Bucharest City Report ş Q1 2014 / T1 2014 R Q1

Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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  • Bucharest City Report

    Q1 2014 / T1 2014

    R Q1

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 2


    Economic Climate

    After a strong 2013, in which the Romanian economy

    outperformed expectations with a GDP growth of 3.5%, the

    country is likely to continue its ascendant trend in 2014, when

    GDP is projected to increase by 3.3%, according to EIU. In the

    first three months of 2014, growth was driven not only by the

    industrial sector, as was the case in the previous quarters, but

    also by retail sales that increased by 8.3% y-o-y (12.3% in the

    non-food category). Consequently, in January and February,

    exports were up by 9.2% and imports up by 9.4% when

    compared to the same period in 2013. However, the

    construction sector continued to struggle mainly because of the

    decrease in infrastructure works. According to the latest EIU

    reports GDP growth is expected to accelerate in 2015 to 3.8%,

    with all sectors of the economy having a positive contribution.

    GDP Growth (%) / Cretere PIB (%)

    Source/Surs: INS & EIU, April 2014

    Annual average HICP inflation rate (April 2013 March 2014)

    decreased to a historic low level of 2.3%. As a result, the

    monetary policy rate of the National Bank of Romania reached

    yet another historic low, 3.5% starting from February 2014, a

    move aimed at further encouraging the credit market, which

    showed positive signs since the beginning of the year, and at

    supporting the current economic growth. The exchange rate

    remained stable in Q1 2014, oscillating between 4.43 and 4.54

    Ron for 1.

    Government debt remains low at a level below 39% of GDP,

    the fourth lowest in the European Union, while the targeted

    government deficit for 2014 is 2.4% of GDP.

    The recent events in neighbouring Ukraine have had little

    impact on the Romanian economy in Q1 and we expect this will

    not change in the following months, unless there will be a major

    escalation of the conflict.

    Investment Climate

    The property investment volume recorded in Q1 2014 is

    estimated at a record 337 million, higher than the total volume

    in 2013. The largest transaction was the sale of the BOB and

    BOC office buildings together with 446 apartments and 25 retail

    spaces in an adjacent residential project - Upground Towers,

    for 210 million by RREEF to Globalworth. Globalworth was

    also the purchaser of Tower Center International, an office

    tower in the CBD of Bucharest, for 58 million. The industrial

    segment is once again starting to attract the interest of

    investors. The acquisition of the 17,000 m Innovation Logistic

    Park by Secure Property Development & Investment was the

    first significant industrial transaction in Bucharest since the

    beginning of 2011.

    In Q1, transactional activity in Romania was focused on the

    office sector which accounted for 80% of the total volume.

    Source/Surs: JLL

    The start of 2014 has consistently seen more evidence that

    Romania is back on the map of foreign investors. Transaction

    activity was dominated by (re)structuring tied deals, but with

    several quality assets currently on the market, it is expected

    that transaction volumes will grow markedly in 2014. Moreover,

    a higher degree of diversity on the buy side can be expected,

    which is important for the perceived exit liquidity among

    investors. High investor demand is also facilitated by an

    increasing appetite of banks to provide debt financing. Even if

    conditions offered in Romania still reflect the perceived country

    risks, the simple fact that the number of banks offering real

    estate financing has increased is an important improvement

    that will facilitate more liquidity.

    Due to the strong economic growth and the increasing interest

    shown by investors towards the Romanian market and the

    advantages that it offers (significantly higher yield spread), we

    have strong reason to expect that 2014 will set new

    benchmarks for the post-recession domestic investment









    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2015F

    Yields /


    Office /



    Centers /



    Industrial /


    Q1/T1 2014 8.25% 8.25% 10.0-10.5%

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 3

    Economie / Investiii

    Mediul economic

    Dup un an 2013 n care economia Romniei a performat

    peste ateptri i a nregistrat o cretere a PIB de 3,5%, se

    estimeaz c trendul ascendent va continua i n 2014 cnd,

    potrivit EIU(The Economist Intelligence Unit), creterea PIB se

    va situa la un nivel asemntor 3,3%. n primele trei luni ale

    lui 2014, creterea s-a datorat nu doar industriei, cum a fost

    cazul n trimestrele anterioare, ci i comerului cu amnuntul,

    care a avansat cu 8,3% (12,3% la vnzrile de produse

    nealimentare) comparativ cu perioada similar din 2013. n

    consecin, n ianuarie i februarie 2014 att exporturile ct i

    importurile au crescut cu 9,2% respectiv 9,4%, fa de aceeai

    perioad din 2013. Sectorul construciilor a continuat s scad,

    n principal datorit reducerii numrului de lucrri de

    infrastructur. Conform ultimelor rapoarte ale EIU, PIB-ul

    Romniei va accelera puternic la 3,8% n 2015.

