Cඈඋඉඎඌ Cඋංඌඍං Cൺඍඈඅංർ Cඎඋർ 3550 East Knox Road • Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Catholic Education Office: 480-893-1160 Fax: 480-893-3291 Parish: corpuschristiphx.org Formed: corpuschristiphx.formed.org

C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

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Page 1: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love


3550 East Knox Road • Phoenix, Arizona 85044

Parish Office: 480-893-8770 • Catholic Education Office: 480-893-1160 Fax: 480-893-3291

Parish: corpuschristiphx.org • Formed: corpuschristiphx.formed.org

Page 2: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

Corpus Christi Catholic Church www.corpuschristiphx.org


Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.

Clergy and Staff Members

Rev. Chad King, Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Albert Francis Hoorman, Pastor Emeritus

Rev. L.A. Sigman, Founding Pastor

Deacon Chris Kellogg [email protected]

Deacon Dennis Lambert [email protected]

Retired Deacon Al Gaudio

Retired Deacon Phil Simeone Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager [email protected]

Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Kathleen Foley, Parishioner Engagement Coordinator [email protected]

Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor [email protected]

Linda McCormack, C. E. Office Manager [email protected]

Kathy Egle, Director of Evangelization [email protected]

Denise Halloran, Dir. of Elementary Catholic Ed. [email protected]

Anthony Janus, Coordinator of Youth Evangelization [email protected]

John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries [email protected]

Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager [email protected]

Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Council Presidents Mary Jo Kruse, President of the Pastoral Council [email protected] Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 -5:00 (C Mon.-Thurs. from 11:30 -1:00 )

Friday: 9:00 —11:30

Saturday: Office Closed Sunday: Following 8:30 am & 10:30 am Masses

Catholic Education Office Hours

Monday: 9:00 – 4:00 Tuesday: 9:00 – 7:30 Wednesday: 9:00 – 5:00 Thursday: 9:00 – 4:00

Friday-Sunday: Office Closed

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM (traditional) Sunday: 7:00 AM (without music) 8:30 AM (contemporary) 10:30 AM (contemporary) 5:00 PM (contemporary)

Daily Mass: 8:15 AM (Monday—Saturday) 6:00 PM (Tuesday) 6:30 AM (Friday)

Confessions: Tuesday: 5:00-5:45 Thursday: 7:00 Saturday: 2:30-3:30

Devotions Rosary: 30 minutes before daily Masses Litany Devotions: following daily Masses Divine Mercy in Cry Room: following daily Masses

Adoration Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel — Enter through the gate from the 36th Street parking lot to the Prayer Garden. Follow the path to the last door. Our Adoration Ministry needs two committed Adorers for each hour. Below is the list of hours with the greatest need. Hours in red have no one committed. If you would like to commit to a weekly Holy Hour, please contact Kathleen Foley at the Parish Office.

Sun: 9 am, Noon, 5 pm, 7 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm Mon: 6 am, 6 pm, 7 pm, 10 pm Tues: 9 am, 11 pm Wed: 5 am, 6 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 11 pm Thurs: Midnight Fri: 10 am Sat: 4 pm

Additional adorers during the hours of Midnight to 6 each day are always helpful!

Page 3: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019


Feast Days & Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions are limited to five requests per year.

Monday, March 11

8:15 am William McGovern

Tuesday, March 12 8:15 am Robert Mastrie 6:00 pm † Robert Sandkuhl

Wednesday, March 13 8:15 am † Richard Funk

Thursday, March 14 8:15 am † Ernest Loehr

Friday, March 15 6:30 am † Michael Brescia, Jr. 8:15 am † Natalia Boucher

Saturday, March 16

8:15 am † Derek D. Reynolds 4:00 pm † Frank & † Florence Kane

Sunday, March 17

7:00 am Parishioners 8:30 am † Scott Madigan 10:30 am † Frank Monti 5:00 pm † Esperanza Catral

What’s Inside:

Practicing Virtue This Lent: pages 4-5 Our Lenten Cross: page 5 Christ Child Society: page 6 Baptism: page 6 Men of St. Joseph: page 6 Pray for the Sick: page 6 Stations of the Cross: page 6 Fast & Abstinence Guidelines: page 6 Respect Life Ministry: page 6 Parish Lenten Mission: page 7 St. Vincent de Paul Furniture Drive: page 7 Complete My Joy Speaker Series: page 7 Michael John Poirier: page 7 Jewish Roots: page 7 Rest in Peace: page 7 CRS Food Packing Event: page 8 Sleeping Mats for the Homeless: page 8 St. Joseph Youth Camp: page 8 Frequently Asked Questions: page 8 Parish Center Renovations: Back Cover

Text JOINCC to 84576

or visit us online at flocknote.com/corpuschristicc

Sign-up for electronic newsletters, parish event & holy day reminders, emergency notifications, specific ministry communications, and funeral notices.

