CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General pursuant to the Census Ad:, 1965 NOTICE I. The Head, or person acting ~:-~l-lead, of a priv'..:~te household is required by law to make a rer.t.lrFi in this form in re:;pec~: of all persons (mernber.'~ of the household, including visitors, employees and boarders) who are present at. midnight on the night of Sunday, 9th Ocr.ober, 1966, in the dwelling, and all persons who arrive a~: the dwelling and join r.he household on Ho/lday, lOth October, 1966, before the collection of the return and who have not been enumerated elsewhere. 2. If a house or part of a house, fiat, al:)artment , etc., islet ,.:;r sublet to separate households then each occupier must. make a sel:)ar'a~:e P, eturr, applicable: to his pari: of the accommodation. Boarders are no!: to be considered as separate occupiers bui: ,.'.,.s part of ~:he household with whi,:t:~ they board. 3. In the case of Hotels, goarding Houses, Lodging Hotlses and similar establishments, the Manager or other person in charge muse make a Return in respecc of all persons who spend Census night on the premises or who arrive there on Honday, 10th October, 1966, and who have not been enumerated elsewhere. 4. Every person is required by law to give to the person making the Return such inForrnation as may b-:.',necessary to enable the Return to be completed. But should a person objeci: to giving the information in this way he may obtain from the enumerator or the nearest Police Star.ion a form on which to make a separate Return, in which case the person responsible for making the main Ret:urn should complete columns A and I:~ only in respect of that person. S. This Return must be ready on HONDAY, 10~.h October. If the answers appear to the enurneracor to be ino.:)rnplete or inaccurate he must ask any questions necessary t,,) enable him to correct the Return. 6. The person responsible For making the Return may, if unable to deliver it to the enumerator personally, arrange for'some other person to do so on his behalf.. If d~-sired, ~::!~e Retur(, may be given under cover to such other person for handing to the enumerator. 7. If any person whose duty it Js to make a Return or to give information refuses to do so, or wilfully gives false inR)rn~atior~ or uses otherwise than for the purpose of making the Return any information given him for that purpose, he will be liable on conviction to a fine nor., exceeding Ten Pounds, 8o The con~:ents of the Return are strictly confidential. W. G. NICHOLL, Registrar General. TO BE FILLED UP BY THE ENUMERATOR Census District and Enumeration District No~, / @. Count>, or County Borough Oistric¢ Elect.oral OivMr~n of Ward County Oiscric¢ (Urban or Rural) N.I. Parliament~r X Division in County Boroughs TowMand Town or Vill.~e Street, etc., with No. of" Name of House Name of Head of Household ~'1r~24 "WSM TSS 1 4 ~ 3

CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General

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Page 1: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General


H O U S E H O L D RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General pursuant to the Census Ad:, 1965


I. The Head, or person acting ~:-~ l-lead, of a priv'..:~te household is required by law to make a rer.t.lrFi in this form in re:;pec~: of all persons (mernber.'~ of the household, including visitors, employees and boarders) who are present at. midnight on the night of Sunday, 9th Ocr.ober, 1966, in the dwelling, and all persons who arrive a~: the dwell ing and join r.he household on Ho/lday, lOth October, 1966, before the collection of the return and who have not been enumerated elsewhere.

2. If a house or part of a house, fiat, al:)artment , etc., is let ,.:;r sublet to separate households then each occupier must. make a sel:)ar'a~:e P, eturr, applicable: to his pari: of the accommodation. Boarders are no!: to be considered as separate occupiers bui: ,.'.,.s part of ~:he household wi th whi,:t:~ they board.

3. In the case of Ho te l s , g o a r d i n g Houses , Lodging Hot l ses and similar establishments, the M a n a g e r o r o t h e r pe r son in charge muse make a Return in respecc of all persons who spend Census night on the premises or who arrive there on Honday, 10th October, 1966, and who have not been enumerated elsewhere.

4. Every person is required by law to give to the person making the Return such inForrnation as may b-:.', necessary to enable the Return to be completed. But should a person objeci: to giving the information in this way he may obtain from the enumerator or the nearest Police Star.ion a form on which to make a separate Return, in which case the person responsible for making the main Ret:urn should complete columns A and I:~ only in respect of that person.

