apprehension, patrolling, narcotics detection, officer protection,

tracking and on-site detention (to facilitate arrests through law-enforcement agents) were

acquired. Six reaction officers for rapid response, criminal apprehension and on-site

detention and three roving information kiosks were also introduced.

The introduction of the business forum chat group saw Metro Security guards working

even harder than before. This yielded a minimum of two apprehensions per day.

Informal trade regulation

Informal trade is the livelihood of many individuals, households and communities in the

shadow of the formal economy. With this understanding in mind, the NMBM is committed

to creating appropriate spaces where vendors can trade to earn a living.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Through its MBDA work in this area there has been strong and positive endorsement

from establishments such as Nelson Mandela University’s Institute of Law which

highlighted the manner in which the MBDA regulates and manages the informal trading

in the CBD of Port Elizabeth to ensure fairness and transparency.

In a bid to ensure that informal traders tap into economic opportunities, the Uitenhage

CBD Uncedo Taxi Rank was developed and twenty-five trolleys, which will be used to

provide afterhours storage, were procured and branded. These trolleys will be handed

over to informal traders.

Special rating areas

A special rating area (SRA) is an area in which property owners agree to pay a small

additional amount in rates. These funds are then used to provide extra security and

cleansing services. SRAs provide a formal structure, through which owners pay

additional monthly rates for improvements. This allows property values to be maintained

and/or improved and occupants to be safeguarded.

The NMBM through its MBDA has embarked on introducing SRAs in a bid to continue

promoting economic development in areas prone to urban decay such as the other

marginalised areas identified in this BEPP. Based on international best practices, the

Metro’s first SRA was established in Richmond Hill in the 2014/15 financial year.

Richmond Hill is one of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro’s oldest suburbs close to the Port

Elizabeth CBD, and has seen significant redevelopment over the last five years. Driven

exclusively by private investment, small scale urban renewal has occurred which has

seen the introduction of a number of new businesses into the area – particularly

restaurants – focused in, and around Stanley Street. The introduction of these

restaurants to the area has helped to stimulate the redevelopment of the surrounding

residential area. Local residents have made a number of improvements to their

properties, which has led to a corresponding increase in property values.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Based on empirical observations the SRA is doing well with a visible improvement in

maintenance and improvements to properties, a reduction in crime, and a more aesthetic

setting through litter removal.

This has encouraged the Central community with the help of MBDA to embark on the

process of establishing their own SRA. To date several public participation meetings

have been held and the proposed area boundary has been agreed upon.

Through the commitment of some property/business owners, an interim committee was

elected to drive this process and engage all the relevant municipal/government

authorities to ensure the establishment of their own SRA.

Currently they are busy with the consenting process and have also created their own

website where all their information is posted and where consenting can be done.

Furthermore, the success of the SRA model has resulted in home owners and property

investors in Mount Croix, Walmer Heights and Walmer Links starting applications for

SRAs, with the help of the MBDA.

Tourism ambassadors

Nelson Mandela Bay is endowed with well-known heritage sites, tourist destinations and

various upgraded urban spaces. The NMBM is committed to promoting economic and

tourism development against the backdrop of urban renewal. To this end, the MBDA

sponsored tourism ambassadors who approach and welcome visitors in order to promote

visits to the city’s main and most memorable attractions. The initiative was launched in

the previous financial year and continues.

The initiative is also aligned with the municipality’s objectives of promoting Nelson

Mandela Bay’s heritage, and recognising tourist attractions as important drivers of

economic growth and job creation.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


In this regard, MBDA’s tourism ambassadors deal with tourists from a customer service

point of view. They also conduct scheduled cleaning up of sites, while generally providing

security and guidance in terms of information and directions.

The programme also empowers unemployed youth and provides on-the-job skills

development and employment opportunities.

Mobile parking meters

A public consultation and information sharing programme on the planned implementation

of the first Inner City Mobile Parking Meter Programme in designated areas of the inner

city of Port Elizabeth was launched.