You can also “Like” us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/corpuschristiphoenix

Parish Contributions

March 3, 2019

Tithing* Weekly Total.......................................... $29,844.72 Weekly Budget....................................... $26,277.20 Weekly Surplus (Deficit)......................... $3,567.52

Year-to-date Total..............................$1,002,976.80 Year-to-date Budget.......................... $1,003,315.20 Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit).................. ($338.40)

*Includes Sunday collections, Online Giving, and mid-week tithing

Other Contributions

Children’s Envelopes…....................................$72.00 Miscellaneous……….....……....................... $75.00

Building Fund Collection……....................$1,259.00 Building Fund Balance……..................... $61,900.04

Online Giving is a web-based electronic contribution option available at our parish. This convenient system is safe and secure and allows you to

start, stop, and change your contributions at any time. You can sign-up for Online Giving through our parish website at www.corpuschristiphx.org.

Love that Gives Hope

The annual Charity and Development Appeal (CDA) is underway. Thank you to the 364

families who have made a gift. Each gift is important and provides vital support to the programs and organizations who rely on the CDA. CDA funds allow them to provide critical services and resources to our parishes, diocese and local communities. Support works of mercy in our Diocese and make your gift today! Our parish has currently raised $228,739 with 14% of our families participating. Gifts can be made online at dphx.org/cda or by completing a pledge card. Thank you for your support of the Charity and Development Appeal.

Page 4: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

Corpus Christi Catholic Church www.corpuschristiphx.org


M ost of us are likely aware that Lent is a time

for increased fasting, praying, and almsgiving as we imitate Jesus in preparation for the saving work completed through his Passion and Crucifixion. In order to prepare himself for what was to come, at the beginning of His earthly ministry, Jesus went out into the desert for 40 days. He fasted and endured relentless temptations by Satan who promised Him all sorts of worldly delights if He would simply give in to him (Luke 4:1-13, Matthew 4:1-11). In denying Himself gratification during this period of temptation, Jesus was spiritually strengthened and fortified. Recognizing these same benefits for us, the Church prescribes us an annual Lenten journey to spiritually fortify us and allow us to participate in our own redemption as we continue on this pathway towards salvation.

Of course, Lent is an opportunity to strengthen ourselves through the self-sacrifice we experience in fasting and denying ourselves certain specific worldly comforts. However, it is also an opportunity to dive deeper into the deserts of our minds and our hearts as we reflect on our personal temptations to sin and work to root them out at the heart. The Church teaches that there are seven deadly (or Capital) sins: pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] #1866). It is within these seven areas that every sin you and I commit will find its root. Because we are individuals, with our own strengths and weaknesses, we will find that

each of us struggles with every one of these seven sins in varying degrees compared to our neighbor. Think about the sins you struggle with most and see if you can identify their root within the seven deadly sins. This exercise will reveal where you are weak and need to intentionally and actively fortify yourself. Be assured, Satan knows these chinks in your armor very well and he is relentless in attacking you where you are weakest.

When we are trying to root out sin, it is not enough for us to just decide we don’t want to commit that sin anymore and try to activate our human will to simply avoid a behavior. In order to successfully root out a sin, we must fill the black void that exists there in our heart with something that is delightful and pleasing to God; we need to fill it with the opposing virtue. Virtue is defined by the Church as “an habitual act and firm disposition to do the good.” They are “firm attitudes, stable dispositions, habitual perfections of intellect and will that govern our actions, order our passions, and guide our conduct according to reason and faith,” (CCC #1803-1804).

Let’s break this definition down a little bit. A virtue is a habit of doing good. In other words, we need to practice it again and again in order to make it a habitual part of our life. Virtue also engages our intellect and our will so that our actions and passions are actually under our human control rather than merely reactions to a situation. So, in order to become truly virtuous in our behavior, we need to be intentional about our actions and responses to situations and willfully

choose to do the good. As we practice this, the habitual nature of our virtue increases and, as a result, it becomes easier for us to do.

Many saints tell us that virtues are as numerous as any actions you can fathom. Anything that is good and pleasing to God can be considered virtuous and there are too many to name. However, just as sin falls under certain greater categories, our virtuous acts do as well. The four cardinal virtues are temperance, prudence, justice, and courage and the three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity (CCC 1805, 1813). These virtues are then helped and sustained by the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity (CCC #1831-1832). So, as we can see, there are a great number of holy and godly dispositions with which we can fill-in the voids of our heart caused by sin.

