O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland revised July 2013, copyright © Bill Jehan 1968-2013 Thanks to all who have contributed to these pages - please send additions & corrections to email: [email protected] OC 01 O'CONNOR Coolnageragh, Scartaglin and Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland This family tree evolved from an outline pedigree made in the 1940s, at the request of W.H. O'Connor of Castleisland, by a professor from University College Cork W.H.'s grandchildren were added c1966 by his son Sean O'Connor, who later had several copies printed as a single sheet, suitable for framing, c1989; Expanded & updated in this present format by Sheila Bryant & Bill Jehan 1993 Much of the material on the life of W.H. O'Connor has been freely borrowed from an unpublished typescript biographical memoir of c1956 written by his younger brother Michael O'Connor (Brother Francis, of the Presentation Brothers, Cork City) Information on the Pickering family is from notes supplied to Bill by Vida Allen, historian of the McGregor Museum at Kimberley, Cape Province, South Africa The Scartaglin O'Connors are believed to descend not from O'Connor Kerry but from O'Connor Don 19th and early 20th century baptisms recorded as taking place in Castleisland RC church would usually take place in the family home (e.g. Coolnageragh, Scartaglin) to be later entered in the register at Castleisland by the priest Coat of Arms: A weathered and now almost unreadable inscription, on the horizontal top slab of the ancient burial vault of the Scartaglin O'Connors at Kilsarcan, was repeated in 1949 on the memorial to W.H. O'Connor and his family at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland. This reads: NOLI IRRITARE LEONEM Three warlike lions with their bloody swords in hand, cris-cross the griffin and lizard doth stand; The royal oak, with all its flourishing charms, stand for the princely O'Connors coat of arms. Ua Concubair W.H. O'Connor family vault at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland the family crest is an oak tree, the badge of the O'Connors photo: courtesy of Hilary Titchener OC 01

O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland ...fkancestry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BH61_O... · (b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may

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Page 1: O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland ...fkancestry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BH61_O... · (b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may

O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland

revised July 2013, copyright © Bill Jehan 1968-2013

Thanks to all who have contributed to these pages - please send additions & corrections to email: [email protected]

OC 01

O'CONNORCoolnageragh, Scartaglin and Castleisland, Co.Kerry, Ireland

This family tree evolved from an outline pedigree made in the 1940s, at the request

of W.H. O'Connor of Castleisland, by a professor from University College Cork

W.H.'s grandchildren were added c1966 by his son Sean O'Connor,

who later had several copies printed as a single sheet, suitable for framing, c1989;

Expanded & updated in this present format by Sheila Bryant & Bill Jehan 1993

Much of the material on the life of W.H. O'Connor has been freely borrowed from

an unpublished typescript biographical memoir of c1956 written by his younger

brother Michael O'Connor (Brother Francis, of the Presentation Brothers, Cork City)

Information on the Pickering family is from notes supplied to Bill by Vida Allen,

historian of the McGregor Museum at Kimberley, Cape Province, South Africa

The Scartaglin O'Connors are believed to descend not from O'Connor Kerry but from O'Connor Don

19th and early 20th century baptisms recorded as taking place in Castleisland RC church would usually take place

in the family home (e.g. Coolnageragh, Scartaglin) to be later entered in the register at Castleisland by the priest

Coat of Arms:

A weathered and now almost unreadable inscription, on the horizontal top slab of the ancient burial vault

of the Scartaglin O'Connors at Kilsarcan, was repeated in 1949 on the memorial to W.H. O'Connor and his

family at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland. This reads:


Three warlike lions with their bloody swords in hand,

cris-cross the griffin and lizard doth stand;

The royal oak, with all its flourishing charms,

stand for the princely O'Connors coat of arms.

Ua Concubair

W.H. O'Connor family vault

at Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland the family crest is an oak tree, the badge of the O'Connors

photo: courtesy of Hilary Titchener

OC 01

Page 2: O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland ...fkancestry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BH61_O... · (b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may

OC 02

Tadhg (Tadg, >>>>>>>>>|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>William Hugh >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Hugh "Hugo" William >>>>>>>|>>>William Hugh "WH" O'Connor >>>>>|>>>

Teige, Timothy) | of Close, | O'Connor | O'Connor; b.c1845 | a.k.a. “Bill Q” |

O'Connor; | Castleisland, | b.c1815 (or c1812?) | bapt.12.5.1845 Castleisland | Prominent Co.Kerry merchant and |

Farmer; | Co.Kerry; | of Coolnageragh, | RC (St.Stephen & St.John) | businessman; of The "Kingdom" |

of Scartaglin, | b.c1760 | Scartaglin, near | sponsors Hugo O'Connor | House, Castleisland, Co.Kerry; |

near Castleisland, | Farmer | Castleisland, Co.Kerry | & Catherine Russell | / |

Co.Kerry; | d.c1829 | / | / | b.17.12.1878 on family farm at |

b.c1733 | / | tenant farmer, as | of Coolnageragh Scartaglin; | Coolnageragh, Scartaglin; |

/ | m. Ellen Flaherty | his father had been, | tenant farmer, as father had | bapt.19.12.1878 Castleisland (RC) |

d.c1813 | of North Kerry | leasing his land from | been, leasing his land from | Ch. of St.Stephen & St.John, his |

