Case Bersama - Is 2

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  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    A 56 years old male presented with right upperand lower limb weakness since 4 days beforeadmitted to hospital,

    Right upper and lower limb


    Chief Complaint

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Right upper and lower limb weakness

    since 4 days before admitted to Dr M

    Djamil Hospital. Earlier patient werebrought to a general practitioner and

    then were admitted to Sijunjung

    Hospital for 2 days and then wererefered here from Sijunjung Hospital

    Current Illness History

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    . Weakness are seen suddenly duringactivity (lifting farming items), and fall.Conscious after attack. The upper and lowerlimb weakness are equal.

    Now patient are unable to lift anything andhave to be hold by family to walk. He also

    have difficulty in eating and drinking.

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    This complain are accompanied with wry

    mouth and patient cannot speak. Patientcannot understand conversation and cannotsay any words.

    No complain of headache, vomiting,decreased consciousness, and seizures.

    No complain in sensing, miction anddefecation

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Known hypertensive since 3 years ago. No regular

    checkup to doctor. No previous history of stroke.

    No history of diabetes.

    Past Illness History

    No family history of hypertension, diabetes, heart

    disease and stroke.

    Family History of Illness

    Patient is a farmer, smoke 12 stick of cigarette a

    day since 30 years ago.

    Socioeconomic Background

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    General Appearance: Moderately Ill

    Level of Consciousness: compos mentiscooperative

    Pulse : 72 x/menit

    Respiratory Rate : 20 x/menit

    Blood Pressure : 180/120 mmHg

    Temperature : 36,7oC


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    GCS 15 : E4 M6 Aphasia

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    Neck stiffness: (-) Brudzinsky II : (-)

    Brudzinsky I : (-) Kernig Sign : (-)

    Meningeal SIgn

    Vomiting (-)

    Progressive headache (-)

    Intracranial Pressure Examination

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    N. I : Difficult to evaluate N. II : Difficult to evaluate

    N. III, IV, VI : Light reflex +/+

    Doll eye movement N. V : difficult to evaluate

    N. VII : Right Nasolabial plica flatter

    than the left side, EyelashesReflex +/+

    N VIII : difficult to evaluate

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    N IX : Vomitting Reflex +, capableto swallow

    N X : Pharinx arch symmetric, Uvulaon the midline

    N XI : difficult to evaluate N XII difficult to evaluate

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Motor Function Test

    Upper Limb Right Left Movement Limited active

    Strength 0/0/0 5/5/5

    Tonus eutonus eutonus

    Trophy eutrophy eutrophy

    Fall Test Right side lateralisation

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Lower Limb Right Left Movement Limited active

    Strength 0/0/0 5/5/5

    Tonus eutonus eutonus

    Trophy eutrophy eutrophy

    Fall test Right side lateralisation

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Sensibility Test Pain Sensibility +, Tactil Sensibility +.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Mixturition : neurogenic bladder (-) Defecation : normal

    Sweat secretion : normal

    Autonomous Nervous System

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Reflex Right LeftBiceps +++ ++

    Triceps +++ ++APR +++ ++

    KPR +++ ++

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Reflex Right LeftHoffman-Tromer - -

    Balbinsky + -Chaddoks - -

    Oppenheim - -

    Gordon - -

    Schaeffer - -

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Hemoglobin : 14.7gr/dl

    Leukocyte : 10,500/mm3

    Hematocryte : 42%

    Thrombocyte : 140 000/mm3

    Sodium : 148mmol/L

    Potassium : 3.5mmol/L

    Chloride : 104mmol/L

    Random Blood Glucose: 125gr/dl

    Urea : 60mg/dl

    Creatinine : 1.4mg/dl

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Blood : PT, APTT, total Cholesterol,uric acid, albumin, globulin,SGOT,SGPT, HDL, LDL, and

    Trygliceride.Chest X-RayNon-contrastBrain CT scanEchocardiography

    Other Examination

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    EKG : Atrial Fibrilation Normoventricular


    CT Scan : Gambaran infark luasfrontotemporoparietal sinistra.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Right Hemiparesis+Right NVII and NXII Paresis

    central type +Global aphasia

    Clinical Diagnosis

    Right brain hemisphere, Subcortical

    Topic Diagnosis



    Emergency Hypertension, Atrial Fibrillation

    Normoventricular Response

    Secondary Diagnosis

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Head elevation 30degree

    Oxygen 2L/minute

    IVFD RL 12hour/kolf

    Catheter (fluid balance)Diet Soft Food, Low Sodium II


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    Piracetam 4x3gr (IV)

