1 10th Convocation BUITEMS Quality & Excellence in Education

BUITEMS Quality & Excellence in EducationBUITEMS Quality & Excellence in Education Let me take this opportunity to convey my felicitations to Balochistan University of Information

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BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education






Quality & Excellence in Education






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education




1. Foreword

2. Message from President Islamic Republic of Pakistan

3. Message from Prime Minister of Pakistan

4. Message from The Governor Balochistan

5. Message from The Chief Minister Balochistan

6. Message from The Chairman HEC

7. Message from Vice Chancellor BUITEMS

8. Program

9. Order of Proceedings

10. Conferment of Degrees (Announcements)

11. Award of Badges of Honour

12. Award of Gold Medals

13. Dua’a

14. List of Graduates

15. Select BUITEMS Successful Alumnae/Alumni

16. BUITEMS PhD and MS Faculty Count

17. BUITEMS Funded Research Projects

18. Testimonial






Quality & Excellence in Education


Welcome to BUITEMS and its 10th Convocation. Today is a day ofcelebration, of joy, exuberance, and smiling faces. This is a ceremoniousday of anticipation and optimistic expectations as we recognize theachievements of our graduands.

Today is a memorable day for all of us as over 700 of our PhD, MS, MBAand BS graduands will embark upon a momentous rising step-stone oftheir lives. Our graduands within the respective faculties come fromdiverse cultures of the region, manifesting BUITEMS a truly public university.This is the day we all take pride in achievements of our graduands and theirever toiling Faculty’s hard work and successful endeavors.

Our Faculty has always imposed a challenge upon themselves to educatetheir students with commitment and dedication and inculcate in them theskills of critical thinking and scientific inquiry. Knowledge of latestadvancements in their respective disciplines is an essential feature ofcurricula taught at BUITEMS. Learning at BUITEMS also nurtures andenhances the leadership skills of its students and builds an environmentconducive to creation of new knowledge. We need visionary leaders andteachers to accept responsibility for bringing about significant changesessential for our development as a nation. The efforts of our Faculty, in thisregard, have finally culminated today in shape of degrees conferred totheir own well-taught students and this University is proud of them.

Heartiest congratulations to all graduands today. You have arduouslyproven yourself worthy of this crowning glory and we sincerely hope thatyour affiliation with BUITEMS will be unyielding and you will rememberyour alma mater with special affection and pride. We are also honored towelcome your families and friends to our celebrations.

Wish you all the success in your endeavors!






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Message fromHonorable Mamnoon HussainPresident, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

I am pleased to know that Balochistan University of InformationTechnology, Engineering and Management Sciences(BUITEMS) has scheduled its 10th consecutive convocation.

On this auspicious occasion I wish to congratulate allgraduating students their teachers, parents and all those whohave contributed towards their success. I also wish to felicitatethe management, faculty and staff of the University onachieving yet another milestone in their mission to serve the

nation in the field of education.

Convocation marks culmination of industrious striving on the part of studentspursuing a study program. It is also an occasion of stock-taking for theUniversity and to plan for future success. It is encouraging to learn that theUniversity is committed to become a leading University of the country offeringeducation in Technology and Arts at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. I am also delighted to learn that BUITEMS is cognizant of needto invest maximum resources in hiring services of qualified and competent staff,continuously updating and improving curricula, promoting research on modernlines and expanding its academic programs. Besides, according equal attentiontowards personality development of the students and refinement is indeed veryencouraging.

I take this opportunity to remind the graduating students of the new challengesand opportunities that they would be facing in their practical lives. I amconfident that they have been adequately equipped to face the futurechallenges with the strength of mind and character. I sincerely hope that thesegraduates would not only come up with enviable accomplishments but wouldalso earn honour and respect for their parents, teachers, their alma-mater andthis country.

I wish the passing-out graduates all the best in future lives and professionalcareers.






Quality & Excellence in Education

Let me take this opportunity to convey my felicitations toBalochistan University of Information Technology,Engineering, and Management Sciences (BUITEMS) onholding its 10th Convocation this year. It is indeed laudablethat this is the tenth Convocation BUITEMS is holding inits existence of twelve years. I also appreciate thatBUITEMS is striving hard to impart quality education to itsstudents.

Pakistan requires adequate skills to interact with global standards of professionalexcellence. In order to be successful we require being very well conversant withthe fast developing variables of professional expertise and adapt to them withverve and tenacity. We cannot ignore that professional virtuosity is the onlymeans to compete, survive and excel in every field of endeavor we venture into.The dynamism of futuristic societies lies in developing a keen sense of learningfor the sake of transforming it into successful conduct. Advancement in researchand technology has impressed upon us the need to be competitive enough tomake our mark.

I am sure that the faculty and staff of BUITEMS are fully aware of the challengesof professionalism lying ahead. I am also sure that the students of this augustlearning institution are also cognizant of the expectations of the nation. I ampositive that the students who will be awarded academic degrees in thisConvocation will go places in their professional careers and will keep theBUITEMS standard flying high. I understand the feelings of the outgoing classand am sure they will always fondly remember their cherished alma mater.

I offer my tributes to Governor Balochistan and the Chancellor BUITEMS,Mohammad Khan Achakzai, for patronizing institutions such as BUITEMS withall sincerity. I also applaud the commendable efforts of the faculty in dischargingits noble task with diligence and nobility. I offer my heartiest felicitations tograduating students and their families on this memorable occasion. I hope thatthey would face the challenges of life ahead with determination and commitment.I wish them all success in their professional and social lives. I hope they wouldcome forward and play a positive role in national affairs with skills and knowledgethey acquired at BUITEMS.

Message fromHonorable Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Message fromHonorable Muhammad Khan Achakzai

Governor Balochistan/Chancellor BUITEMS

It is a matter of immense pleasure that BalochistanUniversity of Information Technology, Engineering andManagement Sciences (BUITEMS) is holding its 10th

Convocation. Universities are required to provide qualityeducation to their graduates, inculcate in them the skills andcapabilities essential for playing effective role in extendinghuman understanding, and contribute to society throughresearch.

BUITEMS has aimed at achieving these objectives by ensuring that every studyprogram offered by the University is academically and professionally relevantto today’s advancements in the scientific, technological and commercialdemands of the contemporary world. I extend heartiest greetings to ViceChancellor and his team and look forward to seeing more accomplishments infuture. As a forward looking academic institution, BUITEMS is consistentlyenhancing its learning environment and promoting growth in academic andresearch domains. Keeping in view the importance of extra-curricular activitiesfor physical and mental growth of students, the University has developednecessary infrastructure comprising play grounds and a sports complex.

I would like to call upon the graduating students to remember that havinggraduated from the university puts greater responsibility on their shoulders asstarting from today, they would be held responsible and accountable for thefuture well-being of the nation. They should believe in themselves and followtheir dreams of undertaking ventures of national development which promiseprosperity, happiness and peace for the region. I wish all distinctive successesin their new journey towards practical life.

Once again I extend heartfelt congratulations to BUITEMS, to its faculty,administration and especially to the graduating students and their parents onachieving a prominent milestone.






Quality & Excellence in Education

Message fromHonorable Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch

Chief Minister Balochistan

Balochistan University of Information Technology andManagement Sciences (BUITEMS) Quetta is a reputableand leading Educational Institute of Balochistan renderingcommendable services in equipping the youth ofBalochistan with modern and professional education indistinct fields of Engineering, Information Technology andSocial Sciences. The 10th Convocation of BUITEMS is animportant event where fresh graduates would get fruit oftheir labour and hard work. The Vice Chancellor EngineerAhmed Farooq Bazai, the Administration and Faculty members deserveapplause for it. Obtaining degrees on successful completion of academiccourses is also a matter of honor for graduating students and their parents.

Education is inevitable for the development of a nation. Without educationno country can dream of prosperity, stability and progress. We are living inan age of science and technology where the importance of education hasincreased manifold. The 4th American President, James Madison rightlysaid, "Knowledge will forever rule ignorance". The history of world bearstestimony to this statement.

Those countries of world that are having high literacy rate and bettereducational standards are making tremendous progress and aredominating world politically and economically. On the contrary thecountries with low literacy rate and pathetic educational standard areconfronted with serious social, political and economic woes.

Our Holy religion also accentuates on education. It is the religion whichcommences with word "Read" and makes it obligatory on it's followers(both male and female) to acquire education. It equates educated peoplewith those who are having vision and illiterate with those who are blind. Itequally emphasizes on religious and worldly education. It is ironic thatalbeit we are followers of such golden religion but still we are having adeplorable standard of education.

Once again, I would appreciate the graduating students and theirguardians for their successful efforts for earning this degree which is a signof educational achievement in their lives and wish them all the best in theirfuture lives.






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Message fromProf. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Chairman, Higher Education Commission

I am pleased to learn that Balochistan University ofInformation Technology, Engineering and ManagementSciences (BUITEMS) is holding its 10th Convocation. This isan unforgettable moment for the graduating students whohave earned the degrees by investing their precious time,their talents, their energies and most important of all hardwork. Convocation day is not only a day of celebration andrecognition of achievements for the university, students andparents , but it also marks the start of an equally important

phase of responsibility in the life of the graduating students to take upinnumerable professional responsibilities entrusted to them with energy,commitment and determination.

BUITEMS is making a significant contribution in enhancing the quality ofeducation by modern innovations and practices in the fields of Technology, LifeSciences, Social and Natural Sciences, Engineering and ManagementSciences while keeping with the local values systems and contributing towardsnational development. The university produces graduates who are the flag-bearers and ambassadors of the values and practices of tolerance,professionalism, leadership and scientific attitude. I hope that the graduateswho are passing out today would be able to shift their learning from theclassroom to the quest for truth, knowledge and values that will enrich societaldevelopment. I earnestly hope that these graduates would also take up thechallenge of bringing Balochistan and Pakistan at par with the leadingcountries in economic and social development.