Let’s go back to the previous exercise where we examined the capital sin(s) with which we most struggle. Can we identify its opposing virtue? It is this virtue, or virtues, that we must seek to actively cultivate and make into a habit. This does not happen by accident or simply because we say that we don’t want to do that particular sin anymore. It takes actual work and willful participation on our part.

Before we dive into how we go about actively cultivating the virtues

Practicing Virtue This Lent

Jen Arnold, MA Theology & Catechetics

Page 5: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019

You have undoubtedly noticed the presence of a Lenten Cross in the vestibule of the church. The cross is most certainly a powerful symbol of the sacrifice that Christ our Lord made for each and every one of us—for the past, present, and future sins of all. It is also a great source of grace and strength.

Lent is a time for us to engage in this great mystery of our faith. We usually do this by committing to make small sacrifices so as to partly share in Christ’s sacrifice. Of course, the larger purpose for each of us is to examine our lives, to scrutinize how we are living, to make concentrated efforts to turn away from a particular sin, and to grow in our relationship with God.

Symbols, such as the cross, and rituals, such as receiving ashes, help make present deep, interior mysteries. As such, in order to deepen our Lenten commitments, we invite each of you in the parish to think of the one thing, sin or otherwise, that you need to give up the most, or spend more time doing, in order to have a closer relationship with Jesus. Think of what you will do in your life. Then in a symbolic, yet real way, commit to it by nailing it to our Lenten Cross and then pray for the grace to accomplish it.

The steps are simple:

1: Think of that one thing you’d like to change this Lent—either a sin you want to stop or an improvement you want to make.

2: Write it down in pencil on one of the black sheets of paper provided in the vestibule. Fold the sheet.

3: Take a nail and hammer and lightly nail the sheet with your commitment to the cross. During Lent we have these requests:

• Please be as silent as possible while in the vestibule as we attempt to make this a sacred space during the Lenten Season.

• As you are sitting in church before Mass and you hear the hammering being made upon our cross, please say a quick prayer for that person and his or her Lenten commitment.

• Please refrain from nailing your commitments during Mass.

These commitments will be offered to God in the fire of the Easter Vigil. 5

in which we are weak, we must talk about the role prayer plays in these activities. We are human and we cannot do this without our Almighty God’s help. If we could, we would not be in the mess in the first place. We need God’s grace to achieve any real and positive change in our moral life. Therefore, we should not undertake any activity to grow without both imploring His divine help and acknowledging that, only through His grace, is anything possible. Incorporating prayer into our activity will give us the grace needed for simple virtuous acts to become habits and dispositions. The Catechism is worth quoting in full on this point:

It is not easy for man, wounded by sin, to maintain moral balance. Christ’s gift of salvation offers us

the grace necessary to persevere in the pursuit of the virtues. Everyone should always ask for this grace of light and strength, frequent the sacraments, cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and follow his calls to love what is good and shun evil. (CCC #1811)

You see, because we are fallen, it is actually impossible for us to control our passions without the grace of God and we need to ask Him to help us at every turn.

Now that we have the necessary understanding of sin and its antidote, along with the required ingredients, how do we go about making the necessary changes in our lives and our hearts? I think the first step is to not be afraid because it can be very frightening to let go of our old ways and challenge ourselves with

things that take us well out of our comfort zone. Remember what we are promised – eternal salvation – if we seek to do His will. People like to joke that you shouldn’t pray for patience because God will find every opportunity to test it. I’m going to challenge you to do the opposite. Contemplate the sins that are strong in your life. Contemplate their opposing virtues. This Lent, pray and ask God to present opportunities to you in your life where you can practice strengthening those virtues and then humbly accept them in all of the discomfort they bring to you. You are human and you will fall, but keep asking and keep seeking. His grace is sufficient and you will begin to find that you struggle with these sins less and less, while simultaneously

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Corpus Christi Catholic Church www.corpuschristiphx.org

Respect Life Ministry

The 40 Days For Life Campaign is a community based campaign that draws attention to the intrinsic evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program: (1) Prayer & Fasting, (2) Constant Vigil, and (3) Community Outreach.

The 2019 Spring 40 Days For Life Campaign is taking place until April 14. The Life Rosary will be prayed with Corpus Christi parishioners and members from other surrounding parishes every Saturday from 9-11 am. Join us as we stand up for the rights of the unborn and pray for the end of all abortions.

