"breakfast for our brain"

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  • 7/29/2019 "breakfast for our brain"


    Chapter I


    1.1 Background of The StudyA healthy and balance eating patterns can support a person's health

    optimally, because the nutrients in these foods can increase endurance that

    avoids us from various diseases. According to various studies, the frequency

    of good eating is three times a day, because it is impossible that a person's

    nutritional needs will be met by one or two meals only.

    But along the times, there was a change in the pattern of life in

    society. Demands to use the time as closely as possible make many of them

    ignore their nutritional needs. They no longer pay attention to their eating

    pattern. And the common thing that happen in the society, nowadays, is

    forgotten his morning meal (breakfast).

    Many reasons why breakfast is often left out are stay up too late, do

    not like having breakfast, avoid obesity, no time to wait for a breakfast dish,

    etc. While in fact breakfast provides many benefits for our bodies,

    especially in health.

    But recently a lot of people state that the breakfast is also able to

    affect the performance of the human brain. This paper is made to find out

    whether it is right that breakfast can affect the performance of the human

    brain and its influence.

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    1.2 Research QuestionThis paper outlined several problems, such as :

    a. What is the relation between breakfast and human brains activity ? b. How can breakfast influence brains activity ?c. What is the influence of having breakfast onbrains activity ?

    1.3 The Purpose of The StudyThe purpose of writing this paper are :

    a. To inform a relation between breakfast and brains activity.b. To explain about how breakfast can affect brains activity.c. To tell readers about the influence of breakfast onbrains activity.

    1.4 MethodologyIn making this paper, author use the literature and observation method. It is

    means that author find out an information about the problem of this paper

    from several literature book, from internet media and also by doing an


    1.5 BenefitsThis paper is also have some benefits such as :

    a. To increase readers knowledge about breakfast and its influence to ourbrain.

    b. To become the background or reference of next complicated research.

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    c. To make readers give more attention about having breakfast.

    1.6 The Paper OrganizationThe organization of this paper is as follow:

    Approval Page




    Table of Content

    Chapter I Introduction

    Describing the background, purpose, benefit, problem statement, writing

    method and paper organization.

    Chapter II Literature Review

    Contain the theoretical study about the problem in this paper

    Chapter III Methodology

    Describe the methodology that author uses in making this paper

    Chapter IV Findings and Discussion

    Contain the research result and the explanation about the problem in this


    Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations

    Contain the summary of this paper and recommendation for readers.


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    Chapter II

    Literature Review

    2.1BreakfastBreakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a nights sleep, most

    often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. Among

    English speakers, "breakfast" can be used to refer to this meal, or, less

    commonly, to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (eggs,

    oatmeal, sausages, etc.) served at any time of day.

    Breakfast foods vary widely from place to place, but often include a

    carbohydrate such as grains or cereals, fruit and/or vegetable, a protein food

    such as eggs,meat or fish, and a beverage such as tea, coffee or fruit juice.

    Coffee, tea, juice, breakfast cereals, pancakes, sausages, bacon,sweet breads,

    fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, black pudding, baked beans,

    muffins, crumpets and toast with butter or margarine and/or jam or marmalade

    are common examples of breakfast foods, though a large range of preparations

    and ingredients are associated with breakfast globally.

    Nutritional experts have referred to breakfast as the most important meal

    of the day, citing studies that find that people who skip breakfast are

    disproportionately likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism,

    and weight.

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    2.1.1 The Origin of Breakfast TermBreakfast has commonly been practiced worldwide and is a

    concept easily transferred between cultures, but there have been many

    regional interpretations over the years. In Medieval Europe, for

    instance, the basic format of meals differed from what is currently

    'standard', in that only two meals were to be had, a heavy dinner at

    noon and a light supper, largely due to the influence of the Church.

    However, exceptions existed, most notably for children and the

    infirm, whom were "allowed" a small breakfast meal. And many labor,

    farmers, and other physical workers also took the meal despite

    criticism and social pressure on them not to and by the 15th century

    even the nobility had begun to ignore the rules and mores of polite

    society and took breakfast.