On this important occasion, I would like to convey my best wishes to all thegraduating students who will receive their hard-earned degrees today. Theout-going young graduates of BUITEMS are privileged to have received highquality education from one of the finest houses of learning, and they are amongthe best minds in Pakistan. I advise the students to continue their mission oflifelong learning as well as disseminating the acquired knowledge to others. Iurge them to always make their alma mater proud of them. I would also like toextend my heartiest felicitations to the Vice Chancellor BUITEMS, faculty andstaff whose unflinching efforts and consistent determination made BUITEMS aquality educational institution in education and research in the province.






Quality & Excellence in Education

Message fromAhmed Farooq Bazai

Vice Chancellor BUITEMS

The 10th consecutive convocation is yet another land mark ofBUITEMS progress and advancement to achieve itsmissionary goals. As a nation we must have learnt great dealfrom our mistakes which if not committed repeatedly, wouldnot only have prevented us from falling on the path ofregression but would undoubtedly have led us on to the roadto success. We must therefore, have to strengthen ourinstitutions and not neglect them as we did for very long, especially theacademic institutions. In this regard we at BUITEMS have followed a steady,stage-wise path of progression, identified by logical design which isuniversally characterized in the history of leading academic institutions ofthe world with tangible results; following simple correlation of cumulativelyquantifying progress of nations, to their educated human resource.

These graduates of BUITEMS passing out today along with theircontemporaries from Pakistan will shape the future of our nation with unityof purpose, on the guidelines of our great leaders; Quaid-e-AzamMuhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. I am confident thatour youth will bring a silent revolution to fulfill the dreams of nation, servingto the best of their abilities with consciousness. I take this opportunity tocongratulate our graduates today as they have accomplished their missionwith their hard work for the award of the degrees; fulfilling all the conditionsof BUITEMS for the same. I also congratulate teachers and parents whohad to work more than the students to see them stand victorious.

God bless you all.






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education


10:30 am Guests to be seated

10:45 am Arrival of the Chief Guest/Guest of Honour

11:00 am Academic procession enters the Convocation Hall

National Anthem

Chancellor declares the Convocation open

11:10 am Recitation from the Holy Quran

11:20 am Welcome Address by the Vice Chancellor

11:30 am Conferment and Award of Degrees

12:25 pm Award of Badges of Honour

12:30 pm Award of Gold Medals

12:45 pm Address by the Guest of Honour

1:00 pm Address by the Chancellor

1:15 pm Prayer (Dua’a)

1:20 pm Academic procession leaves the Convocation Hall

1:30 pm Refreshment






Quality & Excellence in Education


v Guests to be seated

v Arrival of the Chief Guest/Guest of Honour

v Escort of the Chief Guest/ Guest of Honour to the Robing room

v Entry of the two-line Academic Procession in to the Convocation Hall

(Procession will be in reverse order of Seniority with the Chief Guest,

Guest of Honor and the Vice Chancellor following at the back of the

procession. As the procession enters, all guests shall rise and

remain so till the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and the Vice

Chancellor take their seats on the stage)

v National Anthem begins

v Declaration of Opening of Convocation (by the Chief Guest)

v Conferment and Award of Degrees

v Declaration of Closing of Convocation (by the Chief Guest)

(The rest of the events falling between will follow as per the program list)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Presentation of the PhD, MS, MBA, BS graduands to the Vice Chancellor by Prof.Dr. M.A.K. Malghani

For Doctorate of Philosophy graduands

Prof. Dr. M.A.K. Malghani:Sir I present to you the candidates who fulfilled all the requirements for the grantof the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy. I request you to confer the said degreeson them.

Vice Chancellor:By the virtue of the authority vested in me as the Vice Chancellor of the university,I confer upon you the Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy and charge you toprove yourself worthy of the same, through appropriate professional behavior.

For Master of Science graduands

Prof. Dr. M.A.K. Malghani:Sir I present to you the candidates who fulfilled all the requirements for the grantof the degree of Master of Science in their respective disciplines. I request you toconfer the said degrees on them.

Vice Chancellor:By the virtue of the authority vested in me as the Vice Chancellor of the university,I confer upon you the Degree of Master of Science in your respective disciplinesand charge you to prove yourself worthy of the same, through appropriateprofessional behavior.

For Master of Business Administration graduands

Prof. Dr. M.A.K. Malghani:Sir I present to you the candidates who fulfilled all the requirements for the grantof the degree of Master of Business Administration. I request you to confer thesaid degrees on them.

Vice Chancellor:By the virtue of the authority vested in me as the Vice Chancellor of the university,I confer upon you the Degree of Master of Business Administration and chargeyou to prove yourself worthy of the same, through appropriate professional behavior.

The recipients of the degrees will bow to the Vice Chancellor and take their seats.

Conferment of Degrees (Announcements)






Quality & Excellence in Education

For Bachelor of Science graduands

Prof. Dr. M.A.K. Malghani:Sir, I present to you the candidates who fulfilled all the requirements for thegrant of the degree of Bachelor of Science in their respective disciplines. Irequest you to confer the said degrees on them.

Vice Chancellor:By the virtue of the authority vested in me as the Vice Chancellor of theuniversity, I confer upon you the Degree of Bachelor of Science in yourrespective discipline and charge you to prove yourself worthy of the same,through appropriate professional behavior.

The recipients of the degrees will bow to the Vice Chancellor and take their seats.






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Award of Degrees

Faculty of Life Sciences & Informatics� PhD Biotechnology & Informatics (Spring-2004)

PhD Biotechnology & Informatics (Fall-2004)

Faculty of Life Sciences & Informatics� MS Biotechnology & Informatics (Fall-2010)

Faculty of Engineering� MS Environmental Management and Policy (Fall-2010)� MS Environmental Management and Policy (Spring-2010)

Faculty of Arts & Basic Sciences� MS Physics (Spring-2012)

Faculty of Information & Communication Technology� MS Computer Engineering (Spring-2012)� MS Information Technology (Spring-2012)

Faculty of Management SciencesMBA (Regular) (Spring-2011)MBA (Evening 3.5 year) (Spring-2011)MBA (Evening 2 year) (Spring-2012)MBA (Banking and Finance) (Spring-2011)

Faculty of Life Sciences & Informatics. BS Biotechnology & Informatics (Spring-2010). BS Biotechnology & Informatics (Fall-2010). BS Microbiology (Spring-2010). BS Microbiology (Fall-2010)

Faculty of Management Sciences� BS Business Administration (Fall-2010)� BS Economics (Fall-2010)






Quality & Excellence in Education

Faculty of Arts & Basic Sciences� BS International Relations (Spring-2010)� BS International Relations (Fall-2010)� BS Mass Communication (Fall-2010)� BS Physics (Fall-2010)� B Fine Arts (Fall-2010)

Faculty of Engineering� BS Chemical Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Textile Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Petroleum & Gas Engineering (Spring-2010)� BS Petroleum & Gas Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Geological Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Mining Engineering (Fall-2010)� B Architecture (Fall-2009)� BS Civil Engineering (Spring-2010)� BS Civil Engineering (Fall-2010)

Faculty of Information & Communication Technology� BS Electronic Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Telecommunication Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Computer Science (Fall- 2010)� BS Computer Engineering (Fall-2010)� BS Information Technology (Fall-2010)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Award of Badges of Honour

Merit needs to be extolled in order to open ways of future flourishing ofthe discovered talents. There are categories of top achievers i.e those whotouch the skies and those who leap up the highest. The students whonotched up top positions by leaping up highest in various programs ofstudy are being awarded Badges of Honour in recognition of their merit.



Sheraz 3.69

Spring-2012MS (Physics)

Abdul Rahman3.60

Spring-2012MS (Information Technology)



Mahrukh Mengal 3.62

Fall-2010BS (Microbiology)

Qasim Nabi3.57

Fall-2010B (Fine Arts)



Gul Mina 3.62

Fall-2010BS (Information Technology)

Asma Batool3.51

Fall-2009B (Architecture)



Zahid Hussain 3.67

Fall-2010BS (Mining Engineering)

Amjad Rehman3.66

Fall-2010BS (Chemical Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

AWARD OF GOLD MEDALSQuality and Excellence in Education is the motto of our University. Wehold those students in high esteem who excelled as students throughtheir high intellectual zest and continuous hard work and acquired topmerit positions in various programs of study.





Abdul Basit3.79

Spring-2012MBA (Evening 2 Years)



Arifa Yazdan3.75

Fall-2010BS (Biotechnology & Informatics)



Abida Dost Mohammad 3.97

Spring-2012MS (Environmental Management

& Policy)



Fatima Ali3.95

Fall-2010BS (Business Administration)


Spring-2011MBA (Banking & Finance)



Tanvir Ahmed 3.96

Spring-2011MBA (Regular)

Syed Muhammad Junaid 3.84

Spring-2011MBA (Evening 3.5 Years)

Isra Durrani3.88

Spring-2010BS (Biotechnology & Informatics)

Fakeha Bint-e-Khalid3.97

Spring-2010BS (Microbiology)

Farwa Kanwal3.90

Fall-2010BS (Mass Communication)

Qurat-ul-Ain Zafar3.70

Fall-2010BS (Economics)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education



Rukhsar Bibi3.91

Fall-2010BS (International Relations)

Samiullah Tareen3.71

Spring-2010BS (International Relations)



Sehrish Pervaiz3.82

Fall-2010BS (Textile Engineering)

Sameen Aslam3.96

Fall-2010BS (Physics)



Faisal Zaman3.77

Fall-2010BS (Geological Engineering)

Haiwad Ahmad3.85

Fall-2010BS (Petroleum &Gas Engineering)



Amjad Pervez3.73

Fall-2010BS (Civil Engineering)


Spring-2010BS (Civil Engineering)



Rabia Qadar3.91

Fall-2010BS (Telecom Engineering)

Ramal Tanveer3.90

Fall-2010BS (Electronic Engineering)



Tayyab Hussain3.78

Fall-2010BS (Computer Science)

Syed Asad Ali3.88

Fall-2010BS (Computer Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education


We bow our heads in gratitude to Allah Almighty for the blessingsof the fruition of our endeavors and dedication in the pursuit ofknowledge. May Allah lead all of us on to the path ofrighteousness and virtue and guide us on the way of utilizing ourknowledge in our practical lives. May further honor and glorycome to the recipients of degrees today and may they serve thenation and the country in true spirit of faithfulness.