    Rata anual a inflaiei (HICP) a sczut n perioada aprilie 2013

    martie 2014 la un nivel record de 2,3%. Banca Naional a

    Romniei (BNR) a continuat s ajusteze rata dobnzii de

    politic monetar, care a ajuns din februarie la un nou minim

    istoric de 3.5%. Aceast micare urmrete stimularea creterii

    economice i ncurajarea creditrii, care a dat deja semnale

    pozitive de la nceputul anului. Rata de schimb valutar a fost

    relativ stabil n primul trimestru din 2014, cursul oscilnd ntre

    4,45 i 4,53 Ron pentru un Euro.

    Datoria guvernamental de sub 39% din PIB este a patra cea

    mai redus la nivelul Uniunii Europene, iar noua int de deficit

    bugetar pentru 2014 este de 2,4% din PIB.

    Evenimentele recente din Ucraina au avut un impact

    nesemnificativ asupra economiei Romniei n Q1, situaie ce

    nu ne ateptm s se schimbe dect n cazul unei escaladri

    serioase a conflictului.

    Monetary Policy Rate of NBR/ Rata dobnzii de politic monetar a BNR

    Source/Surs: BNR

    Mediul de investiii

    Volumul tranzaciilor imobiliare nregistrat n T1 2014 este

    estimat la 337 milioane de Euro, mai mare dect ntreaga

    activitate investiional din anul 2013. Cea mai mare tranzacie

    a fost achiziia de ctre Globalworth de la RREEF a cldirilor

    de birouri BOB i BOC, dar i a 446 de apartamente i 25 de

    spaii comerciale n proiectului rezidenial alturat, Upground

    Towers, pentru 210 milioane de Euro. Globalworth a fost de

    asemenea cumprtorul Tower Center International, un turn de

    birouri n CBD-ul din Bucureti pentru suma de 58 de milioane

    de Euro. Piaa spaiilor industriale ncepe s atrag din ce n ce

    mai mult interesul investitorilor. Achiziia Innovation Logistic

    Park de 17.000 m de ctre Secure Property Development &

    Investment a fost prima tranzacie considerabil pe acest

    segment de la nceputul anului 2011. Tranzaciile din primele

    trei luni ale anului s-au axat pe cldiri de birouri, care au

    reprezentat 80% din ntregul volum.

    nceputul lui 2014 a artat din ce n ce mai multe dovezi c

    Romnia s-a ntors n atenia marilor investitori. Activitatea

    nregistrat n primul trimestru a fost dominat de tranzacii

    derivate din restructurri, dar, avnd n vedere c pe pia sunt

    disponibile cldiri de calitate, ne ateptm ca volumele s

    creasc puternic n acest an. Mai mult, vedem un numr i o

    diversitate mai mare de cumprtori, un lucru important pentru

    felul n care investitorii percep lichiditatea la momentul vnzrii.

    Cerea n cretere este alimentat de asemenea i de apetitul

    ceva mai sporit al bncilor pentru a oferi finanare. Dei

    condiiile oferite n Romnia reflect nc percepia asupra

    riscului de ar, simplul fapt c numrul bncilor dispuse s

    acorde finanri imobiliare s-a ameliorat reprezint o un semnal

    pozitiv ce va facilita o cretere a lichiditii.

    Datorit creterii economice puternice i interesului

    investitorilor pentru piaa imobiliar din Romnia si avantajele

    pe care aceasta le ofer (yield-uri mai bune) avem motive

    ntemeiate s credem c 2014 va fi un an de referin pentru

    piaa imobiliar de dup recesiune.

    Annual Inflation Rate/Rata anual a inflaiei

    Source/Surs: Eurostat








    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Q12014







    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Q1 2014

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 4

    Office Market


    Two significant office buildings were completed in Q1 2014:

    Hermes Business Campus by Atenor Group and the extension

    of Metropolis Center by Soravia, which together added 23,300

    m2 of A class offices to the market. The modern office stock in

    Bucharest is currently around 2.10 million m2. For the rest of

    the year, the pipeline is estimated at roughly another 120,000

    m2. Four large projects represent over 70% of the total

    remaining pipeline to be delivered in 2014 (AFI Park 2, City

    Offices, Green Gate and Green Court).

