If A K I in .i .4 - :r'( i ! ' i' . : f ' PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1885. v L. in. jj. ! mdcerttsements -- advertisements. THE DAILY t. t. LEVI r. J. LT0KB. Tenders Wanted, PETER D ALTON, ,! c. birks & co.. Pacific Commercial Advertiser Benson, Smith & Co., r,v, THE QUEEN'S HOSPITAL ,.J-JV- - mv-v- v a Tin MUTTON, in j TJKJIOIV Fire and Marine Insurance Co. 1 Willi r iw 1 1 - . - .... ; 1 - vnar. rommmrlDf OB Auctioneors AND IS l'UBI.ISHKI ruum, v- -. . -- - quantifies 1SS5. Sealed tenders to be left at the 1st of June, .VI II Kill STKKKT. Peckhaui, Inlon, S. i; JOBBING ANDKETAII- - the oflice of the untfersiguea up w Every Morning Except Sundays. General Commission Merchants( the 7th of May. 1S85, at noon. 1 u"t. capital. : : tio,ooo,ooo. Y. A. MUAt.rr.n, Honolulu, May . 1S5. 199-m- -, Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. ISTo. 91 Ivina- - St. Once more uoucitt the patronage and support of those ho for twenty years knew and acalt with him Plain Talk Pays Always. DJRTJGh&ISTS, Colonial NIercliant. WANTED, of Furniture, Stock, Real Ett Sales Merchandise properly attenJM W sriiKCJtnTIONS : Daily I'.f. AIivkktiskk, one your IlHlabli.Ied an Ageucy at Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the are prepared to accept rihks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, pro6ts and commissions. Sol Agrents fort 3 00 PROPRIETORS OF THE A Good Saw -- Filer-. 1 50 American & European HercMniise. Indents executed for all kiuJs of English 0t Daily P. ('. Advkktirkh, six months Daily P. C Akvkktiskk, tlirce months Daily P. V. A nvKiTisKn, ppr month Weekly P. C Advertiser, one year Foreign Huhscrlptton, W. P. ('. A. (inclndini postaK Payable Invariably in Advance. Apply to GEO. W. LINCOLN, Contractor, Lohhc promptly adjusted A- - payable. jVlaile Cologne, 372-tfw- tf . and Coutineutal Goods, against Bank 8 50 King street WM. CJ. IRWIN & VO. 113 AND 115 FORT STREET. mar27-l-- ni 1. y BINQ1.KV. "" J. W. HmGLEY & CO. GREAT WESTERN Credits or Produce, facilities for drawing against the latter. Agencies accepted at 2Vi per cent on net amount of manufacturer's invoices, including cash discounts varying from H to 3 per cent. Purchases in im- - t Mamif-ctiire- ra of SONGS AT SEA. AY MACFARLANE & CO-- , No. 1- - Kahunianu Street, HONOLULIT. 375-t- f INSURANCE COMPANY. HAWAIIAN HOTEL STABLES, (Cor. Hotel and Richard Streets, Honolulu, II. I. HAVANA CIGARS, Importer, Wholesale, and Retail Dealers 1 IIE.Ti OFFICE, SO WALL STREET, NEW YORK orter'sj own name. Louise Chandler Moulton. I have been lonely the whole day long; Come and find rue to-nig- ht with a song; Sice: to me now, when the wind is low, And my heart shall answer as on we go; Listen and answer, and none shall know. Over the brooding, wonderful sea Tho enner that, mintr alone for IH6 Twenty years' buying experience for mhe above Company having estab- - I on a vorw-- ur Honolulu, for the Hawa Tobacco. Cigarettes & Smoters1 Articles Opposite Royal Hawaiian Hotel, H. HACKFELD & CO., export. iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write EXER AI. COMMISSION AtiEXTS. Wish to notify the public that they are prepared Reference: Continental Bank, 79 Lombard G 363 tf Queen 01., itonoiuiu, TRY OUR Home Manufactured Cigars. PeterJ has for iuny ytars worked lor and en- deavored to please every class of the community from the highest in the laud down to the humblest of the workiuu classes, and he can say that during that time he never made an enemy or lost a cus- tomer. Now he has again put Iris hand to the plow , and is as well able and willing to give honest work, good material, aud lair value for money is ever ret was done In the Hawaiian Islands. Has always on hand Mnsle and Oouble Harness, Kxpres Harness, Plantation Harness, Whips, Spurs, Chamols,pons:es, Brushes, And everything requisite tor the Stable. 0STA tull Hue of English and Sydney Saddles, Saddle Cloths, Biankets, etc., always in stock, fc'hat he has not got he can make. 290 my26-- d Aw MARINE KIHXiH n n Street, E. C. 465ap; Floats, . and none other . i.i its strain i.i can hear, to furnish BUGGIES, Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, f. BANNWe. W. EKTEK. V OWKMKLt Wo. 59 Fort St., Im Campbell Zfew Commissions, and Hulls. PHAETONS, WAGONETTES, ETC. , U eaten tne music, suoue anu uoar, Of the delicate singing that seeks my eap. The West is red with the sunset's glow; In the East the moon is hanging low; And fast and far the light winds flee, As I sail, with your songs for company, TwLtt the silent sky and the silent sea. ED. HOFFSCHLAEQER & CO., A Commission Merchants. Importers Honolulu, H. I. Fireproof Bntldinfir. and No. 78 Hotel Steeet. HONOLULU, H.I. -- M At current KateB. 65,000 Feet of WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands With Stylish, Gentle Horses. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Galvanized Iron Pipe Do these birds of song need a sheltering nest! Hee! 1 will hide tnem warm in my urease There shall they fold their venturous wing, SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LOXDOK. Horses boarded by day or month. Saddle Horses to Let. Horses Bought and Soid. And all tna nig tit tnrougn nesuo anu aiua Songs ot love ana oi sorrowing. and ITittinpfs X, ,H, H. L 1M and IS inch. Hacks at aU hours day and night. in.(..itr ri-ia- a rfrivine-- . overcharging1. A. S. OLEQHORN k Co., and "Wholesale and Retail Importers , General Merchandise, Corner Queea and Kaahumanu fits. 8f -- t . ' . ..1 ; ' jbHN RUSSELL ttoruey at Law. No. 42 MERCHANT STREET, NEAR FORT ST 385tf-- Then, when the morning is young and gay, TTi- - frnm thoii" nVmltAr and far awav! ESTABLISHED 1710. etc., by drivers employed by this Company will please be reported at the office. . . And, like carrier doves, they shall bear as tliey llee Tl,a cnVinca nf oil tVlOV liaV 9UI17 tO 1118 All accounw lor AdTf rtlslng id JobPrMUo t the PaclOcl CommerclalXAdverliser Offlc wUl from tbla date be piTMBttd tor par meut monthly. Honolulu, March t. 18S5. Bedding for Horses. 0. J. WALLER, MILES & MACFARLANE. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates Alone with the night and the wind and the of premium. For sale, at very low figures, by JAS. A. HOPPER, 30-je- diw Telephone No. 32. BUTCHJiK' sea; Ti aVirtaa r.f divfnfl deSDSir. Total sum Insured in 18S4 - - 318,599,310 A " J ' I th vHaa m H th hftna jf a lover's oraYer, TO THE FRONT. Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid .Burr & Finck, All the delicate singing that none might And the answer my heart shall send, my with promptitude and liberality. EUEEKA ! The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. A GREAT BOON TO THE The Leading Fashionable Tailors dear, On the breath of the morning fine and clear. AVINQ PURCHASE!! THE ENTIRK H THE CURRENCY ACT The New Gold Law. OF SAN FRAXCISCO. crop of G. W. Macfarlane & Co., Honolulu Public ! of the most We have received a consignment Mexico at the Exposition. t Joaauln Miller's New Orleans Letter. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. 353tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. rr ..I- - a 1 or era trade with Honolulu, they Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fork and Fish My own private notion is that Mexico, in nnint of interest and instruction, is ero- - FEW COPIES OF TIIE WEEK Elf Economical and Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and nnoH tn inmni0t orders at one dav's no kept for FOUR DAYS after being killed, by Bell- - iV PaclOc Commercial Advertiser of the 29th July. 184. containing: ing to carry off the palm. You see the Commercial tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the Belong-lu- to the rice planUUon of Wong Leong fc Co., we re prepared to offef the aame, put up la convenient ied bales, at reasonable prices. The Union Feed Company.' Pf.tt.nt Tirv Air Refrigerator. Guaran finest stock or latest gooas consiauwj t imuu. most oi tiie otner mings, or soniemiug HL--o thpnn nt last have been seen, or can the. rL'LL.TEXT ttxm . Currency 491 tf&w teed to keep longer after delivery than Act, can be bad on application to INSURANCE COMPANY, the P. C. Attvertlser Office. be seen, in other lands and at other exposi- tions. But Mexico is unique. With the Hivntinn on this continent, her Fit EN 1 1 KILLED MEATS. It is the greatest Flesh former, Mnirund -- Butter producer in use. OU Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu ray 19-- w May 18, 188.5. Lease of Valuable Land. BSS-- To be had In any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Price 25 cents each. OF CALIFORNIA." tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. wonderful history, she has much to begin with in the way of sentimental interest-An- d then her products are rich beyond All ihoto thinp-- s are to be dis- - AUCTION SALE. Fnblisher P. C. ADVERTISER Metropolitan Market, FRANK GERTZ, ino ths. of this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats, I will sell at Public Auction at the Court House or 318 Rs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran. On Kins Street. MEAT IFOR SALE ALL DAY. FIiporter ani Hanuractiirer, played, too, in a building apart and set WENNEE & CO. For Sale in Lots to Suit. FIRE AND MARINE. in the TOWN OF HILO on SATURDAY, the 30th day of June Xext.at 12 o'clock noon.the lease for TEN YEARS of a valuable tract of land lo Ponahawai, near the Of aU Descriptions of 93 Fort Street, Also, om Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as YM4l St - - V ; a s i lit- - i i - - 4 y- - rt .: St V V3 mi : I ' i i mm t 1 ; : i- - t ii j' ; i ' J.I Jr. MM ft. K t 5 f 4 ' ', i I II 7- - i.V-- - 1 r . our usual supply of the best kinds of Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade modestly aside, a ne picturesque quai iera are away down in a corner of the park. This building, though comparatively small, is of itself an attraction, being one of the best and the brightest things in the rnhitpptnrfi on the whole CTonnd. City Market. On Nuunnn St. BOOTS & SHOEG Town of Hllo, containing 325 acres more or less. r.oitot ,mirt in full S200.000 CO Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. Assets, December 31, 1S34 no.ooi vo Losses paid since Company was organ- - This land comprises a large area of fertile cane and kalo land, and lies In close proximity to the The generous action of the Mexica 8r Orders ,rom the other Islnds solicited. Xo. 114 Fort HU, Honolulo. 37ft-tfw- tf izQa 1,100,01 o Hotel Street Market. LAINE fe CO. 373 tf town. On Hotel Street. Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And oruaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate; Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. nnoriv n mifirtpr nf a million of rold to the C. O. BERGEE, Resident Agent, Lease at expense of purchasers. Vpet Frlce per Annum, 8350. enterprise, the fine behavior of the olhcers Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. w la. setebance, JOHN UTSCHIG, G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Eureka Market. At Fish Market. in charge here, ana tne ceieruy unu a un- ity displayed in perfecting their work here, has won for Mexico much good will unrl oflmirntinn nlrpadv. both f fOUl Ameri- - AUCTIONEER. 13l-je3- 0 Fashionable Boot Maker, HILO, April 30, 18S3. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y cans and strangers. 1 he Mexican exhibit la rtrv ' No. 326 BuhU tit.. Wan Francisco, Cal. AL-- n nnixn In tilu line at the shortest noBdlble A Specialty. Repairing iu all its branches. tar Solo Agenta for Klug'3 Eye Preservers. ly OF LIVERPOOL. Hawaiian Market. On Maunakea St. Chinese Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AID PORK urn FEES CO, notice. Planters will find It tc their advantngfl t call a MR. UTMCH1G before going elsewheir. Ilere you are to see heaps on heaps of precious stones; opals, pearls, diamonds, rubies, indeed all things that are hidden in her great rich heart. Heaps and heaps of gold, rich and yellow from the mines; oil in 1mm Hnd 5np-ot- s and bricks. 9I tf&W 1 0,000.000 CAPITAL, - - Ms PHILLIPS & Co.,. drnat SPftTTlS of silver and cold threaded ttTbAUking the public for past favors. I so in together that have been hidden away in licit a continuation of the name. UNLIMITED LIAP.ILIT". Queen & Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE A RKTAIL Dealers hi HAY AXI GRAIJf, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. and Wholesale Healers 1h Importer Bootn, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furniah iug and Faacy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Mtreet 397 tf G. J. WALLER. the mountain s nearr, wnere 11 was piuceu fi.-wi'- finiror on thp. flav of creation. JtOUOJUiU, il. I. MjQU-W- J. J. WILLIAMS No. I02 FORT STREET, Leaiim PMoiraplier 'of Hosolnln. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, lire Insurance of all descriptions m.7j vv " j ' until to-da- Threads and Beams and A..lrin .- -t . 1 1 o,,l rrrA tliat Tlfl'Or KftWT F ;m hp effected at Moderate Rates of Prr mi urn, by the undersigned. FOKEST MARKET. BONE MEAL! the light until a little time ago; a glitter-in- s house of cold and silver and precious .. . i; r if : tf Managers for Haw. Islands Island Orders Solicited. Corner Hotel and Uniou Streets, Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Photo. Colored, Ac. BKAXtll OF EUREKA MARKET. Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns. Shells.. Sfilt CHAMPAGNE. 470tfiw ONTARIO" The undersigned will opeu this new market Cariosities, &c BONE MEAL!! ! BONE MEAL! SiU'i UTTCK, with the choicest beet, veal and mutton. Also Pantheon Stables, Fresh Fork Sausages made every day NEVIL.LE fc CO., GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Eon is. Mo. Manufacture aud Supply all.kluds of CHARGES MODERATE. ALVIN 11. KASE3IAN, Blood and Eiver Sausages atd Bo- - Cor. Fort Sc Hotel Streets. lorna n Specialty. SOLE AGENTS, SAN FRANCISCO Book. Xews, All orders promptly attended to . BOOK BINDER, Flat and iaoci papers ntiulpr' Itotirdn. MADE FROM AIABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, Twiiies,Etc. LIVERY, BOARDING, Respectfully, CiEO. D. SCHRAEDER. FREE FROM SIZIXG Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer V7. G. RICHARDSON, AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. AND SALE STADLES. r Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and WARRANTED RESIDENT AGENT, 205 Eeidestlorft Street. Forest Market, Telephone No. 363. Eureka Market, Telephone No. 11 1. promptly executed, ana at rcasouaoie cnarge. Gazette Building, Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry or The Best and most Durable Sail Duck 481-apl- 0 Telephone No. 47. KAN FRANCISCO night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties IN THE WORLD. going around the Island. MERCHANT STREET. 3'J2tf X. B.SpeciaI Attention jfiveii to ST. MATTHEW'S HALL, Excellent Saddle Horses lor Eadies For Sale in Honolulu. Earjre Contracts. 4.4 tf&w SIOIK s is mis Ui JICAIUU. liesered Seats "in Those Iy." New Orleans Letter. Mr. Sheridan Colyer, the business man- ager of Frank Mayo's company, is one of the old-timer- s of the business. In con- versing with a reporter, Mr. Colyer re- lated with great relish his experience at Mariposa, a town in the Yosemite valley the valley was then unnamed where his company played "vadne"in a barn with- out a floor, scenery, stage or seats. Tickets were 3, and the people brought their own chairs and stools to sit on. "A man who wanted a reserved seat would walk into the barn, scratch oil the space he wanted on the dirt floor, and then stick a card with "Bill J nes, two seats, into a twig and poke it into the earth. Bill Jones would come to the theatre with two stools on one arm and a lady on the other, plant his seats in the chosen space, enjoy the performance, and go off at the close with his stools under his arm. "Fancy," said Mr. Colyer, " playing 'Evadne' on the bare earth, with blankets for a proscenium and a bi American flag for a back scene! A fin 'Hall of Statues' that was! Yet the people appreciated it, and for ten months we made big money. " Then he heaved a gentle sigh as he rose and said: "There were actors in those days, my young friend. " Mexican Band in New Orlaas. Chicago Tribune. It is said that it would be difficult to imagine music more artistic and thrilling thanthat rendered by the Mexican band, now at Xew Orleans, a few days since. They played a number of very difficult pieces with remarkable rhythm, melody, and execution. While the several parts of an air or romance was being softly played, then would start a ripple of wild variations on the left of the band, and gradually roll with increasing and then receding tones to the extreme right; then iieain. from the rear of the center a wave o? melody would sweU and die away in the distance, leaving with the listener desire to be again thrilled with its tones. and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. Carriage Xos. 2, 21, 46, 47, 4S, 49, The untlergigued are now prepared to ire ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertili6r from the man-facto- ry of Buck II Ohl&ndt San Francisco. The following ia a report of tb compo- nent partH, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " Silicioua Matter 4.C5 " ' Lime 31.70 " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " ' Oxide of Iron 83 " Carbonic Acid 1.83 " Alkali SaltH 52 " 100.00 SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA. GANDY'S PATENT 30, 51, 32 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had on E3 JLm "3? X 3XT C3- - , A. School for Boys livery at the most reasonable rates. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Xo. 60 Xnuanii Street, Opposite HoIlLster Jfc Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. -- tt Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur UNDER MILITARY DISCIPLINE. : Made from the Very Best ' Hard Wove Cotton Duck. s,ion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can IN THE BEAUTIFUL VILUAU1S r.f .Kn Maba. on the Southern Pacific Rail- - GASOLINE ! GASOLINE ! I X T EX A I. I. OX IR IMS, Ex MEN DOT A, for sale by Castle & Cooke. always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tahles can be obtained oy apply ing at the office. NEVILLE & CO., 1 , nation irr.rvi San KranHscn. Established I WibVl , l" " ..V in i860. Fourteen instructors of reputation aud Tim hnilrlinara are extensive, are heated by ste:im . am! are in every way arranged for the The I.o u k Branch Until ins House can always be secured for picnia or excursion Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. SOLE AEXTS, SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST health aud couiion oi me raueis. 1 ruin.? ctkhuu began July and the Easter Session will com J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co., mence January , i'sfta. For further information and catalogue, just eut, address DRIVING BELT, REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A., 15". -- my 11 ti Principal Orders Received will have iVempt and Careful Attention. Xeitber Heat or Dampness affects partiea by applying at the oflice. Corner Fort aud Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 39Xtf Drifted Snow Flour. (ROLLER PROCESS.) VINCI LEASED THE SALINAS MILLS. HA I am now prepared to supply, in quantities to suit, all orders, with the celebrated family Flour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1 bakers' brand, RISING SUN. Please address all orders to C. L. DIN8LEY, mh2t-7-3- i No 13 Steuart St., San Francisco. STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 2 Merchant St.,. .Honolulu. II.I. 529- -q S. J. LEVEY & CO., and Provision Dealer. Grocers Family Grocery and Feed Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island wJU be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu 367tf-wt- f NOTICE. Steam Cantly Factory AND BAKERY. tliem. They lo not Stretch. Strougrer than Eeather, Better than Rubber, WILL OUTLAST BOTH. For Sale in Honolulu. 166-t- i my9 W. G. Irwin & Co., 4 LL APPLICATIONS FOR BOOTHS AT XX. Kapioiam pane ror the 11th or Jane wiu now he received bv the undersigned at his office. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Eaker. Hotel street. 117 tf Telephone 74 Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HXtf J. E. WISEMAN. By order of the Executive Committee of Kapio-lan- l Park Association. In Loudon banks each one of the direc- tors serves in turn a short time as practical manager of the institution. IV? - s r

