VOL. X.-- NO. 85 HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. I ittshwss awards. THE DAim Stofrfistmenfs. VARIETY. s. n. castle. j. b. athebton. g. p. castle. W. A. BO WEN. EDW. D. TENNEY. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping- - and Commission Merchants, -- IMPORTERS G-ener- al Merchandise. -- ALSO, Grove Ranch Plantation, B. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San FTancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINES. . tf AND DEALERS IN- - AGENTS FOI ! Eohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papal kon 8ugar Co. attended to, and Ooods delivered to any part of the Satisfaction sruaranteed. Poatofflre Rnx No. 4W, 0apl7 class of work belonging to his trade, in public for past favors, remain respectfully yours, GEO. W. LINCOLN. H. E. Molntyre & JBro. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS TN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Ooods received Iiv everv oaftet from th Kaatwrn staton rrcduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Telephone No. 92 GEO. W. LINCOLN, THE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A and is HOW hpf.fpr Trprmrorl in rr 01x7 oil liiwlo n-rl- - Appertaining to contracting or any other v. fe"r-r-i nui&uiaiui&c manual ucieLuiure, iiuviiig curtailed III V snop expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time bearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Thanking the I 65 t roinmercial Advertiser II Ml If W " IS PUBLISHED Except Sundays, 4t jo. 46 Merchant St. SCBSCKIITION'S : na votr 86 00 ii per month 50 - Ana voir fk 1U1 ptf p3ts&el . inhiv in AilvHnce. bie " HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 16 Mercha it st., n...l-- l T J T ., Box 0. nouumm,!.... WILLIAM C. PARKE, i T Attorney" at" Ju aw , -- o 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- lulu, H. I. LEWERS & COOKE, iMHMin to Lowers & Dickson) itr Hliu iH'Hiers iu Lumucr liitll Kinds of Building Materials. iPOST STREET. Honolulu. IS T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In HEAL MERCHANDISE. kS-- tl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf I EACKFELD & CO., al Commission Agents jti k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, pMrwt, Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s, i J, NuLTE, PROPRIETOB. Nm Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee, sxa water, Ginger Ale or Milk. i From 3 a. m. till 10 p. in. fcjkers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf pMLU IRON WORKS CO., team Engines, P". Sinrar Mills, Coolers, Brass and Lviui Castings, s'rtl3fry of PVPrv dnarinttnn mn.rt tn Micular attention paid to ships' black- - worn executed on the shortest ltf KE ROYAL SALOON, Suauu and Merchant Streets ruder the Management of E H. p, Wolter, stock a variety of the best Wines, 6 coid beers ou draught at b i iUaud See Vs.1 ltf Manufacturer of pjiens Underclotliing antl Pongee Coats ?ool ' lahco, German and Linen Lj Shirts. rt, next flnnr n . nr.. . Ku u tnuuiaR H-3- ru lLIAM c. achi, eal Estate Broker. 111 toe Courts of the Kingdom. Mchant St., Honolulu. J- - c. archant, er & Paper Ruler ;Prnb.Co. Building. CARTT A 37,66. 7S.iaft ' 7 ; ph. 7 HO. (jARDNH k. wilder, Attorneyat'Law, Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street 77 1264-l- y J. ALFRED MAGOON, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. 121-l- ni NTERPEIS PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 66. SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rates of premium. Total Sum Insured in 1886 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. (. W. Macfarlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST OF OFFICEB8: P. C. Jones. Jr President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor DIRECTORS: Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse Claus Sprecfcels Wm. Q. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & C0.; HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav Ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc3tf LOVE'S BAKERY No. 73 Auannn Street. MRS. ROBT. LOVE, . . - Proprietress, Every Description of Plain and Fancyi Bread and Crackers, FB e s h Soda Crackers AN D Saloon Bread Always on Hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island Orders Promptly Attended to, 173-3- m WING WO CHAN & CO. NUUANU STREET, Have Just Received PER S. S. AUSTRALIA A Large Assortment of aW&trtisfmwtis. Australian Mail Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rhe new and fine Al steel steamship at MARIPOSA 99 Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Oct. 19, 1889, And will leave for the absve port with mails and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPEBIOB ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Win. ti. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. The new and fine Al steel steamship 6 fc ALAMEDA 99 Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Oct, 26, 1889. And will have prompt dl3patcn with mails an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest Article for "Warm Climates. S.EOSTER&Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. $36 and 28 California St., San Francisco. feb21,89 45-l- y Walker & Redward, M Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to, 76 KING STREET. Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Bol 423. 211 tf PIONEER s Mm IAU11 Candy Factory AND BAKEEY. E. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. HONOLULU MARKET. (Successor to Wm. McCandless.) No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho- nolulu, H. I. Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish VEGETABLES, ETC., Always Kept on Hand, Family and Shipping orders Carefully Attended to. Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short notice. A free country is defined to mean one in which a man can do as he pleases if he does not interfere with another man's right to do as he pleases. The French Government, not con- tent with depriving Boulanger of his decorations and honors, has removed bis wax effigy from the Musee Gre-vi- n, where it formerly occupied a place of honor. An importer of Shetland ponies is authority for the statement that a wrong impression prevails that these ponies are bred in the Shetland Isles, whereas there are fewer there now than probably any other quarter of the globe. The German Emperor has revoked the statute which made it necessary for his mother, as s, to live in Germany, and she can therefore go where she pleases. In return she has surrendered, it is said, all the papers and diaries of the Emperor Frederick. The following advertisement ap- peared in a recent number of the London Tablet: "To Parents-Unr- uly boys and girls of any age visited and punished at their homes by a thorough disciplinarian accus- tomed to administer corporal pun- ishment, All bad habits cured by one or two attendances. Fee, five shillings for two visits. Address "Birch." Colonies of Greenlanders are al- ready making arrangements to emi- grate into Dakota, and so the inhab- itants of far-wa- y cold countries can find a homejand climate to suit in the United States, whore they can pur- sue their industries and not feel the enervating effects which would fol- low them if they settled further South. Nor .wgians, Icelanders and Greenlander.i are amongst the most enterprising f Ulers in Red River Valley of the North and in the coun- try around "Winnipeg. THERISDON Iron and Locomotive Works, Corner of Beal and Howard Street, San Francisco California W. H. TAYLOB President B. S. &IOOBE Superintendent Builders of Steam Machinery In all its branches. Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines fc Boilora, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete, with bulls ot wood, iron or composite. OBDINABY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATEB PIPE, of Boiler oi dheet Iron, of any size, made In suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDBAUL1C BIVETTNG, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work beiui; far superior to band work. SHIP WORE , Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. JOHN DYER Honolulu 13m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels Block Planters' Monthly For Sept. 1889. TABLE OF CONTENTS : Diffusion Success at Kealia, Kauai Beet and Cane Sugar Crops for Four Years Annual Meeting in October Notice to Pgaa Diffusion I I : Kauai Double Cruahii g I Hiff -- ion Manufactu of Sugary Evan Hall, Concluded The Sugar i Railroads ii I .tin Sugar Exhi 1 ans r.xpo?ition California State Board of Irrigation From Saccharine to Sucrose Cause of Droughts Peanuts and their Cultivation. TERMS. Yearly subscription: $ 2 50 Foreign " 3 00 Bound Volumes 4 00 Back Vohmes bound to order. Address : or THE THROUGH STEAMERS or THS OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. Due at Honolulu from San Francisco, on or about. Zealandia ... September 28 Alameda October 26 Mariposa November 23 Zealandia December 21 Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on or about. Alameda September 21 Mariposa October 19 Zealandia November 16 Alameda December 14 TIME TABLE OF INTERMEDIATE Steamer Australia Leave San Francisco for Honolulu at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday September 13 Friday October 11 Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday August 30 Friday September 27 Friday October 25 FILTER PRESSES. Paauhao Plantation, 1 Hawaii, March 9, 1888. Bisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran- cisco. Gentlemen We have used two of your Filter Presses this season. They are convenient, easily handled and are working entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend no improvement on them. Very respectfully yours. (signed) A. Moons, Manager Paauhau Plantation. These Presses are made extra heavy for high pressures, occupies a floor space of 1 1 x 4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 240 square feet. A limited number in stock in Honolulu and are sold at very low prices. Rlsdon Iron & Loco. Works, San Francisco. For particulars enquire of JOHN DYEB Honolulu Boom No. 3 Spreckels' Block: 82 1234 W. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents. NEW GOODS! Received per Bark Aron from Hongkong. No. 1 Contract Matting, Assorted Colors; Rattan Chairs and Lounges New patterns and styles ; Assorted Shades of Silk, Choice Manila Ctgars. Flower Pots, asstd sizes; Also, an assortment of Mosauito XJrns. WING WO TAI & CO., 68 1289-l- m Nuuanu Street. NEW YORK Life Insurance Company Assets : $95,000,000.00. i" Facts are stubborn things." EVERY AGE, AT EVERY premium table, and in ervery year, the ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF TY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to C, 0. BERGEB, HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GENERAL AGENTS, EXPEET ACCOUN T ANTS AND COLLECTORS, REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. o Departments of Business: Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully onti'nit a .iol HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Bell Telephone No. 274. JOHN DIMOND BLOCK, 95 Stoves, Ranges and 29 1277-t- f NOTT, and 97 KING STREET. Housekeeping Goods. G1ZETTE PUBLISHING CO., 46 Merchant St., Honolulu. i&w2w MOSQUITO -:- - URNS Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 149-t- f I Plumbing. Tin, Copper 1 m and Sheet Iron Work 0 Telephones No, 212 ' news.

BUTTER - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39187/1/1889101001.pdf · The New York and Honolulu Packet Line ... Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

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ittshwss awards.THE DAimStofrfistmenfs. VARIETY.

s. n. castle. j. b. athebton. g. p. castle.W. A. BO WEN. EDW. D. TENNEY.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping-- and Commission Merchants,


G-ener- al Merchandise.-- ALSO,

Grove Ranch Plantation,B. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San FTancisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson




! Eohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papal kon 8ugar Co.

attended to, and Ooods delivered to any part of theSatisfaction sruaranteed. Poatofflre Rnx No. 4W,


class of work belonging to his trade, in

public for past favors,remain respectfully yours,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Ooods received Iiv everv oaftet from th Kaatwrn statonrrcduce by every steamer. All orders faithfullycity free of charge. Island orders solicited.Telephone No. 92


and is HOW hpf.fpr Trprmrorl in rr 01x7 oil liiwlo n-rl- -

Appertaining to contracting or any otherv. fe"r-r-i nui&uiaiui&c manual ucieLuiure, iiuviiig curtailed III V snopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Thanking theI


t roinmercial AdvertiserI I Ml If W "


Except Sundays,

4t jo. 46 Merchant St.


na votr 86 00

ii per month 50- Ana voir fk 1U1

ptf p3ts&el

. inhiv in AilvHnce.bie "


16 Mercha it st.,n...l-- l T J T., Box 0. nouumm,!....


i TAttorney"at" Ju aw ,

-- o 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-lulu, H. I.


iMHMin to Lowers & Dickson)

itr Hliu iH'Hiers iu Lumucrliitll Kinds of Building Materials.

iPOST STREET. Honolulu. IS


Importer and Dealer In

HEAL MERCHANDISE.kS-- tl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf


al Commission Agents

jti k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

BEAVER SALOON,pMrwt, Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s,

i J, NuLTE, PROPRIETOB.Nm Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee,

sxa water, Ginger Ale or Milk.i From 3 a. m. till 10 p. in.

fcjkers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf


team Engines,P". Sinrar Mills, Coolers, Brass

and Lviui Castings,s'rtl3fry of PVPrv dnarinttnn mn.rt tn

Micular attention paid to ships' black--worn executed on the shortest



Suauu and Merchant Streetsruder the Management of

E H. p, Wolter,stock a variety of the best Wines,

6 coid beers ou draught atb i

iUaud See Vs.1 ltf

Manufacturer of

pjiens Underclotliingantl Pongee Coats?ool

' lahco, German and LinenLj Shirts.rt, next flnnr n . nr.. .

Ku u tnuuiaRH-3- ru

lLIAM c. achi,eal Estate Broker.

111 toe Courts of the Kingdom.Mchant St., Honolulu.

J-- c. archant,

er & Paper Ruler;Prnb.Co. Building.


A 37,66. 7S.iaft' 7; ph.7 HO.

(jARDNH k. wilder,Attorneyat'Law,

Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street77 1264-l- y

J. ALFRED MAGOON,Attorney and Counselor at Law and

Notary Public.Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I.

121-l- ni



174 Telephone 66.


Established 1710.Insurance effected upon every description of

property at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured in 1886 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

(. W. Macfarlane & Co.lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.






P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse

Claus Sprecfcels Wm. Q. Irwin.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received in their SavIngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

LOVE'S BAKERYNo. 73 Auannn Street.

MRS. ROBT. LOVE, . . - Proprietress,

Every Description of Plain and Fancyi

Bread and Crackers,F B e s h

Soda CrackersA N D

Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.


Island Orders Promptly Attended to,173-3- m



Have Just Received


A Large Assortment of


Australian Mail Service


rhe new and fine Al steel steamship


Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

Oct. 19, 1889,And will leave for the absve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPEBIOBACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. ti. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel steamship

6 fc ALAMEDA 99

Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Oct, 26, 1889.And will have prompt dl3patcn with mails anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS


BUTTERIn lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest Article for"Warm Climates.

S.EOSTER&Co.Wholesale Grocers,


$36 and 28 California St., San Francisco.feb21,89 45-l- y

Walker & Redward,

MContractors & Builders

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to,


Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Bol 423.211 tf


IAU11Candy Factory



Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and BakerRich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.


(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho-

nolulu, H. I.

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand,

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to.

Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice.

A free country is defined to meanone in which a man can do as hepleases if he does not interfere withanother man's right to do as hepleases.

The French Government, not con-tent with depriving Boulanger of hisdecorations and honors, has removedbis wax effigy from the Musee Gre-vi-n,

where it formerly occupied aplace of honor.

An importer of Shetland ponies isauthority for the statement that awrong impression prevails that theseponies are bred in the Shetland Isles,whereas there are fewer there nowthan probably any other quarter ofthe globe.

The German Emperor has revokedthe statute which made it necessaryfor his mother, as s, to livein Germany, and she can thereforego where she pleases. In return shehas surrendered, it is said, all thepapers and diaries of the EmperorFrederick.

The following advertisement ap-peared in a recent number of theLondon Tablet: "To Parents-Unr- uly

boys and girls of any agevisited and punished at their homesby a thorough disciplinarian accus-tomed to administer corporal pun-ishment, All bad habits cured byone or two attendances. Fee, fiveshillings for two visits. Address"Birch."

Colonies of Greenlanders are al-

ready making arrangements to emi-grate into Dakota, and so the inhab-itants of far-wa- y cold countries canfind a homejand climate to suit in theUnited States, whore they can pur-sue their industries and not feel theenervating effects which would fol-low them if they settled furtherSouth. Nor .wgians, Icelanders andGreenlander.i are amongst the mostenterprising f Ulers in Red RiverValley of the North and in the coun-try around "Winnipeg.

THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Street,

San Francisco CaliforniaW. H. TAYLOB PresidentB. S. &IOOBE Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines fc Boilora,

High Pressure or Compound.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,

with bulls ot wood, iron or composite.OBDINABY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler oi dheet Iron, of anysize, made In suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDBAUL1C BIVETTNG, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beiui; far superior to band work.

SHIP WORE , Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels Block

Planters' MonthlyFor Sept. 1889.


Diffusion Success at Kealia, KauaiBeet and Cane Sugar Crops for Four

YearsAnnual Meeting in OctoberNotice to PgaaDiffusion I I : KauaiDouble Cruahii g I Hiff -- ionManufactu of Sugary Evan Hall,

ConcludedThe Sugar i

Railroads ii I .tinSugar Exhi 1 ans r.xpo?itionCalifornia State Board of IrrigationFrom Saccharine to SucroseCause of DroughtsPeanuts and their Cultivation.

TERMS.Yearly subscription: $ 2 50Foreign " 3 00Bound Volumes 4 00

Back Vohmes bound to order.Address :

or THE



Due at Honolulu from San Francisco,on or about.

Zealandia ... September 28Alameda October 26Mariposa November 23Zealandia December 21

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, onor about.

Alameda September 21Mariposa October 19Zealandia November 16Alameda December 14


Steamer Australia

Leave San Francisco for Honolulu at 12o'clock noon, on

Friday September 13Friday October 11

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 12o'clock noon, on

Friday August 30Friday September 27Friday October 25


Paauhao Plantation, 1

Hawaii, March 9, 1888.Bisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-

cisco.Gentlemen We have used two of your

Filter Presses this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moons,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of 1 1 x4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 240square feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Rlsdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYEB Honolulu

Boom No. 3 Spreckels' Block:82 1234 W. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents.

NEW GOODS!Received per Bark Aron from Hongkong.

No. 1 Contract Matting,Assorted Colors;

Rattan Chairs and LoungesNew patterns and styles ;

Assorted Shades of Silk,Choice Manila Ctgars.

Flower Pots, asstd sizes;Also, an assortment of

Mosauito XJrns.WING WO TAI & CO.,

68 1289-l- m Nuuanu Street.


Life Insurance Company

Assets : $95,000,000.00.

i" Facts are stubborn things."


premium table, and in ervery year, the

ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

of the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OF


similar policies.

For particulars apply to


HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.




Departments of Business:Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.


Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullyonti'nit a .iol HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Bell Telephone No. 274.


Stoves, Ranges and

29 1277-t-f


Housekeeping Goods.


46 Merchant St., Honolulu.i&w2w

MOSQUITO -:- - URNS Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.149-t- f

I Plumbing. Tin, Copper1 m

and Sheet Iron Work0

Telephones No, 212 'news.



Notice of Meeting.

The Genuine Article. In Quantities tft B .



-- o-

A Full Assortment Just to Hand ex Stmr iastralU

VegetableDepot for Joy's 1 1



Extract Malt, Etc.o



his own adherents have fallen away !

as the financial desirableness of ;

peace became more and more appar-- 1

ent. Hayti is one of the most fertileand productive spots on the globe, j...and it needs only a stable govern-ment and a more general diffusion ofeducation and intelligence to becomeprosperous to a high degree.

Don't Bathe Too Often."This is the season of the year

when young: men who are fond ofathletics ought to listen to soundadvice in regard to bathing. But ofcourse they won't, for they thinkthey know it all. After a sprint or agame of ball on a hot day tney willgo off and take a cold shower bathbefore they have cooled off, a prac-tice which is always dangerous andoften fatal. The intelligent athletedoes not indulge in any such folly,but, having taken the lightest pos-sible sponge bath to remove the per-spiration, allows himself to cool offgradually. Bathing is a good thing,but indiscriminate and unwise bathing is almost worse than no bathingat all. I know young men withwhom bathing has become a mania,and whose skin has become dry andscaly because they are constantlywashing off the natural oil necessaryto keep the skin in good condition.It is interesting to note the fact thatthe Romans were a great people untilthey became addicted to the bath.That period marked the beginning oftheir ''decline and fall off,' as Mr.Wegg would say. To all, whetherathletes or not, I would say : Don'tlet the bathing habit grow on you,for if you do you will surely washaway much that is essential to yonrphysical happiness. N. Y. Tribune.

Irrigation in Australia.Matters appear to continue pro-

gressing favorably at the Mildurairrigation colony. The mallee andblue-bus- h are rapidly disappearingbefore the gangs of men, underMessrs. Chaffey Bros.' direction,severally engaged in grubbing, clear-ing, ploughing, and planting, to beas rapidly replaced by the vine,orange, olive, apricot, etc., whilst nota few are making the experiment ofwheat growing (chiefly intended forhay), and judging by present appear-ance it promises to return hand-somely. When this has been har-vested many intend following im-

mediately with a crop of maize. Avisitor taking a drive round wouldbe surprised to see the number ofhouses springing up through thewilderness of a year ago, for a dis-

tance of some four or five miles. Thelate heavy rains have contributedlargely to the general appearance ofthe surrounding country, which isquite green, and, in comparison withbut a few months ago, has under-gone a complete transformation.TQueenslander, Aug. 24.

The Government Dry Dock.The new dry-doc- k which has just

been completed at the Norfolk NavyYard has been formerly opened.

The dock is 530 feet long, 130 feetwide and cost $500,000. It is builtof Georgia pine, treated with woodcreosote oil, Portland cement andconcrete. The dock was emptied inone hour, the pumps throwing 80,-00- 0

gallons per minute. This is thelargest dock owned by the government except that at Mare Island.It was built by J. E. Simpson & Co.

a T T - 1 A, 1 iot JNew lorK, alter their system using wood and cement instead ofstone, by which the cost is reducedto one third of that for stone docks,and, it is claimed, it is more durable,as frost and ice cannot affect it. Thecompany is now constructing a similar dock at League Island, Philadelphia, and at the Brooklyn NavyYard. After the formal opening theUnited States war-vess- el Yantic wassuccessfully docked.


