THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD DECEMBER 3, 1925 Buy "His" Gifts From a Man's Store! Here's a Store in which he places his faith and confidence just because he knows the merchandise, service and prices are right. That's about as good a reason as any why "his" gifts should be pur- chased" here.-- - _. .,__..__ Our Christmas Stocks Are Now Complete and You Will Find Many Helpful Suggestions by Visiting "His" Store. Let Us Help You ED KELLY Store for- Men Cabrillo Ave. ~ Torrance The Best Solution For An Economical Christmas: 1 2 Photographs of Yourself For $10.00 The Only Thing Your Friends Cannot Buy With Money YOUR PHOTOGRAPH There Is Still Time To Have It Taken for Christmas. But you must come at once! 1509 Cabrillo Ave. Phone 157-J Torrance Gas Heaters A Dollar Down For a limited time the Southern California Gas Company will deliver and connect in your fireplace any Humphrey's Radiantfire heater on the payment of one dollar down, the balance on easy monthly terms. Thin is a clean, economical, efficient gas heater which may be installed in any fire- place. Inquire today. Southern California Gas Company Post and Cravens Torrance, CaJ. Safeway Declares Dividend U a meeting of Hie directors of i Safeway Stores, Inc.. held a \i days ago, the regular quarterly ih dividend was declared. Checks now In the mail. The reports presented at the cting show that the aggressive igram of 1923-2'! has been con- ued throughout the present year. A total of 66 new stores have been dded during the past twelve lonths, and a total of 320 stores, extending from Bakersfield to San Diego, are now being operated. The above photograph is that of a freight car. It is, al- most. It is one of the large Safe- way trucks constantly In movcm between the central warehouse the Safeway Stores at Vernon : Alamedn. Lps Angeles, and warehouses which we are Inforn are maintained in both Bakersfield and San Diego. While most of th staple food products reach thes branch warehouses In solid car loads, there are numerous item; which are supplied these branchei asyLessens in - AUCTION BRIDGE New Series by WYNNE FERGUS ON (Author of'&erguson on Conrrliht 1925by Horle. Jr. . ...__ ... _... Kvory club and every private circle of auction" players-has -one- or more members who believe in using the pre-emptive' or shut-out bid in practically every hand. Such tactics are very showy when they succeed, but as a rule they are losers. The other night a young player from one of the universities was naked to play at one of the well-known New York card clubs. He had a very pleasant per- sonality, but his methods of bidding- were a little too rash to suit his fellow players. He was one of those pre-emptive bidders who seem to think that a bid ot one is old-fashioned and out of date. He started off the first rubber as dealer and promptly bid two no-trump, winning the first same. On the next deal, the first three players passed and he bid four spades and won the gan^s and rubber. This was pretty speedy, but when he bid two no-trump on the .first game of the next rubber and made three odd, the other players began to look" dazed. His luck was too good to last, however, so when he bid three spades on the.following: hand: Hearts 4, 3. Clubs A, 7, 2 Diamonds A, 6 Spades J. 10, 7, 6, 4, 2 , he was doubled and lost 518 points. The other players thought this would make him less cocky, but on the very next hand he again bid two no-trump with the following hand: Hearts A, K, 8 Clubs A, K, 10, 4 Diamonds A, K, 7, 6 : Spades A, K The next player' bid three spades and our college boy thought that he had a chance to get back his loss of BOO points, so promptly doubled. Much to his amazement and chagrin, his opponent made the three spades doubled. He had a freak hand, of course, but the bid of twa no-trump. The opponent's hand was as follows: Hearts Q, J, 10, 9 7 Clubs none Diamonds none Spades Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 6, 3, 2 The opponent would probably have bid four or more spades with this hand if the college boy had bid his hand up gradually instead of starting in with two no-trump ' and then double. Take your bidding gradually and don't make pre-emptive bids unless you have some very good reospn for doing BO. The pre-emptive bid is very useful at times, but unless used with great discretion Is apt to prove a" boomerang, as in the cases cited. Several weeks ago the following hand was submitted to the writer for comment: Y Hearts K, Q, 6, 3 ' . - ' Clubs A, K, 6, 4, 2 * ° ' Diamonds A, K, 9. 