INTEGRITY | CURIOSITY | LEADERSHIP What is Health and Social Care ? Health and social care is the study of the treatment of ill health and medical condions in hospitals, health centres and in the community. Social care is the care and support of vulnerable people, usually in the community. Why students choose this course Gain an insight into human life span and development. • Understand physical, intellectual, emoonal and social development across the life stages. • Evaluate theories which can be applied to health and social care sector. • Gain an insight of the roles and responsibilies of praconers of health and social care. • Explore the roles of general praconer, health care worker, midwifes, social workers and many more. • Empower yourself to make informed decisions about your future career. What the course covers Students can choose to study Health and Social Care as a single (1 A-level equivalent), double (2 A-level equivalent) or triple (3 A-level equivalent) award. Single Award Year 1 • Unit 1 Human life span and development Unit 2 Working in health and social care Year 2 • Unit 5 Meeng individuals care and support needs • Unit 14 Physiological disorder and care Double Award Year 1 Unit 4 Enquiries into current research in health and social care • Unit 7 Principles of safe pracce in health and social care Year 2 • Unit 8 Promong public health • Unit 19 Nutrional health Triple Award Year 1 • Unit 3 Anatomy and physiology for health and social care Unit 6 Work experience in health and social care Year 2 • Unit 20 Understanding mental well being • Unit 17 Caring for individuals with demena • Unit 18 Assessing children’s development support needs The complete specificaon can be found on the exam board website: hps://qualificaons. pearson.com. BTEC APPLIED HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE

BTEC APPLIED HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE...What is Health and Social Care ? Health and social care is the study of the treatment of ill health and medical conditions in hospitals, health

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Page 1: BTEC APPLIED HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE...What is Health and Social Care ? Health and social care is the study of the treatment of ill health and medical conditions in hospitals, health

I N T E G R I T Y | C U R I O S I T Y | L E A D E R S H I P

What is Health and Social Care ?Health and social care is the study of the treatment of ill health and medical conditions in hospitals, health centres and in the community. Social care is the care and support of vulnerable people, usually in the community.

Why students choose this course• Gain an insight into human life span and development.

• Understand physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the life stages.

• Evaluate theories which can be applied to health and social care sector.

• Gain an insight of the roles and responsibilities of practitioners of health and social care.

• Explore the roles of general practitioner, health care worker, midwifes, social workers and many more.

• Empower yourself to make informed decisions about your future career.

What the course coversStudents can choose to study Health and Social Care as a single (1 A-level equivalent), double (2 A-level equivalent) or triple (3 A-level equivalent) award.

Single Award Year 1• Unit 1 Human life span and development • Unit 2 Working in health and social care Year 2• Unit 5 Meeting individuals care and support needs • Unit 14 Physiological disorder and care

Double AwardYear 1• Unit 4 Enquiries into current research in health and social care• Unit 7 Principles of safe practice in health and social care Year 2• Unit 8 Promoting public health • Unit 19 Nutritional health

Triple AwardYear 1• Unit 3 Anatomy and physiology for health and social care• Unit 6 Work experience in health and social care Year 2• Unit 20 Understanding mental well being • Unit 17 Caring for individuals with dementia • Unit 18 Assessing children’s development support needs

The complete specification can be found on the exam board website: https://qualifications.pearson.com.


Page 2: BTEC APPLIED HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE...What is Health and Social Care ? Health and social care is the study of the treatment of ill health and medical conditions in hospitals, health

Student Profile:

D I X O N S S I X T H F O R M A C A D E M Y | D O U G L A S M I L L | B O W L I N G O L D L A N EB R A D F O R D | B D 5 7 J R | W W W . D I X O N S 6 A . C O M

Before Sixth Form, Aqsa attended Belle Vue Girls’ Academy. At Dixons Sixth Form, Aqsa studies Health and Social Care, Biology and Psychology.

I’ve chosen to study Health and Social Care because it will be beneficial to me as it’s a steppingstone to my chosen career. I want to go into Midwifery in the future and am hoping to study at the University of Leeds. With Health and Social Care, I will get a good understanding of what’s involved in midwifery and will be able to apply my knowledge to my placements at university.

What students can do with this courseThe triple award qualification is a two-year study programme of learning and is equivalent to three A Levels, meaning that learners will be fully prepared for a range of health and social care degree programmes.

The qualification is intended to carry UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as contributing to meeting admission requirements to many relevant courses:

BSc (Hons) in NursingBA (Hons) in Social WorkBSc (Hons) in PhysiotherapyBSc (Hons) in Occupational TherapyBSc (Hons) in Speech TherapyBA (Hons) in Health and Social Care

How this course is assessedThe following units are assessed through external examination: Unit 1 Human life span and development Unit 2 Working in health and social care Unit 3 Anatomy and physiology for health and social careUnit 4 Enquiries into current research in health and social careAll other units are assessed internally through controlled assessment.

Entry requirementsAll our course entry requirements are detailed in the Entry Requirements document located in the admissions section of our website.

Further ReadingPearson BTEC National Health and Social Care, Student Book 1 Life Span Human Development by Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider