Brazilian GCDP Projects

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Projects in Brazil!

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The National Projects

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X4Change Description: There are many nonprofit organizations that work with some kind of social welfare related to language teaching and computer science, for example, working directly to communities: children, teenagers and even adults. And within that reality in which these NGOs are constantly seeking volunteers to provide this type of activity for the company, the project aims to bring trainees to meet this demand as objectively as possible and practice: teaching English and Spanish and also basic computer. The Project is part of the third sector portfolio, and like other projects, is to meet the real needs of the Brazilian third sector faces daily, with direct and indirect impact on society.

Why is it important to Brazil?

In Brazil, where the illiteracy rate nearing 10% for young people with 15 or more years and where many public schools are in an alarming state, teaching remains a point of attention of national reality, the Brazilian education faces many challenges, both in the requirement to meet the entire demand of the population, as well as the infrastructure of its schools. Anyway, what follows is that the state cannot provide support to the entire population. And it is within this context that the third sector has emerged and exists until today: to overcome the difficulty of reach that the first sector. And when it comes to education, the need is obvious and makes many NGOs seek work complementing the education of children, teenagers and even adults. From this general framework, the X4Change Project aims to bring exchange students to work in NGOs that promote professional education and basic computer language for the community or even promoting the completion of basic education. The idea is very simple and lean: youth from different countries teaching English, Spanish and basic computer, and more than that, bringing motivation and perspective to the world community.

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Smarketing Description: The project is part of the National Citizen Global Third Sector, NGOs aims to offer the opportunity to position and promote their services to the society through potential international talent. University students from different countries with backgrounds in academic communication and marketing conduct a study on the organization, your product and your market, plotting and implementing actions to brand awareness, achievement of target audience and fundraising in order to boost growth organization and its positioning in the city. The project goal is to improve communication of Third Sector organizations through: - Plans markerting - Construction of visual identity - Organization and management of website and social media - Fundraising events - Promotion and positioning of the product / service in town Why is it important to Brazil?

According to the IBGE, the third sector was the fastest growing segment in Brazil. However, we identified the need for positioning and release of some organizations, since they lack resources and staff to develop these sectors. With the lack of focus on branding, many NGOs can not reach your target audience effectively, and thus can not establish its credibility in the market. How social marketing is a way to "sell" ideas and meet sustainability and development, it is necessary that organizations have access to that department so they can meet their bottlenecks within your limited budget.

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Mozaiko Description: The third sector has historically faced many difficulties related to their management, so that its real impact remains far short from its potential, given the role that the third sector is proposed to be in Brazilian society. Because of this lack of preparation or professionalism of its managers, the third sector lacks in attracting resources (human, financial, physical) in the marketing and positioning of its purpose and activities, and lean and focused on structuring its processes and basic activities. Mozaiko Project, which is part of the Global Citizen Third Sector Portfolio, seeks to bring exchange students to act directly in the identification of bottlenecks in the management of nonprofit organizations and their mapping key processes acting directly evident that the common need several third sector entities through the provision of consulting services. Why is it important to Brazil?

The third sector has emerged in order to meet the demand of actions for the welfare of the population, since the state (first sector) has, or appears not to have, the ability to act alone. However, the complex world and the changes of the environment are constantly challenging the nonprofit organizations, and therefore the challenge of them all, big or small, is to adapt to these environmental turbulence and competitively continue performing their activities. Within this reality, many organizations are driven by their managers, or empirically based solely on your years of experience of feeling the decisions that change and reorient the organization to overcome the challenges created by the environment. Given this context, it is evident the necessity that all nonprofit organizations in Brazil have to develop a culture of using modern managerial and administrative tools on the market to adapt to these environmental changes. Therefore, AIESEC, through Project Mozaiko either directly impact these organizations through consultancy services for exchange students coming from different countries, seeking always to provide the highest efficiency of the activities that these organizations play to achieve the same relevance and presence, and ensure further expansion of its impact on the environment in which they operate.