S. This Return must be ready on HONDAY, 10~.h October. If the answers appear to the enurneracor to be ino.:)rnplete or inaccurate he must ask any questions necessary t,,) enable him to correct the Return.

6. The person responsible For making the Return may, if unable to deliver it t o the enumerator personally, arrange for ' some other person to do so on his behalf.. If d~-sired, ~::!~e Retur(, may be given under cover to such o the r person for handing to the enumerator.

7. If any person whose duty it Js to make a Return or to give information refuses to do so, or wilfully gives false inR)rn~atior~ or uses otherwise than for the purpose of making the Return any information given him for tha t purpose, he will be liable on conviction to a fine nor., exceeding T e n Pounds ,

8o The con~:ents of the Return are strictly confidential.

W. G. NICHOLL, Registrar General.


Census District and Enumeration District No~, / @ .

Count>, or County Borough Oistric¢ Elect.oral OivMr~n of Ward

County Oiscric¢ (Urban or Rural) N.I. Parliament~r X Division in County Boroughs


Town or Vill.~e

Street, etc., with No. of" Name of House

Name of Head of Household

• ~'1r~24 "WSM TSS 14~3

Page 2: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General


These notes wil l help ),o,.I to answer the questions. Please read them and stud), the examples before you fill in the answ..':;rs.

Your co-operation is sought in providing a c c u r a t e and complete answers to the questions so tha~ reliable s~at.istics ma 7 be prepared. It is the dut 7 of the Enumera+:or to examine each Return ~o see whe~lier i~ ha~ been properl)` complel:ed, and i~ will assis~ him ia his task if ),bu will exercise care in filrnishing replies ~o the various questions.


I, ]Relationshlp~ (Co lu rnns A and B)

Wkel 'e a husband and his wife are both included, wri i :e the i r names on corrsecui:iw: line.<; in column A. A rela~.ive visitin~ the farnil7 (e.g,, a son on a visit t o his fatl ler's house) should be described ~.s

vi~i~:ol'. A person residing at a hotel, e~c., should be described as "Res iden t " o r "Boarder" .

2. Date of Birth ( C o l u m n O)

(a) If the date of birdl is not known exactly give i~ as accura'cely as possible.

(b) If ~:lle dat~ of b i~h i~ unknown give d~e ap- proxima+:e 7ear of birtli.

3. Mari ta l C o n d i t l o n ( C o h l m n if)

(a) i f separa~.ed and not divorced write "Harr ied" .

(b) If divorced but remarr ied wri i :e Narr ie: t .

4o Usua l A d d r e s s ( r o b , inn P)

O) School rhild,'en, students, etc., who live a,,vay from home during t e rm should give their home address, not theh' ~errn-Lim~ address.

(b) Nenlbers of H.M. Forces should give tll~:. ~ addre~z of *Jl.':-:ir married quarters or od~er home address.

(C) Re~idcmt staff should i'egai"d the ,orivate house, bo:~.rding houso o r o l;her premise'~ where t;he 7 IDa a~ theh" u~ual a,:tdre~s grid w r i t e " i 1ere".

(d) Foe per~on~ v~i!;h no settled ~ddre-:~s w t " i ~

(e) For boaedei'~ who have a sett led r'esidence w i th .~his i~ousehold wr ib~ " H e r e " .

1-.I l,'l

~mph~ymen~: (¢~ll~linn~" J, :7 s a d L)

~. In E m p l o y m e n t means that the person had ~ job during ,the week ending Saturda 7, 8~h October , 1966, even if he was away from work beca,.ise of ~& holidays, sickness, str ikes, e~.c. For example, a sick person is in employment if his lob is waiting for him ~,i

when lle gets wel l .

Enq~loyrnent includes any service in the Armed Forces, and jobs at which a person worked far onl 7 a few hours, e,g,+for a housewife who helped in her husband's shop or did some office cleaning.

i 6. M o r e t han o n e E m p l o y m e n t . If the person ~ changed his employment during the week, give iil i details of the employment in. ti~e la.~er p~rt of the i! week. If ~lae person normal ly follows more tllan ii one employment during the week, give details of

the main employment only. ~,

iii ! 7. U n e m p l o y e d . If zt person is unemployed or does ~:i not follow an occupation for payrnen~ or profi~ i! wri te "Ou~ of w o r k ' , "Re t i red ' ; " A t school ' ; i ]] "Student"~ " H o m e duties"~ etc., in column J as !i applicable.