/ | | the Herbert estate; | the Herbert estate; During | sponsors Redmond Roche & aunt |

buried in the | | d.2.10.1885 | "the troubled days of the | Ellen O'Connor; |

O'Connor family | | Castleisland | land agitation..." in 1880s, | his birth & baptism record both |

vault at the old | | / | he left the family farm at | have b.19th but in his family his |

graveyard in | | m. Mary Russell | Coolnageragh "as protest | birthday was kept 17th December |

Kilsarcan, near | | of Kileentierna | against the cupidity of the | / |

Castleisland | | (family of Russell | landlords of those times…" | For 7 years in 1880s his parents |

/ | | of Clounclough, | living 7 years in the town | lived at Castleisland, he attending |

m. Ellen Cotter | | Currow, Co.Kerry); | of Castleisland; first over | the Presentation Convent School; |

of North Kerry | | d.post 1898 | Dan O'Callaghan's shop on | on their return to the farm at |

| | | Killarney Rd, where sons | Coolnageragh attended Scartaglin |

NOTE: | |>>>Thady O'Connor | Con & Hugh were born in | National School & (for 3 months) |

The inscription on | | of Firies, Co.Kerry; | 1886 (c1957 this shop | "Skerry's Academy" in Cork; |

the horizontal slab | | emig. to USA; | was kept by D.J.Browne); | Quoted as saying that ...all his |

over the vault at | | m.1st <???> Horan | He then moved to a shop | ambitions would be satisfied |

Kilsarcan is badly | | of Currans | he acquired on Church St., | when he was the possessor |

weathered; | | m.2nd J.Sheehan | this later (c1957) run by | of a watch and a bicycle... |

In 1990 the name | | of Brosna | W.D.Harrington | / |

James O'Connor | | | / | He studied hard to obtain a Civil |

remained visible, | |>>>Hugh O'Connor | Lord Ashbourne's 'Irish | Service Post, being coached for |

but not sure where | | of Close, Castleisland | Land Purchase Act' of 1885 | the "Second Division" C.S. exam |

this James fits in | | | enabled him as tenant to | at a private school run by John |

/ | |>>>Thomas O'Connor | to purchase the farm at | O'Loughlin McGuinness, in house |

Sheila (O'Connor) | | (no issue) | Coolnageragh through the | owned by Jer Andy, next to the |

Bryant recalls | | m. <???> Twohill; | Irish Land Commission; | Crown Hotel, Castleisland; having |

one year in the | | of Kenmare | The act made state credit | failed the exam he decided to |

early 1940s when | | | available, enticing tenant | emigrate to South Africa; |

she and her sister | |>>>Margaret O'Connor | farmers to buy their land & | W.H. was given £25 by Dan |

Maureen were at | | m. Mundy Roche; | landlords to sell it to them | McQuinn (of Gortatlea?) for |

Kilsarcan after | | of Annagh, nr Tralee | / | his passage, Dan being related |

dark, praying at | | | d.3.12.1905 Coolnageragh | to W.H. through the Russells |

the tomb, the | |>>>Mary O'Connor | / | / |

inscription was | | m. J. O'Connor; | LAND ACTS: | At the age of 20 he sailed on |

clearly visible in | | of Fahaduv | All Herbert Estate lands | Union Castle Line SS "Gascon", |

the moonlight but | | | near Castleisland were sold | departing 13.5.1899 Southampton |

not in daylight | |>>>Ellen O'Connor | to tenants in this way | to Capetown, Cape Colony (from |

| | m. <???> Casey | following Lord Ashbournes | 1910 known as Cape Province SA) |

| | of Chapel St., | 1885 Land Act; | intending to work as a miner, and |

| | Castleisland | A few years later the 1903 | was there during the Anglo-Boer |

| | | "Wyndham Land Purchase | war of 1899-1902; work in mines |

| |>>>Julia O'Connor | Act" enabled yet more | being hard to find, he joined the |

| m. Loughlin; | tenant farmers in Ireland | "Cape Mounted Police", a semi- |

| of Castleisland | to buy their own farms | military police force of mobile |

| | / | columns, able to be dispatched |

| | m. Ellen "Ellie" Hickey | quickly where needed (Raised |

| | b.c1853 | 1882, reformed 1904, merged into |

| Ellen Hickey is related to:- | of Meenlietrim; | "S.African Mounted Rifles" 1913) |

| Twomey - Tralee | Farmer's daughter | / |

| Enright - Listowel | d.9.10.1909; bur. Kilsarcon | About 1/4 of “Cape Mounted |

| Guiney - Knocnaclarig, | burial ground | Police” were Irish, the regiment |

| Brosna | / | described as "a superb body of |

| Brosnan - Close, Castleis'd | NOTE: Ellen's sister Bridget | men, 1900 strong”; during the war |

| Kerin - Scartaglin | Hickey m. <???> Guiney | Kimberley was besieged by Boers |

| Huran - Carhue | | 124 days, 14.10.99 to 15.2.1900; |

| Hussey - Balleygree |>>>Ellen O'Connor | Cape Mtd Police present during |

| Walshe - Cordal / | the siege & one of their officers, |

| Griffin - Ballymouth, Cordal m. Dan Horgan | Lieut. Philip Salkeld, was killed; |

| Downeys of Brosna of Kilcummin | W.H. said to have been stationed |

| (their only dau. Mary Ellen | in Rhodesia, away from conflict |

OC 02 | Horgan m. <???> Groves) | / |

Page 3: O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland ...fkancestry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BH61_O... · (b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may