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Inkludo Description: NGOs and schools historically never really related. Methodologically distinct, the two segments in a few moments approached, although several issues addressed by both resemble, and within this context, the INKLUDO PROJECT (Inclusion in the universal language born-dead Speranto) aims to reduce this gap between the sectors making exchange students some kind of youth-bridge capable of generating connections and address the issues related to Inclusion (issues related to gender, physical and mental disabilities and social inequality and ethnic-racial prejudice) within schools, however from the perspective of those who work directly with the subject: NGOs Through workshops taught by trainees in schools, they’ll bring the views related to the themes of the project and in addition, will be responsible for making a mapping / survey / data collection on local NGOs about issues and even provide opportunities for NGOs and schools to communicate together in order to develop something in common benefit. Why is it important to Brazil?

NGOs have maintained a relationship increasingly productive with schools, transcending the traditional work of pedagogical support or technical support where some specialize. Far from seeking models that are ideal for improving the education system as a whole, the role of NGOs in the field of education has contributed to the solution of local problems, since its structure does not suffer too much rigidity and hierarchy of formal systems education. The democratic principle of education for all is evident only in educational systems that specialize in all students, not just some of them. Inclusion as a result of a quality education for all students causes and requires new Brazilian school positioning. And who more appropriate than those who work directly with the themes of inclusion to bring the appropriate know-how purchases schools than NGOs themselves? Today more than 40% of NGOs in Brazil deal with topics related to the theme of inclusion, NGOs that deal with physical and mental disabilities as focus and gender and position of women in the labor market.

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Startup Description: Given the current market opportunities, especially those of the BRICS countries, which has shown rapid economic development, and the possibility of bringing an entrepreneurial environment for academia, the Startup Project's main objective is to bring exchange students from different countries to teach and develop the methodology for generating business models for young Canvas of private universities. The project is part of the Global Citizen Portfolio University. The students apply a course of 10 hours on Canvas ¹ methodology for each group of students, also developing workshops on analysis of market opportunities, and recent case studies of companies worldwide that have been successful. From this, the students will participate in an event weekend to put into practice all the theory learned and develop a startup focused on real needs and opportunities of the market, with the exchange students as mentors. Why is it important to Brazil?

To encourage entrepreneurship, nothing better than to act directly in the universities, where there are thousands of young people who represent the future generation of active portion of the value of the Brazilian society. And these are higher education institutions that identifies the lack of incentives to new businesses, because there are few courses that deal actually on the subject, and the academy itself is quite far from the market, and entrepreneurship is still very much related to the practice. Within all this current context of the Brazilian scenario, AIESEC search through Project Startup, exceed the needs and challenges of encouraging entrepreneurship within universities, and also cause a significant impact on the development of new business for the opportunities market of our emerging economy. The goal and purpose is clear: By means of a global learning environment, students understand methods of generating business, identify market opportunities, inspired by real cases with success and, quite importantly, put into practice quickly everything learned.

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Talk Description: Within universities today, one of the biggest opportunities identified is the interest that young people have for learning and practicing new languages and also the discussion of controversial national and international affairs, bringing to light important political, economic, social and cultural rights. This interest goes far beyond a front specific courses, but covers them all in general, with the only variant preference issues to be discussed. Talk Project, which is part of the Global Citizen Portfolio University, aims to take this opportunity within the universities and provide cultural enrichment of young people, providing discussions in English and / or Spanish on relevant global issues.

Why is it important to Brazil?

These are the kind of question that should be asked at the time to identify which projects will have an important role and will become attractive in this market. And the answer is even easier to think that we are part of that audience. Providing learning new languages to university and do it for a low cost, besides being delivered by young people coming from different countries and with very different backgrounds, in which the practice of language is done practically, with talks on subjects and global issues that are of interest to college, still allied to foreign literature (books, newspapers, magazines) is a great opportunity to be capitalized and also to bring awareness and add value to the academic environment.