8. Place of Work (Columil J(i)) ((l) For" people w i t h i~o r e g u l a r p lace o f w o r k

:such a.<: s:tles repres+m~:atives, gi-anSl:~orl; in+ ~p,-2ct;ors, c ~ i ' ~ i r i bulildhi;g workers and oi:hers who do no~ w o r k da i l / at. or f rom a. f ixed address or depoe, wr i te "No fixed place".

(b) For p~ople w o r M n g d.~ily a t o r f r o m ~+, d x e d address o r depot~ +tl<+.h ~.S certain t ranspor t worke rs and bui ld ing workers employed on a ~ite, give the address of the depot, :;ire ol + o d m r fi×ed address.

(c) For s e a m e n give the name of the ~hip and, if i~ is In th~ tJni~ed Kingdom, the por~ in which i~ is lying, otherwi: ;e give the name of the home port .

2-3 J,;hn i"I, ~alr;:l


R~l-..~!o n- ship



Se~. I m~e of Birr.h -;.:__ .... ~ ...................

...... I L l

t+l I 22. Eeb..190Z

F I IS Au~. 1"~03

9, E m p l o y e r an,] e m p t o y e r ' s busines.~ ( C o l u m n J ( i i ) )

These detail~ are required ,;nl X to help ill classifying the industry or service. Describe the business fu l ly arid ,~void using initials or abbreviations. Such terms as "Planufarr.urer", "Merchant", "Agent'~ "Broker '~ "" + r . . . . . . . . . .. ra.=tJr , D,--aler ~ "En,zine~ring", "i'te-. ~ailer", "Shopkeeper" are not enotlg|i by Lh,'.*.fnf;~IYe~ and fu rd le r d~.ail:; :d-~o,ild be given ~bout~ the. articles r[]anijI'3.C~tlr0d or de,.It in.

For civil ~erwnts, local gov~Fnni~.ilC of'i~cc'i'~ and other public offi(;ial.~ giw~ the name of ~.he Govern-. i l ieil~ Departm.-~nt or Local Aud~orie 7 and the branch in which tl~e 7 ~r0 mnpIo)'ed.

For people employ,~d sotel 7 in pri,:a.~:e dorne , i t i ¢ ~er'¢ice there is no need to give ~he nafi3!~ Of h~divMual employers during ti~,-:, w~ek; i~ i~ enough ~o wri~u- "Private" in answer to this question,

10, F,dl-ti m e / P a r t . d rne (Col u m n K)

(a) If the empIoymen= is normally full-time bu~: ',+/aS interrupted during ~l~e week (for example by sickness, in jury, holM.'.ys, shor t - t ime wo rk - in~s, .~:A:.rikeg or uiifavou~able weadmr) or wa~ ; ta l ted or s~.opped p~rt way thr,.:;ugh the week w r i ~- ,.'." "Fu! [ -dme".

(b) For persons who regular ly w o r k less allan the: normal hour~ in employmen~ wr i t e "Part-t im~£'.

(c) For par~+drcia worke rs n,:.~t ;~t work dur ing the "w~ek ending 8~lr October , 1566~ w r i t e " O u t of w o r k " In column J,

I I. T r a n s p o r t to %A¢ork ( C o l u m n L)

(a) For a person u~ing m o r e t h a n one m e t h o d of transport to w o r k give only the method b 7 which the longest dist;mce is t ravel lad; for example~ if the normal journey ~o w o r k is on~ m i l e by bus and five miles b~ train, wrir.a "Tra i r i " .

(b) For a person whose main rnethod o( tr:mspor~ to work. is by bus write "Publ ic service b u s " o r "Pr ivate bus" ( including employer 's lo r ry o r van) whichever is approprb~e.