2 ! z ! Spades none Rubber game, no score.. Z dealt and bid one heart, A two spades, and y doubled. What should B now do? Should B pass, bid two no-trump or three club's? At that time the writer said: "In the opinion of this writer he should pass and trust to his high cards to enable his partner to make the bid. A's bid of two spades over one heart should Indicate that his hand is good at. spades and nothing more. B's hand has no spades but fine side cards. If A makes his bid he will score game and rubber and he ceVtalnly has a good chance to do so. The two no-trump bid seems bad because of A's bid of two spades, which, If sound, should Indicate spades and little else. For that reason, how can B play two no-trumps if he cannot make up A's spade suit and A's hand cannot help B in his three suits. The three club bid is sound but doesn't offer a chance for game. 'Pass1 seems by far the preferable thing to do." Since writing that opinion the writer has obtained the actual hands of all four players. They were as follows: Hearts 9, 7, 2 Clubs 8 Diamonds Q, J, 10 Spades K, J, 7, 6, 3, 2 He Clubs 10, 7, 6 Diamonds 8, 7 Spades A, Q, 10, 9, 6, 6, 4 Hearts K, Q, 6, 3 Clubs A, K, 6, 4, 2 Diamonds A, K, S, ; Spades none Hearts A, J, 10, Clubs Q, J, 9, 3 Diamonds 6, 5, I, Spades none d be Interesting for our reader, it the three possible bids by B, clubs. The writer's opinion tht > with B's hand Is more than v Problem No. 6 Hearts 7, 4, 2 Clubs Q, 7, 2 Diamonds none Spades Q, 6 rts K, J, 9 Clubs 10, 6, 5 Diamonds none Spaded K, 10 Hearts none flubs J, t. 3 Diamonds J, 10, B, 4, 3 Spades none Hearts Q, 10, 6 Clubs K Diamonds K, 6, 2 Spades 7 K arc nn trumps and 7. is in the lead. How can Y2 so play id tliut Ihuy will win five of the eight tricks ngajnst any ' Solution in thu ni'xt article. Six Reels Will Reveal Life of Woodrow Wilson Film Depicting Career of Late President Here Next Monday Night on" * LOMITA NOTES * ! ll.-nry Saturday.__ II.M.-II was a fju.'sl Friday of Mrs. Mi. and Mra. I'aill Heav, r »vi<- w A Mr | loimld ol Star HttvH. Sunday dinniT mu-HtB of Mr. and M,,. Hiram H. Ili.-kman of W,su,n MlsB Kni ,. Ku , 1( . imi| Mh)K Kv ,, yll s "'"' 1 ' ' Hulladay .spent Sutunluy In I.om; I llt-ui-li. l.awn-ni'.' Slali up ol F.kiii Hllr.'t all. n,I.-.I Hi.- Mas,.n Tli.-iilr. ml.os M, s c|ay l-\mll,m-i i.l I'.misyl- Al.K.-l-H Fildav . V.-IMIU.'. l anla uv.m,. «..:. ., » , , k, nd Klli-sl ul Mil. Ti-lli rson .'I San IVilrti. Mi:-, \\ li M..IIIII .,i li. ai-on Mi.-I ^p. ill l-|lda\ and Saluidal \|i an.I MlH. I'..11, 11 haM mmvd with Mr an.l Mi>- K II. M i. .., .1 ,, , I,,,.-, A,, K .I, S into tin- HoltH Hollywood. piopmy on (Juk stivct. "Six Reels of the Real Wil ill be presented on Monday, D 7, with special musical accompanl- icnt, at Central Evangelical Churcl ere. It is announced that the 'ar-leader's career will be graph* :ally depleted from the time is first inauguration until death. It Is understood that th notion pictures portray the r f Mr. Wilson to prodigious po\ ver the nations of the worlrt w exact fidelity and then show ,gie descent, desertion by n people, lingering Illness and ith for his ideals. The Wilson films come to this city after ap- proximatoly 30* presentations in rches and educational Instltu- s on the coast. They arc never mined to lie. shown commer- cially in theatres. There Is to be idmission charged at the pres- entation here. A silver offering will be taken to meet the expenses f bringing in the films, together ith special equipment and mu- cal accompaniment. The Wood- nv Wilson Memorial Society, hich sponsors the Wilson filim- memorial, always sends with the Wilson films its own operator and irojection machines, in order to nsure a high-grade presentation. Those who have seen the picture rejected comment enthusiastically ipon the elaborate manner in . hich it is screened. The purpose of the Woodrow Vilsoh fllnr-memoTiat is- to keep drow Wilson forever alive among his people in the most allstic way possible. It is point- 1 out that stone or bronze me- orials are lifeless and ineffective as compared with the life-like mo- ion, picture of Mr. Wilson which im to spend an hour and a half i the intimate company of the ,-orld-famous executive. The local presentation of the Wilson films has been set for :30, and the doors are to be kept, ipen until- the availabte-seatB- have- ieen taken. From other cities it a reported that the auditoriums availably fall to accommodate all hose wishing to see these unusual listoi-lcal pictures. In so far as s known, this presentation Is to <e the only one in this vicinity. A fellow was laying in hii back yard with the kitchei vtove wrapped around hit neck. And his neighbor came along and said. What hap- pened. And the fellow said I don't know, I was follow- ing the recipe exactly. And tome folks follow the recipe for a happy home but leave out some important details. It takes more than a family, and four walls and a roof to make a hanpy home. up-to-date furniture is not the least important. Huddli'Stou Furniture Co Cataliiu Binli CiUllna l>l>r 103.4 Pacific Bloc Bldg . Lo. Angel CiUllna Terminal, I Canal AVI., Wllmh In All th* Worl No Trip Llki Th osts ThankBgiving Carl L. Hyde we Redondo Beach. Jean, little daughter itrs. R. R. Howe.of An me, is recovering from if bronchitis, Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Zeller