BUTCHJiK' - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/37883/1/1885052701.pdfHAWAIIAN HOTEL STABLES, ... (..itr ri-ia-a rfrivine--. overcharging1. ... No. 620

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Tenders Wanted,PETER DALTON, ,! c. birks & co..Pacific Commercial Advertiser Benson, Smith & Co., r,v, THE QUEEN'S HOSPITAL,.J-JV--

mv-v- v a Tin MUTTON, in

j TJKJIOIVFire and Marine Insurance Co. 1 Willi r iw 1 1 - . -

.... ; 1 - vnar. rommmrlDf OB AuctioneorsAND

IS l'UBI.ISHKI ruum, v- -. . - - -quantifies1SS5. Sealed tenders to be left atthe 1st of June,


Peckhaui, Inlon, S. i;JOBBING ANDKETAII- - the oflice of the untfersiguea up w

Every Morning Except Sundays. General Commission Merchants(the 7th of May. 1S85, at noon. 1 u"t.capital. : : tio,ooo,ooo. Y. A. MUAt.rr.n,Honolulu, May . 1S5. 199-m- -,

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

ISTo. 91 Ivina-- St.Once more uoucitt the patronage and support of

those ho for twenty years knew and

acalt with him

Plain Talk Pays Always.

DJRTJGh&ISTS, Colonial NIercliant. WANTED, of Furniture, Stock, Real EttSales Merchandise properly attenJM WsriiKCJtnTIONS :

Daily I'.f. AIivkktiskk, one yourIlHlabli.Ied an Ageucy atHaving for the Hawaiian Islands, the

are prepared to accept rihks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, pro6ts and commissions.

Sol Agrents fort3 00 PROPRIETORS OF THE A Good Saw --Filer-.1 50

American & European HercMniise.Indents executed for all kiuJs of English0t

Daily P. ('. Advkktirkh, six monthsDaily P. C Akvkktiskk, tlirce monthsDaily P. V. A nvKiTisKn, ppr monthWeekly P. C Advertiser, one yearForeign Huhscrlptton, W. P. ('. A. (inclndini


Payable Invariably in Advance.

Apply to GEO. W. LINCOLN, Contractor,Lohhc promptly adjusted A-- payable.jVlaile Cologne, 372-tfw- tf .and Coutineutal Goods, against Bank

8 50 King streetWM. CJ. IRWIN & VO.

113 AND 115 FORT STREET.mar27-l-- ni

1. y BINQ1.KV. ""

J. W. HmGLEY & CO.GREAT WESTERNCredits or Produce, facilities for drawing

against the latter. Agencies accepted at 2Vi

per cent on net amount of manufacturer's

invoices, including cash discounts varying

from H to 3 per cent. Purchases in im- -

t Mamif-ctiire- ra ofSONGS AT SEA.AY


No. 1- - Kahunianu Street,HONOLULIT. 375-t- f


(Cor. Hotel and Richard Streets, Honolulu, II. I.

HAVANA CIGARS,Importer, Wholesale, and Retail Dealers 1IIE.Ti OFFICE,

SO WALL STREET, NEW YORK orter'sj own name.

Louise Chandler Moulton.I have been lonely the whole day long;Come and find rue to-nig- ht with a song;Sice: to me now, when the wind is low,And my heart shall answer as on we go;Listen and answer, and none shall know.

Over the brooding, wonderful seaTho enner that, mintr alone for IH6

Twenty years' buying experience formhe above Company having estab- -I on a vorw-- ur Honolulu, for the Hawa Tobacco. Cigarettes & Smoters1 ArticlesOpposite Royal Hawaiian Hotel, H. HACKFELD & CO.,export.iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept

and write EXER AI. COMMISSION AtiEXTS.Wish to notify the public that they are preparedReference: Continental Bank, 79 Lombard G 363 tf Queen 01., itonoiuiu,


Home Manufactured Cigars.

PeterJ has for iuny ytars worked lor and en-

deavored to please every class of the community

from the highest in the laud down to the humblest

of the workiuu classes, and he can say that during

that time he never made an enemy or lost a cus-

tomer. Now he has again put Iris hand to the

plow , and is as well able and willing to give honest

work, good material, aud lair value for money isever ret was done In the Hawaiian Islands. Has

always on hand

Mnsle and Oouble Harness,Kxpres Harness,

Plantation Harness,Whips, Spurs,


And everything requisite tor theStable.

0STA tull Hue of English and Sydney Saddles,Saddle Cloths, Biankets, etc., always in stock,

fc'hat he has not got he can make.290 my26-- d Aw

MARINE KIHXiHn n Street, E. C. 465ap;Floats, .and none other

. i.iits straini.ican hear, to furnish

BUGGIES,Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, f. BANNWe. W. EKTEK. V OWKMKLt

Wo. 59 Fort St., Im Campbell Zfew

Commissions, and Hulls.PHAETONS,WAGONETTES, ETC. ,

U eaten tne music, suoue anu uoar,Of the delicate singing that seeks my eap.

The West is red with the sunset's glow;In the East the moon is hanging low;And fast and far the light winds flee,As I sail, with your songs for company,TwLtt the silent sky and the silent sea.

ED. HOFFSCHLAEQER & CO.,A Commission Merchants.Importers Honolulu, H. I.

Fireproof Bntldinfir. and No.78 Hotel Steeet.

HONOLULU, H.I. -- MAt current KateB. 65,000 Feet of

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian IslandsWith Stylish, Gentle Horses.

MONTHLY PAYMENTS.Galvanized Iron PipeDo these birds of song need a sheltering nest!Hee! 1 will hide tnem warm in my ureaseThere shall they fold their venturous wing, SUN FIRE OFFICE

OF LOXDOK.Horses boarded by day or month.Saddle Horses to Let.Horses Bought and Soid.

And all tna nig tit tnrougn nesuo anu aiuaSongs ot love ana oi sorrowing. and ITittinpfs

X, ,H, H. L 1M and IS inch.Hacks at aU hours day and night.

in.(..itr ri-ia-a rfrivine-- . overcharging1.

A. S. OLEQHORN k Co.,and "Wholesale and RetailImporters ,

General Merchandise,Corner Queea and Kaahumanu fits. 8f --t

. ' ...1 ; '

jbHN RUSSELLttoruey at Law.


Then, when the morning is young and gay,TTi- - frnm thoii" nVmltAr and far awav! ESTABLISHED 1710.etc., by drivers employed by this Company will

please be reported at the office. . .And, like carrier doves, they shall bear astliey llee

Tl,a cnVinca nf oil tVlOV liaV 9UI17 tO 1118

All accounw lor AdTf rtlslng id JobPrMUot the

PaclOcl CommerclalXAdverliser

Offlc wUl from tbla date be piTMBttd tor parmeut monthly.