In a bid to maximise revenue collection, NMBM noted this project as a way to accrue new

revenue streams and tasked the MBDA with the application process and the vetting of

parties interested in the project.

Platforms to discuss the plan with all stakeholders, whether directly or indirectly affected

were created. Through this process the public and businesses were provided with the

opportunity to register ideas that will strengthen the programme and make it beneficial to


The intention of the Inner City Mobile Parking Meter Programme is to ensure efficient,

effective, fair and equitable use of parking bays. In addition, the public will be provided

with a safe and secure parking environment through the programme which will integrate

illegal car guards in the identified areas.

The benefits of the Inner City Mobile Parking Meter Programme include: visible foot

patrolling and monitoring of the designated parking bays which will help to curb crime;

patrollers/parking attendants will act as guides to visitors; an additional layer of security,

monitoring and reporting of suspected criminal activities; and a safer environment for the

public to shop, work, park, play and visit.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



This area has been identified as one of the priority “Other Marginalised Precincts”. In line

with its mandate of upgrading areas that have seen some form of environmental decay,

the MBDA, through assistance with funding from the IDC, enabled the preparation of a

master plan for Schauderville and Korsten in September 2015. This is now approved and

will be implemented by the NMBM.

Helenvale - Safety and Peace through Urban Upgradin g (SPUU)

Helenvale, with an estimated population of 21,236 has intertwined problems of crime and

socio-economic deprivation. According to the SPUU feasibility study, the main

manifestations of violence are violent gangs often involved in drug trafficking, domestic

violence, violence in schools and violence among young people.

Many factors contribute to the high levels of violence and crime in Helenvale, including

overcrowding and poor housing conditions, unemployment and low income, inadequate

urban services, widespread alcohol and substance abuse, division of community

structures, increased individualisation and the disintegration of families.

Taking into consideration the contextual realities of Helenvale the SPUU programme is

designed to combine three approaches:

• situational prevention by improvements which reduce the opportunities of crime;

• social prevention by strengthening appropriate community initiatives; and

• institutional prevention by facilitating the cooperation of competent institutions.

The overall goal of the SPUU programme is "to improve the quality of life of the residents

of Helenvale, especially through the reduction of crime and violence."

The programme objective is "to increase the safety of the residents with special regard to

the main component areas, namely the public space and physical infrastructure, safer

schools, youth employment, domestic violence prevention and a pilot housing scheme”.

The programme has five components and related objectives which are summarised in

the table below.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


TABLE 16: SPUU Interventions

Component area Objective

Safe public space Violence preventive infrastructure is provided with

participation of the residents. Self-help potentials of the target

group are strengthened.

Safer schools All schools in Helenvale are adequately equipped. Teacher,

parents and students collectively contribute to the reduction of

violence at schools.

Perspectives for

the youth

Employment schemes, training and education programmes,

counselling services as well as recreational activities are

available for the youth in Helenvale.

Domestic violence


Services and support mechanisms for the fight against

domestic violence are available for the inhabitants of


Improvement of

living spaces


Implement user-driven housing and neighbourhood

improvement programme.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



As stated above, all precincts within the integration zones have not yet been detailed. It

is intended during 2018 to complete precinct planning for Ibhayi, Bethelsdorp and

Motherwell areas which support the Integration Zones. Once this is completed precinct

management entities can be established.

Notwithstanding the above, the Municipality has a number of existing precinct

management entities presently dealing with locality bound urban management.


There are four precinct-based management initiatives. These are:

- Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA)

- Motherwell Urban Renewal Programme (MURP)

- Helenvale Urban Renewal Programme (HURP)

- Coega Development Corporation (CDC) Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA)

The Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA) is a municipal entity and was

established in 2003 by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) with the support of

the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). It has implemented urban regeneration in

Nelson Mandela Bay's inner city.

