Bride Groom Spring 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    cover: cHrISToS gown

    AvAIlAble AT neIMAn MArcUS




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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Flowers by Lizzie Bees Flower Shoppe

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


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    dls Sics

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    PuBLIShed By:Bi & gm Mzi, Ic.,

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    T sbsciptis bck isss, pls mil qst stti wic iss(s) lik, t

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


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    8 WITh ThIS rIng9 hoW To renT a PhoToBooTh For a WeddIng11 InSIderS guIde To ChooSIng a LIMo16InSure your WeddIng rIngS18 BrIdaL arCheTyPeS22 WeddIng InSuranCe24 PICTure PerFeCT26ThIngS To do28 MeMBerS oF The WeddIng

    Clis dbl Smrtils f $85

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013



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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013







    A good cut allows or the maximum light refection

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    How to Rent a Photobooth for a WedingBy Lauren Agra, eHow Contributor

    hav usts put ti potos in a scap-

    boo fo a fun wddin souvni!

    rntin a poto boot is a popula way

    to p usts nttaind at wddin -

    cptions. T potos ty poduc a funwddin favos. T poto pintin pap

    and bacounds oftn can b customizd

    to you wddin. Boots a ntd by t

    ou and nally a suitabl only fo in-

    doo cptions. Bcaus of pintin and

    tanspotation xpnss, xpct to spnd

    at last sval undd dollas.

    1 Conrm your weddings major details,suc as dat, tim, vnu, budt and

    ust list.

    2 Cc you budt to dtmin owmuc you can spnd on a poto boot. ex-pct to spnd a minimum of sval un-

    dd dollas on ntal fs fo ac boot,

    includin a dposit.

    3 Call your venues manager and cormty allow poto boots. If so, as ow a-

    ly t poto boot can b st up, wn it

    must b movd, ow many poto boots

    t vnu allows and wt t will b

    xta fs fo avin a poto boot.

    4 Consult you ust list to dtminow many ous you will nd you po-

    to boot, o boots, fo all you usts to

    ta pictus. Poto boots nally can

    accommodat 35 to 50 sssions an ou,

    dpndin on t macin. eac sssion

    nally snaps fou to six potos and pints

    two copis of t pictus. Many usts will

    ta oup potos, incasin t numb

    of usts potoapd in ac sssion.

    5 Sac fo poto boot companis int pon boo o wit an onlin sacnin. Find out wt oin wit a lo-

    cal company can cut down on tavl fs o

    mila cas.

    6 Call at last two companis to discussti ats, tavl o mila fs and s-

    vics. Compa t companis and coos

    the one that best ts your budget, needed

    amount of poto boots and ot qui-


    7 Boo wit you cosn company. Sint contact and pay t dposit, wic will

    be a percentage of your nal bill. Read your

    contact cafully to nsu you qui-

    mnts a listd and coct. kp a copy

    of t contact fo fnc.

    8 Call t poto boot company a wor two before the wedding to conrm your

    wddin day ntal and any tanspot d-

    tails. giv t company t nam and num-

    b of somon t company can contact in

    cas of an mncy on t wddin day.9 Make the nal payment to the photoboot company at t tim dsinatd in

    t contact.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013

    12/840 www.brideandgroom.comW W W . B R I D A L S H O W S I N C . C O





    1 0 A M - 5 P M

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    Das Maet Ha

    N O O N - 5 P M

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    L A S C O L I N A S

    B R I D A L S H O W

    Iving Conventin Cen

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Insiders Guide to Choosing a Limo

    I itio, ou ee relible comptt lws swers te poe, ot oett oes to persol milbox.

    5. Over-rated. We comprirates, compare nal totals. Some limocompies quote ol bse rtes tck o cres ie fees likeo tomorrow fter ou reserve. grtuit,STC surcre, fuel cre, creit crprocessi fee, trvel time or re tore re few -os tt c esildouble the original gure.

    6. Tricky Terms. Mke sure ou reteir Terms & Coitios Ccell-tio Polic crefull before sii -ti. Most importtl, ou wt to mkesure ou ve time to ccel, if eee,witout losi eposit.

    7. Get it in Writing. Most limo com-pies ve cut up wit tecoloand can e-mail you a conrmation whereimportt trip pmet iformtiore clerl commuicte. double-ceckte tes, times, resses crefullto esure our evet oes s smootlas planned.

    2. Raves and Reviews. Life is otlo eou to ler ol from our mis-tkes, so ler from oters. Tur to socilmei. Look for teir Fcebook pe orteir blo to size up teir uteticit populrit. Te bier teir f bse, temore leit te comp probbl is. Besure to skim over teir eerl reviewsand star ratings, which you can nd onyoo Locl.

    3. A picture is worth a thousandwords. Look for utetic potos. If ou

    browse lo eou, ou will strt seeite exct sme poto of immcultestretc hummer o multiple limo web-sites. Some compies post potos ofteir customers o teir Fcebook pewit te limo s te bckrop. a tu-rl poto is muc more represettiveof te limo tt will be rrivi, ot testock potos tt re merel copie pste oto site.

    4. Southern Hospitality. Cll up few compies see wo s tetime courtes to swer our ques-tios wlk ou trou te process.

    Imie o our specil , telimo is rui bout our lte. yikes!

    And when it nally shows, you wish youcoul poke our e i te roulike ostric mist our uests, op-i te ot otice te bsebll-sizeet o te left sie te multiple kescrtces ll lo te oter sie of teol 1996 limo.

    Fii te rit limo comp surec be uti. do simple goolesearch or ip through the good old-fash-ioe yellow Pes, ou will be swim-

    mi i oce of limo compies. Firwri: not ll re crete equl! as isier i te limo busiess for six ers,we ve compose tis uie to wlkou step b step trou te process, toesure worr-free experiece.

    1. Go Local. Like fruits veet-bles, o locl. Te more locl te com-p, te better teir rtes will probblbe. Look for rel psicl ress. Bewre tt some limo compies tr topost multiple listis i vrious cities topromote teir listi.

    Writte b:

    First Clss Limousie Service LLC

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Ask The Experts -How can I be sure tHere wIll be smootH

    transItIons between musIc selectIons

    durIng tHe formal seatIngs at my weddIng?

    T ost iportt ti is to k sur tt t wddicoorditor couicts wit t stri qurtt. If t

    coorditor ivs clr cu to t usicis w it is

    ti to strt t stis, t sds c roup dow

    t isl to t corrct usic slctio, t qurtt c

    sily ti slctios to d ftr t lst prso i c

    roup s b std.

    Strdivrius Stri Qurtt


    Got a question?Hear wat the experts have to

    How sHould I cHoose my brIdesmaIds dresses?

    Soppi for bridsid drsss is vry dlict ttr. not oly is it iport

    to be cost conscious to avoid putting anyone in a difcult nancial situation, but it

    important to nd a gown that works for everyone. This does not mean you have t

    buy t s ow for ll bridsids. Ts dys, y brids will pick colo

    tt ty would lik t ows to b d t lt c bridsid pick t styl t

    she wants to wear, that she is comfortable in, that is attering on, and that keeps he

    sili. aftr ll, t brid sould wt vryo to look orous o r bi dy sshell have beautiful pictures and happy memories.

    Sv Rpprt

    Coopr hotl, Cofrc Ctr & Sp





    I Have been to many weddIngs wHere tHe receIvIng lIne

    Is so long tHat It takes away so mucH tIme from tHe

    receptIon. must we Have a receIvIng lIne?

    most brids d roos r ot doi rcivi li. at t rcptio,

    often times the brides parents call the grooms parents to the microphone

    to itroduc t d wlco t. T brid d roo t wlk

    d i d to c tbl to wlco tir usts, d tk t for

    ttdi tir wddi. If t brid d roo wis, t potorpr

    c follow t to c tbl d tk potos.PhoTob



    Slli g Wddi & Spcil evt Cosultt


  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    See more experts at!

    Ask The Experts -Do I neeD a contIngency plan?

