Rapidly receding red zone Creating quake-proof Buildings City Council clearing up consenting The GUIDE to Canterbury’s Residential & Commercial Rebuild ISSUE 29 JANUARY 2014 COMPLIMENTARY COPY

Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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The GUIDE to Canterbury's Residential & Commercial Rebuild.

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Page 1: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Rapidly recedingred zone

Creating quake-proofBuildings

City Council clearingup consenting

The GUIDE to Canterbury’s Residential & Commercial Rebuild










Page 2: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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Page 3: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 3


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Colleen Beattie or Lorraine Terris

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within this magazine, however Metros Publishing Group Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in this magazine are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.

Issue 29January 2014


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City Council clearing up consenting systems pg9

Mitigating the mortgage minefield pg21 Creating a smart city pg39

There’s a ferocious determination evident in the rebuild of our

famed city; a fierce tenacity which has ensured that when Mother

Nature pushes us down we push her right back.

It’s like the greater the devastation, the more ingenious our response.There was the famed Gap Fillers brightening up our empty spaces, a

Dance-O-Mat for those who like to get down on the dance floor, cool

libraries – literally – made from retro refrigerators, containers which have

become creative canvases and mini golf courses developed in spaces

left by flattened buildings. On a much larger scale, there was the Crowne

Plaza’s pallet pavilion, the shipping container shops, and I for one am

still processing the fact that we have re-built our famed cathedral from

cardboard tubes. Yes we are an innovative and crafty bunch in our little

corner of the South Pacific. We are strong and resilient, but most

importantly we are adaptable. We have taken that which Mother Nature

has carelessly tossed over her worldly shoulder and created a new and

unique city and one that we can all be proud to call home. In the words

of Darwin, it’s not the strongest or the smartest who survive but those

who are most adaptable to change and whether it’s the seemingly daily

installation of bright orange cones, blocked roads, buildings going up

and buildings coming down, adaptable is certainly an apt description of

the Cantabrian spirit. So in the essence of change I am excited to have

come on board with Canterbury Rebuild Magazine. There are some really

big shoes to fill as Karen Pasco heads off in search of new adventures,

but she will continue writing for us, so we won’t be completely without her

magic touch. There are some exciting changes coming your way but,

until then, my lips are sealed. Guess you’ll have to keep tuning in.

Editor Canterbury Rebuild Magazine

Melinda Collins


5 Rapidly receding red zone

7 Resolving rebuild issues – Wynn Williams

8 Bringing energy efficiency to the classroom

9 City Council clearing up consenting systems

10 Construction: Significant sector with room for growth

13 The builder’s engine room – Jamie Tulloch

15 JD Homes has done it again – National HOY 2013

18 A day in the life – John Wright

20 Relaxing LVR rules

21 Mitigating the mortgage minefield

24 Cascading construction constraints – Peter Townsend

25 A product to prevent liquifaction

27 Land Use Recovery Plan developments – CERA

32&33 Self-made cities – the WikiHouse movement

39 Creating a smart city

40 Outlook of opportunities

41 Creating quake-proof buildings

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Page 4: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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Page 5: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 5


Roger SuttonCERA chief executive

Rapidly receding red zoneERA chief executive Roger Sutton commended the willingness of the various insurers to work

together. “Almost 40 percent of the Crown owned properties have already been cleared in the flat land, but this has been happening in a sporadic way as each individual property owner settled with the Crown and/or their insurer,” he says.

“Through this new approach we have sequenced a geographic approach working together by either demolishing or relocating the houses, clearing the land, fencing it and then grassing it straight away.

“Not all houses in the Residential Red Zone flat land will be demolished. Around 300 houses have already been relocated to other green zone properties, mostly throughout greater Christchurch. If people are interested in knowing more about relocating houses from the Residential Red Zone, they should check the options out with individual insurers, relocations companies, or call our info line.”

The new approach sees the flat land red zone sectioned into 15 geographical areas and prioritised based on the least number of properties left to clear and where the work can be quickly completed.

By the end of this year all Crown-owned properties in each area will be cleared, which started in late 2013 in New Brighton.

Sutton says the key is ensuring the areas are immediately tidy and safe for residents who remain living in and around the red zoned areas. “We have been working with the Police and the Fire Service across the last two years to ensure that any issues

The rebuild is ramping up with a newly co-ordinated approach between private insurers, the Earthquake Commission and the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority which will ensure Crown owned properties in the residential red zoned flat land are cleared by the end of next year.

“The key is ensuring the areas are immediately tidy and safe for residents who remain living in and around the red zoned areas”

within the red zone area are dealt with. But we know that the longer the Crown owned houses remain standing, the more opportunity that provides, so we want to remove that risk as soon as possible,” Sutton says. “There is a misconception that these Crown owned properties are simply abandoned and therefore fair game, but these are owned by all of us as taxpayers. Any damage caused to these homes jeopardises the insurance reconciliation process, which means that in the end everyone pays the price.”

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Page 6: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 7


hat rebuild, you say? Well, we have seen many new

commercial buildings pop up, particularly on Victoria Street. Of course, Wynn Williams House, the building that our firm will move in to this year, is making great progress beside the Christchurch City Council on Hereford Street. However, there is still a lot of vacant land around the central city.

Some of this is because insurance claims have taken time. We have worked with many commercial building owners to progress and resolve their insurance claims but some are still not settled. In other cases, the central city rules, geotech issues and funding are making it harder to jump through the hoops to build new commercial buildings. The rebuild litigation dealt with by our teams has ranged from

litigation from insurance claims on houses through to the Christchurch Cathedral.On the domestic housing front, many homeowners have struggled to rebuild even a replica of their previous house, to get over changes to city plan rules since the original house was built, as well as any challenges with EQC and their insurers. Existing use rights are very handy for this – but this process is not always straight forward and we have dealt with many challenges with this over the year. Whilst the Christchurch City Council has tried

to be accommodating and pragmatic around the interpretation of existing use rights, there are still a number of technical matters that need to be worked through to obtain authority to rebuild. Existing use rights still remain a useful tool to deal with many rebuild and repair issues, where a building stood on the site before the earthquakes.

While mentioning the Christchurch City Council, it has been through its building consent issues also, with a new general manager now appointed to work alongside the crown manager. Additional resourcing and processes are being added to address these

issues. We hope to see that building consent issues are behind us, with increased numbers of consents being issued next year to enable the rebuild to reach its full potential.

Many of those working in the rebuild sector - contractors, construction companies, professionals and other industries working in, and affected by, the rebuild– have increased their

employee numbers. We have worked with a number of employers who have dramatically increased their numbers of employees. With that, comes the need to update employment agreements, and practices and procedures. We have worked very closely with a number of companies to bring their procedures and documentation up to date. This lessens the chance that these companies will be faced with personal grievances, which many of them simply do not have the time to deal with.

Of course, in the midst of all of this, the market for undamaged or repaired houses has been booming. Our conveyancing team has been flat out dealing with the huge number of house sales and purchases. These have been more complicated with the insurance issues mentioned above, as well as the planning issues that sit alongside them. Those looking to purchase need stamina to navigate the increased detail required.

Amanda Douglas is a Partner at Wynn Williams, specialising in Resource Management, and Employment Law. She has a lot of involvement in the rebuild sector, where she often combines her two areas of expertise.

“We have worked very closely companies to bring their procedures and documentation up to date. This lessens the chance that these companies will be faced with personal grievances”

By Amanda Douglas

Resolving rebuild issues



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Page 8: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Bringing energy efficiency to the classroom

This concept was extensively explored at a recent Christchurch conference – the annual Education Leaders Forum – structured around the theme of Building 21st Century Learning Communities.

Delegates focused on identifying needs and solutions that would allow schools to adapt more easily to a digital learning environment – one featuring high speed broadband, mobile devices, more individual research, self-publishing and peer information sharing – as well as the kind of buildings that would support this.

One of the conference’s sponsors – Schneider Electric – is an ardent supporter of the “schools-of-the-future” quest. The company’s general manager of commercial operations, Kevin Lynn says the initiative is particularly important for the city, where numerous schools face earthquake repair and rebuilding programmes. The company has

Energy monitoring technology is to become an integral part of a new generation of New Zealand schools – where improved energy efficiency not only cuts the operating costs of each infrastructure, but is also incorporated as a subject into the school curriculum.

developed a team with diverse skills to offer support to these schools.

“I know we live in difficult times, but I prefer to think of our city’s adversity as a golden opportunity. The earthquake has given schools the chance to invest in energy efficient designs and technology which allows them to reduce operating costs and improve the learning environment. Ultimately, that means more of the budget can be channelled into education.

“More importantly, New Zealand’s existing school curriculum already features a sustainability and energy efficiency component – it’s called Environment and Planet – and it makes perfect sense to incorporate the appropriate technology

into the schools and to build on that component.”

He points out that Schneider Electric already has a Digital Schools programme – comprising technology that enables schools to participate in the digital age more easily – and sees the new energy efficiency initiative as a logical extension of the programme.

To sketch the possibilities available for a 21st century school, Kevin invited all the conference delegates to a presentation by Schneider Electric’s Richard Coulter. It

comprised an outline of the technology schools could use to enable them to use electricity and heating more efficiently.“Among the options is an energy

modelling programme that could be used as a teaching aid. “I can see it being a dynamic part of the teaching experience, where students become competitive, striving to be the most energy-efficient classroom. It could easily be used to

identify techniques the schools could adopt to cut energy costs.”