In 2017 the NMBM with the MBDA went through a process to re-establish its strategic

direction. This has allowed the Agency and city to map a new course that is intended to

unlock transformation, social inclusivity, economic growth, investment, environmental

justice and shared prosperity for residents, business owners and communities in Nelson

Mandela Bay. This process of reinvention has been important to realign the City’s

development agency taking the City’s Long-term Growth and Development Plan and

several national development mandates and a variety of factors into account.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The Agency’s new vision will focus on creating “an iconic world-class ocean city

showcasing its diversity of people, culture, heritage and environment.” To achieve this

the MBDA sets out a mission “to become a knowledge-based developmental agency that

seeks to achieve social, spatial and economic transformation in Nelson Mandela Bay.”

The Agency has also created a map of strategic objectives or focus areas.

Four strategic marketing areas will define the activity spheres of the MBDA:

• Facility management, which will include running assets developed by the MBDA

such as the Tramways, Campanile and Helenvale Resource Centre or assets such

as the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium assigned to be operated by the MBDA.

• Area management, which entails security, cleansing and traffic management in

special spatial nodes that have been upgraded or revitalised by the MBDA.

• Socio-economic programmes which focus on uplifting or improving the lives of

communities living on margins of society and in high levels of poverty,

unemployment and crime.

• Research and knowledge creation.

The following projects are being pursued:

• Happy Valley Precinct development/ Telkom Park / Eastern Province Rugby Union

(EPRU) Stadium redevelopment

• Bayworld/Baakens River Precinct Node 1 – Vuyisile Mini Square Upgrade, Upgrade

of Flemming and North Union Street

• Baakens River Precinct Node 1 – Pedestrian Bridge

• Baakens River Node 2 – South End Mixed Use Precinct

• Singhapi Street Environmental Upgrade

• New Brighton Swimming Pool

• Restoration of the Campanile building

• Uitenhage Railway Shed Upgrade Shed 1

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Of the above, the Baakens River Precinct, Uitenhage Railway Shed upgrade, Singhapi

Street are closely aligned to catalytic programmes and priority precincts of the BEPP.

The Uitenhage Despatch Development Initiative (UDDI) was collapsed into the MBDA

during 2017 – Activities of the UDDI are now undertaken by the MBDA where relevant. Motherwell Urban Renewal Programme (MURP)

Motherwell is one of eight national pilot areas targeted by the Presidential Programme for

Urban Renewal. The main objectives of this programme are to eradicate crime, poverty

and joblessness in the targeted areas.

Motherwell was primarily developed as a residential area and the necessary

infrastructure for recreational facilities, basic amenities and job creation did not keep

pace with the growth of the area.

The key strategic objectives of the Urban Renewal Strategy are:

• Infrastructure development

• Economic development

• Crime reduction

• Job creation

125 public sector projects have been implemented in Motherwell since the start of the

programme. These equate to R551 666 211 in the fields of local economic development,

human settlements and social development.

The impact of the urban renewal programme is that household income has improved by

16,6% due to an increase in the number of employed household heads. In addition, 92%

of households occupy formal structures compared to only 65% in 2001 and sewerage

connections have increased from 22 714 in 2001 to 37 116 (95%) in 2011.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


In addition, piped tap water has increased from 10 077 in 2001 to 30 659 in 2011


To enhance Motherwell as a Growth Node, the following projects are being planned:

Project Investor/s Time lines

Motherwell Rail Link PRASA – R1.3 billion 2018/19

Film Centre National Film & Video



The project has been

awarded to NMBM –

Motherwell area. Helenvale Urban Renewal Programme (HURP)

This programme is discussed elsewhere in this report however the following is relevant.

Helenvale was declared an urban renewal area in 2006. National and provincial

investment has resulted in R78 million worth of investment between 2007 and 2012

specifically focused on infrastructure, skills programmes and job creation.

The German Development Bank has invested R50 million, for the Safety and Peace

through Urban Upgrading Programme (SPUU) upgrading project in Helenvale.