    Preprng cnngenc pln s mus when cmes effecve even plnnng. Weddngs cn be chllengng

    even, bes. Mn nrce dels mus blend semlesslfr he weddng pr nd guess enj hemselves nd mke fnd memr fr ll. Smemes he bgges secre successful even s hvng cnngenc pln. N nlshuld serus hugh be gven Pln B, bu f needs bencrpred, mus be fesble sreg.

    Bes dvce: Hre cmpeen crdnr wh hs plnnedahead and can remain exible on the day of the event.

    Debbe Nems nd Ellen RussellEvens b LND214.717.0699

    Rchel Reevesone accrd Weddngs



    our parents are gracIously contrIbutIng to our weDDIng buDge

    we want to be very careful how anD where we spenD our money a

    well as theIrs! how Do we know where to spenD the majorIty o

    our funDs anD where to cut back? how Do we prIorItIze spenDIn

    our money?

    ths s ver gd quesn sk before u hve sred spendng ur mne! oof the most important conversations you can have with your signicant other (other th

    hw much u wll hve spend n ur weddng) s wh s ms mprn u. y

    need to rst gure out which features about your wedding are going to be uniquely youis gng be he nvns h n ne wll wn hrw w becuse he re slvlned nd re sprzed wh ur wn persnl frgrnce? or wll be he bnd h ew in from half way around the world to play at your reception? Whatever that speci

    unique something is, gure it out sooner, rather than later. This area of your wedding

    where u wll wn spend he ms mne. Be frugl n her res s hs ne specre cn rul shne!

    a weddng plnner shuld be ble help u buld weddng budge h wll keep fcused n he mprn specs f ur weddng nd help buld ur em f vendwsel. Wheher u hve budge f $10,000 r $500,000, we wll cme lngsde and make sure your budget is staying in line with your desires and expectations of yo

    weddng d. Belw s weddng budge-brek dwn h s sfe plce sr. ths

    jus rugh esme. Keep n mnd h ech weddng s unque nd wll hve dffereres h wll requre mre r less f ur funds. Hpp spendng!

    Weddng Plnner: 510%Reception (includes food, cake, rentals, bar, services fees, etc.): 3550%

    Photographer (this should include bridal portraits or engagements): 10%

    Attire (bride and groom): 1015%

    Flwers/Decrns: 1015%Prned Merls: 510%Musc/Enernmen: 10%

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Sweet BoutiqueCake Couture

    Your wedding cakes and desserts will be the

    centerpiece of your reception. So do it right

    with this seasons new take on sugar and

    spice! Learn the latest trends from these

    top cake designers and sweet bakeries.

    Cakes by Cakes 4 All

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013

    17/84www.brideandgroom.comEmily Clairs custom cake toppers and monogram

    Cakes by Cakes 4 All

    Cakes by Cakes 4 All

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    whether his or her jewelry was stolen or lost.

    When pursuing jewelry insurance, a key thing

    to look for is whether or not the policy covers

    mysterious disappearance, as many do not.

    Jewelers Mutual Insurance

    Companys Compiled Claims for 2009:

    Damage: 56%

    Accidental loss: 32%

    Crime: 6.5%

    Mysterious disappearance: 4%


    For more information on Jew-

    elers Mutual Insurance Company

    or to get a free quote, please go to

    About the author: Jewelers

    Mutual Insurance Company is the only

    company specializing exclusively in jew-

    elry insurance in the United States and

    Canada. Visit the Jewelers Mutual website at

    tress and anxiety associated with even the

    most extreme cases of loss. There are a vari-

    ety of companies with whom to insure jewelry,

    and costs can be similar among them. How-

    ever, coverage can vary a great deal. Do your


    Accidental loss is one of the leading

    jewelry claims reported by our clients, says

    Maley. However, standard nonscheduled

    homeowners or renters policies do not auto-

    matically include coverage for this type of loss.

    We also insure the cost to repair or replace

    damaged rings and gemstones; another area

    where insurance coverage can fall short.

    Given how easily a loss may occur cou-

    pled withthe nancialexpenseof replacing

    the piece, protecting your jewelry is crucial.

    According to Jewelers Mutuals compiled

    claims for 2009, damage and accidental loss

    account for nearly 90 percent of all claims.

    Another common claim is mysterious disap-

    pearance, in other words someone is unsure

    Of the many Southern brides walking

    down the aisle in the coming months, very

    ew imagine losing their rings shortly before

    or after their wedding day, especially given


    ever, accidents do happen. In fact, according

    o 2009 claims received by Jewelers Mutual

    nsurance Company, the only company spe-

    cializing exclusively in jewelry insurance in the


    accidental loss accounts for one-third of all

    ewelry claims.

    Some couples lose the ring far in ad-

    vance of walking down the aisle, said Mike

    Maley, vice president of Personal Lines at

    Jewelers Mutual. A recently engaged woman

    was driving down Highway 5 in California with

    her hand out the window when her engage-

    ment ringslipped offhernger, never tobe

    ound again.

    Finding the appropriate insurance for your

    wedding ring in advance will alleviate the dis-

    Insure Your Weding RingsBefore t s Too Late-

    B: Jeweer Mutul Insuce Compay

    Rings by Ritani

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Brides come with many different person-alities, backgrounds, and levels of taste.Theretrulyaresignicantbridalperson -alitytypes.Doyoutinoneormoreofthese categories?

    THE SUPER-ORGANIZED BRIDE: Inyour hand you always carry your wed-ding planner book completely intact andperfectlyorganized.Itislledwithalltheinformation you have collected over theyears to make your wedding the perfectevent. You have control of every detail,

    and when you meet with the right ven-dors, you book their services becausetheyt within yourwell-structuredwed-ding ensemble perfectly. Your big day willgo perfectly and will be a detail-drivenandexcitingeventforalltoseersthand.For example, what would happen if an in-vited guest arrives with a date who was

    Brial Archetypesy Style Networks Celebrity Weding Planner, Donnie rown

    not RSVPd in advance? Well, the reten-tive goddess in you will meet them at thedoor and scold them like no other. Thatis,ifyouhavenisheddirectingthepho-tographer through the post-ceremonyphotoshootwithaloudsnapofyourn -ger. Your reception would be nothing lessthan a seated dinner with lots of people,multiple courses including soups, salads,various entre options, perfectly selecteddesserts and wedding cakes, and plentyto drink.

    THE INCESSANT DREAMER: You havespent the past twenty-plus years cuttingpictures from magazines and creatingyour dream wedding book. You nallywrangled yourself a groom and now youspend lots of time looking at many pic-tures in Martha Stewarts wedding pub-lications. You love all of Marthas ideas,

    even those which are just not realistic.The tulip boutonniere is your favorite.Who cares if it falls apart before the menwalk down the aisle? Martha said that itwould be okay, so it will! Ill bet you evenhave a cake topper that you have beensaving since you were six years old! Itdoes not matter how tacky it is, just use it!It cost $1.99 in 1980, but now it is price-less! Your reception will consist of a buffetwith many appetizers and other assortedcocktailtreatsandwithftypercentguestseating.Youareterried thatyourwed-

    ding attendees will simply sit down andnot mingle and mix. After all, it is such funto sit at an unset table or to stand and holdyour glass with one hand and your platewith the other. Several guests will be sniff-ing their plates, because they will not haveany way of actually getting the food intotheir mouths! However, it will be festive!


    every detail planned perfectly, including the

    fowers, the church, and the jewelry.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013



    You have absolutely no idea what youwant. You see sample after sample ofideas and still cannot make a decision.You leave with ideas and come back tothe table needing more because noneof the previous ones spoke to you. Thevoices were talking but nothing actuallygot through. You do not want a cookie-cutter wedding. However, you must see

    photos of something that you do want,even though you dont know what exactlyit is that you want. I think that you knowwhat I mean when I say that you do notknow what you want, even though I knowthat you know what I mean, ya know?You will not have food at the receptionbecause you never made a decision tobeginwithandthecaterersnallygaveup and took the evening off.