    The most active sub-markets, considering the projects planned

    for 2014 and 2015, are Floreasca Barbu Vacarescu, Center

    West, Dimitrie Pompeiu and South. The Center West market

    in particular is rapidly emerging as a key office location of the

    city, despite its current smaller size. The area enjoys a number

    of advantages such as the excellent accessibility by car and

    public transport, proximity to the Polytechnic University, the

    main student campuses in the city, and some of the most

    densely populated residential neighbourhoods. It has mainly

    attracted the attention of IT companies and the vacancy rates

    here are among the lowest in the city.

    The overall vacancy rate in Bucharest is estimated at 14.7%,

    which represents a quarter-on-quarter increase of almost 30

    basis points. This increase is due to the new supply and is

    expected to continue in the next quarter, given the large office

    surface planned to be delivered. Vacancy rates continue to be

    uneven between the sub-markets of the city, which is reflected

    in the evolution of the rental levels. While in Baneasa and

    Pipera Nord vacancy is around 35%, in the Center West and

    West, vacancy is below 5%.

    Office Stock in Bucharest (Class A&B) and Vacancy Rate / Stoc spaii

    birouri n Bucureti (clase A&B) i rata de neocupare

    Source/Surs: JLL


    In Q1 2014, gross take-up reached almost 61,000 m2, a similar

    value to the one recorded in the same period of 2013. New

    demand (including new leases, expansions and pre-leases)

    accounted for 48,700 m2 of the quarterly leasing activity and

    12,200 m2 were renegotiations. The largest transactions in Q1

    were the pre-lease of Vodafone in Bucharest One (16,000 m2),

    the relocation of Intesa Bank in ART BC 6 (3,500 m2) and the

    pre-lease of Schneider Electric in Green Court (3,100 m2). By

    geography, Floreasca Barbu Vacarescu was the most active

    sub-market with over 43% of the total take-up, mainly due to

    the preleases of Vodafone and Schneider Electric, followed by

    the CBD and Center West. By industry, IT&C and Telecom

    companies were the most active, together generating more

    than 50% of the total leasing activity, with professional services

    and manufacturing & industrial as runners-up.


    Prime headline rents remained unchanged at 18.5 m2/month

    during Q1 2014. Over the last quarter, incentive packages

    remained consistent, with landlords usually offering both rent

    free periods and fit-out contributions. Incentive packages vary

    in value according to the terms of the requirements and

    become especially attractive for deals larger than 2-3,000 m2.

    Bucharest continues to be a tenants market, which we estimate

    will characterise the office sector for the next quarter as well.


    The supply pipeline for 2015 is expected to be around 110,000

    m2. Take-up is forecasted to increase from the level of the

    previous years and the overall vacancy rate should start to

    decrease towards the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015, after a

    temporary rise next quarter. We are of the opinion that prime

    rental levels will remain unchanged for the rest of 2014.

    Prime Office Headline Rent Evolution / Evoluia chiriei contractuale

    prime pentru spaii de birouri

    Source/ Surs : JLL












    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Q1



    ds m

    Total Stock (left) Vacancy Rate (right)








    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F



    2 /m


  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 5

    Piaa spaiilor de birouri


    Dou cldiri de birouri importante au fost livrate n primele trei

    luni ale lui 2014, Hermes Business Campus (Atenor Group) i

    extensia Metropolis Center (Soravia), care mpreun au

    adugat 23,300 m de spaiu clas A la oferta total iniial.

    Stocul modern de spaii de birouri din Bucureti a ajuns n

    prezent la 2,10 milioane m. Pentru restul anului estimm c

    vor fi finalizai nc 120.000 m din care patru proiecte majore

    reprezint 70% (AFI Park 2, City Office, Green Gate i Green


    Annual Office Completions & Pipeline (m2) /

    Spaii noi de birouri finalizate anual & proiecte n construcie (m2)

    Source/Surs: JLL

    Cele mai active sub-piee avnd n vedere proiectele ce vor fi

    livrate n 2014 i 2015 sunt Floreasca Barbu Vcrescu,

    Centru Vest, Dimitrie Pompeiu i Sud. Piaa Centru Vest, n

    mod particular, devine rapid o zon cheie pentru piaa de

    birouri din Bucureti n ciuda dimensiunii nc reduse. Zona se

    bucur de mai multe avantaje printre care accesibilitatea

    excelent prin intermediul transportului public sau cu maina

    personal, apropierea de Universitatea Politehnic, de cele mai

    mari campusuri universitare din ora, dar i de unele dintre

    cele mai dens populate cartiere rezideniale bucuretene. Zona

    a atras n principal chiriai din domeniul IT, iar rata medie de

    neocupare aici este una din cele mai mici din ora.

