BUSINESS Yourself. Transform Your Business. Transform The World. Transform

BUSINESS - s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com · This program is THE place for business owners like you committed to making a difference and being well-rewarded for your efforts. And, you’ll

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Yourself. Transform Your Business.Transform The World.Transform

It’s time for you to take off toward a six-figure business that makes a difference


Welcome From Bill Baren

It’s time to help people in a big way, to create the income and the

life you want—and for a bigger, bolder version of you to emerge…

Big Shift Business is a 5-month program of support designed to help you bring your unique gifts to the world to make the difference you are here to make. There’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re truly helping people.

Big Shift Business will help you achieve greater revenue and more impact, using our proven business and marketing strategies designed to get you to a 6-figure income and beyond. You will create a compelling, profitable message to your tribe that will excite the right people to want to work with you. You’ll create your money map that consistently attracts new clients and grows your tribe of followers beyond what you ever thought possible. Plus, you will learn AND implement advanced yet easy-to-follow systems for moving beyond “trading time for dollars” service work...toward a revenue model that leverages your time more effectively.

In addition to the many benefits of this program...far and away the biggest outcome is that you get to create a profitable business that works for you and allows you to shine in your own zone of genius. In the “Big Shift community” you’ll be inspired and energized about your business, while surrounded by other positive, like-minded business owners who are ready and wanting to play bigger.

You’ll develop and follow your “unique-to-you” plan for success. Your confidence will soar as you achieve breakthroughs in marketing your business and growing your tribe. You’ll experience world-class training and masterful coaching that supports you in making the leap into your next level of income and success.

If you are ready to move beyond your own expectations for what’s possible, you’ve come to the right place. This program is THE place for business owners like you committed to making a difference and being well-rewarded for your efforts. And, you’ll belong to an exclusive community that thinks big, takes action, and is committed to making a positive impact.

You don’t have to do it alone.

To your amazing Big Shifts,

Bill Baren




OverviewBill and his team of expert business coaches will work with you to develop a business foundation that includes everything you need to be fully ready to bring in clients. This foundation is personalized to you and your highest aspirations.

At the same time, you’ll get the blueprint for getting clients as soon as possible – and you’ll have the full support of the Big Shift Business resources to build your own financially successful business.

Big Shift Business is designed for people new to business AND for business owners who have been in business for a while and who want to create accelerated results with more expansive support, guidance, and collaboration.

You’ll create a profitable business that works for you and allows you to shine in your own zone of genius – thanks to step-by-step training, powerful peers, on-going coaching and accountability, and a structured road map. These elements together make it that much easier to systematically and sustainably grow your business.

Big Shift Business will show you how to build a 6-figure business, and how to have your first $10K month.





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BSBB I G S H I F T B U S I N E S S /////

The Big Shift Business Blueprint gives you

a step-by-step process to support you

in growing your business and enrolling

clients consistently, with these 2 tracks:

Create streams of income that add up to your dream

financial goals

Build the 4 must-have pillarsof a successful business

Create a personal-brand-based business that attract

clients to you

T R A C K 1 :F O U N DAT I O N F O R


T R A C K 2 :G E T C L I E N T S N O W

Get clients on demand

Generate a quick burstof income

Gain confidence that you can get clients with ease

6 - F I G U R E B U S I N E S S B L U E P R I N T

6 - F I G U R E B U S I N E S S + B E YO N D ( F O R Y E A R S T O C O M E )



Your Big Shift Business journey will prepare you and your business to get liftoff, fly high, and land smoothly (again and again). You’ll learn the “rules of the sky” and we’ll visit key destinations along the way—where you will build everything you need for your six-figure success.

Our “layovers” to establish each of these crucial pillars will ensure that your foundation is strong, flexible, built to last, and customized to you—so your business is not only profitable but an absolute pleasure.

Along the way you will:

Create a profitable marketing message, so you know how to talk about what you do in a way that immediately attracts clients

Package what you do in a way that makes it tangible and highly desirable, so you can be doing your best work and be compensated beautifully for it

Learn how to easily sign up clients for those packages—with authenticity and integrity

Create a “money map” that shows you precisely where your clients come from, and how

Here’s how we’ll do it:

Prepare for Success

Optimize for the Big Shift journey. Learn the tools, get the “flight plan,” and buckle up for the ride!