OC 03 | | / |

| After the war work was difficult to obtain in South Africa, so W.H. returned to Kerry in 1902; Arriving home on a wet, |

| dreary January evening he found the wide empty street of Castleisland depressing; after a few months he became restless |

de BEERS | & before the end of the year returned to Cape Colony, to Kimberley | / |

de Beers, giant | / | / |

South African | At Kimberley he had three jobs and for a time worked all three together, 20 hours a day; Firstly, for lack of alternative |

diamond mining | employment, he worked for a builder, learning bricklaying & building skills; He was then employed by "de Beers |

company, was | Consolidated Mines Ltd"as a "truck labourer" from 8.6.1903 until he resigned 13.3.1907 (re-employed 4.4.1909, resigned |

formed in 1888 | again 26.7.1909); With limited experience of mechanical engineering his first task at de Beers was installing a pumping |

by Cecil Rhodes | engine & equipment at one of the diamond mines, located in what had been the separate but adjoining townships |

(b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may have been the “de Beers Mine” at Belgravia, where W.H. lived, but was |

financier, states- | probably the "Kimberley Mine", a man-made pit 215m deep in the centre of the town, for good reason known as the |

man & empire | “Big Hole” (closed in 1914 but still to be seen) | / |

builder who was | / | / |

Life Governor of | He made enough money from these activities to go into business on his own as a builder, houses being in great demand |

de Beers company | for mine workers; In the words of his brother Michael, he acted as "his own architect, clerk of works, overseer & manager", |

& Prime Minister | purchasing land in Belgravia & building a number of bungalows for sale or rent to miners; / |

of Cape Colony | Starting with a single house, then building two more, then four more, each house sold financed the building of others; |

1890-1896; | W.H. lived at four addresses in Belgravia; first at Milner Street, then Elsmere Road, Belgrave Road and 5 Foley St., one of |

| these last two being a larger house he built for himself, with veranda surrounding; The homes he built were close to the |

| junction of Belgrave Road and Foley Street; he named them Emerald Villas but this name is no longer in use |

| / | / |

| W.H. O'Connor m.2.3.1905 St.Augustine's RC church (since rebuilt) at Beaconsfield (now a part of Kimberley) to |

| Julia Blennerhassett; b.23.10.1878 Skahanagh/Caherleheen; bapt.27.10.1876 St.John RC Tralee; |

| of Skahanagh (Skehanig) in Ratass & of Clahane in Annagh, these being adjoining townlands nr Farmer's Bridge, |

| Ballyseedy, south of Tralee; Her birth certificate has her b.20.2.1879 in error (registered by her aunt Mary Blennerhasett |>>>

| on 1.3.1879); her birth record shows her born at Skahanagh, her Baptism record born at Caherleheen, another townland |

| in Ratass adjacent to Skahanagh; Placenames Skahanagh & Caherleheen were used interchangably as a address for the |

| family home; Julia d.10.3.1967 Castleisland, Co.Kerry; bur. Kilbannivane Cemetery (Pembrokes), Castleisland |

| / | / |

| During the years immediately after leaving school Julia lived with family of her elder sister Nonie Nagle at The Mall, Tralee, |

| going home to Skahanagh at weekends, thus Julia was away during most of her father's illness in 1903 but she was present |

| when he died in April 1903; Julia blamed her brother Tom and his new wife Kate Shanahan for their father Joseph's death, |

| saying to him that Joseph had been neglected (cause of death given as: "Pneumonia 10 days, no medical attention"); |

| They had a row and she left home permanently, travelling to her brother Arthur (S 06) who had gone to |

| Kimberley-Beaconsfield in South Africa one year previously to try his hand at diamond mining (he departed 23.8.1902); |

| she sailed to Capetown on Union Castle Line SS "Walmer Castle", leaving Southampton 6.8.1903, her occupation listed as |

| "maid"; When the ship arrived Arthur was working and unable to travel to Capetown, so she was met off the ship by his |

| friend W.H. O'Connor, who then accompanied her to Kimberley; this was how she met her future husband; |

| Arthur Blennerhassett first met W.H. O'Connor at Kimberley, they had not known each other in Kerry |

| / | / |

THE LODGE | She stayed in South Africa, first as a Red Cross nurse then securing a position working for William Pickering as a live-in |

"The Lodge", | nurse and companion to his mother, Mrs Frances Pickering (nee Lisle) at his home "The Lodge", Egerton Rd, Kimberley; |

Kimberley was | Julia became a friend of the Pickerings & continued at "The Lodge" for a few weeks after Mrs Pickering died on 3.2.1905; |

built in 1889 for | when she married W.H.O'Connor it was from "The Lodge", she going to the church in the Pickering's horse-drawn carriage; |

J.B.Currey, mgr | Their first child Nellie was born at Kimberley in 1906; | / |

of the "London & | In later years one of the Pickering family from S. Africa visited Julia O'Connor at the "Kingdom House" in Castleisland |