and Mrs. M. F. Peer were dinner gucstf Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. F teller of Redondo Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren were mtertalned at dinner Thursday by >Ir. find Mrs. t,. S. Johnson of Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Morford have lurned to Torrance, after a slx- onths stay In Rosevllle. !r. and Mrs. J. M. Hlggins of Arlington avenue were entertained at Thanksgiving dinner by Mr. and i. Ivan J. Arnold of Compton. Mrs. Nettle Steinhllber avenue spent part of la with her daughter, Mrs. le, of Los Angeles. of Post Mrs. John Dill and daughter Anton, of Long Beach, were dlnnci guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs R. B. MacAlplne of Gramercy ave- ind Mrs. B. F. Scptt of ivenue attended the races rly Bowl Sunday. inner guests Thursday of Mr. Mrs. C. M. Mackenzie wer* . Catherine Moll of Michigan MtflB Ruth Miller of Cfllcago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren ixa Miss Dorothy Reineman were din- ner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stoner of Santa Monica. Mr. i and Mi gclcs. ind Mra. Fred Leasing and ere holiday guests of Mr. s. Guy Shlrtle of LOB An- Mr. and Mra. Hurum Reeve and family and Mrs. Lucy M. Reeve, of Post avenue, dined with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Howe Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Berry were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and ' Mrs. W. C. Haydon. cob UroBscup is reported sick list. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jackson were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Jack- son's mother, Mrs. F. Lewis Peters, of Gardena, Mis Phyla Allway and Mrs. S. Islted trie guna Beach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hyde were Sunday visitors' at the home of Mrs. Mary Hiett of Santa Monica. A Master Perfume . CARA NOME (DEAREST NAME) In Gift Packages This exquisite perfume holds today a proud pre-eminence in the world of fashion, enjoying the patronage of the most fastidious women in their quest for -an individual perfume. In the production of Cara Nome Perfume and toilet accessories nothing is too costly as an in- gredient if, by its addition, greater fascination, individuality or. delicacy is possible to attain. Surely your dearest friend will appreciate a beautiful satin-lined Gift Box of Cara Nome Toilet Articles, Come in and let us show them to you. Dolley Drug Co. Phone 10 TJie Torrance " Professional Directory Dr. Louis A. Volse Giteopathlo Physician and Surgeon Apt. 1, Castle Apta. Pbone 1! 1218 El Frado, Torrance Dr. A. P. Stevenson Physician and Surgeon Office, Sherman Bldg., 1S37 BB PraflO Phones: House, 186-W Office, H Tdrrance, Calif. Who's Your Milk Man? If you are not enjoying the pleasures of securing strictly Fresh Dairy Products from your nearby Central Dairy at Harbor City, you are overlooking a treat; and what's more, We Can Save You Money On Your Milk Bill Pasteurized or Raw Milk Butter and Cream This afternoon's milkings are pasteurized tonight and Delivered to you before 4:30 tomorrow morning. Torranee Dealer Phone Lomita 155-J Motor Coach Company TIME TABLE Leave Torranoe for Wllmington nd Long Beaoh 7:15 8:20 9:15 10:20 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:EO 3:15 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 9:20 8-11:25 Leave Long Btaoh for Torranoe D-7:00 7:40 D-8:10 10:00 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:45 5:40 6:45 8-7:45 8:45 10:50 D Dally txcept Sunday*, 8 Sunday only. Connects for Catallna Island. Dr. F. H. Racer PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office "Phone, Lemfti~2B~~ Office in Barne* Building Lomlta, California Residence, 2418 Redondo Bhni. Telephone, Lomita 110 DR. MAUDE R. CHAMBERS Chiropractor First National Bank Bldg. -..Torrance " Phone IZi-J. Res:n09- JW- - Dr. C. E. Hotchkiss Chiropractor X-Ray and Laboratory Service 1811 Sartort Ave., Levy Bid*. Phone 186 DR. R. A. HOAG DENTIST New Edison Bldg. 1419 Marcellna Ave. Just West of Postoffice Complete X-Ray Service Dr. 0. E. Fossum Dentist X-Ray Service Hours Sam Levy Bid* 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1811 Sartorl AT*. Phone 186 Torrance, Calif. PERRY G. BRINEY* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 110 First National Bank Bid*. Phone 159 Toi Dr. Norman A. Leake Phyiioian and Surgeon Office. First National Bank Bid*. Telephone 90 Residence, 1525 Marcellna Ave. Telephone 18-M J. R. JENSEN Attorney at Law State Exchange Bank Bid*-, Torrance, California Phone Torrance > Drs. Lancaster and Shidler PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON* Phones: Office. 14 House. U and 111 Office. PI rat National Bank Bide. Res.. Cor. Post and Arlington Terranoe California. Engraved or Printed Wedding Invitations , and Announcements Wide Assortment of Stylet Torrance Herald 1419 Marcellna Ave. Torrance I