Germany and Britain.There has been an outburst of

anger on the part of the FrenchPress towards Great Britain in con-sequence of one of the attaches of theBritish Embassy at Berlin attendinga dinner given at Mare Latour bythe officers of the regiment of Ger-man dragoons of which Queen Vic-toria wras recently appointed honor-ary chief by the Emperor William,and also because of the Queen hav-ing presented her portrait to PrinceBismarck.

In answer to persistent questionsin the House of Commons, Sir JamesFergusson, Under Secretary for For-eign Affairs, has several times de-nied the existence of any alliancebetween Great Britain and Ger-many, but he admitted that therewas a conversation on the subjectbetween the Emperor William andQueen Victoria at Osborne duringthe recent visit of the former.

The German Press, in discussingthe questions at issue, has adopteda tone strongly favorable to GreatBritain.

Travelers report that more Eng-lish is spoken on the European Con-tinent this year than ever before.

Stray dogs are seized in Birming-ham, England, and after being pois-oned are cremated in a furnace atthe rate of fifty a day.

The business of the city ofCharleston, S. C. for the year ending September 1st amounted to

76,000,000, which is a gain of 10,-000,0- 00

since 1886.The original cost of the right of

way of the Monnt Washington In-cline Railroad a road that hasproved to be a gold mine to itsowners was only 90.

Eau de Cologne derives its namefrom the Rhine city Cologne, fromwhich place there are annually ex-ported between four and five millionbottles of the odorous fluid. Thebest quality of eau de Cologne is amixture of alcohol, oils of orangeflowers, lemons, rosemary, juniper,and bergamot. The lemon odor canbe separately distinguished by add-ing a little ammonia water to the eaude Cologne.


"Mrs. Ogle, the operator, remained ather post, and wired to the stations be- -

low warnings of their danger from theadvancing flood wiring to South Forkshe added the brave significant words'This is my last message.' "

A shout in the mountainous street,A confusion of fugitive feet,A roar that appalled in the air,And an answering cry of despair."The great dam has burst!" Though as

paleAs the rose in her gown, did she quail?No! but sprang to her instrument

straight ;

"Let others escape, I shall wait"Tick! tick! and the message flies throughFrom the tremulous fingers but true,To the valTeys unconscious beneathOf the rush of the waters of death.Unrelenting and hungry they come,"Forty feet and surmounted by foam,"They break from escarpment and wall,They escape with a thunderous fall.

One brave woman has recognised fate,And wires to South Fork ere too lateAs the waters are nearing her fast:"This is my last message my last !"

Her last! and her last ! Fven so!On that day of unspeakable woeShe passed first through the flood-gate- s

away,But her massage shall echo for aye !

Alice Ham.

Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


i h- - l9 TOT


AFTERNOONS, for Circus Leave RifleRange 2 :27 ; leave Pauoa 2 :22.

From the Circus Leave corner of Fortand King Sts. for Kifle Range 5:35,or before if necessary.

Leave Circus for Fauoa 5 30, o: beforeif necessary.

EVENINGS, for Circus Leave Waikikio:37, Rifle Range (5:55, Rifle Range7 :27, Pauoa 7 :37.

From Circus, at. hour of closing A Carfor Palama, for Waikiki, for Pauoa.


On and after October 10th the issue ofstudents' tickets will cease. The stu-

dents' cars will continue running at theusual time: 7:33 a.m. from PunahouSt. ; 8 :23 from Pauoa ; 8 :00 from OahuCollege and Pauoa Valley ; 1 :53 for OahuCollege, leaving there at 2:36 and theValley at 3:12. The general public willbe allowed to use them on payment ofthe usual fares

85-l- t L. II. PAIN, Manages.


Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

At Residence Cottage No. 1, HawaiianHotel or will visit pupils at their residence.

84 lm


GIVEN 15 Y FELIX OL-le- rt

at 27 Alakea street, or attbe residence of the pupil,according to agreement.

Charges moderate. 78-l- rt

Medical Advice Free !

TJIt LEE, M. D., CAN BE CON--uilted Free of Charge at " Central

House," Alakea street, from 7 to 11 a. m.,1 to 3 and to 7 p. m.

fiF' Specialtv Diseases of Women."73 tt




VOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATlN the Creditors of the above named Com-pany are required, on or before the 31stday of December next, to send their namesand addresses and the particulars of tbeirDebts and Claims, and the names and ad-dresses of their solicitors, if any, to theundersigned, the Liquidator of the saidCompany, and if so required by Notice inwriting "from the said Liquidator are bytheir Solicitors to come in and prove theirsaid Debts or Claims at such time andplace as shall be specified in such notice orin default thereof they will be excludedfrom the benefit of any distribution madebefore such Debts are proved.

Dated at Hongkong, this 12th day ofAugust, 1889.

JNO. D. HUMPHREYS,78 --lw Liquidator.

Planters' MonthlyFor Sept. 1889.


Diffusion Success at Kealia, KauaiBeet and Cane Sugar Crops for Four

YearsAnnual Meeting in OctolerNotice to PlantersDiffusion Plant at Hanalei, KauaiDouble Crushing vs. DiffusionManufacture of Sugar at Evan Hall,

ConcludedThe Sugar TrustRailroads in IndiaSugar Exhibit at Paris ExpositionCalifornia State Board of IrrigationFrom Saccharine to SucroseCause of DroughtsPeanuts and their Cultivation.


Yearlv subscription $ 2 50Foreign " 3 00Bound Volumes 4 00

Back Volumes bound to order.Address :


40 Merchant St., Honolulu.'I&w2w

Honolulu Rifles Company A. drill,7:30 p.m.

Masonic Honolulu Commandery. K. 1.,Lodge le Progres hall, 7:30 p. ru.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be just and fear not:Let all the ends tbon aim'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1889.

If any of our readers have beenable to find proof in Mr. Kinney'sstatement in yesterday's Advertiserthat a majority of "the sixty menwhom he said owned an "overwhelming majority" of the sugar stock othis country r they are welcome tothe iroof. Statistics which we shallfurnish in a few days, or as soon asthey can be prepared, will show thatthree-fourth- s of the sugar interestsin Hawaii are owned and controlledby Americans and Hawaiians, nowand as they have been for ten yearspast.


The material progress of the pasttwo years, in Honolulu and otherparts of this kingdom, has been ofsuch a nature that the public workscompleted and those nearing com-pletion, will naturally lead to othersof still greater magnitude. TheOahu Railway and its possibilitiespoint to thick settlement on theshores of Pearl Harbor, if not to theestablishment of a rival city. Theoutlook in this directioa points tothe early improvement of Honoluluharbor, and to making the entrancewider and deeper, so that vessels ofall tonnage and draft may safely en-

ter. Indeed the Oahu Railway,alone, points to important progres-sive changes; although only a link,however important, in the greatchain of material improvements thatcannot now be long delayed. TheHonolulu tramways also play theirpart in giving local traveling facilities, and the new Punchbowl hillroad opens the way to a new andattractive surburban district. Allthese inprovements will doubtlesslead to other and greater extensionsof the city and its trade; and an eraof greater progress is about to dawnupon these central isles of the Pacific

The new road to the Volcano ofKilanea is also opening out a countryof great possibilities. It passesthrough districts suitable for variedproductions. Tourist travel willalso be greatly facilitated and in-

creased by this new road.On all the islands of the group

great material improvement is go-

ing on, and keeping pace with theprogress of larger population centers.In short matters are now beyond thehopeful stage, and the goad of ear-nest improvement is hurrying on thework according to the necessitiesof the stirring times already begun.


The war in Hayti is reported asended. It is quite certain that oneof the rival rulers, Legitime, has ar-

rived in New York, en route toFrance. The forces of Hyppolite,his opponent, have entered the capital, Port-au-Princ- e; and the soldierson both sides, it is said, will forthwith drop their arms and go to workpicking the coffee crop. Indeed, itis probable that the necessity to theisland's prosperity of saving thisyear's coffee crop has had thestrongest influence in causing hostillties to cease, rne war has lasted ayear, has cost about 10,000,000, andlias been marked by many skirmishes, hardly deserving the name ofbattles. The total loss of life is estimated at four hundred, counting thekilled and starved. The most interesting event was the seizure byLegitime of the American steamer"Haytien Republic" on the charge ofviolating a "paper" blockade of thenorthern Haytiau ports. Brieflystated, the cause of the war wasjealousy between the northern andsouthern sections of Hayti for thepossession of the Presidency. Afterthe abdication of President Solomon,which seems to have been hailed withjoy by almost every one, an electiontook place in which the candidateswere General Thelemaque (of thenorth) and General Legitime. Onthe night of the election the formerwas killed in a riot, and his soldiersdriven out of town by his rival's ad-

herents. The whole northern partof Hayti at once rose in arms, withHyppolite as their leader, and thoughLegitime, who went through theform of being elected and inaugur-ated, held the capita), and at firstpossessed almost all the arms andchips in the country, he has beengradually driven into a corner, and

SPECIAL MEETING OF THEA Board of Trustees of the Queen Hos-pital will be held at the room of the Cham-ber of Commerce, on SATURDAY, the2th October, 1889, for the purpose of act-

ing upon a proposed amendment to theBy-La- of the Queen's Hospital Corpor-ation. Per order.

F. A. SCHAEFER,Secretary.

Honolulu, Sept. 7, 1889. 59-t- d

Aniraal MeetingWAILVRC SUGAR CO.


holders of the Wailuku Sugar Co. willbe held on MONDAY, October 14, 1889, atthe office of C. Brewer &. Co., at 10 a. in.

S2-t- d Secretary.

Priuceville Annual Meeting.

qiHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEI Priuceville Plantation Co. will be held

on TUESDAY, October 15, 1889, at theoffice of C. Brewer & Co., Honolulu, at 10

o'clock a.m. P.C.JONES,78-l- w Secretary.


A-- of the Planters' Labor and Supply( ompanv, held this day, it was voted thatthe annual meeting of the Company beheld in Honolulu on MONDAY, October28, 1889, at 10 a. m., at the Rooms ot theChamber of Commerce.

W. O. SMITH.59-l- w 1 287-- 7 1 Secretary.


notice that all persons having pro-pert- v,

such as Watches, Guitars,Etc., at my store tor repairs, ana n

not called for before December 1, 1889,they will be sold at auction.

7iMm A. KRAFT.

FOR SALE.I WILL SELL AT THE VERYlowest prices, all my Goods andFixtures, such as

Clocks, "Watclios,Guitars, Banjoes,

Violins, Curios, Etc.

If I can not sell them before December1, LS8(J, they will be sold at auction.