Much of the technology, says Kevin, is geared to monitoring energy use and identifying opportunities for cutting costs. “It’s about using smart technology; simple, automated systems, for example, that will switch off heating and lighting when the building is empty.”

The presentation to the delegates included a visit to Schneider Electric’s purpose built Vision Room, a facility containing an interactive display which demonstrates how the technology works. It allows them to handle and use a variety of solutions, to see how energy use can be controlled and the benefits it offers.

“Christchurch’s rumbles have created earth-shaking challenges – but the opportunities are equally ground-

breaking. “Schools and the teaching/learning experience have changed and will continue to change – in the digital age that change can be extremely rapid. We need to make sure we embrace the opportunities fully.”


In the digital age that change can be extremely rapid. We need to make sure we embrace the opportunities fully.”

8 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild

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City Council Clearing up consent systems

Adams asked the Ministry for the

Environment to carry out the

assessment following International

Accreditation New Zealand’s decision

to revoke the council’s certification to

issue building consents.The review found a number of minor

issues with the council’s consenting

function, but these are within the

council’s capacity to resolve. “As the

Minister responsible for the Resource

Management Act, I needed to be

satisfied that the council’s resource

management consenting and planning

functions were being provided

effectively and efficiently, and with

capability sufficient for the council to

deal with the pace of earthquake

recovery,” Adams explains. She says the report revealed the

It’s been six months since the shock move which saw Christchurch City Council stripped of its ability to issue building consents. However, Environment Minister Amy Adams confirms there is “no evidence of systemic failure” and has asked the council to work closely with the Ministry for the Environment to resolve some minor issues which have been identified.

council’s consenting processing

timeframes are good, with more than 98

percent of the 1,984 resource consents

received during 2012/2013 processed

within statutory timeframes.However, there are a number of areas

where improvements need to be made. They are:

Some areas of the consent process

including section 92(1) requests for

further information could be improvedDelegation of who holds power to

make decisions on resource

applications could be clearerA better approval system for

subdivision survey plans is requiredInternal service level agreements

could be improvedThe Urban Design Panel could be

put to better use and its role clarified;

The application process for

certificates of compliance and existing

use rights could be improved

The report also recommends that

attention is required to revise the

council’s District Plan.“I note that the council had already

started the District Plan review at the

time the report got underway.

“The Government and the council will

continue this work to ensure the district

plan meets the needs of Christchurch,

as the city continues to recover from the







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Page 10: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

10 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


Construction: significant sector with

Room for growthAccording to the recently released

Construction Sector Report, the fourth in a series of seven, the industry has grown by 10,000 firms since 2002, but still lacks the capacity to deal with the massive demand of the Christchurch rebuild and the Auckland housing boom

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says the construction sector now employs seven percent of the New Zealand workforce – about 170,000 people – and generates annual revenues of $30 billion.

“The number of firms is 10,000 higher than 2002. This has been driven by construction services and residential building. With the Christchurch rebuild and Auckland city housing demand at al all-time high, the industry is experiencing unprecedented growth.”

The report also identified challenges faced by the sector – low productivity, the aftermath of the leaky buildings and the vulnerability of the industry to boom and bust cycles. “Through the Business Growth Agenda, the Government has

The construction sector is one of the largest in the country, employing seven percent of the workforce and growing, a new government report says.

set out 58 specific initiatives that directly relate to increasing productivity in the sector, growing innovation and creating safer workplaces in an effort to reduce its cyclical nature.”

Low productivity growth is partly the result of a skills shortage. The cyclical nature of the industry has discouraged firms from taking on permanent workers

and investing in their training. As a result, many employees lack basic numeracy and literacy skills.

The report says skills and labour were lost during the economic downturn and the sector’s volatility had acted as a disincentive to firms investing in training. It also notes the Government initiatives have led to an increase of

8000 apprentices in the trades area. Productivity growth was lower than other parts of the economy. For every hour worked in construction, $34 of GDP was generated, compared to an average of $48 across all sectors.

The Government is addressing these issues and has formed a number of strategic sector partnerships: the Building and Construction Productivity Partnership with industry groups, the Auckland Housing Accord with the Auckland City Council, and it continues to work with the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority with support from many Government agencies.

“Construction has a vital part to play in our communities and its activity can be felt throughout the economy. From infrastructure and telecommunications to city and community development, it has a direct impact on the quality of life of all New Zealanders,” Joyce says.

“Importantly, demand from the construction sector drives a wide range of other activities in the economy. Most of us deal with this sector regularly, whether through repairs in our home, re-wiring, re-painting or even building a new house. It is part of the fabric of society and that is why this sector is so important.”

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Page 11: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

he READY Super Slab is an engineered

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 11


Super Slab 300EQR can be built by one of Allied Concrete’s READY Super Slab installers or by any licensed building practitioner.

Allied Concrete can help you with all your foundation requirements. For more information please contact their Engineered Floors Manager Nick Gifford on 027 260 7806.


The superior slab

Due to its inherent strength a deepened perimeter foot can usually be omitted. READY Super Slab fully complies with the Department of Building and Housing report published in December 2010 in relation to the reconstruction offer for the Canterbury Earthquake, while also saving time and money and increasing energy efficiency and strength.

The 2011 earthquake in Canterbury brought a greater understanding of the damage to houses from liquefaction, particularly the extent of ground damage that is likely to result in excessive settlement of the house. This has led to land on the flat being assigned into three technical categories based on the expected

When it comes to slabs, us Cantabrians have learnt the importance of strength.

future liquefaction performance:TC1: Future land damage from liquefaction is unlikely, and ground settlements are expected to be within normally accepted tolerances.TC2: Minor to moderate land damage from liquefaction is possible in future significant earthquakesTc3: Moderate to significant land damage from liquefaction is possible in future significant earthquakes.

Allied Concrete’s READY Super Slab systems are engineered to meet the criteria for TC1, TC2 and TC3 technical categories.

The most recently designed system is the Allied READY Super Slab 300EQR which is an above ground engineered flooring solution specifically designed for land classified as TC3. READY Super Slab 300EQR comprises two slabs built separately on top of one another. The addition of an Allied

READY Floor base slab allows the READY Super Slab

300EQR to be re- leveled after a significant seismic event.

Engineered for Allied Concrete, READY Super Slab 300EQR relates directly to the DBH document “interim guidance for repairing foundations in technical category three”. With Components easy to source READY

Page 12: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

12 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild



Creating clients a slice of innovative paradise

hen it comes to building homes, Carpe Diem Homes appreciates

the uniqueness of each of its clients. And, like its title suggests, it is in the business of helping Canterbury families build personalised homes to reflect their style and needs.

A combination of strategic, smarts, and style, the business engages a wealth of skills and creativity through its team of builders who are committed to helping clients make their concepts a

Seizing the day’ is a challenge we define and set for ourselves. For each and every one of us, making the most of our existence and grabbing an opportunity with both hands will yield a different outcome because every outcome is unique like us.

reality. Brought to life in 2008 by owner Steve

McMillan, Carpe Diem homes is a specialist in the construction of commercial, industrial and residential buildings. It offers a selection of stylish, modular homes defined by flexibility, efficiency and a low carbon footprint.

In recognition of the need to create a little slice of innovative paradise for clients, the team can custom-design these options and, better still, provides

a 10-year peace of mind guarantee with every home.

Project management is undertaken with key professional principals and practises at the forefront of the team’s consciousness – effective logistical planning, transparency, risk analysis and management, integrity, and effective communication.

Renovation is also a core part of its portfolio, from fencing and extensions, through to decking, retaining walls, garages and carports. Its capabilities as an earthquake restoration specialist have also been sanctioned and endorsed by major recovery organisations including EQC, Fletcher Construction and Hawkins Construction.

If you would like to find out what Carpe Diem Homes can create for you on the new home front, a spec home is available for viewing at 36 Kahuraki Drive, Pegasus, by appointment only. It is on the market through Harcourts for $495,000.

A show home at 33 Bayliss Drive, Sovereign Palms, Kaiapoi, will be officially opening on Sunday 26

January, but can be viewed by appointment only in the interim.

For further information about Carpe Diem Homes, head to www.carpediemconstruction.co.nz. If you would like to chat to the team about your construction needs, phone 03 389 7874, or email [email protected].

The Smarter Small Home is built on a modular system

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homes are built on site in the traditional manner).

Being modular means that we are able to maximize

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The other great concept of this is that you can design your

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in your new home. Everyone is different and we have a

large number of innovative ideas to change or add to

existing designs (as seen on our website: www.cdcc.co.nz).

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Carpe Diem, 407 Ferry Rd, (Cnr Ferry Rd & Randolph St) Christchurch 8023

Page 13: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29


In a nutshell, the extra hours are gobbled up just running the business. And running is probably the right word here. The builder, and his partner, wife or office helper have a 100 tasks to do every day just to keep the work up to the boys out on the job.If you run a business – any type of business – you have a very good idea of what needs to happen behind the scenes to keep the business working. In the building industry, the ratio of off-site work to on-site work is very high. Many builders feel that for every hour on the job, there’s another hour required to manage that hour. Whatever the actual figure is, it sure takes its toll on profits and margins. This brings me to the point of this article. Why are some builders making good money while others are very busy make making far less?Read this next bit carefully because this is the make and break part of a builder’s business – and almost any other business for that matter.The money is made or lost in what I call “the engine room” of the business. If the engine room is not pumping out the horsepower and the torque, then no matter what you do elsewhere in the business, it’s not going to make much difference. So, what is the engine room? The engine room is where your Gross Profit is generated. If your Gross Profit is low, it is virtually impossible to recover it from anything else you do in the business. The Gross Profit is one of

The Builder’s Engine Room

Accountants4trades is dedicated to providing accounting, tax and business advice to trades and related businesses involved in the Christchurch rebuild and has developed the world's first interactive Benchmark and KPI dashboards for builders and the trades. Contact Jamie on 379 2343 or [email protected]. Jamie welcomes queries and comments.