    ER DRAGON: You have an idea of whatyou want, but will never see any of yourideas come to fruition because of your

    mother dragon that lurks in the shadowsdemanding that this is her wedding andnot yours. Consistently and continually,your mother tells you, When you have adaughter, and are therefore paying for it,then you can decide. Until then, you willdo what Mommy Dearest says. Your

    mother will make it clear that it will be hersole mission in life to destroy the vendorsor planner should they defy her wishesin favor of what it is you prefer. For yourreception, you would love a selection oftasty, hot and cold passed hors doeuvresand a buffet presentation. However, yourdear mother will have something to sayabout that as well. You will end up havinga seated dinner with all of your mothers

    favorite selections, and you must like itor else!


    BRIDE or THE BEER-POCKET BUD-GET BRIDE: You are pleasant and verysweet. However, you might bend thetruth when you say that you will be faxingover the contract as soon as you hangup the phone with your wedding planneror vendors. You will not. You have everyintention of making your payment install-ments on time. But, somehow you willnot. Alternatively, when you say you willdo your required homework and get your

    planner what they need in order to gettheir job doneyou wont. Then, all of asudden, two weeks before the wedding,you turn about face and scream whennothing is done on your timeline; you failto realize that you are only behind sched-ule because of your indecisiveness. You

    just want to keep up with the other tenbrides that you previously stood for asan attendant, even though your limitedbudget cannot afford the related expens-es.Nottoworry,youwillndthefundssomehow. You made money at the bloodbank earlier in the day, but if you still fallshort, perhaps your wedding planner orprofessional vendors will take pity on youand help you in some way. Overall, this is

    not going to be the most stress-free wed-ding you, your vendors or your guests willever witness. You want an elegant buffetof carved beef tenderloin and a selectionofsushiandshellsh.However,whatyouwill have in the end is an array of beanieweenies and spam meatballs smotheredin a lovely Mad Dog 20-20 reduction.

    Now, youmay or may not nd any ofyourself in these above-mentioned cat-egories. Or perhaps, you are there andeveryone else sees it. Regardless, it wasfun realizing that your own well-hiddenneuroses happen to other people too,

    not just you.


    BRIDE will want the tallest cakes, the fanci

    chandeliers, and plenty of hors doeuvres.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013

    22/840 www.brideandgroom.comrimrose gown by Christos

    Available at Neiman Marcus

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


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    Flur De

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    Grand Hall at NRH Centre

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    North Richland Hills, TX

    March 3, 2013

    Noon 5:00 p.m.

    Times and dates are subject to change orcancellation. We recommend you checkwith the host of each event to conrm.

    Bride & Groom is not responsible forinaccuracies.

    Calendar of Events

    Use offer code JL12B&Gfor any

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  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    It is every girls dream to

    have a fairytale wedding

    a very special day to

    remember for life. Howev-

    er, when things go wrong,

    it can be the worst of the

    worst of times. You havespent a lot of money to

    make sure that special day

    is very special. As an insur-

    ance agent, I have learned

    one very important fact.

    Risk never takes a break.

    You could have a vendor orvenue already going out of

    business and at the same

    time taking your money. So

    many problems can pop up

    without notice. Someone

    in your wedding party can

    become ill or you could get

    transferred to another state

    for your job. A vendor may

    not show, or the weather

    turns for the worse the day

    of the wedding, and no

    one can get to the venue.

    To solve this problem, you

    Wedig InsuracBy Jack Brown, an independent, licensed, insurance counselor with more

    than 35 years experience. Contact him at [email protected].

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    need wedding insurance. Or

    as we say in the business,

    transfer the risk.Wedding insurance can














    ciated with the wedding

    Liability Insurance. This

    will protect you in a situa-

    tion of injury to an attendee

    or property damage caused

    by your wedding party. Most

    venues will require this cov-


    Liquor Liability. This willprotect you and your family

    against alcohol-related acci-

    dents. Most venues will re-

    quire this coverage.

    Ask each vendor and

    venue if they carry a third-

    partydelitybond.Thebondwill guarantee your money if

    they go broke. This is a must

    for an all-inclusive wedding


    Make sure that each ven-

    dor and venue gives you a

    written contract. You will

    need this to le an insur-

    ance claim to prove that you

    did in fact pay the vendor or


    Ask for a statement of un-

    derstanding. This will spell

    out what is expected of you

    and the vendor or venue.

    Make sure that you a

    the vendor or venue sign eerything, even agreed-up

    notes and e-mails.

    A wedding insurance po

    cy will cost around $300 a

    can be purchased as far

    24 months before the we


    Companies that sell we

    ding insurance:

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    phy, videography has quickly become anexciting, essential part of the weddingcelebration.

    The guidelines for selecting a videog-rapher parallel those for choosing a pho-tographer. The number one rule use aprofessional! Dont be tempted to take ad-vantage of your Uncle Joes camcorder.

    There are no second takes. Hirea professional with professional equip-ment, so your memories are safe.

    Make sure your videographer hastop-notch audio-visual cameras and edit-ing equipment. Your videographer mustbe experienced and well trained on theequipment.

    Different audio techniques includethe use of wireless remote microphones,a feed from the churchs sound system, ashotgun microphone and ambient sound,and a separate recording dubbed in dur-ing editing. Determine with your videog-rapher the technique best suited to yourwedding location.

    Ask to view DVDs of actual weddingsthat were shot and produced within thepast year. By watching these samples,youll see rst-hand thevideographerslevel of talent and professionalism.

    Look for sharp images, adequate light-ing and clear sound. The video shouldowsmoothlyfromscenetoscene,withhighlights fully covered to tell the wholewedding story. Look for special effects,such as fades, wipes, dissolves, multipleimages, freeze-frames and background

    music.The videographer should dress ap-

    propriately, and be able to comfortablymingle with your guests. Wedding vid-eography prices range from several hun-dred dollars to the thousands. Find outwhats included in the package deals, andif items such as duplicate DVDs, adding

    music and titles, special effects, overtimeand second cameras are additional. Ob-tain a contract including date, time, loca-tion, cost, equipment used, editing time,deposits and delivery date.

    Its so important to choose profes-sionals to record your wedding celebra-tion. The expense is well worth the fu-ture returns. Preserving the memoriesof your nuptials is too important to leaveto chance. Take care to ensure that yourphotographs and DVDs are of the qualityyoull be proud to share with your familyand friends. Youll enjoy your memoriesformanyyearstocome.

    special moments.When you meet with a photographer,

    view sample wedding albums to obtaina clear impression of the overall style inwhich the photographer covers a wed-ding. Look for color, sharpness and detailof the photographs.

    Determine the type of photographsyou prefer a formal posed look, can-dids, or a combination of both formats.Communicate clearly with your photog-rapher to ensure the best results. Makesure your photographer knows exactlywhat you want you only get onechance to make things right.

    Obtain information on package sizesand prices, deposits, retouching charg-es, travel expenses and any other costs.Wedding packages can range from sev-eral hundred dollars to well into the thou-sands. Make sure everything you need isincluded in your package formal por-trait, black-and-white print for the news-paper, wedding album, and anything elseyou are looking for. Find out the cost of

    additional prints and mini-albums forparents and close friends.

    Finally, be sure everything youveagreed to is written in a contract. Otherdetails that should be in writing include:when the photographer will arrive at thewedding and leave the reception, howthe photographer will be dressed, and thenumber of images that will be provided.When you meet with your photographer,

    come prepared with pertinent informationregarding your wedding. Its also helpfulif the photographer knows the style, colorand setting of the wedding so that themood and the moment can be captured.

    Let your photographer know the sizeof your wedding party and with whomyou would like to be photographed. Itshelpful to designate a friend or relative topoint out those special friends and rela-tives you want photographed during thereception.


    Once a mere stepchild of photogra-

    Long after the wedding dress ispacked away, the caterer is on to thenext wedding, and the thank-you notesare mailed the photographs and DVDsremain. The documentation of the begin-ning of your new family will be cherishedfor future generations.