Learn the 9 foolproof ways of bringing in clients and revenue right away

Bust through the sneakiest fears that block your path to a 6-figure business: Banish Your Fear of Judgment , Neutralize Your Fear of Rejection, and Vaporize Your Fear of Failure

Create a vision for your ideal lifestyle, which will be fueled by your 6-figure business

Learn how to talk about your business in a way that sparks instant desire for what you do

Create your ideal structure for bringing in all the money you want—with a business you love

Transform your relationship to money so you can earn more than you ever thought possible




Design premium packages that allow you to do your deepest work with the most committed clients—who are eager to pay you well for it

Set yourself up to make full-time income with a part-time client load

Learn the unparalleled client signup system that turns a conversations with potential clients into actual high-paying clients

Discover the essential marketing strategies that are tailored to you and your specific business

Design your Money Map that lays out your clearest pathways to consistent cash and clients

Tap into the universal power of speaking, webinars, networking, referrals and LinkedIn to reach your ideal clients

Play the Get Clients Game with your fellow Big Shifters—a fun, collaborative way to bring in new clients

Welcome your new clients! Celebrate!

gain altitude

come in for a landing


accelerateBecome a natural at enrolling new clients with integrity and ease— in a way that feels great to you and your new client

Discover and implement the easiest and fastest way to get perfect clients from Facebook


Who Will Thrive In This Program? This program is designed for you: the business owner who desires greater income and to make a bigger difference— without sacrificing yourself in the process.

No matter what phase of business you’re in: You’re getting started and wanting to get on the fast track to a 6-figure income

You’ve been in business for a while, and you’re ready to take your vision and income to a much higher level than ever before

You’re generating income and clients, but you’re stuck doing everything yourself and have no time—and you want to create a business with more fun, more space, and more leverage

The Big Shift Business is for you if: You want to achieve greater income, create powerful client-attraction marketing, and break free of limiting

beliefs—so you can finally enjoy the financial freedom you deserve

You care about making a difference AND maximizing your earnings—because you know bigger income will help you make a bigger impact

You are a go-getter who wants to play BIG! You are ready to turn your potential into reality and play full out

You know it’s time to stop the struggle of doing it all on your own!


What Type of Businesses Succeed in Big Shift Business?We have had many successful graduates in all of the 4 “mega-niches”: Business/Money, Health, Relationships, and Personal/Spiritual Growth. Even if you don’t see your exact business type on this list, chances are we’ve helped someone in a similar business.

Focus Area Examples of Business Owners We’ve Served

Business and Money

Business Coach, Consultant, Executive Coach, Financial Planner, Attorney, Web Designer, Copywriter, Corporate Team Expert, Productivity Expert, Career Coach, Book Writing Expert, Marketing Consultant, SEO Consultant, Video Producer, Image Consultant, Speaking Coach, Graphic Designer, Real Estate Consultant, Leadership Coach, and more

HealthHealth Coach, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Nutritionist, Holistic Practitioner, Fertility Expert, Personal Trainer, Feldenkrais Specialist, Emotional Eating Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Medical Doctor (MD), Golf Coach, Triathlete Coach, Massage Therapist, Energy Healer, Reiki Healer, Weight Loss Expert, Sports Medicine and more

Relationships Relationship Coach, “Find Your Soulmate” Coach, Men’s Coach, Therapist, Tantra Expert, Marriage and Family Therapist, Dating Coach, Couples Coach, Parenting Coach and more

Personal and Spiritual Growth

Life Coach, Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Purpose Coach, Therapist, Minister, Find Your Feminine Fire Coach, Sound Healer, Access Consciousness Coach, Reiki Healer, Shaman, Grief Counselor, and more


Isabelle Peyrichoux Founder and Career Coach brilliantseeds.com

“I made $10,000 in 2 months.”Before Big Shift Business, I had a hard time getting consultations, and turning those consultations into clients. I had no idea how to market, be authentic, and be proactive at the same time.

After working with Bill and Patrick, in just eight weeks I got 10 new clients and $10,000! They gave me a clear system to follow, and made it simple.

I now have the confidence that I can create a business of my dreams, because I’m doing it!

Adam Cortez CEO of DKM Inc.

“Since I started the Big Shift Business, I’ve consistently made $10,000 - $15,000 per month.” I was a 22-year-old college dropout and I was about $30,000 in debt. I enrolled in Big Shift Business and was determined to be successful. Today I have over 25 contractors that work for me. Since I started the Big Shift Business, I’ve consistently made $10,000 - $15,000 per month.

“Shortly after starting the program, I was enrolling clients easily and my income increased by a factor of 10.”