Jamie Tulloch, Managing director of E3 Business Accounts Ltd and accountants4trades.

The make or break of any building business

the critical KPIs (Ker Performance Indicators) in your business. You just cannot afford to get it wrong.The Gross Profit is the invoiced value of your work minus the cost of labour and materials. Simple. As a simple example let’s say for every $100 you invoice, $40 is labour (either your own employees or contract labour) and $30 is materials. That leaves you with $30 Gross Profit or 30%. Your Direct Costs are your labour and material costs which consume $70 of every $100 you invoice.So your Gross Profit of $30 has to run everything else in your business, and provide you with your own income, pay your taxes, your ACC and every other expense you can possibly think of. As you can quickly see, if your Gross Profit is down, nothing else in the business will recover and rebuild your Gross Profit.The engine room suddenly becomes the most critical part of your whole business. If your engine room is under performing, What are the likely causes and what are the cures? Firstly – job costing. This is where it all starts. If your costing is wrong, or your price is driven down by unrealistic expectations by the client, insurance company or PMO, then you’re not going to make it. To undertake accurate job costing and quoting, you must invest in the best tools available. And you must know your absolute lowest price and margin and if you fall below this lowest price then there is little chance of recovery. It is better to walk away and maintain your margin than it is to accept a job knowing that your only chance of coming out ahead is to do it in less time and use fewer materials than quoted.What are your chances of achieving this? Probably near zilch. Know your absolute bottom line Gross Profit percentage and don’t budge. If you budge, you might as well be back working for wages.

In the last month I have met with many builders. Some are making more money than ever before. Others are making no more than good wages yet, because they run a business, they are working 30-40 hours on the tools and then another 10-20 hours behind the business. What are they doing and where are the extra 10-20 hours going?

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Page 15: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 15


Continued page 16-17

JD Homes has done it again

t is, therefore, an achievement of monumental proportions, that JD

Homes, owned and operated by the dynamic duo of Jesse DeWys and wife Marcella, not only survived the economic downturn, but has also flourished since inception.

Jesse naturally demonstrates great humility when it comes to the success of his business, and he’s certainly a ‘take it in his stride’ kind of chap when it comes to both the fiscal and literal ups and downs of the industry.

But there’s certainly nothing laissez fair about his attitude towards getting the job done. He laid the foundations for a boutique, bespoke building company very early on – investing a wealth of previous experience into JD Homes to ensure those foundations were not vulnerable to any challenges that came their way.

Today he and Marcella head up an award-winning organisation – one that operates with a style radar at its heart – adopting and engaging the latest and

Surviving the global recession, which caused irreparable damaged to commercial landscapes across the globe, seems an extraordinary feat in itself, but imagine the courage involved in setting up a business in that financial climate.

greatest in terms of aesthetics, products and technique.

“We are a family business and that is something we are really proud of,” Jesse confirms. In the context of JD Homes, ‘family’ means family in the literal sense, but it has much broader

application too. The notion of blood being thicker than water is not the case for this business, as Jesse and Marcella have worked hard to cultivate a ‘family atmosphere” that has nothing to do with genetics.

“All our staff members are incredibly important to us. We have number of our guys who have been with us five years, and they dedicate significant time and energy to the work they do. Because of the longevity of our staff, we have the benefit of continuity and consistency in our work.”


Jesse and Marcella have worked hard to cultivate a “family atmosphere” that has nothing to do with genetics.

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Page 16: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Category winner

theme. Challenging land conditions, and working with unique materials including seasoned Oxford Basalt Stone, keeps the team on its toes.

“It can be hard at times to tell clients there is a waiting period as we have so many enquiries, but it is of the upmost importance to us to deliver excellence every time, and never rush a job for the sake of another job.” As a Hawkins contractor, the company is also involved in earthquake recovery work, although it is generally contracted as a result of a client’s direct request for its services.

16 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


Continued from previous page

ogether the team completes approximately eight or nine jobs a

year – each project has unique characteristics and is the result of a real labour of love. Jesse’s love of his industry is palpable when you speak with him, and it’s clear this sentiment is shared by the entire team.

“For us, strong ethics, flair, innovation, individuality and ingenuity, are all incredibly important qualities within our working environment. For us, as a team, it is wonderful to be working on homes of real distinction.

“If we didn’t concentrate so much on each and every project, maybe we could complete 25 projects in a year. But that’s not what it is about for us. We like to spend as much time with our client as need be to get their brief to a point that they can say, ‘Yes, that is exactly what we/I want – our dream home’. From there, it takes as long as it takes until they are 100 percent happy.”

On average, builds take JD Homes nine months, and a recent project includes a $2 million build in Tai Tapu with an aged, English homestead


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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 17

HOTY 2013Despite the increasingly competitive professional playing field, JD Homes not only holds its own, but is also a respected and readily pursued building company.

“It is definitely more competitive now than when we entered the market, but we are certainly not intimidated by that – it drives us harder.

“Our unique point of difference lies in the fact that we are not only a bespoke firm, but one that employs a very flat management structure.

Our clients enjoy and appreciate the fact that they can deal with me right from the start.

“I am extremely hands on every day in this business, as is Marcella, and I’ll always be the one to work with the client on their brief at the outset, and then hand them their keys at the end. It’s a great feeling.”

The company’s skills and fastidious attention to detail has clearly paid dividends – its reputation is not only second to none, but it has scooped several awards in the Registered Master Builders House of the Year Awards throughout the years.


“From the first time we meet Jesse from JD Homes, it all just seemed to fall into place. From the exciting design process to the finished product, he was on the same page as us. “Our ideas combined with his, and Jesse’s vision and experience has given us the award winning home we live in today. It is practical, modern, contemporary, energy efficient and just ‘us’. “We can’t wait to build again someday and would not hesitate to call upon Jesse at JD homes.” - Tony and Lisa Greenlow

If you would like to discover more about JD Homes and how it can work with you, go to www.jdhomes.co.nz, phone 021 701 265 or email [email protected]


Page 18: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

18 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


A day in the life...

By John Wright, Harcourts Ilam 2

Well there I was patiently waiting for the summer holidays to arrive and so looking forward to long hot days, splashing in the surf, relaxing and having fun; when suddenly I find myself back in the office working on the first auction programme for the year. Holidays are over and the scallops, fish and crayfish are gone and it’s full on once again.

Phone: 351 3002, [email protected] or visit www.harcourts.co.nz/Offices

If the level of enquiry during December and the first weeks of January are anything to go by this coming year is going to be a repeat of the last. December was again one of the busiest months for sales here at Harcourts Holmwood with an incredible number of auctions conducted during the weeks leading up to Christmas. We did however notice a ‘softening’ in prices, with several properties passing in. Whether this is a result of higher stock levels pre-Christmas or high vendor expectations remains to be seen.

One thing with being away from the city for a week or two is that you get used to driving on nice flat roads with no traffic jams or detours due to road works. I have lost count of the number of my open homes that were disrupted because of road closures and road cones preventing cars from stopping. With in-ground services (water, sewer etc) likely to take some time to repair; disruptions around Christchurch will continue. I sympathise with those of you who have been affected financially and hope you can get through. All we can do is stay positive and believe in how good this city will be in a few short years.

Presently I have several clients wanting to sell their houses, but are unable to because they are embroiled in disputes with their (same) insurer. I am hopeful we will see an end to the nonsense that had some of them taking

time out to join a protest outside their insurance company’s office in December because of the lack of response they were getting with the handling of their claims.

A good idea from a client and engineer working on the city rebuild; she says move red-zone houses into the city centre where there are literally acres of bare land that is unlikely to be built on for years. Get hundreds of people back into the city to bolster the viability of the likes of New Regent Street and encourage other businesses to start up. Too simple?

One aspect some real estate agents have yet to come to terms with is the compulsory training required to be completed each year. There are agents who didn’t complete theirs by December 31 and as soon as the REAA catches up with them they will be “gone by lunchtime” and won’t be back for five years.

It is going to be very interesting to see what the record house sale price for 2014 will be, with several homes between $3 and 5 million coming to the market during December. We will be a little behind Auckland’s record price but who cares about that. That sort of money being paid for a house shows people have confidence in the future of Christchurch and that’s good.Phone: 351 3002, [email protected] or visit www.harcourts.co.nz/Offices

In August 2013, the New Zealand Government announced the most signicant reform of its workplace health and safety (WHS) system

in 20 years.


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This follows on from the Pike River Royal Commission recommendations, and the release of statistics which show that New Zealand has a static and signicantly high serious injury, fatality and occupational disease rates, in comparison to other developed countries.

The reform also follows on from the announcement by the NZ Government of their goal to reduce NZ workplace injury and death toll by 25% by 2020. The main changes to the New Zealand WHS system include:

· The establishment of an Independent Taskforce on WHS.

· The development of Reform Package · Introduction of new health and safety

legislation in the form of the Health and Safety Bill, based on Australian Model H&S legislation

· A new stand-alone regulator, WorkSafe New Zealand, is to be established.