Honolulu, March t. 18S5.

Bedding for Horses.

0. J. WALLER,MILES & MACFARLANE. EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesAlone with the night and the wind and theof premium.

For sale, at very low figures, by

JAS. A. HOPPER,30-je- diwTelephone No. 32. BUTCHJiK'sea;

Ti aVirtaa r.f divfnfl deSDSir. Total sum Insured in 18S4 - - 318,599,310A " J ' I

th vHaa m H th hftna jf a lover's oraYer, TO THE FRONT.Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

.Burr & Finck,All the delicate singing that none might

And the answer my heart shall send, my with promptitude and liberality.

EUEEKA !The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. A GREAT BOON TO THEThe Leading Fashionable Tailorsdear,On the breath of the morning fine and clear. AVINQ PURCHASE!! THE ENTIRKHTHE CURRENCY ACT

The New Gold Law.OF SAN FRAXCISCO. crop ofG. W. Macfarlane & Co., Honolulu Public !

of the mostWe have received a consignmentMexico at the Exposition.t Joaauln Miller's New Orleans Letter. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

353tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.rr ..I- - a 1 or era trade with Honolulu, they Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fork and FishMy own private notion is that Mexico,

in nnint of interest and instruction, is ero- - FEW COPIES OF TIIE WEEK ElfEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and

nnoH tn inmni0t orders at one dav's no kept for FOUR DAYS after being killed, by Bell- - iV PaclOc Commercial Advertiserof the 29th July. 184. containing:ing to carry off the palm. You see the Commercialtice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the

Belong-lu- to the rice planUUon of Wong Leongfc Co., we re prepared to offef the aame, put upla convenient ied bales, at reasonable prices.

The Union Feed Company.'Pf.tt.nt Tirv Air Refrigerator. Guaran

finest stock or latest gooas consiauwj t imuu.most oi tiie otner mings, or soniemiugHL--o thpnn nt last have been seen, or can the. rL'LL.TEXT ttxm . Currency

491 tf&w teed to keep longer after delivery than Act, can be bad on application toINSURANCE COMPANY, the P. C. Attvertlser Office.be seen, in other lands and at other exposi-tions. But Mexico is unique. With the

Hivntinn on this continent, herFit EN 1 1 KILLED MEATS.

It is the greatest Flesh former, Mnirund --

Butter producer in use.

OU Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nuray 19-- wMay 18, 188.5.

Lease of Valuable Land. BSS--To be had In any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Price 25 cents each.OF CALIFORNIA."tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.wonderful history, she has much to begin

with in the way of sentimental interest-An- d

then her products are rich beyondAll ihoto thinp-- s are to be dis- -

AUCTION SALE. Fnblisher P. C. ADVERTISERMetropolitan Market, FRANK GERTZ,ino ths. of this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats,I will sell at Public Auction at the Court House

or 318 Rs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran.On Kins Street.MEAT IFOR SALE ALL DAY. FIiporter ani Hanuractiirer,played, too, in a building apart and set WENNEE & CO.For Sale in Lots to Suit.FIRE AND MARINE.

in the TOWN OF HILO on

SATURDAY, the 30th day of JuneXext.at 12 o'clock noon.the lease for TEN YEARSof a valuable tract of land lo Ponahawai, near the

Of aU Descriptions of93 Fort Street,Also, om Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as


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Kt 5



', i I

II 7--


1 r .

our usual supply of the best kinds of Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade

modestly aside, a ne picturesque quai ieraare away down in a corner of the park.This building, though comparativelysmall, is of itself an attraction, being oneof the best and the brightest things in the

rnhitpptnrfi on the whole CTonnd.

City Market.On Nuunnn St. BOOTS & SHOEG

Town of Hllo, containing 325 acres more or less. r.oitot ,mirt in full S200.000 CO Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.Assets, December 31, 1S34 no.ooi voLosses paid since Company was organ--This land comprises a large area of fertile cane

and kalo land, and lies In close proximity to theThe generous action of the Mexica8r Orders ,rom the other Islnds solicited.

Xo. 114 Fort HU, Honolulo.37ft-tfw- tf

izQa 1,100,01 o Hotel Street Market. LAINE fe CO.373 tf

town.On Hotel Street.


Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And oruaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate;Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.

nnoriv n mifirtpr nf a million of rold to the C. O. BERGEE, Resident Agent,Lease at expense of purchasers.Vpet Frlce per Annum, 8350.enterprise, the fine behavior of the olhcers

Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I.w

la. setebance, JOHN UTSCHIG,G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.,Eureka Market.At Fish Market.

in charge here, ana tne ceieruy unu a un-

ity displayed in perfecting their workhere, has won for Mexico much good willunrl oflmirntinn nlrpadv. both f fOUl Ameri- -

AUCTIONEER.13l-je3- 0 Fashionable Boot Maker,HILO, April 30, 18S3.

ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRYROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Ycans and strangers. 1 he Mexican exhibit

la rtrv ' No. 326 BuhU tit.. Wan Francisco, Cal.

AL-- n nnixn In tilu line at the shortest noBdlble

A Specialty.

Repairing iu all its branches.tar Solo Agenta for Klug'3 Eye Preservers.


OF LIVERPOOL.Hawaiian Market.

On Maunakea St.

Chinese Market,On Meek Street.BEEF AID PORK

urn FEES CO, notice. Planters will find It tc their advantngfl tcall a MR. UTMCH1G before going elsewheir.

Ilere you are to see heaps on heaps ofprecious stones; opals, pearls, diamonds,rubies, indeed all things that are hiddenin her great rich heart. Heaps and heapsof gold, rich and yellow from the mines;oil in 1mm Hnd 5np-ot- s and bricks.

9I tf&W

1 0,000.000CAPITAL, - -Ms PHILLIPS & Co.,.drnat SPftTTlS of silver and cold threaded ttTbAUking the public for past favors. I so

in together that have been hidden away inlicit a continuation of the name.UNLIMITED LIAP.ILIT".

Queen & Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers hi

HAY AXI GRAIJf,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

and Wholesale Healers 1hImporter Bootn, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furniahiug and Faacy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Mtreet397 tf G. J. WALLER.the mountain s nearr, wnere 11 was piuceu

fi.-wi'- finiror on thp. flav of creation.JtOUOJUiU, il. I. MjQU-W-


Leaiim PMoiraplier 'of Hosolnln.WORK FINISHED IN

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

lire Insurance of all descriptionsm.7j vv " j 'until to-da- Threads and Beams andA..lrin .- -t . 1 1 o,,l rrrA tliat Tlfl'Or KftWT F ;m hp effected at Moderate Rates of Prr mi

urn, by the undersigned.

FOKEST MARKET. BONE MEAL!the light until a little time ago; a glitter-in- s

house of cold and silver and precious.. . i; r if :

tf Managers for Haw. IslandsIsland Orders Solicited.

Corner Hotel and Uniou Streets, Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I. Photo. Colored, Ac.

BKAXtll OF EUREKA MARKET. Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of The only Complete Collection of

Island ViewsFerns. Shells..Sfilt CHAMPAGNE.470tfiwONTARIO"

The undersigned will opeu this new market Cariosities, &cBONE MEAL!! !

BONE MEAL!SiU'i UTTCK, with the choicest beet, veal and mutton. Also

Pantheon Stables, Fresh Fork Sausages made every dayNEVIL.LE fc CO.,GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY,

St. Eon is. Mo.

Manufacture aud Supply all.kluds of


ALVIN 11. KASE3IAN,Blood and Eiver Sausages atd Bo--

Cor. Fort Sc Hotel Streets. lorna n Specialty.SOLE AGENTS,SAN FRANCISCO Book. Xews,All orders promptly attended to . BOOK BINDER,Flat and iaoci papersntiulpr' Itotirdn.MADE FROM AIABAMA BOTTOM COTTON,

Twiiies,Etc.LIVERY, BOARDING,Respectfully,

CiEO. D. SCHRAEDER.FREE FROM SIZIXG Paper Ruler and Blank BookManufacturer


205 Eeidestlorft Street.Forest Market, Telephone No. 363.Eureka Market, Telephone No. 11 1.

promptly executed, ana at rcasouaoie cnarge.

Gazette Building,Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry or The Best and most Durable Sail Duck 481-apl- 0 Telephone No. 47. KAN FRANCISCOnight; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesIN THE WORLD.going around the Island. MERCHANT STREET.3'J2tfX. B.SpeciaI Attention jfiveii toST. MATTHEW'S HALL,Excellent Saddle Horses lor Eadies For Sale in Honolulu. Earjre Contracts. 4.4 tf&w

SIOIK s is mis Ui JICAIUU.

liesered Seats "in Those Iy."New Orleans Letter.

Mr. Sheridan Colyer, the business man-ager of Frank Mayo's company, is one ofthe old-timer- s of the business. In con-

versing with a reporter, Mr. Colyer re-

lated with great relish his experience atMariposa, a town in the Yosemite valleythe valley was then unnamed where hiscompany played "vadne"in a barn with-out a floor, scenery, stage or seats. Ticketswere 3, and the people brought theirown chairs and stools to sit on.

"A man who wanted a reserved seatwould walk into the barn, scratch oil thespace he wanted on the dirt floor, andthen stick a card with "Bill J nes, twoseats, into a twig and poke it into theearth. Bill Jones would come to thetheatre with two stools on one arm and alady on the other, plant his seats in thechosen space, enjoy the performance, andgo off at the close with his stools underhis arm. "Fancy," said Mr. Colyer," playing 'Evadne' on the bare earth, withblankets for a proscenium and a biAmerican flag for a back scene! A fin'Hall of Statues' that was! Yet thepeople appreciated it, and for ten monthswe made big money. " Then he heaved agentle sigh as he rose and said: "Therewere actors in those days, my youngfriend. "

Mexican Band in New Orlaas.Chicago Tribune.

It is said that it would be difficult toimagine music more artistic and thrillingthanthat rendered by the Mexican band,now at Xew Orleans, a few days since.They played a number of very difficultpieces with remarkable rhythm, melody,and execution. While the several partsof an air or romance was being softlyplayed, then would start a ripple of wildvariations on the left of the band, andgradually roll with increasing and thenreceding tones to the extreme right; theniieain. from the rear of the center a waveo? melody would sweU and die away inthe distance, leaving with the listenerdesire to be again thrilled with its tones.

and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle.Carriage Xos. 2, 21, 46, 47, 4S, 49,

The untlergigued are now prepared to ire

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertili6rfrom the man-facto- ry of Buck II Ohl&ndt

San Francisco.

The following ia a report of tb compo-

nent partH, as obtained by Chemical analy-


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicioua Matter 4.C5 " 'Lime 31.70 "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " 'Oxide of Iron 83 "Carbonic Acid 1.83 "Alkali SaltH 52 "



GANDY'S PATENT30, 51, 32 and 53.Double and single teams always to be had on E3 JLm "3? X 3XT C3- - , A. School for Boyslivery at the most reasonable rates.


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xo. 60 Xnuanii Street,

Opposite HoIlLster Jfc Co

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. -- tt

Large and small omnibus for picnics and excurUNDER MILITARY DISCIPLINE.: Made from the Very Best

' Hard Wove Cotton Duck.s,ion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canIN THE BEAUTIFUL VILUAU1S

r.f .Kn Maba. on the Southern Pacific Rail- -



I X T E X A I. I. O X I R IMS,Ex MEN DOT A, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.

always be secured by special arrangements.Omnibus time tahles can be obtained oy apply

ing at the office. NEVILLE & CO., 1 , nation irr.rvi San KranHscn. EstablishedI WibVl , l" " ..Vin i860. Fourteen instructors of reputation aud

Tim hnilrlinara are extensive, are heatedby ste:im . am! are in every way arranged for theThe I.o uk Branch Until ins House

can always be secured for picnia or excursion Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.SOLE AEXTS,


health aud couiion oi me raueis. 1 ruin.? ctkhuubegan July and the Easter Session will com J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co.,mence January , i'sfta.

For further information and catalogue, justeut, addressDRIVING BELT, REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A.,

15". -- my 11 tiPrincipal Orders Received will have iVemptand Careful Attention.Xeitber Heat or Dampness affects

partiea by applying at the oflice.

Corner Fort aud Hotel Streets.Telephone No. 31.

JAS. D0DD, Proprietor.39Xtf

Drifted Snow Flour.(ROLLER PROCESS.)

VINCI LEASED THE SALINAS MILLS.HAI am now prepared to supply, in quantitiesto suit, all orders, with the celebrated familyFlour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1

bakers' brand, RISING SUN. Please address allorders to C. L. DIN8LEY,

mh2t-7-3- i No 13 Steuart St., San Francisco.


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

2 Merchant St.,. .Honolulu. II.I.529- -q

S. J. LEVEY & CO.,and Provision Dealer.Grocers Family Grocery and Feed Store.

Orders entrusted to us from the other Island wJUbe promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu

367tf-wt- f

NOTICE. Steam Cantly FactoryAND BAKERY.

tliem.They lo not Stretch.