South African | / | / |

Exploration Co.". | William Pickering was Company Secretary and a Director of de Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd, the South African |

A large estate, it | diamond mining company formed in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and Charles Rudd (1844-1916) by their purchase |

has peacocks, | and merging of the original “de Beers” and “Kimberley” mines (In 1889 Rhodes also became the head administrator of |

ostriches, game, | the British South Africa Company and in 1890 Prime Minister of Cape Colony); William Pickering’s home “The Lodge” |

croquet court etc; | had been built in 1889 at what was then the outskirts of Belgravia, for J.B.Currey, manager of the “London and South |

The house was | African Exploration Company”; at that time the grounds of the house stretched from Aristotle Avenue, to Du Toitspan |

taken over by | & Egerton Roads, to Hercules St. It was a large estate with peacocks, ostriches & game running free, a croquet court, etc. |

de Beers in 1899 | / | / |

and in 1901 was | In 1907 Julia returned to Kerry, initially on holiday to introduce baby Nellie to the family but staying, living with W.H.’s |

the home of | family at Coolnageragh; W.H. resigned from de Beers 13.3.1907 and also returned to Kerry, to be with his family; When |

William Pickering, | W.H.'s father Hugh William O'Connor died on 3.12.1905 he willed half of the farm at Coolnageragh to his son Michael |

Secretary and | O'Connor, but in June 1905 Michael had joined the Presentation Brothers as Brother Francis, so by family agreement his |

Director of | half of the farm was sold to his brother W.H.; On the half of the farm that he purchased W.H. built a new house, in which |

de Beers and | he installed his wife & daughter, then in 1909 returned to S.Africa a third time (on the Union Castle Line SS "German", |

employer of Julia | departing 8.1.1909 London to Capetown) to sell his house & property at Kimberley and settle his affairs; while doing this |

Blennerhassett; | he once again worked as a "truck labourer" for de Beers, from 4.4.1909 to 26.7.1909 | / |

| / | / |

| The remaining half of the family farm at Coolnageragh was inherited by his brother Con; W.H.'s half of Coolnageragh |

| farm was later sold to Mr.Breen, whose family still farm there; W.H. purchased "The Fountain Warehouse" on Lower |

| Main Street in Castleisland, a house & business including drapery shop & "The Fountain Bar", opposite the old market |

| house & drinking water fountain; As a fluent Irish speaker, his house & business "The Fountain Warehouse" displayed |

| his name outside in Irish; While Julia managed that business, W.H. started milling grain, of any variety he could find, in |

| the shed (still standing) at the rear of the yard behind the house, using very primitive equipment; the animal feed |

OC 03 | produced found a ready market among a farming community experiencing feed shortage / |

Page 4: O'CONNOR FAMILY of Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Castleisland ...fkancestry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BH61_O... · (b.1853 d.1902) | Kimberley, Belgravia and Beaconsfield; This may

OC 04 | / | / |

| On 17.9.1918 W.H. purchased the Castleisland flour mill, a derelect watermill built in 1846 by Lord Ventry on the River |

| Maine at Tonbwee, with the land attached to it; the mill's original function having been to grind maize into "Indian Meal"; |

| In 1919 he founded "W.H. O'Connor" as "millers, merchants, drapers, outfitters & importers" in Castleisland; W.H., with |

| James Tangney the carpenter, worked hard to repair buildings & machinery, restarting the old water wheel; In 1926 the old |

| mill at Tonbwee, renamed as "Rhyno Mills", started producing animal feed in quantity, "Rhyno Balanced Rations" quickly |

| gaining repute among Munster farmers as products of the highest quality; The name "Rhyno" may have come from W.H.'s |

| African experience, although it has been also suggested it was taken from the old English word meaning money; The mill |

| converted to electricity in 1939, water wheel being removed, millstream & weir filled in; The business became a limited |

| company, "W.H. O'Connor Ltd", c1940; The railway into Castleisland town was for many years kept open for passengers |

| solely by the need to bring in large quantities of raw material for Rhyno Mills; W.H. purchased the Crageens, rich grazing |

| land close to the mill fields already his; also a farm at Ballygree, off Powell's Road in Castleisland, which provided a part |

| of the grain used at the mill; In 1935 he purchased another farm at Commeen House in Carrigaline, Co.Cork; Another |

| branch of the business was fattening pigs for market, using Rhyno dry rations, which took place on a large scale |

| / | |

| A republican by inclination, in 1914 W.H. O'Connor became Chairman of the "Castleisland Volunteers" & was prominently |

| identified with the Sinn Fein movement of that time; When Sinn Fein set up courts to dispence their own justice in |

| opposition to that of the British administration, W.H. became one of the first local judges of the Republican "Castleisland |

| Arbitration Court"; He took no part in the Civil War that occurred after the treaty of 1922; W.H. is mentioned in "Kerry's |

| Fighting Story 1916-1921" (published 1947 by "The Kerryman" newspaper of Tralee) and in "Tans, Terror an Troubles: |

| Kerry's Real Fighting Story 1913-23" by T. Ryle Dwyer (published 2001 by Mercier Press, Cork & Dublin) |

| / | |

| On 8.5.1921 two RIC officers were shot outside Castleisland RC church in Church Street, as they left following Sunday |

| Mass, by two IRA men on motorcycles wearing trenchcoats; the shooting witnessed by Julia O'Connor and her daughter |