    The earliestappearance in print of the idea that "breakfast is the

    most important meal of the day" occurs in the novella The

    Metamorphosis, published in 1915 by Franz Kafka, which includes the

    line, "For Gregor's father, breakfast was the most important meal of the

    day". This is due to your body fasting for 69 hours the night prior,

    and one would need to break the fasting. Thus it called break-fast.

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    2.1.2 Breakfast in Several Countries2.1.2.1United Kingdom

    Traditionally, people

    in the United Kingdom and

    Ireland have enjoyed a

    substantial hot meal for

    breakfast, featuring eggs,

    bacon, and sausages,

    accompanied by toast

    and tea or coffee.

    These items are sometimes eaten separately on morning rolls. In

    Britain, this was traditionally known as a full English breakfast,

    though there are also Scottish and Welsh variations (e.g.

    Scottish breakfasts often include haggis, black pudding and

    potato scones). Many other items (for example kedgeree, grilled

    or fried tomatoes, grilled sheep kidneys, black pudding or white

    pudding, baked beans, fried sliced bread, various types of fried

    potatoes and mushrooms) may be included, depending on taste

    and location, and pure fruit juice is sometimes added as a

    beverage in addition to tea or coffee. Today, this dish remains

    popular, but is not usually served at breakfast time during the

    week. Many people instead reserve the full cooked breakfast for

    weekends, or go to a caf or pub for it at the weekend.

    2.1 Traditional Breakfast of United Kin dom

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    A full breakfast is also a meal available any time at many

    cafs and greasy spoons. It is also served at hotels, where it can

    be quite substantial in size and variety. The author Somerset

    Maugham once quipped "the only way to eat well in England is

    to have breakfast three times a day." This is sometimes quoted

    as the origin of the term, and indeed meal, all-day breakfast.

    Breakfast cereals remain a very popular food for breakfast in the

    United Kingdom, and are often eaten before the cooked

    breakfast components, and sometimes, people will merely have

    a bowl of cereal and some drinks for breakfast.

    Boiled eggs with soldiers are also a popular breakfast meal

    in the UK, although like the full English breakfast, they are

    mainly eaten at the weekend. In fact, eggs are quite popular as

    breakfast foods in general in the United Kingdom, and these

    may be eaten in a variety of ways - they may be eaten as boiled

    eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs or fried eggs. They may

    even be cooked as pancakes at Shrove Tuesday. Porridge is a

    traditional breakfast in Scotland as well as the rest of Britain in

    the winter months. In most British hotels, this breakfast is

    included in the room rate.

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    8/29 traditional

    Japanese breakfast

    is based on rice,

    seafood, and

    fermented foods,

    which do not differ

    substantially from

    dishes eaten at other meals in Japanese cuisine. An exception is

    natt (a type of fermented soybeans), which is most popularly

    eaten for breakfast. A typical Japanese restaurant breakfast

    presentation would be

    miso soup, rice with nori or other

    garnishes, natt, rice porridge, grilled fish, raw egg, and a

    pickled vegetable. The influence of Japanese travelers has made

    this traditional breakfast a standard option on the menus of

    many upscale hotels worldwide. It is common in Japanese

    households to include leftover items from the last evening's

    dinner in the next day's breakfast. Western breakfast foods such

    as toast and boiled or fried eggs are also common, and cereals

    are becoming popular. The typicalbreakfast beverage is green

    tea (traditional).

    2.2 Traditional Breakfast of Ja an

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    9/29 popular Indonesian breakfast is lontong sayur, a

    dish made of compressed rice with a spicy curry sauce and

    cooked vegetables, deep fried redskin peanuts, and kerupuk

    (prawn crackers). Optional accompaniments include boiled egg

    (sometimes in a spicy sambal) and perkedel (deep fried

    potato cakes). A quantity of the dish will be prepared prior to

    sale at a food cart or stall, and will be served at room

    temperature and not reheated during sale.