What does all this mean for your organisation? There are three key things that you will need to have in place:

· Robust safe systems of work to manage the hazards associated with work activities

· A clear understanding and effective control plans to manage organisational risks

· Communication and consultation practices to ensure the entire workforce has input into the identication, assessment and control of hazards.

Are you prepared?

Page 19: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 19


Developing dynamic designs

unique player in a highly competitive market, Vicus

Design’s point of difference owes to the fact it is a company of designers with building experience, which immediately sets it apart from a landscape heavily populated by builders endeavouring to be designers.

Working with discerning clients who want to create dynamic homes, the team has extensive experience across a range of unique environments that demand lateral thinking and creative discipline.

Vicus Design has worked in confined spaces, large areas, hillsides, and challenging soil conditions. Active from Lower Hutt down to Queenstown, its designers have established robust and respected relationships with building companies throughout the country.

Not solely or even partially driven by the prospect of industry accolades or acknowledgements in magazines, Vicus Design is motivated by the desire to transform spaces into homes that are the personification of quality,

Vicus Design has a prosaic yet compelling belief: healthy societies depend on having healthy buildings in which to live, work, play and learn.

sustainability and technical sophistication.

The team working on a design and build project is responsible for selecting the appropriate builder only after it has evaluated and fundamentally understood the client’s brief. Design Director Glenn Murdoch says, “Because we are building homes that are technically unique, we research carefully to identify the right strategic partners for our projects.

“We will provide them with a comprehensive brief and work closely from the outset to educate them on the methodologies they will utilise, and then proactively project manage the work until it is completed.”

Strongly influenced by European trends and style, Vicus Design takes aesthetic design to a new level and the team selects materials and approaches that ensure every home is built to the highest standard. Its environmental awareness is demonstrated through its commitment to the internationally recognised ‘Passive House Standard’.

“We are about to build the South Island’s first Certified Passive House, and one of our previous homes will be entered in the 2014 Architecture Design New Zealand (ADNZ) House of the Year Awards in the $1 million + category.

“While such awards are certainly not our focus, we are proud of our ability to

deliver houses that are in a league of their own in terms of their design and build.”

For further information about Vicus Design Group go to www.vicus.co.nz, phone (03) 974 1960 or email [email protected]

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Page 20: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

20 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild

Relaxing LRVrules

The measures, aimed at curbing house prices, mean low-equity borrowers with deposits lower than 20 percent must comprise no more than 10 percent of new homes.

The RBNZ has now relaxed the changes, removing the restriction against new residential builds.

The New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association (NZMEA) chief executive John Walley describes the move as a sensible concession, reducing some of the political pressure

In October last year the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) enacted controversial changes to Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) rules.

on the LVR policy and supporting expansion of the housing stock. “This is a sound response to the claim that the LVR policy was slowing new builds,” he says.

“There could also be a case for regional exemptions as the real asset price pressure is in Auckland and Christchurch.”

We need more than a simple reliance on interest rates, he says. “It is important we look beyond the immediate influence of the LVR policy

on the housing market, and look to the consequences of increasing interest rates across the economy, particularly for added value exporters and import competing manufacturers. With only interest rates in the RBNZ’s tool box we might well have seen higher interest rates by now when others, such as Australia, are still looking at further loosening of their monetary policy. This contrast is a real worry for exporters.

“This concession is the right one, but should not detract from the need for

LVR policy and perhaps other prudential restrictions at some point.”

Jennian Homes director Richard Carver is one of the many provincial builders who is welcoming the new amendment and he believes new builds should have been left out of the LVR changes from square one. “We strongly welcome the Reserve Bank’s swift action to exempt new house construction from the LVR regulations as this will increase the supply of new houses that are desperately needed,” Carver explains.

Without today’s action, up to 30 percent of new building enquiry was being negatively impacted by the new restrictions. This equates to thousands of new houses on current consent forecasts. The actions from the Reserve Bank go a long way to reversing the inability for young New Zealanders to realise the great Kiwi dream of owning their own home.

The Auckland housing shortage coupled with the Canterbury rebuild has given a false impression of blanket improvement in new housing consents across the country. “This has not been the case with many provincial regions still showing a lag in new consents. Removing the LVR restrictions goes a long way to making building new a very attractive proposition and should have a positive flow on effect for these areas,” Carver says.


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Page 21: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 21


Mitigating the mortgage minefield

According to Westpac, about 30,000 Kiwis buy

their first homes every year, a number which will

likely drop against the new LVR restrictions

enacted three months ago. So the bank is

actively developing ways to help first home

buyers, while acting within the new lending


While LVR rules have been relaxed and new construction is now exempt, there are still high numbers of people itching to get into their first homes.

Family SpringboardIf you’ve got a little or no deposit, your family

could use their home to get you there sooner.Let’s say you’ve got $20,000 saved up towards

your deposit and you’ve just found a great first

home for $400,000. Your family want to help out

but would prefer not to give you cash upfront. With the Springboard Family Home option, they

need to agree to let you springboard off the equity

in their home to help you get into yours.

Westpac HomeSaver SchemeA recent launch designed for those who really

do need to save their own deposit, the

HomeSaver Scheme offers electronic coaching to

people saving for their first home and a $1000

carrot to those who manage to reach at least

$10,000.The HomeSaver scheme links savings to the

specific target of buying a home and gives

preferential treatment to HomeSavers when it

comes to low equity lending.

Welcome Home LoansDesigned to get people into their first homes,

Welcome Home Loans are not restricted by the

LVR rules, a great option for those without a 20

percent deposit. While you can purchase a house

with as low as a 10 percent deposit, Welcome

Home Loans are subject to regional price caps:$485,000 in Auckland$425,000 in Wellington City and Queenstown

Lakes$400,000 in Christchurch City and Selwyn district$350,000 in Thames/Coromandel, Waimakriri,

Hamilton City, Western Bay of Plenty, Hutt city

(Lower Hutt), Upper Hutt, Kapiti Coast,

Tasman/Nelson, Tauranga City and Porirua$300,000 in all other regions in NZ.

Mortgage brokers know the ins and outs of the

lending industry. Specialists in their field, they can

offer advice, save you time and most importantly,

they have better access to lenders than any

individual home buyer can ever have.




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24 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


Cascading construction constraints

t has been really interesting and frustrating to see how long it has taken

for the recovery to gain momentum.Three and a half years after 4 September 2010 we are just starting to see the rebuild impacting across our economy. It has become clear to me that we are now involved in a series of cascading constraints as we work our way through the rebuild. The rebuild is primarily driven by insurance. Of the $40 billion plus total damage in Christchurch over $30 billion can be contributed either directly or indirectly to

insurance pay outs. Therefore, it is the private sector and insurance that will inject cash into our economy.

Given the time lag between cash pay outs and construction (which is caused by surveying, geotechnical, and engineering requirements; resource and building consents; planning; and then pouring of concrete) it will take between four to six months from the time cash is paid until the time construction commences. This insurance pay out delay has been a major constraint in the reconstruction of Christchurch, however we are almost through that constraint now.

The next constraint will be that of resource consents and building consents. We know how overloaded our local government is with the handling of consents and we know that there has been a fairly dysfunctional process to date. That process is being improved, by the day, but the challenge ahead of us is enormous. A small sub-set of the damage in housing stock indicates that there are about 11,000

seriously damaged homes that will be, or have been, cash settled. That means that there are 11,000 homeowners who now hold the rebuild or repair of their house in their own hands and from my perspective, they all want to do it tomorrow! Given the aforementioned delays, that will mean a huge demand on resource consents, which is the second barrier in the cascade effect.

The third barrier will be finding sufficient building companies and project managers to handle the enormity of the residential and commercial rebuilds. We have not yet reached that constraint, but it will be there and it will be big.

There are literally tens of thousands of homes to be repaired and there are thousands of commercial buildings to be reconstructed.

Associated with that third cascading constraint will be issues around the constraints of human resource and material supplies. The human resource issue is already starting to be significant, we have two percent unemployment below the national average in Christchurch and are tracking down. It is increasingly easy to get

work if you want it and we have a large number of people coming from outside of the city to work here.

However, an associated and important constraint on our human resource is finding sufficient accommodation. We lost 10,000 houses in the 22 February 2011 earthquake and there are 24,000 that will have to be vacated while they are repaired. The policy analysts tell us we require 25,000 people, above and beyond business as usual, to assist us to rebuild our city. That is three small towns that we require in Christchurch in the relatively near future. We are starting to hear some grumbles in the market about the increasing cost of materials and the delays in obtaining supplies (and this is with the reconstruction of Christchurch just starting to crank up). So expect to hear a lot more about that.

The cascading construction constraints of Canterbury are real. They require a recognition of the scale of the rebuild that we are about to go into and the need for companies to think strategically about their positioning one year and two years down the track to ensure they are well advanced in equipping themselves to cope with unprecedented demand and expediential growth. It is going to be a big year!

As we commence 2014 we irrefutably go into the biggest year of construction in the history of our city.

Peter Townsend Chief Executive, Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce


We require 25,000 people, above and beyond business as usual, to assist us to rebuild our city.

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 25


Presentation of NZ Engineering Excellence Award to TTT Products Ltd and mlb Consulting Engineers. Third from left John Reelick, Co-director TTT Products, Michael Newcombe and Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers.