| Peggy, then aged eight years, who were also in the crowd leaving after Mass; |

| One RIC man was killed, the other being saved by his wife who covered him with her body; This killing brought the "Black |

| & Tans" from Tralee out in force & as reprisal for the murder four republican owned buildings in the town were burned; |

| One of these was "The Fountain Warehouse", W.H.'s connection with Sinn Fein being known to the authorities & he at |

| the time being "on the run", a fugitive in hiding from the British authorities, wanted for taking an active part in the conflict; |

| at one time WH hid in a water-filled dyke while the Black & Tans were looked for him above; Dan Russell hid in the |

| Fountain Warehouse, in an alcove behind hanging coats, the Black & Tans searching the house but not finding him; |>>>

| W.H.'s brother Michael (Rev. Bro. Francis) saw the smoking ruins of the house; two photographs of the ruins survive |

| (photographer unknown); The irony of this sad episode is that the RIC officer who died was a friend of Julia O'Connor, |

| yet her house was one of those burnt as reprisal for his murder; He left a widow & two young boys, the widow leaving |

| Castleisland and initially placing her sons at the boys' school run by Brother Francis at the Presentation Brothers in Cork, |

| although when their identity became widely known within that school they were moved elsewhere |

| / | |

| Following loss of their home in Castleisland, his wife & children initially stayed with family of uncle Con at Coolnageragh, |>>>

| Scartaglin, near Castleisland; soon after W.H. purchased Artane House in Dublin, the family living there 1921-27; |

| Artane House was a large old country house in what was then countryside north of Dublin; a children's paradise with |

| farmyard, cowhouse, coach-house, stables, orchard, walled garden & greenhouse, located in its own lands off Puckstown |

| Rd (now named Collins Ave., near the junction with Malahide Road) Donnycarney, Dublin; The drive from Puckstown Rd |

| to the house had two dogleg corners (3 straight sections) and this remains today as a series of paved footpaths; |

| at the Puckstown Rd end of the drive stood "The Lodge", a gatehouse occupied by Mrs Hynes; In a field by the house |

| lived the family horse, named Dolcey; Julia ran a retail drapery shop in Dublin, selling fashion wear & millinery, at 101 & |

| 101A Talbot St. (single width property on the ground floor, double width on the first floor), with four employees, inc. Miss |

| Finn, Miss Maher & Miss Clancy; the accountant was T.C. O'Mahony of Castleisland, who lived with them at Artane |

| House while studying accountancy; The upper part of the old shop is now a popular resturant, appropriately named |

| "101 TALBOT" (restaurant in 101, offices in 101a) , with an outdoor/camping supply shop in the ground floor of No.101 |

| / | |

| W.H. returned to Castleisland, initially living in spartan conditions at the old mill house, in a single room over the office, |

| until 1927; During this period one of his daughters Nellie, Maureen & Peggy lived there with him in turn, as housekeeper, |

| also attending the convent school in the town |

| / |

| Julia O'Connor sought, through the courts, compensation for the burning of their house, "The Fountain Warehouse"; |

| Compensation was paid by the British authorities and a new house built on the same site, to W.H.'s own design, a 3 storey |

| 12 bedroom building with drapery and grocery businesses beneath, also a small lounge bar preserving the old name |

| "The Fountain Bar"; Re-building was completed in 1927, W.H. naming his new home the "Kingdom House", from the |

| "Kingdom of Kerry", a traditional name for the county; Julia managed the retail business at their new home & was a |

| director of W.H.O'Connor Ltd | |

| / | |

| after 1927 Artane House and lands were sold, house later demolished & land developed as the Dublin suburb of "Artane"; |

| The 'dogleg' drive to the house remains as a series of footpaths, with Artane Lodge (the gatehouse for Artane House) |

| still standing in 2004, in a 1/3 acre plot at the end of the drive (on Collins Ave. at Belton Park Rd); the Lodge was for sale |

| in 2004 and since then may have been demolished, replaced by a modern house; The site of Artane House itself is off Elm |

| Mount Road, at the playing field | |

| / | |

| The "Kingdom House" was a large home of great character; among its features was the "Crow's Nest", a roofed platform |

| above the house, open at the sides, providing wonderful views of Castleisland town & surrounding countryside; |

| also a billiards/snooker room & flat roof area for leisure; At the rear were garage, barns, greenhouse with grapevine & |

| tomatoes lovingly tended by Julia and a large yard always crowded with hens, geese & turkeys; |