Cataliiu - Torrance · Safeway Declares Dividend U a meeting of Hie directors of i Safeway Stores, Inc.. held a ... well-known New York card clubs. He had a very pleasant per

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Page 1: Cataliiu - Torrance · Safeway Declares Dividend U a meeting of Hie directors of i Safeway Stores, Inc.. held a ... well-known New York card clubs. He had a very pleasant per


Buy "His" Gifts From a Man's Store!

Here's a Store in which he places his faith and confidence just because he knows the merchandise, service and prices are right.

That's about as good a reason as any why "his" gifts should be pur­ chased" here.-- - _. .,__..__

Our Christmas StocksAre Now Complete and You WillFind Many Helpful Suggestions

by Visiting "His" Store.

Let Us Help You

ED KELLYStore for- Men

Cabrillo Ave. ~ Torrance

The Best Solution For An Economical Christmas:

1 2 Photographs of Yourself For


The Only Thing Your Friends Cannot Buy With Money


There Is Still Time To Have It Taken for Christmas. But you must come at once!

1509 Cabrillo Ave. Phone 157-J Torrance

Gas Heaters A Dollar Down

For a limited time the Southern California Gas Company will deliver and connect in your fireplace any Humphrey's Radiantfire heater on the payment of one dollar down, the balance on easy monthly terms.

Thin is a clean, economical, efficient gas heater which may be installed in any fire­ place.

Inquire today.

Southern California Gas Company

Post and Cravens Torrance, CaJ.

Safeway Declares Dividend

U a meeting of Hie directors of

i Safeway Stores, Inc.. held a

\i days ago, the regular quarterly

ih dividend was declared. Checks

now In the mail.The reports presented at thecting show that the aggressiveigram of 1923-2'! has been con-ued throughout the present year.

A total of 66 new stores have beendded during the past twelvelonths, and a total of 320 stores,

extending from Bakersfield to SanDiego, are now being operated.