Innovation out of liquefactionThe new TTT MultiPole received the Building and

Construction Award. Developed by TTT Products Limited and mlb

Consulting Engineers, the TTT MultiPole is a timber pole with the central core removed. With little or no effect on strength, the removal of the core results in a pole that can be installed rapidly and economically, with minimal impact to surrounding property.

The TTT MultiPole can be installed via water jetting (using the space created by the removal of the central core for the water jetting unit), vibration, or pile driving. By installing TTT MultiPoles close together, ground improvement is achieved which prevents liquefaction – a particularly invaluable benefit to Canterbury.

TTT Products co-director John Reelick talks about TTT MultiPoles and what they mean for the Christchurch market. Can you explain the product in layman terms?

“The TTT MultiPole is a timber pole with a hole in it. The hole creates many options for use such as being able to join poles in below ground situations using special TTT MultiPole connectors. This means TTT MultiPoles can be installed to deep depths even in confined situations, such as underneath an existing house.

“In above-ground situations TTT MultiPoles can be

Rebuilding Christchurch through innovation was a key theme in the recently held event celebrating the best of our nation’s engineering work of 2013. But there was one winner which stood out to us down here in our little southern spot. Canterbury Rebuild Magazine looks at one of the winners of New Zealand’s Engineering Excellence (NZEE) Awards and how it can support the rebuild of our city.


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post-tensioned using steel bars inserted through the core space. This results in increased seismic resistance. We’re currently involved in a building five storys tall using TTT MultiPoles, and Mark Batchelar of mlb Consulting Engineers has designed a multi-story building up to 10 storys tall using TTT MultiPoles! There is incredible potential for using TTT MultiPoles where poles have not been able to go before.

“These poles improve installation time, and are more economical at the end of the day.”

How was the idea developed?“We were building a number of structures, but we

wanted to build them faster and more economically. Mark Batchelar suggested that we ‘stick a hole in the pole so we can post-tension the building and build it faster’. That’s what we did.

“That was 5-6 years ago. It’s taken that long to design and build equipment that can drill a hole lengthwise in a pole accurately and economically. Nobody does this anywhere else in the world (as far as we are aware). We can put a hole in a pole up to 22 metres long.”How much of a difference do you think this product will make for people?

“In Christchurch you will see huge volumes of this product being installed, mainly because we are exceptionally economical compared to existing systems, and can get the job done in minimal time with very little impact to neighbours. The availability of TTT MultiPoles has created opportunities in the construction industry that never existed before. They are also entirely New Zealand made and manufactured from logs sourced from sustainably managed forests. The TTT MultiPole is an added-value product, made from a natural pine log with minimal processing, with the end result being an innovative engineered wood product. We see both the local and export opportunities for TTT MultiPoles being huge!”

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A product to prevent liquefactionA product to prevent liquefaction

Page 26: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

26 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


A stunningnew subdivision


It has been a challenging time for many Cantabrians following the earthquakes, as competition has increased in the real estate market and property prices have followed suit.

The innovative team at BeachGrove subdivision recognised the need to introduce affordable housing into the residential mix in response to these conditions, and has worked strategically to create and deliver attainable and high quality living opportunities.

Whether it’s the first step on the housing ladder for some, or buyers who are looking for an opportunity to relocate to the pristine landscape of North Canterbury, BeachGrove can meet a diverse range of needs.

A fully constructed neighbourhood comprising seven stages features dynamic villas and townhouses in an established setting. Stage One is made

Accessible living at BeachGrove will soon be available just a short walk from the heart of Kaiapoi’s town centre – a neighbourhood that thrives thanks to its strong community spirit, dynamic personality and unique recreational offering.

up of 83 homes, additional building sites, a neighbourhood dairy, cafe, parklands, walkways and green spaces.

There is a preschool planned for Stage Two, and with the North Kaiapoi Primary School on its doorstep and a supermarket close by, this urban environment has strong utilitarian qualities, which benefit the locals and broader Kaiapoi community.

Housing options range in size and

price from 2-4 bedrooms with 1-2.5 bathrooms, in a pricing bracket of $339,000 to $509,000. Better still, the scope of available options doesn’t discriminate.

What’s on offer has a broad range of owners in mind – from a new family looking for living options in close proximity to a school and welcoming community, to a professional couple wanting to be able to retreat to a place

of peace and tranquillity after a busy day at the office. Thanks to its affordability and connectivity to a wide range of local services and utilities, BeachGrove is also a haven for retirees.

To capitalise on an already strong living environment in Kaiapoi, BeachGrove has been master-planned to accommodate all the requirements of contemporary home-life. With efficient layouts to maximise space, a diversity of rooflines and cladding types, optimal exposure to sunshine hours and reserve views where possible, BeachGrove represents the ideal living opportunity.

There has never been a better time to discover the historic river town of Kaiapoi, as it is enjoying a colourful renaissance with a number of new retail facilities and the revitalisation of its town centre and amenities. On the recreational scene, boating, walking, cycling, fishing, shopping and dining options are boundless.

If you are looking for a place to call home that is defined by affordability, great looks and accessibility, BeachGrove Kaiapoi is what you’re looking for. Stage One is selling now and will be on stream from March 2014.

For further information contact Harcourts Kaiapoi or visit www.beachgrovekaiapoi.co.nz today.

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Page 27: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

“The aim is to use amended intensification rules to deliver 8,000 to 10,000 new dwellings in Christchurch City within the next five years,” - Minister Gerry Brownlee

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 27


More than 7,000 dwellings will need to be demolished or re-located in the residential red zone and as many as 9,000 other houses may need demolition.

Population dispersal and changes to business locations have impacted on economic activity, transport patterns, proximity to employment, entertainment and recreation.

The current Regional Policy Statement and Christchurch district plans do not address the current demands and are relatively prescriptive regarding where development can occur and under what rules. Existing Resource Management Act planning processes could take years to amend these current plans. New planning rules were needed quickly.

In November 2012 the Minister used his powers under the CER Act to direct Environment Canterbury to lead

Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District and Waimakariri District Councils, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, NZTA and CERA to develop a Land Use Recovery Plan.

Speaking at the launch on 6 December 2013, Minister Gerry Brownlee said that the Land Use

Recovery Plan provides


intensification. “It allows for some Christchurch residents to look at the option of subdividing the land they already own, provided their section is big enough, and this too will bring housing opportunities that would not otherwise have been possible”.

Brownlee says direction from the public has been clear as post-quake recovery has progressed. “There is a keen desire to see well-designed, people-focused and sustainable developments along with affordable housing and reduced urban sprawl. “This plan allows for that by giving a very clear direction about where and how new development can occur, in a manner that best assists our region’s recovery.”

For more information about the LURP visit www.cera.govt.nz/lurp. Copies of the LURP are also available in council service centres and public libraries across greater Christchurch.

Article kindly supplied by CERA

Stretching from Lincoln, Prebbleton and Rolleston in the south, to Kaiapoi and Rangiora in the north, as many as 40,000 residential sections could be developed by 2028 within the greenfield priority areas under these revised rules.

“The aim is to use amended intensification rules to deliver 8,000 to 10,000 new dwellings in Christchurch City within the next five years,” Brownlee says. “Getting more sections and houses to market sooner is the only thing that will ease Christchurch’s accommodation pressures.

“Putting this recovery plan in place

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across the community, informing land owners, infrastructure providers and others by outlining new areas that can be developed for new housing and businesses.

enables the Regional Policy Statement, and the Christchurch City, Waimakariri District and Selwyn District plans to be amended to specifically allow for the greenfields development and localised

Land Use Recovery Plandevelopments

Page 28: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

28 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


A company with A rock solid support work ethic

he company has been in operation for only around two years, but in that time has earned

itself an enviable reputation for integrity, consistency and excellent service.

“We pride ourselves on our professionalism and attention to detail,” CCL co-owner and managing director Hamish Wright explains. “We focus on delivering the very best we can and on upholding the highest presentation standards in every element of our work – the staff involved in a project, the equipment used and, most critically, the end result.”

This focus on excellence is reflected in the company’s consistent workflow of repeat business and in the growth figures being experienced each month. Add in a rock solid work ethic and it is little wonder that CCL is able to achieve high productivity levels in its specialty fields. Ground remediation is a primary focus. CCL has been carrying out land remediation under lifted houses on TC3 land. The company’s own civil engineer provides the knowledge and expertise necessary to oversees the work process and liaise with the client, design team and geotechnical engineering teams. This facilitates the most efficient and economical outcome possible, which is CCL’s main priority.

CCL is also involved with earthwork projects for

CCL Construction Contracting undertakes a variety of civil construction works ranging from roading to commercial and residential site works.

foundations on both TC2 and TC3 land. A staggering 20-30 of these are being handled each month. Significant experience has been gained too in large bulk excavations and backfill for commercial buildings. Of note are the Countrywide developments along Victoria Street.

Roading is another area of specialisation for CCL. Road upgrades, remediation and new route construction projects have been carried out recently for major companies throughout Canterbury, including SCIRT, City Care and Fletcher Construction. With its own quarry on Springs Road – the most

centrally located clean fill and aggregate site in Christchurch – CCL has a distinct advantage in being able to supply their own and other construction companies’ needs for the supply of gravel, sand and crushed concrete.

CCL recently moved its offices to the Springs Road Quarry which has allowed for the expansion of the company. There is now a contract with NZTA to fill-in the quarry over a four year period to then be re-developed as an extension to the Southern Motorway. CCL is currently receiving around 10,000 cubic metres of concrete, gravel and silt every month from site and sub-division excavations to contribute to the filling of the quarry.