The project is now in its third year. A SPUU Master Plan was completed and includes

infrastructure and community projects, such as violence prevention. The SPUU Master

Plan is the result of extensive public participation. Helenvale is one of the most down

trodden townships in the Nelson Mandela Bay with a very high crime rate, unemployment

and social decay. The MBDA has project managed the construction of the Helenvale

Resource Centre at a cost of R38 m and general road upgrades (pavements, lights, etc.)

at a cost of R78 m (all National Treasury funding). The MBDA also operates the

Helenvale Resource Centre.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


A Finance Agreement was signed with the German Kfw Bank for 5 million Euros. The

possibility exists for a further funding (5 million Euros) after the completion of the first

phase which ends in early 2018. The first three projects: schools, safe walkways and a

soccer field have commenced. The total amount of these projects financed by Kfw Bank

is R20 million. Coega SEZ and the Coega Development Corpora tion

The Coega Development Corporation (Pty) Ltd (“CDC”) was established in 1999 to

develop and operate the Coega Special Economic Zone (“CSEZ”). The CDC is a

government owned entity which has the operator’s licence for the 11500 hectare (ha)

SEZ area. The SEZ is adjacent to the deep water Port of Ngqura which is managed by


A revised legislative framework was established for the SEZ with the promulgation of the

Special Economic Zones Act 16 of 2014 (Act 16 of 2014) enacted through the SEZ

regulations of 09 February 2016. An SEZ is an economic development tool to promote

national economic growth and export by using support measures in order to attract

targeted foreign and domestic investments and technology. The SEZ is intended to:

• Facilitate the creation of an industrial complex having strategic national economic

advantage for targeted investments and industries in the manufacturing sector

and tradable services;

• Development infrastructure required to support the development of targeted

industrial activities;

• Attracting foreign and domestic direct investment;

• Providing the location for the establishment of targeted investments;

• Enabling the beneficiation of mineral and natural resources;

• Taking advantage of existing industrial and technological capacity, promoting

integration with local industry and increasing value-added production;

• Promoting regional development;

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


• Creating decent work and other socio economic and social benefits in the region

in which it is located; and

• Generating new and innovative economic activities

The NMBM and the CDC have an agreement in place that outlines the relationship

between the organizations in order to meet the developmental objectives of government.

To date, the CDC has accessed funding from national and provincial government to

construct the necessary infrastructure for support the Coega SEZ (CSEZ). The

infrastructure includes roads and bulk services.

Water and sanitation for the Coega SEZ have been identified as areas of concern by the

NMBM and CDC. The availability of water and sanitation imposes limits to the growth of

the Coega SEZ, having the implication that high water users cannot invest in the SEZ

until utility requirements have been addressed. A Water, Sewer and Return Effluent

Master Plan has been developed for the Coega SEZ.

To date, the NMBM has commenced with planning the following projects, which are

critically required for the further development of the Coega SEZ:

(i) Nooitgedacht Low Level Scheme (NLLS):

Contracts for the commencement of Phase 2 of the Scheme have been awarded

and work is scheduled for completion by February 2017. Funding remains a

constraint to commence with Phase 3 to complete the project.

(ii) Coega Waste Water Treatment Works and Sea Outf all:

Preliminary planning has commenced, but designs cannot proceed, because of

funding constraints, given the size of the project.

(iii) Coega Return Effluent Scheme:

Due to the scale (finance) of the projects, the NMBM is unable to commence with

detailed design. The NMBM has commenced with preliminary planning and as

such an ROD has been issued for the system. With the cooperation of the Coega

Development Corporation (CDC), detailed design has commenced and the Return

Effluent Reservoir with the outlet pipe work at the Coega Kop site is being

constructed with funding from the CDC. Until such time that return effluent from

the Fish Water Flats WWTW becomes available, the reservoir will be utilized for

potable water.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The change introduced by the SEZ legislation of 2014 has impacted on the funding

model for the Coega SEZ bringing both threats and opportunities. Opportunities have

been enhanced by the improved incentive packages which will enable the Coega SEZ to

attract more local and foreign direct investment, but, with the establishment of more

SEZ’s in South Africa, the Coega SEZ will also face increased competition for limited

funding. To become more competitive in increasing the rates base of Coega SEZ

properties, the NMBM would have to consider the introduction of ratings policies and

structures which leverage the available infrastructure at the Coega SEZ and the options

for more competitive SEZ rates structures and incentives.