    Book your photographer at least six

    months in advance to ensure availabilityfor your wedding date. When choosing aphotographer, there are several impor-tant things to remember.

    Select a photographer who works fora living, not as a part-time or weekend

    job. Do not entrust this blessed event toan amateur or friend. You dont want torisk losing the recording of this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

    Protect your wedding memories byusing a professional. And make sureyour photographer has extra cameras,lenses and lighting equipment on handas backups in case of emergency.

    Most photographers now prefer touse digital cameras for wedding photog-raphy. Of course, no matter what stylecamera is used, make sure your pho-tographer will also have an appropriatebackup strategy to preserve the imagesfrom your precious day.

    Advances in digital cameras are rap-idly improving the image detail and color.Thereareotherbenetstodigitalversuslmcameras.Notonlycanaphotogra-pher see immediately what the image willlook like, he or she can correct the shoton-siteasopposedtoduringthelm-de-veloping process. Brides will appreciatethespeedandefciencyofdigitalcamer-

    as since theyll be able to see their wed-ding proofs quicker. This digital processcan give you an idea of what your wed-ding album will look like when complete.

    Choose a photographer with whomyou are compatible and who puts youatease.Ifthereisapersonalityconictbetween you and the photographer, youmay end up with photos of your bestsneer instead of your best smile!

    Look for a photographer whose judg-ment and opinions you trust. Remember,youll be spending a lot of time with thecamera person on your wedding day,relying on that person to capture those

    Picture Perfect -A tener moment, capture in a silver frame on an office esk.

    A special home movie to pop in the DVD player on a snugglywinter night. Weding images keep the memories alive.

    Select a photographer who works for a living,not as a part-time or weekend job. Do not entrustthis blessed event to an amateur or friend.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Silvana Gown by KennethAvailable at Neiman M

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    The Groom6 Months Or LongerPrepareabudgetforyourshareoftheweddingandhoneymoonexpenses.



    can invite.


    3 To 6 Months BeforeArrangelodgingforattendantsandclosefamilymemberscomingfrom

    out of town.



    a limousine service for transportation.

    Youmaywanttogowithyourbridetoregisterforchina,crystal,andother items.


    10 To 12 Weeks BeforeYouandyourattendantsmustbemeasuredforthetuxedos.

    Informtheweddingpartywhereandwhentherehearsalandrehearsaldinner will take place.

    4 To 10 Weeks BeforeSelectgiftsforyourattendants.


    2 To 4 Weeks BeforeApplyforyourmarriagelicensewithyourbride.



    Week Of The WeddingGivethenalguestcounttothecatererfortherehearsaldinner;conrm

    bridal party transportation.


    Day Of The WeddingGivetheclergymanschecktothebestmantohandle.


    the ceremony.

    The Brie6 Months Or LongerPrepareabudgetfortheweddingandreception.


    and attendants attire for a picture-perfect wedding.Beginyourguestlist.






    3 To 6 Months BeforeRegisterforyourchina,crystalandotheritems.



    if you plan to have your ceremony in a church.Purchasethegroomsweddingring.


    bakery and entertainment.


    10 To 12 Weeks BeforeArrangetransportationtotheweddingandreceptionforyourattendantsand

    out-of-town guests.

    Chooseyourhouseparty,suchasfriendsandfamilytohandoutprograms,attend the guest book, and greet guests.








    videographer, bakery and entertainment.


    4 To 10 Weeks BeforeMailinvitations,weighingthemforproperpostage.



    2 To 4 Weeks BeforeFinalizearrangementswithyourclergymanandmusicdirector.


    of the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.




    Finalizearrangementswiththeorist,caterer,photographer,videographer,bakery, entertainers and gift registries.



    the wedding.


    wedding, if you choose to do so.

    Week Of The WeddingGivethenalguestcounttoyourcaterer72hoursbeforethereception.


    Day Of The WeddingMailweddingannouncements(ifyouareplanningto).


    Things To Do -Use this hany checklist as a general information an scheuling guie, an tailor it to fit the specific

    nees of your own weding.

    Megan Thorne Fine

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Fiona Gown by ChAvailable at Neiman M

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013



    A bridesmaid has no particular pre-wedding responsibilities, but might offer to

    help the bride in any way she can, such as throwing her an engagement party or

    bridal shower, or helping stuff invitations.

    Pays for and assembles her wedding outt.

    Attends rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Walks in the processional and


    May stand in the receiving line.


    Wears a dress similar to that of a bridesmaid, but in an age-appropriate style.

    Participates in the processional (recessional participation is optional).


    Pays for his own wedding attire (boutonnieres provided by the groom).

    Seats guests at the church as they arrive offers his right arm to each woman.

    Asks if they are friends of the bride or groom and seats them accordingly.

    Brides guests are seated to the left, the grooms to the right; order is reversed

    in Jewish services. When one side has more guests than the other, the usher

    may begin seating guests on the side with fewer people.

    Decorates the couples going-away car.


    Usually a young girl between 4 and 10 years old.

    Carries a basket of owers, tiny nosegay or a basket of loose rose petals to

    strew in the brides path, if the ceremony venue allows.


    Usually a young boy between 4 and 10 years old.

    During the ceremony, carries a white satin pillow with two fake rings tied or

    sewn on. After the ceremony, the pillow is turned upside down so the dummyring wont show. The real rings can also be used if he is old enough.


    Young boys or girls, usually between 9 and 14 years old.

    Light the candles at the altar just before the brides mother is seated.

    Children should attend rehearsal to practice their parts, although it is optional

    for them to attend pre-wedding parties. After walking down the aisle, they might

    quietly slip into their parents pew to avoid disrupting the ceremony with dgeting.

    They need not participate in the recessional.


    Usually acts as hostess of the reception.

    Helps the bride compile the guest list, arrange details of the ceremony and

    reception, and may help her select her wedding gown. Is accorded special honor at the wedding service and is seated last, just a few

    minutes before the wedding begins.

    Greets guests at the head of the reception line. Sits in place of honor at parents


    Makes sure guests are having a good time and is on hand to bid them goodbye.


    Rides to the ceremony with the bride; chauffeured transportation suggested.

    Escorts the bride down the aisle, then joins his wife on the front row.

    Acts as ofcial host of the reception.

    Keeps an eye on the bar and champagne supply.

    Makes a short toast at the reception.

    Is the last person to leave the reception; says goodbye to the guests.

    Traditionally pays for the majority of the wedding. It is now appropriate for other

    nancial arrangements to be made.


    Decide wedding plans and budget with parents if they are footing the bill.

    Choose wedding party attendants. The bride helps her attendants in dress

    selection and the groom discusses appropriate attire with his groomsmen.

    Purchase small gifts for their attendants.

    Acknowledge receipt of wedding gifts with a personal note of appreciation.


    Discusses budget with anc and parents.

    Sets date, time and place of wedding and reception.

    Selects wedding dress and accessories, allowing at least three months for delivery.

    Books caterer, wedding and reception entertainment, orist, photographers,

    videographer, and bakery.

    Helps compile the guest list; chooses her attendants.

    Orders invitations, thank-you notes and personal stationery.

    Shops for trousseau.

    Buys grooms wedding band and arranges for engraving if desired.


    Discusses budget with ance and parents.

    Buys brides wedding band and arranges for engraving if desired.

    Gets the marriage license (with the bride) and obtains any other necessary

    legal documents.

    Arranges and pays for honeymoon. Checks on available hotels for out-of-town guests.

    Pays for brides bouquet and owers or corsages for both mothers and close female

    relatives on both sides.

    Supplies boutonnieres for himself and male attendants.


    Usually someone very close to the bride, such as her sister or a dear friend or relative.

    Assists the bride in any way she can: helping plan the wedding, shopping,

    addressing invitations, taking charge of recording and displaying wedding gifts. Lends the bride moral support.

    Attends rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

    Pays for her own gown and accessories (not including owers).