(c) For a personwho travels to w o r x by pr ivate czr w r i t e "Pr ivate cgr, d r i ve r " o r "Priw-~e c~r, passenger" wh ichever is appropr iate.

(d) For a person whose main method of t ransport to w o r k is by motor cycle combination wri te "Motor cycle combination" a n d not "Flo~or cycle".

(e) For a per~on vAio works at home wri te "None, ' .

(i") For a person with no f ixed p lace of work give the medlod of transpor~ most often used for going ~o work .

(g) For a person who walks all or most of the way to :,york wr i te " O n foo t " .

• C.)M( ._r: ~ ~.:D RETI,.,IRNS

14:Mt~.l Condid,.~n



Tkorn:~. I~alrd Son H I 6 H.~,'. 1932 l'larrieA

D~u~.hter~ in- law

Gr ~rid,;ofl

Grand- d ~,llglltel'

F I 18 Hay 1934

l"l I I0 Dec. 1962

F 4 Apr. 19~6


i'4 7 Aug. 191I.)

F 2;J J~n, 1910

N 27 July 1918

F 8 F.~b. 1909

Plarried . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[ 4 : l r r i e d I - I ~ r e

Narried Rou~ Fr~


f~l~nor Baird

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

John T, Baird

i'dargar-c~e E. ~.~ir,.l

Georg~ R. Gill

Jeanne. da I.. Gill

t4arcel Aubln

f i . g i ~ e s P'! cCaw


~'tVi f e


Emp lo l ee

ACtlllgHead F I 17 Aug:. 192.1 1 Harriad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

..Son H " i IS I"lar. 1942 1 Single

DaughLer F l 12 June 1950 Single

Father+in--law M I 5 Jan. 1899 I W;dowc:d

Boarder M I 10 Nov. 1926 L Divorced !

Ell~n Wilso~t

Al~erc Jo Wilson

Anna W i l ~ n

Joseph Wil~on

John Adair

. . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 Full-,alma U:ual Addr~s.~ Addr,:~ Place of VV~rk .,,nd Employer's Buslne<.:s I or Neons of

Addres; on ~4~h April, 196~i ,I on 241h ,~,pril, 19,;I j Part-dine Transport.

................................ .................. ;?LT-- .............

l-larva Yec I y~,,; - - . . . . . Full-tirna bton~ ........... I (ii) Farming

(i) [-]ome duties Here Yes Ye~ (ii)

(i) ]o l in FI. Bai rd- , -A ~. home Here Yes Yes ............................................... F.Hl--,=ime Non~

(ii) Farmln~.

(i) Horn~ d,jrJes ll~re Ye~ 8 $crabo Scr.-.;e~,

C o m b e r , Co. D o w n (ii)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ..................................... (ii . . . . . . . . : " Hme 'Y'e~ i lqoC applicable ............................................................. I . . . . .

............................. I .............................. !%_ .......... -_- ................................. L ......... :

l-!er,~ (i) - .... No~ applicabl~ Nor. applh:able 'iiii ............... - - ...........

6 B~lf,~sc R.oad, Temph:q~+crick,

6 ~eli: ist Road, " r emp leo~ r i ck , |l~re

Co, Ancrirn Co. Antrim

(i) Down County Edu¢,~tion Committee, 6 Belfast Ro~.d, 6 Belfast. Road, Saincfield, Co. Down

Flare Templepa~( ick, ]-enlpl,~pa~rick, .................................................... Co. An~,-im Co. Antrim (ii) Scho~,l

(i) Villa Rou~e l-lo~al, Rouen, Franc~. Rouen, Yes Yes " " - .................................................... France (ii) Hot.el and Restaura.~

6 Ha,-nilc,,n Terrace, Mill Road, (i) He.r~ .~.rm~h t'1oy,

Co. A~r,,agh Co. Tyrone= (ii) Private

(i) Gill & Fhher, 7 Ann Stre~, Bel;a~r., I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full-dine Public Service (ii) Con;ulting Civil Engineers bus

Ful l -d ine Pr ivate c:~r, ~5senger

Full-time Private :at, ~3ssen~r

Fu l l - t ime None

j (i) C: J. Raece, 78 Church t.ane, I Belf~,;t, 1

l-l~ra I Y~ Y Lee Strme,:, . ...................................................... Par'-.dm~ Public Service Belfast, 6 (ii) Solicitor t s bJ-

I i 0) Self-employed, no fixed place H,;r~ I Ye~ i !.re,b;, England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full-tlme On foo~.