OC 04 | / |

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OC 05 | / |

| Sold out of the family c1984 the "Kingdom House" is now a bed & breakfast hotel, sadly much changed, with shops and |

| yet another "The Fountain Bar" installed beneath; Julia's grapevine still flourishes, in garden of g.son Michael O'Donovan |

| at Castle Connell, Co. Limerick | |

| / | |

| W.H. O'Connor did much for the town of Castleisland, including obtaining a library for the town from the "Carnegie |

| Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching" (founded in the USA 1905), and much of the land in Castleisland |

| now used for public amenities was provided by the family | |

| / | |

| Two poems written by W.H. survive, titled "The Boy" and "Castleisland" | |

| / | |

| W.H. O'Connor d.1.1.1949 Castleisland; bur.4.1.1949 at Kilbannivane Cem. (Pembrokes), Castleisland |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| 2|>>>Mary "Minnie" O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>

| | b.1880 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, |

| | Co.Kerry; |

| | bapt.18.3.1880 Castleisland |

| | |

| | Following her marriage in 1908 they |

| | lived for about six yrs at Clounagh, |

| | Glounsharoon, Castleisland; |>>>

| | emig. to USA with their three |

| | eldest children, sailing Liverpool |>>>

| | to New York on White Star Line |

| | SS "Adriatic", departing 7.4.1915; |

| | Minnie & John settled at |

| | Arkansas, USA |

| | she was following her sisters |

| | Kattie & Eileen who had emig. to |

| | USA 1914, and her brother Jim |

| | / |

| | d.22.7.1924 Arkansas, USA |

| | in childbirth, of a fever; |

| | the baby also died |

| | / |>>>

| | m.c1908 Castleisland;

| | John Scannell

| | b.c1870/1 Co.Kerry; farmer, of

| | Knockane, Castleisland (home farm);

| | he went to the gold rush in Alaska

| | with a friend Arthur <???>;

| | following Minne's death in 1924

| | John & family moved from Arkansas

| | to California;

OC 10 | | d.c1932 California

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OC 11 | |

| 3|>>>John O'Connor; b.1881 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, Co.Kerry;

| | bapt.29.12.1881 Castleisland;

| | Went to California, from there to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand

| | & the Fiji Islands; then returned to Australia; last known communication

| | was from Australia in 1919, when he sent home a card (decorated with

| | eculyptus leaves) on which he wrote that he was about to go into the

| | outback (where is this now?); following this disappeared without trace;

| | His brother Michael O'Connor (Brother Francis, Presentation Order Cork)

| | in his 1955/57 biography of their brother W.H., wrote of John (p.16) that

| | "Eventually he returned to Western Australia, where all trace of him

| | disappeared. Afterwards, W.H. used all possible endeavours in his

| | efforts to trace him. These efforts were unsuccessful."

| | NOTE: There is a death recorded in Western Australia for a

| | John O'Connor who d.1919 at Perth, ref: 1283, but this is not him

| |

| 4|>>>Michael Joseph O'Connor (Rev. Brother Francis);

| | b.20.9.1883 Coolnageragh, Scartaglin; bapt.20.9.1883 Castleisland;

| | His father Hugh William O'Connor (d.3.12.1905) willed to him half the

| | family farm at Coolnageragh, Scartaglin, but in June 1905 Michael had

| | joined the Presentation Brothers as Brother Francis, so by family

| | agreement his half of the farm was sold to W.H. O'Connor;

| | This was later sold to the Breen family, who still farm it

| | he joined the Presentation Order at South Monastery, Cork City 1905;

| | teacher; in charge of the Presentation Brothers boys' school at Cork;

| | 60 years with Presentation Brothers

| | /

| | Had many interests, particularly history & horticulture;

| | Regular contributor to Cork Weekly Examiner & Cork Evening Echo,

| | writing of Cork in the days when it was a walled city; also many other

| | subjects inc. rugby, fishing, shooting, poetry & historical research;

| | Author of a study of Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters;

| | Author c1956 of an unpublished typescript biographical memoir

| | of his brother, W.H. O'Connor;

| | In 1921 he saw the smoking ruins of "The Fountain Warehouse" in

| | Castleisland, home & business of his brother W.H. O'Connor, burnt by

| | army "Black & Tans" in reprisal for the killing of an RIC Guard outside

| | Castleisland RC Church; Two or three photographs of these ruins

| | survive, one of which was always displayed in the "Kingdom House"

| | (did Brother Francis take these photographs?)

| | d.24.1.1965 Cork

| |

| 5|>>>Cornelius "Con" H. O'Connor >>>>>>|>>>

| | b.27.1.1886 (twin) Castleisland |

| | (born in his parents' rooms, |

| | over the shop on Killarney Road, |

| | Castleisland, then owned by |

| | Dan O'Callaghan, later |

| | c1957 owned by D.J.Browne); |

| | bapt.30.1.1886 Castleisland |

| | / |

| | Farmer; of Coolnageragh, |

| | Scartaglin, near Castleisland; |

| | The only member of his family |

| | who never left the old |

| | homestead at Coolnageragh; |

| | d.25.11.1960 |

| | / |

| | m.c1910 Nora H. Crowley |>>>

| | b.c1878 Co.Kerry; |

| | of Mount Falvey, Scartaglin |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| 6|>>>Hugh "Hugo" O'Connor |

| | b.27.1.1886 (twin) Castleisland; |

| | bapt.30.1.1886 Castleisland; |

| | d.Apr-Jun.1886 Tralee |

| | |

| | |

OC 11 | | |

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| 7|>>>Hugh "Hugo" O'Connor; b.2.10.1887 Castleisland; bapt.2.10.1887 Castleisland;

| | born in his parents' rooms, over a shop on Killarney Road, Castleisland, then owned by Dan O'Callaghan, later c1957 owned by D.J.Browne;

| | Emigrated to South Africa; from SA in 1909 sailed for New Zealand, intending later to go on to Australia;

| | in New Zealand he was for 10 months living in a tent while working on railway works at the railway construction camp in Waihuka Valley

| | /

| | d.12.12.1909 (Sunday afternoon) at Waihuka Valley, New Zealand; drowned while bathing in a pool near the camp; he could not swim;

| | inquest reported in newspaper item headed "Drowing Accident" ["Poverty Bay Herald" New Zealand 14.12.1909, vol. XXXVI, issue 12622, p.6]

| |

| |

| 8|>>>James "Jim" O'Connor; b.1890 Castleisland; bapt.22.4.1890 Castleisland;

| | emig. to New York, USA c1914;

| | he moved to Califoria; for a while was a cowboy in Oregon, the family

| | in Ireland lost touch and his eldest brother W.H.O'Connor organized a

| | search for him;

| | "...his health was never robust..." and he d.6.4.1949 California; unm.