Allah! Inspire these young men and women with the earnestdesire of expanding their knowledge further and give them thecapability of contributing positively to their respective branchesof study. Allah! mould their minds and hearts according to theteachings of Islam and make them follow the path of truth withzeal and determination. Oh Allah! Inculcate in the minds of theseyoung men and women, the sense of gratitude to their parents, totheir teachers and to the Country, which nourished themphysically, intellectually and spiritually.

Allah! Endow them with the qualities of humility, simplicity andpatriotism and make them aware of their weaknesses, so thatthey may be able to shun their shortcomings. Allah! Grant themsuccess in every field they go to and make them beacons of lightfor the succeeding generations of students. Allah! We request theeto shower renown and repute on our University and grant hergreater powers to continue spreading light and truth for all timesto come.







BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

List of GraduatesBUITEMS CONVOCATION 2014

S# Enrollment No. Name Father Name CGPA1 04S-PhD(Bio)-38 Syed Abdul Sadiq Syed Sirajuddin Shah 3.452 04S-PhD(Bio)-52 Asmat Ullah Syed Ahmadullah Taran 3.453 04S-PhD(Bio)-28 Fazal Ahmad Khuda Bakhsh 3.4

Batch: Spring-2004Program of Study: PhD (Biotechnology and Informatics)

S# Enrollment No. Name Father Name CGPA1 12185 Rabil Urooj Muhammad Altaf Raja 3.872 12184 Asfand Yar Rehmat Ullah 3.73 12269 Aman Ullah Mengal Hammad Sharif 3.14

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: MS (Environmental Management and Policy)

S# Enrollment No. Name Father Name CGPA1 12473 Abida Dost Mohammad Dost Mohammad 3.97

Batch: Spring-2012Program of Study: MS (Environmental Management and Policy)

S# Enrolment No Name Father Name CGPA1 04F-PhD(Bio)-26 Abdul Hameed Khuda Bux 3.72

Batch: Fall-2004Program of Study: PhD (Biotechnology & Informatics)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12204 Rahman Gul Muhammad Hussain 3.03

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: MS (Biotechnology & Informatics)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 20779 Abdul Rahman Zafar Ali 3.6

Batch: Spring-2012MS (Information Technology)

S# Enrollment No. Name Father Name CGPA1 12450 Sheraz Zahir Zaman 3.69

Batch: Spring-2012Program of Study: MS (Physics)

S# Enrollment No. Name Father Name CGPA1 20777 Sibghat Ullah Meherullah Bazai 3.73

Batch Spring-2012Program of Study: MS (Computer Engineering)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 16009 Tanvir Ahmed Shamsullah Kakar 3.962 15999 Sana Dawood Muhammad Dawood Khan 3.923 16104 Bushra Rasool Ghulam Rasool 3.734 16113 Yasmeen Zamin Ali 3.75 15901 Rukhsana Mohammad Baqir 3.646 15895 Tahira Batool Abdullah Jan 3.617 15911 Zarqa Qamar Uz Zaman 3.598 15890 Ghulam Farid Ghulam Nabi 3.559 16072 Ahmad Ali Molvi Abdul Rahim 3.48

10 12285 Rabia Iftikhar Iftikhar Ahmed 3.4211 16050 Mohammad Khan Haji Shabir Ahmed 3.4112 16100 Ramshah Hassan Saeed Hassan Iqbal 3.413 16018 Gulnaz Rajab Ali 3.3914 15689 Mohammad Sheheryar Saleem Akhter 3.3515 15909 Sughra Mirza Khan 3.3416 15691 Qasim Siddqiue Iftikhar Hussain 3.3217 16098 Sidra Arshad Arshad Naseer 3.3218 16101 Kaneez Raza Qurban Ali 3.319 15885 Sundus Ayub Mohammad Ayub 3.2720 16129 Sobia Nasir Nasir Hussain 3.2621 12280 Abdul Basit Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan 3.2422 15912 Hakima Muhammad Hassan 3.223 15694 Saira Batool Muhammad Ali 3.1524 12342 Iram Naeem Naeem Ahmed Khan 3.15

Batch: Spring-2011Program of Study: Master of Business Administration






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 16074 Khalil -Ur-rehman Abdul Rehman 3.892 12312 Nazia Jogezai Hassan Khan Jogezai 3.773 15769 Muhammad Arif Muhammad Yousaf 3.644 15765 Shomaila Kanwal Rehmat Ali 3.525 15773 Ayesha Khan Naeem Ul Abedin Khan 3.356 16111 Zermina Mir Ahmed Mir Ahmed Nosherwani 3.287 16119 Iftikhar Ahmed Muhammad Arshad 3.248 12289 Maryam Saeed Saeed Ahmed 3.189 16109 Munir Ahmed Haji Shams Ul Haq 3.16

10 16076 Ayesha Mubarik Mubarik Ali 3.1

Batch: Spring-2011Program of Study: MBA (Banking & Finance)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15741 Syed Muhammad Junaid Syed Najam Ul Hassan 3.842 15740 Iftikhar Ahmed Haji Khursheed Ahmed 3.63 16114 Jawad Ahmed Khan Niaz Ahmad Khan 3.044 16055 Rehmat Ullah Haji Abdul Khaliq 2.895 16084 Ali Asghar Faqir Husssain 2.896 16063 Masood Uzzaman Khan Alizai Sardar Moheem Khan Alizai 2.5

Batch: Spring-2011Program of Study: MBA Evening (ME3.5)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA25 16099 Hakima Shair Hussain 3.1426 16116 Kaleem Ullah Abdul Samad 3.1327 16134 Mishal Naz Arif Naz 3.1328 16135 Mohammad Naeem Shambay 3.0929 15888 Abdul Hai Aalam Gul 3.0130 15701 Anila Yasmeen Safder Hussain Awan 2.8431 16152 Muhammad Usama Tareen Khalid Pervaiz Khan Tareen 2.27

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 20577 Abdul Basit Hafiz Muhammad Akbar 3.792 20607 Kamran Rahim Muhammad Rahim Khan 3.743 20603 Nisar Ahmed Mohib Gul 3.494 20722 Abdul Ali Nazar Mohammad 3.375 20600 Farman Ullah Nazar Muhammad 3.346 12489 Muhammad Asghar Muhammad Aslam 3.37 20606 Muhmamad Atif Raz Faqir Muhammad 2.88

Batch: Spring-2012Program of Study: MBA-Evening 2 Year






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13937 Arifa Yazdan Dr. Yazdan Ali 3.752 12155 Sabiha Abdul Razaq 3.063 14959 Anum Shakir Shakir Javed Khokhar 2.844 13932 Lehrasab Ahmed Khan 2.625 14942 Muhammad Usman Allah Dittah 3.066 14952 Zahid Hussain Ghulam Mehdi 2.957 14804 Zulqarnain Manzoor Manzoor Ahmad 2.738 14956 Ambreen Farooq Ahmed 2.27

9 14951 Gul Rukh Muhammad Rafaqat Khalil 2.2

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Biotechnology & Informatics)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 11932 Isra Durrani Saeed Ahmed Durrani 3.882 11929 Sanam Zeib Khan Aurang Zeib Khan 3.813 9887 Maria Khalid Khalid Hameed 3.474 11926 Huma Batool Ghazanfar Ali 3.295 11927 Rozi Gul Abdul Razzaq 2.476 11931 Saadiya Mujeeb Mujeeb Ullah 2.77 11910 Azra Mohammad Ali 2.33

Batch: Spring-2010Program of Study: BS (Biotechnology & Informatics)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 11567 Fakeha Binte Khalid Khalid Saeed Wasti 3.972 11488 Anam Rasool Ghulam Rasool 3.613 11794 Naila Ghulam Nabi Ghulam Nabi 3.534 11177 Alamzaib Shah Abdullah Shah 3.515 11502 Aemad Tabasum Tabasum Parvez 3.456 11905 Shakeel Ahmed Lal Mohammad 3.397 11820 Saman Naeem Mohammad Naeem Khalid 3.35

Batch: Spring-2010Program of Study: BS (Microbiology)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13926 Mahrukh Mengal Dr Jaffar Ali 3.622 14023 Sarfaraz Hussain Mulazim Hussain 3.423 13929 Malka Saher M. Yasin 3.094 14922 Natasha Mishal Malik Zafar Iqbal Mailk 2.79

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Microbiology)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13888 Fatima Ali Sadiq Ali 3.952 14734 Mehak Mehmood Mehmood Ahmed 3.943 13357 Marzia Ghulam Sakhi 3.894 14032 Mohammad Haris Khan Sheikh Hakim Khan 3.825 15370 Maneel Nazim Syed Nazim Ali 3.776 15415 Rahila Jan Lal 3.677 12525 Fazal-ur-Rehman Haji Abdul Rehman 3.678 13118 Kubra Hussain Haji Hussain Ali 3.669 14703 Mohammad Amin Zawar Ali 3.56