When I started The Big Shift Business I was pretty much at rock bottom and my income was very low. Shortly after starting the program, I was enrolling clients easily and my income increased by a factor of 10. And I was actually able to pay in full within a short period of time after joining because I was enrolling clients that quickly. I know I can continue to have this success if I stick with it and stay consistent.

Now I have discovered a way that marketing can be fun and easy. Whether it’s giving a seminar or a teleseminar or speaking in front of a group. When people get to experience me is when I really see results. I’m excited about future possibilities!

Tracie Sage Access Miracles Coach accessmiracles.com



Elements that will be included in your “Done With You” Personalized Business Foundation:

� Your Profitable Niche � Your Client-Attracting Marketing

Message � Your Ideal Target Audience � Your Irresistible Packages

� Your Compelling Consultation Offer and Personalized Consultation Script

� Big Shift Income Business Model � Your Money Map � Your Personalized Marketing Strategy


“Done With You” Personalized Business Foundation

(Value: $10,000)

This is one of the highlights of the Big Shift Business and is a truly premium service.

In the first 90 days of the Big Shift Business, Bill Baren and his team of expert business coaches will work with you to develop a business foundation that is personalized to your business.

With this business foundation, you’ll have the key pieces in place to generate a significant flow of clients and income.


• 12+ Business Growth Training Classes with Bill Baren On each call, you’ll receive step-by-step marketing and business training, and access to proven information that is exactly what you need to build your business. The training curriculum will include the “best-of-the-best” of our business-building strategies culled from our team’s collective 40 years of business experience.

• 5 Big Shift Business Growth Q&A Calls with Bill Baren Each month you’ll have ample Q&A access to Bill on live group telecalls. Bill will roll up his sleeves and work with you on your business! You’ll get concrete answers on your specific questions about your growing business. Bill will also work with you on what’s blocking you or holding you back, and help you achieve personal breakthroughs.

• 5 Big Shift Business Growth Q&A Calls with Our Big Shift Coaches In these sessions, your Big Shift business coaches will dig deep into your business and map out your path towards the business of your dreams. All questions welcome.

• 3 “Money Mindset Breakthrough” Training Calls with Bill Baren These 3 trainings that transform your hidden barriers to higher earnings are super popular with our Big Shift members. Get ready to let go of your biggest fears and thrive!

• Big Shift Accountability Support We’ve created an exciting team structure to help keep you on track with your goals.

• You’ll have the opportunity to connect deeply with your fellow Big Shifters to keep on track with your goals, and to receive feedback and new ideas.

• Reporting your action steps to others holds you accountable and acts as a true catalyst to realizing your full potential.

• Quarterly “Get Things Done” Implementation Days Every three months, we will set aside a day devoted to “getting things done.” We will all gather virtually to kick things off in a powerful and supportive way, then individually spend time in “massive implementation,” with periodic check-ins during the day for Q&A and sharing of best practices.

• Transcripts of Business Growth Training Telecalls You will get well-designed and easy to consume transcripts of all the trainings, so no note-taking is necessary. This saves you time and allows you to digest the material in 10 minutes or less.

• MP3 Audio Downloads of Training Telecalls All MP3s will be promptly posted to your members-only website so you can listen at any time, typically within 24 hours.

• Exclusive Big Shift Online Community Forum (Facebook) You’ll be granted access to a highly active members-only online community forum where you can share questions, knowledge, feedback and ideas with other members.


Connect and have fun with the high-energy Big Shift Coaching Community


Laser Your Niche for Maximum Profit $497 valueThis powerful system designed by Bill Baren offered at the beginning of the Big Shift Business is designed to help you develop a profitable niche. You’ll create a powerful message that you can build a successful business around. “In niches there are riches!”

Master of Enrollment 3.0 $1,997 valueYou’ll learn how to have irresistible one-on-one consultations where your ideal clients say an enthusiastic Yes to your high-value PREMIUM services! If you’d like to double the number of clients you’re getting – and attract enough clients to have a 6-figure income –then this is the program for you. The Master of Enrollment training is our most popular program—over 3,900 of your peers have already gone through this essential training.

Teleseminar Enrollment System $1,997 valueIn this in-depth training program, you’ll learn how to create, promote, and deliver income-producing teleseminars that will lead to your ideal clients saying Yes to investing in your high-value services and offerings.

We’ve created FIVE 6-figure launches that started with a free teleseminar. Here we’ve pulled back the curtain to show you step-by-step how to create teleseminars that WOW your audience—and that generate sales and new clients before the seminar is even over.