The CDC Strategic Plan for 2015/16 to 2019/20 has identified strategic goals and

objectives aimed at achieving financial self-sustainability by the end of the five year

planning framework. The strategic objectives are:

• Securing 54 investors valued at R10.28 billion by 2019/20

• Sustaining tenant industries to realise 50 operational investors by 2019/20

• Diversify and grow the CDC income streams to a sum of R2.47 billion by 2019/20

• Realise 61,772 jobs from all spheres of CDC operations by 2019/20

• Train 29,227 people by 2019/20

• Achieve 40% of procurement spend on SMMEs by 2019/20

The capital expenditure of the CDC is determined by investor requirements. Provision is

made for capital expenditure over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF),

but, capital expenditure will only materialize once the relevant investor is secured in the


A total capital budget of R6.7 billion is required for projects over the five year planning

framework of the CDC for the development of infrastructure to support economic

development and is detailed within table 15.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


TABLE 17: SEZ Initiatives

Name Description

Coega/Ngqura Manganese

Ore Export Terminal

The terminal comprises of an exchange yard in

Zone 11, a dual track to the stockpile area in

Zone 9 and a conveyor corridor to the export

berths on the finger jetty of the Port of Ngqura.

The completion of the project has been delayed

from 2016 to 2023.

Rail Upgrade (Coega To


Has the same initial capacity as for the terminal

and needs to be aligned with the terminal

capacity and the provision of new locomotives

and rolling stock by Transnet Freight Rail.

CCGT Powerstation and

LNG Terminal

The CCGT Power Station and associated Liquid

Natural Gas Supply are planned in the Zone 10

and 11 areas. Bulk infrastructure to support the

developments within the Coega SEZ are required

and funding would have to be identified.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle An Advanced Manufacturing cluster is provided

for within the Development Framework Plan for

the CSEZ. The development of a nuclear fuel

cycle to beneficiate the country mineral resources

is fully dependent on the nuclear new build


Bulk Liquid Tank Farm A site has been allocated within the Port of

Ngqura and the infrastructure and municipal

services required to make the east bank of the

Port of Ngqura operational are being provided by

the CDC.

Crude oil refinery There is a business case for Project Mthombo

and a more detailed review leading up to the

decision to proceed with Front End Engineering

and Design is being carried out.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


Name Description

Nooitgedacht Low level

Scheme This potable water augmentation scheme for the

NMBM is critical to the CDC for continuing to

attract prospective investors. Fishwater Flats Waste

Water Treatment Works


FWF WWTW is the main treatment plant for the

NMBM and the Coega SEZ. Currently, the plant

is overloaded and requires upgrading. Return

effluent from the WWTW would be utilised by the

SEZ. Return Effluent is a key enabler for the

future of the Coega SEZ and NMBM. In a water

scarce area, recycling of effluent to provide

industrial process water is an essential

requirement Coega WWTW Project Mthombo and other industrial water use

projects together with the domestic waste water

from Motherwell North developments will

necessitate the development of the planned

Coega WWTW in Zone 9 of the SEZ. Studies to

support the establishment of the Coega WWTW

will continue during 2018/19. Return Effluent Scheme Return Effluent is a key enabler for the future of

the Coega SEZ and NMBM. In a water scarce

area, recycling of effluent to provide industrial

process water is an essential requirement. Maritime Opportunity The CDC has identified the Maritime Industry as

a business opportunity that is untapped and thus

has a potential as a reliable revenue generation


Aquaculture and


In 2018, an environmental authorisation was

issued for a Aquaculture Development Zone

within Zone 10 of the CSEZ. The authorisation

includes provision for a 60 Ml per day

desalination facility.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The investment pipeline of the SEZ is focused on distinct sectors as identified within the

NMBM approved Development Framework Plan for the Coega SEZ (2006).