10 14709 Wajiha Javaid Javaid Iqbal 3.5211 13348 Yumna iftikhar Iftikhar Ahmed 3.512 14695 Jagdeesh Kumar Pahlaj 3.4613 15245 Zeeshan Khalid Khalid Mahmood 3.4514 15414 Minza Jamal Jamal Naseer Hamayun 3.4515 13273 Sheharyar Shakir Allahyar Khan 3.4316 14753 Faseeh ud Din Bazai Mohkam ud Din Khan Bazai 3.417 14006 Shehzeen Imtiaz Imtiaz Ahmed 3.3918 12157 Mareena Khan Dr Khudai Rahim 3.3319 14765 Malaila Azam Kasi Muhammad Azam Kasi 3.2820 14728 Sumaira Faiz Faiz Muhammad 3.2821 14714 Junaid Latif Muhammad Latif 3.2522 13115 Mubah Sadaf Qamar Islam Ansari 3.1523 13099 Jan Sher Muhammad Rasool 3.0824 14029 Ghufran Karamat Karamat Masih 3.0525 13130 Subhan Shahid Mohammad Shahid 3.0426 13344 Sana Kanwal Jahan Khan 3.0327 13105 Shabbir Ahmed Gul Muhammad 3.0228 13127 Arsalan Khan Kasi Fazal Mehmood Kasi 2.9529 12146 Abdullah Khan Muhammad Anwar Luni 2.9230 13363 Saba Nageen Muhammad Riaz 2.8431 14902 Sartaj Yousaf Muhammad Yousaf Kundai 2.8232 12523 Abdul Jabbar Sardar Khan 2.7633 14724 Muhamamd Naseem Muhamamd Mobeen 2.7634 13889 Shakeeb Yousuf Mohammad Yousuf 2.7535 14004 Abid Aziz Abdul Aziz 2.7436 14037 Benish Rana Arshed 2.6937 13300 Osman Lateef Abdul Lateef Shah 2.6838 15614 Mustafa Jawed Jawed Ahmed 2.5739 14787 Behram Shahwani Muhammad Anwar Shahwani 2.4740 15437 Nadir Khan Muhammad Jumma 2.36

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Business Administration)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13886 Qurat-ul-Ain Zafar Zafar Iqbal 3.72 13120 Attfa Ghaffar Abdul Ghaffar 3.623 15076 Zahoor Ahmed Muhammad Aslam 3.494 15311 Muhamamd Yaqoob Wazeer Khan 3.335 13338 Muhammad Numan Ghulam Ali 3.176 14792 Muhammad Junaid Maqsood Maqsood Khan 2.767 12116 Hikmatullah Azizullah 3.158 14307 Sadam Hussain Dost Muhammad 3.019 14001 Syed Jahanzaib Shah Syed Manzoor Hussan Shah 2.75

10 12238 Farhadullah Sayed Habib Shah 2.6711 13917 Jahanzaib Essa Augustin Haroon 2.6112 13245 Joshua James James Bhatti 2.47

13 15276 Hafeez Ullah Mohamad Akbar 2.05

14 14108 Muhammad Babar Muhammad Anwar 2.01

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Economics)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA41 13100 Anum Tariq MAlik Tariq Pervaiz 2.9942 14725 Noor-ul- Ain Muhammad Ehsan 2.8343 12512 Syed Mohammad Shoaib S. Abdul Latif 2.7644 14977 Syed fashi ud Din Hashmi Mujahid Hussain Hashmi 2.745 13122 Saddam Ali Qazi Abdullah qazi 2.6346 12522 Asif Aman Haji AmanUllah 2.6347 12154 Fariba Syed Baqir 2.648 14803 Oshin Mariam Nadeem Bakhshi 2.549 13365 Zafar Ullah Ubaid Ullah 2.4450 15504 Bilal Ahmed Ali Ahmed 2.4251 14748 Bashir Khan Haji Abdul Qadir Khan 2.3252 14761 Faisal Azeem Kakar Muhammad Ismail 2.2753 14736 Kashif Ghani Hazrat Ghani 2.2654 14845 Gulaly Saleh Muhamamd Saleh Muhammad 2.1155 12149 Anum Jessica Amjad Aziz 3.6356 14039 Muniza Hashmi Khusnood Ahmed Hashmi 3.01

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 11908 Samiullah Tareen Abdul Wahab 3.712 11799 Jaffar Khan Muhammad Rasool 3.473 11937 Fareed Ahmed Abdul Wahab 3.314 10253 Syed Mohammad Khalid Syed Mohammad Azeem 2.915 12093 Asmatullah Syed Muhammad Hassan 2.736 11966 Bilal Khalid Muhammad Khalid 2.34

Batch: Spring-2010Program of Study: BS (International Relations)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 14242 Sameen Aslam Muhammad Aslam 3.962 13942 Muhamamd Hussain Sakhi Dad 3.673 15320 Ayesha Parveen Muhammad Iqbal 3.61

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 14034 Qasim Nabi Ghulam Nabi 3.572 13332 Aqeel Ahmed Safdar Ali 3.513 13972 Sadaf Baqri Mumtaz Baqri 3.54 12137 Muhammad Abid Khan Abdul Qadeer Khan 3.475 12127 Sahib Zada Sardar Sahibzada Haji Saleh 3.26

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: B (Fine Arts)

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Physics)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13969 Farwa Kanwal Irshad Hussain 3.92 15101 Muhammad Umar Malik Muhammad Farooq Malik 3.453 14199 Asfandyar Bangash Saif-ur-Rahman 3.384 15381 Daniyal Shakeel Ahmed 3.245 14813 Habib Salam Khan 2.39

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Mass Communication)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 14983 Rukhsar Bibi Syed Readi Gul 3.912 14978 Zarina Khan Muhammad Usman Khan 3.93 13515 Dawood Ahmed Haji Abdul Zahir 2.8

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (International Relations)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15010 Amjad Rehman Asal Jan 3.662 12671 Abrar Mukarram Muhammad Mukkarram 3.653 13679 Muhammad Asghar Khan Akbar Khan 3.564 12858 Muhammad Iltaf Kishwar Shah 3.525 13585 Ashfaq Ahmed Atta ur Rahman 3.486 12785 Shams-ul- Wahab Abdul Wahab 3.457 15231 Numan ul Haq Noor ul Haq 3.448 13260 Saeed Noor Wahid Noor 3.449 12956 Haq Nawaz Muhammad Zamir 3.31

10 13675 Azhar Ali Fazle Ghani 3.2611 13044 Niamatullah Sirajul haq 3.1812 13921 Awais Khalid Ch Khalid Hussain 3.1313 14525 Imran Khan Fareed Khan 3.1214 13184 Muzamil Jehangir Jehangir Khan 3.115 13872 Kifayat Ullah Inayat Ullah 3.0916 13840 Muhammad Qaisar Abdul Wakeel 3.0817 15322 Irfan Ali Imtiaz Hussain 3.0818 12838 Atta ur Rehman Fazal Wahab 3.0819 13830 Rashid Ahad Fazal Ahad 3.0620 13488 Muhammad Naeem Masal Khan 3.0521 13916 Israrullah Akbar Khan 3.0522 14692 Zoheb Rasheed Abdul Rasheed 2.9823 12738 Sadeeq Ahmad Fazal Muhammad 2.9324 13553 Basar Ali Abdul Imran 2.8925 13843 Muhammad Kashif Faqir Gul Shah 2.8826 13534 Yasir Iqbal Zafar Iqbal 2.8627 13267 Abdul Razzaq Muhammad Akram 2.828 13841 Asad Qadeer Sher Nawab Khan 2.829 13082 Ihtesham ul Haq Abdullah Amir Khan 2.6730 15046 Syed Sajid Hussain Syed Nijat Hussain 2.6631 13220 Adnan Khan Liaqat Ali Khan 2.6532 13209 Muhammad Junaid Muhammad Sharif 2.6433 14423 Nadeem Ullah Muhamamd Khan 2.634 12691 Bilal Khan Sher Zamin Khan 3.1835 15321 Syed Muzamil Ahmed Syed Abdul Haque 3.0636 13047 Mazhar Sajjad Akhir Zaman 2.937 13272 Sangeen Khan Syed Abdul Ahad 2.8738 12877 Muhammad Saleem Noor Muhammad 2.5339 13546 Abdul Momin Abdur Rashid 2.4940 13880 Fakhar Islam Jamshed Khan 2.4841 13578 Saif Ullah Muhammad Umar 2.47

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Chemical Engineering)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15303 Sahrish Pervaiz Pervaiz Iqbal 3.822 14829 Sadia Aslam Muhamamd Aslam 3.663 13149 Hameed Ullah Muhammad Rasool 3.384 13146 Muhammad Ali Shakir Muhammad Akram Shakir 3.355 15313 Nouman Tauqir Abdul Jabbar Tauqir 3.36 14065 Aurang Zeb Jehan Zeb 3.297 15300 Shahid Rizwan Muhammad Ibrahim 3.298 12900 Muhammad Umair Aslam Muhammad Aslam Choudry 3.289 12768 Naveed Ullah Dilawar Khan 3.14