76-l- m A. KRAFT.


do light house work. Apply at tbeAdvertiser Office. 74


Pi public in general that he has re-ceived an elegant assortment ofLadies', Gent's and Children's

Shoes, Ladies' evening Slippers a spe- -cialty. 30-- 1 m


NEAR HONOLULU, A REDHorse, with four white feet;

. ,t 3 l i n 'uruuueu jal. a.nyune nnaingsaid horse, will be rewarded bv

returning the same to E. D. Baldwin. 79


having made an assignment to P.W. McChesney of Honolulu, noticeis hereby given to all persons havingclaims against the said estate, to presentthe same duly authenticated; and all per-sons indebted to the said estate are re-quested to make immediate payment tothe undersigned.

F. W. McCHESNEY, Assignee.Honolulu, Sept. 27, 1889. 1290 75-- 3t

Hawaiian Tramways Co.(LIMITED.)


an Inspector will be appointedto examine the tickets held by passengerstraveling on the cars. Passengers aretherefore requested to retain their ticketsintact until they leave the cars. All per-sons found on the car without a ticket willbe requested to pay the fare from wherethe car started.

Honolulu, Sept. 28, 1889. 7G-2-

FILTER PRESSES.p: SECOND-HAN- D KROOG'S PATENTj Filter Presses, as good as new, havingbeen used but a few months; two 42 cham-bers, three 30 chambers.

Eight second-han- d clarifiers. 800 gallons.capacity each.

This machinery has been thrown out ofuse by the Diffusion process being intro-duced ; and is offered for sale at very lowprices.

tUFox particulars apply toJ. N. S. WILLIAMS,

Fort Street, Honolulu.P. O. Box 3S0. 36-l- m


TS PREPARED TO DESIGN ANDcontract for all classes of Sugar Extrac-

tion Machinery, Irrigating Machinery,Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pan's,Engines of all kinds and for all purposes,Water Wheels, "Water Conduits, both Pipesand Flumes, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, etc., etc.

Diffusion Vach.inervIn ail its branches a specialty;

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veay best de-scription to oader.

Close attention paid to all orders andsatisfaction to the purchaser guaranteed.

P.O. Box 380. Fort St.. Honolulu.57 1287-l- y


Hawaiian GazetteAND

Daily P. C. AdvertiserFor Sale at the office of Publication,

No. 46 Merchant street, Honolulu.July, 1889. d&w




Exhibition of


Tbe Greatest Travelled and Best-know- n

Show in the World,

Will shortly arrive from JAPAN per P. M.

"PITY GE PEKING." after a 10

years' Tour around the World, and open

For a Short Season Only



A Gralaxv of


From the Leading Circuses and Hippo-dromes in Europe and America.

Beautiful and Accomplished Ladies

in unequalled Feats of Equestrianism

and Daring, Champion Bareback and

Trick Riders, Intrepid Acrobats,

Leapers, Vaulters, and the Funniest

ol Clowns.

110 Highly Trained Horses' and


Arabians, Andalusians, American

and English Blood Horses and Ponies

from all Climes and Zones.



Performing Elephants!

Educated Donkeys!

Hiding Monkeys!AND

A Sacred or Brahmin Bull

Performances EveryEvening,

(Except Sundays.)

Doors open at 7. Performance com-

mences at 8 o'clock sharp.

Afternoon PerformancesEvery Wednesday &

Saturday,Doors open at 2. Performance com- -

mences at 3 o'clock.


Boxes (Six Chairs) $9 00Single Chairs in Box 2 00Dress Circle, Chairs 1 00Second Class, carpeted Seats 75THIRD CLASS, Gallery 50

CTfKSSSS11 under 9 years of ageMALI? PK1LE to all parts except Boxes

Tickets may he had and BOXES SE-CURED daily from 8 a. m. to 5 o'clockp. m., at Lewis J . Levey's Auction Room,and at the Ticket Office of the Circus.



109 Fort St.,148


Open Day and NLghtBILL OF FARE :

Tea, Coffee or Chocolate withHam and Eggs 25 centsEggs to order 25 "Porterhouse Steak .25 "Mutton Chops 25 "Pork Chops 25 "Hamburg Steak 25 "Steak and Eggs 35 M

Steak and Chops 35 "Fish 25 "Tea, Coffee & Chocolate. with Bread

and Butter or Cakes 10 M

Mush and Milk 10

aTFresh Wild Game to order everyTuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Extra dishes oooked to order.

Dinner from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.Dishes cooked to order up to 8 :30 p m.

19-- tf


Book and Stationery Store.











Guns, iistols,Ammuniti n, Etc.

A full Assmt. ofBaseball, Lawn Tennis & Cricket Goods.

SOLE AGENTS FOR THEWhite & New Home Sewing Machines

andNew National and Peerless Machines.

Also, all kinds of Material for Fancy Work.Embroidery and Stamping Orders tilled atshort notice.


41-3- m 79 FORT ST., Honolulu.



Ml Hotel (situate in the most 9.pleasant part of the City)continues to offer the comforts of a hometo transients and others.

Adjoining the Main Building are severalNew Cottages specially constructed forfamily use. Table unsurpassed,

Terms $2.00 per day, $12.00 weekly.Special arrangements for monthly boarders.

T. KROUSE, Prop.,11 1279-3- m Honolulu, H. I.

M v rL-.- 1 J127G

JLJA T V;JL UUU1 (Mill '1.

don and Globe



m. . ., ...x.. i. .......... ..

f M........n .. .... . -- im Hi, B'J.

.... .. .Pa L' n a IJJuL-- ii l i lv

on Bui Idincra. Maehi mrv. siiu.ar miia i. ,,' .

ana furniture, on the most favonble terun.

Bishop & Co.llftH-O- m

J. E. GOMES,(Formerly of Conies 6i Wichman,

No 125 Fort Street,

MonnfaitnuiiKV I aura Li1

Island orders roniptly attended to. F

O. Box No. 488, Ho nolulu. 4wm

n --t i -- - I r s y ru TTn1 '

Kx "J. t. HABWAY,"

Corning Top Buggies,

Piano-bo- x Top Buggies,


One Surrey Carryall, canopy top.


Baggage Express WagoM


Mule Carts,

For Sale by C. Brewer I

40-l- m 12S4-3- m

II. w.P. LEON HARD, p.

Hw,ii-- '(Late "f


Heal Ett & like Ileft


Mr. F. Lombard has resided ulooeHtW

a.,y other rU etUUr nunlUv u

ana is thoroughly thc(tie wonderful reaowc"!1

MINES-Co- al. Iron and .PJjL ui4i

Irrigation DiichtH ana,

we payKA,,;;:,,,The "Santa Anna" Addition.

The "Sunny Side" Addo

The "SmithsonAddition

arPhv far meTheee Properties

Elleusbiirfcu- -

situated of any in

The new gllenabnrgnthrough these Lands. t0(rB. t

Half a mile nlfiS Wfj5 S

Merg.ne on the .J .nJJJJ of oDeof

commanding a twentylovelieet Yifieys ftS'ut all( co1 40

The water is of thncJ.aerrfect. ., nolltbe drainage

held at r .hnili'ni IOI 9" oL--

late to "J" hive-"11- "tooThnA who w"o;; Seattle gaeWfortune in wMibai.a chance open Mieii

For further paroc- u- &

WW - v

1374-1- 7

CHE. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer n

Gents', Ladies' and Children's

Hoots, Shocis and SlippersNo. 80 Fort St., Honolulu.

78-l- y

AGENT.76-t- a


The City of Peking will sail for Sanrrancisco to-da- v.

Vkpnesdav, Oct. 9.l.r 111 HflVS 3 New fancy dress materials in

wash fabric have just beenI-

-Lt J3 Hongkong...cavi-nj-


P& .Sp from Hawaii. New Fancy Dress MaterialsProf. G. Sauvlet's grand Bechsteinpiano will be landed to-da- y from theCity of Peking.

opened at Sachs' store, No. 101 Fort streetand will be offered at very low figures.

lOve ,, Le Claire, ironi a

JUST OPENED AT THEF j(bbu- - iTrtnx. Hawaii. Valencienne lace flouncing'skirt length, just the thing for

The steamer City of Peking was threehours in reaching her anchorage aftershe was telephoned, but her speed wasnot slackened.

draping evening dresses.can be obtained atpEPABTUBES.Wedihsday, Oct. 9. $1 per yard at Sachs' store No. 104 Fort


Macaulay, for Kapaa,

Nuns' veiling in all the delicateevening tints, at 30 cents per3--

yard, at Sachs' store, guaranteed to be allwool.

armed, for I gave him a pistol at Palama.I know where he lived, it was on Kingstreet opposite the California FruitMarket. I can swear that Loomens waswith us all the way from Palama to thepalace gate, but there was confusionthere and I lost sight of him. I did notlevel a pistol at any of the police. I didnot level a pistol at Testa or anyone else.I did not bring a single man there to themeetings, did not decoy them. I didsay that I dare go to the palace with fif-

teen men. We might have succeededwith fifteen men where we failed with alarger number. One reason I haveturned state's evidence is that I did notshow I was a coward. Wilcox, when thetiring commenced, left me alone and Ilost patriotism right on the edge of mygrave. The object when we came downwas to take the palace. I was told thutthe others belonging to the party hadbeen making statements the day afterthey were arrested. I was told if I gavestate's evidence I would be let free.I had no object when I came here tooverthrow the King. 1 made an attemptto tire from the Palace yard, becausethey were shooting at us from the MusicHall. The first shot from there hit me.The cannons were stationed in thePalace yard so that if we took the alacewe could protect it. The King was notin the palace, he did not come therethat day. There was no discussionabout overthrowing the King. We couldhave got away with the four Ministers,but they had a force to back them up.We hoped to get the Ministers out bycarrying out our project. If we had pro

Caverly. for San,,v'of Peto.Drew, for San

- 0 Dimond,

EvUl ,'

io for Waialua and Wai- -



PROBATE DIVISION.In re guardianship of Kapukini,

Kalua. Petition of Kawelo for appoint-ment of J. A. Magoon as guardian. Inaccordance with the petition the Courtappoints J. A. Magoon guardian under$100 bond.


CRIMINAL DIVISION.The Court opened at 9:30 a. m. and

the trial of Albert Loomens, chargedwith treason, was resumed.

Robert Boyd was again placed on thewitness stand, and said that he hadmade some errors the previous day inregard to dates. The date of the "fifth

meeting was July 10th, and the sixthmeeting July 11th. John Baker left forHilo on July 12th. He attended at thesixth meetings. Cummings and Testaattended the fifth meeting, but theyrefused to take the oath. Thesixth meeting lasted until 3 o'clock thenext morning, and Baker did not getthere until 2 a. m. The meeting dis-

persed before any arrangement regard-ing another meeting was come to. Thenext meeting was July 29th when theaffair of the 30th of July was carried out.On the night of July 11th Jim Kauhanewas at the meeting. Between this dateand July 29th I was at rav mother's

m Foreign Ports.' , in 1 ri '

W'TLvon. running's Island.