Strougrer than Eeather,Better than Rubber,


For Sale in Honolulu.166-t- i my9

W. G. Irwin & Co.,4 LL APPLICATIONS FOR BOOTHS ATXX. Kapioiam pane ror the 11th or Jane wiu nowhe received bv the undersigned at his office. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Eaker.Hotel street. 117 tf Telephone 74

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.HXtf

J. E. WISEMAN.By order of the Executive Committee of Kapio-lan- l

Park Association.

In Loudon banks each one of the direc-

tors serves in turn a short time as practicalmanager of the institution.

IV? -s



ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. work; he would have broken througha thinner column at the first fire."

The Wasp is wild for a fight.Such is the military situation in

Sau Fraucisco such are the menwho, by natural endowment, skill inthe profession of arms, coolness indanger, wisdom in counsel and head-long valor on the field of death andglory, have come to the front to rideupon the political storm and direct

dressed himself with such zeal to thepursuit that he distanced all hi3 com-petitors, and as his legs consumed thespace between him and the fugitivesin front, there was the keenest popu-lar apprehension that he would fallover his own feet and break his neck ;

nevertheless his fleetness and intre-pidity s engaged the admiration ofhis slower allies that he was cheeredto the echo. Just as he got withinstriking distance of the hinder Mon-gol that person and his companionsexecuted a left wheel up a side streetinto Chinatown and were soon un-derground aud safe; but the mo-

mentum of Mr. Pickering was suchthat he shot straight forward, andwas soon lost to view in the laby-rinth of humble homes about the baseof Telegraph Hill. For this gallantexploit Mr. Pickering has never beenrewarded with a military title, butMr. Kearney, meetiug him someweeks later, shook him warmly bythe hand and in the presence of ahundred men who had participatedwith activity iu the chase said tohim: Mr. Pickering, you are the

editor, aud his superb managementof the Afghan dispute, the Soudaawar, Fuel's lebellion in the North-west and the American interventionon the Isthmus has attested the wis-dom of the promotion.

It is Dr. Bartlett's opinion that theBritish Lion is a cowardly whelp.

Our other evening paper, the Post,has for years been popularly and just-ly regarded as the greatest militaryauthority of the Pacific Coast, afterthe late General McDowell a po-

sition which it won and maintainedthrough the efforts of its owner,Colonel J. P. Jackson. It has nowpassed into the hands of two emi-nent conquerors,GENERALS SIIEEHAN AND BACKUS,Both distinguished survivors of theState Militia. The latter was also acorporal in the California Battalionduring the Civil War, and is nowPostmaster of Sau Francisco. OfGeneral Backus it is related that dur-ing hi3 corporalcy he made the ac-

quaintance of a loyal family in theShenandoah valley, and there beingseveral charming young ladies in it,he one day obtained leave of absence


Ex. " MEND0TA," and Other Late ArrivalsFrom New YorK anJ Sn Francisco, a Large and Varied Assortment of

Merchandise. Suitable for

Plantations, Country Stores and Families," CONSISTING IN FA 111 OF

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcan and Electrio Kero-

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and Cylinder Oil, Albany CompounJtPlumbago, etc.. Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Kails, Oalvanized Cor-

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated Sheet Zinc,Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Rubber Springs,Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves and Springs, I. R. Hose ,

inch to 2 inch, and i ply. Steam Packing, round, square and flat, allstyles. Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Raias, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Creaking Plows theboss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing aud Breaking Plows, all sizes. Cultivators, HorseHoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Goose Neck Lane'sPlanters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Bush Scythes, Feed Cutters,Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mowers, Road Scrapers,Cart Axles, Fairbanks Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, nil sizes, Axes, Hatchets,Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all sizes andlengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardwarea full line;Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tucks, Brads, etc.. Planes of all kinds,Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. Paints, Oilsand Glass.

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Roiled and Raw Oil, Valentine's Varnishes,Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large vuriity of small paints iu Oils, Chandeliers, GlassLamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and Hollow Ware, Medicine.

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, iu barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels.


New Uoodft Expected per Steamship Alameda.BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE aud VACUUM PUMPS IN STOCK.

H'J tf


Miieeessor to Dillingham A-- Co. ami Samuel Nott.

Made front ourBREAKERS,

lotitile Furrow


Light Steel Flows.i


Pacific Commercial Advertiser



TERMS Of SlRStBlI'TIOX,fer annum $6 60

Mix months 3 00

Per month ..... .. - 50e

S9Suberiitiou Payable always lu

Communications from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing la any part of the United Statecan remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter intended for publication in the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

Editor Pacific Commercial avertmkb."Business communications and advertisements

should be addressed simply"P. C. Advkbtiseb."

and not to Individuals.

THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Fallowing Places:

J. M .OAT fc CO Merchant streetT. O. THRUM Merchant atreetI. MOORE ,. 134 Nuuanu streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetN. F. BURGESS King streetWOLF 4 EDWAUDS...Cor King and Nuuanu sta

Five. Cents per Copy. tt

WEDNESDAY - May 27th.


Headers of the Advertiser Lave arare intellectual treat to-d- ay in theletter of our San Francisco special.Its pith and point sufficiently attestits authorship. There is only onewriter on the Coast, indeed we maygo further and say on the Americancontinent, capable of composing suchan incisive and good-natur- ed criticism of the war editorials in the SanFrancisco press. That writer is Ambrose O. Bierce, of the Wasp.


At the risk of again offending thekeen sensibilities of those who conscientiously believe - that wine, incommon with spirits and other intoxicants, is an unqualified evil, wemust repeat our advice to the ownersof land in these islands to growgrapes and make wine. A smallpatch of garden will yield a good re-

turn If planted with well chosen stocksand carefully cultivated. Theremight be a great deal accomplishedin this way around Honolulu. Thefollowing item from the San Fran-cisco Post will be interesting in thisrelation.

Charles A. Wetmore, Chief Executive Of-

ficer of the State Viticul tural Association,recommends grape growers to make wine inpreference . to selling the grapes. Winemaking, he eays, is easy, and much moreprofitable than marketing the grapes. Askedhow small a vineyard could be and yet af-

ford crapes enough to make wine makingprofltcblo, ho answered that the smaller thevineyards the more profit. He made 800gallons of wine from the yield of a half acrevineyard. At $30 a ton for giapes, winecosts only two cents a pint. He thinks thattwenty cent a gallon for new wine will bethe ruling price in this State, at which ratea vineyard will produce $100 worth of winepsr acre. He declares that the business ofnine making can never be overdone, and be-

lieves that the nse of wine will eventuallysnpplant tea and coffee in this country.

We fancy there is a great deal moremoney and less labor in raisinggrapes either for table purposes orfor wine than there is in almost anyother agricultural pursuit. It mostunquestionably discounts the silk-worm industry, because it is morecertain, less troublesome and farmore profitable than sericulture canever possibly become under existing,or even probable, conditions of labor.The advice of Mr. Wetmore is of theutmost weight, aud should be ac-

cepted without reserve if unsup-ported. But it does not stand alone.The Sacramento Bee, speaking of thegrape industry, says :

An acre of vineyard, almost anywhere inthe State, will yield five tons of grapes worth$30 a ton, making a total of $150 against atotal of $19 80 from the yield of thirty bush-els of wheat on the same area of land. Theprofit on grain is $1 80; on grapes at leastrroo.

Thi9 profit would be considered verygood anywhere, but the Yolo Demo-crat, published in the heart of a greatagricultural and fruit-raisin- g dis-

trict, thinks it is too lowftn estimate,and that justice is not done to thevitlcultural interest. It thus com-ments on the above paragraph :

The Bee's figures are good, but the profiton grapes is very low. As high as $500 anacre has been realized, and $250 and $300is Dot uncommon in Yolo county, which isone of the very best localities in the Statefor grape culture, for the reasons that itssoil is rich and deep, its irrigation facilitiesgood, its climate adapted to making raisinsas wall as wine and brandy, while the grapesripen early and bring high pric es for ship-

ping to the East.These quotations are given to show

actual results by way of encouragingthe planting of grape vines. Fruitmay be gathered the third seasonsufficient to pay all preliminary out-

lay ; after that, every season shouldadd-t- o the profits. There is no morewholesome or delicious fruit than thegrape, while wine-drinki- ng countriesare proverbial for their average so-brie- ty,

paradoxical a9 it may seem.

" They are the BEST DOUBLE FURROW FLOWS we ever used." C. A. CHAPIN, AlauagarKohala Plantation.

It is the BEST BREAKING FLOW I ever used." J. L. RICUARDSON, Maoager WalauaPlantation.

"The VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used In this or any otber country." WM Y.HORNER, Ibaiua, Maui.

New Good received per "Morning Star" and other late arrivals : Silver Plated Ware, Mtovtt.Ranges and Tinware; Refrigerators and Ire Chests; House Furnishing Goods, ChauJellers, Lata paand Lau terns; Soap and Candles. Balance of oiisignineul of Clock very low.


Skidgate, Genuine Albany Cylinder, Lubricating, Lord. Peanut. Castor and Neatsfoot. PaloU.Paiiit Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wiud Mills, the best In use. A very complete stock ofHardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited.


Relations or the San 1'ranritro Pressto the Impendlnx Struggle.

Special Correspondent P. C. AovsitTiSLiuj

San Francisco, May 14, 1885.By the steamer which takes out

this letter, Honolulu will doubtlessexpect to hear than Russian andBritish men-o'-w- ar are blazing andthundering at one another on everysea, anu warhres burning wnn intensity along the Afghan border. Atabout the time of your last mail ad-

vices, I believe, war was, by unanimous concurrence, inevitable. Sincethen it has become evitable such arethe vicissitudes of diplomaey. Itcannot be denied that the feeling inthis country is one of disappointment: there are few of us who did notseverally hope for the happiness i;fdistantly assisting at a singularlylurid spectacle. This hope it wouldbe unfair to describe as based uponexpectation ofcommercial advantage:not many of us are engaged in grow-ing wheat, but all of us eat it. Ourinterest in the matter was of thesame unselfish sort that animates thespectators at a bull fight. With rareexceptions and those closely relatedto "the Irish vote" Americansympathies, so far as one cau judgeby the public and private utterance,have been

WARMLY IN FAVOR OF ENGLAND.This, doubtless, is due partly to thefact that our knowledge of the dis-pute comes mostly through Englishchannels, but mainly to the circum-stance that "blood is thicker thanwater." (I may venture here to notean exception to that hoary law. InSan Francisco the water supplied bythe Spring Valley company i3 con-siderably thicker than blood, thoughnot as cheap.) Our disappointmentin contemplation of the growingprospect of peace with its horrors iskeener from the fixed conviction thata struggle between England andRussia would eventually havebrought on a "ge"neral Europeanwar" a spectacular extravaganzawell worth seeing and supposed to bealways imminent, though it hasnever occurred. It is hardly toomuch to say that rather than diewithout realizing his dream of a"general European war," mostAmericans would prefer not to die atall. We are not an exceptionallybloodthirsty nation, though naturallywe find the blood of another peoplehas a' finer, fruitier flavor than ourown. We want our "general Europ-ean war'' for "political effect." Itis believed that it would in somemysterious way demonstrate the es-

sential superiority of republican in-

stitutions, particularly their power toassure peace od earth and good will toman. I heard this view urged, theother day, with capital effect on anaudience, although the speaker'sgesticulation was somewhat impairedby the loss of an arm at Gettysburg.ATTITUDE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO

PRESS.It would be ungenerous to treat of

this subject without paying a justdebt of praise to our local newspapersfor the gallant manner in which theyhave borne themselves throughoutthe whole dispute. Their voice hasbeen for war all the time. Not oncedid they flinch from duty, even whenGeneral Komaroff was thundering atthe gates of Peujdeh and menacingthe approaches to Herat. Every con-cession made by the British Govern-ment met their stem aud instant re-

probation ; every new demand thatsuch concessions encouraged Russiato make was by them contemptuouslyrejected. So noble an example ofmanly devotion, firmness and in-

trepidity has seldom been witnessedso far from the field of hostilities bycombatants having so little at stake.The explanation is to be found in thecharacter and pursuits of the men bywhom the "destinies" of our pressare guided.'' All or nearly all aremilitary men men to whom "thebattle and the breeze ' are a naturaland congenial environment, whoseears are habituated to the thunder ofgreat guns (it requires the thunder ofa pretty large gun to fill a pair ofthem; and who find in day-drea- ms ofcarnage a blessed distraction from thepetty duties of their peaceful calling.One of them is even said to have beena king in his own country. Theleading editorial writer of the Bulletinis


And the proprietor, being himself adeacon, has confided to the Doctor thewhole military conduct of the paper.It Is not known that Dr. Bartlett everloaded the field of armed strife withhecatombs of slain, and it is certainthat he passes much of his time inthe harmless occupation of consider-ing the lilies of the valley how theygrow, and promoting the useful earlypea. But his qualification for theresponsible duties of war editor areapparent, even to the eye of the mosthardened and impenitent civilian: hewears a military cloak hanging grace-fully from one shoulder, the gorgeouslining conspicuously displayed tostrike terror into the ranks of theenemy, if any. The natural bent andtemper of genius will manifest itselfin some way, and when the diaconicalproprietor of the paper first saw Dr.Bartlett, he said : " If this man werenot a great civilian he would be agreat warrior." At once the Doctorwas advanced to the post of war

the red, red ravages of battle.