CCL has a distinct advantage in being able to supply their own and other construction companies’ needs for the supply of gravel, sand and crushed concrete.

Phone 0800 225 285 or Visit www.cclnz.com to find out more about this impressive company.



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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 29


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Creating homes with heart

s one of Canterbury’s most successful, family owned building companies, the

continuity of its offering owes to the same owners for the past 40 years - Kev and Bev Mason. Its beginnings may have been humble – a team of three working from a home environment, but today the business benefits from a staff of 12 who work symbiotically to drive a competitive offering.

Working in the environment of the intensive earthquake recovery, Alawin Homes appreciates the unique sensitivities and challenges involved with the repair and rebuild effort. The strategic partnership it has forged with Fletcher Construction, as one of its preferred suppliers, and its co-operative relationship with like-minded sub-contractors has catapulted the business even further along the road of success.

As a medium-sized firm it has the benefit of being large enough to cater for complex jobs that demand a strong force of skills and knowledge, while also being small enough to offer and maintain a personalised customer service.

With experience in both home builds and alteration work, the business has also worked in a range of unique conditions, and can now offer land and house packages.

Alawin Homes is a blend of some of the strongest commercial qualities – longevity, efficiency and ingenuity.

Alawin Homes’ builders, assessors and several administration staff are either Licensed Building Practitioners, Certified Builders, or Registered Master Builders, as well as being Fletcher approved.

The direct result of the company’s logical structure, competitive qualities and commitment to always giving the best of itself is the excellent reputation that precedes it, as well as its successful win in the 2012 CPIT run Certified Master Builders Apprenticeship of the Year Awards.

Alawin Homes has recently employed an

extensively qualified general manager Chris McNeill who brings with him a history of managing building companies to a high level of operational success. He is committed to utilising this skill and knowledge to foster harmonious relationship with clients.

“For us it is about ensuring the build or renovation process is dynamic, but not stressful for the client,” McNeill says. “We have the right team of staff and the focus to make this happen.”

For further information about Alawin Homes go to www.alawinhomes.co.nz


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art of the council’s Suburban Centres Programme, which

provides co-ordinated support for the recovery and rebuild of commercial centres which were badly damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes, the Master

30 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild





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An edgy new Edgeware

Edgeware Village is set to get a makeover and locals have the opportunity to have a say in the area’s stylish new shape as the Christchurch City Council has adopted a plan to its recovery.

Plan is a framework and action plan to guide the recovery and future development of Edgeware Village.

“The adoption of the Edgeware Village Master Plan represents a significant milestone for the local

community, property and business owners and other stakeholders who have helped shape this plan,” the Council’s Urban Design and Regeneration Unit manager Carolyn Ingles explains.

“Now that the Master Plan has been adopted, work can begin on implementing the Council-led actions. Funding has been secured for

streetscape and movement improvements in the Village and these will be implemented in 2015-2016 once the detailed design is complete,” she says.

Shirley/Papanui Community Board Chairman Mike Davidson says the development of the Edgeware Village Master Plan has provided an opportunity for local residents, businesses and

community groups to help shape the future of Edgeware Village.

“In particular people have expressed a desire to reinforce

Edgeware’s village feel through introducing seating and quality landscaping and the development of courtyard spaces and laneways and other improvements to the street.”

He says the board is pleased to see the Master Plan adopted so that implementation of actions can happen. “The Board has requested that further investigation is undertaken relating to the provision of on-street car parking in the village and how the planned major cycleway might impact on the final design.”

In adopting the plan, the council agreed with the community board’s recommendation that further consultation be undertaken with those affected during development of detailed designs to address these concerns.

This development has provided an opportunity for local residents, businesses and community groups to help shape the future of Edgeware Village.

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 31


Kenny Corrigan Chairman of the NZCF Ctbry/W.Coast Region Welcoming Speech

Woody Blakely Vise Presented of the NZCF Exexutive council.

Reg Mathews, Gary McCormick Health & Safety Awarded to Fulton Hogan.

Eddie Rogers, Russell Worthington,James Worthington & Josh Worthington

Most Progressive Company Award

Fulton Hogan Team Winner of the Supreme award "2013 Contractor of the Year"

Justine Wheelans, Mirrietta Horncastle, Leigh Cox C & A Cox Ltd

Tobia Pulley, Blaze Hirama, James Fong, Worthington Contracting

Jordan Buchanan, Emily Peacock, Tanya Guerin, Ryan Mahalm Stellar Recruitment

James Craw, Sue Craw, Tim Craw & Philip Craw JCL Asphalt

Ian France, Fiona Malloch

Infratrain Training Advisor and Regional Mgr

NZ Contractors FederationContractor of the Year AwardsCanterbury/West Coast Region

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Worthington was presented with the Most Progressive Company Award and Subcontractor of the Year, not to mention their SITESORTED system was awarded Innovation of the Year at the event.

Theres nothing quite like topping off a year of hard work with an award. Congratulations to the winners on the night which included both local and National companies: Worthington Contracting,

Blakely Construction, Calcon, Fulton Hogan,

Downer NZ, C&A Cox, Stellar Recruitment


Page 32: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

t took less than two hours for a group of 12 to assemble Wellington’s first WikiHouse prototype,

little more than an hour to dismantle it and it fit in the back of a van for transporting for its Christchurch debut. Rather than a team of highly skilled construction professionals, the job was completed by volunteers with no building experience, armed with rubber mallets. WikiHouse is a construction system enabling anyone to design, download, adapt and ‘print’ houses on a milling machine, then assemble them by hand. Still in planning stages, the idea is that house builders will be able to purchase a total build service, take designs to their own contractor to build or go total DIY.

The aim is to make it possible for anyone to design, share, download, adapt and ‘print’ houses which are low cost, high performance and suitable to local needs. Using a CNC machine, the house parts can be

“A kind of Wikipedia for ‘stuff’, WikiHouse is one of a growing spread of open hardware experiments which suggest a very different economy for design.”

32 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


Self madeWikipedia is user-driven, with readers creating the content for everyone to peruse free of charge. Well WikiHouse is Wikipedia for the construction industry and it has the potential to slash both the time and cost of building.

digitally printed from a standard sheet material like plywood, with the main structure assembled in about a day without the need for conventional construction skills.

According to London based WikiHouse co-designer Alastair Parvin, this is construction’s future. “We are moving into a future where the factory can be

everywhere – and increasingly the design team can be everyone.”

The WikiHouse prototype has the potential to significantly lower the cost to enter the housing market. It is easy to build, and even easier to modify or add to. Being pre-designed, the WikiHouse would require significantly less

labour for a build and houses will be financially competitive with traditional builds. But as with all fledgling ideas, funding is stalling progress and the project is looking for funding to accelerate development to get the project to market.

We Specialise in:

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Building blocks of businessIn late 2011, Danny Squires and business partner Marin Luff co-founded New Zealand’s WikiHouse Lab as an offshoot of the global WikiHouse project launched in the UK by Alastair Parvin and Nick Ierodiaconou.

Their plan revolved around the idea that these customisable houses will be great in earthquake-prone places like Christchurch — where even now some people are still living in garages, cars, or broken homes — since they are made of sturdy

“If design’s great project in the 20th century was the democratisation of consumption – Henry Ford, Coca Cola, Ikea, it might be that design’s project in the 21st century is the democratisation of production.”

components that slot together. The buildings are designed to rock in an earthquake, with any damage absorbed in replaceable components that you can swap in and out.

Much like Wikipedia’s free, user-generated content, WikiHouse is an open hardware project, where experts design houses or parts of them and share them online. With designs submitted under a creative commons licence, everyone can use them.

The world’s fastest growing cities are not formally developed, but rather ‘self-made’ cities and embracing this, Parvin explains, is the key to many of our problems. “If we’re serious about tackling problems like urbanisation, climate change and inequality, we need to develop solutions not just to construction, but also off-grid sustainable infrastructure and to put them into a democratic commons. A kind of Wikipedia for ‘stuff’, WikiHouse is one of a growing spread of open hardware experiments which suggest a very different economy for design.

“If design’s great project in the 20th century was the democratisation of consumption – Henry Ford, Coca Cola, Ikea, it might be that design’s project in the 21st century is the democratisation of production.”

WikiHouse is a small experiment continuously under development, with a number of teams involved globally, including the Christchurch based team working on solutions to post-earthquake housing. The project is constantly on the lookout for collaborators, funders or simply people who want to use a make a WikiHouse for themselves. If you’re interested in finding out more, being involved or funding the project, visit www.wikihouse.cc or email [email protected].


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34 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


One stop shop forglobal recruitment

Estimates suggest an additional 36,000 workers will be required for the rebuild. From the city’s perspective, immigration assistance makes sense. So too does it make sense from a business perspective. For companies who want to get a slice of the $30 billion rebuild, more workers are a must.

But few business owners have time to get their heads around the legalities, visas, documentation, timeframes... and then there’s the time consuming recruitment process itself.

A literal one stop shop for immigration, Business Immigration (NZ) Ltd has been assisting families and individuals through the migration process, bringing New Zealand valuable workers for more than 20 years. “We get about 100 queries a week from potential employees,” managing director Lyn Sparks explains.

“From there we have a stringent

There has been a significant influx of international migrants to the Canterbury region since the second half of 2012. In the first half of 2013, four thousand people moved to the region, an average of 25 people per day. Many of these new residents are from overseas.

screening process. We generally take eight percent of the people who approach us.”