    In homes, Fried

    Rice is the most

    popular breakfast

    dish.Unlike lontong

    however, fried rice is

    also eaten for lunch and

    dinner, making it the

    most reliable kind of dish. Lontong also needs far more

    preparation and would generally be eaten at a local stall or food

    cart, whereas fried rice is very easy to make, yet really tasty, and

    usually accompanied with shrimp and egg or any suitable

    accompaniment. Due to its popularity, fried rice is sold in many

    2.3 Fried Rice

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    stall throughout Indonesia and can be found in nearly all hotels

    in Indonesia.

    Another popular breakfast is bubur ayam, which is rice

    porridge. It is usually served hot, with Cakwe (Chinese fried

    bread stick), spring onion

    leaves, piece of chicken

    slices, some chili sauce,

    and sweet soy sauce. Like

    Fried Rice, this dish can

    be served for lunch and

    dinner as well. It is also easy to make.

    Among college students (especially for those who rent

    houses) mie instan (instant noodles) are popular, both the fried

    and soup variety. A popular brand is Indomie, or its product,

    Pop Mie (instant noodles served in a cup). Its preparation is

    simple and takes around 5 to 10 minutes (especially Pop Mie,

    where only hot water is added). Such preparation makes it an

    easy breakfast for students because they need to attend college

    in the morning. Like the above, it can be served for lunch and


    In addition to these, Indonesians often simply eat the

    leftovers from the previous evening's dinner, such as curry, with

    plain rice. The high tropical temperatures, high degree of

    2.4 Bubur A am"

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    humidity and widespread lack of refrigeration make it prudent to

    eat food while it is still relatively fresh. If lacking such leftovers,

    a basic dish such as fried ikan teri (dried fish), or some kind of

    fried egg, again served with plain rice, would be common.

    2.1.3 A Good Breakfast

    A good breakfast should contain lots of carbohydrates, because

    carbohydrates that we consume would stimulate glucose and micro-

    nutrients in the brain. Carbohydrate is one of the nutrients that produce

    energy which serves to stimulate the brain.

    Carbohydrates are divided into the two types, namely simplex

    carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. In the intelligence of the

    brain, complex carbohydrates should be consumed. Complex

    carbohydrates are carbohydrates that contain fiber and vitamins which

    can be digested and absorbed slowly, so the sugar levels rise slowly

    into the body. Carbohydrates of this type often found in rice, bread,

    corn and potatoes.

    Complex carbohydrate foods can provide more value to the

    function of the brain, which helps focus the mind to learn and facilitate

    the absorption of the subject matter. You could say the level of

    concentration and absorption is better than individuals who did not eat


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    2.2 Human Brain2.2.1 Brains Anatomy

    Human Brain is the organ that has specialized very complex.

    Weight total adult brain is about 2% of total body weight or about 1.4

    pounds and has about 12 billion neurons. Information processing in the

    brain performed on special parts according

    to the translation area of sensory neurons.

    Brain surface is not flat, but squiggly as

    the development neurons that are in it. The

    more developed a person's brain, more and

    more the curve. Curves are trending into

    the (valley) called the sulcus and grooves trending upward (mound) is

    called gyrus. Brains get impulses from the spinal cord and 12 pairs

    cranial nerves. Each of these nerves will lead on specific parts of the


    Human Brain is divided into four parts, there are Cerebrum,

    Cerebellum, Brainstem and Limbic system CerebrumThe cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain which

    is also called by the name of the Cerebral Cortex, Forebrain or

    2.5 Human Brain

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    Brain Home. The cerebrum is the part of the brain that

    distinguishes humans from animals. The cerebrum makes man

    capable of thinking, analysis, logic, language, awareness,

    planning, memory and visual abilities. Your intelligence

    quotient or IQ is also determined by the quality of this section.

    The cerebrum is divided into 4 (four) sections called lobes.

    Sections called lobes prominent gyrus and part of the curve that

    resembles a moat called the sulcus. The four lobes respectively

    are: Frontal Lobe, Parietal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal


    The frontal lobe is the part that is a front lobe of the GreatBrain. This lobe is associated with the ability to make

    excuses, motor skills, cognition, planning, problem solving,

    providing assessment, creativity, sense of control, control

    of sexual behavior and language skills in general.

    Parietal lobe in the center, associated with the process offeeling like pressure sensors, touch and pain.

    Temporal lobe located at the bottom related to hearingability, meaning the information and language in the form

    of sound.

    Occipital lobe at the very back, associated with visualstimuli that allow humans capable of different

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    interpretations of the object captured by the retina of the


    Besides divided into 4 lobes, cerebrum (large brain) can

    also be divided into two parts, namely the right hemisphere and

    left hemisphere. Both parts are connected by cables nerve at the

    bottom. In general, the right hemisphere controls the left side of

    the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the

    body. The right brain is involved in creativity and artistic

    ability, while the left brain is for logical and rational thinking. CerebellumSmall brain or cerebellum is located at the back of the

    head, near the tip of the upper neck. Cerebellum controls many

    automatic functions of the brain, such as: set the stance or body

    position, balance control, muscle coordination and body

    movement. Small brains also store and execute a series of

    2.6 Parts of Human Brain

    2.7 Left and Ri ht Brain

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    automatic movements are studied such as driving a car

    movements, hand movements while writing, movement and so

    lock the door.

    In the event of injury to the cerebellum, may cause

    interference with the attitude and the coordination of muscle

    movements. Movements become uncoordinated, for example

    the person is not able to put food in your mouth or unable to

    buttoning a shirt. BrainstemBrainstem is in the bones of the skull or head cavity and

    extending to the base of the spine or spinal cord. Part of the

    brain regulates basic functions, including human breathing,

    heart rate, regulate body temperature, regulate the digestive

    process, and is the source of the basic human instinct is fight or

    flight when approaching danger.

    The brainstem is also found in animals such as lizards and

    crocodiles. Therefore, the brain stem often called the reptilian

    brain. Set the reptilian brain 'territorial feelings' as a primitive

    instinct. For example you will feel uncomfortable or threatened

    when people you do not know too close to you.

    The brain stem consists of three parts, namely:

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    Middle mesencephalon or brain (also called Mid Brain) isthe top part of the brain stem that connects the Brain Big

    and Little Brain. Midbrain controls the response function in

    terms of vision, eye movement, enlarged pupils, regulated

    body movement and hearing.

    Medulla oblongata is the starting point of the spinal nervesfrom the left side of the body toward the right side of the

    body, and vice versa. Medulla of the brain controls the

    function is automatic, such as heartbeat, blood circulation,

    respiration, and digestion.

    The pon is a relay station that sends data to the center of thebrain along with the reticular formation. Pons that

    determines whether we are awake or asleep. Limbic SystemThe limbic system is

    located in the central part

    of the brain, brain stem

    like a collar wrap dress.

    Limbic comes from the

    Latin meaning collar. This

    is the same brain section is owned also by mammals so often

    2.8 Limbic System

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    referred to as the mammalian brain. Limbic components

    include the hypothalamus, thalamus, amigdala, and cortex

    limbic hipocampus.

    The limbic system is located in the central part of the

    brain, brain stem like a collar wrap dress. Limbic comes from

    the Latin meaning collar. This is the feelings, regulate hormone

    production, maintain homeostasis, thirst, hunger, sex drive,

    pleasure centers, metabolism and also long-term memory.

    The most important part of the limbic system is the

    hypothalamus that one of its functions is to decide which parts

    need attention and which ones are not. Suppose you pay more

    attention to your own children than with children who do not

    know. Why? Cause you have a strong emotional connection

    with your child. Likewise, when you hate someone, you instead

    frequent notice or reminder. This happens because you have an

    emotional connection with people you hate.

    The limbic system saves a lot of information that is not

    touched by the senses. He is commonly known as the

    emotional brain or place of love and honesty lies. Carl Gustav

    Jung called it "Subconscious" or the collective unconscious,

    which is manifested in behaviors such as helping people better

    and more sincere behavior. Le Doux termed the limbic system

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    as the seat for all the human passions, where love ended,

    respect and honesty.

    2.2.2 Brains WorkThe working of human brain is very complex at all. The brain

    works together with other organs of our body so that your body can

    work as order. The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous

    system, the two systems work together to coordinate all activities of

    the body.

