Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 8 Introduction to materials

Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 8 Introduction to materials

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Business and Computing Deanery

3D Modelling Tools

Week 8 Introduction to materials

3D Modelling Tools 2

Last week Boolean Mesh modelling

Working from a graphic Working with sub-objects

3D Modelling Tools 3

This week materials Materials

Shaders Rendering Colours Shininess Self-illumination

Not textures, or bitmaps or maps

3D Modelling Tools 4

Materials - a context… To model furniture how would you

apply material to an object to model: A shinny metal chair? A glass table top? A tumbler with blackcurrant squash? A metal light fitting, with the light

turned on? A plastic chair?

3D Modelling Tools 5

Concepts Consider modelling a brick wall Can you think of three ways to do it? Which would look best?

3D Modelling Tools 6

Using materials in 3ds max Use the library that comes with the

software Or make you own

Simple material Using a material texture Use a map


3D Modelling Tools 7

Materials Materials are like paint With materials, you make apples red

and oranges orange You put the shine in chrome and the

polish on glass Materials are what make your

scenes look real

3ds max v7

3D Modelling Tools 8

Materials and light Light is reflected from the surfaces

of your model Consider how the light and materials

will interact Will it reflect its surroundings? Will it be bumpy or smooth? Old, clean or dirty?

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Material editor Materials

Defined Created Applied

Sample shots Parameters

Shaders Maps

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Standard materials You can create an unlimited number

of materials The most important part of the

material is the shader A mathematical formula that defines

the way that a surface is affected by light

You choose a shader according to the surface you hope to create

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Rendering The computer “paints” the result of

calculation onto the screen as an image Takes into account the geometry of the

model, but also Colours Textures Light position, intensity, colour

The viewport is a preview, you need to render the scene to see the materials properly Render to a still image? Render in your game engine?

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Shaders and rendering For standard materials, a shader is

an algorithm that tells your software how to calculate surface rendering

Each shader has a unique set of characteristics in order to serve a particular purpose

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3ds types of shaders Seven shaders used with a standard material

Anisotropic: For surfaces with elliptical, "anisotropic" highlights. These highlights are good for modeling hair, glass, or brushed metal.

Blinn: For rounder, softer highlights than Phong shading Metal: For metallic surfaces Multi-Layer: For surfaces with more complex highlights

than Anisotropic Oren-Nayar-Blinn: For matte surfaces such as fabric or

terra-cotta Phong: For surfaces with strong, circular highlights Strauss: For metallic and nonmetallic surfaces. The

Strauss shader has a simpler interface than other shaders.

Translucent: Similar to Blinn shading, the Translucent shader also lets you specify translucency, where light is scattered as it passes through the material.

3D Modelling Tools 14

Phong Smoothes the edges between

faces and renders highlights realistically for shiny, regular surfaces

Interpolates intensities across a face based on the averaged face normals of adjacent faces.

Calculates the normal for every pixel of the face. 3ds max v7

3D Modelling Tools 15

Blinn shading Blinn shading is a subtle

variation on Phong shading its mathematics are more

accurate The most noticeable

difference is that highlights appear rounder

This is the default shader for 3ds max Standard materials

3ds max v7

3D Modelling Tools 16

Anisotropic highlights The Anisotropic

shader creates surfaces with elliptical highlights

Good for modelling hair, glass, or brushed metal

3ds max v7

3D Modelling Tools 17

Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader A variant of the Blinn shader It contains additional

"advanced diffuse" controls, Diffuse Level and Roughness, that you can use to give the material a matte effect.

Good for matte surfaces such as fabric, terra-cotta, and so on.

3D Modelling Tools 18

Metal Shader Realistic-looking metallic

surfaces and a variety of organic-looking materials.

A distinct curve for specular highlights. Metal surfaces also have glancing highlights

Calculate their own specular color, which can vary between the material's diffuse color and the color of the light

You can't set a metal material's specular color.

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Surface attributes Basic material settings

Colour Shininess Transparency

3D Modelling Tools 20

Standard colour components 1. Specular

The colour of shiny highlights

2. Diffuse The colour of the

object in direct, "good" lighting

3. Ambient colour The colour of the

object in shadow

Some shaders generate the specular colour, rather than letting you choose it.

3ds max v7

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Colour Hue

Frequency of the light coming form the object

Saturation How concentrated

the colour is Value

Lightness or darkness of a colour

Additive colour model RGB

3ds max v7

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Shininess Overall reflective

nature of the object

Specularity Intensity of the

highlight Glossiness

The size of the specular highlight

Top sphere: Glossiness=100; Specular Level=100

Left sphere: Glossiness=50; Specular Level=50

Right sphere: Glossiness=0; Specular Level=0 3ds max v7

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Activity Use a box to create a tray or table top Create a 2 x 4 array of spheres on the


Create 6 different materials and apply them to your spheres Polished steel, brushed aluminium, red

dull plastic , red shiny plastic…………. Remember to name the materials

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Opacity Transparency and

opacity are opposites An object that is

fully transparent (0% Opacity) is nearly invisible except for the light it reflects (the specular highlights). 3ds max v7

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Self-illumination Creates the illusion of

incandescence by replacing shadows on the surface with the diffuse colour

As you increase self-illumination, the self-illumination colour takes over from the ambient colour

At a setting of 100, the material shows no shaded areas

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Activity Make and apply a partially

transparent material Make and apply a self-illuminated

object Render to a JPEG Export to Turntool

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To come Tutorial on Tuesday

Submit Portfolio 4 and storyboard Work on Portfolio 5

Due Week 9 Work Model A

Due Friday Week 10 to the Deanery office

Lecture next week File formats and exporting models

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Portfolio 5 A word document with a rendered

JPEG image of 8 spheres all with a different material

In the word document list the parameters of the 8 spheres Shader Colours (more than one!) Specular level Glossiness Opacity…etc.

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Questions You have been asked to model a

mini car for use in a game Describe the material parameters you

would design for use for the: Tyres Body Windows Cloth seating Light fittings

Metal surround Cover Bulb

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Impendent study Directed reading 3DS Max 7 Bible

Read Chapters 3, 20 and 21

Portfolio 5 Tutorials

Introduction to Materials and Mapping PP 1-19

Work on model A

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References 3ds max v7, (2005) User Reference

and Tutorials Murdock K.L., (2005) 3DS Max 7

Bible, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN: 0764579711