J [ (ii) Jobbing gardener

.................. I ....................... I " 0i A: <,:hool ........................... |-Ier~ I Yes 1 7 Lee S~r~et, ............................................................

] [ ~elf.st, 6 (ii)

Hero. I Newi :ownards, 1 Nevv[ownards, I .......................................................... | - - ! co. , ..... w <o.oo+. i<,,) ! l ' I (i) B~.-Ifas~ ('Corporation l"ran'~port, I I I Short Sl:rand, Belfast, 5 I

H~r<: I G a~;go.~', Scodand 4 Princess S~.reet, ! ................................................ I Fu l l -d ine i Londonderry i ( i i ) Public ser,,i . . . . . . . . port I Pedal cycle

Page 3: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General


CERSU$ OF POPLiLATIOR (HORTHERH IRELAHD), Plr_-a~e read column headings, the notes and examples overleaf.

"ihen carefully fill up the re.turn in iuk.


Fil l in n a m e s and s u r n a m e s in the fo l l ow ing o rde r :

H,~ad of household or other person acting as

head, wife of head, unmarried child ten,

rnarried children and their families, or.i~er

rela~.ives, visitors, boarders, emplo/ees.

M/rice "Baby" and surname for any baby not yet

given a name.

See N o t e i

Rela t ionsh ip t o the head

of the househo ld eg . Head, YVife, Son,

Visitor, Visitor's

Wife, Boarder,

Housekeeper o r


See N o t e I

S e x if mah'. wri te " H " :

f femat. wr i te


D ~ t e


b i r t h

See Note 2

Month Year

I declar,-, that this return is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature ............................................................................................................................................. (Head of household or other person responsible for making the return).

Mar i t a l condiLion For person~

aged 16 yea,'~ or over, wri r.~

"Singh'" , 'Harried '~

"Widowed" o r

"Divorced" whichever


See Note 3

If this dwelling is ¢he person's usual address wr i te "Here " :

if it is not, wri t0 the

usual addreas in full.

See Note 4

If tile usual address indicated in was also

the usual address on 24th April, 1965,

wri te "Yes" ; if it: was nor,

write the usual address on

24th April, 1965, in full.

For children born after 24th Apri l , 1965, wr i te

" N o t applicable".

Page 4: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General

#S OF POPULATIOH (HORTHERN IRELAH#), 1966 £1,~:,,:e read column he:~,:ting~, the notes and ex.:~mpl~;s overleaf.

~ Then Carefully fill up the re turn in ink. ii



If this dwelling is the person's usual address wri te "Here":

if it is ~ot, " wr i te the

usual address in fullo

See N o t e 4

If the usual address indica~.ed in column F Was also

the usual address on 24th Apr i l , 1965,

wr i t e "Yes"; if it was not,

wri te the usual address on

24th Apri l, 1965, in full.

For children Born after 24tt~ Apri l, 1965, wr i te

"No r applicable",

the usual address on 24th Apr i l , 1961,

wr i te "Yes"; if it was not,

write the usual addres~ on

24d~ April, I% I , in full.

For children born after 24th April, 1961, wri~.e

" N o t applicable".

[:or persons aged 15 or over ;~nd who were in employmen~ (including self-employment and regular p~rt-time employment) during the week ended 8d~ October', 1966, fi l l in columns J, K and L. For ether persons aged 15 and over write "Out of work", "Retired"~ "Home duties", " A t school", "Student", etc,, in column J.

State at (i) the name of tile person's employer and the full postal address of the person's place o f w o r k ; at (if) s~.ate the employer's business.

If self..employed write a~ (i) "Self-employed" and the full po~-tal address of the place of work ; if the latter is at home wr i te " A t home" and state at (ii) the nature of t im business.




See Notes S-9












State whether t he employment

Wa~ " F u l l . t i m e "

o r



" P a r t - t i m e " .