    Rata medie de neocupare n Bucureti este estimat la 14,7%,

    ceea ce reprezint o uoar cretere, de 0,3%, fa de

    trimestrul anterior. Ne ateptm ca trendul ascendent s

    continue i n trimestrul 2 datorit cldirilor noi ce urmeaz a fi

    livrate. Rata de neocupare este foarte diferit ntre sub-piee,

    pornind de la sub 5% n Centru Vest i Vest i ajungnd la n

    jur de 35% n Bneasa i Pipera Nord, ceea ce se reflect n

    evoluia chiriilor.


    n T1 2014, preluarea total de spaii de birouri a fost de

    aproximativ 61.000 m2, o valoare similar cu cea nregistrat in

    aceeai perioad din 2013. Cererea nou de spaii (incluznd

    contractele noi, extinderile i pre-nchirierile) a fost de peste

    48.700 m2, n vreme ce renegocierile au reprezentat 12.200

    m2. Cele mai mari tranzacii din primele trei luni ale anului au

    fost pre-nchirierea Vodafone n Bucharest One (16.000 m2),

    relocarea Intesa Bank n ART BC 6 (3,500 m) i pre-

    nchirierea Schneider Electric in Green Court (3.100 m2). n

    funcie de zona geografic, Floreasca Barbu Vcrescu a

    fost cea mai dinamic sub-pia, cu peste 43% din totalul

    prelurilor, n mare parte datorit pre-nchirierilor Vodafone i

    Schneider Electric, urmat de CBD i Centru Vest. n funcie

    de domeniul de activitate, companiile din sectorul IT&C i

    telecom au fost de departe cele mai active, fiind implicate n

    mai mult de 50% din volumul tranzaciilor, urmate de cele din

    servicii i industrie.


    Chiriile contractuale prime pentru spaii de birouri au rmas

    neschimbate n trimestrul 1 din 2014, fiind cotate la 18,5

    Euro/m2/lun. Stimulentele financiare au continuat s fie

    consistente, proprietarii oferind att luni libere de plat a chiriei,

    ct i contribuii pentru amenajarea spaiilor. Pachetele de

    stimulente financiare variaz n funcie de tipul de cerere i

    devin importante n special pentru suprafee mai mari de 2.000

    3.000 m2. Piaa de birouri din Bucureti a continuat s fie una

    dominat de chiriai, ceea ce ne ateptm s rmn valabil i

    pentru urmtorul trimestru.


    Oferta de noi spaii de birouri previzionate a fi finalizate n 2015

    este estimat n jurul a 110,000 m. Ne ateptm ca preluarea

    total de spaii s creasc fa de nivelul anilor anteriori, iar

    rata medie de neocupare s nceap s scad ctre finalul

    anului 2014 i nceputul lui 2015, dup ce va nregistra o

    uoar cretere n trimestrul urmtor. Suntem de prere c

    chiriile prime vor rmne neschimbate pe parcursul lui 2014.










    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 6

    Retail Market


    The modern retail stock remained unchanged at 1.66 million m2

    in Romania as no retail projects were inaugurated in Q1 2014.

    The previous quarter (Q4 2013) was rich in supply, when

    95,000 m2 were added to the market. The stock in Bucharest is

    estimated at almost 890,000 m2.

    Two new shopping centers are planned to be delivered by the

    end of the year, both developed by the South-African

    investment fund, NEPI: Vulcan Value Center (35,000 m2) in the

    south-west of Bucharest and Shopping City Targu Jiu (27,000

    m2) in Targu Jiu. Therefore, 2014 retail supply in Romania will

    be at the lowest level since 2005.

    Modern Retail Stock in Bucharest & Pipeline (m2) /

    Stocul de spaii comerciale moderne n Bucureti & proiecte (m2)

    Source/Surs: JLL


    According to the National Institute of Statistics, after a weak

    performance in 2013 (+0.4%), retail sales registered a 8.3% y-

    o-y growth in Q1 2014. Non-food sales increased even more

    sharply, by an impressive 12.3%. We expect this trend will

    continue, supported by the strong economic growth, the revival

    of the credit market and increasing consumer confidence. The

    recent performance is likely to have a positive influence on

    retailers expansion plans.