| | /

OC 12 | | his sisters Kattie & Eileen O'Connor (1914) and Mary Scannell (1915) also emig. to the USA

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OC 13 | |

| 9|>>>Catherine "Kathleen" "Kattie" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>

| | Mary O'Connor

| | b.1892 Coolnageragh,

| | Scartaglin, Co.Kerry;

| | bapt.25.12.1892 Castleisland

| | /

| | nurse; living with her sister Minnie

| | Scannell at Clounagh,

| | Glounsharoun, Castleisland, 1911

| | /

| | emig. to USA with sister Eileen,

| | sailing Liverpool to New York

| | on White Star Line SS "Megantie",

| | departing 30.11.1914;

| | Settled at Tacoma, Washington;

| | Following Mac's death she moved

| | to California, then Arizona;

| | She never returned to Ireland

| | /

| | /

| | Her brother Jim (c1914) and her

| | sister Mary "Minnie" Scannell

| | & family (1915) also emig. to USA

| | /

| | m. McKinley "Mac" Hobart Wood

| | Postmaster;

| | of Tacoma, Washington, USA

| | /

| | d.7.12.1980 Charlotte,

| | Mecklenburg, North Carolina

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| 10|>>>Helen "Eileen" "Aileen" O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>

| b.16.1.1895 Coolnageragh, |

| Scartaglin, Co.Kerry; nurse |

| bapt.16.1.1895 Castleisland |

| / |>>>

| emig. to USA with sister Kattie, sailing Liverpool to New York |

| on White Star Line SS "Megantie", departing 30.11.1914; |

| settled at New York City, USA; lived several years in Manhattan |

| / |

| Returned to Kerry for a three month visit 1946; |

| later moved to Palisades Park, New Jersey, USA (there in 1970); |

| d.?.6.1979 Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA |

| Her brother Jim (c1914) and her sister Mary "Minnie" Scannell |

| & family (1915) also emig. to USA / |>>>

| /

| m. James Kaneen of New York; b.23.8.1890;

| while in the US army during WWII he visited Julia O'Connor

| at "The Kingdom House", Castleisland, Co.Kerry;

| residing with his daughter Joan Kaneen at Palisades Park,

| New Jersey 1971-75; d.?.3.1975 Palisades Park









OC 13 |

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OC 14 |

|>>>Thomas O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Hugh O'Connor; d.1898

| of Dromultan | / | /

| / | m. Julia McCarthy | m. N. Moynihan of Dromultan

| m. <???> Sheehan | of Cullen |

| of Kilcummin | |>>>Hannah O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor b.c1882 Co.Kerry

| | | d.bef.1911 |

| | | / |>>>William O'Connor b.c1884 Co.Kerry

| | | m. David "Davy" O'Connor |

| | | b.c1853 Co.Kerry; |>>>Julia O'Connor b.c1889 Co.Kerry

| | | farmer; of Dromultan, |

| ? | Scartaglen, near Castleisland |>>>Hanna O'Connor b.c1891 Co.Kerry

| ? | 1911 |

| ? | |>>>David O'Connor b.c1894 Co.Kerry

| ? |>>>Mary O'Connor |

| ? / |>>>Timmie O'Connor b.c1900 Co.Kerry

| ? m. <???> Casey of Lisheen, |

| | Coom, Co.Kerry |>>><???> O'Connor d.bef.1911

| | |

| | |>>><???> O'Connor d.bef.1911

| | |

| | |>>><???> O'Connor d.bef.1911

| | |

| | |>>><???> O'Connor d.bef.1911

| |

| |>>><???> O'Connor >>>>>>>|>>>Edmond O'Connor >>>>>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor b.c1888 Co.Kerry

| / b.c1853 Co.Kerry |

| m. <???> farmer; of Dromultan, |>>>Patrick O'Connor b.c1891 Co.Kerry

| Scartaglen, nr Castleisland, |

| Co.Kerry 1911 |>>>Hannah O'Connor b.c1892 Co.Kerry

| / |

| m. <???> |>>>David O'Connor b.c1894 Co.Kerry

| |

| |>>>Edmond O'Connor b.c1897 Co.Kerry

| |

| |>>>Michael O'Connor b.c1899 Co.Kerry

| |

| |>>>Alice O'Connor b.c1901 Co.Kerry




|>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>John "Kerr" O'Connor >>>>>>|>>>John O'Connor b.1905 >>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>