    Helps bridesmaids prepare for their wedding-day duties and organizes their

    ttings if necessary. Makes sure they arrive at the ceremony on time; conrms

    transportation arrangements.

    Helps bride get ready before the ceremony and before departure from the reception.

    Holds the grooms ring during the ceremony until time to pass it to the bride.

    Holds brides bouquet and arranges bridal veil and dress during the ceremony.

    Is usually one of the two witnesses signing the marriage certicate.

    Stands to the left of the groom in the receiving line; sits to the left of the groom

    at the honor table, if there is one.


    Usually the grooms best friend, brother, father or other close relative.

    Assists the groom in any way he can. Pays for his own wedding attire.

    Attends rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

    Holds brides wedding ring, producing it at the proper time in the ceremony.

    Makes sure ceremony ofciant is paid.

    Sits to the right of the bride at the honor table; offers the rst toast to the newlyweds.

    Helps newlyweds prepare for the honeymoon departure. Takes care of luggage, makes

    sure car is ready to go hands over keys to groom or makes sure limousine is ready

    and sees that the groom has travel documents in order.

    Makes sure that all mens rental clothes are returned the rst business day after the


    Member of the Weding -Each member of the weding party play a part in the ucces of your event.

    Rea on to fin out the reponibilitie of everyone involve!

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013



    Another part of understanding your part-

    ners attitude on money is to discuss sav-ing, charity (stewardship) and spending on

    leisure. Is one of you live for the moment

    while the other is save for a rainy day?

    Together, youll want to use both of these -

    nancial attitudes to begin goal settingthe

    next step in building your nancial roadmap

    together. As a couple, you should identify

    long-, intermediate- and short-term nancial

    goals. Examples include: paying off student

    loans, setting up an educational fund for

    children or having an annual vacation.

    In thinking about your goals for the fu-

    ture, project to your 10-year anniversary

    and think about what you hope to accom-

    plish as a couple. Perhaps youll want avow-renewal ceremony or to go on a sec-

    ond honeymoon. Whatever those dreams

    are, talk about what savings and steps

    would be necessary to achieve your goals.

    As you lay the groundwork for your -

    nancial success as a couple, remember to

    use the tips listed above as a starting point.

    They will help you practice the positive and

    constructive communication skills needed

    to guide your marriage to continued suc-


    Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

    makes available products and services of-

    fered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner &

    Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S) and other

    subsidiaries of Bank of America Corpora-


    Investment products:

    Are Not FDIC Insured

    Are Not Bank Guaranteed

    May Lose Value

    MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer,

    a registered investment adviser and Mem-

    ber SIPC.

    Merrill Lynch makes available certain

    investment products sponsored, managed,

    distributed or provided by companies thatare afliates of Bank of America Corpora-

    tion or in which Bank of America Corpora-

    tion has a substantial economic interest, in-

    cluding Columbia Management, BlackRock

    and Nuveen Investments.

    2010 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.


    Before you begin mapping your nancial

    future as a couple, there are some key fac-tors that should be discussed. Just as build-

    ers lay a foundation to ensure solid ground,

    the same concept should be applied to your

    nancial lives as a married couple.

    As an important rst step, assets and

    debts should be discussed to determine

    your nancial standing as a couple. This

    helps begin the conversation about what

    each party is bringing into the marriage -

    nancially and helps provide a clear picture

    of debt and net worth. During this assess-

    ment, you can also determine if a prenuptial

    agreement is necessary.

    Secondly, an extended portion of your

    nancial assessment conversation shouldexplore one anothers attitudes about

    money. Perhaps one of you always avoids

    debt, while the other is ne with maintain-

    ing a monthly balance on credit cards. One

    of you might have sterling credit, while the

    other has areas to improve upon. Your

    conversation will help explore your history

    of handling money and relevant life experi-

    ences that have helped shaped your view-


    Lastly, once debt, net worth, and money

    sentiments are assessed, you can deter-

    mine what your immediate nancial priori-

    ties should be as a couple. If there is consid-

    erable debt, you can focus on the reduction

    and the eventual elimination of that debt.

    If not, perhaps you may look into buying a

    home or opening a joint account for invest-

    ing. In either instance, its important to have

    a lay of the land conversation early so that

    a nancial advisor can be incorporated into

    your planning if needed.


    Marriage is a union in every sense. Its a

    joining of two minds, hearts, goals and in

    many cases bank accounts. Before you

    marry, it is important to determine how you

    and your future spouse intend to handleyour newly combined household nances.

    Because marriage, just as any other part-

    nership, is best when everyone plays to

    their strengths, I recommend appointing a

    couple money manager to handle house-

    hold nances such as paying the bills and

    balancing check books. The money manag-

    er also will ensure all funds in the couples

    joint account are handled appropriately and

    will convene monthly state of the union

    meetings to ensure both parties are up-

    dated on the dreams and goals you have

    set together.


    When you think about the words love

    and money while youre planning your -

    nancial future as a couple, it may not bring

    music to your earsand youre not alone.

    A SmartMoney1

    study found that while 70

    percent of married couples talk about mon-

    ey frequently, few report doing so effec-

    tively. As a nancial advisor, Ive counseled

    many couples who view discussing money

    with the same anticipation as weeding the

    lawn. Instead of viewing money as a criti-

    cal and constructive topic of conversation,

    many choose to sweep it under the rug onlyto learn that the rug can be lifted or pulled

    from under you at any time.

    Talking about money doesnt have to

    be the proverbial elephant in the room. If

    you begin fostering positive communication

    surrounding money while planning your fu-

    ture, you may nd that you actually enjoy

    discussing money and can use it as a plat-

    form to discuss your nancial aspirations

    together. Here are some ways to make con-

    versations about your nancial future as a

    couple easier.

    Builing the Roamapto You Financial Succes a a Couple


    Dodee Crockett is a Senior Vice

    President, Investments and Wealth

    Management Advisor at Merrill Lynch

    in Dallas, Texas. Dodee and her team

    help their clients pursue their goals

    through customized growth and income

    strategies. Dodee can be reached at

    [email protected].

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Check out store policy on altera-

    tions, and make sure theres a good

    seamstress on hand.

    Examine the workmanship on the

    dress itself all buttons and trim

    should be hand sewn, not glued.

    At dress ttings, wear the same

    heel height and type of undergarments

    youll wear on your wedding day. When

    shopping for veils and headpieces,

    style your hair as youll wear it at the

    ceremony. Every detail is important tothe creation of a stunning package!


    Now that youre taken care of, its

    time to dress the rest of your bridal


    Ask for help. Enlist the aid of your

    maid of honor or another friend, and

    choose styles and colors that atter the

    face and gure of each attendant. As

    bridesmaids usually pay for their own

    dresses, shop conservatively. Care-

    fully coordinate shoes and accessoriesto achieve a balanced look.

    Be selective. Be just as careful in

    selecting attire for the groom and his

    attendants. Mens wedding clothing is

    usually rented place your order six

    to eight weeks before the wedding.

    Tux tips. The groom may dress

    differently from his attendants, or wear

    the same tux as the other men. He

    might consider wearing a bow tie and

    cummerbund in a contrasting color or

    pattern from the others. The mens

    attire should complement the bridal

    gown. Choose tuxedos appropriate to

    the style of your wedding.

    Proper t. Men have different

    builds, so shop accordingly. Your for-

    mal wear professional can offer great

    advice on which styles are appropri-

    ate, and properly t the tuxedo you


    Attention to detail is a must if you

    want a perfect wedding. Look around a

    lot, get some expert advice, and enjoy

    this shopping adventure. Its a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

    checkbook a 50% deposit is cus-

    tomary when placing an order.

    Choose a gown that makes the

    most of your gure. Princess or A-line

    styles are slimming and create the illu-

    sion of height. A full skirt hides heavy

    legs and hips. Dropped waist styles

    atter most gure types. A decorative

    bodice highlights the upper body, while

    a simpler style minimizes a heavy bust.

    There are many fabrics and shades to

    choose from nd the textures andhues that atter your complexion.