    Given the lack of new projects, those who consider opening

    new units are mainly looking at existing shopping centers with

    proven good performance. The gap between demand for

    prime and secondary stock continues to be significant.

    International retailers are assessing the possibility of entering

    the Romanian market or, taking over the local operations of

    franchise partners, encouraged by the growing retail sales.

    Jysk, the Danish retail chain specialized in selling furniture,

    decorations and mattresses, is opening a new concept store in

    April in the Coloseum Retail Gallery, after taking over their

    Romanian stores, formerly operated by a franchisee.

    Carrefour announced the new concept that they will introduce

    in Romania, the hard discounter Superco, focus on fresh

    products, with surface of 1,000 to 2,000 m2.

    The Romanian DIY market has been very eventful during Q1

    2014. Kingfisher rebranded two of the fifteen stores they

    acquired last year into Brico Depot. The local operation of

    Praktiker comprising 27 units was taken over by Turkish owned

    Search Chemicals, but will continue to operate under the same

    brand. Baumax announced it will exit Romania, either by selling

    or by closing down their stores.


    Rental levels for prime shopping centres grew to 60-70

    m2/month, showing the first signs of recovery of the Bucharest

    retail market. The highest rents are achieved in Baneasa

    Shopping City and AFI Palace Cotroceni, which are considered

    the two most dominant retail schemes in Romania. Rental

    levels for prime high street units remained at 55-65 m2/month.

    Prime Shopping Center Rents in CEE capitals /

    Nivelul chiriei prime n centre comerciale n capitalele din CEE

    Source/Surs: JLL


    The pipeline in Bucharest for 2015 is likely to increase to up to

    150,000 m2, in areas that are currently lacking major shopping

    centers, and to 45,000 m2 in Brasov, one of the largest cities in

    the country that does not yet have a dominant retail scheme.











    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F








    Budapest Bucharest Prague Warsaw





  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 7

    Piaa spaiilor comerciale


    Stocul de spaii comerciale moderne din Romnia a rmas

    neschimbat la aproape 1,66 milioane de m2 dup ce nici un

    centru comercial nu a fost inaugurat n primul trimestru din

    2014. Trimestrul patru din 2013 a fost bogat n livrri, cu

    95.000 m2 finalizai. Stocul de spaii comerciale moderne din

    Bucureti este de peste 890.000 m2.

    Dou noi centre comerciale urmeaz a fi inaugurate pn la

    finalul anului, ambele dezvoltate de ctre fondul de investiii

    sud-african NEPI: Vulcan Value Center (35.000 m2) n partea

    de sud-vest a Bucuretiului i Shopping City Trgu Jiu (27.000

    m2) n Trgu Jiu. Prin urmare, oferta ce va fi livrat n 2014 n

    Romnia va atinge cel mai sczut nivel de dup 2005.


    Conform Institutului Naional de Statistic, dup ce n 2013

    cifra de afaceri n comerul cu amnuntul a nregistrat o

    cretere modest de doar 0,4%, aceasta a crescut puternic n

    primul trimestru din 2014, cu 8,3% n comparaie cu aceeai

    perioad anul trecut. Vnzarea produselor non-alimentare a

    urcat chiar mai mult, cu 12,3%. Ne ateptm ca acest trend s

    continue, susinut de creterea economic puternic, de

    resuscitarea pieei creditelor i de ncrederea din ce n ce mai

    mare a consumatorilor. Performanele recente vor avea

    probabil o influen pozitiv asupra planurilor de expansiune

    ale retailerilor.

    Avnd n vedere numrul redus de proiecte noi, retailerii

    interesai s deschid magazine noi analizeaz n special

    centrele comerciale performante deja existente. Distana dintre

    cererea pentru centrele comerciale prime i cele secundare

    continu s fie semnificativ.

    Mai muli retaileri internaionali evalueaz posibilitatea intrrii

    pe piaa din Romnia sau preluarea reelelor locale de

    magazine operate de ctre francizori, ncurajai de creterea

    vnzrilor. Jysk, lanul de retail danez, specializat n comerul

    cu mobil i decoraiuni, va deschide n aprilie un nou concept

    store in Coloseum Retail Gallery, dup ce au preluat reeaua

    de magazine din ar.