10 13654 Irshad-ur-Rahman Abdul Shakoor 3.1411 13528 Fahad Imtiaz Imtiaz Khan 3.0912 12897 Asif Ali Muhammad Ali 3.0813 14066 Fazal Rahim Sher Bahadar 3.0614 13772 Muhammad Ijaz Syed Wali 3.0215 12996 Muhammad Shoaib Mir Zait Khan 3.0216 13851 Hafiz Fawad Ul Haq Riaz Ul Haq 2.9917 13350 Alam Zeb Muhammad Fayaz 2.9318 12842 Fahad Khan Nadar Khan 2.8819 14141 Syed Kumail Abid Syed Muhamad Qunain 2.8720 12667 Zaib Ullah Barakat Khan 2.721 12708 Muhammad Uzair Faqir Hussain 2.6822 12895 Muhammad Ajmal Muhammad Pervez 2.6523 13715 Ashfaq Ahmad Muhammad Saleem 2.6524 13869 Amin Ul Haq Molvi Sahib Ur Rahman 2.625 13337 Muhammad Hamid Muhammad Nisar 2.5426 12551 Muhammad Ayaz Habibullah 2.5127 12917 Bakht Rawan Khan Ghalib 2.4428 12712 Saddam Hussain Shah Zaman 2.4329 13793 Waheed Ur Rehman Sher Afzal 2.4330 13236 Mohammad Zahidullah Sherin 2.4231 13639 Tariq Ahmad Ikram Ali 2.15

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Textile Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12066 Waqar Sajid Khan Sajid Hussain Khan 3.622 11448 Hafiz Muhammad Abubakar Khalid Mehmood 3.313 11512 Zeeshan Oliver Pervez Ronald Pervez 3.274 11943 Faisal Munir Munir Ahmed 3.245 10725 Majeed Ullah Lakhi Muhammad 3.26 11505 Faisal Nazar Muhammad 3.27 11489 Ghani-ur-Rehman Hafiz Abdur-Rehman 38 11122 Asif Hayat Arsala Khan 2.929 11914 Sher Jan Marri Mirzhan Marri 2.79

10 12101 Muhammad Ismail Gul Zada 2.5711 11941 Arif Shahzad Muhammad Hanif Khan 2.22

Batch: Spring-2010Program of Study: BS (Petroleum & Gas Engineering)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13538 Haiwad Ahmad Mushtaq Ahmad 3.852 14507 Fatima Zahid Syed Zahid Hussain 3.843 14173 Jamil Ahmad Khaista Rahman 3.714 13705 Shahabud Din Shahi Sultan 3.645 14514 Muzammer Hussain Noor Shabat Khan 3.546 14474 Muhammad Faraz Muhammad Miskeen 3.487 14086 Zubair Aziz Abdul Aziz 3.448 15332 Kaleem Ullah Muhammad Bakhsh 3.389 13672 Rehan Khan Ismail Khan 3.37

10 12775 Waleed Farrukh Farrukh Siyyer 3.3611 14439 Syed Abdul Wakeel Syed Abdul Ahad 3.3612 13874 Muhammad Zubair Khan Juma Khan 3.3413 15049 Yasir Ullah Mohammad Zarin 3.3314 14501 Muhammad Matee Ullah Muhammad Usman 3.2815 15361 Qaisar Abbas Fayyaz Hussain 3.2716 14179 Muhammad Rizwan Khan Fareed Khan 3.2617 15367 Kaleem Ullah Khan Kasi Malik Anwar Saleem Kasi 3.2218 14053 Kifayat Ullah Khan Muhammad Yasin Khan 3.2119 14446 Muhammad Junaid Khan Muhammad Hamayun 3.220 14581 Sharif Ullah Khan Hamid Ullah Jan 3.221 15383 Muhammad Arslan . Sultan Mehmood 3.1922 12652 S.Muhammad Iqbal S. Imdad Hussain 3.1623 13140 Muhammad Jamil Nazar Khan 3.1524 12182 Muhammad Aqeel Muhammad Jameel 3.1425 13691 Shujaat Hussain Iqbal Hussain 3.09

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Petroleum & Gas Engineering)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA26 14153 Rafi Ullah Muhammad Yaqoob 3.0927 14445 Muhammad Mazhar Shaheen Shaheen ul Mulk 3.0828 14002 Muhammad Furqan Bakht Rawan 3.0729 14047 Muhammad Aqeel Muhammad Afzal 3.0630 14020 Muhammad Khalid Noor Muhammad 3.0431 12134 Ayaaz Muhammed Abdullah Muhammed Abdullah 3.0132 14418 Muhammad Adnan Lal Nawaz 3.0133 15360 Muhammad Hassan Allah Buksh Mirwani 2.9834 12657 Faisal Karam Bakht Karam 2.9435 12604 Aamar Khan Aurang Zeb 2.9236 14162 Munasir Ullah Sultan Bad Shah 2.937 14494 Farooq Khan Jan Muhammad 2.8938 14842 Rohail Khan Ubaidullah Khan 2.8939 15393 Hamid Haneef Muhammad Haneef 2.8940 14410 Saeed Ali Mehboob Ali 2.8541 14832 Ali Akbar Muhammad Anwar 2.8142 14332 Abdul ahad Abdul Nafey 2.6643 14061 Arif Ullah Khan Saif Ullah Khan 2.6644 14883 Asadullah . Jan Muhammad 2.5245 14461 Yasir Shahzad Muhammad Nabi 2.7146 12809 Amjad Hussain Abdul Hussain 2.747 13385 Najeeb Ullah Noor Muhammad 2.6548 14760 Abdul Rub Abdul latif Khan Durrani 2.5449 15389 Shah Mehmood Muhammad shah noor 3.0150 12949 Atif Ullah Basia Gul 2.8951 14435 Muhammad Faheem Jamali Ahsan Ali Jamali 2.8352 13464 Muhammad Ashraf Khan Haji Akhter Muhamad Kakar 2.7753 14154 Arashad Abdul Samad 2.7554 14129 Muhammad Bilal Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal 2.7355 12559 Muhammad Rehan Ashraf Muhammad Ashraf 2.7256 15649 Mati Ullah Abdul Rehman 2.757 14406 Yasir Hamid Khattak Abdul Hamid Khattak 2.5358 15334 Sulaman Khan Sultan Muhamamd 2.4259 12747 Muhammad Saqib Muhammad Anwar Khan 2.4160 12678 Syed Atiq Ullah Syed Shaukat Ali 2.461 14488 Haq Nawaz Muhamamd Hyat 2.22






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12973 Faisal Zaman Badee Uz Zaman 3.772 13601 Abdul Qadir Muhammad Ur Rehman 3.693 12841 Tajammal Arifeen Azmat Ullah 3.494 13753 Seemab Tariq Muhammad Tariq 3.475 12945 Jamshid Khan Wali Ayaz Khan 3.366 13162 Ajab Noor Khan Doctor Khan 3.357 13425 Habib Ullah Gul Ahmad 3.298 13435 Mohammad Yousaf Abdullah Yazdani 3.239 12822 Raheem Akhtar Ahmad Shah 3.17

10 12724 Fahad Rehan Rehan Shah 3.1411 13708 Asif Abbas Muhammad Abbas 3.112 13894 Shehzad Hussain Fida Hussain 3.113 12645 Mohsin Raza Ghulam Mujtaba 3.0714 13401 Naveed Khan Zabita Khan 3.0515 12575 Muhammad Adeel Shah Muhammad Nadir Shah 3.0316 14404 Zulfiqar Ahmad Hazrat Ali 317 14462 Muhammad Sadeeq Ayaz Khan 2.8918 12823 Ijaz Ahmad Noor Muhammad 2.8819 12618 Muhammad Anwar Mureed Khan 2.8520 15592 Shahzad Ahmed Abdul Majeed 2.7921 12734 Amir Farid Niaz Farid 2.7422 13764 Muhammad Waseem Akhtar Muhammad Shabbir Akhtar 2.7223 12894 Luqman Khan Abdul Qahar 2.6624 15116 Syed Sajid Ali . Syed Muhammad Younas 2.6225 12818 Muhammad Alamgir Said Kamal 2.5926 12903 Syed Mudasir Ahmed Syed Ahmed Ali Shah 2.5227 13255 Assad Ali Dost Muhammad Khan 2.5228 15343 Muhammad Yasin Muhammad Musa 2.46

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Geological Engineering)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15329 Zahid Hussain Muhammad Shafi 3.672 13740 Muhammad Naseem Khan Mehr Khan 3.663 12803 Ibrarullah Mehboob-ur-rehman 3.584 13799 Moinullah Muhammad Afzal Khan 3.395 12731 Shahid Raza Bahadar Khan 3.326 12663 Mian Sana Ullah Khan Amir Muhammad 3.187 15396 Tufail Ahmed Ziad Ullah Khan 3.188 13893 Arif Hussain Ghulam Mehdi 3.119 13794 Aftab Rehman Afsar Khan 3.06

10 14166 Aftab Ahmed Muhammad Rauf 3.0611 13090 Halar Shaikh Abdul Rasheed Shaikh 3.0212 12560 Muhammad Mansoor Afzal Muhammad Afzal 2.9713 12707 Muhammad Tahir Bazid Khan 2.9214 13829 Aizaz Ali Shah Shah Irani Khan 2.915 12879 Faheem Ullah Noor Suliman 2.916 13216 Sami Ullah Baber Shafi Ullah 2.8917 13419 Zarak Khan Muhammad Saleem 2.7918 14165 Muhammad Saad Muhammad Rafiq 2.7419 14340 Abdul Basit Abdul Qadoos 2.6920 13232 Abbas Ali Fayaz Muhammad 2.6321 13439 Hanif Ullah Khan Sharif Ullah Khan 2.5722 13541 Mudassir Ali Khan Khursand Ali Khan 2.5523 12554 Numan Alam Alamgir 2.524 13920 Shahid Ullah Mir Janat Khan 2.4425 13902 Adnan Muzaffar Hussain 2.4426 13509 Muhammad Aleem Khan Muhammad Naeem Khan 2.3827 14306 Hafeez Ullah Rasool Bakhsh 2.3328 13729 Zaka-ud- Din Muhammad Musa Khan 2.31