Vigil Location: Sidewalk outside Tempe Planned Parenthood, 1837 E. Baseline Rd, Tempe 85283 (East of McClintock, park on Hazelton or Kenwood).

Other Vigil Hours: 7am-7pm (You may go any time to pray.)

Local contact: Jim Fitsimmons: 480-712-9733 or [email protected].

Campaign info: 40daysforlife.com/tempe.

Theodore David Roland



Ash Wednesday & Good Friday are days of both fast and abstinence; all Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence.

Abstinence = No meat (milk, eggs, & fish are fine) Fasting = Eating only one normal size meal and two small meals, with no snacks.

A Catholics, from the age of 14 on up, are obligated to abstain from meat on the days of abstinence.

Catholics aged 18-59 are obligated to fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday, unless special medical conditions prevent them from doing so.

Christ Child Society

The Christ Child Society of Phoenix is dedicated to serving children in need.

Please join us as we meet to sew, crochet, and knit newborn clothing items. Don’t sew? We can use your help cutting fabric for clothing and blankets. We will meet from 9am-1pm in the Parish Center on the Wednesdays listed. Please bring a sack lunch (a refrigerator is available and dessert, coffee, and lemonade are provided). If you have any questions, please call Michelle Cano at 602-524-7735 or Michelle Grimditch at 480-710-4357.

Meeting Dates March 13 & 27 April 10 & 24

May 8 & 22

Pray for the Sick

John C. Cooper, Patrick Danno, Velma Fares, Joe Jakubicek, Frank Jozwiak, Kate & Roger Leising, Richard McCormick,

Janet Nottingham, Sean Ochoa, Hugo Ramirez, Manuel “John” Rivas

Editor’s Note: If you or a parishioner you know recently becomes ill, please call the Parish Office to have the name added to the list for the month.

Men of St. Joseph

Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry

M E :

Speaker Night: Wednesday, March 13

6:30 pm in the Parish Center

Featuring: Chris Zajdzinski Director of Marriage & Family Life, St. Mary Magdalene;

Multiple Appearances on EWTN

Topic: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Becoming a Virtuous Man

“The Wild Goose” Wednesdays, March 20 & 27 6:30 pm in the Parish Center

Fridays at 6pm in the Church

Page 7: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019


Rest in Peace

Jaqueline Griesbaum

May the Angels lead her into Paradise. May the Choir of Angels welcome her

and may she have everlasting life.

Parish Lenten Mission with Fr. Declan Gibson,

Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist

Monday, March 18 and Tuesday, March 19

7:00 pm Sessions will include:

Adoration • Eucharistic Reflection • Benediction Followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation

In preparation for the mission, please pray:

Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

Virgin of Fatima, New Eve, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit,

We consecrate our lives, our families, and our parish to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart,

We ask you to help us to be sparks that will enkindle in this world a great fire of love for Jesus in the Eucharist.

May His Innocent Blood continue to plead for our salvation in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar,

May His Eucharistic Light pierce the darkness of our minds,

May His Eucharistic Power heal and transform the lives broken by sin,

May His Eucharistic Love bring unity and peace to the Church,

And through your maternal and queenly intercession, may the Lord Jesus Christ take up his Eucharistic Reign of holiness and love in every human heart.



Fr. Declan Gibson, MSE will also celebrate the 8:15 am Masses on Monday and Tuesday and will be available

for the Sacrament of Reconciliation afterwards.

St. Vincent de Paul “Spring Clean”

Annual Furniture Drive!

Donated items can be dropped off at the St. Vincent de Paul truck that will be in the North parking lot off of 36th Street.

Thank you for your support!!






Songs & Stories of Hope for Families

Featuring Michael John Poirier

Monday, March 25 7 pm in the Church

More hope for your heart, your family, and the world!

Complete My Joy Speaker Series

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of Phoenix, Holy Cross Parish in Mesa invites you to a series of informative talks related to marriage and family, building on Complete My Joy, the new Apostolic Exhortation from Bishop Olmsted.

All are welcome in Wellens Hall from 6:30-8:30 pm on the dates listed. Please RSVP to 480-981-2021 or [email protected].

March 18: Splitting Hairs, Splitting Atoms, Splitting the Ends of Marriage: What Difference Does it Make? with Fr. Larry Merta, bioethicist

March 25: Fertility and Birth Control, Yes and Yes! with Lisa McDaniel, PA-C

April 1: Marriage in Real Life: Bridging the Gap Between Theology and Every-day Issues with Samuel Bryant, psychotherapist

The Jewish Roots of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Based on Dr. Brant Pitre’s works

Presented by Fr. Chad King

Thursday Nights March 28

April 4 & 11

7:00-8:30pm in the Parish Center

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Corpus Christi Catholic Church www.corpuschristiphx.org


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register? All Catholics living in the Parish area and regularly participating in the liturgy are invited to register in the Parish. Church attendance alone does NOT make you and your family registered members. Registration is required for Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage and Catholic Education programs.