    Carrefour a anunat noul concept hard discount pe care l vor

    introduce n Romnia, Superco, ce se va axa pe produse

    proaspete i va opera pe suprafee de 1.000 2.000 m2.

    Piaa de DIY a fost extrem de bogat n evenimente n primul

    trimestru din 2014. Kingfisher a finalizat conversia n Brico

    Depot a dou dintre cele 15 uniti pe care le-a achiziionat

    anul trecut. Operaiunile locale ale Praktiker, ce constau n 27

    de magazine, au fost preluate de ctre o companie cu capital

    turcesc, Search Chemicals, dar vor continua s funcioneze

    sub acelai brand. Baumax i-a anunat intenia de a iei din

    Romnia, fie prin vnzarea magazinelor fie prin nchiderea



    Nivelul chiriilor prime din centrele comerciale a crescut la 60-70

    Euro/m2/lun, acesta fiind unul din primele semne ale redresrii

    pieei de retail din Bucureti. Cele mai mari chirii sunt obinute

    n AFI Palace Cotroceni i Bneasa Shopping City, considerate

    a fi centrele comerciale dominante din Romnia. Nivelul

    chiriilor prime pentru spaiile comerciale stradale s-a meninut

    la 55-65 Euro/m2/lun.


    Volumul livrrilor din 2015 ar putea ajunge pn la 150,000 m2

    n Bucureti, n special n zonele n care nu exist centre

    comerciale importante, i la 45,000 m2 n Braov, unul din cele

    mai mari orae din ar care nu are un mall dominant.

    Prime Shopping Center Rent Evolution /

    Evoluia chiriei prime n centrele comerciale

    Source/Surs: JLL



    70 65 65




    85 80

    70 70









    2007/Q4 2008/Q4 2009/Q4 2010/Q4 2011/Q4 2012/Q4






    min max



    70 65 65

    60 55 55



    85 80

    70 70 65 65














    min max



    70 65 65

    60 55 55



    85 80

    70 70 65 65














    min max



    70 65 65

    60 55 55



    85 80

    70 70 65 65














    min max



    70 65 65

    60 55 55



    85 80

    70 70 65 65














    min max




















    Min Max

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All Rights Reserved 8

    Industrial Market


    Two industrial facilities were officially opened in Q1 2014 in

    Romania. In March 2014, Lear Corporation inaugurated an

    automotive seating plant of 12,000 m in Solo Industrial Park,

    located in Letcani, near Iasi and VGP expanded their industrial

    park in Timisoara by 7,200 m. In Q4 2013, JLL reported the

    completion of a 11,000 m production unit built in Ploiesti West

    Park for Coficab and of another 10,000 m delivered by VGP in

    Timisoara that are now fully occupied.

    Several projects are expected to be finalized by the end of the

    year. In May, Bosch will inaugurate a 38,000 m automotive

    electronics production facility and research center in Tetarom

    III, in Jucu, near Cluj-Napoca. The Cluj County Council, owner

    of the Tetarom industrial parks, has also started the

    development of Tetarom IV on an 80 hectare plot in Feleacu.

    Another 25,000 m are under construction in Ploiesti West Park

    for a Belgian production company. TRW Automotive Holdings

    Corp. is planning to open a 4,000 m plant in Roman, where

    they will manufacture airbags for cars. In Timisoara, VGP is

    planning to extend their project by further 10,000 m.

    As of Q1 2014, the modern industrial stock is estimated at

    approximately 1.8 million m, with more than 1 million m in the

    industrial hubs in and around Bucharest.

    Prime Rents for Multi-let / Light Industrial in CEE Capitals/

    Nivelul chiriei prime n spaii industriale n capitalele din CEE

    Source/Surs: JLL


    In Q1 2014, gross take-up in Romania totaled approximately

    48,000 m out of which almost half was net take-up, while the

    other half was made of renegotiations and renewals. Activity

    was recorded in: Bucharest, Deva, Arad, Ploiesti and

    Timisoara. In the first three months of the year gross take-up in

    Bucharest is estimated at almost 19,000 m, 40% of the entire

    demand in Q1 in Romania. The largest transaction in Q1 was

    the renewal of Carrefour (20,700 m) in Deva Logistic Center.


    Rents for prime distribution facilities are estimated at 3.6 to

    4.0 m2/month. Rents for prime light industrial facilities are

    quoted between 3.5 and 4.25 m2/month. Larger distribution

    units (exceeding 20,000 m2) record rents of about 3.5

    m2/month. However, incentive packages continued to be

    significant, especially for large surfaces and long term leases.