    Bisoporolol 1x2.5mg (Oral)

    Aspilet 2x 80mg

    Herbesser Drip 50mg in 50cc Ringer

    lactate via syringe pump 50cc/hour

    Medicinal Therapy

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Dietary control

    Physical Therapy

    Family education and prevention on

    hypertension and stroke

    Medicinal Therapy

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    1. History Sudden weakness, conscious after attack, equal

    upper and lower limb weakness (hemiparesis), are the

    characteristic of subcortical cerebral function

    disturbance in that happen in non hemorrhagic


    It is said subcortical because when a patient haveequal upper and lower limb weakness, it shown that

    the disturbance are in brain area where all motor

    tract are bundled up together

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    The patient also cannot speak or understand

    speech. This is called aphasia. Aphasia can occur

    in subcortical ischemic stroke if the damage are

    extensive enough to cause disturbance in cortical

    area. as example this patient have wide

    frontotemporoparietal infarc from ct scan.

    Wry mouth are caused by paresis of facial nerve

    and in this patient are found the central type


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    Patient also show major stroke risk factor of

    smoking and hypertension and minor risk which

    is age. Smoking and hypertension contribute to

    artherosclerosis build up and could be a major

    risk of stroke.

    Stroke is characterized by the sudden loss of

    blood circulation to an area of the brain,resulting in a corresponding loss of neurologic


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    Strokes are classified as either hemorrhagic or

    ischemic. Acute ischemic stroke refers to stroke

    caused by thrombosis or embolism and is more

    common than hemorrhagic stroke.

    Ischemic strokes occur as a result of an

    obstruction within a blood vessel supplying

    blood to the brain. The underlying condition for

    this type of obstruction is the development of

    fatty deposits lining the vessel walls.

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    This condition is called arteroscelrosis these fattydeposits can cause two types of obstruction:

    a) Cerebral thrombosis refers to a thrombus(blood clot) that develops at the clogged part ofthe vessel.

    b) Cerebral embolismrefers generally to a bloodclot that forms at another location in thecirculatory system, usually the heart and largearteries of the upper chest and neck. A portion ofthe blood clot breaks loose, enters thebloodstream and travels through the brain'sblood vessels until it reaches vessels too small tolet it pass.

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    A second important cause of embolism is an

    irregular heartbeat, known as atrial

    fibrillation. It creates conditions where clots

    can form in the heart, dislodge and travel tothe brain.

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    2. Physical examination

    General physical examination reveals that the

    patient are in emergency hypertension state with

    blood pressure of 180/120.

    Emergency hypertension are blood pressure

    elevation with target organ damage.

    12x/minute pulsus deficit are also found and this

    show cardiac insufficiency and shown as inability

    to beat simultaneously with distal pulse. This

    happens because of abnormality in cardiac


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    Neurological examination reveals this patient

    GCS are E4 M6 Aphasia. Aphasia found are global


    From reference, Aphasia is a disturbance of the

    comprehension and formulation of language,

    sensoric aphasia are caused by abnormality in

    Wernicke area as the receptive aphasia and

    motoric area could be caused by abnormality in

    Broca area as the expressive area.

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    Global aphasia results from damage to extensive

    portions of perisylvian region of the brain. Patients

    with global aphasia have difficulty to understand both

    spoken or written language and difficult to speak.

    This patient have difficulty in naming, repeating,

    reading and writing which is the modality to assess

    aphasia. These problem usually occurs in left brain

    hemisphere. Stroke subcortical can disturb nerveimpuls from and to this language areas.

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    Flatter right nasolabial plica are caused byright facial nerve paresis.

    In motor function test, limited movementand right upper and lower limb strength are000 interpret as inability to move even the

    fingers of hand and feet. In Fall Test, Rightside lateralisation are found and this showsthe weakness in right side limbs.

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    Hyper reflex in all right side limbs are caused

    by compensation mechanism by the spinal

    nerve because of the paresis.

    In other hand, positive Babinsky reflex shows

    that the lesion or the damage are in upper

    motor neuron but the actual pathophysiology

    about it remain unknown.

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    3. Laboratory and other findings.

    No laboratory abnormality are found. But in patients withstroke, complete fat lab test such as total cholesterol, LDL,

    HDL, Triglyceride, and also uric acid are also done.

    This patients Electrocardiogram shows Atrial fibrillation

    Normoventrikular response. Atrial fibrillation are the high

    risk cause of stroke. Atrial fibrillation decrease

    cerebral blood flow and slows blood flow increaserisk of thrombus formation cause the thrombus to

    stuck as emboli at brain end artery.