    Choose a veil thats appropriate to

    the style of your wedding. And remem-

    ber, your back gets lots of attention

    during the ceremony your dress,

    veil and train should look elegant from

    that angle.

    You may already have a mentalpicture of the look you want

    on your wedding day. Its your job to

    choose the gown that makes fantasy

    a reality. But with all the styles, colors

    and fabrics around, nding the perfect

    dress may seem like mission impos-

    sible! Dont despair. By following a few

    basic guidelines, youll nd the look

    that suits your unique style.

    Youll need to order your gown and

    veil six to nine months before the wed-ding. Make an appointment with a rep-

    utable bridal salon, and let the consul-

    tant know what type of wedding youre

    planning before you arrive. Take along

    a friend or relative whose honesty and

    good taste you can count on youll

    need an objective opinion. Bring your

    Weding Wear -Youve eamt of how you woul look an now it time to make the eam come tue. Let you wedinges an you bial paty attie make a tatement of you peronality an eam.

    Embellished Heels by Emily Clair

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Vittoria Gown by KennethAvailable at Neiman M

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    home, and some of these people have hor-

    ror stories to tell. Rather than becoming a

    casualty, hire a professional to design the

    look thats right for you and your hair.

    If youre one of the lucky women who

    has long, healthy hair, there are countless

    ways your hair can be styled. Be sure the

    hair artist in which you are interested has

    experience with long hair, whether you just

    want it styled or want a chemical process.

    It behaves nothing like short hair, and if

    you mess it up at home, it just takes that

    much longer to grow it back out to the same

    length again.


    About six months before your wedding

    youll want to start a skin-care program de-

    signed especially for you and stick with

    it! During stressful times your skin can do

    all sorts of panicking on its own, so if you

    start being good to it you shouldnt have

    as many problems when that special day

    arrives. Licensed estheticians can help de-

    vise such a regimen with you and can lead

    the way to healthy skin.

    If you are considering changing the look

    of your hair, whether it be the cut, style, col-

    or or texture, now is the time to book those

    appointments, too, so the person working

    on your hair can have the time to perfect

    your new look before the last minute.

    It is wise to choose your hair and make-

    up artists early so that youll be working

    with the same people throughout the whole

    process; not only because they will become

    familiar with your skin and hair, but because

    when you look back at the photographs, you

    will be looking at your wedding as an event,

    rather than something occurring over a few

    months, and youll want to have the same

    look in all of them. Be sure to make all the

    necessary appointments to lead up to yourwedding day. And dont forget to include the

    appointments for that day, too! Some art-

    ists work only in their own studios; others

    will go on-location and meet you where you

    need to be. Make sure you conrm all of

    your plans with everyone involved.

    Once it gets closer to your wedding

    date, about three to four months prior to

    your wedding or when your tailored gown

    arrives, youll be having your bridal portrait

    taken. Make sure you conrm how long it

    will take for hair and makeup so you wont

    be rushed trying to make the photogra-

    phers appointment. Another good tip is to

    know you looked on your wedding day, or

    how you looked in your photographs from

    your wedding day? Trained makeup art-

    ists know how to make you look good, not

    only in person, but for photographs as well.

    Makeup for photography is a learned skill

    and one most women dont have.

    In planning what you want to look like,

    dont forget your eyebrows! They can make

    all the difference in a polished look. If your

    brows look good and are shaped to comple-

    ment your eyes, your whole face will lookmore nished. Have a professional do this,

    as often women tweeze too many hairs out

    of their brows and come away with having

    to resort to pencil lines.


    Many, many things can go wrong when

    people try to not only style their own hair,

    but also use harsh chemicals at home. A

    trained colorist has the chemistry knowl-

    edge to change the color of your hair slight-

    ly or altogether differently, while still making

    it look natural. Some eager people even try

    perming or straightening their own hair at

    On the morning of the day of yourwedding, youll wake up knowing that the

    cake will be delivered on time, that the re-

    ception venue will be completely decorated

    and waiting for your arrival, and that your

    dress will t you perfectly. And youll be

    condent that youll look radiant and feel

    wonderful because professional makeup

    and hair artists will spend the time to soothe

    your nerves by accentuating all of your best


    Several types of makeup artists and

    hair stylists are out there, and to be sure

    you choose the right types for you, youll

    need to know a bit about them rst.


    Professional makeup artists have ex-

    perience with all skin types and colorings,

    face shapes, and hair shapes. A licensed

    esthetician is one who has studied skin and

    skin care, has hours of training, is skilled inthe sterilization process (to eliminate cross-

    contamination from tools), and has much

    practice and work experience with actual

    people. These exceptional artists have the

    talent and training to camouage any scars

    or blemishes and to bring out your best fa-

    cial features.

    You may wonder why you need a pro-

    fessional to do something for you that you

    do for yourself almost every day. After all,

    you can do your makeup just ne for ev-

    eryday wear, and sometimes even for

    special occasions. But consider this: what

    will you remember the most how you

    Cooper Hotel, Conference Center & Spa, Dallas


    Look your best! Feel your best! Its the most important day for your looks.Learn how to wow not only your groom, but all of your gueses on the happiest day of your life!

    Beautiful Brides -

    Trained makeup artistsknow how to make

    you look good, notonly in person, but forphotographs as well.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013



    Facials can treat a myriad of im

    fections, including acne, rosacea

    dry skin. It is usually one hour, ancludes cleansing, sloughing and mo

    izing that you wont soon forget. Cre

    masks, peels and lotions are gently

    plied and massaged over the entire

    and neck to maximize rejuvenation


    Essential oils, exfoliating clean

    and TLC are combined in body p

    and wraps to treat the rest of your b

    This gentle pampering stimulates b

    circulation, leaving behind a glowing

    Some salons also offer body waxing

    permanent makeup.


    It is recommended you start

    facials at least two months prior to

    wedding day. Hydrating body w

    should be started six months prior to

    wedding. Massages should be sta

    one month out. Make sure you sc

    ule a massage for yourself one w

    before and then the day before you

    day. Most importantly, drink plent

    water the entire time you are rece

    treatments. Water helps get rid of to

    released during treatments and it

    helps improve your mood.


    Many spas will offer special rate

    bridal parties. Compare them, n

    what spa services are included and

    scheduling is necessary.

    Ask if gratuities are included in

    price. Some packages include a gra

    If not, use your discretion.

    Check to see if there is a cancell

    or change policy. Some spas will ch

    up to 100% of the scheduled servic

    you miss your appointment.

    Certain spas offer lunch with gou

    dining. Find out whats on the men

    make sure everyone in your party

    enjoy a fun bite to eat while sharing

    spa experience.

    Dont forget its all about you.

    more you take care of yourself be

    your wedding, the better you will

    and feel on the most important da

    your life.

    Now that you have planned your hair

    and makeup for your big day, you need

    to turn your attention inside. All the stress

    of planning your wedding can leave youfeeling depleted. A day of spa pamper-

    ing is the antidote to stress and will leave

    you feeling like the most beautiful woman

    in the world.

    The number of men and women in-

    dulging in the spa experience is grow-

    ing. From the day spas to destination

    spas to resort spas, those on the cutting

    edge are having to specialize in services

    to attract loyal clients. That means you

    will have no trouble nding a spa to meet

    your needs.

    Many spas offer packages. These

    are groups of treatments and pamperingtechniques. They include full-body mas-

    sages, sugar scrubs, facials, waxing and

    body peels, to name a few. Prices can

    range from less than a hundred dollars

    to several hundred dollars, depending on

    the package. A day at the spa makes a

    great wedding gift for your bridal party

    including the men!

    The treatments are designed to

    soothe you and help you escape the

    chaos of wedding planning. So take a

    deep, relaxing breath and enjoy! Arrive at

    your appointment 10 15 minutes ahead

    of time. First-timers will be asked to llout minor but important health questions

    to determine the best treatments. Not

    all treatments are appropriate for heart

    patients, diabetics or people with other

    health considerations. This information

    also gives your therapist an idea of what

    your needs are.

