The Kerryman Wednesday, February 16, 2011 26 CASTLEISLAND John Reidy’s Castleisland Contact John Reidy Phone: 066 7142310/087 2359467 email: [email protected] website: www.reidypix.com CASTLEISLAND Desmonds GAA Club rounded off what can only be described as a remarkable year for them at the River Island Hotel here on Saturday night. There was a limbering up preamble at the local civic offices on Wednesday. There, their finest achievement in many years was honoured with a civic reception hosted by Kerry County Council. In the course of the past 12 months the club has celebrated the 25th anniversary of its All- Ireland Senior Club Championship win in 1985. They did this with a gala dinner at which the legendary and recently retired com- mentator, Micheal O Muircheartaigh officiat- ed. A memorable night was duly recorded in the annals of club history. That was on April 10 of last spring. They hoped, back then, for a good run over the summer months. Little did they realise that they would spend the rest of the summer cele- brating a string of high profile successes – with a remarkable finale in mid autumn. The club’s guiding lights couldn’t even dare to dream of a better sea- son as the seniors were invited to take part in the hugely popular RTE 1 Celebrity Bainisteoir series. To state that the club and its community embraced the notion is a woeful understatement. This universal partici- pation was driven in no small way by the arrival of a remarkable young man from Cork in the form of Derek Burke of Crystal Swing fame. He was the club’s allot- ted ‘Celebrity Bainisteoir’ and he formed an instant bond with the players, the mentors and the commu- nity. The children (of all ages) of the parish sim- ply adored him as he brought the team to the glory they began to dream of as the summer wore on. Derek’s contribution to the club and commu- nity was pithily summed up by one young, female fan on a concrete post near the Desmonds pitch during the height of the fever and it survived the winter. He visited schools with his players and spent whatever time the teach- ers could give him in each one. The children had easy access to him and he signed jerseys, books heads and hands and was the nearest we’ll ever see to the famed Pied Piper. Derek’s job was well done and it all culminat- ed in a trip to Parnell Park and a glorious final victory over Ballymun Kickhams. The return of the team to the celebrations at home on the last evening of September will be spoken of for years. There was an historic angle to another fine honour bestowed on the club just as the dust of the ‘Bainisteoir’ victory was beginning to settle – if it ever will. Divane’s annual calen- dar provided further assurance of the club’s importance to the com- munity it has served down through the years. A copy of the calendar – which has found its way to Castleisland hearts and homes throughout the world since its launch in November – was pre- sented to Cllr. Michael Gleeson at the civic reception on Wednesday. Cllr. Gleeson again proved what a fine speaker he is and he honoured the occasion in his own inimitable and to the point manner. The following is Cllr. Gleeson’s contribution to the historic occasion in the history of the club. “Ladies and Gentlemen it is my great privilege to welcome you to this joyous occasion where we celebrate a great achievement and honour the victorious. Gaelic football is our rich inheritance and it has shaped our history and moulded our com- munities. We are a proud and richly privi- leged to live in a county where sporting excel- lence has become syn- onymous with all that we are and with all that we do. Each of us is imbued with a deep pride in and passion for the commu- nity that begot us and nurtured us. We are always supremely happy to proclaim our county of origin and our birth community. It is right and proper that it is thus. Right and proper because bereft of com- munity we are mere straws blowing aimless- ly in the wind. Castleisland has deep and rich history of G.A.A. involvement and it has played a central role in very many of the Kerry’s great achieve- ments. The county’s first All Ireland title was won in 1903 and the title was retained in 1904. Central to those historic tri- umphs was Dinny Breen, whose name and fame inspired many. Ever since those tri- umphs Castleisland has been to the forefront of all that is best in Kerry football both on and off the field of play. Mundy Prendiville later Archbishop of Perth in Western Australia created his own bit of history when he proclaimed his love for the game by eloping over the seminary wall in order to play in the 1924 All Ireland. His reward was twofold, a prized All Ireland medal and expul- sion from the seminary. He eventually succeeded in being ordained in another college and thus began his remarkable life as a churchman, whereby he was an arch- bishop by the age of 35. Many years after his leap over the wall, indeed when that exploit had been almost forgot- ten, he was invited back to be the ordaining prelate in the college that had expelled him. Having duly raised a number of young men to the priesthood he cleared his throat and commenced his homily with the following dou- bly apt Biblical quote: “And the stone which the builder rejected has become the corner- stone.” There have been other great names from Catleisland and sur- rounding area that wore that hallowed Green and Gold and each bought honour and glory to the place they deeply loved. The Geaneys : Con and Dave, Timmy O’Sullivan, John Joe Sheehan, The Hannafins and a particular hero of mine the powerful and rugged Tim ‘the Tiger’ Lyons. More recently there have been others who proudly began their careers in the Blue and White - the legendary Charlie Nelligan and the elegant Mossie Lyons. 1950 will always be fondly remembered as the ‘Island won the County Championship, defeating in a replay a powerful Killarney 15. Your glory year of ’85 raised your Club to membership of the pan- theon of giants of the game. Being All Ireland Club Champions brought the assurance of immortality and the guarantee of being for- ever mentioned among the giants of what con- stitutes the organisa- tion’s essence —The Club. Your triumph in last year’s Celebrity Bainisteoir proved that you are still a powerful and dynamic club, forev- er pursuing excellence, forever setting stan- dards for other club and most importantly inspir- ing the youth of your area. The pride that you have in your Club and passion that you have for its jersey was etched in every television face. The joy of your triumph in that exciting final in Parnell Park recalled for many the thrill that is victory. I’m ill-qualified to speak about the value that the Hucklebuck was to your successful jour- ney but I certainly recall that even attempting to master it as Brendan Bowyer gyrated was far too much for my aching limbs and gasping lungs. Jack O’Connor may have some interest in adopting and adapting its more demanding moves. I congratulate you, Derek, on transmitting your enthusiasm and commitment to willing hosts. Your achievement means that your name and fame are forever secure in this town. You have also the unique dis- tinction of being the only person from out- side the county to train a Kerry team to All Ireland football victory. I salute you. On behalf of my Council colleagues, our area manager, our engi- neer and our excellent staff I salute all here present on your great success and for the mag- nificent manner in which you represented your town and our coun- ty. Your great victory in Parnell Park has added further lustre to a town and a county where football excellence and pride in place are the very essence of our being. I wish your great club continued success and look forward to many further successes for the Island town in both local and national competi- tions.” Desmonds’ achievements honoured by civic reception Cllr. Michael Gleeson receiving a copy of Divane's 2011 calendar which chronicles the history of Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club from Denis Divane, MD Stanley Divane & Sons at Wednesday's civic reception. Included are from left: John Breen, Kerry County Council area manager; Michael John Kearney, chairman Desmonds and Derek Burke whose contribution to the club as Celebrity Bainisteoir was praised by all the speakers at the reception. Photo by John Reidy Celebrity Bainisteoir, Derek Burke pictured with Desmonds club members at the Kerry County Council hosted civic reception on Wednesday. From left: Donal Kelliher, Jimmy Greaney, Mary Horan and Seán Brennan. Photo by John Reidy