See N o t e !0


if transport is used for

the journey to work

indicated in column J s ta te t h e

maln means of such t ranspor t ,

See N o t e I i


To be filled up by the enumerator and not b), the person making the return.

Per-~ons 1 No. of households No. of rooms

_! in dwelling No~ o[ r e tu rn

Page 5: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General



To be f i l led tip, as appl icab le , by the E n u m e r a t o r .

Census Distr ict and Enumeration Distr ict Nos .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C o u n t / o r County Borough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Distr ict Electoral Division or Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

County District (Urban or Rural) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

N.I, Parliamentary Division (In Co. Boroughs only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Townland or Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Town or Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Form issued by the Registrar General pursuant to the Census Act, 1965



The Return is to be made in accordance wi th the appropr ia te A d m i r a l t y Fleet Order , A r m y Council Instruct ion, or A i r Min- istry Order .


i. This Return is required by law to be made by the Officer- or other person appointed for the purpose in pursuance of arrang?~'rnents made by the Admiralty, Army Council, or Air Council, with respect ~o per- sons belonging to the Naval, Hilicary or Air Forces of the Crown (in-. cluding the Women's and Nursing~ Services) present at midnight on the night of Sunday, 9th October, 1966, in any Vessel, Barracks, Station or other premises under Naval, Hilitary or Air Force discipline.

2. Every person concerning whom particulars are required to be included in the Return must give to the person responsible for making the Return such information as may be necessary to enable the Return to be made. No use may, however , be made of such in format ion by the person to whom it is given except for the purpose of making the Return.

3. The Return must be ready on MONDAY, 10th OCTOBER, 1966.

4. If any person whose duty it is to give information refuses to do so, or wilfully gives false information, or uses otherwise than for the pur- pose of making the Return any information given him for that purpose, he will be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.

5. The contents of the Return are strictly confidential.

Page 7: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General


I. This Return should not be used in the case of premises which are outside Northern Ireland or of ships which are outside Northern Ireland or the adjacent waters.

2. All entries on the Return should be writ ten in ink and as clearly as possible.

3. The Return should be completed in the following way:---

(i) complete the section at the foot of this page;

(ii) enter in the appropriate columns of the Return the part- iculars required of all serving Officers and Other Ranks or Ratings, etc., who fall to be included;

(iii) check the entries carefully and then enter the totals of persons enumerated in the space provided at the foot of the Return; if more than one sheet is used in making tile Return, the totals should be entered only on the first sheet and should include the persons enumerated on the con- tinuation sheet(s); and

(iv) sign and dace the declaration at the foot of the Return.

4. When all the required particulars have been entered the Return should be dealt with as fo l lows:~

(a) It" the Return was received from an Enumerator it should be handed to him when he calls on 1Oth October.

(b) If the Return relates to a Ship and it is not practicable to hand it to the Enumerator it should be posted to the Registar General, Census Office, 42 Great Patrick Street, BelFast, I, Northern Ireland, as soon as possible after Census Day, i.e., 9th October.

To be filled up by the Commanding Officer or other person responsible for making the Return.

Service (state whether Navy, Marines, Army or Air Force) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of Ship, Depot, Barracks, Quarters, Hospital, Stat ion o r other premises

Position of Ship* at midnight 9th/I 0th October, 1966, or full postal address

of land premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*For ships in harbour state port or anchorage; for ships at sea state bearing and port for which bound.

Page 8: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General

S : ] " R | C T L Y C O # | + + Z l D ~ L : ! i " 4 T I A L

" "'+ S Ai'q D "" +.+ (+ +-' R E T U R N O F A L L OFI::ICE,~,~ . O T H ~ : r , f { / X N K S .+),x R A T I N G S O F 1t ':.~'~c~, k

.... ' . . . . . I r-~.:: S H I P O & I N '1"HE a ( I N C t . U D l i " , I ( : ; 1 H E W O H E N ' b A i ' q D N U P , S I N G S E R V I C E S ) I N +++'-+i . . . . " c

of ever 7 officer and od~er ra.nk or rating who is al ivo ~c

midnigh+~ on Sum:i;++y, %h Oc~:ober, i966, ~nd who spends i:ha nigh¢ on

bo;~+'d +:his ship or in i:he:+~ p remi se s . If anyone who hag

t tO~ b~G~fl @Jll.ljlli3i+Ei,7~+(] e l s e w h e r e arrives d+e new d~y

in,:tuda him or her Mso.