Adults 18 and over need to be registered separately from their parents in order to get married, have their own children baptized, or be Godparents or Sponsors.

In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor or to receive discounted tuition rates at Catholic Schools, one must be a registered Catholic and active in the parish, which is indicated by use of contribution envelopes or the Online Giving program. Registration forms can be filled out in the Parish Office or via our parish website.

How do I have my child Baptized? Before scheduling the date, please call the Office for a welcoming conversation with the priest. A preparation class is also required for parents prior to the child’s Baptism and are offered once a month.

How do I request a Communion Call or Anointing of the Sick? Please call the parish office at 480-893-8770 DO NOT WAIT until someone is near death to have the person anointed! Although Anointing of the Sick was once known as “Last Rites,” waiting until a person is near death could risk that person not being able to receive the Sacrament if he or she should pass away prior to the priest being able to arrive. Anointing of the Sick can only be administered while the person is still alive.

How do I get married in the Church? The Diocese of Phoenix requires a NINE MONTH marriage preparation process. John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries, will meet with you to explain the process, including when you will meet with the Pastor to set a date. Do NOT set the date prior to this meeting as it cannot be guaranteed until then.

Recycle Reuse Reduce

Remember to use cloth bags when you shop!

If you forget, then put your plastic grocery bags to use for the benefit of others & join us for an hour or more!

Saturday, March 30

What: Learn to cut bags and make “plarn” that will be used to crochet sleeping mats for the homeless.

Where: Rooms 7, 8, & 9

Time: 9 am-2pm

What to bring: Helping hands and a refillable personal water bottle.

Age: There’s no age limit, but volunteers will be asked to flatten bags, cut with sharp scissors, or connect the cuttings.

Questions: [email protected] or call 480-703-2871

Third Annual Lenten Service Food Packing Event

Saturday, March 30

U : Thank you to all who have signed-up to volunteer and who have donated! We have started a waiting list for additional volunteers. The greater need now is for donations. We have raised just over $3,000 towards our goal of $13,000 in order to pack 22,000 meals.

Please consider making a dona on as part of your Lenten almsgiving at: h ps://helpinghands.crs.org/events/corpus-chris -catholic-church-phoenix/.

Book Donations Needed for the 11th Annual Y OPAS Book Sale

Drop off your donations in the designated box by the Parish Office. N T B , E , D , M .

The sale will take place at the Ahwatukee Foothills Family YMCA on Sat. March 30 from 7am-2pm and Sun. March 31 from 8am-11am. The books will be sold for prices ranging between $0.50-$2.00. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted.

St. Joseph’s Youth Camp

Located 23 miles SE of Flagstaff at Mormon Lake

SAVE $50 for Campers Ages 8-15 DISCOUNT ENDS MARCH 31st

Includes 6 days/6 nights, Cabin Lodging, Food, Shelter-Building, Kayaking, Hiking, Archery, Telescope &

Campfire Nights, T-shirt, DVD of the week and much more!

WEEK 1: June 23-29, ages 13-15 WEEK 2: June 30-July 6, ages 8-12

WEEK 3: July 7-13, ages 8-12

Go to www.SJYCAZ.com to see our 2019 Summer Schedule & Register Now!

Contact [email protected] or call 480-449-0848

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Page 12: C C C C - Corpus Christi Catholic ChurchCorpus Christi Catholic Church 2 Mission Statement: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love

Calling All Parishioners!

We are ge ng closer to star ng the major Parish Center renova ons and we need YOUR input!

· Are you curious about what it could look like? · Do you have a “good eye” for design? · Does your ministry have a “wish list” for the space? · Do you have ideas about how the Parish Center could be more versa le?

We welcome all parishioners to come to one of three Parishioner Input Mee ngs in the Parish Center:

1. Thursday, March 14 at 9 am 2. Thursday, March 14 at 7 pm 3. Sunday, March 17 at 9:30 am (between morning Masses)

At the mee ng, we will: · Introduce our architect · Inform you of the status of the project · Share the ini al renova on ideas/concepts · Discuss and receive your input

We would also like to form a Design Committee consisting of you - our parishioners - to help us make decisions in designing YOUR Parish Center!

Snacks and refreshments will be provided! See you there!