Maritime and Port related logistics is a key focus area for the Coega SEZ. The

development of Zone 1 will continue with the provision of services to the Port laydown

area and sites to investors locating in the area. The Logistics competitiveness of the

area has been enhanced with the establishment of the BAIC automotive investment in

Zone 1 South.

Within the automotive cluster of Zone 2, the CDC is committed to the establishment and

growth of a Multi Original Equipment Manufacturers Complex (Multi OEM) which will

include a supplier park, e-coating plant, paint shop and vehicle distribution centre. The

associated operation of the automotive focused Nelson Mandela Bay Logistics Park in

Uitenhage will continue.

Zone 3 will continue to be developed for general industry, significantly strengthened by

the availability of industrial gases from investments made by Afrox and Air Products. The

zone is home to a fast growing agro processing cluster including dairy products and

beneficiation of such products.

The training cluster in Zone 4 will be the subject of further development, including the

provision of opportunities relating to business process outsourcing, driver training and

learnerships in the built environment.

Zone 5 is serviced and available for the establishment of metallurgical related

investments. The Osho Cement Plant is currently under construction within the Zone

and will be commissioned in 2019.

Master Planning for the area east of the Coega River has been completed and has

focused on ensuring a planning framework with sufficient flexibility to accommodate a

range of development scenarios geared to stimulate agglomerative economies.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


The bulk of zones 6 and 11 is allocated to the oil refinery and the establishment of a

compilation yard to service the Coega Manganese terminal to be established in Zone 9.

Opportunities exist for the optimisation of container rail links to the interior by developing

near port logistics for the expected increases in container volumes through the Port of

Ngqura. With the upgrading of the Durban berths, the diversion of container volumes will

necessitate an optimised near port logistics solution which is able to establish a

competitive tariff structure and reduced dwell times for container traffic between the port

and the hinterland.

Zone 10 is the site for a proposed CCGT Energy complex which is being considered as

part of an Independent Power Producers project being led by the Department of Energy.

The process of establishing a chemicals cluster within Zone 7 of the SEZ will continue

with, two new facilities having been established in 2017.

Zones 12 and 14 are positioned to address the development of advanced manufacturing

and an aeronautical cluster in keeping with the SDF framework for the City and the

priorities and opportunities identified within the Coega East Masterplan.


The Consolidated Operating Budget is based on the 2016/17 financial year and is

mSCOA compliant.

TABLE 18 : Consolidated Draft Operating Budget trends

R thousands Original Budget 2017/18

Budget Year 2018/19

Budget Year 2019/20

Budget Year 2020/21

Total Operating Revenue 9,363,536 10,162,462 10,882,995 11,685,644

Total Operating Expenditure 9,488,809 10,196,714 10,838,642 11,489,208

Surplus/(Deficit) (125,274) (34,253) 44,353 196,436

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21






The BEPP has been identified as the most appropriate planning instrument through

which the 16 City Transformation Outcome Indicators find expression.

Notwithstanding the challenges experienced with data sources and reporting systems,

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality established baseline information and projected targets

for all City Transformation Outcome indicators for the remaining term of the IDP.

To facilitate alignment between strategic planning, the BEPP is crafted in such a way as

to align each City Transformation Outcome Indicators to one of the 6 Pillars (Opportunity

City, Safe City, Forward thinking city, Inclusive City, Well run City and Caring City)

contained in the IDP of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

The Municipality furthermore commits to report performance against each of the City

Transformation Outcome Indicators on an annual basis, followed by a review and

realignment of BEPP targets.