    The automotive sector has become the most important branch

    of Romanian industry. New production facilities will continue to

    open, especially in the western part of the country due to its

    obvious advantages (proximity to Central and Western Europe

    Romanias main export market, present and planned

    highways and well prepared labour force). Due to the

    forecasted increase in retail sales, we expect that 3PL

    companies will soon be in search of spaces to develop.

    Given the current vacancy rate in Bucharest, situated at

    between 13 and 14.5% and the restrictive access to credit,

    most future industrial developments will be built-to-suit.

    Prime Industrial Rents and Yields /

    Chirii spaii industriale i randamente

    Source/Surs: JLL







    Warsaw Prague Bucharest Budapest



    2 /ye



























    Annual rents Yields

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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    Piaa spaiilor industriale


    Dou proiecte industriale importante au fost inaugurate oficial

    n trimestrul 1 din 2014 n Romnia. n martie 2014, Lear

    Corporation a deschis o unitate de producie de scaune

    destinate industriei auto, de 12.000 de m2 n Solo Industrial

    Park din Lecani, n apropiere de Iai, iar VGP si-a extins

    parcul din Timioara cu 7.200 m2. JLL a raportat de asemenea

    n trimestrul 4 din 2013 finalizarea construciei depozitului de

    11.000 m2 dezvoltat n Ploieti West Park pentru Coficab i

    depozitului de 10.000 m2 inaugurat de VGP n Timioara, acum

    ocupat integral.

    Alte cteva proiecte sunt anunate a fi finalizate pn la finalul

    anului. Bosch va inaugura n mai o unitate de producie i un

    centru de cercetare n Tetarom III n Jucu, lng Cluj-Napoca.

    Consiliul Judeean Cluj, proprietarul parcurilor industriale

    Tetarom, a nceput de asemenea lucrrile la Tetarom IV pe un

    teren de 80 de hectare n Feleacu. Ali 25.000 de m2 vor fi

    livrai n Ploieti West Park pentru o companie belgiana. TRW

    Automotive Holdings Corp. plnuiete sa inaugureze o unitate

    de producie de airbaguri destinate autovehiculelor, de 4.000

    m2 n Roman. n Timioara, VGP plnuiete extinderea

    proiectului pe care l deine cu nc 10.000 m2.

    La finalul primului trimestru din 2013, stocul de spaii industriale

    moderne era estimat la aproximativ 1,8 milioane m, cu mai

    mult de 1 milion m localizai n proiectele din Bucureti i

    zonele din imediata vecintate.

    Industrial Take-Up Activity in Romania in 2013 /

    Activitatea de nchiriere n Romnia n 2013

    Source/Surs: JLL


    n primul trimestru din 2014, estimm c n Romnia s-au

    nchiriat aproximativ 48.000 m2 de spaii industriale. Mai mult

    de jumtate din totalul nchirierilor a fost reprezentat de cerea

    nou, cu restul fiind reprezentat de renegocieri i nnoiri.

    Cererea s-a concretizat n contracte semnate n Bucureti,

    Deva, Arad, Ploieti i Timioara. n Bucureti, n aceeai

    perioad, suprafaa total de spaii industriale nchiriate a fost

    de aproximativ 19.000 m2, 40% din ntreaga suprafa

    nchiriat la nivel de ar. Cea mai mare tranzacie din primele

    trei luni ale anului a fost nnoirea contractului Carrefour (20,700

    m2) n Deva Logistic Center.


    Chiriile spaiilor de logistic prime sunt cuprinse ntre 3,6-4,0

    Euro/m2/lun. Chiriile spaiilor dedicate industriei uoare sunt la

    nivelul de 3,5-4,25 Euro/m2/lun. n cazul spaiilor industriale

    de mari dimensiuni, de peste 20.000 m2, chiriile sunt mai mici,

    n jurul a 3,5 Euro/m2/lun. Volumul stimulentelor financiare a

    continuat s fie semnificativ, n special pentru suprafee mari i

    durate lungi.


