Breakfast Forum Featuring No Child Left Behind Maine Department of Education Kathryn Manning Jackie Godbout

Breakfast Forum Featuring No Child Left Behind Maine Department of Education Kathryn Manning Jackie Godbout

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Page 1: Breakfast Forum Featuring No Child Left Behind Maine Department of Education Kathryn Manning Jackie Godbout

Breakfast Forum FeaturingNo Child Left Behind

Maine Department of EducationKathryn ManningJackie Godbout

Page 2: Breakfast Forum Featuring No Child Left Behind Maine Department of Education Kathryn Manning Jackie Godbout

Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

Smile first thing in the morning.

Get it over with.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

I would be unstoppable …

… if I could just get started.

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NCLB and Title IA are the same thing?

False—NCLB has 5 goals and many other Titles.


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NCLB Goals

• By 2013-2014 , all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and math.

• All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards

• By 2005-2006, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers.

• All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning

• All students will graduate from high school.

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Programs in No Child Left Behind

• Title I • Part A Basic Programs• Part B Reading First• Early Reading First• Part C Migrant• Part D

Neglected/delinquent• Part F CSRD• Part G AP• Part H Dropout Prevent.• Part I General Provisions

• Title II Teacher Quality

• Title III LEP• Title IV • Title V Innovative• Title VI

Flex/Acct/Rural• Title VIII Impact Aid• Title IX General Prov.

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What is Title I

• Supplemental federal funding for low achieving children, especially in high-poverty schools.

• A program which provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children farthest from meeting challenging state standards.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

Life is full of challenge and frustration.

But sooner or later you’ll find the hairstyle you like.

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Show me the money!!• $13 Billion

nationally school year 2006-07

• $45 Million in Maine for school year 2006-2007

• Largest and oldest USDE Education Program

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Money travels to the classroom

U.S. CensusStates School Districts

Highest Poverty IndividualSchool Buildings

Individual Students

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Only poor students can receive Title IA services.



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Services are to

be based on

academic needs

of individual


not on the poverty

of a child or his

or her family.

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TYPES OF Title I Schools

• Targeted Assisted Schools serve identified children who are at risk of not meeting the Learning Standards.

• Schoolwide schools upgrade the entire educational program within a school to meet the needs of the lowest-achieving children.

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In a TAS, Title IA staff can perform any duty assigned by the


FALSE--Staff must work within the NCLB Consolidated Application projects and only with Title IA

identified students.


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Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS)

• Most Title IA Schools in Maine are TAS

• Supplemental services to identified students

• Staff may work only with IA identified students

• May not serve as general classroom aides

• May not work for the good of the whole classroom—ie test all students

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Who can be served?

Any Educationally At-RiskChild, including:Migrant ChildrenLimited English Proficient ChildrenChildren who are homelessChildren with Disabilities

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Title I students can receive. . .

• In Class/Pullout Instructional Services

• Tutoring

• Pre-school Services

• Extended Day/ Extended Year Programs

• Reading

• Math

• Reading and Math

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Which schools can implement schoolwide programs?

A school may choose to implement a schoolwide program if it enrolls at least 40% low-income children.

The school community has decided to take time to plan together to make research-based decisions about what it will take for all students in the school to meet the challenging standards—Learning Results.

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How many Title IA schools in Maine are TAS?



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How many of Maine’s Title IA Schools are SWP?



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So Many Choices--who decides what we can/can’t do?

Reading ?

Grades K-2?

High School?


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Title IA money is automatically sent to your district?



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NCLB Consolidated Application-Due August 1, 2006

• https://www.4pcamaine.org

• Title IA—Which schools are eligible and which will be served

• List staff paid by Title IA

• List what IA will support—program descriptions and expected outcomes

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NCLB Consolidated Performance Report-Due August 1, 2006

• Report on each activity from 2005-06 Application--$ spent and were goals met/if not and the activity is continued the changes that will be made

• Report on how many students served by gender/race-ethnicity, grade level, subject

• # of staff by FTE

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More Demographics…

• How many students served?

25,400• # of Girls?

11,600• # of Boys?


• How many FTE Ed Techs?

444• How many FTE



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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

Knowledge ofProgram


Needs Assessment


Services to ensuresuccess

Coordination withGeneral programs

For seamlessprogramming


Program is well planned/organized-

Requirements met

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Knowledge of Program

• Projects are clearly defined.• Selection policy is specific. Students are

prioritized for services.• Supervision is provided to keep program operating

in alignment with federal regulations and NCLB Consolidated Application.

• Staff are knowledgeable about program decisions—NCLB Planning Team, aware that there is an Application

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

If at first you do succeed,

try not to look too astonished.

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Needs Assessment

• Data analysis of formative, on-going assessment consistent with what is used in general program is used to determine needs.

• Decisions are based on

data vs. tradition

or subjective measures.

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Sufficient Supplemental Services to Ensure Success

• Identified students receive general program and something more from Title IA.

• Students receive services as planned—records kept to make sure Title IA staff work with identified students as planned.

• Services are planned to make students more independent—not help with homework.

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Coordination/Consultation for Seamless Programming

• Assessments used for Title IA selection and performance objectives are existing, local assessments valued by the school/district.

• Regular coordination takes place among all appropriate staff.

• All staff use the same terms so that students can make connections.

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Parental Involvement

• Parent Involvement Policy updated on a regular basis

• Parent Compacts updated and used• Activities planned to assist parents in

understanding student needs/school programming.

• Evaluation done for all parent activities• Parent input into programming

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Program Well-Planned and Organized

• Program requirements submitted on time in approvable form

• Activities based on needs• Scientifically based programming• Programming changes to meet student needs• Program supervision keeps program on track• Services are supplemental

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

It’s been lovely.

But I have to scream now.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004


• Visit each district every five years• NCLB Goals• Program compliance• Interview Title IA coordinator, Title IA

teachers/ed techs/classroom teachers/parents

• Learn more about how each district is implementing the program

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During a monitoring visit, the State team will meet only with school administrators and the

Title IA Coordinator?



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What will we ask you about?

• Identification of students

• Schedule with students

• Coordination with classroom teachers

• Contact/interaction with parents

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What will we ask to see?

• A student folder• Schedule• List of students served• Examples of progress reports• Documents/lesson plans to support coordination

with the classroom teacher• Parent notification• Parent contact information

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

If at first you don’t succeed,

swallow all evidence that you tried.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

Common findings

• Parent components are not met– Parent Involvement Policies—District School– Parent meetings not held– Parent input in planning missing– Evaluation of program/parent activities missing

• Written identification process

• Prioritized list of students

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

No one is listening

until you make a mistake.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

All power corrupts.

Absolute power is kinda neat.

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An oral report will be given on the day of the review.

A letter will be sent within 2 to 3 weeks. If items require action, the

State team will be available to assist you.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

The trouble with work is…

it’s so daily.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

I try to take one day at a time,

but sometimes several days attack me at once.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

I am not tense.

Just terribly, terribly alert.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs,

it’s quite possible you haven’t grasped the situation.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

I have one nerve left

and you’re getting on it.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

No day is so bad

that it can’t be fixed with a nap.

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Resources to Assist You

• http://www.maine.gov/education/nclb/guidance/home.html

• Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) 207-623-2411 or 800-870-7746

• www.whatworksclearinghouse.org

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

If you don’t agree with me…

it means you haven’t been listening.

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

You don’t have to agree with me

but it’s quicker.

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Please let us know if you have questions.


[email protected]@[email protected]

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Furry Logic - Ten Speed Press - (c) 2004

I never made Who’s Who.

But I am featured in What’s That??