Applicants must meet a high standard of English, pass a medical and have at least 10 years of verifiable work experience, including internationally.

Business Immigration couldn’t make the process any easier. The company screens the potential staff, organises visas, arranges tax registration and can secure accommodation. “All that we leave the employer is interviewing potential employees over Skype,” Sparks says.

Business Immigration works with a wide range of businesses, from the smallest to the largest and can assist with staffing from an equally diverse range of industries from farming and the trades, through to engineering and

IT. One of its strongest points of difference is simply the

cost, or lack thereof. While many employment companies charge the employer thousands, for services which don’t include licensing, accommodation or tax services, Business Immigration charges a simple fee of $690 including GST for

the full range of services. It’s a comprehensive

offering; consultants deal with the employment and

recruitment needs of employers, then the two licensed immigration

advisors, Lyn Sparks and daughter Nikki Jones, cover everything related to immigration, for both new and existing employees.

The pair understand the ins and outs of the legal aspect of immigration and through travelling with staff to the Philippines and other destinations every two months, they are extremely knowledgeable about the cultural differences and how you can get the most out of your new employees.

“Before the earthquake Canterbury construction had an employment capacity of 40 percent. With huge investments being made into staffing, equipment and projects, the playing field is as different as it could possibly be. Now we’re at more than 100 percent capacity,” Sparks says. “There is a phenomenal amount of work out there and there is a huge shortage of workers to get that work completed.”

For more information on how your business can benefit from increased workers, contact Business Immigration, 440 Papanui Rd, phone (03) 352 6702 or visit www.businessimmigrationnz.com


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Experts in

Front Row: Nikki Jones, Ashlee Warman, Naresh Reddy, Grahame Allport, Emily RawsthornBack Row: Tony Thurston, Nela Maerean, Rex Gibson, Keith Garlick, Lyn Sparks, Frank Karati PHONE 3526702

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 35


Levelling the lopsided

oors and windows jamming, bouncy and uneven floors and

cracks in the walls are just some of the symptoms of a house which needs repiling, a delicate process involving the re-levelling of floors.

According to Southern Repiling owner Dwayne Hubac, a large number of Canterbury homes slid clean off their piles in the earthquakes because the houses weren’t attached to them. “Even though the earthquake has hurt of lot of people, everyone is now a lot more educated and this will lead to us rebuilding safer houses for the future,” he says.

Prior to establishing Southern Repiling in Dunedin in 2009, Hubac was working for a house-levelling company in Christchurch. Following the earthquake, the company widened its perimeters to Canterbury to fulfil an important role in the city’s rebuild.

A certified builder, complemented by a team of qualified carpenters, Hubac’s services have been in increasingly high demand. Many competitors just focus on piles. Southern Repiling covers the full range of foundation repairs.

Pile foundations distribute a structure’s weight evenly across the soil underneath, ensuring the building remains strong and level. Despite their importance to our comfort and safety,

we think little of these vital load bearing parts, that is, until things get a little lopsided.

Specialising in repiling, underpinning and pile replacements, Southern Repiling also carries out house lifting. “We can lift and re-level anything from concrete floor slab homes, standard pile structures, ring beams – basically all type A and type B structures – we have the power to lift almost anything.”

With top of the range machinery to

allow easy access to the defective piles, Southern Repiling is able to successfully achieve level floors. “Our hydraulic equipment is the latest from the USA and we use the right amount of equipment for each job, ensuring the

house is fully supported at all times,” Hubac explains.

“We set our new piles in a solid footing and at the correct depth, ensuring they are attached to your house correctly.”

A recent client had a home which had sunk very deep into the ground. Southern Repiling was able to lift the house out from corner to corner and keep it nice and level, saving the clients significantly with the delicate and precise handling of the project.

A family run business, Southern Repiling provides high quality work and works closely with structural engineers to ensure the work is completed to the highest standard. For more information on how Southern Repiling can get your property’s piles level, phone (03) 455 5701 or email [email protected]


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A large number of homes slid clean off their piles in the earthquakes because the houses weren’t attached to them.

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36 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild


Ashburton’s appeal for accessAshburton’s appeal for access

It was when the council released its preferred route options that discontent developed.

The first route option – down Chalmers Avenue and Grove Street – was quickly aborted against considerable community backlash.

Two alternatives were soon established – both using Chalmers Avenue – one proposing to create a new road east of Grove Street, one proposing to create a new road even further east of Grove Street. Significant time and resource has since gone into public consultation, research and submissions.

On July 4, 2013 Council approved “Option A” as the road alignment to proceed to land designation for the second urban bridge across the Ashburton River.

The proposed designation will

A second bridge over the Ashburton River has been on the District Council’s drawing board for several years. Designed to improve traffic flows through the district, It is a change thought to be in the interests of both locals and visitors alike.

connect the southern end of Chalmers Avenue with a new bridge across the Ashburton River and onto a new two lane road through low density land east of Tinwald to connect with Grahams Road at the south end of Tinwald.

Submissions have again been called for. Initially to be received in early December, the Ashburton District

Council has extended the time for residents to make submissions on the application to designate land for the Ashburton second urban bridge and associated roads.

Council Environmental Services manager Jane Donaldson says the council, as the planning authority, was only required to give 20 working days

for submission period, but has more than doubled the allotted timeframe for submissions. “All agreed that this is a significant project for council and the community and providing additional time for submissions was appropriate in this case,” she says.

A hearing is expected to be held later this year and, once the designation is in place, the bridge route will be protected and the land within that route can be acquired by the council. The bridge is unlikely to be built for at least 15 years.

Residents are still unhappy with the decision as it stands and the Bridge Action Group Inc. has been established which has raised concerns over:

Extra traffic down side streets

The safety of children and the elderly

Additional noise

Higher rates to pay for the second bridge and carriage way

Severance of community. More information about the council’s proposition is available at www.ashburtondc.govt.nz and more information on the Bridge Action Group is available from www.ashburtonbridge.co.nz


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But with access to significantly fewer premises, the leasing market is a tight one.

Light is visible at the end of the tunnel, with new developments springing up city-wide.

Work on a multi million dollar light industrial multi-use business park in Christchurch is underway, with the first diggers breaking ground. The Harvard Hub is a desirable plot of flat and sunny land at Wigram, just off the city’s Southern motorway.

The extensive project is under construction by the Christchurch branch of award-winning South Island company Amalgamated Builders (ABL) and project managed by experienced property investment company TPI Ltd.

The initial Stage One consists of three larger units – one has already sold with strong interest shown from other potential buyers. Of the 22 units on offer, office spaces range from as little as 55sqm to 330sqm while warehouse sizes go from 60sqm to 514sqm.

Sitting right alongside Christchurch’s biggest residential subdivision Wigram Skies, which itself will include a full-size shopping centre and around 1800 homes, individual unit buildings at Harvard Hub cater for a range of

businesses from service and distribution storage to trades, professional offices, light manufacturers and a café.

TPI director Lindsay Topp, an experienced Arrowtown-based property developer, says he was thrilled to get the project underway with ABL. “They’re good southern guys with a great knowledge base built up over decades in the industry and I’ve had good experiences with them building a number of projects on time and to budget,” he says.

“They make it really easy from my point of view because they just take control and do the job, and it’s all about transparency, honesty and team performance.” Topp says the level of interest in the units, designed by Merivale-based DD Architects Ltd, was very high. “The fact we’ve been able to get through the consent process to get this underway is very appealing right now to businesses looking to establish themselves in this fast-growing area,” he says. Gavin Ryan of commercial property sales and leasing specialists M B Cook Commercial Ltd says there is currently a serious lack of this sort of product in the marketplace. “While there’s plenty of talk out there about

future developments, to my knowledge this is the only company which has actually started a ‘spec’ build of this nature ahead of the market,” he says.

The first three units are expected to be completed by June 2014. Work on Stage Two for the remaining 19 units is

anticipated to commence on issue of the building consent.

Sales and lease enquiries are welcome to Gavin Ryan on [email protected], mobile 0274 584 587 or (03) 341 4098 or visit the website www.harvardhub.co.nz

We’re a resilient bunch in our little corner of the South Pacific; more than 90 percent of the businesses that were running in Christchurch city prior to the earthquakes are still running, many new ones have since popped up.

Expanding commercial premises

Computer generated image of part of the new Harvard Hub development at Wigram, Christchurch

Panoramic view of the new Harvard Hub business park at Wigram, Christchurch, as work begins

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38 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild

The Red QS Team Chris Quigley, Brian McMorran John Wright, David Boustead Aimee Davey, David Boustead, Victoria Whitta

Ray Hastie, Doug Macown David Jarrett, Ben Coker Daniel Davey, April Marx, Liv Webber Kevin Tootal, Andrea Fridd

Victoria Whitta, Paul Angland Debbie Keating, Victoria Whitta Victoria Whitta, Dean Lester, Aimee Davey

Mark Frost, Alan Popata

Red QS Red QS celebrated another year gone by with its hard working builders and clients. The annual Christmas client function was held at the Red QS office 118d Wordsworth Street.

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Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 39


Creating a smart city

he ‘Sensing City’ initiative aims to be the catalyst for the creation of

new information-based services and solutions to improve how cities are managed. It also aims to kick start a new data-focused export industry, encourage inward investment, attract talent to the region and position Christchurch at the global forefront of future cities.

A world leading project to transform Christchurch into a smart city of the future and create opportunities for New Zealand’s high tech sector is to receive government funding.