    When you think hard cerebrum (cerebral hemispheres) function

    to recall, analyze, so that creative ideas emerge (right hemisphere).

    Left hemisphere has a role in logic and speech.

    2.3The Relation between Breakfast and Brains ActivityHuman Brain needs calories to be worked. Brain use 15 - 20% calories from

    all calories that our body need. The calorie that brain use is made at the cell

    through catabolism process which need some simple bio molecule such as

    asam amino, glucose and asam lemak. We can infer that bio molecule

    from the food that we ate which has been through the digestive process.

    When we are sleeping, for at least eight hours, there was no food that we

    consumed. That makes the amount of glucose in our body decrease

    significantly, means that the energy is also low in the morning when a hard

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    thing usually we do. By having breakfast in the morning, the amount of

    glucose in our body will be increase and serve energy for doing our activity.

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    Chapter III


    3.1Research DesignIn making this paper, author use two kinds of collecting data process.

    There are :

    Literature MethodThe material in this paper author get by reading some literature book

    that proper with the topic in this paper and take a summary from so

    many source to make the contain of this paper shown the truth of the


    Observation Method ( Questionnaire )The data in this paper author get from the questionnaire that author

    give to some respondents to get more accurate and actual data about

    the topic in this paper.

    3.2Research SiteThe researched that author have done, take place at SMAN 1

    Baleendah, Bandung at 2223 February 2012 while the literature method

    has already done since December 2011 until February 2012.

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    3.3The ParticipantsPopulation is a whole object of research. Based on the definition, the

    population of this research is the whole student of SMAN 1 Baleendah.

    That consist ten class of tenth grades student, ten class of eleventh grades

    student and ten class of twelves student.

    Sample of this research is 64 student of SMAN 1 Baleendah that

    chosen randomly from tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students.

    3.4Research InstrumentThe question that that author asked to respondents are as follow :

    1. Do you like having breakfast before going to school and start youractivity?

    a. YESb. NO

    2. Why do not you like having breakfast ? ( If the answer of firstquestion is number 2 )

    a. No more timeb.

    It is not your habit

    c. .. (another reason)3. Do you have a good concentration when learning process ?

    a. YESb. NO

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    4. Can you understand what have you learned ?a. YESb. NO

    5. Are you on Top 10 at your class ?a. YESb. NO

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    Chapter IV

    Findings and Discussion

    4.1Research ResultBased on the research that author have done, the result is as follow :

    The students that usually having breakfast in the morning is about70.3%. Where 86.7% of them can concentrate in every activity that

    they do (learning) and can understand what they have learned. While

    only 44.4% of them have a good achievement at school.

    The students that never have a breakfast in the morning is about29.7%. And only 49.4% of them that can concentrate and understand

    what they have learned at school. And only 36.8% of them who have a

    good achievement at school.

    From the result above, we can say that most of the students who can

    concentrate and understand the lesson that they have learned at school is they

    who always having breakfast in the morning. While they who never have

    breakfast in the morning have less concentration and understanding ability.

    Although the achievement ratio of they who always have a breakfast and they

    who have not have a breakfast is not so different. It happens because

    concentration and understanding is not the only factor that influence it, the

    diligently is also have a role on it. In another way we can conclude that

    breakfast influence the brains activity such as concentration and

    understanding ability, but it is not give so much role on student achievement.

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    Other research has done by the researchers from Alexander Hospital in

    Singapore. They do a research in several homes at six countries in Asia to find

    out whether the kids always have a breakfast or not, how their brains

    development, and their achievement. And the result shown that they who have

    not have a breakfast have less concentration and have a low responses when


    While the American experts also done a research to their students who come

    at school. Some of them have breakfast before going to school and some of

    them have not. It has been prove that they who have not have a breakfast have

    a low response to number while they who have a breakfast are more sensitive.

    Especially when the first lesson is Math, they who have a breakfast show

    greater achievement than they who have not.