The arrests up to 1 o'clock this morn-ing were : Two for violating sections ofpanal code, one drunk, and one drunkand disorderly.

The laying of rails on the line of theOahu railway is being delayed for wantof ties. One of the vessels bringing themis daily expected.

We are informed that Mr. E. R. Mileshad the honor of driving to the Hotelthe Austrian royal visitors that landedfrom the City of Peking yesterday.

A notice elsewhere states that theannual meeting of the Haiku Sugar Co.will be held on Monday October 28th at9 a. m. in the office of Castle & Cooke.

The Hawaiian Tramways Co. havetwo notices in another column one re-garding the issue of students' tickets andthe other concerning extra cars for thecircus.

The funeral of the Alsatian who shothimself yesterday, will take place fromthe Queen's Hospital at 2 p. m. to-da- y.

Friends and acquaintances are invitedto attend.

.'minim a .ommvi

What is Worth Advertising :

Is Worth Advertising Well.Therefore, Advertise in the


Koliala Sugar Company.ANNUAL MEETING.

iUivex MatMiniura.Tokio.K'fromTokio.

Munhx-b-. Liverpool.

M lSrW

' uimond, lre;w,i.San F ran.

Popular Millinery House104 Fort Street. : N. S. SACHS, Prop.




A Small Assortment of

Ladies' Embroidered Suits, in Boxes!At Very Low Trices!

NUN'S5 "VEILING!All Wool, fine quality in the following colors: Light Blue, Navy Blue, Pink,

Cream, Lemon Color, Ecru, Lilac, Brown, Black and White.

VALENCIENE LACE and ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING Skirt Length,at extra low prices.

VALENCIENE FLOUNCING Skirt Length, at $1 jer yard and upwards.A Full Line of

Corsets, Silk & Kid Gloves, Underwear, &c.

BLACK DIAMOND DYE HOSE, for Ladies and Children.

A Fine Assortment of


SAILOR HATS in Black and White.

l. v- -r, 'W lurK.Mm" Newcastle, N S W.''

;: ;;,.. Bluhm, San Francisco.jacobson, San Francisco.

ifWkerow, Liverpool.'.. , ... V..L,ih:iniii.I'eKing. -

rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEtroiii ForeignL www

or Turner...iger..-Gaeli- c


Where from.ISo-ito- n

Bremen .

Sail Francisco.San Francisco . .

Kohala bugar t o. will be held on MON-DAY, October 23, 1889. at the office ofCastle & Cooke, Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a.ru. Per Order. J. B. ATHERTON,

85-t- d Secretary.

Haiku Sugar Company.ANNUAL MEETING

ilace in the country. There were no


Dec 10.Dec 27..Oct 10.Oct 10.Dec 30Dec 25Oct lu

Oct. 10.Oct 26.Oct 19Oct 18

meetings between Julv 11th and 29th.i vr r pool. V..M .1

n July the 27th I came from the coun

The roof of Mr. Hopper's large newwarehouse is being put on : and thewalls of Mr. A. L. Smith's new store, onFort street, are also nearly ready to re-ceive the roof.

try and went to stay with Wilcox atLiverpoolPort Towuseni.Pt Hartford. ..San Francisco.Colonies

San Francisco


mi MinorCteda




It is hoped that the Circus will makea diversion from the Court room of alarge number of the spectators that atpresent incommode the business of thathall of justice.

By a notice elsewhere it will be seenthat the annual meeting of the KohalaSugar Co. will be held on Monday21st inst. at 10 a. m. in the office ofCastle & Cooke.

ARRIVALS.,bama and Hongkong, per

j Peking, ' tet 9 H B 11 Counte3slid, H K H Count Bardi and

roness' Herding, Count Lucchesi,, Baron Heydebrand, C Chia-- .

Royal Italian Circus. Mr Cliia-errar- i,

T Devere and family (0).. F G Wilson, Mr Benvard, L

v and wife, W B Herin- -

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THESugar Co. will be held on MON-

DAY, October 28, 1889, at 9 o'clock a. m.,at the office of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu.

Per Order. J. B. ATHERTON,85-t- d Secretary.

LEWIS & CO.,Wholesale and Retail GroceAS,


Telephone 240. P. O. Box 207.81-l- y

GOO KIM,Merchant Tailor,

HAS on hand;

Cashmere, Diagonals, Tweeds andSerges, Etc.

V :,.,i;vri. M Benham, Mr am- -I ier Cousins, and AS assistantsi ... II 1 ' 4I bliropeaii ieerae ncv u a

ste:'rag no i uinese anu 6ii and 63 steerage for San


Workmen were employed yesterdayin constructing the ring of Chiarini'scircus on the Esplanade. It is 42 feetin diameter. The tents will probablybe erected to dajT.

The regular monthly meeting of theHawaiian Camera Club will be held attheir rooms on Friday evening October11th when imr.rtant business will besubmitted.

The jury in the Loomens case arequartered in the large Pitman cottage,corner of Beret an ia and Alakea streets,where they have good accommodation,and are very comfortably provided forby Deputy Marshal Hopkins.

Falama. The meeting ot the 29th be-gan at 7 p. m. I saw Loomens on the28th outside a lane near where Wilcoxwas residing. He spoke to Wilcox dur-ing that time, and was there about halfan hour and then went back to town.I next saw him about 8 p. m. on the 20thJuly and I then handed him a bull-do- g

revolver. This was in the bedroom ofWilcox. I also gave Loomens somecartridges, but the pistol was not loadedwhen I gave it to him. Wilcox told meto give out red shirts, guns and caps tothe men, and I was in that room untilabout 10 p. m. I then went to thediningrooru of the princess where wereabout seventy people. I saw Loomensagain before we started for the Palace ;

he had then a lantern in his hand,and went to town behind me. We wereall arrayed in two lines near to thebanyan tree. Three squads started fromPalama, and I went with the first, withLoomens right behind me. The menwere armed with rifles and bird-gu-ns

loaded with shot. I loaded some of theseweapons, and caps were given to thesquads which followed each other. Theobject in loading the guns was to useforce if necessary. The march beganbetween 3 and 4 a. m. on July 30th. Wemarched through the middle gate toKing street, thence along King to Rich-ard, up Richard to Palace Walk. Thefirst policeman captured was at Mauna-ke- a

and King street corner. Wilcoxtook him. Loomens was still behindme. Wilcox held up several others.On arriving at the Palace gate I lostsight of Loomens in the confusion thatoccured there. The sentry at the gatewould not open it, and I saw a manclimb over it. The sentry challengedus, but when Wilcox spoke to him hewent awav. At the gate Wilcox gaveorders to load, and the man who hadclimbed over now opened the gate andwe marched inside the Palace grounds.There were between seventy and eightv

r r Pele brought 38 head offcieieruay.

40r I






r Pele was chartered toircus yesterday.

ner Leahi brought about 40 A perfect fit guaranteed.

claimed martial law we. would havetried to take the town. I heard Wilcoxsay he had popularity enough to get thenatives with him. He said he did notthink there would be any fighting, onlyan affray. The secret society was asociety with a constitution, which spokeof the getting back the rights of the peo-ple and King. We freely discussed theidea of putting the Ministers out, andthat was the object of the society. At thePunchbowl meeting we discussed theway of getting means. Loomens was atthe third and subsequent meetings. Itwas at the fifth meeting when Loomensmade remarks about sympathizingwith the natives. He was still Vice-Preside- nt.

The society had no specialname. It was not the Rifle Association.At the meeting on the 29th I did notlevel a pistol at Loomens nor did I hearhim say he was tired and wanted to getout. On the line of march I carried apistol in my hand, but had no otherarms. It was not in my hand for thepurpose of shooting down anyone wholeft the ranks. The only time I sawLoomens in the palace yard was whenhe was talking with Wilcox. Did notsee him go out. I saw provisionsbrought in the yard by the ChinamanPapu. I noticed watermelons arfd abarrel of poi. I did not go to the bar-racks. Wilcox went there with a squad.No other pronrs wa3 ma'emeat thetime of the promise that I would notbe prosecuted. No promise ot a govern-ment situation was made to me. Iserved about a couple of months in gov-ernment service. I left because I couldnot keep my family on $50 a month.The guard at the gate on King streetwas a Wilcox man as he didnot have a uniform on. Wil-cox spoke to Parker at the lefthand side of the palace steps. It wasintended to get the King to make theministers resign.

George Markham sworn, says: I wasborn on Maui. Am 27 years of age.Have lived in Honolulu the past sixyears. Held office for some time inCustom House. I know the defendant.His name is Albert Loomens. Met himfirst on the 10th of July at residence ofPrincess Liliuokalani. Wilcox askedme there to a luau. I went there be-tween 7 and 8 p. m. I saw Wilcox, Loo-mens, Lucca, Kaiue, Malulani, F. J.Testa, W. H. Cummings, J. M. Poepoe,Waiwai, and another native witha squint eye, who is since dead.Wilcox called the meeting to order inthe diningroom. Loomens was there.Wilcox stated the object of the meetingand read a constitution from a book. Itwas to discharge the Cabinet, and get anew constitution for the country. An-other thing was we were to take the oathwhich stated that whoever divulged anypart of the constitution should be killedby the others. Loomens sat on the rightoi Wilcox. I heard Testa refuse to takethe oath. He said if he had known theobject he would not have been present.He formed a society some two years agoand got disgusted. Cummings also re-

fused because he had a wife and familyto look after. I saw a lot of arms at thehouse. Each of us was to carry onewhere we were to be directed. Wilcox


. firewood from Kona yester- -

ne W. H. Dimond sails atfor San Francisco with a full

riand produce.- 8. City ot Peking. Captain

red October 9th, 11 daysia en route for San Fran--

Pianos For Rent.


123-t- f

t I' T liilirn nrrivoil vos.

COMPANY.i circuit of this island with ageneral merchandise. She

M Friday.

It is possible that the Loomen3 trialmay close to-da- y as the point is nearlyreached when the prosecution must restfor want of additional evidence. Whatthe defence will attempt to prove is notyet publicly known, but it cannot bevery lengthy evidence.

The Prince and Princess Henri deBourbon and suite were conveyed, onlanding from the City of Peking, to theHawaiian Hotel in the Queen's privatecarriage. Mr. H. F. Glade, AustrianConsul, met the steamer in the tug Eleuand brought the distinguished visitorson shore.







including 103 varieties both scented and

unscented, are made from only the sweetest

and purest materials, and are adapted tovery taste and use.