The above photograph is that of a freight car. It is, al­ most. It is one of the large Safe­ way trucks constantly In movcm between the central warehouse the Safeway Stores at Vernon : Alamedn. Lps Angeles, and warehouses which we are Inforn are maintained in both Bakersfield and San Diego. While most of th staple food products reach thes branch warehouses In solid car loads, there are numerous item; which are supplied these branchei

asy Lessens in -AUCTIONBRIDGE

New Series by WYNNE FERGUS ON(Author of'&erguson on

Conrrliht 1925by Horle. Jr. . ...__ ... _...Kvory club and every private circle of auction" players-has -one-

or more members who believe in using the pre-emptive' or shut-out

bid in practically every hand. Such tactics are very showy when

they succeed, but as a rule they are losers. The other night a young

player from one of the universities was naked to play at one of the

well-known New York card clubs. He had a very pleasant per­

sonality, but his methods of bidding- were a little too rash to suit his

fellow players. He was one of those pre-emptive bidders who seem

to think that a bid ot one is old-fashioned and out of date. He

started off the first rubber as dealer and promptly bid two no-trump,

winning the first same. On the next deal, the first three players

passed and he bid four spades and won the gan^s and rubber. This

was pretty speedy, but when he bid two no-trump on the .first game

of the next rubber and made three odd, the other players began to

look" dazed. His luck was too good to last, however, so when he bid

three spades on the.following: hand:Hearts 4, 3.Clubs A, 7, 2Diamonds A, 6Spades J. 10, 7, 6, 4, 2 ,

he was doubled and lost 518 points. The other players thought this

would make him less cocky, but on the very next hand he again

bid two no-trump with the following hand:Hearts A, K, 8Clubs A, K, 10, 4Diamonds A, K, 7, 6 :Spades A, K

The next player' bid three spades and our college boy thought that

he had a chance to get back his loss of BOO points, so promptly

doubled. Much to his amazement and chagrin, his opponent made

the three spades doubled. He had a freak hand, of course, but the

bid of twa no-trump. The opponent's hand was as follows:Hearts Q, J, 10, 9 7Clubs noneDiamonds noneSpades Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 6, 3, 2

The opponent would probably have bid four or more spades with

this hand if the college boy had bid his hand up gradually instead

of starting in with two no-trump ' and then double. Take your

bidding gradually and don't make pre-emptive bids unless you have

some very good reospn for doing BO. The pre-emptive bid is very

useful at times, but unless used with great discretion Is apt to

prove a" boomerang, as in the cases cited.Several weeks ago the following hand was submitted to the writer

for comment:

Y Hearts K, Q, 6, 3' . - ' Clubs A, K, 6, 4, 2 * ° ' Diamonds A, K, 9. 2! z ! Spades none

Rubber game, no score.. Z dealt and bid one heart, A two spades, and

y doubled. What should B now do? Should B pass, bid two no-trump

or three club's? At that time the writer said: "In the opinion of

this writer he should pass and trust to his high cards to enable

his partner to make the bid. A's bid of two spades over one heart

should Indicate that his hand is good at. spades and nothing more.

B's hand has no spades but fine side cards. If A makes his bid he

will score game and rubber and he ceVtalnly has a good chance

to do so. The two no-trump bid seems bad because of A's bid of

two spades, which, If sound, should Indicate spades and little else.

For that reason, how can B play two no-trumps if he cannot

make up A's spade suit and A's hand cannot help B in his three

suits. The three club bid is sound but doesn't offer a chance for

game. 'Pass1 seems by far the preferable thing to do."

Since writing that opinion the writer has obtained the actual

hands of all four players. They were as follows:Hearts 9, 7, 2Clubs 8Diamonds Q, J, 10Spades K, J, 7, 6, 3, 2

HeClubs 10, 7, 6 Diamonds 8, 7 Spades A, Q, 10, 9, 6, 6, 4

Hearts K, Q, 6, 3 Clubs A, K, 6, 4, 2 Diamonds A, K, S, ; Spades none

Hearts A, J, 10, Clubs Q, J, 9, 3 Diamonds 6, 5, I, Spades none

d be Interesting for our reader, it the three possible bids by B, clubs. The writer's opinion tht

> with B's hand Is more than vProblem No. 6

Hearts 7, 4, 2 Clubs Q, 7, 2 Diamonds none Spades Q, 6

rts K, J, 9 Clubs 10, 6, 5 Diamonds none Spaded K, 10

Hearts none flubs J, t. 3 Diamonds J, 10, B, 4, 3 Spades none

Hearts Q, 10, 6Clubs KDiamonds K, 6, 2Spades 7

K arc nn trumps and 7. is in the lead. How can Y2 so play

id tliut Ihuy will win five of the eight tricks ngajnst any

' Solution in thu ni'xt article.