    Industria auto a devenit cel mai important sector al industriei

    romneti. Noi uniti de producie vor continua s se

    deschid, n special in partea de vest a rii datorit avantajelor

    pe care le are aceast zon i anume apropierea de Europa

    Central si de Vest cea mai important pia de export a

    Romniei, infrastructura existent i n construcie i

    disponibilitatea unei fore de munc bine pregtit. Ne

    ateptm ca, datorit previziunilor pozitive n ceea ce privete

    comerului cu amnuntul, companiile 3PL vor deveni din ce n

    ce mai interesate de spaii in care s se dezvolte. Din cauza

    ratei de neocupare de 13-14.5% n Bucureti i accesului

    anevoios la credite, cele mai multe proiecte viitoare vor fi

    construite doar n baza unor pre-contracte.

    Modern Industrial Stock in Bucharest by Location /

    Spaii industiale moderne n Bucureti dup locaie

    Source/Surs: JLL

    Deva, 43%

    Bucharest, 39%

    Arad, 13%

    Timisoara; 5%


  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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    Market Practice

    Office market

    Lease length: 3-5 years

    Payment terms: Rents denominated in Euro, but paid in Ron

    Frequency: Monthly or quarterly in advance

    Deposit: 3 months

    Indexation: Annually, in general Euro CPI

    Rent reviews: Optional, not yet a practice

    Agency fees: 15-25% from the yearly rent, excluding any incentives offered by

    landlord to tenants

    Retail market (shopping centers)

    Lease length: 5 years, 10-15 years for the larger anchors

    Rent: fixed and/or turnover rent

    Payment terms: Rents denominated in Euro but paid in Ron

    Frequency: Monthly or quarterly in advance

    Deposit: 3 months

    Indexation: Annually, in general Euro CPI

    Rent reviews: rare

    Landlords fit-out contribution: available only for larger anchor tenants

    Agency fees: 12-15% from the yearly rent, excluding any incentives offered by

    landlord to tenants

    Industrial market

    Lease length: 3-5 years for logistics; 5-7 years for production facilities

    Rents: industrial area plus additional handling services

    Payment terms: Rents denominated in Euro but paid in Ron

    Frequency: Monthly in advance

    Deposit: 3 months for logistics; 6 months for production facilities

    Indexation: Annually, in general Euro CPI

    Rent reviews: rare

    Fit-out: on tenants cost

    Agency fees: 12-20% from the annual rent

    Piaa spaiilor de birouri

    Perioad de nchiriere: 3-5 ani

    Metode de plat: chiriile exprimate n Euro, dar pltite n moneda local, Ron

    Frecvena de plat: n avans, lunar sau trimestrial

    Garanie: echivalentul a 3 luni de chirie

    Indexare: anual, n general cu inflaia din Zona Euro

    Renegocierea chiriei: opional, nu este nc o procedur comun

    Comisionul de agenie: 15-25% din chiria anual (nu sunt considerate facilitile

    financiare, lunile libere de chirie)

    Piaa spaiilor comerciale (centre comerciale)

    Perioad de nchiriere: 5 ani, 10-15 ani pentru chiriaii tip ancor

    Chiria: fix i/sau chirie n funcie de cifra de afaceri

    Metode de plat: chiriile exprimate n Euro, dar pltite n moneda local, Ron

    Frecvena de plat: n avans, lunar sau trimestrial

    Garanie: echivalentul a 3 luni de chirie

    Indexare: anual, de obicei cu inflaia din Zona Euro

    Renegocierea chiriei: rar

    Contribuia proprietarului pentru amenajarea spaiului: acordat doar chiriailor

    care ocup spaii mari

    Comisionul de agenie: 12-15% din chiria anual (nu sunt considerate facilitile

    financiare, lunile libere de chirie)

    Piaa spaiilor logistice

    Perioad de nchiriere: 3-5 ani pentru spaii logistice; 5-7 ani pentru spaii de


    Chiria: pentru spaiile industriale plus serviciile de manevr

    Metode de plat: chiriile exprimate n Euro dar pltite n moneda local, Ron

    Frecvena de plat: n avans, lunar

    Garanie: echivalentul a 3 luni de chirie pentru spaii logistice; 6 luni pentru spaii de


    Indexare: anual, n general cu inflaia Zonei Euro

    Renegocierea chiriei: rar

    Contribuii pentru amenajarea spaiului: pe costul chiriailor

    Comisionul de agenie: 12-20% din chiria anual

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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    Map: Office Buildings

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014

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    Map: Retail Developments

  • Bucharest City Report Q1 2014


    COPYRIGHT JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Jones Lang LaSalle. It is based on material that we believe to be reliable. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot offer any warranty that it contains no factual errors. We would like to be told of any such errors in order to correct them.


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