CASTLEISLAND The Kerryman Wednesday, February …crystalswing.com/Assets/pdf/KMSN026 160211.pdfDivane’s annual calen-dar provided further assurance of the club’s importance to

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The KerrymanWednesday, February 16, 201126 CASTLEISLAND

JohnReidy’s Castleisland Contact John Reidy

Phone: 066 7142310/087 2359467email: [email protected]

website: www.reidypix.com

C A S T L E I S L A N DDesmonds GAA Clubrounded off what canonly be described as aremarkable year forthem at the River IslandHotel here on Saturdaynight.

There was a limberingup preamble at the localcivic offices onWednesday.

There, their finestachievement in manyyears was honouredwith a civic receptionhosted by Kerry CountyCouncil.

In the course of thepast 12 months the clubhas celebrated the 25thanniversary of its All-Ireland Senior ClubChampionship win in1985. They did this witha gala dinner at whichthe legendary andrecently retired com-mentator, Micheal OMuircheartaigh officiat-ed. A memorable nightwas duly recorded in theannals of club history.That was on April 10 oflast spring.

They hoped, back then,for a good run over thesummer months. Littledid they realise thatthey would spend therest of the summer cele-brating a string of highprofile successes – witha remarkable finale inmid autumn.

The club’s guidinglights couldn’t even dareto dream of a better sea-son as the seniors wereinvited to take part inthe hugely popular RTE1 Celebrity Bainisteoirseries.

To state that the cluband its communityembraced the notion is awoeful understatement.

This universal partici-pation was driven in nosmall way by the arrivalof a remarkable youngman from Cork in theform of Derek Burke ofCrystal Swing fame.

He was the club’s allot-ted ‘CelebrityBainisteoir’ and heformed an instant bondwith the players, thementors and the commu-nity. The children (of allages) of the parish sim-ply adored him as hebrought the team to theglory they began todream of as the summerwore on.

Derek’s contributionto the club and commu-nity was pithily summed

up by one young, femalefan on a concrete postnear the Desmonds pitchduring the height of thefever and it survived thewinter.

He visited schools withhis players and spentwhatever time the teach-ers could give him ineach one. The childrenhad easy access to himand he signed jerseys,books heads and handsand was the nearestwe’ll ever see to thefamed Pied Piper.

Derek’s job was welldone and it all culminat-ed in a trip to ParnellPark and a glorious finalvictory over BallymunKickhams.

The return of the teamto the celebrations athome on the last eveningof September will bespoken of for years.

There was an historicangle to another finehonour bestowed on theclub just as the dust ofthe ‘Bainisteoir’ victorywas beginning to settle –if it ever will.

Divane’s annual calen-dar provided furtherassurance of the club’simportance to the com-munity it has serveddown through the years.

A copy of the calendar– which has found itsway to Castleislandhearts and homesthroughout the world

since its launch inNovember – was pre-sented to Cllr. MichaelGleeson at the civicreception on Wednesday.Cllr. Gleeson againproved what a finespeaker he is and hehonoured the occasionin his own inimitableand to the point manner.