Six Reels Will Reveal Life of Woodrow Wilson

Film Depicting Career ofLate President Here Next

Monday Nighton"

* LOMITA NOTES * ! ll.-nry Saturday.__

II.M.-II was a fju.'sl Friday of Mrs.

Mi. and Mra. I'aill Heav, r »vi<- w A Mr | loimld ol Star HttvH.

Sunday dinniT mu-HtB of Mr. and

M,,. Hiram H. Ili.-kman of W,su,n MlsB Kni ,. Ku , 1( . imi| Mh)K Kv ,, yll

s"'"' 1 ' ' Hulladay .spent Sutunluy In I.om;

I llt-ui-li.l.awn-ni'.' Slali up ol F.kiii Hllr.'t

all. n,I.-.I Hi.- Mas,.n Tli.-iilr. ml.os M, s c|ay l-\mll,m-i i.l I'.misyl-

Al.K.-l-H Fildav . V.-IMIU.'. l anla uv.m,. «..:. ., » , , k, nd Klli-sl

ul Mil. Ti-lli rson .'I San IVilrti.

Mi:-, \\ li M..IIIII .,i li. ai-on

Mi.-I ^p. ill l-|lda\ and Saluidal \|i an.I MlH. I'..11, 11 haM mmvd

with Mr an.l Mi>- K II. M i. .., .1 ,, , I,,,.-, A,, K .I, S into tin- HoltH

Hollywood. piopmy on (Juk stivct.

"Six Reels of the Real Wil ill be presented on Monday, D

7, with special musical accompanl- icnt, at Central Evangelical Churcl ere. It is announced that the 'ar-leader's career will be graph* :ally depleted from the time is first inauguration until

death. It Is understood that th notion pictures portray the r f Mr. Wilson to prodigious po\ ver the nations of the worlrt w

exact fidelity and then show ,gie descent, desertion by n people, lingering Illness and ith for his ideals. The Wilson

films come to this city after ap- proximatoly 30* presentations in

rches and educational Instltu- s on the coast. They arc never mined to lie. shown commer­

cially in theatres. There Is to be idmission charged at the pres­

entation here. A silver offering will be taken to meet the expenses

f bringing in the films, together ith special equipment and mu- cal accompaniment. The Wood- nv Wilson Memorial Society, hich sponsors the Wilson filim-

memorial, always sends with the Wilson films its own operator and irojection machines, in order to nsure a high-grade presentation. Those who have seen the picture rejected comment enthusiastically ipon the elaborate manner in . hich it is screened.

The purpose of the Woodrow Vilsoh fllnr-memoTiat is- to keep

drow Wilson forever alive among his people in the most

allstic way possible. It is point- 1 out that stone or bronze me- orials are lifeless and ineffective

as compared with the life-like mo- ion, picture of Mr. Wilson which

im to spend an hour and a half i the intimate company of the ,-orld-famous executive.The local presentation of the

Wilson films has been set for :30, and the doors are to be kept, ipen until- the availabte-seatB- have- ieen taken. From other cities it a reported that the auditoriums availably fall to accommodate all hose wishing to see these unusual listoi-lcal pictures. In so far as s known, this presentation Is to <e the only one in this vicinity.

A fellow was laying in hii

back yard with the kitchei

vtove wrapped around hit


And his neighbor came

along and said. What hap­

pened. And the fellow said

I don't know, I was follow­

ing the recipe exactly.

And tome folks follow

the recipe for a happy

home but leave out some

important details.

It takes more than a

family, and four walls and

a roof to make a hanpy


up-to-date furniture is not

the least important.

Huddli'Stou Furniture Co


Binli CiUllna l>l>r103.4 Pacific Bloc

Bldg . Lo. AngelCiUllna Terminal, I

Canal AVI., WllmhIn All th* Worl

No Trip Llki Th

osts ThankBgiving Carl L. Hyde we

Redondo Beach.

Jean, little daughter itrs. R. R. Howe.of An me, is recovering from if bronchitis,

Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Zeller and Mrs. M. F. Peer were dinner gucstf Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. F teller of Redondo Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren were mtertalned at dinner Thursday by >Ir. find Mrs. t,. S. Johnson of

Santa Monica.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Morford have lurned to Torrance, after a slx- onths stay In Rosevllle.

!r. and Mrs. J. M. Hlggins of Arlington avenue were entertained at Thanksgiving dinner by Mr. and

i. Ivan J. Arnold of Compton.