Master of Enrollment – $997 valueExclusive Advanced WorkshopIn this intensive, hands-on workshop led by Bill Baren, we’re going to work together on developing your one-on-one consultation, with step-by-step guidance, so that your ability to sign up new clients literally shoots through the roof.

Get Clients In Your Backyard $997 valueIt‘s often said that it’s easier to make a big splash in a small pond. In this popular training program, we will show you the strategies and steps for attracting all the clients you want in your local market, so that you become the stand-out rockstar in your local area.

FREE Registration For The Next Big $997 valueShift LIVE EventYour space will be reserved at our large semi-annual training workshop, where we share high-level training content, inner game transformations, and bring together our top clients and joint venture partners. All you have to do is register your bonus ticket!





To receive limited-time only pricing and learn more about our 12 and 24 month installment plans, contact a Clarity Coach today.

Call Us at: (877) 228-3398

Schedule a Time at: thebigshift.com/chat


� 12+ Business Growth Training Telecalls with Bill Baren

� 5 Group Coaching Q&A with Bill Baren

� 5 Q&A Calls with Our Big Shift Coaches

� 3 “Money Mindset Breakthrough” Training Calls with Bill Baren

� Big Shift Mastermind Teams and Accountability Support

� Quarterly “Getting Things Done” Implementation Days

� Transcripts of Business Growth Training Telecalls

� MP3 Audio Downloads of Training Telecalls

� Exclusive Big Shift Online Community Forum

� 4 Private Business Breakthrough Coaching Sessions with Your Big Shift Business Coach

� “Money Transformation Breakthrough” Half-Day Virtual Workshop with Bill

� BONUS: Laser Your Niche for Maximum Profit

� BONUS: Master of Enrollment 3.0

� BONUS: Teleseminar Enrollment System

� BONUS: Master of Enrollment – Exclusive Advanced Workshop

� BONUS: Get Clients in Your Backyard

� BONUS: FREE Registration - Big Shift LIVE Event


Meet Your Big Shift CoachesOur hand-picked Big Shift Coaches will help you create a clear plan for creating a business you love, while helping you break through limiting beliefs and expand into empowering success mindsets. With your coach, you’ll be personally guided to create big shifts in your business and play full out.

Alan Roby is a master coach with training from the Coaches Training Institute, and officially launched his coaching career in 2004. After 16 years of helping financial services and software companies grow, Alan realized he wasn’t creating a business or a life he loved. And, stepping away wasn’t completely easy because there had been a lot of outer “success” along his path. 

He joined forces with Bill Baren Coaching in 2007, and today he works exclusively with entrepreneurs as a member of the Big Shift Coaching team. He can’t wait to get to know you and help you create your own Big Shift!

Susan Liddy brings over a decade of experience coaching clients around the world to confidently achieve their business and life goals. As a multi 6-figure business owner, Susan knows firsthand what it takes to succeed in business and life. Her unique coaching style blends her psychology and business background to create a motivational, inspiring, and action-oriented experience for her clients.

Susan has been working with Bill Baren Coaching since 2014 and loves her role as Director of Coaching in the Big Shift Business. She holds a master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology, and the Co-Active Professional Certified Coach Credential. She is the author of The Secrets to Ultimate Living; What You Wish You Knew When You Were 20!, Love Based Marketing: The No Sell-Out, Cop-Out, Burn-Out Method To Attract Soul Mate Clients Into Your Business, and is a regular contributor to Huffington Post.

Kim Reddington is a successful business coach and entrepreneur who knows how to help her clients get all the clients they want. Her first foray into entrepreneurship was at age 7, selling paperweights (a.k.a. painted rocks) to the neighbors. She didn’t come home until she sold all the paperweights. Kim went on to run an Avon business starting in high school, which set the stage for her to for her continued entrepreneurship.. After graduating college, she had a small three-year stint in corporate America, before deciding she was going to do what as a kid she always told her mother she would: own her own business. That was in 1995, and she’s been building her business and helping other business owners thrive ever since.

Johanna Lyman is a certified coach with 11 years of experience helping coaches, consultants, and healers clear out the blocks and resistance that keeps them from making the difference they’re here to make in the world. She helps visionary leaders launch their movements without selling out or going broke.

Using a potent combination of traditional coaching, strong intuition, brain re-patterning, and energy healing, she helps her clients master their inner games, then implement the right outer game pieces, so they can make a big difference in a world that desperately needs them now.

Jenn August is a certified business success coach, success mindset expert and international speaker. Her proprietary success mindset system has gained her recognition as one of the world’s leading experts in removing subconscious blocks to business success. Jenn’s step by step process has helped her clients double, triple and quadruple their income and relieve fear, doubt and feelings of unworthiness.