| (Liam MacTeige | b.1826 d.1900; | b.1872; | /

| or "Black Bill") | of Tureenamult | of Tureenamult | m. E. McCarthy

| b.1780 d.1873; | / | / |

| of Scartaglin | m. Margaret Cronin | m. Ellen Riordan |>>>Michael O'Connor

| & Tureenamult | of Dromscarra, | of Cummeenataggle | U.S. Army; killed during WWII

| / | Co.Cork | | at the Solomon Islands

| m. Eliza Brown | |>>>William O'Connor |

| of Newmarket, | | |>>>Margaret O'Connor

| Co.Cork | |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor | /

| | | / | m. J. Looney of Cullen

| | | m.1st <???> Gleeson |

|>>>James O'Connor | | of Carrowglass |>>>Hannah O'Connor

| / | | / |

| m. <???> O'Sullivan | | m.2nd <???> Cooper |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor

| (Eoinac) | | of Glenflesk

| of Newmarket, | |

| Co.Cork | |

| | |>>>Mary O'Connor

|>>>Margaret O'Connor | | /

| / | | m. <???> Hickey of Gneeveguilla

| m. <???> Sheehan | |

| of Kilcummin | |>>>Margaret O'Connor; unm.

| | |

|>>>Nora O'Connor | |>>>Julia O'Connor; a Nun in USA

| / | |

| m. <???> Scanlon | |>>>Hannah O'Connor; a nun in England

| of Currans | |

OC 14 | | |

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OC 15 | | |

|>>>Elizabeth O'Connor | |>>>Abbie O'Connor;

/ | | /

m. <???> Keane | | m. <???> McSweeney of Masterguira

of Ranalough, | |

Killientierna, | |>>>Ellie O'Connor

& Tullig | /

| m. <???> Riordan of Glenflesk


|>>>James O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>James O'Connor

| of Gneeveguilla | /

| / | m. Julia Hurley of Gneeveguilla

| m. Mary Cronin |

| of Newquarter |>>>Timothy O'Connor; RIC

| | /

| | m. <???>

| |

| |>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Timothy O'Connor

| | / |

| | m. <???> |>>>James O'Connor; unm.

| | |

| | |>>>Mary O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>

| | | / |

| | | m. J. Morphy (Murphy) |>>>

| | | of Gneeveguilla |

| | | |>>>

| | |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor |

| | | / |>>>

| | | m. F. Cooper of Youghal |

| | | |>>>

| | |>>>Hannah O'Connor |

| | / |>>>

| | m. J. Murphy |

| | of Ballydesmond |>>>

| | |

| | |>>>

| | |

| | |>>>

| |

| |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Patrick Daley; emig. to USA

| | / | /

| | m. R. Daley | m. <???> Healy

| | |

| | |>>>Arthur Daley; emig. to USA

| | | /

| | | m. <???> McCarthy

| | |

| | |>>>Eaneas Daley; unm.

| | |

| | |>>>William Daley

| | | /

| | | m. N. Leary

| | |

| | |>>>Eliza Daley

| | | /

| | | m. <???> Taylor

| | |

| | |>>>Mary Daley; unm.

| | |

| | |>>>Hannah Daley

| | | /

| | | m. P. Brosnan

| | |

| | |>>>Ellen Daley; emig. to USA

| | /

| | m. <???>

| |

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OC 15 | |

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OC 16 | |

| |>>>Hannah O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>|>>>Rev.Patrick Fleming; Priest in USA

| | / |

| | m. D. Fleming |>>>Dr. Alfred Fleming MD; emig. to USA

| | of Kilkenny |

| | |>>>Janie Fleming; Nun; of Dublin

| |>>>Ellen O'Connor |

| | / |>>>dau; Nun; of Tralee

| | m. <???> O'Shea

| | of Middleton

| |

| |>>>Kate O'Connor



|>>>Michael O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>|>>>William O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Denis O'Connor

| of Tureenamult "of the Hills" | /

| / / | m. <???>Horan;

| m. Mary Cronin m. Margaret Dennehy | of Ballycullane, Rathmore

| of Drumscarra of Nohoval |

| |>>>William O'Connor

|>>>Hugh O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Dr William O'Connor MD | /

| "Hugh the Master" | emig. to USA | m.1st <???> Daly

| of Scartaglin | | of Kippoch

| / |>>>Rev. Daniel O'Connor | /

| m. Eliza O'Connor | Priest in USA | m.2nd <???> Lyons

| of Kilmorna | | of Knockmore

| |>>>Rev. Joseph O'Connor |

| | Priest in USA |>>>Rev.Timothy O'Connor

|>>>Thady O'Connor | | Priest in England

| unm. |>>>Margaret O'Connor |

| | / |>>>Greta O'Connor

| | m. J. Daly /

|>>>William O'Connor | m. E. Moynihan

| unm. |>>>Hannah O'Connor of Gneeveguilla

| | /

| | m. J. Fleming

| |

| |>>>Elizabeth O'Connor; emig. to USA

| |

| |>>>Maura O'Connor; emig. to USA



|>>>Ellen O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>issue

| b.1824

| /

| m. T. Fleming of Dromultan


|>>>Elizabeth O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>issue

| /

| m. <???> Healy of Kilcummin


|>>>Mary O'Connor >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>issue


m. W. O'Leary

of Scartaglin, near Castleisland

OC 16