    4.2Digestive Process

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    In simple terms, our digestion system - from the mouth to the small intestine

    - is designed to break down disaccharides and polysaccharides into

    monosaccharide. This metabolism of carbohydrates is achieved through the

    secretion of a number of digestive enzymes into the gastrointestinal tract

    (especially in the duodenum) where they attack carbohydrates and gradually

    convert them into simple sugars like glucose so they can be absorbed into the

    blood. Digestive enzymes are like biological scissors - they chop long starch

    molecules into simpler ones.

    In the Mouth

    The process of digesting carbohydrates begins in the mouth. Our saliva

    contains an enzyme called amylase that starts breaking down the more

    complex carbohydrate ( amylum ) into simpler types ( maltose, lactose and

    galactose ).

    In the Stomach

    Enzyme activity continues in the stomach, but slows down significantly as

    digestive acids are released into the stomach by the glands.

    In the Small Intestine

    Another version of amylase is secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum

    (first section of small intestine). This cuts down carbohydrates into simple

    sugars - maltose, lactose and sucrose. As the carbohydrate passes further into

    the intestine, the enzymes maltase, lactase and sucrose chop maltose, lactose

    and sucrose into smaller bits, more easily absorbed which are eventually

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    converted to glucose and absorbed through the intestinal walls into the


    4.3Catabolism ProcessCarbohydrate catabolism reaction is as follows.

    C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2+ 6H2O + E (Energy)

    The energy released from catabolic reactions above will be stored in the form

    of high-energy phosphate molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphat).

    Chemical energy is released, then used the cell body to carry out various types

    of work in cell biology. Therefore, the reaction is called catabolism

    dissimilation reactions. Cell respiration involves various enzymes and consists

    of the stages, namely the reaction of glycolysis, oksidatik decarboxylation

    reaction, Krebs cycle and electron transport.

    Glycolysis, is the process of breaking down the glucose into two molecules of

    pyruvic acid, 2 NADH, and 2 ATP. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm.

    Dikarboksilasi oxidative reaction

    After going through the stages of glycolysis, pyruvate enters mitochondria if

    there is molecular oxygen. In the mitochondria, pyruvate is converted first into

    a compound called acetyl CoA. This reaction is called dikarboksilasi oxidative

    reactions. Next the acetyl CoA ready to give acetate into the Krebs cycle for

    further oxidation in conjunction with the so-called Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic


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    Krebs cycle is a process of conversion of acetyl CoA to CO2 which is

    accompanied by the release of energy. Acetyl CoA is present in the

    mitochondria produced oxaloacetic acid reacts with citric acid. The next step

    of citric acid to form oxaloacetate re-described. The final result is the Krebs

    cycle 6 NADH, FADH 2, and 2 ATP. NADH and FADH further into the

    electron transport system. Krebs cycle occurs in the mitochondria.

    Electron transport, takes place in the mitochondrial membrane. Molecular

    hydrogen produced in the Krebs cycle is present in the NADH and FADH2 is

    converted into electrons and protons. In this system, oxygen is the last

    acceptor hydrogen, then hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water. In this

    process produced 34 ATP.

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    Chapter V

    Conclusion and Recommendation

    5.1ConclusionBreakfast is the first meal taken after rising from nights sleep. A good

    breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates because it serves more

    glucose which is very useful to activate our brains activity.

    Research has proved that people who always have breakfast in the morning

    before their activity have more concentration, are easier to understand

    something and have greater achievement. The food that contains complex

    carbohydrates will go through the digestive process in mouth, stomach and

    small intestine with a help from several enzymes until they become simple

    carbohydrate (glucose) that will be absorbed and move into cell.

    In cell the glucose move through catabolism process contain four stages

    (glycolysis, oksidatik decarboxylation reaction, Krebs cycle and electron

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    transport) and producing energy that will be used by our brain to do its


    5.2RecommendationResearch has proved that breakfast can influence brains activity. So, author

    suggests everyone who read this paper to pay more attention to their own

    eating pattern, especially breakfast. Do not missed you breakfast because it

    really has a role to your activity.

    For those who want to know more about the topic, author suggests that they

    do more complicated research to have more accurate data. Get more samples

    and literature.