:fi@?( !

ir ln:ik: i , j + J

w ¢ l Ce

" H : " i : female!

" F . " I


Z I : ....... ............................................................................... q ............ j


4 .




Ow~e ,.~f g i r t h

c o a d i ; : i o n For persons ,,g,~:t.+~ ,+ 16 yem's or over

w i + i G ~ .

" Single " " Iqa, 'r iad "

" W i d o w e d " o r " D i v o r c e d "


:~.ervic~ and

P+rmn+h o r

A r m of Ser+tice

............................................................................................. appliers. Da 7 Plon~:h Year

............................................................................................................ ;;;i ............................................. E l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . i

Fil] ii~ Ha+n+s a.+~d Su+~r.+~ of ew+ry office," and o d m r i

o r re+ring w h o is alive a midnight+ on Sund:,.y, %h Oct+oh

and who spends d,e night+ board this ship o r in +:he

prmnises . If anyof le w h o r, ot been enurnerat'~d else+,'

++~rrives the next: day includ~ hhn or her .~lso






T o be filled u+~ on d+,~ firsi: o r onl 7 f o r m b 7 the Commanding Officer or othe~ persor~ i+e++%+i-lsible+ for makiilg the Return+


P4;;d~:~ Females Per+sons

I de+:la,+re i:haP+ " ' " . c+ Is Re+u+mrn ( i n c l u d i n g t h e o t h e r * a t t a c h e d F o r m s r e l a i : i n g "co d i i s s h i p

b e s t o f m 7 k n o w l e d g e a n d b e l i e f , • S i g n a + u r ~ + . . . . +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

+hiserr+ here due+ + numtJer of a~tache4 forms; i t none, delete ~he words in brackets.

Page 9: CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, HOUSEHOLD RETURN Ausers.pop.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI/CensusForms/... · CENSUS, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1966 HOUSEHOLD RETURN A Forrn issued by the Registrar General

966 iii iAL.L "" ~'"~' C ~" ~" "~ .. v.,rr~..L:RS A N D O T H E R R A N K S O,x RATINGS O F HER HAJESTY'S F O ° C ':c,...<,~

" ~ e , ~ ' C c~:'¢:~'. C',"~"" ,:~ OMEN'S A N D NU,,.a~,-~...~ .:~:r~,Yl.~.ca) IN TIdE SHIP O~-~ IN THE S-i 'ATION, BARRACI<.S, ETC.


• ii


!i~r over ~e~vlce : !!~ arid

i~d " Oil" iiid " or A r m of

[ iiie,:J " S e r v i c e !!ver

Fill in ~".l~n'm~ ::.,a~d :~;u~'¢tame~ of every officer and ocher rank

or ratin~ w h o is aliv,'.~ a.i: midnigM: on Sund~.y, 9rh O c t o b e r , 1966,

and w h o :',pend,~ the night ,,:m board ,;hi;; sifip or in che~e

premise:< if anyone wi~o has not been anumera.t~.~d elsewhere

arrive~ the rmx~ day include i~irn or her also.

if i hale. W r i n g

" PI:" !f [erria1.~:

writ.,-: i " F . " !



Oate o f ~irl, 'h

Month Year

H a r i t a l cond i t i on

For persons aged 16 years or ovei"

wri t e " ~iafle "

'! Harr icd ~' " ~Nidowed " or

" Oivorced " whichever


S e r v i c e a n d

~r, a n c h o r

Arm of S e r v i c e




ihat th is R e t u r n ( i nc lud i r t g tl~e ar.ner *a~:tacl led f o r m s re la i : i l lg t o d~is : ;hip o r establ i 'shmenT.) is c o r r e c d ) , f i l led up t o ~.lle

iibes~ o f m y k n o w l e d g e and bel ie f . S i g n a ~ : u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R a n k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i the tmmber of a~mched forms; if none, delete the words in brackets.


No. of Return ...