64 1287-l-y

Wednesday, Oct. 9.charged with assault, is ARTIFICIAL TEETH

from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum-inur- a

and rubber bases.liiiio. charged with consniracv. isr3- - 1 j t

tRounded until moved on.HAPPENINGS IN KONA.Fran and Nakeaua. chanred withi u -

at Honolulu on October 8th,ignilty and were fined $5 and $1

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

I iau,Tom Onokea and Sara

of us, and all were armed with rifles,guns or pistols. There were thirty-fiv- e

rifles besides over thirty bird --guns.When we got into the Palace yard thearmed band was formed in two liues be-

hind the Palace. I then saw Loomenstalking with Wilcox. I then went awaywith Markham to another part of thegrounds. Wilcox called out to RobertParker and asked who h ad charge of thePalace. The men were still standing inline and remained in that position untildaylight. I did not see Loomens againthat day. The last time I saw him wasbefore daylight. Wilcox went severaltimes to the Barracks to see Kahalewai.The cannons were got out after I sawWilcox and Loomens talking together.Wilcox put me in command of the

F, charge. I with assault, were re Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55-l- y

Convictions for Illicit Selling of Liquors.Some of those "goings on in Kona that

would make your hair stand on end,"mentioned by Minister Thurston a shorttime ago, were brought up with a roundturn on Friday last in Justice Molale'sCourt at Ilookena. It had been prettygenerally known that for several monthsback a good deal of liquor was sold and

1 until October 12th. (raw toneited b bail.

CIVIL CASKS. 1 K MP Vj. .D.ivtnn rtnrn snita hob!, l 11 Will .

Phi October 16th. NOTICEvs. Kalana. Assumpsit for'el'l over until O.-tohp- r 11th.

PKim?S, Mrs. Kainn. Afisnmnsit 0- -

held over until October 11th.Helltine Wi Kt ioanmnait Having purchased from J. J. Melchers, W. Z. Schiedam,

Holland, the sole right to use his


Murray & Lanman's


Best for TOILET, BATH,


over until October 11th. said he was president of the society and

swallowed in the vicinity of Kaawaloa,although no license was held by anyone.But what is everybody's business seemedto be nobody's ; hence the illicit trafficwent on, and was usually most brisk onSundays. On Thursday evening, ManoelCanish and his wife, both of Kaawaloa,were arrested and lodged in Hookenajail, charged severally with selling spir-ituous liquors without license. On thefollowing day Manoel was convicted andfined $100 and costs. His wife was dis

C6that he appointed Loomens vice-pre- si 99Defendant confesses iudt?ment Elephant .Labeldent. I heard Loomens say that he wasFBoant claimed whih sorrv the Hawaiians were treated sothe judgment given toCCreighton attorney for plain- -

badly, and that they were not represented in the government. The meeting was called about 9 o'clock. I was

cannons on tne awa siue oi tnegrounds. Markham had charge of thecannon facing Likelike street, and Ioccasionally went over to see him. Ionce w7ent outside for a loaf of bread.The King was not there. I heard Wil-

cox tell the men to catch a riflemannamed Schumann and bring him intothe yard. I saw him brought in, andWilcox spoke with him. I saw thewindow of the Opera House drawndown, and Wilcox called to the menthere to shut the window or he wouldfire the cannon. They refused and thefiring began. When the firing from theOpera House began Wilcox went undera tree and shortly afterwards I was shotin the leg. We could not converse asthe shot was coming fast. I bound my

there until 3 o'clock the next morning. Philip Milton. Impound--- N

' appearance of or for de- -a,Hl Cast' is bplil nvnr until During the evening I was sent by Wilcox

to fetch two members, Spencer andUh for further AvufanM. Crowningberg. I got them. Ave disr: ":i Carriage Manufacturing Co.r .'nut. Assumpsit for $42 70.

For GIN in this Kingdom, which label bears the picture ofan elephant, under palm trees, printed in different

colors, and also the words

"Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands.registered;J. J. Melchers, W. Z, Schiedam,"

And having been granted a Certificate of Registration forthe term of twenty years, dating from the 17th day of Sep-tember, A. D. 1889, under the hand and seal of L. A.Thurston, Minister of the Interior, for the Hawaiian Islands,for the exclusive use of the said label throughout the Ha-waiian Kingdom, all persons are hereby warned not to usethe said label, or any imitation thereof, under penalty of law.

cussed that night whether we should goto the palace or barracks. Were to goto the barracks to get the cannon, takethem in the palace and place them in

We ot or for defendant, andover until October 11th.

position. We wanted guns and ammu. 1, 1 A i J A . nition for the purpose of expelling theleg with a nanuKercniei, anu triea to

. . 1 i-- A - 1 A Ministers and getting a new constitution.nd 10 o'clock WednesdayAlsatian named Luis Bruck-- a

cottage on Queen' Ml ti;,' (iflmnimAnllHiiMhM

Expected we should want them to fire atthe enemy. We adjourned to meet againthe following night so as to get John W. C. PEACOCK.

charged in consideration probably, ofthe conviction of her husband, and alsoof the fact that should they not be ableto pay the fine and be sent to the reef,there would be no one left at home totake care of the "kids."

The case created no little sensationboth during and after the trial. It wassaid by the Justice to be the first of thekind in South Kona. Defendants hadsecured for themselves a powerful arrayof counsel. Mr. Keliikoa of Keauhouwith Messrs. Nahinaa and Waha ofHookena were retained for the defence.But the combined effect of these bril-

liant jurists' eloquence failed to make abreach in the wall of stubborn facts,there being four witnesses who testifiedto having been customers of the house.The prosecution was conducted by DeputySheriff Layaro, assisted by Dr. Mack,government physician of the district.

The conviction of Canish will be asalutary warning to others who could benamed in connection with illicit liquorselling in the same locality.

The fine was paid.

76--3 m'vjiimviituuuunij; i which he died shortly

Baker there. Baker was sent for thefirst night but did not come. With re-

gard to Baker we desired his presenceas it was thought he would be able to do

He y v 3 xr vVwtbeen employed lately atSaloon in this oitv fhih

nre ttie gun again ; dui, got snotin the head and lay senseless for a while.After I got up I went through the Palaceto the bungalow. I saw a soldier in thePalace but he did not challenge me. Iwas the last one to leave my cannon.Wilcox asked me to take the photographof his wife and little daughter, and I toldhim I was more a dead man than he.He was not wounded. I saw Mahauluand Gabriel in the bungalow and Wilcoxwas looking very blue he had lost allhope. He was dressed in uniform andcarried a rifle as well as the others inthe bungalow. I heard Mahaulu cry

more with the soldiers at the barracks inJ lA'VUl. lie acted ma ba.i r n.. getting the guns.- oi me uer- -

At 12 o'clock the Court took a recessfas supposed that he was'the mfluence of limmr ot for one hour.AFEERNOON SESSION.-- 'Ootinjr, but the fnt tt,ot u r,

naif-whi- te The Court resumed at 1 p. m. Thewoman with whomP., J

ito 7, ner. tie wased ehl iaeen's "ospital, where

119Kona, Hawaii, Oct. 7th, 1889.

Purser's Memorandum.n of kf: 7. .am'r- - Very little is

m-- '?."!orvor relatives. Hp

balance of Markham's evidence is prac-tically the same as that given by Boyd.

Jack Kuamoo's testimony corroboratesthe evidence given by Boyd and Mark-ham.

Thomas Hiona, one of the policemenmade to fall into line, was examined,but no additional evidence was elicitedfrom him.

Enoka, another policeman was exam

2. bout 40 years of age,Whit v,'l,,e islands for several

UAi . v !' nis pmnlf-mnr.- f I,

ARE YOU ILL?Dr. Pierce's Belt ithe only perfect ElectrioBody-Batter- y. It willcare NervousEositively Rheumatism,

l 'ij rp ok i "''iujiiiciii no

The S. S. City of Peking, 5079 tons, J.M. Caverly, commander, sailed fromHongkong Sept, 19th, at 1 :03 p. m.Had pleasant weather and smooth seato Yokohama, arriving Sept. 25th, at3 50 a. m Sailed from Yokohama Sept.

'Crlc3T&&! Kidney ComDlaiAt. Dvi."

Robertson, v..

out "peace," and he put his handker-chief out of the window. Gabriel put ahandkerchief on the end of a broom andwent out. In the moring when we en-

tered the grounds we lifted the door ofthe gashouse off its hinges and foundabout 300 boxes of ammunition six toeight rounds in each box.

On cross-examinati- on the witness said :

I have lost all confidence in Wilcox,and my reason for taking part in thematter was that I was sent to be edu-cated in Italy where I got my diploma ;

and then when I came back I was simplya street vagabond. I applied to the gov-

ernment for a position and they offeredme an inferior one. I did not want tohurt the King but to put the Ministersout of office. The palace was our ren-dezvous, because we could procure armsthere. We knew cannon were there.Wilcox thought he could accomplish hisobject of becoming dictator and thenplace the King in his rights afterwards.He told me he thought the King waswpak and he would proclaim himself

pepsia, Male and Female Weakness. Thousand caredi a America, Forward ed hately to any par t of the world

-- Writfor Pamphlet No. 8. Address 91. E.Trnsil'o., 704 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A.Pile cured-Pamp- h. No. 3 describes a new Invention.

Klad twhl! Premises in Sey- -What stanas ni

'ELEPHANT' GrINWarranted genuine of J. J. Melchers, Wz., Schiedam.

"Royal Club Gin," "Palmtree Gin," "Double Berried Old Geneva,"In black and white bottles.

ALSO TO ARRIVE, the Finest Brands of

Cognacs : Hennessy, Exshaw, Martell, Etc.All genuine;

The Finest Brands of WHISKIES,Crawford's Scotch, Mavourneen Irish, Thistle Blend Scotch, Old Kentucky

Favorite, Paindexter, SouMash.German and American Beers:

United States Lagerbeer, Sierra Lagerbeer, Budweiser, Boca Beer;GUINNESS' EXTRA DOUBLE STOUT, bottled by

M. B. Foster & Sons, London, and by W. E. Johnson & Co., Liverpool

Fine French Clarets, California Wines, Etc., Etc.

i Vll 1111 M I I I

?k'e hll &i the ?rund and has G hits given oniver-- X

ratitfac tf'n in the:re of UettotriMNI andteet, l prescribe It and

budsaoms and many

ined with same result.Alexander Smith sul stantiated Boyd's

statement.Robert Parker's evidence for the

greater part was similar to that given byBoyd and Markham of w hat took placewithin the Palace grounds ; but he addedthat he had strict orders in case three ormore people came to the Palace gateand demanded entrance, to go inside thepalace and defend it; and that, ifattacked in that position, he had auth-ority to shoot.