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    Chest X-Ray and Echocardiography are

    recommended for this patient because of his

    abnormal EKG finding for further heart


    Echocardiogram could visualize every heart

    valve or space and could evaluate heart

    contraction abnormality

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Non-contrast Brain CT scan are

    recommended to visualize structural braindamage in patient and to confirm diagnosis.

    CT-scan are the gold standard to diagnose

    ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.

    From the CT scan we could find the location,volume and type of stroke for comfirming the


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    For ischemic stroke, the usual findings of

    brain CT scan are hypodens lesion with

    perifocal oedema and for hemorrhagic stroke

    we will found hyperdens lesion with perifocal

    oedema, but sometimes we could also foundhypodens lesion in chronic hemorrhagic


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    4. Therapy

    In Supportive therapy, patients head areelevated 30 degree to prevent high pressure

    blood flow to further damage the brain.

    Oxygen 2L/minute, IVFD RL 12hour/kolf,

    Catheter (fluid balance), and Diet Soft Food,

    Low Sodium II are given to prevent further

    increase of blood pressure.

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    For Specific therapy, patients are given

    Piracetam 4x3gr (IV), Bisoporolol 1x2.5mg

    (Oral), Aspilet 2x 80mg and Herbesser Drip

    50mg in 50cc Ringer lactate via syringe pump


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    The central goal of therapy in acute ischemic

    stroke is to preserve the area of oligemia inthe ischemic penumbra.

    The area of oligemia can be preserved by

    limiting the severity of ischemic injury (ie,

    neuronal protection) or by reducing the

    duration of ischemia (ie, restoring blood flow

    to the compromised area).

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Recanalization strategies, including IV

    recombinant tissue-type plasminogen

    activator (rt-PA) and intra-arterial

    approaches, attempt to establish

    revascularization so that cells in the

    penumbra can be rescued before irreversibleinjury occurs.

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    Restoring blood flow can mitigate the effects

    of ischemia only if performed quickly.

    Neuroprotective strategies are intended to

    preserve the penumbral tissues and to extendthe time window for revascularization

    techniques; however, at the present time, no

    neuroprotective agents are available andapproved for use in ischemic stroke.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    The ischemic cascade offers many points at

    which such interventions could be attempted.Multiple strategies and interventions for

    blocking this cascade are currently under

    investigation. The timing of the restoration of

    cerebral blood flow appears to be a critical


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    Finally, education therapy are also given to

    the patient such as physical therapy. Dietary

    control and family education are very

    recommended and it could be done through

    few steps

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    4. Therapy

    In Supportive therapy, patients head are

    elevated 30 degree to prevent high pressure

    blood flow to further damage the brain.

    Oxygen 2L/minute, IVFD RL 12hour/kolf,

    Catheter (fluid balance), and Diet Soft Food,

    Low Sodium II are given to prevent further

    increase of blood pressure.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    For Specific therapy, patients are givenPiracetam 4x3gr (IV), Bisoporolol 1x2.5mg(Oral), Aspilet 2x 80mg and Herbesser Drip

    50mg in 50cc Ringer lactate via syringe pump50cc/hour.

    The central goal of therapy in acute ischemic

    stroke is to preserve the area of oligemia inthe ischemic penumbra.

    The area of oligemia can be preserved by

    limiting the severity of ischemic injury (ie,neuronal protection) or by reducing theduration of ischemia (ie, restoring blood flowto the compromised area).

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Recanalization strategies, including IV

    recombinant tissue-type plasminogen

    activator (rt-PA) and intra-arterial

    approaches, attempt to establish

    revascularization so that cells in the

    penumbra can be rescued before irreversible

    injury occurs.

    Restoring blood flow can mitigate the effects

    of ischemia only if performed quickly.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    Neuroprotective strategies are intended topreserve the penumbral tissues and to extendthe time window for revascularizationtechniques; however, at the present time, no

    neuroprotective agents are available andapproved for use in ischemic stroke.

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2


    The ischemic cascade offers many points at

    which such interventions could be attempted.

    Multiple strategies and interventions for blocking

    this cascade are currently under investigation.

    The timing of the restoration of cerebral blood

    flow appears to be a critical factor.

    Finally, education therapy are also given to the

    patient such as physical therapy. Dietary control

    and family education are very recommended and

    it could be done through few steps

  • 8/13/2019 Case Bersama - Is 2