    Some spas include warm, soothing

    showers after which you will be provided

    with a robe and slippers and escorted

    into a private room for your treatment.


    There are several styles of massage

    with varying intensity, so try a variety to

    learn how your body reacts to each. A

    massage helps loosen sore muscles and

    soft tissue. It can be targeted to certain

    body parts or lavished over the entire

    body. Aromatherapy by use of essential

    oils enhances the massage and deepens

    the sense of relaxation. Expect soothing,

    soft music to provide a nice backdrop to

    your experience.

    PamperingPackages-book a trial run appointment with both the

    makeup and hair people before your por-

    trait day so they can decide how to make

    you look your best without your trying to

    race out the door. Be sure to bring your veil,

    tiara, or other accessories to all appoint-

    ments so they can work around each one.

    About a month before the big day is the

    time to have any processes done to your

    hair that you are needing. You may think

    that this is too early, but in actuality, it is the

    prime time to have these processes done,

    so your hair will have a chance to get re-conditioned and healthier afterward. Have

    all of your hair touch-ups done about a

    week before the wedding.

    When that day nally arrives and you

    wake up in the morning, you can be as-

    sured that absolutely everything has been

    taken care of for you, and there isnt any-

    thing for you to worry about. Your skin and

    hair will be planned for, just as you planned

    everything else. Good skin care, makeup

    applied by a professional, and hair styled

    to perfection will not only help you look your

    very best, but will help ease that last-minute

    stress. After all, a relaxed bride is a beauti-

    ful bride. So enjoy a nice breakfast and getready for the time of your life!

    Christopher Kane headband.

    Available at salons wherever Catwalk

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    TIGI Catwalk Session Series

    is perfect for big day hair!

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Tipping Tips Caterer, hotel or club banquet maager, bridal consultant. 15 20% if covered in fee. Reception hosts pay on receipt. Add any special tip to pment after reception.

    Waiters, waitresses, bartenders, ble servers. 15 20% of bill giventhe captain or maitre d of hotel to distrute to rest of staff. If included, recepthosts pay tips with bill. If not, right afthe reception.

    Powder room, coat room attendanin hotels or clubs. 50 per guest, or range a at fee with hotel or club maagement. If a at fee, reception hosts ptips with bill. If not, right after the recetion.

    Florist, photographer, baker, mucians you hire, limousine driver. 15for driver, others tipped only for extra spcial service, up to 15%. Ceremony hotip driver at reception site. Add other tto bill payments.

    Civil ceremony ofcials. Usually a fee. (Some judges cannot accept monask when you apply.) Groom gives feebest man who pays the ofcial after cemony.

    Clergy members who perform tceremony. Groom gives donation to bman who pays after ceremony.

    Ceremony assistants. Sometimes coered by church fee ask clergy membwhats customary. Ceremony hosts pchurch fee when billed; separate fe

    and tips after service.

    Custodians or kitchen help reception is in church.Ask church sretary. Ceremony hosts pay when bilor after service.

    the church to a formal sit-down dinnercomplete with orchestra. Purchasing ser-vices separately is a lot of work! Manycouples opt for at least a partial package it saves time and energy.

    Costs for the reception room itselfvary. Prices range from free to severalhundred dollars per hour. Professionalplanners suggest the reception last fromthree to four-and-a-half hours. Any short-

    er, and people who have traveled fromafar may feel cheated. Any longer, andguests tend to start leaving before it isover.

    Deciding whether or not to serve ameal depends on your nances and whatis expected in your community. Many eth-nic and religious cultures traditionally cel-ebrate with a hearty meal. If many of yourguests have traveled a long distance, itshospitable to feed them.

    If you plan your wedding during meal-times, you are expected to provide sus-tenance. If this creates a scal panic,

    change your reception style, or invitefewer guests. One workable option plan a large reception with light refresh-ments, then ask close family, friends andout-of-town guests to your parents housefor a buffet dinner.

    Food and beverage costs vary greatly.Depending on whether you serve a buffetof hot appetizers, a complete buffet differ,or a multi-course seated dinner, pricescan range from $10 to more than $100per person. Caterers estimates usu-ally include the cost of beverages, but domake sure. Some caterers include cham-

    pagne, beer and wine, but charge extrafor mixed drinks at an open bar. You maypay for drinks individually, or include thelibations in the caterers package. Mostprofessionals offer reasonable prices they get it wholesale.

    With careful planning and a lot of in-vestigating, you and your family can hostthe wedding youve always wanted without ruining your budget. And you cango on dreaming about how special yourwedding day will be.

    You are in love its the real thing.Now that youve found your partner

    in life, you want to share your happinesswith everyone. You want your weddingcelebration to be the talk of the town the biggest and best ever. Before yourfantasies get ahead of your checkbook,ask yourself: whos paying for this wed-ding, and how much can you afford tospend?

    Traditionally, the brides parents paidthe majority of the wedding costs. Backin the old days, the groom assumed fullnancial responsibility for his bride afterthey rode off into the sunset. He didnthave to chip in much for the wedding he paid his share later.

    Its a different story now. Both part-ners in a modern marriage tend to goback to work after the honeymoon, andthese newlyweds have a bit more nan-cial independence. It seems only naturalfor both families to contribute to the wed-ding celebration.

    Decide the kind of wedding youd like.Discuss your plans with those contribut-ing to the cost, and determine a budget.Make everyones nancial limitationsclear at this point it will prevent hardfeelings later.

    Nowadays, the average weddingcosts around $27,000. Remember, thereare always places you can cut costs tosave money if you are wanting to spendless. As a rule, the more guests you in-vite and the more expensive the venuesyou choose, the more your costs will in-crease. Most brides also nd that their

    costs go over their actual budget, so tryto plan accordingly.The largest single expense youre

    faced with is the reception. Festivities atprivate clubs and four-star restaurantsare pricier than those held in the churchfellowship hall. Check rates at severaltypes of reception sites so that you cannd one within your budget.

    Many facilities offer excellent packagedeals. Youll nd everything completelyorganized, from tea and sandwiches at

    Financial Matter -Dreaming about the perfect weding is one thing actually paying

    for it is another. Establish a realistic buget up front, an youll be ableto create an afforable fantasy.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013




    Brides Attire

    Grooms Attire


    Clergy Fees

    Church Rental



    Wedding Cake


    Site Rental

    Waiters Tips

    Decorations, Centerpieces, Napkins, etc.




    Thank-You Notes



    Brides Bouquet

    Bridesmaids Bouquets

    Grooms Boutonniere

    Groomsmens BoutonnieresMothers Corsages

    Reception Arrangements




    Instrument Rentals



    Formal Portraits



    Extra Prints



    Travel For Out-Of-Town Guests



    Wedding Rings

    Brides Gift

    Grooms Gift

    Bridal Attendants Gifts

    Groomsmens Gifts


    Rehearsal Dinner












    Marriage License

    Bridal Consultant

    Hotel Accommodations For Out-Of-Town Guests


  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Weding Venue

    C hoosing to add the variableof natures elements to your event-

    planning thoughts is certainly chal-

    lenging, but the reward of a carefully

    orchestrated set of plans A and B can

    be well worth the effort! Some of the

    most amazing projects weve been

    privileged enough to produce have

    been on sunny beaches or in the

    Texas Hill Country, under the stars.

    And it almost seems like having gone

    to the effort of having a contingency

    plan changes the odds in favor of

    great event karma!


    There are many hotels and golf

    courses that have beautiful outdoor

    areas that would be suitable for a

    wedding, such as gardens, grassyknolls, and groves of trees. A great

    trick is to tent the tennis courts, if

    theyre availableyou dont know

    the value of level, dry ooring until

    you dont have it! These types of fa-

    cilities will also have indoor venues

    that you can take advantage of. In-

    stead of hosting the entire wedding

    outdoors, you could just have the

    ceremony and photographs outside,

    then move indoors to the banquet

    hall for the dinner and reception. This

    will ensure an immediate solution if

    the weather is poor.