Attached as Annexure “L” is the table containing the populated list of City Transformation



The Theory of Change requires a comprehensive illustration of why desired change

should happen. In order to do this, we have to work back from the long-term goals to

identify the conditions that need to be in place to achieve the outcomes desired. The

following figure is a basic mapping of the theory of change of this BEPP.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21




Inclusive City

A Productive City

Sustainable City



• Organisational change • Leadership training • Integrity study • Development of City Growth

and Development Strategy • LTGDP and budget

management • Transversal Management

• New Housing Strategy • Public Transport Review • BEPP Support/ SDF

• Economic Strategy Development

• Sub-national doing business • Revenue management • Catalytic project support • Infrastructure project support • Competitive Cities

• Climate change mitigation • Sustainability indicators



A Well-Governed City

A transformed spatial

environment with reduced

poverty and reduced


Integration Zones • 2 IZs identified and 14

catalytic projects identified and detailed precinct planning

Growth Areas • 4 Growth Areas

identified and precinct planning undertaken

Informal settlements/ marginalised areas/ other • Areas identified and

programmed for upgrading/ relocation

• Precinct planning for mixed use services and amenities

• Linkage to public transport

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21



Department of Water Affairs. (2012). Algoa Water Reconciliation Study. Department of

Water Affairs.

Development Partners. (2007). Demographic Update for the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

Eastern Cape Development Corporation. (2016) Regional Economic Profile: Nelson

Mandela Bay Metro

Hatch Goba. (2012, Updated 2014). Estimated Cost for the Provision of Social and

Community Infrastructure in Integrated Human Settlements.

National Treasury. (2016). Cities Support Programme: BEPP Guidance Note for 2017/18

– 2019/20.

National Treasury. Guidance Note: Framework for the formulation of Built Environment

Plans (BEPP) and Supplementary Guidance Note for the Built Environment

Performance Plans (BEPP) 2018/19-2020/21.

Nelson Mandela Bay Industrial Development Strategy 2012. A report by: Development

Partners, Dojon, Rand International Capital, Jupilog, Siyathetha Communications.

NMBM – Long Term Growth and Development Plan (2018).

NMBM. (2009). Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework. Port Elizabeth: Nelson

Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM CorpGIS. (2010). Unpublished Report: Access to Facilities in terms of SCU

Planning Methodology. Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Infrastructure & Engineering: Water & Sanitation. (2009). Business Plan for Water

and Sanitation Services for the Coega SEZ. Port Elizabeth: NMBM.

NMBM Infrastructure & Engineering (Water & Sanitation). (2011). Draft Water Master

Plan for Nelson Mandela Bay. NMBM.

NMBM Land Planning & Management Sub-Directorate. (2007). Sustainable Community

Planning Guide. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Budget & Treasury. (2017). NMBM Draft Capital Budget 2017/18. Port Elizabeth:

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) - Nelson Mandela Bay, 2018/19 – 2020/21


NMBM EDRS. (2009). Draft Economic Development Strategy for Nelson Mandela Bay.

Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Human Settlements Directorate. (2012). Human Settlement Strategic Framework

2030. NMBM.

NMBM IDP Office. (2016, June 7). NMBM Integrated Development Plan. NMBM

Integrated Development Plan, 15th Edition (2016/17 Financial Year). Port

Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Infrastructure & Engineering Directorate. (2006). Water Master Plan for Nelson

Mandela Bay. Water Master Plan for Nelson Mandela Bay. Port Elizabeth, Eastern

Cape, South Africa: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Infrastructure & Engineering Directorate. (2016). Infrastructure Maintenance

Backlog Assessment. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

NMBM Infrastructure & Engineering Directorate. (2012). Nelson Mandela Bay Sanitation

Master Plan. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municpality.

NMBM Office of the COO. (2016). Built Environment Performance Plan: 2016/17 USDG

Submission. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

Shisaka Development Management Services. (2012). Proposed High-level Housing

Strategy for the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela

Bay Municipality.

Shisaka Development Management Services. (2017). Proposed High-level Housing

Strategy for the Sustainable Provision of Housing in Nelson Mandela Bay

Municipality. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

SSI Consultants. (March 2011). NMBM Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan

2011/12. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.

SSI Engineers & Environmental Consultants. (March 2011). NMBM Comprehensive

Integated Transport Plan 2011/12. Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Bay


Stats SA. (2001). Census 2001. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.

Stats SA. (2011). Census 2011. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.