The following is Cllr.Gleeson’s contributionto the historic occasionin the history of theclub.

“Ladies andGentlemen it is my greatprivilege to welcome youto this joyous occasionwhere we celebrate agreat achievement andhonour the victorious.

Gaelic football is ourrich inheritance and ithas shaped our historyand moulded our com-munities. We are aproud and richly privi-leged to live in a countywhere sporting excel-lence has become syn-onymous with all thatwe are and with all thatwe do.

Each of us is imbuedwith a deep pride in andpassion for the commu-nity that begot us andnurtured us. We arealways supremely happyto proclaim our countyof origin and our birthcommunity. It is rightand proper that it isthus. Right and proper

because bereft of com-munity we are merestraws blowing aimless-ly in the wind.

Castleisland has deepand rich history ofG.A.A. involvement andit has played a centralrole in very many of theKerry’s great achieve-ments.

The county’s first AllIreland title was won in1903 and the title wasretained in 1904. Centralto those historic tri-umphs was DinnyBreen, whose name andfame inspired many.

Ever since those tri-umphs Castleisland hasbeen to the forefront ofall that is best in Kerryfootball both on and offthe field of play.

Mundy Prendivillelater Archbishop ofPerth in WesternAustralia created hisown bit of history whenhe proclaimed his lovefor the game by elopingover the seminary wallin order to play in the1924 All Ireland.

His reward wastwofold, a prized AllIreland medal and expul-sion from the seminary.He eventually succeededin being ordained inanother college and thusbegan his remarkablelife as a churchman,whereby he was an arch-bishop by the age of 35.

Many years after hisleap over the wall,indeed when that exploithad been almost forgot-ten, he was invited backto be the ordainingprelate in the collegethat had expelled him.

Having duly raised anumber of young men tothe priesthood hecleared his throat andcommenced his homilywith the following dou-bly apt Biblical quote:

“And the stone whichthe builder rejected hasbecome the corner-stone.”

There have been othergreat names fromCatleisland and sur-rounding area that worethat hallowed Green andGold and each boughthonour and glory to theplace they deeply loved.The Geaneys : Con andDave, TimmyO’Sullivan, John JoeSheehan, The Hannafinsand a particular hero ofmine the powerful andrugged Tim ‘the Tiger’Lyons. More recentlythere have been otherswho proudly began theircareers in the Blue andWhite - the legendaryCharlie Nelligan and theelegant Mossie Lyons.

1950 will always befondly remembered asthe ‘Island won theCounty Championship,defeating in a replay a

powerful Killarney 15.Your glory year of ’85

raised your Club tomembership of the pan-theon of giants of thegame. Being All IrelandClub Championsbrought the assuranceof immortality and theguarantee of being for-ever mentioned amongthe giants of what con-stitutes the organisa-tion’s essence —TheClub.

Your triumph in lastyear’s CelebrityBainisteoir proved thatyou are still a powerfuland dynamic club, forev-er pursuing excellence,forever setting stan-dards for other club andmost importantly inspir-ing the youth of yourarea.

The pride that youhave in your Club andpassion that you havefor its jersey was etchedin every television face.The joy of your triumphin that exciting final inParnell Park recalled formany the thrill that isvictory.

I’m ill-qualified tospeak about the valuethat the Hucklebuck wasto your successful jour-ney but I certainly recallthat even attempting tomaster it as BrendanBowyer gyrated was fartoo much for my achinglimbs and gasping lungs.

Jack O’Connor mayhave some interest inadopting and adaptingits more demandingmoves.

I congratulate you,Derek, on transmittingyour enthusiasm andcommitment to willinghosts. Your achievementmeans that your nameand fame are foreversecure in this town. Youhave also the unique dis-tinction of being theonly person from out-side the county to train aKerry team to AllIreland football victory. Isalute you.

On behalf of myCouncil colleagues, ourarea manager, our engi-neer and our excellentstaff I salute all herepresent on your greatsuccess and for the mag-nificent manner inwhich you representedyour town and our coun-ty.

Your great victory inParnell Park has addedfurther lustre to a townand a county wherefootball excellence andpride in place are thevery essence of ourbeing.

I wish your great clubcontinued success andlook forward to manyfurther successes for theIsland town in both localand national competi-tions.”

Desmonds’ achievementshonoured by civic reception

Cllr. Michael Gleeson receiving a copy of Divane's 2011 calendar whichchronicles the history of Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club from Denis Divane,MD Stanley Divane & Sons at Wednesday's civic reception. Included are fromleft: John Breen, Kerry County Council area manager; Michael John Kearney,chairman Desmonds and Derek Burke whose contribution to the club as CelebrityBainisteoir was praised by all the speakers at the reception. Photo by John Reidy

Celebrity Bainisteoir, Derek Burke pictured with Desmonds club members at theKerry County Council hosted civic reception on Wednesday. From left: DonalKelliher, Jimmy Greaney, Mary Horan and Seán Brennan. Photo by John Reidy