Robert Kalanipoo, stated that he hascharge of the carts working under theroad supervisor, and says that Alexander Smith with a number of men took

i TO 5 DA.TS.

tr. a.'feel safe in recommend-ing n to al! sufferers.Mrd on'.y hr tti

Win T&1 colors" manu-L- i0lrast. l00 i A.J. STOMB. M.D.,Cincinnatiaa uyen ior- -tho d :

Ohio. Dscstur, HI.

PRICE, 81.00.

28th, at 10:15 a. m., had pleasant wea-

ther, smooth sea, and light, to moderateEast to S. E. winds the entire passage,arriving at Honolulu Oct. 9th, 1 :51 p. m.Time, 11 days 23 hours 12 minutes. 323tons of freight 2 bags of mail 34 cabinand 149 steeragr passengers.


Chiarini's Circus Arrives.

The steamer Pele brought the per-

forming animals from the steamship City

of Peking yesterday afternoon between 5

and 6 o'clock. The forty horses andponies, two elephants weighing two tonseach, the sacred bull, etc., were all landedin first-clas- s order and remained lastni lit on the Oceanic wharf where theylanded. They will probably remain intheir present quarters until the erectionof the tents on the esplenade intendedfor their accommodation.

lveW1! ae of 745 Dieeos TratK!'.'-;.- ! Sold by Druggists.

Z cloth' black, blue, Hollister & Co., Wholesale Agents.Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents.

61 -- 12161vdictator and place the town under mar-

tial law. Wilcox did not molest theAfter I was wounded I went

'w and red, 345'een spent in its manu- - fok sale by ED. H0FFS0HLA.EGER & CO.,

1291 80-l-vthrough the palace without resistance King and Bethel Streets.- - A 1 A 1

possession of the Government buildingsand when Prof. Alexander, the Survey-

or-General came and wanted to goto Lis office he was warned away.

Jim Kauhane substantiates Boyd'sand Markham's statements.

The Court adjourned at 5 p.m. yes-terday until 9:30 a. m. to-da- y.

I do not know oi any resistance oy uieKina'a soldiers. I will not swear that I

PAPER IS KEPT ON FILETHIS E. C. Dake's AdvertisingAgency. 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange,saw Loomens enter the palace yard. I.110

"the land ofJ01 teacher is $200 a saw him inside talking with Wilcox be

The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. AdvertiseAre the Best Advertising Medium In the Kingdom

San Francisco, Cal., where contracts forfore daybreak. I know Loomens was advertising can be made for it.



Official Directory HAWAIIAN FOREIGN OFFICE LIST. 2Ccru 5Ucrtiscnnts.

M. R., Minister Resident; C d'A., Charge d'Affaira; D. A., Diplomatic Agent; Com.,Commissioner; C. G., Consul General; C. A., Commercial Agent;

C, Cou8Ql; A.. C, Acting Consul; V. C, Vice Consul. 0 Davs. ftn nOO1313JASForeign Legations and Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

12TH - ANNUAL - 12THDate or Exequ-atur or Commission.



THE COURT.His Majesty KalakaUA, b. No-

vember 16, 1830; elected Feb-ruary V2, 1874, and inauguratedFebruary 13, 1874.

Her Majesty the Queen, b. Decem-ber 31, 1885.

Her Royal Highness the PrincessLiLiuoKALANr, Heir Apparent,b. September 2, 1838.

Her Royal Highness the PrincessVictoria Kawekiu KaiulanjLUXALILO KALANINL'IAHILA- -palapa, b. October 6, 1875.

Her Royal Highness VirginiaKapooloku Poomaikelaxi, sis-

ter to Queen Kapiolani, 6. Apr.

His Excellency John L. Stevens, M. R.Major James H. Wodehonse, Com., C. G.

iSennor A. de Souza Canavarro, Com., C. GREATUnited States,Great Britain,Portugal,Japan,

CLEARANCE SillMr. Taro Ando. D. A., C. G. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,Visconut Tadabumi Torii. V. 0. G.

June 26, 1889.June 21, 1866.C, Sept. 5, 1882.Jan. 12, 1883.Feb. 25, 1886.March 16, 1888.April 4, 1888.Aug. 24. 1888.Sept. 23, 1889.Dec. 28, 1888.Jan. 16, 1889.March 10, 1888.

S. Ban. Attaches.F. Tanno,Kitchitaro Furukawa,S. HnvitkawR.

SOLE LOCAL AGENTFrance, M. G. G. Bosseront d'Anglade, Com. C.M. L6on Bellaguet, .Chan.


OUR ENTIRE STOCKList of Foreign Consuls Resident in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

For the Sale ofDate ofExequatur.Rank.Name.Country.

Cnited States, Henry W. Severance,

-:- - JOHN WIELAND'S -:- -

C. July 31,1889.Oct. 23. 1885.

April 26, 1886.Oct. 18, 1886.Aug. 20, 1880.Oct. 23, 1882.Sept. 22, 1888.

C. G.

V. & Dep. C. G.Con. Clerk,Con. Agent,Con. Agent,Con. Asent.

Kabului, Maui,.Vahukona, H.,Hilo, Hawaii,



Clean Sweep in Every DepartmentC. (Dean of the

F. P. Hastings,A. W. Richardson,A. F. Hopke,

jC. L. Wight,;C. Furneaux,F. A. Schaefer,

A. J. Cartwright,J. H. Paty,H. F. Glade,C. Alee,

Con. Corps.)C.

iC.CCom. Agent, CELEBRATED -:- - BEEES -- O-

Peru,Netherlands,Austro-Hunoar- y,


Sweden & Norway,Mexico,

Asst. C. A.Goo Kim,H. W. Schmidt,R. W. Laine,


TUESDAY, SEPT. 17th, our Entire Stsonable Goods will be offered at prices that must attract immediate

J! s "aWe need more room to properly display our European purchaawj aen

May 30, 1S69.July 1, 1889.Aug. 20, 1878.Nov. 26, 1880.Nov. 28, 1882.April 17, 1884.April 17, 1884.May 28, 1885.(Original Feb. 24,

1881. ) Re-ap- p.

Dec. 2, 1885.Jan. 22, 1886.March 14, 1887.Aug. 4, 1887.Feb. 17, 1880.Sept. 24, 1886.Oct. 17, 1888.


SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1888,C.C.C.V. c.Actg. V. C.V. c.

U. R. Macfarlane.J. F. Hackfeld,H. F. Glade,

:R. W. Laine,J. F. Hackfeld,T. R. Walker,

Denmark,Beloidm,German Empire,Spain,Russia,Great Britain,

OUR PRESENT STOCK MUST GO!Cost has not been considered. Prices have been marked on the r - i

YOU, not us. We are bound to keep trade livelv v!" ty S1

Establishment, note our prices, and vimDiplomatic and Consular Representatives of Hawaii. will think so too!

Ladies' Ribbed Vests, nwi122,13 BARRELSDate ofCommission.Rank.

7, 1839.His Highness Prince David Ka-waxanak- oa,

son of H. R. H.Princess Kekaulike, 6. Feb-ruary 19, 1868.

His Highness Prince Jonah Ku-hi- o

Kalanianaole, son of H.R. H. Princess Kekaulike, b.March 28, 1870.

His Majesty's Chamberlain, Col. G.W. Macfarlane.

His Majesty's Vice Chamberlain,J. W. Robertson.

the cabinet.His Ex. S. M. Damon, Finance.His Ex. Jona. Austin, Foreign

Affairs.His Ex. L. A. Thurston, Interior.His Ex. C. W. Ashford, Attorney.


Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. L. McCully, First Associate

Justice.Hon. E. Preston, Second Associate

Justice.Hon. R. F. Bickerton, Third Asso-

ciate Sustice.Hon. S. B. Dole, Fourth Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.

8" Sitting in Honolulu FirstMonday in January, April, Julyand October.

POLICE COURT.William Foster, Magistrate.

CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT.A. S. Cleghorn, Collector-Genera- l.

G. E. Boardman, Deputy-Collecto- r.

Captain A. Fuller, Harbor-Maste- r.

GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.George V. Ross, Auditor-Genera- l.

Department Foreign Affairs: Capt.H. W. Mist, Sec'y.

Department Interior: J. A. Hassin-ge- r,

Chief Clerk.Department Finance: F. S. Pratt,

Registrar.Department Attorney-Genera- l: A.

P. Peterson, Deputy.Prof. W. D. Alexander, Surveyor-Genera- l.

Jno. H. Soper, Marshal of theKingdom.


t imc jjuieu K1I1S. ftp Mtmll ;

700 pes Perthshire Lawns, 20 yds for $1

Extra fine Victoria Lawns, 124c per ydStriped Plaid Nainsooks, trom I2c up200 pes col'd Linen Lawns from $2 up160 doz Ladies' Col'd Bordered Hand-

kerchiefs, 50c a dozLadies' Balbriggan Vests, good quality,

50c each

Frinwd. 10.- --- ungual

En. Ex. and Min. Feb. 9, 1883.Ladies' .leanette Paraflnla ii ,t .Plen.

C. G. iJuly 21, 1875.C. G. for Pacific June 29, 1885. "' "'in lace. 75worth double

Full Importations by Every Ccast Steamer.2-- tf

His Ex. Hon. H. A. P. Carter,

E. H. Allen,D. A. McKinley,

Lawrence Bond,John McCraken,James G. Swan,

States & I err.C. Aug. 28, 1883.

April 7, 1865. 146 Doz. Children's White Straw Hats, Trimmed0.c. July 10, 1881.

c.V. c.c.

Sept. 21, 1883.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

Col. W. J. De Gress,Aaastatio Obregon,Robert J ames Barney,

United States.Washington, D. C

New York,San Francisco,

Boston,Portland, O.,Port Townseud,Philadelphia,


Manzanillo,Central & South

America.Valparaiso,Lima,Callao,Guatemala,Monte Video,

Great Britain fc


25 Cents each. We expect to sell this entire lot of Hats in g few davsYou will have to buy a few when you see them.

82 Pieces of ENGLEBERT, PART WOOL, DRESS GOODS, dark shade Ilimit the quantity to 20 yards to each customer at 1 cents Der wudLACES : Intended to nnotft Tirifpo thai nrriilfl aatunioli L.i i

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Reduction in Lamp Groods!New Invoices in Latest Designs Just Received and offered at Specialty Low Prices.

Sent. 13, 1858. All cu.-- i e niKTHiiumn . ., . '""i uul "ilU' 110 MMleoC. d'A. & C. G.C. d'A. & C. G.C.

iAug. 22. 1871.iJuly 24, 1871.