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Diplomatique Description: The project aims to create an opportunity to Brazilian universities students in order to discuss about relevant issues in the international agenda, within an environment that simulate international bodies’ meetings, like ONU, FMI, EU, etc. So they can develop teamwork, holistic and strategic vision, communication and negotiation skills, in order to expand their knowledge about global issues, their awareness about the importance of discuss these issues collectively and empower them personal and professionally for the future. Young students from different countries will moderate assemblies at universities about diverse international themes. Within the research and discuss about the topics to be addressed, the Project help with the shaping of a Young generation more responsible, aware of the issues surrounding them and, at the same time, aware of their role in the society.

Why is it important to Brazil?

The Project fits on the currently Brazilian context, due the economy growth, the leadership that Brazil represents in Latin America and the seats’ occupancy in international bodies by Brazil, like G-20, G-4, Mercosul, BRIC, etc. Due these events, we will see an increase in the interest of global questions as well as the necessity of internationalization from our citizens. The interaction with other cultures as well as the discussion about global issues by the universities’ students is extremely important for the international expansion of our country and also for the students’ intellectual increase. With the project they have the opportunity to complement their theoretical knowledge in a multicultural environment without the necessity to go out of their cities, enabling a diversifying learning and the realization of activities in contact with universities’ students from other countries, so they can develop a global vision.

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Millennium Description: Looking for taking awareness about Millennium Development Goals to high school students, the Project brings students from different countries to discuss the issues and to think about solutions to the world biggest problems. Trough lectures and workshops the interns will take the Millennium Development Goals linked with the current context to students so they can reflect about it. The interns will do researches about the goals, their objectives, contexts and actions. Throughout the collected information they will do a material that can be used at the presentations and as a reference material. The project is included at the national portfolio of Global Citizen Educational Project.

Why is it important to Brazil? Created at 2000 by UN, the goals were made from an analysis of the world biggest problems. They are 8 objectives that bring a series of concrete commitments that must be accomplished at 2015 in order to improve the humanity destines this century. In Brazil the Millennium Goals are know as 8 ways to change the world. Concretes and measurable, the 8 objectives, with 22 goals and 48 indicators, can be tracked by every people in any country. So that the commitments could be accomplished, the population and its leaders must collaborate. Besides that, the goals can be used as an example and lever to the search of new solutions related to each society potential and conditions. The Millennium Goals are:

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education

Promote gender equality and empower woman Reduce child mortality

Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Ensure environmental sustainability Global partnership for development

AIESEC in Brazil believes that young are the future leaders of the society, so the project was created to develop these students so they can become ambassadors of the Millennium Development Goals.

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Eureka Description: This project aims to bring to school the Brazilian practice of scientific experiments, reinforcing what students learn in the classroom to accomplish what was seen in the theoretical part. Practical work can be done through the medium of study, experimentation, observation visit with others. The project fits in the National Citizen Global Education. Exchange students with backgrounds in biology and related sciences experiments that seek to be connected with the content passed in class and monitor students in their clothing to be exposed in the end science fair exchange. The fair will also be organized for exchange students. The project aims to carry out practical work with children from 1st to 4th grade and children 5 th to 8 th grade. The experiments may be related to biology, physics and chemistry. Activities can be made through observation of materials, samples and animal visitation to parks to study the environment, and also making experiments, as a color filter, speed meters, watches, optical illusion, among others.

Why is it important to Brazil? Currently the elementary schools in Brazil do not work with the practice of scientific experiments, often for lack of resources or qualified teachers. However, the practical work beyond the theoretical is essential to science education. Put into practice what you learn in the classroom is essential for students to be able to better understand the past content and more interested in science, building, soon, a scientific view and the environmental implications of such knowledge. Thus, the project aims to complement the teaching of science in schools by implementing practical projects exchangees easy preparation connected with the theoretical spent in schools.