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce recently announced that Callaghan Innovation – the Government’s new High Tech HQ - is providing $250,000 in seed funding as well as technical expertise to help deliver one of the Sensing City initiative’s first projects, which will use sensor technology to

investigate the health impacts of air pollution.

“This is an ambitious, multi-faceted project that will help position Christchurch as a city of the future, grow the region’s ICT sector, and foster entrepreneurialism and the development of weightless exports via the creation of new IP,” Joyce says.

“It also fits perfectly with Callaghan Innovation’s role to accelerate commercialisation of innovation by firms in New Zealand.”

The nuts and bolts of the Sensing City initiative is that a network of digital sensors will be integrated into the physical infrastructure of the Christchurch CBD as it is rebuilt, generating data sets with multiple uses and benefits.

Brownlee says the announcement follows more than a year of discussion with innovation expert Roger Dennis, who recognised very early on, the opportunity rebuilding Christchurch presented the country.

“What we have in the Christchurch rebuild is a myriad of opportunities to use digital sensor technology to learn lessons about how modern cities work, and eventually create a longitudinal database of information from which technology companies can deliver

future solutions for other cities across the globe,” Brownlee explains.

“The project leverages the opportunity the rebuild has provided to install sensors in the infrastructure throughout the CBD. Other pilot projects will use sensor technology to collect real time traffic data which developers will then be able to aggregate into an app, and a community-based project to test water quality throughout the city,” Mr Brownlee says.

In addition to funding, Callaghan Innovation will provide expertise in the areas of sensors, networks and medical devices to deliver one of Sensing City’s first pilot projects, a health innovation and air quality demonstration project involving installing sensors in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) inhalers and pollution sensors across the city.

Sensing City will provide an online platform for public access to anonymised data sets to demonstrate the value of collecting data to the benefit of all society.

“Publicly releasing the data will allow for wider publishing of the real time data, and allow for further investigation, deeper research and development of insights into respiratory conditions and air quality in Christchurch,” Joyce says.

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee


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CanterburyRebuild COMMERCIAL



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Page 40: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

40 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild

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sed to inform the Ministry’s medium-long term

policy advice relating to immigration policy

settings, and priority setting for tertiary education and

industry training, the report is broken down by industry

and occupation. It has a particular focus on labour

supply constraints arising from an ageing population

and highlights the importance of future productivity

gains to maintain economic growth.

The key points are:

• Total employment is expected to increase by

180,300 (1.6 percent per year) over the 2011-16 period,

and by about 174,500 (1.4 percent per year) over the

subsequent five years to 2021.

• Strong employment growth is expected in the

primary sector, primary processing, certain

manufacturing industries such as machinery and

equipment, metal products and in construction-related

activities. Service industries, including the health,

cultural and personal services sectors, will also

experience modest to strong employment growth. The

growth will be strongest for highly-skilled occupations,

including managers and professionals.

• Opportunities for lower-skilled workers are expected

to account for more than one-third of employment

growth over the 2011-16 period. This will be sustained

over the 2016-21 period as the construction sector

activity related to the Canterbury rebuild is expected to

continue beyond 2016. The food processing, retailing,

accommodation and personal service industries are

expected to create most of the remaining opportunities.

• The medium-long term employment growth beyond

the recovery from the recent economic downturn is

expected to be a mix of export-led growth and growth

driven by domestic household spending along with the

Canterbury rebuild. This has

associated impacts

for labour market

outcomes across



The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has released its annual Medium-Long Term Employment Outlook

for the 2011-2021 period and the outlook is positive.

There is no doubting the significant opportunities evident

in the rebuild of our city. Whether it’s job openings, or

even retraining. Christchurch painter and decorator Tessa Gregory

says enrolling in the He Toki ki te Rika (Maori trades

training) programme at CPIT was one of the best

decisions she has ever made.She graduated in December along with around 150

other graduates of the programme from various trades

such as carpentry, welding and plasterboard.Before she heard about He toki, Tessa was working full

time but looking for a new direction. Now she is

completing an apprenticeship and planning to travel and

work overseas.He Toki is an iwi-led collaboration between Ngai Tahu o

Runanga, CPIT and Hawkins Construction that is

changing lives as well as contributing more skilled

workers to the rebuild of Christchurch.“I was determined

to make something of my life because I didn’t finish

school and I didn’t finish CPIT’s Diploma in Maori, so my

next goal was to get a trade and complete it and even if I

can’t do anything else in life I can fall back on my trade,”

she says.“I was nervous because I hadn’t seen many women

around in the trade industry and I thought this could be

different. It could be really different. But I was excited. I

like being different and doing something different.”After the 14 week programme and a further six weeks

of work experience Tessa was offered an apprenticeship

with Frame Consulting. “I was so happy. I had finally

achieved something. I’m getting paid to learn.”In two and half to three years, Gregory will be both

qualified and experienced in painting and decorating for

homes, commercial spaces and Earthquake

Commission repair work.

Tales of trade training U

Outlook ofopportunities


Page 41: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

he long-term social and economic costs of earthquakes

are highly dependent on how the built environment responds to the event.modern building codes demand that critical infrastructure, such as hospitals, power stations and key lifeline bridges must be available post-earthquake to ensure optimal response and minimal disruption. Equally, the ability of businesses to return to regular operation is vital for a functioning economy.Low-damage structures are an emerging area of research and development that offer an effective solution to this challenging problem, University of Canterbury (UC) mechanical engineer Dr Geoff Rodgers says.“Low-damage structural concepts have, at their heart, a range of novel energy dissipation devices. These devices are used to dissipate energy and mitigate response to shaking in place of traditional design approaches that rely on structural yielding and damage to dissipate energy, but at the

Canterbury Rebuild January 2014 41


Creating quake-proof buildingscontribute to the emergency of a new, more resilient downtown Christchurch

cost of downtime, repair or demolition.“At UC we have developed high force

to volume energy dissipation devices, 96 of which have been developed and used in the new $40 million Kilmore St Medical Centre - one of the first new, major structures to rise in downtown Christchurch following the 2010 and

2011 earthquakes. The Kilmore St facility is an innovative, low-damage seismic-resistant design.

“The Kilmore Centre uses a post-tensioned rocking steel system to allow controlled motion in an earthquake. It incorporates 96 high force-to-volume devices as a frontline energy dissipation

and damage avoidance system.“The devices plastically extrude to

absorb energy and reduce response – much like making Play-Doh spaghetti or squeezing toothpaste out of a tube – and dissipate large amounts of energy to reduce motion in a damage-free manner.

“These devices have been extensively tested at UC with funding from the Natural Hazards Research Platform. It will be immensely gratifying to now see these devices complete their journey from bench to building in their first use in protecting communities.’’

The device project is the result of an eight-year collaboration led by Dr Rodgers, Professor Geoff Chase and Associate Professor Greg MacRae at UC, as well as postgraduate students.

The devices will enable the creation of more resilient cities and communities that are far more resistant to the physical and economic damage that results from large earthquakes, and are contributing to the emergence of a new, more resilient downtown Christchurch.

The new $40 million Kilmore St Medical Centre - one of the first new, major structures to rise in downtown

Christchurch following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.


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CanterburyRebuild COMMERCIAL

Page 42: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

42 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild

The Ultimate surface protection Solution

Hot demand for protecting surfaces during the rebuild

nter – Ultimate Solutions. It’s a strategic problem solver not only by

name, but also by nature. Operating in the midst of a post-disaster landscape with building numbers rocketing through the roof, this is a business that is a proactive strategist. Ultimate Solutions does your thinking for you, meaning that those niggling afterthoughts of ‘Oh, I should have thought of that’ no longer exist.

As the supplier and installer of surface protection products, the business has positioned itself strongly and visibly in both the commercial and residential sectors. Its strategic partnerships formed with builders and broader earthquake recovery contractors are true testament to its robust, reliable and innovative product.

Co-owner Debbie Savin says, “We are a niche business in the sense that

we have identified the need for our services and entered the market with a unique offering from our competitors. Not only can we respond to surface protection challenges with appropriate solutions, we are able to deliver these as highly cost-effective alternatives.”

The aim of the Ultimate Solutions’ game is to give builders and homeowners ease during rebuilds, repairs and renovations. With a range of

surface protection products for carpets, tiles, vinyl, timber, bench-tops, concrete, glass/windows, porcelains and stainless steel, the business has you

and your vulnerable surfaces covered. “We are proud of all our products

including the ‘Rolls Royce of hard surface protection’ – recycled rubber, because we not only supply and install them at extremely reasonable prices, we also install them and can work to

very tight timeframes if necessary,” co-owner Alex Taylor says.

Recyclable, and reusable, Ultimate Solutions’ products have been in hot demand, and utilised in major recreational, commercial and residential projects including rebuilds in the iconic Botanical Gardens, and during the new build of a three story property in Sumner that had $120,000 windows to protect.

“We are proud of the outcome of these projects, and the way we work collaboratively with our team of professional contractors to ensure every job is completed to the highest standard,” Debbie says.

For more information on how Ultimate Solutions’ products can benefit you, visit www.ultimate-solutions.co.nz, phone the team on (03) 389 0318 or visit them at their Stanmore Road premises.

The aim is to give builders and homeowners ease during rebuilds, repairs and renovations ith a range of wsurface protection products.

Visit us at 1/10 Michelle Road, Sockburn


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CanterburyRebuild COMMERCIAL

Page 43: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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Page 44: Canterbury Rebuild Magazine January 2014 Issue 29

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44 January 2014 Canterbury Rebuild