Ceremouie on Memorial Day.Memorial Day which will be observed

here on Saturday ijcxt has become one of

the recognized and popular holidays onthese islands. This year it will be celebrated by the Post of the G. A. R., estab-lished here, by appropriate services in Nuuanu Cemetery in the afternoon, and at theMusic nail in the evening.

In order that all may visit the cemetery,the Post Commander has ordered that theprocession ehall start at 1:30 p. m. prompt-ly. The baseball clubs that intend playinga match the same aften;.ou Lave decided tocommence their game an hour later thanusual, viz: at 4 p. m. Thus the services atthe cemetery and the event to come off onMakiki Reserve will not interfere with eachother.

The notice that the G. A. I. processionwill start from the Post-roo- m at 1:30 p. m.will be strictly carried out.

Among those who left yesterday for wind-ward ports by the steamer Kinau were SamParker, wife and family; S. T. Alexander,sister, two daughters and sou; Right Ilev.Bishop of Honolulu, and Professor J. W. P.Jenks. The last named gentleman went ona visit to the volcano. The scene on thewharf was a gay one, and their ExcellenciesW. M. Gibson and Faul Neumann werepresent.


viifAbsolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholesoincness. More economicalthan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com-

petition with tho multitude of lo.Vtest, shortweight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold OKLTtH

can! JiOYAL Baki-n- o l'owwsn, Co., lt YVaU-e-

K. Y.2S0 tf

Hawaiian Bazaar.

Clearance Sale !



All marked down la order to clear outIthis immense stock.

1,600 doz. FANCY DHKS.S lU'TTOXS, atlTEN CENTS per dozen.

HAMMOCKS, from 81 75.






Montague-Turn- er Concerts

Miss Anuis Montague Mr. Charles Turner.


The New Musical Society.Ticket for tale at J. E. WISEMAN'S. Box

plan now open, 2l-m-

BESTAURANT, 62 HOTELCOSMOPOLITAN proprietor. The best cokin the city has opened the above restaurant.

Everything neat and clean. Table supplied withthe best the market affords. Wire gauze doorsmake tbe place cool and tly proof. 221-t- f

HI. O. HALL & SO:iV (Limited),Have just received from Bonton, ex. MENDOTA, aud by other lat

arrivals, tbe following, viz:





best man to head a storming columuthat we have amoug us. How, atyour age, could you display suchmagnificent energy?" A sweet, sadand, withal, modest smile overspreadthe grim visage of the veteran, andpulling the great agitator's ear downto his lips he whispered : " I thoughtyour d mob was after me"

It is the opinion of the Call thatEngland has made a cowardly surren-der of every point at issue betweenherself and Russia.THE EXTRAORDINARY BITTERNESS

Of the Chronicle, its evident deter-mination to accept no compromise orarbitration, its repeated endeavors toforce a ' resort to arms, the zeal audvigor with which it has pushedouone day the campaign which it aban-doned for a new one the next, theclarion-lik- e tone of its war editorialsgenerally, have caused the liveliestalarm at home and abroad and at-

tracted attention from all the greatmilitary authorities of two conti-nents. These exceptional manifesta-tions of military genius and the mili-tary spirit are now known to be dueto the pen of its great proprietor,Colonel Michael de Young. LikeMr. Pickering,

COLONEL DE YOUNGIs destitute of a military education,hut such is hi aptitude for war, andsuch the restless ambition that everinspires him to rush into the thick-est of the fray, that his promotion tohis present rauk has been rapid in-

deed. It is but a few years since thathe was known simply as Mike, butone day in an altercation with another journalist he fired no fewerthan six shots from.-- a revolver at hisantagonist, who stood, motionlesswith fear, between the pistol and anenormous plate-glas- s show window.The man was not injured, but theproprietor of the store, in gratitude toMr. de Young for not damaging hiswindow, dubbed him Captain on thespot. Some years later, in order tosignalize his survival of the engage-ment in which his brother fell by thehands of a preacher, Mr. de Young'sfriends thought proper to raise himto the rank of Major, and by thattitle he was known until the recentinfantry engagement with Mr.AdolphSpreckels. In this memorable action,owing to the faulty disposition of hisclerical force one member of whichutterly lost his temper he was de-

feated; but as be had shown uncom-mon gallantry, not unmingled withagility, and was severely scratched,he felt justified in commissioninghimself Colonel without havingpassed through the grade interme-diate between th.it rauk and his for-

mer one. In promotion for meritthis is not unusual.

It is Colonel de Young's convictionas a man-at-ar- ms that Great Britain'sback-dow- n has made a general Euro-pean war imminent and more thanever desirable.

THE ARGONAUTIs for war, bloody, devastating andImmediate. Its editor has seen agreat deal of military service with aspy glass, having been with the sup-ply train at the battle of Cold Harbor,and having afterward lent a hand atstripping the dead. He was alsopresent at the demolition of the Ven-dom- e

column iu Paris, a piece ofwhich lies on his desk to attest hisvalor. He has no military rank butcomes honestly by his warlike gifts,being descended from the Romansoldier who made so brave a use ofhis spear on Mount Calvary, and awoman of the Chosen People.

The Argonaut' s ultimatum is im-

mediate surrender by Great Britainof her possessions in India.

The principle writer ofTHE WASP

Bears the title of Major. He was iuthe war of the Rebellion, and in onebattle surrounded, single-hande- d, athousand Confederates, every one ofwhom he would undoubtedly havetaken into camp had they not cuttheir way out. At the battle of Mis-

sionary Ridge he had the great honorto be assigned by General Grant to aplace at toe head of a stormingcolumn twenty men wide four hun-dred deep, aud the assault was success-ful. Wasn't that a rather largenumber of men to be headed by soyoung an officer ? '' asked Grant'sAdjutant-Genera- l. "Yes,'' said thesaturnine chief, "it was, but theywere all needed to keep him up to his

and paid them a visit. While he waspassing a few days at their residenceit was observed that whenever hestrolled through the pastures as itwas his custom to do while mentallyevolving his plaus of campaign hewas usually followed by a long lineof cows. His hostess finally ventured,as delicately as possible, to ask himwhy this was so. "Madame," saidCorporal Backus, with a dignity andpride in which there was no admix-ture of vanity, "various men havevarious natural gifts a.id aptitudes.With some it is an instinct to obey,with some, to command. I was borna leader."

General Sheehan has had so promi-nent a connection with San Fran-cisco journalism that little is knownof him aside from his rank, but theterrible character of some of his edi-

torials makes it clear that he is aworthy successor to Colonel Jackson,and that if any further concessions toRussia are made by the British Gov-ernment it will be without his con-

sent and at the peril of his paper'sdispleasure. He has warned Mr.Gladstone, aud warned him for thelast time, that peace without honorcan bring nothing but disaster.

The Alta's business manager is

MAJOR GENERAL WALTER TURN BULL.Commander of the State Militia.Considering the "giant's strength,"which that circumstance gives it, itis greatly to the journal's credit thatit has uniformly refrained from usingit "like a giant." I believe thatneither the Queen nor the Czar hashad any good reason to complain ofthe spirit or effect of the Alta's edi-

torials. It favors war, of course, butapparently without any preference asto which side gets licked. Amongthe "crowned heads" of Europe theAlta appears to be hampered by no"entangling alliances." It is likethe old darkey camp follower of Re-

bellion days, who cheerfully confessedthat in the event of an engagementhe would run away. "What!" ex-

claimed the man to whom he hadmade this shameless avowal, "hareyou no pride no honor?" "No,sah," said he with composure, "cook-in'- s

my p'fession." It is the profes-sion of the Alta to be a newspaper,and it is a good one.

The Examiner is the property of

MR. GEORGE HEARST.Mr. Hearst is not a soldier but a

statesman of distinction, having beendefeated by impressive majorities forthe nomination for Governor in theDemocratic State Convention in 1882,and recently in the Legislature, forUnited States Senator. Naturallyand rightly he feels that the utter-ances of his journal are entitled tosome weight iu European andAsiatic political affairs, but as Abdu'Rahmon, the Ameer of Afghanistan,has openly refused to be swayed bythem, and makes no secret of his in-

tention to be guided by the interestedcounsels of Mr. Gladstone and EarlDufterin, the Viceroy of India, theExaminer has thrown its influence iufavor of the Czar and insisted on animmediate advance of General Kom-aroff- s

forces on Herat. Unfortu-nately it has upon its editorial staffno man of military rank and experi-ence, and its plans of campaign havebeen imperfectly practical. For ex-

ample, vhen it urged that the move-

ment on Herat should be supportedby a strong demonstration againstOmaha on the left, and on the rightby a naval reconnoisance along theeastern slope of the Caucassus, with aview to the isolation of Cincinnatiand the eventual occupation of Paraguay by the Ahkoond of Swat, Gen- - j

eral Alikhanoff telegraphed to theCzar that nothing of that kind couldbe done without seriously imperilingthe baggage trains and exposing thesoldiers to injury.

It is the expressed judgment of theExaminer that Mr. Gladstone is nota grand old man.

MR. PICKERING OF THE "CALL"Has not a military education : hisfame as a warrior arose in this way.During the Kearney riots, some yearsago, the great editor was seen to dartfrom a doorway and foot it featlyafter a squad of flying Chinamen,whom a howling mob of workingmenwas pursuing down Montgomerystreet. Mr. Pickering, who wasarmed with nothing but an umbrellaand was in light marching order, ad

Stoyes and Ranges


And Kitchen Furniture

Of Every

I Iron, Granite Ware,

Wire Cloth (all sizes",

Cotton Waste,

Packing, all kinds,

AXLE GREASE. Also, Neat's Foot

owu ttatteriis.


LnlricatiiE Oils

Tbe Largi'Ht Stock lu tUeMarket, Including

Lard Oil, lu ;ases and btil.,Rlack Oil, La barrels,Skidegate Oil, in canes.Cylinder Oil, In cases,Paraflutf Oil, la cane,Sperm Oil, In droui

aud barrel ,

and Peanut Oil by the case or gallon.

tn 220

Lowest Market Rates.

aud 44 Queen Street, Honolulu.

Just to band, a new lot of Hal I'm Celebrated Plow aud Breakers, and about tw

hundred pairs of Plow Handles of all sizes. Also, extra Plow Share to tit all our plowa.

Plow Reams. AH kinds of Agricultural Implement needed for rice or cane culture.

A Pine Stock of Shelf Hardware Constantly on Hand.We make a specialty of filling orders lor country stores and plantations, aud with oar superior

facilities and long experience, can do so with the greatest dispatch.

All our Goods are of the Rest Quality, nnd are sold at Lowest Market Rates.




May 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 Packages ?

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,


"Will be Sold at the

M. W. McChesney & Son,42


2UvcrttjsrMitj5. 3Mrrtiscnutits.LOCAL AND GENERAL. btrtismtnts.I'bnwH of th Moon Dnriiigr My,ISH3.


Wholesale and Retail Q-rocer- s.

A complete line of ChoIc Groceries always oa hand. FreUx Goods continually on U way.

Island Butter always on hand. Lowest possible prices. Keroseaa" Oil upecUUty. Goods tf!Ierdfree of charge. Telephone No. 240 : P. O. Bo 297. T?apl--l- n



CigarsGringer .A.le

The Hartford Eire Insurance Co.,



Having established n Agency at Honolulu for he Hawaiian Islands, the undersign U preparedto accept risks against fire on Building, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery on th xnont farorable terms. LOSSES FROMFTLT ADJUSTED AND PAYABLE HERE

C.tnarS7-I4-dw2- m


G-roceri-es 3?rovisions and Feed.EAST, CX5RNER FORT AND KINO BTREETS. ,

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States aud Europft. freah CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to auy part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoflice Box No. 115;Telephone No. 92. 0ap2

His Excellency Governor I. P. Eanoaaud wife returned to Kauai yesterday bythe Planter.

Messrs. Lyons & Levy will hold a sale ofhousehold furniture to-S- ay at No. 121 Kingstreet, commencing at 10 o'clock.

The foundation walls cf the new buildingto be erected on the northeast corner ofFort and Hotel streets are now being laid.

Mr. Henry Hart has issued neat cards ofinvitation to his friends and patrons to bepresent at the reopening of the Elite IceCream Parlors this evening.

Eev. H. S. Jordon and family yesterdayleft by the steamer Einau for Kohala,Hawaii, hi3 new field of labor. He is alia correspondent for several American papers.

His Majesty the King, attended by Col.C. H. Judd, Chamberlain, was at the wharfyesterday to witness the departure of hismany acquaintances by the steamer Einau.H. R. H. Princess Liliuokalani was therealso.

The different volunteer military organiza-

tions in Honolulu will unite in having a

battalion drill this evening, the battalion tocomprise the Royal Guards, King's Own,Honolulu Rifles, Queen's Own, Mamalahoaand Leleiohoku Guards. It will be undercommand of Major Baker, and the drill willprobably be an interesting one.

Last Sunday, at Kealia, Kauai, a coheredman, in an intoxicated state, went out in thefield gunning. "VThen he began to shoot thegun exploded, and his right wrist was severe-ly bruised. Dr. H. Walters of Nawiliwili wasthen at Kealia, but as he had no instru-ments with him he rods to Nawiliwili andgot his instruments, and then returnedhastily to Kealia, where he amputated theinjured arm above the wrist.