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Mining Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 10620 Asma Batool Ghulam Nabi 3.512 10975 Muhammad Bilal Khan Saeed Saeed Ul Haque 3.473 10902 Jahangeer Khan Amjad Hussain 3.474 10622 Adeel Zahoor Zahoor Ahmed 3.445 10949 Ali Gul Khan Gul Hameed Khan 3.46 9693 Shehroze Shah Saif Ullah Shah 3.327 10378 Talaymana Kasi Aftab Ahmed Kasi 3.298 9938 Fahad Khan Muhammad Aslam Naudhani 3.259 11351 Maska Khan Abdul Qaheer 3.21

10 10565 Abdullah Sami Sami Ur Rehman 3.211 8514 Syed Jahangeer Shah Syed Salah Uddin 3.1512 8605 Abdul Majid Imtiaz Hussain 3.0413 9638 Abdul Wahab Khan Abdul Latif Khan Durrani 2.9214 10941 Sanaullah Aziz Aziz Ahmed 2.8515 11411 Syed Irfan Ali Syed Arshad Ali 2.7716 10927 Muhammad Noman Abdul Karim 2.7217 11109 Ehtisham Ullah Khan Fareed Ullah Khan Jogezai 2.6818 10519 Behlol Khan Nawab Khan 2.6719 10568 Muhammad Bilal Abdul Habib Achakzai 2.65

Batch: Fall-2009Program of Study: B (Architecture)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12099 Ehsanullah Abdul Qadier 3.712 11459 Nadeem Mansoor Nazir Ahmad 3.493 11561 Wasil Khan Jogezai Saifullah Jogezai 3.424 9142 Nouman Khan Muhammad Yahya 3.395 11430 Zahid Habib Habib-Ur-Rehman 3.316 12097 Noor Hassan Mohammad Omar 3.27 11446 Muhammad Ahsan Bashir Bashir Ahmed 3.088 12028 Shahzeb Karamat Dr. Karamat Ullah 3.079 11633 Muhammad Ehsan ullah Muhammad Arif 3.02

10 11950 Jaleel Haider Abdul Aziz 3.0211 9287 Wajahat Rasool Shafaat Rasool 3.0212 11986 Jamal Dar Khan Akbar Ali Khan 3.0213 10931 Nazam Sohail Muhammad Ismail 314 11447 Mehdi Hassan Jumma Khan 2.9915 11977 Muhammad Nouman Ali Khan Rao Liaqat Ali Khan 2.9616 11968 Farrukh Shahzad Ghulam Qadir 2.9617 11444 Shahbaz Khan Nusratullah 2.818 12095 Saleem Nawaz Muhammad Nawaz 2.7819 11637 Asad Ali Muhammad Rafiq 2.7420 11636 Ikram Ullah Jaffar Haji Nasrullah Jaffar 2.65

Batch: Spring-2010Program of Study: BS (Civil Engineering)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA21 10845 Noman Ullah Inayatullah 2.5822 9273 Muhammad Imtiaz Muhammad Jan 2.3423 9497 Kaleem Ullah Abdullah Khan 3.0624 11563 Syed Rehmat Ullah Syed Abdul Wahab 2.6325 12398 Mujadded Alf Sani Bahadur Zaman 3.0826 11988 Mohammad Aslam Mohammad Ibrahim 2.0927 11442 Taj Mohammad Niaz Mohammad 2.9528 8864 Naseer ud Din Jamal ud Din 3.0129 11982 Shafi Muhammad Mengal Haji Abdul Latif Mengal 2.4930 11971 Shakir Ahmed Sardar Khan 2.331 11985 Umer Tariq Mengal Mohammad Tariq 2.0732 8932 Hamayoun Khan Haji Musa Jan 2.4733 9458 Umer Farooq Mohammad Anwar 2.2434 10790 Salani Khan Muhammad Ibrahim 2.8135 11981 Mumtaz Hussain Musa Khan 2.2536 11989 Rab Nawaz Mumtaz Ali 2.2337 8385 Zahoor Ahmed Haji Taj Muhammad Rind 2.15

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 13380 Amjad Pervez Abdul Qadir 3.732 14742 Qasim Sarfaraz Sarfaraz Mehmood 3.73 13396 Zarak Khan Kasi Shahjahan 3.684 14862 Kanza Shakeel Shakeel Ahmed 3.585 14329 Payam Ahmad Atta Ullah 3.566 14378 Muhammad Hakim Muhamamd Yaseen 3.517 13500 Imran Ullah Khawaja Muhammad Khan 3.458 14381 Vikram Lal Mir Chand 3.419 13023 Syed Abdul Ghaffar Syed Muhammad Haleem 3.37

10 13433 Faraz Fayyaz Fayyaz Younis 3.311 14950 Ahmad Shah Muhamamd Hashim 3.2712 12230 Asadullah Mohammad Ibrahim 3.2713 14330 Mehmood Khan Sher Zaman 3.2614 14051 Zain Ul Hassan Mohammad Ali 3.2515 12228 Tamim Ahmed Mohammad Nasar 3.2516 14375 Najeebullah Muhammad Umer 3.1817 14387 Faizan Dawood Muhamad Dawood Khan 3.1718 14379 Nisar Ahmed Muhammad Yaqoob 3.1519 14814 Mehmood Khan Haji Abdul Wali 3.120 13384 Naqash Ahmed Shah Syed Iqbal Husssain Shah 3.07

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Civil Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA21 13702 Mehran Aqil Haider Muhammad Aqil 3.0522 13423 Muhamad Altamash Alam Muhammad Aftab Alam 3.0523 12231 Agha Sheerin Sayed Abdul Rahim 3.0524 12741 Faiza Zainab Manzoor Hussain 3.0125 14833 Arian Khan Nasrullah Khan 2.9326 13445 Syed Mohammd Abid Syed Mohammad Azim 2.8827 14992 Meraj Quddus Abdul Quddus 2.7828 15265 Riaz Khan Muhammad Nawaz Khan 2.7329 13703 Muhammad Tariq Ali Johar 2.6430 14693 Masood Ahmed Mehmood Ahmed 3.4231 12260 Rahmat Gul Badshah Gul 3.2432 14341 Junaid Khan Mohammad Iqbal Khan 3.1433 14365 Inamullah Muhammad Hassan 3.1434 13094 Sarbuland Khan Zubair Ahmed 3.1135 14368 Muhammad Naeem Khan Meera Gul Khan 3.0636 12893 Nissar Ahmed Kakar Dr. Muhammad Shah Kakar 3.0437 13615 Muhammad Yasir Azmat Khan 3.0238 12925 Taimoor Hassan Babar Rahim Khan 2.9239 15511 Inam Khan Qutub Uddin 2.8540 15512 Dilawar Khan Haji Fazal Muhamamd 2.8341 12565 Waqar Ahmed Mohamamd Qaseem 2.8142 14743 Yasir Inam Khan Inam Hayat Khan 2.843 12569 Afrasyab Tareen Shah Wali Khan 2.7244 14897 Imran Ahmed Kalla Khan 2.7145 14747 Watan Yar Agha Jan 2.6646 14916 Zabeeh Ullah Haji Abdullah Jan 2.6547 12236 Hamayun Gul Rahim 2.5348 14889 Qumber khan Abdi Khan 2.5249 14758 Muhammad Saydal Khan Muhammad Masoom 2.550 14070 Jansher Khan Tareen Haji Zain Ud Din 2.4851 12322 Asmat Ullah Haji Abdul Hadi 2.2652 15441 Sagar Noor Gichki Noor Ahmed Gichki 2.2653 12985 Naqeeb Ullah Haji Nayamat Ullah 2.154 14900 Asim Khan Saleem Khan 2.7355 12232 Nasir Ahmad Noor Ahmad 2.59






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15506 Ramal Tanveer M.tanveer Farooq 3.92 13091 Muhammad Abrar Ihsan Ullah 3.863 13076 Wajahat Ali Shoukat Ali 3.864 15194 Muhamamd Yousaf Bashir Ahmed 3.815 13421 Jibran Sher Kiramat Sher 3.786 15371 Usama Shabbir Muhammad Shabbir 3.787 14654 Shaista Sultan Sultan Alam 3.738 15211 Asgher Ullah Shah Gul Nawab Shah 3.729 15249 Sidra Ghous Ghulam Ghous 3.71

10 15254 Saad Ullah Muhammad Riaz 3.711 15148 Shawana Khan Abdul Salam Khan 3.712 12901 Ifrah Ahmed Dr. Rizwan Ahmed 3.6313 15251 Maryam Rishi Khursheed Anwer Rishi 3.5714 14943 Syed Muheeb Ullah Syed Sahib Jan 3.5415 14569 Jalal Sikandar Amir Muhammad Khan 3.516 15207 Fahad Khan Muhammad Khalid Khan 3.4117 12600 Raja Muhammad Zeeshan Raja Mohammad Akbar 3.418 13164 Mujeeb Ur Rahman Saeed Ur Rahman 3.3719 13092 Imad Amin Amin Ul Haq 3.3620 15187 Mehreen Gul Mardan Ali 3.3521 12866 Hameed Ullah Muhammad Karim 3.3522 13075 Shabbir Ahmad Taj Muhammad 3.2623 14594 Afsa Iteba Arshad Ali 3.224 14625 Ali Muhammad Muhammad Ali 3.1925 15218 Sayed Abdul Hameed Badshah Sayed Gul Muhammad Badshah 3.1726 14623 Mohammad Raof Parwanat Khan 3.1527 15281 Syed Izatullah Syed Asmatullah 3.1228 12528 Numan Khan Hussain Khan 3.129 13322 Nisar Ullah Saeed Khan 3.0930 14624 Hammad Shah Shah Jahan 3.0831 15493 Mohammad Hassan Rehman Rehman Gul 3.0732 15155 Asim Ali Araz Muhammad 3.0533 14592 Tanveer Ul Hasnain Zulfiqar Hussain 3.0534 13051 Syed Humayoon Shah Syed Muhammad Sadiq 3.0535 14202 Musaveer Abbas Muhammad Saleem 3.0336 13519 Irfanullah Muhammad Irshad 3.0237 15428 Zain Ali Mian Karim Ullah 338 14531 Yasir Amin Abdul Muhaimen 2.9939 12937 Abdul Hamid Muhammad Zamin 2.9240 14143 Saran Zeb Rasheed 2.941 15378 Muhammad Salman Muhammad Azher Khalid 2.942 12766 Muhammad Fahad Iqbal Sheikh Iqbal Sarwar 2.8443 12716 Hussan Zeb Alam Zeb 2.8344 13077 Muhammad Shamreez Shah Muhammad Younas Shah 2.7445 12957 Tahir Hussain Zahir Shah 2.7