Mrs. Nettle Steinhllberavenue spent part of lawith her daughter, Mrs.

le, of Los Angeles.

of Post

Mrs. John Dill and daughter Anton, of Long Beach, were dlnnci guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs R. B. MacAlplne of Gramercy ave-

ind Mrs. B. F. Scptt of ivenue attended the races rly Bowl Sunday.

inner guests Thursday of Mr.Mrs. C. M. Mackenzie wer*

. Catherine Moll of Michigan

MtflB Ruth Miller of Cfllcago.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren ixa Miss Dorothy Reineman were din­ ner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stoner of Santa Monica.

Mr. i

and Mi gclcs.

ind Mra. Fred Leasing and ere holiday guests of Mr. s. Guy Shlrtle of LOB An-

Mr. and Mra. Hurum Reeve and family and Mrs. Lucy M. Reeve, of Post avenue, dined with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Howe Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Berry were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and ' Mrs. W. C. Haydon.

cob UroBscup is reported sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jackson were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Jack­ son's mother, Mrs. F. Lewis Peters, of Gardena,

Mis Phyla Allway and Mrs. S.Islted trie

guna Beach Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hyde were Sunday visitors' at the home of Mrs. Mary Hiett of Santa Monica.

A Master Perfume .


In Gift Packages

This exquisite perfume holds today a proud pre-eminence in the world of fashion, enjoying

the patronage of the most fastidious women in their quest for -an individual perfume.

In the production of Cara Nome Perfume and toilet accessories nothing is too costly as an in­ gredient if, by its addition, greater fascination, individuality or. delicacy is possible to attain.

Surely your dearest friend will appreciate a

beautiful satin-lined Gift Box of Cara Nome Toilet Articles, Come in and let us show them to you.

Dolley Drug Co.Phone 10 TJie



Professional Directory

Dr. Louis A. VolseGiteopathlo Physician

and Surgeon

Apt. 1, Castle Apta. Pbone 1! 1218 El Frado, Torrance

Dr. A. P. StevensonPhysician and Surgeon

Office, Sherman Bldg., 1S37 BB PraflOPhones:

House, 186-W Office, H Tdrrance, Calif.

Who's Your

Milk Man?If you are not enjoying the pleasures of securing

strictly Fresh Dairy Products from your nearby Central

Dairy at Harbor City, you are overlooking a treat;

and what's more,

We Can Save You Money On Your Milk Bill

Pasteurized or Raw MilkButter and Cream

This afternoon's milkings are pasteurized tonight and

Delivered to you before 4:30 tomorrow morning.

Torranee DealerPhone Lomita 155-J

Motor Coach Company TIME TABLE

Leave Torranoe for Wllmington nd Long Beaoh

7:15 8:20

9:15 10:20 11:20 12:201:202:EO

3:15 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 9:20


Leave Long Btaohfor



D-8:10 10:00 10:40 11:40 12:401:402:403:404:455:406:45



D Dally txcept Sunday*,8 Sunday only. Connects for Catallna Island.


Office "Phone, Lemfti~2B~~

Office in Barne* BuildingLomlta, California

Residence, 2418 Redondo Bhni.Telephone, Lomita 110

DR. MAUDE R. CHAMBERS Chiropractor

First National Bank Bldg. -..Torrance

" Phone IZi-J. Res:n09-JW- -

Dr. C. E. HotchkissChiropractor

X-Ray and Laboratory Service

1811 Sartort Ave., Levy Bid*. Phone 186


New Edison Bldg.1419 Marcellna Ave.

Just West of Postoffice

Complete X-Ray Service

Dr. 0. E. FossumDentist

X-Ray ServiceHours Sam Levy Bid*

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1811 Sartorl AT*.

Phone 186 Torrance, Calif.


110 First National Bank Bid*.

Phone 159 Toi

Dr. Norman A. LeakePhyiioian and Surgeon

Office. First National Bank Bid*.Telephone 90

Residence, 1525 Marcellna Ave. Telephone 18-M

J. R. JENSENAttorney at Law

State Exchange Bank Bid*-, Torrance, California

Phone Torrance >

Drs. Lancaster and Shidler


Phones:Office. 14 House. U and 111

Office. PI rat National Bank Bide.Res.. Cor. Post and Arlington

Terranoe California.



Wedding Invitations

, and

AnnouncementsWide Assortment of Stylet

Torrance Herald1419 Marcellna Ave.