Under the impetus given to musical mat-ters by the excellent singing of Miss AnnisMontague and Mr. Turner, a new musicalsociety, celled the New Choral Club, hasbeen formed. The members include all theladies and gentlemen who are assisting atthe Montague-Turne- r Concerts, and num-ber five sopranos, five altos, three tenorsand five bassos. Professor Yarndley has beenselected as Musical Director.

Mr. John. Neil, engineer at Kipahulu,Maui, is in town, and reports that the seasonwill close in about two weeks. He saysthat there has net been as much rain asusual in the Kipahulu district this past win-

ter, and at times the flume system on theplantation has been short of water. Thecrop of sugar this season will, he thinks, beabout 650 tons, the yield per acre beingabout two and half tons per acre.


At Auction,


At 10 o'clock a. m., at the residence of Mrs. Mc-Lean, No. 121 King street. The entire HouseholdFurniture comprising Two Bedroom Sets, B. W.Kxtenslon Dining Table and Chairs, Crockeryand Glassw:ue, Matting, Mattresses, Kitchen Stoveand Utensils, the usual assortment of Householdfurniture.

IIOXS A IEVEY.2ll-m2-7 . Auctioneer?



By order of His Excellency the Minister of theInterior, we will sell by auction, at our

Salesroom, on

Saturday May 30, 1885,

At 12 o'clock noon, the following describedbuildings :

1 The one story wooden building consisting ofthree rooms, ceiled and painted, and floored withtongue and groove lumber, with shelving andwindows, and roofed with galvanised iron.

2 The stable and mangers, all complete for 30horses, rooted With galvanized iron. The. frameis in perfect order, well braced and well suppliedwith iron gutters.

The above buildings are situated on the Plains,fronting the Lunalllo Home, and lately occupiedby the Mounted Police Force.

3 The wooden building on Merchant street,lately occupied by the Pacific CommercialAdvertiser: alse, at the rear, a sbed roofed andlined with galvanized Iron.

4 The wooden building ou Merchant street,lately occupied by Kawainul Brothers, adjoiningthe New Police Station.

TEH My CASH, and the buildings to be removedwithin 13 days from day of aale, and all rubbish tobe cleaned up aud carted away.

LYONS A LEVEY,Auctioneers.


.A--t .Ajuction.

On Friday, May 29, 1885,

At 10 o'clock a. in., at the residence of Mr. Ives,No. 3 Kawalahao Lane, lu rear of Kawaiahao

Church, on account of departure, wewill sell the entire

Household Furniture,IN PART AS FOLLOWS :

Two Cedar Bedroom Sets,One Imitation Rosewood Bedroom bet.One Imitation Black Walnut Bedroom Set.Bed Lounge,Hair Cleth Lounge, Rugs,Lace Curtains and Cornices,Mahogany Centre Table,B. W. Extension Dining Table and Chairs,Matting, Mattresses,Stove and Kitchen Utensils,Lamp, Crockery, Pictures. Glassware,Garden Hose and Tools. .

LYONS lEYEY,220 Biy2 Auctioneers.

i. ir. m.V'ifHt ijiurttT -- ...2 S3 p.m.

The Illtlnar utl Netting; of tb San.The sun rises morolcg at 5:18 o'clock.The sun sew this evening at 6:35 o'clock.


ARRIVALS.Tuesday, May 26.

btmr James Malcee, Capt Weir, from Kapaaaimv Lehua, Davis, from Hamakuastmr Walmanalo, Nellson, from Walmaaalo

DEPARTl'REN.Tuesday, May 36.

Sunr Kinnu, Klug, for Maui and Hawaii, at 4p. BQ.

btmr Planter, Cameron, for Nawiliwili, "Vt'al-me- a,

Koloa, Kleele, and Kekaba, Kauai, at 5 p. mBrgtne W Q Irwin (Am;, Turner, for San Fran.

CISCOBark Mendota (Am, Nash, for San Francisco.Bchr Nettie Merrill, for Lahalna iScar Leahl, for KobalaSchr Waiebu, for Koloa, KauaiScar Ehukai, for WaialuaScbr Sarah and Eliza, for KoolauSchr Emma, for Olowaluiricbr Rob Hoy, for KoolauScbr Mile Morris, for Molokai

"Vewel Leaving Till Day.btmr James Makee, Weir, for Kapaa, Kauai,

direct, at S p. mStmr Walmanalo, Nellson, for WaimanalHaw baric Tbomu'K foster, Kun, for Port

TowusendAm bktne Eureka, Lee, for San FranciscoScbr Liholiho. for Waimea

VMelM Expected from Fore leu Portn.Sctar Anna cAm), McCulloch, from San Fran-

cisco, due at II Ho, May 2:1-- 25

Bgtne Consuelo (Am), Ceuslns, f rom San Fran-cisco, due June 3- -6

Bktne Discovery fAm), I'erriman, from SanFrancisco, due June 4- -6

O ft O S S City of Tokio (Am), Maury, fromYokabaua, Japan, due June 9

Steamer James I Dowsett (Haw), Smith, fromKan Francisco, due May 22-2-5

Am bark Amy Turner, Newell, from Boston,due July 20-2- 5

fichr Jennie Walker illaw), Anderson, fromFannlng's Island, due May 25-- 30

Brit bark Orlente, Hughes, from Liverpool, dueMay 20

Brit bark Tycoon, from Sydney, due May 2530Brit bark Jupiter, from Liverpool, due July 1 10


Bark CO Whitmore (Am), Calhoun, from PortTownsend, due April 27-- 30

Bark Chascu fBrit), from Liverpool, due April10-- 15

Brit bark James U Blaine, Iroia Sau Pedro, dueMa reft

Brit bark Blrmab, Witts, from Glasgow, dueApril 30

I'ORKIU.V VKHSKW IS PORT.Steamship Alameda (Am.), II. O. Morse, from

San FranciscoBark Ceylon (Am), Barstow, from Departure

BayAm bktne Eureka, J. Lee, from San Francisco.Bark Tbos it Foster illuw). Bugs, from New-

castle, N S WAm bktne Mary Winkelmaii, Bacbus, from Saa

FraueiscoFrench bark Autumu. Luiiie, from Newcastle


For Sau Francisco, per brgtne W O Irwin, MayI'dlb W U Irwin fc Co. 4.913 bugs sugar; II AWldemann, 706 bases sugar; F A Schaefer Jt Co,2,233 bags sugar; H y man Bros, 3,145 bags sugar;Castle & Cooke, 463 bags sagar; O W MacfarlaneA Co, 9 empty gasoline tunks; C O Berger & Co, 13empty gasoline tanks. Domestic value, f 58,921 53;foreign value, (1,000.


From Ilamakua, per steamer Lehua, May 26thW F Johnson, M Joseph and wife, Master WillieJarrett and one deck passenger.


For the Volcano, Lahaina, Mahukona, Maalaeaand Hilo, per steamer Kioau, May 26th SamParker and wife, S T Alexander, Miss LottieAlexander, W Alexander, Misses Annie and JuliaAlexander, Professor J W P Jenks. Misses Maryand Clara Lowe, Miss K Rowe, J T Ward, Rev IIH Jordan, wife and daughter. Miss Sarah King,Willie King, wife and child, Mr Wilkinson, RightHer Bishop of Honolulu, T R Mossmann, WJLowrle, C II Cummingn, J A Martin, R D Wal-bridg- e,

J O Mittnacht, 3 J Levey and about 113deck passengers.

For Koloa, Waimea, Llhue aud Nawiliwlll,Kauai, per steamer Planter, May 26tb His Ex-cellency Gov P P Kanoa and wife, Dr J K Smith,Aug Dreler, Mrs F M Simpson, Miss Shaw, and 43deck passengers.


Mr. H. Black acted as engineer of the steamlaunch Montague while towing out the schoonerWaiebu on the 2Cth Instant.

The steam dredger had the Hawaiian flag flyingon the 20th In honor of Her Majesty Queen Vic-

toria's birthday.

The American barken tine Eureka, Captain J.Lee, sails this afternoon for Sau Francisco with,about 8,000 bag sugar and 180 barrels molasses.

The steamer Lebua arrived from Hamakua onMay 26th, and reports fine weather. Shebrongbt2,755 bags sugar.

The schooner Emma took the last section of theOlowalu sugar mill on the26tb Instant.

The arrival of the British bark Oriente, fromLiverpool, with stones for St. Andrew's

may be expected daily, as she is consignedto Messrs. Theo. II. Pavis A Co.

XatJve Fruit and Preserves.At the store of the California Produce

Company, on Hotel street, we saw yesterdayboxes of Spanish plums, a neat looking,pleasantly flavored fruit grown by Mr. Lycanin his Kalihi Valley orchard. The fruit re-

sembled a black heart cherry in size andcolor, and has a slightly sub-aci-d taste witha delicate gnava flavor. Its appearance andtaste' make it a valuable addition to thedesaert table.

We also tested the papaia jam. which isnow made by Mr. Lycan, and offered forsale at the same place as the plums. Thisjam is of an uncommonly fine flavor, re-

minding the consumer somewhat of pine-

apple preserve. It is a matter of surpriseto many that such a finely flavored "sweetie"

n be mud from the papaia, and that, too.at a very low cost. Both the fresh plums

ad the nice jam are well worth a trial.

The present season is marked by an un-

usual degree of very oppressive and debili-tating: weather. The actual reading of thethermometer is not so very much higherthan usual, but the air is not so fresh-feelin- g

as dwellers on these islands are accus-

tomed to.The British Benevolent Society gave their

usual ball in honor of Queen Victoria'sbirthday at the Hawaiian Hotel last even-

ing. Dancing began about 9 o'clock in thelarge dining-roo- which was decoratedwith flags and flowers. Refreshments werespread in an adjoining room. A Yery en-

joyable evening was spent. The groundswere tastefully illuminated, and presented ahandsome appearance.

"Did you ever hear the alphabeticalconundrum, Angelina?" "No, Augustus.What is it?" "It is when will there fee

only twenty-fiv- e letters in the alphabet ?""Oh, I never could guess that.' ''It'ssrhenU and I are made one, my darling."''What a pice conundrum it is, Augustus."



H. J. HART TAKES GREAT PLEASUREMR.la announcing to the public that he wiure-op- the New Ice Cream Parlors, on Wednes-day, May 27th, at 7 p. m., on the site of the formerplace, which was destroyed by fire on the 2uh cfJanuary.

The new place is elegantly fitted up, and taste-fully decorated. No expense has been spared tomake the Elite Ice Cream Parlors truly a flrst-cla- ss

resert. Every effort will be made and caretaken to keep up the high reputation of the

CELEBRATED ELITE ICE CREAM,Which will be made In great variety, and tbemest delicious flavorings, in fact the purest andtbe best.

Mons. Freund, late of the Palace and GrandHotels of San Francisco, has beeu specially en-

gaged for our Ice Cream and Pastry Department.Tbe following creams Vanilla, Lemon, Straw-

berry, Peach, Almond, Coffee, Chocolate, Oranges,Pineapple, etc., etc. Sherbets and Ices.

Families and parties supplied with our celebratedice cream. Ladies can have their home-mad-e

cream frozen at reasonable prices.Orders received at short notice will be carefully

and promptly attended to. Cakes baked to order.ROBERTS' choicest candles received fresh by

every steamer, and constantly on hand.Coffee, Tea aud Chocolate served at all hours.Ice Cram Drinks made to order in any style.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade.A large assortment of Shells, Corals, Volcanic

Specimens, Tapas and general Island Cnriosalways on hand at reasonable prices.

The public are most cordially invited to inspectour large and varied steck.

I take this occasion to thank the public of Hono-lulu for their previous liberal patronage, andsolicit a continuance of the same.

Very respectfully,H. J. HART.

Proprietor of the Elite Ice Cream Parlors.Ring up Telephone No. 132. 2M-- tf


rpUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENTEREDJL into as Newspaper and Gen-

eral Printers and Publishers, under the firm nameof The Hawaiian Chinese News Printing and Pub-lishing Company. They assume all liabilities ofthe original Hawaiian Chi'nese News Company,incurred on or subsequent to May 1st instant, andcollect all debts accruing to the said original Com-pany within the same period.

All debts or liabilities made or incurred by or tothe said original Company, before the said firstday of May, will be collected or paid by Lam KamCheeun, who will henceforth be the managingpartner of the new company.


21-jn-l0 H. HO TON.


Kaumakapili Church,Which was advertized to take place on Thurs-

day, 2th instant, Is postponed until

Friday, May 29, 1885,At S o'clock p. ai.

ADMISSION 25 CENTS.Per order. 216-m- y2

WANTED,? STEADY, RESPECTABLE WOMAN, ORJ. girl, to do light housework and sewing In aprivate family. Inquire of

MRS. HAMMER,223 my29 Corner Fort and King street.

Headquarters Geosre W. DeLono Post,No. 4t, Department of California,G. A. R.

Honolulu, May 25, 1885,General Order No. 2.I. Pursuant to General Orders No. 4 of Depart-

ment Headquarters directing the observance ofMemorial Day, the comrades of this Post will assemble at tbe Post-roo- m on King street, Saturdaynext, May 30tb, at 1 o'clock p. ni., sharp, in darkclothes, black hats, white gloves and badges.