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Electronic Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA46 13659 Fida Hussain Muhammad Javid Khan 2.6447 15287 Muhammad Ameer Mohavia Haji Ghulam Sarwar 2.6448 12613 Muhammad Ali Gulzar Ali Mehmood 2.6249 15197 Abdul Sabbor Achakzai Mohammad Hashim Achakzai 2.5850 13084 Hamad Ahmad Muhammad Ali Shah 2.5451 15141 Rehana Muhammad Abdul Rahim 2.52

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15118 Rabia Qadar Ali Qadar 3.912 15114 Halima Syed Tahir 3.893 15127 Afroza Batool Riaz Ahmed 3.734 12909 Hoorain Asim Syed Asim Ali 3.655 14210 Sheikh Muhammad Bilal Sheikh Javaid Ahmed 3.636 14297 Seemab Mufti Mufti Anjum Naveed 3.557 15090 Zabeeh Ullah Aziz Ullah 3.418 14308 Israr Ahmed Nazar Mohammad 3.399 14666 Syed Ali Jan Jawad Ali 3.3

10 15529 Abdul Zahir H. Abdul Wahid 3.2811 14214 Danish Noor Ch Muhammad Arif 3.2712 14156 Muhammad Habib Ullah Haji Akhtar Zaman 3.1813 12244 Ameer Zada Niaz Mohammad 3.1714 14320 Imad Khan Muhammad Ayaz Khan 3.0815 12247 Wahdatullah Abdul Jamil 3.0516 15068 Naseebullah Hameedullah 3.0117 12765 Nida Hussain Altaf Hussain 2.9918 14216 Anees Abbas Jaffar Hussain 2.9519 15102 Muhammad Ayyaz Khan Mohammad Azeem 2.8720 15092 Abraham Ronson Henry Emanuel Ronald 2.8621 14358 Brekhna Shalman Fazli Zaman 2.8522 15100 Zareen Pasha Pervez Asghar Pasha 2.8223 12520 Javed Ahmad Pervez Muhammad Pervez 2.8124 13814 Fazli Hadi Fazli Subhan 2.7725 13560 Adnan Barkat Ullah 2.7226 15106 Muhammad Mazhar Muhammad Umar 2.6627 12516 Mudasser Ahmed Mehmood Ahmed 2.5728 12993 Akhtar Niaz Khan Muhammad Hayat Khan 2.5529 14356 Syed Uqba Bin Tariq Syed Tariq Suleman Rizvi 2.530 13453 Muhammad Shakeel Ali 2.4731 12242 Iqbal Mohammad Payenda Mohammad 2.4432 15059 Aamir Aman Aman Ullah 2.4133 12642 Aatif Iqbal Liaqat Ali Khan 2.34

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Telecom Engineering)






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 15559 Tayyab Hussain Khadim Hussain 3.782 15567 Noor Ahmed Abdullah 3.653 14121 Komal Zakir Zakir Khurshid 3.514 15295 Danish H. Siddique Anis Hussain Siddiue 3.475 15288 Zahra Humayun Humayun Farooq 3.336 15561 Nageen Naeem Mohammad Naeem 3.327 15552 Mohammad Fahad Javed Akhtar 3.238 15282 Rizwan Ali Sajjad Hussain 3.169 15289 Abdul Ali Shaheen Khan 2.96

10 15161 Jahanzaib Muhammad Azam 2.7111 15566 Rumman Bin Manzoor Mazoor Ahmed 2.7112 15550 Muhammad Luqman Khan Baber Shah Khan 3.1613 15136 Summiya Afzal Mir Muhammad Afzal 2.7414 14184 Abdul Aziz Haji Ali Akbar 2.6615 15563 Atta Ur Rehman Malik Faiz Muhammad 2.616 15517 Abbas Ali Tariq Mehmood 2.517 15085 Mustafa Hassan Hassan Ali Hussaini 2.4418 14556 Muhammad Sarfraz Khan Abdul Qayyum Qaisrani 2.4419 14211 Humaira Ejaz Shah Din Ejaz 2.3820 15020 Muhammad Aamir Awan Muhammad Anwer Awan 2.3321 15565 Fahad Rasul Ghulam Rasul 2.2622 15562 Ahmed Khan Manzoor Hussain 2.2523 15095 Mohabbat Khan Haji Abdul Wahid 2.1924 15548 Muheebullah Hikmatullah 2.1225 14094 Hasam Ud Din Abdul Mateen 2

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Computer Science)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12518 Syed Asad Ali Tahir Said 3.882 12537 Touqir Gohar Ali Gohar 3.853 14247 Syed Umair Shah Syed lazeem Shah 3.64 14109 Junaid Ahmed Khan Anwar Muhammad Khan 3.575 14192 Naila Dildar Dildar 3.566 15087 Rashid Ali Haji Muhammad Arshad 3.557 14193 Neelam Dildar Dildar 3.498 15122 Munawar Ali Haji Nazir Ali 3.419 12225 Ehsanullah Ghulam Sediq 3.4

10 15088 Zeeshan Haider Mehmood Hussain 3.3211 13620 Farooq Aziz Abdul Aziz 3.2812 12218 Mohammad Fahim Speen 3.23

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Computer Engineering)






Quality & Excellence in Education

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA1 12156 Gulmina Nazir Ahmed Khan 3.622 15571 Muhammad Usman Abdul Majeed 2.843 15611 Hassan Ali Riaz ul Haq 2.84 14316 Muhammad Muzammil Muhammad Jameel 2.775 14302 Sana Ilyas Muhamamd Ilyas 2.716 15040 Muhammad Irfan Allah Bakhsh 2.697 15098 Farheen Naz Haji Muhammad Ehsan 2.318 15162 Nazar Muhammad Sanar Gul 3.119 15264 Nargis Abdul Hakeem 3.07

10 15623 Fazal Haq Muhammad Yousaf 2.7711 15039 Mansoor Ahmad Ameer Mohammad 2.712 15273 Salman Niaz Naiz Muhammad 2.613 13999 Sher Khan Nazar Muhammad 2.5514 15142 Rafique Ahmed Noor Mohammad 2.5415 14248 Muhamamd Saleman Abbas Ali 2.4616 12136 Sadaf Gull Noor Gul 2.2317 14052 Zeeshan Rasheed Sheikh Abdul Rasheed 2.09

Batch: Fall-2010Program of Study: BS (Information Technology)

S.No CMSID Name Father Name CGPA13 15091 Syed Ahsanullah Syed Shkur Udin 3.2114 15025 Muhammad Bilal Muhammad Nazir 3.1915 14615 Abdus Sadiq Abdul Haq 3.0716 15022 Sardar Alam Shereen Zada 3.0317 15094 Nasrullah Zamin Ali 2.9918 15104 Junaid Gohar Hashmi Tassawar Hussain Hassmi 2.9619 15125 Talha Akber Haji Muhammad Akbar 2.920 12226 Amrullah Hameedullah 2.8921 12223 Habibullah Mohammad Sediq 2.8822 14679 Farrukh Shahzad Ali Sabz Ali Khan 2.8823 15069 Muhammad Wajid Muhammad Iqbal 2.8724 13475 Asadullah Painda Gul 2.8525 12224 Sadullah Zabihullah 2.7726 12219 Shahzada Eng. Ahmad Shah 2.6727 15027 Murad Ali Andaleeb Khan 2.65






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education

Samana IshaqBS Petroleum & Gas Engineering (2007-2011)

3.91 (CGPA)

Trainee/Co-ordinator Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East Limited, (Karachi)

Benish KhushnoodBS Computer Engineering (2003-2007)

3.43 (CGPA)

Assistant Commissioner, Inland Revenue Service

Sehrish NagiMaster of Business Administration (2008-2010)

3.36 (CGPA)

Assessment Manager, Pakistan Reading Project (PRP)

Masooma QurbanMaster of Business Administration (2004-2006)

3.46 (CGPA)

Media Officer, UNICEF,Balochistan

Maryam AkbarMaster of Business Administration (2007-2010)

3.94 (CGPA)

M.T.O Allied Bank







Quality & Excellence in Education

Muhammad Yasir BuzdarBS Petroleum and Gas Engineering (2004-2008)3.46 (CGPA)

Field HSE Advisor, Abraj Energy Services, Muscat

Ali SufyanMBA (2004-2007)

3.18 (CGPA)

CEO Next Mile Consultants

Muhammad Jehanzeb ShahidBS Electronic Engineering (2003-2007)

3.14 (CGPA)

Asst. Manager Monitoring, National ICT R&D Fund, Ministry of Information

Eng. Mohammad Raziq SanjraniBS Computer Engineering (2003-2006)

2.86 (CGPA)Managing Director/CEO Saindak Metals Limited (SML) Ministry of

Petroleum & Natural Resources Government of Pakistan

Nasibullah Khan BazaiBS Economics (2004-2008)

3.16 (CGPA )

Disaster Risk Management Policy Expert, World Bank (BalochistanDisaster Management Project)







BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education






Quality & Excellence in Education















Quality & Excellence in Education

On the eve of being ranked 4th Best University in Computer Science and IT by HEC


“…We see a strong possibility that your University may also qualify amongst theworld's leading universities in the QS ranking…”

Dr. Javaid R. LaghariChairperson

Higher Education Commission

“… Is a shining feather in BUITEMS wings, of which it can rightfully claim credit…”

Justice Iftikhar Muhammad ChaudhryChief Justice of Pakistan

“…BUITEMS is one of the pioneers in history of country imparting education in thefields of Information and Communication Technology, Life Sciences & Information,Engineering, Business Management, Arts and Basic Sciences and Social Sciencessince 2002…”

Amanullah KanraniAdvocate General Balochistan

“… I extend my unreserved appreciation of your leadership, painstakingdetermination, fervor and resultant team spirit…”

Major General Qamar Javed BajwaSchool of Infantry and Tactics

“…Achieving such a prestigious status amongst well-equipped and most advanceduniversities of the country, especially in a comparatively less developed area, is atrue manifestation of the hard work, dedication…”

Major General Tariq JavedGeneral Officer Commanding

Headquarters 33 Division






Quality & Excellence in Education

“...I wish and pray all success in future as well to achieve the sacred objectives ofdelivering quality education to the people of Balochistan.”