David Thomas,R. H. Beddy,Sylvanus Crosby,Henry Tolke,Conrad Hughes,


wv A XVI .' L .' I 1 Ll J at Lld.ll JJIIUCWe mean to sell 420 CHILDRENS' WHITE and COLORED DRESSES linoand Pique, nicely trimmed with colored Embroidery, for 50 cants ,

Ladies' BALBRIGGAN HOSE, Silk Clocked, at 25 cents perWOur Stock of Embroideries. Ha

July 23, 1883.Aug. 13, 1886.c.

of Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric, choice designs.Jnlv31, 1885.July 31, 1885.

Feb. 15, 1887.

C. d'A.8ea. to Leg.

(Aotg. C. d'A.)C.


(Orij.Feb.7,1856.)Oct. 14, 1885.

A NEW LINE OF GOODSArtists' Materials, Art Goods,

Paintings, Pictures, Picture Mouldings,All of which were personally selected and are of newest patterns.

July 10, 1884. BE.C1L GOODS!MEN'S GOODS at great bargains. Our Stock of MILLINERY is the fin

Sept. 28, 1878.Oct. 12, 1882.

July 10, 1857. Lino rvuiguum. oi-r-v ijAiiAMt hais in mack, W inte, brown or Green12 yards White Cotton, good quality, 1 yard wide, $1. 15 yards I'nhleadied

good quality, $1.

Abraham Hoffnung,Sidney B. Francis Hoffnung,

Manley Hopkins,

Harold Janion,Mark Whitwell,W. Moran,E. Biesterfeldt,

W. S. Broad,F. W. Prescott,

Hyam Goldberg,

E. G. Buchanan,

James Dunn,J. G. Zoller,R. J. Murphy,G. B. Dawson,

W. A. Ross

PICTURE FRAMING in all its branches a specialty.


March 14, 1887.

July 30, 1879.

Got. 18, 1873.

Nov. 18, 1870.July 25, 1881.Oct. 12, 1882.Sept. 10, 1888.

Feb. 26, 1886.

RUBBER HCOSEIHaving been appointed AGENTS of soine of the largest factories in the

East, we are prepared to supply all grades and sizes of Hose upon unusuallyfavorable terms. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE l PU

HCorner of Fort and Hotel Streets.July 11, 1889.John Enoch Thompson,

-- A Large Stock of Goods in all Lines Just Received.Dickson Anderson,Col. Geo. A. Shaw, 67 1289J. D. Buell.



c.c.V. c.c.o.G. G. for the

Dominion,G.V. C.V. C.V. C.V. C.V. C.O.V. C.c.C. G. for Austra-

lasia, etc.V. C.o.c.G.V. C.C.G.C. G.C.C.

A. Brown,G. Richardson,

Aag. 23, 1883.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.April 28, 1887.vi arch 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.Jan. 14, 1879.

J. N. Pouliot, Q. C, Electric Light Chandeliers and FixturesLATEST PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED FROM THE


JUST RECEIVEDA. O. Crookshank,E. F. Clements,R. P. Rithet,


Liverpool,Bristol,Hull,Newcastle on

Tyne,Falmouth,Dover and the

Cinque Ports,Cardiff & Swan-

sea,Edinburgh and



Canada.Toronto,Montreal,Toronto,Rockville, Ont.,Hamilton, Ont.,Kingstown, Ont.,Rimouski, Q.,St. John's, N. B.Yarmouth, N. S.,Victoria, B. C,Vancouver, B. C.,

Australasia.Sydney, N.S.W.,Newcastle, "Melbourne, Vict.Brisbane, Q.,Hobart, Tas.,Launceston, Tas.Auckland, N. Z.,Dunediu, N. Z.,

Hongkong,Shanohae,Gibraltar,France & Colo-


Society Group.Papeete, Tahiti,

Germany & Colo-nies.

Berlin,Hamburg,Bremen,Fran k fort- - on-Main- e,


Spain & Colonies.Madrid,Barcelona,Cadiz,Valencia,Malaga, '

Cartagena,Canary Islands.

Las Palmas,

Ernest O. Smith,H. E. Stokes,Captain G. N. Oakley,A. B. Webster,Captain Hon. A. Coote,Geo. Collins,D. B. Cruickshank,H. Driver,Hon. J. Bell Irving,

Jan. 11, 1885.Oct. 1, 1888.Feb. 7, 1873.July 10, 1884.July 12, 1878.June 3, 1887.July 9, 1878.Feb. 5, 1871.Sept. 21, 1886.Nov. 17, 1881.Oct. 5, 1882.

B. F. EHLERS & CO.'s

Grand Opening ofEuropean & American


LADIES' & GENT'S SHOE WAEElJ. J. Keswick,H.Schott,

C. d'A. & C. G.C.C.

C. L. Hopkins and Chas. Creigh-ton- ,Deputy Marshals.

Thomas G. Thrum, Registrar ofConveyances.

YV. E. Rowell, Superintendent Pub-lic Works.

S. G. Tucker, M. D. MedicalSuperintendent.

C. B. Wilson, Superintendent Wa-ter Works.

POSTTAL DEPARTMENT.Postmaster-Genera- l, F. Wunden-berg- .

Assistant Postmaster-Genera- l, D.Manaku.The Post Office is on Merchant

street. Office hours 8 a.m. to 4p.m., except Sundays. When mailsteamers arrive after office hours,or on Sundays, mail are assortedas soon as delivered, and a generaldelivery made. Letters are notdelivered in Honolulu by carriers,but must be inquired for at thedelivery window of the Post Office.

BOARD OF EDUCATION.Hon. C. R. Bishop, President.A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al

of Schools.W. James Smith, Secretary.

BOARD OF HEALTH.N. B. Emerson, M. D., President.George Trousseau, M. D., Port Phy-

sician.Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.

FOREIGN PASSAGE RATES.Cabin passage per steamer, Hono-

lulu and San Francisco, $75; Roundtrip tickets, good for 3 months, $125.

Steerage passage per steamer, Ho-nolulu aud San Francisco, $25.

Cabin passage per steamer. Hono-lulu to Hongkong or Japan, $250.

Steerage passage per steamer, Ho-nolulu to Japan, $35.

Cabin passage per sail, Honolulu toHongkong, $60.

Steamers to and from San Franciscoare two every four weeks one directand return, the other en route to orfrom Australia and New Zealand.

All through passegers given a stop-over privilege on application to theSteamship Co., as the direct Islandsteamer sa I 1 10 days before the throughsteamer, it gives a tourist plenty oftime to see considerable of Hawaii.

Steamers from San Francisco to Ja-pan and China, or vice versa, occasio-nally touch oft" port en route.

CARRIAGE FARE.Carriage fare from steamer to

May 21, 1888.March 1, 1866.March 1, 1866.July 27, 1874.

Aug. 12, 1886.

Alfred Houle,A. Coave,E. de Boissac,C. Schaessler,

J. T. Cognet


C. A FULL ASSORTMENT OFDry and Fancy GroodsE. F. Weber,

--:o:-J. F. Muller,J. Kopp,



March 25, 1876.July 8, 1887.Jan. 7, 1883.

March 14, 1881.April 28, 1871.

Misses' and Children's Shoes.



N. B. On and after May 15th, MISS CLARK will have charge ofour Dressmaking Rooms. i-- tf

A. P. Russ,H. Muller,

o '7--'-"',s'.-,HAWAIIANG. G.C.c.c.c.c.V. c.V. c.

Nov. 19, 1888.July 21, 1887.July 14. 1886.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

Sept. 29, 1885.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1S87.

E. Minguez,G. Scham,V. Chust,F. T. De Navarra,J. Paris,

L. Falcon y Quevedo,J. B. De Lftguna,B. Mattheu y Battaller,


Palma,Portugal & Colo

April 19, 1888.March 26, 1883.

Nov. 17. 1881.

C. G.c.c.c.V. c.

A. F. De Serpa,N. T. M. Ferro,

R. See manC. Martins, June 6, 1884.

C. G.c.c.c.

J. Clinton Hooker,R. De Luchi,L. Colombo,A. Tagliavia,

March 9, 1886.Aug. 21, 1867.Julv 14. 1886.March 14, 1887.

2oNov. 15, 1886.

Hotel, each passenger $Carriage fare per hour, one pas-

senger 1

V. c.

C. G.

J. D. van der Made, P. R. z. n.,

Victor Forge,E. Coppieters,

50 July 31, 1885.

nies.Lisbon,Oporto,Madeira,St. Michaels,St. Viucent,




Sweden & NorwayStockholm,Christiania,Lyskil,Gothemburg,



Japan.Tokio,Hiogo & Osaka,

South AfricanRepublic



Aug. 27. 1880.Sect. 10. 1888.

Carriage fare per hour, two pas-senger

For each additional hour, 50 cents2 00 J. Blanpain,

C. April 6, 1885.E. Vanden Brande,

H. A. Burger, C. G. Mav 29. 1879.for each passenger, when morethan one

Specially for the Pali, one pas-senger each way 3

Mav 31. 1886.L. Samson,H. Bergstrom, f GERTZ, -:- - FOKT STREETC.

V. C.V. C.00 G. Kraak,

V. von Schb'nberger,Specially tor the Pali, two pas-

senger each way 4 00Specially for the Pali, three pas



July 16, 1879.March 14, 1887.

Dec. 20, 1870.

May 4, 1880.

March 30, 1886.Nov. 20, 1882.

31-l- m

Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Brakes, ffaps. Etc,


CARRIAGE and. WAGON REPAIRINGSolicited at very low prices.

OUR PATENT BRAKES 0rn25Hl"0l,-"ln- tU8

in price.- o

Just Received a large invoice of

Second Growth of White Oak Spokes


senger each way 5Specially for Kapiolani Park,

one passenger each way 1


00 His Excellency R. W. Irwin, Min. Res.C.S. Endicott,

C. G.D. H. Schmiill,

specially ior kapiolani 1'arK,two passengers each way I 50

Specially for Kapiolani Park,three passengers each way 2 00The above rates are for between the

hours of 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. All otherhours the rates of fare are doubled.No driver is compelled to take asingle fare for the Park or Pali, ex

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu- -

No. 104 Fort Street." . sn"O ,B makingh

The undersigned bege to inform the public of these islands tnatlicaticB-measuremen-

Directions for nt will be given or flA

White Shirts, Over Shirts and NiW Oo

. Ialand ordersA fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order.

aTmT meiiS'W Bell Telephone 4UO.

omjL,rj ana ukjvjois MX., ALL AT A GREATLYKJiDUCED RATE

The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette


No. 20 Merchant Street OFFICE - Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands

cept by special bargain, hen twoor more offer, the regular rate mustbe accepted.

Good saddle horses may be had bylie hour or day.

Large Assortment of Bai Iron26jl282-3- m