II. Under the escort of the Honolulu Rifles, thePost will take up the line of march promptly at1:30 o'clock p. m. for the Nuuanu Cemetery, andthere decorate the graves of its dead.

III. The line of march will be from the Post- -room, along King street to Fort, up Fort street toBeretanla, along Beretania to Nuuanu, up Nuuanuto the cemetery.

IV. The column will be formed as follows: 1st,The Royal Hawaiian Band; 2d, The HonoluluKines; 3d, Geo. w. DeLong Post, No. 45, G. A. It.;4th, invited guests; 5tb, those in carriages andthe public generally.

V. Comrades of the Post, American citizensand friends of the organization are earnest! solicited to make such contributions of floral designs,flowers, ferns and green leaves as may be usefulfor decorative purposes on this occasion, and tosend them to the Post-roo- m on King street earlyin the forenoon of Memorial Day, where there willbe some one to receive them. Parties who findit inconvenient to deliver their floral contribu-tioa- s

at the Post-roo- will please to call up bytelephone Henry F. Hebbard, the American Ex-press Company's Telephone, No. 25S, not laterthan 11 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, and an expresswill at once be dispatched to fetch them.

VI. The Post will assemble again on the even-ing of Memorial Day at the Post-roo- m at 7 p. m.sharp, and thence march under the escert of theHonolulu Rifles, along King street to the MusicHall, where it will perform the appropriate ritualand participate in public exercises.

VII. All seldiers and sailors in the service ofthe United States, or who have been honorablydischarged therefrom, are cordially invited toassemble at tbe Post-roo- and march with thePost In the procession.

By order of N. B. EMERSON,Post Commander.

JAS. F. NOBLE, Adjutant.Per F. L. CLARKE, Herkeant Major.

224-m- y 27-3- 0

RUSSELL'S LAW OFFICE WILL BEMR. from this date during his vacation. Hecan be communicated with for the present bymail or telephone (Mutual, No. 323).


The umlersigiieil have formed a co-

partnership under the firm name ofClaus Spreckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and for trans-acting a general Banking and Ex-change business at Honolulu, audsuch other place in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spreckels.Wm. G. Irwin.

Honolulu, April 15, 18S5.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBanking establishment will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

We will also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchange at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and con-

duct a general Banking and Ex-change business.

Our arrangements have been com-pleted, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world.105-t- f Claus Spreckels & Co.



General Business Offices



P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172.

(Established 179.)

The following various branches of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general Information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sella Real Estate in all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes. Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc

Employment DepartmentFind Employment in all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life Insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroadanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find this Department a special

benefit to tbem, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.

NollrltlRS Aiceiit for tbe "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, grandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the"C.reas Burllnirtou Railway Rutet"In America. Travelers journeyiug by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason-able fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K.MILLER, my Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guide books,maps, etc., he will extend every courtesj.

AGENT for theHonolulu Royal Opera House.

Manugers of iirst-clas- s companies abroad willaddress me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Custom Hoase Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Lite Iusnrauee Agent.Employment. Agent,

Railroad Agent audGeneral Business Afrent.


J. E. WISEMAN,133-niv6-- HONOLULU. II. I.


Commercial Advertiser



Is prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Having just deceived a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latent Styles, from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United State,and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Heart.Hill Heart.

firetilar,te Heads.

StateiueulH.Itillwoi LadlHic.

Con true!.tfurttfMjfe Dlttuks,

I.eawes.Nlilppluif CoiitraeU,ilu Hawaiian Kngllsh)

t'altiluiM.Blank Cliorku,

BouIm.Ntoek Ortilleatex.

BnslnesN Cards.Meal Cheeks,

Milk Tleketn,!Jank Cheeks,


Marriare Certiorate.Diplomas,

Catalogues,Blotting lads,

Drug-gists-' Label.Envelopes,

Snipping Receipts,Ball Programmes,

Theatre Programmes,And in fact everything which a First-Cla- ss

Office oan do.

I C. A. Job Printing: Office


Programme of the Races


Thursday, June 11, 1885,


Hawaiian Jockev Club.


Kuuniiig Kaoe ;JJ half-mil- e dash open t allweight for age.

2 QUEEN'S TLATE.Trottiug Itace ; mile heats, to harness; best i in

3 ; for Hawaiian bred horses only.

3 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB CUP.A sweepstake of 50 added ; cup to be

won by the same person twice, the second win-nin- s

to be at any future annual meeting ; one-mi- le

dash ; open to all three-year-old- s. Sealednominations, inclosing a fee of $10, to be sent tothe Secretary of the Hawaiian Jockey Club, on orbefore 2 P. M. on the 1th day ol June Final ac-

ceptances a to the balance of sweepstakes on orbefore 2 P. M. ou the 10th of Juue.

4 GOVERNOR D051INIS CUP.A Sweepstake of $50 added. Kuuning hue e--miledasb; open to all two-ye- ar old Hawaiian

bred horses ; entries closed on August 1, 1884.

5 KING'S PLATE.Trotting Race; mile heatu, best 3 is 5 ; open

to all.6 KAHUKU CUr.

Kuuning iiace; mile dasb ; open to all Haw-

aiian-bred horses ; weight for age.

7 RECIPROCITY CUP.Kuuuing Race; mile dash; free for all;

weight for age.J

8 GENTLEMEN'S RACE.Trotting or Pacing ; mile and repeat ; open to

all horses that have never beaten three minutes) ;owners to drive, to road wagon.

9 PONY RACE.Running Race ; mile dash ; open to all ponies of

It hands or under.

10 KAMEIIAMEIIA PLATE.Running Race ; 2 mile dash ; open to all

weight for age.

Admission within the fence 50 CentaAdmission to the Grand Stand 50 Centa

Admission of horses to the euclosure, 50 centfor each horse.

No charge made on the bridge for entrance tothe Park O rounds.

Applications for stalls to be made to the Secre-tary.

Amount of purses will be given on or beforeJune 1, 1885.

All running races to be under the rules of theHawaiian Jockey Club.

All trottiHg races to be according to the rules ojthe National Trotting Association.

Entries close at 2 P.M. on Monday, June Sth,at the office of C. O EERGER, Secretary, withthe exception of races No 's 3 and 4.

C. O. BERGER, Secretary.



I oral IctTwi'atl 5&J! J V

I ii 71V M'Bfl If Mil

The most artistic L'prlglit Pianos ever produced,both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The eoniiii' upright pianos of the world.Send for illustrate. 1 cuUiliue, description andTrices to

F. W. NPKXt'KK A ..

Pacific Coast .Kt'iitx.

2K and 25 Kifth street. MX I KAXClsco.47". if.Vw

won s j . i


Honolulu AlmanacAM)


Business Directory of Honolulu,


Statistical k General Information

Btlatms; to the Haw'n Island.

For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co


The P.C. Advertiser Office.PRICE,

FIFTY CTS. PER COPYHonolulu, January 27, 1S85.


IIa Just Returned froui Europe


ew Goods and MaterialsOf the Latest Styles and Patterns,

Soda "Water.

. 2.47MOO 09

O. BERGER,Agent for the Hawaiian Ialaudit.

to Make np la the


my 11


Rubber Host ;

Galvanized Iron and Lead Pipe ;

bbtet Lead and Copper ,

Iron-Ston- e Drain ripe.

and Sheet Iron Work,


numerous to mentlou. p2-37- Cl

Which be Is Prepared




At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu,


Stoves and. Ravages,Granite Iron Ware, Plain and NIi kel-l'laU- d ;

Tin "Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;

Lamps and Lanterns;Pumps I

Plumbing, Tin, CopperOK ALL KINDS,

OTA Variety of House FurulaUlug Ooods, loo


THE FISH TRADE. 3i&trtistmnts. Susmess Cards.


California Eose Company.

G. W. Hacfarlane & Co.,UrTER-USLAII- D

Steam Navigation Co.



Atirrlees, "Watson & Co., Grlasgow,A XI)

J"oh.ii Fowler fc Co- - HiOods,Have ou hand, for immediate delivery,

ONE TRIPLE EFFECT G feet pans, i, 135 square feet of heat-ing surface, with pumping engine complete.

OXE DOUBLE EFFECT tl feet pans, 2,290 square feet of heaing surface, with pumping engine complete.

Iron staging fur either of the above apparatus.ONE 26x54 MILL, with engine, gearing, cane and megass carriers

complete; one spare 26x51 roller.

SPARE PINIONS, wheels ami segments for 2b inch mills.

ONE PAIR OF COMPOUND liOILKKS, 6xl9.rt feet ami 15.9feet; complete mountings and spare boiler tubes.


rails.WESTON CENTRIFUGALS, single ami in sexs of twt, and lour

with Mirrlees, Watson & Co.'s new and improved arrangement of mixerand framing. Spare spindles, hushes, pulleys, etc., for centrifugals; cen-

trifugal lining, rubber butlers, Helvetia bolting, sugar carrying rubberbands.



TIPPING WAGONS, for excavating and road making.PLANTERS studying economy should inspect the Glasgow Filter

Presses, Cane-to- p Cutters and Drilling Machines.


(j. W. Macfarhue & Co.

Also ofler for sale

Clarifiers, Flat Coolers, Tipping Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Crab Winches,Chain Blocks to lift 10, 20, 30 and 40 cwt., Bourdon Pressure andVacuum Gauges, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Steel Sleepers andClutch Bolts for Portable Track, Car Springs, Railroad Spikes, PJateLayers, Spares and Tools, Hammers. Rail Benders, Rail Tongs, Files,etc., etc., and they would call particular attention to some Saccharometorsand Thermometers, imported specially for boiling-hous- e use.

Also, to a few samples of Iron Fence Railing.Estimates furnished for any machinery or ironwork on application to

& W. Macfarlane & Co.,



ADVOCATES, ETC.OfficeHonolulu Ilale, adjoiniDg the Post-Oflic- e.

l3-n2- 0

CECIL BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- ANDPublic, Campbell's Block, Merchant

street. lS9-lym-


ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AND SOLICITOR INOflice Campbell's Block, secondstory, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchantstreet. Honolulu, 11. I. 447-ap6-- tf

A. JIOSA,t TTOKNEV AT LAW AND NOTARY PCB-- 1V. LIC. Office with the Attorney General, Alii

olani Hale, Honolulu, H. I. mr2612-t- f



NOTARY PUBLIC.Keal EMtate In any irt of the KlusBought, Sold and Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

XO. 27 MERCIIAXT STHEET,Gazette Block. Honolulu. 371-- tf

rrnxi.MiED rooms.

IN FOWLER'S YARD, CI AND 63 HOTELThe only one dollar house in Hono-

lulu. Rooms per night, 23 cents ; rooms perweek, l. 186-nl- tf


nished rooms. Spacious grounds and tinelocation. Terms reasonable.

200-n2- 2 MRS. DAVID OXLEY.


P. P. GKAY, M.D.,


to 10 A.M.Office Hours: 2 to 4 P.M.

7 to 8 P.M.Sundays 9 to 11 A.M

RESIDENCE Cor. Kinau and Pensacola Sta.531 myl7

Dr. E. Cook Webb,

Residence and Office, cor Richards fc Beretauia St

Special Attention given to Diseases of theKidney and Urinary Organs

Office Hocks:8 to 10.2 to 4, Telephone No. 3.. to 8. 565-my2- 4



fee and Cakes, 10 Cents; Meals, 25 Cents; Board4 50 per week. 198-t- f



ROASTED AND GROUND.COFFEE Ship Bread executed at short netice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airj room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.


International Hotel,HOTEL STREET, NEAR NUUANU.

Hop Woo-- . Proprietor


ROOMS CLEAN ANDDINING Table continually supplied witli thebest tbe market affords.


Entrances on Hotel, Nuuanu and King streets.196-t- f

Mil. II. BARBER,, Late Manager of the Astor House,

TO ANNOUNCE TO HIS FRIENDSIjEGS the public in general that he has pur-

chased the .

SARATOGA HOUSE,! Hotel Street, near Y. M. C. A.


Sxiiidav? uMav fc24rtli.



Special accommodations for Ladies and Families.

Reading Parlor open for the guests of theHouse.

The Coolest Dining Rooms in the city. NOFLIES. 191 Je20

Astor House Dining Rooms,

73 Hotel street, near Fort.

Hot mid Cold Lunches a Specialty.

Try our meals In the new Private InningRoom. Luxurious living.

190-- tf GEO. CAVANAGH. Proprietor.


Spruaiice, Stanley & Co.,Importers aud Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS,410 Front St., Sau Francisco.

473 tf it w


WM. Q. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS aud Commlftwf onSFGAK Honolulu, H. I. 364-tfw- tf

Ex. W. H. DlilOND.

A Fine Lot of Red Fish.


Castle &i Cooke.125-- tt


Ex. W. 11. DIMOND.

39,000Cal ifornia 1lard Bricks


Castle cfe Cooke.124- -



IfJtlli,,. vwv''w.ysartfiiuiuwmw"



Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.fHONOLULU, II. I.

Sole AffeiitsjroiUi Favorite Brand of

40 tf A w


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St.

WlU attend and contract for all kinds of work Inhis line.

KEMOVINO, RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest in the town.