Mohammad Ali KhanChairman Chief Minister's Inspection team

Government of Balochistan,

“…Securing the distinguished and prestigious position of academic excellence ofthe University under your dedicated chancellorship is highly appreciated andendorsed by our Department…”

Mehmood-ul-HassanSecretary Local Government & Rural Development Department

Government of Balochistan

“… (Congratulations on) recognition of BUITEMS academic excellence andspecialized services as an institute of higher learning in Balochistan.”

Muhammad Raziq SanjraniManaging Director Saindak Metals LimitedMinistry of Petroleum & Natural Resources

Government of Pakistan

“…Universities, such as BUITEMS, continue to change the world. They serve asmodels for like-minded institutions in higher education and lead the way intransforming the nation into a beacon of learning, whose benefits may be felt farand wide…”

Dr. Zafar Iqbal QadirMinistry of Climate Change

National Disaster Management AuthorityGovernment of Pakistan

“…It is indeed a pride for the people of Balochistan that in a very short periodBUITEMS touched the Prime rank amongst the Universities of Pakistan…”

Zahoor AhmedSecretary

Balochistan Provincial Assembly






Quality & Excellence in Education

“…The varsity has progressed in leaps and bounds under your dynamic leadership,and hope that it will continue its ascent in all times to come…”

Senator (R)Syed Faseih Iqbal (H.I, S.I)

Editor-in-ChiefThe Balochistan Times

President APNS Balochistan Committee

“…I greet the BUITEMS on its efforts towards the higher education for the vulnerablegenerations of Balochistan Province which are highly contributing towards thedevelopment of human resources and ultimately towards the development ofprovince and the country…”

Amjad Rashid,Chief Executive

Taraqee Foundation

“…It is this commendable job which has attracted a large number of students-Local,National & International, at the payroll of this top-notch organization…”

Mahfooz Ali KhanAccountant General Balochistan

“…Congratulations on your success and dynamic leadership…”

Professor Asha S. KanwarPresident & Chief Executive Office

Commonwealth of Learning

“…BUITEMS ranking among the top five universities of our country is a source oftremendous encouragement and hope for us all…”

Qazi Azmat IsaChief Executive Officer

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund






Quality & Excellence in Education

“…Congratulations on your success and dynamic leadership…”

Professor Asha S. KanwarPresident & Chief Executive Office

Commonwealth of Learning

“...It is indeed a great pleasure to see that a Balochistan University is only few stepscloser to be ranked amongst the best universities in the world…”

Shahid MahmoodAir Commodore (R)

Principal Staff Officer to PresidentPTCL

“…There are very limited universities that can get such heights and success you andyour dynamic team achieved over such a short period of time…”

Pervez IqbalChief Executive


“…Undoubtedly, a befitting recognition of the devoted efforts of you and yourinstitution in promoting higher education and research…”

Prof. Dr. Mohammad AsrarVice Chancellor

City University

“…I am confident that BUITEMS will become an Island of Excellence in theprovince by achieving recognitions at the International level…”

M. Ghalib NishtarPresident

Khushhali bank limited






Quality & Excellence in Education

“…Laurel in its successful journey is the ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFICATION.

Justice Iftikhar Muhammad ChaudhryChief Justice of Pakistan

“…Reflects the high standards achieved in academic and administrative fields…”

Major General Qamar Javed BajwaSchool of Infantry and Tactics

“…Signaling its commitment to quality management, setting standards andimproving performance in knowledge delivery…”

Dr. Zafar Iqbal QadirMinistry of Climate Change

National Disaster Management AuthorityGovernment of Pakistan

“…Many individuals, Institutions and Companies will definitely benefit from the ISO9001:2008 Certification…”

Shahid MahmoodAir Commodore (R)

Principal Staff Officer to PresidentPTCL

Tributes on ISO 9001:2008 Certification






Quality & Excellence in Education

“... (These) awards bring honor not only to your good self, but to the University ofwhich you are an illustrious Representative/Head.”

Nawab Zulfiqar Ali MagsiGovernor Balochistan

“...It is indeed a befitting recognition of your professional excellence andcommitment; and remarkable contributions in national education by yourinstitution – BUITEMS…”

Major General Obaidullah Khan, HI (M)Inspector General Frontier Corps


“…A fine tribute to your personal qualities, meritorious service and splendiddedication to the field of education; above all it is a blessing of ALLAH ALMIGHTY…”

Major General Mazhar Saleem KhanHeadquarters 41 Division

“…It is indeed a natural outcome of persistent hard work and dedication whichdeserves full recognition…”

Lieutenant General Khalid RabbaniHeadquarters 11 Corps

“…I am optimistic that ‘BUITEMS’ will continue to contribute towards better Pakistanunder your able patronage…”

Major General Naseer Ali KhanHeadquarters Southern Command

“…We are all proud of you and I wish you best of luck and more success in futuretoo.”

Col. Tufail MuhammadMilitary Secretary to GovernorGovernor House Balochistan

Tributes onSocrates International and Visionary Leader Awards






Quality & Excellence in Education

“Absolutely a gratitude for your sincere efforts with regard to the promotion anddevelopment of University Education in the backward Province of Balochistan…”

Abdul JabbarPrincipal Secretary to Governor Balochistan

Governor’s Secretariat

“…Proof of your best performance and recognition of the services rendered in thefield of education…”

Akbar DurraniSecretary

Science & I.T Department

“…These awards not only highlight your personal accomplishments but also signifyrise of BUITEMS as a center of excellence for higher education in the province - atestimony to the exceptional progress the varsity has made in the very first decadeof its establishment…”

Senator (R) Syed Faseih Iqbal (H.I, S.I)Editor-in-Chief

The Balochistan Times

“…OGDCL acknowledges the role of BUITEMS as a premier institution of repute andideal for being among the leading universities of the world…”

Basharat A. MirzaActing Deputy Managing Director

Oil & Gas Development Company Limited

“…In current era of turmoil, when all intellectual activities have come to a halt, suchgood news is boon. These achievements are testimony of your sense of belongingand devotion to the cause of education…”

Mahfooz Ali KhanDirector General

National Institute of Management (NIM)






Quality & Excellence in Education

“…Congratulations on receiving such outstanding accolades…”

M. Ghalib NishtarPresident

Khushhali bank limited

“…This is only because of your remarkable efforts made to boost in every walk ofEducation Sector and specially accelerated outcome in BUITEMS and of course ofAlmighty Allah's support…”

Imranulla ShariffExecutive Director

PIQC Institute of Quality

“…BUITEMS has set new standards in the field of education…”

Amjad RashidChief Executive

Taraqee Foundation

“…These awards are indeed a testament to the efforts of BUITEMS…”

Lt Gen (R) Raza Muhammad Khan HI (M)Managing Director/CEO

Mari Gas Company Limited






Quality & Excellence in Education

From Socrates Committee on nominating BUITEMS as “Best University”

“…This is recognition of the excellent business reputation, effective managementand constant growth of the enterprise…”

Alice VenevEBA Event Coordinator

Europe Business Assembly

On holding 1st International Conference

“…It is amazing to gather huge number of scholars and researchers from abroad anddifferent parts of the country. Such successes are achieved when leaders providepatronage, encouragement and direction to their juniors…”

Dr. Riaz Ahmed ShaikhHead of Social Sciences

Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST)Karachi, Pakistan

“…The highly successful and effective conference made more evident theremarkable achievements BUITEMS has recorded as an institution of quality highereducation with no parallel in the province…”

Senator (R)Syed Faseih Iqbal (H.I., S.I.)

Editor-in-ChiefPresident: APNS Balochistan Committee

Member: Press Council of PakistanConvener: Pakistan Association of Former Parliamentarians

“…May BUITEMS rise as sun to energize all the systems of Pakistan and as moonto accomplish its vision in moments of darkness…”

Dr. Musarrat JabeenAssociate Professor

Development StudiesCOMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Abbotabad, Pakistan






BUITEMSQuality & Excellence in Education






Quality & Excellence in Education






Quality & Excellence in Education

MISSION STATEMENTAt BUITEMS, we are committed to

providing quality education with focus onresearch and equipping students with the

art of living as productive members of society, contributing to the

socio-economic uplift ofPakistan in general

and Balochistanin particular

To be among the leading universities ofthe world – accessible to all, imparting

quality education and promotingcutting edge research.


UAN: 111-717-111www.buitms.edu.pk

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