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Driblando Description: The project seeks to transform the passion of Brazilians for sport into a tool to develop skills and topics such as leadership, teamwork, holistic and strategic, aimed at empowering young project participants and empower them for the future, both personally and professionally, while we show that it is possible to "circumvent" the obstacles of life. University students from various countries will hold workshops and lectures and practices on various Olympic sports in schools. Through the teaching of the theory and the rules of each sport, along with practice in the form of contests and competitions, the project contributes to the formation of a generation of young people more responsible, dedicated and at the same time, aware of their role in society.

Why is it important to Brazil? The project seeks to achieve three different audiences. Public school students in middle and high school youth and supported by NGOs, which have some work related to sports. Will be the direct beneficiaries of the work AIESEC, along with the exchange student. Because of this, we must ensure that job descriptions are concise, to the exchange student has a good performance and deliver experiences that meet the expectations of both students and organizations. Public Schools elementary and middle school and NGOs, which have some work related to sports. Will be achieved mainly by internationalization and the development of diversified activities for students, increasing their interest and thus influencing the retention of them. Young college students, coming mainly from Central Europe and Latin America. Will be responsible for facilitating the design students in schools and NGOs also are primarily interested in volunteer work and know the reality of our country, so we must ensure they have a quality experience, participating in our projects.

Some topics that we intend to jointly address the theory and practice of Olympic sports: • Diversity and cultural tolerance, religious, sexual • Healthy living, as fighting drugs, healthy eating and the importance of sports; • Collective Consciousness, such as teamwork, commitment, responsibility

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Monopoly Description: The Project aims to bring notions about the financial market and domestic economy to youth from public schools and NGOs, in order to offer orientation, information about the market and financial education. So they can better manage their personal finances and have a financial balance in the future. Universities’ students from different countries will give workshops about issues related with financial market and personal finances. At the end of the project, the youth will practice what they learned in a creative form, like simulating a bank’s or business’ creation. Thereby, the Project help with the shaping of a Young generation more responsible, informed about different issues and, at the same time, aware of their role in the society.

Why is it important to Brazil? The Project fits on the currently Brazilian context, due the economy growth (Brazil has the 6th biggest economy in the world) and a simpler access to credit. Many people reached middle class, however many of them don’t have much knowledge related with financial management of their personal finances. In this context, the Project provides a simple and accessible knowledge about financial issues, which are not usually treated in low-income populations. With the Project, they have the opportunity to acquire a diverse knowledge, without the necessity to go out of their cities, enabling an inclusive education and encourage them to stay in the school as well as keep in contact with universities’ students from other countries, so they can develop an international perspective of financial and economic areas.

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Gira Mundo Description: Seeking an environment of inclusive education through actions of culture, information and Fun, Project World Turns enables Third Sector organizations working with young people and / or children foster an environment of discussion about global issues. This project is part of National Citizen Global Industry third, even if you have an educational. University students from several countries held series of lectures and other activities education on issues relevant to the formation and critical awareness of reality young people, contributing to the formation of a socially responsible generation and the promoting / encouraging quality education formal organization

Why is it important to Brazil? The project started in 2010, prepared by 04 members of AIESEC in Salvador. With a missionlead to different thematic NGOs Salvador, impacting directly involved with the Gira Mundo, arousing interest and making them positively changed the way how to see and live in the world. The first round had 10 exchange students and 04 NGOs partner. The project was very well accepted by the network, which began to replicate the same in their committees sites. The second office to undertake the project was AIESEC in Manaus, creating a first round exchangees with 10 as well. in 2011 several offices in the country (Goiania, Salvador, Manaus, Chapecó, ITA and Franca) implemented the project from 10 to 69 achievements in 2010 achievements in the following year. The number of offices applying the project has increased and in of 2012.02 Juiz de Fora and Uberlândia also joined the project.

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If you are interested in any of this projects, or want to learn more about any other, send me an e-mail.

Cheers from Brazil

Roberta de Mello - [email protected]

Washington Ricardo – [email protected]