Post Office box 135. 29-se- pt 30

Notice to the Public.

XTL, TAKL FLEASsURE IN ANNOUNCINGTV to the public that, in addition to our

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an


Ice Cream Parlor,(Which has been fitted to suit the requirementsof our first-clas- s trade), on


Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITYonly, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply ofwhich we have secured from the WoodlawuDairy. From samples furnished us. we are ableto guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. Thefollowing assortment of Ice Creams and Sherbertswill be furnished on our opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 20TH:

ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry.We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to

parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Our Parlors will be open every day andevening, except Sunday. Parties desiring IceCream on Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. TheCream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep bard eight hours.

Hoping to get a share of public patronage inthis line of our business, and thanking the publicfor their liberal favors In the past, we remainrespectfully, -

- MELLER & 1IALBE,Lincoln Block, King Btreec

; Notice of Copyright.' '; Bet remembered that on the I5th day of April,A.'B. SJ5, THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AD-VERTISER COMPANY of Honolulu, Island ofOabUf In accordance with section 3 of "An Act toencourage learning in this Kingdom by securingthe eopies of charts aud- - books to the authors andproprietors of-su- copies, approved on tbe 3 1stof December, A. D. 1S64." have deposited in thisoffice the title of their book, entitled "THEHAWAIIAN LIVE STOCK BOOK AND REG-ISTER," contaiuing the names, ages, pedigreesand other particulars concerning foreign and do-

mestic (native) live stock within the HawaiianKingdom, compiled from information given byowners, tbe rights of which they claim as ownersand proprietors.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set myhand and caused the seal of the Interior Depart-ment to be affixed at Honolulu thU 16th day ofApril, A. D. 1835.

(Signed) CHAS. T. GULICK,ap21-2md- Minister of Interior. .

WANTED,A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, BOARDBY lodging in a private family. References

exchanged. Address "A.," thU ollice. m'J3tf

Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlors,

Fort street, opposite Dodd's Stables.


OF SAN FRANCISCO. HAS OPENEDLATE Hair Dressing Parlor, where will bekept a fine stock ol Hair Goods, Toilet Articles,etc. Ladies waited on at their residence, if de-sired- Ladies and Children's Hair Cutting aspecialty. Gents' Tonsorial Parlor in connec-tion. 183-nl- 8

Thm Sandy Peninsula In Early ay A.

Club of Amateurs Fishermen ofSfraropscott Fish Markets

Wholesale and Ketatt.

Boston Budget.Ever since the pilgrims landed at

Plymouth bay those treasures of the deep,cod, haddock, halibut, mackerel and thesmaller varieties of the finny tribe, such asperch, flounders, smelt3, etc., have beena source not only of wealth, but a preciousboon in this section of the country intimes of need, when agricultural laborproduced barren results. The waterswhich wash the shores of this crookedand sandy peninsula, Cape Cod, in earlydays were alive with the above namedspecimens of a floating population whichsometimes by force of numbers darkenedthe face of the great deep. The greatvalue of these marine productions wassoon appreciate! by our hardy predeces-sors, and fishing was for many years themost productive branch of industry towhich they could resort to sustain life.

I Cnpe Cod is supposed to have derived that1 name from the fish which kept its inhab-itants from starving, and which for years"

"AH aloug shore, away down to the ter-minus oceanward of Cape Cod, the hardyfishermen trained their boys to be sailorswith such perfection that a Cape Cod boywas preferred above all others by the ex-

porting and importing merchants of Bos-ton, 2s ew York, Baltimore and other mari-time cities. The finest ships that eversailed from these ports were navigated by-Cap-


Cod seamen, whose early trainingwas in the fishery business. Fishing forfun and fishing for a Jiving are two veryditferent things, a fact which will bereadily acknowledged by those who havetried both.

About the year 1840 a club of amateurfisht ruien was formed, comnosed of manylively Boston boys and middle-age- d mer-chants, for the purpose of exploring Mas-sachusetts bay and catching the biggestcod to be found floating or swimming inits waters. It was called the MammothCod association, and every member wasexpected to do his level best in capturinga leviathan of the deep. Large pools,sometimes amounting to $3, '$o, $10, andeven $25. were offered for the first scalyculprit hauled on board. Capturing fish,however, was not the primary object ofthe amateur fishermen, a3 some of the yetremaining original members can attest.Several of the committee on "bimbo" and"draw poker" are yet living.

The fishermen of Swampscott have al-waj- rs

enjoyed a high reputation for dar-Id- ?

and skill, and the Phillips beach dunfish are esteemed a luxury tae world over.Some of the Nahant boys have earned ce-lebrity and competence by their industryand skill, but the palm must be awardedto the hardy fishermen of Marblehead andGloucester, and especially the latter, wholead the world for daring and enterprisein this specialty of business. From theoutside of those solemn rocks of "Nor-man's Woe " almost daily sail the white-winge- d

clippers, manned by hardy sailors,to the foggy and treacherous "GrandBanks" and the coast of Labrador, insearch of cod and halibut. Hundreds ofthem return in the course of a season withprofitable fares, and many, alas! are nomore reported. The widows and or-phans of Gloucester, KockDort, and Mar-blehea- d

would make a large populatidn.Fish markets have existedin Boston for

nearly a century,, the first having beenestablished near the present Chelsea ferry,and later on at the Town dock, whereFaneuil hall market now stands. Thefirst regular stall in that building wasopened by the late Isaac Rich, and con-tinued by Shattuck Jones in later years,the business now being in the hands ofMr. C. A. Jones, the largest retail dealerin Boston. Boston is the acknowledgedhead-cente- r of the fish trade in this . coun-try, even the metropolitan city of New

ork receiving its principal supplies ofstandard fish from Boston. To showsomething of the magnitude of this trade,figures show that in the last reported yearthe New England catch of mackerel was849,674 barrels, and that of cod 1,054,038quintals.

The clipper schooners now in theGrand Bank, business are quite as stylishin build as the ordinary rui of gentle-men's yachts, and their caom accommo-dations are commodious if not elegant,yet it is the general belief among oldsailors that safety has been sacrificed toluxury. These elegant boats are not ofthe proper models for sea-goin- g ser-vice; the old "pinkey" style of craft werethe safest boats that floated. Sharp atboth ends, and of the full model amid-ships, they could ride out seas that wouldfounder vessels of modern build. Seldomwas one 'of these unique boats lost in thehowling gales which prevail, and alwayshave prevailed, on the banks or on thetreacherous coasts of Newfoundland andvicinity. -

Thg wholesale fish interests arc nowcen- -

wIVU vv r 4 finAfenrsfls "linnimers l ' it navmerbeen built in the tlden time by MartinBrimmer, whose name figures in Bostonrecords as conspicuously as that of BobertTreat Paine and his numerous descendants.Among the old fish dealers of Long wharfwere the Jiickersons, old Cape Codders,Churchills. and others. The retail tradein fish is mostly confined to Faneuil hallmarket and its vicinity, but in some por-tions of the city the old-fashion- style ofpeddling fronvhand-cart- s is still in vogue.In the suburban districts the venderdrives about in a covered wagon and sellsfrom house to house.

A Philosophical Explanation. '

t Brooklyn Eagle.A New Orleans photographer has suc-

ceeded in photographing a flash of light-ning; and they say the photograph issplendid just as natural as life. Nodoubt of it. Because, vou see, the pho-tographer couldn't back the streak .of.lightning up into an iron tripod with anadjustable cross-bar- . and twist and distortthe unhappy thunderbolt into a shapemost monstrously painful and unnatural,and then bid it. "Look pleasant, please. "We should think, with all the natural ad-vantages in its favor, a streak of steel-blu- e

lightning would have no difficulty in se-

curing a perfect likeness at the first sit-ting. But with a man. an intelligent man.with a far-seein- comprehensive brainand an immortal soul, it is very different,lie is at the mercy of the "artist, " whoknows no mercv.

Cleveland Voice: Men may scoff andwomen scoru all belief in the supernaturalas they choose, but that by no means dis-turbs the venity nor curtails the happi-ness of such as really enjoy ghosts and allthings rcrtaiuhrr thereto.

If 3 0U dou't git what you air airter atfust, k( ep peggin' away till you git thar

A S3O0.OOO Cat.Psorristown Herald.

At the recent cat show in Loudon, onefeline vilued at 500,000 was exhibited.Just fancy throwing a 25 cent boot-jack at a $500, 00J cat on a back shedworth not more tUan-f- S 50


BATES CommanderWill run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona

and Kau, Hawaii.


CAM ERON Commauder

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawillwili,Koloa, Eleele aud Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawillwili every Saturday at I p. m., aniving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. ni.


Will run regularly to Uauioa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Honokua and Paauhau. Hawaii.


Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Haualel and Kllauea. Kauai, Return-tig- ,

leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Eja, secretary. ly



108 & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

PASSENGERS may have their names bookediu advance by applying at tbe ofliee of the Agents.

PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, tli5.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE Intended for shipment by thisHue will be received free of charge, in the Company's new warehouse, and receipts Issued forsame. Insurance on merchandise in tbe ware-house will be at owners' risk.

WILLIAM . IRWIN A CO..384-t- f




For San FranciscoCity of Sydney......... On or about June 7th

For Auckland aud Sydney:Zealandia. ... ....On or about June 14th



( Limited j.

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commander),

Will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at A v. if. forLahaina, Maalaea, Makeim, Mahukona, Kawaihae,"Laupaboeboe and IIllo. Leaves Hilo Thursdays atnoon, touching at the same ports on return, arriv-ing back Saturdays.

PASSENGER TRAIN from Niulli will leaveeach Friday at 1 f. m., to connect with the Kinauat Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips for Passengers if a signal ismade from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE,(Loreuzeu, Commander).

Leaves Honolulu every Mouday at 4 p. u. forKaunakakai, Kahulul, Keanae. every other week;

Uuelo, Uana, Kipahulu and 'uu. Returning, willstop at the above ports, arriving back Saturdaymornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER LEHUA,(Davies, Commander)

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholaltle,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea.

STEAMER KLLAUEA HOU,(Wefcbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for same ports s the S. S.Lehua.

STEAMERMOKOLII,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Wednesday for Kaunaka-ka- i,

Kamalo, Pukoo, Moanui, Halawa, Wailau,Pelekunu and Kalaupapa ; returning, leaves PukooFriday a. m. for Lahaina : leaves Lahaina Saturdayfor Pukeo, remaining Sunday, and arriving atHonolulu Monday evening.

The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, corfor personal haulage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money oi jewelry unless placed, incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be takeu of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

AM'L. G. WILDER, President,s. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.:a-l- y Mar 30

C. W. MACFARLANE TAKESMR. in announcing that he has been ap-

pointed SOLE AGENT of the


For the Hawaiian Islands. Parties who desireto add choice and beautiful varieties of


To their flower gardens will be furnished withCATALOGUES contalniug names, prices andother Information concerning over 2i0 varieties,


' Prices astonishingly low for guaranteedvarieties.


Honolulu, March 27, ISSo. mar2v22-d.wt- f

Wni. GL Irwin & Co.


Sonar! Siar! Siar!

HILEA PLANTATION "Washed' Sugariu kegs.


Cube Sugar in 25 lb. boxes.

Dry Ganulated, in barrels and kegs.

"A" Crusbed Sugar, in barrels.'D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs.

Gold?u Syrup, in gallon tins.

Coils Manila Rope, (all sizes.

Coils Sisal Rope, 6 tbreadto 24 inch.Coils Bale Rope and Banana Twine.

Reed's Patent Pipe and BoilerCovering All Sizes.


Salmon, Beef and Port, m barrels.

One 4 1-- 3 foot Smoke Ntatk, 85 feetHigh, will be Sold Cheap.

574-Ju- S


fOpposlte Wilder fe Co.'si

EL J . Molte, Propr.OPKX VOX 3 A. it. TUX 10 P. M



Cigaivs and TobaccosOF BKST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety



Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal

om his Friends aSa the Public generally

who may deaire aIUXC1I, A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF




tTThe only Sea-Sid- e Resort In tbeH tnffdom. II. J. XOLTE.

36-t- f

AVERY & PALMER,CSeueral-XiusIue- Ka and

Real Estate Agent.Prompt Attention given to Collections.

Oflice, Xo. 66 Fort Street, Houolnln.589 tf


S250 REWARD.OF :50 WILL BE PAID FORARKWARD that will lead to the arrest and

conviction of tbe party or parties who, on theevening of the 28th Instant, tampered with thecalling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone.

GODFREY BROWN,President Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.March 30. 1835. 27 mar 30-- tf



Alakea. near Usfon St.-- C. J. HARDEE. Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

fc3"7-- tf

46-m- 3 Honolulu.




'finll 'AhMr BntebBr. Asa.tV' i7 fit4JL eu Lousiio. ftj


COMMERCIAL WORK.ArtisticCofor Printing .C


Gold Medals and Premiums awarded Philadelphia, 1876; I'utIh, 187H; and Anulf rdani, 188-1- .

MACFARLANE & CO.,Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, U. J


W Y' ifl w

2k ZS jf2!s31 MAIN ST, HNOTICE.

AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OURON accounts will be rendered monthly insteadof quarterly, as heretofore.

S. J. LEVEY" A CO.Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 13S5. 497 tf