She believes that people were born to succeed and programmed to fail, and that they can change their programming to create a wonderful life for themselves and their families. She works with multi-million dollar businesses and training companies to help her clients get the best results with their training systems. Spiritual entrepreneur John Assaraf of The Secret endorses Jenn’s work and says, “Hypnotism is where it’s at and Jenn August knows how to do it and help you!”

Missy Singer DuMars is a fourth-generation entrepreneur. She started her career as one of few women in corporate entertainment lighting, managing multi-million dollar deals. Some of her projects included Cirque du Soleil, the Wynn Resort and Celine Dion’s Caesars Colosseum.

After years in corporate, she found herself happy with her success, but drained and spiritually bankrupt. So Missy decided to make a Big Shift of her own, and walked away from the success in her career to build a business true to her own heart’s calling and in alignment with her values. She found a knack for coaching business owners with a more heart-centered conscious approach, and has been changing lives ever since.

Carrie Beers is an insightful, enthusiastic, dynamic, national and international leadership and business coach. She uses her thirst for knowledge and education to design unique programs that bridge the distance between corporate culture, leaders, and employees in companies that believe success is earned through positive action. Combining her strengths in motivation and training, she has propelled leaders to look at themselves as well as their leadership approach in new ways in order to create an empowered workforce. She has built a business that offers national and international organizations opportunities to balance people and profits through innovative programs that drive a shift in leadership evolution and thought.



“I nearly tripled my gross revenues to $350,000 in the Big Shift Business.”“The Big Shift Business has changed my behavior and the way I think. I’m much more focused on what I’m uniquely qualified to do - and not do - with my time. I’m now more aware of what it takes to grow my business without having to do all of the work myself.

In my first year with the Big Shift Business, I nearly tripled my gross revenues to $350,000.

One of the biggest things I learned in the program is that it takes discipline and a system. Bill gave me the tools to create my system – to systematize my approach if you will.

Some of the results I’ve seen have been better time mastery, increased revenue and net income, more clarity in defining my programs, improved profit margins and more time off for travel with my family and friends.

This year, my wife and I are taking 2 months off to explore a new city to live in and we’re taking a cruise around Italy and the French Riviera.

Much appreciation to Bill and Patrick!”

Kevin McQueen Real Estate Industry Consultantwww.kevinmcqueen.com

What The Big Shift Business Can Do For You

“I’ve already made 20% of my annual income in just the first two weeks of the year and I booked more than that in pending coaching clients!”“Thanks to the Big Shift Business, my clients just keep renewing. They are saying things like ‘I don’t want to stop working with you!’ They keep saying how I’m providing them with so much value that they keep wanting to work on things beyond where we started.

It gave me more confidence in charging more. I’ve already made 20% of my annual income in just the first two weeks of the year and I booked more than that in pending coaching clients!

The biggest change I see from the program is that I’m writing differently and really speaking to my audience. I’m getting e-mails back from people saying this sounds just like me. And I was like ‘whoa... this works!’ I was just doing promotion for my new teleseminar and so far we have 73 people signed up for the call.

There is so much in the Big Shift Business and Bill and Patrick are so generous with everything. They really care whether you succeed.”

Diane Wing Transformation Guidewww.forestwitch.com


“In the first year, I doubled the amount of money I was making, and I now have surpassed six figures.”“Before I was in the program, I was a small-time local coach targeting any small business owner. With help from the Big Shift Business, I created a profitable niche focused on general contractors with multi-million dollar businesses.

In the first year, I doubled the amount of money I was making, and I now have surpassed six figures - plus I am consistently working with larger clients who tend to pay more and stay around longer.”

From what I learned about premium packages, I have just signed a $36,000 client for an 8-month program. I recently did a webinar series that resulted in about $65,000 worth of revenue in the last 6 months. Also, the percentage of potential clients who say yes to my services has increase from 25% to 45%.

Most importantly, I now look at myself differently – I have a lot more confidence in what I do and the Big Shift Business has challenged me to step up onto a much bigger platform which has allowed me to get bigger clients.

In the last year, I have become a frequent speaker at national trade association conferences.

All of this has allowed me to be more authentic when I am signing up clients; I am much more willing to push hard because I see where they want to go and I am standing up for their right to go get it.

Bill and Patrick really care about the people in the program. I like the idea that it’s not just the nuts and bolts part of the business. It’s the mental part of the game, too, which is so important and has allowed me to make a big shift. Thanks Bill and Patrick!”