    After deciding on your perfect,

    preferred facility, scope out alter-

    nate locations that can be used if the

    weather doesnt cooperate. There

    may be an alternate space at the ho-

    tel or resort youve booked, or it may

    be another hall, church, or facility in

    the same vicinity. Once you have

    found a suitable location, work out a

    plan to move the wedding to the sec-ond site on a moments notice. This

    could mean having to call all of your

    guests to notify them of the change

    a day or two before the wedding or

    having someone direct guests to the

    new location the day of the wedding.

    Some outdoor locations already

    have the option of overhead protec-

    tion. A pavilion can easily be dressed

    up and, depending on its size, used

    for both the ceremony and reception

    if it needs to be.


    If you are having an outdoor func-

    tion, you denitely need to have an

    inclement weather plan: your plan B.

    Either be prepared to install a tent,

    or have an alternate indoor location.

    Also, keep in mind that it takes some

    amount of time to move an entire

    ceremony and/or reception setting.

    Make sure to take into considerationhow elaborate your altar, aisle, and

    celebration are, and put a drop-

    dead time on your itinerary to make

    the call for plan A or B.


    Make sure that you and your

    event team have agreed as to when

    to make the call, and be prepared

    to make a decision. A wedding and/

    or reception can require a substan-

    tial amount of time to recongure.

    Stages, owers, bands, bars, and

    guest tables have to be given ample

    consideration so that you will not

    lose the impact of the money youve

    invested. These are not small checks

    youve written and you sure dont

    want to stand on a porch somewhere

    watching the heavens open on what

    was a gorgeous dinner party under

    the stars OR be responsible for the

    cost of a harp or a full set of strings.


    Tenting is an obvious and great

    option. It offers great exibility with

    regard to location and style AND is

    a great blank slate from the design

    perspective you can take it any

    direction you like. Clear tops keep

    the stars visible. Sides can be great

    projection surfaces for lighting and

    added or taken away depending on

    the situation.

    Flooring is often necessary to cre-

    ate a level or nonporous surface and

    is a regularly overlooked design ele-

    ment. Just about any oor treatment

    that you can think of can be used

    luxurious carpeting, beautifully

    hand-painted surfaces, glossy tile or


    Umbrellas should be available

    and are a great chance for event

    branding. You can incorporate a logo

    or a monogram, and they are greatgifts for guests.


    Ensure that guests are made

    aware, in the events invitation ver-

    biage, that youre having a garden

    party or outdoor reception. This al-

    lows them to plan accordingly, es-

    pecially ladies who may be planning

    bare shoulders and/or heels.

    OutoorEventPlanning . . .RusianRoulette orNot?By Travis-Lee Moore

    Event And Interior Designer, Chef And Certied Professional Catering Executive at The Functions Event Group

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Weding Ve


    Transportation is another thing

    that can be affected by a surprise

    rainstorm. Valet service that takes

    guests right up to the shelter is ideal

    and a great amenity to offer.

    If guests are self-parking, you mayneed to offer transportation from the

    parking location to the event site. This

    can also become a great upgrade if

    you do it right. Offering cocktails to

    guests as they climb onto a vintage

    touring bus or horse-drawn carriage

    will certainly be remembered!


    Clearly, we think that everyone

    should have an event producer. Hav-

    ing a skilled, experienced, well-con-

    nected expert as the leader of your

    team is never more important than

    when ensuring that adequate thought

    has been given to every conceivable

    event scenario. Do your homework

    and ensure that you have engaged

    a creative, nimble, energetic pro-

    ducer who will head up a team of

    like-minded professionals prepared

    to respond to the good, the bad and

    maybe even the ugly.We did a gorgeous rehearsal din-

    ner at Green Pastures in Austin (for

    one of our favorite couples Julia

    and Jon). There was a re in the

    kitchen during service and guests

    had to be evacuated to the front

    lawn. So what did we do? Pass cock-

    tails and get the photographer to

    take pictures of the bridal party and

    guests in front of the truck with the

    reghters. The images are priceless

    and the reghters made sure that all

    was well and we were back inside for

    dinner in no time!


    It is not unreasonable to ask each

    partner that you invite to be a part of

    your team about their insurance sta-

    tus to ensure that everyone is work-

    ing with a net. Oftentimes it is as

    simple as your event producer sup-

    plying the coverage and then nam-

    ing others as additionally insured.

    There are also additional coverages

    available to you, such as Protect My

    Wedding, Wedsure, Wedsafe,

    and The Event Helper.

    It is rare that we ever have to putplan B into action, but the peace of

    mind youll grant yourself by having

    made adequate plans is invaluable.

    It is a given that something will not

    go exactly as planned. A truly great

    event professional will ensure that

    the reaction is swift and that your

    guests experience will be none-the-less spectacular.

    Photo courtesy of Abby Larsons new book, Style Me Pretty Weddings: Inspiration and Ideas fo

    an Unforgettable Celebration, on sale December 18, 2012.

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    eding enues

    Weding VenuesWillitbeareligiousorcivilceremony? Whatever

    yourWish, the Dallas/Fort WorthareaoFFers



    Find the perfect ceremony



    Your special day deserves a special place. At Coope

    tel, Conference & Spa, their lush 30-acre grounds prov

    beautiful setting for your wedding or reception. Their e

    enced wedding coordinator will provide the personal to

    and detailed service to make your day what it should


    They offer affordable wedding and reception pack

    including beautiful outdoor sites by ponds and foun

    indoor facilities that hold up to 200, rehearsal dinner

    bridal luncheons, complimentary bridal suites, spaciou

    commodations with preferred rates for guests, full-se

    catering, a full-service day spa, complimentary parkinWi-Fi, a complimentary three-month membership to C

    Fitness Center for the bride and groom, and the opt

    provide your own bar.

    Take a tour of Cooper Hotel, located at the world-fa

    Cooper Aerobics Center, and imagine the happiest d

    your life. Call 972.386.0308 for availability and pricing o

    Cooper Hotel, Conference Center & Spa, Dallas


  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Weding Ve



    Te natural waterfall just outside te Grand ballroom

    provides the perfect backdrop for your wedding ceremony

    or reception photographs. Continue your celebration inside

    its spacious and elegant reception hall overlooking the roll-ing hills of the award-winning golf course. Their Executive

    Chef will personally design a dinner menu especially for

    your event, and the staff will provide you and your guests

    with unsurpassed service and irresistible cuisine. There are

    so many details to plan and they can help you from start to

    nis, wit decorations, oral arrangements, music, limou-

    sine service, ice sculptures and much more. Their objec-

    tive is to ensure that this tremendously important moment

    of your life remains as stress-free and joy-lled as possile.

    Leave te details to tem and rest assured tat your recep-

    tion will create memories for a lifetime. Coyote Ridge Golf

    Club is located near Hwy. 121 and Hebron in Carrollton.

    Visit or call 972.395.0786for more information.

    Coyote Ridge Golf Clu, Carrollton



    Te 27-acre historical Park as a variety of istoric struc-

    tures and is the perfect place for your wedding and reception.

    Whether you are looking for a traditional 1890s church that will

    accommodate up to 100 complete with a center aisle; a quaint

    1930s home; or manicured grounds with an antique rose garden

    and gazeo, te Farmers branc historical Park as wat you


    Win A Wedding! Win a dream wedding in te Rose Gardens

    of Farmers Branch! Military couples may enter beginning in

    March 2013. Wedding will be held in April 2014. Military Wed-

    ding Giveaway starts Marc 1, 2013 and ends May 31, 2013.

    Visit more information, contact us at 972.406.0184, or visit

    Farmers branc historical Park, Farmers branc

  • 7/27/2019 Bride Groom Spring 2013


    Weding Venues



    Green oaks Wedding Chapel, with its white stne e

    rior, offers you an elegant and romantic setting for the m

    memorable day of your life. Inside the professionally d

    rated chapel, which seats up t 200 guests, yu will nd wpews adrned with greenery, wers and ws. Italian g