Bill SilvermanSpringboard Business Coachingspringboardbizcoaching.com


“Not only have our numbers tripled, but clients keep coming back.”“What I learned in the program is how to get really specific and zero in on what I’m going to do. Creating my very specific marketing plan and really staying dedicated to that has been one of the big things I’ve learned.

Because of that, in the last three months we’ve been hired for triple the number of programs that we normally have during this time of year.

Not only have our numbers tripled, but we’re also finding that it’s easier for our clients to come back. Within 48 hours I’m getting an e-mail or a call from the client we just served saying “When can we book the next program?”

One of the things I appreciate most about this program is that it’s a great balance between the technical and personal. I’ve been able to make a big shift because of both the personal development and assignments that help me break through.

Some things used to feel scary, like letting go of and delegating the tasks that I shouldn’t be doing. But now I see how letting go of all things that are unnecessary has allowed my business to really grow.“

Vicki Abadesco!Soul Shoppe



“I increased my income by 80% and paid back my investment in the program within the first few months!”“When I started the Big Shift Business, I was ready to take my business to a new level, but I felt really stuck. Because of the program, my stuck spots become blatantly evident. Not always fun to look at, but awareness is the first step. You can’t choose to change what you can’t even see or are not aware of.

I took the leap and signed up for the program but didn’t really know if it would be what I hoped. By implementing what I learned, I quickly and joyously earned enough “additional” revenue in the first few months of the program to pay for my investment. And I have since increased my income 80% over the previous year! What I learned I can repeat and grow/nurture/increase.

An important big shift was in the niche work that gets handled right up front. I truly believe that owning my niche internally made a huge difference. Now I can give my clients my time and energy in the way I want without feeling resentful. I can play full out on their behalf and feel great about it. By asking new clients to commit to a longer program, I now only work with clients who are seriously committed to creating positive change for themselves and the world. It’s very powerful for the coaching relationship.

Another thing the Big Shift Business does well is create community. I’ve been in a number of group programs that talk about community but I end up feeling alone. Here I have a strong support network all around me: on the calls, in the forum, at the retreats and in my living room and local coffee shops. (Since we know each other so well, we can dive in and help each other out.) Hearing others in the group work through their struggles and stuck points is extremely helpful too in my own learning.

Bill and the Big Shift Business offers a lot up front and absolutely delivers even more. I’ve been VERY surprised a number of times this year with their generosity. Really over a thousand dollars in unexpected benefits I wanted and would have paid for were gifted to me as a bonus.”

Maria CristiniExecutive Coachingwww.mariacristini.com




Big Shifts You Will Create In Your BusinessBig Shift Business includes powerful coaching, on-going accountability and a structured road map to make it that much easier to systematically and sustainably grow your business.

The step-by-step training curriculum is designed to show you exactly how to:

� Dream Big! Design your business so that it uniquely fits who you are and helps you create the lifestyle you most desire.

� Create your “Big Shift To Six Figures Plan” - a focused plan for adding $100,000 or more to your income.

� Develop high-value premium service packages that will allow you to significantly raise your fees and add tons more income to your business.

� Create a clear, authentic, emotionally compelling message, based on your unique talents, experience, passions, and results.

� Use proven marketing strategies that consistently attract new clients.

� Learn how to increase your fees by 30% or more.

� Learn exactly what to say in a high-end “sales conversation” that will have prospective clients excited to work with you even when you’re charging premium fees.

About Bill Baren

Bill Baren is a global authority for coaching and training entrepreneurs with a mission that positively impacts people’s lives. Over 50,000 people from 22 countries have participated in Bill’s online and live trainings, including Big Shift Business, the Big Shift Experience, and Master of Enrollment.

Bill and his team provide powerful, high-leverage coaching and training for entrepreneurs around the globe to expand their vision, create extraordinary impact, radically increase income, and transform their businesses and lives.

By creating both life-altering inner shifts to limiting beliefs and proven step-by-step roadmaps to success, Bill leads entrepreneurs to align with their values and purpose to deeply fulfill their life’s work—and create a ripple effect of change in the world.












Our comprehensive and expansive support system will help you catapult your income and fulfillment while making a big difference in the world. No more working on your business in isolation and trying hard to figure out everything on your own. Let our support system lift you up when you’re down, and motivate you to greater heights!

800 W. Main Street, Suite 1460Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (415) 362-8502Fax: (888) 362-4799 Email: [email protected] http://billbaren.com